Poly MGMT Sub Syllabus

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f Academic Year 2009-10 ‘E’ Scheme


NO. iation CODE PAPER TH (01) PR (04) OR (08) TW (09) SW
1 Management MAN 12219 03 -- -- 03 100 40 -- -- -- -- -- --
Advanced Java
2 AJP 12259 03 -- 04 03 100 40 50# 20 -- -- 25@ 10
Data Communication and
3 DCN 12267 03 -- 02 03 100 40 -- -- 25@ 10 -- --
4 EDP 12264 01 01 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 25@ 10
Development 50
5 Industrial Projects IPR 12265 -- -- 06 -- -- -- -- -- 50# 20 50@ 20
6 Professional Practices-VI PPS 12266 -- -- 05 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50@ 20
7 Elective – II (Any One)
Object Oriented Modelling
OMD 12260 02 -- 04 03 100 40 -- -- 25# 10 25@ 10
and Design
Advanced Web Technology AWT 12261 02 -- 04 03 100 40 -- -- 25# 10 25@ 10
TOTAL 12 01 21 -- 400 -- 50 -- 100 -- 175 -- 50
Student Contact Hours Per Week: 34 Hrs.
Total Marks : 775
@ Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, No Theory Examination.

Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, OR-Oral, TW- Termwork, SW- Sessional Work.
¾ Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50 marks as sessional
work (SW).
¾ Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms.
¾ Code number for TH, PR, OR, TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code.

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Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering / Technology

Semester : Sixth for EJ/EN/ET/EX/EV/IC/IE/IS/MU/DE/ME/PG/PT/AE/CE/CS/CR/
Subject Title : Management
Subject Code : 12219

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

03 -- -- 03 100 -- -- -- 100

¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE.
¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be
entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)
After completion of three years of technical training, Polytechnic students are expected to
enter in to the World of Work. The business environment is altogether different and new to the
students. A proper introduction and understanding of Business Processes is therefore essential for all
Polytechnic students. Management is a subject which deals with basics of Managerial science
required to understand the processes in Industrial & Commercial environment. This will enable the
students of Polytechnics to become familiar and to understand various Business Organizational
structures, their functioning and the Role these technicians will have to play in these setups with

The students will able to:
1. Familiarize environment in the world of work
2. Explain the importance of management process in Business.
3. Identify various components of management.
4. Describe Role & Responsibilities of a Technician in an Organizational Structure.
5. Apply various rules and regulations concerned with Business & Social responsibilities of
the Technician.

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 ‘E’ Scheme

Learning Structure:

♦ Use management functions ♦ Practice managerial traits.

& techniques. ♦ Know supervisory
♦ Realize importance of responsibilities, time
Application management process in management & productivity.
♦ Describe Business

♦ Exposure to world of work ♦ Review of Supervisory

♦ Information collection responsibilities
regarding Government. ♦ Time Management
functions, rules and functions
regulations regarding ♦ Learning to learn
Business processes. management functions
♦ Case studies of
management functions.

♦ Globalization & WTO ♦ Roll of supervisor

♦ Modern methods of ♦ Managerial Traits
Concepts management ♦ Government Rules &
♦ Value addition by efficient Regulations and their
management. implications.

♦ Role and Opportunity

♦ Conventional & Engineering
for technicians in
Business opportunities
Business world.
Facts ♦ Changing Role & nature of
♦ Responsibilities &
Expectations from
♦ Developments in functions Technicians in Business
of Business Management. Environment.

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Contents: Theory

Chapter Name of the Topics Hours Marks

Overview of Business
1.1. Types of Business
• Service
• Manufacturing
• Trade
1.2. Industrial sectors
• Introduction to
• Engineering Industry
• Process Industry
01 02 04
• Textile Industry
• Chemical Industry
• Agro Industry
1.3 Globalization
• Introduction
• Advantages & disadvantages w.r.t India
1.4 Intellectual Property Rights I( I P R )
• Concept
• Types of IPR
Management Process
2.1 What is Management?
• Evolution
• Various Definitions
• concept of Management
• Levels of Management
• Administration and Management
• Scientific Management by F W Taylor
02 07 14
2.2 Principles of Management (14 principles of Henry Fayol)
2.3 Functions of Management:
• Planning
• Organizing
• Coordinating
• Directing
• Controlling
• Decision Making
Organizational Management
3.1 Organization
• Definition
• Steps in forming organization
3.2 Types of Organization
03 • Line 07 14
• Line & Staff
• Functional
• Project type
3.3 Departmentation
• Centralized & Decentralized

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• Authority & Responsibility

• Span of Control (Management)
3.4 Forms of ownerships
• Proprietorship
• Partnership
• Joint stock company
• Co-operative society
• Govt. Sector
Human Resource Management
4.1 Personnel Management
• Introduction
• Definition
• Function
4.2 Staffing
• Introduction to HR
• Introduction to HR Planning
• Recruitment procedure
4.3 Personnel – Training & Development
• Types of training
- Induction
- Skill enhancement
4.4 Leadership & Motivation 08 20
• Leadership- Styles & types
• Motivation –Definition , Intrinsic & Extrinsic
• Moslow’s theory of Motivation and its significance
4.5 Safety Management
• Causes of Accidents
• Safety Procedures
4.6 Introduction, Objectives & feature of Industrial Legislation
such as
• Factory Act
• ESI Act,
• Workman Compensation Act,
• Industrial Dispute Act.
Financial Management (No Numericals)
5.1. Financial Management- Objectives & Functions
5.2. Capital Generation & Management
• Types of capitals
• Sources of finance
5.3. Budgets and Accounts
• Types of Budgets
• Production Budget ( including Varience Report)
05 08 18
• Labour Budget
• Introduction to Profit & Loss Account ( Only concept)
• Balance sheet etc.
5.4. Introduction to Various Taxes
• Excise Service Tax,
• Income Tax
• Custom Duty.

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Materials Management
6.1. Inventory Management ( No Numericals)
• Meaning & Objectives
6.2 ABC Analysis
6.3 Economic Order Quantity:
• Introduction & Graphical Representation
6.4 Purchase Procedure
06 08 18
• Objectives of Purchasing
• Functions of Purchasing Department
• Steps inPurchasing
6.5 Modern Techniques of Material Management
• Introductory treatment to Just inTime( JIT)/ System
Applications & Products (SAP) /Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP)
Project Management (Simple /Elementary Numericals)
7.1 Project Management
• Introduction & Meaning
• Introduction to CPM/PERT Techniques ( simple
network problems )
07 08 12
• Concept of Break Even Analysis and its significance
7.2 Quality Management
• Definition of Quality, Concept of Quality, Quality
Circle, Quality Assurance
• Introduction to TQM, Kaizen, 5 ‘S’ & Six Sigma
Total 48 100

Learning Resources:

Author Tit;e Publisher
Industrial Engg & Dhanpal Rai & sons New
01 Dr. O.P. Khanna
Management Delhi
Business Administration &
02 Dr. S.C. Saksena Sahitya Bhavan Agra
W.H. Newman
Prentice- Hall of India Pvt.
03 E.Kirby Warren The process of Management
Ltd. New Delhi - 110001
Andrew R. McGill

Video Cassets:

No Subject Source
1. Business opportunity selection and guidance
Website : http://www.ediindia.org
2. Planning for completion and Growth

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Course Name : Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CO/CM/IF/CD
Semester : Sixth for CO/CM/IF and Seventh for Cd
Subject title : Advanced Java Programming
Subject code : 12259

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

03 -- 04 03 100 50# -- 25@ 175

¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE.
¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be
entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)

In the current era of networking, online transaction processing and managing the dataflow over
network becomes an important issue. This subject is essential for providing knowledge and hands on
experience over the issues of managing data on web, developing powerful GUI based friendly user
interface, server side programming and developing applications for communication over network
using object oriented fundamentals.
Advanced Java enhances the Java programming. After learning this subject, student will be
able to develop network based software projects required in curriculum as well as industry

After studying this subject, the student will be able to:
• Create network based applications.
• Create business applications.
• Implement Server side programming.
• Develop dynamic software components.
• Develop database application.
• Design and develop powerful GUI based components.
• Create Animation using Applet, Thread and AWT controls.

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Learning Structure:

Designing and implementing Window based database oriented application,

Application server side programs and networking applications using various protocols,
developing dynamic components and powerful GUI based components

Designing and writing

classes, members , Debugging, Implementation of Implementing
Interfaces, and Coding, Implement error Threading Event Handling
designing different and exception
windows Handling

Concurrent Adapter Classes

AWT Components, Function Processing and Listeners
wing Components, Overriding
Layouts, Sockets and
Principles and Network Overloading,
errors and
and programming, TCP Dynamic
Concepts and UDP Binding
communication Multiprocessing Events and
Event Types

Protocols, Servers, Network Error and Error Types

Facts Communication, Database, Basic
drawing elements, Graphics

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 ‘E’ Scheme

Contents: Theory
Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks
Introduction the Abstract Window Toolkit: (AWT)
1.1 Working with Windows and AWT
AWT classes
Windows Fundamentals
Working with frame windows
Creating a frame window in applet
Creating windowed program
Display information within with in a window
1.2 Working with graphics
Working with color
Setting the paint mode
Working with Fonts
Managing text output using Font Metrics
Exploring text & graphics
1.3 Using AWT Controls, Layout Managers and Menus
01 Control Fundamentals 16 24
Using Buttons
Applying Check Boxes
Checkbox Group
Choice Controls
Using Lists
Managing scroll Bars
Using a Text Field
Using a Text Area
Understanding Layout Managers
Menu Bars and Menu
Dialog Boxes
File Dialog
Handling events by Extending AWT Components
Exploring the Controls, Menus, and Layout Managers
2.1 Basics
Socket overview, client/server, reserved sockets, proxy
servers, internet addressing.
2.2 Java & the Net
The networking classes & interfaces
2.3 Inet address
Factory methods, instance method
02 08 18
2.4 What is URL
2.5 URL connection
2.6 Creating TCP Client, Creating TCP Server, Reading and
Writing from TCP Sockets, Accepting and processing
request from TCP Client
2.7 Data grams
Data gram packets, Data gram server & client
Java Data Base Client/ Server
03 08 20
3.1 Java as a Database front end

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Database client/server methodology

Two-Tier Database Design
Three-Tier Database Design
3.2 The JDBC API – Connection, DatabaseMetaData,
PreparedStatement, ResultSet, ResultSetMetaData,
The API Components, Limitations Using
JDBC(Applications vs. Applets), Security
Considerations, A JDBC Database Example
JDBC Drivers ,JDBC-ODBC Bridge
Current JDBC Drivers
The Tour of Swing
4.1 J applet, Icons and Labels ,Text Fields, Buttons
04 08 18
Combo Boxes, Tabbed Panes, Scroll Panes.
4.2 Trees, Tables, Exploring the Swings.
5.1 Background, The Life Cycle Of a Servlet,The Java
Servlet Development Kit, The Simple Servlet, Using
Tomcat for Servlet development, The Servlet API
05 5.2 The Javax Servlet Package, Reading Servlet 08 20
Parameters Reading Initialization Parameters
The Javax. Servlet. http package, Handling HTTP
Requests and responses
5.3 Using Cookies, Session Tracking, Security Issues
Total 48 100

Skills to be developed:
Intellectual Skills:-
• Use of programming language constructs in program implementation.
• To be able to apply different logics to solve given problem.
• To be able to write program using different implementations for the same problem
• Study different types of errors as syntax semantic, fatal, linker & logical
• Debugging of programs
• Understanding different steps to develop program such as
ƒ Problem definition
ƒ Analysis
ƒ Design of logic
ƒ Coding
ƒ Testing
ƒ Maintenance (Modifications, error corrections, making changes etc.)
Motor Skills:-
• Proper handling of Computer System

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List of Practical:

Sr. No Contents
Write a program to design a form using components textbox, text field, checkbox,
buttons, list and handle various events related to each component.
Write a program to design a calculator using Java components and handle various
events related to each component and apply proper layout to it.
03 Write a program to demonstrate use of Grid Layout.
04 Write a program to demonstrate use of Flow Layout.
05 Write a program to demonstrate use of Card Layout.
06 Write a program to demonstrate use of Border Layout.
Write a program to display any string using available Font and with every mouse click
07 change the size and / style of the string. Make use of Font and Font metrics class and
their methods.
Write a program to create a menu bar with various menu items and sub menu items.
08 Also create a checkable menu item. On clicking a menu Item display a suitable Dialog
Write a program to increase the font size of a font displayed when the value of thumb
09 in scrollbar increases at the same time it decreases the size of the font when the value
of font decreases.
10 Write a program to retrieve hostname using methods in Inet Address class.
Write a program that demonstrates TCP/IP based communication between client and
Write a program that demonstrates UDP based communication between client and
Write a program to demonstrate use of URL and URL Connection class for
Write an Application program /Applet to make connectivity with database using JDBC
Write an Application program/Applet to send queries through JDBC bridge & handle
16 Write a program to design a form using basic swing components.
17 Write a program to demonstrate the use of scroll panes in Swing.
18 Write Java Program to map Directory tree.
19 Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of Tables.
20 Write a servlet for demonstrating the generic servlet class.
22 Write a servlet to demonstrate the Http Servlet class using do Get ().
23 Write a servlet to demonstrate the Http Servlet class using do Post ().
24 Write a servlet to demonstrate the cookie.

Reference Books:
1. Books:

Sr. No. Author Title Publisher

Patrick Naughton- The Complete Reference Java 2
01 Tata McGraw hill
Herbert Schildt (Third Edition)
The Complete IDIOT’s Guide To
02 Michael Morrison Prentice Hall of India
03 Jawroski Java2 Unleased Techmedia
04 Java2 Programming Keyur Shah Tata McGraw hill

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2. Following web sites may be referred:

3) The required JDK for practical can be downloaded from the site:

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 ‘E’ Scheme

Course Name : Diploma in Information Technology

Course Code : IF/ IE/ IU
Semester : Sixth
Subject Title : Data Communication and Networking
Subject Code : 12267

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

03 -- 02 03 100 -- 25@ -- 125

¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE.
¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be
entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)


After understanding basic communication system it is worth to discuss Data Communication

& Networking. Telecommunication & Data communication is fastest growing technology &
undoubtedly has strong growth in future so we should know data transfer from one system to another
system through different communication networks like WAN, MAN & different switching

The student will be able to:
1. Distinguish between different terms used for digital data communication
2. Describe the working of different switching techniques.
3. Identify the error & suggest corrective techniques.
4. Describe Wireless LAN Technology.
5. Describe fiber optic communication techniques.
6. Compare different distributed application system.

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 ‘E’ Scheme

Learning Structure:

To apply latest technology for transmission and reception of

digital data over network

Procedural Wide Area Network and Wireless LAN

Principle Transmission error detection and connection

Types of Switching Fiber optic Communication

Conceptual Network communication Protocol

Facts Fundamentals of Data Communication system

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Contents: Theory

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks

Concept of Data Communication & Networking
1.1 Data Communication – Protocols; Standards; Standards
01 Organizations; 04 12
1.2 Signal Propagation - Analog & Digital Signals; Bandwidth of
signal & a medium; Data transmission rate and the bandwidth.
2.1 Switching Basics - Circuit Switching; Packet Switching -
Datagram approach, Virtual circuit approach; Message
02 2.2 Frame Relay - Introduction; The need for Frame Relay; 12 24
How Frame Relay works; Frame Relay frame format
2.3 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) – Introduction,
Overview of ATM, Packet Size, ATM Cells, Switching, ATM
Fiber Optic Communication
3.1 Light Propagation - Basic Concepts, Reflection & Refraction,
light into the cable;
3.2 Fiber Cables – Construction, Preposition effect, Fiber optic
03 cable modes, Refractive indexes in fiber cores; 10 16
3.3 Light Sources – Light connecting diodes, lasers;
3.4 Optical detections
3.5 Fiber Cable Losses - Connector and cable misalignment,
Effects of bands in the cable, Absorption losses & scattering
Transmission Errors-Detection & Correction
4.1 Error classification – Delay distortion, Attenuation, Noise;
Types of Errors;
4.2 Error detection -Vertical redundancy check; longitudinal
04 04 12
redundancy check; Cyclic redundancy check;
4.3 Error Correction- Methods of error correction, BEC, FEC
4.4 Recovery from errors – Stop & Wait, Go-back-in, Sliding
Distributed Application
5.1 Application - Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP); Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP);
05 10 20
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME); Hyper Text
Transfer Protocol (HTTP); File Transfer Protocol (FTP),
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Wireless LAN
6.1 IEEE 802.11 - Architecture- BSS, ESS; Physical layer –
06 FHSS, DSSS, OFDM; MAC layer – DCF, PCF 08 16
6.2 Bluetooth – Architecture; Bluetooth layers – Media layer, base
band layer, physical links, L2 CAP.
Total 48 100

List of Practical:
1. Measurement of NA of given optical fiber.

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2. Radiation pattern of LED / Laser.

3. Study of Optical detector characteristics.
4. Measurement of fiber losses.
5. Study of switching in data Networks.
6. Study of Frame relay & ATM.
7. Study of error detection & recovery.
8. Study of FHSS, DSSS.
9. Study of Bluetooth Technology.

Learning Resources:

Author Title Publication
01 Achyut S. Godbole Data Communication & Networking Tata McGraw-Hill Edition

Tata McGraw-Hill Edition

02 B.A. Forouzan Data Communication & Networking
(4th Edition)

03 Michal Miller Data & Network Communication Thomson Delmar Learning

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Course Name : Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CM/CO/IF/CD
Semester : Sixth for CO/CM/IF and Seventh for CD
Subject Title : Entrepreneurship Development
Subject Code : 12264

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

01 01 -- -- -- -- -- 25@ 25

Globalization, liberalization & privatization along with revolution in Information
Technology, have thrown up new opportunities that are transforming lives of the masses. Talented
and enterprising personalities are exploring such opportunities & translating opportunities into
business ventures such as- BPO, Contract Manufacturing, Trading, Service sectors etc. The student
community also needs to explore the emerging opportunities. It is therefore necessary to inculcate
the entrepreneurial values during their educational tenure. This will help the younger generation in
changing their attitude and take the challenging growth oriented tasks instead of waiting for white-
collar jobs. The educational institutions should also demonstrate their uniqueness in the creation of
enterprising personalities in their colleges. This subject will help in developing the awareness and
interest in entrepreneurship and create employment for others.
Students will be able to
1) Identify entrepreneurship opportunity.
2) Acquire entrepreneurial values and attitude.
3) Use the information to prepare project report for business venture.
4) Develop awareness about enterprise management.

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Learning Structure:

A) Use basic concepts, principles & procedures related to

Application B) To expose students to real problems faced by entrepreneur –
preferably with the help of case study

- Information gathering for - Planning

opportunity - Resources,
- Product / Service Enterprise,
Procedure Finalization as Business Budgeting
Opportunity - Study modern trends
- Project report preparation & in business
Project execution

- Entrepreneurial Process - Financial

- Information Gathering Statements, Budget
Concepts and - Opportunity Identification - Financial Resources
Principles - Formulation of Business
- Running Enterprise

- Different Organization Structures of SSI

- Product Specifications, Product Cycle, Business
Opportunities, Project Implementation

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Contents: Theory

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours

Entrepreneurship, Creativity & Opportunities
1.1) Concept, Classification & Characteristics of Entrepreneur
1.2) Creativity and Risk taking.
1.2.1) Concept of Creativity & Qualities of Creative person.
1.2.2) Risk Situation, Types of risk & risk takers.
1.3) Business Reforms.
01 1.3.1) Process of Liberalization. 03
1.3.2) Reform Policies.
1.3.3) Impact of Liberalization.
1.3.4) Emerging high growth areas.
1.4) Business Idea Methods and techniques to generate business idea.
1.5) Transforming Ideas in to opportunities transformation involves
Assessment of idea &Feasibility of opportunity SWOT Analysis
Information And Support Systems
2.1) Information Needed and Their Sources.
Information related to project, Information related to support system,
Information related to procedures and formalities
1) Small Scale Business Planning, Requirements.
2) Govt. & Institutional Agencies, Formalities
3) Statutory Requirements and Agencies.
Market Assesment
3.1) Marketing -Concept and Importance
03 3.2) Market Identification, Survey Key components 02
3.3) Market Assessment
Business Finance & Accounts
Business Finance
4.1) Cost of Project
1) Sources of Finance
2) Assessment of working capital
3) Product costing
4) Profitability
04 03
5) Break Even Analysis
6) Financial Ratios and Significance
Business Account
4.2) Accounting Principles, Methodology
1) Book Keeping
2) Financial Statements
3) Concept of Audit

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Business Plan & Project Report

5.1) Business plan steps involved from concept to commissioning:
Activity Recourses, Time, Cost
5.2) Project Report
1) Meaning and Importance
05 2) Components of project report/profile (Give list) 03
5.3) Project Apprisial
1) Meaning and definition
2) Technical, Economic feasibility
3) Cost benefit Analysis
Enterprise Managnment And Modern Trends
6.1 Enterprise Managnment:
a. Essential roles of Entrepreneur in managing enterprise
b. Product Cycle: Concept and importance
c. Probable Causes Of Sickness
06 03
d. Quality Assurance
Importance of Quality, Importance of testing
6.2) E-Commerce
Concept and process
6.3) Global Entrepreneur
Total 16

Sr. No Assignments

1 Assess yourself-are you are entrepreneur?

2 Prepare project report and study its feasibility

Learning Resources:
1) Reference Books:
Title Author Publisher
Entrepreneurship J.S. Saini Wheeler Publisher
Theory and Practice B.S.Rathore New Delhi
02 TTTI, Chandigadh TTTI, Chandigadh
Entrepreneurship E. Gorden Himalaya Publishing.
Development K.Natrajan Mumbai
Preferred by Colombo
Entrepreneurship Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing
04 plan staff college for
Development co. ltd. New Delhi.
Technical education.
A Manual on How to J.B.Patel EDI STUDY MATERIAL
Prepare a Project Report D.G.Allampally

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A Manual on Business Ahmadabad (Near Village Bhat

06 Opportunity Identification
S.S.Modi , Via Ahmadabad Airport &
& Selection
National Derectory of Indira Bridge), P.O. Bhat
07 Entrepreneur Motivator &
H. Anil Kumar 382428 , Gujrat,India
Resource Persons.
New Initiatives in P.H. (079) 3969163, 3969153
Gautam Jain
08 Entrepreneurship E-mail :
Debmuni Gupta
Education & Training
A Handbook of New [email protected]/olpe@e
09 P.C.Jain
Enterpreneurs diindia.org
Evaluation of
D.N.Awasthi , Jose Website :
10 Enterpreneurship
Development Programmes http://www.ediindia.org
The Seven Business Crisis
11 V.G.Patel
& How to Beat Them.

2) Video Cassettes

Subject Source
Five success Stories of First Generation EDI STUDY MATERIAL
Entrepreneurs Ahmadabad (Near Village Bhat , Via
Assessing Entrepreneurial Ahmadabad Airport & Indira Bridge), P.O.
Competencies Bhat 382428 , Gujrat,India
Business Opportunity Selection and P.H. (079) 3969163, 3969153
3 E-mail :
4 Planning for completion & Growth [email protected]/[email protected]
5 Problem solving-An Entrepreneur Skill Website : http://www.ediindia.org

Industrial Terms
Terms related to finance, materials, purchase, sales and taxes.

Components of Project Report:

1. Project Summary (One page summary of entire project )
2. Introduction (Promoters, Market Scope/ requirement)
3. Project Concept & Product (Details of product)
4. Promoters (Details of all Promoters- Qualifications, Experience, Financial strength)
5. Manufacturing Process & Technology
6. Plant & Machinery Required
7. Location & Infrastructure required
8. Manpower ( Skilled, unskilled )
9. Raw materials, Consumables & Utilities
10. Working Capital Requirement (Assumptions, requirements)
11. Market ( Survey, Demand & Supply )
12. Cost of Project, Source of Finance
13. Projected Profitability & Break Even Analysis
14. Conclusion.

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Course Name : Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CO/CM/IF/CD
Semester : Sixth for CO/CM/IF and Seventh for CD
Subject Title : Industrial Projects
Subject code : 12265

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

-- -- 06 -- -- -- 50# 50@ 100

In the field of Computer and Information Technology various technologies (hardware and
Software) needs to be integrated and proper paradigms needs to be implemented to develop any kind
of computer applications . Hence it becomes essential to get hands on experience for developing
industrial applications. This subject is essential to understand the implementation of the system
development process i.e. analyse, design, coding , debugging and testing . This will help the students
to acquire skills and attitudes to work as programmer or Network administrator.
Furthermore the student will be able to find out various sources of technical information and
develop self-study techniques to prepare a project and write a project report.

The students will be able to,
(1) Work in Groups, Plan the work, and Coordinate the work.
(2) Develop leadership qualities.
(3) Develop Innovative ideas.
(4) Practically implement the acquired knowledge.
(5) Develop basic technical Skills by hands on experience.
(6) Write project report.
(7) Develop skills to use latest technology in Computer/Information Technology field.
(8) Analyse the different types of Case studies.

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Learning Structure:

Designing, implementing, debugging and testing software and /

hardware systems .Apply Knowledge for developing reliable and
Application efficient customized applications Prepare ER, Data Flow, State
transition diagram as applicable. . Prepare Project Report and Coding

Identification of Project, Analysis, Designing and Testing, Performance

Procedure Analysis, Costing, etc.

Information Gathering Techniques, Presentation Techniques, Basic

Concepts Engg. Skills, Application type, Utility Area etc.

Facts Programming Paradigms, Data Structures, Hardware Configuration,

Software Application

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Two hours should be allotted for giving the Instructions for preparing a Project Report (Refer
Guideline Document for Format of Project Report)
Group Projects
(1) Develop Application Software for Hospital/Shopping Mall/Cinema
Theatre/Commercial Complex/Educational Institute/Industrial Complex.
(2) Develop Inhouse Systems.

I (3) Case Studies Related to Industries – Operation / Maintenance / Repair and

Software Fault Finding. (Refer Guideline Document).
Oriented (4) Develop Information Processing System.
Projects (5) Develop Web Based Applications using Web Technologies.
(6) Develop Network monitoring system.
(7) Develop systems for financial organisation.
(8) Develop System Program based system like compilers, editors, spreadsheets,
mini database systems.
(1) Develop Intrusion Detection System.

II (2) Develop Speech Recognition System.

Hardware (3) Develop Image Processing Systems.
Oriented (4) Develop Expert Systems.
Projects (5) Develop Artificial Intelligence based Systems.
(6) Develop various types of Interfacing Applications.
(7) Develop device Controllers.
Seminar on any relevant latest technical topic based on latest research, recent
trends, new methods and developments in the field of Computer Engineering /
Information Technology.

Note: (1) One Project from any one group.

(2) Seminar will be held under Professional Practices.

Learning Resources:
1. Magazines:
Sr. No. Magazines
1. IEEE Transactions/Journals

2. Computer Today.

3. PC Quest.

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

4. Data Quest

5. Any Journal Related to Computer/Information Technology/Electronics field.

6. Computer World

7. Chip

8. IT World

2. Website:
Using any search engine, such as http://www.google.co.in/ the relevant information can be
searched on the Internet.

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Course Name : Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CO/CM/IF/CD
Semester : Sixth for CO/CM/IF and Seventh for CD
Subject Title : Professional Practices-VI
Subject Code : 12266

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

-- -- 05 -- -- -- -- 50@ 50

Most of the diploma holders join industries. Due to globalization and competition in the
industrial and service sectors the selection for the job is based on campus interviews or competitive
While selecting candidates a normal practice adopted is to see general confidence, ability to
communicate and attitude, in addition to basic technological concepts.
The purpose of introducing professional practices is to provide opportunity to students to
undergo activities which will enable them to develop confidence. Industrial visits, expert lectures,
seminars on technical topics and group discussion are planned in a semester so that there will be
increased participation of students in learning process.

Student will be able to:
1. Acquire information from different sources.
2. Prepare notes for given topic.
3. Present given topic in a seminar.
4. Interact with peers to share thoughts.
5. Prepare a report on industrial visit, expert lecture.

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Learning Structure:

Application Develop confidence to face interview through presentation of self

Procedure Method of preparing portfolio and

steps to present self

Concept Principles of oral and written


Job opportunity, Job Profile


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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Activity Content Hours

Industrial Visits
Structured industrial visits be arranged and report of the same should be
submitted by the individual student, to form part of the term work.
01 1. Visit a industry 14
2. Collect organization chart
3. Roles and responsibilities of each post.
4. No. of resources available in industry etc
Lectures by Professional / Industrial Expert be organized from any of
the following areas:
1. Meditation. Yoga to improve concentration
2. Robotics
3. Any latest tool useful for software development
4. Mobile computing
02 16
5. Data Mining
6. SAP
7. Neural network
8. Software project Management
9. Wi-fi Technology
10. Any other suitable topic
Information Search :
1. Buying of a new computer (cost, make, model etc.).
2. Comparison of .different computer architectures
03 3. Software security 22
4. Video conferencing
5. XML
6. Any other suitable topic
Group Discussion :
The students should discuss in group of six to eight students and write a brief
report on the same as a part of term work. The topic group discussions may
be selected by the faculty members. Some of the suggested topics are
1) Hacking
04 2) Computer virus 12
3) Chatting on Net
4) Working BPO
5) Software piracy
6) Computer gaming
7) Any other suitable topic
Student Activities :
The students in a group of 3 to 4 will perform any one of the following
activities (other similar activities to be considered), and write a report as part
of term work.
05 16
Activity :
i) Collect information from Computer repairing center (at which level
repairing is done, cost).
Collect information regarding latest requirement for a job from any industry
Total 80

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Course Name : Diploma in Computer Technology/Information Technology

Course Code : CM/IF
Semester : Sixth
Subject Title : Object Oriented Modelling and Design (Elective-II)
Subject Code : 12260

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme


02 -- 04 03 100 -- 25# 25@ 150

¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE.
¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be
entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)

Object oriented modeling and design presents an Object Oriented approach to software
development. It is based on modeling objects from the real world and then using the model to build
a language-independent design. This subject shows how to use Object Oriented concepts
throughout the entire software life cycle, from analysis through design implementation by using
different models. The graphical notation i.e. described in subjects helps the software developer to
visualize a problem before going for implementation.
This subject will be useful for the student to understand the concepts of Object Oriented
Programming System and to model these concepts using Unified Modelling Language (UML) for
any application, before actually going for coding part.

The student will be able to:
1) Interpret / give the meaning of object-oriented concepts.
2) Understand different Modeling Methodology.
3) Prepare an object model for a given problem statement.
4) Prepare dynamic for a given problem statement.
5) Describe and Design the concepts of class diagram, object diagram, interaction diagram,
sequence diagram collaboration, use case diagram, state diagram , activity.
6) Usage of anyone design tool.

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Learning Structure:

Application Design and Develop Object Oriented System

Procedures Object Dynamic UML diagrams such as Use case

Modeling Modeling Interaction, State chart, Activity,
Class, Component Diagram.

Principles of Principles of Principles of

Object Object Object
Principles Oriented Design Tools Oriented
Programming Analysis

Object Oriented Dynamic UML

Programming Modeling Concepts
Concepts Concepts

Facts Notations

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Contents: Theory

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks

Importance of Modeling
1.1 Brief overview of Object Modeling Technology (OMT) by
Ram Baugh, Booch Methodology, Use Case driven
01 03 10
approach (OOSE) by Jacobson, Overview of CRC card
method by Cunningham.
1.2 Importance of Modeling, Four principles of Modeling
Object Modeling
2.1 Objects and Classes (Object Diagrams, Attributes,
Operations and Methods), Links, Associations and
Advanced Concepts (General Concepts, Multiplicity, Link
Attributes, Association as a Class, Roll names, Ordering,
Qualification, Aggregation).
02 07 26
2.2 Generalizations and Inheritance, Grouping Constructs.
2.3 Aggregation verses Association And Generalization,
Recursive Aggregates, and Propagation of Operations.
2.4 Abstract Classes, Multiple Inheritance, Metadata, Candidate
Keys, Constraints
2.5 Introduction to Dynamic and Functional Modeling.
Overview of UML
3.1 Overview of UML, Scope of UML, Conceptual model of
03 UML, Architectural – Metamodel, Unified Software 05 16
Development Lifecycle.
3.2 Introduction to UML Diagram
UML – Structural Modeling and Use Cases
4.1 Class Diagram and Advanced Class Diagrams: - Advanced
Classes and Relationships, Interfaces, Types and Roles,
04 05 22
Packages, Instances. Object Diagram.
4.2 Use case diagram: Terms and Concepts, Modeling
UML Behavioral Modeling
5.1 Interaction diagram-Sequence and collaboration diagram:
Terms and Concepts, Modeling techniques.
5.2 State chart diagram: Terms and Concepts, Modeling
05 5.3 Activity diagram: Terms and Concepts, Modeling 12 26
5.4 Component Diagrams: Terms and Concepts, Common
modeling techniques.
Deployment Diagrams: Terms and Concepts, Common
modeling techniques
Total 32 100
Skills to be developed:
Intellectual Skills:

Use of programming language constructs in program implementation.

• To be able to apply different logics to solve given problem.
• To be able to write program using different implementations for the same problem
• Study different types of errors as syntax semantic,fatal, linker & logical

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Debugging of programs

Understanding different steps to develop program such as
ƒ Problem definition
ƒ Analysis
ƒ Design of logic
ƒ Coding
ƒ Testing
ƒ Maintenance (Modifications, error corrections, making changes etc.)
Motor Skills:
• Proper handling of Computer System.

List of Practical:
1. Analyze and Design the UML diagrams for
• ATM System
• Railway Reservation System
• Library Management System.
Analyze and design the UML diagrams & develop programme for minimum three systems.
(For Developing Above three programmes entire time allotted to practical mention in the
teaching Scheme (4 X 16 = 64 Hrs.) should be utilized.

Learning Resources:
1. Books:
Sr. No. Author Title
Object Oriented Modelling and Designing
1 Rumbaugh, Blaha
(Refer for First and Second Chapter)
Booch, Jacobson, The UML User Guide(Addison Wesley) (Refer
Rumbaugh for Third, Fourth and fifth Chapter)
Practical OOD with UML–.( Refer for Fourth
3 Mark Paiestly
and Fifth Chapter)

2. Web Sites:
¾ http://uml.tutorials.trireme.com/
¾ http://pigseye.kennesaw.edu/~dbraun/csis4650/A&D/UML_tutorial/
¾ http://www.smartdraw.com/tutorials/software-uml/uml.htm
¾ http://www-db.stanford.edu/~burback/watersluice/node55.html

Demo lectures with power point presentations using LCD projector should be arranged to develop
programming concepts of students

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Course Name : Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CM/CO/IF/CD
Semester : Sixth for CO/CM/IF and Seventh FOR CD
Subject Title : Advanced Web Technologies (Elective-II)
Subject Code : 12261

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme


02 -- 04 03 100 -- 25# 25@ 150

¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE.
¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be
entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)

This subject is the technology subject, subject knowledge of Web Page Design and Visual
Basic is essential for studying this subject. Advanced Web Technologies is based on dot net
technology, which is a frame work, which supports many languages so that application designed in
one language(like C++, COBOL, JAVA, etc) can be connected/interfaced with this frame work hence
it is more flexible and advanced.

The student will be able to:
1. Use GUI tools of . NET framework
2. Use basic and advance . NET controls.
3. Interface back-end and front-end.
4. Build applications integrated with .NET Framework.
5. Build .NET based applications.
6. Transfer code form VB to VB.NET.
7. Can do Asp Transaction.

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Learning Structure:

Develop visual Basic Programming to built custom stand alone

and Net based applications.
Developing and designing a complete Web Site.

Programming using Visual Basic.net, Menu driven graphics

Procedure using methods Programming with Active data objects

Design principles of forms, common dialog box, MDI,

Principle Graphics1, Principles of DAO, ADO
Formatting, linking, creating Web Pages including server side

Data types, procedures, buttons, forms, dialog boxes, menus,

Concept project etc Database, record set, visual data manager, Dblist ,
Dbcombo , Markup language, HTML Tags, Scripting,

ÆObjects, variables, constants, Arrays collections, Arguments,

control Flow statements, operators, Library functions images,
check box , status bar, tab control, etc.
ÆActive X control interface wizard, command button, Radio
Facts button checkbox, etc.
ÆCommand, record, cursor location, cursor types, lock types etc.
ÆWeb page design, HTML,

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

Contents: Theory

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks

1.1 Why dot Net
- Introduction to Microsoft .Net Framework.
- Building blocks in .Net
- Drawback of previous languages.
01 - Understand what is .Net 04 04
1.2 Introduction to .Net
- Types of application architecture.
- .Net initiative.
- .Net framework: components of .Net framework,
Advantages, requirement of .Net.
Introduction and implementation of VB.Net
2.1 Introduction to VB.Net
- VB.Net overview.
- Difference between VB and VB.Net
2.2 Implementation of VB.Net
- Features.
- VB.Net IDE.
- Data Types, Loops, Control structures, Cases, Operators.
- Creating forms.
- Procedures and functions.
- Form controls.
- Error Provider
- ComboBox
- MonthCalendar
02 04 20
- RadioButton
- TextBox
- CheckBox
- CheckedListBox
- DateTimePicker
2.3 Implementation of OOP
- Creation of class and objects.
- Inheritance.
- Constructors.
- Exception handling.
2.4 Component based programming
- Working with Private assembly, shared assembly.
- Using COM components developed in VB or other
Introduction to ADO.Net and data manipulation
3.1 Introduction to ADO.Net
- What is database?
- Writing XML file.
03 - ADO.Net architecture. 08 20
- Creating connection.
- Dataset and Data reader.
- Types of Data adapter and ADO controls.
- Reading data into dataset and data adapter.

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

- Binding data to controls.

- Data table and Data row.
3.2 Accessing and manipulating data
- Selecting data.
- Insertion, deletion, updation, sorting.
- How to fill dataset with multiple tables.
3.3 Multi-threading
- Working with multithreading.
- Synchronization of Threads.
3.4 Migrating from VB 6.0 to VB.Net
- Updating the applications developed in VB to VB.Net
Introduction and implementation of ASP.Net
4.1 Introduction to ASP.Net
- Difference between ASP and ASP.Net
- Introduction to IIS.
04 - What is web application? Why it is used? 02 08
4.2 Implementation of ASP.Net
- ASP.Net IDE.
- Creation of web forms.
- Using web form controls.
ASP.Net objects and components
5.1 ASP.Net Objects
- Response.
- Server.
- Application.
- Session.
- Request
- ASP.Net scope, state, view state, post back and
5.2 How to use objects?
- Object creation: Scripting, Drive, folder, file.
05 24
- How to use Application object.
- Events
- Methods and collection.
- Example.
- How to use session object : enabling and disabling of
- Event, properties, methods, collection.
- Example.
5.3 Server components :
- Ad rotator, Content linker, Browser capabilities.
- Use and creation of global.asax file.
ADO.Net and Data Manipulation
6.1 ADO.Net in ASP.Net
- Connection.
- Dataset and data reader.
06 - Data table and Data row. 04 20
- Web.config introduction.
- Binding data with data grid.
- Accessing and manipulating data.
6.2 ADO.Net : Server control templates and Data binding

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

- Understand data access in .Net using ADO.Net
- Understand various Server Control Templates available for
Data Binding using Repeater Control, Data List control,
Grid Controls, FormView Control, DetailView Control.
ASP transactions and e-mail
- Transactions.
07 - Transaction db design. 02 04
- CDONTS object, CDOSYS object.
- Email sending web page creation.
Total 32 100

Skills to be developed:

Intellectual Skills:
• Use of programming language constructs in program implementation.
• To be able to apply different logics to solve given problem.
• To be able to write program using different implementations for the same problem
• Study different types of errors as syntax semantic, fatal, linker & logical
• Debugging of programs
• Understanding different steps to develop program such as
ƒ Problem definition
ƒ Analysis
ƒ Design of logic
ƒ Coding
ƒ Testing
ƒ Maintenance (Modifications, error corrections, making changes etc.)

Motor Skills:
• Proper handling of Computer System.

List of Practical:
1. Introduction to .Net framework.
2. a) Design Login form with validation.
b) Design Registration form with validation of email address, date of birth,
blank field, telephones and mobile numbers etc.
3. Design form, make it a class, create its object and access it from another form.
4. Design student class, marks class, inherits it in result class and access it using form.
5. Create instance of class using new operator of above example.
6. Design mark sheet of student using XML file and dataset.
7. Design employee details with help of database (back-end) using data adapter,
data reader and datasets. Use data grid to display result.
8. Generation of database (data table) of employee or student with help of data tables of .Net.

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w. e. f Academic Year 2009-10 E’ Scheme

9. To use multiple table design example of employee and department.

10. Design registration form of college using text box, text area, radio list, check list,
button etc. using Autopostback property.
11. Simple application for following function: (1) Login (2) Surfing (3) Logout taking
into considerations (Application, Session, Server object, global .asa file and their
events, methods and collection) also demonstrates enabling and disabling of session.)
12. Creation of file, entry, reading data from a file.
13. Using components create:
(1) Advertisement (using Ad rotator)
(2) Book example (using Next function)
(3) find capabilities of browser (Browser object capabilities)
14. Online application (student, employee, product, shopping mall)
(a) Using dataset, data reader.
(b) Same application using data table and data row. (use data grid to display data)
(c) Bind the data to data grid using properties / templates.
(d) Display details (student, employee, product, etc.) using data list. (4 cols per line)
15. Application which sends email.

Mini Project:
Design the mini project by integrating all the experiment performed as mentioned in the

Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Author Title Publisher
01 Anita & Bradely Prog. In VB.Net TATA Mc Grow Hill
02 Dave Mercer ASP.net TATA Mc Grow Hill

03 -- Beginning VB.Net 2003 Wrox Publication

Designing Application
04 Robert LandLizer TATA Mc Grow Hill
with Microsoft VB.net
05 -- Beginning ASP.Net Wrox Publication

06 Grun grundgier Prog. In VB.net Oerilly

07 Thwan ThAI , Hoang Lan .Net Frame Work Essential Oreilly

- www.startvbdotnet.com
- www.w3schools.com

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