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Acta 92 168 PDF
Acta 92 168 PDF
U p d at e o f a d o l e s c e n t m e d i c i n e ( E d i t o r : Vi n c e n z o D e S a n c t i s )
Abstract. Linear growth failure (stunting) in childhood is the most prevalent form of undernutrition glob-
ally. The debate continues as to whether children who become stunted before age 24 months can catch up
in growth and cognitive functions later in their lives. The potentially irreparable physical and neurocognitive
damage that accompanies stunted growth is a major obstacle to human development. This review aims at
evaluation and summarizing the published research covering the different aspects of stunting from childhood
to adulthood. (
Key words: Stunting, nutrition, growth, cognition, early and long-term consequences.
that have as a central control in the hypothalamus, peripheral nervous system, cellular growth and differ-
particularly the medial central area, and peripheral entiation in the small intestine, hematopoiesis and iron
cellular control through the Mechanistic Target of metabolism and organ size through the Hippo path-
Rapamycin Complex 1 (mTORC1). The hypotha- way. These organs are relevant to child stunting and its
lamic and mTOR system responses to food depriva- associated morbidities such as anemia, impaired cogni-
tion provide a reversible experiment of nature that tion, environmental enteric dysfunction, and immunity
gives perception into understanding the role of vari- against infectious diseases (16).
ous interactions between nutritional status, psycho- When amino acids are deficient, mTORC1
social stress (including poverty, maternal deprivation represses protein and lipid synthesis and cell and
and abuse), endocrine system, linear growth and skel- organismal growth. At low amino acid concentra-
etal growth (15). tions, mTORC1 is diffusely distributed in the cytosol
A dietary pattern of poor-quality protein associ- and becomes inactive (17). Autophagy, an adaptation
ated with stunting leads to significantly lower circulat- to nutrient starvation, is a process by which damaged
ing essential amino acids than do non-stunted children. or redundant proteins and other cell components are
These deficient intakes of essential amino acids can delivered to the lysosome and then degraded, releasing
adversely affect growth, through their effect on the free amino acids into the cytoplasm. Proteins provide
master growth regulation pathway, the mechanistic a reservoir of amino acids that are mobilized through
target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) pathway autophagy when amino acids are scarce. In addition,
which is exquisitely sensitive to amino acid availability. in the absence of amino acids other signals, such as
mTORC1 integrates cues such as nutrients (mainly growth factors and energy, cannot overcome the lack
proteins and amino acids), growth factors, oxygen, of amino acids to activate mTORC1 (18). Figure 2
and energy to regulate growth in the chondral plate, illustrates the complex role of mTOC in the patho-
skeletal muscle growth, myelination of the central and genesis of a stunting child.
CNS growth and cognitive functions in stunted stunted children. Furthermore, stunted children
children are more apathetic, display less exploratory
behavior and have altered physiological arousal.
The developing brain is particularly vulnerable to Malnourished children performed poor on tests of
nutrient insufficiency between 24 and 42 weeks of ges- attention, working memory, learning and memory
tation because of the rapid course of several neurologic and visuospatial ability except on the test of
processes, including synapse formation and myelina- motor speed and coordination. Age related
tion. (19) In healthy infants, there is well-documented improvement was not observed on tests of design flu-
rapid brain growth in the first 2 years, this early period ency, working memory, visual construction, learning
is also critical for long-term neurodevelopment (9,10). and memory in malnourished children.
Cognitive functions, receptive and expressive lan- However, age related improvement was observed
guage, and socioemotional skills develop at different on tests of attention, visual perception, and verbal
ages. Development in brain structure and function comprehension in malnourished children even
supporting acquisition of cognitive, language, and though the performance was deficient as compared to
socioemotional skills is most rapid during early child- the performance level of adequately nourished chil-
hood, with continued development in later years for dren (26-29).
many skills. Undernutrition affects areas of the brain Stunted children followed longitudinally in
involved in cognition, memory, and locomotor skills. Jamaica were found to have more anxiety and depres-
The brain has major energy demands in early child- sion and lower self-esteem than non-stunted children
hood and most cerebral growth occurs in the first 2 at age 17, after adjusting for age, gender, and social
years of life. However, the associations between poor background variables (29).
linear growth and impaired neurodevelopment are not In addition, the brain may be susceptible to poor
well understood (20). nutrition during its ongoing remodelling and during
Nutritional stunting is associated with both recovering from various forms of damage. At approxi-
structural and functional pathology of the brain and a mately age 10, a child’s brain represents 5–10% of body
wide range of cognitive deficits. In the CNS, chronic mass, consumes twice the glucose and 1.5 times the
malnutrition can lead to tissue damage, disorderly oxygen per gram of tissue compared with an adult’s
differentiation, reduction in synapses and synaptic brain, and accounts for up to 50% of the total basal
neurotransmitters, delayed myelination and reduced metabolic rate of the body (9,10,19). Thus, nutritional
overall development of dendritic arborization of the deprivation during adolescence may have an undesir-
developing brain. There are deviations in the temporal able impact on brain functions (30).
sequences of brain maturation, which in turn disturb
the formation of neuronal circuits. Long term altera-
tions in brain function have been reported which could Growth failure and hormonal implications
be related to long lasting cognitive impairments asso-
ciated with malnutrition (21- 24). The prevalence of stunting, defined as height-for-
With chronic malnutrition, cognitive delays can age less than the 5th percentile of the NCHS/WHO
occur throughout infancy, childhood, and adolescence, 1995 reference data, ranges from 26% to 65% (31).
Measurable differences in receptive language by socio- Growth failure in the first 2 years of life is associ-
economic groups are apparent in preschool children ated with reduced stature in adulthood (32,33). The
ages three to five years; differences in cognitive ability magnitude of growth deficits is considerable. Coly
have been observed even in the first two years (25). et al. (32) found that the age-adjusted height deficit
Stunted children have impaired behavioral devel- between stunted and non-stunted children was 6.6
opment in early life, are less likely to enroll at school, cm for women and 9 cm for men. Growth restriction
enroll late, and tend to achieve lower grades. They have in early life is linked not only to short adult height
poorer cognitive ability than non- but also to certain metabolic disorders and chronic
Acta Biomed 2021; Vol. 92, N. 1: e2021168 5
diseases in adulthood. The consequences of stunting Effects of protein and amino-acid supplementation
in adolescence include greater risk of obstetric com- on the physical growth of young children in low-
plications, including obstructed labour in females, and income countries
diminished physical capacity among adolescents of
both sexes (31,34). High quality proteins (e.g. milk) in complemen-
Chronic malnutrition in stunted children is asso- tary, supplementary and rehabilitation food products
ciated with diminished levels of insulin-like growth have been found to be effective for good growth. Indi-
factor 1 (IGF-1) synthesis. Even a transient 50% vidual amino acids such as lysine and arginine have
reduction in calorie or 33% reduction in protein avail- been found to be factors linked to growth hormone
ability can result in a reversible reduction in IGF-1 release in young children via the somatotropic axis
concentrations. The reduced levels of IGF-1 lead to a and high intakes are inversely associated with fat mass
secondary increase in growth hormone (GH) through index in pre-pubertal lean girls. Protein intake in early
the negative feedback of low IGF-1 level on pituitary life is positively associated with height and weight at
synthesis of GH. The end metabolic result is diver- 10 y of age (38). The results of 18 intervention trials
sion of substrate away from growth toward meta- in which supplementary protein or amino acids were
bolic homeostasis. The well-known metabolic effects analyzed in children ages 6-35 months and growth
of growth hormone, which are not IGF-1 depend- outcomes were reviewed. Eight studies conducted in
ent, would clearly be adaptive in the face of reduced hospitalized children recovering from acute malnutri-
substrate intake. These include increased lipolysis and tion found that the recommended protein intake levels
mobilization of free fatty acids from adipose tissue for healthy children supported normal growth rates,
stores and inhibition of glucose uptake by muscle tis- but higher intakes were needed for accelerated rates
sue (35-37) (Figure 3). of “catch-up” growth. Micronutrient supplementation
or lipid-based supplements with micronutrients have tissues is also important. In this regard, both decreased
little to no effect on stunting (39). insulin secretion and /or increased insulin resistance
have been reported during chronic malnutrition. High
cortisol and growth hormone levels antagonize insulin
Glucose homeostasis, insulin secretion and insulin and prevent hypoglycemia during malnutrition (41,42)
resistance related to nutritional stunting (Figure 4).
Deleterious changes have been reported in the
Data from the Maternal and Child Undernutri- metabolism of glucose in children suffering from
tion Study Group indicate that lower birth weight undernutrition in infancy. One study that examined
(which is strongly correlated with birth length) and the effects of undernutrition in the first year of life on
undernutrition in childhood are risk factors for high glucose tolerance and plasma insulin found that early
glucose concentrations, high blood pressure and harm- undernutrition in the extrauterine period, independent
ful lipid profiles in adulthood after adjusting for adult of the birth weight, was associated with hyperinsuline-
height and body mass index (BMI) (40). mia and a reduced sensitivity to insulin, which wors-
Glucose homeostasis is of paramount impor- ened as BMI increased in adult life (43).
tance in the successful adaptation to chronic malnu- Martins et al. (44) examined these hormo-
trition leading to stunting. Until the brain and other nal changes in adolescence and observed that the
obligate glucose users can adapt to ketones as a fuel stunted boys and girls showed plasma insulin levels
source, adequate blood glucose levels must be main- that were significantly lower when associated with a
tained. Increased gluconeogenesis, stimulated in part lower homeostasis model assessment-B (HOMA-B),
by cortisol, plays a role. Diminished glucose uptake by which evaluates pancreatic b-cell function, than those
of a non-stunted group. At the same time, their val- hypothalamic axis that mediate these changes also
ues for HOMA-S (an evaluation of insulin sensitivity) receive input from neuroendocrine signals sensitive to
were significantly greater at this age. The increase in satiety and food intake and in turn may be prepared to
insulin sensitivity might be due to a higher number of provide significant energy conservation (50).
peripheral insulin receptors, especially in the adipose Many studies reported a high cortisol levels in
and muscle tissues, which may establish a counter-reg- malnourished children. Increased cortisol levels during
ulatory mechanism to compensate for the low levels of malnutrition represented an attempt of the organism to
insulin (44). adapt to decreased dietary protein and/or energy sup-
A study carried out by Fekadu et al. (45) in adult ply through breakdown of muscle protein to provide
diabetic individuals found a significant association the liver with the necessary amino acids for gluconeo-
between diabetes and a history of undernutrition and a genesis and albumin synthesis. This process protects
lack of a clean water supply during childhood, empha- the organism from hypoalbuminemia and hypoglyce-
sising the importance of adequate post-natal develop- mia, respectively. The significant correlations between
ment for the maintenance of health in the long-term. the percent weight deficit and the muscle diameter on
Apparently, the lower beta cell function is due the one hand and serum cortisol levels on the other
to a lower beta cell number as a result of malnutri- suggest a causal relationship between the increase
tion. Furthermore, this could be a consequence of the of serum cortisol and the degree of muscle wasting
increased concentration of glucocorticoids that occurs (51-53). After 4 to 8 weeks of nutritional rehabilita-
in undernutrition, as normal levels of glucocorticoids tion, the circulating cortisol levels decreased markedly
are necessary to ensure the development and mainte- to become indistinguishable from those of the normal
nance of normal pancreatic architecture, as well as the children.
expansion of the beta cell mass during critical periods Low leptin secretion during chronic malnutri-
of development (46). tion, appears to be an important signal in the process
Based on the results described above it appears of metabolic/endocrine adaptation to prolonged nutri-
plausible that in adolescence a decrease in the function tional deprivation. Low leptin levels decrease
of the pancreatic cells is compensated by an increase leptin inhibition on NPY that affects the regu-
in sensitivity to insulin. However, as the amount of lation of pituitary growth and pituitary adrenal
abdominal fat and age increase, this condition begins axes (42, 54). Stimulation of the hypothalamic-pitu-
to place more intense demands on undernourished itary-adrenal (HPA) axis and possibly the hypotha-
individuals, causing an increase in pancreatic activity, lamic-pituitary-GH axis to maintain the high cortisol
which accelerates the exhaustion of the organ and the and GH levels appear necessary for effective gluconeo-
onset of diabetes (47,48). genesis and lipolysis to ensure a fuel (glucose and fatty
While it is unclear whether stunting may be a risk acids) supply for the metabolism of brain and periph-
factor for obesity per se, rapid weight gain, particu- eral tissue during nutritional deprivation (42,54).
larly after the age of 2–3 years among individuals born Most studies of the thyroid hormone adaptation
small at birth, is thought to lead to a particularly high to malnutrition have shown low to normal total T4
risk of chronic disease in later life (49). levels and free T4 (FT4) levels. In contrast, total and
FT3, the physiologically active forms of the hormone,
are reduced, with a concomitant increase in rT3, which
Endocrinopathies associated with nutritional is metabolically inactive. A reduction in active thy-
stunting roid hormone levels can decrease thermogenesis and
oxygen consumption, leading to energy conservation
The endocrinopathies associated with nutritional when energy producing substrate is scarce—an impor-
stunting involve multiple systems and mechanisms tant adaptive response to malnutrition (55-57).
designed to preserve energy and protect essential In summary, the decreased synthesis of IGF-1
organs. The changes in neuropeptides and in the and the low level of insulin and/or its diminished
8 Acta Biomed 2021; Vol. 92, N. 1: e2021168
effect due to an insulin-resistant status in the presence childhood may influence the incidence of hypertension
of high circulating GH and cortisol levels ensure sub- in adulthood and its persistence (61).
strate diversion away from growth toward metabolic One study that investigated arterial pressure
homeostasis (Figure 4). in a random sample of adolescents with stunting
(10–16 y, n = 56) showed an elevated prevalence of
cases (51%, n=27) with a diastolic and systolic BP
Hypertension above the 90th percentile, adjusted for height (95%
confidence interval 37%-65%); 6% (n=3) of these
A high prevalence of arterial hypertension has individuals had simultaneous diastolic and systolic
been found in children, adolescents, and adults with hypertension (62).
nutritional stunting. In conclusion, these data reinforce the important
Epidemiological studies indicate that there is a association between undernutrition and hypertension
correlation between low birth weight (LBW, defined from infancy through childhood and adulthood and
as a birth weight of a live born infant of < 2,500 gram) emphasize the need for monitoring BP in undernour-
and hypertension in adulthood. It has been estimated ished children. These alterations are amplified with
that 8-26% of all childbirth worldwide is LBW, in time, depending on the quality of the diet and on envi-
which higher prevalence is found in developing coun- ronmental factors. Physicians and other health care
tries compared to the developed countries (58). professionals practicing in developing countries and
The pathological mechanisms that link LBW in large urban centers with low-income populations
and hypertension are multifactorial and include should be aware of the association between early in life
reduction in nephron number (renal mass) associated undernutrition and hypertension for a timely detection
with retarded fetal growth, genetic factors, sympa- and treatment of hypertension, and to keep monitor-
thetic nervous hyperactivity, endothelial dysfunction, ing these individuals throughout their life.
elastin deficiencies, insulin resistance, high plasma
glucocorticoid concentrations, and activation of renin-
angiotensin system (59). Stunting and future risk of obesity
Franco et al. (60) reported changes in the sympa-
tho-adrenal and renin-angiotensin systems in children There is a fair amount of epidemiological evidence
small for their gestational age (SGA). They investi- showing that nutritional stunting causes increased risks
gated the plasma levels of ACE (angiotensin-convert- of obesity. Obesity is increasing dramatically not only
ing enzyme), angiotensin and catecholamines in 8 to in developed countries but also in developing coun-
13-year-old children to determine correlations between tries, such as Brazil, especially among the poorer. In
the plasma levels and both birth weight and blood pres- addition, an increasing number of studies have shown
sure (BP). Circulating noradrenaline levels were signif- that nutritional stunting causes a series of important
icantly elevated in SGA girls compared to girls born long-lasting changes such as lower energy expendi-
with a weight appropriate for their gestational age. In ture, higher susceptibility to the effects of high-fat
addition, angiotensin II (AngII) and ACE activity were diets, lower fat oxidation, and impaired regulation of
higher in SGA boys. There was a significant association food intake. A study from Brazil showed a high preva-
between the circulating levels of both angiotensin II lence of undernutrition (low weigh-for-age and/or low
and ACE activity and systolic BP (SBP). These findings height-for-age) in children (30%) with a shift towards
support the link between low birth weight and overac- overweight and obesity (high weight-for-height and
tivity of both sympatho-adrenal and renin-angiotensin BMI) among adolescents (21% in girls and 8.8% in
systems into later childhood (60). boys) and adults (14.6%). In addition, stunting was
It has been suggested that not only intrauter- associated with overweight in children of four nations
ine undernutrition but also its occurrence during that are undergoing the nutrition transition (63-67).
Acta Biomed 2021; Vol. 92, N. 1: e2021168 9
Early nutrition and later physical work capacity and height-for-age (HAZ) in pediatric primary health
care clinics and including them into a national nutri-
Malnutrition in early childhood continuing into tional program operating at clinics sites, and in the
adolescence could be considered to have adverse effect community.
on their work capacity by influencing their body weight.
Stunting has important economic consequences for
both sexes. A low BMI is related to a greater number Conflicts of interest: Each author declares that he or she has no
commercial associations (e.g. consultancies, stock ownership, equity
of absences from work and also to lower productivity interest, patent/licensing arrangement etc.) that might pose a con-
(68,69). A BMI of 17 kg/m2 appears to be critical for flict of interest in connection with the submitted article.
the capacity for work, and below this value, productiv-
ity is negatively impacted. In addition, it is possible
that work capacity might be reduced before this level References
is reached. In any case, work requiring the use of the
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