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Royal Society is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Proceedings of the Royal Society of
London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences.
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Dispersion of matter in non-Newtonian laminar flow
through a circular tubet
Department of Chemical Engineering, Kan8a8 State Univer8ity,
Manhattan, Kan8a8
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204 L. T. Fan and C. B. Wang
where rois the radius of the plug flow region, defined by ro = 2LTr/AP and 60 = ro/R.
The average velocity Txover the cross section is then
Vx = M
6(3+2\O60 m = (3)
Ym =Vml + Vm2
AP__ __R2 ___p nqS1lRn+'
(2L )2 +(2L )nX+1*(6
From (5) the mean velocity Vxmay be found as
+ 1
vx =~~~~
12vml+n + 3 Vm2 (7)
-+ V---Ox D I +--+_
At A D r2 r Or+X2)' (8)
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Non-Newtonian fluids in laminar flow in circular tube 205
Here CI/OO is the derivative following the mean speed of flow. Since the moving
coordinates have been introduced, and if Taylor's limiting condition is considered
to be satisfied, the partial equilibrium may be assumed over any cross-section and
the small radial variation in C can be calculated from
D= ( ) a) for6 < 60
where (aC/ayl) may be taken as independent of 6. The solution of (13) which satisfies
the boundary conditions given in (10) is
R2 :
C =CO+ +2(1- 0)2 D-[[(4-3 g
1 2 g) 2 4o3
, for 6> 60
-164+13 40 -6o4In(6160)] a) (14)
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206 L. T. Fan and C. B. Wang
Comparing this with Fick's law of diffusion, it is seen that Cm is dispersed relative
to a plane which moves with the mean speed of flow and with an effective dispersion
coefficient R2V2
K =2(+2f
(1 0)D[ [84345 +
15602 + 604 - 2 58C5
2(3 260)
- 366 + 867-5 29608+ 16010 - l0n 60]
-kRB2V2/D. (17)
Two special cases may be used to verify the given expression of K for the Bingham
plastic, that is K = 2?2Vx/48D for 60 = 0,
and K ->O as 60 1.
This shows that K for the Newtonian laminar flow is recovered when 60 = 0 and
K for the slug flow recovered when 60 -- 1. Since the longitudinal molecular diffusion
in the flow direction has already been neglected, the condition of 60 1 corresponds
to the slug flow.
(2C 1[v (1 2) v(2 n?)( ) (19)
ao _R2 \84; 4; 4J m2n+3 / ay,/
The distribution of C in the case when a/CaO= 0 and (WJ/eayl)is independent of
6 is found to be
The rate of transfer of C across a cross section is given by (15) and inserting the
values of C and Vxlfrom (20) and (18) into (15), it is found that
Comparing this with Fick's law of diffusion, we find that C, is dispersed relative
to the plane moving with the mean speed of flow with an effective dispersion co-
K D [ 1 21 + (n+ 1)2 Vm2+ (n?1) (n+1 T1T] ) *(22)
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Non-Newtonian fluids in laminar flow in circular tube 207
For the case when Vn2= 0, the Ellis model fluid reduces to the Newtonian fluid
and the effective dispersion coefficient becomes that obtained for the Newtonian
laminar flow. When Vml= 0, that is, for the Ostwald-de Waele fluid the effective
dispersion coefficientreduces to
K 1 R2V R2V (23)
2(n+3)(n+5) D D (3
which has been obtained by Fan & Hwang (I965).
where the effective diffusion coefficient K is defined as the sum of the molecular
diffusion coefficient, D, and the apparent diffusion coefficient kR2V/D, while the
restrictions which are imposed on Taylor's analysis are removed. The values of
k for the Bingham plastic, the Ellis model fluid and the Ostwald-de Waele fluid
are given by (17), (22),and (23) respectively.
K = 2 (SCD
x2 J
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208 L. T. Fan and C. B. Wang
it correspondsto that for the Ostwald-de Waele fluid, and the apparentdispersion
coefficientreduces to
K 22 2172x k 2V2
xz _
3(n 4) (2n + 5) D D (A)
Tx,T. and Vm..2
are related by
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