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Satellite Cyber Resilience Whitepaper

Satellite Cyber Resilience Whitepaper

April 2022
Copyright © SmartSat CRC Ltd, 2022

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This report should be cited as:

SmartSat 2022, Satellite Cyber Resilience Whitepaper, SmartSat, Adelaide, Australia.

This publication is provided for the purpose of disseminating information relating to scientific
and technical matters. Participating organisations of SmartSat do not accept liability for any
loss and/or damage, including financial loss, resulting from the reliance upon any
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publication should not necessarily be taken to represent the views of the participating

SmartSat acknowledges the contribution made by Jordan Plotnek and Professor Jill Slay
towards the authorship of this whitepaper.

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
Executive Summary

Contemporary cyber-attacks are increasing in frequency and sophistication with growing

impacts such as large-scale privacy breaches, theft of intellectual property (IP), significant
financial losses for businesses, and reputational damage. Cyber exploits can range from
simplistic and opportunistic phishing campaigns to complex, covert and persistent attacks
over time involving malicious actors with access to highly-skilled teams of hackers and
advanced tools and resources.

The rapid commercialisation of space, and increased ease and lowering costs associated
with launching satellites into space, has resulted in global supply chains of privatised satellite
networks for commercial and military purposes. The Internet of Things (IoT) and associated
connectivity with satellite networks has also created numerous vulnerabilities, which raises
questions of how contemporary cyber-attacks could potentially impact satellites and the
space security domain.

This whitepaper presents a novel Satellite Cyber Resilience Taxonomy derived from related
contemporary space security and cyber-resilience literature. A taxonomy-guided research
roadmap for SmartSat CRC is then proposed based on the identified literature gaps. The
proposed research roadmap is based on four key satellite sub-systems: radio-link security;
space hardware security; ground station security; and operations security, which are then
further segmented and discussed according to the satellite resilience taxonomy.

Aims, Objectives & Impacts

The key aim of this whitepaper is to provide a literature review and research roadmap for
satellite cyber-security resilience, to scope a SmartSat CRC research agenda and meet
Commonwealth Milestones 1.3, 2.2 and 3.1.

Objectives for this whitepaper are:

• Identification of any previous research and development (R&D) activities that have been
conducted in cyber-security and resilience of satellites
• Critical research review of most appropriate research agenda and outcomes to meet
Commonwealth milestones
• Development of taxonomy for Satellite Cyber Resilience, including an understanding of
Disaggregation, Distribution, Diversification, Deception, Protection and Proliferation; and
• Determination of a suitable technical framework, within which satellite cybersecurity and
resilience research may be carried out.
Impacts that this whitepaper may have include:
• Improved understanding of cyber-security and resilience in a satellite context
• A common cyber-security taxonomy for CRC usage
• A technical research agenda in cyber-security and resilience for the CRC
• Contribution to the wider Australian space sector; and
• Enhancing CRC reputation in capabilities related to satellite cyber-security and

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
Research Methodology ..................................................................................................... 1
Literature Review .............................................................................................................. 1

2. Space Resilience Taxonomy ............................................................................................ 4

2.1 Critical Space Infrastructure ........................................................................................ 4
2.2 Critical Infrastructure Resilience.................................................................................. 4
2.3 Space Resilience Taxonomy ....................................................................................... 6

3. Satellite Cyber Resilience ................................................................................................. 8

4. Research Roadmap ........................................................................................................ 11

4.1 Space Trends and Projections .................................................................................. 11
4.2 Research Opportunities ............................................................................................ 12
4.3 Research Roadmap .................................................................................................. 12
4.3.1 Satellite Radio-Link Resilience ........................................................................ 14
4.3.2 Satellite Hardware Resilience.......................................................................... 14
4.3.3 Satellite Ground Station Resilience ................................................................. 15
4.3.4 Satellite Operations Resilience........................................................................ 16

Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 18

References .......................................................................................................................... 19

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
1. Introduction

Contemporary cyber-attacks are increasing in frequency and sophistication, with growing

impacts such as large-scale privacy breaches, theft of intellectual property (IP), significant
financial losses for businesses, and reputational damage. Current attack vectors and
attacker techniques are revealing trends and issues associated with cyber weaponry used by
threat actors in contemporary breaches. Numerous reports and surveys from the Australian
Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) and private companies, such as Cisco and Trustwave, have
identified a multitude of malware trends and current issues, including ransomware crypto-
worms, Advanced Persistent Threats (APT), Supply Chain Vulnerabilities (SCV), Distributed
Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, insider threat, trojans, and Internet of Things (IoT) botnets.

Cyber exploits can range from simplistic and opportunistic phishing campaigns to complex,
covert and persistent attacks over time involving malicious actors with access to highly-
skilled teams of hackers and advanced tools and resources. Many cyber-attack analysis
models have been proposed in past research to assist in improving defender understanding
of attack vectors and associated threat actor behaviour.

The rapid commercialisation of space, and increased ease and lowering costs associated
with launching satellites into space, has resulted in global supply chains of privatised satellite
networks for commercial and military purposes. The IoT and associated connectivity with
Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite networks has also created numerous vulnerabilities, which
raises questions of how contemporary cyber-attacks could potentially impact satellites and
the space security domain more broadly.

This whitepaper presents a novel Satellite Cyber Resilience Taxonomy derived from related
contemporary literature, and proposes a taxonomy-guided research roadmap for SmartSat
CRC based on identified space systems cyber-resilience literature gaps.

Research Methodology
This whitepaper has been produced based on literature review, desktop study, secondary
analysis of data, and input from SmartSat CRC expert focus groups.

Literature Review
Traditionally, space security has been viewed primarily as a military domain due to Cold War
motivations behind the first space race (Sheehan, 2015). More recently, however, this view
has expanded to include three dimensions of space security (Mayence, 2010):

• space for security (i.e. military space operations)

• security in space (i.e. space systems security); and
• security from space (i.e. protecting Earth from space-based threats).

This whitepaper focuses exclusively on the cyber-security and resilience of satellites, which
falls under the space systems security dimension. Space systems security is defined as, ‘the
ability to place and operate assets outside the Earth's atmosphere without external
interference, damage, or destruction’ (Plotnek and Slay, 2021a).

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
Satellite Cybersecurity can thus be understood as:

‘…the ability to place and operate satellites outside Earth's atmosphere without external
interference, damage or destruction due to cyber-attack.’

With definitional scope in mind, a collection of disparate papers relating to the domain of
space systems security can be found.

The Handbook of Space Security (Schrogl, 2020) contains a broad collection of different
papers that, together, provide a foundation for understanding the various aspects of the
space security domain, including four chapters specifically related to space systems security.
In the chapter entitled ‘Definition and Status of Space Security’, Antoni reviews the
definitional history of space security and proposes a new definition (Antoni, 2020). Albeit
consistent with historical definitional attempts, Antoni’s definition conflicts with the
contemporary understanding of space security as a three-dimensional domain (Mayence,
2010); a notion on which this whitepaper expands. Space resilience from a policy perspective
is also examined, with a unified definition proposed, based on policies in use around the
developed world (Peldszus, 2020), which is critically analysed further in Section 6.3. The final
chapter of relevance to satellite cyber-resilience is the one entitled, ‘Space and Cyber
Threats’ (Zatti, 2020), which discusses space-cyber policy from a European perspective.
Despite the heavy policy focus, the chapter also contains valuable space systems security
insights such as a detailed analysis of key satellite-specific cyber-security threats and
technical countermeasures.

A second key text in this domain is the book by Georgescu et al. entitled ‘Critical Space
Infrastructures: Risk, Resilience and Complexity’ (Georgescu, 2019). The book provides a
comprehensive understanding of space infrastructure but is decidedly lacking in its
discussion of cyber-security issues. Georgescu also contributes a chapter of the same theme
to the Handbook of Space Security (Georgescu, 2020).

A whitepaper by the United States Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland
Defense & Global Security entitled ‘Space Domain Mission Assurance: A Resilience
Taxonomy’ (US DoD, 2015) gets particular attention among space resilience advocates.
However, the proposed resilience taxonomy is detached from tangential resilience literature
and thus lacks a solid academic foundation. Additionally, and surprisingly, the whitepaper
does not acknowledge the security landscape, with ‘cyber’ not earning a single mention.

In 2016, Housen-Couriel published a paper on ‘Cybersecurity Threats to Satellite

Communications’ with the goal of establishing a typology of state actor responses. However,
it is focused on international law and thus does not adequately address satellite cyber-
security or resilience from a technical perspective. The paper does, however, identify five
stages of satellite operations, which is a security-relevant model for conceptualising the
satellite lifecycle (Housen-Couriel, 2016):

• pre-launch
• at launch
• telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C)
• transmissions; and
• end-of-life.

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
A Chatham House research paper by Livingstone and Lewis takes a high-level approach to
space cyber-security, discussing topics such as cyber-threats and risks to satellite
infrastructure, as well as challenges and trends in the industry (Livingstone and Lewis, 2016).
Although valuable in contextualising the issue of satellite cyber-security, the paper is directed
toward a general audience and is therefore not based on published taxonomies.

Finally, a comprehensive paper by Pavur and Martinovic details the cyber-security threats to
satellites and examines over 100 significant satellite hacking incidents over the past 60 years
(Pavur and Martinovic, 2020). The paper identifies four sub-domains to which satellite cyber-
security applies:

• satellite radio-link security

• space hardware security
• ground station security; and
• operational/mission security.

A few other papers touch on the subject but are specific to niche technologies or formal
methods, hence they do not adequately lay the foundation for future satellite security and
resilience research (Hannan, 2018; Ikitemur, 2020; Kallberg, 2012; Kang, 2018; Santamarta,

It is important to note that this literature review was only conducted across open source
English resources, not only skewing the threat context to a Western bias, but also excluding
any additional or conflicting research that may exist within classified archives.

The research conducted in support of this whitepaper is currently under review for publishing,
but can largely be attributed to Plotnek and Slay (Plotnek and Slay, 2021a; Plotnek and Slay,

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
2. Space Resilience Taxonomy

2.1 Critical Space Infrastructure

Critical infrastructure is defined slightly differently by each jurisdiction (Critical Five, 2014).
However, it generally refers to any infrastructure on which society has a critical dependency
and which, if disrupted, could cause significant and potentially catastrophic consequences to
the safety or security of that society (Council, 2004).

As our world becomes exponentially more complex, critical infrastructures are faced with a
growing number of new challenges. Societies are getting bigger and more technologically
advanced, which is placing more demand on already strained and increasingly outdated
infrastructure. Attempts to upgrade these infrastructures are adding even more complexities
to the mix, such as the introduction of Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning (ML) and
Artificial Intelligence (AI), third party software and solutions, and increasingly sophisticated
interdependencies with other critical infrastructures, to name but a few. These challenges
can make it difficult, if not impossible, to accurately assess causes of failure and to predict
threats and impacts for risk management, making critical infrastructure resilience planning
more important than ever.

Many critical infrastructure systems rely on satellites for vital functions like time, location,
guidance, communications and sensory data. Everything from guided munitions to air traffic
control and banking to emergency services depends heavily on satellites to function safely
and effectively. Satellites also provide vital services, data and imagery to government
agencies and civilian populations who could all be significantly impacted in the case of an
event, potentially triggering mass panic or fear. Hence it can be understood that catastrophic
consequences, including potential loss of life, are sure to follow any major disruptions to
satellite infrastructure; a clear case for its criticality to society (Georgescu et al., 2019).

2.2 Critical Infrastructure Resilience

Having established that satellites are indeed critical infrastructure, we can now look to other
domains of critical infrastructure resilience to identify commonalities and define a satellite-
specific approach that is grounded in published literature. There are many different types of
critical infrastructure, each with its own peculiarities and approach to resilience, so it is useful
to limit the comparative analysis to cyber-physical systems (CPS) only. A CPS includes any
system that converts electronic signals to physical actions, such as a satellite receiving
control signals.

Some of the most prominent Critical Cyber-Physical Infrastructure (CCPI) domains include
energy, water and wastewater, manufacturing, and transportation. Of these domains, the
energy sector stands out in the literature as having invested the most resources into their
understanding of resilience (Fraccascia et al., 2018). Power systems also share the most
similarities with space systems, such as: aging infrastructure; continuous availability
requirements; remote and inaccessible components; vast distance coverage; centralised
control; vulnerability to cascading failures; and complex inter-system dependencies. It
therefore makes sense to leverage power systems resilience literature in establishing a
baseline understanding for satellite cyber-resilience.

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
Prior to circa 2016, power systems resilience was used interchangeably with other terms,
such as reliability, recoverability, availability, robustness and risk (Roege et al., 2014).
However, the concept is now distinctly understood as the recurring ability of a system to
anticipate, survive, sustain, recover from and adapt to high-impact low-frequency (HILF)
events (Plotnek and Slay, 2021c). This can be contrasted to reliability engineering, which
focuses on a system's ability to continue operations despite low-impact high-frequency
(LIHF) events such as routine disruptions or common errors (Albasrawi et al., 2014). HILF
events are also sometimes referred to as black swan events, defined by Gholami et. al as a
rare ‘unknowable’ event with unforeseen or unobserved consequences upon random
occurrence, such as the 9/11 attacks or Stuxnet (Gholami et al., 2018). Gholami et. al also
make a distinction between black swan and grey swan events, where a grey swan is a
metaphor for an ‘unknown’ or partially predictable, high-impact and rare event, such as a
natural disaster.

Besides the definitional confusion historically surrounding the concept of resilience, some
other problem areas are also signposted in the literature. One such trend was noted to be a
transitioning away from purely technical and mathematically-derived resilience formulas
towards an inclusive approach more comparable to risk analysis (Plotnek and Slay, 2021c).
The key factor in this transition is the increasing recognition of incalculable socio-technical
impacts on resilience. Examples of such ‘human’ aspects that may factor into the resilience
equation include processes, procedures and management (Kwasinski, 2016), social
wellbeing post-event (Liu et al., 2016), human-machine interfaces (HMI) in the control loop
(Genge et al., 2015), and human behaviour and bureaucracy in times of emergency
(Eisenberg et al., 2014).

Another hurdle of which to be aware in the quest for understanding space resilience is how
the definition will drive resilience measurement and monitoring. Resilience is measured
against a specified threat event, and so metrics should be considered from the outset (Bie et
al., 2017; Chanda and Srivastava, 2015). Power systems resilience literature displays a
tension between top-down and bottom-up approaches to metrics. This issue has led to many
competing definitions, each with only a slightly different threat or event focus. For example,
some power systems resilience definitions attempt a top-down approach where they
generalise the threat (e.g. make no distinction between natural or man-made disasters) and
end up with non-specific or unmeasurable metrics (Kwasinski, 2016; Dessavre et al., 2015;
Friedberg et al., 2017). Others attempt a bottom-up approach with multitudes of differing
definitions specific to precise threat events leading to disparate and disorganised definitions
(Gholami et al., 2018; Panteli et al., 2017). Both approaches inevitably lead to the continuous
reinvention of resilience and its definitional attributes, creating confusion and reducing the
effectiveness of the term.

To avoid this issue, it is important to ensure that the proposed satellite cyber-resilience
definition is broad enough to be relevant to any viable HILF threat to satellite resilience, but
specific enough to ensure that every resilience practitioner in the domain can use common
language for effective communication. This approach treats resilience not as a binary state,
but as a system characteristic with various nuanced facets that can be measured under
specified circumstances (Jackson and Fitzgerald, 2016).

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
2.3 Space Resilience Taxonomy
With an understanding of both the criticality of satellite infrastructure and the unpredictable
threat environment within which it is situated, it is easy to see the importance of resilience in
space systems. In fact, there are several niche areas within space resilience that have
already been studied to some degree, such as: cyber-worthiness (Ormrod et al., 2021);
mission resilience (McLeod et al., 2016); operational resilience (Straub, 2014); material and
structural resilience (Naser and Chehab, 2018); software resilience (Phillips et al., 2018);
among others. Each of these different aspects of space resilience were researched
according to individual definitions, meaning that the overall space system resilience picture
has become diluted and incoherent.
The definitional variance of space resilience is made clear in the Space Security Handbook
chapter entitled ‘Resilience of Space Systems: Principles and Practice’, in which Peldszus
reviews global space resilience policies to gain an understanding of how policy makers,
systems analysts and operators define the term in practice (Peldszus, 2020). Peldszus then
proposes a unified definition of space systems resilience based on the findings.
Although valuable for policymakers, a more reliable strategy for technical resilience would be
to propose a definition grounded in taxonomy. As discovered in earlier sections, system
resilience is a function of anticipating, surviving, sustaining, recovering from and adapting to
HILF events. Additionally, resilience should account for socio-technical factors and be broad
enough to allow for tailoring to each specialist sub-domain's metric measurement needs.

Figure 1 - Space resilience taxonomy (Plotnek and Slay, 2021b)

Before attempting to define resilience for satellites, it is helpful to understand space
resilience from a taxonomical perspective. This aids in breaking down the problem of
resilience into smaller focus areas for easier measurement and management, as
demonstrated in Figure 1 above.
The space resilience taxonomy at Figure 1 can be applied to satellite cyber-resilience, where
(Plotnek and Slay, 2021b):
• Anticipate refers to the satellite system’s resilience-enhancing mechanisms in place to
prevent, detect and avoid HILF cyber events
• Survive refers to the satellite system’s resilience-enhancing mechanisms in place to
mitigate, absorb and withstand the impacts of the HILF cyber event
• Sustain refers to the satellite system’s resilience-enhancing mechanisms in place to
contain any impacts and preserve core functions during a HILF cyber event

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
• Recover refers to the satellite system’s resilience-enhancing mechanisms in place to
respond, restore operations and 'bounce back' from a HILF cyber event; and
• Adapt refers to the processes and procedures in place to reflect on lessons learned and
adopt new mechanisms to increase resilience for any similar cyber events in the future.

Not all five aspects of space resilience will be relevant to every satellite sub-component or
supporting function, but each sub-component and supporting function is relevant to the
satellite’s resilience as a whole. For example, anticipation is a difficult mechanism to embed
into structural integrity designs, but a structurally resilient bus will feed into the overall
satellite's ability to survive and sustain core functionality during a black swan cyber event.
These five taxonomical categories can also be understood as phases within an indefinitely
recurring resilience cycle, as per Figure 2 below. The residual impact seen in this figure
refers to the post-event impact after resilience-enhancing mechanisms have mitigated the
impacts of a HILF event. As shown, the residual impact can both weaken overall system
resilience as well as going on to cause impacts external to the satellite, such as to the wider
mission or social wellbeing.

Figure 2 - Resilience cycle in response to High-Impact Low-Frequency (HILF) threats

(Plotnek and Slay, 2021b)

With a novel resilience taxonomy and a clear understanding of how each resilience aspect
cyclically interacts in a space context, space resilience can be defined as:
’…the recurring ability of a space system, including all sub-components and supporting
functions, to anticipate, survive, sustain, recover from and adapt to high-impact low
frequency events.’

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
3. Satellite Cyber Resilience

Based on the space resilience definition established in Section 2, satellite cyber-resilience

can be defined as:
’…the recurring ability of a satellite system, including all sub-components and supporting
functions, to anticipate, survive, sustain, recover from and adapt to high-impact low
frequency cyber events.’
In the above definition, a ‘cyber event’ can be understood as any unexpected and undesired
HILF threat to a satellite system by way of either malicious attack or negligent malpractice by
a cyber threat actor. Cyber threats interfere with the confidentiality, integrity or availability of
satellite systems through the manipulation of data and code, and can be broken down into
three components:
• the actor
• the vector; and
• the attack.

The threat actor is the person or organisation behind the attack, and can be assessed by
considering their capability to conduct an attack versus their intent behind the attack. The
threat vector refers to the vulnerable point of entry used by the threat actor to successfully
carry out the attack; for example, if a ground system is air-gapped (i.e. not connected to any
network) then the threat vector may be a flash drive. Finally, the attack itself is the exploit
used by the threat actor to achieve their objectives and cause the desired impact; for
example, malware or spoofing. In the case of malpractice, the threat actor can cause an
adverse impact without malicious intent.

This is visually summarised in Figure 3 below, whereby the threat vector is the actor's entry
to the satellite system, eventually resulting in an impact that extends back to the operational

Figure 3 - Anatomy of a targeted threat (Plotnek and Slay, 2021)

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
Although a formal threat actor taxonomy is yet to emerge in the literature, a threat actor is
generally categorised as one of the following (Livingstone and Lewis, 2016):
• nation-state
• terrorist
• criminal group; or
• individual (e.g. insider threats, hacktivists, or bored teenagers).

Sometimes, hacktivism occurs on a larger scale (e.g. Anonymous) and can be treated as a
separate category, conforming to neither terrorist nor criminal motivations. Bradbury et al.
broke these high-level categories down further and provided satellite-specific examples in
Figure 4 below (Bradbury et al., 2020).

2.1 Critical Space Infrastructure

Critical infrastructure is defined slightly differently

Figure 4 - Threat actor examples (Bradbury et al., 2020)

As Figure 4 demonstrates, each actor type has their own intent (i.e. goals & motivations) and
capability (i.e. capabilities, environment, resources) that drives their decision-making process

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
when considering the carrying out of a cyber-attack against satellite infrastructure. Pavur and
Martinovic produced a similar yet simpler version of this threat actor table, expanding beyond
just cyber-security considerations in Figure 5 (below).

Figure 5 - Summary of Satellite Threat Actors (Pavur and Martinovic, 2020)

Threat vectors need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis as every satellite system will
have its own processes and procedures, inputs and outputs. Wheeler et al. identify four
common attack surfaces to consider for deployed satellite systems (Wheeler et al., 2018):
• inputs (e.g. sensors and RF antennae)
• outputs (e.g. telemetry transmitters)
• internal communications (e.g. Spacewire buses); and
• computing (e.g. the internal system that integrates each component).

Each of these components can be accessed via a myriad of different threat vectors, such as
through ground segments, supply chains, unsecured communications links and countless
other avenues. Bradbury et al. propose a handy reference architecture for assessing satellite
threat vectors and attack surfaces in their 2020 IEEE Aerospace Conference paper
(Bradbury et al., 2020).

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
4. Research Roadmap

4.1 Space Trends and Projections

Before designing a research roadmap, it is important to consider current space trends and
projections to best allocate resources. From colonies on Mars to space hotels and deep-
space exploration, there is no shortage of ideas to keep humanity driving forward in this
domain. The first space race cemented space systems as critical infrastructure for
progressing life on earth. The second space race is shifting the focus from government to
commercial interests, with significant headway already being made to secure space as a
viable human arena in its own right.
Of course, with opportunity comes risk, and the risks involved in modern space systems
development are considerable. According to Livingstone and Lewis's future space trends
predictions (Livingstone and Lewis, 2016), the next decade or so could bring about satellite
technologies such as system-on-a-chip avionics, self-optimising autonomous systems,
complex on-board satellite processing, autonomous satellite-to-satellite (S2S)
communications, plus a number of complex software additions and improvements; each and
all of which will introduce new vulnerabilities that can be exploited to produce novel effects.
For example, consider a futuristic piece of worm-like malware that corrupts a satellite
connected via an autonomous server-to-server (S2S) system – the entire fleet could be
compromised and potentially rendered unserviceable.
Alongside the rapid evolution of satellite systems also comes all kinds of new threats. Talk of
cyber warfare, cyber terrorism and cybercrime are increasing, and so are the capabilities of
motivated threat actors (Plotnek and Slay, 2021d). Both cyber and electronic weapons are
becoming more effective and accessible by the day, with at least 120 different countries
already invested in cyber warfare capabilities (McAfee, 2005). Additionally, the United States
has officially approved the establishment of a Space Force (Farley, 2020), and many other
countries are likely to follow suit – events that will undoubtedly impact the space security
Mass-scale environmental and political events may also impact humankind's reliance on
satellites, potentially causing unforeseeable impacts. For example, hazardous asteroids
heading for earth (O'Neill and Handal, 2021) or the growing threat of climate change, both of
which are tracked and assessed using satellite infrastructure – a reliance that may evolve
and become more critical as time goes on. Another example might be a third eruption of
world warfare. Military equipment has become increasingly reliant on satellite technology and
such a situation may over-burden aging infrastructure and cause Denials of Service (DoS) in
critical moments.

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
4.2 Research Opportunities
Pulling together the different research threads identified throughout this whitepaper paints a
picture of the current state of space systems security as a domain, and highlights areas
needing further development, as shown below in Figure 6. As can be seen, we currently
have a preliminary understanding of attack surfaces, threats and actors, as well as past
events and future predictions, which are not shown in the diagram.

Figure 6 - Threats to Critical Space Infrastructure (CSI) broken down into taxonomical
sub-categories as per available literature (Plotnek and Slay, 2021a)

With a clear idea of the current state of the literature it becomes easier to see a path forward.
However, just because research on certain problems happens to exist does not necessarily
mean that those questions that have been asked are the most important ones to be asking.

4.3 Research Roadmap

A satellite cyber resilience research roadmap can help SmartSat CRC researchers by
mapping out the domain and providing a comprehensive scoping guide for research planning
and prioritisation.

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
The first step in preparing a research roadmap is to break the satellite cybersecurity domain
down into manageable blocks. Table 1 below provides a cross-mapping of satellite
components (Pavur and Martinovic, 2020) to the space resilience taxonomy (Figure 1) and
designates a sub-section that outlines each research area. This method ensures that each
satellite component is considered against every stage of cyber-resilience, providing full-
spectrum coverage of the problem of satellite cyber-security and resilience.

Table 1: Satellite cyber-security and resilience research roadmap broken down by

component and resilience phase

Radio-Link Space Hardware Ground Station Operations






In the following sub-sections, the four satellite components (i.e. columns of Table 1) will be
defined at each of the five phases of the resilience cycle (i.e. rows of Table 1), such that:
• Anticipate refers to the satellite component’s resilience-enhancing mechanisms in place
to prevent, detect and avoid HILF cyber events
• Survive refers to the satellite component’s resilience-enhancing mechanisms in place to
mitigate, absorb and withstand the impacts of the HILF cyber event
• Sustain refers to the satellite component’s resilience-enhancing mechanisms in place to
contain any impacts and preserve core functions during a HILF cyber event
• Recover refers to the satellite component’s resilience-enhancing mechanisms in place to
respond, restore operations and 'bounce back' from a HILF cyber event; and
• Adapt refers to the component-specific processes and procedures in place to reflect on
lessons learned and adopt new mechanisms to increase resilience for any similar cyber
events in the future.

Finally, researchers should consider the impact and frequency of cyber-threats when scoping
resilience research. Resilience is concerned primarily with high-impact low frequency events,
whereas reliability engineering is focused on low-impact high-frequency events.

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
4.3.1 Satellite Radio-Link Resilience
More than two-thirds of historical satellite incidents relate to attacks on the radio-link (i.e. RF
communications). Besides jamming attacks, which are generally considered electronic
attacks and not cyber-attacks, most historical radio-link attacks are either eavesdropping,
signal injection or signal spoofing (Pavur and Martinovic, 2020). This is not to say that other
types of cyber-attacks will not affect radio-links in the future; something that should be pre-
emptively considered by researchers.
The following subsections leverage the space resilience taxonomy to define the parameters
of a perfectly cyber-secure and resilient satellite radio-link subsystem. Each statement
should be interpreted as a hypothetical ideal and can be used as a baseline to scope future
research questions and programs in this domain. Anticipate
A resilient satellite radio-link sub-system should be able to anticipate (i.e. prevent, detect and
avoid) cyber-attacks. Survive
A resilient satellite radio-link sub-system should be able to survive (i.e. mitigate, absorb and
withstand) cyber-attacks. Sustain
A resilient satellite radio-link sub-system should be able to sustain operations during cyber-
attacks by containing impacts and preserving core functions. Recover
A resilient satellite radio-link sub-system should be able to recover (i.e. respond, restore
operations and ‘bounce back’) from cyber-attacks. Adapt
A resilient satellite radio-link sub-system should be able to adapt to its threat environment by
incorporating resilience enhancements from lessons learned.
4.3.2 Satellite Hardware Resilience
Satellite payloads are often highly bespoke proprietary systems that are tailored specifically
to the designated mission. Despite the research challenges this poses, the increased use of
Commercial off-the-shel (COTS) components is making research in this domain more
Four common attack surfaces that should be considered for deployed satellite systems were
identified in Section 3 (Wheeler et al., 2018):
• inputs (e.g. sensors and RF antennae)
• outputs (e.g. telemetry transmitters)
• internal communications (e.g. Spacewire buses); and
• computing (e.g. the internal system that integrates each component).

Pavur and Martinovic also suggest that satellite cyber-security research should include
space-side sub-systems such as onboard computing, telemetry, positioning and navigation,
propulsion and reaction control, thermal control, power management and mission payload
(Pavur and Martinovic, 2020).

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience
The following sub-sections leverage the space resilience taxonomy to define the parameters
of a perfectly cyber-secure and resilient satellite hardware sub-system, including the attack
surfaces identified above. Each statement should be interpreted as a hypothetical ideal and
can be used as a baseline to scope future research questions and programs in this domain. Anticipate
A resilient satellite hardware sub-system should be able to anticipate (i.e. prevent, detect and
avoid) cyber-attacks. Survive
A resilient satellite hardware sub-system should be able to survive (i.e. mitigate, absorb and
withstand) cyber-attacks. Sustain
A resilient satellite hardware sub-system should be able to sustain operations during cyber-
attacks by containing impacts and preserving core functions Recover
A resilient satellite hardware sub-system should be able to recover (i.e. respond, restore
operations and ‘bounce back’) from cyber-attacks. Adapt
A resilient satellite hardware sub-system should be able to adapt to its threat environment by
incorporating resilience enhancements from lessons learned.
4.3.3 Satellite Ground Station Resilience
Ground station systems are generally comparable to other terrestrial computing systems and
hence do not face the same unique challenges that other satellite subsystems face. Usually,
a ground station will consist of RF communications equipment to communicate with the
satellite, and a computer that runs specialist satellite communications software. Most
historical ground station incidents have been deemed by-products of general untargeted
intrusions (Pavur and Martinovic, 2020).
Nevertheless, there are several aspects of satellite ground station resilience that are
noteworthy from a space security research perspective. Perhaps most importantly, the
ground station marks the security boundary between the satellite’s maintainable ground
components and its inaccessible space components. Secondly, satellite ground systems are
often located in remote and unmanned locations, thereby increasing the system’s
vulnerability to cyber-attacks that exploit physical access. Finally, satellite ground stations
are often internet-connected for remote access, which then holds potential to expose the
deployed space system to internet-based threats.
The following sub-sections leverage the space resilience taxonomy to define the parameters
of a perfectly cyber-secure and resilient satellite ground station subsystem. Each statement
should be interpreted as a hypothetical ideal and can be used as a baseline to scope future
research questions and programs in this domain. Anticipate
A resilient satellite ground station sub-system should be able to anticipate (i.e. prevent,
detect and avoid) cyber-attacks.

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience Survive
A resilient satellite ground station sub-system should be able to survive (i.e. mitigate, absorb
and withstand) cyber-attacks. Sustain
A resilient satellite ground station sub-system should be able to sustain operations during
cyber-attacks by containing impacts and preserving core functions. Recover
A resilient satellite ground station sub-system should be able to recover (i.e. respond, restore
operations and ‘bounce back’) from cyber-attacks. Adapt
A resilient satellite ground station sub-system should be able to adapt to its threat
environment by incorporating resilience enhancements from lessons learned.
4.3.4 Satellite Operations Resilience
Satellite system resilience should be considered across each of the five phases of satellite
operations identified in Section 1 (Housen-Couriel, 2016), with each having its own
operational requirements and vulnerabilities:
• pre-launch
• at launch
• telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C)
• transmissions; and
• end-of-life.

In addition to the above, Georgescu et al. (Georgescu, 2019) suggest that a taxonomy can
be used to divide satellite operations into five key mission-oriented categories:
• Remote Sensing
• Communications
• Meteorological
• Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS); and
• Administrative and Legislative Frameworks.

The following sub-sections leverage the space resilience taxonomy to define the parameters
of perfectly cyber-secure and resilient satellite operations. Each statement should be
interpreted as a hypothetical ideal and can be used as a baseline to scope future research
questions and programs in this domain, with reference to the points above. Anticipate
Resilient satellite operations should be able to anticipate (i.e. prevent, detect and avoid)
cyber-attacks. Survive
Resilient satellite operations should be able to survive (i.e. mitigate, absorb and withstand)

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience Sustain
Resilient satellite operations should be able to sustain operations during cyber-attacks by
containing impacts and preserving core functions. Recover
Resilient satellite operations should be able to recover (i.e. respond, restore operations and
‘bounce back’) from cyber-attacks. Adapt
Resilient satellite operations should be able to adapt to their threat environment by
incorporating resilience enhancements from lessons learned.

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience

The past 60 years have seen space transform from an arena for politics to a critical
infrastructure on which all of society heavily depends. Considering the newfound global
appetite for space development and the rapidly expanding threat environment, a need for a
better understanding of satellite cyber resilience has emerged.

This whitepaper has established a contextualised foundation for satellite cyber-security and
resilience drawn from existing cross-disciplinary literature on the subject. It proposed a novel
space systems resilience taxonomy and definition, derived from existing critical infrastructure
resilience literature.

Satellite cyber-security was defined as the ability to place and operate satellites outside
Earth's atmosphere without external interference, damage or destruction due to cyber-attack.
Space resilience was defined as the recurring ability of a space system, including all sub-
components and supporting functions, to anticipate, survive, sustain, recover from and adapt
to high-impact low frequency events. Taxonomically space resilience was broken down into
five categories – Anticipate, Survive, Sustain, Recover and Adapt – towards which different
space technologies, such as cybersecurity features, can contribute to increase overall
system resilience. It was also noted that resilience assessments should account for socio-
technical factors, such as in-the-loop Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI) and residual impacts
on society.

Finally, the whitepaper painted a picture of the current state of space systems security
research and drew from this to design a satellite cyber-resilience research roadmap for
SmartSat CRC. The proposed research roadmap is based on four key satellite sub-systems:
radio-link security, space hardware security, ground station security, and operations security;
which are then further segmented and discussed according to the satellite resilience

SmartSat Whitepaper | Satellite Cyber Resilience

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