Interview Process Overview - Personio PDF

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For engineering positions


Junior roles

Work on a online coding challenge HR interview

Duration: 60-120 minutes Duration: 30-60 minutes

Topic: Working on Coding Challenge to put skills in practice Topic: Personio and role itself; candidate’s previous experiences
Participants: Candidate Participants: Candidate and Talent acquisition manager
Process: After screening the CV, talent acquisition manager Process: Candidate will be invited to Interview by recruiter
will send you online coding challenge. You will have 7 days to
work on it.

Team lead interview

Duration: 60 minutes
HR interview
Topic: In-depth discussion around technical background,
Duration: 30-60 minutes
problem-solving skills and work style.
Topic: Personio and role itself; candidate’s previous experiences
Participants: Candidate and Hiring Manager
Participants: Candidate and Talent acquisition manager
Process: Candidate will invited by coordinator after the HR interview
Process: Candidate will be invited to Interview by Talent acquisition
manager, if submitted coding challenge is correct.

Work on a coding challenge

Team lead and coding challenge Duration: Up to 7 days
interview Topic: Working on Coding Challenge to put skills in practice
Participant: Candidate
Duration: 60 minutes Process: After the successful Team Lead interview coordinator will send
Topic: In-depth discussion around technical background, candidate challenge
problem-solving skills and work style. Discussion of the provided
Participants: Candidate, Hiring Manager, engineer
Process: Candidate will invited by coordinator after the HR Coding challenge follow up interview
Duration: 60 minutes
Topic: Discussion of the provided solution
Participants: Candidate, hiring manager and engineer
Process: After sending solution coordinator will schedule follow up

Final interview round

Duration: In total 90 minutes (three interviews)
Topic: Meet future teammates and team leads,; see whether our values as a
company and yours are aligned
Participants: Candidate and various future colleagues Final interview round
Process: After the successful follow up interviews candidate will be invited to last
Duration: In total 2 hours (three interviews)
interview round.
Topic: Meet future teammates and our founders; see whether our
values as a company and yours are aligned
Participants: Candidate and various future colleagues
Process: After the successful follow up interviews candidate will be
invited to last interview round.

*note: depending on the team and role, process might be slightly different. Your talent acquisition manager will give you more information during first call.
For engineering positions


Lead/staff engineer Engineering manager

HR interview HR interview
Duration: 30-60 minutes
Duration: 30-60 minutes
Topic: Personio and role itself; candidate’s previous experiences
Topic: Personio and role itself; candidate’s previous experiences
Participants: Candidate and Talent acquisition manager
Participants: Candidate and Talent acquisition manager
Process: Candidate will be invited to Interview by recruiter
Process: Candidate will be invited to Interview by recruiter

Team lead interview

Team lead interview Duration: 60 minutes
Topic: In-depth discussion around technical background,
Duration: 60 minutes problem-solving skills and work style.
Topic: In-depth discussion around technical background, Participants: Candidate and Hiring Manager
problem-solving skills and work style. Process: Candidate will invited by coordinator after the HR
Participants: Candidate and Hiring Manager interview
Process: Candidate will invited by coordinator after the HR interview

Virtual onsite day

Duration: Up to 5-6 hours
Work on coding challenge and Tech case Topic: Verbal tech and functional cases, meeting future colleagues and team
Duration: Up to 7 days
Participant: Candidate, hiring manager, VP of engineering, founder, future
Topic: Working on Coding Challenge and tech case to put skills in practice.
teammates and colleagues
Participant: Candidate
Process: After the successful Team Lead interview coordinator will send
Process: After the successful Team Lead interview coordinator will send
candidate agenda and invite for the interviews. Cases will be provided in advance,
candidate challenge and tech case. Note: Depending on the on the position
they are verbal and there is no need to prepare the deliverables.
and role, tech case could be take-home assignment that need to be prepared
or verbal one, without need of any deliverables.

Agenda of the VOD

Coding challenge and tech case follow Functional case: This interview will explore how you work
up interview with your team.

Duration: 2 interviews, each 60 minutes Technical case: In this interview we want to explore your
Topic: Discussion of the provided solution(s) depth and breadth of technical knowledge
Participants: Candidate, hiring manager and engineer
Peer interview: Here you will meet potential future peers
Process: After sending solution coordinator will schedule follow up
Founder interview: Here you will get to know one of our

Values interview: In this interview we focus on whether our

Final interview round values as a company and yours are aligned and how you
Duration: In total 2 hours (three interviews) approach situations in general. Here you have the chance to
Topic: Meet future teammates and our founders; see whether our speak with the Head Of of your future department
values as a company and yours are aligned
Participants: Candidate and various future colleagues
Process: After the successful follow up interviews candidate will be
invited to last interview round.

*note: depending on the team and role, process might be slightly different. Your talent acquisition manager will give you more information during first call.

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