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Quarter 4 – Module 1:
Statistics and Basic Terms

Mathematics – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 1: Statistics and Basic Terms
First Edition, 2021

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Quarter 4 – Module 1:
Statistics and Basic Terms
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions,
directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand
each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-
check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust
that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they
can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any
part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and
tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering
the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written to strengthen your understanding about
Statistics and its basic terms. Statistics is a branch of Mathematics specializing in
procedures for collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing, and interpreting from
observations. It involves much more than simply drawing graphs and computing

In education, Statistics is used to describe test results. In science, the data results
from experiments must be collected and analyzed. Diseases are controlled through
analysis designed to anticipate epidemics. The lifetime of a battery can be tested in
a laboratory. Endangered species of birds and other wildlife are protected through
regulation that react to statistical estimates. Manufacturers can provide better
product at reasonable costs using statistical quality control techniques. In
government, many kinds of statistical data are collected all the time. A knowledge
of statistics can help you become more critical in your analysis of information;
hence, you will not be misled by the manufactured polls, graphs, and averages.

In this module, you are expected to:

1. explain the importance of statistics.

2. pose real-life problems that can be solved by statistics (M7SP-IVa-2);
3. formulate simple statistical instruments(M7SP-IVa-3).

What I Know

Choose the letter of the word or words that will best fit the description in
each item.

1. It refers to a complete collection of all elements to be studied.

a. census b. population c. sample d. survey
2. It consists of numbers representing counts or measurements.
a. nominal b. ordinal c. qualitative d. quantitative
3. A type of sample where the population is divided into subgroups, so that
each population member is in only one subgroup.
a. convenience b. cluster c. stratified d. systematic
4. It represents a quantitative data.
a. facts about the pandemic c. number of students in a
b. students rank d. opinion on a political issue
5. The following represents a qualitative data EXCEPT one.
a. ages of the politician c. occupation
b. gender d. taste
6. A type of sample where each member of the population has an equally
chance of being selected.
a. convenience b. cluster c. random d. systematic
7. The type of sampling used in the situation below,
A Math teacher selects 10 boys and 10 girls from each of five Math classes.

a. convenience b. cluster c. random d. stratified

8. It is a subcollection of elements drawn form a population.
a. census b. population c. sample d. survey
9. A scientist is investigating the effectiveness of a new drug to relieve the
symptoms of hypertension. He administers the drug to 100 adults.
What will be the sample in the given population?
a. hypertension b. new drug c. scientist d. 100 adults

1o. A branch of Mathematics that deals with the collection, organization,

presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data.

a. Algebra b. Geometry c. Statistics d. Trigonometry

In numbers 11-15, Determine which of the four levels of measurements is

used. Choose the letter of the correct answer by writing it on a sheet of paper.

a. nominal b. ordinal c. interval d. ratio

11. Color of the eyes

12. Ratings of excellent, above average, average, below average, or poor for
painting exhibits

13. Average annual temperature in Baguio

14. Weights of garbage discarded by households

15. A judge rates some presentations as “excellent”

Statistics and Basic
1 Terms
In the previous modules, you have learned the basic terms in Algebra and
Geometry. Now, you will learn statistics and basic terms to classify data.

Statistics is a branch of Mathematics that deals with the collection, organization,
presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data. It deals with all aspects,
including the planning of data collection, in terms of the design of surveys and

What’s In


Arrange the correct step by step procedure in solving problems involving sides and
angles of a polygon by writing numbers 1-4 on the space provided before the

Figure 1 – some examples of a polygon

_______1. Devise a plan. Write an equation to represent the relationship of the

given to known value. Decide what formula you will use.

_______2. Carry out the plan. Solve the equation for the unknown and use the
formula to find what is being asked. Examine the solution carefully to see if it is

_______3. Look back. Check the solution by substituting the obtained value of the
unknown to the original equation or formula being applied.

_______4. Read and understand the problem. Identify what is given and what is
unknown. Use variable to represent the known value.

What’s New


Read and analyze the problem. Put a check ( ) if the given statement shows
unbiased decision and put a cross ( x ) if the given statement shows a biased

Problem 1: A Mathematics teacher plans to choose four students from Math Club
to be in publicity photo of the club. If there are 10 officers in the club, how would
the teacher choose the four?

Let us help the Math teacher in choosing four students without any biased decision,
given the illustration and statement below.

_____ 1. The Math _______2. The Math

teacher could put the teacher could mix the
names of all students names of the male
in a box, mix the officers and choose two
name without from the group. The
looking. teacher does the same for
the female.

_______3. The Math

teacher could choose the
four students in the first

Did you answer it correctly? Let’s find out.

In Statistics, you will also learn the terms population and sample. These terms are
the very core of Statistics and you will learn how to develop generalized meaningful

▪ A population is a complete collection of all elements (scores, people…) to be

▪ A census is a collection of data from every element in population.
▪ A sample is a subcollection of elements draw from a population.

Let us go back to problem number one presented previously.

In the given problem, the population is all The set of all objects under
the officers in the Math club and the study is called the
population and any subset
sample is the four students to be selected. of the population is called


Here are the different types of sample.

1. Random Sample
➢ each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.
The members of the sample are chosen independently of from each
2. Convenience Sample
➢ is a sample that is being drawn from a part of the population that is
close to hand.
3. Stratified random sample
➢ the population is divided into subgroups, so that each population
member is in only one subgroup. In here, individuals are chosen
randomly from each subgroup.
4. Cluster Sample
➢ is a sample that consist of items in a group such as neighborhood or
a household. The group may be chosen at random.
5. Systematic Sample
➢ is obtained using an ordered list of population, thus selecting
members systematically from the list.

In the given problem, item number one, the statement described that each officer
has an equal chance of being selected and it is an example of random sample.

For item number two, it is an example of convenience sample because it is in favor

over the other officers.

Lastly the item number three, the officers has an equal chance of being selected
either a male or a female it is an example of stratified random sample.

What is It

You already familiar with some terms in Statistics, let’s have another important
information that will help you to understand it further.

The Nature of Data

Some data sets numerical (numbers) such as weights, and other are non-numerical
(not numbers) such as color. These terms often distinguish the two types of data in

1. Qualitative Data can be separated into different categories that are

distinguished by some nonnumeric characteristics. Some example are major
classifications, political party affiliation, religious preference, marital status,
2. Quantitative Data consist of numbers representing counts or
measurements. It can either be discrete or continuous.


Classify the following either quantitative or qualitative.

a. Opinion on medical issue about Covid 19

b. Number of secondary schools in Dinalupihan


a. Opinion is not a form of measurement but rather a classification, such as for

or against. Therefore, it is qualitative.
b. The number of secondary schools in Dinalupihan is count variable and thus,

Quantitative data can either be discrete or continuous.

A discrete data result from either a finite number of possible values or countable
number of possible values as 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on.

A continuous data result from infinitely many possible values that can be
associated with points on a continuous scale in such a way that there are no gaps
or interruptions.

The following are quantitative data, further classify it as discrete or continuous.

a. ages of the doctor

b. number of the students in a classroom


a. quantitative- continuous
b. quantitative-discrete

Another way to classify data is to use four levels of measurements.

Four Level of Measurements

1. Nominal level
➢ characterized by data that consist of names, labels, or categories only.
2. Ordinal level
➢ involves data that may be arranged in some order but differences
between data values either cannot be determined or are meaningless.

3. Interval level
➢ it is like the ordinal level, but meaningful amounts of differences
between data can be determined.

4. Ratio level
➢ it is the interval level modified to include the inherent zero starting


Determine which of the four level of measurements (nominal, ordinal, interval, and
ratio) is used.

a. Average annual temperature in Baguio

b. Weights of plastic bottles discarded by households

c. A commentator in a contest rates the performers as “excellent”

d. The club to which each student is a member


a. interval
b. ratio
c. ordinal
d. nominal

What’s More


A. Determine the levels of measurement in the following statement by arranging

the jumbled letters. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.
1. It involves data that may be arranged in some order but differences between
data values either cannot be determined or are meaningless.

2. Data can be determined; it has no inherent (natural) zero starting point.


3. Data can be determined, including zero as starting point.


4. Characterized by data that consist of names, labels, or categories only.


After you have learned the basic terms in Statistics, let’s talk about how to collect
data using simple statistical instruments.

The collection of data is an important part of Statistics. Data should be collected in

a manner that they are accurate and convenient to use. Data is a collection of facts
and information. They may be gathered by using some statistical instruments like
conducting surveys. If a survey involves a series of questions, the interview
method will be very tedious one to employ. Hence, the questionnaire method is
advisable. Let’s have an example.


Mrs. Rivera wants to find the number of students in her advisory class who have
birthdays falling in each of the 12 months. She collects the data in the following


a. Check the date of birth of each student in the class registry.

b. Ask the students to raise their hands if their birthdays fall in a certain

c. Make a form and ask the students to write their birthdates and return the
form to her.

(Note: If you will collect the data being asked in the problem during the pandemic,
you can use the social media like Facebook, messenger, and even text messaging to
collect the information needed in the problem).

For instance, Mrs. Rivera already gathered the information of her advisory class

Month of the Year Number of students who have

January 4
February 2
March 5
April 6
May 3
June 5
July 4
August 1
September 3
October 3
November 2
December 2
Total 40
composed of 40 students, she can use a table to find the number of her students
who have birthdays falling in each of the 12 months. (see table 1)
Table 1

Since she has a table presentation, Mrs. Rivera can easily identify the number of
her advisory class who have birthdays falling in each month of the year.

Not all surveys gather
information about
B. Analyze the problem and identify the people. There are
surveys about cars,
method being used in collecting data. buildings, animals, etc.
Choose the letter of the correct answer by
writing it on a sheet of paper.

1. A restaurant manager requests

his/her customers to fill out the
questionnaire below.

1. How would you rate our food?
Very Good Good Okay Bad Very Bad
2. How would you rate our service?
Very Good Good Okay Bad Very Bad

a. Conducting Survey b. Reading Publications

In collecting data, we can use some simple statistical instruments like conducting
surveys through questionnaire.

What I Have Learned

Let us sum up our lesson in this module by completing the statement below.

1. _______________ is a branch of Mathematics that deals with the collection,

organization, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data.

2. The two types of Nature of Data

a. _______________ it can be separated into different categories that are

distinguished by some nonnumeric characteristics

b. ______________ consist of numbers representing counts or measurements. It

can either be discrete or continuous.

3. The Four levels of Measurements

a._______________ characterized by data that consist of names, labels, or
categories only.

b. ______________ involves data that may be arranged in some order but

differences between data values either cannot be determined or are

c._______________ it is like the ordinal level, but meaningful amounts of

differences between data can be determined.

d._______________ it is the interval level modified to include the inherent zero

starting point.

4. __________________ is a collection of facts and information.

5. They may be gathered by using some statistical instruments like _______________.

What I Can Do
Conduct a survey to your family or friends (online) about their most
visited social media sites. Make them answer the table below. There should be at
least 10 respondents to your survey.

Social Media Sites Number of family or friends (online)


Total 10


Read the statements below and identify the word or words that will fit the
description in each sentence.

1. A branch of Mathematics that deals with the collection, organization, presentation,

analysis, and interpretation of data.
a. Algebra b. Geometry c. Statistics d. Trigonometry

2. A subcollection of elements drawn from a population.

a. census b. population c. sample d. survey

3. The data which is NOT classified as quantitative data.

a. gender b. height c. cellphone number d. weight

4. It can be separated into categories that are distinguished by some non-numeric

a. Census b. Population c. Qualitative d. Quantitative

5. The statement that best described the random sampling.
a. The game show organizer writes the name of each contestant on a separate card,
shuffle the cards, and draws five names.
b. A Math teacher selects 10 boys and 10 girls from each of five Math classes.
c. The Science teacher choose a group of three students in the corner of last row.
d. d. Globe telecom selects every 100th cellphone from the assembly line and conduct
a through a test quality.

6. It consists of numbers representing counts or measurements.

a. Census b. Population c. Qualitative d. Quantitative

7. It represents the Nominal level of measurement.

a. brand of the air conditioner c. annual income of the family
b. Years in service of the teacher d. temperature of boiling water

8. The level of measurement representing, a judge rates some presentations as

a. interval b. nominal c. ordinal d. ratio

9. It is a collection of facts and information.

a. Data b. Population c. Qualitative d. Quantitative

10. A math teacher wants to find the grades in Algebra of his/her students. Which of
the following is not appropriate in collecting data based on the problem?
a. Check their grades in the class record
b. Design a form and ask students to fill out the previous grades and return
the form to him/her.
c. Ask the students if their grade fall within the specified grade
d. Estimate the grade of each students

11-15 Classify the following as qualitative or quantitative data, if the data is

quantitative, further classify it as discrete or continuous. Write the letter of
the correct answer on your paper.

a. Qualitative b. Quantitative -Discrete c. Quantitative -Continuous

____11. Marital status

____12. SSS number

_____13. Number of officers in a Dance club

____14. Height of the Grade 7 students in Luakan National High School

____15. College course

Additional Activities


Use the clues to fill in the crossword puzzle with the correct words. Write your
answer on a sheet of paper.


1 – complete collection

4- countable

5- equal chance of being selected


2- non- numeric characteristics

3- names or categories only

Answer Key

What I Know What’s In What’s New

What I can Do Assessment
1. b 1. 2 1.
2. 3 1. C
2.d 2.
3. 4 3. x Students answers 2. C
3. c
4. 1 may vary. 3. A
4. c
4. C
5. a
5. A
6. c
6. D
7. d
7. A
8. c
8. C
9. d
9. A
What’s More 10. D
11. a
A. 11. A
12. b
1. ordinal 12. B
13. c
2. interval 13. B
14. d
3. ratio 14. C
15. b
4. nominal 15. A
1. a



DepEd (2013). Mathematics-Grade 7. Teacher’s Guide. First Edition.

DepEd (2013). Mathematics-Grade 7. Learner’s Material. First Edition.

Orlando Oronce, and Marilyn Mendoza. E-Math 7(K to 12). Revised Ed. Reprint,
MANILA: Rex Book Store, Inc. (RBS), 2015.

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