Vital Sign Measurement Across The Lifespan 1st Canadian Edition 1539369683
Vital Sign Measurement Across The Lifespan 1st Canadian Edition 1539369683
Vital Sign Measurement Across The Lifespan 1st Canadian Edition 1539369683
Preface 1
Customization 5
Level of Organization 6
Acknowledgements: eCampusOntario 7
1. Introduction 11
2. General Points to Consider in Vital Sign Measurement 12
3. What is Temperature? 19
4. Why is Temperature Measured? 20
5. Methods of Measurement 21
6. What are Normal Temperature Ranges? 22
7. Oral Temperature 24
8. Tympanic Temperature 27
9. Axillary Temperature 30
10. Rectal Temperature 32
11. Finding the Error Activity: Tympanic Temperature 34
12. Finding the Error Activity: Tympanic Temperature – Feedback 35
13. Try it Out 37
14. Try it Out: Oral Temperature 38
15. Try it Out: Tympanic Temperature 39
16. Try it Out: Axilla Temperature 40
17. Test Yourself 41
18. Test Yourself: Answers 43
19. Test Yourself: List in the Correct Order 45
20. Test Yourself: List in the Correct Order – Answers 47
21. Chapter Summary 49
Part III. Chapter 3: Pulse and Respiration
About eCampusOntario
Preface | 1
About the Authors
Jennifer L. Lapum, RN, PhD, MN, BScN, Associate Professor, Ryerson University, Faculty of Community Services,
Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Toronto, ON, Canada
Margaret Verkuyl, NP:PHC, MN, Professor, Centennial College, School of Community and Health Studies,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Wendy Garcia, RN, MS, BScN, Instructor, Ryerson University, Faculty of Community Services, Daphne Cockwell
School of Nursing, Toronto, ON, Canada
Oona St-Amant, RN, PhD, MScN, BScN, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University, Faculty of Community
Services, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Toronto, ON, Canada
Andy Tan, BScN student, Ryerson University, Faculty of Community Services, Daphne Cockwell School of
Nursing, Toronto, ON, Canada
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Jill McKinlay, BA (Hons), BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree
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Christopher Nguyen, BSc, BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree
Program, Ryerson University
Karen Owusu, BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program,
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Mark Pezzetta, BSc (Hons), BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree
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Rezwana Rahman, BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program,
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Renee Shugg, BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program,
Ryerson University
Andy Tan, BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, Ryerson
Victoria Tos, BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program,
Ryerson University
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© 2018 Ryerson University. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Vital
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Customization | 5
Level of Organization
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Temperature
Chapter 3: Pulse and Respiration
Chapter 4: Oxygen Saturation
Chapter 5: Blood Pressure
Chapter 6: Knowledge Integration
Chapter 7: Conclusion
Learning Outcomes
6 | Level of Organization
Acknowledgements: eCampusOntario
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Acknowledgements: eCampusOntario | 7
8 | Acknowledgements: eCampusOntario
Chapter 1: Introduction | 9
1. Introduction
The purpose of this textbook is to help you develop best practices in vital sign measurement. It will provide you
with the opportunity to read about, observe, practice, and test vital sign measurement. Boxes with helpful tips
are provided throughout the chapters:
A Chapter Summary and Printable Flashcards highlighting techniques for each vital sign measurement are
provided at the end of each chapter. These printable flashcards are all located together in the textbook’s
conclusion chapter.
You can review the full textbook or advance to sections that you have identified as areas you want to work
on. The textbook has a self-directed format and provides an interactive and engaging way for you to learn about
and develop competence in the measurement of vital signs while integrating knowledge about anatomy and
You will learn about various vital signs including temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, and oxygen
saturation. Measurement of vital signs is a foundational, psychomotor skill for healthcare providers and students
in post-secondary health-related programs such as nursing, medicine, pharmacy, midwifery, paramedics,
physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and massage therapy. These measurements provide information about a
person’s overall state of health and more specifically about their cardiovascular and respiratory status. These
measurements can also reveal changes in a client’s vital signs over time and changes in their overall state of
health. Proficiency in vital sign measurement is essential to client safety, care, and management. Measurements
can influence clinical decision-making related to therapeutic interventions.
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Introduction | 11
2. General Points to Consider in Vital Sign
Therapeutic Environment and Informed Consent
It is important to seek informed consent while creating a therapeutic and safe environment during all encounters
with clients. You will usually begin by introducing yourself by name and designation so the client knows who
you are. Next, explain what you are going to do and always ask permission to touch before beginning vital sign
measurement. For example, an appropriate introduction is:
“Hello, I am XXX (state first and last name). I am a XXX (state designation, e.g., I am a registered
nurse). Today, I am here to take your vital signs. It will involve me touching your arm, are you okay
with that?”
It is also important to ensure the client’s privacy by closing the curtains or the door to the room.
Clean hands and clean equipment are essential to infection prevention and control when measuring vital signs.
Ensuring cleanliness helps reduce communicable and infectious diseases, particularly nosocomial infections,
which are infectious organisms acquired by a client while in hospital. Common infections include clostridium
difficile (C. diff), vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE), and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
Ensuring your hands are clean is the best way to prevent and control infection. Hand hygiene can include
cleansing with hand gel (see Figure 1.1) and hand washing. (see Figure 1.2). Use an alcohol-based sanitizer before
and after contact with clients. Place gel on your hands and rub all hand surfaces for at least fifteen seconds.
When washing hands using soap and water, wet your hands and apply soap. Rub all hand surfaces for about
fifteen seconds, then rinse your hands. If the tap is not automatic, then turn it off with a paper towel.
Points to Consider
Hand gel is the preferred method of hand hygiene because it kills more bacteria and is easily accessible
to healthcare providers. Soap and water is used when hands/gloves come into contact with bodily fluids.
Healthcare providers always inspect equipment before use to ensure it is in good working condition. Equipment
(e.g., stethoscopes, pulse oximeters) can be cleaned with alcohol-based solutions to disinfect the surfaces.
Automated devices should be regularly serviced to ensure accuracy. Biomedical technicians/experts are
responsible for preventative maintenance and calibration to optimize functioning.
Pain Assessment
A pain assessment is conducted in conjunction with the measurement of vital signs because pain can influence
the findings. Pain can activate the sympathetic nervous system and increase pulse, respiration, and blood
pressure. Pain is a complex issue, and a comprehensive discussion of pain assessment is beyond the scope of this
Briefly, because pain is subjective, self-reports are the most effective way to assess pain. The choice of pain
assessment tool depends on the client situation: healthcare providers frequently use a numeric rating scale such
as “rate your pain on a scale of 0 to 10 with zero being no pain and ten being the very worst pain that you have
ever felt.” The response is often recorded on the vital sign record and expanded on in the narrative notes. Another
common tool is the PQRSTU mneumonic in which each letter corresponds to a series of questions.
The order of vital sign measurement is influenced by the client situation. Healthcare providers often place the
pulse oximeter probe on a client while proceeding to take pulse, respiration, blood pressure, and temperature.
However, in some situations this order is modified and the healthcare provider needs to critically assess the
situation to prioritize the vital sign measurement order. For example, with newborns/infants, it is best to
proceed from least invasive to most invasive, so it is best to begin with respiration, pulse, oxygen saturation,
temperature and if required, blood pressure. In an emergency situation or if a person loses consciousness, it is
best to begin with pulse and blood pressure. Generally, it is important to conduct a complete set of vital signs
unless otherwise indicated.
Significance of Measurements
Determining the significance of vital sign measurements involves a process of diagnostic reasoning. The
healthcare provider analyzes client data and makes decisions about whether the vital signs are normal or
abnormal and whether the findings are significant: the following chapters provide normal vital sign ranges. The
healthcare provider also considers agency policy, if applicable, about vital sign ranges to assess any abnormal
variations and clinical significance. Additionally, the healthcare provider considers the client’s baseline vital signs
to obtain a better sense of the client’s ‘normal’ and allow comparison (e.g., of trends) over time. The diagnostic
reasoning process also involves considering other available objective and subjective data.
Timely documentation of vital sign measurements is imperative as a form of communication, to observe trends
in vital sign measurements, and to ensure effective intervention when needed. Documentation occurs on paper-
based vital sign records or electronic systems depending on the agency. Healthcare providers follow the agency’s
documentation policy and the professional standards of practice. If using a vital sign record, healthcare providers
use the symbols noted on the legend of the record.
Chapter 2: Temperature | 17
3. What is Temperature?
Temperature refers to the degree of heat or cold in an object or a human body. In humans, the brain’s
hypothalamus acts as the body’s thermostat and is responsible for regulating its temperature (OER #2). See
Figure 2.1 of the hypothalamus.
The human body is constantly adapting to internal health states and environmental conditions, and the
hypothalamus is programmed to tell the body to generate heat if the body temperature is low. For example, the
hypothalamus can activate peripheral vasoconstriction and shivering (contraction of skeletal muscles) to prevent
a decrease in body temperature. The hypothalamus can also reduce heat if the body temperature is too high. For
example, it can activate peripheral vasodilation to increase heat loss and cause a person to perspire, which cools
the body.
Part of this content was adapted from OER #2 (as noted in brackets above):
© Apr 10, 2017 OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology. Textbook content produced by OpenStax Anatomy and
Physiology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 license. Download for free
What is Temperature? | 19
4. Why is Temperature Measured?
Healthcare providers measure a client’s temperature because it can give information about their state of health
and influence clinical decisions. Accurate measurements and interpretation are vital so that hyperthermia and
hypothermia can be identified and appropriate interventions determined.
Hyperthermia refers to an elevated body temperature. It can be related to an internal or external source.
External sources that increase body temperature could include exposure to excessive heat on a hot day or being
in a sauna or hot tub. Internal sources that may increase body temperature include fever caused by an infection
or tissue breakdown associated with physical trauma (e.g., surgery, myocardial infarction) or some neurological
conditions (e.g., cerebral vascular accident, cerebral edema, brain tumour). Hyperthermia that is associated with
an infectious agent, such as a bacteria or virus (e.g., the flu) is referred to as febrile. Unresolved hyperthermic
body states can lead to cell damage.
Hypothermia refers to a lowered body temperature. It is usually related to an external source such as being
exposed to the cold for an extended period of time. Hypothermia is sometimes purposefully induced during
surgery, or for certain medical conditions, to reduce the body’s need for oxygen. Unresolved hypothermic body
states can slow cellular processes and lead to loss of consciousness.
Points to Consider
The accuracy of measurements is most often influenced by the healthcare provider’s adherence to the
correct technique.
The following pages detail the normal temperature ranges and techniques associated with each of the
temperature methods.
Methods of Measurement | 21
6. What are Normal Temperature Ranges?
The human body’s core temperature (internal body temperature) is measured in degrees Celsius (ºC) or
Fahrenheit (ºF). In Canada, degrees Celsius is most commonly used.
In adults, the normal core body temperature (referred to as normothermia or afebrile) is 36.5–37.5ºC or
97.7–99.5ºF (OER #2).
A wider temperature range is acceptable in infants and young children, and can range from 35.5–37.7ºC or
95.9–99.8ºF. Infants and children have a wider temperature range because their heat control mechanisms are
less effective. They are at risk for heat loss for many reasons including having less subcutaneous fat than adults,
a larger body surface area in comparison to weight (and larger head size in proportion to the rest of the body),
immature metabolic mechanisms (e.g., they may be unable to shiver), and limited ability to produce heat through
activity. They are also at risk of excessive heat production due to crying and restlessness as well as external
factors such as being wrapped in too many blankets.
Older adults tend to have lower body temperatures and are at risk for hypothermic states; reasons for this
may include having less subcutaneous tissue acting as insulation, loss of peripheral vasoconstriction capacity,
decreased cardiac output with resultant lowered blood flow to the extremities, decreased muscle mass resulting
in reduced heat production capacity, and decreased metabolic responses.
Points to Consider
It is important to monitor and regulate temperature in newborns and infants because of the
temperature fluctuations that place them at higher risk for hypothermia and hyperthermia, whereas
temperature changes in older adults are often minimal.
See Table 2.1 for normal temperature ranges based on method. The normal ranges vary slightly for each of
the methods. As a healthcare provider, it is important to determine the significance of the temperature by
considering influencing factors and the client’s overall state of health.
Method Range
Oral 35.8–37.3ºC
Axillary 34.8–36.3ºC
Tympanic 36.1–37.9ºC
Rectal 36.8–38.2ºC
Other factors that influence temperature include diurnal rhythm, exercise, stress, menstrual cycle, and
pregnancy. The diurnal cycle causes a fluctuation of 1ºC, with temperatures lowest in the early morning and
highest in the late afternoon. During exercise, body temperature rises because the body is using energy to power
the muscles. Temperature can rise as a result of stress and anxiety, due to stimulation of the sympathetic nervous
system and increased secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine. Body temperature varies throughout a
woman’s menstrual cycle due to hormonal fluctuations, rising after ovulation until menstruation by about
0.5–1ºC. Body temperature is slightly elevated during pregnancy as a result of increased metabolism and
hormone production such as progesterone.
Part of this content was adapted from OER #2 (as noted in brackets above):
© Apr 10, 2017 OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology. Textbook content produced by OpenStax Anatomy and
Physiology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 license. Download for free
Remove the probe from the device and place a probe cover (from the box) on the oral thermometer without
touching the probe cover with your hands. Place the thermometer in the client’s mouth under the tongue and
instruct client to keep mouth closed and not to bite on the thermometer (OER #1). Ensure the thermometer
probe is in the posterior sublingual pocket under the tongue, slightly off-centre. Leave the thermometer in place
for as long as is indicated by the device manufacturer (OER #1). The thermometer will beep within a few seconds
when the temperature has been taken: most oral thermometers are electronic and provide a digital display of the
reading. Discard the probe cover in the garbage (without touching the cover) and place the probe back into the
device. See Figure 2.3 of an oral temperature being taken.
24 | Oral Temperature
Figure 2.3: Oral temperature being taken
Technique Tips
Putting the probe cover on takes practice. You need to ensure that it snaps onto the probe. Sometimes
the device will turn off after you take the probe out of the device if you take too long to put the probe
cover on or insert it in the client’s mouth. If so, discard the probe cover and re-insert the probe into the
device to reset it. Then try again.
Healthcare providers often measure the oral temperature, particularly when the client is conscious and can
follow directions. However, certain factors can lead to an inaccurate oral temperature, including recent
consumption of hot or cold food or a beverage, chewing gum, and smoking prior to measurement. Healthcare
providers should wait up to 15 minutes to take the oral temperature if the client is eating hot or cold food or
drinking a hot or cold beverage and about 5 minutes if the client is chewing gum or has just smoked. Alternatively,
a different method is used to measure temperature. Measurement of the oral temperature is not recommended
Oral Temperature | 25
for individuals who are unconscious, unresponsive, confused, have an endotracheal tube secured in the mouth,
and cannot follow instructions.
Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above):
© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free
26 | Oral Temperature
8. Tympanic Temperature
The normal tympanic temperature is usually 0.3–0.6°C higher than an oral temperature (OER #1). It is accurate
because the tympanic membrane shares the same vascular artery that perfuses the hypothalamus (OER #1). A
tympanic thermometer is shown in Figure 2.4.
Remove the tympanic thermometer from the casing and place a probe cover (from the box) on the thermometer
tip without touching the probe cover with your hands. Only touch the edge of the probe cover (if needed), to
maintain clean technique. Turn the device on. Ask the client to keep head still. For an adult or older child, gently
pull the helix up and back to visualize the ear canal. For an infant or younger child (under 3), gently pull the lobe
down. The probe is inserted just inside the opening of the ear. Never force the thermometer into the ear and
do not occlude the ear canal (OER #1). Only the tip of the probe is inserted in the opening – this is important
to prevent damage to the ear canal. Activate the device; it will beep within a few seconds to signal it is done.
Discard the probe cover in the garbage (without touching the cover) and place the device back into the holder.
See Figure 2.5 of a tympanic temperature being taken.
Tympanic Temperature | 27
Figure 2.5: Tympanic temperature being taken
Technique Tips
The technique of pulling the helix up and back (adult) or the lobe down (child under 3) is used to
straighten the ear canal so the light can reflect on the tympanic membrane. If this is not correctly done,
the reading may not be accurate. The probe tip is gently inserted into the opening to prevent damage to
the ear canal. The ear canal is a sensitive and a highly innervated part of the body, so it is important not
to force the tympanic probe into the ear.
The tympanic temperature method is a quick and minimally invasive way to take temperature. Although research
has proven the accuracy of this method, some pediatric institutions prefer the accuracy of the rectal
temperature. The Canadian Pediatric Society found equal evidence for and against the use of tympanic
28 | Tympanic Temperature
temperature route (Leduc & Woods, 2017). It concluded that tympanic temperature is one option for use with
children, but suggested using rectal temperature for children younger than two, particularly when accuracy is
vital. The tympanic temperature is not measured when a client has a suspected ear infection. It is important to
check your agency policy regarding tympanic temperature.
Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above):
© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free
Tympanic Temperature | 29
9. Axillary Temperature
The normal axillary temperature may be as much as 1ºC lower than the oral temperature (OER #1). An axillary
thermometer is the same electronic device as an oral thermometer, and both have a blue end.
Remove the probe from the device and place a probe cover (from the box) on the thermometer without touching
the cover with your hands. Ask the client to raise the arm away from his/her body. Place the thermometer in
the client’s armpit (OER #1), on bare skin, as high up into the axilla as possible, with the point facing behind
the client. Ask the client to lower his/her arm and leave the device in place for as long as is indicated by the
device manufacturer (OER #1). Usually the device beeps in 10–20 seconds. Discard the probe cover in the garbage
(without touching the cover) and place the probe back into the device. See Figure 2.6 of an axillary temperature
being taken.
30 | Axillary Temperature
What should the healthcare provider consider?
The axillary route is a minimally invasive way to measure temperature. It is commonly used in children. It is
important to ensure that the thermometer is as high up in the axilla as possible with full skin contact and that
the client’s arm is then lowered down.
Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above):
© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free
Axillary Temperature | 31
10. Rectal Temperature
The normal rectal temperature is usually 1ºC higher than oral temperature (OER #1). A rectal thermometer has a
red end to distinguish it from an oral/axillary thermometer. A rectal thermometer is shown in Figure 2.7.
First, ensure the client’s privacy. Wash your hands and put on gloves. For infants, lie them down in a supine
position and raise their legs up toward the chest. You can encourage a parent to hold the infant to decrease
movement and provide a sense of safety. With older children and adults, assist them into a side lying position.
Remove the probe from the device and place a probe cover (from the box) on the thermometer. Lubricate the
cover with a water-based lubricant, and then gently insert the probe 2–3 cm inside the rectal opening of an
adult, or less depending on the size of the client. The device beeps when it is done.
Measuring rectal temperature is an invasive method. Some suggest its use only when other methods are not
available (OER #1), while others suggest that the rectal route is a gold standard in the infant population because
of its accuracy. The Canadian Pediatric Society (Leduc & Woods, 2017) has referred to research indicating that
32 | Rectal Temperature
rectal temperatures may remain elevated after a client’s core temperature has started to return to normal, but
after reviewing all available evidence, still recommends measuring rectal temperature for children under the age
of two, particularly when accuracy is vital. Rectal temperature is not measured in infants under one month of
age or premature newborns.
Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above):
© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free
Rectal Temperature | 33
11. Finding the Error Activity: Tympanic
Now you have an opportunity to find errors in measurement techniques. This first activity involves looking at an
What error in technique is this healthcare provider making while taking the temperature of an adult client?
Go to the next page for information about the correct technique in measuring tympanic
For an adult/older child, gently pull the helix up and back while stabilizing the client’s head with your hand.
Try it Out | 37
14. Try it Out: Oral Temperature
Watch this short film clip 2.1 and see how oral temperature is taken correctly. After watching the clip, try the
technique yourself. You can watch the clip and practice as many times as you like.
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1. What is the most accurate way to take the temperature of a one-year-old client?
a. Oral temperature
b. Rectal temperature
c. Axillary temperature
d. Tympanic temperature
2. An adult client is drinking coffee. How should the healthcare provider measure the client’s temperature?
Select all that apply.
a. Take the client’s oral temperature right away
b. Take the client’s axillary temperature right away
c. Take the client’s tympanic temperature right away
d. Take the client’s rectal temperature in five minutes
e. Wait two minutes and take the client’s oral temperature
3. What is the best way to measure temperature in a client who is confused? Select all that apply.
a. Oral temperature
b. Rectal temperature
c. Axillary temperature
d. Tympanic temperature
e. Temporal artery temperature
4. An infant’s tympanic temperature is 37.7°C. How should the healthcare provider respond?
a. Apply a cold compress
b. Re-take in the other ear
c. Recognize this as normal
d. Take a rectal temperature
5. How should the healthcare provider take the temperature of an adult client who is post-operation day
two following oral surgery?
a. Avoid measuring temperature
b. Take rectal temperature once a shift
c. Take tympanic temperature as necessary
d. Take oral temperature every four hours
Test Yourself | 41
Go to the next page to check your answers.
42 | Test Yourself
18. Test Yourself: Answers
1. What is the most accurate way to take the temperature of a one-year-old client?
a. Oral temperature
b. Rectal temperature **
c. Axillae temperature
d. Tympanic temperature
Rationale: The correct answer is b (rectal temperature). Rectal temperature is the most accurate
measurement method for children under two years of age, who are not able to readily follow directions.
2. An adult client is drinking coffee. How should the healthcare provider measure the client’s temperature?
Select all that apply.
a. Take the client’s oral temperature right away
b. Take the client’s axillary temperature right away **
c. Take the client’s tympanic temperature right away **
d. Take the client’s rectal temperature in five minutes
e. Wait two minutes and take the client’s oral temperature
Rationale: The correct answers are b and c (take the client’s axillary or tympanic temperature right away).
Recent consumption of a hot drink or cold drink alters a client’s oral temperature. Thus, temperature is taken via
the axillary or tympanic route if a client has recently had a hot or cold drink. You can take an oral temperature if
you wait 15 minutes after hot drink consumption.
3. What is the best way to measure temperature in a client who is confused? Select all that apply.
a. Oral temperature
b. Rectal temperature
c. Axillary temperature **
d. Tympanic temperature **
e. Temporal artery temperature **
Rationale: The correct answers are c, d, and e (axillary, tympanic and temporal artery temperature). A client
who is confused often cannot follow directions, so they may not follow directions to close their mouth as
required when taking an oral temperature. Additionally, it is not safe to measure rectal temperature when a client
is confused. Thus, it is best to measure axillary, tympanic, or temporal artery temperature.
4. An infant’s tympanic temperature is 37.7°C. How should the healthcare provider respond?
a. Apply a cold compress
b. Re-take in the other ear
c. Recognize this as normal **
d. Take a rectal temperature
Rationale: The correct answer is c (recognize this as normal). A temperature of 37.7°C is normal for an infant,
so no further action is required.
5. How should the healthcare provider take the temperature of an adult client who is post-operation day
two following oral surgery?
a. Avoid measuring temperature
• Place the thermometer in the mouth under the tongue in the posterior sublingual pocket (slightly off-
centre) and instruct client to keep mouth closed and not to bite on the thermometer
• Remove the probe from the device and place a probe cover (from the box) on the oral thermometer without
touching the cover with your hands
• Note the temperature on the digital display of the device
• Remove the thermometer when the device beeps
• Place the probe back into the device
• Discard the probe cover in the garbage (without touching the cover)
• Place the thermometer in the client’s armpit as high up as possible into the axillae, on bare skin, with the
point facing behind the client, and ask the client to lower his/her arm
• Remove the probe from the device and place a probe cover (from the box) on the thermometer without
touching the cover with your hands
• Ask the client to raise the arm away from his/her body
• Discard the probe cover in the garbage (without touching the cover) and place the probe back into the
• Note the temperature on the digital display of the device
• Remove the probe from the device and place a probe cover on it
• Lubricate the cover
• Ensure the client’s privacy and wash your hands and put on gloves
Go to the next page to see the correct order of steps for these techniques.
1. Remove the probe from the device and place a probe cover (from the box) on the oral thermometer without
touching the cover with your hands
2. Place the thermometer in the mouth under the tongue in the posterior sublingual pocket (slightly off-
centre) and instruct the client to keep mouth closed and not to bite on the thermometer
3. Remove the thermometer when the device beeps
4. Note the temperature on the digital display of the device
5. Discard the probe cover in the garbage (without touching the cover)
6. Place the probe back into the device
1. Remove the tympanic thermometer from the casing and place a probe cover (from the box) on the
thermometer tip without touching the cover with your hands
2. Turn the device on
3. For an adult or older child, gently pull the helix up and back to visualize the ear canal. For an infant or
younger child (under 3), gently pull the lobe down
4. Gently insert the probe into the opening of the ear
5. Activate the device
6. Note the temperature on the digital display of the device
7. Discard the probe cover in the garbage (without touching the cover) and place the device back into the
1. Remove the probe from the device and place a probe cover (from the box) on the thermometer without
touching the cover with your hands
2. Ask the client to raise the arm away from his/her body
3. Place the thermometer in the client’s armpit as high up as possible into the axillae on bare skin, with the
point facing behind the client, and ask the client to lower arm
4. Note the temperature on the digital display of the device
5. Discard the probe cover in the garbage (without touching the cover) and place the probe back into the
1. Ensure the client’s privacy and wash your hands and put on gloves
2. Position the client appropriately
3. Remove the probe from the device and place a probe cover on it
4. Lubricate the cover with a water-based lubricant
5. Gently insert the probe 2–3 cm inside the rectal opening of an adult, or less depending on the size of the
6. Note the temperature on the digital display of the device when it beeps
7. Discard the probe cover in the garbage (without touching the cover) and place the probe back into the
8. Remove your gloves and wash your hands
Chapter Summary | 49
Pulse and respiration are discussed together in this chapter because these vital signs are taken in succession.
What is Pulse? | 53
Figure 3.1: Radial, brachial, carotid and apical pulse (Illustration credit: Hilary Tang)
The heart pumps a volume of blood per contraction into the aorta. This volume is referred to as stroke volume.
Age is one factor that influences stroke volume, which ranges from 5–80 mL from newborns to older adults.
Pulse is measured in beats per minute, and the normal adult pulse rate (heart rate) at rest is 60–100 beats per
minute (OER #1, OER #2). Newborn resting heart rates range from 100–175 bpm. Heart rate gradually decreases
until young adulthood and then gradually increases again with age (OER #2). A pregnant women’s heart rate is
slightly higher than her pre-pregnant value (about 15 beats). See Table 3.1 for normal heart rate ranges based on
Points to Consider
The ranges noted in Table 3.1 are generous. It is important to consider each client and situation to
determine whether the heart rate is normal. For example, heart rate is considered in the context of a
client’s baseline heart rate. The healthcare provider also considers the client’s health and illness state and
determinants such as rest/sleep, awake/active, and presence of pain. You can expect higher pulse values
when a client is in a stressed state such as when crying or in pain; this is particularly important in the
54 | What is Pulse?
newborn. It is best to complete the assessment when the client is in a resting state. If you obtain a pulse
when the client is not in a resting state, document the circumstances (e.g., stress, crying, or pain) and
reassess as needed.
Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above):
© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free at
Part of this content was adapted from OER #2 (as noted in brackets above):
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Physiology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 license. Download for free at
What is Pulse? | 55
23. Why is Pulse Measured?
Healthcare providers measure pulse because it provides information about a client’s state of health and
influences diagnostic reasoning and clinical decision-making.
Tachycardia refers to an elevated heart rate, typically above 100 bpm (OER #2) for an adult. Developmental
considerations are important to consider, such as higher resting pulse rates in infants and children. For adults,
tachycardia is not normal in a resting state but may be detected in pregnant women or individuals experiencing
extreme stress (OER #2). Tachycardia can be benign, such as when the sympathetic nervous system is activated
with exercise and stress. Caffeine intake and nicotine can also elevate the heart rate. Tachycardia is also
correlated with fever, anemia, hypoxia, hyperthyroidism, hypersecretion of catecholamines, some
cardiomyopathies, some disorders of the valves, and acute exposure to radiation (OER #2).
Bradycardia is a condition in which the resting heart rate drops below 60 bpm (OER #2) in adults. In newborns, a
resting heart rate below 100 bpm is considered bradycardia. However, a sleeping neonate’s pulse may be as low as
90 bpm. People who are physically fit (e.g., trained athletes) typically have lower heart rates (OER #2). If the client
is not exhibiting other symptoms, such as weakness, fatigue, dizziness, fainting, chest discomfort, palpitations,
or respiratory distress, bradycardia is generally not considered clinically significant (OER #2). However, if any of
these symptoms are present, this may indicate that the heart is not providing sufficient oxygenated blood to the
tissues (OER #2). Bradycardia can be related to an electrical issue of the heart, ischemia, metabolic disorders,
pathologies of the endocrine system, electrolyte imbalances, neurological disorders, prescription medications,
and prolonged bedrest, among other conditions (OER #2). Bradycardia is also related to some medications, such
as beta blockers and digoxin.
Points to Consider
It is vital that healthcare providers assess clients with tachycardia or bradycardia to determine whether
the findings are significant and require intervention.
Part of this content was adapted from OER #2 (as noted in brackets above):
© Apr 10, 2017 OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology. Textbook content produced by OpenStax Anatomy and
Pulse Rhythm
The normal pulse rhythm is regular, meaning that the frequency of the pulsation felt by your fingers follows an
even tempo with equal intervals between pulsations. If you compare this to music, it involves a constant beat
that does not speed up or slow down, but stays at the same tempo. Thus, the interval between pulsations is
the same. However, sinus arrhythmia is a common condition in children, adolescents, and young adults. Sinus
arrhythmia involves an irregular pulse rhythm in which the pulse rate varies with the respiratory cycle: the heart
rate increases at inspiration and decreases back to normal upon expiration. The underlying physiology of sinus
arrhythmia is that the heart rate increases to compensate for the decreased stroke volume from the heart’s left
side upon inspiration.
Points to Consider
If a pulse has an irregular rhythm, it is important to determine whether it is regularly irregular (e.g.,
three regular beats and one missed and this is repeated) or if it is irregularly irregular (e.g., there is
no rhythm to the irregularity). Irregularly irregular pulse rhythm is highly specific to atrial fibrillation.
Atrial fibrillation is an arrhythmia whereby the atria quiver. This condition can have many consequences
including decreased stroke volume and cardiac output, blood clots, stroke, and heart failure.
Pulse Rate
The pulse rate is counted by starting at one, which correlates with the first beat felt by your fingers. Count for
thirty seconds if the rhythm is regular (even tempo) and multiply by two to report in beats per minute. Count for
one minute if the rhythm is irregular.
Pulse Force
The pulse force is the strength of the pulsation felt when palpating the pulse. For example, when you feel a
client’s pulse against your fingers, is it gentle? Can you barely feel it? Alternatively, is the pulsation very forceful
and bounding into your fingertips? The force is important to assess because it reflects the volume of blood, the
heart’s functioning and cardiac output, and the arteries’ elastic properties. Remember, stroke volume refers to
the volume of blood pumped with each contraction of the heart (i.e., each heart beat). Thus, pulse force provides
an idea of how hard the heart has to work to pump blood out of the heart and through the circulatory system.
Pulse force is recorded using a four-point scale:
• 3+ Full, bounding
Practice on many people to become skilled in measuring pulse force. While learning, it is helpful to assess pulse
force along with an expert because there is a subjective element to the scale. A 1+ force (weak and thready) may
reflect a decreased stroke volume and can be associated with conditions such as heart failure, heat exhaustion,
or hemorrhagic shock, among other conditions. A 3+ force (full and bounding) may reflect an increased stroke
volume and can be associated with exercise and stress, as well as abnormal health states including fluid overload
and high blood pressure.
Pulse Equality
Pulse equality refers to whether the pulse force is comparable on both sides of the body. For example, palpate
the radial pulse on the right and left wrist at the same time and compare whether the pulse force is equal.
Pulse equality is assessed because it provides data about conditions such as arterial obstructions and aortic
coarctation. However, the carotid pulses should never be palpated at the same time as this can decrease and/
or compromise cerebral blood flow.
Use the pads of your first three fingers to gently palpate the radial pulse (OER #1). The pads of the fingers are
placed along the radius bone, which is on the lateral side of the wrist (the thumb side; the bone on the other
side of the wrist is the ulnar bone). Place your fingers on the radius bone close to the flexor aspect of the wrist,
where the wrist meets the hand and bends. See Figure 3.2 for correct placement of fingers. Press down with
your fingers until you can best feel the pulsation. Note the rate, rhythm, force, and equality when measuring the
radial pulse (OER #1).
Technique Tips
Note the first beat felt in your fingers as “1” and then continue to count. Alternatively, start counting at
“0” when your watch is at zero and then continue to count.
60 | Radial Pulse
What should the healthcare provider consider?
You may need to adjust the pressure of your fingers when palpating the radial pulse if you cannot feel the pulse.
For example, sometimes pressing too hard can obliterate the pulse (make it disappear). Alternatively, if you do
not press hard enough, you may not feel a pulse. You may also need to move your fingers around slightly. Radial
pulses are difficult to palpate on newborns and children under five, so healthcare providers usually assess the
apical pulse or brachial pulse of newborns and children.
Points to Consider
You can use a Doppler ultrasound device if you are struggling to feel the pulse and are concerned about
perfusion into the limbs. This is a handheld device that allows you to hear the whooshing sound of the
pulse. The Doppler device is also used following surgery or insertion of a central line to assess blood flow.
These devices are most commonly used when assessing peripheral pulses in the lower limbs, such as the
dorsalis pedis pulse or the posterior tibial pulse. See Film clip 3.1 for use of a Doppler device. The doppler
device is also used to locate the brachial pulse and assess blood pressure in infants.
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© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free
Radial Pulse | 61
26. Carotid Pulse
May be taken when radial pulse is not present or is difficult to palpate (OER #1).
Ask the client to sit upright. Locate the carotid artery medial to the sternomastoid muscle (between the muscle
and the trachea at the level of the cricoid cartilage, which is in the middle third of the neck). With the pads
of your three fingers, gently palpate the carotid artery, one at a time. See Figure 3.3 for correct placement of
Although other pulses can be taken simultaneously to assess equality, the carotid pulses are NEVER taken at the
same time. Gently palpate one artery at a time so that you do not stimulate the vagus nerve and compromise
arterial blood flow to the brain. Avoid palpating the upper third of the neck, because this is where the carotid
sinus area is located. You want to avoid pressure on the carotid sinus area because this can lead to vagal
stimulation, which can slow the heart rate, particularly in older adults.
62 | Carotid Pulse
Technique Tips
Never palpate the carotid pulses simultaneously as this will reduce and/or compromise cerebral blood
Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above):
© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free
Carotid Pulse | 63
27. Brachial Pulse
Brachial pulse rate is indicated during some assessments, such as with children, in whom it can be difficult to
feel the radial pulse. A Doppler can be used to locate the brachial pulse if needed.
The brachial pulse can be located by feeling the bicep tendon in the area of the antecubital fossa. Move the pads
of your three fingers medial (about 2 cm) from the tendon and about 2–3 cm above the antecubital fossa to locate
the pulse. See Figure 3.4 for correct placement of fingers along the brachial artery.
It can be helpful to hyper-extend the arm in order to accentuate the brachial pulse so that you can better feel it.
You may need to move your fingers around slightly to locate the best place to most accurately feel the pulse. You
will usually need to press fairly firmly to palpate the brachial pulse.
64 | Brachial Pulse
28. Apical Pulse
Apical pulse is auscultated with a stethoscope over the chest where the heart’s mitral valve is best heard. In
infants and young children, the apical pulse is located at the fourth intercostal space at the left midclavicular
line. In adults, the apical pulse is located at the fifth intercostal space at the left midclavicular line (OER #1). See
Figure 3.5 below.
Apical Pulse | 65
children up to five years of age because radial pulses are difficult to palpate and count in this population. It is
typical to assess apical pulses in children younger than eighteen, particularly in hospital environments. Apical
pulses may also be taken in obese people, because their peripheral pulses are sometimes difficult to palpate.
Position the client in a supine (lying flat) or in a seated position. Physically palpate the intercostal spaces to locate
the landmark of the apical pulse. Ask the female client to re-position her own breast tissue to auscultate the
apical pulse. For example, the client gently shifts the breast laterally so that the apical pulse landmark is exposed.
See Figure 3.6 below. Alternatively, the healthcare provider can use the ulnar side of the hand to re-position the
breast tissue and auscultate the apical pulse. Ensure draping to protect the client’s privacy.
Either the bell or diaphragm are used to auscultate the client’s heart rate and rhythm. There is a pediatric-
size stethoscope for infants. Typically, apical pulse rate is taken for a full minute to ensure accuracy; this
is particularly important in infants and children due to the possible presence of sinus arrhythmia. Upon
auscultating the apical pulse, you will hear the sounds “lub dup” – this counts as one beat. Count the apical pulse
for one minute. Note the rate and rhythm.
Figure 3.6: Female client re-positioning her breast in order to auscultate the apical pulse
Listen to Audio clip 3.1 and count the apical pulse. For practice, we have made this clip 30 seconds so you will
need to multiply it by two to report it as beats per minute (but remember, the most accurate measurement is
to count the apical pulse for one minute). The reported apical rate in Audio clip 3.1 is: 60 bpm (30 x 2) with a
regular rhythm
66 | Apical Pulse
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Although pulses are best measured at rest, sometimes this is not possible. It is important to document other
factors such as when a person is in pain or an infant/child is crying.
Technique Tips
Feel the intercostal spaces to accurately locate the apical pulse and obtain a physical landmark. There
is a space below the clavicle, but the first intercostal space is located below the first rib. You can also
slide your fingers down the manubrium where it meets the sternum: this is called the sternal angle (angle
of Louis). The second rib extends out from the sternal angle.
Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above):
© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free
Apical Pulse | 67
29. What is Respiration?
Respiration refers to a person’s breathing and the movement of air into and out of the lungs (OER #2). The
respiratory system provides oxygen to body tissues for cellular respiration, removes the waste product carbon
dioxide, and helps maintain acid–base balance (OER #2). Inspiration is the process that causes air to enter the
lungs, and expiration is the process that causes air to leave the lungs (OER #2). A respiratory cycle (or one breath
while you are measuring respiratory rate) is one sequence of inspiration and expiration (OER #2).
Respiration is assessed for quality, rhythm, and rate.
The quality of a person’s breathing is normally relaxed and silent. Healthcare providers assess use of accessory
muscles in the neck and chest and indrawing of intercostal spaces (also referred to as intercostal tugging), which
can indicate respiratory distress. Respiratory distress can also cause nasal flaring, and the person often moves
into a tripod position. The tripod position involves leaning forward and placing arms/hands and/or upper body
on one’s knees or on the bedside table.
Respiration normally has a regular rhythm. A regular rhythm means that the frequency of the respiration
follows an even tempo with equal intervals between each respiration. If you compare this to music, it involves a
constant beat that does not speed up or slow down, but stays at the same tempo.
Respiratory rates vary based on age. The normal resting respiratory rate for adults is 10–20 breaths per minute
(OER #1). The normal respiratory rate for children decreases from birth to adolescence (OER #2). Children
younger than one year normally have a respiratory rate of 30–60 breaths per minute, but by the age of ten, the
normal rate is usually 18–30 (OER #2). By adolescence, the respiratory rate is usually similar to that of adults,
12–18 breaths per minute (OER #2). Respiratory rates often increase slightly over the age of sixty-five.
Estimated respiratory rates vary based on the source. Table 3.2 lists a generous range of normal respiratory
rates based on age. It is important to consider the client and the situation to determine whether the respiratory
rate is normal. Healthcare providers take into consideration the client’s health and illness state and determinants
such as rest/sleep, awake/active, presence of pain, and crying when assessing the respiratory rate.
68 | What is Respiration?
Table 3.2: Respiratory Rate Ranges
Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above):
© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free
Part of this content was adapted from OER #2 (as noted in brackets above):
© Apr 10, 2017 OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology. Textbook content produced by OpenStax Anatomy and
Physiology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 license. Download for free
What is Respiration? | 69
30. Respiration Technique
The respiratory rate is counted after taking the pulse rate so that the client is not aware that you are taking
it (OER #1). Once you have finished counting the pulse, leave your fingers in place and then begin assessing
respiration. Observe the chest or abdomen rise and fall. One respiration includes a full respiratory cycle
(including both inspiration and expiration). Thus, the rise and the fall of the abdomen or chest is counted as
one full breath. Count for 30 seconds if the rhythm is regular or for a full minute if irregular (OER #1). Report
the respiration as breaths per minute, as well as whether breathing is relaxed, silent, and has a regular rhythm.
Report whether chest movement is symmetrical.
Assess the movement of the chest with adults, and the movement of the abdomen with newborns and infants.
Adults are normally thoracic breathers (the chest moves) while infants are normally diaphragmatic breathers (the
abdomen moves). Some adults are abdominal breathers. Breathing rates are counted for one minute with infants
because the respiratory rhythm (tempo) can vary significantly. For example, the breathing rates of infants can
speed up and slow down with some short periods of apnea (pauses in breathing).
When assessing respiration, ensure that thick and bulky clothing is removed so you can clearly see the rise and
fall of the chest or abdomen. Although respiratory rates are best counted at rest, sometimes this is not possible
(e.g., in an emergency situation and with a child who is crying). In this case, document the situation. While
assessing respirations, it is important to note signs of respiratory distress, which can include loud breathing,
nasal flaring, and intercostal retractions. See Figure 3.7 for signs of respiratory distress. These signs require
further assessment and intervention.
70 | Respiration Technique
Figure 3.7: Signs of respiratory distress (Illustration credit: Paige Jones)
Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above):
© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free
Respiration Technique | 71
31. Finding the Error Activity: Radial Pulse
Now you have an opportunity to find errors in measurement techniques. This activity involves looking at an
What error in technique is this healthcare provider making while measuring the radial pulse of a client?
Go to the next page for information about the correct technique for measuring radial pulse.
While palpating the pulse, gently place the pads of your three fingers along the radial bone at the flexor aspect
of the wrist (the thumb side).
Go to the next page for information about the correct technique for measuring apical pulse in an
While taking the apical pulse of an infant, place the stethoscope at the fourth intercostal space at the left mid-
clavicular line.
78 | Try it Out
36. Try it Out: Radial Pulse and Respiration
Watch this short film clip 3.2 and see how to measure radial pulse and respiration correctly. After watching the
clip, try the technique yourself. You can watch the clip and practice as many times as you like.
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An interactive or media element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online
An interactive or media element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online
An interactive or media element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online
3. How should a healthcare provider respond when a newborn has an apical heart rate of 120 beats per
a. Re-take the rate at the brachial location
b. Document the rate and assess it as normal
c. Document the rate and identify it as tachycardia
d. Notify the physician and identify it as bradycardia
4. Which findings should be of most concern to the healthcare provider in an adolescent client?
Test Yourself | 81
a. Pulse 40 bpm and respiration 34
b. Respiration 16 and pulse 82 bpm
c. Pulse 68 bpm and sinus arrhythmia
d. Pulse 2+, 78 bpm, and regular rhythm
5. Match the findings that are typically normal for the person listed:
Sinus arrhythmia Athlete
Bradycardia Newborn
Abdominal breather Adolescent
82 | Test Yourself
39. Test Yourself: Answers
1. What is the apical pulse rate?
Listen to the audio-clip of the apical pulse. Count the pulse for 30 seconds and report the rate as beats per
minute (NOTE: although this clip only allows you to count for 30 seconds, remember, it is best to count the
apical pulse for one minute).
The pulse rate is 76 bpm (38 x 2) with a regular rhythm
2. How should a healthcare provider respond when a newborn has an apical heart rate of 120 beats per
a. Re-take the rate at the brachial location
b. Document the rate and assess it as normal **
c. Document the rate and identify it as tachycardia
d. Notify the physician and identify it as bradycardia
Rationale: The correct answer is b (document the rate and assess it as normal). An apical heart rate of 120
bpm falls within the normal range for newborns. Newborns have a faster apical heart rate than adults because
they have smaller and less muscular hearts. As a result, their stroke volume (volume of blood per contraction) is
smaller than that of adults and their hearts must beat faster to pump sufficient blood, oxygen, and nutrients to
the body.
4. Match the findings that are typically normal for the person listed:
Abdominal breather———Newborn
Sinus arrhythmia————Adolescent
Rationale: Bradycardia (low pulse) is common in athletes because their hearts are more muscular and pump
a larger stroke volume per contraction. As a result, the heart contracts/beats less to pump sufficient blood,
oxygen and nutrients. Newborns are abdominal breathers, meaning that the abdomen moves up and down when
breathing, as opposed to the thorax. Sinus arrhythmia is common in adolescents. It involves an irregular pulse
rhythm in which the pulse rate varies with the respiratory cycle; the heart speeds up at inspiration and decreases
back to normal upon expiration. The underlying physiology of sinus arrhythmia is that the heart rate increases
to compensate for the decreased stroke volume from the left side of the heart upon inspiration.
• Note the rate, rhythm, force, and equality when measuring the radial pulse
• Use the pads of your first three fingers to gently palpate the radial pulse along the radius bone close to the
flexor aspect of the wrist
• Press down with your fingers until you can best feel the pulsation
• Physically palpate the intercostal spaces to locate the landmark of the apical pulse
• Ask the client to lay flat in a supine position
• Note the rate and rhythm
• Auscultate the apical pulse
• Move your fingers medial from the tendon and about one inch above the antecubital fossa to locate the
brachial pulse
• Palpate the bicep tendon in the area of the antecubital fossa
• Note the rate and rhythm
Respiration Technique
• Count for 30 seconds if the rhythm is regular or for a full minute if it is irregular
• Observe the rise and fall of the chest or abdomen
• Leave your fingers in place when you are done counting the pulse, and then begin assessing respiration
• Report the respirations as breaths per minute, as well as whether breathing is relaxed, silent, and has a
regular rhythm
Go to the next page to see the correct order of steps for these techniques.
1. Use the pads of your first three fingers to gently palpate the radial pulse along the radius bone close to the
flexor aspect of the wrist
2. Press down with your fingers until you can best feel the pulsation
3. Note the rate, rhythm, force, and equality when measuring the radial pulse
Respiration Technique
1. Leave your fingers in place when you are done counting the pulse, and then begin assessing respiration
2. Observe the rise and fall of the chest or abdomen
3. Count for 30 seconds if the rhythm is regular or for a full minute if it is irregular
4. Report respiration as breaths per minute, as well as whether breathing is relaxed, silent, and has a regular
Chapter Summary | 87
Healthcare providers measure oxygen saturation because it provides information about a client’s state of health.
The body’s tissues and organs require oxygen for metabolism, and oxygen saturation can reveal whether there
is sufficient oxygen in the blood or whether the client is in a state called hypoxemia (insufficient oxygen in the
Oxygen saturation levels can influence clinical decisions about whether the client is receiving sufficient
oxygen and/or requires supplemental oxygen. Oxygen saturation levels are also monitored during and after
surgeries and treatments and to assess a client’s capacity for increased activity.
A pulse oximeter reading reflects arterial oxygen saturation levels, as opposed to venous oxygen
saturation levels, because the device only measures light absorption of pulsatile flow: the ‘p’ in Sp02
refers to pulse or pulsatile flow. If pulsatile flow is limited or obstructed, an oxygen saturation level will
not be accurate. For example, the compression of a blood pressure cuff will obliterate the pulsatile flow
so blood pressure and pulse oximetry should not be taken simultaneously on the same limb.
The sensor is attached using various devices. One is a spring-loaded clip attached to a finger or toe as shown in
Figure 4.1. It is used when an intermittent measurement is required. However, this clip is too large for newborns
and young children, so for this population, the sensor is taped to a finger or toe. See Figure 4.2. This technique
is also used for clients who require continuous monitoring.
Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above):
© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free
• People who are obese and/or have conditions such as lung and cardiovascular diseases, emphysema,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congenital heart disease and sleep apnea tend to have lower
oxygen saturation levels.
• Smoking can also influence the accuracy of pulse oximetry in which the the SpO2 is low or falsely high
depending on whether hypercapnia is present. With hypercapnia, it is difficult for the pulse oximeter to
differentiate oxygen in the blood from carbon monoxide (caused by smoking).
• Additionally, oxygen saturation levels may decrease slightly when a person is talking.
• Oxygen saturation may remain normal (e.g., 97% and higher) for people with anemia. However, this may not
indicate adequate oxygenation because there are less hemoglobin to carry an adequate supply of oxygen
for people who have anemia. The inadequate supply of oxygen may be more prominent during activity for
people with anemia.
• Falsely low oxygen saturation levels may be associated with hypothermia, decreased peripheral perfusion,
and cold extremities. In these cases, an ear lobe pulse oximeter device or arterial blood gases would
provide a more accurate oxygen saturation level. However, arterial blood gases are usually only taken in
critical care or emergency settings.
Points to Consider
In practice, the SpO2 range of 92–100% is generally acceptable for most clients. Some experts have
suggested that a SpO2 level of at least 90% will prevent hypoxic tissue injury and ensure client safety
(Beasley, et al., 2016).
Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above):
© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free at
The pulse oximeter probe is clipped onto or taped around a client’s finger, as shown in Figure 4.4. The device
displays an oxygen saturation level and a pulse within a few seconds. Palpate the client’s radial pulse (taken for
30 seconds if regular and one minute if irregular) while the oximeter is attached to the finger. The healthcare
provider can have confidence in the accuracy of the measurement of the oxygen saturation level if the pulse
displayed on the oximeter coincides with the radial pulse.
Points to Consider
Nail polish or artificial nails can interact with the absorption of light waves and influence the accuracy
of the SpO2 measurement when using a probe clipped on the finger. Remove nail polish or use an
alternative method.
Many factors can influence accuracy when measuring oxygen saturation levels via pulse oximetry. Certain
conditions, including poor circulation and peripheral vasoconstriction, can lead to inaccurate oxygen saturation
measurements when the device is attached to a finger or toe. Vasoconstriction involves narrowing of the vessels,
so blood flow is reduced to the peripheries. This can reduce the accuracy of the reading and reduce the
oximeter’s capacity to detect a signal. Readings may also be inaccurate (low) if a client’s hands or feet are cold or
they have poor circulation. In cases like these, use an alternate method of measurement, like clipping a device to
the earlobe or taping it to the forehead.
The healthcare provider cannot have confidence in measurement accuracy when the radial pulse does not
coincide with the pulse displayed on the oximeter. It is also important to note that the pulse oximeter device
cannot provide an accurate reading when oxygen saturation is below 75% (Shah & Shelley, 2013). Oxygen
saturation levels in the 70s indicate that a client is decompensating and immediate intervention is required. Thus,
it is important to confirm accuracy via additional assessments, such as assessing for respiratory distress, drawing
arterial blood gases and/or checking for machine error.
The significance of the oxygen saturation level is interpreted in the context of the client’s baseline
measurements, other data including vital signs and other objective and subjective findings, and the client’s
overall health and wellness state.
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Go to the next page for information about the correct technique for measuring oxygen saturation.
Go to the next page for information about the correct technique for measuring oxygen saturation.
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2. A client’s oxygen saturation is measured via pulse oximetry using a finger probe. The radial pulse does
not coincide with the pulse displayed on the oximeter. How should the healthcare provider respond?
a. Notify the most responsible provider
b. Document the findings in the client’s chart
c. Assume the client has hypoxic tissue injury
d. Repeat the measurements using an earlobe probe
3. The physician asks for an oxygen saturation report on a client who has peripheral limb tremors. What is
the best location to place the probe?
a. Ear
b. Toe
c. Finger
d. Thumb
4. A person’s oxygen saturation is 89% and the pulse displayed on the pulse oximeter is aligned with the
radial pulse. How should the healthcare provider respond?
a. Give oxygen to the client
b. Raise up the head of the client’s bed
c. Ask the client, “are you having any difficulty breathing?”
d. Note this finding as normal and continue with assessment
2. A client’s oxygen saturation is measured via pulse oximetry using a finger probe. The radial pulse does
not coincide with the pulse displayed on the oximeter. How should the healthcare provider respond?
a. Notify the most responsible provider
b. Document the findings in the client’s chart
c. Assume the client has hypoxic tissue injury
d. Repeat the measurements using an earlobe probe **
Rationale: The correct answer is d (repeat the measurements using an earlobe probe). Repeat the
measurements using an ear probe. The O2 saturation reading is inaccurate when the palpable pulse does not
coincide with the pulse displayed on the pulse oximeter. This could be caused by conditions related to poor
circulation and/or peripheral vasoconstriction. The best action is to use an alternate method to obtain the O2
saturation such as an earlobe probe.
3. The physician asks for an oxygen saturation report on a client who has peripheral limb tremors. What is
the best location to place the probe?
a. Ear **
b. Toe
c. Finger
d. Thumb
Rationale: The correct answer is a (ear). Tremors can affect the ability of the pulse oximeter to accurately read
the pulsations and oxygen saturations. The toe, finger, and thumb are all affected by the tremors. Therefore, it is
best to use the earlobe to measure O2 saturation.
4. A person’s oxygen saturation is 89% and the pulse displayed on the pulse oximeter is aligned with the
radial pulse. How should the healthcare provider respond?
a. Give oxygen to the client
b. Raise up the head of the client’s bed
c. Ask the client, “are you having any difficulty breathing?” **
d. Note this finding as normal and continue with assessment
Rationale: The correct answer is c (ask the client, “are you having any difficulty breathing?”). Ask the client
if he/she is having any difficulty breathing. This oxygen saturation is considered abnormal. Further assessments
need to be completed prior to an intervention. The first assessment starts with the respiratory system including
a subjective assessment of the client’s breathing and whether he/she is having difficulty breathing. The context
of the client’s current health state will determine how you proceed with interventions.
• turn oximeter on
• remove client nail polish
• clean oximeter probe with alcohol swab
• take radial pulse (30 seconds if regular and one minute if irregular)
• ensure radial pulse is aligned with pulse displayed on the oximeter
• clip or tape probe onto a client’s finger
• report or document findings
Go to the next page to see the correct order of steps for these techniques.
Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above):
© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free
1. Cardiac output
2. Peripheral vascular resistance
3. Volume of circulating blood
4. Viscosity of blood
5. Elasticity of vessels walls
Blood pressure increases with increased cardiac output, peripheral vascular resistance, volume of blood,
viscosity of blood and rigidity of vessel walls.
Blood pressure decreases with decreased cardiac output, peripheral vascular resistance, volume of blood,
viscosity of blood and elasticity of vessel walls.
Cardiac Output
Cardiac output is the volume of blood flow from the heart through the ventricles, and is usually measured in
litres per minute (L/min). Cardiac output can be calculated by the stroke volume multiplied by the heart rate.
Any factor that causes cardiac output to increase, by elevating heart rate or stroke volume or both, will elevate
blood pressure and promote blood flow. These factors include sympathetic stimulation, the catecholamines
epinephrine and norepinephrine, thyroid hormones, and increased calcium ion levels. Conversely, any factor
that decreases cardiac output, by decreasing heart rate or stroke volume or both, will decrease arterial pressure
and blood flow. These factors include parasympathetic stimulation, elevated or decreased potassium ion levels,
decreased calcium levels, anoxia, and acidosis.
Peripheral vascular resistance refers to compliance, which is the ability of any compartment to expand to
accommodate increased content. A metal pipe, for example, is not compliant, whereas a balloon is. The greater
the compliance of an artery, the more effectively it is able to expand to accommodate surges in blood flow
without increased resistance or blood pressure. Veins are more compliant than arteries and can expand to
hold more blood. When vascular disease causes stiffening of arteries (e.g., atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis),
compliance is reduced and resistance to blood flow is increased. The result is more turbulence, higher pressure
within the vessel, and reduced blood flow. This increases the work of the heart.
Volume of circulating blood is the amount of blood moving through the body. Increased venous return stretches
the walls of the atria where specialized baroreceptors are located. Baroreceptors are pressure-sensing receptors.
As the atrial baroreceptors increase their rate of firing and as they stretch due to the increased blood pressure,
the cardiac centre responds by increasing sympathetic stimulation and inhibiting parasympathetic stimulation
to increase HR. The opposite is also true.
Viscosity of blood is a measure of the blood’s thickness and is influenced by the presence of plasma proteins and
formed elements in the blood. Blood is viscous and somewhat sticky to the touch. It has a viscosity approximately
five times greater than water. Viscosity is a measure of a fluid’s thickness or resistance to flow, and is influenced
by the presence of the plasma proteins and formed elements within the blood. The viscosity of blood has a
dramatic effect on blood pressure and flow. Consider the difference in flow between water and honey. The more
viscous honey would demonstrate a greater resistance to flow than the less viscous water. The same principle
applies to blood.
Elasticity of vessel walls refers to the capacity to resume its normal shape after stretching and compressing.
Vessels larger than 10 mm in diameter are typically elastic. Their abundant elastic fibres allow them to expand as
blood pumped from the ventricles passes through them, and then to recoil after the surge has passed. If artery
walls were rigid and unable to expand and recoil, their resistance to blood flow would greatly increase and blood
pressure would rise to even higher levels, which would in turn require the heart to pump harder to increase the
volume of blood expelled by each pump (the stroke volume) and maintain adequate pressure and flow. Artery
walls would have to become even thicker in response to this increased pressure.
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Physiology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 license. Download for free
Points to Consider
The average blood pressure for an adult is 120/80 mm Hg. However, this is only an average and the
healthcare provider needs to consider acceptable ranges for individual clients. For example, in adults,
normal blood pressure can range from 95–145/60–90 mm Hg. The healthcare provider considers the
client’s baseline blood pressure and the client’s current health state in conjunction with subjective data
and other objective data. For example, a blood pressure of 90/50 mm Hg may be normal for a healthy,
asymptomatic 20-year-old adult.
Factors that influence blood pressure include age, sex, ethnicity, weight, exercise, emotions/stress, pregnancy,
and diurnal rhythm as well as medication use and disease processes.
• The general pattern is that blood pressure rises with age, so normal variations tend to be higher for older
• Blood pressure is similar in childhood for males and females. After puberty, females have lower blood
pressure than males, whereas after menopause females have higher blood pressure than males.
• Research has revealed that ethnicity may be a predictor of blood pressure, but this causation is not
necessarily biological, but rather sociocultural. When determining risk for high blood pressure, it is
important to consider ethnicity as a contributing factor.
• The diurnal cycle influences blood pressure to be lower in the morning and increase throughout the day
until early evening. Try it out: take your blood pressure when you wake up in the morning and then again in
late afternoon, and note the difference. This is one reason why healthcare providers document the time a
Points to Consider
‘White coat syndrome’ refers to elevated blood pressure due to nervousness or anxiety when clients
have their blood pressure taken by a healthcare provider. This occurs in approximately 20% of clients.
Key message: have the client take their blood pressure at home with an automatic home blood pressure
cuff and compare the findings. Alternatively, you can ask the client to sit quietly and leave the room while
an automatic cuff takes a client’s blood pressure. The automatic cuff can be programmed to take three
measurements and the blood pressure documented is an average of the three readings.
Points to Consider
Take blood pressure in both arms when you measure a client’s blood pressure for the first time. A small
difference in blood pressure between the arms is often normal. Differences of greater than 10 mm Hg
systolic between the arms are investigated further because this finding has been associated with vascular
disease and mortality outcomes. Measure subsequent blood pressures in the arm with the higher blood
Client Positioning
Blood pressure is generally taken in a sitting or supine position with the bare arm at heart level (OER #1). Certain
health states prevent some clients from sitting, such as clients who are critically ill, unstable, or postoperative.
Thus, healthcare providers document the client’s positioning (e.g., sitting, supine, standing). If sitting, the feet
are placed flat on the floor with the back resting comfortably against a chair. The healthcare provider checks to
ensure that the client’s legs are not crossed, because this can increase blood pressure. The client sits resting for
five minutes before you take the blood pressure. This waiting period is not feasible when the client’s condition
is deteriorating or a STAT blood pressure is required.
Manual and automatic blood pressure measurement involves using a blood pressure cuff with a
sphygmomanometer. Many cuff sizes are available to fit newborns, children, adults, people with small and larger
arms, and people with cone-shaped arms. The cuff is typically wrapped around the upper arm. However, there is
also a cuff that can be placed on the thigh when the arm is not feasible. See Figure 5.1 of varying blood pressure
cuff sizes.
Cuff Sizing
The width of the cuff is 40% of the person’s arm circumference
The length of the cuff’s bladder is 80–100% of the person’s arm circumference
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Technique Tips
Thigh blood pressure is indicated when blood pressure cannot be taken on the arm, such as when
clients have bilateral amputation or burns. Thigh blood pressure is also done on children and adolescents
with unusually high blood pressure in the arm and to compare differences between upper and lower
extremities. In such cases, coarctation of the aorta (a congenital narrowing of the aorta) is possible. The
thigh systolic blood pressure is 10–40 mm Hg higher than the arm systolic blood pressure, while the
thigh diastolic blood pressure is approximately the same as the arm. To obtain thigh blood pressure, the
client must be in prone position. Place the cuff around the bottom third of the client’s thigh. The cuff’s
artery line is aligned with the popliteal artery. The popliteal artery can be located in the popliteal fossa.
Palpate the medial tendon and move the pads of your three fingers lateral to the tendon. Press your
fingers into the femur or tibia bone. Continue with the same process as noted above in terms of taking
blood pressure.
Manual blood pressure measurement is taken using a blood pressure cuff with a sphygmomanometer and a
stethoscope. See Figure 5.2. This technique is detailed on next page.
Points to Consider
Avoid using an automatic blood pressure cuff if the systolic pressure is less than 90 mm Hg in an adult,
Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above):
© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free at
The stethoscope is used on bare skin so that a client’s clothing does not affect the sounds. The stethoscope does
not make sounds louder; it simply blocks out extraneous noises so you can better hear the Korotkoff sounds.
These sounds are heard through a stethoscope applied over the brachial artery when the blood pressure cuff
is deflating. You will not hear anything when you first place the stethoscope over the brachial artery, because
unobstructed blood flow is silent. The Korotkoff sounds appear after you inflate the cuff (which compresses the
artery/blood flow) and then begin to deflate the cuff. The Korotkoff sounds are the result of the turbulent blood
caused by the inflated cuff compressing the artery and oscillations of the arterial wall when the heart beats
during cuff deflation.
Here are a few tips:
• Use a high quality stethoscope with durable, thick tubing. Avoid stethoscopes with long tubing because this
can distort sounds.
• Ensure quiet surroundings so that you can better hear the Korotkoff sounds.
• Make sure that the slope of the stethoscope earpieces point forward or toward your nose.
• Use a stethoscope that has both bell and diaphragm capacity. See Figure 5.4 for bell and diaphragm.
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Film clip 5.2: Opening and closing the bell and diaphragm
Healthcare providers determine the maximum inflation pressure before they take blood pressure. The maximum
inflation pressure is the number on the sphygmomanometer that the cuff is inflated to when measuring blood
pressure. If you do not determine the maximum pressure inflation, an auscultatory gap could go unrecognized,
and as a result the blood pressure could be underestimated (lower than the actual value).
An auscultatory gap is a silent interval when the Korotkoff sounds go absent and then reappear while you are
deflating the cuff during blood pressure measurement. This gap is an abnormal finding and can occur due to
arterial stiffness and arteriosclerotic disease. It is typically observed in people with a history of hypertension
who have been treated with prolonged antihypertensive medication.
To determine the maximum inflation pressure, start by palpating the brachial or radial pulse while inflating the
cuff. Inflate the cuff 30 mm Hg past the point when you obliterate the pulse (ie., you no longer feel the pulse). If
you still cannot feel the pulse, use that value to start auscultating – that value is the maximum inflation pressure
When taking blood pressure, if an auscultatory gap is observed, document the first systolic sound and diastolic
sound only. Report the presence of an auscultatory gap in narrative notes.
Points to Consider
Generally, auscultatory gaps do not interfere with automatic blood pressure measurements (Fech, et
For novices, it is a good idea to start with the two-step technique and then move onto the one-step technique
as you develop your skills.
Two-step technique
Palpate the radial or brachial artery, inflate the blood pressure cuff until the pulse is obliterated, and then
continue to inflate 20–30 mm Hg more (OER #1). Note this number – it is considered the maximum pressure
inflation. Next, deflate the cuff quickly.
Now, you can start to measure blood pressure. Place the bell of the cleansed stethoscope over the brachial artery
(OER #1) using a light touch and complete seal. Inflate the cuff to the maximum pressure inflation number (OER
#1). Open the valve slightly. Deflate the cuff slowly and evenly (OER #1) at about 2 mm Hg per second. See Film
Clip 5.3 which focuses on the speed of the needle when deflating the blood pressure cuff.
Note the points at which you hear the first appearance of Korotkoff sounds (systolic blood pressure) (OER #1)
and the last Korotkoff sound before it goes silent (diastolic blood pressure). These sounds are called Korotkoff
sounds and vary in quality from tapping, swooshing, muffled sounds, and silence. The pressure at which the
first Korotkoff sound is noted signifies the systolic pressure, while the pressure at which the last Korotkoff
sound is heard before it goes silent marks the diastolic pressure. See Audio Clip 5.1 to listen to Korotkoff
sounds and noting systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Alternatively, if viewing textbook as a pdf, use this
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Palpate the radial or brachial artery, inflate the blood pressure cuff until the pulse is obliterated, and then
continue to inflate 20 to 30 mm Hg more (OER #1). Place the bell of the cleansed stethoscope over the brachial
artery (OER #1) using a light touch with a complete seal. Open the valve slightly. Deflate the cuff slowly and
evenly (OER #1) at about 2 mm Hg per second. Note the points at which you hear the first Korotkoff sound
(systolic blood pressure) (OER #1) and the last Korotkoff sound (diastolic blood pressure) before it goes silent.
These sounds are called Korotkoff sounds and vary in quality from tapping, swooshing, muffled sounds, and
silence. The first Korotkoff sound is the systolic pressure, and the diastolic pressure is the last Korokoff sound
before the sounds go silent.
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Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above):
© 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda
Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free at
• To locate the brachial pulse, palpate the bicep tendon, move medially about 2 cm, and move up about 2–3
• Use three fingers including your index and middle finger to feel for the pulse
• You will usually need to press fairly firmly to palpate the brachial pulse and may need to modify the
pressure. If you press too hard, you will obliterate the pulse (make it disappear) and if you press too lightly,
you will not be able to feel the pulse
• You may need to reposition your fingers to find the best place to feel the pulse along the brachial artery
• Place the client’s arm with the palm up and elbow extended. You can flex the elbow in varying degrees to
relax the muscle and accentuate the pulse
• Cup your opposite hand under the client’s elbow
Many errors must be avoided when measuring blood pressure. Failure to determine maximum pressure inflation
can produce a falsely low systolic reading. Deflating the cuff too slowly can produce a falsely high diastolic, and
deflating the cuff too quickly can produce a falsely low systolic or falsely high diastolic reading. Inaccurate cuff
sizes for the client’s arm size and shape can result in measurement error: a cuff that is too narrow or too loose
can produce a falsely high blood pressure. A falsely low blood pressure can result from the arm being positioned
above the level of the heart and a falsely high blood pressure can result from the arm being positioned below the
level of the heart.
Points to Consider
It is important to note the distinction between elevated blood pressure and a diagnosis of
hypertension. See Table 5.3 below for more information on making a determination of hypertension,
which precipitates intervention.
Hypertension Canada (Leung, et al., for Hypertension Canada, 2017) states that when assessing chronic high
blood pressure, readings must be done under the following conditions:
Hypertension | 129
• No acute anxiety, stress, or pain
• No caffeine, smoking, or nicotine in the preceding 30 minutes
• No use of substances containing adrenergic stimulants such as phenylephrine or pseudoephedrine (may be
present in nasal decongestants or ophthalmic drops)
• Bladder and bowel comfortable
• No tight clothing on arm or forearm
• Quiet room with comfortable temperature
• Rest for at least five minutes before measurement
• Ask the client to stay silent prior and during the procedure
Technique Tips
If one of the above conditions is not met, the blood pressure is still taken, but the healthcare provider
must take it into consideration. If the blood pressure is elevated, it needs to be repeated to assess the
possibility of hypertension.
See Table 5.3 for the guidelines related to management, including monitoring and treatment, recommended
by Hypertension Canada (Leung, et al., for Hypertension Canada, 2017). These recommendations are based on
in-office visit one. At least two or more readings are taken during the same visit. If assessing blood pressure
manually, the first reading is discarded and the latter two readings are averaged.
130 | Hypertension
Table 5.3: Hypertension Canada Guidelines
Finding Management
Visit 1 Office BP
BP averaged reading
Annual follow-up appointments are recommended so that trends and/or increases in blood
pressure are assessed.
≥130–139/85–89 mm Hg
Visit 1 Office BP If clinically indicated, diagnostic tests are scheduled prior to visit two to assess
MeasurementsManual cardiovascular risk factors (see Table 5.4 for modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors) and
BP averaged reading search for target organ damage (e.g., cerebral vascular, eyes, kidneys, coronary arteries).
≥140/90 mm Hg (high) External, modifiable factors that can increase blood pressure are assessed and removed if
possible (certain prescription drugs and other substances like sodium, licorice root, alcohol,
Automatic BP reading and street drugs).
≥135/85 mm Hg (high)
Out of office blood pressure measurements (e.g., ambulatory or home blood pressure
measurements) are performed before visit two. White coat syndrome/hypertension is
diagnosed if the out of office blood pressure measurements are within the normal range, and
pharmacologic treatment is not initiated.
Visit 1 Office BP
or manual BP averaged
reading Hypertension is diagnosed and immediate intervention is required.
>180/110 mm Hg
The healthcare provider assesses a client’s cardiovascular risk factors for atherosclerosis and hypertension.
These risk factors are categorized as modifiable and non-modifiable. See Table 5.4 for an overview of risk factors
adapted based on Hypertension Canada guidelines (Leung, et al., for Hypertension Canada, 2017)
Non-modifiable Modifiable
• Smoking
• Stress and anxiety
• Sedentary lifestyle (little or no physical
• Age 55 years or older
• Poor dietary habits (high sugar, high
• Male sex and postmenopausal women
sodium, high fat, high cholesterol)
• Family history of cardiovascular disease that began in men younger
• Abdominal obesity/overweight
than 55 years and in women younger than 65 years
• Dysglycemia and dyslipidemia
• Non-adherence to treatment plans (e.g.,
medication, diet, exercise regimen)
• Alcohol intake
Hypertension | 131
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132 | Hypertension
65. Hypotension
A number of factors can cause hypotension (low blood pressure). Hypotension is considered less than 95/60
mm Hg in a normotensive adult. However, low blood pressure measurements are always interpreted in the
context of a client’s baseline and past blood pressure readings as well as their current health state. Common
symptoms associated with hypotension are lightheadedness, loss of consciousness, blurry vision, clammy skin,
and fatigue.
Orthostatic Hypotension
Orthostatic hypotension is a drop in blood pressure when the client moves from lying to sitting to a standing
Have you ever stood up quickly and felt dizzy for a moment? This is because, for one reason or another, blood
is not getting to your brain so it is briefly deprived of oxygen. When you change position from sitting or lying
down to standing, your cardiovascular system has to adjust for a new challenge, keeping blood pumping up into
the head while gravity is pulling more and more blood down into the legs. The reason for this is a sympathetic
reflex that maintains the output of the heart in response to postural change. This sympathetic reflex keeps the
brain well oxygenated so that cognitive and other neural processes are not interrupted. Sometimes this does not
work properly. If the sympathetic system cannot increase cardiac output, then blood pressure into the brain will
decrease, and a brief neurological loss can be felt. This can be brief, such as a slight ‘wooziness’ when standing
up too quickly, or could lead to a loss of balance and neurological impairment for a period of time. The name
for this is orthostatic hypotension, which means that blood pressure falls below the homeostatic set point when
standing. It can be the result of standing up faster than the reflex can occur, which may cause a benign ‘head
rush,’ or it may be the result of an underlying cause.
There are two basic reasons why orthostatic hypotension occurs. First, blood volume is too low and the
sympathetic reflex is not effective. This hypovolemia may be the result of dehydration or medications that
affect fluid balance, such as diuretics or vasodilators. The second underlying cause of orthostatic hypotension
is autonomic failure. Several disorders can result in compromised sympathetic functions, ranging from diabetes
to multiple system atrophy (a loss of control over many systems in the body), and addressing the underlying
condition can improve the hypotension. Orthostatic hypotension is more common with advancing age and can
be aggravated by antihypertensive medications.
Orthostatic hypotension is assessed by measuring orthostatic or postural blood pressure and pulse changes. This
procedure is done by assessing when the client moves from supine to sitting to standing. There are variations in
how this procedure is done in terms of timing. Here is a common way to proceed:
Hypotension | 133
How to Evaluate the Findings
Normal variation is a 10 mm Hg decrease in blood pressure from lying to standing and an increase in pulse of
10–15 bpm.
A decrease in blood pressure from lying to standing of systolic ≥ 20 mm Hg or diastolic ≥ 10 mm Hg is identified
as orthostatic hypotension.
An increase in pulse from lying to standing of ≥ 20 bpm is identified as orthostatic pulse.
Technique Tips
The healthcare provider determines the maximum inflation pressure in the supine position and then
uses this same number throughout all readings. If a client is unable to stand during the orthostatic blood
pressure assessment, have them sit and dangle their legs. To ensure safety, have a safe place for the client
to land/sit if dizzy. Leave the blood pressure cuff on the whole time.
The content under the sub-title “Orthostatic Hypotension” was adapted from OER #2 (as noted in brackets
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134 | Hypotension
66. Finding the Error Activity: Blood Pressure
Now you have an opportunity to find the errors in measurement techniques. The first activity involves watching
a short film clip. Check it out!
What errors in technique is this healthcare provider making while taking blood pressure?
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Go to the next page for information about the correct technique for taking blood pressure.
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1. Watch and listen to the Korotkoff sounds while blood pressure is taken in audio clip 5.2. What is the
systolic and diastolic blood pressure?
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2. Watch and listen to the Korotkoff sounds while blood pressure is taken in audio clip 5.3. What is the
systolic and diastolic blood pressure?
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3. Which one of the two images below (Figure 5.5 or Figure 5.6) demonstrates the correct way of putting the
ear pieces of the stethoscope in your ears?
8. The healthcare provider assesses an older client’s blood pressure for the first time at a walk-in clinic. The
healthcare provider obtains a reading of 164/84. What should the healthcare provider do first?
a. Take the client’s pulse
b. Provide education to the client
c. Inform the most responsible provider
d. Repeat the blood pressure on the other arm
9. A woman’s pre-pregnancy pulse and blood pressure are 72 bpm and 112/78. Which findings are of most
concern to the healthcare provider?
a. Pulse 82 bpm and BP 108/70 at the end of the first trimester
b. Pulse 68 bpm and BP 118/82 in the first half of the first trimester
c. Pulse 90 bpm and BP 104/68 at the beginning of the second trimester
d. Pulse 90 bpm and BP 138/88 towards the latter half of the final trimester
2. Watch and listen to the Korotkoff sounds while blood pressure is taken in audio clip 5.3. What is the
systolic and diastolic blood pressure?
118/76 mm Hg
(NOTE: you should aim to obtain a measurement within 2-4 mm Hg. In this testing environment, it may depend
on the quality of your computer speakers. In actual practice, the stethoscope’s quality is a main determinant of
3. Which one of the two images below (Figure 5.5 or Figure 5.6) demonstrates the correct way of putting the
ear pieces of the stethoscope in your ears?
4. True or False: The bell of the stethoscope is best used to hear Korotkoff sounds.
Rationale: The correct answer is true. You can use the bell or diaphragm to take a blood pressure, but the best
way to hear the Korotkoff sounds is with the bell because it is better at picking up low-pitch vascular sounds.
8. The healthcare provider assesses an older client’s blood pressure for the first time at a walk-in clinic. The
healthcare provider obtains a reading of 164/84. What should the healthcare provider do first?
a. Take the client’s pulse
b. Provide education to the client
c. Inform the most responsible provider
d. Repeat the blood pressure on the other arm **
Rationale: The correct answer is d (repeat the blood pressure on the other arm). An abnormal blood pressure
needs to be repeated to determine accuracy before making a clinical decision.
9. A woman’s pre-pregnancy pulse and blood pressure are 72 bpm and 112/78. Which findings are of most
concern to the healthcare provider?
a. Pulse 82 bpm and BP 108/70 at the end of the first trimester
b. Pulse 68 bpm and BP 118/82 in the first half of the first trimester
c. Pulse 90 bpm and BP 104/68 at the beginning of the second trimester
d. Pulse 90 bpm and BP 138/88 towards the latter half of the final trimester **
• Now, you can start blood pressure so place the bell of the cleansed stethoscope over the brachial artery
using a light touch and complete seal.
• Open the valve slightly.
• Deflate the cuff quickly.
• Palpate the radial or brachial artery, inflate the blood pressure cuff until the pulse is no longer felt, and
then continue to inflate 20–30 mm Hg more: this is the maximum pressure inflation.
• Inflate the cuff to the maximum pressure inflation number.
• Deflate the cuff slowly and evenly at about 2 mm Hg per second.
• Note the points at which you hear the first appearance of Korotkoff sound (systolic blood pressure) and the
last Korotkoff sound before it goes silent (diastolic blood pressure).
• Place the bell of the cleansed stethoscope over the brachial artery using a light touch, but with an airtight
• Open the valve slightly.
• Palpate the radial or brachial artery, inflate the blood pressure cuff until the pulse is no longer felt, and
then continue to inflate 20–30 mmHg more.
• Deflate the cuff slowly and evenly at about 2 mm Hg per second.
• Note the points at which you hear the first appearance of Korotkoff sound (systolic blood pressure) and the
last Korotkoff sound before it goes silent (diastolic blood pressure).
Go to the next page to see the correct order of steps for these techniques.
1. Palpate the radial or brachial artery, inflate the blood pressure cuff until the pulse is no longer felt, and
then continue to inflate 20–30 mm Hg more: this is the maximum pressure inflation.
2. Deflate the cuff quickly.
3. Now, you can start blood pressure so place the bell of the cleansed stethoscope over the brachial artery
using a light touch and complete seal.
4. Inflate the cuff to the maximum pressure inflation number.
5. Open the valve slightly.
6. Deflate the cuff slowly and evenly at about 2 mm Hg per second.
7. Note the points at which you hear the first appearance of Korotkoff sound (systolic blood pressure), and the
last Korotkoff sound before it goes silent (diastolic blood pressure).
1. Palpate the radial or brachial artery, inflate the blood pressure cuff until the pulse is no longer felt, and
then continue to inflate 20–30 mmHg more.
2. Place the bell of the cleansed stethoscope over the brachial artery using a light touch, but with an airtight
3. Open the valve slightly.
4. Deflate the cuff slowly and evenly at about 2 mm Hg per second.
5. Note the points at which you hear the first appearance of Korotkoff sound (systolic blood pressure), and the
last Korotkoff sound before it goes silent (diastolic blood pressure).
Data about each case study are provided with a series of critical thinking questions. The answers are provided
on the page following the questions. You will need paper and a pen to write down your answers. For some of the
case studies, you will be directed to download a blank vital sign record.
Think about the client data and try to answer the following questions. Write your answers on a piece of paper.
Next, see and read the vital sign record below. On a piece of paper, write down each of the client’s vital sign
readings, and if applicable, the route used and the client’s position.
◦ regular rhythm, force 1+, weak and thready, equal radial pulses
• RR 22 bpm irregular rhythm
• BP lying 122/78 mm Hg
• 02 saturations 96%
Questions to Reflect On
1. Which findings are considered abnormal for this adult client? What medical terminology is used to define/
label these findings?
2. What further assessment should the healthcare provider do based on this adult client’s findings?
3. What actions should the healthcare provider take based on this adult client’s findings?
2. What further assessment should the healthcare provider do based on this adult client’s findings?
Continue to assess for signs of dehydration:
3. What actions should the healthcare provider take based on this adult client’s findings?
• Notify the most responsible provider such as the physician or nurse practitioner.
• If you are the most responsible provider, discuss and initiate treatments such as fluid rehydration.
Think about the client data and try to answer the following questions. Write your answers on a piece of paper.
1. What infection control measures need to be taken when interacting with this child and taking the child’s
vital signs?
2. What developmental considerations need to be considered when taking the child’s vital signs?
The toddler has a fever and an unknown rash, therefore needs to be isolated in a private room, and the healthcare
provider must wear a surgical mask, gown, and gloves (contact and droplet precautions). The toddler requires
vital signs equipment for use with that client only.
2. What developmental considerations need to be considered when taking this child’s vital signs?
• An apical pulse is taken for a full minute due to the client’s age.
• An axillary temperature is taken because it is minimally invasive. A rectal temperature may be performed to
check for accuracy considering that the client is febrile.
• The SpO2 saturation is taken via ear sensor or a taped finger sensor because the pulse oximeter clip is too
large for a young child’s finger.
Print the blank vital sign record and document the findings noted above. Then, go to the next page
to see the findings properly documented on the vital sign record.
1. Which vital sign findings are considered abnormal for this child? What medical terminology is used to
define/label these findings?
2. What are the healthcare provider’s actions based on this child’s findings?
• Remove external clothing from the client (down to a diaper) to reduce fever.
• Provide cool fluids or popsicles to reduce fever.
• Promote fluid intake to reduce fever and maintain hydration.
• Ensure safety and observe the child due to the risk of febrile seizures that can occur with high body
• Report to the most responsible provider if you are not the most responsible provider.
• T 37.1°C axilla
• RR 14 (shallow breathing)
• P 92 (radial), regular rhythm, 2+ force, Sp02 97%
• BP 134/90 mm Hg (right arm, sitting position)
• T 36.7°C axilla
• RR 14
• P 84, regular rhythm, 2+ force, Sp02 97%
• BP 124/74 mm Hg (right arm)
Think about the client data and try to answer the following questions. Write your answers on a piece of paper.
1. What needs to be considered when interpreting the vital signs findings of this pregnant client?
2. Which vital sign findings are considered abnormal for this pregnant client? What medical terminology is
used to define/label these findings?
• Even though the client’s reason for seeking care is shortness of breath, the Sp02 saturation is within the
normal range and the respiratory rate is in the normal range. In the third trimester, it is common for the
fetus to push against the diaphragm, causing it to raise and put pressure on the lungs resulting in the
pregnant woman feeling short of breath.
• When measuring respiration, the healthcare provider assesses the depth of breathing: breathing is usually
shallow in later-term pregnancy.
• Always take a fetal heart rate when taking a pregnant woman’s vital signs.
2. Which vital sign findings are considered abnormal for this pregnant client? What medical terminology is
used to define/label these findings?
The blood pressure is elevated because the systolic pressure is 134 and the diastolic pressure is 90. Healthcare
providers should first repeat the blood pressure reading for accuracy. They should also review the pregnant
woman’s blood pressure levels pre-pregnancy and during previous pregnancies to determine the significance
of these values. These considerations are important because slightly high systolic and diastolic blood pressure
levels in later-term pregnant women can require an urgent referral for an obstetrical assessment.
The blood pressure is repeated on both arms after the client is at rest for five minutes to confirm accuracy.
Try to answer the following questions. Write your answers on a piece of paper.
• T 37.1°C axilla
• RR 14 (shallow breathing)
• P 92 radial in sitting position, regular rhythm, 2+ force, Sp02 97%
• BP 134/90
Print the blank vital sign record and document the woman’s vital signs. Then, go to the next page
to see accurate documentation of vital signs.
Think about the client data and try to answer the following questions. Write your answers on a piece of paper.
1. Which findings are considered abnormal for this adult client? What medical terminology is used to define/
label these findings?
2. What factors might cause the blood pressure reading to be higher than normal in this adult client?
3. What is the healthcare provider’s next action based on the findings of this adult client?
1. Which findings are considered abnormal for this adult client? What medical terminology is used to
define/label these findings?
2. What factors might cause the blood pressure reading to be higher than normal in this adult client?
• Operator error
• Anxiety, stress, or pain
• Caffeine, smoking, or nicotine in the preceding 30 minutes
• Recently took adrenergic stimulants such as phenylephrine or pseudoephedrine
• Bladder and bowel discomfort
• Tight clothing on arm or forearm
• Noisy, cold room
• Taken immediately after activity
• Movement during the pressure reading
3. What are the healthcare provider’s next actions based on the findings of this older client?
After the healthcare provider followed the above procedures, the results were:
September 7, 2018
1058 hrs Sitting BP: 156/92 mm Hg right arm P 70 bpm (radial)
1100 hrs Sitting BP: 148/90 mm Hg left arm
Print the blank vital sign record and document the adult client’s vital sign readings. Then, go to
the next page for a sample vital sign record of these findings.
What are the healthcare provider’s actions based on the findings for this adult client?
1. Review the vital sign record and identify the trends that you see.
2. What should the healthcare provider’s next action be?
• Notify the most responsible provider (if you are not the most responsible provider).
• Anticipate fluid rehydration and continue to monitor the client closely.
Points to Consider
It is important to document vital signs in a timely manner. The healthcare provider reports any
abnormal and unexpected findings to the most responsible provider. For example, students should share
the findings with their preceptor or clinical instructor in a timely manner.
Conclusion | 189
Figure 7.1: Cells (Illustration credit: Hilary Tang)
190 | Conclusion
Artist Statement – Cells
The human body is a messy phenomenon. From the organ to the cell, the brain to the neurotransmitter, like
clockwork, everything is constantly happening. Down to our very core, the tiniest components are working in
conjunction, harmoniously, to let us eat, breathe, and move. Without our constant consciousness, we are living.
What an organized chaos our bodies are.
Conclusion | 191
96. Printable Flashcards
1. Remove the probe from the device and place a probe cover (from the box) on the oral thermometer without
touching the cover with your hands
2. Place the thermometer in the mouth under the tongue in the posterior sublingual pocket (slightly off-
centre) and instruct the client to keep mouth closed and not to bite on the thermometer
3. Remove the thermometer when the device beeps
4. Note the temperature on the digital display of the device
5. Discard the probe cover in the garbage (without touching the cover)
6. Place the probe back into the device
1. Remove the tympanic thermometer from the casing and place a probe cover (from the box) on the
thermometer tip without touching the cover with your hands
2. Turn the device on
3. For an adult or older child, gently pull the helix up and back to visualize the ear canal. For an infant or
younger child (under 3), gently pull the lobe down
4. Gently insert the probe into the opening of the ear
5. Activate the device
6. Note the temperature on the digital display of the device
7. Discard the probe cover in the garbage (without touching the cover) and place the device back into the
1. Remove the probe from the device and place a probe cover (from the box) on the thermometer without
touching the cover with your hands
2. Ask the client to raise the arm away from his/her body
3. Place the thermometer in the client’s armpit as high up as possible into the axillae on bare skin, with the
point facing behind the client, and ask the client to lower arm
4. Note the temperature on the digital display of the device
5. Discard the probe cover in the garbage (without touching the cover) and place the probe back into the
1. Ensure the client’s privacy and wash your hands and put on gloves
2. Position the client appropriately
3. Remove the probe from the device and place a probe cover on it
1. Use the pads of your first three fingers to gently palpate the radial pulse along the radius bone close to the
flexor aspect of the wrist
2. Press down with your fingers until you can best feel the pulsation
3. Note the rate, rhythm, force, and equality when measuring the radial pulse
Respiration Technique
1. Leave your fingers in place when you are done counting the pulse, and then begin assessing respiration
2. Observe the rise and fall of the chest or abdomen
3. Count for 30 seconds if the rhythm is regular or for a full minute if it is irregular
4. Report respiration as breaths per minute, as well as whether breathing is relaxed, silent, and has a regular
Pulse oximter
1. Palpate the radial or brachial artery, inflate the blood pressure cuff until the pulse is no longer felt, and
then continue to inflate 20–30 mm Hg more: this is the maximum pressure inflation.
2. Deflate the cuff quickly.
3. Now, you can start blood pressure so place the bell of the cleansed stethoscope over the brachial artery
using a light touch and complete seal.
4. Inflate the cuff to the maximum pressure inflation number.
5. Open the valve slightly.
6. Deflate the cuff slowly and evenly at about 2 mm Hg per second.
7. Note the points at which you hear the first appearance of Korotkoff sound (systolic blood pressure), and the
last Korotkoff sound before it goes silent (diastolic blood pressure).
1. Palpate the radial or brachial artery, inflate the blood pressure cuff until the pulse is no longer felt, and
then continue to inflate 20–30 mmHg more.
2. Place the bell of the cleansed stethoscope over the brachial artery using a light touch, but with an airtight
3. Open the valve slightly.
4. Deflate the cuff slowly and evenly at about 2 mm Hg per second.
5. Note the points at which you hear the first appearance of Korotkoff sound (systolic blood pressure), and the
last Korotkoff sound before it goes silent (diastolic blood pressure).
References | 195