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for NEET Biology: Biotechnology and Its Applications

Resistant to insects
(lepidopterans, coleopterans
and dipterans)

Bt cotton Produced by introducing genes

of Bacillus thuringiensis, which
produces Bt toxins into cotton
plants by genetic engineering

Insecticidal protein

Produced by- Bacillus thuringiensis

(bacteria) as inactive protoxins

Coded by cry genes; cryIAc and

cryIIAb- control cotton bollworms,
Bt Toxin cryIAb- controls corn borer

Mode of action- protoxin gets

activated by the alkaline pH of the
gut and causes lysis of epithelial
cells of the midgut of insects by
forming pores in the cell membrane
RNA interference technique of
cellular defence is used

Silencing mRNA of a nematode

Nematode resistant by introducing genes, which
formed dsRNA specific to the
plants nematode, inducing RNAi

Meloidogyne incognita infects

the root of tobacco plants
Flashcards for NEET Biology: Biotechnology and Its Applications

Genetically engineered insulin

Produced by- An American

company Eli Lilly in 1983
Humulin A and B chains were produced
separately by inserting genes in
the plasmid of E.coli

Does not contain C peptide

Correction of a genetic defect

First given to a girl with ADA

(Adenosine deaminase)
Gene therapy deficiency in 1990

The functional ADA cDNA was

introduced in lymphocytes

Rosie (1997)

First transgenic cow Produced protein-enriched milk

and also contained alpha-
Flashcards for NEET Biology: Biotechnology and Its Applications

Biological product by a
transgenic animal for
𝛼-1-antitrypsin treatment of emphysema

A short DNA or RNA segment

tagged with a radioactive
Used to search for the
complementary sequences in a

Genetic Engineering Approval


GEAC Indian regulatory body for GM

research and analysing safety
of introducing GM organisms for
public use
Flashcards for NEET Biology: Biotechnology and Its Applications

Codes for proteins involved in

rop plasmid replication

Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent

First described by
ELISA Perlmann and Engvall in 1971

Test to detect antigens,

antibodies or hormones present
in a sample

Use of biological resources

commercially without
authorisation and compensatory
Biopiracy payment to concerned
authorities and people, where it

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