BB Io en 1115 LR
BB Io en 1115 LR
BB Io en 1115 LR
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and becomes contractual only after written confirmation by Saft.
Block battery Ni-Cd range
Prior and during commissioning charge, record between approximately 5 mm below maximum • High water consumption is usually caused
all data requested in the commissioning report mark (Upper). by an improper voltage setting or voltage drift
available on that is above the recommended in-service
Note: When full battery performance is charging voltages. To maximize the topping-up
required for capacity test purposes, the interval check the charging voltage and adjust
4.1. Constant current charge battery has to be charged in accordance with as required.
If the current limit is lower than indicated in IEC 60623.
the Table A or B, charge for a proportionally
• Visually check the electrolyte level. Never let
longer time.
5. Charging in service the level fall below the minimum level mark.
Use only distilled or deionized water to top-up.
• For cells filled and charged by the factory up Maintaining the recommended battery charging
Topping up of the battery shall be carried out
to 6 months: voltage is very important to insure long life to
when battery is fully charged. Experience will
Charge for 10 h at 0.2 C5 A (see Tables A or B). the battery. The battery charger must be set to
tell the time interval between topping-up.
the recommended charging values.
• For cells filled on location or for filled cells
5.1. Continuous parallel operation, with Note: Once the battery has been filled with the
which have been stored more than 6 months:
occasional battery discharge. correct electrolyte either at the battery factory
a) Charge for 10 h at 0.2 C5 A
Recommended charging voltage (+20°C to or during the battery commissioning, there
(see Tables A or B)
+25°C / +68°F to +77°F): is no need to check the electrolyte density.
b) Discharge at 0.2 C5 A to 1.0 V/cell
Electrolyte density measurements do not
c) Charge for 10 h at 0.2 C5 A
• Single level charge: indicate state of charge or state of health.
(see Tables A or B).
1.43 - 1.50 V/cell.
Note: At the end of the charge, the cell voltage • Ensure all terminals and connectors are
may reach the level of 1.85 V per cell, thus the • Two level charge: coated with a thin layer of anti-corrosion oil,
charger shall be able to supply such voltage. 1.42 ± 0.01 V/cell for L cells anti-corrosion grease (NO-OX) or approved
When the charger maximum voltage setting is 1.40 ± 0.01 V/cell for M and H cells equal.
too low to supply constant current charging,
divide the battery into two parts to be charged • High rate (boost) level: • High water consumption is usually caused by
individually. 1.47 - 1.70 V/cell for L cells high improper voltage setting of the charger.
1.45 - 1.70 V/cell for M and H cells.
4.2. Constant voltage charge A high voltage will increase the speed and Note that all these maintenance
• For cells filled and charged by the factory and efficiency of the recharging. recommendations followed the IEEE 1106
stored up to 6 months: standard ‘Recommended Practice for
Charge for 24 h at 1.65 V/cell, current limited Installation, Maintenance, Testing and
to 0.2 C5 A or charge for 48 h at 1.55 V/cell, 5.2. Buffer operation, where the load exceeds Replacement of Vented Nickel-Cadmium
current limited to 0.2 C5 A the charger rating. Batteries for Stationary Applications’.
(see Tables A or B). Recommended charging voltage
• For cells filled on location or for filled cells (+20°C to +25°C / +68°F to +77°F): 6.1. Changing Electrolyte
which have been stored more than 6 months: 1.50 - 1.60 V/cell. In most stationary battery applications, the
a) Charge for 30 h at 1.65 V/cell with current electrolyte will retain its effectiveness for
limited to 0.2 C5 A the life of the battery. However, under special
(see Tables A or B) 6. Preventive maintenance battery operating conditions, if the electrolyte
b) Discharge at 0.2 C5 A to 1.0 V/cell It is good practice with any system to carry out is found to be carbonated, the battery
c) Charge for 30 h at 1.65 V/cell with current an inspection of the system once per year or performance can be restored by replacing the
limited to 0.2 C5 A or charge for 48 h at at the recommended topping-up interval period electrolyte.
1.55 V/cell current limited to 0.2 C5 A to ensure that the charging system, the battery The electrolyte type to be used for replacement
(see Tables A or B) and the ancillary electronics are all functioning in these cells is: E13. Refer to ‘Electrolyte
correctly. Additionally, follow your standard Instructions’.
The battery container temperature is to be
preventative maintenance procedures.
monitored during charge. If the temperature
exceeds + 45°C (+113°F) during charging, then
• Keep the battery clean using only water. Do
7. Environment
it must be stopped to reduce the temperature. To protect the environment all used batteries
not use a wire brush or solvents of any kind.
The charging can be resumed when battery must be recycled. Contact your local Saft
Vent plugs can be rinsed in clean water if
container temperature drops below + 40°C representative for further information.
(+ 104°F).
• Check the charging voltage. This should be
4.3.Electrolyte adjustment after
checked and recorded at least once yearly.
For individual cells with voltages measured
• After commissioning, when the level is
below 1.35 V during float charge, a high-rate
stabilized, the electrolyte level should be
charge is recommended to be applied to the
cell concerned.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and becomes contractual only after written confirmation by Saft.
Charging Electrolyte Cell Charging Electrolyte Cell Charging Electrolyte Cell
Cell type per cell Cell type per cell Cell type per cell
current connection current connection current connection
0.2 Solid* Liquid* bolt per 0.2 Solid* Liquid* bolt per 0.2 Solid* Liquid* bolt per
C5A (A) (kg) (I) pole C5A (A) (kg) (I) pole C5A (A) (kg) (I) pole
SBLE 7,5 1,5 0,2 0,08 M6 SBM 11 2,2 0,10 0,3 M6 SBH 8.3 71,7 0,1 0,4 M6
SBLE 15 3,0 0,4 0,11 M6 SBM 15 3 0,11 0,3 M6 SBH 12 2,4 0,1 0,4 M6
SBLE 22 4,4 0,5 0,17 M6 SBM 22 4,4 0,15 0,5 M6 SBH 16 3,2 0,2 0,5 M6
SBLE 30 6,0 0,5 0,15 M6 SBM 30 6 0,15 0,5 M6 SBH 19 3,8 0,3 0,9 M6
SBLE 40 8,0 0,5 0,29 M6 SBM 43 8,6 0,32 1,0 M6 SBH 29 5,8 0,4 1,1 M6
SBLE 47 9,4 0,6 0,19 M6 SBM 50 10 0,32 1,0 M6 SBH 39 7,8 0,4 1,2 M8
SBLE 62 12,0 0,7 0,23 M6 SBM 56 11 0,39 1,2 M6 SBH 49 9,8 0,5 1,5 M8
SBLE 75 15,0 1,0 0,32 M8 SBM 65 13 0,36 1,1 M8 SBH 59 12 0,5 1,6 M 10
SBLE 85 17,0 1,4 0,45 M8 SBM 72 14 0,36 1,1 M8 SBH 69 14 0,7 2,1 M 10
SBLE 95 19,0 1,4 0,45 M8 SBM 84 17 0,42 1,3 M8 SBH 79 16 0,6 2 M 10
SBLE 110 22,0 1,5 0,49 M8 SBM 93 19 0,42 1,3 M8 SBH 88 18 0,8 2,5 M 10
SBLE 125 25,0 1,8 0,58 M8 SBM 100 20 0,52 1,6 M8 SBH 98 20 0,8 2,4 M 10
SBLE 140 28,0 1,8 0,58 M8 SBM 112 22 0,52 1,6 M8 SBH 110 22 0,9 2,9 M 10
SBLE 165 33,0 2,2 0,71 M 10 SBM 118 24 0,52 1,6 M8 SBH 118 24 0,9 2,7 M 10
SBLE 185 37,0 2,2 0,71 M 10 SBM 130 26 0,58 1,8 M 10 SBH 137 27 1,3 4,1 2 x M 10
SBLE 200 40,0 2,6 0,84 M 10 SBM 138 28 0,65 2,0 M 10 SBH 157 31 1,3 3,9 2 x M 10
SBLE 215 43,0 2,6 0,84 M 10 SBM 150 30 0,75 2,3 M 10 SBH 177 35 1,6 4,9 2 x M 10
SBLE 230 46,0 2,6 0,84 M 10 SBM 161 32 0,68 2,1 M 10 SBH 196 39 1,5 4,7 2 x M 10
SBLE 255 51,0 3,0 0,97 M 10 SBM 168 34 0,87 2,7 M 10 SBH 204 41 1,5 4,6 2 x M 10
SBLE 275 55,0 3,0 0,97 M 10 SBM 184 37 0,87 2,7 M 10 SBH 236 47 1,7 5,4 2 x M 10
SBLE 300 60,0 3,9 1,26 2 x M 10 SBM 192 38 0,87 2,7 M 10 SBH 256 51 1,8 5,5 2 x M 10
SBLE 325 65,0 3,9 1,26 2 x M 10 SBM 200 40 1,04 3,2 M 10 SBH 265 53 2,4 7,4 3 x M 10
SBLE 355 71,0 4,3 1,39 2 x M 10 SBM 208 42 1,04 3,2 M 10 SBH 270 54 2 6,1 2 x M 10
SBLE 365 73,0 4,3 1,39 2 x M 10 SBM 216 43 1,04 3,2 M 10 SBH 281 56 2,2 6,7 2 x M 10
SBLE 375 74,0 4,2 1,39 2 x M 10 SBM 231 46 0,97 3,0 M 10 SBH 294 59 2,3 7 3 x M 10
SBLE 395 79,0 4,7 1,52 2 x M 10 SBM 241 48 0,97 3,0 M 10 SBH 307 61 2,1 6,4 2 x M 10
SBLE 415 83,0 4,7 1,52 2 x M 10 SBM 250 50 1,26 3,9 2 x M 10 SBH 323 65 2,4 7,5 3 x M 10
SBLE 435 87,0 5,2 1,68 2 x M 10 SBM 260 52 1,26 3,9 2 x M 10 SBH 345 59 2,9 8,8 3 x M 10
SBLE 460 92,0 5,2 1,68 2 x M 10 SBM 277 55 1,26 3,9 2 x M 10 SBH 353 71 2,6 8,1 3 x M 10
SBLE 480 96,0 5,6 1,81 2 x M 10 SBM 300 60 1,30 4,0 2 x M 10 SBH 363 73 2,8 8,6 3 x M 10
SBLE 500 100,0 5,6 1,81 2 x M 10 SBM 323 65 1,36 4,2 2 x M 10 SBH 383 77 2,7 8,3 3 x M 10
SBLE 510 102,0 5,6 1,81 2 x M 10 SBM 346 70 1,56 4,8 2 x M 10 SBH 393 79 3 9,3 4 x M 10
SBLE 550 110,0 6,0 1,94 2 x M 10 SBM 369 74 1,72 5,3 2 x M 10 SBH 400 80 2,9 8,9 3 x M 10
SBLE 600 120,0 6,8 2,2 3 x M 10 SBM 392 78 1,91 5,9 2 x M 10 SBH 422 84 3,3 10,1 3 x M 10
SBLE 650 130,0 7,3 2,37 3 x M 10 SBM 415 83 2,07 6,4 2 x M 10 SBH 440 88 3,2 9,9 3 x M 10
SBLE 700 140,0 7,7 2,49 3 x M 10 SBM 438 88 1,98 6,1 2 x M 10 SBH 460 92 3,1 9,6 3 x M 10
SBLE 750 150,0 8,1 2,62 3 x M 10 SBM 461 92 1,91 5,9 2 x M 10 SBH 471 94 3,5 10,8 4 x M 10
SBLE 790 158,0 8,5 2,75 3 x M 10 SBM 482 96 1,91 5,9 2 x M 10 SBH 491 98 3,8 11,7 5 x M 10
SBLE 830 166,0 8,9 2,88 3 x M 10 SBM 505 101 2,37 7,3 3 x M 10 SBH 510 102 3,6 11 4 x M 10
SBLE 890 178,0 9,8 3,18 4 x M 10 SBM 526 105 2,37 7,3 3 x M 10 SBH 560 112 4,3 13,4 4 x M 10
SBLE 925 185,5 10,3 3,34 4 x M 10 SBM 555 111 2,59 8,0 3 x M 10 SBH 590 118 4,4 13,5 5 x M 10
SBLE 980 196,0 10,7 3,47 4 x M 10 SBM 576 115 2,59 8,0 3 x M 10 SBH 600 120 4,2 12,9 4 x M 10
SBLE 1000 200,0 11,1 3,6 4 x M 10 SBM 600 120 2,75 8,5 3 x M 10 SBH 615 123 4,1 12,8 4 x M 10
SBLE 1020 204,0 11,1 3,6 4 x M 10 SBM 625 125 3,08 9,5 3 x M 10 SBH 640 128 4,5 13,8 5 x M 10
SBLE 1070 214,0 11,5 3,73 4 x M 10 SBM 649 130 3,08 9,5 3 x M 10 SBH 655 131 4,7 14,4 5 x M 10
SBLE 1100 220,0 11,9 3,86 4 x M 10 SBM 674 135 3,01 9,3 3 x M 10 SBH 670 134 4,9 15 5 x M 10
SBLE 1150 230,0 12,9 4,18 5 x M 10 SBM 690 138 2,88 8,9 3 x M 10 SBH 705 141 5,4 16,7 5 x M 10
SBLE 1200 240,0 13,3 4,31 5 x M 10 SBM 723 145 2,88 8,9 3 x M 10 SBH 765 153 5,2 16 5 x M 10
SBLE 1250 250,0 13,6 4,41 5 x M 10 SBM 740 148 3,43 10,6 4 x M 10 SBH 800 160 5,5 17 6 x M 10
SBLE 1300 260,0 14,0 4,54 5 x M 10 SBM 768 154 3,43 10,6 4 x M 10 SBH 865 173 5,9 18,2 6 x M 10
SBLE 1350 270,0 14,4 4,67 5 x M 10 SBM 792 158 3,63 11,2 4 x M 10 SBH 920 184 6,2 19,1 6 x M 10
SBLE 1400 280,0 14,8 4,8 5 x M 10 SBM 830 166 4,11 12,7 4 x M 10
SBLE 1450 290,0 15,8 5,12 6 x M 10 SBM 866 173 4,11 12,7 4 x M 10
SBLE 1500 300,0 16,6 5,38 6 x M 10 SBM 890 178 4,05 12,5 4 x M 10
SBLE 1560 312,0 17,0 5,51 6 x M 10 SBM 920 184 3,82 11,8 4 x M 10
SBLE 1600 320,0 17,4 5,64 6 x M 10 SBM 940 188 3,89 12,0 4 x M 10
SBLE 1660 332,0 17,4 5,77 6 x M 10 SBM 965 193 4,05 12,5 6 x M 10
SBLE 1690 338,0 17,8 5,77 6 x M 10 SBM 1009 202 4,63 14,3 5 x M 10
SBM 1040 208 5,15 15,9 5 x M 10
SBM 1082 216 5,15 15,9 5 x M 10
SBM 1107 221 5,05 15,6 5 x M 10
SBM 1150 230 4,76 14,7 5 x M 10
SBM 1181 236 4,86 15,0 5 x M 10 * Height including the IP2X terminal cover
SBM 1220 244 5,99 18,5 6 x M 10 - The grey line distinguishes the normal
SBM 1274 254 5,99 18,5 6 x M 10 mounted cells from the crosswise cells.
SBM 1324 264 6,09 18,8 6 x M 10
SBM 1390 278 5,73 17,7 6 x M 10
SBM 1445 289 5,73 17,7 6 x M 10
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and becomes contractual only after written confirmation by Saft.
Electrolyte Cell
Electrolyte Cell
Electrolyte Cell
Cell type Capacity per cell Cell type Capacity per cell Cell type Capacity per cell
connection connection connection
0.2 C5 Solid* Liquid* bolt per 0.2 C5 Solid* Liquid* bolt per 0.2 C5 Solid* Liquid* bolt per
A (A) (kg) (I) pole A (A) (kg) (I) pole A (A) (kg) (I) pole
26 quai Charles Pasqua
92300 Levallois-Perret -
Tel. : +33 (0)1 58 63 16 00
Doc. n°22037-0322-2 - March 2022 - Information in this document is subject to change without notice and becomes contractual only after written
confirmation by Saft. Published by the Mobility Communications Department Photo credit: Saft - Cap 1048