Venture Capital and The Financing of Innovation-Wiley-Iste (2018) PDF
Venture Capital and The Financing of Innovation-Wiley-Iste (2018) PDF
Venture Capital and The Financing of Innovation-Wiley-Iste (2018) PDF
Volume 6
Bernard Guilhon
First published 2020 in Great Britain and the United States by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
For Elizabeth. This book is dedicated to her, though it may have turned
out to be the opposite of what her concerns were. She is all the more
deserving of this dedication for having read and reread it, and in having
suggested changes and improvements, in the form of simpler sentences and
less sophisticated turns of phrase. The material does not exactly make for a
page turner and is perhaps a bit arid, which is yet another reason for
segments that sounded strange and possibly in need of a bit of fine tuning. A
special thank you goes to her.
For Alice, always quick to make space for my insatiable urge to write and
to provide me with all the means to achieve it. And once more, through
SKEMA, she provided the logistical infrastructure and opened its doors wide
to give me the warmest welcome.
For Stéphane, whose taste for reading does not go so far as to include
economics, and who prefers real economic games to reflections on economic
For Matilde, whose future choices remain to be seen, in hopes that this
book will serve as an inspiration to her to reflect and research.
For Arseniy, who always seems to be out of balance, in hopes that he will
put his very real abilities to use.
The works carried out on the subject of venture capital analyze this
financing mechanism in terms of the stages of intervention, the players
involved, the actions and innovative practices they implement. They also
focus on the institutional arrangements that govern them, as well as on the
performance of innovation and growth of the company, the sector in which it
operates, and the economy as a whole.
The phasing out of existing routines is a concept that comes directly from
Schumpeterian analysis. In his book Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
[SCH 51], Schumpeter points out that capitalism is infinitely malleable,
x Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
Over the past 40 years, the relationship between industrial structures and
financing structures has changed profoundly. The forms of competition,
including all institutions and organizations involved with competition in the
markets, are the dominant institutional structure. Some institutional
structures (deregulated labor markets, the mobility of skilled labor, more
open and diversified financing, intellectual property rights, etc.) encourage
the emergence of new companies capable of creating marketable
technological knowledge. The emergence of venture capital is a by-product
of the need to develop forms of innovation in financing, allowing new
technological paths that have proliferated in many activities, particularly
high-tech ones, to be explored. At the same time, the deregulation of
Introduction xi
Financing players:
pension funds, banks,
insurance companies,
Legal and institutional context etc. Industrial experts
Venture capital
Intermediation services
Young innovative
Downstream producers
Figure I.1. The simplified intermediation structure (source: [GUI 08, p. 9])
Today, the financing chain for innovative projects has been extended, and
the number of stages of the intermediation has increased [EKE 16, p. 2]:
Step 1. Incubation
Step 2. Seed
Step 3. Start-up
Step 4. Growth
Step 5. Exit
The last potential step is the exit: the resale of the company
(usually to large companies wishing to take ownership of its
assets, ideas, and/or the technologies it developed) or an initial
public offering.
These five stages follow the path of a logistic curve from incubation to
exit, with venture capital considered by these authors to include the start-up
and growth phases.
The seed phase is included as part of venture capital. The same is true in
a more recent publication [OEC 18b] in which the OECD includes the
following four steps in its definition of venture capital: seed/start-up/early
stage/late stage venture.
Development of Concept/
Development Growth Maturity
the company Start-up
Investment stages Early stage VC Late stage VC Exit
The start-up and early stage phase includes the production of the concept,
the business model, and the operational deployment. These three stages are
situations in which the cash flow is negative. The so-called late stage phase
corresponds to the company’s growth phase. During this phase, the viability
of the product is made certain, the company begins to grow, and its
marketing and sales operations play an increasingly important role. In most
cases, and based on the data available to us, venture capital will be identified
in our work during the start-up, early stage, and late stage phases1.
1 Very often, venture capitalists are involved at the seed stage, which is the responsibility of
business angels. The question arises as to whether venture capitalists and business angels are
complementary or may be substituted [HEL 17]. In fact, venture capitalists invest money
from third parties while business angels invest their own money. This distinction is far from
insignificant: if they are complementary, the financial ecosystem is integrated; if they are able to be
substituted, the financial ecosystems are disjointed. The authors suggest that there are two separate
paths in the start-up ecosystem and that this can be explained by the diverse range of companies’
Introduction xv
First, it appears that venture capital (public programs and the private
financial sector) has enabled dynamic entrepreneurs to create companies
whose emergence and growth have revolutionized high-tech industries such
as IT, digital technology, biotechnology, medicine, etc., as well as services
such as insurance, e-commerce, etc.
2 “The first and most important of the new economic areas might be termed the networked,
distributed computing model that was made possible by the advances in semiconductors. This
includes both the personal computer (Apple, and then in the 1980s, Osbourne, Compaq, and
others) and work stations (Apollo Computers, to be followed in the early 1980s by Sun
Microsystems, Silicon Graphics, and many more), components for small computers (Seagate,
Shugart Associates, Tandon Corporation, Zilog and many more), software (Microsoft to be
followed in the early 1980s by Ashton-Tate, Borland, Lotus, to name a few) and even
computer retailers such as Computerland. The computer data networking sector also began its
explosive growth with companies such as Rolm (founded in 1969), Ungermann-Bass, 3Com,
and in the 1980s many more. Additionally, there were continuing opportunities in classes of
larger computers leading to firms, such as Amdahl, and providing components and software
for them, e.g. Oracle. One change for the most successful ICT start-ups of the 1970s and into
the 1980s is that the government market was significant, but no longer critical” [KEN 11,
p. 1708]. (pp. 14–15).
Introduction xvii
Fourth, venture capitalists are currently facing a new concept, one that
they have looked on with uncertainty, regarding the entrepreneurial skills of
the management team, markets, and technology. Betting on enlightened
investors and decision-makers is not a sustainable proposition in this area.
With regard to markets and technology, there is little or no data, making the
future difficult to predict from existing benchmarks – though not impossible
to imagine. From this point of view, venture capital works as a mechanism
for selection and screening, that must involve experts, people with scientific,
economic, and marketing knowledge, in order to define the scope of the new
concept by carrying out testing and experimentation phases to establish
highly uncertain ideas on solid foundations, particularly in high-tech sectors.
In addition, venture capital funds accumulate knowledge and experience that
support and assist entrepreneurs. In this way, the barriers to entry into
entrepreneurship are not simply financial or informational, but social and
psychological, and their extent also depends on the acceptability of
innovation. Indeed, the start-ups invested in are not primarily producers of
goods or services, they permeate the field of science and innovation
and offer new methods for producing, consuming, knowing, and
communicating. From this perspective, venture capital is an essential
facility, by its nature, that is, it is an essential service infrastructure from
which innovative ideas can be carried out and move forward to business
3 This makes it possible to give context to the approach, defining a venture capital fund solely
as a portfolio of start-ups whose risk frontier is to be adjusted by distributing it using strictly
financial techniques.
xviii Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
4 In the United States, if we look exclusively at companies created after 1974, “the idea here
is to see what portion of the companies that could have received VC financing, choose to use
VC financing. To get at the companies who could have used VC financing, we limit our
sample to those companies that came of age after the Prudent Man Rule. By excluding firms
like Ford Motor Company and General Electric, we can better estimate the importance of VC
to young companies. Approximately 1,339 currently public US companies were founded
after 1974. Of those, 556 (42%) are VC-backed. Focusing on these companies dramatically
increases our measures of VC impact. VC-backed companies comprise 63% of the market cap
of these “new” public companies, versus 21% for the full sample. Employment share
increases similarly, from 11% to 38%. The most impressive figure is arguably R&D spending,
with VC-backed firms making up an overwhelming 85% of the total R&D of the post-1974
public companies. Given that the VC industry has been in large part spurred by the relaxation
of the Prudent Man Rule, these results provide an illustration of the importance of
government regulation” [GOR 15, p. 5].
Introduction xix
Chapter 1 identifies the rationale of the main players who make use of
this following financing mechanism: the project leader (the entrepreneur)
and the person(s) responsible for the fund (venture capital). The logic of
control and sanction is at the basis of the contractual model. The cooperative
logic serves as a pillar for the scheme which postulates mutual dependence
between the two players, with neither of them able to exert a unilateral and
asymmetric influence on the behavior of innovative start-ups. In addition,
facing how difficult it can be to select the right projects, venture capital
works at the limits of uncertainty through syndication and staged financing,
which partially reduces failures and disappointing investments (exits at zero
value). The difficulty of selecting the right projects is therefore real. For his
part, the entrepreneur must deal with a type of risk that cannot be diversified,
and in all too many cases, when the ambiguity is removed it reveals only a
negative outlook. In addition, some European countries, such as Italy, have
distinguished themselves from the United States by promoting less
permissive cultural behaviors in terms of innovation, resulting in a strong
resilience of family capital and a strong attachment to traditional ownership
values. This is what we have called the refusal attitude towards this type of
Chapter 2 highlights the different forms of sectoral logic. Since the goal
is to study a mechanism for financing innovative projects, it was natural to
focus on the most promising sectors in terms of innovation, that is high-tech
sectors. The sectoral orientation of venture capital makes it possible to
Introduction xxi
highlight the specific features of Europe and the United States, as well as the
consolidation mechanisms that distinguish the industrialization trajectory in
the United States: R&D spending, manpower qualifications, testing and
experimentation phases, etc. These innovative practices that seek to reduce
ambiguity are not used with the same intensity in Europe. For example,
R&D does not seem to be considered by private players as a crucial variable
capable of transforming a small enterprise into a high-growth firm, which it
feeds into both through filing patents and through its attractiveness to
qualified productive resources. To complete this analysis, we have sought to
highlight the determining factor of high-tech investment in Europe in order
to assess the quality of the environment.
1 2
General Partner Venture capital funds
(VC firm) (VC funds)
Figure 1.1. Simplified diagram of venture capital activity: (1) collection of funds;
(2) distribution of returns obtained; (3) low level of contribution; (4) management fees
and payments; (5) investments; (6) end of the investment relationships (source:
[RIN 11])
United Scandinavian
Germany (1) France (4)
Kingdom (2) countries (3)
22.3 2.9 13.4 22.3
Family offices
18.8 6.5 6.9 19.1
and individuals
8.4 9.6 4.3 16.6
Funds of funds 15.5 18.6 22.1 14.7
Pension funds 21.5 36.3 27.4 11.0
Banks 6.1 2.2 5.6 7.2
3.6 1.8 1.5 5.0
0.7 15.4 10.5 2.7
wealth funds
Capital markets 0.2 1.6 1.5 0.8
3.1 5.1 6.6 0.8
donations, and
Total 100 100 100 100
Table 1.1. Distribution of private equity funds raised, by type of investor (in %),
2012–2015: (1) = Germany + Switzerland and Austria; (2) = United Kingdom +
Ireland; (3) = Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden; (4) = France + Belgium and
Luxembourg (source: [EKE 16, p. 5] from EVCA)
Table 1.1 shows the funds raised by private equity. Despite the similarity
of these statistics, venture capital must be considered as distinct from private
Venture Capital, Behavior and Performance of Stakeholders 3
It should be noted that the target company and the entrepreneur do not
occupy the same position in these two configurations. In private equity- and
particularly in buyouts – the company already exists, it is established, is
often mature, and generally functions as part of the “old economy”. Investors
acquire existing companies, improve their business model (the targets are
very often underperforming business units) by transferring modern
managerial tools and financial techniques to them to increase their value.
Poorly managed companies become attractive targets that can be
transformed into profitable companies [MEY 06].
large company, given the entrepreneur’s aversion to risks, often leads to the
conclusion that entrepreneurial choice is not very profitable because of the
specific risks faced by the start-up that is to be created. The risk of exposure
to corporate volatility is much lower in later stages (development or
transmission). On the other hand, managers of venture capital and
development capital funds are exposed to the same difficulty of diversifying
their portfolios.
Moreover, the financial flows do not have the same purpose. Venture
capital represents an institutional and organizational innovation that makes it
possible to organize young innovative companies and professionalize their
management, so that – in the case of the most efficient among them – they
can make it into the technology stock market (going public). Following the
logic of private equity, opportunities for profit can be found when the funds
become owners of mature companies in which operators identify
opportunities to create value, by optimizing their business portfolio and
restructuring the scope of these companies. To this end, companies are often
removed from the stock market, their shares become the property of one (or
more) funds and, since they are no longer listed, they cannot be bought on
the stock exchange by the public: they “go private”, hence the term private
equity. A new model known as the “not publicly traded” model has emerged
and developed rapidly in recent years, which contradicts the underlying logic
of capitalism.
We will focus on three aspects. First, we will specify the framework for
analyzing the relationships between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs.
Then, we will analyze the real behavior of these two categories of actors.
Finally, we will highlight the contributions made by venture capitalists to the
performance of innovative companies.
1 Accelerators differ from incubators in the limited duration of their schedules, the provision
of tutoring and training, and the payment of salaries. In addition, these programs are
organized into cohorts, that is companies enter and exit these programs in groups [COH 14].
2 This does not prevent them from participating in the previous seed step as well. New
methods have emerged in the start-up phase: “crowdfunding” (a call for private savings
contributions: funds are raised from a large number of participants, each providing a very
limited amount) or crowd equity, which allows large investors (banks, large companies, etc.)
to select start-ups seeking external financing. More often than not, the start-up is acquired in
this case.
6 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
In its extreme version, adverse selection means that the market for R&D
projects can disappear if the information imbalance is too severe. Indeed, if
the cost of disclosing information to the market is very high, the quality of
the signal surrounding the potential project is reduced [HAL 10]. The
ambiguity is very strong in this case. According to Hall, this mechanism can
be attenuated in two ways. First, if R&D expenditure is an observable signal
that can be audited externally, and second, if the innovator is a serial
entrepreneur whose reputation has been built through previously founded
and successful start-ups.
Indeed, the authors (Sah, Stiglitz, etc.) stress the difficulty for individuals
to gather, absorb, and make use of large masses of information in a limited
period of time, which gives rise to the idea that a deliberation within an
information ecosystem is able to do better, which is to say, lead to better
decisions, than a single individual whose capacity for attention is necessarily
Guilhon and Montchaud also point out that the contract is necessarily the
result of negotiations between the venture capitalists and the company’s
managers, seeking financing. The most notable aspects are regarding the
financial package (amount of funds injected, types of securities used:
convertible preference shares, contractual protection mechanisms, etc.) and
the drafting of the shareholders’ agreement (inclusion of the venture
8 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
projects with higher added value, in particular, the most innovative start-ups.
In addition, more effective monitoring (advising, etc.) and governance
processes are being adopted in the start-up (and possibly seed) activities,
which are becoming more specialized.
Finally, despite the flexibility of the contract and the effects of learning,
the oversight mechanisms present a negative image of the relationship
between venture capital and the entrepreneur. In particular, the transfer of
rights is punitive in nature. Moreover, this image is incomplete. By
considering venture capital as the principal and the entrepreneur as the agent,
we are ignoring the fact that venture capitalists, in addition to their oversight
activities, are often very involved in the management of funded start-ups and
that the company’s manager(s) are not simply agents expected to perform
tasks that the principal imposes on them. These two players have
interdependent roles, and because of the relative imbalance of knowledge
between them, “their relationship should be considered as one of mutual
dependence based on the relationships of power” [PAR 16, p. 15].
By contrast with the logic of a contract, the forms of involvement and the
type of coordination between the actors are different. Relationships of
mutual dependency produce a cooperative form of governance based on the
implementation of reciprocal and complementary knowledge that, far from
Venture Capital, Behavior and Performance of Stakeholders 11
The data used by these authors are taken from the United States, over the
period between 1987–2003. The database lists 54,699 rounds of financing
and 13,049 exits for 19,434 companies. The 13,049 exits can be subdivided
into 1,936 IPOs, 4,802 acquisitions, and 6,281 exits at zero value. The
investors earn higher than market returns (payments are made 32 months
after the investment). The 3% annual amount represents the return that
exceeds the risk-adjusted cost of capital.
More recent data have made it possible to give updated results [HAL
10b]. These involve 22,004 start-ups financed over the period of 1987–2008.
Included in this total are 2015 IPOs, 5,625 acquisitions, 3,352 exits at zero
value, 4,220 exits over five years at zero value and 6,792 start-ups that have
not yet attained their exit value. The estimates are based on a sample of
companies that have been listed on the stock exchange. Just under 25% of
entrepreneurs receive the full exit value ($91 million) and one-sixth of them
receive less than 20% of this value. Those who own 20% of the shares
receive less than one-fifth of $48 million, or about $9.2 million. All these
calculations are made at constant 2006 dollars. In the sample selected by
Hall and Woodward, if we exclude the 6,792 start-ups that have not yet
completed their exit process, we see that the exits at zero value make up
49.8% (7,572/15,212) of the companies, or nearly half.
In France, estimates place failure rates between 60 and 75%. On the other
hand, it’s worth noting that entrepreneurial activities are generating
increasing returns. A successful exit provides significant gains and/or assets,
which makes entrepreneurship more attractive than paid employment and
“reduces the specific risk burden of a second start-up” [HAL 10b, p. 1184].
16 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
“It thus became obvious that these flexible, quick-moving ‘start-ups’, adept
at new ways of thinking, would create jobs and bring down established
companies – perhaps we should call them ‘end-ups’ – ... Why does it feel so
good to sing the praises of start-ups while on the other hand signing death
warrants for large companies? Because start-ups position themselves as a
winning combination between three different areas: they are instilled with the
creative drive of the liberal economy, they exalt the values of dynamism and
entrepreneurial intensity, and they promote themselves based on the belief that
‘small is beautiful’...
“The point here is not to discourage entrepreneurs, but to dim the spotlight
that has been shined on them a bit so they don’t get blinded”.
Box 1.3. Start-ups and large companies (source: [DUE 17, p. 7])
Venture Capital, Behavior and Performance of Stakeholders 17
Venture capital investment does not have the same effects at different
stages in the company’s life. The relationship of mutual dependence between
venture capitalists and entrepreneurs changes. The former encourages the
latter to take risks at the early stages of the company’s life “as a means of
increasing the market value of the company being funded” and discourages it
from adopting risky behavior in later stages, in order to preserve the value of
the innovations that have been achieved [PAR 16, p. 2]. In other words, the
valuation of early stage companies depends on the newness of
the innovation, while their valuation at the end of the period depends on the
commercial viability of the innovations achieved.
As these authors find, it can be assumed that the initial period is one of
high potential yields and a high probability of failure. However, both of
these players have reasons to keep going. Entrepreneurs who benefit from
equity contributions are often very confident and motivated. Venture
capitalists, on the other hand, are able to withstand potential losses when the
start-up begins, due to the low level of the sunk costs of the investments,
particularly through adopting step-by-step financing and reducing risks
through a moderate diversification of their portfolio.
Park and Tzabbar also find that that placing too much focus on
innovation may come at the expense of other activities that bring value to the
start-up, such as improving sales and marketing along a clearly defined
technological line and, it would appear one that is recognized by the market.
The aversion to capital risk increases as the start-up develops; the investment
they make reinforces the creation of novelty in the “early stages” and slows
it down later, especially when compared to companies that are not backed by
18 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
“As a result, not only can they not be taken to court for
infringing third parties’ patents, but, in relation to the opposing
party, they also pay charges that are generally less high due to
legal proceedings that, for reasons of technological expertise,
may involve exhaustive discovery requests.” [LAL 17, p. 103].
However, legal challenges can have the effect of damaging the image of a
company that may potentially receive funding. In addition, they represent
specific costs for the start-up, and management and engineers are mobilized
to defend their intellectual property. “When companies incur expenses to
defend their position, they do not develop, and when companies spend time
and effort responding to these challenges, they do not invent” [FEL 14,
p. 11]. This process may convince venture capitalists not to invest in a
company whose patents are in dispute.
they are in their own judgments. In the literature, two attitudes have been
identified to justify attitudes favoring refusal. On the one hand, the difficulty
of appropriating the knowledge produced may lead entrepreneurs to seek
other forms of external financing [CRO 16]. On the other hand, some
venture capitalists practice active and restrictive monitoring, and “this
managerial activism can be considered as an excessive intrusion into the
management of their company” [CRO 16, p. 6]. Beyond these aspects, three
socio-economic factors seem to explain attitudes of refusal: human capital,
the size of the company, and the type of ownership.
The human capital of entrepreneurs represents the first potential area for
friction. Will the technical knowledge and managerial skills they possess
encourage them to conclude the transaction or encourage them to be
cautious? This perspective is a clear departure from the idea of a
complementary cognitive relationship between the technological knowledge
held by entrepreneurs, and the strategic and entrepreneurial skills held by
venture capitalists. The second element is the size of the firm. Is there a
relationship between the size of the firm and the likelihood that they would
refuse such financing? The authors hypothesize that the larger the size of the
firm, the more likely it is that the firm would refuse this funding. The third
element concerns the ownership structure and type of control. If family
capital is used extensively, this can be an obstacle to the participation of
venture capital.
The sample studied is extracted from the RITA database on Italian firms
for the years 2002, 2004, 2007, and 2009. Financial and accounting data are
available for the period from 1994 to 2009. The companies interviewed were
asked whether they had received an offer to receive venture capital financing
during their lifespan, whether they had refused and, if so, what was the basis
for their refusal. The search of the database indicates that 120 companies
received an offer to receive venture capital over the first years of their
existence, 40 of them refused, and 80 accepted. The refusals were broken
down into three categories: the lack of financial needs, the need to maintain
ownership and control of the company, and the dissatisfaction with the
valuation price and the terms of the contract.
There are several elements that would appear significant in the decision to
refuse this funding, and the consequences of that decision:
– the type of ownership strongly motivates the decision to refuse. In this
context, family ownership, which is highly developed in Italy (and in some
other European countries), is an obstacle to the expansion of the venture
capital industry, including for companies that have reached a certain size;
– the second reason concerns the characteristics of the human capital of
the founding entrepreneurs. Those who have received advanced technical
education and have managerial experience are often motivated to turn down
this funding. By contrast, those with extensive economic training are better
able to assess the benefits of venture capital financing and the costs and risks
it involves;
– the companies that declined the offer for financing obtained a much
slower growth rate than those that accepted it. The fear of potentially losing
control of the company limits the development of the company and
“entrepreneurs have a stronger attachment to the private benefits of control
(including non-monetary benefits, such as a sentimental attachment to the
company) than to growth rates that would be higher, but would be shared
with a venture capital firm” [CRO 16, p. 9]. Opting for a growth rate that is
less than optimal, but allows the entrepreneur greater control is a
characteristic feature of the sample under study, which cannot be extended to
other societal contexts without careful consideration. Syndication
Syndication can be analyzed in different ways. It requires the venture
capital firm that initiated the project to show interest and profit in order to
persuade another venture capitalist to commit to the same project. It is
generally observed that experienced and recognized venture capital funds
have a preference to form syndication agreements with each other,
particularly in the early stages. More recently, it has been shown that
6 These companies operate in the software business and participate in the free circulation of
the basic version of open source software, but they also sell a premium version of the software
that incorporates the technological advances they have made.
Venture Capital, Behavior and Performance of Stakeholders 25
The most critical aspect is the level of redundancy of the information that
the players involved access from the network. The direct links that form
around the main players involved are characterized by being seen to a certain
extent as “closed” (the players are directly connected to each other, the
information is redundant), or as “open” (the other players are not connected,
there are “structural holes”, to use Burt’s expression, the information is said
not to be redundant). As these authors have found, it is recognized that
redundant information reduces the likelihood that anything will be
26 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
In making their analysis, the authors take into account both the structure
of the syndication network (open/closed) and the properties of the
knowledge held by investors (diverse/specialized). The knowledge is similar
when the players have previously worked on the same knowledge fields, and
diverse when they specialize in different areas. Thus, by including the
properties of this knowledge, it is possible to determine how these
configurations can facilitate access to information that is both diverse and
easy to interpret. In this sense, there are two types of networks that have
emerged: closed and diversified networks, and open and specialized
The empirical estimates obtained from this conceptual map assess the
success of a funded start-up when it obtains a second round of funding. The
scope of application is made up of information technologies and the Internet
industry (hardware, network hosting, searches, various applications, etc.),
which encompasses 11 established sectors and 21 new emerging sectors, or
10,266 companies receiving financing, spread out over 34,146 rounds of
financing, raised from 5,032 venture capital funds.
The results obtained confirm the relevance of the hypotheses that were
proposed. In a way, they complement those obtained by Gompers et al.
[GOM 08], who note that the influence of experienced venture capitalists is
not always decisive. In emerging sectors in particular, their influence
becomes decisive when they are able to attract critical resources by building
syndication networks that allow them to interpret information and apply it to
the projects they analyze. In this sense, syndication, as analyzed in terms of
knowledge and network structure, makes it possible to select the best
projects and shorten the time between the different rounds of financing. As a
result, the effectiveness of financing in stages becomes a characteristic of
syndication when it brings together knowledge and skills in the most
appropriate configurations.
7 Other research does not confirm this result. Lahr and Mina [LAH 16] find, from and
examination of a sample of 940 American and British start-ups (2004–2005), that venture capital
investments do not lead to an increase in new patents. Once the investment is made, venture
capitalists do not seek to increase the knowledge base of invested firms, but develop an
operating strategy by reducing the time it takes to bring inventions to a market. In this way,
contribution of equity capital can allow more innovations and fewer patents to coexist. The
progression from idea to sale on the market therefore has a negative effect on the decision to
obtain a patent.
30 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
Fourth, the analysis of the transaction structures was refined to take into
account the players involved in the syndication. The model considered
separates syndicated transactions into two groups: heterogeneous (private
and public venture capital) and homogeneous (private or public venture
capital). The coefficient of heterogeneous syndication is very significant, and
its influence is very strong, while the coefficient of homogeneous
syndication is never significant.
This lends credence to idea that venture capital does not have the same
effectiveness when applied to different types of investors or transaction
structures. Instead of pitting private and public venture capital firms against
each other, the authors show that:
More precisely, this strategy involves the construction of the capacity for
absorption10. The hypothesis tested is that there is a link between venture
capital and the Make-and-Buy strategy, which involves companies whose
innovations can quickly be put on the market. The sample tested consists of
10,000 Dutch companies, 161 of which are backed by venture capital (data
from the CIS, ThomsonOne and PATSTAT).
10 “Finally, Make-and-Buy is the strategy that combines the two innovation operations,
internal R&D and external knowledge acquisition, and entails the creation of a capacity for
absorption” [RIN 13, p. 13].
Venture Capital, Behavior and Performance of Stakeholders 33
In the general model tested by the authors, they find a positive and
significant impact on sales growth, but the effect of venture capital on
employment is not significant. When venture capital funds are differentiated
between private and public ones, IVCs have positive effects on the growth of
sales, whereas with GVCs, this effect is not significant. This observation
leads the authors to question the ability of public entities to stimulate the
growth of companies, particularly high-tech companies, through taking
action directly on the finance market. The relative ineffectiveness of these
entities is not only a product of the low availability of financial resources,
but also of their lack of ability in carrying out value adding activities. In
addition, the authors estimate the effects on growth when syndication
partners are led by a public or private investor. Only one positive and
significant effect is obtained on the growth of sales the public investor is not
the leader of a syndicate.
In a more recent study [GRI 15], the authors look at the “high-tech”
sectors in seven countries (Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain,
United Kingdom), for which they use a longitudinal database (VICO) over
the period of 1984–2009. This database contains usable information from
8,391 start-ups in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, ICT, etc. The originality
of the study lies in its more in-depth analysis of the behavior of public
players, which are broken down into government (PUVC) and academic
(UVC) players. University funds operate through technology transfer offices.
Of the 8,391 start-ups, 761 are backed by venture capital. Private and
public funds continue to have a positive overall effect on growth. The study
confirms the positive effect of private funds alone, but the effect is more
significant if the company is young. As far as public players are concerned,
34 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
government funds have a greater impact than university funds, both in terms
of the growth in company sales and in employment. On the other hand, there
are no effects on so-called mature companies.
The results obtained partly confirm those obtained over a shorter period
(1994–2003) and only for Italian companies [BER 11]. The sample consists
of 538 companies, 68 of which are backed by venture capital. This
confirmation is only partial, since, as mentioned earlier, the venture capital
industry is “underdeveloped” in Italy. The investments that are made have a
stronger effect in the short term than in the long term, which is to say, much
of the positive effect is obtained after the first financing stage. This effect
was measured in the following manner: the size of the company (measured
by the number of employees) at the end of the year following the first phase
increased in comparison with a company that did not obtain such financing.
The additional growth that can be attributed to venture capital financing is
approximately 40% for employment and sales over the period. The effect on
employment is very strong in the short term – the employment rate after the
first round is 110% larger than it is without venture capital – and by the
second year after the first round of financing, the rate of employment growth
decreases. For sales, the effect is 87% when the same time benchmarks are
used. By incorporating additional variables into their model, the authors find
that the use of venture capital (a treatment effect)11 makes it possible to
professionalize the company’s management, and obtain additional financial
resources through an IPO. The results confirm Gibrat’s law: small
companies tend to grow faster than larger companies.
11 In this study, the selection effects (project quality, future growth prospects, etc.) were
neutralized, they play no role in the positive relationship between venture capital investment
and the company’s growth.
Venture Capital, Behavior and Performance of Stakeholders 35
On the one hand, the many different players and the variety of
technological combinations within a given location lead to the creation of
local knowledge bases. These knowledge bases make it possible for
knowledge to be transferred and influence the number of venture capital
funds and, in turn, the creation of innovative start-ups. On the other hand,
venture capital start-ups benefit from the positioning of venture capitalists
within information-rich networks of heterogeneous groups of players, often
in a central role. The intersection of these two aspects makes it possible to
broaden the role played by venture capitalists: not only do they play a role as
discoverers, financiers, providers of advisory and control services, but they
also play a “liaison role” in the formation of alliances involving a financed
company and in the functioning of this alliance [JOL 16]. In particular, as
Williamson considers, they lower transaction costs and provide effective
protection against contractual risks (opportunism, knowledge leakage, etc.)
in collaborations between firms.
Jolink and Niesten [JOL 16] analyze a sample of 564 venture capital-
backed start-ups over the period of 2009–2014. They find that, the start-ups
studied are more likely to choose a joint venture financed by venture capital
as the governance structure for a collaboration, and this effect is all the more
pronounced as venture capitalists have become involved in syndication
However, the ability to attract greater and better resources explains the
widening gap between entrepreneurs who have successfully validated their
projects and others. Their success partly depends on the experience of
venture capitalists. When venture capitalists have greater experience, their
financing has a largely positive effect on whether or not an entrepreneur
succeeds and becomes a serial entrepreneur [GOM 08]. From the perspective
of venture capitalists, the persistence effect can be explained in two ways:
– either through establishing syndication networks configured to meet the
needs of established or emerging sectors;
– or through the effects of specialization on a specific phase of the
process (such as the early stage). These effects partly overlap with the
previous explanation since, in this case, venture capitalists have better
information and obtain a competitive advantage through the accumulation of
resources that are difficult to imitate.
1.4. Conclusion
The other important element that has been determined from this chapter is
that the phenomena of serial entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial persistence
that characterize venture capital today cannot be analyzed without taking
into consideration the national contexts in which ecosystems develop and the
activities around which they are organized. The unique conditions of each
country make it possible to identify the institutional advantages obtained
within different countries [HAN 99]. For new knowledge to be produced and
new activities to form, specific institutional arrangements must be made,
including deregulated labor markets, a high mobility of skilled labor,
substantial rewards for inventors and innovators, and a sufficiently open
capital market for venture capital to be freely accessible (see Chapter 3). An
institutional architecture of this type multiplies the places where scientific
and technological knowledge is created, encourages people to move between
firms or between universities and firms, promotes the creation of new firms,
and facilitates access to sources of financing. It is here where the core
38 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
In the context of venture capital, the question becomes the influence this
type of financing has on the spread of new ideas. Empirical research
indicates a multiplier effect of venture capital on the diffusion of innovation
in the sense that this process takes place both inside and outside the venture
capital industry. This implies that venture capital-backed companies are
profitable, but also, and most importantly, that the effects of the spread of
these ideas appear at the macroeconomic level, along with the possible
consequences they have on the direction of activity in innovation worldwide
[GON 13]. In the view of this author, venture capital certifies the value of
the innovations proposed, and feeds into sequences of innovations as part of
a chain. The means by which ideas are spread is not isolated from the
progression of the investment cycle [NAN 12]. The start-ups that are
financed during the most active investment periods benefit from successful
exits (IPOs or trade sales), they file more patents in the years after their
financing period ends, and their patents are more frequently cited than those
created by start-ups financed in less active investment periods. As a result,
the spread of knowledge and its assimilation by other innovators
(“technology spillovers”) occurs with greater intensity during periods of
greater activity. As a result, venture capital plays a crucial role in the
processes of creating and commercializing new technologies.
In fact, the analysis we have given here addresses only one aspect of the
sectoral dynamics at work, since a thorough analysis would need to take into
account the many different factors that characterize the different sectors:
supply, demand, market structure, international competition, productivity
levels, types of financing, and more broadly, the interweaving of the
different institutions, networks, and organizations that exist at the sectoral
level to form a system.
statistics cover 1,200 European private equity firms, representing 91% of the
€564 billion of capital managed in Europe.
This more detailed analysis gives priority to the countries with the most
significant amounts.
Denmark France Germany European total
United European
Denmark Finland France Germany
Kingdom total
A comparison of Tables 2.2 and 2.3 reveals that the hierarchy has
changed. Certain forms of specialization are developing, which may hinder a
more broad-reaching spread of certain practices in Europe:
1 These are investments made by funds whose business activity is mainly concentrated in
Europe. Infrastructure funds, real estate funds, primary and secondary funds of funds, etc. are
2 These figures have been obtained from the location of the VC firm and not from the location
of the companies that are included in the portfolio of investments.
44 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
It can thus be assumed for the UK that by 2015, the difference between
PE (0.799%) and VC (0.032%) can be attributed largely to buyout capital.
These operations amount to 0.677% of GDP, the rest (0.084%) being
allocated to growth operations. More generally, venture capital generally
represents only a small portion of Europe’s GDP.
Media 3% 3%
Medical equipment
8% 2%
and supplies
Commercial services 8% 5%
Table 2.4. Distribution of VC investments by country and sector (source: [VEN 19,
p. 15])
2010 Q3 2018
% of total number of
11% 18.5%
Table 2.5. CVC participation, all countries3 (source: [VEN 19, p. 19])
3 “The capital invested is the sum of all the round values in which corporate venture capital
investors participated, not the amount that corporate venture capital arms invested themselves.
Likewise, the percentage of deals is calculated by taking the number of rounds in which
corporate venture firms participated over total deals” [VEN 19, p. 17].
46 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
decline in exits (1,810 in 2014 and 1,285 in 2016). Cyclical phenomena are
certainly important, but the fact cannot be overlooked that investors assess
profitability and liquidity issues more accurately [VEN 17].
Table 2.6. Distribution of venture capital by sector in the United States (2010, 2018)
(source: [VEN 19, p. 50])
Table 2.7. The weighting of CVC in the United States, 2010, 2014, and 2018 (source:
[VEN 19, p. 50])
The Sectoral Dynamics of Venture Capital 47
In total, the company receiving the investment can spend more of its
resources on R&D than it does on marketing. The three mechanisms by
48 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
which the CVC can influence the company’s R&D investment strategy,
produce effects of a different nature. The effect of technology approval
reduces ambiguity; it is taken by the market as an indicator the quality of the
technology that large companies consider to be “an industrial standard” [PAI
17, p. 675]. By contrast, the other two effects have the effect of increasing
R&D investment through the series of internal mechanisms in place within
the start-up receiving the investment.
4 Another outcome can be determined from this study: “In general, we find that the average
number of patents per thousand dollars of R&D expenditures is higher for companies funded
by CVC than for companies funded by IVC, exclusively at the level of 1% materiality [...],
which suggests that companies funded by CVC benefit from higher productivity in their R&D
expenditures” [PAI 17, p. 675].
The Sectoral Dynamics of Venture Capital 49
The decrease in the number of operations during the years 2015 and 2016
is very significant. This decrease is a reflection of a phenomenon of
geographical concentration: the venture capital financing ecosystem
continues to grow stronger around major European cities, a shift that is
occurring in conjunction with greater financing being provided for
companies at the later stage. When we look just at Q4 2016 compared to Q4
2015, we notice a 13% decline in invested capital with total activity down
42% [VEN 17, p. 74]. These figures recovered very significantly in the first
nine months of 2018. A breakdown of these figures by sector provides us
with additional clarification.
The importance of ICT is increasing, but not enough to close the gap with
the United States. Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology remain at a good level
($2 billion in 2016). The number of operations has increased significantly
for ICT, from 26% of the total in 2010 to 43% in 2016.
“Large companies have long understood that they need to buy start-ups to
‘reinvent themselves and speed up the pace of innovation’, as the Boston
Consulting Group points out in a recent piece on deep-tech, disruptive
innovations. More recently, these companies have begun to play the role of
venture capital investors, by creating or participating in investment funds known
as Corporate Venture Capital (CVCs), similar to what has been done by
American digital and Internet players such as Google, Intel, Microsoft or
For the start-up rating agency EarlyMetrics, ‘having a share in the capital of a
start-up, even just 10% or 15%, gives access to 100% of its skills and
technologies’. And it costs 10 times less than carrying out innovations internally.
L’Oréal is well aware of this, and has just invested in a fund, Partech Ventures,
an investor specializing in new technologies. ‘Our goal is to connect with start-
ups around the world with high potential, and help finance the most promising
among them’, this company says.
The Partech Ventures fund has also received investments from Renault.
Engie has provided its own investment fund with 115 million euros. Total
Energy Ventures participated in Sigfox’s €150 million fundraising campaign at
the end of 2016. No one wants to be left behind, and to make sure there are no
missed opportunities, large companies have joined forces around the activities in
which they are most involved. For example, Air Liquide, Michelin, Total, SNCF,
and Orange have created the European Ecomobility Ventures fund to invest
between €0.5 and €5 million in eco-mobility start-ups. The fund has already
invested in six start-ups, including two French companies, Ouicar and ez-Wheel.
And the movement has only just begun”.
Box 2.1. “When the big names in the CAC 40 get in on the venture capital game”
(source: [CAU 17])
Why use the term “hub”? “The use of the word ‘hub’ for a city with a
high level of venture capital suggests its ability to attract, but also radiate,
VC investments across multiple ends” [EIF 16, pp. 21–22]. In quantitative
terms, the top 20 metropolitan areas represent 39% of the EIF’s venture
capital investments. But, as the authors point out, hubs are powerful catalysts
for investment development, with 83% of all amounts invested originating
from the 20 hubs that were considered. This leads to the conclusion
formulated in this study: hubs are certainly not the only entities in this
ecosystem that exert a gravitational pull, but they constitute the “beating
heart” of a complex network of national and international investments that
“often cross each other’s path, apparently at random” [EIF 16, p. 24].
Indeed, it is noted that 23% of investments remain in the hub, 40% of them
go to other locations within the same country, and 37% cross international
France 0.038
Germany 0.029
Spain 0.018
Italy 0.005
Table 2.10. Venture capital investment rates (as a % of GDP, average 2007–2015)
(source: [BUI 16, p. 18])
The investment gap between Europe and the United States affects the size
of operations.
France 2.0
Germany 0.9
Table 2.11. Average size of operations (by rounds of financing), in millions of euros,
2007–2015 average (source: [BUI 16, p. 18])
$69.1 billion in financing in the United States in 2016, the highest annual
total (after 2015) in 11 years [NVC 18].
The specific differences with venture capital in the US are made clear
through a contrast of the breakdown by sector, as shown by the breakdown
produced by PwC [PWC 17] (Table 2.12), with the European data given in
Table 2.8.
Internet Health communi- Software Others
and services
Quarter 2
46% 12% 17% 6% 5% 16%
Quarter 3
49% 12% 16% 6% 6% 13%
Quarter 4
48% 13% 14% 6% 5% 13%
Quarter 1
45% 13% 16% 4% 5% 17%
Quarter 2
48% 12% 16% 5% 5% 14%
Quarter 3
48% 13% 13% 7% 7% 15%
Quarter 4
48% 12% 15% 8% 8% 13%
Quarter 1
44% 1% 14% 6% 6% 17%
Table 2.12. Allocation of venture capital by sector in the United States (in %, 2nd
quarter 2015 – 1st quarter 2017) (source: [PWC 17, p. 19])
7 887 656
Table 2.13. Venture capital and “digital health” in the United States (2nd quarter
2015 -1st quarter 2017) (source: [PWC 1.7 p. 21])
Second, the analysis of high-tech industries is done using two main areas
of focus. First, the dynamics of these sectors are influenced by
macroeconomic and macro-social capacities: public policies, the growth rate,
the number of researchers per million inhabitants, the quality of the
workforce, the influence of industry, the complexity of exports, etc. The list
of these indicators reflects the importance of economic, social, and
institutional mechanisms for the production and spread of knowledge. One
often-cited example is the relationship between the development of these
industries and the extent and quality of a country’s industrial base through the
processes of expansion, contraction, and transformation this base undergoes.
On the other hand, these industries have their own dynamics. They are
embedded in specific innovation systems, and as a result, the innovation
processes they spur are carried out on the basis of a group of institutions,
networks, and organizations that promote the production of knowledge, the
creation of businesses, and the proliferation of highly skilled jobs. However,
this does not mean that these sectors form a homogeneous whole.
Knowledge- and technology-intensive firms coexist with firms that are less
knowledge- and technology-intensive; high-growth firms have innovation
processes that, while similar to firms with slower growth patterns, differ
significantly, particularly in terms of the connections established with
universities and research centers. For slower-growth firms, these
relationships are not a major source of information [HÖL 16]. They rely
more on internal company information sources and external sources from
customers, suppliers and competitors.
In turn, this leads us to question the influence that high-tech industries hold
over macroeconomic performance. We will examine the case of advanced
industries in the United States. Then, we will carry out an international
comparison to connect certain high-tech sectors and the creation of start-ups.
From the standpoint of efforts made by the public sector, Hopkins and
Lazonick analyze the role of government agencies that govern the
distribution of public R&D funds. At the same time, public programs
contribute to the development of a “start-up culture” [HOP 14, p. 42] by
providing funding to new companies (SBIR, STTR, ATP programs, etc.). As
far as companies are concerned, the division of cognitive labor changes
when moving from the Old Economy to the New Economy. Previously,
companies mainly carried out internal R&D, partly financed by public funds,
to carry out basic and applied research. In the New Economy, research
laboratories are scaled back or disappear, giving way to the outsourcing of
R&D to start-ups, which these authors claim devote a large part of their
The Sectoral Dynamics of Venture Capital 57
5 “These start-ups, mainly in the fields of ICT, biotechnology (in particular bio-pharmaceuticals)
and clean technologies (e.g. solar energy, wind energy, and electric vehicles), have been able to
raise significant capital since the late 1970s in the private equity stages, followed by listings
through the issuance of shares if and when they achieve an IPO. When IPOs are not possible, many
start-ups seek merger and acquisition (M&A) agreements that provide financial returns for their
investors and ensure the start-up’s access to the buyers’ internal funds” [HOP 14, p. 44].
6 “These are firms such as Western Digital, General Motors, Xerox, Texas Instruments,
Qualcomm, Proctor & Gamble, Microsoft, Merck & Co, Johnson & Johnson, Intel, Google,
DuPont, Cisco, Apple, Amazon, and Amgen, to name a few. Many of these firms dominate
their industries and command considerable influence not only over what kinds of R&D
projects are ultimately valued by the economy today (given the technologies they seek to
develop), but also over the ways in which educated labor is trained, utilized and rewarded for
carrying out their core R&D activities” [HOP 14, p. 48].
58 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
This does not in any way lead to the idea that established firms only play
a secondary role in the innovation process. Garcia-Macia, Chang-Tai and
Klenow [GAR 16], using US data sets (Longitudinal Business Database
from 1976–1988 to 2003–2013), arrive at the following results: established
firms are responsible for 81% of the growth in productivity, while incoming
firms contribute the remaining 19%. It is true that the authors assess the
contribution to growth of the various sources of innovation (creative
destruction, synonymous with radical innovations driven by incoming firms
and incremental product improvements by incumbent firms) based on an
employment dynamic calculated using a specific growth model. The
contribution of innovations from newly created firms represents about 25%
of growth, most of which is attributed to innovations implemented later by
established firms. In this context, it is not surprising that most of the growth
is provided by established firms, since “the relative share of employment of
incoming firms is modest” [GAR 16, p. 4].
Figure 2.2. The 50 components that make up the advanced industries sector
(source: America’s Advanced Industries [MUR 15, p. 3])
The Sectoral Dynamics of Venture Capital 61
Since 2010, there has been accelerated growth in this industrial grouping,
with employment and output growth rates 1.9 and 2.3 times higher than
average. In particular, advanced services created 65% of new jobs (IT
service design alone created 250,000 jobs). Its labor productivity is higher
than in the rest of the economy ($210,000 compared to an average of
$101,000). Advanced industries tend to create ecosystems within large
metropolitan areas. However, in many places, the capacity of some
ecosystems has been eroded after several waves of offshoring and
Figure 2.2 breaks this sector down into three groups: 35 industrial
activities, 3 energy-related activities, and 12 service activities (R&D,
software, telecommunications, etc.). In a way, this system of grouping is a
reconfiguration of high-tech activities, basing them on inputs and processes
that create value. Traditional categorizations lost their meaning when the
influence of digital technologies was released on the economy:
that exceed the individual capacities of a single company. In this way, the
ambiguity of some innovative projects is reduced.
Table 2.14. Number of business angels (United States, United Kingdom, France;
2005–2010–2015) (source: [ART 16, p. 2])
There are several interconnected factors that can explain the gap between
American and European trajectories. First, it should be recalled that there are
significant differences in venture capital investment rates (stricto sensu) (see
Table 2.10). Considering the outstanding funds for 2010 and 2015 reinforces
this claim.
Table 2.15. Outstanding funds ($ billion), United States and European countries,
2010–2015 (source: [ART 16, p. 2])
These disparities are highlighted even further during the exit process. The
low number of new companies that are able to carry out IPOs is a relevant
indicator of the difficulties these companies experience in obtaining the
The Sectoral Dynamics of Venture Capital 65
additional financing needed for them to grow. With the exception of the
United Kingdom, European financial markets are lacking in depth, and do
not have sufficient liquidity for high-growth securities. The risk is that
venture capitalists will quickly sell companies that are not sufficiently
consolidated, since they do not expect satisfactory financial outflows on the
stock market.
However, the increase in the number of start-ups has not led to the
consolidating of the new technologies sector, and, more specifically, the
NICT sector, whose contribution to total production remains low in France
(Table 2.18).
Table 2.17. Number of new business start-ups (as a % of the total population), in the
United States and European countries, 2010–2015 (source: [ART 16, p. 4])
7 In the United States, between 2010 and 2018, IPOs “remain the main extreme valuation
factor for ‘unicorns’ in their early stages. However, despite the existence of these
overvaluations, mergers and acquisitions remain the most common course of action given the
volumes of revenue that are achieved” [VEN 19, p. 53].
66 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
Table 2.18. Added value of NICTs (as a % of total VA) (source: [ART 16, p. 4])
In addition, the gap between the United States and France widened
between 2010 and 2014 (from 1.28% to 1.7%), which suggests a higher level
of fragility for this sector in France.
Let’s explain how this mechanism works. In the US, small companies
invest more in R&D than their European counterparts, and are concentrated
in the most R&D intensive sectors [VEU 15]. The lack of innovative start-
ups (“yollies” – young leading innovators) in innovation-based growth
sectors is the main source of the lack of innovation in Europe. The authors
observe a very high level of inertia in R&D performance in Europe, and this
persistent innovation gap is correlated to the industrial structure:
this gap is associated with a lower share of HGFs in times of crisis or cycle reversals, while in
periods of expansion, this share increases [HÖL 16, p. 252].
68 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
9 In short, everything that is related to ICT and health: biotechnology, computer hardware &
services, HC equipment & services, Internet, pharmaceuticals, software and telecom
equipment, etc.
The Sectoral Dynamics of Venture Capital 69
10 In this study, yollies are companies created after 1990 and which have a particularly strong
presence in the high-tech sectors. The sample consists of 363 companies: 218 are American,
59 European, 3 Japanese, and 83 are from the rest of the world.
70 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
The main issue is the emergence of radical innovations and the expected
consequences this has for industries and forms of organization during certain
At the end of the second stage of this chapter, there are two remarks that
– the dynamics of high-tech sectors are at the heart of the renewal of the
productive fabric in the United States and are driven by the emergence of
young, innovative companies. The related selection process leads to the
elimination of the least efficient companies, and the consolidation of those
most likely to attract additional productive resources and continuously
improve their own skills [SYV 14]. This form of competition results in a
small number of winners, and therefore gives rise to quasi-monopolistic
markets (Microsoft, GAFA). Venture capital is permeated by a two-way
logic [GUI 17b]. When the initial high-risk project carried out by the
entrepreneur and financially supported by the venture capitalist is successful,
the growth of the companies helps drive growth in the sector or sectors they
72 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
are part of, while creating monopoly rents and promoting the abuses of a
dominant position (see the case of Google). Moreover, in the case of digital
platforms, these take the form of private governance structures that encroach
on existing institutions. Triggered by algorithms, they define a number of
rules that transform the production and distribution formats of certain
services (i.e. Uber, Airbnb, etc.). In a way, these rules define “what can be
done by whom and under what terms” [KEN 16]. As Kenney and Zysman
point out, these organizations tend to give precedence to the computer code
created by the platform over legal codes, particularly in the area of labor law.
For these authors, traditional venture capital is poorly suited for clean-
tech sectors for two reasons. On the one hand, the literature has reported a
gap between venture capital and clean technologies [KER 14b]. The capital
invested and the duration of the investment required for learning about the
viability of a project are so high “that innovative projects with great potential
are not carried out without the support of the government” [KER 14b, p. 12].
11 “[EVC 11] provides data on PE capital invested in high-tech companies, defined as having
‘exclusive ownership of certain intellectual property rights (such as design rights, patents,
copyrights, etc.) that are critical to adding value to a company’s products and activities, and
which are developed internally by its permanent team” [EVC 11, p. 7]. EVCA points out that
“although companies with these attributes are not limited to specific industries, they are most
often found in telecommunications, Internet technology, computer equipment, computer
software and services, electronics, semiconductors, biotechnology, nanotechnology, medical
instruments, and devices” [EVC 11, p. 7]. The developments in this section use the work
published in [GUI 16b].
The Sectoral Dynamics of Venture Capital 75
The basic conditions are traditionally considered from the point of view
of supply and demand. Supply is considered to be provided by fund
management firms that raise capital from investors (banks, pension funds,
insurance companies, etc.), and the demand comes from companies that may
receive capital investments. We consider that the determining factors of
investment are composed of four elements: the macroeconomic framework,
the institutional framework, the exit conditions of the companies receiving
the investment, and the dynamics of innovation:
– to assess the macroeconomic situation, the first basic condition is
economic growth. A favorable situation of economic growth encourages
capital providers to invest more in PE firms, which increases their
investment capacity. For their part, the entrepreneurs increase their demand
for financing [GOM 98, FEL 13]. Economic growth is thus a favorable
condition for investment, on both the supply and the demand side (H1);
– the second macroeconomic indicator is the interest rate. Suppliers face
a trade-off between investing in PE and venture capital funds and making
alternative financial investments repaid at the prevailing interest rate [GOM
98, BON 12]. In this context, a high interest rate can penalize the PE’s
activity. From the demand side, the interest rate determines the choice of
financing between equity and debt for companies. High borrowing costs will
accelerate the demand for equity capital. The overall impact of this variable
thus depends on the predominance of an effect of supply or demand: if the
influence is ˂ 0, the supply effect prevails (H2a), if it is ˃ 0, the demand
effect is required (H2b). From this, there are, three assumptions that
characterize the overall macroeconomic context:
76 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
H2a: the interest rate has a negative impact on the HTPE investment.
H2b: the interest rate has a positive impact on the HTPE investment.
– the institutional environment is basically favorable to equity financing.
From a regulatory point of view, the institutional framework corresponds to
the legal and tax-related regulations that govern the behavior of agents, that
is PE firms, investors, and entrepreneurs. Again, this is a basic condition that
affects both the supply and demand for financing. For the HT segment, we
assume that a favorable legal and tax framework has a positive impact on
investment in companies of this type (H3). To our knowledge, this
hypothesis has not been tested in the literature.
H3: a favorable legal and tax environment has an impact > 0 on HTPE
influence the HTPE investment (H4). In their work, the authors conclude
that there is a positive impact on venture capital investment of the total
offering proceeds raised by IPO companies, and the value of the mergers and
acquisitions (MA) transactions made. More precisely, the extent of the
impact of the context of the exit on HTPE investment is differentiated
according to the exit channels used, with the influence of the PO exit being
stronger than that of the trade sale exit (H5). This assumption is justified by
the fact that private equity financing and stock markets are closely linked.
This relationship is well-established in the literature. This leads to the
following assumptions:
H4: a favorable exit context (IPO or TS) has an impact > 0 on HTPE
We will first present the model variables, then the analytical structure of
the model, and finally the results obtained and the discussions they generate.
Table 2.19. The variables used: definition, role, assumptions and expected results
(source: [GUI 16, pp. 451–452])
We used the EVCA index to identify the legal and tax environment. This
indicator includes three elements: the legal and tax environment for Limited
Partners and PE firms and for invested companies, as well as the retention of
talent in companies and PE firms12. The first element is a basic condition of
supply, the second is demand-related, the third encompasses both aspects.
With regard to the exit context and in order to assess its impact on HTPE
investment (H4), we consider disinvestments made in full (by PO, by TS, by
12 “More specifically, the tax and legal environment for limited partners and management
companies takes into account criteria related to investors, such as pension funds and insurance
companies, fund structures, and tax incentives. The tax and legal environment of the
beneficiary companies refers to the incentive of companies and tax incentives for research and
development, while that for retaining talent in the beneficiary companies and fund managers
takes into account the taxation of stock options, interest, etc. Thus, several criteria are used to
evaluate these three categories. The assessment is based on a scale ranging from 1 (the most
favorable environment for the development of risk capital and the venture capital industry) to
3 (least favorable environment). An average of the scores assigned numerically is used to
produce a composite score for each country” [GUI 16b, p. 450].
The Sectoral Dynamics of Venture Capital 81
Macroeconomic situation
GDP growth
Interest rate
Institutional framework
Tax and legal regulations
Exit conditions
All exits
PO exit HTPE Investment
TS exit
Innovation dynamics
R&D expenditure (all areas or
focused on HT)
Total R&D personnel (all areas or
Researchers (all areas or focused on
Patent applications (all areas or HT
RD_1 11*** – – – – – – –
Staff_1 – 94*** – – – – – –
Resear_1 – – 32*** – – – – –
Patent_1 – – – 8*** – – – –
The Sectoral Dynamics of Venture Capital 83
RDHT_1 – – – – 74*** – – –
StaffHT_1 – – – – – 72** – –
ResearHT_ 33*
– – – – – – –
PatentHT_ *
– – – – – – –
-0.000 -0.0002 -0.0001 -0.0001 0.00032 0.00006 0.00020
Cons- 0.00007
926 437 836 766 46 15 49
tant 22
(-0.27) (-0.69) (-0.52) (-0.49) (1.33) (0.17) (0.54)
Nber of
110 109 106 113 62 79 75 113
0.4827 0.4819 0.4933 0.4295 0.3447 0.5771 0.5470 0.4267
d R2
Reg. B1a Reg. B1b Reg. B1c Reg. B1d Reg. B2a Reg. B2b Reg. B2c Reg. B2d
Reg. B1a Reg. B1b Reg. B1c Reg. B1d Reg. B2a Reg. B2b Reg. B2c Reg. B2d
RD_1 *** – – – – – – –
Staff_1 – *** – – – – – –
Resear_1 – – ** - - - - -
Patent_1 – – – ** – – – –
RDHT_1 – – – – ** – – –
StaffHT_1 – – – – – – –
Resear 0.4715233
– – – – – – –
HT_1 (1.23)
Patent **
– – – – – – v
0.0005756 0.0009592
0.0004747 0.0002681 0.0003299 0.0004076 0.00085** 0.0005304
Constant ** **
(1,23) (0.68) (0.83) (1.01) (2.06) (1.33)
(2.40) (2.16)
Nber of
110 109 106 113 62 79 75 113
0.3121 0.3091 0.3267 0.2412 0.2850 0.3545 0.3001 0.2462
The Sectoral Dynamics of Venture Capital 85
Reg. C1a Reg. C1b Reg. C1c Reg. C1d Reg. C2a Reg. C2b Reg. C2c Reg. C2d
RD_1 *** – – – – – – –
Staff_1 – *** – – – – – –
Resear_1 – – ** – – – – –
Patent_1 – – – ** – – – –
RDHT_1 – – – – ** – – –
StaffHT_1 – – – – – * – –
ResearHT_ 0.5386077
– – – – – – –
1 (1.61)
86 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
Reg. C1a Reg. C1b Reg. C1c Reg. C1d Reg. C2a Reg. C2b Reg. C2c Reg. C2d
PatentHT_ *
– – – – – – –
0.0003114 0.000171 0.0002518 0.0002221 0.0002953 0.0005058 0.0003396
Constant *
(0.88) (0.48) (0.69) (0.61) (0.78) (1.26) (0.93)
Nber of
110 109 106 113 62 79 75 113
0.4157 0.4142 0.4184 0.3725 0.3133 0.5069 0.4595 0.3634
Table 2.20. Econometric results (source: [GUI 16b, p. 454-455-456]). Value of the t
statistic in brackets. *: significant at 10%, **: significant at 5%, ***: significant at 1%
The following observations can be made about the results that were
– economic growth does not play a significant role (H1 is not validated).
With regard to venture capital investment (not limited to the HT segment),
the empirical literature shows mixed results: there is no relationship for Jeng
and Wells [JEN 00], Armour and Cumming [ARM 04], Bonini and Alkan
[BON 12], positive impact for Gompers and Lerner [GOM 98] and
Felix et al. [FEL 13]. It is therefore necessary to take into account the
composition of the investment. Indeed, according to Jeng and Wells, “the
expansion stage is less influenced by macroecomic dynamics than the seed
and start-up stages”. In this case, the product has already reached the market,
the company is starting to earn profits, and the financing is more focused on
increasing production capacity and supporting R&D. Veugelers [VEU 11]
points out that in Europe, most of the activity is focused on the expansion
stage, which reflects the existence of an “early-stage European equity gap”.
Moreover, in a way, considering total private equity financing in high-tech
firms supports the analysis of Hopkins and Lazonick, who consider that, for
the United States, economic growth directs public financing towards high-
risk stages, that is early stages, which has developed a “start-up culture” and
has encouraged the disengagement of large companies that outsource a large
proportion of their R&D spending. The relationship between economic
The Sectoral Dynamics of Venture Capital 87
growth and equity financing for companies is thus mediated by the public
policies that are implemented. Finally, it should be noted that the lack of any
significant influence by economic growth on private equity investment is the
case, to the extent that economic activity is relatively stable in its level over
the period studied, where large fluctuations only generate effects during the
following years;
– the positive and significant impact of the interest rate in most
regressions suggests an interpretation in terms of demand (H2b is validated).
Indeed, from the point of view of entrepreneurs, an increase in interest rates
makes financing through debt more expensive, and thus makes equity
financing more attractive. Moreover, debt does not seem to be an appropriate
form for high-tech companies with high-risk innovative projects (high
information asymmetries, absence of track records, low or non-existent
collateral, highly uncertain yield) [CAR 02, GUI 08b]. It should also be
noted that the rise in interest rates disrupts relations between bankers and
entrepreneurs, as it causes the elimination of good projects due to the
phenomenon of adverse selection. These elements create a positive demand
effect in favor of private equity. However, we do not claim that the interest
rate has no effect on supply, since in this case, investors would switch to
other classes of assets by abandoning private equity. It simply means that the
effect of demand prevails. On this point, the literature provides contrasting
results that reveal that the influence of this variable depends strongly on the
samples that are used;
– the institutional variable is significant in many regressions. It has the
expected negative sign (H3 is validated). High-tech investment is logically
favored by an appropriate legal and tax environment, both from the point of
view of investors and entrepreneurs. The results obtained are consistent with
those of Armour and Cumming, who use the same variable to explain
venture capital investment across all segments. These results highlight the
role played by public policies in creating favorable conditions for the
development of this form of financing. Indeed, the legal and tax framework
creates constraints and incentives. These are not only the operational rules
that govern the creation, operation, and liquidation of private equity funds.
There are also rules that more broadly that can influence the behavior of
players and the orientation of this financing towards the HT segment. Public
policies can also take other forms, such as the financing of public investment
funds, public research, the establishment of public incubators and
accelerators, etc.;
88 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
– the exit variables are very significant and have a positive impact on the
HTPE investment (H4 is validated). This is in line with the results found in
the literature. In addition, the results indicate a stronger effect of the PO exits
relative to the TS exits, in agreement with H5. Hege [HEG 01] had already
noted the preferences of management companies and contractors for PO
exits. Indeed, PE firms are motivated by the search for profitability and the
creation of reputation effects. As for entrepreneurs, in addition to the
expected benefits, they seek to preserve their independence (see Chapter 1).
They are reluctant to exit through the sale to industrial partners who would
place them in a situation of dependency. The results also suggest a strong
relationship between stock markets and HTPE investment, while the link
with venture capital investment is not as clear in econometric studies;
– H6, H7, and H8 are validated. R&D expenditures, total R&D personnel,
researchers, and patent filings, whether or not these variables are limited to
the HT segment, are often significant and have a positive impact on HTPE
investment (H6 is validated). To our knowledge, variables related to total
R&D personnel and researchers have never been tested in previous
publications, regardless of the dependent variable.
These proposals are in line with the findings of Veugelers and Cincera
[VEU 15]:
2.4. Conclusion
Once external pressure became stronger, the forms of competition, that is,
all institutions and organizations involved in the competitive process in the
markets, came to be the dominant form of institutions. The dynamics of
growth imply a faster pace of modernization of the productive system, and in
particular, of the industrial technological base. As it expands, globalization
reflects the idea of a higher level of integration of economies into the global
division of production and trade. The external constraint becomes an
“objective” constraint, the system of the positioning of the various different
countries is defined by the mapping of global competition and the demands
of modernization. Economic, social and technological transformations are no
longer imposed in the name of progress, and are instead justified through the
threat of losing competitiveness.
There are three designs that compete to explain this phenomenon [BOE
– neoclassical theory, which is based on two pillars: the rationality of
individual behavior, which is reduced to optimization, and the coordination
of individual behavior ensured by the market. From this perspective, markets
are efficient and all opportunities for profit opportunities are taken. “This
view focuses on the economic situation that exists when all changes have
ceased. In an efficient market, the prices are set in response to the quantities
supplied and requested, and fully reflect available information” [FAM 95].
Therefore, an efficient market is a means of processing information;
– the neo-Keynesian approach, which holds that markets are imperfect
and inefficient, which means that public intervention is necessary to
counteract the failures of the market;
94 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
used to finance any alternative projects with higher levels of risk than the
original project. These problems are considered as moral hazards. Finally, if
an entrepreneur declares an income lower than the income obtained in order
to obtain, for example, a restructuring of his/her debt, then this is considered
as opportunism.
This is the approach taken by several authors [ROS 11] who have chosen
three groups of parameters to characterize markets in a dynamic perspective.
The technical parameters involve the definition of the good or service, the
dominant concepts and product standards, the tangible or intangible location,
the critical mass of supply and demand, the critical volume of transactions,
and the measurement of the stability of supply and demand. The behavioral
parameters include agent interaction, reputation effects, and the transparency
of the transaction. The economic parameters reflect the learning effects that
save transaction costs by allowing for “sparse actions”. For this, it is
essential to put in place institutions and regulations relating to product
quality, the certification of agents, and the transparency of transactions. The
interactions between agents outweigh the utility functions of the agents
individually and as social institutions, markets are more than just a
mechanism for exchanging and reducing transaction costs.
1 “Marshall’s agents do not pick optimal points ex ante from given opportunity sets. Instead,
they obey simple feedback-based decision rules in less than completely known environments”
[LEI 93, p. 9].
The Three Structures for Interpreting Venture Capital 97
2 Gilson [GIL 02, p. 9] points out that “the implicit right of venture capital funds to
participate in subsequent rounds of financing [...] is protected by an explicit right of refusal”.
98 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
results from individual and collective learning processes that have made it
possible to identify venture capital funds with knowledge and experience.
Given the fact that the “Xerox view” hypothesis is not sufficiently
exhaustive, the second mechanism used by Gompers et al. is called the
“Fairchild view of spawning”. In this context, employees of venture capital-
backed companies learn to become managers by gaining experience in an
entrepreneurial environment. This experience constantly provides them with
networks of suppliers of goods, capital and labor, as well as with consumers.
Moreover, these employees are less averse to risk than their counterparts
working in long-term firms.
The comments that may be made on this model involve the smooth
transitioning from the employees to entrepreneur-innovators.
However, there are two objections that can be made. The first assumes
that the existence of a strong entrepreneurial culture provides employees
with the skills required to run a company. Admittedly, the unbalanced
distribution of critical resources to certain clusters offers more opportunities
for businesses to be created. However, the analysis of the problem that is
adopted leads to the point that the spread of knowledge justifies the supply
by venture capitalists and experts of the services needed to select projects
and coordinate the actions of the company. By contrast, Gompers et al.
consider that the critical resources needed by future entrepreneurs already
exist in existing companies.
The second objection is that the authors only consider the positive aspects
of localization. However, there are negative externalities that result from
increased competition between firms that are located close to each other.
Indeed, as Stuart and Sorenson note, firms that benefit from an open labor
market and expanding labor mobility risk “occupying structurally equivalent
positions”, both in supplier/user networks and in their technological and
strategic choices. The growth of organizations can be inhibited when firms
recruit qualified personnel from the same set of organizations. The process
of endogamy eventually leads to decreasing yields, with the effect of the
spatial proximity of resources tending to weaken as the industry in the area
becomes more mature. Negative effects are generated from the very
proximity of venture capital, since acute competition between firms tends to
lower the rate of IPOs.
Other processes are fueling the rise of these new venture capital markets
as well, including the co-evolution of venture capital funds and start-ups
driven by foreign investment, as shown in the case of Israel [AVN 06]. This
process of co-evolution has led to the development of collective learning and
the establishment of relationships between actors with interchangeable roles:
entrepreneurs who have become venture capitalists, venture capitalists who
102 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
This process is not automatic: the supply of funds has been stimulated by
interventions made by the public sector (the “Yozma program”). In
particular, the profitability of the Yozma funds has led to new venture capital
funds being injected, and the internationalization process has helped to
achieve a critical mass. Therefore, analyzing venture capital as an
intermediary activity is insufficient. On the one hand, a critical mass of
transactions must be achieved, a necessary condition for new knowledge to
be obtained. On the other hand, the entry of new venture capitalists into this
market, even one that includes tax regulations and appropriate institutions,
could not have taken place without a massive, coordinated and deliberate
entry driven by public policy.
In the light of the arguments developed above, we freely agree with the
cited authors in that systemic and evolutionary arguments add a significant
component to the analysis of venture capital activity. However, can this
activity be reduced to a market? When Gilson refers to a venture capital
market, he defines it directly from a private contractual structure that covers
the entire venture capital cycle. But the hierarchy of roles is very clear:
public authorities are and should only be passive investors, since if they
intervene, they may cause the selection process to be biased by attracting the
right investors.
possible to translate the project into action, namely expertise and the
assessment of technological choices, the assessment of intangible assets
(patents, the value-relevance of R&D), the positioning in the value chain, the
selection of an appropriate organizational form, the definition of an
appropriate business model, etc. In other words, the technological project is
configured by the entrepreneurial support network in such a way as to
acquire the necessary legitimacy to obtain the support of private investors
and/or public authorities and reduce its ambiguity. This complex process of
interactions goes far beyond the market and does not appear to fall within the
usual interactions between the supply and demand sides that are formed on a
market, even if it is a place for creating knowledge as well as a place for
learning to occur.
The emergence of venture capital coincides with the need to create ways
to finance innovations that explore promising technological pathways. The
funding constraints are very specific. Innovation is an extremely uncertain
process. The returns it offers are extremely biased, requiring specialized
intermediaries who use their instrumental and interpretative knowledge to
make judgments that encourage investment in a project. Indeed, information
asymmetries are significant, entrepreneurial firms have no history to draw
from, collateral is low or non-existent, the percentage of intangible assets is
high, and knowledge is contained in human capital and patents.
3 “CVC can therefore be considered as a kind of ‘radar’ that identifies and highlights
emerging technologies and new companies [...]. As such, the investments made by CVCs can
have a significant impact on the knowledge of business opportunities and the corresponding
business models among managers and executives of a CVC. Even when an established
company does not transfer a specific technology that a start-up can commercialize, CVC
investments can provide important information about the evolution of an area of technology.
The information provided by CVC’s investments can also influence how senior managers
view the possibility that an area of technology may become important to the existing
106 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
company. These higher-level learning processes are not always influenced by the individual
start-ups that receive investments from the established company. Rather, they are influenced
by the information received during the project screening process from experienced venture
capitalists, as well as by the portfolio of transaction proposals they process for investment
purposes, as part of the syndication process” [MAU 13, p. 942].
The Three Structures for Interpreting Venture Capital 107
It should also be noted that the geography of the venture capital market
differs from that of the venture capital industry. The respective investment
flows of this industry can be compared geographically. The breadth of the
market and the cash flows in the venture capital industry was different in
2015 ($3,806 billion versus $4,000 billion) due to their magnitude and
orientation [INV 15, p. 37]. The market aggregates investments in European
companies, regardless of the location of the venture capital firm that makes
these investments. The industry aggregates investments according to the
geographical origin of the venture capital firm’s registered office and, at the
European level, the total figure indicates investments made by European
venture capital firms regardless of the location of the companies in the
portfolio. The tendency toward internationalization that characterizes the
venture capital industry in Europe can therefore be interpreted at two levels:
intra-European and international.
Venture capital firms have constanly been searching for highly qualified
individuals over the past 30 years, particularly in the United States and later
in Europe, to coordinate their actions with the players in the entrepreneurial
network and improve their managerial capital. Recent studies [BLO 16]
point out that the capital stock, in the broad sense of the term, bears the
adjustment costs, in particular the costs of organizational resistance to new
management practices. With regard to private equity and consultancy
activities, the authors specify that “management practices are likely to be
harder to change than plant or equipment” [BLO 16, p. 10]. In contrast to the
approach that specifies that specific practices can be adapted to different
environments (“management as a design”), they propose to consider
management as a technology, that is as a set of best practices that are
suitable for a wide range of environments. For example, the collection of a
large amount of information before making decisions, distributing
investment decisions over time, etc. In this context, managerial innovations
can be considered as technological innovations, which reinforces the theory
of industrialization.
One way in which it has done this has been to recognize that the
economic value of existing human resources increases through
specialization. Indeed, the observation is that the performance of specialized
firms seems to be generally better: there is a positive relationship between
the specialization of management teams and the future success of their
investments. Past performance plays a significant role in determining the
funds that are raised in the future.
4 This practice makes it possible to put other forms of industrialization into perspective, such
as risk management, using purely financial techniques. Once listed on the stock exchange,
companies are faced with other forms of industrialization. In particular, “the industrialization
of shareholding that has strengthened large institutional investors and equipped them with
professional techniques to maximize their profits” [SEG 19].
110 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
The United Kingdom has the strongest performance in private equity due
to its high level of specialization in the production of very high value-added
financial services and the accumulation of expertise, particularly of persons
qualified in the management of this type of capital (buyouts). In this context,
as we have noted (see Chapter 2), a very high proportion of investments in
the United Kingdom are in transmission operations.
For closed funds, that is those that have already returned their money to
investors (or not), the spreads are even more pronounced. Over the same
The Three Structures for Interpreting Venture Capital 111
period, venture capital has an average IRR of -1.7%, while growth capital
has an average IRR of 9% and buyout capital of 20.4%.
However, “while the sector has become more concentrated in terms of the
capital accumulated and managed by a few venture capital firms, small
businesses remain numerous and powerful. Contrary to what is widely
believed, at the end of 2016, only 68 companies managed more than
$1 billion in US venture capital assets. By contrast, 334 companies managed
$50 million or less” [NVC 18, p. 10].
All in all, the spread of an industrial logic acts as a factor in the selection
of the most efficient practices, as well as acting as an organizational factor
because of the repercussions on human capital in general and on managerial
capital in particular. The performance of venture capital funds is improving,
and the inevitable consolidation is taking place within the industry.
Many studies have indicated that US R&D policy gives great importance
to SMEs. Does this mean that venture capital financing is more oriented
towards the seed/start-up/early stage phases rather than the expansion phase?
It is true that venture capital benefits from low interest rates, a kind of
godsend, which allows operators to undertake riskier investments. The
figures are likely to be lower for the years 2018 and beyond. Indeed, the end
of the ISF will probably have negative consequences for the financing of
new companies. According to a study by France Digitale, the expected loss
is between 150 and 300 million euros for start-ups. The actions of the public
authorities are therefore not neutral with regard to the financing of this
Using the same approach, the United States is not positioned as a leader
in efficiency, which may suggest that returns decrease at scale and that
threshold effects may be in play.
In the case of France, if we’re being optimistic, we might hope that the
elements mentioned above may change somewhat through the major
orientations of the current innovation policy in a way that would favor start-
ups and breakthrough innovations. The government seeks to give priority to
public research in its own way by encouraging teacher-researchers from the
public sector to establish links with the private sector. They will now be able
to devote 50% of their time to creating businesses, compared to 20% today,
and retain 49% of the capital if they leave the company that was created.
Therefore, this would not commit additional resources to increasing the
salaries of teacher-researchers, and would seem to take into account the low
salaries of the public sector and its consequences on the migration of
intellectual capital to high-wage countries, particularly the United States.
Will this measure be enough [GUI 18a]?
Public support for R&D activities is likely to create a demand for venture
capital financing in order to develop innovative products, services and/or
processes. Indeed, public intervention in R&D is a critical factor in the
creation and development of research infrastructures, the implementation of
mission-oriented research, and the support of research projects characterized
by the anticipation of important social benefits that companies do not find
sufficiently attractive.
This analysis suggests that there are different paths of development that
may be taken by innovation financing between countries or regions. To the
extent that the venture capital industry is divided into stages (start-up, early
stage, later stage), the industrial development paths that may be taken very
much depend on the capacities deployed by venture capitalists as well as the
general and the specific knowledge they have of the entire value chain,
together with experts and the players in the entrepreneurial network.
Moreover, as we have just seen, the knowledge of the players can only be
developed through the actions of the public sector necessary to correct the
imperfections of the venture capital market for the financing of innovation: in
the United States, these may include the first programs to support innovative
companies (SBIC, SBIR), the solvency of demand for dynamic small
businesses (Small Business Act), or public interventions that favor R&D.
Therefore, if there is one common element that can be found among all
these, it is that the development of this industry on a European scale clearly
requires this market to be made more dynamic and relatively homogeneous,
but also the implementation of structural policies deliberately intended to
favor R&D and innovation.
This program takes into account the system of the position of venture
capital players in Europe. Private investors have reduced their investments
since 2008, which has created financing problems for European start-ups.
Government investments in venture capital funds have stepped in to bridge
the gap. However, national authorities often invest with the idea that they
would like to promote their own companies at the expense of activities
within the entire community.
In addition, existing venture capital funds do not have the size and scale
to meet the financing needs of expanding companies. This has given rise to
the idea of creating a mega fund to channel private resources into
community leadership.
The report cited above indicates that the increase in the level of financing
should set a target of a fourfold increase of €8 billion, the stakes of which
The Three Structures for Interpreting Venture Capital 123
are twofold: to increase the overall flows invested, and to allow the
emergence of larger players, since the size of existing funds is insufficient to
meet the financing needs of growing companies. In this context, the report
states that “the most logical solution, and also the most radical one, is to
rethink the tax regime in order to equalize the tax rates on capital income”
[FRA 17, p. 3]. This first option has resulted in the introduction of a flat tax
of 30% applied to all capital income.
The second option consists of rescaling existing niches and improving the
way they are targeted. Indeed, the existing tax relief schemes have much
weaker effects than those of other countries, notably the United Kingdom.
– The so-called IR-SME and ISF-SME schemes allow a part of the funds
invested to be deducted from the income tax due by the taxpayer, without going
through a fund (as in the two previous cases). The tax advantage for these direct
investments is limited to €18,000 (IR-SME, for a maximum investment of
€100,000) and €45,000 respectively (ISF-SME, for a maximum investment of
€90,000). Although these schemes have an age criterion for determining the
eligibility of companies (less than seven years), they are not specifically intended
for innovative companies”.
Box 3.1. Existing measures in France in favor of SMEs (source: [FRA 17, pp. 3–4])
As the authors of this report rightly point out, this option would
strengthen the derogatory tax regime while directing investors to favor
contracts that would provide more efficient financing for the economy.
However, the difficulty lies in the complexity of the devices and their poor
readability – unless we rethink the overall tax architecture, particularly by
incorporating tightening measures that may not be well-accepted in the
current climate.
We will approach this area in two steps. The first step adopts an approach
of applied economy. An econometric model of investment determination
allows us to highlight the role of certain institutions in this type of financing.
The second step analyzes the influence of institutional architectures more
The Three Structures for Interpreting Venture Capital 127
“Of course, the trade-off question does not arise for all capital
holders, as some of them will immediately ignore investments
in venture capital funds due to the considerable uncertainty
surrounding the success of companies, and its corollary in terms
of future returns on investment” [GUI 15, p. 197].
On the supply side, we must also consider the tax and legal framework
that governs the behavior of fund management companies and investors.
This variable is part of the tax and legal environment that promotes the
development of venture capital and entrepreneurship. It is proposed by
EVCA for European countries (2008).
6 It is also conceivable that very low interest rates could, as mentioned above, encourage
riskier investment by operators, particularly in periods of quantitative easing.
7 “Logically, a positive impact on fundraising and investment is expected in so far as
government-sponsored funds can encourage private investment. This is confirmed by Leleux
and Surlemount’s study (2003) based on 15 European countries during the period 1990–1996.
However, a reduction of fund-raising and investment levels can be envisaged due to the fact
The Three Structures for Interpreting Venture Capital 129
that government-sponsored funds can crowd out private investment. Such a crowding out effect
is highlighted by Cumming and MacIntosh (2003a) for Canada following the introduction of
legislation establishing subsidised Labour-Sponsored Venture Capital Corporations (LSVCCs).
Armour and Cumming’s econometric study (2004) confirms its crowding out effect.
Consequently, this raises the question of how governments can efficiently support VC activity”
[GUI 15, p. 198].
8 “According to EVCA, divestments by trade sale represent 28.4% of the total amounts divested
in 2009 in Europe, and those by public offering represent only 11.9%” [GUI 15, p. 199].
9 “Anything that encourages entrepreneurship, namely advantageous corporate taxation,
attractive stock options devices, etc., creates favourable conditions for VC activity. That is
why the tax and legal environment of investee companies is taken into consideration in the
previously mentioned EVCA’s (2008) composite index of the tax and legal environment
favouring the development of private equity, VC and entrepreneurship. This index
incorporates dimensions affecting both the supply and demand of VC financing. However, in
their analysis, Armour and Cumming (2004) neglect the demand dimension of this index,
considering only that of supply” [GUI 15, p. 200].
130 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
the demand for venture capital. Some studies mention that financial returns
(IRRs) and the existence of speculative financial bubbles are also potential
factors for demand.
Entrepreunarial Institutional
VC investment variable
Patent Inst
Exit variables
Figure 3.1. The variables considered in the model (source: after [GUI 15, p. 201])
10 Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, and the United
The Three Structures for Interpreting Venture Capital 131
The real interest rate used corresponds to the real yield on government
bonds. This variable is delayed by one year. The EVCA Composite Index
refers to the fiscal and legal environment that supports the development of
venture capital and entrepreneurship in European countries11. More
specifically, this index includes three elements: the tax and legal
environment of limited partners and fund management companies, the
environment for invested companies, and the environment that allows
capabilities to be maintained in invested companies and fund management
companies. As in the previous model, this composite index is calibrated from
1 (most favorable environment) to 3 (least favorable environment). The
expected relationship between this variable and the dependent variable is
The context of the exit is assessed using two indicators. The first is the
capitalization of stock markets divided by each country’s GDP (a variable
delayed by one year). We also used the value of mergers and acquisitions
(M&A) divided by GDP (delayed by one year), which represents
opportunities for exits in terms of divestments by sale to other companies.
These two variables are expected to have a positive effect on venture capital
investment, particularly from the supply side.
11 This indicator provides information on the competitiveness of risk capital and venture
capital performance by country [EVC 08].
132 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
Variable Definition Role
Macroeconomic variables
Real GDP growth rate
Measures the influence of
GDP_1 (one year behind). +
economic dynamics.
Underlines whether the interest
rate is a trade-off criterion
between investment in VC funds
and alternative investments
Real ten-year
remunerated by the interest rate
Interest_ government bond
from the point of view of the -/+
1 yields (delayed by
investor or as a trade-off between
one year). (Eurostat).
private equity financing from VC
organizations and debt financing
from banks from enterprises’
point of view.
Institutional variable
Index of the fiscal and
legal environment
conducive to the
development of PE,
Assesses the influence of the
INST VC and -
institutional context.
entrepreneurship (a
low value represents a
more favorable
environment) (EVCA).
Output variables
Stock market Assesses the impact of the
SMcapita capitalization divided financial market environment as
l_1 by GDP. (delayed by an
one year) (Eurostat). exit opportunity.
Value of mergers and
Assesses the impact of mergers
acquisitions divided
M&A_1 and acquisitions as an exit +
by GDP (delayed by
one year) (EVCA).
The Three Structures for Interpreting Venture Capital 133
Innovation variables
BERD expenditure
divided by GDP Assesses the impact of resources
R&D_1 +
(delayed by one year) invested in innovation
Patent filings to the
EPO Assesses the impact of the results
Patent_1 per capita of innovation activity in terms of +
(delayed by patent filings.
one year) (Eurostat).
Table 3.5. Presentation of the explanatory variables (source: [GUI 15, p. 205])
Table 3.6. Econometric results (source: GUI 15, p. 206). Value of t in brackets.
*: significant at 10%, **: significant at 5%, ***: significant at 1%
134 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
Shifting the growth rate by one year has no impact on venture capital
investment. This confirms the results of several studies that reflect the
difficulty of establishing a relationship between these two variables. The
sample tested is composed of European countries whose venture capital
activity is more focused on the expansion phase. The fragmentation of
European economies and the low investment returns on the initial stages
meant that “over the period 1985–2009, Veugelers [VEU 11] noted that the
seed and start-up investments made in 13 major European countries
represented only 38% and 22% of the investments that were made in
America over the same period” [GUI 15, pp. 205–206]. The relationship
between venture capital investment and GDP growth was studied by Meyer.
Although there is a two-way relationship between these variables, countries
with high venture capital activity grow faster, but the opposite is not true.
Granger’s tests to assess the direction of causality indicate that “venture
capital investments in the United States...lead to real GDP growth”
[MEY 06].
allow start-ups to engage in projects to create and market new products, new
technologies, etc. To say that the conditions in which these firms are created
and developed are important as much for their organizational growth would
be to significantly minimize the importance of strictly technological
strategies, which are not enough by themselves. It is probably the
combination of these elements that justifies the effectiveness of the
institutional environment in the United States in promoting radical
Informal institutions
(entrepreneurial culture)
This pattern of analysis leads to the conclusion that the United States has
a comparative institutional advantage that classifies its growth as “venture
backed-growth” [SIN 13, p. 64]. Its innovation-led macroeconomic growth
performance owes much to the development organized by the public and
private players in its venture capital industry. The long and often
contradictory learning processes in the economic context (e.g. the Internet
bubble) that are carried out by venture capitalists, with the corollary of the
formation of entrepreneurial support networks often organized within
clusters, dedicated to a given activity (semiconductors, biotechnology,
pharmaceuticals, etc.), have made it possible, despite significant failure
rates, to reconcile the demands of investors and the needs of entrepreneurs.
3.4. Conclusion
In this chapter, we have presented the three structures for interpreting the
venture capital industry. We have accepted the idea of the emergence of a
new venture capital market that requires very specific processes to function.
First, this new market is giving rise to the emergence of business groups
within which the various partners are learning and joining privileged
networks. The investors and entrepreneurs are no longer those presented in
standard theories: they acquire knowledge, learn, build interactions that put
them on the path to innovation, and no longer of equilibrium. But very often,
the agents are replaced by the effects of agglomeration (as in the thesis of the
reproduction of entrepreneurial capacities) or by a massive and coordinated
public intervention, necessary to form the basis of a process of co-evolution.
In addition, the relationship between risk and the market was analyzed
The Three Structures for Interpreting Venture Capital 141
In the second step, this mechanism for financing innovation was analyzed
as part of an evolutionary process. Indeed, time is an essential factor in the
formation of an industry. The qualitative conditions that shape the
trajectories of industrialization are based on two types of arguments: the
spread of an industrial logic that develops within an investment/reinvestment
loop and that favors the creation of specialized managerial capital, and the
influence of factors that are internal and external to this activity. Among
these factors, we have favored the relative weight of venture capital
investment in relation to GDP and the role of public authorities at the
European and French level, whose interventions are intended to improve the
coordination of public and private players and express a strong desire to
build an autonomous venture capital industry.
The third step in our approach focused on the role of institutions. The
econometric model we used allowed us to assess the influence of certain
institutions on the volume of venture capital investments. A more in-depth
analysis of institutional factors reveals national configurations that could
encourage further development of this industry. However, the venture capital
industry in Europe is extremely fragmented. Indeed, the legal, fiscal, and
operational environment in which this industry develops is still largely
determined at the national level, a factor that blocks the emergence of
economies of scale. Similarly, the particularities of national institutions were
brought to light, which show the United Kingdom to be closer to the United
States (market-based systems), while France and Germany have a
configuration that makes them more akin to bank-based systems.
In this context, the institutional arrangements that are being put in place
are giving rise to a more hybrid form of organization in this industry [GUI
08], which reflects the progressive arrangements, and the long and
sometimes contradictory learning process that takes place in the different
countries. The industrial organization of venture capital, analyzed in terms of
its structures, behavior and performance (types of funds, types of investment,
positioning on the different phases of projects, orientation of investments by
sector, incentive schemes, etc.), expresses both the specificity of national
contexts and the homogenization tendencies reflected in the different
practices that are adopted.
142 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
Venture capital has its own history and geography. The gradual
implementation of a mechanism for financing innovative projects, led by
new companies, only became a reality in the United States after the Second
World War with the creation of the ARD firm in 1946. This organizational
innovation has a wide array of lessons to offer. It is not just a question of
raising funds and providing financial support to small local businesses, but
also, and most importantly, one of assessing the technological, productive,
and commercial opportunities that are emerging in small businesses. The
functions of venture capitalists take shape over the course of a long chain of
interventions, from seeding to maturity, requiring VC firms to implement
their interpretative knowledge (based on the entrepreneurial support
network) and instrumental knowledge (productive, managerial, and
organizational) required to effectively manage the companies receiving the
of rupture and progression – highlighting the fact that, over the past 40 years,
the literature has focused more on the relationship between venture capital
and radical innovations. This can be justified when we consider the number
of venture capital-backed companies during this period that have changed
the way they produce, purchase, and communicate. We can also consider
that the spread of computer and digital technologies has transformed the
nature of relationships between social groups, between teachers and
educators, between places of power and centers of protest.
from venture capitalists very quickly, because they are the first
company likely to take the entire market. As a result, financiers
will reward ambitious entrepreneurs who consume and actually
waste large amounts of capital” [BOY 02, p. 114].
This implies that newly created start-ups can easily find financial
resources. And the result of this is a net destruction of capital invested in the
disappearance of young companies from the new economy. This trend began
when the dot-com bubble burst (in the early 2000s) and the drop in stock
prices occurred. This led to a contraction in investment and employment,
which first affected the financial sector and then spread to the sectors of the
new economy.
A recent work [ALO 17] analyzes the relationship between the change in
the productive fabric and the increase in labor productivity in the United
States. Despite the introduction of new digital technologies, productivity
growth dropped by more than half between 1995 and 2015 (from 2.8% to
Conclusion 147
The authors cited above have determined two distinct periods: 1996–2004
(high productivity), and 2005–2016 (low productivity), and make two
observations. The first is that the innovations implemented within firms have
a much weaker influence on productivity than market forces exerted on
young firms through the effects of the selection and reallocation of economic
activity (inefficient newcomers lose market share and exit very quickly). The
decline in entrepreneurial dynamism is reflected by a deficit in the number
of start-ups, and the lasting effect of this deficit that gains in productivity
slowed by about 0.5%. It also reflects a strengthening of the concentration
and market power of the most dynamic and productive firms described by
Autor et al. as “Superstar” firms [AUT 17].
1 Young firms are those between 0 and 19 years old. This does not generally match up to the
firms selected to be used as samples in this work.
148 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
This can be explained by the strategies of Superstar firms that block the
spread of digital knowledge and technologies, by capturing growing market
shares and protecting their intellectual assets (a practice evidenced by the
decrease in the speed of patent citations). The slowdown in the spread of
technology maintains the dispersion of gains in productivity. A command of
Big Data and the best tools to use this data allow the most dynamic firms to
provide better services and reinforce their advantages. They are part of a
virtuous circle, since this strategy makes it possible to consolidate their
markets, make their products and services essential to consumers, and lead to
quasi-monopolistic situations (by using their market power to erect barriers
to entry and protect their dominant position – particularly by buying up start-
ups financed by venture capital). This runs contrary to what was theorized by
Schumpeter, which reduced monopolistic practices to the objective of
restricting production by increasing selling prices.
Second, the difference in output growth rates between the most dynamic
and less dynamic firms was 16% in the 1990s. It fell to 4% in 2008 and
beyond. It even turned negative in 2011. This begs the question as to
whether this can be interpreted as a slow movement toward the
homogenization of the American economy, characterized by less dispersed
output growth rates and minor differences between dynamic and less
dynamic firms. This observation, if proven true, is not insignificant nor the
most pleasant for economists addressing another question: how can they
reconcile the logic of the digital economy based on the principle of “winner
take all” (increasing returns and decoupling of the market space from
production) and the strategy of massive data appropriation and control by
some firms with the assumption that the models of economic dynamism of
the different sectors are becoming more and more similar? This remains a
mystery: “Something has happened to the incentives or the ability to be a
high-growth firm in the high tech sector” [DEC 15, p. 22].
2 “Some American business leaders have found ingenious ways of creating barriers to the
market to prevent any form of serious competition, helped by lax enforcement of existing
competition laws and the lack of updating of these laws for the 21st Century economy. As a
result, the share of new businesses in the United States is declining” [STI 19].
150 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
Third, the start-up deficit is troubling. These companies are the most
productive and profitable, and are the most likely to make major innovations,
thanks in particular to high spending on R&D. They are not run by
“subsistence entrepreneurs”, but by “transformational entrepreneurs” [SCH
10] who run these companies with high growth potential in high-tech
sectors. This is particularly true in knowledge-intensive services (software,
Internet service provision, web portals, etc.) and in certain industrial sectors
(IT, peripherals, etc.), that is in activities with the highest percentage of
STEM workers.
3 “There are several fundamental reasons for this movement. The trend towards mergers and
acquisitions over the past two years has obviously contributed to the downgrading of this
rating. Companies have become larger and more dominant, as have the GAFAs, which buy up
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160 Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
A, C I
angels, 5, 38, 39, 64, 68, 89, 90, 113 ICT, 15, 33, 44–46, 48, 49, 51,
capital development, 4, 111, 113 55–57, 63, 68, 71, 89, 106, 120,
co-evolution, 101, 102, 140 147
incremental, 28, 38, 59, 136, 138
D, E industrial structures, 67
innovator, 6, 10, 23, 37, 38, 42, 68,
development, 4, 5, 20, 22–24, 26, 29,
69, 100, 119, 144
32, 33, 35, 36, 42, 51, 55–58, 62,
institutional, 1–4, 16, 32, 37, 38, 55,
66, 74, 76, 78, 80, 87–89, 92–95,
66, 67, 71, 74–76, 78, 81, 87,
97, 101, 107, 113–118, 126–131,
91–94, 103, 109, 121, 124,
137–143, 148
126–132, 135–141, 145
digital economy, 42, 47, 53–55, 58,
intangible assets, 6, 10, 58, 70, 94,
89, 146, 149
dynamic, 34, 38, 39, 41, 92, 94–96,
100, 102, 104, 107, 118, 122,
K, L
125–127, 130, 131, 132, 135, 142,
143–149 knowledge, 9–11, 17–21, 24–35, 37,
endogeneity, 12 42, 48, 55–58, 62, 63, 66, 67,
entrepreneur, 1–23, 28, 36–39, 59, 69–71, 74, 76, 77, 88, 92–106,
62, 68, 71, 75, 76, 87, 88, 94, 95, 116–118, 122, 126, 135, 137, 140,
98–101, 103, 104, 108, 116–118, 148, 150
120, 122, 126, 131, 135, 140, 144, instrumental, 9, 19, 143
146, 150 interpretative, 9, 19, 27, 70, 103,
entrepreneurial ecosystem, 71, 126, 104, 143
140 learning, 8, 9, 56–58, 69, 73, 90,
externalities, 99, 101 94–98, 101–106, 126, 140, 141,
location, 35, 43, 51, 62, 69, 93, 96, reverse causality, 12, 28
99, 107, 113 reward, 6, 37, 38, 57, 70, 146
seed, 5, 9, 36, 86, 97, 113, 123, 134,
O, P 143
skills, 7, 8, 10–12, 15, 21, 28, 32,
open innovation, 120
36–39, 50, 55, 58, 62, 68, 71, 88,
production, 9, 20, 35, 41, 44, 55, 57,
98–100, 109, 118, 135–138, 146
58, 62, 63, 65, 66, 72, 74, 86, 92,
start-ups, 2–20, 23, 24, 27, 29, 33–38,
94, 95, 103, 110, 144, 148, 149
41, 42, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 56–58,
62, 63, 65–69, 71, 74, 86, 91, 94,
authorities, 5, 88, 102, 104, 114,
97, 101, 102, 105, 106, 111, 113,
122, 141
114, 117–122, 134, 135, 138, 141,
policies, 55, 73, 87, 99, 102, 125,
128, 142
U, Y
R, S
uncertainty, 47, 70–73, 87, 97,
R&D, 6, 10, 12, 17, 20, 23, 29–32,
103–105, 128, 136, 145
36, 45–48, 56–58, 61–63, 67, 68,
yollies, 67–69
74, 77–82, 86, 88, 90, 98, 104–107,
113–118, 123, 130, 132, 133, 135,
137, 142, 145, 150
radical innovations, 38, 59, 71, 91,
136, 138, 139, 144
resources, 4, 7, 9–11, 25, 28, 32–39,
47, 54, 58, 66–71, 77–80, 90, 95,
96, 100, 101, 105, 106, 109, 115,
116, 119–121, 132, 133, 137, 145,
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