Insider-Outsider Politics in Industrialized Democracies The Challenge To Social Democratic Parties
Insider-Outsider Politics in Industrialized Democracies The Challenge To Social Democratic Parties
Insider-Outsider Politics in Industrialized Democracies The Challenge To Social Democratic Parties
Author(s): David Rueda
Source: The American Political Science Review, Vol. 99, No. 1 (Feb., 2005), pp. 61-74
Published by: American Political Science Association
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American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No. ~ February2005
Insider-OutsiderPoliticsin IndustrializedDemocracies:
TheChallengeto SocialDemocraticParties
DAVID RUEDA University of Oxford
In much of the political economy literature,social democratic governments are assumed to defend
the interests of labor. The main thrust of this article is that labor is divided into those with secure
employment (insiders) and those without (outsiders). I argue that the goals of social democratic
parties are often best served by pursuing policies that benefit insiders while ignoring the interests of
outsiders. I analyze Eurobarometer data and annual macrodata from 16 OECD countries from 1973 to
1995. I explore the question of whether strategies prevalent in the golden age of social democracy have
been neglected and Left parties have abandoned the goal of providing equality and security to the most
vulnerable sectors of the labor market. By combining research on political economy, institutions, and
political behavior, my analysis demonstrates that insider-outsider politics are fundamental to a fuller
explanation of government partisanship, policy-making, and social democracy since the 1970s.
Comparative political economists generally agree that the objectivesof social democraticgovernments
that social democratic parties are the defend- are best served by pursuingpolicies that ignore the
ers of labor. The persistence of widespread un- interestsof outsiders.
employment witnessed under social democratic Disaggregatinglaborinto insidersandoutsiderspro-
governments since the early 1970s, however, power- motes the explorationof three topics of importanceto
fully conflicts with this assumption. Moreover, the pop- the comparativepoliticaleconomyliterature.The first
ular press has reported with increasing frequency that one has to do with the transformationin partystrate-
the distinctiveness of some of the economic policies gies resultingfromnew voterdemandsin industrialized
once championed by social democratic and conser- democracies.Whilethe relevanceof otherfactors(like
vative parties has been lost. How can these seeming lower economic growth, demographicor production
anomalies be explained? The answer, I argue, lies in changes, the emergence of post-Fordism,increasing
challenging the notion that social democratic govern- internationalization,and competitionfrom industrial-
ments represent the interests of labor. izing countries) has been recognizedfor some time,
The traditional conception of social democratic my analysis makes clear the significanceof insider-
policy-making rests on the assumption that labor is outsiderpreferencesas a determinantof government
affected disproportionately by unemployment. But in policy.The secondtopic is relatedto the verynatureof
the following pages I argue that labor is divided into socialdemocracy.Ourassumptionsaboutthe strategies
two segments: those with secure employment (insiders) of leftist parties have not changedsubstantiallysince
and those without (outsiders). Since the early 1970s, in- the golden age of social democracy(whenequality,so-
siders have become insulated from unemployment. Not cial protection,and economic growthwere perceived
only do they enjoy high levels of protection, they also as compatible).My analysisquestions these assump-
benefit from the fact that outsiders act as a buffer bear- tions and providesa fuller understandingof the limi-
ing the brunt of fluctuations in the business cycle. In tations and opportunitiesfaced by social democrats
response to the increasingly significant differences be- in the post-oil crisesera. The finaltopic concernswhat
tween insiders and outsiders, social democratic govern- the goals of social democracyshould be. This arti-
ments have transformed their policy goals. The anoma- cle demonstratesthat, in the presence of conflictbe-
lies mentioned above can be explained by considering tween differentgroupswithinlabor,social democratic
governmentsoften do not promote the interests of
the weakest membersof society.The insider-outsider
David Rueda is University Lecturer in the Department of Pol- modelopens the doorto a debateaboutthe desirability
itics and International Relations, University of Oxford and Fel- of this outcome.
low at Merton College. Merton College, Oxford OX1 4JD, UK
([email protected]).
Earlier versions of this article were presented at the 2000 Inter- THE INSIDER-OUTSIDER PARTISANSHIP
national Conference of Europeanists, at the 2002 Annual Meeting MODEL
of the MPSA, and at workshops in Yale University and Cornell
University. I would like to thank Nancy Bermeo, Joseph Foudy, Like much of the literature that explores the rela-
Geoffrey Garrett, Burcu Gezgor, Torben Iversen, Peter
Katzenstein, Lane Kenworthy, Anirudh Krishna, Peter Lange, tionshipbetween partisangovernmentand economic
Michael McDonald, Herman Schwartz, Sidney Tarrow, Christopher policy,I understandpoliticalpartiesto have electoral
Way,MichaelWallerstein,BruceWestern,andHeidi Young,as well objectivesas well as commitmentsto ideology and to
as threeanonymousreviewers,andLee Sigelmanfortheircomments historicallymeaningful groups of voters. As Powell
and suggestions. I am especially grateful to Christopher Anderson,
WalterMebane,andJonasPontussonfor theirconstructivecriticism (1982) has pointed out, the existenceof a relationship
and encouragement.For their financialsupportof this project,I between "strong,continuingexpectationsabout par-
thank the Social Science ResearchCouncil,the FondazioneLuigi ties and the interestsof social groupsnot only creates
Einaudi, Cornell University, and SUNY Binghamton. easily identifiablechoices for citizens,it also makes it
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Insider-OutsiderPolitics in IndustrializedDemocracies February2005
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American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No. 1
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Insider-OutsiderPolitics in IndustrializedDemocracies February2005
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American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No. 1
Note: Data for Figures 2a, 2b, and 2c from Eurobarometer 44.3 (February-April 1996). Weights provided by the Eurobarometer were
used so that the samples were representative of the countries from which they were drawn. Data for Norway are missing.
The numbers in Figures 2a and 2b are a good repre- Turning now to the third dimension in my analy-
sentation of ALMP preferences but they do not reflect sis, Figure 2c depicts the job security preferences of
concerns about the levels of passive labor market poli- insiders, outsiders, and upscale groups. Respondents
cies. This is because of the absence of any question in were asked the following question: "Foryou personally,
the survey addressing PLMPs. The questions asked are how important do you think each of the following is in
either too general (Is social welfare a necessity?) or choosing a job?" Respondents were then given several
related to areas excluded from PLMPs (Should health characteristics that they could rate from very important
care or education be guaranteed?). We can turn, how- to not important at all. Responses that considered a se-
ever, to the analysis of PLMP preferences in Boeri, cure job very important were given a 10 and those that
B6rsch-Supan, and Tabellini 2001, which shows that did not were given a 0. Again, the mean preferences of
the preferences in my model are in fact reasonable. the three groups confirm the hypothesis in Figure 1. As
They find that the individuals I define as outsiders expected, insiders are most concerned about job secu-
would be ready to accept higher costs (i.e., taxes) rity, while outsiders and upscale groups are much less
in return for more unemployment insurance. Insiders likely to consider job security very important. Whether
and upscale groups do not seem to share these pre- an individual is an insider, an outsider, or a member
ferences. of the upscale groups does prove to be a statistically
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Insider-OutsiderPolitics in IndustrializedDemocracies February2005
significant determinant of his/her attitude toward job fair dismissal, lay-offs for economic reasons, severance
protection. A Pearson chi-square test shows that the payments, minimum notice periods, administrative au-
association between these two variables is significant thorization for dismissals and prior discussion with la-
at better than the 99% level of confidence. bor representatives" (OECD 1994, 69). The previous
section made clear the reasons behind the preferences
of insiders, outsiders, and upscale groups. Because in-
ON POLICY siders and upscale groups have opposing interests and
they are the core constituencies of social democratic
The data presented in the previous section illustrate and conservative parties, the insider-outsider model
that my partisanship model's expectations about indi- implies the existence of marked partisan difference re-
vidual preferences are reasonable. In the next pages I garding job protection.
explore whether parties do in fact develop policies in I use two different measures of employment protec-
line with these preferences. I focus on two measures: tion legislation. The first one is the mean for the 1980s
labor market policies and employment protection leg- and the 1990s of the OECD's overall protection against
islation. dismissals index. The index is constructed by averaging
the scores obtained by each country in three categories:
"procedural inconveniences which the employer faces
The Dependent Variables when trying to dismiss employees; notice and sever-
Labor Market Policies. PLMPs provide unemploy- ance pay provisions; and prevailing standards of and
ment compensation, whereas active ones are aimed penalties for unfair dismissal" (OECD 1999, 54). Con-
at reducing unemployment by shaping the supply, de- ceptually, this index is ideal for testing my hypotheses.
mand, and mobility of labor. The OECD data used in It suffers, however, from the important practical limita-
my statistical analysis include unemployment benefits tion of being available only as a summary value for the
as the main component of PLMPs. The ALMP measure 1980s and the 1990s. I want to use yearly data that allow
encompasses the following five areas: (1) public em- a significant increase in the number of observations
ployment services and administration, (2) labor market and in the complexity of the estimated models. For this
training, (3) youth measures, (4) subsidized employ- reason, I also use a measure of the number of months of
ment, and (5) measures for the disabled. severance pay a blue-collar worker with 10 years of ser-
While PLMPs (as an important element of the wel- vice receives upon termination without cause.9 Cause
fare state) have received quite a lot of attention in is illustratively explained by Lazear (1990) as generally
the comparative political economy literature, the re- meaning "for reasons having to do with the worker's
lationship between ALMPs and government partisan- own shortcomings, and it must be extreme. A reading
ship has been underexamined. Economists have been of the rules suggests that in most countries, dismissal
concerned mostly about their effects on employment with cause requires the kind of evidence necessary to
and have generally ignored the role of partisanship withdraw an American academic's tenure" (708).
in promoting different levels of ALMP. In political
science, some authors have explored the relationship The Explanatory Variable:Government
between partisanship and ALMPs but some important Partisanship
questions have been left unanswered. The effects of
divisions within labor, in particular, have not been ana- The government partisanship measures used in my
lyzed in detail since the starting point for most political analysis attempt to capture the ideological position of
scientists is to consider ALMPs one more measure that governments in relation to a left-right continuum. Two
social democratic parties will employ to benefit labor variables are needed for the construction of these mea-
(see, e.g., Boix 1998 and Janoski 1994, 1990). sures: one that reflects the presence of parties in gov-
As explained in more detail in the previous section, ernment and another that measures their ideological
outsiders are considered the main beneficiaries of labor characteristics. The operationalization of the first vari-
market policies in the model proposed in this article. able has been relatively straightforward in the compar-
Before the widespread adoption of employment pro- ative politics literature. But important questions sur-
tection in the early 1970s, the interests of insiders and round the measurement of party ideological positions.
outsiders regarding labor market policy were closely Assessments of left-right party positions are based
aligned. Insider vulnerability to unemployment was on two sources: expert opinions and party manifestos.
higher and social democratic governments could pro- These two measures imply a different set of complica-
mote labor market policies that favored outsiders. The tions. Expert opinions are produced from surveys that
emergence of employment protection causes the inter- are administered rarely and that may be interpreted
ests of insiders and outsiders to diverge. As ALMPs and differently in different national contexts (Gabel and
PLMPs increasingly become policies that insiders pay Huber 2000). Data extracted from party manifestos, on
the costs of while outsiders receive the benefits from, the other hand, can be criticized for being a reflection
social democratic governments become less likely to of what parties say to win elections, and not necessarily
promote them and partisanship becomes insignificant. of what they will do once they have won them.
Employment Protection Legislation. Employment 9 For an analysis of the close relationship between severance pay and
protection legislation affects "the rules governing un- overall employment protection, see OECD 1994.
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American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No. 1
In this paper, I try to avoid some of these compli- right or between the Christian democrats and the con-
cations by using two measures of government parti- servatives. Considering the two policies emphasized in
sanship. The main results reported below use parti- the previous pages, this seems uncontroversial. The
san cabinet composition as measured by Tom Cusack free-market philosophy of liberals places them close
(1997).10The reason for this choice is mostly practical. to conservatives regarding employment policy and job
Many analyses dealing with the effects of government protection.13
partisanship on policy use this measure and I want
my results to be easily compared to those obtained
by other authors. After presenting results using cabi-
Other Variables
net partisanship, I verify the conclusions of my initial Labor Market Institutions. Both because of their di-
analysis with a measure of government partisanship rect involvement in industrial relations (negotiations
that uses party manifestos to assess a party's left-right covering work regulations and wages being the most
position.11For the construction of this government par- clear examples) and because of their capacity to in-
tisanship measure, a party's average left-right position fluence political parties, the behavior of unions is a
is multiplied by its cabinet weight. In this case, the relevant factor in a government's decisions over policy.
cabinet weight is the proportion of parliamentary seats I emphasize two labor-related factors: the centraliza-
that parties in governments posses. This is similar to tion/coordination of wage bargaining and union den-
Cusack's measure because governments tend to "ap- sity.14
portion their cabinet portfolios to parties in simple
proportion to the relative percentage of seats held by International and Financial Openness.i There are
each in the lower house of the legislature" (Powell 2000, two contradictory accounts of the effects of interna-
173). tionalization on partisan politics. First, there is a large
I would like to address a final point with refer- literature suggesting that growing levels of interna-
ence to the government partisanship measures used tional openness and interdependence result in a blur-
in the analysis. As mentioned above, the variables ring of partisan differences caused by the inability of
calculate the ideological position of governments in social democratic parties to produce policies that do
relation to the partisan composition of cabinets. This not conform to market forces (see, e.g., Iversen 1996
means that parties other than the social democratic and and Scharpf 1991). Then there are some authors who ar-
conservative ones influence the weighted partisanship gue either that international forces do not affect some
measure.12This, however, does not affect the insider- partisan differences (like Boix 1998 and Garrett and
outsider partisanship model or the findings described Lange 1991) or that they actually have strengthened
below. Regarding partisan options to the left of the the influence of partisanship on policies and economic
social democrats, communist parties are strongly pro- outcomes (Garrett 1998). The results presented in the
insider. Most communist parties in Europe rely even following pages do not address whether international
more on the support of insiders (through both their dependence limits the autonomy of governments. In-
votes and their participation in unions) than social stead I look at the great variance of economic policy
democratic ones and they have been just as reluctant within the sample and try to assess the factors that
to integrate the interests of outsiders. The government are responsible for it. My hypothesis is that, once the
participation of communist parties in the sample that I influence of internationalization is controlled for, par-
analyze is limited enough, in any case, not to affect the tisanship will account for this variance only in the case
conclusions made about the influence of partisanship of employment protection policies.
over policy. Government Debt.16 I introduce government debt
When considering Christian democratic parties (usu- into the analysis as a measure of the availability of
ally placed in the moderate right), the implication of
my analysis is that these parties promote policies that
can be placed in between social democracy and conser- 13 The differences between liberals and conservatives (in individ-
vatism for the dimensions I focus on. This seems real- ual freedom issues such as abortion and divorce) pertain to policy
istic. Liberal parties are placed either in the moderate dimensions not discussed in this paper.
14 See Iversen 1999 for a complete specification of the centraliza-
tion/coordination variable. To capture the inertia associated with
institutional change, I use a moving average of the yearly values
10 Higher figures signify more conservative government. Cusack (present and previous four years). It should also be noted that values
groups parties into five families, multiplies each family's share of for the last two years in the time series were extrapolated. The union
cabinet portfolios by its weight, and sums the products. See Cusack density measure used in the regressions represents employed union
1997 for further details. members as a percentage of the employed labor force. The pre-1990
11 This variable relies on party programs for the codification of pol- figures were taken from Visser 1996; post-1990 figures were provided
icy emphases and it was produced by the Comparative Manifestos by Bernhard Ebbinghaus (Max-Planck Institute).
Project. Source for all countries but Japan: McDonald and Mendes 15 International openness is measured as imports plus exports as
2001. Data for Japan were created by the author. Sources: Com- a percentage of the GDP Source: OECD electronic database and
parative Manifestos Project left-right party index and Woldendorp, OECD Historical Statistics 1960-95. Financial openness is measured
Keman, and Budge 2000. Given the variance of the ideology measure, as the sum of several indexes for financial restrictions. For details,
the 1973-95 average is used in the analysis. see Armingeon, Beyeler, and Menegale 2002.
12 Although I refer to social democratic and conservative parties in 16 Source: Franzese 1998. Given the possibility of endogeneity
the Results, it would be more accurate to refer to the partisan options (higher levels of policy causing higher debt), I use a one-year lag
as left and right. for this variable.
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Insider-OutsiderPolitics in IndustrializedDemocracies February2005
resources affecting a government's choices. One widely the recent comparative political economy literature, I
accepted interpretation of the policy changes of the estimate panel-corrected standard errors.
early 1980s, for example, is that many governments I therefore regress the dependent variables on a
had reached unsustainable levels of public debt (see one-year lag of the dependent variable, independent
Schwartz 1994). I use the level of consolidated central variables, and period dummies. That is, I estimate the
government debt as a percentage of GDP as the indi- following equation:
cator and include it only in the regressions with ALMP
and PLMP as the dependent variables (since any re- Yit = XWi,t-1 + i fkXkit + T + Uit,
lationship between resource limitations and legislation k
affecting employment protection seems unlikely). where i refers to the cross-sectional units, t to the time
Unemployment.17 Some authors have argued that units, k to the number of independent variables, r to
policies simply result from increasing needs-whether the time period intercepts, f to the slopes of the ex-
demographic, economic, or other (see, e.g., Wilensky planatory variables, yi,t-1 to the lagged dependent vari-
1975). I engage these arguments by controlling for the able, and the x's are the independent variables.
effects of unemployment. It is important that my results The only regression not run according to these spec-
are not affected by needs. I want to be able to conclude, ifications is the one that uses two time averages of the
for example, that social democratic governments do protection index per country instead of yearly data.
not promote high levels of ALMPs regardless of the Given the small n, in this case I did not estimate panel-
size of unemployment. Unemployment also acts as a corrected standard errors and simply ran a bivariate
proxy for the number of outsiders in an economy. It OLS regression on the variable of interest.
is essential for this article's conclusions that the re-
sults control for the size of the outsider group, since RESULTS
the insider-outsider partisanship model maintains that
social democratic governments will appeal to insiders Table 1 provides the estimates for the determinants
even when outsiders are numerous. of labor market policies. Here, it is most important to
point out that, as hypothesized, cabinet partisanship is
GDP Growth.1s Most analyses of economic policy not significant as an influence on the levels of ALMP
include a measure of economic growth. This is particu- or PLMP. The table clearly shows that whether a gov-
larly important here because of the need to control for ernment is social democratic or conservative makes no
the effects of growth on the behavior of governments. difference to the levels of ALMPs promoted. It is also
important to emphasize that these results contradict
METHODOLOGY the conventional wisdom, and much of the existing
literature, regarding the influence of partisanship on
I use annual data from 16 countries from 1973 to 1995 active policies (see, e.g., Boix 1998, Janoski 1990, 1994,
and present ordinary least squares (OLS) results.19The and Swank and Martin 2001). This article represents
pooled data significantly increase the number of obser- a considerable improvement on most of those done in
vations and therefore allow me to test more complex the past because of the number of cases and factors
causal models. I also include a lag of the dependent included in the analysis.21
variable among the regressors. Since the chosen de- Table 1 also reveals that government partisanship is
pendent variables exhibit noticeable time stability, the an insignificant determinant of passive labor market
introduction of a lagged dependent variable provides policies. As hypothesized, social democratic govern-
a better dynamic model in which the influence of the ment is not associated with greater levels of PLMP.
previous year's values is explicitly assessed. To further These results reinforce the conclusions of the regres-
capture cyclical factors I include time period dummies sion analyzing ALMPs: when insiders do not share the
in the regressions.20 goals of outsiders, social democratic governments do
Beck and Katz (1995,1996) have proposed a method not promote pro-outsider policies. Other authors have
that produces consistent standard errors estimates observed results similar to those presented in Table 1.
in the presence of panel heteroscedastic errors. Since In a very direct fashion, they are confirmed by the anal-
their recommendations have been widely followed in ysis in Moene and Wallerstein (2003).22 They analyze,
among other things, the effects of Right government
17 The measure used is the standardized unemployment rate for all
countriesbut Austria,Denmark,and Switzerland.For these three 21Most existing analyses rely on a very limited number of
countries,I use regularunemploymentrates.Sources:OECD His- observations-Boix's (1998) regressions,for example,range from
toricalStatistics1960-95and1960-97.Giventhe possibilityof endo- 18 to 21 observations(75-79), and Janoski's(1994) from 36 to 38
geneity,I use a one-yearlag. (70-78). Thisseverelylimitsthe possibilityof systematicallytesting
18 GDP growth is measuredas year-to-yearpercentagechanges. alternativehypotheseswhile simultaneouslycontrollingfor other
Source:OECD electronicdatabaseand OECD HistoricalStatistics relevantfactors(theseregressionstypicallyhaveno morethanthree
1960-97. variables), which in turn introduces great caveats into the significance
19 The countries are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, of the results.Othersdo not systematicallyassessthe validityof their
Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, claimsacrosscountriesand throughtime, whichlimitsthe general-
Sweden,Switzerland,the United Kingdom,andthe United States. izabilityof theirconclusions(see, for example,the country-specific
20The periods are 1973-79, 1980-84, 1985-89, and 1991-95. The analysis in Janoski 1990 and 1994).
excludedreferenceyearis 1990. 22 And also by the analysis of the United Kingdom in King 1995.
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American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No. 1
TABLE 1. The Determinants of Labor Market influencing PLMPs.24 However, as hypothesized, the
sign of the coefficient indicates that social democratic
Policy, 1980-95
government is not associated with greater levels of
ALMPs PLMPs PLMP The sign seems to suggest that Right govern-
Constant .037 .446
ment (rather than Left government) is in fact associ-
(.119) (.186)
.378 .009 ated with more generous PLMPs.
Laggeddependentvariable .921 .939 A number of authors have argued that governments
(.048) (.025) dominated by Christian democratic parties promote
<.001 <.001 generous welfare state policies (see, e.g., Hicks and
CabinetPartisanship .015 .013 Swank 1992 and Huber and Stephens 2001). Since this
(.024) (.022) could be the explanation for the results using cabi-
.268 .275 net partisanship, I run a regression following the same
UnionDensity .001 .001 specifications but with Christian democratic share of
(.001) (.001) cabinet seats instead of government partisanship.25
.044 .288 Christian democracy turns out to be insignificant as a
BargainingCentralization .132 .150 determinant of PLMPs. This means that the insignif-
(.131) (.145) icance of partisanship effects observed in Tables 1
.157 .152 and 2 is not caused by ignoring Christian democratic
Openness .001 .001
(.000) (.001)
.083 .167 The second column in Table 2 substitutes the ex-
FinancialOpenness -.005 -.018 pert opinion-based measure of partisanship for one
(.008) (.013) that uses party manifesto data. While the results in
.262 .083 Table 1 are confirmed regarding ALMPs, the use of this
Lag of GovernmentDebt -.099 -.145 alternative measure results in a significant partisan-
(.046) (.070) ship effect on PLMPs. Although the sign of the coef-
.016 .019 ficient indicates that more social democratic govern-
Lag of Standardized .002 .005 ments promote higher levels of passive labor market
UnemploymentRate (.005) (.008) policies, the size of the coefficient (-.002) suggests
.375 .281
GDP Growth -.019 -.099 that the substantial effect of this variable is extremely
(.006) (.009) small.
.001 <.001 Some authors have argued that strong labor move-
N 171 209 ments allow leftist governments to promote low un-
R2 .93 employment policies (see Alvarez, Garrett, and Lange
Source: OECD Social ExpendituresDatabase 2000, except 1991 and Garrett 1998). The lack of partisanship effects
Switzerlandand Austria(onlyfor PLMP),OECD Employment in Table 2 could result from misspecifying the rela-
Outlook. tionship between labor market institutions and gov-
Note:ALMPand PLMPspending as % of GDP.Highervalues ernment partisanship. I therefore test the Left labor
of the CabinetPartisanshipvariablemean more conservative hypothesis in the third column in Table 2. I substitute
governments.Numbersinboldare estimatedcoefficients;num-
bers in parentheses are theirpanel-correctedstandarderrors; cabinet partisanship for Garrett's (1998) variable cap-
numbersin italicsare p-values fromone-sided t-tests. Period turing the interaction between social democratic gov-
dummyestimates are not reported(availableupon request). ernment and the power of labor. Since Garrett's Left
labor power index is not available after 1990 (or for
Switzerland and Australia), I recreate the index by
on the major categories of welfare state spending and adding together social democratic government, the
do not find a partisan effect on an aggregate measure level of centralization/coordination of wage bargain-
of ALMPs and unemployment benefits. ing, and union density. This is a good proxy for Garrett's
In Table 2, I estimate some alternative models to index since it is highly correlated to it (the correlation
confirm the results presented in Table 1 (only the vari- coefficient is .91). Following Garrett, interactions with
able of interest is reported). The first column repre- international and financial openness are introduced,
sents the same regressions used for the main results while union density and bargaining centralization are
with the inclusion of country fixed effects. Following
Hsiao (1986), I include country dummies to control
for those influences that are country specific and that 24 Nickell (1981) demonstrates that, with short panel data, OLS esti-
could affect the accurate estimation of the variables of mation of models with lagged dependent variables and fixed effects
interest (country-specific omitted variables).23Cabinet produces biased coefficients. I therefore check these fixed-effects
partisanship is an insignificant determinant of ALMPs results by using a two-stage instrumental variable procedure similar
to the one explained in Rueda and Pontusson 2000. The findings
(as was the case with Table 1) but a significant variable regarding ALMPs are confirmed but government partisanship loses
significance as a determinant of PLMPs in the instrumental variable
model (confirming the main results in Table 1).
25 Results not reported but available from the author. Source for
23 Dummies for all countries are present in the regressions with fixed Christian democratic share of cabinet seats: Duane Swank, Political
effects. I ran these regressions without a constant. Science Department, Marquette University.
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Insider-OutsiderPolitics in IndustrializedDemocracies February2005
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American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No. 1
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Insider-OutsiderPolitics in IndustrializedDemocracies February2005
economic outcomes. The analysis in this article, how- democratic parties. Perhaps more importantly, there
ever, focuses on the transformation in party strategies is also the question of what outsiders can do when
that results from new voter demands. I show that eco- ignored by social democratic governments. Starting in
nomic factors affect the preferences of particular elec- the 1970s, most Western democracies have experienced
torates and, as a consequence, the strategies of partisan the emergence of powerful antisystem parties (espe-
governments. cially extreme right ones). This article's arguments sug-
My analysis also provides a useful framework with gest that the losers in the labor market arena (outsiders
which to analyze more recent partisanship debates. who are not the focus of traditional left or right par-
There is an ongoing discussion, in both academic and ties) may have reasons to turn away from mainstream
more general circles, about whether a "third way" has options.
emerged as a comprehensive philosophy uniting so- Before closing, I would like to briefly explore three
cial democratic parties around a coherent set of policy topics that may not have received enough attention in
alternatives. According to some analysts, a third way my analysis: the degree of security enjoyed by insiders,
does indeed exist and it is distinguished by an emphasis the perceived effectiveness of labor market policies,
on employment promotion as a goal and by the use of and the existence of other policy options. The impor-
active labor market policies (see, e.g., Giddens 1998). tance of the first issue cannot be understated. This
The arguments presented in this article emphasize the article's partisanship model, after all, is based on a
importance of taking into consideration insider- fundamental difference in the way insiders and out-
outsider distinctions to understand these policy devel- siders are vulnerable to unemployment. To the extent
opments. Taking this article's framework as our guide, that insiders are protected from unemployment, their
we would speculate that a number of factors could interests will be significantly different from those of
make pro-outsider policies more attractive to social outsiders. Factors that increase insiders' vulnerability
democratic governments. Among them an increase in to unemployment, however, will align their interests
the number of outsiders past a possible critical point, with those of outsiders. In Rueda (forthcoming) I ex-
a weakening of unions, or even a decrease in the plore this question in some detail. Using a case study
level of "insiderness" come to mind. In fact an argu- and an analysis of surveys and macrodata, I show that
ment could be made that in the United Kingdom, it the unemployment vulnerability of insiders is indeed
was the influence of these last two factors that facil- a significant factor affecting the likelihood that social
itated the emergence of Blair's third way. The mod- democratic governments will promote labor market
eration of unions in the late 1990s and the influence policies. A hierarchical analysis of individual prefer-
of Thatcherism are surely factors influencing the poli- ences shows that insiders are significantly more likely
cies of New Labour. Thatcher, Giddens (1998) argues, than outsiders or members of the upscale groups to
"attacked established institutions and elites.... The have high preferences for employment protection (as
Labour Party and its intellectual sympathizers first of shown here in a less systematic manner). Insiders, how-
all responded largely by reaffirming old left views. The ever, experience a drastic increase in their labor mar-
electoral setbacks the party suffered by so doing, how- ket policy preferences as soon as they feel vulnerable
ever, necessarily stimulated a new orientation" (ix). to unemployment. As implied by the insider-outsider
This article's arguments shed some light on two addi- model, the analysis of aggregate data also shows that
tional partisan issues. First, a number of scholars have social democratic governments are more likely to pro-
explored the reasons behind the decline in partisan- mote higher levels of labor market policies only when
ship observed at the individual level in recent years insiders become more vulnerable to unemployment.
(Dalton 2002). My analysis suggests that insider- As for the second topic, the economics literature
outsider differences help explain why some people provides us with some evidence that higher levels
do not feel represented by mainstream political op- of ALMP promote lower levels of unemployment
tions. It is reasonable to assume that outsiders would (OECD 1994; Jackman, Pissarides, and Savouri 1990).
be increasingly less likely to identify with parties that The existence of scholarly analyses demonstrating the
do not defend their interests. At the aggregate level, beneficial effects of ALMPs, however, is not as rel-
analysts have also perceived a progressive decline in evant as the general acceptance by policy-makers of
the political prominence of social democracy (see, e.g., ALMP as a tool against unemployment. This accep-
Pontusson 1995). My results suggest that this view may tance has been widespread in recent years. Transfer-
be inaccurate and that partisanship is still a powerful ring public resources into active labor market policies
determinant of policy. We cannot observe these effects, has been an objective repeatedly endorsed by third
however, if we do not look at the right policies. I argue way social democrats and OECD labor ministers. As
that only by understanding insider-outsider differences Martin (1998) points out, it has also become part of
will we perceive the true influence of partisanship on the EU's official strategy to decrease unemployment
policy-making. since the Essen Summit in December 1994 (12). The
The second partisan issue relates to the costs of social degree to which the perceived effectiveness of ALMPs
democratic strategies. The model presented in this ar- has influenced social democratic strategies should be
ticle opens the door to a debate about the implications the focus of further research. It is in any case clear
of emphasizing the interests of insiders. Given some that social democratic governments do promote labor
recent electoral setbacks in industrialized democracies, market policies when insiders are threatened by unem-
it is uncertain insider strategies are beneficial to social ployment (see Rueda, forthcoming).
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