OL Policy of The Bank With Answers
OL Policy of The Bank With Answers
OL Policy of The Bank With Answers
Circular 214/22
2. STR 18 Part I for March Quarter to be submitted by branches to ROs within ---
of succeeding Month 10th RO to CO within 15th CO to HO and Apex
Centre for Excellence to HO within 25th of succeeding month
3. Hindi was declared as Official Language of the UNION in India on which date?
Sep 14th 1949 and hence Hindi Diwas is being celebrated on 14th Sep
every year.
4. Official Language Policy of Govt of India came into effect from which date----
26th Jan 1950
7. Official Language Resolution was adopted in the year – by both the houses of
Parliament 18th Jan 1968
11. TOLICs are to be formed in all the Towns of the country where --- or more
Central Govt offices are functioning Ans 10
14. Percentage of dictation to be given in Hindi in A, B & C regions are 65%, 55%
& 30%
17. All documents that are place before the Houses of Parliament should be in
bilingual ie Hindi and English. This is as per --- Section 3(3) of Official
Languages Act 1963.
18. As per Rule ---- of Official Language Rule 1976 it the responsibility of the person
signing such documents to ensure that such documents are prepared in
Bilingual Rule 6
19. Rule No 5 of OL Rule 1976 deals with what? Letters received in Hindi to be
replied in Hindi.
20. As per which rule of OL rules 1976 the Central Govt Offices are required to
notify the names of offices in the official Gazette wherein 80% of the staff
have acquired working knowledge in Hindi. 10(4)
21. Rule 11 of OL Rules 1976 states what? All forms, manuals, rubber stamp
etc to be in bilingual.
22. It is the duty of head of the Administrative Office to ensure that all guidelines
as pe OL Act and provisions of OL Rule are complied with. This is as per----
Rule No 12 of OL rule 1976.
23. How many States / UTs are in A Region? 11 Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya
Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, UttarPradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan,
HimachalPradesh, Uttarakhand & Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Circle
offices of our Bank in these 11 States /UTs are 8)
24. Which Region is called Hindi Speaking Region Region Ans A - B & C are Non
Hindi Speaking
26. In Region B there are how many Circle Offices of our Bank? 4
28. ---- % of letters are to be sent in Hindi from Region A to Region C 55%
With Best Wishes from L Jagennath
29. The order of language in the name plates of our Bank in Region B & C (non
Hindi speaking States) should be---- Regional Language, Hindi, and
English. In Region A – Hindi & English
30. Which is Not relevant with regard to OL policy of the bank for the year 2022-
23? a) The best performing TOLIC will be awarded Rajbhasha Kirti Puraskar”
at National Level and Rajbhasha Puraskar at the regional level by Department
of Official Language. B) The quarterly progress report on Hindi has to be sent
by the bank to the department of Official Language on line within 30 days from
the completion of the quarter c)Annual assessment report to be sent by the
bank by 30th June d) None of these e)All of these Ans d
31. Hindi transalation of generally used English sentence has been provided by
Department of Official Language on its website under the heading -----. Ans
E Saral Hindi Vakyakosh
32. What is the minimum duration of Hindi Work shops as per HO Cir 226/2022?
Ans 1 day and minimum 2/3 time of the workshop to be devoted for
doing practical official work.
33. Every employee having knowledge in Hindi must be provided to attend the
workshop atleast once in --- years Ans 2 years
34. Workmen employees and officers in Scale I to Scale --- are to be included in
Hindi Workshop Ans Scale 4
35. One Hindi work shop to be organised at every Regional and Circle Office once
in a --- Ans Quarter
36. The honorarium payable to the serving employees of Central and State Govts
(guest trainers ) who are conducting Hindi Work shop is Rs --- per session of
75 minutes duration total payable in a year should not exceed Rs 5000 Ans
Rs 500
37. The fees payable to other than Serving employees is Rs -- per session of 75
minutes with out any upper limit in a year Ans Rs 1000
38. The department Official Language Govt of India conducts Basic Computer
Training Programmes in Hindi every year. The duration of the programme is
--- days 5 days
39. Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar award is related to what? Writing original books
in Hindi.
Circular 329/22
42. Minutes of OLIC meeting of RO to be sent to CO for review within --- days of
the meeting held and any observations raised by CO to be replied by RO within
--- days of receipt of the querry. 10 days and 7 days ( Same logic for CO
to HO)
43. Who is the nominated Chairman of OLIC in Head Office of our Bank? MD
&CEO of our Bank.
45. For OLIC meetings at branches, an expenditure of Rs --- per member per
quarter present is permissible. Rs 20
Circular 371/22
46. Prabodh, Praveen & Pragya or Banking Pragya courses are designed to attain
--- in Hindi Working knowledge
47. As per Rule 10 of OL Rule 1976 all those employees excluding Sub staff who
have passed Matriculation or an equivalent or higher examination with Hindi as
one of the subjects or who have passed Pragya examination conducted hy
Hindi teaching Scheme of Govt of India are considred as --- having working
knowledge in Hindi.
48. Duration of Prabodh Praveen and Pragya courses can be – months or – year. 6
months or 1 year
49. Full session contact programmes for these 3 courses should be conducted for -
-- working days 9
50. ---- Scheme was introduced by our bank to directly appear in Banking Pragya
exam to attain working knowledge in Hindi. Canbank Hindi Patrachar
51. The duration of the above course is from Jan to Nov and the employees to take
up the examination in the month of ---- November
52. – contact programmes of one week duration will be conducted during the
course period. 2
53. Parangat courses has been designed to attain --- in Hindi Proficiency
56. What is the cash incentive for employee for passing Parangat Examination
conducted by Hindi teaching scheme for attaining Proficiency in Hindi if they
get marks 70% and above Ans Rs 10,000 60% & above 69% Rs 7000 55%
& above to 59% marks Rs 4000
Circular 391/22
57. To encourage Branches, Offices, Sections and Wings to foresee progress in the
implementation of Official Language Hindi, our bank formulated a) Canara Bank
Rajbhasha Akshay Yojana b) Canara Bank Rajbhasha Puraskar Yojana c) a&b
d) None of these (391/2022) a Formulated in the year 1987
58. To motivate our Employees to use maximum of Hindi in their day to day official
work Employees are awarded with Medal, Certificate of Excellence and Cash
Prizes. The name of the scheme is ----- Canara Bank Rajbhasha Puraskar
59. For Best Circle Award under Rjbhasha Akshay Yojana, Circles in the Bank are
divided into A, B & C Categories as per which under C category there are ---
Circle offices (391/2022) 12 Circles in A Region 8 and In B Region 4
60. Total number of awards for Circles in the above category are --- 9 A – 1,II,&
III. B I & II C I,II,III and IV prizes 391/22
61. Employees (excluding Substaff) working in offices situated in A&B Regions are
eligible for prizes under Canara Bank Rajbhasha Puraskar Yojana if they have
used minimum --- words in Hindi in their official work during the financial year
Ans 25,000 391/22 C Region 15000 words Frist Prize Rs 1000
Second Rs 700 & third Rs 500
63. Awards are given to TOLIC, Nationalised banks etc which register significant
progress in the use of Official Language. Name of this award is -------
Rajbhasha Kirti Puraskar award.
Circular 483/22
64. On the occasion of Hindi Day celebrations 2022, All India intra bank Hindi
Essay Writing Competition was organised by our Bank for its employees. The
Topic for the Essay are Privatization of Nationalised Banks – New Dimensions
and Challenges or Journey of Official Language – From Link Language to Official
Language or ----. New age Banking- Presumptions and Possibilities
65. For the purpose of Hindi Essay writing Competition, employees are divided into
how many Linguistic Groups? Three (Group A Mother Tongue Hindi Group
B Mother Tongue Marathi, Punjabi and Gujarati & Group C all other
mother tongues)
66. ---- awards are proposed for each group for Hindi Essay Writing. Four (First
Rs 5000, Second Rs 3000, Third Rs 2000 and Encouragement Rs
Circular 521/22
67. In the current year Hindi fortnight was celebrated during --- 14th Sep 2022 to
29th Sep 2022
68. In the current year Hindi Diwas was organized by Govt of India in ---- outside
Delhi under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Home and Co-Operation Minister.
69. The joint event of Hindi Diwas and second All India Official Language
Conference in the year 2022 was held in Surat on ---- dates. 14th and 15th
Sep 2022.
70. First all India Official Language Conference was held outside Delhi for the first
time in which place? Varanasi Nov 13th and Nov 14th 2021
71. What is the name of the Hindi Magazine published by Canara Bank Head Office
72. State Level Security Standing Committee is organized by whom once in a year
73. The articles of the constitution dealing with the official language are----
74. Official Language Rules are applicable to all States/UTs other than -----
75. Hindi Language written in ---- Script is the official language of the Union of
India (Devanagari) As per article 343(1) of the constitution.
Besides the incentives registration, tution fees etc maximum For Phd
25000 and for all other courses Rs 15000