COT1 Chemistry

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School: Bauan Technical Integrated High School

Teacher: Maria Cecilia A. Sandoval-Rivera

GRADES 1 TO 12 Date: March 13-17, 2023 (Week 5)
G8- Lily- 6:00-6:50

I. OBJECTIVES 1. Compare the masses of the subatomic
particles using the different ways of visual
2. Infer which subatomic particles contribute to
the mass of the atom.
3. Value small things in our daily life.
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of
the identity of a substance according to its
atomic structure.
B. Performance Standards
C. Most Essential Learning Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and
Competencies electrons in a particular atom.
D. Specific Objectives
II. CONTENT Atomic Structure
( Subject Matter) Week 5: Subatomic Particle (Mass)
1. Teachers Guide page 136 – 137
2. Learning Materials page 195 - 197
3. Textbook
4. Other Learning Resource
What is the charge of the following atoms? Applied knowledge of
content within and across
1. curriculum teaching areas.

Mathematics 7: Performs
fundamental operations on


Four Pics One Word: Reveal the word by Use a range of teaching
analyzing the given set of pictures and letters. strategies that enhance
learner’s achievement in
literacy and numeracy skills

__ __ __ __

__ __ __ __

Lesson Proper
A. Activity The Big Difference! Applied knowledge of
content within and across
curriculum teaching areas.

Mathematics 7: Uses
appropriate graphs to
represent organized data: pie
chart, bar graph, line graph,
Figure 1: Subatomic particles
historgram etc.
Group 1:

1. Refer to the masses of the subatomic particles Use a range of teaching

in Figure 1. Using the table below, arrange the strategies that enhance
subatomic particles in increasing mass. learner’s achievement in
Subatomic Particles Mass (grams) Lightest to literacy and numeracy skills

2. Show a comparison of the masses of the three

subatomic particles using a bar graph. Refer to
Figure 2 in the next page, assuming that the first
bar represents the mass of the proton; draw the
bars to represent the masses of the neutron and
the electron. Take note that the masses are
expressed in the -28 exponent.

The Poets
Instructions: Answer the analysis questions in a
form of poem. Create free verse poem
composed of 2 stanzas with 4 lines each.
Present it in front of the class.

Group 2: Used differentiated,

1. Refer to the masses of the subatomic particles developmentally appropriate
in Figure 1. Using the table below, arrange the
to address learner’s gender,
subatomic particles in increasing mass.
Subatomic Particles Mass (grams) Lightest to needs, strengths, interests, and
heaviest experiences

2. This time, using a pie chart, show the

proportion of the masses of the subatomic

The composers
Instructions: Answer the analysis questions in a
form of jingle. Present it in front of the class.
Group 3:
1. Refer to the masses of the subatomic particles
in Figure 1. Using the table below, arrange the
subatomic particles in increasing mass.
Subatomic Particles Mass (grams) Lightest to

Managed classroom structure

to engage learners,
individually or in groups, in
2. How does the mass of the neutron compare
exploration,discovery and
with the mass of the proton? Use this seesaw to
hands-on activities within a
show the comparison.
range of physical learning

The Pantomime Artists

Instructions: Answer the analysis questions in a
form of pantomime. Present it in front of the
B. Analysis Q1. Which subatomic particle is the lightest? Managed learner behavior
Q2. Which subatomic particle is the heaviest? constructively by applying
Q3. Which subatomic particles have almost the positive and non violent
same mass? discipline to ensure learning-
Q4. How does the mass of the neutron compare focused environment.
with the mass of the proton?
Q5. Does creating visual representations helped Applied a range of teaching
you to understand the differences among the
strategies to develop critical
three subatomic particles?
and creative thinking, as well
Q6. If you will be given a chance to represent
the three subatomic particles in other way as other higher-order thinking
around, how are you going to represent it? skills.

C. Abstraction What are the exact relative masses of protons,

neutrons, and electrons?

Which subatomic particle/s make/s up most of

the mass of the atom? Why did you say so?

D. Application “It’s the little things that make life wonderful” Applied a range of teaching
1. Do you agree with this statement? Why? strategies to develop critical
2. Try to relate this with the concept of atom and creative thinking, as well
and its subatomic particles. as other higher-order thinking
IV. Evaluation
1. Which of the following illustrations provide a Designed, selected, organized,
visual representation of electrons? and used diagnostic,
formative, and summative
assessment strategies
consistent with curriculum

A. B.

C. D.

2. You have visually compared the masses of

the three subatomic particles. Which of the three
subatomic particles are massive
A. proton and neutron
B. electron and neutron
C. proton and electron
D. All of them are massive

3. Which is not TRUE about electrons?

A. The mass of the electrons is very much
heavier than protons and neutrons.
B. Its mass does not contribute significantly to
the mass of the entire atom.
C. The mass of the electrons is not negligible.
D. All of the above.

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE

about the masses of subatomic particles?
A. The mass of the protons is lighter than the
mass of electrons.
B. The mass of the electrons is heavier than the
mass of protons.
C. The mass of the electron is lighter than
protons and neutrons.
D. The mass of protons is equal to the mass of
neutrons and electrons.

5. Which of the following statements best

describes the mass of neutrons?
A. The mass of neutrons is lighter than the mass
of electrons.
B. The mass of neutrons is almost the same with
the mass of protons.
C. The mass of neutrons is lighter than the mass
of protons.
D. The mass of neutrons is equal to the sum of
the masses of protons and electrons.
V. Assignment
Surf the web and determine the contributions of Selected, developed,
the following scientists on the nature of matter. organized, and used
1. Joseph John Thomson appropriate teaching and
2. Ernest Rutherford learning resources, including
3. Niels Bohr ICT to address learning goals.

Class Proficiency Level:
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work/
F. What difficulties did I encounter that my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I
use or discover that I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by: Checked by:

_________________________ _______________________________
Maria Cecilia A. Sandoval-Rivera Lina P. Faltado
Master Teacher I Head Teacher VI



Principal IV


1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas.

2. Use a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner’s achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills
3. Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as
other higher-order thinking skills.
4. Managed classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful
exploration,discovery and hands-on activities within a range of physical learning
5. Managed learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non violent discipline to
ensure learning- focused environment.
6. Used differentiated, developmentally appropriate to address learner’s gender, needs,
strengths, interests, and experiences
7. Planned, managed, and implemented developmentally sequenced teaching and learning
processes to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts.
8. Selected, developed, organized, and used appropriate teaching and learning resources,
including ICT to address learning goals.

7. Designed, selected, organized, and used diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment
strategies consistent with curriculum

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