Information Age

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INFORMATION AGE • It is a single-user instrument, PCs were first known

as microcomputers since they were a complete

• The information age is defined as a “period starting
computer but built on a smaller scale than the
in the last quarter of the 20th century when
enormous system operated by most businesses.
information became effortlessly accessible through
publications and through the management of 2.DESKTOP COMPUTER
information by computers and computer
It is described as a PC that is not designed for portability.
The assumption with a desktop is that it will be set up in
• The information age is also called the Digital Age a permanent spot. A workstation is simply a desktop
and the New Media Age because it was associated computer that has a more powerful processor, additional
with the development of computers. memory, and enhanced capabilities for performing special
group of tasks, such as 3Dgraphics or game development.
• proposed the Theory of Information Age in 1982,
“the Information age is a true new aged based • These are portable computers that integrate the
upon the interconnection of computers via essentials of a desktop computer in a battery –
telecommunications, with basis. Furthermore, powered package, which are somewhat larger than
the primary factors driving this new age forward are a typical hardcover book. They are commonly called
convenience and user friendliness which, in turn, notebooks.
will create user dependence.”
• These are tightly integrated computers that usually
• Called it “information anxiety.” In the 1990s, have no keyboards but rely on a touch screen for
information became the currency in the business user input. PDAs are typically smaller than a paper
world. Information was the preferred medium back, lightweight, and battery-powered.
of exchange and the information managers served as
information officers.
• It refers to a computer that has been improved to
provide network services to other computers.
ROBERT HARRIS detailed some facts on the information age. Servers usually boast powerful processors, tons of
memory, and large drives.
1. Information must compete.
2. Newer is equated with truer. 6.MAINFRAMES
3. Selection is a viewpoint.
• These are huge computer systems that can fill an
4. The media sells what the culture busy.
entire room. They are used especially by large firms
5. The early word gets the perm.
to describe the large, expensive machines that
6. You are what you eat and so is your brain.
process millions of transactions every day. The term
7. Anything in great demand will be counterfeited.
“mainframe” has been replaced by enterprise server.
8. Ideas are seen as controversial.
9. Undead information walks ever on. 7.WEARABLE COMPUTERS
10. Media presence creates the story.
11. The medium selects the message. • They involve materials that are usually integrated
into cell phones, watches and other small objects or
places. They perform common computer
COMPUTER applications such as databases,email, multimedia,
and schedulers.
A computer is an electronic device that stores and
processes data (information). It runs on a program that THE WORLD WIDE WEB INTERNET
contains the exact, step – by - step directions to solve a
problem (US history org, 2017) • Several historians trace the origin of the internet to
Claude F. Shannon, “Father of Information Theory”.
TYPES OF COMPUTER He worked at Bell Laboratories and at age 32, he
published a paper proposing that information can be
quantitatively encoded as a sequence of ones and
• The internet is a worldwide system of communicate with humans through sensors and
interconnected networks that facilitate data actuators, and logic circuits manipulate binary data
transmission among innumerable computers. It was to carry out practical tasks. The fundamental issue of
developed during the 1970s by the Department of transmitting audio and visual data over a network
Defense. In case of an attack, military advisers bridging PCs and smart devices is then examined in
suggested the advantage of being able to operate on the text.
one computer from another terminal.
• Analog to digital conversion, data-encoding signals,
• In the early days, the Internet was used mainly by signal processing to extract data from noise-
scientists to communicate with other scientists. The corrupted signals, error-correcting techniques, and
Internet remained under government control data packet transmission across wired and wireless
unl1984. (Rouse, 2014). networks are all covered in detail. Whenever
necessary, fundamental concepts from probability
• One early problem faced by internet users
and digital signal processing are introduced and
was speed. Phone lines could only transmit
demonstrated with pertinent instances. Problems
information at a limited rate. The development of
and projects accomplished in Excel that use
fiber optic cables allowed for billions of bits of
increasingly sophisticated techniques starting with
information to be received every minute.
spreadsheet formulas and graphs, moving through
• Sergey Brin and Larry Page, directors of a Stanford macros, and ending with straightforward Visual Basic
research project, built are search engine that listed for Applications (VBA) programming expand and
results to reflect page popularity when they demonstrate concepts. Students from various majors
determined that the most popular results to appreciate their ability to use Excel skills as a course
frequently be the most usable. Google is now outcome.
the world’s most popular search engine, accepting
more than200 million queries daily.
• The internet contains a vast collection of highly
• Back then, new forms of communication were also
valuable information but it may also contain
introduced. Electronic mail, or email, was a suitable
unreliable, biased information that mislead people.
way to send a message to fellow workers, business
partners, or friends. Message could be sent and • Who is the author of the article/site?
received at the convenience of the individual.
• How to find out?
• A letter that took several days to arrive could be read
• Look for an “About” or “More About the Author” link
in minutes. Internet service providers like America
at the top, bottom, or sidebar of the web page. If no
Online and CompuServe set up electronic chat
information about the author(s) of the page is
rooms. These were open areas of cyberspace where
provided, be suspicious.
interested parties could join in a conversation with
perfect strangers. “Surfing the net” became a • One can also visit the university library and seek help
pastime in and of itself. from librarians as they are knowledgeable and in the
library has a rich collection of online library
• Consequently, companies whose businesses are built
resources that are very useful for academic and
on digitized information have become valuable
research purposes.
and powerful in relatively short period of time; the
current Information Age has spawned its own breed • Therefore, we need to carefully check our motives
of wealthy influential brokers from Microsoft’s Bill before disseminating information and we also need
Gates to Apple’s Steve Jobs to to verify information before believing and using and
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. sharing them.
• Nowadays, crimes in various forms are rampant
because of the use of social media. Cyber bullying is
an issue that poses alarm worldwide. BEFENITS OF HAVING A HEALTHY SOCIETY

• Information age implication to Electrical Engineering GOOD HEALTH is an important enabler of positive family and
students interested in learning about digital community life, it enables people to participate in, and
communication systems who are contemplating contribute to the society in different ways. Like having:
electrical engineering as a major. Smart gadgets
 STRONGER COMMUNITY SUPPORT  Large, uncontrolled exchanges of plant genomes are
 BETTER MENTAL HEALTH  Must cross numerous plants over several
generations in order to get the desired
Genetic Engineering
It could also have a serious impact to human health
 Allow for the gradual introduction of new features
and also could deteriorate the farming systems and could
without the need for additional genes or
reduce nutrients in some food we consume.
considerable cross-breeding.
 PESTICIDES  Allowing the application of features from several
organisms, such as pest resistance.
Pesticides have an important role on increasing crop
yields. However, it has a pose-hazards towards human health THE MILLION DOLLAR BUG
and to the environment.
The European corn borer, sometimes referred to as the
 WITHOUT BIODIVERSITY European corn worm or the European high-flyer, is a grass
moth belonging to the family Crambidae. Grain, especially
Without biodiversity we can’t be able to survive. maize, is affected by it. The native European bug used to
Without anything to maintain the balance of the world. infest different millet species, especially broom corn.

WHAT IS GMO? Bacillus thuringiensis - A type of bacteria that generates
proteins harmful to some insects. This bacteria naturally
living things whose genetic material has undergone genetic
exists in dirt.
engineering artificial manipulation in a laboratory such as
bacteria and yeast, plants, fish and mammals. BENEFITS OF GENETIC ENGINEERING
Source of genetically modified foods as well as a popular tool  When applied to microorganisms, it aids in the
for producing valuable products other than food and scientific development of innovative pharmaceuticals that can
study only be produced in this manner.
 helps in the bio remediation process, which involves
using living organisms to remove trash and
 reduced the overall use of pesticides and herbicides.
DNA PENETRATES THE CELL MEMBRANE FOR ANY  helped plants produce medicines and other
REASON medications
4. ATTACHING THE GENES TO A VIRUS OR JUST  helped create new cultivars faster and more
PHYSICALLY INSETING THE DNA INTO THE NUCLEUS predictably through genetic engineering.
5. AGROBACTERIUMS NANOSCIENCE - the study of structures and materials on an
PRINCIPLE OBJECTIVE OF PRODUCTION to replace an ultra-small scale, and the unique and interesting properties
organism's genome with new genetic material which is called these materials demonstrate.
genetic engineering. NANOTECHNOLOGY (also sometimes called molecular
PAUL BERG made it possible through the discovery of DNA manufacturing), is the design, production and application of
and the creation of the first recombinant DNA molecules in structures, devices and systems at the nanoscale.
1972 • The word nano is from the Greek word 'Nanos'
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GENETIC ENGINEERING meaning Dwarf. It is a prefix used to describe "one
AND TRADITIONAL BREEDING? billionth" of something.

It may produce both desirable and undesirable traits in the Nanoscale usually refers to a length from the atomic level of
offspring. These undesirable features can occasionally be around 0.1 nm up to 100 nm. Nanostructures or
dangerous. nanomaterials are forms of matter at the nanoscale.

Traditional Breeding RICHARD FEYNMAN “Father of Nanotechnology”.

 He introduced the ideas and concepts behind of each "generation" of microchip. The manufacture
nanotech in a 1959 talk titled "There’s Plenty of of graphene-based (as opposed to silicon-based)
Room at the Bottom." Feynman did not use the term microchips may revolutionize the industry.
"nanotechnology," but described a process in which
• Bottom-up nanomanufacturing builds products
scientists would be able to manipulate and control
atom-by-atom or molecule-by-molecule.
individual atoms and molecules.
Experimenting with quantum dots and other
HEINRICH ROHRER & GERD BINNIG nanomaterials, tech companies are starting to
develop transistors and other electronic devices
 Modern nanotechnology truly began in 1981, when using individual molecules. These atom-thick
the scanning tunneling microscope allowed scientists transistors may mark the future development of the
and engineers to see and manipulate individual microchip industry.
atoms. IBM scientists Gerd Binnig and Heinrich
Rohrer won the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics for TYPES OF NANOMATERIALS
inventing the scanning tunneling microscope. The
 NATURAL NANOMATERIALS -are those that occur
Binnig and Rohrer Nanotechnology Center in Zurich,
naturally in the world. These include particles that
Switzerland, continues to build on the work of
make up volcanic ash, smoke, and even
these pioneering scientists by conducting research
some molecules in our bodies, such as
and developing new applications for
the hemoglobin in our blood. The brilliant colors of a
peacock’s feathers are the result of spacing between
NANOMANUFACTURING nanometer-scale structures on their surface.
 ARTIFICIAL NANOMATERIALS -are those that occur
from objects or processes created by people.
Scientists and engineers working at the nanometer-scale Examples include exhaust from fossil fuel burning
need special microscopes. The atomic force microscope engines and some forms of pollution. But while some
(AFM) and the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) are of these just happen to be nanomaterials—vehicle
essential in the study of nanotechnology. These powerful exhaust, for instance, was not developed as one—
tools allow scientists and engineers to see and manipulate scientists and engineers are working to create them
individual atoms. for use in industries from manufacturing to
medicine. These are called intentionally produced
AFMs use a very small probe—a cantilever with a tiny tip— nanomaterials.
to scan a nanostructure. The tip is only nanometers in
diameter. As the tip is brought close to the sample being FULLERENES - are atom-thick sheets of another carbon
examined, the cantilever moves because of the atomic forces allotrope, graphene, rolled into spheres or tubes. The
between the tip and the surface of the sample. most familiar type of spherical fullerene is probably the
buckminsterfullerene, nicknamed the buckyball.
With STMs, an electronic signal is passed between the
microscope’s tip—formed by one single atom—and the Buckyballs are nanometer-sized carbon molecules
surface of the sample being scanned. The tip moves up and shaped like soccer balls—tightly
down to keep both the signal and the distance from the bonded hexagons and pentagons.
sample constant.
Buckyballs’ cage-like structure seems to protect any atom
AFMs and STMs allow researchers to create an image of an or molecule trapped within it. Many researchers are
individual atom or molecule that looks just like a topographic experimenting with "impregnating" buckyballs with
map. Using an AFM’s or STM’s sensitive tip, researchers can elements, such as helium. These impregnated buckyballs
also pick up and move atoms and molecules like tiny building may make excellent chemical "tracers," meaning
blocks. scientists could follow them as they wind through a
system. Tubular fullerenes are called nanotubes. Thanks
There are two ways to build materials on the nanometer- to the way carbon atoms bond to each other, carbon
scale: top-down or bottom-up. nanotubes are remarkably strong and flexible. Carbon
nanotubes are harder than diamond and more flexible
• Top-down nanomanufacturing involves carving bulk
than rubber.
materials to create features with nanometer-scale
dimensions. For decades, the process used to
produce computer chips has been top-down.
Producers work to increase the speed and efficiency
NANOPARTICLES skin, can be grown. This could revolutionize the
treatment of burn injuries and organ loss.
 Nanoparticles can include carbon, like fullerenes, as
well as nanometer-scale versions of many other APPLICATION OF NANOTECHNOLOGY
elements, such as gold, silicon, and
titanium. Quantum dots, a type of nanoparticle,
are semiconductors made of different elements, Carbon nanotubes are close to replacing silicon as a material
including cadmium and sulfur. Quantum dots have for making smaller, faster and more efficient microchips and
unusual fluorescent capabilities. Scientists and devices, as well as lighter, more conductive and stronger
engineers have experimented with using quantum quantum nanowires. Graphene's properties make it an ideal
dots in everything from photovoltaic cells (used for candidate for the development of flexible touchscreens.
solar power) to fabric dye.
A new semiconductor developed by Kyoto University makes it
 CARBON-BASED NANOMATERIALS possible to manufacture solar panels that double the amount
of sunlight converted into electricity. Nanotechnology also
-intentionally produced fullerenes. These include carbon
lowers costs, produces stronger and lighter wind turbines,
nanotubes and buckyballs.
improves fuel efficiency and, thanks to the thermal insulation
 METAL-BASED NANOMATERIALS of some nanocomponents, can save energy.

-include gold nanoparticles and quantum dots.  BIOMEDICINE

 DENDRIMERS The properties of some nanomaterials make them ideal for

improving early diagnosis and treatment of
-are complex nanoparticles built from linked, branched neurodegenerative diseases or cancer. They are able to attack
units. Each dendrimer has three sections: a core, an inner cancer cells selectively without harming other healthy cells.
shell, and an outer shell. In addition, each dendrimer has Some nanoparticles have also been used to enhance
branched ends. Each part of a dendrimer—its core, inner pharmaceutical products such as sunscreen.
shell, outer shell, and branched ends—can be designed to
perform a specific chemical function. Scientists and  ENVIRONMENT
researchers are experimenting with dendrimers as multi-
Air purification with ions, wastewater purification with
functional drug-delivery methods.
nanobubbles or nanofiltration systems for heavy metals are
 NANOCOMPOSITES some of its environmentally-friendly applications. Nano
catalysts are also available to make chemical reactions more
Nanocomposites combine nanomaterials with other efficient and less polluting.
nanomaterials, or with larger, bulk materials. There are three
main types of nanocomposites: nanoceramic matrix  FOOD
composites (NCMCs), metal matrix composites (MMCs), and
In this field, nano biosensors could be used to detect the
polymer matrix composites (PMCs).
presence of pathogens in food or nanocomposites to improve
1. NCMCs, sometimes called nano clays, are often food production by increasing mechanical and thermal
used to coat packing materials. They strengthen resistance and decreasing oxygen transfer in packaged
the material’s heat resistance and flame- products.
retardant properties.
2. MMCs are stronger and lighter than bulk metals.
Nanotechnology makes it possible to develop smart
MMCs may be used to reduce heat in computer
fabrics that don't stain nor wrinkle, as well as stronger, lighter
"server farms" or build vehicles light enough to
and more durable materials to make motorcycle helmets or
sports equipment.
3. Industrial plastics are often composed of PMCs.
One promising area of nanomedical research is
creating PMC "tissue scaffolding." Tissue • Nanotechnology can actually revolutionize a lot of
scaffolds are nanostructures that provide a electronic products, procedures, and applications.
frame around which tissue, such as an organ or
• Nanotechnology can also benefit the energy sector.
The development of more effective energy-
producing, energy-absorbing, and energy storage responsibility to be stewards for the rest of the
products in smaller and more efficient devices is world’s living organisms.
possible with this technology.
• Diversity breeds diversity. Having a diverse array of
• Another industry that can benefit from living organisms allows other organisms to take
nanotechnology is the manufacturing sector that will advantage of the resources provided. For example,
need materials like nanotubes, aerogels, nano trees provide habitat and nutrients for birds, insects,
particles, and other similar items to produce their other plants and animals, fungi, and microbes.
products with.
• Humans have always depended on the Earth’s
• In the medical world, nanotechnology is also seen as biodiversity for food, shelter, and health. Biological
a boon since these can help with creating what is resources that provide goods for human use include:
called smart drugs.
 Species that are hunted, fished, and gathered, as
• Included in the list of disadvantages of this science well as those cultivated for agriculture, forestry, and
and its development is the possible loss of jobs in the aquaculture.
traditional farming and manufacturing industry.
• You will also find that the development of
 Woods and other forest products and fibers such as
nanotechnology can also bring about the crash of
wool and cotton.
certain markets due to the lowering of the value of
oil and diamonds due to the possibility of developing MEDICINE
alternative sources of energy that are more efficient
and won’t require the use of fossil fuels.  Both traditional medicines and those synthesized
from biological resources and processes.
• Atomic weapons can now be more accessible and
made to be more powerful and more destructive.
These can also become more accessible with
Genetic diversity
• Since these particles are very small, problems can
actually arise from the inhalation of these minute  Is the amount of variation in genetic material within
particles, much like the problems a person gets from a species or within a population. There is a high level
inhaling minute asbestos particles. of diversity among species, but there is an even
higher level of diversity among the genetic material
• Presently, nanotechnology is very expensive and
of the individuals of a specific species. An example of
developing it can cost you a lot of money. It is also
genetic diversity is the variation in the genes that
pretty difficult to manufacture, which is probably
encode for hair color in humans.
why products made with nanotechnology are more
expensive. Species diversity

   Is defined as the number and abundance of

different species that occupy a location. To
accurately determine species diversity, both
Biodiversity, also known as biological diversity, is the variety the species richness, which is the number of
of life on Earth across all of the different levels of biological different species, and the relative abundance, which
organization. On a smaller scale, biodiversity can be used to is the number of individuals within each species,
describe the variety in the genetic makeup of a species, and must be considered. An example of species diversity
on a larger scale, it can be used to describe the variety of would be the number and abundance of different
ecosystem types. types of mammals in a forest.

• The diversity of life enriches the quality of our lives 1. SPECIES RICHNESS
in ways that are not easy to quantify. Biodiversity is Is the number of species found in a community
intrinsically valuable and is important for our or ecosystem. Species diversity is a
emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being. measurement of species richness combined with
Some consider that it is an important human evenness, meaning it takes into account not only
how many species are present but also how Landfills for garbage are a major source of methane
evenly distributed the numbers of each species emissions. Energy, industry, transport, buildings,
are. agriculture and land use are among the main
emitters (The World Meteorological Organization

Is the percentage (that's why it is called relative) According to (WMO, 2021) the year 2020 was one of
of a certain isotope occuring in a natural mixture the three warmest years on record. It recorded 1.1
of all the isotopes of that element. It has degrees Celsius warmer than it was in the late 1800s.
nothing to do with Relativity. Regular hydrogen,
The consequences of climate change now include,
for example (that is with a single-proton
among others, intense droughts, water scarcity,
nucleus, a.k.a. 1H) has a relative abundance of
severe fires, rising sea levels, flooding, melting polar
ice, catastrophic storms and declining biodiversity.
Ecosystem diversity (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2022).

 Is a construct, means of assessing the condition of a Climate Change in the Philippines Current warming
system under study. It is a measurement of the has increasingly posed quite considerable challenges
number of plant and/or animal species occupying a to man and the environment, and will continue to do
given area. High diversity is often associated with so in the future.
stable, fairly consistent conditions, such as one might
Climate Change in Water Resources In areas/regions
find in the wet tropics. In the tropical rain forest,
where rainfall is projected to decrease, there will be
there are no dominant species, even though the
water stress (both in quantity and quality), which in
density of trees and other plant species is very high.
turn, will most likely cascade into more adverse
Diversity among animal species, especially insects, is
impacts, particularly on forestry, agriculture and
correspondingly high.
livelihood, health, and human settlement.
1. High Diversity
Climate Change in Forestry Changes in rainfall
 Is a habitat or ecosystem that has a high
regimes and patterns resulting to increase/decrease
number of different species.
in water use and temperature increases could lead
2. Low Diversity
to a change in the forests ecosystem, particularly in
Is when there are a few prominent species and a
areas where the rains are severely limited, and can
low number of other species within the habitat.
no longer provide favorable conditions for certain
highly sensitive species
Climate Change in Agriculture Agriculture in the
country could be severely affected by temperature
-FRANS LANTING changes coupled with changes in rain regimes and
patterns. Crops have been shown to suffer decreases
in yields whenever temperatures have exceeded
CLIMATE CHANGE -refers to long-term of shifts in threshold values and possibly result to spikelet
temperatures and weather patterns. sterility, as in the case of rice.

Main Cause of Climate Change Climate Change in Coastal Resources The country’s
coastal resources are highly vulnerable due to its
-human activities have been the main driver of extensive coastlines. Sea level rise is highly likely in a
climate change primarily due to greenhouse gas changing climate, and low-lying islands will face
emissions such as burning fossil fuels like coal, oil permanent inundation in the future.
and gas.
Climate Change in Health Human health is one of
Greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate the most vital sectors which will be severely affected
change include carbon dioxide and methane. These by climate change. Incremental increases in
come from using gasoline to drive a car or coal to temperatures and rain regimes could trigger a
heat a building, for example. Clearing land and number of adverse impacts; in particular, the
forests can also release carbon dioxide. outbreak and spread of water-based and vector-
borne diseases leading to higher morbidity and
mortality; increased incidence of pulmonary illnesses
among young children and cardiovascular diseases
among the elderly.

How can we reduce the risks we face from climate


Where possible, we can switch to renewable sources

of energy (such as solar and wind energy) to power
our homes and buildings, thus emitting far less heat-
trapping gases into the atmosphere

Where feasible, we can drive electric vehicles

instead of those that burn fossil fuels; or we can use
mass transit instead of driving our own cars.

Where affordable, we can conserve energy by better

insulating our homes and buildings, and by replacing
old, failing appliances with more energy-efficient

Where practicable, we can counterbalance our

annual carbon dioxide emissions by investing in
commercial services that draw down an equal
amount of carbon out of the atmosphere, such as
through planting trees or carbon capture and
storage techniques.

Where practical, we can support more local

businesses that use and promote sustainable,
climate-smart practices such as those listed above.
We can consider placing an upper limit on the
amount of carbon dioxide we will allow ourselves to
emit into the atmosphere within a given timeframe.

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