Hku Compfee 0000598476
Hku Compfee 0000598476
Hku Compfee 0000598476
Invoice Items
Term Item Amount (HKD)
2020-21 Sem 2 Comp Fee - Engg (TPG) - P/T 26,000.00
Total : 26,000.00
Bill A/C No. / Payment Reference No. for ATM / PPS / Internet Banking / Jet Payment /
Bill Type
BEA Cyberpayment / HSBC Cheque Deposit Machine
01 30356691429999
*** According to General Regulation G17, students who have not settled their outstanding University fees within 30 days after the due
date shall be de-registered and be prohibited from using University facilities and services. To re-instate the student status, students shall
have to pay a surcharge of 10% of the outstanding fees, or $500, whichever is the lesser, and may additionally be required to
compensate the University for any loss of interest due to late payment or non-payment of fee. If you have any difficulties in settling the
outstanding fees, you must contact the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) BEFORE the due date for
assistance. ***
Office Telephone Hotline Email Address
How to make payment & account enquiry Finance and Enterprises Office(FEO) 2859-2337/2859-2344 [email protected]
Need financial assistance/ Government grant Ctr of Dev & Res for Students(CEDARS) 3917-2305 [email protected]
& loan
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Payment Instructions 繳費辦法
By using bank machines in Hong Kong: 使用香港銀行自動服務機:
A) Through Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) A) 透過「自動櫃員機」交費
ATM cardholder may settle the invoice through the following types of ATM: 提款卡持有者可到以下自動櫃員機繳付賬單:
a. JETCO ATM with 'JET Payment Service' logo a. 貼有「繳費易」標誌之「銀通」自動櫃員機
b. HSBC/Hang Seng Bank ATM with 'Bill Payment Service' logo b. 貼有「繳費通」標誌之「匯豐」或「恒生」銀行自動櫃員機
• Select 'Bill Payment'; 'Education' then 'The University of Hong Kong'. • 請按以下次序選擇收款機構:「繳費」、「專上學院」、「香港大學」。
• Enter the Bill Type & 14-digit Bill Account No. as indicated in the invoice**. • 請輸入賬單所示之賬單類別及14位數字賬單戶口號碼**。
• Key in the settlement amount. • 請輸入繳費金額。
• Please retain the ATM transaction advice as your proof of payment. • 閣下須保留自動櫃員機之付款收據作為閣下之繳費證明。
• Payment via PPS website is recommended as you can print a copy of the • 為閣下可打印一份已被確認之「網上交易編號」作為閣下之繳費證明,建議使
PPS payment reference number (after confirmation) as your proof of
payment. 用「繳費靈」網址進行繳費。
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For payment to be made outside Hong Kong: 在香港以外地區付款:
E) HKD Bank Draft E) 港幣銀行匯票
HKD Bank draft should be drawn on any bank in Hong Kong and made payable 匯票必須可在香港任何一家銀行兌現,並以「The University of Hong Kong」或「香
to 'The University of Hong Kong'. Please write your Student Name, 14-digit Bill 港大學」為收款人。請在銀行匯票背面寫上閣下之姓名、賬單所示之14位數字賬單戶
Account No. as indicated in the invoice** and nature of payment at the back of
口號碼**及付款性質,並寄送至香港大學財務及企業管理處學生事務組(地址: 香港薄
the bank draft and send it to 'Student Section, Finance and Enterprises Office,
The University of Hong Kong, 1/F, Knowles Building, Pokfulam Road, Hong 扶林道鈕魯詩樓1樓)。請保留匯票複印本作為閣下之繳費證明。
Kong'. Please retain a photocopy of the bank draft for your own record.
F) Wire Transfer F) 電匯
The detailed information for arrangement of payment via wire transfer is given 以電匯方式付款之安排細節如下:
Account Name: The University of Hong Kong 收款人銀行户口名稱: The University of Hong Kong
Account Number: 002-222834-002 收款人銀行户口號碼: 002-222834-002
Banker's Name: The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. 收款人銀行名稱: 香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司
Hong Kong
Banker's Address: HSBC Main Building, 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong 銀行地址: 香港中環皇后大道中1號匯豐銀行大廈
Please quote the 14-digit Bill Account No. as indicated in the invoice** and your 請在銀行電匯申請書內之「匯款附言」一欄註明賬單所示14位數字賬單戶口號碼**及
Student Name in the 'Remittance Information' section of the bank wire transfer 閣下之姓名。
application form.
All bank charges including those incurred outside the student's home country 所有銀行費用,包括學生在其國家以外所產生之付款相關銀行費用,將由匯款人或付
would be absorbed by the remitter or sender. After deducting all the bank 款人承擔。因此匯款金額扣除所有銀行費用後,必須等同全數賬單付款金額。閣下必
charges, the net payment amount must be equal to the invoice amount. Your 須在電匯交易收據上清楚註明學生姓名及14位數字賬單戶口號碼。請在付費後儘快把
Student Name and 14-digit Bill Account No. must be clearly written on the wire
transfer receipt. Please send a copy of the bank confirmation of wire transfer 收據副本發送電郵至香港大學財務及企業管理處學生事務組之電郵地址:
application to the Finance and Enterprises Office's email address: [email protected]。
[email protected] as soon as possible.
Note: 注意:
If for some special/justifiable reasons that you cannot use any one of the above- 如閣下有特別/合理原因不能使用上述任何一種繳費方法, 請使用東亞銀行分行之櫃檯服務
mentioned payment methods, you may make payment to HKU bank account no. 以現金或支票繳費。賬戶名稱為「香港大學」及賬戶號碼為 '015-514-40-59222-6'。付款
'015-514-40-59222-6' through the Bank of East Asia (BEA) counter service by cash or
crossed cheque payable to 'The University of Hong Kong'. After the completion of the
payment transaction, please ensure that the '14-digit Bill Account No.' as indicated in
HKU invoices** has correctly been input by the bank teller as printed on the bank
pay-in slip.
If you have any problem after payment, please send email to feo_student@hku. 閣下如在繳費後遇上問題,請詳述問題之所在及附上付款收據副本或網上銀行/手機付款記
hk with copy of payment proof or relevant screenshots of Internet/Mobile App 錄截圖,以電郵發送至: [email protected]。
payment, where appropriate, and details of your problem encountered.
** Except for Student Loan Repayment, the 14-digit Bill Account No. is equal ** 除 貸 款 還 款 外 , 賬 單 所 示 之 賬 單 戶 口 號 碼 一 般 為 學 生 編 號 另
to your University No. with a suffix of '9999' as indicated in the invoice.
後 加 代 號 '9999' ( 共 十 四 位 數 字 )。
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