All-Purpose Rice Flour - Infographic

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All-purpose Flour Rice Flour

Nutrition Difference

All-purpose flour 366kcal Rice flour 359kcal

Calories 366 Calories 359

Carbohydrates 77.3 g Carbohydrates 79.8 g

Fat 1.48 g Fat 1.3 g

Protein 10.9 g Protein 6.94 g

Water 9.83 g Water 11.6 g

All-purpose flour calories per : 100g | ounce | standard serving size | cup | half cup Rice flour calories per : 100g | ounce | tablespoon | cup | half cup

Calories source Calories source

Carbs 84% Carbs 89%

Protein 12% Protein 8%

Fat 4% Fat 3%

From Our Analysis :

Calories : all-purpose flour - 2% more than rice flour

Carbohydrates : rice flour - 3% more than all-purpose flour

Fat : all-purpose flour - 14% more than rice flour

Protein : all-purpose flour - 57% more than rice flour

Water: rice flour - 18% more than all-purpose flour

Vitamins Differenc

Vitamins All-purpose Flour Rice Flour

Vitaminium B1 (Thiamine) 0.939 mg 0.09 mg

Vitaminium B3 (Niacin) 6.74 mg 1.25 mg

Vitaminium B6 0.066 mg 0.052 mg

From Our Analysis :

Vitaminium B1 (Thiamine) : All-purpose flour - 943% more than rice flour

Vitaminium B3 (Niacin) : All-purpose flour - 439% more than rice flour

Vitaminium B6 : All-purpose flour - 27% more than rice flour


Vitamins All-purpose Flour Rice Flour

Calcium 19 mg 6m

Iron 5.62 mg 0.22 mg

Magnessium 26.7 mg 22.9 mg

Phosphorus 160 mg 16 m

Potassium 136 mg 75 mg

Sodium 2 mg 5 mg

Zink 160 m 16 mg

Minerals : all-purpose flour vs rice flour

Calcium : All-purpose flour - 217% more than rice flour
Iron : All-purpose flour - 2455% more than rice flour
Magnessium : All-purpose flour - 17% more than rice flour
Phosphorus : All-purpose flour - 900% more than rice flour
Potassium : All-purpose flour - 81% more than rice flou
Sodium : Rice flour - 150% more than all-purpose flour
Zink : All-purpose flour - 900% more than rice flour

Culiniary Use

Advantages of using rice flour in frying

Rice flour has a very light consistency and therefore makes for a good coating. Its
It has a light consistency
consistency is lighter compared to that of all-purpose flour.

Rice flour has a neutral flavor and will therefore not interfere with the flavor of
Neutral flavor
whatever you are frying.

Absorbs the flavor of Because of its neutral flavor, rice flour complements the flavor of other spices
herbs and spices wel and herbs. Rice flour allows other spices to shine in fried dishes

Gives fried dishes a The crispy texture that rice flour gives fried goods is amazing. I love the crunchy
crispy texture finish that rice flour gives my fried chicken.

If you are on a gluten-free diet, rice flour should be your go-to option because it
It is gluten-free
does not contain any glute

Rice flour is rich in insoluble fiber that helps the body rid itself of waste. If you are
Has a high fiber content
on a high fiber diet, I highly recommend using rice flour, especially brown rice flour.

Advantages of using all-purpose flour in frying

All-purpose flour is the go-to option for frying because it gives an appealing
Gives a golden brown coating golden brown coating. When frying, we all want our dishes to have an appealing
golden brown color and that is exactly what all-purpose flour gives you.

All-purpose flour as a neutral flavor that does not interfere with the flavor of
Neutral flavor
whatever you are frying be it beef, chicken, or fish.

All-purpose flour can withstand long cooking times and prolonged heat which is usually
Can withstand prolonged heat essential in cooking meat dishes. All-purpose flour comes in very handy when I am
cooking chicken because chicken usually needs a lot of heat for it to cook through.

Because of its neutral flavor, all-purpose flour blends well with other spices and
Complements spices and herbs herbs. You do not have to worry about the flavors clashing and ending up with a
dish that has a weird taste.

If you are looking for a flour that will evenly coat your meat, all-purpose flour is
Gives an even, all-over coat
exactly what you should use.


Powered By : Japanese Rice Flour(

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