50+ Best Web Development Tools and Resources PDF

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The key takeaways from the document are a list of over 50 recommended web development tools and resources for learning to code and improving workflow.

Some of the recommended code editors mentioned are Atom, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, Notepad++, and VIM.

Some general web development learning resources mentioned are Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and W3Schools.

The Ultimate

50+ Best Web

Tools And


When you start learning to code, it can be

difficult to find the right web development tools

and resources to support your workflow.

To help you get started, I put together this 50+

list of my favorite web development tools and

Code editors and IDEs for web development
1. Atom

Atom is a free, easy-to-use code editor with powerful customization options. Much

like WordPress themes, Atom users can create custom themes for this editor to

improve usability.
Price: Free

Download :

2. Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a free code editor for Mac, Windows, and Linux. It’s been one of my go-to
web development tools since day 1 of my coding journey.
Price: Free version available, premium licenses from $80.

Download :
3. Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

VS Code is a popular code editor with helpful features such as syntax

highlighting, smart code completion, built-in debugger, and easy deployment
VS Code allows you to customize the look of your interface to fit your needs.
Works on Mac, Windows, and Linux.
Price: Free

Download :

4. Notepad++

Notepad++ is a free code editor for Windows. Much like Sublime Text, it’s very easy to use
for beginners but offers enough features for advanced users, too.
My tip: Try the built-in FTP plugin to open and edit your code files directly on your web
Price: Free

5. VIM

If you’re after a highly configurable text editor to build your perfect programming
environment, then Vim is the way to go. While it does work out of the box, for the
most part, it’s a tool that you have to learn to conquer.

The cool thing about Vim is that it can be used for any type of text editing—from
writing an email to posting blogs in Markup, or of course, editing HTML code. It
comes with 200+ syntax files, a comprehensive tag system and integrations with
Perl, TCL and Python, and can even act as an OLE automation server in Windows.

Download :

6. CodePen

CodePen is a web development environment for front end designers and

developers. It’s a browser-based code editor where you can type in your

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code, and run it to see the results instantly.

You can share your “pens” with others, too, and link to them to showcase

your work easily.

Price: Free

Download :
General web development resources

7. Codecademy

Codecademy was the first coding platform I tried back in 2016, and I still
love their courses.
You can start learning on Codecademy for free and see if coding is your
thing. All lessons are browser-based, so you don’t need to install
anything on your computer.

Their free courses are fantastic for making your first contact with web


8. freeCodeCamp
Out of all tech learning platforms, freeCodeCamp probably offers

the best value.

The entire curriculum is 100% free, and it covers pretty much

everything you need to learn about web development to start a

career in tech.
If you are a complete beginner, freeCodeCamp is a great place to

start learning the fundamentals at your own pace. You can sign up

in a few seconds and start your first lesson right away.

Price: Free


W3Schools is a free learning platform for popular web development tools

such as
JavaScript and jQuery
I highly recommend using their tutorials for building your own
coding projects from scratch. Create a blank code file in your text
editor and start building a web page with HTML and CSS, for


10.The Odin Project

The Odin Project is one of the most beginner-friendly platforms to learn
web development from scratch. It’s 100% free and open-source.
I love their project-based curriculum. It’s the best way to learn how to apply
your web dev skills to building meaningful projects from the get-go.
Price: Free

Boilerplates and frameworks

11. HTML5 Boilerplate

HTML5 Boilerplate helps you build fast and robust websites
faster. It’s a set of files you can download and use as a quick
starting point for your next web project.
The boilerplate includes a basic HTML/CSS/JS template you can
use to create responsive, fast-loading websites that work on all


Bootstrap is a free front-end toolkit for building sites and

apps with pre-built components for layout and styling. It

allows you to build responsive pages, insert navigation

menus, buttons, drop-down lists, and more within


Bulma is another easily customizable front end framework – a
great alternative to Bootstrap.
If you are familiar with CSS Flexbox, Bulma will be a breeze for
you to learn. It’s free to use, and has a large community of
developers for support.


14. Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a popular CSS framework for building responsive, customized
user interfaces faster.
Compared to Bootstrap, for example, Tailwind CSS doesn’t have a default
theme or built-in UI components you could use.
Instead, the framework comes with pre-designed widgets that you can use to
build and design your site from scratch.

15. Semantic UI

Semantic UI is a component framework for theming websites using what they call
“human-friendly HTML”. What they mean by this is that the tool uses words and

classes as exchangeable concepts, giving you the same benefits as BEM without

the headache.
But the real strength here is the breadth of Semantic UI’s components.


16. Foundation

Foundation is packed with features to help build content-focused

websites, even providing users with HTML, CSS & Javascript templates

to speed up the process. You can also use Foundation For Emails to

craft HTML emails that look a million bucks on any platform.

17. Materialize

Materialize is a modern framework based on Google's Material Design

language, combining the classic principles of design with innovation and
tech. As a language its goal is to help unify user experience across any
platform, which is fitting, as this is a focus at Materialize as well.
From the animations to UI elements and everything between, there's a real
focus on user experience above all else. That's not to say the technical
tools aren't there. They are. It's fast, robust and has a low learning curve.


18. Angular

Angular (or Angularjs) is a popular Javascript framework created and maintained by

Google. It’s a cross-platform solution with a cohesive ecosystem of third-party

components, meaning you can add a bunch of your own unique functionality


19. React

React (React.js) is another great Javascript library built by another ultra-powerful

tech company: in this case, Meta. Made specifically for building user interfaces, it
makes it painless to create interactive UIs in a visual way.
A component-based system means that individual components manage their own
state, and can then be composed to build complex UIs. React can also render on a
server using Node, and with React Native you can power mobile apps as well.


20. Vue

Yet another JavaScript library, like React, Vue (or Vue.js) is built for

working with user interfaces. Labelling itself as a more “approachable,

versatile and performant” alternative, it helps you create a more

maintainable and testable codebase.

21. Meteor.js
Meteor.js is a free and open-source full-stack isomorphic

framework (meaning you can run it both on the client and

server side). It might not be as popular as React or Vue,

but it’s still considered one of the best solutions to enable

devs to swiftly build and deploy web, mobile or desktop


22. Svelte
We love Svelte for two reasons. One, it just sounds awesome and two, it’s all about empowering

folks to build their projects with way less code, which is something we’re passionate about here at

Technically, Svelte isn’t a framework or a library. It’s a “compiler”, and it’s gained quite a
reputation in the web dev community for being one of the best frontend frameworks on the

market. It’s lightweight, SEO-optimised and unlike tools like React or Vue, doesn’t require heavy

browser processing.
Svelte’s “killer app” is that is has no virtual Dom. This means there’s considerably less re-renders of
the UI, leading to a lightning fast experience. Some devs will be put off by this, but it makes it an

ideal option for beginners or smaller projects.

Developer tools to make your life a little easier

A free browser extension that helps you identify

technologies used on any website at the click of a button


24. Sizzy
The browser for developers. Stop wasting time and speed
up your development workflow


25. Log Rocket

LogRocket lets you replay what users do on your site, helping
you reproduce bugs and fix issues faster


26. Can I Use?

"Can I use" provides up-to-date browser support tables for support

of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web



An opinionated code formatter, Supports many

languages,Integrates with most editors,Has few options.


28. CSS Scan

Goodbye to "Inspect Element" — Check the CSS of any element you hover
over, instantly, and copy its entire rules with a single click

Developer tools to make your life a little easier

29. Clear Cache

Clear your cache and browsing data with a single
click of a button.
Download :

30. Window Resizer

Resize the browser window to emulate various
screen resolutions
Download :

31. Wappalyzer
Wappalyzer is a utility that uncovers the technologies

used on websites. It detects content management

systems, ecommerce platforms, web frameworks, server

software, analytics tools and many more

Download :

32. MDN
The MDN Web Docs site provides information about Open

Web technologies including HTML, CSS, and APIs for both

Web sites and progressive web apps.


33.Responsively App
Develop responsive web apps 5x faster! A must-have

DevTool for all Front-End developers that will make your

job easier.

34. gitignore.io
Create useful .gitignore files for your project

Developer tools to make your life a little easier

35. Keycode
Press any key to get the JavaScript event keycode

36. Worth It: Modern JS edition

This tool analyzes a page to determine how much less JavaScript is

downloaded in modern browsers as a result of it using the module/nomodule



37. CSS to JS
Transform between CSS, JS Objects and JSX props.


38. All Characters

A simple page that shows all the different characters and
their HTML code.


Don't wait for the backend to be ready, generate custom

API responses with Mocky and start working on your

application straightaway


40. Responsive Breakpoints

Easily generate the optimal responsive image dimensions

Developer tools to make your life a little easier
41. Is my host fast yet?
Real-world server response (Time to First Byte) latencies, as
experienced by real-world users navigating the web.


42. BEM Cheat Sheet

When it comes to finding the right class name, it can quickly drive you to despair.

Even the most experienced CSS developers don't always find the right class name

right away. This tool aims to help you to not get lost in the BEM cosmos by giving you

naming-suggestions for some of the most common web components.


43. CSS Grid Generator

You can set the numbers, and units of your columns and rows, and I'll generate a
CSS grid for you! Drag within the boxes to create divs placed within the grid.


44. Screen size map

A comparison of screen sizes in device-independent pixel


Unsplash is one of my go-to design and web development tools for
free high-quality stock photos. Use them for your website
projects, social media posts, and other promotional material.


46. Canva
Canva is a browser-based graphic editor app for non-designers. If
you don’t want to venture into learning Photoshop, for example,
Canva makes things much easier for you.

Developer tools to make your life a little easier
47. unDraw (free illustrations)
unDraw offers stunning illustrations you can use entirely free without

attribution. Find an image that you like, customize the colors, and

click to download.


48. Reduce Images (image resizing)

Before you upload photos and images to your website or WordPress media
library, use Reduce Images to resize your file dimensions to a suitable level.


49. tinyJPG (image compression)

tinyJPG is a browser-based image compression tool to reduce the file size of
your images, graphics, and photos before uploading them to your website.


50. Font Awesome

Font Awesome is a popular font and icon toolkit where
you can find thousands of icons and graphics.


Grammarly is a browser-based tool for checking your spelling and

grammar. The free plan is more than enough to get started. You will

get instant feedback on your writing and suggestions for improving

the readability.


52. Trello
Trello is a free online tool for collecting and managing your ideas as

lists. List your to-dos, track your projects, and collaborate with


Developer tools to make your life a little easier

53. RescueTime
RescueTime is a free desktop app that runs in the background

and monitors how you use your computer. You get weekly

reports where you see when you’re most productive and what

you’re wasting time on.


54. KeywordTool.io
Keyword Tool is a free alternative to Google Keyword Planner and
other keyword research tools.
You don’t even have to create an account to use it, and works like a
dream for finding hundreds of relevant keywords quickly.


55. Google’s SEO Starter Guide

Google’s own Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide is

the perfect place to get a complete overview of the

fundamentals of SEO.
The guide is packed with best practices you can apply to your

own web development projects right away. You will learn a

bunch of helpful tips for making it easier for Google to crawl,

index, and understand your content.


56. UI Design Daily

Collection of beautiful UI designs for websites.

57. Devdocs
Devdocs is a collection of documents of
popular programming languages for


T u!

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