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Neurobiology of Neocortex

eds. P. Rakic and W . Singer. pp . 41 - 67

Jo hn Wil ey & Sons Limi ted
© S. Be rnhard . Dahle m Konferen ze n. lYSS.

Cortical Representational Plasticity

M .M . Merzenich. G. Recanzone. W M .Jenkins. T.T. Allard and R.J. Nudo

University of California, Coleman Laboratory,

San Francisco, CA 94143, U S.A

AbsTracT. Recent experiments have shown that the effectiveness of the coupled
excitatory inputs and intrinsic inhibitory processes controlling the overt
excitatory responses of cortical neurons a re dynamically alterable throughout
life. Many neoco rtical functional plas ticity studies demonstra ting this alterability
have been conducted in the somatosensory cortex. In this review , we briefly
describe some aspects of th e results of these studies. Features of the underlying
processes of excitatory "input restriction" or " input selection" reveal ed by
them are described. Some implications of these adaptive cortical processes for
the origin s of behavior a re discussed.


The alterability of overtly effective excitatory inputs of cortical neurons has
been demonstrated in many experiments. Most have been conducted within
the somatosensory system. Relevant findings include:
1) Cortical representations are substantially reorganized after peripheral
nerve transection or dorsal root section in adult rats (Wall 1984), cats (Franck
1980; Kalaska and Pomeranz 1979) , and monkeys (Merzenich et at. 1983a , b) .
Neurons everywhere across a broad cortical region including both the former
zo ne of repre se ntation of the transected nerve and an extensive surrounding
cortical zone acquire new effective driving inputs following such peripheral
deprivation. Expansions of representations of surrounding skin surfaces into
the deprived cortical zone are progressive (Merzenich et at. 1983a ; Wall
1984), and th e occupation of silenced cortical sectors begins to emerge
almost immediately . With transection of a single peripheral cutaneous nerve,
reanimation of the cortical zone whose effective excitatory inputs have been
sil enced is usu ally complete within a few days. However, further relatively

42 M.M. Merzenich et al.

substantial alterations in effective driving inputs are recorded in monkeys

over a subsequent several-week period (Merzenich et al. 1983a).
2) Following digital amputation in raccoons (Kelahan and Doetsch
1984; Rasmusson 1982) and monkeys (Merzenich, Nelson et al. 1984),
representations of the surrounding digits and palm enlarge to occupy the
former cortical zones of representation of the missing digit(s). Digital
amputation constitutes a special class of nerve-transection experiments. In
raccoons, inputs from different digits are largely segregated anatomically at
the level of the cortex (Rasmusson and Nance 1985) , and deep and high-
threshold inputs from adjacent digits occupy much of the cortical zone
formerly representing the amputated digit (Kelahan and Doetsch 1984;
Rasmusson 1982). In owl monkeys and cats , there is substantial anatomical
overlap in the zone of representation of the digits (Snow et al. 1987 ; see
below). In monkeys, cutaneous representations of digital and palmar surfaces
surrounding the amputated member en large topographically to completely
occupy its former cortical zone of representation. As in simple nerve
transection experiments with representational expansion, some skin surfaces
come to be represented after amputation exclusively within the former
cortical territory of the now-missing digit (Merzenich , Nelson et al. 1984).
With amputation of one or two digits , neurons over a continuous region
encompassing at least two-thirds of the hand representational zone acquired
new overt ly effective excitatory inputs . With amputation of two digits ,
reoccupation of the silenced cortical zone was always incomplete; translo-
cations in the cortical sites of representation of given skin surfaces did not
exceed a distant limit of about 600--700 microns (Merzenich , Nelson et al.
3) Inputs effective for driving cortical neurons have been demonstrated to
change over time in the absence of any special cutaneous stimulation. We
have recorded substantial shifts in receptive fields in monkeys recorded with
floating microelectrodes over time. Such electrodes are believed to maintain
samplin g of neuronal populations at a nearly constant cortical location.
Shifts corresponding to cortical representational translocations of many
hundreds of microns have been recorded in such experiments.
4) Cortical representations in monkeys are substantially remodelled by a
tactile behavior in which a restricted skin surface is differentially heavily
stimulated (Jenkins et al. 1984 ; Jenkins and Merzenich 1987; Merzenich
1987; Fig. 1). In such experiments, the territories of area 3b representations
of restricted , heavily stimulated skin surfaces enlarge to a great extent in
adu lt owl monkeys . When hand surface representations defined before and
after such training are compared in detail , neurons over virtually the entire
hand representational zone are seen to acquire newly effective driving
inputs .
In a related experiment , cortical representations of the vibrissa! represent-
ational zone (the barrel field) in adu lt rats have been found to be substantially
Cortical Representational Plasticity 43

reorganized following vibrissa trimming, resulting in the heavy differential

stimulation of a limited subset of vibrissae for no more than a few
experimental days (Yun et al. 1987; see also Hand 1982).
5) There is a substantial reorganization of the area Jb representation of
the skin surface in the region surrounding a restricted cortical lesion in adult
monkeys (Jenkins and Merzenich 1987). Through that reorganization , skin
surfaces formerly represented in the cortical zone of the lesion come to be
represented in the cortex surrounding the lesion. Neurons over a broad
surrounding region at least several millimeters across are driven by newly
effective inputs after this class of experimental or natural disturbance . This
dramatic topographic reorganization in the region surrounding an infarct
likely constitutes a fundamental basis for recovery from brain injury (Jenkins
and Merzenich 1987).
6) The very large hand representational zone in the principal Sf/ cortical
field in adult macaques is completely occupied by inputs from other skin
surfaces following ablation of the principal input sources of this cortical area,
the Sf cortical fields (Pons 1987). " New" effective inputs principally represent
the foot. In this functional reorganization, representational translocations
of many millimeters in distance are recorded.
7) The functional hand representational zone in an adult monkey is
substantially remodeled after creation of a syndactyl condition (Allard et al.
1985; Merzenich 1987). With two digits temporarily fused together following
a surgical procedure minimizing the disturbance of peripheral innervation
boundaries, the representational border normally recorded between two
digits in the hand representation in area 3b is completely broken down (Fig.
2). Across sharp functional boundaries in the area 3b cortical representation
of a normal adult monkey , receptive fields for neurons usually fall exclusively
on one or the other of two adjacent digits. After creation of a syndacty l
condition , neurons across a broad region between the zones of representation
of the two fused digits respond to stimulation of them both .
8) The hand representational zone in an adult monkey is dramatically
reorganized after the transfer of an innervated skin island from one digit to
another (Clark et al. 1986; Merzenich 1987; Fig. 3). As in the sy nd actyl
case, skin fields in these studies are cut a long the lines of innervation of
digital cutaneous nerves . Skin islands are transferred with their vasculature
intact. They are traded with a second innervated skin island, or with a
noninnervated graft from the digit receiving the innervated island .
From the point of view of central nervous system addresses, little has
been altered peripherally by this manipulation, i.e., locat ions on the same
skin are represented anatomically by unchanging populations in the digital
cutaneous nerve and dorsal root ganglion.
After an island transfer the entire hand representation reorganizes, in
large part to create a new topographic relationship between the island and
the bordering skin on the recipient finger. Prior to this experimental
44 M.M. Merzenich et al.




Fig. !-Outl in es of the area 3b cortica l territories representing the surfaces of the
digits at two epochs in the life of a normal adu lt monkey. Maps were derived prior
to initiation of a special behavior and about 3 months later, during which time this
monkey had performed a task that involved differential, heavy stimulation of the
tips of the distal phalanges of digits 2, 3. and occasionally 4 for about one hour/
day. The differentially stimulated skin surface on digit 2 is indicated by stippling in
the hand drawing at the right. Representational "maps'' were drawn from definition
of receptive fields defined within several hundred microelectrode penetrations into
this area 3b zo ne at both experimenta l stages. Outlined territories are zones over
which receptive fields were centered on digits I to 5. The zones of representation
of the struck skin surface on the distal phalanx of digit 2 is stippled in both drawings,
i.e., in this zone , all defined receptive fields overlapped onto this heavily stimulated
surface. Note that after a period of differential digit tip stimu lation in this and in
five ot her monkeys studied with this paradigm , there was a substantial enlargement
of its territory of representation. In this monkey, most of the gain in territory was
from across the area 3b- 3a border as defined functionally prior to the initiation of
this digital stimulation behavior. On average , about half of accrued territory of
representation in these monkeys is gained internally from within area 3b and about
ha lf from across the functionally defined rostral border of the koniocortical cutaneous
hand surface representation . Redrawn from Jenkins and Merzenich ( 1987).
Cortical Representational Plasticity 45

Fig. 2-Some features of th e ha nd rep rese nta ti o n (center, top) in a n adult owl
mo nk ey in which di gits 3 a nd 4 were fused by a syndact yly surgica l procedure fo r
7 mo nth s prior to th e deriva ti o n of a hi ghly detail ed cortical map of this a re a 3b
zo ne . In th a t map, all receptive fi elds defined within a la rge re gion (marked by
diagonal stripin g) between th e te rrit o ri es of the re prese ntatio ns of th e digits had
recepti ve field components on both of th e m . Two such fields defin ed at the sites
indicated by the black dots within this zo ne are illustrated o n the syndactyl di gits
in th e ha nd drawing at th e left. By contrast, rece ptive fi e lds defin ed for ne urons
ac ross norma l sha rp digital rep rese ntati o nal "discontinuities'' responded exclusive ly
to stimul ati o n of o ne or th e o ther of the two adjace nt digits as illustrated , fo r
exa mple by the two typica l nearby pe net ra tions across th e di git 2-digit 3 bo rd e r,
also sho wn in th e ha nd drawing at th e left.
A t th e e nd of th ese experiments , the synd actyl digits were surgicall y se pa rated,
a nd receptive fi e lds again defined within th e zo ne of do ubl e-di git receptive fie lds.
Two such fields , typ ical of nearly all acute ly reco rd ed within this zone (recorded a t
th e locati o ns ma rk ed by stars in the map) are sho wn in the hand drawing at th e
ri ght. Both had rece ptive field compo ne nts o n th e two adj ace nt digits, a respo nse
feature enco unt e red infreque ntl y in no rm al ma ps in a rea 3b in adult owl mo nk eys.
46 M.M. Merzenich et al.

manipulation , these newly topographicall y related skin surfaces were

represented at cortical locations hundreds of microns apart from each other.
Again, in these preparations, new excitatory receptive fields emerge for
neurons over most of the hand surface representation in cortical area 3b .
Control experiments confirm that these effects are central in origin, i.e. ,
they cannot be accounted for by peripheral nerve sprouting.


Common features of representational reorganization reveal important general
aspects of neural processes underlying this representational dynamism . An


Fig. 3-Cortical representational map derived 6 months after transfer of an

innervated , vascularized island pedicle from the ulnar aspect of digit 4 to the radial
aspect of digit 3 in an adult owl monkey . A denervated graft derived from digit 3
was transferred back to close the defect on digit 4. A cortical map derived by
definition of receptive fields with in several hundred microelectrode penetrations is
shown at the left. There , the skin on the recipient digit is marked by diagonal
striping; the zones in which receptive fields exclusively represented the island are
stippled. Note that over the largest demarcated zone, receptive fields are partly on
the island skin and partly on the skin of the recipient finger. These skin surfaces
are normally represented in cortical zones separated by more than 500 microns from
each other in adult owl monkeys . Control experiments confirm that this dramatic
representational reorganization is due to central and not peripheral effects ; when
the digital nerves innervating the island or ulnar recipient skin are anesthetized or
cut , receptive field boundaries form erly representing the island skin invariably
terminate along the scar line .
Cortical Representational Plasticity 47
overlapping topography is commonly conserved, while cortical representations
are reorganized. While there may be manifold enlargements or retractions
in the extents of cortical territories represe nting given skin surfaces over
tim e, a continuous, overlapping topographic representation of the skin
surface is usua ll y reco rded at all reorganizational stages (Allard et al. 1985 ;
Clark et a l. 1986; Jenkins et al. 1984; Jenkins and Merzenich 1987 ; Merzenich
1987; Me rze nich , Jenkins et a l. 1984; Rasmusson 1982) . Analysis of the
re sults of these many experiments reveal that neurons at any given area 3b
location can represent any given skin surface located over a relatively large
periphera l extent at different times in the life of an adult monkey. For
example, neurons normally representing a small skin surface location of the
hand (e.g., usually a fraction of the surface of a digital phalanx) have the
capacity for representing any skin surface region over at least one-third of
the hand , and possibly a significant sector of the face or wrist. Thus, there
are hundreds to thousands of possible receptive fields for neurons at a given
cortical location at different times in the life of an adult monkey. Nonetheless,
topographic order in the representation of skin surfaces is the rule.
Representational plasticity is probably accounted for by alterations in
the functional effectivenesses of always present, divergent afferent inputs
(Merzenich 1987 ; Merzenich, Jenkins et al. 1984; Merzenich et al. 1983a ;
Merzenich , Ne lson et al. 1984) . A number of studies have revealed that the
"a natomical map " of excitatory thalamic afferents representing a restricted
skin surface is crude and broadly overlapping compared with the "functional
map" of overtly effective excitatory inputs recorded at any moment in the
life of an adult monkey or carnivore . For example:
I) The convergence of excitatory inputs from relatively extensive skin
areas to specific cortical area 3b loci has been revealed by the injection of
the GABA receptor blocker bicuculine (Dykes et al. 1984; Hicks and Dykes
1983). Bicuculine injections in the so matosensory cortex in the cat result ,
on the average, in an approximately eight-fold enlargement of hindpaw
cortical receptive fields ; enlargement is apparently limited to neurons with
quickly adapting response characteristics. Greatly enlarged receptive fields
are excited relatively uniformly , i.e. , emergent excitatory inputs are
indistinguishable in their driving effectiveness from those manifested in
preexperimental receptive field inputs.
2) Receptive fields are also enlarged by the electrical stimulation of a
peripheral cutaneous nerve (Recanzone et al. 1986; Recanzone et al. ,
submitted; Fig. 4; see below). Excitatory receptive field enlargements
recorded after minutes to hours of peripheral nerve stimulation are recorded
throughout area 3b, i.e ., presumably occur for neurons in locations at which
responses are both slowly adapting and quickly adapting . Again , these often
greatly enlarged receptive fields are relatively uniformly excited. Possible
mechanisms of origins of this nerve stimulation-induced change in input
48 M.M . Merzenich et al.

selection are discussed below . Again, these studies manifest a n extended,

powerful , and immediately accessible repertoire of pote ntially effective
excitatory inputs .
3) Neuronal receptive fields defined with cutaneous electrical stimulation
are larger than receptive fields defined with natural stimuli. On the average ,
differences parallel those recorded before and after bicuculine injections in
the cortex, or after a several-hour episode of peripheral nerve stimulation.
In a variation of this observation, the cortical zone of projection of any
peripheral cutaneous nerve defined by electrical stimulation is far larger
than the cortical zone over which the skin surface represe nted by the nerve
is manifested by natural stimuli (see Towe et al. 1964).
4) The cortical territory intensely marked by 2-deoxyglucose label after
restricted natural cutaneous stimulation is commonly substantially larger
than the territory over which neurons are overtly driven by such stimulation
(Juliano and Whitsel 1985). The spreads of inputs indicated by such studies
are also greater than those that might be anticipated from the 3-lOX
receptive field en largements recorded after bicuculine administration , or
after continuous peripheral nerve stimulation. Labelling across these extended
regions can be surprisingly uniform.

< ·.!:"'
a:: as 8
a::U.. 6
.§ 4

0 100 200 300 400 500 (min)

Fig. 4--Receptive field sizes of neurons defined at eight cortical loci within the
forelimb and hindlimb representational zones in area 3b in an adult cat , plotted as
a function of the duration of 20 pps electrical stimulation of the ulnar nerve in the
distal foreleg. On average, roughl y five-fold increases in the extents of receptive
fie lds are induced throughout the contralateral body surface representation by such
stimulation . Note that in the hindlimb representational zone , there is no directly
evoked neural response to electrical stimulation of this forelimb nerve . A series of
controls demonstrate that such receptive field size changes are a direct consequence
of electrical stimulation of the peripheral nerve (Recanzone et al. 1986, 1987).
Cortical Representational Plasticity 49

Such studies indicate that the anatomical map of the skin surface is far
cruder than the functional map of overtly effective excitatory inputs defined
by the use of simple, natural stimuli at any given moment in the life of the
adult primate or carnivore.
5) Inputs from far broader sources than those that overtly drive cortical
neurons commonly evoke excitatory postsynaptic potentials within them
(Zarzecki et al. 1983; Zarzecki and Wiggin 1982) . Such functionally
demonstrable excitatory inputs are recordable by stimulation of different
nearby peripheral nerves on distance scales indicating a spread of excitatory
inputs representing given peripheral skin locations in the somatosensory
cortical fields of carnivores of up to at least several millimeters.
6) Individually labelled ventroposterior cell afferent arbors spread
relatively widely within the middle cortical layers in even the koniocortical
field , area 3b, of monkeys and carnivores (Garraghty and Sur 1987; Landry
and Deschenes 1981). Physiological mapping of the arbors of single
ventroposterior thalamic units , representing specific skin loci referenced to
the cortical zone of overt representation of that skin locus , reveal a mismatch
(Snow et al., submitted; e.g., Fig. 5). Both electrophysiological arbor-
mapping experiments and single fiber labelling studies in New World
monkeys indicate that individual arbors may spread up to more than 2
mm across the horizontal dimension in the koniocortical somatosensory
representation , area 3b.
Electrophysiological mapping studies also suggest that arbors from across
the isorepresentational axis of the ventroposterior thalamus (see Jones et
al. 1982; Kaas et al. 1984) project with substantial divergence into cortical
fields (Snow et al., submitted). This dispersion of anatomical inputs
representing common peripheral skin locations - along with the relatively
broad distribution of individual afferent fibers - underlies the generation
of the relatively crude ("degenerate"; see Edelman 1978) "anatomical maps"
in this system.
The limits of anatomical divergences of projections presumably account
for observed distance limits for representational reorganization (Merzenich
1987; Merzenich , Jenkins et al. 1984; Merzenich , Nelson et al. 1984). That
is, the site of representation of a given skin surface can shift within the
neocortex to only a limited extent (see Fig. 6). Representational changes
up to about 1.5-2 mm have been recorded in cortical area 3b, but shifts
are usually not greater than about a thousand microns. Greater changes
have been recorded in the more divergently connected cortical area
1 (unpublished observations), and substantially greater representational
translocations have been recorded in the principal Sll field in macaques
(Pons 1987).
50 M.M. Merzenich et al.

O .lmm

Fig. 5-Surface view of the territory of distribution of the cortical arbor of a single
ventroposterior nucleus neuron representing a restricted cutaneous receptive field
on the surface of digit 3 in an adult cat (dotted). The arbor boundaries were defined
to within a few tens of microns by low-amplitude antidromic microstimulation of
this neuron in multiple cortical penetrations (dotted). The territory over which
cortical multiunit receptive fields overlapped with this single thalamic neuron 's
receptive field is indicated by the cross-hatching. This order of mismatch between
the distributions of arbors and the cortical zone of representation of the skin surface
represented by studied thalamic neurons (in this case, the arbor extended into the
zones of representation of both adjacent digits) was common. Redrawn from Snow
et al. (1988).

With changes in representational magnification, there are corresponding

inverse changes in receptive field size (Jenkins et al. 1984; Jenkins and
Merzenich 1987; Merzenich 1987 ; Merzenich, Jenkins et al. 1984; Merzenich
et al. 1983a; Merzenich , Nelson et al. 1984). That is , when represe ntations
expand or contract, the represented skin surface is commonly represe nted
in finer or coarser representational grain, respectively . This accounts for the
general rough maintenance of a percentage overlap versus cortical distance
rule described for somatosensory cortical fields 3b and 1 in normal adult
monkeys (Sur et al. 1980; see also Merzenich et al. 1983a) .
It should be noted that significant exceptions to this rule have been
recorded. The most important, discussed later , is manifested by th e creation,
under special experimental conditions, of large regions in the neocortex
within which all neurons have very similar receptive fi e lds.
Cortical Representational Plasticity 51


c N
E 0



..... ,

Fig . 6--Differences in the locations of the hand-face (upper) and area 3b-area 3a
borders (lower) defined in an ad ult owl monkey before and after a period of intense
behavioral training (see legend , Fig. 1). The stippled zones mark the minimal
territories over which receptive fields for neurons at those locations were determined
to have moved from the face to the hand, or from deep characteristically-area-3a
responses to cutaneous characteristically-area-3b responses. In this zone, there is a
direct overlap of microelectrode penetrations in wh ich receptive fields were either
(upper) on the face in the first map , and on the hand in the second; or (lower)
deep responses predominantly from muscle and joint afferents in the first map, and
low-threshold cutaneous responses in the second. Significant representational
translocations are recorded along these borders in nearly every animal from which
more than one representational map has been derived . Translocations never exceeded
a distance limit of about one mm . See text for further details and some implications .
52 M.M. Merzenich et al.

It must be emphasized that dynamic "input restriction " or "input selection"

applies to all of what have been termed the "static" features of responses of
cortical neurons (Mountcastle 1978). The receptive field is , of course, only
one easily definable aspect of "selected" responses. " Representational
reorganization" experiments should be interpreted as reflecting a process of
restriction or selection of candidate afferent inputs; any of the available
fundamental cortically projecting input combinations can , by use , presumably
emerge effective for driving neurons at a given neocortical location. For
example , the selection of slowly adapting or quickly adapting afferent
populations constitutes a second apparent se lected input category in the
area 3b somatosensory representation in the owl monkey. In most monkeys ,
slowly adapting responses are recorded over only limited area 3b sectors.
However , map reorganization studies indicate that these zones of SA
representation can be subverted by QA responses, and vice versa. To cite
one example, no SA responses have been recorded over greatly enlarged
representations of the differentially stimulated surfaces in monkeys perfor-
ming a behavioral task in which heavy episodes of 20/second vibratory
stimu lation were incurred. In another example, large sectors of the cortex
of several monkeys presumably having abnormally heavy static hand
stimu lation (two of which were blind) had overwhelmingly predominant
slowly adapting responses .
It is increasingly clear that input coincidence can influence afferent input
selection (Allard et al. 1985; Clark et al. 1986; Edelman and Finkel 1985 ;
Finkel et al. 1987; Merzenich 1987 ; Merzenich , Jenkins et al. 1984).
Neocortical representations obviously do not strictly reflect the anatomical
distributions of afferent excitatory inputs. Given the fact that neurons at
any given cortical location can represent any of hundreds or thousands of
specific receptive fields over a relatively large skin surface region at different
times in the life of an adult mammal , what accounts for the afferent
restriction or afferent selection underlying the generation of recorded
receptive fields? What is the mechanistic basis of representational topography?
A series of experiments indicates that , considered from the perspective of
afferent inputs, cortical representations may " map" probabilities of coincident
or nearly coincident inputs. Thus , for example:
1) Representational discontinuities between digits in monkeys are known
to be functional (and not anatomical) constructs, since they move within
the neocortex in most of the above-described owl monkey map-alteration
experiments (e.g., see Merzenich , Nelson et al. 1984). We hypothesized
that interdigi tal representational discontinuities normally arise because of
the largely temporally independent stimulation of the skin of adjacent digits.
Digital syndactyly experiments (Fig. 2) support that condusion . After a
period of digital fusion, the representational discontinuities between the
Cortical Representational Plasticity 53
fused digits break down. That is, across a broad cortical zone encompassing
the former regions of separate representations of the facing aspects of two
adjacent digits , neurons develop receptive field components that extend
onto both digits (Allard et al. 1985; Merzenich 1987). That arises, we
believe, because fused surfaces are almost invariably excited coincidentally.
With acute surgical separation of digits after a long period of syndactyly,
a study of neurons in this zone reveals that they almost invariably retain
receptive field components on both digits- something normally infrequently
recorded. Such controls demonstrate that the emergence of 2-digit receptive
fields after syndactyly is not an artifact of peripheral regeneration, but rather
an unequivocal consequence of a central change in selected excitatory
inputs . The observed changes in overtly effective inputs and topographic
representations are almost certainly temporally based.
2) Cortical representational reorganization recorded in the island pedicle
transfer experiments (Clark et al. 1986; Merzenich 1987) also implicates
temporal coincidence as playing a fundamental role in afferent input
restriction or selection. There , a continuously innervated and vascularized
island of skin is moved from its normal skin location to a new one. As noted
above , the transfer is made under conditions that limit changes in skin-to-
central nervous system addresses. In these preparativns, the scar line initially
constitutes a border for all receptive fields, and many fields have components
on both the nontransferred part of the donor digit and on the transferred
island . In time , these 2-digit receptive fields are less common, and very many
fields are found extending across the scar line from the transferred island onto
the surrounding recipient skin. Those skin surfaces are normally represented
at cortical locations hundreds of microns apart.
Again, anesthetic or nerve transection controls at the end of these experiments
demonstrate that these changes are in selected excitatory inputs; they are not
accounted for by peripheral effects. They can only be accounted for by a
coincidence-based selection of new combinations of effective inputs.
3) Nerve transection-reconnection experiments also manifest a role for input
coincidence for the generation , maintenance, and alteration of cortical receptive
fie lds and representations. With nerve transection and reconnection , there is
a pseudorandomization of the peripheral field locations of regenerating afferent
fibers (see Wall et al. 1985). Nonetheless, following transections of small
peripheral cutaneous nerves, reestablished representations are usually in register
with the representations of the surrounding skin. With regeneration of larger
nerves , reorganizational topography is much more complex. Nonetheless,
continuously shifting overlaps of receptive fields are reestablished with
reorganization in adult monkeys studied after nerve regeneration (Merzenich
1987 ; Wallet al. 1985). The reestablishment of small receptive fields in these
monkeys (in which randomization of central nervous system to peripheral skin
54 M.M. Merzenich et al.

addresses should result in receptive fields covering most or all of the skin field
of the transected nerve) must involve a temporally based input selection
process. The reestablishment of map topography almost necessarily requires
operation of a coincident-based selection process. By this interpretation , details
of map topography reflect the probabilities of coincident or nearly coincident
inputs. Adjacent skin surfaces are represented in adjacent locations in large
part because there is a high probability that they will be excited nearly
4) Studies of chronically coincidentally excited vibrissae conducted in the
barrel fields of adult rats are also consistent with these conclusions. If two
vibrissae are .coupled so that they are with high probability excited coincidentally ,
they are highly likely to costimulate cortical neurons over most of the cortical
zone in which they are represented (Yun et al. 1987). Such studies have been
conducted by an experimentalist who is blind to the vibrissae coupled over a
1 to 2 week period prior to derivation of the electrophysiological map. Before
the map is derived, all vibrissae are trimmed to a constant length , and the re
is no indication of which vibrissae have been coupled. Rats are maintained in
a rich tactile environment. Again, these studies demonstrate an apparent
powerful influence of the temporal correlations of inputs for shaping selected
cortical receptive fields.

Changes in input restriction or selection manifested in these cortical experiments

are largely accounted for by changes occurring at the cortical level. The greatest
anatomical dispersion of inputs in the lemniscal limb of the somatosensory
system is in the thalamocortical projection. Even if there is substantial alteration
in somatosensory representations at subcortical levels (which has been
demonstrated to occur; see Millar et al. 1976; Wall and Devor 1978) , given
the great divergence and convergence of thalamocortical inputs representing
any given skin surface there is a requirement for the operation of input-selection
mechanisms at the cortical level.
Changes in representation across the representational borders of area 3b
manifest purely cortically based input restriction (Fig. 6). Thus, for example ,
movements in the representation of the hand surfaces into the cortical zone
of representation of the face- or vice versa- are common (Fig. 6, top). In
the thalamus , there is a complete separation of anatomically distributed inputs
representing the hand and face within the lateral and medial parts of the
ventroposterior nucleus. Similarly, primary sources of inputs from muscle and
joint afferents and cutaneous afferents dominating the responses of areas 3a
and 3b, respectively, are segregated in representation in the thalamus.
Nonetheless, the deep-cutaneous border between what are functionall y defined
as areas 3a and 3b is highly mutable (Fig. 6, bottom) .
In both of these examples, substantial anatomical overlap of projections
occurs over a reorganizing zone at the cortical but not at the thalamic level.
Cortical Representational Plasticity 55

Representational reorganization recorded in these zones is like that recorded

elsewhere within area 3b or area 1. It must be accounted for by intrinsic cortical

Input selection or input restriction is by neuronal groups (Edelman 1978); groups

are dynamic, functional, not fixed anatomical units; and sizes of neuronal groups
are manipulable. Cortical mapping studies in the somatosensory sphere support
the contention that input selection is by neuronal groups normally having
significant (several tens of microns) horizontal extents. While technical problems
limit the present proofs of the existence of discrete neuronal groups in area
3b , they have been unequivocally demonstrated in several special classes of
experiments . First, following peripheral transection and regeneration of a large
cutaneous nerve, neurons at given cortical loci have multiple receptive fields
located at several different locations across the skin field of distribution of the
nerve (Merzenich 1987 ; Paul et al. 1972; Wall et al. 1985). Specific unique
combinations of receptive fields are recorded for all neurons that respond to
tactile stimuli recorded in vertical penetrations across the depths of cortex, and
for all neurons across a significant horizontal distance. These special mapping
studies reveal discretely bounded cortical neuronal groups. Second, under a
variety of experimental circumstances (one of which is described in a motor
cortex study below), greatly enlarged neuronal groups have been generated.
These "supergroups" often extend over hundreds of microns across the cortex.
Within them, all member neurons have identical or nearly identical response
characteristics. Among other circumstances, they have been recorded: (a) In
several animals wearing chronic digital casts; (b) in several but not most adult
cats studied after stimulation of peripheral cutaneous nerves; and (c) in two
cats in which differential stimulation of small hair patches was facilitated over
a several day period. In all of these instances, neurons over cortical sectors
up to nearly 1.5 mm across had virtually identical receptive fields.
It is clear that the dimensions of input-selecting neuronal groups are dynamic.
It is h~hly likely that they are generated, sustained, and compete for domination
of neurons along their mutual borders under control of afferent input
synchronization (Edelman and Finkel 1985; Finkel et a!. 1987; Merzenich
Finally , modulatory inputs control afferent input effectiveness. We still have
only very limited evidence in somatosensory studies that input effectiveness is
modulated as a function of behavioral state . Better examples from the motor
cortex and the auditory cortex will be described later.
At the same time, we have conducted a series of acute experiments that
have generated new insights into possible behaviorally contingent sources of
modulatory inputs. In those studies, as described above, we were able to
produce large changes in cortical receptive fields by electrical stimulation of
afferents in a single peripheral cutaneous nerve (the ulnar nerve) in sodium
56 M.M. Merzenich et al.

pentobarbital-anesthetized cats (Recanzone et a!. 1986; Recanzone et al. ,

submitted). Receptive fields at most or all locations in the contralateral body
surface representation were enlarged substantially by such stimulation (Fig . 4).
Fields could increase more than tenfold in extent at a given cortical location;
the mean areas of poststimulation receptive fields were 4.8 times greater than
prestimulation receptive fields defined at the same or nearly the same cortical
locations. Substantial receptive field enlargement was recorded after about
thirty minutes of peripheral nerve stimulation . Fields continued to enlarge for
several hours , then usually stabilized in size. With stimulation of a forepaw
nerve i.e. , the ulnar nerve, receptive field size changes were as great or greater
in the hindpaw representational zone in area 3b as in the forepaw zone .
Forepaw nerve stimulation resulted in no evident evoked discharges within the
hindpaw representational zone.
These widespread effects on cortical input selection or restriction indicate
that stimulation of a peripheral cutaneous nerve drives a global modulatory
system that modifies the effectivenesses of cortical inhibitory and/or excitatory
inputs on a major scale.
Stimulation of a peripheral nerve at parameters paralleling those in this
study have long been known to produce analgesia within the field of the
stimulated nerve. Such stimulation administered via electroacupuncture or
TENS stimulators constitutes a common treatment in humans with intractable
pain. Recent animal experiments have demonstrated that large-fiber afferent
stimulation-induced analgesia is not restricted to the spinal segment of the
stimulated nerve; analgesia can be widespread (Chung et al. 1984; Gamble
and Milne 1986; Toda and lchioka 1978). This peripheral nerve stimulation-
induced analgesia is reversed by the systemic injection of the opiate antagonist
naloxone. Taken collectively, these studies strongly implicate an endogenous
opiate "antinociception system" (Basbaum and Fields 1984) in the mediation
of these analgesic effects.
As with analgesia, naloxone halts and usually reverses the cortical receptive
field size changes recorded after peripheral nerve stimulation (Fig. 7) . Receptive
fields monitored throughout the stimulation period normally expanded during
the first several hours of stimulation, then stabilized in size (Fig. 4) . If naloxone
was injected during the stimulation period, the receptive field size normally
stabilized in size or, more commonly, retracted to approximately the original
size, then recovered with time and resumed expansion (Fig. 7A). Continuous
infusion of naloxone throughout the stimulation period resulted in a maintaining
of the receptive field at a small size (Fig. 7B).
Thus, these results indicate that the modulation of cortically recorded
receptive field sizes by electrical stimulation of a peripheral nerve involves an
endogenous opiate system.
These findings are important from several perspectives. Manipulation of
levels of endogenous opiates have been demonstrated to affect learning,
Cortical Representational Plasticity 57

memory and selective attention in humans (Arnsten et al. 1984; Gallagher et

al. 1985; Izquierdo and Graudenz 1980; Messing et al. 1979; Squire and Davis
1981 ). There is also behavioral evidence in humans that the coupling of
electrical stimulation of large fiber afferents (e .g. , in electroacupuncture) with
passive peripheral stimulation - or naloxone administration - can affect the
time courses of recovery from stroke (Baskin et al. 1984; Hoang 1981). In
general , these stimulus-induced reorganizational changes conceivably constitute
a basis for some of the manifold (largely undocumented) "central effects" of
How are these modulatory effects related to those attributed to other
forebrain modulatory systems? Another example studied is the established role
of cholinergic and noradrenergic systems in visual cortex development. These
inputs have been shown to enable the formation of ocular dominance columns
in the kitten during development ; by eliminating or reducing the concentrations
of both acetylcholine and norepinephrine in the visual cortex, one can
significantly decrease the degree to which ocular dominance columns are
formed during the critical period (see Bear and Singer 1986; Singer 1987).
Interestingly, electrical stimulation of a peripheral nerve or administration of
opioid compounds have been shown to increase acetylcholine release in the
cerebral cortex of adult rats (Jhamandas and Sutak 1976, 1980, 1983).
Stimulation-induced increases are reversed by the administration of naloxone .
Iontophoretic application of ACh into the primary somatosensory cortex in
anesthetized cats increases the responsiveness to tactile stimulation, and coupling
the application of ACh to either tactile stimulation or glutamate iontophoresis
enhances the response further (Metherate et al. 1987). These findings are
consistent with the hypothesis that tactile stimulation results in a release of
endogenous opiates which triggers ACh release- thereby ultimately increasing
input effectivenesses.
In humans, it has been argued that the behavioral effects of opiate-level
manipulations are mediated by or facilitate acetylcholine- and norepinephrine-
based modulatory mechanisms (e.g., Gallagher et al. 1985; Izquierdo and
Graudenz 1980).


There are a number of simple perceptual parallels to this observed represent-
ational plasticity in the somatosensory system. For example , there are severalfold
changes in tactile acuity in monkeys and humans attributable to practice
engaging restricted skin surfaces (see Jones et al. 1977; Gibson 1953). Such
changes at least roughly parallel , in their time courses and magnitudes , the
changes in the magnifications and grains of representation of skin surfaces
recorded in experienced monkeys. Discrimination of textures and recognition
of felt objects based upon spatial cues improves substantially with practice.
58 M.M . Merzenich et al.

A NAL Injection•

! ~~
a: u..'"·"' • ._...,.:..:::::::-:;;;::: . ................
iii i iii
~ .§
:E._. -2 NAL Injection•
-100 0 100 200 (min)

a: NAL Injection

a: u..'"·"'
ca::: 4
~ .§
:E._. 2
-100 0 100 200 (min)

Fig. 7-Receptive field sizes change with continuous peripheral nerve stimulation
and naloxone injections . Receptive fie ld sizes throughout the contralateral body
surface representation in area 3b of adult cats invariably en large over a seve ral- hour
period of peripheral nerve stimulation . If naloxone is introduced (at 0 on the
abscissa) whi le a forelimb peripheral nerve is being continuously stimul ated, initially
enlarged receptive fields usually shrink to near their prestimulation sizes. If naloxone
injections are repeated at half-hour intervals to maintain a high blood level , small
receptive fie ld sizes can be sustained (A). In a period well afte r a single naloxone
injection (B) , or after cessation of repeated injections (upper curve in A), receptive
fie lds again enlarge, presumab ly as naloxone binding again declines.
Cortical Representational Plasticity 59

Again , major effects are recorded over the time period in which the maximal
changes in cortical representational detail would be expected. Spatial tactile
acuity commonly improves significantly on the stump skin of amputees (Haber
1955 ; Teuber et al. 1949) . Again , the time courses and extents of such changes
in humans parallel those for observed reorganizational changes in cortical
somatosensory representation following digital amputation in monkeys. Tactile
acuity has been shown to be rapidly degraded following acupuncture (Wang
et al. 1981) ; again , we have observed substantial increases in receptive field
sizes occurring rapidly after electroacupuncture-like stimulation of a peripheral
cutaneous nerve . Changes in receptive field sizes in our animal experiments
are reversed by administration of naloxone. Two-point thresholds can be
reduced significantly by the intravenous administration of naloxone (Velasco
et al. 1984).
In all of these simple examples , observed changes in tactile acuity in humans
roughly parallel the time courses and extents of changes in the magnitudes
and grains of area 3b representations of monkeys undergoing similar
"experimental" histories.
Parallels to perceptual changes of body image can also be drawn. Thus, for
example , telescoping following amputation (see Haber 1955; Merzenich, Nelson
et al. 1984; Teuber et al. 1949) indicates that reorganization of a body image
map(s) occurs in these patients. Correction in the body surface image for finger
identity following an island pedicle transfer constitutes another example of an
alteration in body image representation that parallels reorganization changes
recorded in our experiments. Despite this parallelism , we believe it to be most
likely that such effects are accounted for by reorganization in somatosensory
cortical areas not yet studied with this class of experiment, in part because of
the magnitudes of implied representational changes indicated by these recovery
phenomena .
In general , it is highly likely that area 3b representational changes account
for its fractional part of the acquisition of tactual skill with practice-that the
forebrain mechanisms underlying the adaptive changes revealed in these
experiments minimally constitute the bases of at least a major neocortical
component of learning and memory.


Only a few closely parallel experiments have been conducted in other cortical
regions . Nonetheless, they indicate that this use-driven alterability in effective
driving inputs is widespread and probably universal in the neocortex . Diamond
and Weinberger have described changes in frequency response areas of neurons
in auditory cortex generated by classical conditioning that resulted in an
increased territorial representation of the frequency of the unconditioned
60 M.M. Merzenich et al.

stimulus (Diamond 1985; Weinberger and Diamond 1987). Similar experiments

conducted earlier in the motor cortex indicate that there are substantial
increases in the territories of representation of conditioned movements (Woody
and Engel 1972).
These experiments indicate that with classical conditioning, there is a
remodeling of representations in specific cortical areas resulting in larger
territories of representation of conditioned responses and conditioning stimuli.
In both auditory cortex and motor cortex studies, representational changes
paralleled conditioning-i.e., were generated after only a few trials , were
extinguishable, and are not accounted for by sensitization.
In the second decade of this century, Sherrington and colleagues (Graham
Brown and Sherrington 1912; Layton and Sherrington 1917) noted that motor
stimulation "maps" can be substantially altered by surface electrical stimulation .
Changes in anthropoids and macaques were especially remarkable. We have
repeated this experiment using intracortical stimulation in area 4 in adult rats
(Nudo and Merzenich 1987; Fig. 8). Intracortical stimulation at current levels
above or well below movement thresholds is highly effective for generating
representational changes for movement that are hundreds of microns in extent.
The movement initially evoked at the stimulation site comes to be represented
over a substantially greater territory after stimulation . Substantial changes are
recorded after more than ten minutes of stimulation . Subthreshold effects
indicate that induced changes are not dependent upon repetitive movement-
selective afferent inputs. These and other ongoing studies in motor represen-
tations indicate that movement representations revealed by intracortical
microstimulation are highly alterable by use.
We have conducted a number of studies in another somatosensory cortical
field: area 1. Its representations were altered after nearly every experimental
manipulation described above; changes were very different from those in area
3b, but representational translocations were invariably of at least an equal
magnitude (Finkel et al. 1987). As noted earlier, Pons and colleagues recently
described a remarkable representational reorganization in the principal
somatosensory representation of SII in adult macaques following complete
cortical ablation of the hand representations in SI; i.e ., following ablation of
the principal sources of afferent input into this field (Pons 1987) . Changes are
on a much greater scale than those recorded in either area 3b or 1. Normal
maps of other somatosensory cortical fields and in area 4 in adult monkeys
reveal a substantial variability consistent with these representations being
shaped idiosyncratically by use (Gould et al. 1986; Pons 1984; Robinson and
Burton 1980; see Merzenich 1985; Merzenich et al. 1987) .


These studies provide a modified view of the operationally significant features
of the neocortex. They demonstrate that excitatory responses of cortical neurons
Cortical Representational Plasticity 61

. : :. v

X X HL •,•


Fig. 8-Group enlargement in the motor cortex as a consequence of intracortical

stimulation. After deriving a detailed map of the representation of forelimb
movements in area 4 in an adult rat (left), intracortical electrical stimulation (40ms
duration 300 pps bursts delivered once/second) was applied in the pyramidal tract
neuron levels for a period of three hours. Stimulation was at about two times the
threshold current level for evoking forelimb movement. A subsequently defined map
(right) revealed an expansion of the forelimb moveme.ilt representational zone into
previously unresponsive cortex (x); into the hindlimb zone (HL) ; marginally into
the zone of representation of the neck (N) ; and especially into the zone of
representation of vibrissa! movement (V). Evoked forelimb movements within these
expanded zones were not distinguishable from those evoked at the chronic stimulation
site . All responses were of a relatively low threshold. Similar distortions of motor
maps could be effected in both directions across these representational boundaries ,
and changes were recorded after stimulation at levels well below those required to
evoke any observable movement or EMG response.

are alterable by use by the operation of dynamic intrinsic neocortical

mechanisms. By the operation of these mechanisms , countless idiosyncratic
forms of distributed, selected inputs can be generated within a given cortical
field over a lifetime . Input selection operates for all of the basic anatomically
categorized response features of delivered inputs. Considered from the afferent
input side alone , input coincidence can strongly influence input selection;
coincidence-based input selection is hypothesized to account, in part, for the
generation and conservation of local representational order.
There is almost certainly a cognitive side to this machinery as well. Even in
the somatosensory koniocortex, input effectiveness is almost certainly modulated
as a function of behavioral state. Mechanisms accounting for this modulatory
control are still little-studied and not completely understood. Recent studies
more strongly implicate an opiate-based system in this modulatory control,
apparently coupled to acetylcholine- and norepinephrine-based systems.
62 M.M. Merzenich et al.

Input "selection" or " restriction " is achieved by closely coupled inhibitory

and excitatory processes. The full repertoire of selectable inputs is anatomically
probably ever-present. Part - but possibly not the full range - of the
selectable excitatory repertoire may require no new synapse formation for its
expression. The " anatomical map" is crude compared to normally expressed
"physiological maps" . By its proj ectional degeneracy , it establishes - and
limits - the repertoire of selectable inputs at any given ~ortical location .
Input selection or restriction is achieved by functional, locally coupled groups
of neurons . The extent of overlap of neocortical neuronal groups has not yet
been established, but it is believed that they are relatively sharply bounded .
They collectively restrict or select a subset of effective excitatory inputs , which
dominate the responses of all group members. These functional neuronal
groups are almost certainly established, maintained , and altered in the cortex
by coincidence-based mechanisms. Groups appear to be dynamic, functional,
(not fixed anatomical) entities . They move in the neocortex. Their borders
move. They undergo substantial changes in their extents in normal animals,
and under special circumstances can enlarge nearly a thousand-fold in extent.
Again, these "functional minicolumn" or "neuronal group" dynamics are
not easily reconciled with the predominant historical views of columns or
minicolumns as fixed anatomical entities.
We have recently hypothesized that there are probably in-place mechanisms
for stabilizing distributed arrays of functional groups and their selected inputs
(Merzenich 1987). These hypotheses have yet to be tested.
These adaptive processes probably constitute the functional bases of the
origins of higher brain functions. It is clear that records of behaviorally
significant inputs are "stored" in areas of the cortex in which such inputs do
not overtly drive neurons (Merzenich 1987; Merzenich , Jenkins et al. 1984) ;
such stored consequences must be invoked to account for the directed ,
progressive reshaping of cortical representational detail over time . Represent-
ational changes parallel simple perceptual phenomenology and plausibly account
for them . Representational changes almost certainly related to learning and
the acquisition of skill have been recorded in both sensory and motor cortical
It should be noted that nearly all of the somatosensory experiments described
in this brief review were conducted in the koniocortical field , area 3b. This
field has the most constrained anatomical distribution of inputs of any
somatosensory representation ; it is presumably the least alterable of the eight
or nine or more somatosensory cortical representations in anthropoids. That
conclusion is supported by studies of representational plasticity in cortical areas
1 and SII , where representational translocation distance limits are apparently
substantially greater than those recorded in 3b. In general , the greater the
number of sources of correlatable inputs and the greater the divergence
Cortical Representational Plasticity 63

and convergence of their afferent distributions, the greater the possible

representational plasticity. Each engaged self-organizing cortical zone makes a
field-specific contribution to perception and cognition.

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