Psychiatric Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing
Benchmark Period in Psychiatric History Believed the mentally sick should be at capacity of 4,200 and a daily average of
Historical Perspective of the Treatment of least as well cared for as the physically 3,400 in-patients. It sprawls on a 46.7
Mental Illness sick hectare compound with a total of 35
Pavilions/Cottages and 52 Wards.
Harriet Bailey • The NCMH is a special training and
- published the first psychiatric nursing textbook, research hospital mandated to render a
Nursing Mental Diseases in 1920 comprehensive (preventive, promotive,
curative and rehabilitative) range of
Hildegard Peplau quality mental health services nationwide.
– described the therapeutic nurse-client
relationship with its phases and tasks and wrote Standards of Mental Health Clinical Nursing
extensively about anxiety Practice
Standards of Care
The interpersonal dimension forms the
foundation of nursing practice today Standard I. Assessment
The psychiatric-mental health nurse
June Mellow collects health data
– focuses on clients’ psychosocial needs and
strengths Standard II. Diagnosis
- argued that the nurse as the therapist is The psychiatric-mental health nurse
Benchmark V: Decade of the Brain particularly suited to working with those with analyzes the data in determining
The 1990s – declared the Decade of the severe mental illness in the context of daily diagnoses
Brain activities, focusing on the here and now to meet
During this decade, a steep increase in each person’s psychosocial needs Standard III. Outcome Identification
brain research occurred that coincided The psychiatric-mental health nurse
with an increased interest in biologic Psychiatric Nursing in the Philippines identifies expected outcomes
explanations for mental disorders • The National Center for Mental Health individualized to the client
The Decade crystallized the fact that (NCMH) was established thru Public
some behaviors are caused by biologic Works Act 3258. Standard IV. Planning
irregularities and not willful contraries, or • It was first known as INSULAR The psychiatric-mental health nurse
worse PSYCHOPATHIC HOSPITAL, situated develops a plan of care that prescribes
The Decade brought back nursing into on a hilly piece of land in Barrio Mauway, interventions to attain expected outcomes
the mainstream of psychiatric care Mandaluyong, Rizal and was formally
opened on December 17, 1928. Standard V. Implementation
Psychiatric Nursing Practice • This hospital was later known as the The psychiatric-mental health nurse
Linda Richards NATIONAL MENTAL HOSPITAL, given implements the interventions identified in
Graduated in 1873 from New England on November 12, 1986, it was given its the plan of care
Hospital for Women and Children in present name thru Memorandum Circular
Boston No. 48 of the Office of the President. Standard Va. Counseling
Improved nursing care in psychiatric • On January 30, 1987, NCMH was The psychiatric-mental health nurse uses
hospitals and organized educational categorized as a Special Research counseling interventions to assist clients
programs in state mental hospitals in Training Center and hospital under in improving or regaining their previous
Illinois Department of Health. coping abilities, fostering mental health,
and preventing mental illness and The psychiatric-mental health nurse Individual follows guiding values
disability evaluates the client’s progress in attaining and rules to live by
expected outcomes Engage in independent action
Standard Vb. Milieu Therapy and thinking
The psychiatric-mental health nurse MENTAL HEALTH Consider the opinions and wishes
provides, structures, and maintains a • State in the relationship of the individual of others
therapeutic environment in collaboration and his environment in which the Can work interdependently or
with the client and other health care personality structure is relatively stable, cooperatively with others without
providers and environmental stresses are within its losing his autonomy
absorptive capacity.(WHO)
Standard Vc. Self-Care Activities • A positive state in which one is • Maximizing one’s potential
The psychiatric-mental health nurse responsible, displays self-awareness, is Keep aiming
structures interventions around the self-directive, is worry-free and can cope Keep going
client’s activities of daily living to foster with usual daily tension Use talents
self-care and mental and physical well- • A state of complete physical, mental and Continually strive to grow
being social well-being and not merely the Self-actualization
absence of disease • Self – esteem
Standard Vd. Psychobiologic Interventions • Relative and dynamic concept. Not the Accept strength and limitations
The psychiatric-mental health nurse uses same to all people Awareness of abilities and
knowledge of psychobiologic • Changes at different point in time. It is limitations
interventions and applies clinical skills to not static
restore the client‘s health and prevent • Tolerating life’s uncertainties
further disability FACTORS THAT AFFECT MENTAL HEALTH Positive outlook in life
• Inherited characteristics – genetic make- Face challenges life has to offer
Standard Ve. Health Teaching up Optimism
The psychiatric-mental health nurse, • Nurturing during childhood Have the courage to rise after
through health teachings assists clients in • Life circumstances falling
achieving satisfying, productive, and
healthy patterns of living FACTORS INFLUENCING A PERSON’S • Mastering the environment
MENTAL HEALTH Learn to adopt or cope and relate
Standard Vf. Case Management • Individual factors – vitality, finding Can deal with the environment
The psychiatric-mental health nurse meaning to life, biological make-up, Can influence the environment
provides case management to coordinate emotional resilience, spirituality, sense of Being competent and creative
comprehensive health services and harmony in one’s life
ensure continuity of care • Interpersonal factors – Intimacy, helping • Reality Orientation
others, effective communication, Distinguished real world from a
Standard Vg. Health Promotion and Maintenance maintaining a balance of separateness dream
The psychiatric-mental health nurse and connection Distinguished facts from fantasy
employs strategies and interventions to • Social, Cultural factors – access to Behave appropriately
promote and maintain mental health and adequate resources, sense of community, Act accordingly
prevent mental illness intolerance of violence
• Stress management
Standard VI. Evaluation COMPONENTS OF MENTAL HEALTH Tolerate life stresses
• Autonomy and Independence
Experience failure without SELF-ACCEPTANCE – regards of oneself with
devastation realistic concept of strength and weakness, PERSONLITY STUCTURE
Cope and tolerate anxiety accept others easily ID – source of all drives, instincts, reflexes, needs,
Resolve conflicts, stress and genetic inheritance and capability to respond to
anxiety Behaviors of a self-accepting person: wishes that motive us
Believes that crises is temporary • Perserving • Present at birth
• Trusting and accepting others • Unlearned selfish source of libidal energy
CHARACTERISTICS OF A PERSON WITH • Seeing reality • Operates on pleasure principle through
GOOD MENTAL HEALTH • Minimizing weakness the use of fantasy and images
• Have positive self-concept & relate well to • Increase strengths • Compulsive with no sense of right or
people & their environment • Learning from mistakes wrong
• Form close relationship with others • Reaching out to others • Demands immediate satisfaction
• Make decision pertaining to reality rather • Continuing growth towards self- • SIGNIFICANCE – if id is not controlled
than fantasy actualization effectively the individual function in
• Be optimistic & appreciate & enjoy life antisocial; lawless manner or ways
• be independent or autonomous in PSYCHODYNAMICS OF PERSONLITY because his primitive drives or impulses
thought and action PERSONALITY – is the sum total of or whole are freely express
• Be creative, using varying approaches as being
they perform task or solve problem – Aggregate of the physical and EGO – begins during the first 8 months of life and
• Consistent as they appreciate and mental qualities of individual as it is fairly develop when the child reaches 2 years
respect the rights of others interacts in characteristic fashion • The self or the I
• Displays willingness to listen and learn – Sum total of the person’s • Problem solver and reality tester
from others distinctive character, behavior, • Able to differentiate subjective experience,
attitude memory images and object reality
SELF - AWARENESS – The way one carries himself • Attempts to negotiate a solution with the
• Process by which the individual gains – Express through behavior outside world
recognition of his or her own feelings, – Complex, dynamic and unique • Controls and guides the action of
beliefs and attitudes individual
• The ability to recognize the nature of CONCEPT of PERSONALITY – all behavior • Part of the personality that experiences
one’s own behavior, attitude and emotion have meaning and is not determined by chance anxiety and uses defense mechanism for
• Key to self-understanding protection
• Help understand and accept the SIGMUND FREUD (1856 – 1939) • Influenced by heredity, environmental
difference of others • Believed that vast majority of mental factors and maturation
disorder were due to unresolved issues • SIGNIFICANCE – if the individual does
SELF – CONCEPT that originate in childhood not develop a strong ego to arbitrate
– part of self that lies within conscious awareness effectively between id and superego the
depends on how a person thinks he or she is LEVELS OF AWARENESS individual will surely develop
viewed by others Conscious – aware at any time intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict
Pre-conscious – can be retrieved rather easily
Good self-concept leads to self- through conscious part SUPEREGO – moral component of personality
acceptance Unconscious – repressed memories, passion, • Consists of “conscience” (“should-nots”)
unacceptable urges and ego ideal (“should”)
• Operates both in the conscious and
unconscious but operates mostly on the
unconscious level
• Develops around 3-4 years and fairly
develop at age 10
• Formed and influence from the
internalization of what parents teach their
children regarding right or wrong through
rewards and punishments
• SIGNIFICANCE – if superego is so strong
the life of the individual is dominated by
its restriction on behavior, he or she is
likely to be unhappy, inhibited and
anxiety-guilt ridden. Individuals become
inferior if he/she cannot live up to parental