Pat Ting 4 2023
Pat Ting 4 2023
Pat Ting 4 2023
Objective Question
1 Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang Kimia?
Which of the following statement is true about Chemistry?
A Kajian tentang mineral semula jadi dan sifatnya.
study about natural minerals and their properties
B Kajian tentang komposisi, sifat dan perubahan jirim.
A study about composition, properties and changes in matter.
C Kajian tentang hubungan antara organisma hidup dan bahan kimia.
A study about the relationship between living organism and chemicals.
D Kajian tentang pembuatan bahan-bahan kimia baharu.
A study about making of new chemicals.
Suhu / temperature ( ⁰C )
Rajah / Diagram 1
Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah betul?
Which of the following statements is correct?
A Suhu merupakan pemboleh ubah bergerak balas.
Temperature is the responding variable
B Keterlarutan tidak dipengaruhi oleh suhu
Solubility is not affected by the temperature
C Jumlah natrium klorida merupakan pembolehubah yang dimanipulasi dalam
Amount of sodium chloride is the manipulated variable in the experiment
D Menaikkan suhu akan meningkatkan jumlah natrium klorida yang larut.
Increasing the temperature will increase the amount of sodium chloride
Rajah / Diagram 1
Antara berikut, yang manakah betul bagi ion Na+ ?
Which of the following statements is correct for Na+ ion?
Bilangan proton Bilangan neutron Bilangan elektron
Number of protons Number of neutrons Number of electrons
A 11 12 11
B 11 12 10
5 C 10 13 11
D 12 11 10
Atom Ion Molekul
Atom Ion Molecule
7 Jadual 2 menunjukkan takat lebur dan takat didih bagi bahan W, X, Y dan Z.
Table 2 shows the melting point and boiling point of substances W, X, Y and Z.
Bahan Takat lebur (⁰C) Takat didih (⁰C)
Substance Melting point (⁰C) Boiling point (⁰C)
W -180.0 -120.0
X -78.0 70.0
Y 1.00 85.0
Z 117.0 230.0
C X dan Y D Y dan Z
X and Y Y and Z
8 Takat lebur dan takat didih bagi bahan W masing-masing ialah –20°C dan 18°C.
Antara pernyataan yang berikut, manakah benar tentang W pada suhu
The melting point and boiling point of substance W are –20°C and 18°C respectively.
Which of the following statements is true about W at room temperature?
A. Ia mempunyai isi padu yang tetap.
It has fixed volume.
B. Zarah-zarah bergetar dan berputar pada kedudukan tetapnya.
The particles are vibrating and rotating about in their fixed positions.
C. Kandungan tenaga bagi zarah-zarah adalah rendah
The energy content of the particles is low.
D. Daya tarikan antara zarah-zarah adalah sangat lemah
The forces of attraction between the particles are very weak.
A 141
B 256
C 389
D 422
10 4.16 g unsur W bertindak balas dengan 1.92 g oksigen untuk membentuk oksida
logam W. Formula empirik bagi oksida logam ini ialah W2O3. Berapakah jisim atom
relatif W?
[Jisim atom relatif : O = 16]
4.16 g of element W reacts with 1.92 g of oxygen to form metal oxide W. The
empirical formula for this metal oxide is W2O3. What is the relative atomic mass of
[Relative atomic mass : O = 16]
A 27
B 52
C 56
D 104
11 Jika 41.4 g unsur P berpadu dengan 6.4 g unsur Q, apakah formula bagi sebatian
yang terbentuk?
[Jisim atom relatif : P = 207; B = Q]
If 41.4 g of element P is combined with 6.4 g of element Q, what is the formula
for the compound formed?
[Relative atomic mass : P = 207; Q = 16]
D P2Q3
A I dan II
sahaja I and
II only
B II dan III
sahaja II and
III only
C II dan IV
sahaja II and
IV only
D III dan IV
sahaja III and
IV only
The following chemical equation shows the heating of hydrated magnesium sulphate,
MgSO4.7H2O (p/s) → MgSO4 (p/ s) + 7H2O (g)
Berapakah bilangan mol wap air yang terbebas apabila 54 g magnesium sulfat
dihasilkan semasa pemanasan magnesium sulfat terhidrat?
[Jisim atom relatif : Mg = 24; S = 32; O = 16]
What is the number of moles of water vapour released when 54 g of
magnesium sulphate is produced during the heating of hydrated magnesium
[Relative atomic mass : Mg = 24; S = 32; O =16]
A 0.45 mol
B 3.15 mol
C 4.50 mol
D 6.30 mol
4 mol of aluminium atoms react with 6 mol of oxygen molecules producing
2 mol of aluminium oxide
15 Which of the following statements is correct about one mole of ethane gas, C2H4 and
one mole of carbon dioxide, CO2 gas?
Antara berikut, pernyataan yang manakah benar tentang satu mol metana, CH4 dan
satu molekul karbon dioksida, CO2?
[Relative atomic mass/ Jisim atom relatif: H, I; C,12; O,16]
I. Kedua-dua mempunyai bilangan atom yang sama.
Both have the same number of atoms.
II. Kedua-dua mempunyai bilangan molekul yang sama.
Both have the same number of molecules.
III. Kedua-dua mempunyai jisim molekul relatif yang sama.
Both have the same relative molecular mass.
IV. Kedua-dua mempunyai isi padu yang sama pada suhu dan tekanan yang sama.
Both have the same volume at the same temperature and pressure.
A I dan II
I and II
B I dan III
I and III
C II and IV
II and IV
D III and IV
III and IV
B Klorin
C Hidrogen
D Oksigen
17 Ciri manakah yang betul tentang unsur-unsur dalam Kumpulan 17 dalam Jadual
Berkala apabila menuruni kumpulan?
Which characteristic is correct about elements in Group 17 in the Periodic Table as
going down the group?
A Keamatan warna berkurang
The intensity of colour decreases
B Kecenderungan menerima elektron berkurang
The tendency to accept an electron decreases
C Keadaan fizikal berubah daripada cecair kepada gas
The physical state changes from liquid to gas
D Daya tarikan antara nukleus dan elektron lebih kuat.
Force of attraction between nucleus and electron become stronger.
18 Antara beikut, yang manakah hasil bagi tindak balas antara iodin, I2 dengan natrium
hidroksida, NaOH?
Which of the following are the products in the reaction between iodine, I2 and sodium
hydroxide, NaOH?
I H2
A I dan III
I and III
B I dan IV
I and IV
C II dan III
II and III
D II dan IV
II and IV
19 Suatu unsur X membentuk dua garam klorida berwarna, XCl2 dan XCl3. Apakah X?
An element X forms two coloured chloride salts, XCl2 and XCl3 . What is X?
A Halogen
B Gas Adi
Noble gases
C Logam alkali
Alkali metal
D Unsur peralihan
Transition element
Bond formed when transfer or share of electrons occur
B Ikatan yang terbentuk kerana atom ingin mencapai kestabilan
Bond formed because atoms want to achieve stabililty
C Ikatan ion dan ikatan kovalen adalah dua jenis ikatan kimia
Ionic bond and covalent bond are two types of chemical bond
D Ikatan yang melibatkan semua elektron dalam sesuatu atom
Bond formed involving all electrons in an atom
Rajah / Diagram 2
A Larut dalam air
Dissolves in water
B Larut dalam pelarut organik
Dissolve in organic solvent
C Takat lebur dan takat didih yang tinggi
High melting and boiling points
D Boleh mengkonduksikan elektrik dalam keadaan leburan
Able to conduct electricity in molten state
Rajah / Diagram 3
24 Rajah 4 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada rajah pembentukan ikatan logam.
Diagram 4 shows part of the diagram for the formation of metallic bond.
Rajah / Diagram 4
Apakah X?
What is X?
A Anion
B Elektron
C Neutron
25 Antara berikut, yang manakah persamaan antara ikatan ion dan ikatan kovalen?
Which of the following is the similarity between ionic bond and covalent bond?
A Hasil ialah molekul neutral
Product is a neutral molecule
B Melibatkan elektron valens sahaja
Involves valence electrons only
C Wujud daya tarikan elektrostatik dalam sebatian
Electrostatic force of attraction is present in the compound
D Berlaku antara atom logam dan atom bukan logam
Occurs between metal atom and non-metal atom
26 Antara berikut, yang manakah rajah susunan elektron bagi pembentukan sebatian
Which of the following is the electron arrangement diagram for the formation of
ionic compound?
B +
2+ 2-
Mg O
27 Rajah 5 menunjukkan keadaan rambut kerinting semasa basah dah kering.
Diagram 5 shows the state of curly hair when dry and wet.
Rajah / Diagram 5
28 Which of the following salts can be prepared by the double decomposition method?
Antara garam yang berikut, yang manakah boleh disediakan melalui kaedah
penguraian ganda dua?
A. Magnesium sulphate
Magnesium sulfat
B. Ammonium chloride
Ammonium klorida
C. Copper(II) nitrate
Kuprum (II) nitrat
D. Lead (II) iodide
Plumbum (II) iodida
2 Diagram 6 below shows volume and concentration of potassium hydroxide solution and
9 ethanoic acid.
Rajah 6 menunjukkan isipadu dan kepekatan bagi larutan kalium hidroksida dan asid
50 cm3 potassium
50 cm3 hydroxide solution
ethanoic acid 0.1 mol dm-3
0.1 mol dm-3
50 cm3 50 cm3 larutan
asid kalium
etanoik hidroksida
0.1 mol Diagram / Rajah 6 0.1 mol dm-3
30 Antara berikut, yang manakah ciri gas hidrogen klorida yang membolehkan sifat
keasidan dapat ditunjukkan?
Which of the following is the characteristic of hydrogen chloride gas that enables its
acidic properties to be shown?
A. Hydrogen
B. Chlorine
C. Nitrogen
D. Oxygen
32 Which of the following solutions have the same number of hydrogen ions, H +, as in 50
cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid, H2SO4?
Antara larutan berikut, yang manakah mempunyai bilangan ion hidrogen, H +, sama
seperti dalam 50 cm3 0.1 mol dm-3 asid sulfurik, H2SO4?
33 The following equation represents the reaction between potassium hydroxide solution and
dilute sulphuric acid.
Persamaan berikut mewakili tindak balas antara larutan kalium hidroksida dengan asid
sulfurik cair.
What is the volume of 0.5 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid needed to neutralise 50 cm3 of 0.5 mol
dm-3 potassium hydroxide solution?
Apakah isi padu 0.5 mol dm-3 asid sulfurik yang diperlukan untuk meneutralkan 50 cm3
larutan kalium hidroksida 0.5 mol dm-3?
A. 12.5 cm3
B. 25.0 cm3
C. 50.0 cm3
D. 75.0 cm3
34 Diagram 8 shows the method of preparing a soluble salt.
Rajah 8 menunjukkan kaedah penyediaan suatu garam terlarutkan.
Excess X
X berlebihan
50 cm3 of 1.0 mol Salt solution
dm-3 sulphuric acid Larutan garam
50 cm3 asid sulfurik
1.0 mol dm-3
Salt solution
Larutan garam
Diagram / Rajah 8
What is X?
Apakah X?
A. Copper(II) nitrate
Kuprum(II) nitrat
B. Copper(II) oxide
Kuprum(II) oksida
C. Copper(II) chloride
Kuprum(II) klorida
D. Copper(II) bromide
Kuprum(II) bromida
35 Antara tindak balas berikut, yang manakah menghasilkan garam tak terlarutkan?
Which of the following reaction produces insoluble salt?
Sodium chloride and lead(II) sulphate
D. Argentum nitrat dan kalium klorida
Silver nitrate and potassium chloride
36 X g natrium klorida dilarutkan ke dalam 300 cm3 air suling untuk menghasilkan
0.005 mol dm-3 larutan natrium klorida. Berapakah X?
[Jisim atom relatif : Na = 23, Cl = 35.5]
X g of sodium chloride is dissolved in 300 cm3 of distilled water and produce 0.005
mol dm-3 of sodium chloride solution. What is X?
[Relative atomic mass : Na = 23, Cl = 35.5]
A 0.026 g
B 0.088 g
C 1.026 g
D 1.500 g
37 Diagram 9 shows the graph of temperature against time for the heating of liquid P.
Rajah 9 menunjukkan graf suhu melawan masa bagi pemanasan cecair P.
Time (min)
Diagram 9
Rajah 9
What can be deduced from the graph above?
Apakah yang boleh dideduksi daripada graf di atas?
A Potassium carbonate
Kalium karbonat
B Barium sulphate
Barium sulfat
C Iron(II) chloride
Ferum(II) klorida
D Copper(II) sulphate
Kuprum(II) sulfat
39 Diagram 10 shows two volumetric flasks containing solutions of RCOOH acid and HX acid.
Which statement is not true about both of the acids?
Rajah 10 menunjukkan dua kelalang volumetrik mengandungi larutan asid RCOOH dan asid
HX. Pernyataan manakah tidak benar tentang kedua-dua asid itu?
100 cm3 HCOOH acid, 1 mol dm-3 100 cm3 HXacid, 1 mol dm-3
100 cm3 asid HCOOH, 1 mol dm-3 100 cm3 asid HX, 1 mol dm-3
Diagram 10
Rajah 10
A The degree of ionisation of HX acid is higher.
Darjah pengionan asid HX lebih tinggi.
B Both of the acids are monoprotic acid.
Kedua-dua asid adalah asid monoprotik.
C Acid RCOOH has higher pH value.
Nilai pH asid RCOOH lebih tinggi.
D The concentration of hydrogen ion in acid RCOOH is higher.
Kepekatan ion hidrogen dalam asid RCOOH lebih tinggi.