Plant VS Animal Reprduction
Plant VS Animal Reprduction
Plant VS Animal Reprduction
Animal Reproduction
Use bright colors to attract insects Males fighting for females (inclusive
BEHAVIOR fitness)
DISPLAYED Ophyrys kotschyi (the Cyprus bee
orchid, is a terrestrial species of orchid Courtship pheromones and ultrasound
native to Greece and Cyprus.) mimics are used by males in attracting female
the shape of a bee to attract insects
METHOD OF Sex cells are transmitted by vector Two sex cells, spermatozoa and oocyte
FERTILIZATION (insect or bird) meet during sexual intercourse
Forms of pollination:
1. Vegetative Propagation – simply mean that vegetative tissues (non-reproductive tissues) such as stem,
leaf or root of the parent plant are used to reproduce new plants. Natural vegetative propagation includes:
Sexual Reproduction is the production of genetically unique offspring by the union of sperm and egg
nuclei to form a zygote.
Asexual Reproduction in animals are those that can reproduce without involvement of another individual
of that species.