Course Code Course Title Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits Course Planner
CSE493 LINUX SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION 3 0 2 4 27510::Dr. Vivek Bhardwaj
Course Weightage ATT: 5 CAP: 45 ETP: 50
CO1 :: recall Linux commands to understand the power of command line to get help, manage files from the command line
CO2 :: apply commands and discuss the creation of users, groups to access files with linux file system permissions
CO3 :: analyze and explain the installation, updation and deletion of software packages
CO4 :: advertise the process priority and tune system performance
CO5 :: demonstrate compressing and deduplicating the storage and determine network -attached storage using the NFS protocol
CO6 :: analyze the boot process to control services offered and to troubleshoot and repair problems
Reference Books ( R )
Sr No Title Author Publisher Name
Relevant Websites ( RW )
Sr No (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features
RW-1 https://www.javatpoint.com/linux-system-admin-commands Linux System Admin Command
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks)
Weeks before MTE 7
Weeks After MTE 7
Spill Over (Lecture) 7
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 2 Lecture 4 Getting Help in Red Hat R-1 RW-1 The lecture discusses the students should be Red Hat Enterprise
Enterprise Linux(Reading RW-4 use of man command able read Linux
Documentation Using man documentation
Getting Help in Red Hat R-1 RW-3 The lecture discusses the students should be Red Hat Enterprise
Enterprise Linux(Reading RW-4 use of pinfo Command able read Linux
Documentation Using pinfo documentation
Getting Help in Red Hat R-1 RW-3 The lecture discusses students should be Live demonstration
Enterprise Linux(Reading RW-4 the use of /usr/share/doc able read and Red Hat
Documentation in for documentation documentation Enterprise Linux
Getting Help in Red Hat R-1 RW-3 The lecture discusses students should be Live demonstration
Enterprise Linux(Getting how to get help in linux able read and Red Hat
Help From Red Hat) documentation Enterprise Linux
Lecture 5 Creating, Viewing, and R-1 RW-2 The lecture discusses students should be Live demonstration
Editing Text Files RW-3 how to edit files in linux able to create and edit and Red Hat
(Redirecting Output to a File files Enterprise Linux
or Program)
Creating, Viewing, and R-1 RW-1 The lecture discusses students should be Live demonstration
Editing Text Files(Editing RW-3 how to Editing Text able to create and edit and Red Hat
Text Files from the Shell Files from the Shell files Enterprise Linux
Prompt) Prompt
Creating, Viewing, and R-1 RW-3 The lecture discusses students should be Live demonstration
Editing Text Files(Editing RW-4 how to Editing Text able to create and edit and Red Hat
Text Files with a Graphical Files with a Graphical files Enterprise Linux
Editor) Editor
Lecture 6 Managing Local Linux R-1 RW-4 The lecture discusses students should be Live demonstration
Users and Groups(Users and how to create user and able to manage users and Red Hat
Groups, Gaining Superuser groups Enterprise Linux
Managing Local Linux R-1 RW-3 The lectures discusses students should be Live demonstration
Users and Groups(Managing RW-4 about Managing Local able to manage users and Red Hat
Local Group Accounts) Group Accounts Enterprise Linux
Managing Local Linux R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses students should be Live demonstration
Users and Groups(Managing RW-3 about Managing User able to manage users and Red Hat
User Passwords) Passwords Enterprise Linux
Week 3 Lecture 7 Controlling Access to Files R-1 RW-3 The lectures discusses To control access to Live demonstration
with Linux File System RW-4 about Linux File System files with file system and Red Hat
Permissions(Linux File Permissions permissions Enterprise Linux
System Permissions)
Controlling Access to Files R-1 RW-3 The lectures discusses To control access to Red Hat Enterprise
with Linux File System RW-4 about Managing File files with file system Linux
Permissions(Managing File System Permissions permissions
System Permissions from from the Command Line
the Command Line)
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 3 Lecture 7 Controlling Access to Files R-1 RW-3 The lecture discusses To control access to Live demonstration
with Linux File System RW-4 about Managing Default files with file system and Red Hat
Permissions(Managing Permissions and File permissions Enterprise Linux
Default Permissions and File Access
Lecture 8 Controlling Access to Files R-1 RW-3 The lectures discusses To control access to Live demonstration
with Linux File System RW-4 about Linux File System files with file system and Red Hat
Permissions(Linux File Permissions permissions Enterprise Linux
System Permissions)
Controlling Access to Files R-1 RW-3 The lectures discusses To control access to Red Hat Enterprise
with Linux File System RW-4 about Managing File files with file system Linux
Permissions(Managing File System Permissions permissions
System Permissions from from the Command Line
the Command Line)
Controlling Access to Files R-1 RW-3 The lecture discusses To control access to Live demonstration
with Linux File System RW-4 about Managing Default files with file system and Red Hat
Permissions(Managing Permissions and File permissions Enterprise Linux
Default Permissions and File Access
Lecture 9 Monitoring and Managing RW-3 The lecture discuses To monitor and Live demonstration
Linux Processes(Processes, RW-4 Processes, Controlling manage Linux and Red Hat
Controlling Jobs) Jobs processes Enterprise Linux
Monitoring and Managing RW-3 The lectures discusses To monitor and Red Hat Enterprise
Linux Processes(Killing RW-4 Killing Processes, manage Linux Linux
Processes, Monitoring Monitoring Process processes
Process Activity) Activity
Week 4 Lecture 10 Test 1
Lecture 11 Controlling Services and R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To control services Red Hat Enterprise
Daemons(Identifying RW-4 how to Control System and daemons Linux
Automatically Started Services
System Processes)
Controlling Services and R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To control services Red Hat Enterprise
Daemons(Controlling RW-4 how to Control System and daemons Linux
System Services) Services
Lecture 12 Configuring and Securing R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To analyze and store Live demonstration
OpenSSH Service RW-3 about Accessing and log files and Red Hat
(Accessing the Remote RW-4 configuring the Remote Enterprise Linux
Command Line with SSH) Command Line with
Configuring and Securing R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To analyze and store Live demonstration
OpenSSH Service RW-3 about Accessing and log files and Red Hat
(Configuring SSH Key- RW-4 configuring the Remote Enterprise Linux
based Authentication) Command Line with
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 4 Lecture 12 Configuring and Securing R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To analyze and store Live demonstration
OpenSSH Service RW-3 about Accessing and log files and Red Hat
(Customizing SSH Service RW-4 configuring the Remote Enterprise Linux
Configuration) Command Line with
Week 5 Lecture 13 Analyzing and Storing Logs R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To analyze and store Live demonstration
(System Log Architecture) RW-4 about log files log files and Red Hat
Enterprise Linux
Analyzing and Storing Logs R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To analyze and store Live demonstration
(Reviewing Sys log Files) RW-4 about log files log files and Red Hat
Enterprise Linux
Analyzing and Storing Logs R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To analyze and store Live demonstration
(Reviewing systemd Journal RW-4 about log files log files and Red Hat
Entries) Enterprise Linux
Analyzing and Storing Logs R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To analyze and store Live demonstration
(Preserving the systemd RW-4 about log files log files and Red Hat
Journal) Enterprise Linux
Analyzing and Storing Logs R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To analyze and store Live demonstration
(Maintaining Accurate RW-4 about log files log files and Red Hat
Time) Enterprise Linux
Lecture 14 Managing Red Hat R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To manage Linux Red Hat Enterprise
Enterprise Linux RW-3 about the Linux networking Linux
Networking(Networking RW-4 networking concepts
Concepts, Validating
Network Configuration)
Managing Red Hat R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To manage Linux Red Hat Enterprise
Enterprise Linux RW-3 about the Linux networking Linux
Networking(Configuring RW-4 networking concepts
Networking with nmcli,
Editing Network
Configuration Files)
Managing Red Hat R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To manage Linux Red Hat Enterprise
Enterprise Linux RW-3 about the Linux networking Linux
Networking(Configuring RW-4 networking concepts
Host Names and Name
Lecture 15 Archiving and Copying Files R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To compress and Live demonstration
Between Systems(Managing RW-4 how to compress and decompress the files and Red Hat
Compressed tar Archives) RW-6 decompress the files Enterprise Linux
Archiving and Copying Files R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To compress and Live demonstration
Between Systems(Copying RW-4 how to compress files decompress the files and Red Hat
Files Between Systems RW-6 Enterprise Linux
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 5 Lecture 15 Archiving and Copying Files R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To compress and Live demonstration
Between Systems RW-4 about Synchronizing decompress the files and Red Hat
(Synchronizing Files RW-6 Files Between Systems Enterprise Linux
Between Systems Securely) Securely
Week 6 Lecture 16 Installing and Updating R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To Install and update Red Hat Enterprise
Software Packages RW-4 how to Install and software packages Linux
(Managing Software update software
Updates with yum, Enabling packages
yum Software Repositories,
Examining RPM Package
Installing and Updating R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To Install and update Red Hat Enterprise
Software Packages RW-4 how to Install and software packages Linux
(Attaching Systems to update software
Subscriptions for Software packages
Updates, RPM Software
Packages and Yum)
Lecture 17 Accessing Linux File R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To access the file Red Hat Enterprise
Systems(Identifying File RW-4 about Mounting and system Linux
Systems and Devices) Unmounting File
Accessing Linux File R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To access the file Red Hat Enterprise
Systems(Mounting and RW-4 about Mounting and system Linux
Unmounting File Systems) Unmounting File
Accessing Linux File R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To access the file Red Hat Enterprise
Systems(Making Links RW-4 about Mounting and system Linux
Between Files Locating Unmounting File
Files on the System) Systems
Lecture 18 Test 2
Week 7 Lecture 19 Using Virtualized Systems R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To know about Red Hat Enterprise
(Managing a Local RW-4 about Installing a New virtual machine Linux
Virtualization Host) Virtual Machine
Using Virtualized Systems R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To know about Red Hat Enterprise
(Installing a New Virtual RW-4 about Installing a New virtual machine Linux
Machine) Virtual Machine
Week 7 Lecture 20 Spill Over
Lecture 21 Spill Over
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 8 Lecture 22 Improving Command-line R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses Run Commands more Red Hat Enterprise
productivity(Writing Simple RW-4 about shell scripting efficiently by using Linux
Bash Scripts) advanced features of
the Bash shell, shell
scripts, and various
utilities provided by
RedHat Enterprise
Improving Command-line R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses Run Commands more Red Hat Enterprise
productivity(Running RW-4 about shell scripting efficiently by using Linux
commands More Efficiently advanced features of
Using Loops) the Bash shell, shell
scripts, and various
utilities provided by
RedHat Enterprise
Improving Command-line R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses Run Commands more Red Hat Enterprise
productivity(Matching Text RW-4 about shell scripting efficiently by using Linux
in Command Output with advanced features of
Regular Expressions) the Bash shell, shell
scripts, and various
utilities provided by
RedHat Enterprise
Lecture 23 Scheduling Future Tasks R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses Schedule tasks to Red Hat Enterprise
(Scheduling a Deferred User RW-3 about how to schedule automatically execute Linux
Job) RW-4 jobs in linux in the future
Scheduling Future Tasks R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses Schedule tasks to Red Hat Enterprise
(Scheduling Recurring RW-3 about how to schedule automatically execute Linux
System Jobs, Managing RW-4 jobs in linux in the future
Temporary Files)
Lecture 24 Scheduling Future Tasks R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses Schedule tasks to Red Hat Enterprise
(Scheduling a Deferred User RW-3 about how to schedule automatically execute Linux
Job) RW-4 jobs in linux in the future
Scheduling Future Tasks R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses Schedule tasks to Red Hat Enterprise
(Scheduling Recurring RW-3 about how to schedule automatically execute Linux
System Jobs, Managing RW-4 jobs in linux in the future
Temporary Files)
Week 9 Lecture 25 Tuning System Performance R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses Improve System Red Hat Enterprise
(Adjusting Tuning Profiles) RW-4 about Process performance by Linux
Scheduling setting tuning
parameters and
adjusting scheduling
priority of processes.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 9 Lecture 25 Tuning System Performance R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses Improve System Red Hat Enterprise
(Influencing Process RW-4 about Process performance by Linux
Scheduling) Scheduling setting tuning
parameters and
adjusting scheduling
priority of processes.
Lecture 26 Controlling Access to Files R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To interpret and set Live demonstration
with ACLs(Interpreting File RW-4 about ACLs Access Control Lists and Red Hat
ACLs) (ACLs) on files to Enterprise Linux
handle situations
requiring complex
user and group access
Controlling Access to Files R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To interpret and set Live demonstration
with ACLs(Securing Files RW-4 about ACLs Access Control Lists and Red Hat
with ACLs) (ACLs) on files to Enterprise Linux
handle situations
requiring complex
user and group access
Lecture 27 Managing SELinux Security R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To Protect and Red Hat Enterprise
(Changing the SELinux RW-3 about Controlling manage the security Linux
Enforcement Mode, RW-4 SELinux File Contexts of server by using
Controlling SELinux File SELinux
Managing SELinux Security R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To Protect and Red Hat Enterprise
(Controlling SELinux File RW-3 about Controlling manage the security Linux
Contexts, Adjusting RW-4 SELinux File Contexts of server by using
SELinux Policy with SELinux
Managing SELinux Security R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To Protect and Red Hat Enterprise
(Investing and Resolving RW-3 about Controlling manage the security Linux
SELinux Issues) RW-4 SELinux File Contexts of server by using
Week 10 Lecture 28 Managing SELinux Security R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To Protect and Red Hat Enterprise
(Changing the SELinux RW-3 about Controlling manage the security Linux
Enforcement Mode, RW-4 SELinux File Contexts of server by using
Controlling SELinux File SELinux
Managing SELinux Security R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To Protect and Red Hat Enterprise
(Controlling SELinux File RW-3 about Controlling manage the security Linux
Contexts, Adjusting RW-4 SELinux File Contexts of server by using
SELinux Policy with SELinux
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 10 Lecture 28 Managing SELinux Security R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To Protect and Red Hat Enterprise
(Investing and Resolving RW-3 about Controlling manage the security Linux
SELinux Issues) RW-4 SELinux File Contexts of server by using
Lecture 29 Managing Basic Storage and R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To create and manage Live demonstration
Logical Volumes(Adding RW-4 about managing space storage devices and and Red Hat
Partitions, File Systems, and logical volumes Enterprise Linux
Persistent Mounts) containing file
systems and swap
spaces from the
command line
Managing Basic Storage and R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To create and manage Live demonstration
Logical Volumes(Managing RW-4 about managing space storage devices and and Red Hat
Swap Space) logical volumes Enterprise Linux
containing file
systems and swap
spaces from the
command line
Managing Basic Storage and R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To create and manage Live demonstration
Logical Volumes(Creating RW-4 about managing space storage devices and and Red Hat
Logical Volumes) logical volumes Enterprise Linux
containing file
systems and swap
spaces from the
command line
Managing Basic Storage and R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To create and manage Live demonstration
Logical Volumes(Extended RW-4 about managing space storage devices and and Red Hat
Logical Volumes) logical volumes Enterprise Linux
containing file
systems and swap
spaces from the
command line
Lecture 30 Test 3
Week 11 Lecture 31 Implementing Advanced R-1 RW-1 The lecture discusses the To manage storage Live demonstration
Storage Features RW-4 use of vdo volumes using Stratis local and Red Hat
(Compressing and storage management Enterprise Linux
Deduplicating Storage with system and use the
VDO) VDO volumes to
optimize storage
space in use.
Lecture 32 Implementing Advanced R-1 RW-1 The lecture discusses the To manage storage Live demonstration
Storage Features(Managing RW-4 use of vdo volumes using Stratis local and Red Hat
Layered Storage with storage management Enterprise Linux
Stratis) system and use the
VDO volumes to
optimize storage
space in use.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 11 Lecture 33 Accessing Network- R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To access network- Live demonstration
Attached Storage(Mounting RW-4 about NFS attached storage and Red Hat
Network-Attached Storage using the NFS Enterprise Linux
with NFS) Protocol
Accessing Network- R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To access network- Live demonstration
Attached Storage RW-4 about NFS attached storage and Red Hat
(Automounting Network- using the NFS Enterprise Linux
Attached Storage) Protocol
Week 12 Lecture 34 Controlling the Boot Process R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To manage the boot Live demonstration
(Selecting the Boot Target) RW-5 about Automounting process to control and Red Hat
Network-Attached services offered and Enterprise Linux
Storage to troubleshoot and
repair problems.
Controlling the Boot Process R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To manage the boot Live demonstration
(Resetting the Root RW-5 about Automounting process to control and Red Hat
Password) Network-Attached services offered and Enterprise Linux
Storage to troubleshoot and
repair problems.
Controlling the Boot Process R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To manage the boot Live demonstration
(Repairing File System RW-5 about Automounting process to control and Red Hat
Issues at Boot) Network-Attached services offered and Enterprise Linux
Storage to troubleshoot and
repair problems.
Lecture 35 Controlling the Boot Process R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To manage the boot Live demonstration
(Selecting the Boot Target) RW-5 about Automounting process to control and Red Hat
Network-Attached services offered and Enterprise Linux
Storage to troubleshoot and
repair problems.
Controlling the Boot Process R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To manage the boot Live demonstration
(Resetting the Root RW-5 about Automounting process to control and Red Hat
Password) Network-Attached services offered and Enterprise Linux
Storage to troubleshoot and
repair problems.
Controlling the Boot Process R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To manage the boot Live demonstration
(Repairing File System RW-5 about Automounting process to control and Red Hat
Issues at Boot) Network-Attached services offered and Enterprise Linux
Storage to troubleshoot and
repair problems.
Lecture 36 Managing Network Security R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To control network Live demonstration
(Managing Server Firewalls) RW-4 about firewall and connections to and Red Hat
SELinux rules services using the Enterprise Linux
system firewall and
SELinux rules
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 12 Lecture 36 Managing Network Security R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To control network Live demonstration
(Controlling SeLinux Port RW-4 about firewall and connections to and Red Hat
Labeling) SELinux rules services using the Enterprise Linux
system firewall and
SELinux rules
Week 13 Lecture 37 Managing Network Security R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To control network Live demonstration
(Managing Server Firewalls) RW-4 about firewall and connections to and Red Hat
SELinux rules services using the Enterprise Linux
system firewall and
SELinux rules
Managing Network Security R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To control network Live demonstration
(Controlling SeLinux Port RW-4 about firewall and connections to and Red Hat
Labeling) SELinux rules services using the Enterprise Linux
system firewall and
SELinux rules
Lecture 38 Test 4
Lecture 39 Installing Red Hat R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To install RedHat Red Hat Enterprise
Enterprise Linux(Installing RW-4 how to install RHEL EnterpriseLinux on Linux
RedHat EnterpriseLinux) servers and virtual
Installing Red Hat R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To install RedHat Red Hat Enterprise
Enterprise Linux RW-4 how to install RHEL EnterpriseLinux on Linux
(Automating Installation servers and virtual
with Kickstart) machines.
Installing Red Hat R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To install RedHat Red Hat Enterprise
Enterprise Linux(Installing RW-4 how to install RHEL EnterpriseLinux on Linux
and Configuring Virtual servers and virtual
Machines) machines.
Week 14 Lecture 40 Installing Red Hat R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To install RedHat Red Hat Enterprise
Enterprise Linux(Installing RW-4 how to install RHEL EnterpriseLinux on Linux
RedHat EnterpriseLinux) servers and virtual
Installing Red Hat R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To install RedHat Red Hat Enterprise
Enterprise Linux RW-4 how to install RHEL EnterpriseLinux on Linux
(Automating Installation servers and virtual
with Kickstart) machines.
Installing Red Hat R-1 RW-1 The lectures discusses To install RedHat Red Hat Enterprise
Enterprise Linux(Installing RW-4 how to install RHEL EnterpriseLinux on Linux
and Configuring Virtual servers and virtual
Machines) machines.
Week 14 Lecture 41 Spill Over
Lecture 42 Spill Over
Week 15 Lecture 43 Spill Over
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 15 Lecture 44 Spill Over
Lecture 45 Spill Over
Academic Task Objective Detail of Academic Task Nature of Academic Academic Task Marks Allottment /
Task Mode submission
(group/individuals) Week
Test 1 To check the RHEL Syllabus covered till 2nd week Individual Online 30 2/3
understanding of
Test 2 To check the RHEL Syllabus covered till 5th week Individual Online 30 5/6
understanding of
Test 3 To check the RHEL Syllabus covered till 8th week Individual Online 30 8/9
understanding of
Test 4 To check the RHEL Syllabus covered till 11th week Individual Online 30 11 / 12
understanding of
MOOCs/ Certification etc. mapped with the Academic Task(s)
Academic Task Name Of Certification/Online Course/Test/Competition mapped Type Offered By Organisation
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Where MOOCs/ Certification etc. are mapped with Academic Tasks:
1. Students have choice to appear for Academic Task or MOOCs etc.
2. The student may appear for both, In this case best obtained marks will be considered.
Practical 2 List of Practical's Locating Files by Name RW-3 Locating Files by Name
Practical 3 List of Practical's Editing Text Files from the Shell RW-3 Editing Text Files from the Shell Prompt
Practical 4 List of Practical's Managing Local User Accounts and RW-3 Editing Text Files from the Shell Prompt
Group Accounts
Practical 5 List of Practical's Killing and Monitoring Process RW-3 Killing and Monitoring Process Activity
Practical 6 List of Practical's Configuring SSH Key-based RW-3 Configuring SSH Key-based Authentication
Practical 7 List of Practical's Validating Network Configuration and RW-3 Validating Network Configuration and Configuring
Configuring Networking with nmcli Networking with nmcli
Practical 8 List of Practical's Installing a New Virtual Machine RW-3 Installing a New Virtual Machine
Practical 9 List of Practical's Matching Text in Command Output RW-3 Matching Text in Command Output with Regular
with Regular Expressions Expressions
Practical 10 List of Practical's Interpreting and Securing Files with RW-3 Interpreting and Securing Files with ACLs
Practical 11 List of Practical's Compressing and Deduplicating RW-3 Compressing and Deduplicating Storage with VDO
Storage with VDO
Practical 12 List of Practical's Mounting Network-Attached Storage RW-3 Mounting Network-Attached Storage with NFS
with NFS
Practical 13 List of Practical's Managing Server Firewalls and RW-3 Managing Server Firewalls and Controlling
Controlling SeLinux Port Labeling SeLinux Port Labeling
Practical 14 List of Practical's Managing File System Permissions RW-3 Managing File System Permissions from the
from the Command Line Command Line
Practical 15 Spill Over
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.