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Bow2022-2023 Cookery10

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S.Y 2022-2023

Grade Level Standard The learner demonstrates knowledge, skills and attitude to perform the tasks in cookery.
Content Standard The learner demonstrates an understanding core concept and underlying theories in cookery.
Performance Standard The learners independently demonstrates core competencies in cookery as prescribed in TESDA Training Regulation

Time Target
Orientation 1. Enumerate the benefits of using
Week 1. Basic concepts in cookery standardized recipe. Formative
1 2. Relevance of the course/subject 2. Make a standardized recipe ideal for all 1. Picture Analysis
3. Career Opportunities cooking purposes. 2. Lecture/Discussion
4. Kitchen and Classroom Rules and 3. Realize the importance of using August 22- 3. Recitation
Regulations standardized recipe in cooking. 26,2022 Summative
5. TLE Grading System 4. 20-Item Quiz about
6. Groupings and Seat Plan Standardized Recipe
7. Standardized Recipe
QUARTER 1 1. Identify the different physical structures, Aug. 29- Formative
LESSON 1:PREPARE EGG DISHES(ED) components, and nutritional value of an Sept.2,202 1. Picture Analysis
Week LO1 PERFORM MISE EN PLACE egg. 2 2. Lecture/Discussion
2 1. Nutritional value and components of
eggs 2. Create an egg recipe according to their 3. Brainstorming
2. Characteristics of quality fresh eggs family preference. 4. Application
3. Appreciate the importance of the 5. Recitation
nutritional value of an egg in everyone’s Summative

diet. 6. 20-Item Quiz about
components and
characteristics of eggs.
Week LO2 PREPARE AND COOK EGG DISHES 1. dentify and select the market forms of Formative
3 1. Market forms of egg eggs for a particular menu. 1. Picture Analysis
2. Uses of eggs in culinary September
2. Identify and explain the use of eggs in 2. Lecture/Discussion
3. Suggested Performance tasks 5-9,2022
culinary 3. Recitation
3. Appreciate the importance of using Summative
appropriate form of eggs in cooking. 4. 20-Item Quiz about
4. Make a photo collage that will show the markets forms of egg and
different uses of eggs in culinary uses of eggs in culinary.
5. Create an egg recipe
according to their family

LO2 PREPARE AND COOK EGG DISHES 1. Identify the variety of egg dishes. Formative
Week 1. Varieties of egg dishes 2. Watch the videos of egg cookery and list 1. Picture Analysis
4 2. Various egg dishes September
down the different egg dishes. 2. Lecture/Discussion
3. Realize the importance of variety of egg 3. Recitation
dishes in everyday meal. Summative
4. 40-Item test about Prepare
and Cook Egg dishes

LO3 PRESENT EGG DISHES 1. Enumerate the seven (7) simple ways of Formative
1. Factors for consideration in presenting presenting food. 1. Picture Analysis
Week egg dishes September
2. Create a simple plating of egg dishes. 2. Lecture/Discussion
5 1.1 Plating 19-23,2022
1.2 Garnishing 3. Value the importance of plating simple egg 3. Recitation
1.3 Side dishes dishes Summative
4. 20-Item Quiz about Factors
for consideration in

presenting egg dishes

LO4 EVALUATE THE FINISHED PRODUCT 1. Define Rubrics and its parts. Formative
1. Evaluation of the finished product using 2. Select one activity from your previous 1. Lecture/Discussion
Week rubrics September
lesson in Egg Dishes and rate using 2. Recitation
6 2. Suggested Performance tasks 26-30,2022
rubrics. 3. Brainstorming
3. Appreciate the importance of using rubrics 4. Application
in different activities. Summative
5. 50-Item Test about Egg
6. Get and print a copy of
“Pinggang Pinoy” and
explain how the National
Food and Nutrition Institute
((FNRI) came up with such
food portions for Filipinos.

LESSON 2: PREPARE CEREALS AND 1. Identify the essential kitchen tools and Formative
STARCH DISHES(CD) equipment 1. Lecture/Discussion
2. Create a picture gallery of cereals and 2. Recitation
Week 1. Tools and equipment needed 7,2022
7 2. Quality of cereals and starch dishes starch 3. Brainstorming
3. Nutritional value and components of 3. Value the importance of cereal and starch Summative
cereals and starch dishes in food preparation 4. 20-Item Quiz about
4. Food sources and kinds of starch and essential kitchen tools and
cereal dishes equipment
5. Ingredients for starch and cereal dishes
LO2 PREPARE STARCH AND CEREAL 1. Differentiate pasta shapes. Formative
DISHES 2. Identify the common sauces for pasta 1. Lecture/Discussion
Week 1. Methods of Cooking starch and cereal October
dishes. 2. Recitation
8 dishes 10-14,2022
2. Preparation of sauces and 3. Prepare and cook pasta dishes with sauce 3. Brainstorming
accompaninents for starch and cereal accompaniments. 4. Application

dishes 4. Create a picture gallery of cereals and Summative
3. Suggested projects: Cereals and Starch starch 5. 20-Item Quiz about Starch
dishes 5. Instill the importance of pasta and cereals and cereals.
as one of the good sources of 6. Create a picture gallery of
carbohydrates cereals and starch
6. Realize the importance of sauce
accompaniments in different pasta dishes.
LO2.3 PREPARE STARCH AND CEREAL 1. Identify the guidelines on proper handling Formative
Week DISHES of foods 1. Picture Analysis
9 1. Follow safety and hygienic practices 2. Enumerate the techniques in preparing 2. Lecture/Discussion
while working in the kitchen
LO3 PRESENT STARCH AND CEREAL pasta before plating. October 3. Recitation
DISHES 3. Prepare a homemade pasta and plate it 17-21,2022 4. Brainstorming
2. Factors to consider in presenting starch presentably. 5. Application
and cereal dishes 4. Appreciate the importance of following the Summative
2.1 Plating safety guidelines on proper handling of 1. 40-Item Test about
2.2 Garnishing
2.3: Sauces foods Prepare and Present
2.4: Accompaniments 5. Emphasize the importance of plating and Starch and Cereals.
presenting dishes
LO4 STORNG STARCH AND CEREAL 1. Identify ways in storing starch and cereal 1. Completion of Quarter 1
Week DISHES dishes. Outputs/Requirements.
10 1. Technique for storing starch and cereal October
2. Organize storage area using FIFO 2. Review for the preparation
dishes 24-26,2022
2. FIFO method. of !st Quarter Examination
3. Suggested Performance tasks 3. Realize the importance of storing starch
and cereal dishes properly.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Grade 10 TLE Teacher Head Teacher III

Approved by:


Principal III

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