[002:520] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.169160][6018] h264 add frame header cdr flag
[002:522] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.171181][6018] h264 add frame header cdr flag
[002:524] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.173357][6018] SendFrame
[002:525] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.174218][6018] Received key frame:0
[002:526] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.174520][6018] last dts:0 currentPts:0
ppsOrSPS:0 queue length:5
[002:526] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.174615][6018] H264Encode::H264SWEncoder get
callback, length:290942 type:0 nalType:7length:18
[002:526] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.174675][6018] H264Encode:: get a sps pps
[002:526] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.174731][6018] H264Encode::H264 encoder push
frame to next component(100 times for one log) with dts:0 pts:0
[002:527] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.175776][6019] get the H.264 SPS parameter
[002:528] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.176769][6019] add video track with id:1
[002:530] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.178479][5ffb] FilterPipeline2::OnAudioFrame
pts 0 last_audio_timestamp_ 0
[002:530] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.178569][5ffb]
MediaFilterCamera::OnOutputAudioFrame timestamp: 0.5 sample_rate_hz_:44100
num_channels_:2 samples_per_channel_:27
[002:530] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.178612][5ffb] OnAudioFrameReady frame->pts=-
9223372036854775808 (1/100)
[002:530] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.178952][5ffd] The audio playback speed:100
[002:530] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.179082][5ffd] lipsync_debug: The current
played audio timestamp is:0(1/50)
[002:530] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.179130][5ffd] First audio frame rendering
[002:531] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.179348][6019] get the H.264 PPS parameter
[002:532] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.180586][6019] get the H.264 IDR frame
[002:532] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.180695][6019] resss:true
[002:532] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.180720][6019] video start ts:0
[002:532] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.180837][6019] the video frame has been written
into MP4 file
[002:545] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.193491][6019] add aac audio track with id:2
[002:547] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.195382][6017]
MediaFilterCamera::WriteAudioFrametoMP4_w timestamp: 0queue_audio_frame_:1
[002:555] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.203894][6019] audio start ts:0
[002:555] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.204109][6019] the audio frame has been written
into MP4 file
[002:815] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.463913][5ffa] The read pixel from buffer take:
0 width:1920 height:1080 frameType:0
[002:867] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.515633][5ffa] The convert RGB to YUV take 10
[003:223] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.871365][6018] DTS queue for
Generator:0x727fc856b8 1110 1156
[003:316] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.964733][5ffa] CameraSource::PushExtraFrame
pkt_dts: 1333, width: 2160, height: 3840, stride(kYPlane): 0, stride(kUPlane): 0,
stride(KVPlane): 0, this:0x7263a33080
[003:348] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.997259][5ffa] CropFilter::OnVideoFrame
outputtexture :13
[003:349] [2023-03-05 23:40:36 +0000.997404][5ffa] The read pixel from buffer take:
0 width:1920 height:1080 frameType:0
[003:352] [2023-03-05 23:40:37 +0000.1171][5d17] video render surface render a
[003:387] [2023-03-05 23:40:37 +0000.35630][5ffa] The convert RGB to YUV take 5
[003:400] [2023-03-05 23:40:37 +0000.49278][601f]
Warning( No Audio Processing is done for output datas.
[003:760] [2023-03-05 23:40:37 +0000.408826][6018] Push an pts:1866 to dts queue.
[003:826] [2023-03-05 23:40:37 +0000.475271][6018] last dts:1822 currentPts:1866
ppsOrSPS:0 queue length:3
[003:881] [2023-03-05 23:40:37 +0000.530315][5ffa] The read pixel from buffer take:
0 width:1920 height:1080 frameType:0
[003:923] [2023-03-05 23:40:37 +0000.572005][5ffa] The convert RGB to YUV take 5
[004:112] [2023-03-05 23:40:37 +0000.760663][6018] DTS queue for
Generator:0x727fc856b8 2266 2312
[004:314] [2023-03-05 23:40:37 +0000.963003][5ffa] CameraSource::PushExtraFrame
pkt_dts: 2666, width: 2160, height: 3840, stride(kYPlane): 0, stride(kUPlane): 0,
stride(KVPlane): 0, this:0x7263a33080
[004:381] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.30192][5d17] video render surface render a
[004:382] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.31004][5ffa] CropFilter::OnVideoFrame
outputtexture :13
[004:382] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.31224][5ffa] The read pixel from buffer take:
0 width:1920 height:1080 frameType:0
[004:414] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.62755][5ffa] webrtc common_video plane
old ..... (1/1000) new: 1001 delete: 980 diff: 21
[004:419] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.67870][5ffa] The convert RGB to YUV take 4
[004:438] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.86863][601f]
Warning( No Audio Processing is done for output datas.
[004:462] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.110650][6018] h264 add frame header cdr flag
[004:463] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.112372][6018] Received key frame:2756
[004:496] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.144542][6019] get the H.264 IDR frame
[004:704] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.353072][5ffb] OnAudioFrameReady frame->pts=-
9223372036854775808 (1/100)
[004:787] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.435590][5ffd] The audio playback speed:100
[004:787] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.436294][5ffd] lipsync_debug: The current
played audio timestamp is:2400(1/50)
[004:879] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.527782][5ffa] The read pixel from buffer take:
0 width:1920 height:1080 frameType:0
[004:890] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.538414][6018] DTS queue for
Generator:0x727fc856b8 3378
[004:921] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.569432][5ffa] The convert RGB to YUV take 6
[004:946] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.595180][5ffa] Current timestamp:3510 is
greater than duration_time: 3500
[005:021] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.670204][5ffd] Warning(
operator(): Audio playback paused.
[005:022] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.670642][5ffa] OnNeedStopRecording:
[005:034] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.682683][5abf]
[005:034] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.683016][5ffa] operator(): Stop
[005:034] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.683202][5ffa] Stop:
[005:035] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.683372][5ffd] DeviceStop:
[005:035] [2023-03-05 23:40:38 +0000.683427][5ffd] OpenSlesOutput:Stop playout