Assignment I
Assignment I
Assignment I
Deadline: 2023.3.3
Use Chemkin Pro to determine the adiabatic flame temperature and laminar
burning velocity of hydrocarbon/air flames with the variation of equivalence. Each
team has been assigned to determine the flame temperatures and burning
velocities of different hydrocarbon/air premixed flames.
Fuel assignment: propone (Team 1 & Team 5)、ethylene (Team 2 & Team 6)、
carbon monoxide (Team 3 & Team 7)、acetylene (Team 4 & Team 8).
1. Draw the figures of the laminar burning velocity and adiabatic flame temperature
of hydrocarbon/air premixed flames with various equivalence ratios (0.6~1.8) for
experimental and numerical results. (30%)
2. What is the value of maximum adiabatic flame temperature and laminar burning
velocity in your study case and in what equivalence ratio? (20%)
3. You have a water-heating system and the furnace is fueled with methane,
running at stoichiometric methane/air condition. You would like to blend the
assigned hydrocarbon fuel with methane, i.e. 50% methane and 50% your assigned
fuel. What will it change in combustion? (30%) What can you do to maintain the
combustion efficiency of your water-heating system? (20%)