Reviewp HOsmolarity IJPC2002

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A Review of pH and Osmolarity

Article  in  International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding · August 2013

Source: PubMed

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2 authors:

Marc Stranz Eric S Kastango

Stranz Crossley Inc Clinical IQ, LLC and CriticalPoint, LLC


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larity and pH on compounded liquids for hydrogen ion concentrations are listed.

A REVIEW parenteral administration. Strategies that

minimize the effects of osmolarity and pH
are also presented.
Which pH values damage cells? The
degree of cellular damage from either
low or high pH is determined by the type

of pH Vascular damage (phlebitis) caused by

infusates of incorrect pH and osmolarity
occurs frequently. The development of
of tissue exposed to the pH and the du-
ration of exposure. Phenytoin sodium
(Dilantin) applied topically does not pro-
AND phlebitis, which increases the patient’s risk
of local catheter-related infection, can be
duce the same cellular toxicity as it does
when administered parenterally. In vitro
caused by mechanical trauma from catheter experiments have demonstrated that so-
OSMOLARITY insertion, catheter material, catheter dwell
time or duration of use, particulate matter,
lution pH values of 2.3 and 11 kill venous
endothelium cells on contact. The near-
and chemically mediated factors. 3 er the pH value is to 7.4, the less the dam-
age that occurs. Limited research data,
Marc Stranz, PharmD pH and OSMOLARITY however, pertain to the effects of less ex-
Infusion Services Omnicare, Inc pH treme pH conditions.
Covington, Kentucky
The pH scale is a measurement of the con-
centration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a so-
Titratable Acidity
Eric S. Kastango, RPh, MBA, FASHP
lution. The scale ranges from 0 to 14; 0 is Although pH is a measure of hydrogen ion
Clinical IQ, LLC
the most acidic, 7 is neutral, and 14 is the content, titratable acidity is a measure of the
Madison, New Jersey
most alkaline (ie, basic). It is a logarithmic reservoir of hydrogen ions within a solution.
scale based on the power of 10; a change Phlebitis is more likely to be caused by a
Pharmacists have been extemporaneous- of 1 pH unit equals a 10-fold change in the solution with a high titratable acidity and a
ly compounding medications to meet pa- concentration of hydrogen ions. The pH lower pH. Venous endothelial cells at sites
tient needs for centuries. After the indus- of human blood is about 7.35. Any changes distal to the catheter tip are subject to cel-
trial revolution, many compounding in pH (even those that seem insignificant), lular insult because more time is required
functions that had been performed by phar- effect great changes in the hydrogen for the hydrogen ion content in the in-
macists were undertaken by pharmaceuti- ion concentration. In Table 1,4 examples fusate to be neutralized by the blood. Titrat-
cal manufacturers, and the pharmacist’s of common household and medication able acidity has not been well-studied to date
role gradually became primarily that of acids and bases and their relative pH and and requires further investigation.
dispensing commercial mass-produced
medications to patients. During the 1970s
Table 1. Common Acidic and Basic Medications
and 1980s, some pharmacists comple-
and Household Products: pH and Hydrogen Ion Concentrations.
mented dispensing with patient counseling.1
The demand for extemporaneously pre-
pared medications in oral or parenteral H+ pH Household Products Medications 5
dosage forms has increased significantly. Acid 10,000,000 0 Hydrochloric acid
Historically, pharmacy as a profession has 1,000,000 1 Stomach acid
applied the principles of secundum artem 100,000 2 Lemon juice
to ensure that only high-quality prepara- 10,000 3 Vinegar Dopamine HCl
tions were compounded. However, those 1,000 4 Soda
principles have not adequately provided the 100 5 Rainwater Potassium chloride a
most robust evidence-based decision-mak-
10 6 Milk
ing tools in the past.
Neutral 1 7 Pure water
The delivery of pharmaceutical care re-
Base 1/10 8 Egg whites Furosemide
quires specialized knowledge about many
1/100 9 Baking soda
patient-related and medication-related
1/1,000 10 Tums antacid
considerations such as pharmacology, vas-
1/10,000 11 Ammonia Ganciclovir sodium
cular access devices and their placement,
compounding considerations (osmolarity, 1/100,000 12 Mineral lime - Ca(OH) 2 Phenytoin sodium
pH, stability, particulate matter), delivery 1/1,000,000 13 Drano
systems, and patient management.2 This ar- 1/10,000,000 14 Sodium hydroxide
ticle addresses patient morbidity and mor- H+ = Concentration of hydrogen ions compared to that in pure water.
a Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Illinois.
tality associated with the effect of osmo-

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding

Vol. 6 No. 3 May/June 2002

Osmolality not occur when endothelial cells contact an osmolarity be stated on the product pack-
Osmosis occurs when, to produce equi- iso-osmotic solution. age, but there are no formal requirements
librium, a substance in solution crosses Solutions with a lower osmolality (a for the determination of solution osmo-
a membrane from an area of lower lower concentration of dissolved particles) larity. 6 Osmolarity labeling requirements
concentration to an area of higher con- than 0.9% sodium chloride solution are for pharmacy-prepared intravenous ad-
centration. The concentration of parti- considered hypotonic. 0.45% Sodium mixtures do not exist. Osmolarity data for
cles dissolved in solution expressed as chloride solution and sterile water for admixtures can be obtained only from the
osmoles of solute per kilogram of solvent injection are examples of hypotonic so- literature or by calculation from published
is referred to as “osmolality.” In human lutions. Infused fluid is drawn into venous osmolality values. The formula used to de-
plasma, the concentration of dissolved endothelial cells and blood cells, which termine drug-solution osmolarity calcula-
particles is about 290 x 10 -3 M; therefore, have a relatively high osmolality. When tions is not accurate and is best determined
its osmolarity is 290 mOsm/L (285 - 310 those cells absorb too much water, they by direct measurement via osmometry. 2
mOsm/L). Water, for example, flows from rupture or undergo hemolysis. Hypoton-
an area of low osmolarity to an area of high ic solutions such as 0.45% sodium chlo- INFUSION NURSING
osmolarity at a rate directly proportional ride are used to replenish water deficits SOCIETY RECOMMENDATIONS
to the difference (gradient) in osmolality or to reduce the final osmolarity of cer-
To minimize or prevent vascular dam-
until equilibrium is reached. tain drugs in solution.
age from extreme infusate pH or osmo-
The osmotic pressure of a solution can Solutions with a higher osmolality (a
larity, the Infusion Nursing Society
be expressed as either osmolality or os- higher concentration of dissolved parti-
(INS) has published recommendations
molarity. Osmolality refers to the num- cles) than that of normal saline are con-
based on a number of factors, including
ber of milliosmoles per kilogram of sol- sidered hypertonic. 5% Dextrose and
the physiologic location of the venous
vent. This value can be calculated or 0.9% sodium chloride injection, any type
access device. In Table 2,7 those recom-
determined experimentally by osmome- of amino acid solution, and 50% dextrose
mendations are presented.
try. Osmolarity, which is the number of injection are examples of hypertonic so-
milliosmoles per liter of solution, is wide- lutions. The intravenous administration
ly used in clinical practice because it ex- of hypertonic solutions draws fluid from
presses concentration as a function of the endothelium and blood cells, which Buffering Capacity
volume. Osmolarity cannot be measured causes the cells to shrink. That vascular As mentioned earlier, the normal range
experimentally but must be calculated insult renders cells susceptible to further of the pH of blood is between 7.35 and 7.45.
from osmolality by means of a conversion damage. The degree and immediacy of that That range is necessary for the normal func-
factor. damage are determined by the osmolari- tioning of critical metabolic processes. A
Solutions containing the same concen- ty of the infused solution. Potassium chlo- pH not within that range is physiologically
tration of particles are iso-osmotic (isotonic). ride solution (2 mEq/mL) has an ap- stabilized by three primary mechanisms: the
0.9% Sodium chloride solution (normal proximate osmolarity of 4000 mOsm/L. action of buffer systems, respiratory con-
saline solution) is iso-osmotic with blood Current recommendations from the trol, and renal control. Buffer systems use
and the venous endothelium; the solution United States Pharmacopeia for the label- proteins, hemoglobin, and bicarbonate-
causes no movement of water into or out ing of intravenous fluids produced by phar- phosphate mixtures. The carbonic acid-bi-
of endothelial cells. Cellular damage does maceutical manufacturers require that carbonate system of the body is a chemi-
cal buffer mechanism that uses a weak acid
and conjugate base to maintain the desired
Table 2. Infusion Nursing Society Recommendations for Minimization or Prevention of
pH range. When acidic or basic drugs are
Vascular Damage from Extremes in Infusate pH or Osmolarity.
infused, the carbonic acid-bicarbonate sys-
tem releases the appropriate weak acid or
conjugate base to maintain a pH near 7.4.
Blood Flow Osmolarity As the infusate leaves the catheter tip, the
Vessel (mL/min)8 (mOsm/L) Solution pH
pH is neutralized by the carbonic acid-bi-
carbonate system. The time required for
vena cava 2000 > 900 < 5 or > 9
neutralization of the pH is a function of
Subclavian vein and/or the strength of the acid or base and its titrat-
proximal axillary vein 800 500 - 900 < 5 or > 9 able acidity. The respiratory and renal pH
Cephalic and basilic veins control systems of the body monitor and
in the upper arms 40 - 95 < 500 5-9 compensate for pH via a series of complex

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding

Vol. 6 No. 3 May/June 2002

Laminar Flow been made to use the ratio of the infusion rate to the blood flow
“Laminar flow” refers to the movement of air or fluid in layers rate to estimate the risk of phlebitis caused by irritating intrave-
and without fluctuation or turbulence. Pharmacists are familiar nously administered solutions. Because the blood and the infusate
with the concept of laminar flow because they use specialized equip- flow in a laminar manner, the neutralization process and achiev-
ment to create aseptic working environments for the preparation ing osmotic equilibrium may take longer than expected. If that
of parenteral products. Laminar flow can be applied to the infu- method of determining the risk of phlebitis is used, the location
sion of solutions into the bloodstream. of the catheter tip and blood flow in the infused area must be known.
According to the principle of laminar flow, infusate leaving the
catheter travels in a layer parallel to but separate from the sur- CHEMICAL PHLEBITIS In VIVO
rounding blood flow. Neutralization occurs during the slow dif- Animal Models
fusion of blood at the contact surface between the laminar blood To date, the effects of pH and osmolarity have been studied most
flow and the laminar flow of the infused solution. As the infusate effectively in animal models. According to Kuwahara et al, 13 the
slows to the rate of blood flow, the infusate and blood mingle dis- effects of infusions of solutions at various pH values and infusion
tal to the catheter tip. At that point, venous endothelial cells are times were studied. When the effects of 6-hour infusions through
exposed to the irritating solution, especially in smaller veins in peripheral vessels were compared, a solution with a pH of 4.5 re-
which the amount of blood flow cannot further minimize the lo- sulted in a 100% incidence of severe phlebitic changes, a pH of
cal effects of the infusate. 5.9 caused mild-to-moderate phlebitic changes in 50% of the an-
Animal studies 9 have shown evidence of venous lumen damage imal subjects, a pH of 6.3 caused mild damage in 20% of those
distal to the catheter tip. That finding is supported by studies in- subjects, and a pH of 6.5 caused no significant damage. When the
dicating that increasing the infusion rate of irritating solutions pH value was 6.5, extending the duration of the infusion did not
reduces the potential for the development of phlebitis; produce phlebitis.
cephalosporins and other antibiotics are irritating to peripheral Other trials14,15 have indicated that a solution with a pH of 3 to
veins but can be administered in an intravenous “push” without 11 did not induce phlebitic changes when drugs were adminis-
producing an increased incidence of phlebitis.10-12 Attempts have tered over a few minutes. When the same acidic solution volume
was infused over 5 hours, 1 hour, or 30 minutes, fewer inflam-
mation-related changes were noted after the more rapid infusions.
No trials have studied the effect of slowing the infusion of high-
ly acidic or basic infusates to increase dilution.
Both pH and titratable acidity must be considered when the ad-
ministration of peripheral parenteral nutrition is required.16 An-
imal studies 16,17 indicate that the higher the titratable acidity of
an infusate, the greater the proximal and distal phlebitic changes.
When the principles of laminar flow were applied, tolerance to
osmolarity in peripheral veins was demonstrated in animal mod-
els. When other factors were controlled, those studies indicated
that the peripheral tolerance was directly related to the osmolarity
and duration of the infusion. The faster the infusion of hyper-
tonic infusates, the greater the vein tolerance, which was 820
mOsm/kg for 8-hour infusions, 690 mOsm/kg for 12-hour infu-
sions, and 550 mOsm/kg for 24-hour infusions.
Human Models
Human tolerance of pH and osmolarity has not been as well re-
searched (or understood) as it has been in animal models; how-
ever, human tolerance to pH and osmolarity is similar to that of
animals. There is a direct relationship between the pH and os-
molarity of an infusate and the development of phlebitis. The in-
cidence of phlebitis increases as infusate pH and osmolarity in-
crease, and it decreases according to the baseline pH and
osmolarity of blood. The exact point at which osmolarity and pH
become significant risk factors in humans is not known.
The outcomes of human studies of osmolarity-induced phlebitis
have been inconsistent. Gazitua et al 18 classified three risk levels
of phlebitis caused by infusate osmolarity. The lowest risk of phlebitis
occurred when a solution osmolarity lower than 450 mOsm/L was
used, a moderate risk occurred at 450 to 600 mOsm/L, and the
highest risk occurred when the solution osmolarity exceeded 600

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding

Vol. 6 No. 3 May/June 2002

mOsm/L. That study provided evidence- aqueous solubility of the medication may Diluting medications that are extreme-
based science used by the INS to define an be exceeded and the potential for pre- ly acidic (vancomycin hydrochloride) or
osmolarity of 500 mOsm/L as the outer lim- cipitation exists. Medications that are extremely alkaline (phenytoin sodium) in
it of peripheral vein tolerance. The abil- considered weak bases are similarly af- greater volumes of fluid to affect solution
ity to tolerate different levels of infusate fected; their formulation must result in a pH is not an effective method of mediat-
pH and osmolarity varies significantly low pH to ensure solubility. ing pH-induced effects. A solution that acts
among patients. The effect of pH on solubility is best il- as a buffer must affect the titratable acid-
Few human trials have been conducted lustrated in parenteral nutrition solutions ity of a medication by contributing either
to measure the effect of pH on peripheral in which calcium salts (calcium gluconate carbonic acid or hydroxide. Neither 5%
veins. Some studies 18-21 indicate that neu- or calcium chloride) interact with phos- dextrose injection nor 0.9% sodium chlo-
tralizing the pH of the infusate to 7 to 7.4 phates. The lower the pH of the final so- ride injection has an inherent buffering ca-
significantly reduces the incidence of lution, the more stable the formulation, pacity; therefore the pH of the final in-
phlebitis. To date, no trial of human patients because the calcium and phosphate ions fusate containing those substances is
has identified a pH range that corresponds remain ionized. As the pH increases, the determined by the pH of the medication
to the potential for the development of ions become less ionized, and precipita- and not the base solution. Final osmolar-
phlebitis. The physiochemical properties tion can occur. Ready-to-use formula- ity can be altered by using other base so-
of medication indicate that very few drug tions of medications are not always iso- lutions such as lactated Ringer’s solution,
infusions are stable at pH 7. The accept- osmotic or of neutral pH. Stability is the 5% dextrose injection, dextrose 5% in
ed pH range of 5 to 9 for solutions infused principle concern with those formula- lactated Ringer’s injection (D5LR), or
peripherally represents clinically significant tions. Premade frozen medications (eg, cer- 0.45% sodium chloride injection.
variances from the ideal pH of 7.4. How- tain antibiotics) are formulated with ster- The osmolarity of most parenteral med-
ever, factors such as blood flow, infusion rate, ile water or dextrose injection to produce ication solutions (antibiotics, antineo-
venous access device, catheter tip location, better solution tonicity. plastics, etc) is usually less than 400
and variations in patient tolerance to the
pH of the infusate influence the occurrence
of pH-induced phlebitis in spite of the
challenges posed by the pH value of final
drug admixtures.
Exceptions to the Rules
Some exceptions to the rules of pH and
osmolarity cannot be easily explained. Cer-
tain isotonic, pH-neutral infusates (eg, am-
photericin B, cladribine, erythromycin,
foscarnet, imipenem, meropenem, pamid-
ronate, nafcillin, oxacillin, chemothera-
peutic drugs) cause phlebitis, perhaps be-
cause they can produce a direct cellular insult
to the endothelial cells.
Secundum Artem
During manufacturing, the pH of many
medications is adjusted with either hy-
drochloric acid and/or sodium hydroxide
to ensure drug stability and a long shelf life.
The solubility of weakly acidic or basic med-
ications is a direct function of solution
pH, which controls both the portion of med-
ication that is in an ionized form (eg, that
is metabolically active) and the solubility
of the nonionized form of the medication.6
Sodium salts (phenobarbital, phenytoin,
methotrexate) are considered weak acids
and must be formulated at a high pH to
ensure solubility. If, during the prepara-
tion of a solution, the pH is lowered, the

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding

Vol. 6 No. 3 May/June 2002

mOsm/L. Parenteral nutrition solutions usually have a much high- venous access device and tip. Additional research on the princi-
er final osmolarity because of the number of cations and anions ple of laminar flow must be conducted to identify methods (such
in solution. as the intravenous push of antibiotics) of administering highly
acidic or highly alkaline infusates.
The osmolarity of drug solutions should not be the primary con- References
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Address correspondence to: Marc Stranz, PharmD, 100 E.

River Center Boulevard, Suite 1700, Covington, KY 41011.
E-mail: [email protected].■

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding

Vol. 6 No. 3 May/June 2002
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