Nonfiction means __________________
A. True
B. False
C. Fake
D. Humorous
2. A biography describes _______________
A.The individual’s hobbies and career of an individual
B. The childhood experiences, family, and career of an individual.
C. The mistakes one has made in life.
D. The birth of an individual’s children.
3. Which of the following summaries could describe an autobiography?
A. A famous writer’s life told by another author.
B. A famous basketball player’s wife sharing memories of her late husband.
C. Michael Jackson’s mother describing his childhood.
D. Helen Keller writing about her difficulties of being blind all her life.
4. To support a main idea, writers often use _____________.
A. persuasion to prove their point.
B. facts and details to prove their point.
C. opinions and details to help prove their point.
D. summaries of details to help prove their point.
5. Nonfiction has two major types that function to “tell a story” or “to give an
A. Narrative and informative
B. Expository an narrative
C. Narrative and realistic
D. Expository and persuasive
6. Which of the following selections do NOT tell a story?
A. Narrative
B. Descriptive
C. Persuasive
D. Fiction
7. Who is the narrator of an autobiography?
A. another author
B. unknown admirer
C. a relative
D. the author
8. A story written about another person’s life is what type of nonfiction?
A. Autobiography
B. Exposition
C. Informational article
D. Biography
9. A diary is what type of non-fiction?
A. Autobiography B. Exposition C. Biography D. Essay
10. A website containing short articles called posts that are changed regularly.
A. Blog B. Biography C. Reportage D. Testimonio
11. Which of the following is an example of a work classified as Creative
A. Autobiography B. Memoir C. Personal Narratives D. All of the foregoing
12. Which of the following is NOT true about biography?
A. A written history of a person’s life
B. An account or the story of a real person’s life that is written by another
C. It is about an the life of a person narrated by himself or herself
D. None of the above
13. It is any work drawn from the imagination of the writer.
A. Essay B. Fiction C. Novel D. Short Story
14. Which is true about a short story and a novel?
A. These literary works are both classified as fictional works.
B. Both are imaginative prose works.
C. They differ from each other in length and complexity.
D. All of the preceding
15. It is the most popular form of literature which is classified as a prose
composition which attempts to explain or clear up an idea, perception, or point of
A. Editorial B. Essay C. Fiction D. Research report
16. In the line, The child is the father of the man, what figure of speech is
A. Anaphora B. Litotes C. Paradox D. Simile
17. Which group of words exemplifies onomatopoeia as a sound device?
A. hold, told, mold, gold C. hiss, buzz, whoosh, boom
B. wicked and wan D. die, sky fly pie
18. The line, glowing colors appear, appeals to the sense of ______________.
A. sight C. taste