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Aneurysmal Disease - Thoracic Aorta

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Aneurysmal Disease: Thoracic Aorta

Andrew W. Hoel, MD

 Thoracic aorta  Thoracoabdominal aorta  Aneurysm  Endovascular surgery

 Aneurysmal degeneration of the thoracic aorta is a condition requiring surgical repair to
either prevent or treat aortic rupture, a condition with high morbidity and mortality.
 Maximum aortic diameter is currently the best indicator of risk of aneurysm rupture.
Elective repair of a thoracic aortic aneurysm is typically undertaken when aortic diameter
reaches 6 cm.
 Although medical therapy, including risk-factor modification, can slow aneurysmal degen-
eration and decrease rupture risk, the only definitive treatment is surgical repair.
 Open repair of thoracic and thoracoabdominal aneurysms is a highly invasive procedure
with a measurable risk of major morbidity and mortality. Endovascular aneurysm repair
has been developed as an alternative strategy for treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysms,
and is currently being developed for the treatment of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms.
 Spinal cord ischemia is an important complication of thoracic aortic aneurysm repair, and
multiple adjunctive strategies including cerebrospinal fluid drainage have been developed
to minimize the risk of neurologic complications.

Although thoracic aortic aneurysms (TAAs) are uncommon relative to the full spectrum
of cardiovascular disease, they are clinically important for the high potential acuity of
symptomatic patients and the attendant risks of surgical intervention.
This article focuses on aneurysms of the descending thoracic aorta (DTAAs) and
thoracoabdominal aorta (TAAAs). Aneurysms isolated to the abdominal aorta are dis-
cussed in detail in an article elsewhere in this issue. Although aneurysms of the
ascending aorta are clinically important and can also be classified as TAAs, they
have a pathophysiology distinct (though overlapping) to that of DTAAs. More impor-
tantly, however, aneurysms of the aortic root and ascending thoracic aorta require
clinical evaluation and treatment that is quite distinct from that for DTAAs, and are
therefore not discussed in this article.

Disclosures: No funding sources, no conflicts of interest (A.W. Hoel).

Division of Vascular Surgery, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, 676 North
Saint Clair Street, Suite #650, Chicago, IL 60611, USA
E-mail address: [email protected]

Surg Clin N Am 93 (2013) 893–910

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.suc.2013.05.001 surgical.theclinics.com
0039-6109/13/$ – see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
894 Hoel

In the discussion of TAAs the natural history and pathophysiology of thoracic aortic
aneurysms is reviewed, the evaluation of these patients is discussed, and treatment
options and their associated outcomes detailed.


Although the precise incidence of TAAs is difficult to ascertain, 2 studies on a discrete

population estimated the prevalence of aneurysms of the ascending, arch and
descending aorta at between 6 and 10 per 100,000 person-years. These studies
included all TAAs, of which the most common type was of the ascending aorta
(40%), with the descending aorta accounting for 35% and the thoracoabdominal aorta
10%.1,2 A population-based study of aortic disease in Sweden suggests that there is
an increase in the prevalence of thoracic aortic aneurysms over time. While there is
almost certainly increased detection of TAAs as a result of more widespread imaging,
there also does appear to be a true increase in TAA incidence in the population.3

Risk Factors
Not surprisingly, there is an age-dependent increase in the incidence of TAA, with an
average age of 65 years at diagnosis. Women tend to present, on average, more than
10 years later than men. Despite this, there is only a slight male predominance of TAA,
in contrast to the strong male predominance of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs).2
The subset of patients with a genetic predisposition to aneurysm formation, including
those with connective tissue disorders (see section on pathobiology), by contrast,
tend to present at a much younger age and tend to have a more malignant course.
Including this subset, it is estimated that approximately 20% of all patients with a
TAA have at least 1 family member with a known aortic aneurysm.4 In addition, there
is a well-established relationship between the development of TAAs and aortic dissec-
tion. It is estimated that 20% of TAAs are preceded by aortic dissection.5

Natural History
Like the study of TAA incidence, the study of the natural history is challenging. Longi-
tudinal study of patients undergoing surveillance demonstrates the clear tendency for
the aorta to enlarge over time at an average rate of nearly 3 mm per year.6 However,
the rate of expansion tends to accelerate over time and is more rapid for larger-
diameter aneurysms.7 That said, the rate of expansion is clearly not uniform over
time, and there appear to be periods of no growth interspersed with periods of expan-
sion. In general, rates of expansion greater than 0.5 cm per 6-month period are consid-
ered rapidly expanding, and fall into the category of aneurysms warranting repair.
Although rapid expansion is an important element in the decision to intervene, the
single most important component of surgical decision making is maximal aortic dia-
meter. In most cases, a TAA with a diameter of 6 cm warrants repair. This size is based
on our understanding of the diameter-dependent risk of aneurysm rupture. The longi-
tudinal evaluation of rupture risk at 5 years was estimated in one study to be 16% from
aneurysms from 4 to 5.9 cm and 31% for aneurysms greater than 6 cm.2 Another
series of 370 patients demonstrated a median diameter of 7.2 cm at the time of
rupture.8 This finding is not surprising given that, in the absence of rupture, the ten-
dency of aneurysms is to expand over time.
The risk of aneurysm rupture is also increased with increasing age, the presence of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and the presence of chronic back pain.
We can also reasonably extrapolate from our understanding of AAAs that continued
tobacco abuse, in particular, may increase the likelihood of aneurysm rupture.9,10
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms 895


The thoracic aorta collects a portion of the kinetic energy generated by ventricular
contraction (systole). The elasticity of the thoracic aorta returns this stored kinetic
energy during diastole, and is an important component of diastolic perfusion. Aneu-
rysmal degeneration is a process characterized by chronic inflammation, smooth
muscle cell death, and degradation of elastin in the aortic wall. This combination of
events leads to stiffening of the aortic wall. Decreased compliance of the aortic wall
combined with increased aortic diameter (that is not compensated by increased
wall thickness) leads to increased wall stress on the aorta. This central sequence of
events can lead to aneurysm rupture. The most predominant type of TAAs follows
this degenerative pattern, although a small but important subset of aneurysmal dis-
ease is directly related to congenital etiology.

Connective Tissue Disorders

Congenital TAAs are grouped together broadly as connective tissue disorders,
comprising 4 (primary) types:
 Marfan syndrome. A mutation of the fibrillin-1 gene confers a clinical syndrome
characterized by cardiovascular, ocular, and musculoskeletal symptoms. These
patients are at particular risk for aortic root dilation, ascending aortic aneurysms,
and aortic dissection, which represent the greatest risk of premature death to
these patients. However, descending aortic aneurysms, typically associated
with aortic dissection, are also an important clinical component of this disease.11
 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). One part of the spectrum of connective tissue
disorders, type IV or “vascular” EDS is an autosomal dominant defect in type
III procollagen. This syndrome can manifest in a broad spectrum of hemorrhagic
complications, owing to arterial fragility. This spectrum includes aortic dissection
with high risk of rupture that does not necessarily correlate with aortic
 Loeys-Dietz syndrome (LDS). Recently described and a manifestation of a muta-
tion of transforming growth factor b, LDS has a spectrum of craniofacial, skeletal,
and cardiovascular abnormalities. There is a significant risk of aortic aneurysm
rupture even at smaller diameters.13
 Nonsyndromic TAAs. There is an emerging spectrum of congenital TAAs with an
autosomal dominant inheritance pattern and variable penetrance/expression.
Patients tend to present at a younger age than those with degenerative TAAs,
and tend to have a significant family history. In contrast to the disease pattern
of degenerative aneurysms, there is an apparent predominance of descending
aortic abnormality.4

Asymptomatic TAA
The majority of TAAs are discovered incidentally on imaging studies conducted for
other reasons. Such imaging includes plain chest radiographs on which a spectrum
of findings in the mediastinum can suggest a TAA, such as a widened mediastinum,
enlargement of the aortic knob, displacement of the trachea to the right, displacement
of the aortopulmonary window, and occasional direct visualization of the calcified wall
of a dilated aorta (Fig. 1).14 Recognition of these findings typically warrants further
evaluation with cross-sectional imaging. Unfortunately, there are scant clinical signs
of an asymptomatic aneurysm on examination.
896 Hoel

Fig. 1. Two representative chest radiographs of patients with an asymptomatic thoracic

aortic aneurysm (TAA) demonstrating loss of the aortopulmonary window and a hilar
mass (white arrows).

As already discussed, the critical determinant of need for aneurysm repair is the
maximal diameter of the aorta. Therefore, high-resolution imaging is the single most
important step in evaluating a patient with a TAAs. High-resolution imaging also pro-
vides critical information about the aortic anatomy. This aspect is particularly impor-
tant when considering endovascular repair of the aneurysm, although a great deal
of operative planning can be made based on preoperative imaging even for open
repair. Dilation of the aortic wall occurs in 3 dimensions, meaning that while diameter
and circumference increase, so does length, leading to a marked increase in aortic tor-
tuosity. Although this has some relevance for open repair, understanding the angula-
tion and tortuosity of the thoracic aorta is critical in evaluation for endovascular repair.
Multiple imaging modalities are available and are routinely used.
 Computed tomography (CT) angiography. The CT scan is the most common
modality used for evaluation of the aorta. It provides high-resolution axial imaging
and excellent quality reconstructions in coronal and sagittal planes, as well as
3-dimensional reconstructions. Advanced imaging software allows precise mea-
surement of the aorta and its branches. In particular, measurements for endovas-
cular repair are greatly aided by measurements in an orthogonal plane, at a right
angle to the center line of the aorta. The disadvantages of CT are small, but there
is a risk of renal injury with contrast administration, particularly in patients with
baseline renal insufficiency. There is also emerging evidence of increased risk
of radiation-induced malignancy in patients undergoing serial CT imaging. In
planning an endovascular repair, it is extremely important to image the entire
aorta and iliac system, as endograft delivery systems are large and there is a
well-documented risk of access complications that can be minimized by an
appreciation of iliofemoral pathology.
 Magnetic resonance (MR) angiography. The imaging resolution of MR angiography
is generally of a lesser quality than CT. Further, MR angiography provides less in-
formation about aortic-wall calcification and atheroma, which has significant impli-
cations for surgical planning. The advantage is that there is no radiation exposure.
Although there is a well-documented risk of nephrogenic systemic sclerosis in
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms 897

patients with renal insufficiency who are exposed to the MR contrast agent gado-
linium, there are methods that eliminate the need for contrast exposure.
 Angiography. Fluoroscopic, 2-dimensional angiography is an important second-
ary imaging technique that is largely required intraoperatively to accurately
deploy an endograft. However, its utility is limited as a diagnostic modality for
TAAs because it is only effective at imaging the flow lumen of the aorta. It
does not adequately image mural thrombus or calcifications and, as such, the
landing zones for an endograft and the sewing ring of an open repair may not
be accurately interpreted. In addition, like CT, angiography uses iodinated
contrast with its attendant renal risk. Finally, it is an invasive procedure that con-
fers a limited procedural risk. These factors have made it largely obsolete as a
diagnostic modality.
 Intravascular ultrasonography (IVUS). As an imaging modality, IVUS can be
extremely helpful intraoperatively in understanding the aortic anatomy, particu-
larly in the setting of aortic dissection. IVUS offers the additional benefit of poten-
tially decreasing the need for intraoperative contrast angiography in the setting of
renal insufficiency.
 Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). TEE is a useful adjunct intraopera-
tively to assess the aortic arch and proximal descending aorta. It is useful in
open repair for the anesthesia assessment of cardiac function around the time
of proximal aortic clamping. It provides less direct benefit in thoracic endovas-
cular aneurysm repair (TEVAR); however, it can be a useful adjunct if there is
concern for retrograde aortic dissection at the time of endograft deployment.

Symptomatic TAAA
The key symptoms of thoracic aortic rupture or impending rupture are acute onset of
back and/or chest pain. In addition, the presence of concurrent abdominal pain can be
present in patients with symptomatic thoracoabdominal aneurysms. In patients with
overt aortic rupture, there is typically rapid progression of hemodynamic instability
with subsequent cardiovascular collapse. Rapid, concurrent respiratory failure is a
feature of free rupture into the left hemithorax. Rarely, erosion into mediastinal struc-
tures can result in hemoptysis from aortobronchial fistula or hematemesis from an
aortoesophageal fistula.
The ruptured TAA requires prompt evaluation for surgical repair, often including
cross-sectional imaging as well as typical preoperative evaluation and surgical plan-
ning that would occur with any emergency surgery. This evaluation should be per-
formed expeditiously and concurrently with resuscitation and stabilization. It is
important that this does not necessarily require normalization of hemodynamics, as
there is likely access to permissive hypotension in a contained rupture.
Less common is a TAAA causing subacute or chronic symptoms that do not indicate
current or impending rupture. These signs and symptoms are generally related to
compression or stretch of the aneurysmal aorta on adjacent structures including the
esophagus (dysphagia, odynophagia, weight loss) (Fig. 2), the duodenum (early
satiety), trachea (dyspnea), and recurrent laryngeal nerve (hoarseness, aspiration).
Chronic, stable back pain can also be a feature of thoracic aneurysms, although
this symptom is often difficult to separate from musculoskeletal pain because it is
common for these patients to have concurrent degenerative disease of their spine.
Occasionally, after repair and full recovery, chronic back pain can be attributed to a
TAA by its absence after repair. Of course, change in severity or character of back
pain in a patient with a known TAA warrants prompt evaluation with cross-sectional
imaging and a low threshold for surgical intervention.
898 Hoel

Fig. 2. Esophageal compression (white arrow) in a patient with a large, tortuous type II thor-
acoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA). This patient required a gastrostomy tube before
aneurysm repair for nutritional optimization.

Patients with chronic and stable symptoms that may be attributed to their aneurysm
should undergo prompt risk stratification and risk-factor modification, as described
later, in anticipation of repair.


There is an expanding spectrum of options for the surgical treatment of TAAs. Open
repair remains the best studied and most inclusive repair, and technical improvements
over time have improved outcomes. Closely following advancements in open repair,
the treatment of TAA has been dramatically altered in the past 15 years with the advent
of TEVAR. Medical therapy has incrementally improved the treatment of patients with
Medical Therapy
Degenerative aneurysms, broadly speaking, are a chronic progressive condition.
However, there are clear opportunities for medical optimization to mitigate the risks
of aneurysm expansion and rupture. This factor is particularly relevant for patients
with small aneurysms undergoing surveillance and patients who are not candidates
for any repair. Even in patients undergoing repair, medical optimization is important
and should not be overlooked. Furthermore, patients with connective tissue disorders
are additionally susceptible to increased risk of adverse outcomes in the absence of
risk modification.
 Smoking cessation. There is a clear relationship between smoking and cardio-
vascular disease. This relationship extends to aortic aneurysms, whereby
smoking is a significant risk factor for both expansion9 and rupture10,15 of aneu-
rysms. Because of this, there is no single more important modifiable risk factor
than tobacco abuse in patients with TAAs.
 Statin medications. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors have become a mainstay of
treatment for a broad array of cardiovascular disease extending beyond their
established lipid-lowering indications. Indeed, one can extrapolate a benefit to
patients with TAAs from a meta-analysis with meta-regression of clinical studies
that demonstrates benefit to statins in preventing the expansion of AAAs.16 In a
retrospective review, there was a demonstrated increase in survival for patients
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms 899

with a TAA who were taking statins. This increased survival was attributed to
decreased expansion of aneurysms and a decreased need for surgical repair.17
This finding has been hypothesized to be related to an apparent pleiotropic effect
that decreases inflammation and stabilizes the arterial wall.
 b-Blockade. Reduction in blood pressure, as well as cardiac ionotropy and chro-
notropy, seem to be intuitively beneficial for patients with TAA. Indeed, benefit for
b-blockade was demonstrated for patients with Marfan syndrome, with a reduc-
tion in formation and enlargement of TAA with propranolol.18 However, subse-
quent evaluation of b-blockade in patients with degenerative aortic aneurysms
did not demonstrate clear benefit. That said, b-blockade remains generally
accepted for perioperative risk reduction before cardiovascular surgery. There
is therefore a strong basis for b-blockade in patients with TAA who are facing
surgical intervention.
 Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Despite experimental evidence
of a relationship between angiotensin II and the development of paravisceral
aneurysms and their subsequent suppression by ACE inhibition,19 there are con-
flicting data on the clinical benefit to suppression of angiotensin II. A large-scale
population study in Canada demonstrated a decreased risk of aneurysm rupture
in patients taking ACE inhibitors.20 In stark contrast, results from the United
Kingdom Small Aneurysm Trial demonstrated disproportionate aneurysm expan-
sion with ACE inhibitors.21 Clearly this area is open to further investigation.
 Doxycycline. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have been implicated in the
degradation of elastin in the aortic wall and have been linked to the formation
of AAAs. As a nonspecific inhibitor of MMPs, doxycycline is being investigated
as a medical therapy for aortic aneurysms, based on experimental and preli-
minary clinical studies that suggest doxycycline decreases MMP expression in
the aortic wall and inhibits the expansion of AAAs.22 There is currently a phase
III randomized trial evaluating doxycycline as medical therapy for small AAAs.
Even if doxycycline is effective in the treatment of AAAs, it would not necessarily
translate to equal benefit in the treatment of TAAs. However, doxycycline is an
important example of a targeted medical therapy that may be included in the
future scope of care for TAAs.
Although medical optimization is an important element of management of aneu-
rysmal disease, there has been no demonstrated medical treatment for TAAs that
eliminates the risk of future rupture. Therefore, surgery is the mainstay of therapy
for patients meeting criteria for treatment. Determining optimal surgical therapy for
a patient with a TAA requires an understanding of the aortic anatomy and the patient’s
medical fitness for a procedure.

Surgical Treatment
Open surgical repair of TAA is complex, care intensive, and carries significant risk of
morbidity and mortality. For these reasons careful patient selection based on patient
anatomy and medical comorbidities is mandatory.

Anatomic considerations
TAAs and TAAAs are commonly categorized by the extent of repair required. This clas-
sification, devised by Crawford and colleagues,23 divides the anatomic type into 4
categories based on the extent of repair required:
 Type I aneurysm repair is performed distal to the left carotid extending below the
diaphragm to above the renal arteries.
900 Hoel

 Type II repair originates distal to the left carotid artery but above the sixth inter-
costal space, and extends to below the renal arteries.
 Type III repair originates in the mid-thoracic aorta below the sixth intercostal
space but above the diaphragm, and extends below the renal arteries.
 Type IV aneurysm repair originates below the diaphragm but above the renal
arteries, and terminates below the renal arteries.
In addition to providing a uniform description of the anatomic repair required, this
classification also summarizes the potential for morbidity and mortality of repair.
Type II aneurysms, in particular, have the greatest potential for morbidity and mortality
owing to the extent of repair. By contrast, type IV aneurysms tend to have lower risk of
morbidity and mortality, particularly if repair can be accomplished while remaining in
the abdominal cavity.

Preoperative risk stratification

Patients who are anatomic candidates for open repair also require assessment of their
medical fitness for surgery, in particular assessment with respect to cardiac, pulmo-
nary, and renal impairment. As already noted, TAA patients tend to be older and are
likely to have significant comorbidity that requires thorough consideration before
 Cardiac. In general, patients should undergo complete cardiac risk stratification.
In the majority of patients with degenerative aneurysms this will involve a nuclear
or echocardiographic stress test. Reversible ischemia is generally considered a
contraindication to elective open TAAA repair without prior coronary revascular-
ization. In addition, patients with baseline reduced ejection fraction and abnormal
ventricular function are at particularly high risk for perioperative mortality.24,25
 Pulmonary. While preoperative pulmonary dysfunction is predictive of postoper-
ative pulmonary complications, this is an even greater consideration in patients
requiring thoracotomy for treatment of their TAA. Patients with a 1-second forced
expiratory volume of less than 70% of predicted carry a diagnosis of COPD and
are at particular risk for postoperative pulmonary complications and mortality.25
Preoperative smoking cessation is critical in these patients.
 Renal. Renal insufficiency is a significant predictor of perioperative morbidity and
mortality.26 In particular, a baseline creatinine level of greater than 2.5 mg/dL is a
relative contraindication to open repair. However, some would argue that pa-
tients with renal artery stenosis who are capable of undergoing revascularization
during their procedure should be considered candidates for repair.
Patients at high risk for open repair can still be considered for repair by a hybrid or
endovascular approach (see later discussion). However, of importance is that high-
risk patients for open repair are still at increased risk of complications even with a
less invasive procedure.

Open surgical treatment of TAA

Because open surgery for TAAs is so invasive, it is a procedure whereby treatment at
centers with high volume and/or significant experience can lead to improved out-
comes. Coselli and colleagues27 reported an operative mortality of 6.6% and a rate
of spinal cord ischemia of 4% in 2286 patients undergoing open TAAA repair. This
result represents some of the best outcomes available in the literature, in contrast
to perioperative mortality rates of 19% for elective TAAA repair in a review of claims
data in California from 1991 to 2002.28 This higher mortality rate points to the variation
in outcome across centers, and suggests that outcomes from high-volume centers do
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms 901

not necessarily reflect “real-world” practice. Similarly, the risk of paraplegia is esti-
mated to be as high as 14% in other series. Additional risks of open TAA are not trivial,
and include an estimated 20% risk of cardiac events including myocardial infarction, a
20% to 50% risk of pulmonary complications, and a 13% to 20% risk of renal
There are many specific ways to gain adequate surgical exposure to a TAA. In
general, efficient progress in aortic reconstruction is facilitated by wide exposure,
and the author therefore does not compromise in the extent of dissection before
beginning reconstruction. In open DTAA repair, the aneurysmal aorta is exposed
through a posterior-lateral thoracotomy in the sixth intercostal space, with posterior
division and shingling of the sixth rib for additional exposure. The left lung is reflected
anteriorly after dividing the inferior pulmonary ligament. TAAAs require extension of
the incision through the abdominal wall with retroperitoneal dissection and circumfer-
ential division of the diaphragm, to expose the entire involved aorta including the
visceral segment.
Left heart bypass, sequentially moving the distal clamp further down the aorta as
the reconstruction progresses, is an important adjunct that is used by many sur-
geons to maintain renal and spinal cord perfusion to a maximal extent during repair.
This maneuver is typically accomplished by cannulation of the left atrial appendage
or inferior pulmonary ligament proximally and the left femoral artery distally. Distal
perfusion is facilitated with a Biomedicus pump, which can adjust perfusion pressure
as necessary throughout the reconstruction and also allows selective perfusion of the
visceral and renal arteries during reconstruction. Venoatrial bypass in the left groin
and clamp-and-sew followed by antegrade perfusion via a side-arm graft just below
the proximal anastomosis are other methods used successfully for end-organ
Regardless of the precise method of end-organ protection, reconstruction typically
proceeds with a Carrel patch of the celiac, superior mesenteric artery, and right renal
artery, and a short branch to the left renal artery. A second patch to intercostal
branches is often indicated as well. However, precise reconstruction is tailored to
the specific anatomy of the patient, and careful review of preoperative axial imaging
greatly facilitates procedure planning. The important exception to the use of a Carrel
patch is in the setting of connective tissue disorders, whereby a multiple-branched
Dacron graft and reinforcement of anastomoses is warranted to prevent late degener-
ation (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Open repair of a type III TAAA in a patient with a connective tissue disorder. Note
that each renal and visceral artery has a separate branch to prevent future aortic
902 Hoel

Perioperative adjuncts As already noted, in addition to cardiac, pulmonary, and renal

morbidity associated with TAA repair, there is significant risk of spinal cord ischemia
associated with aortic cross-clamping. Multiple adjuncts have been developed to
minimize the risk of paraplegia associated with TAA repair. These methods are gener-
ally centered on maintaining spinal perfusion pressure intraoperatively and in the
immediate postoperative period. The most widely studied, used, and accepted of
these adjuncts is spinal fluid drainage, whereby a catheter is inserted into the intra-
thecal space at the L3-L4 interspace. Maintenance of low intracranial cerebrospinal
fluid pressure (ICP) augments spinal cord perfusion pressure (SCPP) and has been
demonstrated to be effective in multiple studies.31 Maintenance of mean arterial pres-
sure (MAP) greater than 90 is also an effective adjunct in maintaining perfusion pres-
sure (SCPP 5 MAP ICP). Passive hypothermia, distal aortic perfusion, and
intravenous naloxone infusion have also been demonstrated to contribute to the
prevention of spinal cord ischemia.32 The real-time, intraoperative monitoring of spinal
cord function with somatosensory and/or motor evoked potentials have been demon-
strated to be a useful adjunct to tailoring therapy to the patient’s physiology and

Endovascular treatment of DTAA

As previously noted, endovascular repair has dramatically altered the management of
TAAs. The first report detailing this treatment strategy is commonly attributed to Dake
and colleagues34 at Stanford. Since that time the technology has advanced signifi-
cantly, and TEVAR currently markedly outpaces open aneurysm repair. There are clear
theoretical advantages to an endovascular repair that eliminates the need for thora-
cotomy and single lung ventilation as well as avoiding cross-clamping of the thoracic
aorta. The periprocedural superiority of TEVAR was demonstrated in a 2.1% periop-
erative mortality in comparison with 11.7% for an open surgical cohort.29 As might
be expected, perioperative complications and length of stay were significantly
reduced in patients undergoing TEVAR. Indeed, a systematic review of available
studies demonstrated a significant reduction in mortality and major neurologic compli-
cations.35 The risk of neurologic complications including spinal cord ischemia remains
present in TEVAR, just as in open repair.36 Therefore, the adjuncts for spinal cord pro-
tection as described herein are also likely to be beneficial in the endovascular repair of
TAAs and TAAAs.
However, the long-term benefit of TEVAR has not yet been clearly established. In
fact, although an analysis of Medicare patients demonstrated early benefit for TEVAR,
that benefit did not persist. By 5 years, open repair of DTAAs had better survival (72%,
vs 62% for TEVAR; P 5 .001), an effect that persisted with risk adjustment and propen-
sity matching.37 There are many potential explanations for this finding, but what is clear
is that patient selection remains extremely important for any thoracic aortic procedure.
As discussed earlier, preoperative axial imaging with CT angiography supplemented
with advanced imaging software is critical to the accurate assessment of patient suit-
ability for TEVAR. There are 3 crucial elements to appropriately selecting an endograft
for implantation:
1. Assurance of adequate proximal and distal seal zones. Current commercially avail-
able devices require at least 2 cm of nondiseased parallel aortic wall for proximal
and distal landing zones (Fig. 4).
2. Accurate sizing of devices. In general, measurements of aortic diameter are
obtained at multiple points along the length of the seal zone. Selection of appropri-
ately sized devices involves oversizing by approximately 20% to achieve appro-
priate radial force on the aortic wall.
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms 903

Fig. 4. Thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair requires 2 cm of proximal and distal landing
zone for adequate seal of the endograft (white bars on left panel). Completion imaging
demonstrates good position of devices and exclusion of the aneurysm.

3. Assessment of access vessels. It is critical and often overlooked that device

deployment requires delivery of a large (20F to 24F) sheath to the aorta. It is not un-
common that the iliac arteries are of inadequate size to deliver the device, and
therefore require additional procedures for access, such as a graft to the iliac artery
as a conduit.
Although there is evidence for efficacy of TEVAR in the treatment of degenerative
aneurysms, the treatment of connective tissue disorders with TEVAR is not widely
accepted, largely because of concerns that more fragile aortic tissue in connective tis-
sue disease would not be suitable as a seal zone for a stable and durable endograft

Hybrid procedures: aortic debranching

Aortic arch debranching In patients with inadequate proximal seal zones for standard
TEVAR, aortic arch debranching may be a reasonable alternative to cardiopulmonary
bypass with hypothermic circulatory arrest. The aortic arch is divided into zones for
the purposes of accurately describing the necessary proximal landing zone of the
aortic arch (Fig. 5). Endovascular repair is appropriate for aneurysms originating in
zone 4, with aneurysms in zone 0 to 3 frequently requiring debranching procedures.
The most common and least invasive debranching procedure is a left carotid to sub-
clavian transposition or bypass. The procedure is generally well tolerated and is
achieved through a small left supraclavicular incision. A single-center series demon-
strated a 63% risk of stroke or vertebrobasilar insufficiency without revascularization,
and a 9% rate of left vocal cord paresis with revascularization,38 suggesting efficacy
for revascularization. A systemic review and meta-analysis of related literature
resulted in a Society for Vascular Surgery practice guideline recommending left sub-
clavian revascularization in most circumstances.39 This procedure allows endograft
placement into zone 2 of the aortic arch, and can provide a suitable proximal seal
zone for TEVAR.
904 Hoel

Fig. 5. The zones of the aortic arch relative to proximal endograft attachment sites. (From
Adams JD, Garcia LM, Kern JA. Endovascular repair of the thoracic aorta. Surg Clin North Am

A carotid-carotid bypass allows coverage of the left carotid artery origin by an

endograft and extends the proximal seal into zone 1 of the arch. However, the anat-
omy of the left carotid origin is variable, and if the distance between the innominate
artery and left carotid is short there is potentially little benefit to this procedure. The
procedure is performed by end-to-side anastomosis on each carotid artery with a
prosthetic conduit in either a retropharyngeal or retroesophageal tunnel, followed by
proximal ligation of the left common carotid artery. Additional left carotid to left sub-
clavian bypass, as already described, is also recommended in this circumstance.
Patency of the carotid-carotid bypass is excellent40 and avoids the median sternot-
omy required for total arch debranching.
To extend the proximal seal of an endograft into zone zero, arch debranching via
median sternotomy is necessary. This procedure entails proximalization of great
vessel perfusion using a bifurcated or trifurcated synthetic conduit, with proximal
anastomosis to the proximal ascending aorta using a side-biting clamp. Distal anas-
tomoses are then performed with proximal ligation of each of the supra-aortic trunk
vessels (Fig. 6).

Visceral debranching Debranching of the celiac, superior mesenteric, and renal

arteries to a more distal origin allows the use of thoracic endografts in the treatment
of thoracoabdominal aneurysms. In this procedure, a multibranch bypass is taken
from either the distal aorta or iliac arteries with separate distal anastomoses to the
visceral and renal arteries. The procedure is typically performed via a midline
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms 905

Fig. 6. Aortic arch debranching with a common trunk from the ascending aorta. Arrows in
the image on the left demonstrate the origins of the innominate, left carotid, and left sub-
clavian arteries. At the time of stent-graft deployment in the image on the right, an addi-
tional 4 cm of proximal seal was obtained with the debranching (curved white line).

laparotomy, which allows ready access to all vessels. Less common is a retroperito-
neal approach, which allows extraperitoneal dissection but limits exposure of the right
renal artery. The precise configuration of graft origin and orientation is highly depen-
dent on patient anatomy and requires careful review of a preoperative CT angiogram.
In planning the debranching, the CT is important in ensuring that the aneurysm will be
adequately covered by the endograft without compromising the debranching by-
passes. In addition, the CT should be reviewed to ensure that there is no occlusive dis-
ease in either the inflow or outflow that could interfere with durability of the
debranching procedure. Iliac access for the subsequent endograft is preferred on
the contralateral side of the debranching inflow site to minimize the risk of anastomotic
injury, but this is not always possible in the setting of small or diseased iliac arteries.
For patients with small iliac access, aortic debranching can be done in conjunction
with an iliofemoral conduit (Fig. 7).
Completion of the aneurysm repair with endograft coverage of the aneurysm can be
completed at the time of debranching, or as a staged procedure with endograft
deployment as a separate procedure. A single-stage procedure may be more conve-
nient from a vascular exposure standpoint. However, because these patients tend to
be more medically fragile, it is common to stage the procedure to limit morbidity.
There are clear theoretical advantages to aortic debranching and endograft place-
ment when compared with open repair. Advantages include eliminating the need for a
thoracotomy and its attendant pulmonary morbidity, avoiding aortic clamping in most
cases, and minimizing the ischemic time to kidneys and viscera. Indeed, there have
been single-center series with excellent results of 0% to 4% mortality and spinal
cord ischemia of 1% to 6%.41–43 However, these results represent the very best of
outcomes, and a systematic review of published series between 2000 and 2010
analyzed results from 507 patients with a pooled 12.8% 30-day/in-hospital mortality
and a 7.5% rate of spinal cord ischemia.44 The variability in these results highlights
906 Hoel

Fig. 7. Visceral debranching of the celiac, superior mesenteric, and bilateral renal arteries
with polytetrafluoroethylene from a left iliac artery conduit origin (left). After endograft
repair, CT demonstrates good position of all grafts and patency of bypass grafts (right).

the importance of both patient selection and surgical expertise. As the technology of
branched and fenestrated endografts expands to treat the full spectrum of complex
aneurysms, aortic debranching will become more rarely used.

Branched endografts
When TEVAR (and EVAR in the case of type IV and juxtarenal aneurysms) is not appro-
priate because of aneurysmal involvement of the visceral segment, total endovascular
TAAA exclusion, particularly the branched endograft, is becoming the best remaining
alternative in patients who are not candidates for open repair.
Branched endovascular aneurysm repair (BEVAR) is an emerging technology that
builds on and customizes existing endograft technology. Fenestrations are placed
in the endograft, which allow cannulation and stenting of the visceral and renal arteries
to maintain branch patency in a segment of treated aorta. The initial iteration of this
technology was a custom device for the treatment of juxtarenal and type IV thoracoab-
dominal aneurysms. Studies by Verhoeven and colleagues45 and Amiot and col-
leagues46 demonstrated very good outcomes in the perioperative period, with 99%
technical success and 30-day mortality of less than 2%. Using the same technology,
Greenberg and colleagues47 compared 372 open and 352 endovascularly treated
DTAAs and TAAAs in a single-institution study. Although the endovascular patients
had more significant medical comorbidities, they had an equal 30-day and 1-year sur-
vival as well as equivalent rates of spinal cord ischemia.
The development of an endograft using a caudally directed branch technique is also
undergoing evaluation in a multicenter clinical trial. The current iteration of this device
is an off-the-shelf graft designed to treat approximately 80% of TAAA anatomy
(Fig. 8).48 A single-center evaluation of this technique demonstrated excellent out-
comes in treatment of 81 high-risk patients, with a 6.2% 30-day mortality and a
3.7% rate of paraplegia. A total of 306 branches were placed in the 81 study subjects,
with a primary patency rate of 95% at a mean 21-month follow-up.49 In general,
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms 907

Fig. 8. Postoperative CT of the Cook T-branch device (left) using the caudally directed cuff
technique and designed for the endovascular treatment of TAAAs. The device is shown
on the right.

effective use of these devices requires sophisticated imaging evaluation, precise

multidimensional measurement of anatomy, and a higher-order operative skill set
than that required for TEVAR. Although this technology is some time away from wide-
spread clinical use, it has the potential to effectively treat high-risk patients in the near
term and, potentially, standard-risk patients in the future.


TAAs and TAAAs are uncommon vascular abnormalities. However, the high mortality
associated with aneurysm rupture and the indolent course of aneurysm formation cap-
tures the attention of patients and providers when an aneurysm is discovered. The
treatment of TAAs has advanced markedly over the last 20 years, with improvements
in adjuncts for open aneurysm repair and the development and refinement of endovas-
cular therapy. The technology will continue to advance, and the prospect of broadly
available branched and fenestrated endografts for the treatment of TAAAs has the
potential to provide improved outcomes to patients with this severe disease.


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