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Microsoft PowerPoint - Welding

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Non Destructive Test

Methods that do not alter or damage

the weld being examined: used to
locate both surface and internal defects
• Visual inspection
• Penetrant inspection
• Magnetic particle inspection
• Radiographic inspection
• Ultrasonic inspection
Visual inspection
Penetrant inspection
• Test surface is covered with
penetrating liquid that seeks surface
connected discontinuities. Liquid in
discontinuities bleeds out to stain
powder coating applied to surface after
removal of excess liquid film from
surface of the test object.
Magnetic particle inspection
• Test object is magnetized. Magnetic
powder applied to surface accumulates
over regions where magnetic field erupts
or emerges as a result of surface or sub-
surface discontinuities.
Radiographic inspection
• A photographic image is produced by
passage of x-rays, gamma rays, and/or
electron from or through test object onto
film. Changes produced in the film
emulsion are developed to yield a
radiographic transparency.
Ultrasonic inspection
• Ultrasonic echoes and reflections indicate
presence and location of flaws, interfaces,
and/or discontinuities. Signal due to
discontinuities is presented on cathode ray
tube screen.
• Can be done directly on production items without regard to part cost
or quantity available, and no scrap losses are incurred except for
bad parts
• Can be done on 100% of production or on representative samples

• Can be used when variability is wide and unpredictable

• Different tests can be applied to the same item simultaneously or
• The same test can be repeated on the same item
• May be performed on parts in service
• Cumulative effect of service usage can be measured directly
• May reveal failure mechanism
• Little or no specimen preparation is required
• Equipment is often portable for use in field
• Labor costs are usually low, especially for repetitive testing of similar
• Results often must be interpreted by a skilled,
experienced technician
• In absence of proven correlation, different
observers may disagree on meaning and
significance of test results
• Properties are measured indirectly, and often
only qualitative or comparative measurements
can be made
• Some nondestructive tests require large capi-tal
• Can often directly and reliably measure
re-sponse to service conditions
• Measurements are quantitative, and usually
valuable for design or standardization
Interpretation of results by a skilled technician
usually not required
• Correlation between tests and service usually
direct, leaving little margin for disagreement
among observers as to meaning and
signifi-cance of test results
• Can be applied only to a sample, and separate proof that the sample
represents the population is required
• Tested parts cannot be placed in service
• Repeated tests of same item are often impos-sible, and different
types of tests may require different samples
• Extensive testing usually cannot be justified, because of large scrap
• May be prohibited on parts with high material or fabrication costs, or
on parts of limited availability
• Cumulative effect of service usage cannot be measured directly, but
only inferred from tests on parts used for different lengths of time
• Difficult to apply to parts in service, and usually terminates their
useful life
• Extensive machining or other preparation of test specimens is often
• Capital investment and manpower costs are often high

Radiography Test •Applicable to almost all metals and non - •High capital and running costs.
Using electromagnetic radiation (x-, metals. •Require source of electricity (in the case of X-
gamma, neutron, etc.) to penetrate •Capable of detecting on film surface and ray).
materials. Discontinuities are recorded subsurface discontinuities. •Trained and skilled operators are necessary.
on film. •Pose potential radiation hazard.
•Not sensitive to planar defects.
Ultrasonic Test •Applicable to metals and nonmetals. •Relatively high capital cost.
Using high Frequency sound to •Capable of detecting surface and internal •Requires highly trained and experienced
penetrate materials. Signal due to defects. operators.
discontinuities is presented on the •Automatic inspection allows signal to be •Interpretation of results can be extremely
cathode ray tube screen. permanently recorded on paper. Can difficult.
measure thickness of materials. •Not sensitive to defects parallel to the beam
direction (e.g Longitudinal Cracks)
Magnetic Particles Inspection
Using magnetic flow or current flow •Applicable to ferromagnetic materials. •Not applicable to non - ferromagnetic
to produce magnetic field in the •Capable of detecting surface defects. Easily •materials.
object. The pattern of field operated portable equipment makes it •Requires a source of electricity.
distribution provides indication of the suitable for inspection •Magnetization in two perpendicular directions
existence of discontinuities. is necessary.
•Inspected objects have to be demagnetized.
Dye Penetrant Test
Using liquid that penetrates into the •Applicable to non porous materials (i.e. •Not capable of detecting subsurface defects.
surface discontinuity and produces metals ,glass or ceramic ) •Cleanliness and surface conditions are critical.
image that is visible( when •Capable of detecting surface defects. Does
developed). not require complicated equipment.
Welding Technology
Welding Technology
In boiler manufacturing, welding is
considered the most important part
of the work, as the whole
construction of a boiler is by jointing
up of pieces of steel metals by
Welding Technology
The junction of members or the edge of
members which are to be joined or have
been joined

A localized coalescence of metal
produced either by heating the materials
to suitable temperatures (1000-3500 F)
,with or without the application of
pressure and with or without the use of
filler material
The process in which metal pieces
are joined by heating them to a
suitable temperature above 427 C
but below their melting point, and
adding non ferrous filler metal
having a melting point below that of
base metal.
Temp 550 – 1100 C
The process that uses low melting
point (< 800 F) alloys to joint the
metal parts. The molten solder
usually a tin lead alloy adheres to the
metal surfaces and fill the space in
between the parts to be joined
Types of Welding processes
• Manual Metal Arc Welding ( MMAW )
• Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)
• Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (TIGW)
• Resistance Welding (RW)
• Electro Slag Welding (ESW)
Manual Metal Arc Welding ( MMAW )

It employs the heat of the arc to melt the

bare metal and the tip of a consumable
covered electrode. The electrode tip, weld
puddle, arc and adjacent areas of the work
piece are protected from atmospheric
contamination by a gaseous shield
obtained from combustion and
decomposition of the flux covering. The
molten metal in the weld puddle is
shielded by covering of molten flux (slag)
obtained from the electrode covering.
Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)
The process wherein coalescence is
produced by the heat from electric
arc between a bare metal electrode
and the work piece. The weld area is
completely shielded by a blanket of
finely crushed mineral composition
(flux) making the arc invisible.
Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (TIGW)
Also called Gas Tungsten arc
welding is an arc welding process
that uses an electric are between a
tungsten electrode (non -
consumable) and the weld pool. The
process is used with shielding gas
and without the application of
pressure. The process may be used
with or without the addition of filler
Resistance Welding (RW)
This weld produces coalescence of
the faying surfaces with the heat
obtained from resistance of the
work-piece to the flow of the welding
current in a circuit of which the
work-pieces are a part, and by the
application of pressure
Electro Slag Welding (ESW)
A filler metal component of the
welding circuit through which
current is conducted from the
electrode guiding member to the
molten slag
Common type of welding defects
1. Undercut

Undercut consists of two types, internal and external.

Internal undercutting is the melting away of side wall of a
welding groove at the edge of a layer of bead, thus forming
a sharp recess in the side wall in the area to which the layer
or bead must be fuse. External undercutting is the
reduction in base metal thickness at the line where the last
bead is fuse to the surface of the plate.

Possible causes:

Faulty electrode manipulation, welding current too high,

too long the arc length, travel sped too fast or are slow.

Remedy actions:

Use proper electrode angles, use proper welding current

and welding position, reduce are length and travel speed,
reduced effect of arc blow.
2. Overlapping

The top layer of the weld bead overlapped the

edges of a weld groove but the overlapped area
is not fused to the parent metal.

Possible causes:

Too slow travel speed, incorrect electrode size or

incorrect electrode angle.

Remedy action:

Increase travel speed, used proper electrode

angle and electrode size.
3. Porosity

Porosity results when gas is entrapped in

solidifying metal, hence the term gas pockets.
This discontinuity is generally spherical but may
be cylindrical.

Possible causes:

Excessive long or short are length, insufficient

shielding gas, impurities as such as rust, dirt, oil
or mill scales in the welded joint, moist electrode
used or wet welding surfaces.

Remedy actions:

Dry clean surfaces to be welded, maintained

proper welding are length, proper maintain and
store electrodes to maintained it dryness.
4. Slag inclusions

Slag inclusions are fused impurities or oxides

entrapped in the weldment during the stage of
molten weld solidification.

Possible causes:

Incomplete slag remove between passes. Too

wide weaving motion or too large an electrode

Remedy action:

Completely removal slag between passes, use

smaller size electrode for better access to a joint,
reduce width of weaving technique.
5. Cracks

Crack is a type of discontinuity characterize by a sharp tip

and high ratio of length and width to opening displacement.

Possible causes:

Insufficient weld size, excessive joint restraint, poor joint

design, filler metal not match with base metal, too rapid
cooling or impurities in the weld joint.

Remedy actions:

Adjust weld size to part thickness, Reduce joint restraint

through proper design, reduce welding speed, preheat
surface before welding, use compatible electrode, clean
surfaces thoroughly before welding.
6. Lack of fusion

Refer to as the weld metal does not fuse or penetrate with

the adjacent layers of weld metal or weld metal to the
parent metal.

Possible causes:

Improper travel speed, welding current too low, faulty joint

preparation or design, too large electrode used, wrong
electrode angle or magnetic arc blow.

Remedy actions:

Reduce travel speed, preheat before welding ensure joint

design is appropriate, use proper electrode angle, reduce
the effect of magnetic are blow.
7. Lack of root penetration.

Refer to as the weld metal does not fuse integrally at the

root of the weld.

Possible causes:

Travel speed too fast, welding current too low, poor joint
design or preparation, excessively long are length or
electrode too large.

Remedy actions:

Reduce travel speed, increase welding current, increase

root gap or reduce landing face, use smaller electrode,
reduce are length. Use better penetration type of electrode.

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