Module 11 Exercise
Module 11 Exercise
Module 11 Exercise
Film Viewing
Instructions: In class, watch the movie Medicine Man (1992). Then, write a 300- to 500- Cite
Scenes and instances in the movie to support your answers. 0-word reaction paper focused on the
question ions below.
2. Biodiversity research may be described as the right technique for using various species
to develop therapeutic treatments. If something is done incorrectly, it has a negative
impact on the community. For example, if a researcher wishes to develop a cancer
treatment, he or she may leverage the ecosystem's biodiversity, such as animals, plants,
and other species, to do so. So, if poor utilization is used, there is a chance that we may
run out of resources for development and modernization. As we all know, biodiversity
refers to the diversity of life on Earth, and without good biodiversity management, the
planet may run out of resources.
3. The community's culture and heritage serve as a foundation for using the biodiversity
that exists. According to the film "The Medicine Man," the Indian or tribe living in the
forest does not contract ailments because they consume the bromeliad flower. In
addition, it is said that consuming it is part of their culture. As a result, while Dr.
Campbell is developing a cancer treatment, he draws inspiration from the tribe's culture
and heritage. As a result, culture and tradition help to pave the road for human health
and medicine. The lack of the ability to imbue commodities with cultural values might
have a detrimental influence on human health and well-being.
4. The earth is still evolving nowadays. Buildings, roadways, residences, and other
commercial infrastructure were constructed both on land and in the ocean, with our
ecology being the first to be impacted. In truth, deforestation, climate change,
overexploitation, and other threats to biodiversity may be found wherever on the planet.
As the globe continues to expand and humans continue to think about commerce, there
are implications for biodiversity loss and harm, with human health being the first to be
5. Biodiversity for health and medicine, in my opinion, plays a critical role in health care,
as the bulk of the world's population relies on conventional medicine. It is a component
that has been employed in the creation of traditional medicine by researchers and
paramedics. Traditional medicine, for example, is derived from plants and animals, as
well as natural materials found in our ecosystem (biodiversity). Aside from synthetic
medicine, the medicinal plant (traditional medicine) is one of the most commonly used
medical instruments in the community.