Disturbance Decoupling of Nonlinear MISO Systems B

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Disturbance decoupling of nonlinear MISO systems by static measurement


Article  in  Kybernetika -Praha- · January 2002


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3 authors, including:

Claude H. Moog
Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernétique de Nantes


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Richard Pothin; Claude H. Moog; Xiao Hua Xia

Disturbance decoupling of nonlinear MISO systems by static measurement feedback

Kybernetika, Vol. 38 (2002), No. 5, [601]--608

Persistent URL: http://dml.cz/dmlcz/135489

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K Y B E R N E T I K A — V O L U M E 3 8 ( 2 0 0 2 ) , N U M B E R 5, P A G E S 6 0 1 - 6 0 8




This paper highlights the role of the rank of a differential one-form in the solution of
such nonlinear control problems via measurement feedback as disturbance decoupling prob­
lem of multi-input single output (MISO) systems. For the later problem, some necessary
conditions and sufficient conditions are given.


The disturbance decoupling problem by state feedback has been addressed in the
literature by several authors (see e. g., the historical accounts of [3, 6, 8]). In general,
most of the solutions assume that the state is available for measurement. When this
is not the case, two approaches may be followed: the reconstruction of the state by
means of an observer or the use of output feedback. Our objective is to investigate
solutions with the second kind of controller since it avoids approximations in the
estimated state and circumvents the superposition of controller and observer.
The few contributions which deal with the nonlinear disturbance decoupling prob­
lem via output or measurement feedback are now briefly mentioned. The disturbance
decoupling problem has been solved by a geometric approach in [7]. The same prob­
lem has also been considered in [9], and a necessary and sufficient condition has been
given using algebraic tools. For the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) case, there
just exists a sufficient condition in [1].
The purpose of this paper is to solve the disturbance decoupling problem via
measurement feedback for the class of MISO systems with a new approach based
on the rank of a differential one-form [4]. In the mean time through these results,
it allows to highlight the role of the rank of a differential one-form in the solution
of nonlinear control problem. For the disturbance decoupling problem via static
measurement feedback of MISO systems, some necessary conditions and sufficient
conditions are given. A complete solution is provided for a restricted class of such
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, some definitions and technical
tools useful are presented. Section 3 gives the main results of this paper and finally,

some conclusions are drawn in the last section.



^ = f(x) + g(x)u +p(x)q

y = Hx) (l)
z = k(x),

where x G Mn denotes the state, u G Mm denotes the control, q G Mv denotes the

disturbance, y G M denotes the output-to-be controlled, and z G M11 denotes the
measured output. Assume that / , g, p, h and k are meromorphic functions of their
Let /C denote the field of meromorphic functions of x, u, r/, and a finite number
of derivatives of u and q and define the vector space £ = spanA:{dC|C £ &}•> X =
span A: {dx}, Z = span A: {dz, } and U = span A : {du,dti,... ,dw ( f c ) ,...}.

Definition 1. (Conte et al [3]) The relative degree r of the output y is set to be

r := min{k G N\dyw (£ X}.

If such an integer does not exist, then one sets r := oo.

As in [5], define the subspace $7 by

n = {CJ G X\ik G N : uw G spa nj<: {dx,dy (r) , • - - , d y ( r + * _ 1 ) } } .

The subspace fi is instrumental for solving the disturbance decoupling problem and
may be computed as the limit of the following algorithm:

ft0 = span A: {dx},

nk+1 = {u G ftk\u G nk + s p a n ^ d y ^ } } , (jfe G N).

Problem Statement. (Disturbance decoupling problem by regular static measure-

ment feedback.)
Consider a nonlinear system of the form (1), find, if possible, a nonlinear feedback
of the form
u = a(z) + (3(z)v (2)
where /3(z) is invertible and such that the closed loop system satisfies:

(i) dyW G s p a n ^ d x , d v , . . . , d^ ( f c " r ) }, Vfc>r

(ii) dy ( r ) £ span^{dx}.
Disturbance Decoupling of Nonlinear MISO Systems by Static Measurement Feedback 603

Condition (i) represents the noninteraction with the disturbances whereas condition
(ii) represents the output controllability. Invertibility of (3(z) implies the existence
of an inverse matrix P~x(z) whose entries belong to K. Both /3(z) and f3~x(z) may
have singularities in Mn.

The following notations are borrowed from [4]. The originality of this paper
is mainly due to the fact that this definition is used for solving the disturbance
decoupling problem by static measurement feedback.

Let (do;)7 = du A . . . A do; be a 7-fold product.

Definition 2. The rank of an one-form u is 7 if cjA(do;)( 7 ^0 but cjA(dcj)(7+1) = 0 .

From [4], 7 + 1 is the dimension of the smallest integrable space containing a

given one-form, i. e., 7 + 1 is the minimal number of exact one forms d a i , . . . , da 7 +i
such that
u = Y^&dai,

for some & G /C. In the sequel, we will call the set { d a i , . . . , da7_|_i} a basis of u.
As shown in [2, 4], the Pfaff-Darboux Theorem can be used to construct such a
basis. Another matrix based construction is described in [4].
The rank of a differential form will be extensively used to give necessary and suffi-
cient conditions for the disturbance decoupling problem with measurement feedback.


A direct extension of the result in [9] allows to give a sufficient condition for the
solvability of the problem.

T h e o r e m 1. The disturbance decoupling problem is solvable by static measure-

ment feedback if:

(i) dy^ en + z + u.
(ii) There exists a one-form u G Z + U s.t.dy^ — u G ft and s.t. rank (u>) = 7 <
m — 1.

(iii) For any basis span^ {dai,. • • , d a 7 + i } of ft, i.e., a; = /3idai(z, u)+/32da2(z,u)+
P3da3(z, u) + ... + /? 7 + ida 7 +i (z + u),

rank — [ai(z,u)] = 7 + 1 , (» = 1,... , 7 + 1). (3)


P r o o f . Assume that condition (i) is fulfilled. Then there exists a one-form u

such that dy(r) — u G fi. Prom [4], u can be written as follows
oJ = (3idai(z,u) + (32da2(z,u)
+ /33da3(z,u) + ... + (37+iday+1(z,u).
When conditions (ii) and (hi) are satisfied, the 7 + 1 one-forms da; are independent
in u. Since 7 + 1 < m, the following definitions
Vi = at(z,u),
fori = 1 , . . . , 7 + 1 can be extended to define a static measurement feedback. Under
this feedback,
dy{r) E f i e s p a n ^ d u } .

Remark 1. In the special case where dim Z = l, i f f i n Z ^ O then the disturbance

decoupling problem has a solution if and only if the system is already decoupled.

Example 1. This example illustrates Theorem 1. The considered system admits

a static measurement feedback solution of the disturbance decoupling problem.
XI = x2
x2 = xi(smxз)щ +x2(cosxз)u2 + xъ
xз = f(x)+q (5)
І4 = u2
±5 = xi(smxз)ui + x2(cosxз)u2 + x$ --x\
У = Xi

z = Xз.

Since Ct = spam c {dxi,dx 2 ,dx4,da;5}, choosing u = Xid(sinx3)ui + x2d(cosx3)u2)

one verifies that the rank of u is one, and a basis for fi is given by {d(sinx3^i),
d(cosx3U 2 )}. Condition (hi) is easily verified. A disturbance decoupling feedback is
v\ = (sinz)ui and v2 = (cos z)u2.

Example 2. This example show that for the MISO case condition (i) of Theo­
rem 1 is not necessary. Indeed, this system can be disturbance decoupled by static
measurement feedback whereas condition (i) is not fulfilled.
±1 = x2
x2 = x\ (sin 0:3)111 +x2(zosx3)u2 + x±
X3 = f(x)+q (6)
±4 = (C0SX3)U2

y = xi
z = X3.
Disturbance Decoupling of Nonlinear MISO Systems by Static Measurement Feedback 605

Since fi = s p a n ^ d x i j d a ^ } , one has dy ^ fi + Z + U. Despite this fact, the distur-

bance decoupling problem is solvable via the following measurement feedback

v>i = ^i/sinx3
^2 = i^/cosa^.

Theorem 1 becomes a necessary and sufficient condition for the class of SISO systems.
Moreover for this special class of system condition (iii) is always fulfilled. Then, the
following corollary is equivalent to the result in [9].

Corollary 1. The disturbance decoupling problem is solvable by static measure-

ment feedback for SISO nonlinear systems if and only if:

(i) dy ( r ) e n + Z + U.

(ii) There exists a one-form u G Z + U s.t.d;y(r) — u G fi and s.t. rank (u) = 0.

P r o o f , (necessity) Assume that system (1) is decoupled by static measurement

feedback. Since one has, by Lemma 1 of [9],

dy{r) G fi + span^di;}- (7)

this implies that dy ( r ) = CJO + CJ, where UJQ G fi and u G span^{dt;}.

Consider the following regular static measurement feedback which is solution of
the problem
u = F(z,v), v = F~1(z,u). (8)

Then (7) and (8) imply condition (i). Since u = ^d(F~1(z,u)), condition (ii) is also

(sufficiency) Assume that condition (i) holds. Then this implies

di/ (r) G i l e span^{d^, du}. (9)

Since r is the relative degree of the output y, when condition (ii) is fulfilled, one can
set Xdv = u. Thus one obtain,

dy ( r ) Gflespanyjd*;}. (10)

The system is the decoupled. •

On the other hand, one can see that for the class of MISO systems, which fulfills
the assumptions such that (7 fl Z = 0 and dy ( r ) G f i 0 2 + W, one has a necessary
and sufficient condition which can be written as follows:

T h e o r e m 2. Under the assumptions that ft fl Z = 0, and dy^ E f t © Z + U, the

disturbance decoupling problem is solvable by static measurement feedback if and
only if:

(i) There exists a one-form UJ E Z + U s.t. dy^ - LJ E ft and s.t. rank (LJ) = 7 <
m — 1.

(ii) For any basis span A : {dai,..., d a 7 + i } of UJ, i. e., LJ = pidai + (32da2 + ... +
rank — [a{] = 7 + l(i = 1 , . . . , 7 + 1). (11)

P r o o f , (necessity) Assume that system (1) is disturbance decouplable by static

measurement feedback defined by v = a(z,u).
Thus by definition,
dy(r) G x + V,

in which V = span{ditr,... ,dvm}. Thus, there exist a differential one form UJ E X

and some coefficients £ E /C such that

dy(r) = cD + £da(z, u).

Since one has dy(r) E fi, ® Z + U, this implies that UJ e Q, + Z. Assume that
UJ = UJ0 + UJZ for some (Do £ ft and UJZ e Z, then from the fact that

dy (r+*) G # + S pan{dv,...,dt; ( * ) },

one can prove, by mathematical induction, that

£><*> Espan^{dx,d 2 / W,...,d 2 /( r + f c - 1 )}.

That is, UJZ E ft, by the definition of ft. Thus cO2 = 0, due to the assumption that
$ln 2 = 0.
Then define UJ = £da(z,u), the necessity of (i) is fulfilled.
Prom [4] UJ can be described as

UJ = Pidai(z,u) + (32da2(z,u)
+ p3da3(z,u) + ... + /3 7 + ida 7 + i(z,w).

We show that for any such a choice, condition (ii) is necessarily fulfilled.
If not, there will be a linear combination

fidai + . . . + f 7 + i d a 7 + i E Z.

Assume without loss of generality that £1 7-= 0, then UJ can be decomposed into

UJ = UJZ + rj2da2 + . . . + 77 7 + ida 7 + i

Disturbance Decoupling of Nonlinear MISO Systems by Static Measurement Feedback 607

in which
ůz = Pi
-^(Éidai + ... + f 7 + 1 d a 7 + i ) e Z

i = ßi- -r(ţi),

for i = 2 , . . . ,7 + 1.
Analogous to the proof of (i), we can show that uz = 0, a contradiction.
Thus (ii) holds.

(sufficiency) This proof follows the proof of Theorem 1. •

E x a m p l e 3. Consider,

x\ = x2
x2 = xs (sin x2) + (cos x2)u
X3 = f(x)+q (13)
y = xi
Z = Xs.

Since fi = span A : {dxi,dx2}, one has u = (sin£ 2 )d£3 + (cosx2)du (u A (du) ^ 0,

uA(du)W =0).
For this example, there is no solution and condition (ii) is not fulfilled. Indeed,
since the rank of u; is equal to 1, two one-forms are needed to construct an integrable
space containing u. Or system (13) has just one input.

Example 4. Consider,

±i = x2
±2 = x\ (sin xs)u\ +x2 (cos #3)^2
xs = f(x)+q (14)
y = xx
z = x3.

This system admits the following solution v\ = (sinxs)u\, v2 = (cosxs)u2, since

fi = span^ldxi, dx2}, and u = xid(sin£3)111 + #2d(cos£3)1/2 (u A (da;) 7-- 0, u A
(du/)( 2 )=0).
Here, the rank of u is equal to 1, and then we need two one-forms to construct
our basis. Since the considered system has two outputs, we are able to define them
(see [4] for a constructive way). We note span A: {dai,da2} = span^jd^in£3)1*1,
d(cos £3)1*2}.


The notion of the rank of a one-form is used to solve the nonlinear disturbance
decoupling problem for MISO systems. At this moment, this new approach gives a
complete solution for a special class of MISO nonlinear systems. Further research
will consider a more general class of system. Moreover, note that this notion of rank
of one-form can be used for some other nonlinear control problem.

(Received March 25, 2002.)

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Dr. Richard Pothin, IRCCyN, UMR C.N.R.S. 6597, 1 rue de la Noe, BP 92101, 44321
Nantes Cedex 3. France.
e-mail: Richard.Pothin-RenexterQrenault. com

Dr. Claude Moog, IRCCyN, UMR C.N.R.S. 6597, 1 rue de la Noe, BP 92101, 44321
Nantes Cedex 3. France.
e-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Xiaohua Xia, University of Pretoria, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engi-
neering, Pretoria 0002. South Africa,
e-mail: [email protected]

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