SM Mcqs OU 2
SM Mcqs OU 2
SM Mcqs OU 2
When there is a fit between the goals of the organization and the goals of individuals, this is
known as:
a) Goal fit
b) Goal congruence
c) Goal hierarchy fit
d) Goal coordination
Question 2
The shape or format of reporting and decision making relationships can be defined as the
a) Span of control
b) Architecture
c) Hierarchy
d) Chain of command
Question 4
THE AL –Hashier Educators (TAE)Notes
The main components of an organization's architecture are structural hierarchy, values and
belief systems, contracts and relationships and (two more):
Organizational structures and systems can be judged using five dimensions (ABCDE) to
assess whether they are achieving an appropriate balance. These five dimensions are
Autonomy, Bureaucracy, Cultural Control, Decentralization and:
a) Equal Opportunities
b) Economic Incentives
c) Equality and Diversity
d) Evidence of Learning
Question 7
Bureaucracy is sometimes seen as a negative thing but it has some benefits for organizations.
Which of the following is NOT a benefit of bureaucracy?
a) Combine relational contracts - to build trust in the long term - with transactional
contracts to cover specific situations
b) Depend upon tightly written legal contracts that take account of every potential
problem or issue
c) Rely upon firms being able to trust their employees and partners
d) Be treated as finite games that both partners know will end sooner or later
Question 10
Goffee and Jones use two variables to classify organizational cultures. These are:
The Management of Complex Organizations
A holding company is:
A firm has a functional director for six areas and an area director for three functions. There,
staff at each area/function will be reporting to 2 bosses. This firm has which type of
a) Project structure
b) Matrix structure
c) Divisionalized structure
d) Front-back structure
Question 3
An organization structure that is in the main a functional or divisional structure but also
includes project teams to deal with specific issues is called:
An organization that divides its structure into two main parts - one dealing with product
groups and one dealing with customer segments is called:
A corporate parent can offer an individual business a number of 'propositions'. These are
build propositions, stretch propositions, link propositions, select propositions and:
a) Lend propositions
b) Locate propositions
c) Leverage propositions
d) Leap propositions
Question 7
The parenting style 'financial control' will tend to be most suitable in which type of
Which type of corporate parenting style has the closest relationship with its individual
a) Co-evolution
THE AL –Hashier Educators (TAE)Notes
b) Corporate flexibility
c) Strategic Control
d) Strategic planning
Question 9
a) To find out how the other organization works, and copy it
b) To obtain synergies between other organizations' resources and their own
c) To increase their capacity to learn
d) Because they have not enough cash to acquire the other organization
Question 10
Which of the following is NOT an important element to look for when selecting an alliance
When formulating strategic options, it is a valid option to 'do nothing'. However, this can
lead to:
The future can be broadly divided into four categories; infinite option future, limited-option
future, known future and:
a) Multi-option future
b) Unknown future
c) Semi-known future
d) Fluctuating future
Question 3
A hospital manager needs to consider how to organize resources to cope with elderly
patients. The manager is dealing with:
The government has to plan for the re-sourcing of the health service to deal with the obesity
problem. The government is dealing with:
a) A merger
b) outsourcing
c) Internal development
d) A strategic alliance
Question 8
The merger between AOL and Time Warner was intended to take advantage of:
a) Industry convergence
THE AL –Hashier Educators (TAE)Notes
b) Industry divergence
c) Industry fragmentation
d) International expansion
Question 10
A firm that has become too large has decided to set up part of the organization as an
independent company. This is known as:
a) Liquidation
b) A management buyout
c) Float-off
d) A sell-out
Which of the following would NOT normally be an advisable strategy in the introductory
stage of the industry life cycle?
a) Musical instruments
b) Pharmaceuticals
c) Televisions
d) Lap top computers
Question 4
At the introductory stage of an industry, products and services are likely to be differentiated
a) Reliability
b) Quality
c) Dependability
d) Functionality
Question 6
An industry in which large investments are made in products where return on investment is
very difficult to predict is known as which model?
Firms confronting turbulence must chose from three strategic postures; shaping the future,
adapting to the future and:
a) Collaboration
b) Unrelated diversification
c) Phased adoption of the new approach
d) Establish a dominant design
Question 10
There are different magnitudes of strategic change. 'Modular transformation' can be defined
Which of the following triggers for change is likely to be most easily accepted?
Greenpeace instigated the reversal of Royal Dutch Shell's decision to dispose of a redundant
oil facility in the North Sea. This was an example of:
a) Power
THE AL –Hashier Educators (TAE)Notes
b) Moral legitimacy
c) Pragmatic legitimacy
d) Cognitive legitimacy
Question 4
a) The organization can ignore them because they are unaffected by the strategic
proposal and cannot influence it anyway
b) The organization needs to be aware of them because, although the stakeholder
has only limited directly influence on the outcome of the strategic proposal, their high
interest may make them lobby more salient stakeholders to intervene
c) They must not be ignored because they have a high interest and high power
d) The organization needs to be aware of them because although they have low
interest, they have high power and may be persuaded to become involved on someone
else's behalf
Question 5
Greenpeace joined together with consumers to fight against the dumping of the Royal Dutch
Shell oil platform. They formed a:
a) Collaboration
b) Union
c) Coalition
d) Crowd
Question 6
The TROPICS test is used to assess whether a change should be implemented using a hard or
soft approach. The 'S' stands for:
a) Source of Issue
b) Stakeholders
c) Salience
d) Subjectivity
Question 8
Two types of activity that might be expected to occur close to the beginning of most
successful change programmes are:
a) A top management expert who knows all parts of the organization
b) External consultants who analyze the organization and recommend the changes
that need to take place
c) The person or group in an organization that people try to influence in order to
get their personal concerns addressed within the organization's strategy
d) A person or group of people who take on the role of promoting change within
an organization
THE AL –Hashier Educators (TAE)Notes
Question 10
Buchanan and Boddy suggest fifteen roles for a change agent which they have classified into
five 'clusters'. These are goals, roles, communication, negotiation and:
a) Managing up
b) Managing down
c) Managing outward
d) Managing inward