Information Age
Information Age
Information Age
• Information age implication to Electrical Engineering GOOD HEALTH is an important enabler of positive family and
students interested in learning about digital community life, it enables people to participate in, and
communication systems who are contemplating contribute to the society in different ways. Like having:
electrical engineering as a major. Smart gadgets
STRONGER COMMUNITY SUPPORT Large, uncontrolled exchanges of plant genomes are
BETTER MENTAL HEALTH Must cross numerous plants over several
generations in order to get the desired
Genetic Engineering
It could also have a serious impact to human health
Allow for the gradual introduction of new features
and also could deteriorate the farming systems and could
without the need for additional genes or
reduce nutrients in some food we consume.
considerable cross-breeding.
PESTICIDES Allowing the application of features from several
organisms, such as pest resistance.
Pesticides have an important role on increasing crop
yields. However, it has a pose-hazards towards human health THE MILLION DOLLAR BUG
and to the environment.
The European corn borer, sometimes referred to as the
WITHOUT BIODIVERSITY European corn worm or the European high-flyer, is a grass
moth belonging to the family Crambidae. Grain, especially
Without biodiversity we can’t be able to survive. maize, is affected by it. The native European bug used to
Without anything to maintain the balance of the world. infest different millet species, especially broom corn.
WHAT IS GMO? Bacillus thuringiensis - A type of bacteria that generates
proteins harmful to some insects. This bacteria naturally
living things whose genetic material has undergone genetic
exists in dirt.
engineering artificial manipulation in a laboratory such as
bacteria and yeast, plants, fish and mammals. BENEFITS OF GENETIC ENGINEERING
Source of genetically modified foods as well as a popular tool When applied to microorganisms, it aids in the
for producing valuable products other than food and scientific development of innovative pharmaceuticals that can
study only be produced in this manner.
helps in the bio remediation process, which involves
using living organisms to remove trash and
reduced the overall use of pesticides and herbicides.
DNA PENETRATES THE CELL MEMBRANE FOR ANY helped plants produce medicines and other
REASON medications
4. ATTACHING THE GENES TO A VIRUS OR JUST helped create new cultivars faster and more
PHYSICALLY INSETING THE DNA INTO THE NUCLEUS predictably through genetic engineering.
5. AGROBACTERIUMS NANOSCIENCE - the study of structures and materials on an
PRINCIPLE OBJECTIVE OF PRODUCTION to replace an ultra-small scale, and the unique and interesting properties
organism's genome with new genetic material which is called these materials demonstrate.
genetic engineering. NANOTECHNOLOGY (also sometimes called molecular
PAUL BERG made it possible through the discovery of DNA manufacturing), is the design, production and application of
and the creation of the first recombinant DNA molecules in structures, devices and systems at the nanoscale.
1972 • The word nano is from the Greek word 'Nanos'
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GENETIC ENGINEERING meaning Dwarf. It is a prefix used to describe "one
AND TRADITIONAL BREEDING? billionth" of something.
It may produce both desirable and undesirable traits in the Nanoscale usually refers to a length from the atomic level of
offspring. These undesirable features can occasionally be around 0.1 nm up to 100 nm. Nanostructures or
dangerous. nanomaterials are forms of matter at the nanoscale.
• The diversity of life enriches the quality of our lives 1. SPECIES RICHNESS
in ways that are not easy to quantify. Biodiversity is Is the number of species found in a community
intrinsically valuable and is important for our or ecosystem. Species diversity is a
emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being. measurement of species richness combined with
Some consider that it is an important human evenness, meaning it takes into account not only
how many species are present but also how Landfills for garbage are a major source of methane
evenly distributed the numbers of each species emissions. Energy, industry, transport, buildings,
are. agriculture and land use are among the main
emitters (The World Meteorological Organization
Is the percentage (that's why it is called relative) According to (WMO, 2021) the year 2020 was one of
of a certain isotope occuring in a natural mixture the three warmest years on record. It recorded 1.1
of all the isotopes of that element. It has degrees Celsius warmer than it was in the late 1800s.
nothing to do with Relativity. Regular hydrogen,
The consequences of climate change now include,
for example (that is with a single-proton
among others, intense droughts, water scarcity,
nucleus, a.k.a. 1H) has a relative abundance of
severe fires, rising sea levels, flooding, melting polar
ice, catastrophic storms and declining biodiversity.
Ecosystem diversity (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2022).
Is a construct, means of assessing the condition of a Climate Change in the Philippines Current warming
system under study. It is a measurement of the has increasingly posed quite considerable challenges
number of plant and/or animal species occupying a to man and the environment, and will continue to do
given area. High diversity is often associated with so in the future.
stable, fairly consistent conditions, such as one might
Climate Change in Water Resources In areas/regions
find in the wet tropics. In the tropical rain forest,
where rainfall is projected to decrease, there will be
there are no dominant species, even though the
water stress (both in quantity and quality), which in
density of trees and other plant species is very high.
turn, will most likely cascade into more adverse
Diversity among animal species, especially insects, is
impacts, particularly on forestry, agriculture and
correspondingly high.
livelihood, health, and human settlement.
1. High Diversity
Climate Change in Forestry Changes in rainfall
Is a habitat or ecosystem that has a high
regimes and patterns resulting to increase/decrease
number of different species.
in water use and temperature increases could lead
2. Low Diversity
to a change in the forests ecosystem, particularly in
Is when there are a few prominent species and a
areas where the rains are severely limited, and can
low number of other species within the habitat.
no longer provide favorable conditions for certain
highly sensitive species
Climate Change in Agriculture Agriculture in the
country could be severely affected by temperature
-FRANS LANTING changes coupled with changes in rain regimes and
patterns. Crops have been shown to suffer decreases
in yields whenever temperatures have exceeded
CLIMATE CHANGE -refers to long-term of shifts in threshold values and possibly result to spikelet
temperatures and weather patterns. sterility, as in the case of rice.
Main Cause of Climate Change Climate Change in Coastal Resources The country’s
coastal resources are highly vulnerable due to its
-human activities have been the main driver of extensive coastlines. Sea level rise is highly likely in a
climate change primarily due to greenhouse gas changing climate, and low-lying islands will face
emissions such as burning fossil fuels like coal, oil permanent inundation in the future.
and gas.
Climate Change in Health Human health is one of
Greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate the most vital sectors which will be severely affected
change include carbon dioxide and methane. These by climate change. Incremental increases in
come from using gasoline to drive a car or coal to temperatures and rain regimes could trigger a
heat a building, for example. Clearing land and number of adverse impacts; in particular, the
forests can also release carbon dioxide. outbreak and spread of water-based and vector-
borne diseases leading to higher morbidity and
mortality; increased incidence of pulmonary illnesses
among young children and cardiovascular diseases
among the elderly.