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1 Introduction
2 Analysis
2.1 Waveguide Technique
2.2 Open-Ended Waveguide Technique
3 Measurement
4 Measured Results
5 Conclusion
132 Wang and Afsar
at the top and bottom of the holder to be used to inject and remove
the test liquid. These holes are then secured from liquid leakage using
sealing screws.
By the transmission line theory, the transmission coefficient S21
can be expressed by S21 = (Γ +Γ )2 eΓ1 L4Γ−(Γ 1 Γ0
2 −Γ1 L , where Γ0 =
1 0 1 −Γ0 ) e
jβ0 and Γ1 = α1 + jβ1 . Here the propagation coefficient of air
filled waveguide β0 = 2π λ0 1 − ( λ0 2
λc ) , the propagation coefficient
of loaded waveguide α1 + jβ1 = 2π λ0 ( λ0 2
λc ) − ε r , λ0 and λc are the
wavelength of free space and the cutoff wavelength of the waveguide
for TE10 mode, and εr = ε − jε is the relative complex dielectric
constant. The S21 is a function of complex permittivity of the
specimen, therefore, once the measured transmission coefficient S21 are
obtained, the complex permittivity of the specimen can be extracted
by an optimization procedure such as the Newton-Raphson method.
is 150 mm×150 mm and the depth of each stepped wall is 5mm. The
stepped walls were designed for the liquid holders so that the liquid
samples can be measured at different thickness. The technique is
based on the reflection coefficient S11 measurement from which the
dielectric properties of materials can be determined. The reflection
coefficient from the open-ended waveguide can be calculated by various
methods. In this paper, the reflection coefficient is derived by solving
the boundary value problem using a Rayleigh-Ritz technique, following
the procedures presented in [5]. The reflection coefficient of a slab-like
sample backed by a conducting plate can be expressed by S11 = 1−y 1+y ,
where y = 2k1 D2 S S f (x, y)f (x , y )G(x, y; x , y )dxdydx dy , D =
λ ) − ( a ) , a and b are the dimensions
s f (x, y) sin a dxdy, k1 = ( 2π 2 π 2
more stable and convenient than the Scotch tape because the liquids
may resolve the Scotch tape and this makes the Scotch tape unstuck.
Fig. 4 shows the complex permittivity of methanol measured using
the designed waveguide liquid holder at the X-band. It is seen that
the measured result agrees quite well with the calculated data using
the Debye equation [7]. Fig. 5 shows the measured permittivity of
propyl alcohol at the X-band together with the data measured using
the Scotch tape.
Fig. 6 shows the measured permittivity of propyl alcohol at the
Ku-band by using the designed waveguide liquid holder, compared with
the measured data using the designed stepped flange for the open-
ended waveguide technique. It is seen that the measured results by the
waveguide technique agree well with those measured using the open-
ended waveguide technique. It is also observed that the permittivity of
propyl alcohol at the overlapping frequency 12.4 GHz measured at the
Ku-band agrees well with that measured at the X-band. It should be
mentioned by our experimental experience that the designed waveguide
sample holders for the waveguide technique are easier to handle and
more reliable than the designed stepped flanges for the open-ended
waveguide technique. It is sometimes difficult to extract the complex
permittivity for the open-ended waveguide technique because the open-
Measurement of complex permittivity of liquids 139