SP Distinguish
SP Distinguish
SP Distinguish
1. Fixed Capital and Working Capital:
Shares Debentures
1. Meaning
A share is a part of share capital A debenture is a certificate of loan
of a company. It is known as taken by a company. They are also
ownership securities. known as creditorship securities.
2. Time of Issue
Shares are issued in the initial Debentures are issued at a later
stages of the company formation. stage, when the company has
properties to offer as security.
3. Types
Shares are classified into __ Debentures are classified as :
a) Equity shares a) Registered Debentures
b) Preference b) Bearer Debentures
c) Secured Debentures
d) Unsecured Debentures
e) Redeemable Debentures
f) Irredeemable Debentures
g) Convertible Debentures
h) Non - convertible Debentures
4. Status
A holder of shares is the owner of A holder of debenture is creditor
company. Therefore share capital of the company. Debenture capital
is owned capital. is loan capital or borrowed capital.
5. Security
Share capital is unsecured capital. Debenture capital being loan
No security is offered to the capital is secured by creating a
shareholder. charge on Company’s property.
6. Suitability
Shares are suitable for long term Debentures are suitable for medium
finance. term finance.
5. Transfer of Shares and Transmission of Shares:
Dividend Interest
1. Given to whom
It is paid to the member i.e. the It is paid to the creditor of the
owners of the company. Company.
2. Rate
It is paid at a fluctuating rate Rate of interest is fixed and
to the equity shareholders since predetermined at the time of issue
it is linked to the profits of of the security.
3. Resolution
Payment of Final Dividend Payment of interest does not
requires a Board resolution and require passing of a resolution
an ordinary resolution at the at any meeting.
AGM while Interim Dividend
can be paid by passing only a
Board Resolution.
4. Obligation
It is to be paid only when It is not linked to the profits of
company has made profits. the company. Payment of interest
Therefore no obligation / is an obligation and is to be paid
compulsion to pay dividend. by the company compulsorily
5. When payable
It is payable when a company It is payable every year
earns sufficient profit in a year irrespective of the profits of the
after fulfilling all obligations. company.
6. Meaning
Dividend is the return payable to It is the return payable to the
the shareholders of the company creditors of the company viz.
for their investment in the share Debenture holder / Deposit
capital. holders for the loan given by
them to the company.
Dematerialization Rematerialization
1. Meaning
Process of converting Physical It is the process of conversion of
certificates of securities into electronic form of securities into
electronic form. physical form.
2. Use of form
It uses 'DRF' : Viz. It uses 'RRF' : viz Rematerialization
'Dematerialization Request Request Form’ from Investor to the
Form' from Investor to the DP. DP.
3. Sequence
This is an initial process. It is a This is a reverse process. It is a
primary and Principal function secondary and supporting function
of the depository. of depository. Already demated
securities are remated
4. Securities Maintenance Authority
Depository is the custodian of
securities and records.
5. Identification of securities
Demated securities have no Remated securities will have
distinctive numbers. They are certificate and distinctive numbers
fungible. as issued by company
6. Conversion
Here, the paper form of securities Here, the electronic records are
is converted in to digitally/ converted into physical/paper
electronically held securities. form securities