Create your own painting based on the forms and themes of painting that you learned using painting/coloring materials found in
your surroundings.
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
The design is
The design is well The design is The design is not
DESIGN thought out in some
thought out. thought out. well thought out.
Model is original Model is original in Model is not
CREATIVITY Model is original.
and unique. some part. original at all.
There is evidence
There is evidence
that the student There is evidence There is evidence
that the student
EFFORT worked very that the student that the student
worked very
hard most of the showed some effort. showed little effort.
hard on all aspcets
Top five (5) Best Outputs will be posted in Salvacion National High School’s facebook page.
It has an appropriate
sizze and
The design is well The design is The design is not
DESIGN shape but the
thought out. thought out. well thought out.
arrangement is not
very attractive.
Top five (5) Best Outputs will be posted in Salvacion National High School’s facebook page.
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
A poor
An excellent design A good design which
A fair design which design
DESIGN which would work would work
would work. would not work
very well. well.
very well.
Top five (5) Best Outputs will be posted in Salvacion National High School’s facebook page.
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Costumes and Costumes and Some of the
(includes There is no props
props are props are costumes and props
costumes and at all.
unique.. appropriate. are inappropriate.
Top five (5) Best Outputs will be posted in Salvacion National High School’s facebook page.