Experiment Uml 2

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Experiment :2

a) Identify and analyze events

b) Identify Use cases
c) Develop event table
AIM: Analyze and Identify events for any case study (ATM/ Banking / Library /Hospital management
EVENT: An event is an occurrence at a specific time and place that can be described and is
worth remembering.
There are three types of events
(i) External events
(ii) Temporal events
(iii) State events
 Outside system
 Initiated by external agent or actor

 Occur as result of reaching a point in time
 Based on system deadlines

 Something inside system triggers processing need

Events and System Requirements

 Occurrences at a specific time and place
 Trigger all system processing

Requirement definition
 Determine relevant events

 External events first

 Temporal events second
 Decompose system into manageable units

Identifying Events
1. Can be difficult to determine
2. Often confused with conditions and responses
3. May be useful to trace a transaction’s life cycle
4. Certain events left to design phase
a. Systems controls to protect system integrity
b. Perfect technology assumption defers events
Case study :Library Management System

a)Identify and Analyze the Events

Identify and analyze the events related to Library Management:

It is a support system for a library.
1.student will get registerd
2. student wants to login
3. student search for a book
4. student borrows a book
6.student returns the book
7.student can view his catalogue
8.student can reserve a book
9.librarian wants to login
10.librarian collects fine from late return students
11.student renewals his books
12.librarian maintain catalogue
13.librarian checks resarvation details
14.student pays fine for late return
15.librarian buys books from vendor
16.vender supplies book

b)Identify the Use Cases with respective Library Management System:

Use Case: A use case is an activity the system carries out, usually in response to a request by
a user.
Actor: An actor is a person or thing that interacts with the system.
The use cases in the library system are as follows:


Enquiry for membership

Request for book issue

Request for book return

Search books

Issue membership card

Cancel membership card

Issue book
Charge fine cost for late retrurn

Return book
Update member details

Add book
Maintain book record
The event table contains the following fields
 An Event table includes rows and columns, representing events and
their details, respectively.

 Each row in the event table records information about one event and its use case.
 Each column in the table represents a key piece of information about that event and
use case.
 A trigger is a signal that tells the system that an event has occurred, either
the arrival of data needing processing or a point in time.
 A source is an external agent that supplies data to the system.
 A response is an output, produced by the system, that goes to a destination.
 A destination is an external agent that receives data from the system.
Event trigger source Use case response Destination
Students will get registration student registration A real time page which Student
registered displays registration form
Student wants to Student login student login Generates webpage with Student
login login options
Student search for a Search for a student search Displays details of all books Student
book book library
Student borrows a Barrow book student barrow Display book details to be Student
book barrowed
Librarian issues a Issues book librarian issues Displays the book Librarian
book availability & details of and student
student to be which book
Student returns a Book returns student return Displays the page which Librarian
book shows the book to be return and student
Student can view View catalog student View Displays particular register Student
these catalog catalog student details
Student reserve a Reserve a student reserve Display the of book that is Librarian
book book reserved and student
Librarian collects Collect fine librarian fine Details of all students have to
fine from late pay the fine librarian
Librarian wants to Librarian login librarian login Displays login page Librarian
Student renews the Renews book student renew Displays the book details to Librarian
book be renewed and student
Librarian maintain Maintain librarian Maintain View the details of all Librarian
catalog catalog catalog students and books in library

Librarian check Check librarian reserve View book details for which Librarian
reservation catalog reservation reservation are made
Librarian buys Buy books librarian Buy books Purchase books from vendor Vendor
book from vendor & details of book with prices and
Vendor supply Supply books vendor Supply Displays the details of all the Librarian
books books books purchase by librarian and vendor

1. What is an event?
2. What is Use case?

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