EMI20catalogue PDF
EMI20catalogue PDF
EMI20catalogue PDF
6 Spectrum Analyzers
• Spectrum Analyzers
....................................................................... 320
8 Signal Generators
Synthesized Signal Generators •
RF Microwave Signal Generator • Level Generators
11 Components .......................................................................................
• Fixed Attenuator for High Power Measurement • Impedance Transformer • Directional Couplers • Pads • Branch • High-Pass Filter
• Band Pass Filter
Peripheral Equipment
13 ....................................................................
• Portable Test Rack • Coaxial Cords, Adapters • Dimensions of Waveguide Flanges • Accessories for F-Series Cabinets
• Accessories for E-Series Cabinets
Anritsu Corporation's predecessor, Anritsu Electric Co. Ltd., was cre- Meanwhile, Anritsu head office and Tohoku Anritsu Corporation have
ated by the 1931 merger of Kyoritsu Denki, which grew out of earned ISO14001 environmental management certification, demon-
Sekisansha Co., founded in 1895 as a manufacturer of wire commu- strating our dedication to preserving the natural environment.
nication equipment, and Annaka Denki Seisakusho, established in It is now apparent that the focus of Anritsu's attention, the mobile and
1900 as a pioneer in wireless communication equipment. The com- Internet areas, are about to evolve even further. And in addition to
pany name was changed to Anritsu Corporation in 1985 to reflect the broadband and IP, the entrance of digital broadcasting and intelligent
firm's status as an international enterprise. home appliances means the arrival of a ubiquitous network society where
With a history in wire and wireless communications equipment, Anritsu people are able to enjoy all types of services anytime, anywhere.
has contributed to the enhancement of society through its numerous In order to be both the best partner for our customers and to continue
products, which include equipment for "original and high-level" com- to evolve, Anritsu is putting the "original and high-level" technology
munication equipment, instrumentation and control equipment, infor- and intelligence coming from our 100-year history toward this ubiq-
mation terminals, and manufacturing equipment. In particular, Anritsu uitous network society. We have transformed ourselves into an
has grown to be recognized as a world leader in measurement sys- "Intelligent Solution Creator." By providing electronic, information
tems for wireless communications as well as optical and super high- communication and measurement solutions that directly contribute
speed digital communications. Customers in well over 100 countries to the success of our customers' businesses, Anritsu is supporting
use Anritsu products in a diverse range of industrial areas. the evolution of a ubiquitous network society.
To ensure that Anritsu products are of the highest quality, the Anritsu
Group is establishing a quality system conforming to international
standards, and has become registered as an ISO9001 quality as-
surance corporation by JQA.
Head Office
Established ............................................................. March 17, 1931
Paid-up capital ...................................................... ¥14,043,000,000
Employees ........................................................... 3,720 (worldwide)
Head Office
1800 Onna, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa, 243-8555, Japan
Phone: +81-46-223-1111
Fax: +81-46-296-1264
200 Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3LU, United Kingdom
TEL: +44-1582-433280
FAX: +44-1582-731303
Anritsu Homepage
http://www.anritsu.com 1
Index Numerical values used in this catalog
Three easy ways to find the information you need. All numerical values are expressed according to the following units:
• Use the Alphabetical Index on pages 7 to 10. • Output voltage of signal generator
• Use the Model Number Index on pages 11 to 16 to locate a specific The output voltage expressed in a unit of dB or dBµ is calibrated in
instrument by model number. terms of e.m.f. (open circuit output voltage). 1 µV is equal to 0 dB
or 0 dBµ.
Standard products
All measuring instruments appearing in this catalog are standard prod- • Input power of level meter
ucts. For information on non-standard instruments please contact us. The input power is expressed in a unit of dBm which is terminated by
nominal impedance. 0 dBm is equal to 1 mW.
New products Even if the input power is applied to the “high” impedance input ter-
Identifies products developed and introduced in the period from July minal, the indicated value is calibrated as mentioned above.
2002 to June 2003.
• Power supply voltage
Any rated voltage between 100 V and 240 V is available. Normal op-
Measuring instruments whose outline views are marked with eration can be obtained within ±10% of each rated voltage (howev-
conform to EMC (EN61326, EN61000-3-2) and LVD(EN61010-1 er, maximum permissible operating voltage is 250 V).
Safety) standards. As For EMC and LVD, a part of standards will be • Ambient temperature, rated range of use
revised on and after January 1, 2004, and some of equipment be- “Ambient temperature, rated range of use” in the specifications rep-
come compliant with those standards on and after January 1, 2004. resents the range of ambient temperature which guarantees values
Please contact your Anritsu sales representatives for the compliance given in specifications.
status. • External dimensions
External dimensions are indicated in width, height, and depth in
millimeters, and do not include controls, fittings, or stands.
Anritsu Eco Product
Power saving
Small size
Technical publications
In this catalog you will notice that an outline of usage, noteworthy
Products conformed to environment-friendly criteria uniquely set by
points, and standards has been prepared. If further information is re-
ourselves is called “Anritsu Eco Product”.
quired please contact us directly. We will be happy to send you the
For the details of the mark and environment-friendly criteria, please
technical publications of your choice.
refer to Anritsu Corporation home page.
(URL: http://www.anritsu.co.jp/English)
Specification changes
We reserve the right to discontinue any item without notice and to
change specifications at any time without incurring any obligation to
incorporate new features in instruments or parts previously sold.
Two types of accessories are available: Supplied and Optional. All in-
struments include the cost of supplied accessories, including fuses
and one operation (or instruction) manual in English. The cost of op-
tional accessories, however, is not included and, therefore, the op-
tional accessories will be supplied only on request.
• Measuring cords
The measuring cord in the accessory column is indicated in the se-
quence of Connector · Cord · Connector.
A type S connector is compatible to a type N.
All other express warranties are disclaimed and all implied warranties for this product in-
cluding the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are limited
in duration to a period of one year from the date of delivery. In no event shall all Anritsu
group be liable to the customer for any damages, including lost profits, or other inciden-
tal or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this product.
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MULTIRADIO S.A. 300-1055 W Hastings St. U9,No.3, Marriott Hotel, Office Tower
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C1414BAT, Argentina TEL: +1-877-267-4878 Chongqing 400010
TEL: +5411-4779-5555 TEL: +1-604-682-5933 TEL: 023-6383 0218
FAX: +5411-4779-5510 FAX: +1-604-682-5934 FAX: 023-6383 0238
• Australia • Chile ANRITSU COMPANY LTD
SISTEMAS DE INSTRUMENTACION LTDA. Room 1505, Building A, World Trade Plaza
Unit 3/170 Forster Road Concha y Toro 65, Stgo Centro
Mount. Waverley, Vic., 3149 Fuhong Road, Shenzhen 518033
Santiago, Chile 51880 TEL: 0755-8366 2847/2851/2852
Australia TEL: +56-2-6960031
TEL: +61-3-9558-8177 FAX: 0755-8366 2849
FAX: +56-2-6969665
FAX: +61-3-9558-8255 • Costa Rica
• China
• Austria SONIVISION, S.A.
ANRITSU COMPANY LTD P.O. Box 620-1000, San Jose, Costa Rica
Krichbaumgasse 25 TEL: +506-231-5685
Suite 923, 9/F, Chinachem Golden FAX: +506-231-6531
A-1120 Vienna, Austria Plaza, 77 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East,
TEL: +43-1-81155140 Kowloon, Hong Kong • Croatia
FAX: +43-1-81155180 TEL: +852-2301 4980 ELSINCO REPRESENTATION OFFICE
ELSINCO G.M.B.H. FAX: +852-2301 3545 ZAGREB
(HEADQUARTERS) ANRITSU COMPANY LTD Savska 66 HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Breitenfurter Strasse 13 (BEIJING OFFICE) TEL: +385 (0)1-631 2477
A-1120 Vienna, Austria Room 1515, Beijing Fortune Building FAX: +385 (0)1-631 2488
TEL: +43 (0)1 815 04 00 No.5, North Road, the East 3rd Ring Road
FAX: +43 (0)1 815 07 00 Chao Yang District, 100004
• Cyprus
• Bahrain TEL: 010-6590 9230 CHRIS RADIOVISION LTD
FAX: 010-6590 9235 23 Crete Street, T.T. 1061
BASMATECH P. O. Box 21989, 1515 Nicosia, Cyprus
P. O. Box 5701, Manama, Bahrain ANRITSU COMPANY LTD
(XI’ AN OFFICE) TEL: +357-22766121
TEL: +973-273729 FAX: +357-22765177
FAX: +973-725404 N0.1102, Zhi Cheng Building, No.2
Gao Xin I Road, Hign-Tech Development • Czech Republic
• BELGIUM Zone, Xi’ an 710075
ANRITSU G.M.B.H. TEL: 029-8377 406/9 ELSINCO CZ S.R.O.
Grafenberger Allee 54-56, 40237 FAX: 029-8377 410 Novodvorská 994, CZ-142 21 Praha 4
Düsseldorf, Germany Czech Republic
ANRITSU COMPANY LTD TEL: +420-241 001 251
Local phone: 0800-90001 (toll free) (WUHAN OFFICE)
TEL: +49-211-96855-0 FAX: +420-241 001 259
A1803, Zhong Shang Plaza, No.7
FAX: +49-211-96855-55 Zhongnan Road, Wuchang, Wuhan 430071 ELSINCO CZ S.R.O.
• Brazil TEL: 027-8771 3355
Strmá 19, Czech Republic, CZ-616 00 Brno
FAX: 027-8732 2773
Praça Amadeu Amaral 27,Primera Andar ANRITSU COMPANY LTD FAX: +420-541 427 219
Conj. 11, 12, 13, 14, Liberdade, São Paulo (SHENYANG OFFICE)
SP, Brazil CEP 01327-010 2-185, City Plaza, No.206, Nanjing • Denmark
TEL: +55-11-3283-2511 North Street, He Ping District INSTRUMENTS A/S
FAX: +55-11-3288-6940 Shenyang 110001 Lokesalle 30
TEL: 024-2334 1178/89 DK-8700 Horsens
Praia de Botafogo 440, Sala 2401-Bota Denmark
CEP 22250-040, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil ANRITSU COMPANY LTD TEL: +45 75646500
TEL: +55-21-2527-6922 (SHANGHAI OFFICE) FAX: +45 75643700
FAX: +55-21-2537-1456 A1807-1810 City Center, Zun YiRoad
Shanghai 200051
• Ecuador
• Bulgaria TEL: 021-6237-0898 EQUITRONICS S.A.
ELSINCO REPRESENTATION OFFICE FAX: 021-6237-0899 Belgica N32 H y Av. de Los Shyris
SOFIA ANRITSU COMPANY LTD Edificio Ivsemon Park, Suite 4B
h.e. Strelbishte, str. Kotlenski Prohod (GUANGZHOU OFFICE) Quito, Ecuador
bl. 96/A/14, BG-1408 Sofia, Bulgaria Room 3008-9, Dongshan Plaza TEL: +593-2-2255-396
TEL: +359 (0)2-958-12 45 No.69 Xian Lie Central Road FAX: +593-2-2255-396
FAX: +359 (0)2-958-16 98 Guangzhou 510095 • Egypt
• Canada TEL: 020-8732 2231/2
ANRITSU ELECTRONICS LTD 17 Tiba Street, Mohandisseen, Giza, Egypt
700 Silver Seven Road, Suite 120, Kanata
(CHENGDU OFFICE) FAX: +202-3385775/3385799
ON K2V 1C3, Canada
26E New Times Square,
TEL: +1-613-591-2003 • Finland
No.42, Wen Wu Road, Xinhua Street
FAX: +1-613-591-1006
Chengdu 610017 ANRITSU AB
(TORONTO OFFICE) FAX: 028-8651 0055 Piispanportti 9, FIN-02240 Espoo, Finland
2810 Matheson Blvd. E, 2nd Fl. TEL: +358-9-435-522-0
Mississauga, ON L4W 4X7, Canada FAX: +358-9-435-522-50
TEL: +1-877-267-4878
TEL: +1-905-890-7799
FAX: +1-905-625-5864
http://www.anritsu.com 5
• Portugal • South Africa • United Kingdom
Estrada de Alfragide, 43 12 Surrey Square Office Park, 330 Surrey 200 Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire
2720-015 Amadora, Portugal Avenue, Ferndale, 2194 Randburg LU1 3LU, United Kingdom
TEL: +351-21-4721210 South Africa TEL: +44-1582-433200
FAX: +351-21-4721209 (P. O. Box 4231 Randburg, 2125 South Africa) FAX: +44-1582-731303
TEL: +27-11-787-7200 ANRITSU LTD
• Puerto Rico FAX: +27-11-787-0446 (LIVINGSTON OFFICE)
CARIBBEAN DATA SYSTEM Unit 1, Knightsridge Industrial Estate
636, San Patricio Ave. San Juan • Spain
Turnbull Way, Knightsridge
PR00920-4507 ANRITSU LTD Livingston EH54 8RB, United Kingdom
Puerto Rico European Sales Development Centre TEL: +44-1506-436111
TEL: +1-787-774-6969 200 Capability Green FAX: +44-1506-436112
FAX: +1-787-774-6973 Luton, LU1 3LU - United Kingdom
TEL: +44-1582-433 340 • U.S.A.
• Qatar TEL: +44-1582-433 319 ANRITSU COMPANY
P. O. Box 2481, Doha Qatar 490 Jarvis Drive
TEL: +974-424347 • Sri Lanka
Morgan Hill, CA 95037-2809, U.S.A.
FAX: +974-324777 INFOTECHS LTD Toll Free: 1-800-ANRITSU (267-4878)
23/1 Jaya Road TEL: +1-408-778-2000
• Russia & CIS Countries
Colombo 4, Sri Lanka FAX: +1-408-776-1744
ELSINCO G.M.B.H. TEL: +94-1-583210
Breitenfurter Strasse 13 1155 East Collins Blvd.
A-1120 Wien, Austria • Sweden Richardson, TX 75081, U.S.A.
TEL: +43 (0)1 8150400 ANRITSU AB Toll Free: 1-800-ANRITSU (267-4878)
FAX: +43 (0)1 8150700 Botvid Center TEL: +1-972-644-1777
Fagelviksvagen 9 FAX: +1-972-671-1877
• Saudi Arabia S-145 84 Stockholm ANRITSU COMPANY
P. O. Box 203, Jeddah 21411 FAX: +46-8-534-70730 10 New Maple Avenue, Unit 305
Saudi Arabia P. O. Box 836,
TEL: +966-2-6610006 • Switzerland Pine Brook, NJ 07058-0836, U.S.A.
FAX: +966-2-6610558 EXANOVIS AG Toll Free: 1-800-ANRITSU (267-4878)
ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT Moosstrasse 8a TEL: +1-973-227-8999
MARKETING CO. (EEMCO) 3322 Schoenbuehl FAX: +1-973-575-0092
No. 28, Baroudi Lane Switzerland
TEL: +41-031-850-2525 • Uruguay
Sulaymaniya, Riyadh 11481
Saudi Arabia FAX: +41-031-850-2520 CABONORTE S.A.
TEL: +966-1-477-1650 Colonia 1900, Ap. 603
• Taiwan Montevideo, CP 11800 Uruguay
FAX: +966-1-478-5140
ANRITSU COMPANY, INC. TEL: +59-2-403 0522
• Singapore 7F, NO. 316, Sec. 1, Neihu Road FAX: +59-2-401 8594
ANRITSU PTE. LTD Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.
TEL: +886-2-8751-1816 • Venezuela
10, Hoe Chiang Road #07-01/02
Keppel Towers, 089315 FAX: +886-2-8751-1817 RADIOCOMUNICACIONES CRUZ C.A.
Singapore ANRITSU COMPANY, INC. Calle la Colina, quinta Elison
TEL: +65-6282-2400 No. 21, Lane 23 Colina de los Caobos
FAX: +65-6282-2533 Guandung Road Caracas 1050, Venezuela
Hsinchu Taiwan TEL: +58-212-7932322
• Slovakia TEL: +886-3-563-6601 FAX: +58-212-7933429
ELSINCO SLOVENSKO, S.R.O. FAX: +886-3-564-5819 • Vietnam
Kudlákova 4, SK-841 01 Bratislava
Slovakia • Thailand SYSTEM & TECHNOLOGIES
FAX: +421 (0)2 6428 44 54 200 29th-30th Floor, Chaengwatana Road Unit # B236, Binh Minh Hotel
Pakkred Sub-district, Pakkred District 27 Ly Thai To St.
(KOSICE BRANCH OFFICE) Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand
TEL: +(66)0-2502-3000-7 TEL: +84-4-8-264-728
Juzna trieda 6 SK-040 01 Kosice FAX: +84-4-9-344-111
Slovakia FAX: +(66)0-2502-3150-2
TEL: +421 (0) 55 622 6729 • United Arab Emirates • Zimbabwe
FAX: +421 (0) 55 622 6729 MARTWELL ELECTRONICS (PVT) LTD
• Slovenia (ABU DHABI BRANCH) P.O. Box CH 857 Chisipite Harare
P. O. Box: 41175, Abu Dhabi Zimbabwe
ELSINCO D.O.O. TEL: +263-4-494928
Dalmatinova 2, SI-1000 United Arab Emirates
TEL: +971-2-6458909 FAX: +263-4-494927
Ljubljana, Slovenia
TEL: +386 (0)1 432 62 77 FAX: +971-2-6458907
FAX: +386 (0)1 231 73 97
http://www.anritsu.com 7
Fiber Adapter ......................................................................98 Matching Pad and Impedance Adapter ..........................532
F Fiber Adapter (for ML9001A/9002A) ...............................36, 38
M MD1230A Expert Analysis Module
Fiber Adapter (for MT9810B/9812B) ...............................47, 59 (for MD1230A Family)..........................................................159
Fiber Jacket Stripper (for optical accessories) ...................100 Measuring Receiver .................................................295, 297
Field Replaceable Diode Modules.......................................510 Microwave Detectors.................................................508, 511
Fixed Attenuator (for ML2530A) .........................................449 Microwave Frequency Counter .......................................440
Fixed Attenuators .............................................................495 Microwave Repeater Checker...........................................453
Four-Port Junction Pad.....................................................460 Millimeter-Wave Modules ..................................................384
Frame Coder (for MD8480B) ...............................................256 Millimeter-Wave Vector Network Analyzer .....................381
Frame Decoder (for MD8480B) ..........................................256 Mode Scrambler (for optical accessories) ..........................100
Frequency Converter (for ML524B) .................................297 Modulation Analyzer ........................................................216
Frequency Converter (for MS2711D)………………………..318 MP165X to MP1632A/C Pattern Conversion Software
(for MP1632C) ....................................................................125
Multi Channel Box ..............................................................54
G703/G, AMI Interface (for MD6420A)................210, 211, 212 Multislot Chassis ...............................................................144
G GIF 085/130 µm Unit (for MW9060A)....................................71
Gigabit Ethernet Module (for MD1230A Family) .........146, 147
GPIB Remote Control Unit (for MD6420A)..........................211 NADC Measurement Software (for MS8604A)....................243
GSM Application Software (for MS8604A) .........................239 N Network Analyzer .............................................................373
GSM Device Test Software (for MG3681A).................249, 253 Network Analyzer Measurement System .......................387
GSM/GPRS (for MD8480B).................................................256 Network Analyzer Measurement
GSM Measurement Software System/Direct-Access Receiver.......................................393
(for MS2650/2660 series)....................................353, 360, 368 Network Data Analyzer .....................................................206
GSM Measurement Software (for MS2681A)......................330 Network Performance Tester ............................................187
GSM Measurement Software (for MS2683A)......................330 Noise Sources....................................................................392
GSM Measurement Software (for MS2687B)......................330 NRZ Unit (for MP1570A/A1) ................................................175
GSM Measurement Software (for MT8801C)..............278, 284
GSM Measurement Software (for MT8820A) ......................275
OC-3/12 STM-1/4 Module (for MD1230A Family) .......153, 154
O OC-3/STM-1 Module (for MD1230A Family) ...............153, 154
Handheld Spectrum Analyzer .........................................316 O/E Calibration Module .................................................21, 386
H High Accuracy Sensor (for ML2430 series).........................514 Offset Terminations...........................................................493
High-Pass Filter .................................................................461 Open/Shorts ......................................................................506
HSDPA Measurement Software (for MS8608A) ..................237 Optical 10G Rx (Narrow) Unit (for MP1570A/A1)................176
HSDPA Measurement Software (for MS8609A) ..................218 Optical 10G Rx (Wide) Unit (for MP1570A/A1) ..................177
Optical 10G Tx (1.31) Unit (for MP1570A/A1).....................178
Optical 10G Tx (1.55) High Power Unit
Instrumentation Grade Adapters ....................485, 486, 489 (for MP1570A/A1) ................................................................176
I Integrated V Connectors ..................................................475 Optical 10G Tx (1.55) Unit (for MP1570A/A1).....................176
Interference/Field Strength Meter ...................................450 Optical 156M/622M (1.31) Unit (for MP1570A/A1)..............175
IP Network Analyzer ....................................................17, 144 Optical 156M/622M (1.31/1.55) Unit (for MP1570A/A1)......175
IP Tester Control Module (for MD1230A Family).................156 Optical 156M/622M (1.55) Unit (for MP1570A/A1)..............175
IS-136A Measurement Software (for MT8801C) .................284 Optical 2.5G/10G Rx (Wide) Unit (for MP1570A/A1) .........179
IS-95 Device Test Software (for MG3681A) ........................249 Optical 2.5G/10G Tx (1.31) Unit (for MP1570A/A1)............179
ISDN (for MD8480B) ..........................................................256 Optical 2.5G/10G Tx (1.55) High Power Unit (for
MP1570A/A1) ......................................................................177
Optical Attenuator ..............................................................97
K Series Connectors .........................................................466 Optical Attenuator (for ML9001A)..........................................35
K Optical Channel Drop Unit (OCDU) .....................................89
Optical Channel Selector ...................................................90
LD Source (for MS9020D) .....................................................26 Optical Channel Selector Unit (for MW9076 series) ............66
L LED Source (for MS9020D)...................................................26 Optical Directional Coupler ...............................................94
Level Correction Software (for ME7812 series)...................287 Optical Handy Power Meter ...............................................37
Level Meter .........................................................................457 Optical Loss Test set .........................................................40
Light Source (for MT9810B/9812B).......................................48 Optical Power Meter ...........................................................33
Log-Periodic Antenna ......................................................452 Optical Power Sensor
Light Source (SLD) (for MT9810B/9812B) ............................56 (for ML9001A/9002A, MS9020D) ..............................39, 42, 44
Loop Antenna ...................................................................453 Optical Sensor (for ML9001A).........................................26, 34
Low-Power Data Communication System Measurement Optical Sensor (for MT9810B/9812B) ............................26, 34
Software conforming to issue of Direct Spread Spectrum Optical Sensor Holder (for ML9001A) ..................................35
System (for MS2650/2660 series) .......................................353 Optical Spectrum Analyzer.....................................73, 78, 83
Low-Power Data Communication System Measurement Optical Test Set....................................................................45
Software conforming to issue of Frequency Hopping Optical Time Domain Reflectometer ..........................60, 68
System (for MS2650/2660 series) .......................................353 Optical Variable Attenuator ...............................................97
OTDR Emulation Software (for MW9076 series) .................62
http://www.anritsu.com 9
Voice Codec (for MD8480B)................................................256
W W-1 Calibration Kit.........................................................22, 404
Wander Measurement Application Software
(MTIE/TDEV) (for MP1580A) ..............................................186
Wander (MTIE, TDEV) Measurement Application Software
(for MP1570A/A1) ................................................................162
Waveguide-to-Coaxial Adapters .............484, 485, 486, 489
W-CDMA Area Tester.........................................................292
W-CDMA Call Processing Software( for MT8820A) ............274
W-CDMA Ciphering Software (for MT8820A)......................277
W-CDMA Measurement Software (for MS2681A) ..............330
W-CDMA Measurement Software (for MS2683A)...............330
W-CDMA Measurement Software (for MS2687B)...............330
W-CDMA Measurement Software (for MS8608A).......231, 234
W-CDMA Measurement Software (for MS8609A).......216, 221
W-CDMA Measurement Software (for MT8820A) ..............274
W-CDMA Rapid Test Designer (RTD) ...........................18, 302
W-CDMA Signalling Tester ..............................................254
W-CDMA Signalling Tester Ciphering (for MD8480B) .........256
W-CDMA Signalling Tester Control software
(for MD8480B) .....................................................................256
W-CDMA Signalling Tester Firmware (for MD8480B) ........256
W-CDMA Signalling Tester FPGA (for MD8480B)...............256
W-CDMA Signalling Tester ISDN/PPP (for MD8480B)........256
W-CDMA Software (for MG3681A)......................................253
W-CDMA Virtual Signaling System .................................542
WDM Tester .........................................................................87
Wide Band Peak Power Meters ..................................23, 443
WLAN Test Set.............................................................18, 265
Wireless LAN Measurement Software (for MS8608A) ........237
Wireless LAN Measurement Software (for MS8609A) ........219
http://www.anritsu.com 11
MA9422A Optical Power Sensor
K (for ML9002A, MS9020D)..............................26, 39, 44
K Series Connectors .............................................................466 MA9423A Optical Power Sensor
K120 Series RF Cables ..........................................................479 (for ML9002A, MS9020D)..............................26, 39, 44
K200B Coaxial Adapters....................................................482 MA9611A Optical Sensor (for ML9001A) ............................26, 35
K240 Power Dividers .......................................................516 MA9612A Optical Sensor (for ML9001A) ............................26, 35
K241 Series Power Splitters ..........................................517, 518 MA9621A Optical Power Sensor
K250 Bias Tees ................................................................519 (for ML9002A, MS9020D)..............................26, 39, 44
K251 Ulta-Wideband Bias Tees ......................................520 MA9622A Optical Power Sensor (for MS9020D) ...........39, 42, 44
K261 Precision DC Blocks..............................................524 MA9711A/A1 Optical Sensor (for ML9001A) ........................26, 34
MA9712A Optical Sensor (for ML9001A) ............................26, 34
MA MA9714B Optical Power Sensor (for ML9001A) ..................26, 34
MA9721A Optical Power Sensor
MA1610A Pulse Modulator (for MG3633A) ..............................426 (for ML9002A, MS9020D) ....................................26, 39
MA1612A Four-Port Junction Pad .........................................460 MA9723A Optical Power Sensor
MA2201A Reflection Bridge ...................................................413 (for ML9002A, MS9020D) ....................................26, 39
MA2401A Reflection Bridge ...................................................413 MA9805A Optical Attenuator (for ML9001A) ..............................35
MA2418A Reference Source (for ML2430A) ............................443 MA9901A Fiber Adapter (for MT9810B/9812B) ...................47, 51
MA2421B Thermal Power Sensor (for ML2430 series)............512 MA9901B Fiber Adapter (for MT9810B/9812B)..........................53
MA2422B Thermal Power Sensor (for ML2430 series)............512 MA9902A Connector Adapter (for MT9810B/9812B) .................53
MA2423B Thermal Power Sensor (for ML2430 series)............512 MA9903A Connector Adapter (for MT9810B/9812B) .................53
MA2424B Thermal Power Sensor (for ML2430 series)............512
MA2425B Thermal Power Sensor (for ML2430 series)............512 MB
MA2442A High Accuracy Sensor (for ML2430 series) .............514
MA2444A High Accuracy Sensor (for ML2430 series) .............514 MB-009 50 Ω, 75 Ω Impedance Transformer .....................459
MA2445A High Accuracy Sensor (for ML2430 series) .............514 MB23A Portable Test Rack .................................................534
MA2469A Power Sensor (for ML2430 series) ..........................514 MB24A Portable Test Rack .................................................534
MA2472A Power Sensor (for ML2430 series) ..........................514
MA2473A Power Sensor (for ML2430 series) ..........................514 MD
MA2474A Power Sensor (for ML2430 series) ..........................514
MA2475A Power Sensor (for ML2430 series) ..........................514 MD0620A GPIB Remote Control Unit (for MD6420A) ..............211
MA2499B Sensor Adapter (for ML2430 series)........................514 MD0620B RS-232C Remote Control Unit (for MD6420A)........211
MA2512A Band Pass Filter.............................................253, 462 MD0621 Series X/V Series Interface (for MD6420A) ..............211
MA2540A Sensor Module (for ML2530A).................................448 MD0622 Series G.703, AMI Interface (for MD6420A) .............211
MA2601B/C EMI Probe ..........................................................451 MD0625B I.431 Interface (for MD6420A) .................................211
MA2740A External Mixer (for Spectrum Analyzer)...........336, 342 MD0626A TTL Interface Unit (for MD6420A)............................211
MA2741A External Mixer (for Spectrum Analyzer)...........336, 342 MD0627A Analog Unit (for MD6420A)......................................211
MA2742A External Mixer (for Spectrum Analyzer)...........336, 342 MD1230A Data Quality Analyzer......................................17, 144
MA2743A External Mixer (for Spectrum Analyzer)...........336, 342 MD1231A IP Network Analyzer ........................................17, 144
MA2744A External Mixer (for Spectrum Analyzer)...........336, 342 MD6420A Data Transmission Analyzer .........................142, 210
MA2745A External Mixer (for Spectrum Analyzer)...........336, 342 MD6430A Network Data Analyzer ..................................142, 206
MA2746A External Mixer (for Spectrum Analyzer)...........336, 342 MD8480B W-CDMA Signalling Tester ....................................254
MA29A Transformer (for Network Analyzer) .........................413
MA313A Transformer (for Network Analyzer) .........................413 ME
MA314A Transformer (for Network Analyzer) .........................413
MA315A Transformer (for Network Analyzer) .........................413 ME7220A Radar Test Set (RTS) .............................................454
MA422A1 Transformer (for Network Analyzer) .........................413 ME7411A Switch Unit for Transceiver Continuous Test
MA61B Probe (for ML69B) ...................................................450 (for ME7812 series) .................................................287
MA8120A Shield Box...............................................................298 ME7413A Coaxial Switch (for ME7812 series).........................287
MA8610A Pre-amplifier (for MA8611A) ...................................452 ME7760A/B 43.5 Gbit/s BERT System .................................103
MA8611A EMI Probe Kit..........................................................452 ME7808A Broadband Vector Network Analyzer...................384
MA9001B Connector Adapter (for ML9001A).......................26, 29 ME7812 Series Radio Communication Test System...........287
MA9002A Adapter (for ML9001A) ..............................................26 ME7840A Power Amplifier Test System (PATS) ...................395
MA9004A Connector Adapter (for MS9020D) ......................26, 43 ME7842B Tower Mounted Amplifier Test System(TMATS) ....398
MA9005A Connector Adapter (for ML9002A, MS9020D).....26, 43 ME7865A Bluetooth™ Prequalification Test System............268
MA9006A Sensor Adapter (for ML9002A)............................37, 39
MA9013A Fiber Adapter ...............................................26, 38, 39 MF
MA9014A Bare Fiber Connector ..............................................96
MA9306A Optical Attenuator (for ML9001A) ..............................35 MF2400B Series Microwave Frequency Counter...................440
MA9331A Optical Sensor (for MT9810B) .............................26, 53
MA9332A Optical Sensor (for MT9810B) .............................26, 53 MG
MA9333A Optical Sensor (for MT9810B) .............................26, 53
MG3633A Synthesized Signal Generator......................417, 422
MA9411A Optical Sensor (for ML9001A) .............................26, 34
MG3641A Synthesized Signal Generator ..............................417
MA9421A Optical Power Sensor
MG3642A Synthesized Signal Generator ..............................417
(for ML9002A, MS9020D)..............................26, 39, 44
MG3681A Digital Modulation Signal Generator....................248
http://www.anritsu.com 13
MS371A/A1 PCM Channel Analyzer.....................................134 MU120120A OC-3/STM-1 Module
MS4622A Network Analyzer Measurement System.............387 (for MD1230A Family) .................................153, 154
MS4622B Network Analyzer Measurement System.............387 MU150000A 2.5G/10G Unit (for MP1570A/A1) .......................177
MS4622C Vector Network Measurement System, MU150001A/B Optical 10G Tx (1.55) Unit
Direct-Access Receiver .........................................387 (for MP1570A/A1) ...............................................176
MS4622D Vector Netowrk Measurement System 4-port ....387 MU150002A Optical 10G Rx (Narrow) Unit
MS4623A Vector Network Measurement System................387 (for MP1570A/A1) ...............................................176
MS4623B Network Analyzer Measurement System.............387 MU150005A 2/8/34/139M, 156/622M Jitter Unit
MS4623C Vector Network Measurement System, (for MP1570A/A1) ...............................................177
Direct-Access Receiver .........................................387 MU150006A 1.5/45/52M, 156/622M Jitter Unit
MS4623D Vector Network Measurement System 4-Port .....387 (for MP1570A/A1) ...............................................177
MS4630B Network Analyzer ...................................................387 MU150007A 2/8/34/139M, 1.5/45/52M, 156/622M
MS555B Radio Communication Analyzer...........................297 Jitter Unit (for MP1570A/A1)...............................177
MS75B Microwave Repeater Checker ...............................453 MU150008A 2.5G (1.31) Unit (for MP1570A/A1) ....................177
MS8604A Digital Mobile Radio Transmitter Tester..................215, 238 MU150009A 2.5G (1.55) Unit (for MP1570A/A1) ....................177
MS8608A Digital Mobile Radio Transmitter Tester..................215, 231 MU150010A 2.5G (1.31/1.55) Unit (for MP1570A/A1) ............177
MS8609A Digital Mobile Radio Transmitter Tester..................215, 216 MU150011A 2.5G Jitter Unit (for MP1570A/A1 .......................177
MS9020D Optical Loss Test Set ..............................................40 MU150017A Optical 10G Rx (Wide) Unit
MS9710B Optical Spectrum Analyzer .....................................78 (for MP1570A/A1) ...............................................176
MS9710C Optical Spectrum Analyzer .....................................73 MU150017B Optical 2.5G/10G Rx (Wide) Unit
MS9715A WDM Tester ..............................................................87 (for MP1570A/A1) ...............................................176
MS9780A Optical Spectrum Analyzer .....................................83 MU150018A 2.5G/10G Jitter Unit (for MP1580A)....................179
MU150031A Optical 10G Tx (1.55) High Power Unit
MT (for MP1570A/A1) ...............................................176
MU150031C Optical 2.5G/10G Tx (1.55) High Power Unit
MT7407A Multislot Chassis ...................................................144 (for MP1570A/A1) ...............................................181
MT8212A Cell Master..............................................................306 MU150061A Optical 10G Tx (1.31) Unit
MT8801C Radio Communication Analyzer...........................278 (for MP1570A/A1) ...............................................176
MT8820A Radio Communication Analyzer...........................271 MU150061B Optical 2.5G/10G Tx (1.31) Unit
MT8850A Bluetooth™ Test Set...............................................257 (for MP1570A/A1) ...............................................178
MT8852A Bluetooth™ Test Set ...............................................259 MU150100A 10/10.7G Unit (for MP1590A) .............................189
MT8860A WLAN Test Set .......................................................265 MU150121A 10/10.7G Optical Unit (Tx) (for MP1590A) .........192
MT9810B Optical Test Set ........................................................45 MU150122A 10/10.7G Optical Unit (Rx Narrow)
MT9812B Multi Channel Box....................................................54 (for MP1590A).....................................................192
MU150123A 10/10.7G Optical Unit (Rx Wide)
MU (for MP1590A).....................................................193
MU150125A 10/10.7G Jitter Unit (for MP1590A) ....................193
MU120001A STM-4/OC-12 Unit (for MP1220A)......................201 MU150134A 10/10.7G Optical Unit (Tx. Ex. mod)
MU120002A STM-1/OC-3 Unit (for MP1220A)........................201 (for MP1590A).....................................................199
MU120010A T1/T3 Unit (for MP1220A)...................................202 MU163220C 3.2G Pulse Pattern Generator
MU120011A E1/E3/E4 Unit (for MP1220A).............................202 (for MP1632C) ............................................124, 126
MU120012A E1/E3 Unit (for MP1220A) ..................................202 MU163240C 3.2G Error Detector (for MP1632C)....................124
MU120015A ATM 25M Unit (for MP1220A).............................203 MU177601B 12.5 Gb/s Error Detector Unit
MU120016A 6.3M Unit (for MP1220A) ....................................203 (for MP1776A).....................................................113
MU120017A 6.3/25M Unit (for MP1220A) ...............................203 MU250000A Display Unit (for MW9076 series) .........................65
MU120020A QoS Unit (for MP1220A).....................................204 MU250000A4 Display Unit (for MW9076 series) .........................65
MU120021A Protocol Unit (for MP1220A)...............................204 MU368010A TDMA Modulation Unit (for MG3681A)...............249
MU120101A 10M/100M Ethernet Module MU368030A Universal Modulation Unit (for MG3681A) .... 249, 253
(for MD1230A Family) .........................................146 MU368040A CDMA Modulation Unit (for MG3681A)........248, 249
MU120102A Gigabit Ethernet Module MU368060A AWGN Unit (for MG3681A).........................249, 253
(for MD1230A Family).................................146, 147 MU643000A Datacom Interface Unit (for MD6430A) ..............209
MU120103A 2.5G (1.31) Module (for MD1230A Family).........146 MU643000B Datacom Interface Unit (for MD6430A) ..............209
MU120103B 2.5G (1.31) Module (for MD1230A Family).........146 MU643000C Datacom Interface Unit (for MD6430A) ..............209
MU120104A 2.5G (1.55) Module (for MD1230A Family).........146 MU740701A IP Tester Control Module
MU120104B 2.5G (1.55) Module (for MD1230A Family).........146 (for MD1230A Family) .........................................156
MU120105A 10G (1.31) Module (for MD1230A Family)..........146 MU740702A Power Unit for IP Tester (for MD1230A Family) ......146
MU120106A 10G (1.55) Module (for MD1230A Family)..........146 MU848051A CPU (for MD8480B)............................................256
MU120111A 10/100M Ethernet Module MU848052A Frame Decoder (for MD8480B) ..........................256
(for MD1230A Family) .........................................146 MU848053A Rx Baseband (for MD8480B)..............................256
MU120112A Gigabit Ethernet Module MU848055A ISDN (for MD8480B)...........................................256
(for MD1230A Family) .................................146, 147 MU848056A Voice Codec (for MD8480B) ...............................256
MU120118A 10 Gigabit Ethernet Module MU848057A Frame Coder (for MD8480B) ..............................256
(for MD1230A Family) .................................146, 147 MU848058A Tx Baseband (for MD8480B) ..............................256
MU120119A OC-3/12 STM-1/4 Module MU848059B Timing Generator (for MD8480B) .......................256
(for MD1230A Family) .................................153, 154 MU848060B TDMA (for MD8480B) .........................................256
http://www.anritsu.com 15
MX860801B W-CDMA Measurement Software
(for MS8608A).....................................................237
MX860802A GSM Measurement Software MZ106C Mode Scrambler (for optical accessories) ...............100
(for MS8608A).....................................................232 MZ110B Battery Pack (for ML524B).......................................296
MX860803A cdma Measurement Software (for MS8608A) ......231 MZ114A AC Power Pack (for ML524B) ..................................296
MX860804A cdma2000® 1xEV-DO Measurement Software MZ115B Battery Charger (for ML524B) .................................296
(for MS8608A).....................................................237 MZ137A Battery Pack (for ML524B).......................................296
MX860805A π/4DQPSK Measurement Software MZ8010A Optical Sensor Holder (for ML9001A)........................35
for MS8608A)......................................................237 MZ8013A Sensor Holder (for ML9002A) ....................................37
MX860820A BER/BLER Measurement Software
(for MS8608A).....................................................237
MX860830A Wireless LAN Measurement Software
(for MS8608A).....................................................237 N241 Series Power Splitters ..................................................518
MX860850A HSDPA Measurement Software NC346A 5 dB ENR Noise Source (3.5 mm)...........................399
(for MS8608A).....................................................237 NC346B 15 dB ENR Noise Source (3.5 mm).........................399
MX860901B W-CDMA Measurement Software
(for MS8609A).............................................216, 221
MX860902A GSM Measurement Software
(for MS8609A).....................................................223 S300C Series Site Master...................................................19, 310
MX860903A cdma Measurement Software (for MS8609A) .....223 S800C Series Site Master.........................................................310
MX860904A cdma2000® 1xEV-DO Measurement Software
(for MS8609A).....................................................224 V
MX860905A π/4DQPSK Measurement Software
(for MS8609A).....................................................226 V Series Connectors .............................................................471
MX860920A RER/BLER Measurement Software V115FCPW Integrated V Connector ....................................475
for MS8609A)......................................................230 V115FMS10 Integrated V Connector ....................................475
MX860930A Wireless LAN Measurement Software V115FMS75 Integrated V Connector ....................................475
(for MS8609A).....................................................230 V116F Integrated V Connector ....................................475
MX860950A HSDPA Measurement Software V120 Series RF Cables ..........................................................479
(for MS8609A).....................................................227 V240 Power Dividers .......................................................516
MX872022B Data Conversion Software (for ML8720B) ..........294 V241 Series Power Splitters ..........................................517, 519
MX880113A IS-136A Measurement Software V250 Bias Tees ................................................................519
(for MT8801C) ....................................................284 V251 Ultra-Wideband Bias Tees.....................................520
MX880114A AMPS/PCS1900 Measurement Software V255 Ultra-Wideband Bias Tee...................................... 522
(for MT8801C) ....................................................284 V261 Precision DC Blocks..............................................524
MX880115A GSM Measurement Software V265 DC Block .................................................................526
(for MT8801C) ..... ......................................278, 284 VP Connectors............................................................................476
MX880116A PDC Measurement Software with
Call Processing (for MT8801C) ..........................285 Z
MX880117A PHS Measurement Software with
Call Processing (for MT8801C) ..........................285 Z-164A/B T-Pad .......................................................................460
MX880118A DECT Measurement Software
(for MT8801C).....................................................285
MX880131A PDC Measurement Software (for MT8801C)......285
MX880132A PHS Measurement Software (for MT8801C)......286
MX882000B W-CDMA Measurement Software
(for MT8820A).....................................................274
MX882001A GSM Measurement Software (for MT8820A) .....275
MX882002A cdma2000® Measurement Software
(for MT8820A).....................................................276
MX882003A 1xEV-DO measurement Software
(for MT8820A).............................................224, 277
MX882004A PDC Measurement Software (for MT8820A)......275
MX882005A PHS Measurement Software (for MT8820A) ......277
MX882022A cdma2000® Wireless Application Test Software
(for MT8820A).....................................................277
MX882051A W-CDMA Call Processing Software
(for MT8820A).....................................................277
MX882071A W-CDMA Ciphering Software (for MT8820A) .....277
MX907600A OTDR Emulation Software
(for MW9076 series) .............................................62
http://www.anritsu.com 17
A Multi-Function Base Station Test Tool for Greater Flexibility and Technician Productivity
MT8212A Cell Master
25 MHz to 4.0 GHz
http://www.anritsu.com 19
Spectrum Analyzer
9 kHz to 30 GHz
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http://www.anritsu.com 23
Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Optical Power Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Optical Handy Power Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Optical Loss Test Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Optical Test Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Multi Channel Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Optical Time Domain Reflectometers . . . . . . . . 60, 68
Optical Spectrum Analyzers . . . . . . . . . . . . 73, 78, 83
WDM Tester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Optical Channel Drop Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Optical Channel Selector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Programmable Optical Attenuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Optical Directional Coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Bare Fiber Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96, 98
Optical Attenuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Fiber Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Optical Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Selection guide 1
Light source
Medium/high level
O/E Converter
E/O Converter
High accuracy
and waveform
Fault location
Splice loss
Low level
ML9001A √ √ √ √ √ √ –100 to +10 dBm
Optical power meters
ML9002A √ √ √ √ –70 to +20 dBm
Optical test set MT9810B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 0.75 to 1.7 µm
Multi channel box MT9812B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 0.75 to 1.7 µm
Optical loss test set MS9020D √ √ √ √ √ √ 0.85/1.3/1.55 µm
MS9710B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 0.6 to 1.75 µm
Optical spectrum
MS9710C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 0.6 to 1.75 µm
MS9780A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 0.6 to 1.75 µm
WDM tester MS9715A √ √ √ √ √ 1.527 to 1.567 µm
MW9060A √ √ 1.31/1.55 µm (SM), 0.85/1.30 µm (GI)
Optical time domain
1.31/1.45/1.55/1.625 µm (SM),
reflectometers MW9076 series √ √ √ √ √ √ √
0.85/1.3 µm (GI)
MN938A √ 0.85/1.3 µm
MN9605C √ 1.31/1.55 µm
Optical attenuators
MN95D √ 1.3 µm
MN924C √ 1.3/1.55 µm
Programmable optical
MN9625A/9626A √ 1.2 to 1.65 µm
Optical channel selectors √ 1.2 to 1.65 µm
Optical directional coupler MN9604C/D √ √ 1.25 to 1.60 µm
Bare fiber connectors MA9014A, MP922B √
Fiber adapter MA9013A √
Optical fiber cord,
adapter, dummy
Optical accessories fiber, optical fiber √
cutter, jacket stripper,
mode scrambler
http://www.anritsu.com 25
Connector option number
21 22 23 25 26 27 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47
AT & T Biconical∗1
HMS-10/A (SM)∗1
Amphenol 906∗2
HRL-10 (APC)∗3
HFS-13/A (GI)∗2
Amphenol 905
TOCP 172∗2
DIN 47256
MS0901A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MS0902A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
LED sources
MS0903A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
(for MS9020D)
MS0904A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MS0906A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MS0902D √ √ √
LD sources MS0903D √ √ √
(for MS9020D) MS0908A √∗5 √∗5 √∗5 √∗5 √∗5
MS0909A √∗5 √∗5 √∗5 √∗5 √∗5
MA9421A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Optical power MA9423A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MA9621A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
(for ML9002A
and MS9020D) MA9721A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MA9723A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MA9411A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MA9611A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Optical power MA9612A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
(for ML9001A) MA9711A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MA9712A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MA9714B √∗5 √∗5 √∗5 √∗5 √∗5
Optical power
sensors MA9622A √∗5 √∗5 √∗5 √∗5 √∗5
(for MS9020D)
MU931422A √ √ √ √ √ √ √
AT & T Biconical∗1
HMS-10/A (SM)∗1
Amphenol 906∗2
HRL-10 (APC)∗3
HFS-13/A (GI)∗2
Amphenol 905
TOCP 172∗2
DIN 47256
MN9625A/9626A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
optical attenuator
Optical channel MN9662A/9664A/9672A/
√∗5 √∗5 √∗5 √∗5 √∗5 √
selectors 9674A
Optical direc- MN9604C √ √ √ √ √
tional coupler MN9604D √ √ √
Optical fiber cord for baseband measurements √ √
Dummy fiber cord for optical loss measurements √ √ √
Mode scrambler MZ106C √ √ √
∗1: Ferrule type; PC
∗2: Ferrule type; Flat
∗3: Ferrule type; APC (angled PC)
∗4: Ferrule diameter; 3.5 mm, M9 x 0.5 screw
∗5: Ferrule type; PC (user replaceable and cleanable)
∗6: Ferrule type; Flat (user replaceable and cleanable)
No marking: Ferrule type; Flat and PC.
http://www.anritsu.com 27
Unit in mm
Plug Adapter
13 14 2-ø2.3 13.4
1.4 M8 x 0.75 M8 x 0.75
Plug Adapter
35.6 31.2
Plug Adapter
43.6 23.5
Plug Adapter
15 15
5 9.5
42 M8 x 0.75
2-ø2.2 x ø3.8
Plug Adapter
56 19.25 3.5
Plug Adapter
28.2 max
56 max
Option 32: MU
Plug Adapter
http://www.anritsu.com 29
Unit in mm
Option 33: LC
Plug Adapter
M9 x 0.5
22 12
Plug Adapter
Plug Adapter
M5.5 x 0.5
M5.5 x 0.5
13 6.7
Plug Adapter
SW8 SW5.5
1/4-36 UNS-2A
1/4-36 UNS
Plug Adapter
SW8 SW5.5
1/4-36 UNS-2A
1/4-36 UNS
http://www.anritsu.com 31
Plug Adapter
ø3.125 SW8
SW8 SW5.5
1/4-36 UNS-2A
The ML9001A is a single-channel digital-display optical power meter. • One power sensor for repeater maintenance and long-distance
It ensures accuracy and linearity over a wide wavelength range and fiber loss measurement
greatly improves measurement reliability. It also has an improved ba- The MA9612A Optical Power Sensor has ultra-high sensitivity. Its mea-
sic performance. For example, measurements can be made over the surement level range is –100 to ±3 dBm in the 1.3 µm band and it
wide level range from –100 to +20 dBm because internal reflection can sense either continuous light or modulated light. A single MA9612A
in the power sensors has been suppressed. The ML9001A also has can measure the near-end and far-end outputs of a repeater as well
many new functions that make it easier to use than other power meters. as measure long-distance fiber losses.
It can be used for all optical power measurements such as optical • Interchangeable optical connectors
fiber loss measurement and optical device performance evaluation. The optical connectors of all the power sensors accept adapters. This
system allows the optical connectors to be interchanged so the ML9001A
Features can be quickly used with various optical connectors. Since the inter-
• Enables high-accuracy measurement nal coating of the optical power sensors suppresses reflected light,
The ML9001A accurately and automatically calibrates all the power measurement errors are reduced in beam measurement (with or without
sensors within the specified wavelength range and ensures a ±5% an optical fiber).
accuracy at –23 dBm. It also has a ±0.15 dB linearity (–23 dBm ref- • Reduced measurement time
erence value). The ML9001A extends the guaranteed accuracy range The ML9001A has a much better response speed and stability than
of the measured values and enables high-accuracy measurement. conventional optical power meters. With GPIB, it can measure at 30
ms/point so the measurement time can be reduced to less than 50%
of conventional automatic measurement.
• ML9001A Optical Power Meter
Display 4 digit, W, W(REL), dBm, dB(REL) selectable
Calibration coefficient Adjustable
Recorder output 1 V/full-scale, linear output
Range select Manual selection and automatic ranging
Measurement mode Continuous and modulated light∗1
Wavelength sensitivity correction Automatic correction in 1 nm steps
Data memory Max. 1000 data via GPIB
Dimensions and mass 213 (W) x 88 (H) x 250 (D) mm, ≤4 kg
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Model MA9411A MA9611A MA9612A
Wavelength range 0.38 to 1.15 µm 0.75 to 1.7 µm
Element Si photodiode InGaAs photodiode
Active area diameter 9.5 mm –
Input type Direct to photodiode Connector∗2
40 (W) x 32 (H) x 62/73 (D) mm, 61 (W) x 42 (H) x 110 (D) mm,
Dimensions and mass 40 (W) x 32 (H) x 65 (D) mm, ≤400 g
≤400 g ≤800 g
Model MA9411A MA9611A MA9612A
Optical power Continuous light –70 to +10 dBm∗4 (0.1 nW to 10 mW) –70 to +3 dBm∗5 (0.1 nW to 2 mW) –100 to +3 dBm∗5 (0.1 pW to 2 mW)
range Modulated light –70 to +7 dBm∗6 (0.1 nW to 5 mW) –80 to 0 dBm∗7 (10 pW to 1 mW) –90 to 0 dBm∗7 (1 pW to 1 mW)
Absolute accuracy
±5%∗8 (0.5 to 0.95 µm) ±5%∗9 (1.0 to 1.6 µm)
(–23 dBm)
Linearity continuous
accuracy ±0.15 dB∗10 ±0.15 dB∗10 ±0.15 dB∗10
light: 23°C, –23
(±0.45 dB for –70 to –60 dBm) (±0.45 dB for –70 to –60 dBm) (±0.45 dB for –90 to –80 dBm)
dBm as reference
Resolution W, W (REL) display: 0.1 to 1%, dBm display: 0.01 dB, dB (REL) display: 0.001 dB
Power 100/115/120/200/220 Vac +10
–15 %, 240 Vac +4
–15 %, 50/60/400 Hz, ≤40 VA
Operating temperature 0° to 50°C
EMC∗11 EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A), EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class D), EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN610101-1: 1993/A2, 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
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ML9001A with sensor
MA9001B MA9411A/9711A
Connector Adapter Optical Power Sensor
MA9306A Attenuator
MP92B Connector Adapter
Fiber cord with plug Optical Power Sensor
Optical Power Sensor
MA9805A Attenuator
MA9306A Attenuator
MA9306A/9805A MA9411A/9711A
Light traveling through free space Attenuator Optical Power Sensor
Optical Power Sensor
• Accurate optical power measurement
The power of a narrow beam can be accurately measured even when
an adapter is changed because anti-reflection optical sensor is used.
• Long-distance measurement with wide measurement level
An unprecedented wide measurement level has been achieved in this
handy optical power meter. Optical power of –70 to +3 dBm (MA9621A
Optical Power Sensor) in the 1.3 µm band and –70 to +10 dBm
(MA9423A Optical Power Sensor) in the 0.85 µm band can be mea-
• Direct absolute power readings for three wavelengths
Each optical sensor is calibrated at three wavelengths (0.633/0.78/
0.85 µm or 0.66/0.78/0.85 µm for short wavelengths, and 0.85/1.3/
1.55 µm for long wavelengths). The absolute power is indicated au-
tomatically just by switching to the measured wavelength.
• Flexible measurements
Two types of connections, a plug-in system (sensor incorporated into
main frame) or a cord system (sensor connected using connecting
cord), are possible so that measurement capabilities are flexible.
• Monitoring without cutting optical fiber
The optical power in an optical fiber cable (ø0.25 mm, UV-coated
fiber) can be measured by using the Optical Power Sensor.
• Compatible with various connectors
The ML9002A can be quickly connected to FC, D4, RUNGE, ST, DIN,
DIAMOND, and SC connectors just by replacing the connector adapter.
Optical Sensors
MA9421A, MA9423A, MA9621A, MA9721A, MA9723A
MZ8013A MA9006A
Sensor Holder Sensor Adapter
Sensor connecting
cord S
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MA9005A MA9421A/9423A/9721A
Fiber cord with plug Connector Adapter Optical Sensor
MA9005A Connector
Adapter attached
MA9013A MA9005A
Glass fiber Fiber Adapter Connector Adapter
MP93A Fiber Adapter MP94D Connector Adapter Optical Sensor
Operating hours 20 hr or more, floating operation possible (on internal Ni-Cd battery)
Temperature range Operating: 0° to +50°C, Storage: –30° to +50°C, Recharging: +10° to +45°C
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class D)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN610101-1: 1993/A2, 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
∗1: Used for NA ≤0.29 core diameter fiber ≤62.5 µm
∗2: Used for 0.25 µm jacket diameter fiber
∗3: For 1.55 µm wavelength, it is specified at 23° ±5°C
Optional accessories
MA9005A∗ Connector Adapter (for optical sensor)
MA9006A Sensor Adapter (for sensor connecting cord S/T)
MP93A Fiber Adapter (≤150 µm clad dia., 0.8 to 1.0 mm jacket dia.)
MP94D Connector Adapter (for MP93A and MP916A)
MA9013A Fiber Adapter
MZ8013A Sensor Holder
J0056B FC-FC-2M-SM (FC optical fiber cord, 2 m, SM)
J0200B FC-FC-2M-GI (FC optical fiber cord, 2 m, GI)
J0436 Sensor connecting cord S (for ML9002A sensors)
J0438 Recorder output cord
Z0179 Carrying case (with shoulder strap)
Z0182 Soft case
B0234 Battery box
∗: Choose from the options listed in the following table when ordering non-FC
optical connector.
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• MS9020D (mainframe)
Unit display W, W (REL), dBm, dB (REL) selectable, 4 digits
Measurement resolution W/W (REL) display: 0.1 to 1%, dBm/dB (REL) display: 0.01/0.1 dB, Blanking is possible.
Auto power off Power turns off automatically after 5 minutes of no adjustment
Recorder output 1 V (on full-scale display), 0.316 V (on –5 dB from full-scale)
Battery alarm Down-side part flickers when battery voltage goes down.
Auto offset Sensor zero point is adjusted automatically.
Back light Display section back light can be set on and off.
Averaging On and off selectable
Range hold Range can be specified and set to be on and off.
Reference value input Used to input the loss point reference value
Buzzer Sound when input level is higher than set reference level in 1 dB steps
Wavelength sensitivity
Deviation of optical power sensor is compensated automatically in 5 nm steps.
characteristics compensation
Continued on next page
• Light sources
Model MS0901A∗1 MS0902A∗1 MS0903A∗1 MS0904A∗1
Applicable fiber GI SM, GI
Element LED
1.3 ±0.03
Wavelength (µm) 0.85 ±0.03 1.3 ±0.03 1.55 ±0.035
1.55 ±0.035
Spectral half-width ≤140 (1.3 µm)
≤60 ≤140 ≤210
(nm) ≤210 (1.55 µm)
≥–22 (1.3 µm)∗3
Optical output level: ≥–20∗3 ≥–25∗3 ≥–27 (1.55 µm)∗3
CW mode (dBm)∗2 ≥–40∗4 ≥–45∗4 ≥–42 (1.3 µm)∗4
≥–47 (1.55 µm)∗4
Stability∗2, ∗ 5 ≤0.3 dB
≤0.04 dB
stability∗2, ∗ 6
Internal modulation Frequency: 270 Hz/1 kHz/2 kHz±1.5%, Square wave (duty factor: 45 to 55%)
Optical connector∗7 FC, ST, DIN, HMS-10/A, SC type connector adapter
Temperature range 0˚ to 50˚C (use), –40˚ to +70˚C (storage)
Dimensions and mass 30 (W) x 30 (H) x 37 (D) mm, ≤200 g
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• Optical sensors
Model MA9421A∗1 MA9422A∗1 MA9423A∗1 MA9621A∗1
Wavelength range 0.38 to 1.15 µm 0.75 to 1.7 µm
Element Si diode InGaAs diode
Active area diameter ø9.5 mm ø9 mm ø9.5 mm ø1 mm
Input Direct
type connector adapter∗2
–60 to +20 (0.85 µm) –50 to +20 (0.85 µm) –70 to +10 (0.85 µm) –70 to +3 (1.3 µm)
Measurement (dBm)
range MOD
–65 to +17 (0.85 µm) –50 to +17 (0.85 µm) –75 to +7 (0.85 µm) –75 to 0 (1.3 µm)
±5%∗4 ±5%∗5 ±5%∗6
Temperature range 0˚ to 50˚C (use), –40˚ to +70˚C (storage)
30 (W) x 30 (H) x 37 (D) mm, 15 (W) x 16 (H) x 140 (D) mm,
Dimensions and mass 30 (W) x 30 (H) x 37 (D) mm, ≤100 g
≤100 g ≤200 g
The maximum output is indicated under ∗1, and the wavelength under ∗2.
Caution: Do not look directly into the laser beam.
Optical Sensor
LED Source
LD Source
LD Source MS9020D
Optical sensor
(A photograph
includes a sensor)
Fiber cord with plug
Bare fiber Bare Fiber Connector Pigtail fiber MA9004A Connector Adapter attached
LED Source
Optical Sensor
Fiber cord with plug (MA9421A/9423A/9621A/9721A/9723A)
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Fiber cord with plug LD Source (MS0908A/0909A)
(Replaceable connector)
Bare fiber Bare Fiber Connector Pigtail fiber
(Replaceable connector)
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Mainframe Optional accessories
MS9020D Optical Loss Test Set (with Ni-Cd batteries) MA9004A Connector Adapter (for MS0902A/0903A/0904A)
MA9005A Connector Adapter
Standard accessories (for MA9421A/9423A/9621A/9721A/9723A)
Z0178 AC adapter: 1 pc MA9006A Sensor Adapter (for optical sensors)
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc MA9013A Fiber Adapter (Clad diam. 125 µm; Jacket diam. 0.25 to 1 mm)
J0599 AC operation adapter: 1 pc MA9014A Bare Fiber Connector
J0477 Continuant adapter: 1 pc MP93A Fiber Adapter (Clad diam. ≤150 µm)
J0597 Total internal reflection cord (for MS0907A only): 1 pc MP94D Connector Adapter (used with MP93A)
W1306AE MS9020D operation manual: 1 copy MZ8013A Sensor Holder
J0436 Optical sensor cord S (for ML9002A, MS9020A/B/C/D)
LED sources J0438 Recorder output cord (mini-jack with clips)
MS0901A LED Source (MA9004A Connector Adapter attached) J0598 Plastic fiber cord (ø1 mm, NA 0.5 , Amphenol 905, 2 m)
MS0902A LED Source (MA9004A Connector Adapter attached) J0200B FC-FC-2M-GI (FC optical fiber cord, 2 m, GI)
MS0903A LED Source (MA9004A Connector Adapter attached) J0056B FC-FC-2M-SM (FC optical fiber cord, 2 m, SM)
MS0904A LED Source (MA9004A Connector Adapter attached) Z0179 Carrying case
MS0906A LED Source (MA9004A Connector Adapter attached) Z0180 Battery pack (for Alkali/Manganese cell, up to 4 pcs)
Z0181 Ni-Cd battery pack
LD sources Z0182 Soft case (MS0908A/0909A can not house)
MS0902D LD Source (integrated with connector) Z0426 Carrying case (for MS9020D + MS0908A/0909A)
MS0903D LD Source (integrated with connector) J0206A FC·PC-DIA·PC-1M-SM (FC·PC-DIAMOND·PC optical
MS0908A LD Source (replaceable connector attached) conversion cord, 1 m, SM)
MS0909A LD Source (replaceable connector attached) J0208A FC-BIC-1M-GI (FC-BICONIC optical conversion cord, 1 m, GI)
J0210A FC-D4-1M-SM (FC-D4 optical conversion cord, 1 m, SM)
Optical sensors J0517A FC-DIN-1M-SM (FC-DIN optical conversion cord, 1 m, SM)
MA9421A Optical Sensor J0519A FC-ST-1M-SM (FC-ST optical conversion cord, 1 m, SM)
MA9422A Optical Sensor (thin type) J0521A FC-SC-1M-SM (FC-SC optical conversion cord, 1 m, SM)
MA9423A Optical Sensor J0617B Replaceable connector (FC)
MA9621A Optical Sensor (MA9005A Connector Adapter attached) ∗For MA9622A, MS0908A/0909A
MA9622A Optical Sensor (for high power, replaceable optical J0618D Replaceable connector (ST)
connector attached) ∗For MA9622A, MS0908A/0909A
MA9721A Optical Sensor J0618E Replaceable connector (DIN)
MA9723A Optical Sensor (MA9005A Connector Adapter attached) ∗For MA9622A, MS0908A/0909A
J0618F Replaceable connector (HMS-10/A)
Optical return loss measuring unit ∗For MA9622A, MS0908A/0909A
MS0907A Optical Return Loss Measuring Unit J0619B Replaceable connector (SC)
∗For MA9622A, MS0908A/0909A
Z0333A Wavelength selector ∗For MS0904A/0906A/0909A
B0232 Blank panel
Today, as we turn to photonic communications, a variety of optical • Recording measured optical power values
communication networks, from core to access, are about to be real- By mounting an optical sensor, a maximum of 1000 power measure-
ized. For this reason, there are a wide variety of performance re- ment values can be saved per channel. The saved measurement val-
quirements demanded of optical components and optical communi- ues can be read by remote control, permitting various analyses and
cations systems making up these rapidly developing optical commu- processings.
nication networks. • Variable optical power measurement interval
And the performance and specifications of the sought after evalua- By mounting an optical sensor, the optimum measurement interval
tion systems vary depending on the field (development, manufactur- can be set according to the applications (1 ms to 99 h 59 min 59 s);
ing, inspection, maintenance) in which these are developed, sup- for example, a long interval for a long-duration measurement, and a
plied and implemented. short interval for high-speed measurement.
The MT9810B Optical Test Set is the most fundamental optical mea-
surement instrument with a complete line-up of light sources (DFB-
• Variable optical power measurement bandwidth
By mounting an optical sensor, the bandwidth can be set according
LD, FP-LD, SLD) and optical sensors (high-speed, general-purpose,
to the measured item; for example, the average pulse optical power
can be measured by widening the bandwidth, and the variations in
The evaluation system can be configured to fit the users needs. In
optical power at an optical switch can be measured by narrowing the
addition, by combining the optical test set with peripheral devices
bandwidth. The setting range is between 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz
such as the optical directional coupler and the optical channel se-
(MU931311A) or 10 kHz (MU931421A/931422A).
lector, the user can construct even more diverse evaluation systems.
The MT9810B is a highly accurate and reliable evaluation system • Relative measurement
that will respond with flexibility to future diverse measurement needs. By mounting an optical sensor, 0 dB is displayed as the measured
value on the display when the relative key (Rel) is pressed. It allows
• Light source the difference from the reference value to be read directly in the loss
The DFB-LD complies with ITU-T recommended wavelengths and
measurement of an optical fiber or device.
highly stable 1.31 µm band, 1.55 µm band FP-LD’s are also offered.
In addition, an SLD light source with a center wavelength of 1.55 µm • Reference measurement
and an approximately 40 nm wavelength band is provided. By mounting an optical sensor, a relative value based on a reference
value (reference) entered using the keys can be displayed. When the
• Optical sensors light is incident at a distant location in the loss measurement of an
There are three optical sensors: high-sensitivity, general-purpose
optical fiber, the fiber loss can be read directly by entering the refer-
and high-power. Each has sensor head and plug-in models.
ence value of incident light as a reference.
• Measurement conditions saving function • Controlling optical channel selector
Up to 10 sets of measurement conditions can be saved for each
The MN96xxA Optical Channel Selector can be controlled from the
channel, permitting the repetition of measurements.
MT9810B Optical Test Set by connecting the two via a dedicated ca-
• Clone function ble. It facilitates the measurement if the optical test set and the opti-
When the same types of units are mounted in Channels 1 and 2, the cal channel selector are at a distance from each other due to the
measurement conditions for one side can be copied onto the other configuration of the measurement system. The cable lengths are
side. available in the range from 1 to 10 m.
• Measurement of max., min. and variation of optical power • GPIB and RS-232C I/F as standard
By mounting an optical sensor, the maximum and minimum values of GPIB and RS-232C interfaces are provided as standard, permitting
optical power and the variations in its value can be always displayed, remote control of the measurements via a PC. In addition, the
eliminating the need for saving the measured optical power various LabVIEW® software driver for remote control is provided as stan-
in the memory. Light source stability and PDL (polarization depen- dard, enhancing the construction of a remote measurement system.
dent loss) characteristics can be evaluated in real time. ∗ LabVIEW® is registered trademark of National Instruments Corporation.
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Light source units • FP-LD light source units
• DFB-LD light source unit The MU951301A and MU951501A have a wavelength of 1.31 µm
MU952500A/952600A series are 97 wavelengths supporting WDM. and 1.55 µm, respectively. The MU951001A allows the wavelength
The unit is equipped with a high-output and high-stability DFB-LD to be selected as either 1.31 or 1.55 µm.
light source. High-power
Conforms to wavelengths complying with ITU-T The units are general-purpose light sources with a high output of +7
The unit incorporates a DFB-LD light source that supports D-WDM dBm, making them ideal for performing measurements over a high
and complies with ITU-T. Frequencies from 186.3 to 195.9 THz dynamic range.
(1609.19 to 1530.33 nm) over a 100 GHz interval are available. High-stability
High-power, high-stability The units provide high output-power stability of better than or equal
High Power of +10 dBm and high stability of better than or equal to to ±0.002 dB. They are suitable as light sources for measurements
±0.005 dB are provided. In addition, high stability of better than or in which high accuracy is required(MU951301A/951501A).
equal to ±2 GHz can be achieved for the center frequency
Time (min)
• MT9810B Optical Test Set
dBm: 0.001, 0.01, 0.1
Display resolution dB: 0.001, 0.01, 0.1
W: 5 digits
Display range –199.999 to +199.999 dBm, ±0.0001 pW to ±10000 W
Fluorescent character display tube, 7 segments (5-1/2 digits), 2 screens, dot matrix (138 x 20 dots), dedicated segments
Remote (GPIB, RS-232C)
GPIB: Address
Data length: 7/8 bits, Stop bit: 1/2 bits
System settings Parity bit: None, odd, even
Speed: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200 bps
Buzzer volume: 4 levels, Contrast: 9 levels
Time setting: Year, month, day, hour, minute, second (24 hour display)
Settings save: 10 max. (each channel)
Settings copy: Between channels (only for same type of unit)
Selectable controlled channel
Functions Using optical sensor
Bar graph display: 60 dots
Record measurement: 1000 max. data (each channel)
Calculations: Channel subtraction, max./min./(max. – min.) displays, relative value display (measured value reference,
numeric value input), calibration value correction
Remote control GPIB, RS-232C
Laser safety mechanism Remote inter-lock, optical output control (key control)
Operating temperature/humidity: 0˚ to +50˚C/≤90% (no condensation);
Environmental conditions Storage temperature: –25˚ to +71˚C
Plug-in units 2 max.
LabVIEW ® driver Bundled as standard
Dimensions and mass 213 (W) x 88 (H) x 351 (D) mm, ≤3.5 kg (without units)
Power 100 to 120/200 to 240 Vac (+10%/–15%), ≤70 VA, 47.5 to 63 Hz
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
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• Light sources
DFB-LD light source
Model MU952501A/952502A/952503A/952504A/952505A MU952601A/952602A/952603A/952604A/952605A/952606A
Optical element DFB-LD
Applicable optical fiber SM (ITU-T G.652)
Specified wavelength
range (fp)∗1 191.7 to 195.9 THz (1563.86 to 1530.33 nm) 186.3 to 191.6 THz (1609.19 to 1564.68 nm)
Note: Wavelengths in vacuum ∗4: 15 min at constant temperature (at one point from 20˚ to 30˚C)
∗1: Only one MU951001A can be installed into MT9812B. ∗5: 6 h at constant temperature
∗2: At CW, optical attenuation setting (0.00 dB), using SM fiber (ITU-T G.652) ∗6: 8 h at 0˚ to 50˚C
and FC-PC connector ∗7: Specified connector for optical connector option supplied as standard acces-
∗3: When return loss seen from light source side is 40 dB min. sory. If connector not specified, FC-PC (Option 37) supplied as standard.
Model MU954501A
Optical element SLD
Fiber SM fiber (ITU-T G.652)
Wavelength∗1 1550 ±20 nm
Spectral half-width∗1 ≥40 nm
Optical output power∗1 –3 ±1 dBm
Note: Wavelengths in vacuum, please contact us for 1310 nm SLD light source.
∗1: At CW, optical attenuation setting (0.00 dB), using SM fiber (ITU-T G.652) and FC-PC connector
∗2: When return loss seen from light source side is 40 dB min.
∗3: 15 min at constant temperature
∗4: 6 h at constant temperature
∗5: 8 h at 0˚ to 50˚C
∗6: Specified connector for optical connector option supplied as standard accessory. If connector not specified, FC-PC (Option 37) supplied as standard.
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Model MU931311A MU931421A MU931422A
±0.05 dB (+10 to 0 dBm) ±0.05 dB (+10 to 0 dBm)
Linearity∗6 ±0.01 dB ±0.3 pW (0 to –90 dBm) ±0.01 dB ±30 pW (0 to –70 dBm)
Calibration factor input –99.999 to +99.999 dB
Wavelength sensitivity correction Measurement wavelength input in 0.01 nm units
Zero set operation Automatic zero calibration
Range select Auto, manual
Modulated light reception CW/MOD selectable, MOD: 270 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz
Measurement interval∗7 1, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 ms, 1 s to 99 h 59 min 59 s
Average setting Off, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 times
Analog output∗8 Approx. +2 V
Auto, manual
Bandwidth select∗9 Manual setting: 0.1, 1, 10, 100 Hz, Auto, manual
1, 10, 100 kHz (CW mode only) Manual setting: 0.1, 1, 10, 100 Hz, 1, 10 kHz (CW mode only)
Optical connector∗10 FC-PC, ST, DIN, HMS-10/A, SC (all PC type) FC, ST, DIN, HMS-10/A, SC, MU, LC
Operating temperature/humidity: 0˚ to +50˚C/≤90% (no condensation),
Environmental conditions Storage temperature/humidity: –40˚ to +71˚C/≤95% (no condensation)
41 (W) x 78 (H) x 335 (D) mm,
Dimensions and mass 41 (W) x 78 (H) x 335 (D) mm, ≤550 g
≤700 g
∗1 Wavelength: 1300 nm
∗2 Measurement interval: 100 ms, average: 10 times, peak to peak noise, wavelength: 1300 nm
∗3 SM fiber (ITU-T G.652), return loss: ≥45 dB, wavelength: 1550 nm
∗4 Reference conditions
SM fiber (ITU-T G.652), master FC connector
Power level: 100 µW (–10 dBm), CW light, wavelength: 1300 nm, ambient temperature: 23˚ ±2˚C, at day of calibration,
Warm-up: 1 h (MU931311A) and 30 min (MU931421A/931422A)
∗5 Operating conditions
SM Fiber (ITU-T G.652), master FC connector, CW light, any wavelength in 1000 to 1600 nm (MU931311A) and 1000 to 1650 nm (MU931421A/931422A),
power level: 100 µW (–10 dBm), ambient
temperature: 23˚ ±5˚C, within 1 year after calibration, warm-up: 1 h (MU931311A) and 30 min (MU931421A/931422A), Uncertainty increase by 1% if either
an APC connector or NA ≤0.29 fiber is used with the MU931422A.
∗6 Measurement conditions: Constant temperature within 23˚ ±5˚C, bandwidth: auto/0.1/1/10 Hz, any wavelength in 1000 to 1600 nm (MU931311A) and 1000
to 1650 nm (MU931421A/931422A), CW light, power level: 100 µW (–10 dBm) reference, warm-up: 1 h (MU931311A) and 30 min (MU931421A/931422A)
∗7 Only record measurements for measurement interval of ≤100 ms
∗8 Full-scale value for each measurement range
∗9 Approx. 3 dB bandwidth. Response time at bandwidth setting of 100 kHz varies according to analog output amplitude
∗10 Specify connector for optical connector option supplied as standard accessory. If connector not specified, FC-PC (Option 37) supplied as standard.
∗1 Wavelength: 1550 nm
∗2 Measurement interval: 100 ms, average: 10 times, peak to peak noise, wavelength: 1550 nm
∗3 SM fiber (ITU-T G.652), return loss: ≥45 dB, wavelength: 1550 nm
∗4 Reference conditions,
Connector adapter, SM fiber (ITU-T.G.652), APC connector
Power level 1 W (+30 dBm), CW light, and wavelength 1550 nm
Ambient temperature 23 ±2˚C, humidity 60 % ±10 %
Warm-up time 30 minutes, day of calibration.
∗5 Operating conditions
Connector adapter, SM fiber (ITU-T G.652), APC connector, power level: 1 W (30 dBm)
CW light, wavelength: 980 ±1 nm, 1240 to 1340 nm, 1440 to 1640 nm
Ambient temperature: 23˚ ±5˚C, within 6 months after calibration
warm-up: 30 min
Uncertainty increase by 1% if either NA ≤0.29 fiber is used.
2 % added when wavelength besides above are used (However, humidity 60 % ±10 %)
∗6 Measurement conditions
Constant temperature within 23˚ ±5˚C, any wavelength in 1000 to 1650 nm, CW light, power level: 1 W (+30 dBm) reference
Bandwidth: auto/0.1/1/10 Hz, warm-up: 30 min
∗7 Only record measurements for measurement interval of ≤20 ms
∗8 Full-scale value for each measurement range
∗9 Approx. 3 dB bandwidth
∗10 Specify connector for optical connector option supplied as standard accessory.
If connector not specified, FC (Option 37) supplied as standard.
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Ordering information
Specify the model order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame MU952504A-10 Light source (fp: 195.00 THz, 1537.40 nm)
MT9810B Optical Test Set MU952505A-01 Light source (fp: 195.10 THz, 1536.61 nm)
MU952505A-02 Light source (fp: 195.20 THz, 1535.82 nm)
Standard accessories MU952505A-03 Light source (fp: 195.30 THz, 1535.04 nm)
W1886AE MT9810B operation manual: 1 copy MU952505A-04 Light source (fp: 195.40 THz, 1534.25 nm)
W1887AE MT9810B remote control operation manual: 1 copy MU952505A-05 Light source (fp: 195.50 THz, 1533.47 nm)
J0895 RCA short pin (for remote inter-lock): 1 pc MU952505A-06 Light source (fp: 195.60 THz, 1532.68 nm)
J0896 RCA plug (for remote inter-lock): 1 pc MU952505A-07 Light source (fp: 195.70 THz, 1531.90 nm)
Z0391 Key (for laser output control): 2 pcs MU952505A-08 Light source (fp: 195.80 THz, 1531.12 nm)
F0011 Fuse, 2 A (for 100 to 120 Vac): 2 pcs MU952505A-09 Light source (fp: 195.90 THz, 1530.33 nm)
F0008 Fuse, 1 A (for 200 to 240 Vac): 2 pcs MU952601A-01 Light source (fp: 191.10 THz, 1568.77 nm)
Power cord, 2.6 m: 1 pc MU952601A-02 Light source (fp: 191.20 THz, 1567.95 nm)
B0425 Blank panel: 1 pc MU952601A-03 Light source (fp: 191.30 THz, 1567.13 nm)
Application parts MU952601A-04 Light source (fp: 191.40 THz, 1566.31 nm)
J0006 GPIB cable, 0.5 m MU952601A-05 Light source (fp: 191.50 THz, 1565.50 nm)
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m MU952601A-06 Light source (fp: 191.60 THz, 1564.68 nm)
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m MU952602A-01 Light source (fp: 190.10 THz, 1577.03 nm)
J0009 GPIB cable, 4 m MU952602A-02 Light source (fp: 190.20 THz, 1576.20 nm)
J0655A RS-232C cable (9P-25P, cross) MU952602A-03 Light source (fp: 190.30 THz, 1575.37 nm)
J0654A RS-232C cable (9P-9P, cross) MU952602A-04 Light source (fp: 190.40 THz, 1574.54 nm)
J0897B 8P modular cable, 1 m MU952602A-05 Light source (fp: 190.50 THz, 1573.71 nm)
J0897C 8P modular cable, 2 m MU952602A-06 Light source (fp: 190.60 THz, 1572.89 nm)
J0897D 8P modular cable, 5 m MU952602A-07 Light source (fp: 190.70 THz, 1572.06 nm)
J0897E 8P modular cable, 10 m MU952602A-08 Light source (fp: 190.80 THz, 1571.24 nm)
B0438B Rack mount Kit MU952602A-09 Light source (fp: 190.90 THz, 1570.42 nm)
B0438 Rack mount Kit MU952602A-10 Light source (fp: 191.00 THz, 1569.59 nm)
B0425 Blank panel MU952603A-01 Light source (fp: 189.10 THz, 1585.36 nm)
B0427 Protect cover MU952603A-02 Light source (fp: 189.20 THz, 1584.53 nm)
MU952603A-03 Light source (fp: 189.30 THz, 1583.69 nm)
[Light sources] MU952603A-04 Light source (fp: 189.40 THz, 1582.85 nm)
Main frame MU952603A-05 Light source (fp: 189.50 THz, 1582.02 nm)
MU952501A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952603A-06 Light source (fp: 189.60 THz, 1581.18 nm)
MU952502A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952603A-07 Light source (fp: 189.70 THz, 1580.35 nm)
MU952503A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952603A-08 Light source (fp: 189.80 THz, 1579.52 nm)
MU952504A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952603A-09 Light source (fp: 189.90 THz, 1578.69 nm)
MU952505A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952603A-10 Light source (fp: 190.00 THz, 1577.86 nm)
MU952601A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952604A-01 Light source (fp: 188.10 THz, 1593.79 nm)
MU952602A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952604A-02 Light source (fp: 188.20 THz, 1592.95 nm)
MU952603A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952604A-03 Light source (fp: 188.30 THz, 1592.10 nm)
MU952604A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952604A-04 Light source (fp: 188.40 THz, 1591.26 nm)
MU952605A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952604A-05 Light source (fp: 188.50 THz, 1590.41 nm)
MU952606A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952604A-06 Light source (fp: 188.60 THz, 1589.57 nm)
MU951301A FP-LD Light Source MU952604A-07 Light source (fp: 188.70 THz, 1588.73 nm)
MU951501A FP-LD Light Source MU952604A-08 Light source (fp: 188.80 THz, 1587.88 nm)
MU951001A Switchable FP-LD Light Source MU952604A-09 Light source (fp: 188.90 THz, 1587.04 nm)
Standard accessory MU952604A-10 Light source (fp: 189.00 THz, 1586.20 nm)
Optical connector adapter∗2 MU952605A-01 Light source (fp: 187.10 THz, 1602.31 nm)
MU952605A-02 Light source (fp: 187.20 THz, 1601.46 nm)
Options MU952605A-03 Light source (fp: 187.30 THz, 1600.60 nm)
MU952501A-01 Light source (fp: 193.10 THz, 1552.52 nm) MU952605A-04 Light source (fp: 187.40 THz, 1599.75 nm)
MU952501A-02 Light source (fp: 193.20 THz, 1551.72 nm) MU952605A-05 Light source (fp: 187.50 THz, 1598.89 nm)
MU952501A-03 Light source (fp: 193.30 THz, 1550.92 nm) MU952605A-06 Light source (fp: 187.60 THz, 1598.04 nm)
MU952501A-04 Light source (fp: 193.40 THz, 1550.12 nm) MU952605A-07 Light source (fp: 187.70 THz, 1597.19 nm)
MU952501A-05 Light source (fp: 193.50 THz, 1549.32 nm) MU952605A-08 Light source (fp: 187.80 THz, 1596.34 nm)
MU952501A-06 Light source (fp: 193.60 THz, 1548.51 nm) MU952605A-09 Light source (fp: 187.90 THz, 1595.49 nm)
MU952501A-07 Light source (fp: 193.70 THz, 1547.72 nm) MU952605A-10 Light source (fp: 188.00 THz, 1594.64 nm)
MU952501A-08 Light source (fp: 193.80 THz, 1546.92 nm) MU952606A-03 Light source (fp: 186.30 THz, 1609.19 nm)
MU952501A-09 Light source (fp: 193.90 THz, 1546.12 nm) MU952606A-04 Light source (fp: 186.40 THz, 1608.33 nm)
MU952501A-10 Light source (fp: 194.00 THz, 1545.32 nm) MU952606A-05 Light source (fp: 186.50 THz, 1607.47 nm)
MU952502A-01 Light source (fp: 192.10 THz, 1560.61 nm) MU952606A-06 Light source (fp: 186.60 THz, 1606.60 nm)
MU952502A-02 Light source (fp: 192.20 THz, 1559.79 nm) MU952606A-07 Light source (fp: 186.70 THz, 1605.74 nm)
MU952502A-03 Light source (fp: 192.30 THz, 1558.98 nm) MU952606A-08 Light source (fp: 186.80 THz, 1604.88 nm)
MU952502A-04 Light source (fp: 192.40 THz, 1558.17 nm) MU952606A-09 Light source (fp: 186.90 THz, 1604.03 nm)
MU952502A-05 Light source (fp: 192.50 THz, 1557.36 nm) MU952606A-10 Light source (fp: 187.00 THz, 1603.17 nm)
MU952502A-06 Light source (fp: 192.60 THz, 1556.55 nm)
MU952502A-07 Light source (fp: 192.70 THz, 1555.75 nm) Applications parts
MU952502A-08 Light source (fp: 192.80 THz, 1554.94 nm) J0617B Replaceable optical connector (FC, user replaceable)
MU952502A-09 Light source (fp: 192.90 THz, 1554.13 nm) J0618D Replaceable optical connector (ST, user replaceable)
MU952502A-10 Light source (fp: 193.00 THz, 1553.33 nm) J0618E Replaceable optical connector (DIN, user replaceable)
MU952503A-07 Light source (fp: 191.70 THz, 1563.86 nm) J0618F Replaceable optical connector (HMS-10/A, user re-
MU952503A-08 Light source (fp: 191.80 THz, 1563.05 nm) placeable)
MU952503A-09 Light source (fp: 191.90 THz, 1562.23 nm) J0619B Replaceable optical connector (SC, user replaceable)
MU952503A-10 Light source (fp: 192.00 THz, 1561.42 nm) Z0282 Ferrule cleaner
MU952504A-01 Light source (fp: 194.10 THz, 1544.53 nm) Z0283 Ferrule cleaning tape (6 pcs/set)
MU952504A-02 Light source (fp: 194.20 THz, 1543.73 nm) Z0284 Adapter cleaner (stick type, 200 pcs/set)
MU952504A-03 Light source (fp: 194.30 THz, 1542.94 nm) Main frame
MU952504A-04 Light source (fp: 194.40 THz, 1542.14 nm) MU954501A SLD Light Source
MU952504A-05 Light source (fp: 194.50 THz, 1541.35 nm)
MU952504A-06 Light source (fp: 194.60 THz, 1540.56 nm) Standard accessory
MU952504A-07 Light source (fp: 194.70 THz, 1539.77 nm) Optical connector adapter∗2
MU952504A-08 Light source (fp: 194.80 THz, 1538.98 nm) W2023AE MU954501A instruction manual
MU952504A-09 Light source (fp: 194.90 THz, 1538.19 nm)
Continued on next page
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For Adding Light Sources and Optical Sensors for Maximum of 9 Channels
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Model MU951301A MU951501A MU951001A∗1
Warm-up time 1 h (after optical output on)
Environmental Operating temperature/humidity: 0˚ to +50˚C/≤90% (no condensation); Storage Temperature: –25˚ to +71˚C
Dimensions and mass 41 (W) x 78 (H) x 335 (D) mm, ≤700 g
Note: Wavelengths in vacuum ∗4: 15 min at constant temperature (at one point from +20 to +30˚C)
∗1: Only one MU951001A can be installed into MT9812B. ∗5: 6 h at constant temperature
∗2: At CW, optical attenuation setting (0.00 dB), using SM fiber (ITU-T G.652) ∗6: 8 h at 0˚ to +50˚C
and FC-PC connector ∗7: Specified connector for optical connector option supplied as standard ac-
∗3: When return loss seen from light source side is 40 dB min. cessory. If connector not specified, FC-PC (Option 37) supplied as standard.
• Optical sensors
Model MU931311A MU931421A MU931422A
Element InGaAs-PD
Input type Fiber
Applicable optical fiber SM (ITU-T G.652) 9/125 to 62.5/125 µm (NA: ≤0.29)
Wavelength range 800 to 1600 nm 750 to 1700 nm
Optical power CW: +10 to –110 dBm CW: +10 to –80 dBm
measurement range∗1 MOD: +7 to –90 dBm MOD: +7 to –90 dBm
Noise level∗2 ≤–93 dBm ≤–73 dBm
Polarization dependency∗3 ≤0.02 dB ≤0.05 dB
Return loss∗3 ≥40 dB –
Optical power measure- ∗4 ∗5
Reference conditions : ±2%, Operating conditions : ±3.5%
ment uncertainty
±0.05 dB (+10 to 0 dBm),
Linearity∗6 ±0.05 dB (+10 to 0 dBm), ±0.01 dB ±30 pW (–70 to 0 dBm)
±0.01 dB ±0.3 pW (–90 to 0 dBm)
Calibration factor input –99.999 to +99.999 dB
Wavelength sensitivity
Measurement wavelength input in 0.01 nm units
Zero set operation Automatic zero calibration
Range select Auto, manual
Modulated light reception CW/MOD selectable, MOD: 270 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz
Measurement interval∗7 1, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 ms, 1 s to 99 h 59 min 59 s
Average setting Off, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 times
Analog output∗8 Approx. +2 V
Auto, manual
Manual setting: Auto, manual
Bandwidth select∗9
0.1, 1, 10, 100 Hz, 1, 10, 100 kHz Manual setting: 0.1, 1, 10, 100 Hz, 1, 10 kHz (CW mode only)
(CW mode only)
Optical connector∗10 FC-PC, ST, DIN, HMS-10/A, SC
Operating temperature/humidity: 0˚ to +50˚C/≤90% (no condensation); storage: –40˚ to +71˚C
Dimensions and mass 41 (W) x 78 (H) x 335 (D) mm, ≤700 g 41 (W) x 78 (H) x 335 (D) mm, ≤550 g
∗1 Wavelength: 1550 nm
∗2 Measurement interval: 100 ms, average: 10 times, peak to peak noise, wavelength: 1550 nm
∗3 SM fiber (ITU-T G.652), return loss: ≥45 dB, wavelength: 1550 nm
∗4 Reference conditions,
Connector adapter, SM fiber (ITU-T.G.652), APC connector
Power level 1 W (+30 dBm), CW light, and wavelength 1550 nm
Ambient temperature 23 ±2˚C, humidity 60 % ±10 %
Warm-up time 30 minutes, day of calibration.
∗5 Operating conditions
Connector adapter, SM fiber (ITU-T G.652), APC connector, power level: 1 W (30 dBm)
CW light, wavelength: 980 ±1 nm, 1240 to 1340 nm, 1440 to 1640 nm
Ambient temperature: 23˚ ±5˚C, within 6 months after calibration
warm-up: 30 min
Uncertainty increase by 1% if either NA ≤0.29 fiber is used.
2 % added when wavelength besides above are used (However, humidity 60 % ±10 %)
∗6 Measurement conditions
Constant temperature within 23˚ ±5˚C, any wavelength in 1000 to 1650 nm, CW light, power level: 1 W (+30 dBm) reference
Bandwidth: auto/0.1/1/10 Hz, warm-up: 30 min
∗7 Only record measurements for measurement interval of ≤20 ms
∗8 Full-scale value for each measurement range
∗9 Approx. 3 dB bandwidth
∗10 Specify connector for optical connector option supplied as standard accessory.
If connector not specified, FC (Option 37) supplied as standard.
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Ordering information
Please specify the model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame MU952504A-09 Light source (fp: 194.90 THz, 1538.19 nm)
MT9812B Multi Channel Box MU952504A-10 Light source (fp: 195.00 THz, 1537.40 nm)
MU952505A-01 Light source (fp: 195.10 THz, 1536.61 nm)
Standard accessories MU952505A-02 Light source (fp: 195.20 THz, 1535.82 nm)
J0895 RCA short pin (for remote inter-rock): 1 pc MU952505A-03 Light source (fp: 195.30 THz, 1535.04 nm)
J0896 RCA plug (for remote inter-rock): 1 pc MU952505A-04 Light source (fp: 195.40 THz, 1534.25 nm)
Z0391 Key (for laser output control): 2 pcs MU952505A-05 Light source (fp: 195.50 THz, 1533.47 nm)
F0013 Fuse, 5 A (for 100/200 Vac): 2 pcs MU952505A-06 Light source (fp: 195.60 THz, 1532.68 nm)
Power cord, 2.6 m: 1 pc MU952505A-07 Light source (fp: 195.70 THz, 1531.90 nm)
B0425 Blank panel: 8 pcs MU952505A-08 Light source (fp: 195.80 THz, 1531.12 nm)
W1555AE MT9812B operation manual: 1 copy MU952505A-09 Light source (fp: 195.90 THz, 1530.33 nm)
MU952601A-01 Light source (fp: 191.10 THz, 1568.77 nm)
Option MU952601A-02 Light source (fp: 191.20 THz, 1567.95 nm)
MT9812B-01 High power sensor option (for MU931431A) MU952601A-03 Light source (fp: 191.30 THz, 1567.13 nm)
MU952601A-04 Light source (fp: 191.40 THz, 1566.31 nm)
Application parts MU952601A-05 Light source (fp: 191.50 THz, 1565.50 nm)
J0006 GPIB cable, 0.5 m MU952601A-06 Light source (fp: 191.60 THz, 1564.68 nm)
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m MU952602A-01 Light source (fp: 190.10 THz, 1577.03 nm)
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m MU952602A-02 Light source (fp: 190.20 THz, 1576.20 nm)
J0009 GPIB cable, 4 m MU952602A-03 Light source (fp: 190.30 THz, 1575.37 nm)
J0655A RS-232C cable (9P-25P, cross) MU952602A-04 Light source (fp: 190.40 THz, 1574.54 nm)
J0654A RS-232C cable (9P-9P, cross) MU952602A-05 Light source (fp: 190.50 THz, 1573.71 nm)
MU952602A-06 Light source (fp: 190.60 THz, 1572.89 nm)
[Light sources] MU952602A-07 Light source (fp: 190.70 THz, 1572.06 nm)
Main frame MU952602A-08 Light source (fp: 190.80 THz, 1571.24 nm)
MU952501A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952602A-09 Light source (fp: 190.90 THz, 1570.42 nm)
MU952502A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952602A-10 Light source (fp: 191.00 THz, 1569.59 nm)
MU952503A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952603A-01 Light source (fp: 189.10 THz, 1585.36 nm)
MU952504A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952603A-02 Light source (fp: 189.20 THz, 1584.53 nm)
MU952505A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952603A-03 Light source (fp: 189.30 THz, 1583.69 nm)
MU952601A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952603A-04 Light source (fp: 189.40 THz, 1582.85 nm)
MU952602A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952603A-05 Light source (fp: 189.50 THz, 1582.02 nm)
MU952603A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952603A-06 Light source (fp: 189.60 THz, 1581.18 nm)
MU952604A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952603A-07 Light source (fp: 189.70 THz, 1580.35 nm)
MU952605A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952603A-08 Light source (fp: 189.80 THz, 1579.52 nm)
MU952606A DFB-LD Light Source∗1 MU952603A-09 Light source (fp: 189.90 THz, 1578.69 nm)
MU951301A FP-LD Light Source MU952603A-10 Light source (fp: 190.00 THz, 1577.86 nm)
MU951501A FP-LD Light Source MU952604A-01 Light source (fp: 188.10 THz, 1593.79 nm)
MU951001A Switchable FP-LD Light Source MU952604A-02 Light source (fp: 188.20 THz, 1592.95 nm)
MU952604A-03 Light source (fp: 188.30 THz, 1592.10 nm)
Standard accessory MU952604A-04 Light source (fp: 188.40 THz, 1591.26 nm)
Optical connector adapter∗2 MU952604A-05 Light source (fp: 188.50 THz, 1590.41 nm)
MU952604A-06 Light source (fp: 188.60 THz, 1589.57 nm)
Options MU952604A-07 Light source (fp: 188.70 THz, 1588.73 nm)
MU952501A-01 Light source (fp: 193.10 THz, 1552.52 nm) MU952604A-08 Light source (fp: 188.80 THz, 1587.88 nm)
MU952501A-02 Light source (fp: 193.20 THz, 1551.72 nm) MU952604A-09 Light source (fp: 188.90 THz, 1587.04 nm)
MU952501A-03 Light source (fp: 193.30 THz, 1550.92 nm) MU952604A-10 Light source (fp: 189.00 THz, 1586.20 nm)
MU952501A-04 Light source (fp: 193.40 THz, 1550.12 nm) MU952605A-01 Light source (fp: 187.10 THz, 1602.31 nm)
MU952501A-05 Light source (fp: 193.50 THz, 1549.32 nm) MU952605A-02 Light source (fp: 187.20 THz, 1601.46 nm)
MU952501A-06 Light source (fp: 193.60 THz, 1548.51 nm) MU952605A-03 Light source (fp: 187.30 THz, 1600.60 nm)
MU952501A-07 Light source (fp: 193.70 THz, 1547.72 nm) MU952605A-04 Light source (fp: 187.40 THz, 1599.75 nm)
MU952501A-08 Light source (fp: 193.80 THz, 1546.92 nm) MU952605A-05 Light source (fp: 187.50 THz, 1598.89 nm)
MU952501A-09 Light source (fp: 193.90 THz, 1546.12 nm) MU952605A-06 Light source (fp: 187.60 THz, 1598.04 nm)
MU952501A-10 Light source (fp: 194.00 THz, 1545.32 nm) MU952605A-07 Light source (fp: 187.70 THz, 1597.19 nm)
MU952502A-01 Light source (fp: 192.10 THz, 1560.61 nm) MU952605A-08 Light source (fp: 187.80 THz, 1596.34 nm)
MU952502A-02 Light source (fp: 192.20 THz, 1559.79 nm) MU952605A-09 Light source (fp: 187.90 THz, 1595.49 nm)
MU952502A-03 Light source (fp: 192.30 THz, 1558.98 nm) MU952605A-10 Light source (fp: 188.00 THz, 1594.64 nm)
MU952502A-04 Light source (fp: 192.40 THz, 1558.17 nm) MU952606A-03 Light source (fp: 186.30 THz, 1609.19 nm)
MU952502A-05 Light source (fp: 192.50 THz, 1557.36 nm) MU952606A-04 Light source (fp: 186.40 THz, 1608.33 nm)
MU952502A-06 Light source (fp: 192.60 THz, 1556.55 nm) MU952606A-05 Light source (fp: 186.50 THz, 1607.47 nm)
MU952502A-07 Light source (fp: 192.70 THz, 1555.75 nm) MU952606A-06 Light source (fp: 186.60 THz, 1606.60 nm)
MU952502A-08 Light source (fp: 192.80 THz, 1554.94 nm) MU952606A-07 Light source (fp: 186.70 THz, 1605.74 nm)
MU952502A-09 Light source (fp: 192.90 THz, 1554.13 nm) MU952606A-08 Light source (fp: 186.80 THz, 1604.88 nm)
MU952502A-10 Light source (fp: 193.00 THz, 1553.33 nm) MU952606A-09 Light source (fp: 186.90 THz, 1604.03 nm)
MU952503A-07 Light source (fp: 191.70 THz, 1563.86 nm) MU952606A-10 Light source (fp: 187.00 THz, 1603.17 nm)
MU952503A-08 Light source (fp: 191.80 THz, 1563.05 nm)
MU952503A-09 Light source (fp: 191.90 THz, 1562.23 nm) Applications parts
MU952503A-10 Light source (fp: 192.00 THz, 1561.42 nm) J0617B Replaceable optical connector (FC, user replaceable)
MU952504A-01 Light source (fp: 194.10 THz, 1544.53 nm) J0618D Replaceable optical connector (ST, user replaceable)
MU952504A-02 Light source (fp: 194.20 THz, 1543.73 nm) J0618E Replaceable optical connector (DIN, user replaceable)
MU952504A-03 Light source (fp: 194.30 THz, 1542.94 nm) J0618F Replaceable optical connector
MU952504A-04 Light source (fp: 194.40 THz, 1542.14 nm) (HMS-10/A, user replaceable)
MU952504A-05 Light source (fp: 194.50 THz, 1541.35 nm) J0619B Replaceable optical connector (SC, user replaceable)
MU952504A-06 Light source (fp: 194.60 THz, 1540.56 nm) Z0282 Ferrule cleaner
MU952504A-07 Light source (fp: 194.70 THz, 1539.77 nm) Z0283 Ferrule cleaning tape (6 pcs/set)
MU952504A-08 Light source (fp: 194.80 THz, 1538.98 nm) Z0284 Adapter cleaner (stick type, 200 pcs/set)
Continued on next page
Standard accessory ∗1: Specify an optical frequency (wavelength) and model name when ordering.
Optical connector adapter∗2 ∗2: When ordering, the option specified connector is supplied as standard.
Specified the option number after the light source or optical sensor model
Applications parts number. If a connector is not specified, a FC (Option 37) connector is
J0617B Replaceable optical connector (FC, user replaceable) supplied as standard. These are applied to DFB-LD unit, FP-LD unit,
J0618D Replaceable optical connector (ST, user replaceable) SLD unit and optical sensor. However, MU and LC connecter option are
J0618E Replaceable optical connector (DIN, user replaceable) only apply to MU931422B, MA9331A, MA9332A and MA9333A.
J0618F Replaceable optical connector ∗3: Connector for specified options at ordering supplied as standard.
(HMS-10/A, user replaceable) Specify by appending number after model. If connector not specified, FC-
J0619B Replaceable optical connector (SC, user replaceable) PANDA (Option 37) supplied as standard.
Z0282 Ferrule cleaner
Z0283 Ferrule cleaning tape (6 pcs/set)
Z0284 Adapter cleaner (stick type, 200 pcs/set)
J0635B Optical fiber cord (both-end FC-PC type with
connector, RL >50 dB, SM), 2 m
MZ8012A Connector Cleaning Set
J0127A Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG-58A/U · BNC-P), 1 m
J0003A Coaxial cord (SMA-P · 3D-2W · SMA-P), 1 m
J0901A HRM-517 (09) conversion connector (SMA-P · BNC-J)
J0902A HRM-518 (09) conversion connector (SMA-J · BNC-P)
Main frame
MU931422A Optical Sensor
(MA9005A Connector Adapter attached)
Standard accessory
Optical connector adapter (for MU931311B/931421B)∗2
W1624AE MU931422B operation manual
Applications parts
MA9005A-32 Connector adapter (MU, user replaceable)
MA9005A-33 Connector adapter (LC, user replaceable)
MA9005A-37 Connector adapter (FC, user replaceable)
MA9005A-38 Connector adapter (ST, user replaceable)
MA9005A-39 Connector adapter (DIN, user replaceable)
MA9005A-40 Connector adapter (SC, user replaceable)
MA9005A-43 Connector adapter (HMS-10/A, user replaceable)
MA9013A Fiber Adapter (for bare fiber)
Z0282 Ferrule cleaner
Z0283 Ferrule cleaning tape (6 pcs/set)
Z0284 Adapter cleaner (stick type, 200 pcs/set)
J0635B Optical fiber cord (both-end FC-PC type, with connector,
RL >50 dB, SM), 2 m
MZ8012A Connector Cleaning Set
B0444A Cap R
J0127A Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG-58A/U · BNC-P), 1 m
J0003A Coaxial cord (SMA-P · 3D-2W · SMA-P), 1 m
J0901A HRM-517 (09) conversion connector (SMA-P · BNC-J)
J0902A HRM-518 (09) conversion connector (SMA-J · BNC-P)
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MW9076 Series
1.31/1.45/1.55/1.625 µm (SM), 0.85/1.3 µm (GI)
• 45 dB high dynamic range
• 8 m short dead zone
• Simple measurement of chromatic dispersion from one end of op-
tical fiber
• Measurement in 10 s (Full-Auto mode), 0.15 s real-time sweep
• 5 cm high resolution, 50,000 sampling points
• 8.4 inch TFT-LCD color display
High power
√ √ √
optical power meter
Optical channel
√ √ √
• High-speed measurement
It takes only 10 seconds to measure and display the waveform and
connection loss on one screen. Just one press of the Start key is all
that is needed to make measurement.
• Full automatic mode
Measurement results are displayed by simply pressing the Start key.
All complicated settings of distance range, pulse width, attenuator,
and maker can be automatically executed. Measurement speed in
this mode was significantly increased. When the wavelengths are set
A to ALL, wavelengths are automatically changed.
• Repeated measurement
A series of operations, such as measurement, wavelength switching,
data saving, optical channel switching, and next optical fiber mea-
surement, can be executed automatically under preset measurement
conditions. This mode is ideal for measuring a multi-core optical
• Waveform comparison function
Measured and saved data can be compared on the same screen. In
addition, differences can be displayed as a waveform for simple ob-
• Chromatic dispersion measurement servation of distance and level differences. This is useful for check-
The MW9076D1 has a built-in function for measuring chromatic dis- ing aging changes or comparing several fibers.
persion even outdoors. The chromatic dispersion can be measured
automatically over a wide range from 1300 to 1660 nm from one end
of the fiber. The dispersion reproducibility is ±0.05 ps/(nm · km)∗ and
the dynamic range is 30 dB. The MW9076D1 can be operated from
an external PC using remote commands to measure the chromatic
dispersion. For detail of the chromatic dispersion measurement, re-
fer to the document of “product introduction MW9076 series Optical
Time Domain Reflectometer”.
∗: Measured with 25 km of 1.3 µm zero-dispersion fiber (ITU-T G.652) at 1550
• Fresnel reflection
The far-end Fresnel reflection can be measured for four wavelengths
(1310/1450/1550/1625 nm).
• Group delay characteristics
The fitting formula supports cubic or quintic Sellmeier, and polyno-
mials can be applied to various types of fibers.
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• Warning level setup function • VGA output terminal
In automatic measurement mode, an event warning value can also The VGA connector outputs the screen interface to a CRT monitor,
be set in addition to a detection threshold value. For example, the which is very useful for production-line applications.
threshold value can be set to the acceptance level, and warning val- • Large internal memory
ue to a pass/rejection decision level. In this case, all events will be About 18 MB internal memory is provided as standard. The following
detected, and those exceeding the warning value are displayed in table shows the number of waveforms which can be saved in each
another color, therefore, enabling the operator to easily identify pos- media.
sible “borderline” events.
Media GR196 Analysis
FDD (1.4 MB) 123 67
PC-ATA card (32 MB) 2700 1520
PC-ATA card (256 MB) 16000 10600
Internal memory (18 MB) 1560 860
Hard disk (1 GB)∗ 32700 32700
Number of data points: 5,000
∗: The hard disk is for the PC card slot (IBM Microdrive DSCM-11000 + PC
card adapter)
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Model MW9076B MW9076C MW9076B1 MW9076J MW9076K MW9076D1
Applicable optical fibers:
SM optical fiber (ITU-T G.652)
Optical connectors:
Shared with OTDR (same port)
Light-emitting elements: FP-LD
Center wavelength:
1310/1550 ±25 nm (MW9076B, CW,
1310/1550/1625 ±25 nm (MW9076C,
CW, 25°C)
Spectrum width:
≤5/10 nm (MW9076B, CW, 25°C)
≤5/10/10 nm (MW9076C, CW, 25°C)
Optical loss measurement
Output level accuracy:
light source function —
–3 ±1.5 dBm (CW, 25°C, SM optical
fiber: 2 m)
Optical output short term stability:
≤0.1 dB [CW, at one point from –10° to
+40°C (±1°C), Difference between maxi-
mum and minimum values in one min,
SM optical fiber cable: 2 m]
Output waveform
CW, 270 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz (Modulated
waves are square waves.)
Modulation frequency: 270 Hz/1 kHz/
2 kHz ±1.5%
Laser safety specification:
21CFR Class 1, IEC 60825-1 Class 1
Wavelength range:
1300 to 1660 nm,
Wavelength accura-
cy: ±0.5 nm∗10 (typi-
Zero-dispersion re-
Chromatic dispersion peatability:
— ±0.6 nm (typical)∗11,
Dispersion repeata-
±0.05 ps/(nm · km)∗11
∗ Typical
Dynamic range:
30 dB (4% Fresnel,
Waveform storage [Bellcore. SOR (GR-196-CORE, SR-4731) or Anritsu. Dat format, user selectable], waveform comparing
function, print output (Centronics), repeated measurement function (A series of operations such as wavelength switching,
Other functions
waveform storage, and printing can be executed by pressing a single key.), relative distance set (zero cursor set), calendar
clock, distance unit set (km, m, kf, f, mi), title input (up to 32 characters), remaining battery power display
Laser safety specification 21CFR Class 1, IEC Pub. 60825-1 Class 1
Power ≤35 W max. (at charging), 4 W (in standard state, MU250000A power consumption included.)
Battery Continuous operation: 6 h (typical value)∗12
290 (W) × 194 (H) ×
77 (D) mm
(MW9076D1 main
290 (W) × 194 (H) ×
290 (W) × 194 (H) × 30 (D) mm (MW9076B/B1/C/J/K main frame) 122 (D) mm (with
Dimensions and mass 290 (W) × 194 (H) × 75 (D) mm (MU250000A Display Unit included) MU250000A Display
≤1.4 kg Unit)
≤3.7 kg (MU250000A display unit and battery pack included) ≤3.1 kg (MW9076D1
frame only), ≤5.4 kg
(with MU250000A
Display Unit and bat-
tery pack included)
Operating temperature and humidity: –10° to 40°C, ≤ 85% (no condensation)
Storage temperature and humidity: –20° to 60°C, ≤ 85%
Environmental condition Vibration: Conforming to MIL-T-28800E Class 3
Shock: 76 cm height, 6 surfaces, 8 corners∗13
Dust-proofing: MIL-T-28800E
Drip-proofing: MIL-T-28800E
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class D)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN610101-1: 1993/A2, 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
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Safety measures for laser products Ordering information
This option complies with optical safety standards in Class 2 of the Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
IEC pub. 60825-1 and the FDA (21CFR1040.10, USA); the following
descriptive labels are affixed to the product (FDA labels is only af- Model/Order No. Name
fixed to product for export to the USA). Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
(main frame, requires display unit)
MW9076B SMF 1.31/1.55 µm OTDR
MW9076B1 SMF 1.31/1.55 µm OTDR
MW9076C SMF 1.31/1.55/1.625 µm OTDR
MW9076D1 SMF 1.31/1.45/1.55/1.625 µm OTDR
∗1 MW9076J GIF 0.85 µm OTDR
∗1 ∗2 MW9076K GIF 0.85/1.3 µm OTDR
• MU960001A/960002A Optical Channel Selector Unit MX907600A OTDR Emulation Software
Model MU960001A MU960002A
Configuration 1x4 1x8 MW9076B/B1/C/D1-01 Visible light source (factory option)
Wavelength 1.2 to 1.65 µm (The special wavelength are MW9076B/B1/C-02 Optical power meter (factory option)∗3, ∗4
range 1.31/1.55 µm.) MW9076B/B1/C-03 High power optical power meter (factory option)∗3, ∗4
MW9076B/C-25 FC-APC connector (factory option)
Optical fiber 10/125 µm, SM (ITU-T G.652)
MW9076B/C-26 SC-APC connector (factory option)
Optical connector FC, SC, ST, DIN, HMS-10/A (DIAMOND) ∗Replaceable MW9076B/B1/C/D1-37 FC-PC connector
Insertion loss ≤2.5 dB ≤4.5 dB MW9076B/B1/C/D1-38 ST connector
MW9076B/B1/C/D1-39 DIN connector
Environmental MW9076B/B1/C/D1-40 SC connector
Same as MW9076 series (not applicable to the shock)
conditions MW9076B/B1/C/D1-43 HMS-10/A (DIAMOND) connector
Dimensions 290 (W) x 194 (H) x 47 (D) mm MW9076B/C-47 HRL-10 connector (factory option)
MU960001A-37 FC-PC connector
Mass ≤1.5 kg ≤2.0 kg MU960002A-37 FC-PC connector
EMC Same as MW9076 series MU960001A-38 ST connector
LVD Same as MW9076 series MU960002A-38 ST connector
MU960001A-39 DIN connector
∗MU960001A/MU960002A can not be attached to MW9076D1. MU960002A-39 DIN connector
MU960001A-40 SC connector
MU960002A-40 SC connector
MU960001A-43 HMS-10/A (DIAMOND) connector
MU960002A-43 HMS-10/A (DIAMOND) connector
Application parts
Z0434A Keyboard (requires mini-DIN conversion adapter)
JT8MA3-NT1 PC-ATA card (8 MB)
JT16MA3-NT1 PC-ATA card (16 MB)
JT32MA3-NT1 PC-ATA card (32 MB)
JT64MA3-NT1 PC-ATA card (64 MB)
JT128MA3-NT1 PC-ATA card (128 MB)
JT256MA3-NT1 PC-ATA card (256 MB)
JT512MA3-NT1 PC-ATA card (512 MB)
J0057 Optical adapter FC type
J0635 ∗5 Optical fiber cord [with FC-PC at both ends (SM)]
B0442 Soft carrying case [440 (W) x 310 (H) x 110 (D) mm]
Z0435 Soft carrying case [430 (W) x 300 (H) x 170 (D) mm]
Z0436 Hard carrying case (holds main frame and thermal
Continued on next page
BL-80R2 High speed thermal printer∗6
BL-100W AC adapter (for BL-80R2, AC 100 to 240 V)
DPU-414-31B Thermal printer∗7
PW-4007-U1 AC adapter∗7
DPU-414-31B Thermal printer∗8
PW-4007-E1 AC adapter∗8
J0614 Printer connection cable (for DPU-414)
BL-80-30 Printer paper (for BL-80R2 thermal printer, 10 rolls/set)
TP411-28CL Printer paper (for DPU-414 Thermal printer, 10 rolls/set)
∗1: Specify one of FC, ST, DIN, SC or HMS-10/A. When the connector type is
not specified, FC-PC is supplied.
∗2: Specify one of A-2, B4, C7, S3, P4 or D1.
∗3: The optical power meter (Option 02) and high-level-input optical power me-
ter (Option 03) cannot be mounted at the same time.
∗4: The optional optical power meter and high-level-input optical power meter
cannot be set for MW9076D1.
∗5: Specify the optical fiber length as A, B or C (A: 1 m, B: 2 m, C: 3 m)
∗6: Operates only with AC adapter, printing width: 72 mm, printing speed: ap-
proximately 13 s (manual measure-ment result with header), 0° to +40°C,
dimensions: 119 (W) x 77 (H) x 174 (D) mm, Sanei products (AC adapter
and printer cable are sold separately.)
∗7: 120 VAC ±10 %, 60 Hz, 0° to +40°C, Seiko products (printer cable: sold
∗8: 230 VAC ±10 %, 50 Hz, 0° to +40°C, Seiko products (printer cable: sold
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1.31/1.55 µm (SM), 0.85/1.3 µm (GI)
Custom-made product
• For long- and short-haul, and single-mode and multimode fiber
• Fast 0.3-s sweep speed (FAST mode, 2PA mode)
• Procedure and event registration functions shorten measurement time
• Printer and 3.5 inch FD/PMC drives as standard equipment
• Return loss measurement
• MW9060A (main frame)
Sweep speed Min. 0.3 s/sweep (used in fast sweep mode and 2PA mode)
No. of search points: Max. 5 points (at event mode off), max. 100 points (at event mode on)
Automatic search
Threshold (dB): 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0
Optical return loss measurement Provided
Waveform comparison Displays 2 waveforms simultaneously
Smoothing function Improves the S/N ratio of the waveform by 6 levels from level 1 through level 6
Full-trace display function Display the full measurement trace, measured by switching each attenuator in turn
Relative distance measurement function Display distance relative to cursor setting
Event function Fiber length, total loss, transmission loss, return loss for fiber on either side of splice point
Procedure function Key command sequence is recorded and assigned to a single key for automatic execution.
Built-in memory 32 waveforms (store the setting conditions at the same time)
Memory card Plug-in memory card, 32/64/128/256/512 KB (option)
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• MW0944B high-resolution unit
Wavelength∗1 1310/1550 nm ±15 nm
Fiber under measurement 10/125 µm single-mode fiber (ITU-T G.652)
Optical connector∗2 FC-PC, DIAMOND-PC, ST-PC, DIN-PC, SC-PC
Pulse width 10 ns 20 ns 100 ns 500 ns 2 µs
Dynamic range (one- Effective 6.5/4.0 dB 8.0/5.5 dB 11.5/9.0 dB 15.0/12.5 dB 18.0/15.5 dB
way back-scattered
light level)∗3,∗4 SNR=1 9.5/7.0 dB 11.0/8.5 dB 14.5/12.0 dB 18.0/15.5 dB 21.0/18.5 dB
Dynamic range (4% Effective 34.5/33.0 dB
Fresnel reflection)∗4 SNR=1 37.5/36.0 dB
Near-end dead Fresnel reflection 3m 5m 13 m 55 m 220 m
zone∗5,∗6 Back-scattered light 8m 10 m 20 m 65 m 240 m
Fresnel reflection 2m 4m 13 m 55 m 220 m
Spatial resolution∗5,∗7
Back-scattered light 2m 4m 15 m 60 m 220 m
No. of masks 5 max. (optical)
Mask function∗5,∗8
Mask width 13 m 13 m 18 m 65 m 240 m
Variable near-end mask width Provided
Variable optical output power function∗8 Provided
Distance range (km)∗5 10, 25, 50, 100
2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1 km (10 km range)
2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1 km, 2.5 km (25 km range)
Scale (m/div)
2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1 km, 2.5 km, 5 km (50 km range)
2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1 km, 2.5 km, 5 km, 10 km (100 km range)
Horizontal axis∗5
Sampling resolution: 5 cm to 20 m
Read-out resolution: 5 cm to 200m
Accuracy ±1 m ±measured value (m) x 2 x 10–5 (does not include uncertainty in fiber index of refraction)
Scale (dB/div) 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5
Vertical axis Read-out resolution 0.001 dB
Linearity ±0.05 dB/dB
Ambient temperature 0° to +35°C (spec. meet), –10° to +60°C(storage)
Mass ≤2.5 kg
No. of masks 5 max. (optical)
Mask function
Mask width 75 m 75 m 150 m 200 m 700 m 1500 m 75 m 75 m 150 m 200 m 700 m 1500 m
Variable optical output power function∗8 Provided
Distance range (km)∗5 10, 25, 50, 100, 250
5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1 km (10 km range)
5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1 km, 2.5 km (25 km range)
Scale (m/div) 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1 km, 2.5 km, 5 km (50 km range)
Horizontal axis∗5 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1 km, 2.5 km, 5 km, 10 km (100 km range)
5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1 km, 2.5 km, 5 km, 10 km, 25 km (250 km range)
Resolution Sampling resolution: 10 cm to 50 m, Read-out resolution: 10 cm to 500 m
Accuracy ±1 m ±measured value (m) x 2 x 10–5 (does not include uncertainty in fiber index of refraction)
Scale (dB/div) 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5
Vertical axis Read-out resolution 0.001 dB
Linearity ±0.03 dB/dB
Ambient temperature –10° to +55°C (spec. meet), –40° to +75°C (storage)
Mass ≤2.5 kg
1.5 dB
SNR = 1
0.3 dB
±0.1 dB
∗4: Values are obtained using smoothing (level 6). With no smoothing, all values are ≤1 dB
reduced by 2 dB.
∗5: When the index of refraction is set to 1.500000. ±0.1 dB
∗6: Near-end dead zone
Fresnel reflection: The minimum distance at which the 4% Fresnel reflection
generated by the fault can be detected. (MW0944B with built-in variable optical
output power function used.)
Back-scattered light: The near-end dead zone (for back-scattered light) is the
distance at which the near-end back-scattered light level approaches ±0.5 dB
of its final value. — For the MW0944B: This specification represents the values Spatial resolution (back-scattered light)
for the FC-PC connector (when return loss ≥25 dB). When a fiber with an FC
connector (flat polished) is measured, the dead zone may be larger than the ∗8: All masks including the near-end mask (except MW0945B and MW0947B) are
specified value. The variable near-end mask width function can be used to sup- OFF in the variable optical output mode.
press dead zone widening to 2 to 3 m. ∗9: Please specify one of these types when ordering. Please contact us for other
connectors. (However, the dynamic range is degraded by 0.5 dB for DIAMOND,
D4, and AT&T Biconic connectors.)
±0.5 dB ∗10: The dynamic range is increased by about 1.5 dB when measuring 62.5/125 µm
(NA 0.29) fibers. The transmission loss measurement result may differ from that
obtained with NA 0.29 by as much as 0.1 dB/km.
∗11: Please specify one of these types when ordering. Please contact us for other
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Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/order No. Name
Main frame
MW9060A Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
Plug-in units
MW0944B SMF 1.31/1.55 µm Unit (short distance, high resolution)
MW0945B SMF 1.31 µm Unit (long distance, wide-dynamic range
MW0947B SMF 1.31/1.55 µm Unit (long distance, wide-dynamic
range measurement)
MW0967B GIF 0.85/1.30 µm Unit (short distance, high resolution)
Optional accessories
B0346 Unit adapter
B0293 CRT hood
P0005 Memory card (RAM: 32 KB)
P0006 Memory card (RAM: 64 KB)
P0007 Memory card (RAM: 128 KB)
P0008 Memory card (RAM: 256 KB)
P0009 Memory card (RAM: 512 KB)
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
J0126B BCN cable, 2 m
FC-AP Optical adapter FC type
J0200[∗] FC-FC-[∗]M-GI (FC optical fiber cord, [∗] m, GI)
J0056[∗] FC-FC-[∗]M-SM (FC optical fiber cord, [∗] m, SM)
J0087[∗] FC-D4-[∗]M-GI (FC-D4 optical conversion cord, [∗] m, GI)
J0210[∗] FC-D4-[∗]M-SM (FC-D4 optical conversion cord, [∗] m, SM)
J0209[∗] FC-BIC-[∗]M-GI (FC-BICONIC optical conversion cord,
[∗] m, GI)
J0208[∗] FC-BIC-[∗]M-GI (FC-BICONIC optical conversion cord,
[∗] m, GI)
J0207[∗] FC-DIA-[∗]M-GI (FC-DIAMOND optical conversion cord,
[∗] m, GI)
J0206[∗] FC·PC-DIA·PC-[∗]M-SM (FC·PC-DIAMOND·PC optical
conversion cord, [∗]m, SM)
J0516[∗] FC-DIN-[∗]M-GI (FC-DIN optical conversion cord, [∗] m, GI)
J0517[∗] FC-DIN-[∗]M-SM (FC-DIN optical conversion cord, [∗] m, SM)
J0518[∗] FC-ST-[∗]M-GI (FC-ST optical conversion cord, [∗] m, GI)
J0519[∗] FC-ST-[∗]M-SM (FC-ST optical conversion cord, [∗] m, SM)
J0520[∗] FC-SC-[∗]M-GI (FC-SC optical conversion cord, [∗] m, GI)
J0521[∗] FC-SC-[∗]M-SM (FC-SC optical conversion cord, [∗] m, SM)
B0329K Protective cover (for front panel)
B0350 Carrying case (hard type)
Z0245 Carrying case for plug-in unit (hard type)
Z0246 Carrying case for plug-in unit (soft type)
MA9014A Bare Fiber Connector (common use for SM and GI fiber)
MA9013A Fiber Adapter
FP-850 Printer (EPSON product)
VP-870 Printer (EPSON product)
HP7550A Plotter (HP product)
Z0168 3.5 inch mini floppy disk (2HD): 10 pcs/set
Z0054 3.5 inch mini floppy disk (2DD): 10 pcs/set
[∗]: These lengths are expressed by symbols A, B and C in the order number,
for example; J0200A, B or C, where A = 1 m, B = 2 m, C = 3 m.
The MS9710C is a diffraction-grating spectrum analyzer for analyz- Distance from peak wavelength 0.2 nm 0.4 nm 1 nm
ing optical spectra in the 600 to 1750 nm wavelength band. In addi-
Normal dynamic range mode 42 dB (45 dB typical) 58 dB 62 dB
tion to uses such as measurement of LD and LED spectra, it has
functions for measuring the transmission characteristics of passive High dynamic range mode 42 dB (45 dB typical) 60 dB 70 dB
elements such as optical isolators, as well as NF/Gain of optical fiber
amplifier systems. High-dynamic range measurement example with DFB-LD spectrum
In addition to its basic features, the superior stability and reliability of passed via narrow-band Band-Pass Filter (BPF).
the diffraction grating (patent pending) offer the severe level and
wavelength specifications particularly in the WDM band.
DFB-LD Narrow-band BPF MS9710C
This analyzer has the dynamic range, reception sensitivity, and sweep
speed requested by users, backed by Anritsu’s high-level technology.
The high sensitivity meets the exacting demands placed on today’s
measuring instruments. In particular, the excellent wavelength and
level specifications fully meet the dense WDM requirements (1520 to
1620 nm).
The MS9710C Optical Spectrum Analyzer is the successor to the
popular MS9710B but with improved functions and higher perfor-
mance. The specifications have been upgraded for the important
1.55 µm band for WDM communications and have also been opti-
mised to include the new requirements for L-band (1570 to 1620 nm)
use. In addition to the high reliability and excellent basic perfor-
mance, this analyzer has a full range of application functions to sup-
port accurate measurement in the fastest possible time.
• Wavelength accuracy of ±20 pm (C-band) and ±50 pm (L-band)
• Dynamic range of 42 dB (0.2 nm from peak wavelength), 70 dB • Relying on WDM transmission
(1 nm from peak wavelength)
As a result of the need for increased transmission capacity, R&D into
• WDM measurement of wavelength, level, and SNR for up to 128 large-capacity transmission techniques is becoming more active,
channels and Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) is now in use. This
Performance and applications WDM transmission technology requires quantitative measurement of
the signal quality and wavelength transmission characteristics of
• 70 dB dynamic range each channel.
The dynamic range at 0.2 nm from the peak wavelength is better Measuring instruments for this purpose require highly-accurate wave-
than 42 dB and is a high 58 dB min. at 0.4 nm from the peak, per- length and level measurements. Furthermore, accurate measure-
mitting high-accuracy measurement of DWDM systems with a 50 ment of fiber-amplifier NF requires extremely good polarization de-
GHz (0.4 nm) channel spacing. The analyzer demonstrates its ex- pendant loss characteristics and level linearity specifications.
cellence in SNR measurement of WDM light sources, as well as in The MS9710C design achieves excellent wavelength and level spec-
evaluation of narrow-band optical band pass filters. ifications for this purpose in the 1520 to 1620 nm wavelength band
and also in the extended band (L-band) to 1620 nm. In particular, the
wavelength accuracy can be calibrated automatically using an op-
tional internal reference wavelength light source; the post-calibration
accuracy is better than ±20 pm.
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Specifications for WDM application • 3.5 inch internal FDD
Mainframe, In addition to saving and recalling measurement data, etc., wave-
MS9710C With Option 15∗2 forms saved to floppy disk can be easily and directly read by a per-
sonal computer.
Wavelength ±20 pm (1530 to 1570 nm)
±20 pm (1520 to 1620 nm) The PC screen shown on the right is displaying an image of the
accuracy∗1 ±50 pm (1520 to 1600 nm)
MS9710C screen saved to floppy disk. Screen images can be saved
50 pm (FWHM of internal optical BPF) to FD media and output as Windows® bitmap-format files. In addi-
tion, since the data can be output in text-file format, it can be manip-
Resolution ≤±3% (1530 to 1570 nm, ≤±3% (1520 to 1620 nm, ulated easily using spreadsheet software.
accuracy resolution: 0.2 nm) resolution: 0.2 nm)
Level ±0.1 dB (1530 to 1570 nm)
±0.1 dB (1520 to 1620 nm)
flatness to ±0.3 dB (1520 to 1620 nm)
wavelength Resolution: 0.5 nm, ATT: off
±0.05 dB (1550/1600 nm)
Level ±0.05 dB (1550 nm) ±0.05 dB (1550/1600 nm)
linearity –50 to 0 dBm (ATT: off), –30 to +20 dBm (ATT: on)
Port 1 (reference
SLD light Acetylene SM fiber
wavelength light
source (C2H2) cell output)
Block diagram of SLD light source & Reference wavelength light The following figure is a measurement example of the transmission
characteristics of an optical band pass filter using the SLD light source.
Main frame, option MS9710C With Option 15 (L-band enhancement)
Applicable optical fiber 10/125 µm SM fiber (ITU-T G.652)
Optical connector∗1 User replaceable (FC, SC, ST, DIN, HMS-10/A), factory option (E2000, FC-APC, SC-APC, HRL-10)
Measurement range 600 to 1750 nm
±20 pm (1530 to 1570 nm)∗2, ±50 pm (1520 to 1600 nm)∗2 ±20 pm (1520 to 1620 nm)∗2
±200 pm (1530 to 1570 nm)∗3 , ±300 pm (600 to 1750 nm)∗3
Stability ±5 pm
Linearity ±20 pm (1530 to 1570 nm)
Resolution 0.05, 0.07, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 nm (RBW: 3 dB optical filter; transmission bandwidth)
Read resolution 5 pm
≤±2.2% (1530 to 1570 nm, resolution: 0.5 nm)
≤±3% (1530 to 1570 nm, resolution: 0.2 nm)
≤±2.2% (1520 to 1620 nm, resolution: 0.5 nm)
≤±7% (1530 to 1570 nm, resolution: 0.1 nm)
≤±3% (1520 to 1620 nm, resolution: 0.2 nm)
≤±4% (1520 to 1530 nm, 1570 to 1620 nm, resolution: 0.5 nm)
≤±7% (1520 to 1620 nm, resolution: 0.1 nm)
Resolution∗4 ≤±5% (1520 to 1530 nm, 1570 to 1620 nm, resolution: 0.2 nm)
≤±10% (1520 to 1530 nm, 1570 to 1620 nm, resolution: 0.1 nm)
≤±7% (1600 to 1520 nm, 1620 to 1750 nm, resolution: 0.5 nm)
≤±15% (1600 to 1520 nm, 1620 to 1750 nm, resolution: 0.2 nm)
≤±30% (1600 to 1520 nm, 1620 to 1750 nm, resolution: 0.1 nm)
Continued on next page
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Main frame, option MS9710C With Option 15 (L-band enhancement)
–65 to +10 dBm (600 to 1000 nm, 0 to +30˚C, optical ATT: off)
–85 to +10 dBm (1000 to 1250 nm, 0 to +30˚C, optical ATT: off)
–90 to +10 dBm (1250 to 1600 nm, 0 to +30˚C, optical ATT: off)
–75 to +10 dBm (1600 to 1700 nm, 0 to +30˚C, optical ATT: off)
–55 to +10 dBm (1700 to 1750 nm, 0 to +30˚C, optical ATT: off)
–60 to +10 dBm (600 to 1000 nm, +30 to +50˚C, optical ATT: off)
–80 to +10 dBm (1000 to 1250 nm, +30 to +50˚C, optical ATT: off)
–85 to +10 dBm (1250 to 1600 nm, +30 to +50˚C, optical ATT: off)
–70 to +10 dBm (1600 to 1700 nm, +30 to +50˚C, optical ATT: off)
–50 to +10 dBm (1700 to 1750 nm, +30 to +50˚C, optical ATT: off)
–70 to +23 dBm (1100 to 1600 nm, 0 to +30˚C, optical ATT: on)
–65 to +23 dBm (1100 to 1600 nm, +30 to +50˚C, optical ATT: on)
[Resolution: ≥0.07 nm, VBW: 10 Hz, sweep average: 10 times]
Accuracy ±0.4 dB (1300/1550 nm, input: –23 dBm, resolution: ≥0.1 nm)
Stability ±0.02 dB (1 min, resolution: ≥0.1 nm, input: –23 dBm, no polarization fluctuation)
±0.1 dB (1530 to 1570 nm, resolution: 0.5 nm, optical ATT: off)
Flatness ±0.1 dB (1520 to 1620 nm, resolution: 0.5 nm, optical ATT: off)
±0.3 dB (1520 to 1620 nm, resolution: 0.5 nm, optical ATT: off)
±0.05 dB (1550 nm, –50 to 0 dBm, optical ATT: off) ±0.05 dB (1550/1600 nm, –50 to 0 dBm, optical ATT: off)
±0.05 dB (1550 nm, –30 to +20 dBm, optical ATT: on) ±0.05 dB (1550/1600 nm, –30 to +20 dBm, optical ATT: on)
Polarization dependency ±0.05 dB (1550/1600 nm), ±0.1 dB (1300 nm) ∗Setting resolution: ≥0.5 nm
High-dynamic range mode (20˚ to 30˚C):
70 dB (1 nm from peak wavelength), 60 dB (0.4 nm from peak wavelength), 42 dB (0.2 nm from peak wavelength)
Dynamic range∗5
Normal mode (20˚ to 30˚C):
62 dB (1 nm from peak wavelength), 58 dB (0.4 nm from peak wavelength), 42 dB (0.2 nm from peak wavelength)
Optical return loss ≥35 dB (1300/1550 nm)
Sweep width: 0, 0.2 to 1200 nm
Sweep speed (typical)∗6 :
0.5 s (normal dynamic mode, sweep width: 500 nm, VBW: 10 kHz, center wavelength: 1200 nm, sweep start to stop, no optical
input, sampling point: 501)
Display 6.4 inch, color TFT-LCD
Memory A/B (2 trace), 3.5 inch FDD (for MS-DOS® format)
Printer Internal (thermal type)
Interface GPIB, RS-232C, VGA output
Operating temperature: 0˚ to +50˚C (FDD: +5˚ to +50˚C), storage temperature: –20˚ to +60˚C,
Operating conditions Relative humidity: ≤90% (no condensation, FDD: 20 to 80%)
Shock: 30 G, 11 ms pulse, half sine
Power 85 to 132 Vac/170 to 250 Vac, 47.5 to 63 Hz, 150 VA (max.)
Dimensions and mass 320 (W) x 177 (H) x 350 (D) mm, ≤16.5 kg
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
∗1: One of these connector is attached. Please specify when ordering.
∗2: After Wl cal (ref) at wavelength reference optical light source (Option 05/13), resolution: 0.05 to 0.2 nm
∗3: After Wl cal (Ext) at DFB-LD and soon external optical light source
∗4: Actual screen resolution, 0˚ to 30˚C
∗5: Setting resolution: 0.05 nm, wavelength: 1550 nm, optical attenuator: off
∗6: Typical value for reference; not guaranteed specification
Application parts
J0654A RS-232C cable (9P-9P)
J0655A RS-232C cable (9P-25P)
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
J0617B Replaceable optical connector (FC)
J0618D Replaceable optical connector (ST)
J0618E Replaceable optical connector (DIN)
J0618F Replaceable optical connector (HMS-10/A)
J0619B Replaceable optical connector (SC)
J0635B FC-PC · FC-PC 2M-SM (FC-PC optical fiber cord, 2 m, SM)
Z0282 Ferrule cleaner
Z0283 Replacement reel for ferrule cleaner (for Z0282)
Z0284 Cleaner for optical adapter (stick type)
G0084A Polarization rotation module (for PMD measurement)
B0330C Tilt stand
∗1: Specify the connector to be supplied as the standard connector when or-
dering the above options. If the connector is not specified, the FC connec-
tor (MS9710C-37) is supplied as standard.
∗2: Factory options; Two units cannot be installed simultaneously.
Exchangeable-type optical connectors (FC, SC, ST, DIN, HMS-10/A) are
supplied when specified at ordering. One conversion cord is supplied for
connecting other optical connectors to the FC connector.
∗3: Factory option
∗4: User replaceable
MS-DOS® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
LabVIEW® is a registered trademark of National Instruments.
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600 to 1750 nm
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• Convenient light source option (reference wavelength or white • Measurement of modulated and pulsed light
light) for better accuracy The synchronization signal for the measured modulated/pulsed light
The wavelength reference & SLD light source (Option 13), SLD light is input to the external input trigger on the rear panel. With this ana-
source (Option 14), wavelength reference light source (Option 05), lyzer, the data can be held by this sync signal. As a result, the spec-
and white light source (Option 02) can each be installed in the trum of the modulated or pulsed light can be measured accurately
MS9710B. The block diagram of the SLD light source and reference without data loss. In addition, an optical source that does not have a
wavelength light source option is shown below. This option has two sync signal can be measured in the same manner by setting an ap-
separate output ports: Port 1 for wavelength calibration and Port 2 for propriate gate time. The waveform in the diagram on the right shows
measuring transmission characteristics. When the MS9710B is cali- measurement of an optical pulse (OTDR’s light source) with a pulse
brated automatically by inputting the reference light for the wave- width of 1 µs and a duty cycle of 1%. However, for accurate spectrum
length, post-calibration wavelength accuracy in the 1.52 to 1.57 µm measurement, the VBW must be set to a wider bandwidth than the
range is better than ±0.05 nm. This is very useful in precision ab- modulation frequency of the measured light (see below). The maxi-
solute measurement of the wavelengths of light sources used in mum settable VBW in the MS9710B is 1 MHz. (Refer to the specifica-
WDM systems. tions page for the relationship between VBW, received light sensitiv-
ity and sweep time.)
SLD light Acetylene SM fiber
Port 1 (reference wavelength
source (C2H2) cell light output)
The following diagram shows the spectrum of the SLD light output
from Port 2. When this light source is used instead of the earlier
white light source for measurement of the wavelength transmission
characteristics of optical receiver elements, it is possible to achieve
a 20 dB wider dynamic range.
• MS9710B
Fiber 10/125 µm SM fiber (ITU-T G.652)
User replaceable: FC, SC, ST, DIN, HMS-10/A
Optical connector∗1
Factory option (not user replaceable): E-2000 (Diamond), EC (Radial), FC-APC, SC-APC, HRL-10
Range: 600 to 1750 nm
Accuracy: ±0.2 nm (1530 to 1570 nm, after wavelength calibration)
±0.3 nm (600 to 1750 nm, after wavelength calibration)
±0.05 nm (1530 to 1570 nm, resolution: 0.07 to 0.2 nm, after calibration with wavelength reference light source option)
±0.1 nm (1530 to 1570 nm, resolution: 0.5 to 1 nm, after calibration with wavelength reference light source option)
Wavelength Stability: ±5 pm (smoothing: 11 points, 1 minute, at half-width center wavelength)
Linearity: ±20 pm (1530 to 1570 nm)
Resolution: 0.07, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1 nm
Resolution accuracy∗2: ±≤2.2% (resolution: 0.5 nm, 1550 ±20 nm), ±≤7% (resolution: 0.5 nm, at other wavelength),
±≤3% (resolution: 0.2 nm, 1550 ±20 nm), ±≤15% (resolution: 0.2 nm, at other wavelength),
±≤7% (resolution: 0.1 nm, 1550 ±20 nm), ±≤30% (resolution: 0.1 nm, at other wavelength)
Measurement range:
–65 to +10 dBm (600 to 1000 nm, +10˚ to +30˚C, VBW: 10 Hz, sweep averaging: 10 times)
–85 to +10 dBm (1000 to 1250 nm, +10˚ to +30˚C, VBW: 10 Hz, sweep averaging: 10 times)
–90 to +10 dBm (1250 to 1600 nm, +10˚ to +30˚C, VBW: 10 Hz, sweep averaging: 10 times)
–75 to +10 dBm (1600 to 1700 nm, +10˚ to +30˚C, VBW: 10 Hz, sweep averaging: 10 times)
Level –55 to +10 dBm (1700 to 1750 nm, +10˚ to +30˚C, VBW: 10 Hz, sweep averaging: 10 times)
–65 to +20 dBm (1100 to 1600 nm, attenuator: on)
Accuracy: ±0.4 dB (1300/1550 nm, –23 dBm, resolution: ≥0.1 nm)
Stability: ±0.02 dB (1550 nm, –23 dBm, resolution: ≥0.1 nm, 1 minute, constant temperature, no polarization shift)
Linearity: ±0.05 dB (1550 nm, 0 to –50 dBm)
Flatness: ±0.1 dB (1530 to 1570 nm)
Continued on next page
Wavelength reference 1.53 µm band Acetylene ∗1: Measured after one hour warm-up
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Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Main frame
MS9710B Optical Spectrum Analyzer
Standard accessories
Optical connector adapter∗1: 1 pc
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc
F0012 Fuse, 3.15 A (for 100/200 Vac system): 2 pcs
Z0312 Printer paper: 2 rolls
W1283AE MS9710B operation manual: 1 copy
W1284AE Remote control operation manual: 1 copy
MX971002S LabVIEW ® driver (RS-232C): 1
MX971002G LabVIEW ® driver (GPIB): 1
B0329G Front cover: 1 pc
MS9710B-02 White light source∗2
MS9710B-05 Wavelength reference light source∗2
MS9710B-06 Monitor output
MS9710B-10 Functional addition (Frequency display, table display)
MS9710B-13 Wavelength reference & SLD light source∗2
MS9710B-14 SLD light source∗2
MS9710B-25 FC-APC connector∗3
MS9710B-26 SC-APC connector∗3
MS9710B-27 E2000 (Diamond) connector∗3
MS9710B-31 EC (Radial) connector∗3
MS9710B-37 FC connector∗4
MS9710B-38 ST connector∗4
MS9710B-39 DIN connector∗4
MS9710B-40 SC connector∗4
MS9710B-43 HMS-10/A (Diamond) connector∗4
MS9710B-47 HRL-10 connector∗3
Application parts
J0654A RS-232C cable, 9P-9P
J0655A RS-232C cable, 9P-25P
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
J0617B Replaceable optical connector (FC)
J0618D Replaceable optical connector (ST)
J0618E Replaceable optical connector (DIN)
J0618F Replaceable optical connector (HMS-10/A)
J0619B Replaceable optical connector (SC)
J0635B FC·PC-FC·PC-2M-SM (FC·PC optical fiber cord, 2 m, SM)
Z0282 Ferrule cleaner
Z0283 Replacement reel for ferrule cleaner (for Z0282)
Z0284 Cleaner for optical adapter (stick type)
G0084A Polarization rotation module (for PMD measurement)
B0330C Tilt stand
∗1: Specify the connector to be supplied as the standard connector when or-
dering the above options. If the connector is not specified, the FC connec-
tor (MS9710B-37) is supplied as standard.
∗2: Factory options; Two units cannot be installed simultaneously.
Exchangeable-type optical connectors (FC, SC, ST, DIN, HMS-10/A) are
supplied when specified at ordering. One conversion cord is supplied for
connecting other optical connectors to the FC connector.
∗3: Factory option
∗4: User replaceable
Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
LabVIEW® is a registered trademark of National Instruments.
The MS9780A is a diffraction-grating spectrum analyzer for analyz- Wide-dynamic range measurement example with DFB-LD spectrum
ing optical spectra in the 600 to 1750 nm wavelength band. Its input passed via narrow-band BPF.
section has been redesigned to support fibers with core diameters of
50/62.5 µm; the input section of the MS9780A can be used to mea- DFB-LD Narrow-band BPF MS9780A
sure the spectra of LDs and LEDs, etc. In addition to uses such as
measurement of LD and LED spectra, it has functions for measuring
the transmission characteristics of passive elements such as optical
isolators, as well as the NF/Gain of optical fiber amplifier systems. In
addition to its basic features, the superior stability and reliability of
the diffraction-grating (patent pending) capability easily passes the
severe specifications required for the precise measurement of WDM
communications methods, particularly in the 1.55 µm band.
This analyzer, which is backed by Anritsu's high-level technology,
has the dynamic range, reception sensitivity and sweep speed re-
quested by users. Its high sensitivity meets the exacting demands
placed on today's measuring instruments. In particular, the excellent
wavelength and level specifications fully meet the dense WDM re-
quirements in the 1.55 µm band. In addition to the high reliability and
excellent basic performance, this analyzer has a full range of appli-
cation functions to support accurate measurement in the fastest pos-
sible time.
http://www.anritsu.com 83
• Full function lineup • Convenient light source option (refer wavelength light) for
In addition to its excellent basic functions, the MS9780A comes with better accuracy
a full lineup of other useful functions summarized in the following Any one of the wavelength reference & SLD light source (Option 13),
table. SLD light source (Option 14), wavelength reference light source
(Option 05), and white light source (Option 02) can be installed in the
For analyzing and evaluating waveforms of optical
Device analysis MS9780A.
elements (DFB-LDs, FP-LDs, LEDs)
The block diagram of the wavelength reference & SLD light source
For waveform analysis by RMS and threshold option is shown below. This option has two separate output ports:
Waveform analysis methods; SMSR, half-width evaluation, WDM Port 1 for wavelength calibration, and Port 2 for measuring transmis-
waveform analysis
sion characteristics. When the MS9780A is calibrated automatically
Application EDFA NF and gain measurement, PMD by inputting the reference light for the wavelength, post-calibration
measurement measurement (See applications.) wavelength accuracy in the 1.52 to 1.57 µm range is better than
Modulation, pulsed Max. frequency range (VBW) = 1 MHz ±0.05 nm. This is very useful in precision absolute measurement of
light measurement (See applications.) the wavelengths of light sources used in WDM systems.
Multimarkers: Marker function for max. 128 points
(See applications.) MS9780A
Markers Zone markers:
For waveform analysis in zone specified zone SLD light Acetylene SM fiber
Port 1 (wavelength reference
Peak/dip search: Searches for a peak or dip source (C2H2) cell light output)
Power monitor Also functions as optical power meter
Converts displayed wavelength to value in display Port 2 (SLD light output)
Vacuum wavelength
vacuum SM fiber
External interfaces GPIB, RS-232C
Block diagram of wavelength reference & SLD light
The following diagram shows the spectrum of the SLD light output
from Port 2. When this light source is used instead of the earlier
white light source for measurement of the wavelength transmission
characteristics of optical receiver elements, it is possible to achieve
a 20 dB wider dynamic range.
The following figure shows an example of measuring the transmis-
sion characteristics of optical band pass filter using the SLD light.
• White light source (Option 02) • SLD light source (Option 14)
Optical output ≥–59 dBm/1 nm (typical value: –55 dBm/1 nm) Wavelength range 1450 to 1650 nm
Wavelength range 900 to 1600 nm >–40 dBm/nm (1550 nm ±10 nm)
Output level >–60 dBm/nm (1450 to 1650 nm)
Operating temperature +18° to +28°C
±0.04 dB (MS9710B setting resolution: 1 nm,
Output level stability∗1 no polarization change, constant temperature,
measured for 20 min at 1550 nm)
• Reference wavelength light source (Option 05)
Spectrum half width >70 nm (typical: 90 nm)
Wavelength reference 1.53 µm band Acetylene
Optical connector User replaceable type (FC, SC, ST, DIN, HMS-10/A)
Operating temperature 0˚ to 40˚C
• Wavelength Reference & SLD light source (Option 13) ∗1: Measured after one hour warm-up
Wavelength range 1450 to 1650 nm
>–40 dBm/nm (1550 nm ±10 nm) • VBW, sweep speed, minimum light reception sensitivity*1
Output level >–60 dBm/nm (1450 to 1650 nm)
VBW 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
±0.04 dB (MS9710B setting resolution: 1 nm,
Output level stability∗1 no polarization change, constant temperature, Sweep speed (typ.) 30 s 5s 0.5 s 0.5 s 0.5 s 0.5 s
measured for 20 min at 1550 nm)
Minimum light
Spectrum half width >70 nm (typical: 90 nm) reception –90 dBm –80 dBm –70 dBm –60 dBm –50 dBm –40 dBm
Optical connector User replaceable type (FC, SC, ST, DIN, HMS-10/A) sensitivity∗2
Operating temperature 0˚ to 40˚C ∗1: Data for reference; not guaranteed specifications
Wavelength reference 1530 nm band Acetylene
∗2: RMS noise level (1.25 to 1.6 µm)
∗1: Measured after one hour warm-up Note: Warm-up to the MS9780A for about 5 minutes to ensure stable opera-
tion. The above specifications were obtained 2 hours after power-on.
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Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Main frame
MS9780A Optical Spectrum Analyzer
Standard accessories
Optical connector adapter∗1: 1 pc
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc
F0012 Fuse, 3.15 A (for 100 Vac system): 2 pcs
Z0312 Printer paper: 2 rolls
W1477AE MS9780A operation manual: 1 copy
W1478AE Remote control operation manual: 1 copy
MX978001S LabVIEW® driver (RS-232C): 1
MX978001G LabVIEW® driver (GPIB): 1
B0239G Front cover: 1 pc
MS9780A-02 White light source∗2
MS9780A-05 Wavelength reference light source∗2
MS9780A-06 Monitor output (VGA output)∗3
MS9780A-13 Wavelength reference & SLD light source∗2
MS9780A-14 SLD light source∗2
MS9780A-27 E2000 (Diamond) connector∗3
MS9780A-37 FC connector∗4
MS9780A-38 ST connector∗4
MS9780A-39 DIN connector∗4
MS9780A-40 SC connector∗4
MS9780A-43 HMS-10/A (Diamond) connector∗4
Application parts
J0654A RS-232C cable (9P-9P)
J0655A RS-232C cable (9P-25P)
J0007 GPIB cable, 1m
J0617B Replaceable optical connector (FC)
J0618D Replaceable optical connector (ST)
J0618E Replaceable optical connector (DIN)
J0618F Replaceable optical connector (HMS-10/A)
J0619B Replaceable optical connector (SC)
J0893B FC · PC-FC · PC-2M-GI (50/125 µm)
J0894B FC · PC-FC · PC-2M-GI (62.5/125 µm)
J0203 Optical fiber cord with lens attached to end (50 µm core
diameter), 2 m
J0204 Optical fiber cord with lens attached to end (200 µm core
diameter), 2 m
Z0282 Ferrule cleaner (Cletop A type, 1 pc)
Z0283 Tape for ferrule cleaner (6 pcs/set)
Z0284 Cleaner for optical adapter (stick-type, 200 pcs/set)
B0330C Tilt stand
Custom-made product
Optical communications are getting into full swing. Great things are ∗3: Difference between maximum and minimum peak values for total signal
expected of WDM optical communications in answer to the recent ∗4: Slope of least mean square regression line of total signal spectrum peaks
social demand for dramatic increases in transmission volume. In (dB/nm)
WDM communications, multiple optical elements are used in an op-
tical amplifier and various characteristics are precisely controlled to
• Superior basic functions
The MS9715A provides the high performance required for the per-
maintain system performance.
formance testing and evaluation of WDM equipment. Wavelength
The MS9715A is a measuring instrument for use in system manu-
measurement has ±50 pm accuracy, ±5 pm wavelength stability, and
facture, construction, and maintenance. One instrument combines ac-
±20 pm wavelength linearity. High performance level measurement
curate measurement of necessary items over long periods and sat-
has a dynamic range of 53 dB (0.5 nm from peak), ±0.4 dB level ac-
isfies conditions of simplicity of use in construction and maintenance
curacy, ±0.02 dB level stability, and ±0.05 dB level linearity∗5.
operations, lightness and compactness, and superior environmental
performance with respect to vibration and shock. In addition, since ∗5: 5 performances at 0.1 nm resolution
the LabVIEW driver is fitted as standard, programming by remote
control is simple. A windows compatible floppy disk drive is also fit- • Calculation functions
ted as standard. Measurement calculation functions for SNR, gain tilt, total power,
gain slope, channel spacing, etc. are provided.
Feature • 2 measurement modes
• For WDM optical communication Spectrum measurement mode and long-time measurement mode are
Performance and functions provided. As shown on the screen below, in spectrum measurement
mode, the results calculated are displayed. (Spectrum is expanded
• Measurement items or contracted using the zoom marker).
Maximum, minimum, and average values over a long period for wave-
length, level, SNR∗1, channel spacing∗2, gain tilt∗3, gain slope∗4, total
power, and spectrum measurement.
∗1: Signal to Noise Ratio (dB). Noise resolution level of 0.1 nm. Of the signal’s
2 extremes, that with the greater level (smaller SNR) is automatically se-
Gain tilt
Gain slope
∗2: Wavelength difference between spectra for individual signal (nm, GHz)
http://www.anritsu.com 87
Range: 1.527 to 1.567 µm
(integrate power: 1.52 to 1.58 µm) Ordering information
Accuracy: ±0.05 nm Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Stability: ±5 pm (1 min),
Wavelength Model/order No. Name
±10 pm (constant temperature: 60 min)
Linearity: ±20 pm
Resolution: 0.1 nm Mainframe
Resolution accuracy: ±10% (actual display resolution) MS9715A WDM Tester (custom-made product)
Range: – 65 to +20 dBm Standard accessories
Accuracy: ±0.4 dB Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc
Stability: ±0.02 dB (–23 dBm, 1 min, constant F0012 Fuse, 3.15 A (for 100/200 Vac system): 2 pcs
Level temperature) B0329G Front cover (3/4MW4U): 1 pc
Linearity: ±0.05 dB (0 to –50 dBm) MX971501S LabVIEW® driver (RS-232C): 1
Flatness: ±0.15 dB MX971501G LabVIEW® driver (GPIB): 1
Polarization dependency ±0.25 dB W1234AE MS9715A operation manual: 1 copy
W1235AE MS9715A remote control operation manual: 1 copy
Dynamic range 58 dB (±1 nm), 53 dB (±0.5 nm)
Measurement signal Max. 32 waves Options
MS9715A-27 E-2000 (Diamond) connector
Return loss ≥35 dB MS9715A-31 EC (Radial) connector
Wavelength reference Acetylene (1.52 µm) MS9715A-37 FC connector
Display 6.4”, color TFT-LCD MS9715A-38 ST connector
MS9715A-39 DIN connector
Maximum, minimum and average values over a long MS9715A-40 SC connector
Measurement item period for wavelength, level, SNR, channel spacing, MS9715A-43 HMS-10/A (Diamond) connector
gain tilt, gain slope, total power, and spectrum
Memory 3.5” FD (for Windows) Optional accessories
J0654A Serial interface cable (IBM-PC/AT, for J-310)
Interface RS-232C, GPIB J0655A Serial interface cable (9/25-pin, 9P-9P)
Operating temperature: +5˚ to +50˚C J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m (2 pcs)
Environmental condition Storage temperature: –20˚ to +60˚C J0617B Replaceable optical connector (FC)
Relative humidity: ≤90% J0618D Replaceable optical connector (ST)
Power AC 85 to 132/170 to 250 V, 47.5 to 63 Hz, ≤150 VA J0618E Replaceable optical connector (DIN)
J0618F Replaceable optical connector (HMS-10/A)
Dimensions and mass 320 (W) x 177 (H) x 350 (D) mm, ≤16.5 kg J0619B Replaceable optical connector (SC)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A) J0635B Optical fiber cord (FC-PC connector, for SM), 2 m
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A) Z0282 Ferrule cleaner
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A) Z0283 Tape for Ferrule cleaner (6 pcs/set, for Z0282)
EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category Z0284 Adapter cleaner (200 pcs/set)
LVD II, Pollution degree 2)
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1.2 to 1.65 µm
The optical channel selector is a switching device used for outputting addition to the control by the MT9810B Optical Test Set, GPIB and
the light that is inputted to the common channels to any channel. RS-232C interfaces are provided as standards, allowing the above
The above devices are equipped with eight (for MN9662A/9672A) devices to be used as components of an automatic measurement
and sixteen (for MN9664A/9674A) channels, making them ideal for system.
the evaluation of devices for WDM and various optical transmission ∗: Please contact us for 1 x 24, 2 x 24, 1 x 32 and 2 x 32 optical channel selectors
They possess excellent switching repeatability of 0.003 dB (typical Features
value) and low polarization dependent loss of 0.03 dBp-p (MN9662A/ • Low polarization-dependent Loss (0.03 dBp-p: MN9662A/9664A)
9664A). Cleanable and replaceable optical adapters (FC, SC, ST, • Cleanable and replaceable optical adapters (FC, SC, ST, DIN,
DIN and HMS-10/A) are also available as applications. Moreover, in HMS-10/A)
Typical values are given for reference only to assist in the use of these instruments, and are not guaranteed specifications.
Model MN9662A MN9664A MN9672A MN9674A
Number of channels 1x8 1 x 16 2x8 2 x 16
Wavelength 1.2 to 1.65 µm
Applicable optical fiber SM (ITU-T G.652)
Insertion loss∗1, ∗2 ≤1.6 dB (1.1 dB typ.) ≤2.5 dB (2.0 dB typ.)
Return loss∗3 ≥45 dB (PC connector)
Polarization dependent loss∗1 ≤0.03 dBp-p (0.015 dBp-p typ.)∗4 ≤0.05 dBp-p (0.025 dBp-p typ.)∗5
Crosstalk ≤–80 dB
Switching repeatability∗6 ≤0.02 dBp-p (0.003 dBp-p typ.)
Min.∗7 ≤600 ms
Switching time
Max. ≤800 ms∗8 ≤1100 ms∗9 ≤800 ms∗8 ≤1100 ms∗9
Switching life ≥1 x 107 times
Max. input level +23 dBm (200 mW)
I/O optical connector FC, SC, ST, DIN, HMS-10/A (all PC type)
Temperature range Operating: 0˚ to 50 ˚C, Storage: –30˚ to +71 ˚C
Remote control GPIB, RS-232C (D-sub 9-pin), control by MT9810B
Power 85 to 132/170 to 250 Vac, ≤35 VA, 47.5 to 63 Hz
Dimensions and mass 213 (W) x 88 (H) x 351 (D) mm, ≤4.5 kg
EMC EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A), EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class D), EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN610101-1: 1993/A2, 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
∗1: Specifications measured using master optical fiber cable ∗6: At constant temperature in operating temperature range and constant po-
∗2: Including connector loss at 2 points at 1.31 and 1.55 µm larization condition
∗3: Loss depends on connected connector, using PC connector at ≥50 dB re- ∗7: Between channel 1 and channel 2
turn loss at 1.31 and 1.55 µm ∗8: Between channel 7 and channel 8
∗4: At constant temperature in operating temperature range at 1.31 and 1.55 µm ∗9: Between channel 15 and channel 16
∗5: At constant temperature in operating temperature range at 1.55 µm Note: Please contact us for 1 x 24, 2 x 24, 1 x 32 and 2 x 32 optical channel
Standard accessories
Power cord: 1 pc
F0008 Fuse, 1 A (for 100/200 V mains): 2 pcs
Z0397A FC adapter caps∗1
B0329L Front cover: 1 pc
W1489AE MN9662A/9672A/9664A/9674A
operation manual: 1 copy
MN9662A/9664A-37 FC-PC connector (with FC adapter cap)∗2
MN9672A/9674A-37 FC-PC connector (with FC adapter cap)∗2
MN9662A/9664A-38 ST connector (with ST adapter cap)∗2
MN9672A/9674A-38 ST connector (with ST adapter cap)∗2
MN9662A/9664A-39 DIN connector (with DIN adapter cap)∗2
MN9672A/9674A-39 DIN connector (with DIN adapter cap)∗2
MN9662A/9664A-40 SC connector (with SC adapter cap)∗2
MN9672A/9674A-40 SC connector (with SC adapter cap)∗2
MN9662A/9664A-43 HMS-10/A connector (with HMS-10/A adapter cap)∗2
MN9672A/9674A-43 HMS-10/A connector (with HMS-10/A adapter cap)∗2
Application parts
J0617B Replaceable optical adapter (FC-PC)
J0618D Replaceable optical adapter (ST)
J0618E Replaceable optical adapter (DIN)
J0618F Replaceable optical adapter (HMS-10/A)
J0619B Replaceable optical adapter (SC)
Z0397A FC adapter cap
Z0411A ST adapter cap
Z0412A DIN adapter cap
Z0413A SC adapter cap
Z0414A HMS-10/A adapter cap
J0635B Optical fiber cord (FC-PC connector), 2 m
J0006 GPIB cable, 0.5 m
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
J0009 GPIB cable, 4 m
J0654A Serial interface cross cable (for IBM-PC/AT, J-310)
J0655A Serial interface cross cable (for PC-98)
J0897B MT9810B connection cable, 1 m
J0897C MT9810B connection cable, 2 m
J0897D MT9810B connection cable, 5 m
J0897E MT9810B connection cable, 10 m
Z0282 Ferrule cleaner (A-type)
Z0283 Ferrule cleaning tape (6 pcs/set)
Z0284 Adapter cleaner (stick type, 200 pcs/set)
B0390G Rack mount for 1 set
B0390H Rack mount for 2 sets
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1.2 to 1.65 µm
High Attenuation Accuracy, Low Polarization Dependent Loss, Excellent Wavelength Flatness
The MN9625A has a superior wavelength flatness of 0.2 dBp-p max. 0.2
by using an attenuation element with very flat wavelength character-
istics. It is the ideal instrument for evaluating WDM (wavelength divi- 0.1
sion multiplexing) optical amplifiers in which gain flatness vs. wave- 0
length is an important factor. Moreover, the MN9626A has a built-in
optical monitor output for monitoring the level of through light. –0.1
Features –0.2
• R&D and manufacturing of WDM optical amplifiers ––– Adjusting 0.1
input optical level, evaluating gain flatness 0
• R&D and manufacturing of optical transmission systems ––– Adjusting
optical output and reception optical levels, testing error rates –0.1
• R&D and manufacturing of optical components ––– Measuring op- –0.2
tical fiber amplifier I/O and wavelength characteristics, measuring
optical loss of isolators, etc. –0.3
1.53 1.535 1.54 1.545 1.55 1.555 1.56 1.565
Wavelength (µm) Attenuation: 15 dB
Wavelength flatness (dB)
1.565 1.575 1.585 1.595 1.605 1.615 1.625
Wavelength (µm) Attenuation: 15 dB
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame B0390E Rack mount kit (inch type, for 1 unit, left side)
MN9625A Programmable Optical Attenuator B0390F Rack mount kit (inch type, for 2 units, side-by-side)
MN9626A Programmable Optical Attenuator (with optical monitor B0329M Front cover (1/2MW3U)
output) J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
Standard accessories J0009 GPIB cable, 4 m
W1834AE MN9625A/9626A operation manual: 1 copy J0617B Replaceable optical connector (FC)
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc ∗For PC connector
F0010 Fuse, 1.6 A: 2 pcs J0618D Replaceable optical connector (ST)
∗For PC connector
Options J0618E Replaceable optical connector (DIN)
MN9625A/9626A-38 ST connector (both input and output) ∗For PC connector
MN9625A/9626A-39 DIN connector (both input and output) J0619B Replaceable optical connector (SC)
MN9625A/9626A-40 SC connector (both input and output) ∗For PC connector
MN9625A/9626A-43 HMS-10/A connector (both input and output) J0618F Replaceable optical connector (HMS-10/A)
MN9625A/9626A-25 FC (APC) connector (both input and output, factory ∗For PC connector
option) J0739A Replaceable optical connector (FC)
MN9625A/9626A-26 SC (APC) connector (both input and output, factory ∗For APC connector
option) J0739C Replaceable optical connector (SC)
MN9625A/9626A-47 HRL-10 (APC) connector (both input and output, ∗For APC connector
factory option) J0739D Replaceable optical connector (HRL-10)
∗For APC connector
Optional accessories Z0282 Ferrule cleaner
Z0513A∗1 Optical fixed attenuator [FC (PC)] Z0283 Replacement reel for ferrule cleaner (6 pcs/set)
Z0513B∗1 Optical fixed attenuator [SC (PC)] Z0284 Cleaner for optical adapter (stick type, 200 pcs/set)
Z0513C∗1 Optical fixed attenuator [ST (PC)]
∗1: Attenuation: 6 dB ±1 dB, Maximum input level: +23 dBm, Return loss: ≥55 dB
http://www.anritsu.com 93
1.25 to 1.65 µm
Model MN9604C MN9604D
Compatible fiber SM (10/125 µm, NA 0.1)
Wavelength range 1.25 to 1.65 µm
Insertion loss <5.5 dB (1.31/1.55 µm: <5.0 dB, between ports A to B and ports A to C)
Loss difference between ports <2.2 dB (1.31/1.55 µm: <1.5 dB, between ports A to B and ports A to C)
Insertion loss polarization
<0.15 dB∗1
Crosstalk attenuation >54 dB∗1,∗2 >70 dB∗1,∗3
Optical connector FC, SC, ST, DIN, HMS-10/A
Ambient temperature, rated range
0˚ to +50˚C
of use
Storage temperature –40˚ to +71˚C
Dimensions and mass 110 (W) x 52 (H) x 121 (D) mm, ≤500 g
∗1: Wavelength: 1.31/1.55 µm
∗2: When using the connector with return loss of >53 dB
∗3: Specified with the wavelength of 1.55 µm, except from the reflection of APC connector.
Port A Port B
Port C
Standard accessories
W1563AE MN9604C operation manual: 1 copy
Optical connectors
MN9604C-37 FC/PC connector
MN9604C-38 ST connector
MN9604C-39 DIN connector
MN9604C-40 SC connector
MN9604C-43 HMS-10/A (DIAMOND) connector
Optional accessories
J0441 Total internal reflection fiber cord, 1 m (with FC · PC
J0617B Replaceable optical connector (FC)
J0618D Replaceable optical connector (ST)
J0618E Replaceable optical connector (DIN)
J0618F Replaceable optical connector (HMS-10/A)
J0619B Replaceable optical connector (SC)
Z0282 Ferrule cleaner (Cletop A-type, 1 pc)
Z0283 Ferrule cleaner spare tape (6 pcs/set)
Z0284 Adapter cleaner (stick type, 200 pcs/set)
Main frame
MN9604D Optical Directional Coupler∗1
Standard accessories
MN9604D-25 FC-APC connector
MN9604D-26 SC-APC connector
MN9604D-47 HRL-10 connector
W2025AE MN9604D operation manual: 1 copy
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Simple to Use
The MA9014A Bare Fiber Connector has a V-groove design to per- Ordering information
mit quick connections of optical fibers. During maintenance and in- Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
stallation, bare optical fibers with mirrored cut-end faces can be con-
nected. And the use of optical fiber guide and glass tube ensures Model/Order No. Name
that the fibers are easily and reliably set. Main frame
MA9014A Bare Fiber Connector
• Simple to use Standard accessories
• Accommodates single-mode fibers Z0049 Matching oil (3 cc volume): 1 bottle
Z0051 Toothpick: 5 pcs
Applications Z0157 Cleaning liquid (37 cc volume) 1 bottle
Z0158 Cleaning paper (50 sheets) 1 pack
• Measuring breakes in optical fiber cable with optical time domain Z0156 Insertion jig: 1 pc
reflectometer B0282 Storage case: 1 pc
• Two-way communication during optical-fiber cable installation W0483AE MA9014A operation manual: 1 copy
Specifications Option
MA9014A-01 Microscope
50/125, 62.5/125,
Compatible optical fibers 10/125 µm
100/140 µm
Application instruments
Connection loss∗ ≤0.5 dB ≤0.2 dB MP924A Jacket Stripper
Dimensions and mass 74 (W) x 28 (H) x 24 (D) mm, <100 g Z0052 Optical fiber cutter
∗: When optical fibers with same core and clad diameters and matching oil used
Note: Usable optical fiber jacket diameter: ø0.25 to ø1 mm
High-Stabile Attenuation • Metallic film filters assure a wide range of usable wavelengths and
stable accuracy.
• Prevention of multiple reflection
• Small and lightweight
• Suitable for multi-mode fibers (50/125 µm)
http://www.anritsu.com 97
The MP922B is a bare-fiber connector using a V-shaped groove to
BARE FIBER CONNECTOR temporarily and quickly connected optical fiber cores. The V-groove
MP922B can be observed by microscope. This permits fine control of distance
between optical fiber end-surfaces, and allows low-loss single mode
fiber connection.
For Low-Loss Connection of GI/SM Fibers • No special technical training required
• Low-loss connection even for single mode and multi-mode fibers
• Usable for optical fibers with jacket diameters from 0.25 to 1.2 mm
With the MA9013A Fiber Adapter, bare fiber connections can be made
FIBER ADAPTER quickly and easily. The device, engineered to allow fiber core connec-
MA9013A tions without need for polishing, is especially useful for simple tem-
porary instrument connections during on-site operations. Moreover,
the high-precision ferrule facilitates low-loss single-mode and multi-
mode fiber connections.
Easy-to-Use Optical FIber Insertion Features
• Simple to use
• Suitable for single-mode and multi-mode fibers
• Accommodates optical fibers with external diameter error
• Compatible with various optical fibers
• Easy ferrule replacement (FC connector)
Anritsu offers a full line of accessories for use with optical communi-
cations measuring equipment. Please specify model/order number,
name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Remarks Photo No.
J0893[∗] FC · PC-FC · PC-<∗>M-GI FC · PC optical fiber cord (GI) GI (50/125)
Optical fiber cord
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Photo 4
Photo 2 Photo 5
Selection guide
Digital Data Analyzer MP1632C √ 10 MHz to 3.2 GHz∗5
MP1763C (1ch) √ 50 MHz to 12.5 GHz
Pulse Pattern Generators
MP1775A (4ch) √ √ √ 100 MHz to 12.5 GHz
MP1764C (1ch) √ 50 MHz to 12.5 GHz
Error Detectors
MP1776A (4ch) √ √ √ 100 MHz to 12.5 GHz
MP1801A √ 25 to 43.5 GHz
43.5G MUX
MP1803A √ 25 to 43.5 GHz
2.6 V Data Output MP1803A-01 ♦∗1 For MP1803A
MP1802A √ 25 to 43.5 GHz
MP1804A √ 25 to 43.5 GHz
10 GHz Jitter Analyzer MP1777A ♦ ♦ STM-16/32/64/FEC
E/O, O/E Converter MP9677B ♦ ♦ 2.4 to 11 GHz∗2
Text to MP1632A/C Pattern Conversion Software MX163201A ♦ For MP1632A/C
MX165X to MP1632A/C Pattern Conversion Software MX163202A For MP1632A/C
Q and Eye Analysis Software MX163205A ♦ For MP1632A/C
SDH/SONET Pattern Editor MX163206A ♦ For MP1632A/C
Q and Eye Analysis Software MX176400A ♦ For MP1762C
SDH/SONET Pattern Editor MX176401A ♦ For MP1763C/1764C
SDH/SONET Pattern Editor MX177601A ♦ ♦ ♦ For MP1758A/1775A/1776A
Q and Eye Analysis Software MX180400A ♦ ♦ For MP1804A
System Model Name∗3 ME7760A∗4 ME7760B∗4
√: Standard component
♦: Application
∗1: Amplitude range is from 1.0 to 2.6 V. Crosspoint range is from 30 to 70%. Offset range is from –2 to +2 V.
∗2: It is possible to select frequency of CDR as a unit from STM-64, 10.7G and 10.3G.
∗3: Software is application for system, not part of system.
∗4: It is necessary to prepare signal generator for 1/1 clock, ex. MG3695A.
∗5: Please use external synthesizers (10 MHz to 50 MHz)
25 to 43.5 Gbit/s
Measurement Solution for 40 Gbit/s SONET/SDH System and Modules
The ME7760A/B is bit error rate measurement equipments which The multiplexer (MP1801A/1803A) and the de-multiplexer
measures a bit error rate of transmission signals 25 to 43.5 Gbit/s. (MP1802A/1804A) can support 25 to 43.5 Gbit/s signals.
This equipment is composed of pulse pattern generator, multiplexer, • 32 Mbits pattern memory for OC-768/STM-256
demultiplexer, error detector and synthesizer. Both the MP1775A and the MP1776A have 32 Mbits pattern memo-
The ME7760A/B are applied for electrical or optical market which ex- ry and it is suitable for 40 Gbit/s SDH/SONET frames (OC-768/STM-
amines from components evaluations to communication equipments. 256). Its pattern can be edited using the MX177601A SDH/ SONET
MX177601A SDH/SONET Pattern Editor Software is provided and is Pattern Editor via GPIB interface.
used to edit a SDH/SONET frame. • High flexibility
The MP1775A Pulse Pattern Generator and the MP1776A Error
Features Detector can be used as the single measurement equipment. It will
• High quality waveform bring you a high flexibility on the various combinations and scenes.
A re-timing circuit using D-type Flip-Flop realizes high quality wave-
form (small jitter and low wave distortion) and high output amplitude Selection guide
(2 Vp-p).
ME7760A ME7760B
• Measurement with pure PRBS
The MP1775A Pulse Pattern Generator can generate PRBS on 43.5 MP1801A √
Gbit/s (selectable pattern length = 2n – 1: n= 7, 9, 11, 15, 20, 23, 31). MP1802A √
The phase of each channel is shifted by 1/4 cycle and multiplexed MP1803A∗ √
signal can be treated as pure PRBS.
MP1804A∗ √
• Wide operation frequency
ME7760A have capability to treat FEC signals on the 40 Gbit/s. 4 MP1775A √ √
channels pulse pattern generator (MP1775A) and the 4 channels er- MP1776A √ √
ror detector (MP1776A) can support 100 Mbit/s to 12.5 Gbit/s sig- ∗: Custom-made product
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• MP1801A 43.5G MUX
Operation frequency 25 to 43.5 GHz (external)
Clock input Input waveform: Sine or rectangular wave (duty 50%), Input amplitude: 0.7 to 1.5 Vp-p, Connector: V
Number of outputs: 2 DATA, DATA, Output waveform: NRZ, Output amplitude: 2.0 Vp-p (AC coupling) fixed,
Data output Tr/Tf (10 to 90%): ≤18 ps, Pattern jitter: ≤10 ps (p-p), Waveform distortion: ≤10%, Termination: 50 Ω/GND (with back
termination), Connector: V
Output amplitude: 1.0 Vp-p (AC coupling) fixed, Tr/Tf (10 to 90%): ≤18 ps, Waveform distortion: ≤10%,
Clock output
Termination: 50 Ω/GND (with back termination), Connector: V, Phase adjust range: 120 ps
Number of inputs: 4
1/4 Data input Input level: VOH, VOL: –1.0
Termination: 50 Ω/GND, Connector: K
Number of outputs: 1 (CLOCK), Output amplitude: VOH: 0 ±0.4 V, Output amplitude: 1.40 V ±0.4 V
Tr/Tf (20 to 80%): 40 ps (typ.)
1/4 Clock output Waveform distortion: ≤0.4 Vp-p
Connector: K
Phase adjust range: 120 ps
Dimensions and mass 213 (W) x 132.5 (H) x 350 (D) mm, ≤8 kg
Power 85 to 265 V, 47 to 63 Hz, ≤75 VA
Operation temperature +20˚ to +30˚C
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
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Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Main frame
MP1801A 43.5G MUX
Standard accessories
J1090 Cable (V120MM-30CM), 30 cm: 3 pcs
J0696E SMA cable (AA-165-1500), 1.5 m: 5 pcs
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc
F0012 Fuse (T3.15 A 250 V): 1 pc
Z0306A Wrist strap: 1 pc
B0329M Front cover:
J1108 Cable (V120MM-50CM), 50 cm: 1 pc
J1138 SMA cable (SF1041/SMA-451/11SMA/451/1.5M),
1.5 m: 1 pc
J1137 Terminator (HRM-601): 6 pcs
J1145 Terminator (V210): 4 pcs
W1961AE MP1801A operation manual: 1 copy
Main frame
MP1802A 43.5G DEMUX
Standard accessories
J0696D Semi-flexible cable (AA-165-2000), 2 m: 1 pc
J1090 Cable (V120MM-30CM), 30 cm: 2 pcs
J0696E SMA cable (AA-165-1500), 1.5 m: 8 pcs
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc
J1144 Fixed coaxial attenuator (41V-6): 1 pc
F0012 Fuse (T3.15 A 250 V): 1 pc
Z0306A Wrist strap: 1 pc
B0329M Front cover: 1 pc
J1137 Terminator (HRM-601): 9 pcs
J1145 Terminator (V210): 2 pcs
W1960AE MP1802A operation manual: 1 copy
Main frame
MP1803A 43.5G MUX (Custom-made product)
Standard accessories
J1090 Coaxial cable (V120MM-30CM), 30 cm: 3 pcs
J0696E Coaxial cable (AA-165-1500), 1.5 m: 5 pcs
J1108 Coaxial cable (V120MM-50CM), 50 cm: 1 pc
J1138 Coaxial cable, 1.5 m: 1 pc
J1145 Terminator (V210): 4 pcs
J1137 Terminator (HRM-601): 6 pcs
J0008 GPIB cable, 2.0 m: 1 pc
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc
F0012 Fuse, 3.15 A (T3.15 250 V): 1 pc
Z0306A Wrist strap: 1 pc
W2031AE MP1803A operation manual: 1 copy
W2032AE MP1803A GPIB remote control operation manual: 1 copy
MP1803A-01 2.6 V data output
MP1803A-11 Extended up to 48 Gbit/s
Main frame
MP1804A 43.5G DEMUX (Custom-made product)
Standard accessories
J1090 Coaxial cable (V120MM-30CM), 30 cm: 2 pcs
J0696D Semi-flexible cable (AA-165-2000), 2 m: 1 pc
J0696E Coaxial cable (AA-165-1500), 1.5 m: 8 pcs
J1145 Terminator (V210): 2 pcs
J1137 Terminator (HRM-601): 9 pcs
J1144 Fixed coaxial attenuator
(41V-6, for MUX-DEMUX connection): 1 pc
J0008 GPIB cable, 2.0 m: 1 pc
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc
F0012 Fuse, 3.15 A (T3.15 250 V): 1 pc
Z0306A Wrist strap: 1 pc
W2033AE MP1804A operation manual: 1 copy
W2034AE MP1804A GPIB remote control operation manual: 1 copy
MP1804A-11 Extended up to 48 Gbit/s
For the details of MP1775A Pulse Pattern Generator, MP1776A Error Detector
and MG3695A, please refer to page 107, 112 and 427 respectively.
The MP1775A Pulse Pattern Generator has 4 channels data output Features
lines and each channel has capability to generate maximum 12.5 • Error measurement of OC-768c/STM-256c SDH/SONET frame us-
Gbit/s signal. It is available to create PRBS (maximum pattern length ing 8 Mbits/channel PRGM pattern and application software
is 2n – 1, n = 7, 9, 11, 15, 20, 23, 31) and 32 Mbits programmable (MX177601A)
pattern (user defined pattern). Combining with the MP1801A/ • Parallel output of 12.5 Gbit/s x 4-channels
MP1803A 43.5G Multiplexer makes it possible to generate 43.5 • Independent level adjustment for each of the 4-channels
Gbit/s pure PRBS or programmable pattern suitable for OC-768/ • Reduce waveform distortion using back-termination
STM-256. • Cross-Point adjustment capability on the front panel
Operation frequency From 0.1 to 12.5 GHz (internal/external selectable)
External clock Input level from: 0.8 to 2.0 Vp-p, Input waveform: sign wave (over 500 MHz) or Pulse, Connector: APC-3.5
Internal clock (option 03) Resolution: 1 kHz, 1 MHz, Reference signal of PLL: 10 MHz (internal/external selectable)
Pseudo random pattern: 2n – 1 (n = 7, 9, 11, 15, 20, 23, 31), PRGM pattern: 8 Mbits/channel total 32 Mbits
Pattern Logic: POS/NEG
Error insertion: 10–n (n = 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and single) insertion root selectable from 32 channels by switch on front panel
Waveform: NRZ, Number of output: 4 (CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4), Amplitude : from 0.5 to 2.0 Vp-p/10 mV step∗1
Data output Offset: from –2.0 to 2.0 VOH/5 mV step∗1, termination: GND/–2 V(ECL) selectable
Load impedance: 50 Ω, Connector: APC-3.5
Number of output : 2 (CLOCK1, CLOCK2), Amplitude: from 0.5 to 2.0 Vp-p/10 mV step∗1
Clock output Offset: from –2.0 to 2.0 VOH/5 mV step∗1, termination: GND/–2 V (ECL) selectable
Variable delay: from –500 to 500 ps/1 ps step, Load impedance: 50 Ω, Connector: APC-3.5
Number of output: 1 (1/32 clock or pattern sync.)
Sync. output
Amplitude: 1 Vp-p fixed, termination: to GND with 50 Ω, Connector: SMA
Control interface GPIB/Parallel port, Parameter memory: 3.5 inch FDD (MS-DOS compatible)∗2
426 (W) x 221 (H) x 450 (D) mm (16.8W x 8.7H x 17.7D inches), less than 35 kg (77.2 pounds), from 85 to132 Vac or from 170
Dimensions and mass
to 250 Vac, power: less than 1000 Watts
Operation temperature From 15˚ to 35˚C (59 to 95˚F)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
http://www.anritsu.com 107
Ordering Information
Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Main frame
MP1775A Pulse Pattern Generator
Standard accessories
J0491 Shield power cord (13 A): 1 pc
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m: 1 pc
J0496 APC3.5J-J connector: 7 pcs
J0696A SMA cable (AA-165-500), 0.5 m: 6 pcs
J0696B SMA cable (AA-165-800), 0.8 m: 1 pc
J0693A SMA cable (HRM202B-3D2W-HRM202B), 1 m: 1 pc
J1141 50 Ω terminator (BL02-6113-02): 7 pcs
F0100A Fuse, 6.3 A: 2 pcs
W1937AE MP1775A panel operation manual: 1 copy
W1938AE MP1775A GPIB operation manual: 1 copy
Z0168 3.5 inch mini floppy disk (2HD, MF-2HD-3.5MF): 2 pcs
B0021 Front cover: 1 pc
Z0306A Wrist strap: 1 pc
MP1775A-01 Clock, Clock output (custom-made product)
MP1775A-03 Internal synthesizer
Optional accessories
J0500A Semi-rigid cable (SMA-P UT-141 SMA-P), 0.5 m
J0696E SMA cable (AA-165-1500), 1.5 m
MB24B Portable Test Rack (with 20 A power cord)
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
The MP1763C is used in combination with the MP1764C Error Detector. MX176400A Q and Eye Analysis Software controls MP1763C and
The amplitude of the clock and data signals can be varied from 0.25 MP1764C from the PC to measure Q factor, eye margin, and eye dia-
to 2 Vp-p while the offset can be adjusted to within ±2 V so that the gram. MX176401A SDH/SONET Pattern Editor controls the MP1763C
amplitude and the offset margin can be measured. The clock has a and MP1764C to generate frame pattern conforming to SDH/SONET
variable delay function so that time-dependent characteristics or standards.
phase margins of the input clock and data can be measured. An M
series pseudorandom pattern representative of actual conditions or Features
a programmable pattern can be selected as cell data. • High quality waveform
In addition, a 3.5 inch floppy disk drive is built in for storing preset data, • Low FM/PM-noise clock generator
enabling rapid measurements to be performed by simply pressing a • 8 Mbit programmable pattern corresponding to six frames of STM-
key. A GPIB function is provided, enabling automatic or remote mea- 64/STS-192
surement via an external controller. • Generates PRBS patterns with bit length from 27 – 1 to 231 – 1
The MP1763C is a pulse pattern generator ideal for research and de- bits
velopment of high-speed logic, ICs, and digital systems. • Complementary outputs of both data and clock
• The amplitudes and offsets of all 8 data outputs that have 1/8
speed of fundamental clock signal can be set
• MP1763C (main frame)
Operation frequency 0.05 to 12.5 GHz
Internal Frequency range 0.05 to 12.5 GHz
clock SSB phase noise (at 10 kHz ≤–85 dBc/Hz (0.05 to 4 GHz), ≤–80 dBc/Hz (4 to 8 GHz), ≤–75 dBc/Hz (8 to 10 GHz),
(option 01) offset, 1 Hz bandwidth) ≤–70 dBc/Hz (10 to 12.5 GHz)
External clock input level 0.4 to 2.5 Vp-p
Pattern: 2n – 1 (n: 7, 9, 11, 15, 20, 23, 31)
Pseudorandom binary
Mark ratio: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 0/8 (1/2, 3/4, 7/8, 8/8 are possible with logic inversion)
sequence pattern (PRBS)
Bit shifts number for mark ratio varied: 1, 3 bits selectable
Data pattern Data length: 2 to 8388608 bits
Alternate pattern A/B pattern data length: 128 to 4194304 bits (128 bit steps); Loop time: A, B pattern (1 to 127, 1 steps)
Zero substitution pattern Zero bit length: 1 to (pattern length – 1) bits; Pattern: 2n (n: 7, 9, 11, 15)
Error rate: 10–n (n: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), and single error
Error addition
External error injection: Provided
Continued on next page
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Number of outputs 2 (DATA/DATA independently)
Amplitude 0.25 to 2 Vp-p, 2 mV steps
VOH: –2 to +2 V, 1 mV steps
Offset voltage
Display: VOH, VTH or VOL selectable
Rise/fall time Typical 30 ps (10% to 90% of amplitude)
Data Pattern jitter ≤20 psp-p, typical 10 psp-p
output Waveform distortion (0-peak) ≤15% or ≤150 mV whichever is greater
Gating input Provided
Load impedance 50 Ω (with back termination)
Connector APC-3.5
DATA/DATA tracking DATA amplitude and offset voltage can be set to the same values as for DATA.
Cross point adjustment function The cross point of DATA and DATA outputs can be adjusted at semifixed resistor of side.
Number of outputs 3 (CLOCK 1/CLOCK 1, CLOCK 2)
CLOCK 1/CLOCK 1: 0.25 to 2 Vp-p (2 mV steps)
CLOCK 2: 1 Vp-p
CLOCK 1/CLOCK 1: VOH –2 to +2 V (1 mV steps)
Clock Offset voltage
CLOCK 2: VOH 0 V fixed
Rise/fall time Typical 30 ps (10% to 90% of amplitude)
Load impedance 50 Ω (CLOCK 1/CLOCK 1: with back termination)
Connector CLOCK 1/CLOCK 1: APC-3.5, CLOCK 2: SMA
Delay ±500 ps (1 ps steps)
Number of outputs: DATA 8, CLOCK 1
1/8 data and clock output Output level: ECL
Connector: SMA
Number of outputs DATA: 4, CLOCK: 1
1/4 data
and clock Amplitude 0.5 to 2 Vp-p (2 mV steps)
output (op- Offset voltage VOH: –1.5 to +1.5 V (1 mV steps)
tion 03)∗1
Connector SMA
Number of outputs 1 (1/64 clock, fixed position pattern, or variable position pattern selectable)
Sync. signal Output level 0/–1 V
Connector SMA
Media: 3.5 inch FD (2HD, 2DD)
Parameter memory Format: MS-DOS (Rev. 3.1)∗2
Content: Pattern or other parameters
Operating temperature range 0˚ to +50˚C
Dimensions and mass 426 (W) x 221 (H) x 450 (D) mm, ≤33 kg
Power ≤400 VA
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
∗1: When the Option 03 (1/4 speed output) is added, the 1/8 speed output is not available.
∗2: MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Main frame
MP1763C Pulse Pattern Generator
Standard accessories
J0500A Semi-rigid cable (SMA-P · SX-36 · SMA-P), 0.5 m: 2 pcs
J0672D Semi-rigid cable, 7 cm: 1 pc
J0672F Semi-rigid cable, 10 cm: 1 pc
J0693A SMA cable (HRM202B · 3D2W · HRM202B), 1 m: 1 pc
J0496 APC-3.5 J-J connector: 4 pcs
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m: 1 pc
Power cord: 1 pc
Z0168 3.5 inch floppy disk (MF2HD-3.5MF): 2 pcs
Z0306A Wrist strap: 1 pc
F0014 Fuse, 6.3 A (T6.3A250V): 1 pc
W1848AE MP1763C operation manual: 1 copy
W1849AE MP1763C GPIB operation manual: 1 copy
Z0481 12.5G/3.2G BERTS application software demo: 1 pc
B0021 Protective cover (for 1MW · 5U): 1 pc
MP1763C-01 12.5 GHz synthesizer (50 MHz to 12.5 GHz)
MP1763C-03 1/4 speed output
Application equipment
68347B Synthesized Sweep Generator (10 MHz to 20 GHz)
Application software
MX176400A Q and Eye Analysis Software
MX176401A SDH/SONET Pattern Editor
Optional accessories
J0500B Semi-rigid cable (SMA-P · SX-36 · SMA-P), 1 m
J0322A Coaxial cable (11SMA · SUCOFLEX104 · 11SMA), 0.5 m
J0322B Coaxial cable (11SMA · SUCOFLEX104 · 11SMA), 1 m
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
Z0054 3.5 inch floppy disk (MF2DD-3.5MF)
MB24B Portable Test Rack
(rating current of power cord and plug: 20 A)
B0413A Carrying case
B0163 Soft carrying case
B0044 Rack mount (for 1MW · 5U panel)
Z0292A Stacking rack (for sweep synthesizer)
Z0416 3.5 inch head cleaning disk
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100 MHz to 12.5 GHz
MP1776A is an error detector housing four error detectors that can Features
measure error up to 12.5 Gbit/s. It has four-channels independent • Max. 4-channels in one box
measurement mode, two-channels or four-channels combined mea- • Independent measurement of 4-channels
surement mode and be used for development, manufacturing and • PRBS patterns from 27 – 1 to 231 – 1
maintenance of transmission systems and modules from 12.5 Gbit/s • Max. 32 Mbit programmable pattern at 4-channels combined mode
to maximum 50 Gbit/s. (corresponding six frames of STM-256/ STS-768)
• Burst data BER measurement for optical circulating loop test
• Good operability by GUI
Specifications • Display 4-channels measurement results on screen
• MP1776A (main frame), MU177601B (12.5 Gbit/s Error Detector)
Operating frequency 100 MHz to 12.5 GHz
PRBS pattern: 2n – 1 (n: 7, 9, 11, 15, 20, 23, 31)
Zero substitution pattern: 2n (n: 7, 9, 11, 15), consecutive zero-pattern can be inserted up to pattern length – 1
Programmable data
Measurement pattern Independent: 2 to 8,388,608 bits
2-channels combined: 4 to 16,777,216 bits
4-channels combined: 8 to 33,554,432 bits
Logic inversion: Positive/negative switching possible
Measurement mode Independent∗1, 2-channels combined∗2, 4-channels combined∗3
Synchronization method Normal, frame
Error detection mode Insertion, omission, total
Error ratio: 0.0000 x 10–16 to 1.0000 x 100
Error count: 0 to 9,999,999, 1.0000 x 107 to 9.9999 x 1016
Measurement items Clock frequency:
0.1 to 12.5 GHz (independent), 0.2 to 25 GHz (2-channels combined), 0.4 to 50 GHz (4-channels combined)
∗Resolution: 1 kHz, accuracy: 10 ppm ±1 kHz
Sync threshold value Internal, 10–n (n: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
Auto search function Supported
Input waveform: NRZ
Input amplitude: 0.5 to 2.0 Vp-p
Threshold voltage: –3.000 to +1.750 V (1 mV step)
Data input Termination condition: GND/–2.0 V
Input impedance: 50 Ω
Connector: APC-3.5
Number of input: 1 (MU177601B 12.5 Gbit/s Error Detector Unit)
Input level: 0.5 to 2.0 Vp-p
Input waveform: Square wave only (<0.5 GHz, Duty: 50%), Sine or square wave (≥0.5 GHz, duty: 50%)
Clock delay: ±500 ps (1 ps step)
Clock input Polarity inversion: POS/NEG inversion selectable
Input impedance: 50 Ω
Connector: APC-3.5
Number of input: 1 (MU177601B 12.5 Gbit/s Error Detector Unit, up to 4 channel can be added.)
Continued on next page
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/order No. Name
Main frame
MP1776A Error Detector
Standard accessories
J0491 Power cord (with shield, 13 A): 1 pc
J0670A Power cord (L-type, C7, for 200 V main), 2.5 m: 1 pc
F0074 Fuse, 10 A: 1 pc
Z0319A PS/2 mouse: 1 pc
Z0320 Input pen: 1 pc
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
W1410AE MP1776A operation manual: 1 copy
W1411AE MP1776A remote operation manual: 1 copy
Z0306A List strap: 1 pc
Z0352 MP1776A recovery tool: 2 pcs
Z0396A Pen holder: 1 pc
MU177601B 12.5 Gb/s Error Detector Unit
Standard accessories
J0696B SMA cable (AA-165-800), 0.8 m: 2 pcs
J0693A Coaxial cable (HRM202B · 3D2W · HRM202B), 1 m: 1 pc
Optional accessories
Z0321A Keyboard (PS/2)
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
B0496 Portable test rack
B0374G Carrying case
B0497A Dummy unit (for Slot 5)
B0497B Dummy unit (for Slot 1 to Slot 4)
Z0416 Head cleaning disk (for 3.5-inch FDD)
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12.5 GHz
The MP1764C is used in combination with the MP1763C Pulse Pattern Features
Generator to detect errors used to evaluate conformity with ITU-T • Auto-search function for setting optimum values of input threshold
standards. In addition, complicated searching for input thresholds or and phase setting by a “one-touch” operation
phase adjustments is simplified with the touch of a single key. These • Synchronization of 8 Mbits pattern is easily made within a short pe-
functions are ideally suited for the research and development of ul- riod of time (when in frame mode)
trahigh-speed logic ICs and digital communication systems. • Errors are detected in intervals as short as 0.1 sec.
MX176400A Q and Eye Analysis Software controls MP1764C and • Zero wait time counter gate
MP1763C from the PC to measure Q factor, eye margin, and eye dia-
gram. MX176401A SDH/SONET Pattern Editor controls the MP1764C
and MP1763C to generate frame pattern conforming to SDH/SONET
Operation frequency 0.05 to 12.5 GHz
Input waveform NRZ
Input amplitude 0.25 to 2.0 Vp-p
Threshold voltage variable range –3.000 to +1.875 Vp-p (1 mV steps)
Data input Phase margin ≥70 ps (typical value at 10 Gb/s, PRBS 223 – 1, and an input amplitude of 1 Vp-p)
Input sensitivity 50 mVp-p (typical value at 10 Gb/s and PRBS 223 – 1
Termination Connected to GND or –2 V via a 50 Ω termination
Connector APC-3.5
Input waveform Rectangular wave (<0.5 GHz), rectangular or sine wave (≥0.5 GHz), duty factor: 50%
Input voltage 0.25 to 2.0 Vp-p
Clock Input delay variable range ±500 ps (1 ps steps)
input Polarity inversion CLOCK/CLOCK inversion possible
Termination Connected to GND or –2 V via a 50 Ω termination
Connector APC-3.5
Auto search function Provided
Pattern: 2n – 1 (n: 7, 9, 11, 15, 20, 23, 31)
Pseudorandom binary
Mark ratio: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 0/8 (1/2, 3/4, 7/8, 8/8 are possible with logic inversion.)
sequence pattern (PRBS)
Number of AND bit shift at mark ratio setting: 1, 3 bits (selectable by using DIP switch on rear panel)
pattern Data pattern Data length: 2 to 8388608 bits
Alternate pattern A/B pattern word length: 128 to 4194304 bits (128 bits steps), Number of loops: Controlled using external signal
Zero substitution pattern Zero bit length: 1 to (pattern length –1) bits, Pattern length: 2n (n: 7, 9, 11, 15)
Continued on next page
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame Application software
MP1764C Error Detector MX176400A Q/Eye Analysis Software
MX176401A SDH/SONET Pattern Editor
Standard accessories
J0500A Semi-rigid cable (SMA-P · SX-36 · SMA-P), 0.5 m: 2 pcs Optional accessories
J0693A SMA cable (HRM202B-3D2W-HRM202B), 1 m: 3 pcs J0500B Semi-rigid cable (SMA-P · SX-36 · SMA-P), 1 m
J0496 APC-3.5 J-J connector: 2 pcs J0322A Coaxial cable (11SMA · SUCOFLEX104 · 11SMA), 0.5 m
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m: 2 pc J0322B Coaxial cable (11SMA · SUCOFLEX104 · 11SMA), 1 m
Power cord: 1 pc J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
Z0168 3.5 inch floppy disk (MF2HD-3.5MF): 2 pcs Z0054 3.5 inch floppy disk (MF2DD-3.5MF)
F0014 Fuse, 6.3 A (T6.3A250V): 1 pc MB24B Portable Test Rack
W1850AE MP1764C operation manual: 1 copy (rating current of power cord and plug: 20A)
W1851AE MP1764C GPIB operation manual: 1 copy B0413A Carrying case
B0306A Wrist strap: 1 pc B0163 Soft carrying case
B0021 Protective cover (for 1MW · 5U): 1 pc B0044 Rack mount (for 1MW · 5U panel)
B0481 12.5G/3.2G BERTS application software demo: 1 pc Z0416 3.5 inch head cleaning disk
MP1764C-01 Error analysis
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43.5G MUX/43.5G DEMUX
25 to 43.5 Gbit/s
MP1803A MP1804A
Custom-made product
The MP1803A 43.5G MUX can multiplex maximum 4 data signal in- Features
puts (each transmission speed is maximum 10.875 Gbit/s) and gen- • Adopting high resolution variable delay unit (Resolution: 0.1 ps)
erate 43.5 Gbit/s multiplexed signal. It can also generate 1/4 clock • High resolution threshold voltage setting suitable for the Q factor
signal. analysis (Resolution: 0.001 V)
The MP1804A 43.5G DEMUX can de-multiplex the 43.5 Gbit/s data • Digital display
input into 4 signals. Its 4 output signal lines are brought to the 4 • For various applications with the remote control.
channels error detector (MP1776A) and it enables to evaluate 43.5
Gbit/s high-speed data signal.
• MP1803A 43.5G MUX
Operation frequency 25 to 43.5 GHz (external)
Clock input Input waveform: Sine or rectangular wave (duty: 50%), Input amplitude: 0.7 to 1.5 Vp-p, Connector: V
Number of outputs: 2 (DATA, DATA), Output waveform: NRZ, Output amplitude: 2.0 ±0.2 Vp-p (AC coupled),
Data output Tr/Tf (20 to 80%, ≥38 Gbit/s): 10 ps (typ.), Pattern jitter: Less than 10 ps (P-P), Waveform distortion: ≤10%,
Termination: 50 Ω/GND (with back termination), Connector: V
Number of outputs: 1 (CLOCK), Output amplitude: 0.7 to 1.6 Vp-p (AC coupled), Tr/Tf (20 to 80%, ≥38 Gbit/s): 5 ps (typ.),
Clock output Waveform distortion: ≤10%, Phase adjust range: –70.0 to +70.0 ps (0.1 ps step),
Termination: 50 Ω/GND (with back termination), Connector: V,
Number of inputs: 4 (D1, D2, D3, D4), Input amplitude: VIH = 0 V ±0.07 V, VIL = –1 V ±0.07 V,
1/4 data input
Termination: 50 Ω/GND, Connector: SMA
Number of outputs: 1 (CLOCK), Output amplitude: VOH = 0 V ±0.40 V, Vamp = 1.40 V ±0.40 V,
1/4 clock output
Phase adjust range: –70 to 70 ps (1 ps step), Termination: 50 Ω/GND, Connector: SMA
Number of outputs: 1 (1/64 clock output), Output amplitude: VOH = 0 V ±0.2 V, VOL = –1 V ±0.2 V
Sync. output
Termination: 50 Ω/GND, Connector: SMA
Control interface GPIB
Dimensions and mass 213 (W) x 132.5 (H) x 364 (D) mm, ≤10 kg
Power AC 100 to 240 V, Frequency: 47 to 63 Hz, ≤100 VA
Operation temperature +20˚ to +30˚C
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
Clock input
Number of inputs: 1 (CLOCK), Input waveform: Sine or rectangular wave (duty: 50%), Output amplitude: 0.7 to 1.5 Vp-p (AC
coupled), Phase adjust range: –70 to +70 ps (0.1 ps step), Termination: 50 Ω/GND, Connector: V
1/4 data output Number of outputs: 4, Output voltage: VOH = 0 V ±0.2 V, VOL = –1 V ±0.2 V, Termination: 50 Ω/GND, Connector: SMA
Number of outputs: 4, Output voltage: VOH = 0 ±0.25 V, VOL = –1 ±0.25 V
1/4 Clock output
Phase adjust range: –70 to +70 ps (1 ps step), Termination: 50 Ω/GND, Connector: SMA
Number of inputs: 1 (1/64 clock output), Input voltage: V1H = 0 ±0.1 V, VIL = –1 ±0.1 V
DEMUX Reset input
Termination: 50 Ω/GND, Connector: SMA
Control interface GPIB
Dimensions and mass 213 (W) x 132.5 (H) x 364 (D) mm, ≤10 kg
Power AC 100 to 240 V, Frequency: 47 to 63 Hz, ≤100 VA
Operation temperature +20˚ to +30˚C
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Main frame
MP1803A 43.5G MUX
Standard accessories
J1090 Coaxial cable (V120MM-30CM), 30 cm: 3 pcs
J0696E Coaxial cable (AA-165-1500), 1.5 m: 5 pcs
J1108 Coaxial cable (V120MM-50CM), 50 cm: 1 pc
J1138 Coaxial cable, 1.5 m: 1 pc
J1145 Terminator (V210): 4 pcs
J1137 Terminator (HRM-601): 6 pcs
J0008 GPIB cable, 2.0 m: 1 pc
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc
F0012 Fuse, 3.15 A (T3.15 250 V): 1 pc
Z0306A Wrist strap: 1 pc
W2031AE MP1803A operation manual: 1 copy
W2032AE MP1803A GPIB remote control operation manual: 1 copy
MP1803A-01 2.6 V data output
MP1803A-11 Extended up to 48 Gbit/s
Main frame
MP1804A 43.5G DEMUX
Standard accessories
J1090 Coaxial cable (V120MM-30CM), 30 cm: 2 pcs
J0696D Semi-flexible cable (AA-165-2000), 2 m: 1 pc
J0696E Coaxial cable (AA-165-1500), 1.5 m: 8 pcs
J1145 Terminator (V210): 2 pcs
J1137 Terminator (HRM-601): 9 pcs
J1144 Fixed coaxial attenuator
(41V-6, for MUX-DEMUX connection): 1 pc
J0008 GPIB cable, 2.0 m: 1 pc
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc
F0012 Fuse, 3.15 A (T3.15 250 V): 1 pc
Z0306A Wrist strap: 1 pc
W2033AE MP1804A operation manual: 1 copy
W2034AE MP1804A GPIB remote control operation manual: 1 copy
MP1804A-11 Extended up to 48 Gbit/s
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STM-16 to 64, OC-48 to 192
The MP1777A is a measurement solution for jitter evaluation. It sup- Application examples
ports both the STM-16/32/64 and OC-48/96/192 bit rates. In addition • Jitter Generation
to supporting the bit rates of 2488.32, 4976.64, and 9953.28 MHz, To generate jitter, an external signal generator is required to source a
one of six additional bit rates used in submarine cable systems, 10 modulation signal. The MX177701A Jitter Performance Test Software
GbE and OTN can be added as option. and a GPIB card are required for automatic measurement. It is also
The MP1777A can evaluate jitter characteristics, including jitter tol- possible to perform manual measurements, which does not require
erance, jitter transfer, and output jitter, which are parameters most these items.
commonly used to evaluate digital lines.
The MX177701A Jitter Performance Test Software (bundled with
• Jitter measurement
The MP1777A can measure the jitter of input signals directly without
MP1777A) allows the MP1777A to be controlled remotely. When the
using an external BPF. When Option 10 (High Sensitive Input) is in-
Jitter Performance Test Software is used together with specified aux-
stalled, it can measure the jitter of input signals with amplitudes
iliary measuring instruments, jitter tolerance and jitter transfer char-
down to 150 mVp-p. In this case, it can perform evaluation by direct
acteristics can be measured automatically.
device connection. The MX177701A Jitter Performance Test
Functions Software and a GPIB card are required for automatic measurement.
Manual measurement is also possible and the measurement results
• Conforms to 0.172 new recommendations are checked on the MP1777A screen. Furthermore, UIp-p, UI+p, UI-
The MP1777A meets the STM-64/OC-192 measurement standards.
p, and UIrms can also be measured.
It is compatible with bandwidths up to 80 MHz and jitter modulation
By combining the MP9677B E/O, O/E converter, the MP1777A can
amplitudes up to 3200 UIp-p.
measure the jitter measurement of optical interfaces.
• Six optional series of bit rates • Jitter tolerance measurement
The MP1777A supports to various uses flexibly, such as 10 GbE
By combining the O/E and E/O converters, the MP1777A can
which has been spread increasingly, and OTN which is now drawing
measure the jitter tolerance of optical interfaces. The MX177701A
great attention as next-generation SDH/SONET technologies, and
Jitter Performance Test Software and a GPIB card are required for
current submarine cable systems. The MP1777A can also support six
automatic measurement. It is also possible to perform manual mea-
series of bit rates by adding Option 01 (2494.16, 4988.32, 9976.64
surements without these items.
MHz), Option 02 (2666.0571, 5332.1142, 10664.2284 MHz), Option
04 (3062.3629, 6124.7259, 12249.4517 MHz), Option 05 (3069, • Measuring Jitter Transfer Characteristics
6138, 12276 MHz), Option 06 (2677.3063, 5354.6127, 10709.2253 The MP1777A can evaluate jitter transfer characteristics up to 80
MHz) and Option 07 (2578.125, 5156.25, 10312.5 MHz). MHz in applications such as 10 Gbit/s clock recovery module (O/E
converter) evaluation. Automatic (using MX177701A external soft-
• Automatic jitter measurement ware/GPIB) and manual measurements are possible.
The MX177701A Jitter Performance Test Software is used for auto-
By combining the MP9677B E/O, O/E converter, the MP1777A can
matic jitter measurement and can be used with the MP1777A to con-
evaluate the jitter transfer characteristics up to 80 MHz at optical in-
figure an automatic measurement system for jitter tolerance and jit-
ter transfer characteristics∗1.
∗1: Requires MS4630B Network Analyzer, MP1763C Pulse Pattern Generator
and MP1764C Error Detector for automatic measurement of jitter toler-
ance. Requires MS4630B Network Analyzer and MP1763C Pulse Pattern
Generator for automatic measurement of jitter transfer. Also requires
controller, MX177701A Jitter Performance Test Software, GPIB card, and
20/40/80 UI range (2488M/4977M/9953M)
–20 dB/dec
0.5 UI range
f0 f1 f2 f3 f4' f4 f5
Jitter generation Jitter frequency (Hz)
±5% ±10 UIp-p/Fr (3200 UI range), ±5% ±8 UIp-p/Fr (1600 UI range), ±5% ±5 UIp-p/Fr (800 UI range),
±5% ±0.8 UIp-p/Fr (80 UI range), ±5% ±0.6 UIp-p/Fr (40 UI range), ±5% ±0.3 UIp-p/Fr (20 UI range),
±5% ±0.1 UIp-p/Fr (0.5 UI range/10G), ±5% ±0.08 UIp-p/Fr (0.5 UI range/5G), ±5% ±0.05 UIp-p/Fr (0.5 UI range/2.5G)
Fr: 100 kHz (0.5, 20, 40, 80 UI range), 10 Hz (800, 1600, 3200 UI range)
Frequency response error (Fr Hz):
±5% (10 to 20 Hz), ±2% (20 Hz to 300 kHz), ±3% (300 kHz to 1 MHz), ±5% (1 to 3 MHz), ±10% (3 to 10 MHz), ±15% (10 to 80
Range: ±50 ppm (0.1 ppm steps)
Frequency offset Accuracy: ±0.1 ppm (after power-on, calibrates after 60 min. warm-up 23 ±5°C)
Auxiliary interface External modulation input, external 10 MHz reference input, DCS input, external reference clock input
Modulation frequency: 100 Hz to 80 MHz
Amplitude: 0 to 4.00 UIp-p, 0 to 1.41 UIrms
Resolution: 0.001 UIp-p/0.001 UIrms (1 UI range), 0.01 UIp-p/0.01 UIrms (4 UI range)
Jitter amplitude (UIp-p)
4 UI range
1 UI range
f0 f3 f4 1 UI range
Jitter measurement f3 f4 4 UI range
Jitter frequency (Hz)
A2 A3’ A3 f0 f3 f4
Bit rate (bit/s) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (Hz) (MHz) (MHz)
1 UI range 0.5 1 — 100 10 20
4 UI range 0.5 — 4 100 2.5 20
1 UI range 0.5 1 — 100 20 40
4 UI range 0.5 — 4 100 5 40
1 UI range 0.5 1 — 100 40 80
4 UI range 0.5 — 4 100 10 80
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[UIp-p]: ±5% ±W UIp-p (Fr Hz)
[UIrms]: ±5% ±Y UIrms (Fr Hz), Fr: 100 kHz
Frequency response error (Fr Hz):
±5% (10 to 20 Hz), ±2% (20 Hz to 300 kHz), ±3% (300 kHz to 1 MHz), ±5% (1 to 3 MHz), ±10% (3 to 10 MHz), ±15% (10 to 80 MHz)
W (UIp-p)∗1 Y (UIrms)∗2
Bit rate (bit/s)
1 UI 4 UI 1 UI 4 UI
2488M 0.05 0.22 0.008 0.08
4977M 0.07 0.24 0.009 0.09
Jitter measurement 9953M 0.09 0.26 0.010 0.10
∗1: With HP1 + LP, ∗2: With HP + LP
Filters: LP, HP1 + LP, HP1’ + LP, HP2 + LP, HP + LP, HP' + LP
Bit rate (bit/s) (kHz) (kHz) (MHz) (kHz) (kHz) (MHz)
2488M 5 — 1 12 — 20
4977M 8 — 2 12 — 40
9953M 10 20 4 12 50 80
• Operation environment
Pulse Pattern Generators: MP1763C (12.5 GHz), MP1570A (SONET/SDH/PDH/ATM Analyzer)
Error Detectors: MP1764C (12.5 GHz), MP1570A (SONET/SDH/PDH/ATM Analyzer)
Network Analyzer: MS4630B (300 MHz, with Option 10)
Personal computer: IBM-PC/AT compatible
OS: Windows®95 (English) or Windows®98 (English)
CPU: Pentium (75 MHz or faster)
Memory size: 16 Mbyte min.
Recommended HDD free space: ≥300 kbyte for full install
controller GPIB interface: National Instruments AT-GPIB/TNT (PnP), AT-GPIB/TNT+, PCMCIA-GPIB, or PCMCIA-GPIB+ and Windows® driver
(for Windows®95 or Windows®98)
Swap file size: ≥40 Mbyte guaranteed
Display colors: Set to 256
Number of applications running simultaneously: 1 (unable to run other applications simultaneously)
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quality when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame Options
MP1777A 10 GHz Jitter Analyzer MP1777A-01 2494M/4988M/9977M jitter∗2
MP1777A-02 2666M/5332M/10664M jitter∗3
Standard accessories MP1777A-04 3062M/6124M/12249M jitter∗4, ∗5
AC power cord: 1 pc MP1777A-05 3069M/6138M/12276M jitter∗6
F0014 Fuse, 6.3 A: 2 pcs MP1777A-06 2677M/5355M/10709M jitter∗7
B0329D Front cover: 1 pc MP1777A-07 2578M/5156M/10313M jitter∗8
W1497AE MP1777A operation manual: 1 copy MP1777A-10 High sensitive input (0.15 to 1.3 Vp-p)
W1498AE MP1777A remote control operation manual: 1 copy
J0496 APC 3.5 J-J connector: 2 pcs Application equipment
J0900E SMA cable (50 Ω), 1.5 m (AA-165-1500): 2 pcs MS4630B Network Analyzer (10 Hz to 300 MHz, with Option 10)
J0776C BNC cable (50 Ω), 1 m: 3 pcs MP1763C Pulse Pattern Generator (12.5 GHz)
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m: 1 pc MP1764C Error Detector (12.5 GHz)
MX177701A Jitter Performance Test Software∗1: 1 pc MP1570A SONET/SDH/PDH/ATM Analyzer
W1499AE MX177701A operation manual: 1 copy MP9677B E/O, O/E Converter
MP9677B is the 10 Gbit/s E/O and O/E converter for STM-64, OC- Sensitivity
192 or FEC jitter evaluation and BER measurement. It has a jitter Wide: –11 to –5 dBm, Narrow: –11 to –3 dBm
bandwidth of 80 MHz, and can measure jitter tolerance, jitter trans- Input waveform: NRZ
fer, and output jitter at 10 Gbit/s optical interface when used with Optical signal input Wavelength: 1480 to 1580 nm
MP1777A. It can be also used with MP1570A. Maximum input level: 0 dBm (average power)
Return loss: ≥20 dB
Functions Connector: FC-SPC∗2 (single mode fiber)
• SDH/SONET network test Data level: 0 V ±0.2 V(VH)/ –1 V ±0.2 V(VL), 50 Ω
Measurements such as jitter tolerance, jitter transfer, output jitter, Output waveform: NRZ
Electrical signal
and BER at 9.95328 Gbit/s optical interface are available. These Clock level: 1 V(p-p) ±0.33 V, 50 Ω
Connector: SMA
measurements can be performed manually, with no need for a per- Phase adjustable range: ≥100 ps
sonal computer.
External optical Maximum input level: +10 dBm
• FEC test input∗3 (Option 01) Wavelength: 1530 to 1570 nm (guaranteed range)
Measurements such as jitter tolerance, jitter transfer, output jitter,
and error at 10.66423 Gbit/s optical interface are available. These Through data input:
0 V ±0.3 V(VH)/–1 V ±0.3 V(VL), 50 Ω
measurements can be performed manually, with no need for a per-
Retiming clock input: 1 V(p-p) ±0.3 V, 50 Ω
sonal computer. Others Internal phase adjustable range: ≥100 ps
Reshaped data output:
0 V ±0.2 V(VH)/–1.5 V ±0.2 V(VL), 50 Ω
Specifications Connector: SMA
• MP9677B E/O, O/E Converter Dimensions and 426 (W) x 177 (H) x 450 (D) mm, ≤20 kg (including
Bit rate 2.4 to 11 Gbit/s (typical) mass clock recovery unit)
Level: –5 dBm ±3 dBm (average power) AC 85 to 132 V/170 to 250 V (auto-switching),
Output waveform: NRZ 47 to 63 Hz, ≤300 VA (including clock recovery unit)
Wavelength: 1545 nm ±20 nm (any one wavelength Environmental Operating temperature: +10˚ to +40˚C, Storage
Optical signal within range∗1) condition temperature: –20˚ to +60˚C, Humidity: 40 to 90%
output Wavelength width: ≤1 nm (20 dB down point)
Side mode suppression ratio: ≥30 dB EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
Extinction ratio: ≥10 dB EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
Connector: FC-SPC∗2 (single mode fiber) EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
Data level: 0 V ±0.3 V(VH)/–1 V ±0.3 V(VL), 50 Ω LVD
EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II,
Output waveform: NRZ Pollution degree 2)
Electrical signal
Clock level: 1 V(p-p) ±0.3 V, 50 Ω
input ∗1: When ordering, the option specified connector is supplied as standard.
Connector: SMA
∗2: User replaceable
Phase adjustable range: ≥100 ps
∗3: Using this with the application parts’ polarization rotating module is rec-
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• MU967701A/967702A Clock Recovery Unit
Reshaped data input
Bit rate: 9.95328 Gbit/s ±50 ppm (MU967701A), 10.66423 Gbit/s ±50 ppm (MU967702A)
Data input Level: 0.5 to 1.5 V(p-p), 50 Ω
Input waveform: NRZ
Connector: SMA
Through data output
Bit rate: 9.95328 Gbit/s ±50 ppm (MU967701A, depend on input signal), 10.66423 Gbit/s ±50 ppm (MU967702A, depend on input signal)
Data output Level: 0 V ±0.2 V(VH)/–1 V ±0.2 V(VL), 50 Ω
Output waveform: NRZ
Connector: SMA
Retiming clock output, monitor clock output
Frequency: 9.95328 GHz ±50 ppm (MU967701A, depend on input signal), 10.66423 GHz ±50 ppm (MU967702A, depend on input signal)
Clock output Level: 1 V(p-p) ±0.2 V, 50 Ω
Connector: SMA
Jitter amplitude (UIp-p)
A1 A2 A3
0.2 UIp-p 2 UIp-p 2490 UIp-p
Jitter tolerance∗1 f6 (Hz) f7 (Hz) f1 (Hz) f2 (Hz) f3 (Hz) f4 (Hz)
10 12.1 20k 400k 4M 80M
f6 f7 f1 f2 f3 f4
Jitter frequency (Hz)
Wide mode
A2 A1 A2 A3 A4 f1 f2 f3
A4 1.5 dB –1.5 dB 3.5 dB –3.5 dB 100 Hz 10 MHz 80 MHz
Jitter transfer
characteristics f1 f2 f3
Narrow mode
A2 A1 A2 f1 f2 f3
0.1 dB –19.9 dB 100 Hz 8 MHz 80 MHz
f1 f2 f3
Environmental condition Same as MP9677B (main frame)
∗1 MP9677B: Wide mode, –8 to –6 dBm input level, 10˚ to 30˚C
MU967701A: SDH internal, VC4-64c-Bulk, PRBS 223 – 1 used with MP1570A and MU150000A
MU967702A: PRBS 223 – 1 used MP1763C/1764C
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame MP9677B-40 SC connector
MP9677B E/O, O/E Converter MP9677B-43 HMS-10/A connector
MU967701A Clock Recovery Unit (9.95328 Gbit/s)
MU967702A Clock Recovery Unit (10.66423 Gbit/s) Peripheral instruments
MP1777A 10 GHz Jitter Analyzer
Standard accessories MS4630B Network Analyzer (10 Hz to 300 MHz, with Option 10)
AC power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc MP1763C Pulse Pattern Generator (12.5 Gbit/s)
J0670A Power cord (L-type, C7), 2.5 m: 1 pc MP1764C Error Detector (12.5 Gbit/s)
F0014 Fuse, 6.3 A: 2 pcs MP1570A SONET/SDH/PDH/ATM Analyzer (with MU150000A)
J0900E Coaxial cord: 4 pcs
W1765AE MP9677B operation manual: 1 copy Application parts
W1710AE MU967701A operation manual J0796A ST connector (user replaceable, with protective cap, 1 set)
(supplied to MU967701A): 1 copy J0796B DIN connector (user replaceable, with protective cap, 1 set)
W1761AE MU967702A operation manual J0796C SC connector (user replaceable, with protective cap, 1 set)
(supplied to MU967702A): 1 copy J0796D HMS-10/A connector (user replaceable, with protective
B0329C Front cover: 1 pc cap, 1 set)
E0008A Optical output control key: 2 pcs J0796E FC connector (user replaceable, with protective cap, 1 set)
J0995 U link (for connection with MU967701A Z0478 Polarization rotating module (for MP9677B-01)
or MU967702A): 3 pcs J0747A Fixed optical attenuator (5 dB)
J0635B SM optical fiber cord (both-ends FC-SPC connector), 2 m
MP9677B-01 External optical input function (external light source usable)
MP9677B-03 High output, high sensitivity
MP9677B-10 E/O converter minus option
MP9677B-38 ST connector
MP9677B-39 DIN connector
50 MHz to 3.2 GHz
For Development, Manufacturing and Inspection of Transmission Systems, Optical Modules and Logic Devices
H: 100 ps/div, V: 1 V/div
• 3.2 Gb/s PPG and ED in a case MU163220C output waveform (3.2 GHz)
• Eye diagram measurement and burst signal measurement supported
Performance and functions • Error detector with many functions
• Easy operation High input sensitivity (25 mVp-p∗) and wide phase margin (250 ps∗)
The MP1632C has a large, color LCD with touch screen. Microsoft performance is provided. The autosearch function enables PRBS
Windows ® operating system version 3.1 displays measurement re- pattern search with usual phase and threshold search. Insertion er-
sults graphically. Customized screens enable one-key and one-para- ror and omission error can be measured simultaneously.
meter operation. ∗Typical values at 3 Gb/s, PRBS 223 – 1
• High-quality pulse pattern generator • Internal synthesizer with high signal purity (Option)
Programmable patterns of 8 Mbit max, PRBS patterns [(27 – 1) to Highly pure signals, SSB phase noise characteristics of –85 dBc/Hz
(231 – 1) with variable mark ratio], and zero substitution patterns can or less (10 kHz offset), is generated.
be generated. Variable cross-point of data output waveform is also • Support of various applications
supported. The MP1632C supports testing of SDH/SONET (STM-0, 1, 4, 16/
OC-1, 3, 12, 48) devices and modules, research and development on
WDM components, Fibre channels, Giga-bit Ethernet, evaluation of
E/O and O/E module, GaAs IC, and high-speed ASIC/FPGAs
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• MU163220C 3.2G Pulse Pattern Generator
Operating frequency 10 MHz to 3.2 GHz (50 MHz to 3.2 GHz when using MP1632C-03 3.2G Internal Synthesizer)
External clock input 0.5 to 2 Vp-p (<0.5 GHz: square wave, ≥0.5 GHz: square wave or sine wave, 50% duty cycle)
Pseudo random pattern (PRBS)
Pattern length: 2 n – 1 (n: 7, 9, 11, 15, 20, 23, 31)
Mark ratio: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 0/8, 1/2, 3/4, 7/8, 8/8
AND bit shift upon mark ratio setting: 1, 3 bits
Data pattern
Data length: 2 to 8,338,608 bits
Generation pattern
Zero substitution pattern
Continuous 0 bit length: 1 to (pattern length – 1) bits
Pattern length: 2 n (n: 7, 9, 11, 15)
Error insertion
Error ratio: 10–n (n: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), single error
External error input: Provided
Number of outputs: 2 (DATA/DATA, independent)
Amplitude: 0.5 to 2 Vp-p (10 mV steps, setting error: ±15% or ±0.1 V, whichever is greater)
Offset voltage
VOH: –2 to +2 V (at 2 Vp-p amplitude), –3.5 to +2 V (at 0.5 Vp-p amplitude)
(5 mV steps, setting error: ±15% of offset voltage, ±0.1 V or ±15% of amplitude, whichever is the greatest)
Display: VOH, VTH, and VOL selectable
Data output Rise/fall time: ≤80 ps (10% to 90% of amplitude)
Pattern jitter: ≤30 psp-p
Waveform distortion: 10% or 0.1 V of amplitude, whichever is greater
Load impedance: 50 Ω (with back termination)
Connector: SMA
DATA/DATA tracking: DATA amplitude and offset voltage can be set to same value as DATA.
Crosspoint adjustment function: Provided
Number of output: 2 (CLOCK/CLOCK, independent)
Amplitude: 0.5 to 2 Vp-p (10 mV steps, setting error: ±15% or ±0.1 V, whichever is greater)
Offset voltage
VOH : –2 to +2 V (at 2 Vp-p amplitude), –3.5 to +2 V (at 0.5 Vp-p amplitude)
(5 mV steps, setting error: ±15% of offset voltage, ±0.1 V or ±15% of amplitude, whichever is the greatest)
Clock output
Display: VOH, VTH, and VOL selectable
Rise/fall time: ≤80 ps (10% to 90% of amplitude)
Load impedance: 50 Ω (with back termination)
Connector: SMA
Clock delay: –1 to +1 ns (2 ps steps)
External burst trigger input Input level: 0/–1 V, connector: SMA
Internal burst signal Burst cycle: 2 µs to 50 ms (1 µs steps), Enable length: 1 µs to 49.999 ms (1 µs steps)
Burst trigger output Output level: 0/–1 V, connector: SMA
Sync signal output Number of outputs: 1 (1/8 clock, variable pattern synchronization output selectable), Output level: 0/–1 V, Connector: SMA
Operating temperature +5 to +45˚C
Power ≤200 VA
Dimensions and mass 232 (W) x 49 (H) x 449 (D) mm, ≤4.5 kg
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• MX163205A Q and Eye Analysis Software
Computer: IBM-PC/AT or full compatible, OS: Windows 95/98/NT, CPU: Pentium 166 MHz or higher,
Memory: 64 MB or more, Hard disk space: 100 MB or more,
GPIB: National Instruments made GPIB interface (PCMCIA-GPIB or AT- GPIB/TNT series boards are recommended.)
Required system Display
Resolution: 800 x 600 or more, Display colors: 256 or more
∗If two or more applications are running simultaneously, operation cannot be guaranteed.
Measurement frequency: 1 to 3.2 GHz
Measurement patterns: PRGM, PRBS 7, 9, 11, 15, 20, 23, 31
Pattern format: Continuous/burst (To be synchronized within 1 s)
Eye margin measurement
Measurement resolution (threshold): 1 to 10 mV (1 mV steps), Measurement resolution (phase): 2 to 10 ps (2 ps steps),
Measurement rate: E-2 to E-15
Eye diagram measurement
Measurement resolution (phase): 2 to 10 ps (2 ps steps)
Measurement rate: E-2 to E-15 (actual measurement), E-3 to E-12 (estimate measurement)
Display rate: E-2 to E-15 (actual measurement), E-2 to E-4915 (estimate measurement)
Mask test judgment rate: E-2 to E-15
Q factor measurement
Measurement style: Multiple measurements at fixed phase/phase vs. Q factor measurements
Bit error rate range: Upper limit at E-3 to E-5, lower limit at E-7 to E-12
Minimum error count (measurement accuracy): 1, 10, 100, 1000
Vth shift width: Automatic, fixed (1 to 10 mV/1 mV steps)
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame Peripherals
MP1632C Digital Data Analyzer Z0321A Keyboard (PS/2)
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
Standard accessories B0447A Dummy unit for CG
Power cord (shielded): 1 pc B0447C Dummy unit for PPG
F0090 Fuse, 8 A: 2 pcs B0447D Dummy unit for ED
Z0319A PS/2 mouse: 1 pc Z0416 3.5 inch head cleaning disk
Z0320 Input pen: 1 pc MB24B Portable Test Rack (specified current: 20 A)
Z0527 Recovery disk∗1: 1 set B0348 Soft case
Z0528 Application disk∗1: 1 set B0329D Front cover
Z0529 Remote sample disk∗1: 1 set B0333D Rack mount kit
Z0396A Pen holder: 1 pc J0905A Semi-rigid cable (for Option 03)
W1859AE MP1632C operation manual: 1 copy Z0398 Ethernet installation disk (for Option 02)
W1860AE MP1632C remote control operation manual: 1 copy W1529AE Ethernet operation manual (for Option 02)
B0447B Dummy unit for EXTENSION: 1 pc
B0329D Front cover: 1 pc MU163220C 3.2G Pulse Pattern Generator∗2
Options Standard accessories
MP1632C-01 GPIB J0693A Coaxial cord (HRM202B · 3D2W · HRM202B), 1 m: 1 pc
MP1632C-02 Ethernet J0696A Coaxial cord (AA-165-500), 0.5 m: 2 pcs
MP1632C-03 3.2G internal synthesizer W1857AE MU163220C/163240C operation manual: 1 copy
Z0306A Wrist strap: 1 pc
Application software
MX163201A TEXT to MP1632A/C Pattern Conversion Software MU163240C 3.2G Error Detector∗2
MX163202A MP165X to MP1632A/C Pattern Conversion Software Standard accessories
MX163205A Q and Eye Analysis Software J0693A Coaxial cord (HRM202B · 3D2W · HRM202B), 1 m: 1 pc
MX163206A SDH/SONET Pattern Editor J0696A Coaxial cord (AA-165-500), 0.5 m: 2 pcs
W1857AE MU163220C/163240C operation manual∗3: 1 copy
∗1: Only for MP1632C customer
∗2: Units are factory options (not user replaceable)
∗3: Not supplied when 3.2G pulse pattern generator purchased as same time
1.5 Mbit/s to 10 Gbit/s
Comprehensive Testing of Core Networks from One Compact Portable Analyzer
The MP1577A analyzer is designed for development, manufacturing, • Overhead setting and testing
construction, maintenance, and inspection of SDH, SONET, PDH, The user can modify and capture the overhead, and test the over-
and ATM equipment and networks. head portion with overhead change, pointer 64 frames, overhead
A variety of plug-in units and options are available that offer the flex- add/drop and overhead bit errors.
ibility to the users to configure various analysis systems for different • APS function
applications. The user can test the automatic protection switch (APS) by measur-
The MP1577A is scalable from 1.5 Mbit/s to 10 Gbit/s, and perform ing the equipment switching time accurately in milliseconds. The
SONET/SDH/PDH/DSn tests such as concatenation mapping, tan- MP1577A also conforms to ITU-T Rec. G.783 and G.841.
dem connection, APS switching time measurement.
The MP1577A has a built-in printer and a 3.5-inch floppy disk drive
as standard output devices to print measurement results, and to
save and read measurement data to and from the floppy disk (FD),
which can also be read on an external PC. The user can also save
screen data to the FD. The MP1577A has a "HELP" key function that
explains operations, functions and connections.
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• MUX/DEMUX function (option) • Enhanced error/alarm simulation
When the MUX/DEMUX option is added, the multiplexing structure The MP1577A can generate normal and abnormal frames alternate-
including the frame alignment signal can be generated, and multi- ly to test the frame synchronization function of terminal equipment.
plexer/demultiplexer measurement can be performed. (This is an SDH/SONET FAS error addition function.)
• Through modes
One of the three through modes can be selected: (1) Transparent, (2)
Overhead/Overwrite, and (3) Payload/Overwrite. The external
DS1/DS3/PDH signal can be added/dropped to/from payload at pay-
load overwrite.
• MP0121A 2/8/34/139/156M*1 Unit
Bit rate 2.048, 8.448, 34.368, 139.264 Mbit/s
Level/waveform Conforms to ITU-T G.703 (with 20 dB monitoring point)
BNC (75 Ω, unbalanced), 3-pin Siemens (120 Ω, balanced)
2.048 Mbit/s: HDB3 (balanced/unbalanced)
Connectors 8.448, 34.368 Mbit/s: HDB3 (unbalanced)
139.264 Mbit/s: CMI (unbalanced)
Clock Internal (accuracy: ±7 ppm, jitter unit not installed), external (ECL [AC] 50 Ω), received signal
Unframed: 2, 8, 34, 139 Mbit/s
Frame format Framed: 2 Mbit/s (with/without CRC-4 at channels 30/31, G.704), 8 Mbit/s (G.742), 34 Mbit/s (G.751), 139 Mbit/s (G.751),
MUX/DEMUX (Option 06)
PRBS: 211 – 1, 215 – 1, 220 – 1, 223 – 1 (O.151)
Test patterns Invert: On/off
Word: 16-bit programmable, all 0, all 1
Bit (all, test pattern), code, E-bit
Error addition Timing: Single, rate (1E–3, 1E–4, 1E–5, 1E–6, 1E–7)
FAS: n in 16 (n: 1 to 4), all
• 52/156/622/2488/9953M (SDH)
Bit rate 51.84, 155.52, 622.08, 2488.32∗1, 9953.28∗1 Mbit/s
52M (electrical: B3ZS)∗2: ANSI T1.102, 0/450 ft
52M (optical): As per MP0122B unit optical interface specifications
156M (electrical: CMI)∗3: ITU-T G.703
Level/waveform 156M (optical): As per optical 156M/622M unit specifications
622M (electrical/optical): As per optical 156M/622M unit and NRZ unit specifications
2488M (electrical/optical): As per 2.5G unit and 2.5G/10G unit specifications
9953M (electrical/optical): As per 2.5G/10G unit specifications
Internal (accuracy: ±3.5 ppm, jitter unit not installed), Lock (2 MHz, 1.5 MHz, 64 kHz + 8 kHz, 2 Mbit/s, 1.5 Mbit/s),
Clock external (ECL [AC] 50 Ω, 9953M: 1.02 to 0.58 Vp-p, 50 Ω), received signal
Mapping See Fig. 1
Through Trance parent, over head overwrite, payload overwrite
PRBS: 211 – 1, 215 – 1, 220 – 1 (zero suppress, MP0122A/B installed), 220 – 1, 223 – 1, 231 – 1 (only concatenation mapping
16c/64c, conform to O.151)
Test patterns
Invert: On/off
Word: 16-bit programmable, all 0, all 1
Bit all (all, test pattern), FAS, B1, B2, B3, BIP-2, MS-REI, HP-REI, LP-REI
Error addition Timing: Single, single (burst) bit (1 to 64000), rate (1E–3, 1E–4, 1E–5, 1E–6, 1E–7, 1E–8, 1E–9)
User program AE-B [A: 1.0 to 9.9 (step: 0.1), B: 2 to 10]
Alternative: Error frame (0 to 8000), normal frame (1 to 8000)
Alarm addition LP-TIM, LP-RDI, LP-UNEQ, LP-RFI
Timing: Single, single (burst) frame
Alternative: Alarm frame (0 to 8000), normal frame (1 to 8000), all
Mode: Single, repeat, manual
Errors: B1, B2, B3, BIP-2, MS-REI, HP-REI, LP-REI
Measurements Alarms: Power-fail, LOS, LOF, OOF, MS-AIS, MS-RDI, AU-AIS, AU-LOP, HP-SLM, HP-TIM, HP-RDI, HP-UNEQ, TU-AIS,
Error performance: G.826, M2101, M2110, M2120
Preset: Alarm measurement condition
LEDs Tandem, sync. loss, errors
N1 byte (Type 1, Type 2), N2 byte
Tandem connection Errors: N2 BIP-2, TC-REI, OEI, IEC
Alarms: VC-AIS, ISF, FAS, HP-Incoming-AIS, HP-TC-RDI, HP-ODI, LP-Incoming-AIS, LP-TC-RDI, LP-ODI
AU pointer, TU pointer, C, C1/C2
Justification Measurement: NDF, +PJC, –PJC, Cons, C, C1/C2
Continued on next page
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Monitor SOH, POH, K1/K2, pointer, path trace (TIM alarms detectable), Tandem, payload
Payload: Dummy, copy, mixed payload
Dummy channel setting Setting: POH, pathtrace, SS bit, Tandem
Simultaneous measurement VC2, VC12, VC11
Trouble search Auto search for errors/alarms in all measured channels
Measurement period: 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 s
Delay Measurement range: 0 to 999 µs, 1.0 to 999.9 ms, 1.0 to 10.0 s, time out
Display accuracy: ±5 µs (0.5, 1 s), ±50 µs (2, 5, 10 s)
Switching time measurement
Measurement range: 1 to 2000 ms, >2000 ms
APS (K1/K2) LP-RFI, Bit
External: Measures trigger input signal (active high)
Threshold: Specify non-error alarm between 1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms
Sequence generation: 2 to 64 word, repeat (8000 frame)
Sequence capture: 2 to 64 word, repeat (8000 frame)
Frequency measurement Range: ±100 ppm, Accuracy: ±3.5 ppm
Japan mapping (option 09) VC11 Signaling (8-multiframe, 64-multiframe setting)
Payload offset ±100 ppm/0.1 ppm step
Auxiliary interface Clock sync output, trigger input, trigger output, DCC interface (V.11), orderwire, receive clock output
∗1: Mounted option 20, 21
∗2: Mounted MP0122A/B
∗3: Mounted MP0121A
STM-64 x 64
STM-16 AUG AU-4 VC-4 139M (Async.)
x 16
x4 x3 Bulk
STM-4 TUG-3 TU-3 VC-3 34M (Async.)
STM-1 34M (Sync.)
STM-0 AU-3 VC-3 45M (Async.)
TUG-2 TU-2 VC-2 Bulk
6M (Async.)
x3 6M (Bit sync.)
TU-12 VC-12 2M (Async.)
2M (Bit sync. F)
2M (Bit sync. L)
x4 2M (Byte sync. F)
2M (Byte sync. L)
TU-11 VC-11 1.5M (Async.)
1.5M (Bit sync. F)
1.5M (Bit sync. L)
1.5M (Byte sync. F)
1.5M (Byte sync. L)
384k (data)
384k (voice)
Byte (data)
Byte (voice)
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STS-192 x 64
STS-48 STS3 STS3cSPE 139M (Async.)
x 16
x4 x3 Bulk
STS-12 TUG-3 TU-3 VC-3 34M (Async.)
STS-3 34M (Sync.)
STS-1 STS1SPE 45M (Async.)
6M (Async.)
x3 6M (Bit sync.)
VT2 VT2SPE 2M (Async.)
2M (Bit sync. F)
2M (Bit sync. L)
x4 2M (Byte sync. F)
2M (Byte sync. L)
VT1.5 VT1.5SPE 1.5M (Async.)
1.5M (Bit sync. F)
1.5M (Bit sync. L)
1.5M (Byte sync. F)
1.5M (Byte sync. L)
384k (data)
384k (voice)
Byte (data)
Byte (voice)
• General
Printer Internal, external
Internal memory Measurement settings memory: 10, Graphics memory: 15
FDD, RS-232C (Option 01)∗1, GPIB (Option 02)∗1, Ethernet (Option 03)∗1, video output (Option 04)∗1, buzzer, clock, help, screen
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
Dimensions and mass 320 (W) x 177 (H) x 350 (D) mm, 15 kg approx.
Power 100 to 240 Vac, 47.5 to 63 Hz, ≤500 VA
Temperature 0˚ to +40˚C
∗1: The video output, RS-232C, GPIB and Ethernet options cannot all be used simultaneously.
Only the video output + RS-232C, or video output + GPIB, or RS-232C + GPIB board, or Ethernet board combinations support simultaneous use, so change
the board combinations according to the purpose.
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MS371A/A1 (MS371A1)
As an application example, the measurement of PCM terminal voice the MS371A/A1 to channel 2 of the PCM terminal equipment, and re-
encode and decode performance characteristics is shown below. measures.
This measuring method is used when installing PCM terminal equipment. Measurement of one system portion of the terminal equipment is finished
Measurement items shown in the table of measurement summary are from channel 1 to 30 automatically in the same way. Upon completion
executed in the measuring sequence programmed into the MS371A/A1. of measurement, the measured results of channel 1 to 30 are edited
(The operator can set individual items to be executed or omitted.) according to each measurement item and output to the external printer.
After measurement in channel 1, the MS371A/A1 controls the MS120A As mentioned above, voice channel measurement is fully automated,
Channel Selector via the GPIB, connects the measuring terminal of with no chance for miss operation.
30S 30S
Digital Analog
signal signal 1R 1R
generator analyzer 2R 2R
B 3R 3R
30R 30R
The MS371A/A1 controls the MS120A Channel Selector via GPIB. Port A scans from 1R to 30R
and port B scans from 1S to 30S. This permits automatic testing of 30 PCM channels (1 system).
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• Manual measurement mode Alarm simulation
Table 1 summarizes the manual measurements. Manual measure- Frame, multiframe, or signal loss pseudo-errors can be inserted into
ments can be classified broadly as follows: voice channel, word test, the signal by the MS371A/A1 to test the alarm response of the equip-
alarm simulation, error measurement, signalling measurement, jitter ment.
measurement, and order wire. Error measurement
Voice channel measurement Per-channel (64 kbit/s) bit errors can be measured. Bit, line code, and
Manual measurement is used when varying the parameters more frame word errors at 2 Mbit/s can also be measured. The error rate,
finely than in automatic measurement or when no measurement can error second, and % error-free second of these errors can then be
be made in automatic measuring sequences, as in end-to-end mea- automatically calculated.
surement. Manual measurement is also suited to observing changes Jitter measurement
in results over time. In the digital signal generator, jitter can be generated at 2 Mbit/s inter-
Word test face and the digital signal analyzer can measure the jitter in a received
Voice channel, frame, non-frame, and multiframe words can be ma- signal. Combined use of jitter generation and error measuring func-
nipulated or monitored. Thus, spare bits included in the multiframe tions enables measurement of jitter immunity.
and non-frame can be functionally tested and defined and by the cir- Order wire
cuit user. The drop insert function of the voice channel can also be The front panel of the MS371A/A1 has a phone jack. Connection of a
tested. handset permits use of the circuit to be measured as an order wire.
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Psophometric filter: Conforms to ITU-T Rec. O.41
3 kHz flat filter: 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz
Filters Band pass filter: 200, 300, 420, 500, 600, 820, 1020, 2400, 2800, 3000, 3400, 3600 Hz selectable
Notch filter: 820, 1020 Hz selectable
Filter for S/N meter: Conforms to ITU-T Rec. O.131
Alarm display Signal loss, AIS, frame loss, multiframe loss is indicated with the red LED display.
Coder offset detection Measurement range: –128 to +128
Peak code detection Measurement range: –128 to +128
Remote end alarm detection Remote end frame alarm, remote end multiframe alarm
World pattern monitor Telephone channel, frame word, non-frame word, multiframe word
Detectable error: Code, frame, word, bit
Measurement item: Error ratio, errored second, % error-free second, error count
Error detection Acceptable bit error measurement pattern (64 kbit/s): 211–1 ( ITU-T Rec. O.152)
Digital receiver Acceptable bit error measurement pattern (2.048 Mbit/s): 215–1 (ITU-T Rec. O.151)
Time base: 1 to 9999 s
Signalling bit monitor Possible to display on selected signalling channel in a, b, c, d bit
Signalling distortion meter (possi-
Acceptable pulse speed: 10, 20 pps
ble to measure selected signalling
Mark ratio range: 0 to 100%
channel in any bit: a, b, c, d)
Input impedance: 120 Ω balanced, 75 Ω unbalanced selectable
PCN input interface Number of telephone channels: 30, 31 channels selectable
Signalling: Channel associated signalling, common channel signalling selectable
Conforms to ITU-T Coding: HDB3, AMI selectable
Rec. G.703, G.704 (2.048 MHz) Synchronization: Regenerated frame and multiframe from incoming PCM signals
Connector: 3-pole CF (120 Ω bal.), BNC (75 Ω, unbal.)
Number of telephone channels: 32 channels at 2.048 Mbit/s, single channel at 64 bit/s
TTL input interface Synchronization: External 8 kHz frame signal
Connector: D-sub 25-pole (rear panel)
Frequency mode: Conforms to ITU-T Rec. O.171
Amplitude of modulated jitter:
10 UI
Amplitude of modulated jitter
0.5 UI
0.5 UI
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Main frame
MS371A PCM Channel Analyzer
MS371A1 PCM Channel Analyzer
Standard accessories
J0162B Balanced cable
(both ends with Siemens 3P-type plug): 4 pcs
J0081 BNC cable (both ends with BNC-type plug): 2 pcs
J0586 TTL interface connector: 1 pc
AC power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc
J0443 DC power plug: 1 pc
F0011 Fuse, 2 A: 1 pc
F0012 Fuse, 3.15 A: 2 pcs
F0040 Fuse, 0.315 A: 1 pc
F0043 Fuse, 1 A: 3 pcs
F0044 Fuse, 1.6 A: 1 pc
F0046 Fuse, 3.15 A: 2 pcs
Z0031A Thermal paper for printer: 2 rolls/set
W0161AE MS371A/A1 operation manual: 1 copy
Optional accessories
MS120A∗1 Channel Selector
J0162A Balanced cable, 1 m
J0081 BNC cable (both ends with BNC-type plug, 3C-2V), 2 m
A0006 Headset
MB23A Portable Test Rack
MB24A Portable Test Rack
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
B0169A Transport quilting
B0239A Protective carrying case (for MS371A)
B0239B Protective carrying case (for MS371A1)
B0043 Rack mount kit 4U (2 pcs/set)
B0020 Protective cover (2 pcs are needed.)
∗1: Do not meet the EMC and low voltage directives of European Union.
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The MS369B uses new technology to measure the characteristics of
PCM CODEC ANALYZER PCM CODECs (Coder, Decoder). Single-channel CODECs (SCC)
MS369B are already being produced by many semiconductor makers for PCM
terminal equipment, digital exchanges, PBX, digital telephones, and
so on. The number of SCCs in use is increasing gradually. In addition,
former common-channel CODECs used time sharing among a num-
ber of channels. Measuring the characteristics of one single channel
For Measuring CODECs make it possible to dispense with measurement of the other common
channels. For equipment using SCCs, however, the encoding and
decoding characteristics for each channel must be measured. As a
result, more channels must be measured which will lead to demands
for improved measuring performance.
The MS369B uses DSP (Digital Signal Processing) technology to re-
duce measuring time and to improve measuring accuracy. It also incor-
porates a high-performance, special-purpose LSI developed by
Anritsu. The MS369B reduces measuring time and automates mea-
surement using GPIB, and increases production and maintenance
• Both A-law and µ-law measurement
• A-A, D-A, A-D, and D-D measurement
Selection guide
• Bit rate/Interface
MP1220A MP1570A/A1 MP1580A MP1590A MD1231A MD1230A MT7407A MD6420A MD6430A
Bit rate/Interface
50 bit/s to 200 kbit/s: V.24/V.28 (RS-232C) √ √
50 bit/s to 10 Mbit/s: V.35 √ √
50 bit/s to 10 Mbit/s: V.36 (RS-449) √ √
50 bit/s to 10 Mbit/s:
√ √
X.20 (RS-423)/X.21 (RS-422)
50 bit/s to 10 Mbit/s: TTL √ √
64 kbit/s √ √
192 kbit/s: ISDN √ √
1.544 Mbit/s: DS1 √ √ √ √ √
2.048 Mbit/s: E1 √ √ √ √
6.312 Mbit/s: DS2 √ √ √
8.448 Mbit/s: E2 √ √
32.00 Mbit/s: ATM25M √
34.368 Mbit/s: E3 √ √ √
44.736 Mbit/s: DS3 √ √ √
139.264 Mbit/s: E4 √ √ √
51.84 Mbit/s: STM-0/OC-1 √ √ √
155.52 Mbit/s: STM-1/OC-3 √ √ √ √ √ √
622.08 Mbit/s: STM-4/OC-12 √ √ √ √ √ √
2488.32 Mbit/s: STM-16/OC-48 √ √ √ √ √
9953.28 Mbit/s: STM-64/OC-192 √ √ √ √ √
2666.057 Mbit/s: OTU-1 √
10709.225 Mbit/s: OTU-2 √
10M/100M Ethernet √ √ √
Gigabit Ethernet √ √ √
10 Gigabit Ethernet √ √
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Real time network data, such as voice and video, is increasingly im- • RFC2544 standard measurements
portant as IP networks grow and become faster. The need for per- Even Multi-function network devices must be evaluated for their core
formance enhancements for core networks also increases with the performance. Core performance is checked by the automatic
growth in the scale of networks. RFC2544 measurements of the MD1230A Family. After setting up
The development of network equipment and systems requires per- test conditions in advance, five performance parameters, (through-
formance measurement as well as QoS evaluation. put, latency, frame loss rate, back-to-back frames, and system re-
The MD1230A Family achieves all this network monitoring and per- covery) can be measured automatically with a single start button.
formance testing in one device with efficiency and cost savings. Measurement results are graphically displayed, making them useful
The MD1230A Family comes in 3 chassis types matched to user in preparing reports. The auto measurement functions of the
needs. Measuring modules operate in all 3 chassis, so one or more MD1230A Family enable effective manpower utilization.
chassis can be selected based on usage requirements without in- • Global protocol analysis standard
curring extra module expense. Anritsu has licensed Sniffer® Technologies from Network Associates
• Verifying network load provided Inc. for use with MD1230A Family products. Employing the func-
High-speed frame processing capabilities are required to test routers tionality of Sniffer® Technologies software with the 10 Gbps capture
and switches. The MD1230A Family full wire rate transmission func- ability of MD1230A Family high-speed interfaces provides powerful
tion permits the continuous sending of frames on multiple ports at a support for construction, installation, and maintenance of modern
rate of 10 Gbps. Near-actual network conditions can also be recre- networks.
ated by combining transmitted packets with protocols such as IPv4,
IPv6, TCP, and UDP.
In addition, adding sequence numbers to the frames to be sent can
check for duplicate and out-of-sequence frame delivery. The
MD1230A Family can test the performance of switch or Router using
the variety of the transmitted data.
• Checking network traffic
The MD1230A Family can measure simultaneous real-time counts of
transmitted bytes/frames, received bytes/frames, QoS frames in 8
priority levels, every error type, and SONET/SDH alarms among
others. Specific frame traffic can also be measured for each port
when the filter function is used.
For example, specific MPLS VoIP frame traffic (with a specified UDP
port number) can be extracted from a VPN service.
• System QoS verification
The MD1230A Family comes equipped with an 8-stage QoS counter. MD1230A MD1231A
Priority controls can be checked through real-time counting of frames Sniffer® Technologies software is employed.
with the priority set in the VLAN tag or TOS fields. QoS of a total
System can be verified with one test device because the transmis- Decode module (Option 04 Decode Module)
sion functions of the MD1230A Family create pseudo-application Network data where failures have occurred can be captured so that
traffic. troubleshooting can be performed quickly using the protocol transla-
tion functions of the decode module. This supports, for example,
CDP, DISL, DRiP, PAGP and Cisco CGMP as well as H.225, H.245,
MGCP and SIP VoIP protocols. The decode module can also save
and export .CAP file formats, enabling failure analysis using separate
analysis applications that support the .CAP format.
OC-48c / STM-16c
Through Mode
F-GFP Frame
GbE 2 GbE 2
Ethernet Frame Ethernet Frame
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Selection guide
• MD1230A Family module table
Model Name Power consumption∗1 MD1230A MD1231A MT7407A
MU120101A 10M/100M Ethernet Module 4.5 √ √ √
MU120102A Gigabit Ethernet Module 3.5 √ √ √
MU120103A 2.5G (1.31) Module 5.0 √ √
MU120103B 2.5G (1.31) Module 8.0 √ √
MU120104A 2.5G (1.55) Module 5.0 √ √
MU120104B 2.5G (1.55) Module 8.0 √ √
MU120105A 10G (1.31) Module 10.0 √ √
MU120106A 10G (1.55) Module 10.0 √ √
MU120111A 10/100M Ethernet Module 5.5 √ √ √
MU120112A Gigabit Ethernet Module 5.5 √ √ √
MU120118A 10 Gigabit Ethernet Module 17.0 √ √
MU120119A OC-3/12 STM-1/4 Module (1310 nm) 3.5 √ √ √
MU120120A OC-3/STM-1 Module (1310 nm) 3.5 √ √ √
MU740701A∗2, ∗3 IP Tester Control Module 2.0 √
MU740702A∗2, ∗4 Power Unit for IP Tester ∗1 √
∗1: The maximum output current of each MU740702A is 65A. The requirements of total power consumption of module installed should not exceed 65A for each
∗2: It is a module only for MT7407A. Up to two modules are inserted for one MT7407A.
∗3: One MU740701A supports up to 7 slots.
∗4: One MU740701A requires one MU740702A. When adding MU740702A, chassis hardware modification is required.
IGMP √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Through Mode Function √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Monitor Mode Function √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Address Swap Function √ √
Unframe BER Measurement Function √ √ √ √ √ √ √
TCP/UDP Port Number Increment √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CRC32 √ √ √ √
CRC16 √
∗1: For MU120120A, only 155.52 Mbps is supported.
∗2: Supported optical interfaces are 1000BASE-SX/LX/LH/ZX.
∗3: XENPAK Test Option supports Unframe BER Measurement Function.
• MD1230A Data Quality Analyzer
LCD 8.4 Type, TFT
LED Power fail, Errors, Alarms, Remote, Local, HDD, Power, FDD
User Interface 0 to 9, “.”, A to F, Cursor (↑, ↓, →, ←, →|F, R|←), Set, Cancel, View, Display 1 to 3, Hist., H.Reset, Print now, Local, Panel Lock, Power
External Interface
RS-232C, GPIB, Ethernet (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX), USB port x 2, PS/2 keyboard connector, GPS antenna, Video output (VGA)
Trigger Input Connector Usable as capture buffer trigger, Level: TTL (active high), Impedance: 75 Ω (BNC)
Trigger Output Connector Usable as capture buffer trigger, Level: TTL (Active high), Impedance: 75 Ω (BNC)
Sync I/O MD1230A/MD1231A/MT7407A time sync signal, Impedance: 75 Ω (BNC)
Frequency: 64 kHz + 8 kHz ±50 ppm, 2.048 MHz ±50 ppm, 1.544 MHz ±50 ppm, 2.048 Mbit/s ±50 ppm, 1.544 Mbit/s ±50 ppm
2M: ITU-T G.703 Table 10, HDB3
1.5M: B8ZS, AMI ANSI T1.403
SONET/SDH Sync Level (64k): 0.63 to 1.1 Vo-p
Clock Input Code (64k): AMI 8 kHz with violation
BNC (75 Ω): 2 MHz, 2Mbit/s
Siemens (120 Ω balanced): 2 MHz, 2 Mbit/s, 64 kHz + 8 kHz
Bantam (100 Ω balanced): 1.5 MHz, 1.5 Mbit/s
OS Windows®98 (Second Edition)
Built-in Memory Measurement conditions: 10 sets, Measurement results: 10 sets, HDD
External Storage 3.5” FDD
Continued on next page
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Power Supply AC 85 to 132 V/170 to 250 V (auto switching) , 47.5 to 63 Hz, ≤530 VA
Operating Temperature 0˚ to +40 ˚C (except when HDD or FDD are active.)
Storage Temperature –20˚ to +60 ˚C
Dimensions and Mass 320 (W) x 177 (H) x 350 (D) mm, ≤15 kg (excluding options and modules)
EMC EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A), EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A), EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
MD1230A-01: RS-232C Control∗1, MD1230A-02: GPIB Control∗1, MD1230A-03: Ethernet Control∗1, ∗2, ∗3, MD1230A-04: MD1230A
Decode Module∗4, MD1230A-05: GPS Module, MD1230A-06: Tcl Interface∗3, MD1230A-07: OSPF Protocol∗5, MD1230A-08: MPLS
(LDP/CR-LDP) Protocol∗5, MD1230A-09: MPLS (RSVP) Protocol∗5, MD1230A-10: RFC2889 Benchmarking Test∗5, MD1230A-11:
Corresponding Options
Packet BER Test∗5, MD1230A-12: IPv6 Expansion∗5, MD1230A-13: XENPAK Test∗6, MD1230A-14: IGAP Protocol∗5, MD1230A-15:
Auto Negotiation Analysis∗7, MD1230A-16: Link Fault Signaling∗6, MD1230A-20: Application Traffic Monitor∗7, ∗8, MD1230A-40:
Software Upgrade Service for MD1230A∗9
Number of Slots 5
MU120101A: 10M/100M Ethernet Module, MU120102A: Gigabit Ethernet Module, MU120103A: 2.5G (1.31) Module, MU120103B:
2.5G (1.31) Module, MU120104A: 2.5G (1.55) Module, MU120104B: 2.5G (1.55) Module, MU120105A: 10G (1.31) Module,
Corresponding Module
MU120106A: 10G (1.55) Module, MU120111A: 10/100M Ethernet Module, MU120112A: Gigabit Ethernet Module, MU120118A: 10
Gigabit Ethernet Module, MU120119A: OC-3/12 STM-1/4 Module (1310 nm), MU120120A: OC-3 STM-1 Module (1310 nm)
∗1: The MD1230A-01/02/03 options are required only for remote control using GPIB commands.
Note that these options may be installed together, although only one of them can be used at a time.
∗2: The MD1230A-03 option is required for remote control using GPIB remote commands via Ethernet interface. The MD1230A-03 option is not required for ex-
ternal PC control using MX123001A.
∗3: MD1230A-03 and MD1230A-06 may be implemented together, although only one of them can be used at a time.
∗4: Purchase MD1230A-04 and the operation manuals (W2107AE) on CD-ROM. Printed versions sold separately.
∗5: Some of these interface modules may not work in certain combinations depending on the modules and software versions. Please see the selection guide
(pages 8, 9).
∗6: MD1230A-13 and MD1230A-16 support only MU120118A.
∗7: MD1230A-15 and MD1230A-20 support only MU120112A.
∗8: Purchase MD1230A-20 and the operation manuals (W2134AE) on CD-ROM. Printed versions sold separately.
∗9: MD1230A-40 is provided free for the first year after purchase. It is required to receive software upgrade service starting with the second year after purchase.
Corresponding Module MU120101A: 10M/100M Ethernet Module, MU120102A: Gigabit Ethernet Module, MU120111A: 10/100M Ethernet Module, MU120112A:
Gigabit Ethernet Module, MU120119A: OC-3/12 STM-1/4 Module (1310 nm), MU120120A: OC-3/STM-1 Module (1310 nm)
∗1: The MD1231A-02/03 options are required only for remote control using GPIB commands.
Note that these options may be installed together, although only one of them can be used at a time.
∗2: The MD1231A-03 option is required for remote control using GPIB remote commands via Ethernet interface. The MD1230A-03 option is not required for ex-
ternal PC control using MX123001A.
∗3: MD1231A-03 and MD1231A-06 may be implemented together, although only one of them can be used at a time.
∗4: Purchase MD1231A-04 and the operation manuals (W2107AE) on CD-ROM. Printed versions sold separately.
∗5: Some of these interface modules may not work in certain combinations depending on the modules and software versions. Please see the selection guide (pages 8,
∗6: MD1231A-15 and MD1231A-20 support only MU120112A.
∗7: Purchase MD1231A-20 and the operation manuals (W2134AE) on CD-ROM. Printed versions sold separately.
∗8: MD1231A-40 is provided free for the first year after purchase. It is required to receive software upgrade service starting with the second year after purchase.
Frame Error Fragments error, Oversize & FCS error, FCS error, Undersize error, Oversize error, Fragments error, Oversize & FCS error
Alignment error, Dribble bit error, Collision
Packet Error IPv4 header checksum error, TCP/UDP checksum error
Packet BER Test
– PRBS bit error
(Option 11)∗5
Continued on next page
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Model MU120101A MU120102A MU120118A
Transmitted frame count/rate, Received frame count/rate, Transmitted bit count/rate, Received bit count/rate, Transmitted
byte/rate, Received byte/rate, Capture trigger, Capture filter, User defined 1 count/rate, User defined 2 count/rate
Transmitted ARP reply, Received ARP Transmitted ARP reply, Received ARP
Transmitted ARP reply, Received ARP
reply, Transmitted ARP request, Received reply, Transmitted ARP request, Received
reply, Transmitted ARP request, Received
ARP request, Flow control, Dribble bit ARP request, Flow control, Line error,
Ethernet ARP request, Flow control, Fragment,
error, Line error, Fragment, Undersize, Fragment, Undersize, Oversize,
Undersize, Oversize, Oversize & FCS
Oversize, Oversize & FCS error, Oversize & FCS error, FCS error, Byte
error, FCS error
FCS error, Alignment error, Collision alignment error
Transmitted IPv4 packet count/rate, Received IPv4 packet count/rate, IPv4 header checksum error, Transmitted PING reply,
IP/TCP/UDP Received PING reply, Transmitted PING request, Received PING request, Fragments, Received TCP packet count/rate, TCP
checksum error, Received UDP packet count/rate, UDP checksum error, QoS 0 to 7 frame count/rate
Unframe –
Bit error count/rate, Pattern Sync Loss Option 13∗6
Packet BER Test Transmitted test frame, Received test frame, Sequence error, Received PRBS bit
(Option 11)∗5 error count/rate, Received PRBS error frame count/rate
Bit error count/rate, Pattern sync loss count/
XENPAK Test rate, Bit error count lane 0 to 3, Bit error
(Option 13)∗6 rate lane 0 to 3, Pattern sync loss lane 0 to
3, Pattern sync loss second lane 0 to 3
Link Fault Signaling
– Transmitted LFS, Received LFS
(Option 16)∗7
Latency Maximum, Minimum, Average
Frame Arrival Time
Time resolution: 1 µs, 10 µs, 100 µs, 1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms, 1 s
Variation Measurement
QoS Counter Setting Using Qos described below, 8-level priority frame count: IEEE802.1D VLAN tag user priority field, 3 LSB of RFC2474 DSCP field
Test pattern:
All 0, All 1, User-defined 16-bit pattern, PRBS23, PRBS31, CJPAT, CRPAT
Error insertion: Bit error
Unframe BER Setting∗6 –
Error insertion timing:
Single error, Single rate (1E-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
Programmable rate (9.9 E-3 to 1.0 E-10)
Capture Buffer 8 Mbyte/port 32 Mbyte/port 256 Mbyte/port
At following conditions for each port, capture filter condition settings:
Capture Filter
Destination MAC address, Source MAC address, 32-bit pattern (settable bit length and offset) x 2, Error conditions
At following conditions for each port, capture trigger condition settings:
Capture Trigger Destination MAC address, Source MAC address, 32-bit pattern (settable bit length and offset) x 2, Error conditions, Traffic
over, Latency over, External trigger input
Protocol Decode
Control Frame, MPLS, MPLSCP, OSPFv2, RIP, RSVP, SNAP, TCP, UDP, VLAN, MD1230A Test Frame
Protocol Emulation ARP, PING, IGMP, BGP-4
Traffic Monitor Ethernet frame count for up to 64 flows, IP packet count for up to 64 flows, Frame count for up to 64 protocols
Traffic Map Ethernet data flow for up to 256 flows, IP data flow for up to 256 flows
Service Disruption Time Time of frame disruption
RFC2544 Automatic Test Throughput, Latency, Frame Loss Rate, Back to Back Frame, System Recovery, Reset
[1] Fully Meshed Throughput, Frame
Loss and Forwarding Rates, [2] Partially
Meshed one-to-Many/Many-to-One,
[3] Partially Meshed Multiple Devices,
[4] Partially Meshed Unidirectional Traffic,
RFC2889 Automatic
– [5] Congestion Control, [6] Forward –
Test (Option 10)∗5
Pressure and Maximum Forwarding Rate,
[7] Address Caching Capacity, [8] Address
Learning Rate, [9] Errored Frames
Filtering, [10] Broadcast Frame
Forwarding and Latency
LFS pattern transmit function, LFS
Link Fault Signaling transmitted counter function, Received
(Option 16)∗7 counter function, LFS data capture,
LFS emulation function
∗1: 1000BASE-SX/LX/LH/ZX/T can be selected by changing the GBIC module.
∗2: 10GBASE-LR can be selected by changing the XENPAK module.
∗3: VLAN tag and MPLS labels cannot both be used simultaneously.
∗4: Increment and random of frame length can be used only when choosing None as a protocol.
∗5: Main frame option is required.
∗6: Unframe BER Test (MU120118A) requires main frame option (Option 13).
∗7: Main frame option is required (Option 16).
Frame Error
Oversize & FCS error, Alignment error, Dribble bit error, Collision Oversize & FCS error
Packet Error IPv4 header checksum error, TCP/UDP checksum error
Packet BER Test
PRBS error
(Option 11)∗4
Transmitted frame count/rate, Received frame count/rate, Transmitted bit count/rate, Received bit count/rate, Transmitted byte/rate,
Received byte/rate, Capture trigger, Capture filter, User defined 1 count/rate, User defined 2 count/rate
Transmitted ARP reply, Received ARP reply, Transmitted ARP Transmitted ARP reply, Received ARP reply, Transmitted ARP
request, Received ARP request, Flow control, Dribble bit error, request, Received ARP request, Flow control, Line error,
Line error, Fragments, Undersize, Oversize, Oversize & FCS Fragments, Undersize, Oversize, Oversize & FCS error,
error, FCS error, Alignment error, Collision FCS error, Byte alignment error
Transmitted IPv4 packet count/rate, Received IPv4 packet count/rate, Transmitted PING reply, Received PING reply, Transmitted
IP/TCP/UDP PING request, Received PING request, QoS 0 to 7 frame count/rate, Received TCP packet count/rate, Received UDP packet
count/rate, IPv4 header checksum error, TCP checksum error, UDP checksum error
Unframe∗5 Bit error count/rate, Pattern sync loss count/second
Packet BER Test
Transmitted test frame, Received test frame, Sequence error, PRBS bit error count/rate, PRBS frame error count/rate
(Option 11)∗4
Transmitted IPv6 packet count/rate, Received IPv6 packet count/rate, Transmitted ICMPv6 echo request, Received ICMPv6 echo
IPv6 Expansion
request, Transmitted ICMPv6 echo reply, Received ICMPv6 echo reply, Transmitted ICMPv6 (NA), Received ICMPv6 (NA),
(Option 12)∗4
Transmitted ICMPv6 (NS), Received ICMPv6 (NS)
Latency Maximum, Minimum, Average
Frame Arrival Time
Time resolution: 1 µs, 10 µs, 100 µs, 1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms, 1 s
Variation Measurement
QoS Counter Setting Using QoS described below, 8-level priority frame count: IEEE802.1D VLAN tag user priority field, 3 LSB of RFC2474 DSCP field
Test pattern: Test pattern: All 0, All 1, User-defined 16-bit pattern,
All 0, All 1, User-defined 16-bit pattern, PRBS23, PRBS31 PRBS23, PRBS31, CJPAT, CRPAT
Error insertion: Bit unit Error insertion: Bit unit
Unframe BER Test∗5
Error insertion timing: Error insertion timing:
Single error, Single rate (1E-3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), Single error, Single rate (1E-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
Programmable rate (9.9 E-3 to 1.0 E-10) Programmable rate (9.9 E-3 to 1.0 E-10)
Capture Buffer 8 Mbyte/port 32 Mbyte/port
At following conditions for each port, capture filter condition settings:
Capture Filter
Destination MAC address, Source MAC address, 128-bit pattern (settable bit length and offset) x 2, Error conditions
At following conditions for each port, capture trigger condition settings:
Capture Trigger Destination MAC address, Source MAC address, 128-bit pattern (settable bit length and offset) x 2, Error conditions, Traffic over,
Latency over, External trigger input
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Model MU120111A MU120112A
Protocol Decode
Control Frame, MPLS, MPLSCP, OSPFv2, RIP, RSVP, SNAP, TCP, UDP, VLAN, MD1230A Test Frame
ARP, ICMP for IPv4, IGMP, BGP-4, OSPF (Option 07), MPLS LDP/CR-LDP (Option 08), MPLS RSVP (Option 09), ICMP for IPv6
Protocol Emulation
(Option 12), IGAP (Option 14)
Traffic Monitor Ethernet frame count for up to 64 flows, IP packet count for up to 64 flows, Frame count for up to 64 protocols
Traffic Map Ethernet data flow for up to 256 flows, IP data flow for up to 256 flows
Service Disruption Time Time of frame disruption
RFC2544 Automatic Test Throughput, Latency, Frame Loss Rate, Back-to-Back Frame, System Recovery, Reset
[1] Fully Meshed Throughput and Frame Loss, Forwarding Rate, [2] Partially Meshed one-to-Many/Many-to-One, [3] Partially
RFC2889 Automatic Meshed Multiple Devices, [4] Partially Meshed Unidirectional Traffic, [5] Congestion Control, [6] Forward Pressure and Maximum
Test (Option 10)∗4 Forwarding Rate, [7] Address Caching Capacity, [8] Address Learning Rate, [9] Errored Frames Filtering, [10] Broadcast Frame
Forwarding and Latency
Auto Negotiation Code data transmitted function, Auto negotiation sequence
Analysis (Option 15)∗4 – capture function, Link timer value variable function
∗1: 1000BASE-SX/LX/LH/ZX/T can be selected by changing the GBIC module.
∗2: VLAN tag and MPLS labels cannot both be used simultaneously.
∗3: Increment and random of frame length can be used only when choosing None as a protocol.
∗4: Main frame option is required.
∗5: Unframe BER Test (MU120111A) requires port 1 or port 5.
• POS Module
Model MU120103A MU120104A MU120105A MU120106A
OC-48/STM-16 OC-48/STM-16 OC-192/STM-64 OC-192/STM-64
Wavelength: 1260 to 1360 nm Wavelength: 1500 to 1580 nm Wavelength: 1290 to 1330 nm Wavelength: 1530 to 1565 nm
Number of ports: 1 Number of ports: 1 Number of ports: 1 Number of ports: 1
Ports Connector: SC Connector: SC Connector: SC Connector: SC
Bit rate: 2488.320 Mbit/s (NRZ) Bit rate: 2488.320 Mbit/s (NRZ) Bit rate: 9953.280 Mbit/s (NRZ) Bit rate: 9953.280 Mbit/s (NRZ)
Output level: –5 to 0 dBm Output level: –2 to +3 dBm Output level: –4 to +0 dBm Output level: –1 to +2 dBm
Input sensitivity: –18 to 0 dBm Input sensitivity: –28 to –9 dBm Input sensitivity: –12 to 0 dBm Input sensitivity: –14 to –3 dBm
LEDs Link, Tx, Rx, Error, Optical send
Internal (±50 ppm variable), Receive signal, Internal (±100 ppm variable), Receive signal,
Lock (64 kHz + 8 kHz, 1.5 MHz, 2 MHz, 1.5 Mbit/s, 2 Mbit/s) Lock (64 kHz + 8 kHz, 1.5 MHz, 2 MHz, 1.5 Mbit/s, 2 Mbit/s)
Power Meter Standard
Frame select: SONET/SDH
Scramble: On/Off
SDH/SONET Setting Alarm addition timing: Single, Single burst frame (1 to 64000), Alternative [Alarm frame (0 to 8000), Normal frame (1 to 8000)], All
Error insertion: FAS, Bit all, B1, B2, B3, MS-REI, HP-REI, HP-IEC
Error insertion timing: Single, Single burst bit (1 to 64000), Rate (1E-3, 1E-4, 1E-5, 1E-6, 1E-7, 1E-8, 1E-9),
Programmed rate [AE-B ∗A: 1.0 to 9.9 (step 0.1), B: 3 to 10], All
APS (K1/K2) sequence generation: 2 to 64 words, Repeat (8000 frames)
Frame Error FCS error, Abort frame, Fragment, Undersize, Oversize, Oversize & FCS error
Packet Error IPv4 header checksum error, TCP/UDP checksum error
Packet BER Test
(Option 11)∗2 PRBS bit error
Received byte/rate, Capture trigger, Capture filter, User defined 1 count/rate, User defined 2 count/rate
Transmitted bytes (after stuffing), Received bytes (before destufing), Transmitted IPv4 packet count/rate, Received IPv4 packet
count/rate, Transmitted PING reply, Received PING reply, Transmitted PING request, Received PING request, QoS 0 to 7 frame/rate,
PPP/IP/TCP/UDP Received TCP packet count/rate, Received UDP packet count/rate, IPv4 header checksum error, TCP checksum error, UDP 3
checksum error
Unframe Bit Info count/rate, Pattern Sync Loss count/second
Packet BER Test Transmitted test frame, Received test frame, Sequence error, Received PRBS frame error count/rate, Received PRBS bit error
(Option 11)∗2 count/rate
Latency Maximum, Minimum, Average
Alarm Arrival Time
Time resolution: 1 µs, 10 µs, 100 µs, 1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms, 1 s
Variation Measurement
QoS Counter Settings Using QoS described below, 8-level priority frame count: 3 LSB of RFC2474 DSCP field
Test pattern: PRBS23, PRBS31
Unframe BER Setting Error insertion: Bit unit
Error insertion timing: Single error, Single rate (1E-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), Programmable rate (9.9 E-3 to 1.0 E-10)
Capture Buffer 256 Mbyte/port
At following conditions for each port, capture filter condition settings:
Capture Filter
Destination IP address, Source IP address, 32-bit pattern (settable bit length and offset) x 2, Error conditions
At following conditions for each port, capture trigger condition settings:
Capture Trigger Destination IP address, Source IP address, 32-bit pattern (settable bit length and offset) x 2, Error conditions, Traffic over,
Latency over, External trigger input
Protocol Decode
Protocol Emulation PPP, PING, IGMP, BGP-4
Traffic Monitor IP packet count for up to 64 flows, Frame count for up to 64 protocols
Traffic Map IP data flow for up to 256 flows
Service Disruption Time Time of frame disruption
RFC2544 Automatic Throughput, Latency, Frame Loss Rate, Back-to-Back Frame, System Recovery, Reset
∗1: Increment and random of frame length can be used only when choosing None as a protocol.
∗2: Main frame option is required.
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Model MU120119A MU120120A
MPLS label: Up to 10 MPLS labels can be appended (fixed setting)
Protocol editing: PPP, IPv4, IPv6, TCP/IP, UDP/IP, IGMP/IP, ICMP/IP, RIP/UDP/IP, DHCP, IS-IS
Frame Settings Data field
Can set any 4 parts in data field: All 1, All 0, Alternate 1/0 (Each bit, Each 2 bits, Each 4 bits, Each byte, Each 2 bytes),
Increment, Decrement, Random, Single PRBS9
Data field 1 only: Time stamp, Sequence number, User defined, Test frame
Frame Length 8 to 65536 byte (Settable as auto, Fixed, Increment∗1, or Random∗1)
Continuous, Continuous burst, Stop after this stream, Next stream, Jump to stream, Jump to stream for count (Loop count: 1 to
Stream Transport Mode
16,000,000, Frame count per burst: 1 to 16,000,000, Burst count per stream: 1 to 16,000,000)
156M: 53.4 ns to 120 s, Resolution of 53.4 ns, Settable as fixed, Random
Stream Gap Setting
B1 count/rate, B2 count/rate, B3 count/rate, HP-IEC count/rate, MS-REI count/rate, HP-REI count/rate, LOS count/second, LOF
count/second, OOF count/second, MS-AIS count/second, MS-RDI count/second, AU-AIS count/second, AU-LOP count/second,
HP-SLM count/second, HP-RDI count/second, HP-UNEQ count/second, Bit Info count/rate, Pattern Sync Loss count/second,
Abort frame, Sequence error count
Justification NDF count/rate, +PJC count/rate, –PJC count/rate, Consecutive count/rate, PPM
Transmitted frame count/rate, Received frame count/rate, Transmitted bit count/rate, Received bit count/rate, Transmitted byte/rate,
Received byte/rate, Capture trigger, Capture filter, User defined 1 count/rate, User defined 2 count/rate
Transmitted bytes (after stuffing), Received bytes (before destufing), Transmitted IPv4 packet count/rate, Received IPv4 packet
count/rate, Transmitted PING reply, Received PING reply, Transmitted PING request, Received PING request, QoS 0 to 7 frame/
PPP/IP/TCP/UDP rate, Received TCP packet count/rate, Received UDP packet count/rate, IPv4 header checksum error, TCP checksum error, UDP
checksum error
Unframe Bit Info count/rate, Pattern Sync Loss count/second
Packet BER test Transmitted test frame, Received test frame, Sequence error, Received PRBS frame error count/rate, Received PRBS bit error
(Option 11)∗2 count/rate
Latency Maximum, Minimum, Average
Frame Arrival Time
Time resolution: 1 µs, 10 µs, 100 µs, 1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms, 1 s
Variation Measurement
QoS Counter Settings Using QoS described below, 8-level priority frame count: 3 LSB of RFC2474 DSCP field
Test pattern: PRBS11, PRBS15, PRBS20, PRBS23, PRBS31
Unframe BER Setting Error insertion: Bit unit
Error insertion timing: Single error, Single rate (1E-3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), Programmable rate (9.9 E-3, 1.0 E-10)
Capture Buffer 32 Mbyte/port
At following conditions for each port, capture filter condition settings:
Capture Filter
Destination IP address, Source IP address, 32-bit pattern (settable bit length and offset) x 2, Error conditions
At following conditions for each port, capture trigger condition settings:
Capture Trigger Destination IP address, Source IP address, 32-bit pattern (settable bit length and offset) x 2, Error conditions, Traffic over,
Latency over, External trigger input
Protocol Decode
Protocol Emulation PPP, PING, IGMP, BGP-4
Traffic Monitor IP packet count for up to 64 flows, Frame count for up to 64 protocols
Traffic Map IP data flow for up to 256 flows
Service Disruption Time Time of frame disruption
RFC2544 Automatic Test Throughput, Latency, Frame Loss Rate, Back-to-Back Frame, System Recovery, Reset
Maximum input level: +10 dBm
Module Options
Optical power measurement range: –40 to +5 dBm
Optical power measurement accuracy: ±0.5 dBm
∗1: Increment and random of frame length can be used only when choosing None as a protocol.
∗2: Main frame option is required.
Bulk VC4∗Xv ∗2
(b) VC3∗Xv ∗2
LEX∗7 FCS error, Fragment error, Undersize error, Oversize, Oversize & FCS error, Abort sequence
Frame Error FCS error, Abort frame, Fragment, Undersize, Oversize, Oversize & FCS error
Packet Error IPv4 header checksum error, TCP/UDP checksum error
Packet BER Test
PRBS bit error
(Option 11)∗8
B1 count/rate, B2 count/rate, B3 count/rate, HP-IEC count/rate, MS-REI count/rate, HP-REI count/rate, LOS count/second,
LOF count/second, OOF count/second, MS-AIS count/second, MS-RDI count/second, AU-AIS count/second, AU-LOP count/second,
HP-SLM count/second, HP-RDI count/second, HP-UNEQ count/second, Bit Info count/rate, Pattern Sync Loss count/second,
Sequence error count
Justification NDF count/rate, +PJC count/rate, –PJC count/rate, Consecutive count/rate, PPM
Transmitted frame count/rate, Received frame count/rate, Transmitted bit count/rate, Received bit count/rate, Transmitted
byte/rate, Received byte/rate, Capture trigger, Capture filter, User defined 1 count/rate, User defined 2 count/rate
Transmitted bytes (after stuffing), Transmitted bytes (after adaptation), cHEC error, Correctable cHEC error, tHEC error, Correctable
GFP/LEX/LAPS∗7 tHEC error, eHEC error, GFP FCS error, Server signal fail interval, Client loss of sync frame, Client loss of sync interval, Client
loss of signal frame, Client loss of signal interval, Fragment, Undersize, Oversize, Oversize & FCS error, Abort frame
Transmitted Ethernet frame, Received Ethernet frame, Transmitted Ethernet byte, Received Ethernet byte, Ethernet FCS error,
Ethernet∗7 Flow control, Ethernet fragment error, Ethernet undersize error, Ethernet oversize error, Ethernet oversize & FCS error,
Transmitted ARP request, Received ARP request, Transmitted ARP reply, Received ARP reply
Transmitted bytes (after stuffing), Received bytes (before destufing), Transmitted IPv4 packet count/rate, Received IPv4 packet
count/rate, Transmitted PING reply, Received PING reply, Transmitted PING request, Received PING request, QoS 0 to 7 frame/
PPP/IP/TCP/UDP rate, Received TCP packet count/rate, Received UDP packet count/rate, IPv4 header checksum error, TCP checksum error, UDP
checksum error
Continued on next page
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Model MU120103B MU120104B
Unframe Bit info count/rate, Pattern Sync Loss count/second
Packet BER Test Transmitted test frame, Received test frame, Sequence error, Received PRBS frame error count/rate, Received PRBS bit error
(Option 11) count/rate
Latency Maximum, Minimum, Average
Frame Arrival Time
Time resolution: 1 µs, 10 µs, 100 µs, 1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms, 1 s
Variation Measurement
QoS Counter Settings Using QoS described below, 8-level priority frame count: IEEE802.1D VLAN tag user priority field, 3 LSB of RFC2474 DSCP field
Test pattern: PRBS23, PRBS31
Unframe BER Setting Error insertion: Bit unit
Error insertion timing: Single error, Single rate (1E-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), Programmable rate (9.9 E-3, 1.0 E-10)
Capture Buffer 256 Mbyte/port
At following conditions for each port, capture filter condition settings:
Capture Filter Destination MAC address∗9, Source MAC address∗9, Destination IP address, Source IP address, 32-bit pattern (settable bit
length and offset) x 2, Error conditions
At following conditions for each port, capture trigger condition settings:
Capture Trigger Destination MAC address∗9, Source MAC address∗9, Destination IP address, Source IP address, 32-bit pattern (settable bit
length and offset) x 2, Error conditions, Traffic over, Latency over, External trigger input
Protocol Decode LAPS (X.86), LCP, LDP, LEX, LLC, MAC Control Frame, MAPOS, MPLS, MPLSCP, OSPFv2, PPP, PPP-LEX, RIP, RSVP, SNAP,
TCP, UDP, VLAN, MD1230A Test Frame
Protocol Emulation ARP, PPP, ICMP(PING), IGMP, BGP-4
Traffic Monitor IP packet count for up to 64 flows, Frame count for up to 64 protocols
Traffic Map IP data flow for up to 256 flows
Service Disruption Time Time of frame disruption
RFC2544 Automatic Test Throughput, Latency, Frame Loss Rate, Back-to-Back Frame, System Recovery, Reset
Mapping: T-GFP, LAPS, LEX
Concatenation: [SDH] VC-4-Xc (X = 16, 8, 4, 3, 2), VC-4, VC-3
Module Options [SONET] STS-Xc (X = 48, 24, 12, 9, 6, 3), STS-1
Virtual concatenation: [SDH] VC-4-Xv (X = 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2), VC-3-Xv (X = 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3)
[SONET] STS3c-Xv (X = 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2), STS1-Xv (X = 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3)
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
• MD1230A
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame MX123001A-20 Application Traffic Monitor Option∗13
MD1230A Data Quality Analyzer MX123003A Remote Control Software for MX123002A∗15
MX123003A-05 Remote Control Software for MX123002A (5 licenses)∗15
Standard accessories MX123003A-08 Remote Control Software for MX123002A (8 licenses)∗15
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc
F0079 Fuse, 10 A: 1 pc Software options
B0329G Front cover (for 3/4MW4U): 1 pc MX123001A-06 Tcl Interface∗3
B0500A Side cover: 1 pc MX123001A-07 RS-232C Control∗2
W2306AE MD1230A Family operation manual CD-ROM∗1: 1 pc MX123001A-09 GPIB Control∗2
MX123001A-10 Ethernet Control∗2, ∗3
Main frame options
MD1230A-01 RS-232C Control∗2 Software upgrade service
MD1230A-02 GPIB Control∗2 MD1230A-40 Annual Software Upgrade Service for MD1230A∗16
MD1230A-03 Ethernet Control∗2,∗3 MD1230A-41 Annual Software Maintenance for MD1230A-04∗17
MD1230A-04 MD1230A Decode Module∗4 MD1230A-42 Annual Software Maintenance for MX123002A∗17
MD1230A-05 GPS Module
MD1230A-06 Tcl Interface∗3 Maintenance service
MD1230A-07 OSPF Protocol∗5 MD1230A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
MD1230A-08 MPLS (LDP/CR-LDP) Protocol∗5 MU120101A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
MD1230A-09 MPLS (RSVP) Protocol∗5 MU120102A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
MD1230A-10 RFC2889 Benchmarking Test∗5 MU120103A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
MD1230A-11 Packet BER Test∗5 MU120103B-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
MD1230A-12 IPv6 Expansion∗5 MU120104A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
MD1230A-13 XENPAK Test∗6 MU120104B-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
MD1230A-14 IGAP Protocol∗5 MU120105A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
MD1230A-15 Auto Negotiation Analysis∗7 MU120106A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
MD1230A-16 Link Fault Signaling∗6 MU120111A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
MD1230A-20 Application Traffic Monitor∗7,∗8 MU120112A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
MX123002A MD1230A Expert Analysis Module∗14 MU120118A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
MU120119A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
Plug-in modules MU120120A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
MU120101A 10M/100M Ethernet Module
MU120102A Gigabit Ethernet Module∗9 Optional accessories
MU120103A 2.5G (1.31) Module∗10 G0105A GBIC SX 850 nm∗19
MU120103B 2.5G (1.31) Module∗10 G0106A GBIC LX 1310 nm∗19
MU120104A 2.5G (1.55) Module∗10 G0107A GBIC LH 1310 nm∗19
MU120104B 2.5G (1.55) Module∗10 G0108A GBIC ZX 1550 nm∗19
MU120105A 10G (1.31) Module G0124A GBIC T (1000BASE-T)∗20
MU120106A 10G (1.55) Module G0126A XENPAK (10GBASE-LR)∗21
MU120111A 10/100M Ethernet Module J1049A Fixed Optical Attenuator (SC, 5 dB)∗22
MU120112A Gigabit Ethernet Module∗9 J1049B Fixed Optical Attenuator (SC, 10 dB)∗22
MU120118A 10 Gigabit Ethernet Module∗11 J1049C Fixed Optical Attenuator (SC, 15 dB)∗22
MU120119A OC-3/12 STM-1/4 Module (1310 nm) MZ1221A XAUI Extender
MU120120A OC-3/STM-1 Module (1310 nm) MZ1222A XENPAK Interface
J1163A XAUI cable, 0.5 m
Plug-in module options J1164A MDIO cable, 0.5 m
MU120103B-01 EOS Mapping J0660B Optical fiber cord (SM, SC-SC connector both ends),
MU120103B-02 Virtual Concatenation 2m
MU120104B-01 EOS Mapping J0773B Optical fiber cord (GI, SC-SC connector both ends), 2 m
MU120104B-02 Virtual Concatenation J1119B Optical fiber cable (Duplex, MM), 2 m
MU120119A-01 Optical Power Meter J0775D Coaxial cord (BNC-P620 · 3C-2WS · BNC-P620, 75 Ω),
MU120120A-01 Optical Power Meter 2m
J1165A Coaxial cord (27CP-P-1.5-BNC-P-1.5C-CR10)∗23
Softwares J0845A Balanced cable (BANTAM 3P/BANTAM 3P), 6 ft
MX123001A Data Quality Analyzer Control Software J0162B Balanced cable (Siemens 3p-Siemens 3p), 2 m
MX123001A-05 Data Quality Analyzer Control Software (5 licenses) J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
MX123001A-08 Data Quality Analyzer Control Software (8 licenses) J1109B LAN cable (Cross), 5 m
MX123001A-01 Remote Control Software for MD1230A-04∗12 J1110B LAN cable (Straight), 5 m
MX123001A-15 Remote Control Software for MD1230A-04 (5 licenses)∗12 Z0321A Keyboard (PS/2)
MX123001A-18 Remote Control Software for MD1230A-04 (8 licenses)∗12
Continued on next page
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Model/Order No. Name • MD1231A
Z0541A USB mouse Model/Order No. Name
B0448 Soft case
B0336C Carrying case (for 3/4MW4U, 350D)∗24 Main frame
B0530 Carrying case caster for B0336C MD1231A IP Network Analyzer
(only for B0336C, 4 pcs/set)
B0533 Carrying case (for 3/4MW4U, 350D)∗25 Standard accessories
B0501B Blank panel J0134 Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc
W1927AE MD1230A Data Quality Analyzer operation manual F0101 Fuse, 2 A: 1 pc
W1928AE MX123001A Data Quality Analyzer Control Software B0489 Front cover: 1 pc
operation manual W2306AE MD1230A Family operation manual CD-ROM∗1: 1 pc
W1929AE MD1230A-01/02/03 Remote Control operation manual
W2107AE MD1230A-04 MD1230A Decode Module MX123001A-01 Main frame options
Remote Control Software for MD1230A-04 operation MD1231A-02 GPIB Control∗2
manual MD1231A-03 Ethernet Control∗2,∗3
W2122AE MD1230A-06 Tcl Interface operation manual MD1231A-04 MD1231A Decode Module∗4
W2134AE MD1230A-20/MD1231A-20/MX123001A-20 Application MD1231A-05 GPS Module
Traffic Monitor operation manual MD1231A-06 Tcl Interface∗3
W2108AE MX123002A MD1230A Expert Analysis Module MD1231A-07 OSPF Protocol∗5
MX123003A Remote Control Software for MX123002A MD1231A-08 MPLS (LDP/CR-LDP) Protocol∗5
operation manual MD1231A-09 MPLS (RSVP) Protocol∗5
W1931AE MU120101A/11A 10M/100M Ethernet Module MD1231A-10 RFC2889 Benchmarking Test∗5
MU120102A/12A Gigabit Ethernet Module MU120118A MD1231A-11 Packet BER Test∗5
10 Gigabit Ethernet Module operation manual MD1231A-12 IPv6 Expansion∗5
W1932AE MU120103A/B 2.5G (1.31) Module MU120104A/B 2.5G MD1231A-14 IGAP Protocol∗5
(1.55) Module MU120105A 10G (1.31) Module MD1231A-15 Auto Negotiation Analysis∗6
MU120106A 10G (1.55) Module operation manual MD1231A-20 Application Traffic Monitor∗6,∗7
W2121AE MU120119A OC-3/12 STM-1/4 Module (1310 nm) MX123002A MD1230A Expert Analysis Module∗11
MU120120A OC-3/STM-1 Module (1310 nm) operation
manual Plug-in modules
MU120101A 10M/100M Ethernet Module
∗1: Includes W1927AE, W1928AE, W1929AE and W2122AE operation MU120102A Gigabit Ethernet Module∗8
manuals. Printed versions sold separately. MU120111A 10/100M Ethernet Module
∗2: The MD1230A-01/02/03 options and MX123001A-07/09/10 options are MU120112A Gigabit Ethernet Module∗8
required only for remote control using GPIB commands. Note that these MU120119A OC-3/12 STM-1/4 Module (1310 nm)
options may be installed together, although only one of them can be used MU120120A OC-3/STM-1 Module (1310 nm)
at a time.
∗3: MD1230A-03 and MD1230A-06, MX123001A-06 and MX123001A-10 Plug-in module options
may be installed together, although only one of them can be used at a MU120119A-01 Optical Power Meter
time. MU120120A-01 Optical Power Meter
∗4: Purchase MD1230A-04 and the operation manuals (W2107AE) on CD-
ROM. Printed versions sold separately. Softwares
∗5: Some of these interface modules may not work in certain combinations MX123001A Data Quality Analyzer Control Software
depending on the modules and software versions. Please see the MX123001A-05 Data Quality Analyzer Control Software (5 licenses)
selection guide (Pages 8, 9) MX123001A-08 Data Quality Analyzer Control Software (8 licenses)
∗6: MD1230A-13 and MD1230A-16 support only MU120118A. MX123001A-01 Remote Control Software for MD1230A-04∗9
∗7: MD1230A-15 and MD1230A-20 support only MU120112A. MX123001A-15 Remote Control Software for MD1230A-04 (5 licenses)∗9
∗8: Purchase MD1230A-20 and the operation manuals (W2134AE) on CD- MX123001A-18 Remote Control Software for MD1230A-04 (8 licenses)∗9
ROM. Printed versions sold separately. MD1230A-20 supports only two MX123001A-20 Application Traffic Monitor Option∗10
MU120112A. MX123003A Remote Control Software for MX123002A∗12
∗9: MU120102A/12A require GBIC modules (sold separately). MX123003A-05 Remote Control Software for MX123002A (5 licenses)∗12
∗10: MU120103A/04A support POS mapping. MU120103B/04B support POS MX123003A-08 Remote Control Software for MX123002A (8 licenses)∗12
mapping and EOS mapping.
However, EOS mapping is an option. Software options
∗11: MU120118A requires XENPAK modules (sold separately). MX123001A-06 Tcl Interface∗3
∗12: MX123001A Data Quality Analyzer Control Software and MD1230A-04 MX123001A-07 RS-232C Control∗2
MD1230A Decode Module are required. MX123001A-09 GPIB Control∗2
∗13: Software for external control of MD1230A-20 and MD1231A-20. It can MX123001A-10 Ethernet Control∗2,∗3
be used even if there is no MX123001A.
∗14: MD1230A-04 MD1230A Decode Module is required. Software upgrade service
∗15: MX123001A Data Quality Analyzer Control Software, MX123001A-01 MD1231A-40 Annual Software Upgrade Service for MD1231A∗13
Remote Control Software for MD1230A-04, MD1231A-41 Annual Software Maintenance for MD1231A-04∗14
MD1230A-04 MD1230A Decode Module and MX123002A MD1230A MD1231A-42 Annual Software Maintenance for MX123002A∗15
Expert Analysis Module are required.
∗16: MD1230A-40 is provided free for the first year after purchase. It is re- Maintenance service
quired to receive software upgrade service starting with the second year MD1231A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
after purchase. MU120101A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
∗17: Annual Maintenance Service for MD1230A-04 and MX123001A-01. MU120102A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
You have to purchase this software maintenance simultaneously with MU120111A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
MD1230A-04 and MX123001A-01. Moreover, when continuing this MU120112A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
software maintenance, annual renewal is required each year. MU120119A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
∗18: Annual Maintenance Service for MX123002A and MX123003A. You MU120120A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service
have to purchase a this software maintenance simultaneously with and
MX123002A and MX123003A. Moreover, when continuing this software Optional accessories
maintenance, annual renewal is required each year. G0105A GBIC SX 850 nm∗16
∗19: The GBIC module is sold on a per-unit basis. MU120102A/12A has two G0106A GBIC LX 1310 nm∗16
GBIC interfaces slots. G0107A GBIC LH 1310 nm∗16
∗20: The GBIC-T module is sold on a per-unit basis. MU120112A has two G0108A GBIC ZX 1550 nm∗16
GBIC interfaces slots. G0124A GBIC T (1000BASE-T)∗17
∗21: The XENPAK module is sold on a per-unit basis. MU120118A has two J1049A Fixed Optical Attenuator (SC, 5 dB)∗18
XENPAK interfaces slots. J1049B Fixed Optical Attenuator (SC, 10 dB)∗18
∗22: Please check the optical power level. J1049C Fixed Optical Attenuator (SC, 15 dB)∗18
∗23: For connecting MD1231A Unit Sync (SMB connector). J0660B Optical fiber cord (SM, SC-SC connector both ends), 2 m
∗24: Dimensions and mass: 600 (W) x 805 (H) x 365 (D) mm, 8 kg J0773B Optical fiber cord (GI, SC-SC connector both ends), 2 m
∗25: Dimensions and mass: 413 (W) x 605 (H) x 420 (D) mm, 13 kg J1119B Optical fiber cable (Duplex, MM), 2 m
Two spaces which contain the box of standard accessories are provided.
Continued on next page
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Model/Order No. Name ∗1: Includes W2238AE, W1928AE, W1929AE and W2122AE operation
manuals. Printed versions sold separately.
Maintenance service ∗2: Maximum two sets for one MT7407A. When two MU740701A modules
MT7407A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service∗20 are used, MT7407A requires two MU740702A units. Each MU740701A
MU740701A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service∗20 supports 7 slots.
MU740702A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service∗20 ∗3: One MU740702A supports one MU740701A. When adding MU740702A,
MU120101A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service chassis hardware modification is required.
MU120102A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service ∗4: The Decode Module function doesn’t operate with only MU740701A-04.
MU120103A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service MX123001A-01 (sold separately) is required.
MU120103B-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service ∗5: When using GPS module with MT7407A, it is required MT7407A-01.
MU120104A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service However two MU740701A-05 can be inserted to MT7407A, it is enough
MU120104B-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service only one MU740701A-05 for one MT7407A.
MU120105A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service ∗6: Some of these interface modules may not work in certain combinations
MU120106A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service depending on the modules and software versions. Please see the selec-
MU120111A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service tion guide (Pages 8, 9).
MU120112A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service ∗7: MU740701A-13 and MU740701A-16 supports only MU120118A.
MU120118A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service ∗8: MU740701A-15 supports only MU120112A.
MU120119A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service ∗9: The Expert Analysis module function doesn't operate with only
MU120120A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty Service MU740701A-30. MU740701A-04 MU740701A Decode Module,
MX123001A Data Quality Analyzer Control Software, and MX123001A-
Optional accessories 01 Remote Control Software for MD1230A-04 are required.
G0105A GBIC SX 850 nm∗21 ∗10: MU120102A/12A require GBIC modules (sold separately).
G0106A GBIC LX 1310 nm∗21 ∗11: MU120103A/04A support POS mapping. MU120103B/04B support POS
G0107A GBIC LH 1310 nm∗21 mapping and EOS mapping. However, EOS mapping is an option.
G0108A GBIC ZX 1550 nm∗21 ∗12: MU120118A requires XENPAK modules (sold separately).
G0124A GBIC T (1000BASE-T)∗22 ∗13: MX123001A Data Quality Analyzer Control Software and MU740701A-
G0126A XENPAK (10GBASE-LR)∗23 04 MU740701A Decode Module are required.
J1049A Fixed Optical Attenuator (SC, 5 dB)∗24 ∗14: MX123001A Data Quality Analyzer Control Software, MX123001A-01
J1049B Fixed Optical Attenuator (SC, 10 dB)∗24 Remote Control Software for MD1230A-04, MU740701A-04
J1049C Fixed Optical Attenuator (SC, 15 dB)∗24 MU740701A Decode Module and MU740701A-30 MU740701A Expert
MZ1221A XAUI Extender Analysis Module are required.
MZ1222A XENPAK Interface ∗15: MX123001A-06 and MX123001A-10 may be installed together, although
J1163A XAUI cable, 0.5 m only one of them can be used at a time.
J1164A MDIO cable, 0.5 m ∗16: MX123001A-07/09/10 options are required only for remote control using
B0532 Rack flange GPIB commands. Note that these options may be installed together, al-
B0531 Blank panel∗25 though only one of them can be used at a time.
B0501B Blank panel ∗17: MT7407A-40 is provided free for the first year after purchase. It is re-
J0660B Optical fiber cord (SM, SC-SC connector both ends), 2 m quired to receive software upgrade service starting with the second year
J0773B Optical fiber cord (GI, SC-SC connector both ends), 2 m after purchase. One license supports two MU740701A.
J1119B Optical fiber cable (duplex, MM), 2 m ∗18: Annual Maintenance Service for MU740701A-04 and MX123001A-01.
J0775D Coaxial cord (BNC-P620 · 3C-2WS · BNC-P620, 75 Ω), 2 m You have to purchase software maintenance simultaneously with
J1165A Coaxial cord (27CP-P-1.5-BNC-P-1.5C-CR10)∗26 MU740701A-04 and MX123001A-01. Moreover, when continuing this
J0845A Balanced cable (BANTAM 3P/BANTAM 3P), 6 ft software maintenance, annual renewal is required each year.
J0162B Balanced cable (Siemens 3p-Siemens 3p), 2 m ∗19: Annual Maintenance Service for MU740701A-30 and MX123003A. You
J0008 GPIB cable have to purchase this software maintenance simultaneously with
J1109B LAN cable (Cross), 5 m MU740701A-30 and MX123003A. Moreover, when continuing this
J1110B LAN cable (Straight), 5 m software maintenance, annual renewal is required each year.
W2238AE MT7407A operation manual ∗20: Extended Three Year Warranty Service is divided into three order for
W1928AE MX123001A Data Quality Analyzer Control Software op- main frame, CPU module and Power Unit. Please choose your need or-
eration manual der among them.
W1929AE MD1230A-01/02/03 Remote Control operation manual ∗21: The GBIC module is sold on a per-unit basis. MU120102A/12A has two
W2107AE MD1230A-04 MD1230A Decode Module MX123001A-01 GBIC interfaces slots.
Remote Control Software for MD1230A-04 operation ∗22: The GBIC-T module is sold on a per-unit basis. MU120112A has two
manual GBIC interfaces slots.
W2122AE MD1230A-06 Tcl Interface operation manual ∗23: The XENPAK module is sold on a per-unit basis. MU120118A has two
W1931AE MU120101A/11A 10M/100M Ethernet Module XENPAK interfaces slots.
MU120102A/12A Gigabit Ethernet Module MU120118A ∗24: Please check the optical power level.
10 Gigabit Ethernet Module operation ∗25: For CPU module slot.
manual ∗26: For connecting MD1231A Unit Sync (SMB connector).
W1932AE MU120103A/B 2.5G (1.31) Module MU120104A/B 2.5G
(1.55) Module MU120105A 10G (1.31) Module
MU120106A 10G (1.55) Module operation manual
W2121AE MU120119A OC-3/12 STM-1/4 Module (1310 nm)
MU120120A OC-3/STM-1 Module (1310 nm) operation
1.5 Mbit/s to 10 Gbit/s
• Mixed payload
At mapping measurement in TUG-3 and AU3, the user can set dif-
ferent mapping for three additional channels other than the target
measurement channel.
http://www.anritsu.com 161
• Tandem connection • Wander measurement (option)
The N1/Z5 and N2/Z6 bytes can be set and measured. Subdivides the bandwidth of the wander measurement into three
• Various analysis functions ranges, and can analyze the wander factor caused by temperature
The internal optical power meter and frequency counter allows the change, pointer, etc. It can also perform measurements conforming
user to measure optical power and frequency during error and alarm to ITU-T O.172.
measurement without changing the connections of the signal cables. • Through jitter function (only SONET/SDH)
The MP1570A can capture any SOH/TOH or POH (1 byte), K1/ K2 Able to generate the jitter by through, while monitoring the input jitter
byte, or H1/H2 byte in 1023 frames to analyze errors and alarms, and quality.
check APS operation.
Measured errors and alarms can be displayed as a graph with a time ATM
scale in 1 second, 1 minute, 15 minutes, or 60 minutes. • Supports ATM from 1.5M to 622M rates
• Pointer value monitoring TC layer mappings of 622M, 156M, 52M, 139M, 45M, 34M, 2M and
Changes in pointer value can be displayed as a graph with values 1.5M are supported along with ATM mappings of O.191, AAL1,
updated in real time. AAL2, AAL3/4, and AAL5, which makes the MP1570A ideal for vari-
• MUX/DEMUX function (option) ous combinations of layers. The VPI/VCI for 1023 channels can be
When the MUX/DEMUX option is added, the multiplexing structure detected automatically, and the presence/absence of alarms, cell
including the frame alignment signal can be generated, and multi- count, and non-conforming cell count can be displayed graphically,
plexer/demultiplexer measurement can be performed. for easy comparison of line channel traffic.
• Non frame pattern/CID pattern
Frames can be set on/off at all bit rates. CID pattern can generate or
analysis at SONET/SDH measurements.
• Through modes
One of the three through modes can be selected: (1) Transparent, (2)
Overhead/Overwrite, and (3) Payload/Overwrite. The external
DS1/DS3/PDH signal can be added/dropped to/from payload by pay-
load overwrite.
• Enhanced error/alarm simulation
The MP1570A can generate normal and abnormal frames alternate-
ly to test the frame synchronization function of terminal equipment.
(This is an SDH/SONET FAS error addition function.)
• Easily operated pointer sequence test (combined jitter mea-
Able to generate the justification pattern conforming to ITU-T G.783 • 1- and 2-point CDV in conformance with I.356
from the transmission equipment side, and simultaneously make the When measuring delay in cell traffic, either 1-point CDV or 2-point
tributary signal offset variable. This makes the combined jitter test CDV conforming to ITU-T Rec. I.356 can be selected according to
possible. the conditions.
• Simultaneous display of error cells, inserted error cells and
Jitter, wander measurements lost cells
The jitter/wander measurement conforming to ITU-T O.171/O.172 The error/alarm generation conditions can be displayed both numerical-
exceeds these standards in performance evaluation. Automatic mea- ly and graphically to give a visual impression of the traffic conditions.
surements, such as jitter tolerance, jitter transfer, and jitter vs. fre- • Traffic monitoring
quency offset are performed in a short time. Various automatic mea- The constantly changing traffic can be displayed as a graph for the
surements can be achieved with just one unit. selected-one-channel VPI/VCI.
∗1: Built-in 52M B3ZS (electrical) interface ∗3: Mounted Option 09 (Japan mapping)
∗2: Built-in 52M B3ZS (electrical) and optical interfaces
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• 52/156/622/2488/9953M (SDH)
Bit rate 51.84, 155.52, 622.08, 2488.32, 9953.28 Mbit/s
52M (electrical: B3ZS)∗1: ANSI T1.102, 0/450 ft
52M (optical): As per MP0122B unit optical interface specifications
156M (electrical: CMI)∗2: ITU-T G.703
Level/waveform 156M (optical): As per optical 156M/622M unit specifications
622M (electrical/optical): As per optical 156M/622M unit and NRZ unit specifications
2488M (electrical/optical): As per 2.5G unit and 2.5G/10G unit specifications
9953M (electrical/optical): As per 2.5G/10G unit specifications
Internal (accuracy: ±3.5 ppm, jitter unit not installed), Lock (2 MHz, 1.5 MHz, 64 kHz + 8 kHz, 2 Mbit/s, 1.5 Mbit/s),
Clock external (ECL [AC] 50 Ω, 9953M: 1.02 to 0.58 Vp-p, 50 Ω), received signal
Frame SDH/SONET, CID pattern, non-frame
Mapping See Fig. 1
Through Trance parent, over head overwrite, payload overwrite
PRBS: 211 – 1, 215 – 1, 220 – 1 (zero suppress, MP0122A/B installed), 220 – 1, 223 – 1, 231 – 1 (only concatenation mapping
16c/64c, conform to O.151)
Test patterns
Invert: On/off
Word: 16-bit programmable, all 0, all 1
Bit all (all, test pattern), FAS, B1, B2, B3, BIP-2, MS-REI, HP-REI, LP-REI
Error addition Timing: Single, single (burst) bit (1 to 64000), rate (1E–3, 1E–4, 1E–5, 1E–6, 1E–7, 1E–8, 1E–9)
User program AE-B [A: 1.0 to 9.9 (step: 0.1), B: 2 to 10]
Alternative: Error frame (0 to 8000), normal frame (1 to 8000)
Alarm addition LP-TIM, LP-RDI, LP-UNEQ, LP-RFI
Timing: Single, single (burst) frame
Alternative: Alarm frame (0 to 8000), normal frame (1 to 8000), all
Mode: Single, repeat, manual
Errors: B1, B2, B3, BIP-2, MS-REI, HP-REI, LP-REI
Measurements Alarms: Power-fail, LOS, LOF, OOF, MS-AIS, MS-RDI, AU-AIS, AU-LOP, HP-SLM, HP-TIM, HP-RDI, HP-UNEQ, TU-AIS,
Error performance: G.826, M2101, M2110, M2120
Preset: Alarm measurement condition
LEDs Tandem, sync. loss, errors
N1 byte (Type 1, Type 2), N2 byte
Tandem connection Errors: N2 BIP-2, TC-REI, OEI, IEC
Alarms: VC-AIS, ISF, FAS, HP-Incoming-AIS, HP-TC-RDI, HP-ODI, LP-Incoming-AIS, LP-TC-RDI, LP-ODI
AU pointer, TU pointer, C, C1/C2
Justification Measurement: NDF, +PJC, –PJC, Cons, C, C1/C2
Monitor SOH, POH, K1/K2, pointer, path trace (TIM alarms detectable), Tandem, payload
Signal of opposites polarity, regular with double, regular with missing, double of opposites polarity, 87-3/26-1 (normal, add, cancel),
Pointer sequence continuous pattern (normal, add, cancel), single pointer adjustment, maximum rate pointer burst, phase transient pointer burst,
initialize period polarity, cooldown period
Over head capture SOH/POH (any 1 byte), H1/H2, K1/K2
Payload: Dummy, copy, mixed payload
Dummy channel setting Setting: POH, pathtrace, SS bit, Tandem
Simultaneous measurement VC2, VC12, VC11
Trouble search Auto search for errors/alarms in all measured channels
Measurement period: 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 s
Delay Measurement range: 0 to 999 µs, 1.0 to 999.9 ms, 1.0 to 10.0 s, time out
Display accuracy: ±5 µs (0.5, 1 s), ±50 µs (2, 5, 10 s)
Switching time measurement
Measurement range: 1 to 2000 ms, >2000 ms
APS (K1/K2) LP-RFI, Bit
External: Measures trigger input signal (active high)
Threshold: Specify non-error alarm between 1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms
Sequence generation: 2 to 64 word, repeat (8000 frame)
Sequence capture: 2 to 64 word, repeat (8000 frame)
Frequency measurement Range: ±100 ppm, Accuracy: ±3.5 ppm (jitter unit not installed)
OH change: SOH/POH 1 byte, K1/K2, RSOH, MSOH, SOH, POH (except B1, B2, B3, BIP-2)
PTR 64 frame: AU pointer, TU pointer
Timing: Single, repeat (2 to 64)
Over head test Setting: PTR, NDF, +PJC, –PJC
OH BERT: SOH/POH 1 byte (exclude B1, B2, B3, BIP-2), D1-D3, D4-D12
Test pattern: 211 – 1, 215 – 1
OH add/drop: SOH/POH 1 byte, D1-D3, D4-D12 (exclude B1, B2, B3, BIP-2 additional type)
Japan mapping (option 09) VC11 Signaling (8-multiframe, 64-multiframe setting)
Memory size: 64 frame (156M, 622M, Option 13), 64 frame (MU150008A-01/150009A-01/150010A-01, 2.5G),
Frame memory/capture
26 frame (MU150000A-01, 2.5G/10G)
Insert/extract Bit rate: 10G (52M, 156M), 2.5G (52M, 156M)
Payload offset ±100 ppm/0.1 ppm step
Auxiliary interface Clock sync output, trigger input, trigger output, DCC interface (V.11), orderwire, receive clock output
∗1: Mounted MP0122A/B, ∗2: Mounted MP0121A
STM-64 x 64
STM-16 AUG AU-4 VC-4 139M (Async.)∗1
x 16
x4 x3 Bulk∗1
x3 TUG-3 TU-3 VC-3 34M (Async.)∗1
x7 34M (Sync.)∗1
STM-0 AU-3 VC-3 45M (Async.)∗3
TUG-2 TU-2 VC-2 Bulk
6M (Async.)
6M (Bit sync.)
TU-12 VC-12 2M (Async.)∗1
2M (Bit sync. F)∗1
2M (Bit sync. L)∗1
x4 2M (Byte sync. F)∗1
2M (Byte sync. L)∗1
TU-11 VC-11 1.5M (Async.)
1.5M (Bit sync. F)
1.5M (Bit sync. L)
1.5M (Byte sync. F)
1.5M (Byte sync. L)
∗1: Requires MP0121A
∗2: Requires Japan mapping (Option 09) 384k (data)∗2
∗3: Requires MP0122A/B 384k (voice)∗2
∗4: Requires MU150000A Byte (data)∗2
∗5: Requires MU150000A, MU150008A, MU150009A or MU150010A Byte (voice)∗2
• 52/156/622/2488/9953M (SONET)
Bit rate 51.84, 155.52, 622.08, 2488.32, 9953.28 Mbit/s
52M (electrical: B3ZS)∗1: ANSI T1.102, 0/450 ft
52M (optical): As per MP0122B unit optical interface specifications
156M (electrical: CMI)∗2: ITU-T G.703
Level/waveform 156M (optical): As per optical 156M/622M unit specifications
622M (electrical/optical): As per optical 156M/622M unit and NRZ unit specifications
2488M (electrical/optical): As per 2.5G unit and 2.5G/10G unit specifications
9953M (electrical/optical): As per 2.5G/10G unit specifications
Internal (accuracy: ±3.5 ppm, jitter unit not installed), Lock (2 MHz, 1.5 MHz, 64 kHz + 8 kHz, 2 Mbit/s, 1.5 Mbit/s),
Clock External (ECL [AC] 50 Ω, 9953M: 1.02 to 0.58 Vp-p, 50 Ω), received signal
Frame SDH/SONET, CID pattern, non-frame
Mapping See Fig. 2
Through Trance parent, over head overwrite, payload overwrite
PRBS: 211 – 1, 215 – 1, 220 – 1 (zero suppress, MP0122A/B installed), 220 – 1, 223 – 1, 231 – 1 (only concatenation mapping
16c/64c, conform to O.151)
Test patterns
Invert: On/off
Word: 16-bit programmable, all 0, all 1
Bit all (all, test pattern), FAS, B1, B2, B3, BIP-2, REI-L, REI-P, REI-V
Timing: Single, single (burst) bit (1 to 64000), rate (1E–3, 1E–4, 1E–5, 1E–6, 1E–7, 1E–8, 1E–9)
Error addition
User program AE-B [A: 1.0 to 9.9 (step: 0.1), B: 2 to 10]
Alternative: Error frame (0 to 8000), normal frame (1 to 8000)
Alarm addition Timing: Single, single (burst) frame
Alternative: alarm frame (0 to 8000), normal frame (1 to 8000), all
Mode: Single, repeat, manual
Errors: B1, B2, B3, BIP-2, REI-L, REI-P, REI-V
Measurements Alarms: Power-fail, LOS, LOF, OOF, AIS-L, RDI-L, AIS-P, LOP-P, PLM-P, HP-TIM, RDI-P, UNEQ-P, AIS-V, LOP-V, LOM-V,
Error performance: G.826, M2101, M2110, M2120
Preset: Alarm measurement condition
LEDs LOS, LOF, OOF, AIS-L, RDI-L, AIS-P, LOP-P, RDI-P, PLM-P, AIS-V, LOM-V, LOP-V, RDI-V, RFI-V, PLM-V, Tandem, sync. loss, errors
Z5 byte (Type 1, Type 2), Z6 byte
Tandem connection Errors: Z6 BIP-2, TC-REI, OEI, IEC
Alarms: VC-AIS, ISF, FAS, HP-Incoming-AIS, HP-TC-RDI, HP-ODI, LP-Incoming-AIS, LP-TC-RDI, LP-ODI
Continued on next page
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STS pointer, VT pointer, C, C1/C2
Justification Measurement: NDF, +PJC, –PJC, Cons, C, C1/C2
Monitor TOH, POH, K1/K2, pointer, path trace (TIM alarms detectable), Tandem, payload
Signal of opposites polarity, regular with double, regular with missing, double of opposites polarity, 87-3/26-1 (normal, add, cancel),
Pointer sequence continuous pattern (normal, add, cancel), single pointer adjustment, maximum rate pointer burst, phase transient pointer burst,
initialize period polarity, cooldown period
Over head capture TOH/POH (any 1 byte), H1/H2, K1/K2
Payload: Dummy, copy, mixed payload
Dummy channel setting Setting: POH, pathtrace, SS bit, Tandem
Simultaneous measurement VT6SPE, VT2SPE, VT1.5SPE
Trouble search Auto search for errors/alarms in all measured channels
Measurement period: 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 s
Delay Measurement range: 0 to 999 µs, 1.0 to 999.9 ms, 1.0 to 10.0 s, time out
Display accuracy: ±5 µs (0.5, 1 s), ±50 µs (2, 5, 10 s)
Switching time measurement
Measurement range: 1 to 2000 ms, >2000 ms
Internal: B1, B2, B3, BIP-2, REI-L, REI-P, REI-V, AIS-L, AIS-P, LOP-P, RDI-P, AIS-V, LOM-V, LOP-V, RDI-V, RFI-V, Bit
APS (K1/K2)
External: Measures trigger input signal (active high)
Threshold: Specify non-error alarm between 1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms
Sequence generation: 2 to 64 word, repeat (8000 frame)
Sequence capture: 2 to 64 word, repeat (8000 frame)
Frequency measurement Range: ±100 ppm, Accuracy: ±3.5 ppm (jitter unit not installed)
OH change: TOH/POH 1 byte, K1/K2, LOH, SOH, TOH, POH (except B1, B2, B3, BIP-2)
PTR 64 frame: STS pointer, VT pointer
Timing: Single, repeat (2 to 64)
Over head test Setting: PTR, NDF, +PJC, –PJC
OH BERT: TOH/POH 1 byte (exclude B1, B2, B3, BIP-2), D1-D3, D4-D12
Test pattern: 211 – 1, 215 – 1
OH add/drop: TOH/POH 1 byte, D1-D3, D4-D12 (exclude B1, B2, B3, BIP-2 additional type)
Japan mapping (option 09) VT1.5SPE Signaling (8-multiframe, 64-multiframe setting)
Memory size: 64 frame (156M, 622M, Option 13), 64 frame (MU150008A-01/150009A-01/150010A-01, 2.5G),
Frame memory/capture
26 frame (MU150000A-01, 2.5G/10G)
Insert/extract Bit rate: 10G (52M, 156M), 2.5G (52M, 156M)
Payload offset ±100 ppm/0.1 ppm step
Auxiliary interface Clock sync output, trigger input, trigger output, DCC interface (V.11), orderwire, receive clock output
∗1: Mounted MP0122A/B, ∗2: Mounted MP0121A
STS-192 x 64
STS-48 STS3 STS3cSPE 139M (Async.)∗1
x 16
x4 x3 Bulk∗1
x3 TUG-3 TU-3 VC-3 34M (Async.)∗1
x7 34M (Sync.)∗1
STS-1 STS1SPE 45M (Async.)∗1
6M (Async.)
x3 6M (Bit sync.)
VT2 VT2SPE 2M (Async.)∗1
2M (Bit sync. F)∗1
2M (Bit sync. L)∗1
x4 2M (Byte sync. F)∗1
2M (Byte sync. L)∗1
VT1.5 VT1.5SPE 1.5M (Async.)
1.5M (Bit sync. F)
1.5M (Bit sync. L)
1.5M (Byte sync. F)
1.5M (Byte sync. L)
∗1: Requires MP0121A
∗2: Requires Japan mapping (Option 09) 384k (data)∗2
∗3: Requires MP0122A/B 384k (voice)∗2
∗4: Requires MU150000A Byte (data)∗2
∗5: Requires MU150000A, MU150008A, MU150009A or MU150010A Byte (voice)∗2
• IP-over-ATM (Option)*1
Bit rate 155.52, 622.08 Mbit/s
AAL5 edit pattern IPv4/IPv6 selectable
Any setting: Version, IHL, TOS, total length, ID, flags, flagment offset, TTL, protocol, address (source, destination)
IPv4 setting
Header checksum: Auto calculate
Data byte: All 0, all 1, 8 bit program, single PRBS 7, user program (max. 65535 bytes)
IPv6 setting Any setting: Version, priority, flow label, payload length, next header, hop limit, address (source, destination)
(RFC1883) Data byte: All 0, all 1, 8 bits program, single PRBS 7, user program (max. 65535 bytes)
Packet sending Follow with AAL5 distribution setting
Displays the IP packet from the data captured into cell capture memory (maximum 2016 cells), IPv4/IPv6 selectable
∗1: MP0123A ATM Unit is required.
• General
Printer Internal, external
Internal memory Measurement settings memory: 10, Graphics memory: 15
FDD, RS-232C (Option 01)∗1, GPIB (Option 02)∗1, Ethernet (Option 03)∗1, video output (Option 04)∗1, buzzer, clock, help, screen
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
Dimensions and mass 320 (W) x 177 (H) x 350 (D) mm, 10 kg approx. (excluding plug-in units and options)
Power 100 to 240 Vac, 47.5 to 63 Hz, ≤500 VA
Temperature 0˚ to +40˚C
∗1: The video output, RS-232C, GPIB and Ethernet options cannot all be used simultaneously.
Only the video output + RS-232C, or video output + GPIB, or RS-232C + GPIB board, or Ethernet board combinations support simultaneous use, so change
the board combinations according to the purpose.
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• MU150005A/150006A/150007A Jitter Units
MU150005A: 2.048, 8.448, 34.368, 139.264, 155.52, 622.08 Mbit/s
Bit rate MU150006A: 1.544, 44.736, 51.84, 155.52, 622.08 Mbit/s
MU150007A: 1.544, 2.048, 8.448, 34.368, 44.736, 139.264, 51.84, 155.52, 622.08 Mbit/s
Conform to ITU-T O.171/O.172
Modulation frequency: 0.1 Hz to 6 MHz
Amplitude: 0 to 404.0 UIp-p
Resolution:0.001 UIp-p (2 UI range), 0.01 UIp-p (16 UI range), 0.1 UIp-p (80 UI range), 0.2 UIp-p (400 UI range)
400 Ul range
400 Ul range
400.0 80 Ul range
–20 dB/dec 16 Ul range
80 Ul range 2 Ul range
Jitter modulation
–20 dB/dec
16 Ul range
–20 dB/dec
2 Ul range
–20 dB/dec
f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 (Hz)
Modulation frequency
Bit rate f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7
(Mbit/s) (Hz) (Hz) (kHz) (kHz) (kHz) (kHz) (kHz)
1.544 130 630 3.2 25 — 100 —
2.048 300 1.5k 7.5 60 — 240 —
8.448 1.1k 5.5k 28 220 — 880 —
34.368 2.5k 13k 63 500 — — 5000
44.736 2.5k 13k 63 500 — — 5000
139.264 9k 45k 230 1800 6000 — —
51.84 2.5k 13k 63 500 — — 5000
155.52 7.5k 38k 190 1500 — 6000 —
Jitter generation
622.08 3k 15k 75 600 — — 6000
2 UI range: (±Q% of setting) ±0.02 UIp-p, 16 UI range: (±Q% of setting) ±0.2 UIp-p, 80 UI range: (±Q% of setting) ±1.2 UIp-p,
400 UI range: (±Q% of setting) ±6 UIp-p
Bit rate (Mbit/s) Error Q Frequency range
±12% 0.1 to 2 Hz
±8% 2 Hz to 100 kHz
±12% 0.1 to 10 Hz
±8% 10 Hz to 240 kHz
±12% 0.1 to 20 Hz
±8% 20 Hz to 880 kHz
±12% 0.1 to 100 Hz
34.368 ±8% 0.1 to 500 kHz
±12% 500 kHz to 5 MHz
±12% 0.1 to 2 Hz
±8% 2 Hz to 5 MHz
±12% 0.1 to 100 Hz
±8% 0.1 to 500 kHz
±12% 0.5 to 2 MHz
±15% 2 to 6 MHz
±12% 0.1 to 300 Hz
±8% 300 Hz to 5 MHz
±12% 0.1 to 500 Hz
155.52 ±8% 0.5 to 500 kHz
±12% 0.5 to 6 MHz
±12% 0.1 Hz to 1 kHz
±8% 1 to 500 kHz
±12% 0.5 to 2 MHz
±15% 2 to 6 MHz
Jitter measurement
[2/8 UI range] 3
F1 F2 F3 F4
Modulation frequency (Hz)
A1 A2 F1∗ F2 F3 F4
Bit rate (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz)
— Full Wide Full Wide Full Wide — —
1.544 0.5 8 2 0.1 10 1.25k 5k 20k 40k
2.048 0.5 8 2 0.1 10 3.75k 15k 60k 100k
8.448 0.5 — 2 — 10 — 50k 200k 400k
34.368 0.5 8 2 0.1 10 18.75k 75k 300k 800k
44.736 0.5 8 2 0.1 10 25k 100k 400k 400k
139.264 0.5 8 2 0.1 10 50k 200k 800k 3.5M
51.84 0.5 8 2 1 10 25k 100k 400k 400k
155.52 0.4 8 2 1 10 25k 100k 500k 1.3M
622.08 0.3 8 2 1 10 75k 300k 2M 5M
Jitter measurement
∗F1 = 100 Hz at RMS
A1 F1∗ F2 F3 F4
Bit rate
[UIp-p] (UIp-p) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz)
[20 Ul range] — Full Wide — — —
1.544 0.67 0.1 1 600 15k 15k
Jitter measurement
139.264 20 400 0.1 10 200
51.84 20 400 0.1 10 200
155.52 4 400 0.1 10 1k
F1 F2 F3
Modulation frequency (Hz) 622.08 4 800 0.1 10 2k
∗∗: Full band only
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Conform to O.171/O.172, LP, HP0 + LP, HP1 + LP, HP2 + LP, HP + LP, user
Bit rate HP0 HP1 HP2 HP2' HP LP
(Mbit/s) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz)
1.544 10 10 8k — 12k 40k
2.048 10 20 18k 700 12k 100k
8.448 10 20 3k 80k 12k 400k
34.368 10 100 10k — 12k 800k
44.736 10 10 30k — 12k 400k
139.264 10 200 10k — 12k 3.5M
51.84 10 100 20k — 12k 400k
155.52 10 500 65k — 12k 1.3M
622.08 10 1k 250k — 12k 5M
Clock signal
Bit rate
HP1 + LP HP2 + LP
Jitter measurement 2 UI 8 UI 20 UI 400/800 UI 2 UI 8 UI 20 UI
1.544 0.015 0.03 0.10 1.6 0.010 0.02 0.08
2.048 0.015 0.03 0.10 1.6 0.010 0.02 0.08
8.448 0.015 — 0.10 1.6 0.010 — 0.08
34.368 0.030 0.06 0.18 2.8 0.020 0.04 0.15
44.736 0.030 0.06 0.18 2.8 0.020 0.04 0.15
139.264 0.030 0.06 0.22 3.8 0.020 0.04 0.20
SONET/SDH signal
Bit rate
HP1 + LP HP2 + LP
(Mbit/s) Container
2 UI 8 UI 20 UI 400/800 UI 2 UI 8 UI 20 UI
51.84e 0.070 0.14 0.30 5.0 0.050 0.10 0.20 VC3
51.84o 0.070 0.14 0.30 5.0 0.050 0.10 0.20 VC3
155.52e 0.070 0.14 0.30 5.0 0.025 0.05 0.20 VC4
155.52o 0.070 0.14 0.30 5.0 0.050 0.10 0.20 VC4
622.08 0.100 0.20 0.30 10.0 0.050 0.10 0.20 VC4-4c
At PRBS 223 – 1
Clock signal
Bit rate
HP1 + LP HP2 + LP
2 UI 8 UI 20 UI 400/800 UI 2 UI 8 UI 20 UI
51.84e 0.050 0.10 0.22 3.8 0.030 0.06 0.20
155.52e 0.050 0.10 0.22 3.8 0.030 0.06 0.20
622.08 0.050 0.10 0.22 5.0 0.030 0.06 0.20
Wander auto
Automatically evaluates the wander of the sine wave by the wander sweep measurement
Continued on next page
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Off: Able to set non-modulated status
TDEV mask:
Reference wander The 37 types of TDEV masks that are regulated by ITU-T, ETSI, ANSI, and Bellcore standards are available as default.
generation (Option 03) It is possible to add the wander modulation on the user specified TDEV mask.
Transient: It is possible to change the A (1 – e –63.7t) phase by the timing of the start.
Signal off: It is possible to disconnect the standard signal.
Conform to ITU-T O.172
Reference input: 2.048M (HDB3, Clock), 1.544M (AMI/B8ZS, Clock), 64k + 8 kHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz
Sampling frequency: 40 Hz, 1 Hz, 0.1 Hz, 5 mHz (select by MX150001B)
Measurement range
P-P: 0.0 to 2E10 ns, +P/–P: 0.0 to 1E10 ns, TIE: 0.0 to ±1E10 ns
Accuracy: Conform to ITU-T O.172
Wander measurement Measurement time: 10 to 1 x 108 s (max. 120, 000 s; MP1570A only)
(Option 02) Wander application (requires MX150001B Wander Application Software)
TIE: Max. 1 x 108 s, MTIE: Max. 1 x 108 s, TDEV: Max. 1 x 106 s
Frequency offset: Measurement conforms to ANSI TI.105.09
Frequency drift rate: Measurement conforms to ANSI TI.105.09
MRTIE: The evaluation separated from the wander by a frequency offset
Wander tolerance (TDEV) measurement: Evaluation by the various TDEV mask generations
Wander transfer (TDEV) measurement: Calibration method by simulation,outputting results by the one measurement
2 Ul range
–20 dB/dec
F1 F1' F2 F2' F3 F4 F5
Modulation frequency(Hz)
Jitter generation
Bit rate F1 F1' F2∗ F2'∗ F3∗ F4∗ F5∗
(Mbit/s) (Hz) (Hz) (kHz) (kHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz)
2488.32 0.1 60 2.5 30 1.2 2 20
∗Typical value
2 UI range: (±Q% of setting) ±0.02 UIp-p, 20 UI range: (±Q% of setting) ±0.3 UIp-p, 800 UI range: (±Q% of setting) ±12.5 UIp-p
Bit rate Error Q Frequency range
±12% 0.1 Hz to 5 kHz
±8% 5 to 500 kHz
±12% 0.5 to 2 MHz
±15% 2 to 20 MHz
Jitter measurement
Jitter modulation
F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Line wander generation Modulation frequency (Hz)
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Wander measurement is valid when MU150005A/150006A/150007A Option 02 is mounted. Conforms to ITU-T O.172
Reference input: 2.048M (HDB3, clock), 1.544M (AMI/B8ZS, clock), 64k + 8 kHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz
Sampling frequency: 320 Hz, 40 Hz, 1 Hz, 0.1 Hz, 5 mHz (select from MX150001B)
Measurement range
P-P: 0.0 to 2E10 ns, +P/–P: 0.0 to 1E10 ns, TIE: 0.0 to ±1E10 ns
Accuracy: Conform to ITU-T O.172
Measurement time: 10 to 1 x 108 s (Max. 120,000 s: MP1570A only)
Wander application (requires MX150001B Wander Application Software)
Wander measurement
TIE: Max. 1 x 108 s
MTIE: Max. 1 x 108 s
TDEV: Max. 1 x 106 s
Frequency offset: Measurement with conform to ANSI TI.105.09
Frequency drift rate: Measurement with conform to ANSI TI.105.09
MRTIE: Evaluation separated from the wander by the frequency variation
Wander tolerance (TDEV) measurement: Evaluation by the various TDEV mask generations
Wander transfer (TDEV) measurement: Calibration method by simulation, outputting results by the one measurement
STM-4c /OC-12c (optical) SDH /SONET AAL1
STM-1c /OC-3c (optical) AAL2
STM-1c /STS-3c AAL3/4
139M (G.832) PDH /DSn ATM
34M (G.832)
2M (G.704)
45M (G.704)
1.5M (G.704)
x 64
x 16 AUG AU-4
STM-16 VC-4 139M (Async.)
STM-4 TUG-3 TU-3 VC-3 34M (Async.)
STM-0 AU-3 VC-3 45M (Async.)
TUG-2 TU-12 VC-12 2M (Async.)
x 64
x 16 STS3
STS-48 STS3cSPE 139M (Async.)
STS-12 x3
TUG-3 TU-3 VC-3 34M (Async.)
STS-1 STS1SPE 45M (Async.)
x7 x3
VTG VT2 VT2SPE 2M (Async.)
• MP0111A Optical 156M/622M (1.31) Unit • MP0113A Optical 156M/622M (1.31/1.55) Unit
Bit rate: 155.52, 622.08 Mbit/s (NRZ) Bit rate: 155.52, 622.08 Mbit/s (NRZ)
Wavelength: 1310 nm Wavelength: 1310/1550 nm
Transmit Output level: –11.5 dBm ±3.5 dB Output level
Optical safety: IEC 825-1 Class 1, 21CFR1040.10 Class Ι 1.31 µm: –11.5 dBm ±3.5 dB, 1.55 µm: –5 dBm ±2 dB
Connector: FC-PC (SMF) Optical safety: IEC825-1 Class 1, 21CFR1040.10 Class Ι
Bit rate: 155.52, 622.08 Mbit/s (NRZ) Connector: FC-PC (SMF)
Sensitivity Bit rate: 155.52, 622.08 Mbit/s (NRZ)
156M: –33 to –8 dBm (test pattern: PRBS 223 – 1, Sensitivity
BER 10–10, +10˚ to +40˚C) 156M: –33 to –8 dBm (test pattern: PRBS 223 – 1,
622M: –28 to –8 dBm (test pattern: PRBS 223 – 1, BER 10–10, +10˚ to +40˚C)
Receive BER 10–10, +10˚ to +40˚C) 622M: –28 to –8 dBm (test pattern: PRBS 223 – 1,
Connector: FC-PC (SMF) Receive BER 10–10, +10˚ to +40˚C)
Power measurement Connector: FC-PC (SMF)
Measurement range: –30 to 0 dBm (peak power) Power measurement
Accuracy: ≤±1 dB (–20 dBm) Measurement range: –30 to 0 dBm (peak power)
Linearity: ≤±1 dB (–30 to 0 dBm) Accuracy: ≤±1 dB (–20 dBm)
Linearity: ≤±1 dB (–30 to 0 dBm)
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• MP0122B 1.5/45/52/52 (1.31) Unit • MU150002A Optical 10G Rx (Narrow) Unit
Optical interface Bit rate 9953.28, 2488.32 Mbit/s (Option 01)
Bit rate: 51.84 Mbit/s (NRZ) Sensitivity
Wavelength: 1310 nm 10G: –13 to –3 dBm (BER 10–12, NRZ, mark ratio: 1/2,
Transmit Output level: –11.5 dBm ±3.5 dB PRBS: 231 – 1)
Optical safety: IEC 825-1 Class 1, 21CFR1040.10 Class Ι 2.5G: –29 to –10 dBm (BER 10–11, NRZ, mark ratio: 1/2,
Connector: FC-PC (SMF) PRBS: 223 – 1) (Option 01)
Bit rate: 51.84 Mbit/s (NRZ) Optical Connector: FC-PC (SMF)
Sensitivity input Power measurement
52M: –33 to –8 dBm (test pattern: PRBS 223 – 1, BER 10–10, Range:–16 to 0 dBm (10G, average power),
+10˚ to +40˚C) –30 to –10 dBm (2.5G, average power)
Connector: FC-PC (SMF) Accuracy: ≤±2 dB (10G, –10 dBm), ≤±2 dB (2.5G, –20 dBm)
Receive Power measurement Linearity: ≤±2 dB (10G, –16 to 0 dBm),
Measurement range: –30 to 0 dBm (peak power) ≤±2 dB (2.5G, –30 to –10 dBm)
Accuracy: ≤±1 dB (–20 dBm) Data output: 0.65 to 1.4 Vp-p
Linearity: ≤±1 dB (–30 to 0 dBm) Clock output: 0.65 to 1.3 Vp-p
Monitor input Connector: SMA 50 Ω
Level: 0.1 to 1.0 Vp-p (AC), Connector: SMA (50 Ω)
Plug-in units
MP0121A 2/8/34/139/156M Unit
MP0122A 1.5/45/52M Unit
MP0122B∗2 1.5/45/52/52M (1.31) Unit
MP0123A ATM Unit
MU150008A∗2 2.5G (1.31) Unit (with optical power meter)
MU150009A∗2 2.5G (1.55) Unit (with optical power meter)
MU150010A∗2 2.5G (1.31/1.55) Unit (with optical power meter)
MP0131A Add/Drop Unit
MU150000A 2.5G/10G Unit
MU150001A∗2 Optical 10G Tx (1.55) Unit (2 km transmission)
MU150001B∗2 Optical 10G Tx (1.55) Unit (40 km transmission)
MU150002A∗2 Optical 10G Rx (Narrow) Unit (with optical power meter)
MP0111A∗2 Optical 156M/622M (1.31) Unit (with optical power meter)
MP0112A∗2 Optical 156M/622M (1.55) Unit (with optical power meter)
MP0113A∗2 Optical 156M/622M (1.31/1.55) Unit (with optical power
meter, 1.31/1.55 switchable)
MU150017A Optical 10G Rx (Wide) Unit
MU150017B Optical 2.5G/10G Rx (Wide) Unit
MU150031A Optical 10G Tx (1.55) High Power Unit
MU150031C Optical 2.5G/10G Tx (1.55) High Power Unit
MU150061A Optical 10G Tx (1.31) Unit
Continued on next page
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Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
MU150061B Optical 2.5G/10G Tx (1.31) Unit MU150008A-43 HMS-10/A connector (replaceable, 2 sets)
MU150005A 2/8/34/139M, 156/622M Jitter Unit [jitter generation/ MU150009A-37 FC connector (replaceable, 2 sets)
measurement only (requires MP0121A)] MU150009A-38 ST connector (replaceable, 2 sets)
MU150006A 1.5/45/52M, 156/622M Jitter Unit [jitter generation/ MU150009A-39 DIN connector (replaceable, 2 sets)
measurement only (requires MP0122A/B)] MU150009A-40 SC connector (replaceable, 2 sets)
MU150007A 2/8/34/139M, 1.5/45/52M, 156/622M Jitter Unit [jitter MU150009A-43 HMS-10/A connector (replaceable, 3 sets)
generation/measurement only (requires MP0121A or MU150010A-37 FC connector (replaceable, 3 sets)
MP0122A/B)] MU150010A-38 ST connector (replaceable, 3 sets)
MU150011A 2.5G Jitter Unit [jitter generation/measurement only MU150010A-39 DIN connector (replaceable, 3 sets)
(requires MU150008A/150009A or MU150010A)] MU150010A-40 SC connector (replaceable, 3 sets)
MP0105A CMI Unit MU150010A-43 HMS-10/A connector (replaceable, 3 sets)
MP0108A NRZ Unit MU150001A/B-37 FC connector (replaceable, 1 set)
MU150001A/B-38 ST connector (replaceable, 1 set)
Options MU150001A/B-39 DIN connector (replaceable, 1 set)
MP1570A-01∗3 RS-232C MU150001A/B-40 SC connector (replaceable, 1 set)
MP1570A-02∗3 GPIB MU150001A/B-43 HMS-10/A connector (replaceable, 1 set)
MP1570A-03∗3 Ethernet MU150002A-37 FC connector (replaceable, 1 set)∗4
MP1570A-04∗3 VGA output MU150002A-38 ST connector (replaceable, 1 set)∗4
MP1570A-06 MUX/DEMUX (2/8/34/139 Mbit/s, for MP0121A) MU150002A-39 DIN connector (replaceable, 1 set)∗4
MP1570A-07 MUX/DEMUX (1.5/45 Mbit/s, for MP0122A/B) MU150002A-40 SC connector (replaceable, 1 set)∗4
MP1570A-08 45M-2M MUX/DEMUX (requires MP0121A and MU150002A-43 HMS-10/A connector (replaceable, 1 set)∗4
MP0122A/B) MU150017A/B-37 FC connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MP1570A-09 Japan mapping (requires MP0122A or MP0122B) MU150017A/B-38 ST connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MP1570A-10∗1 SDH MU150017A/B-39 DIN connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MP1570A-11∗1 SONET MU150017A/B-40 SC connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MP1570A-13 Frame memory capture (156M/622M, 64 frame) MU150017A/B-43 HMS-10/A connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MP1570A-14 IP-over-SONET/SDH (requires MP1570A-13) MU150031A/C-37 FC connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MP1570A-15 IP-over-ATM (requires MP0123A) MU150031A/C-38 ST connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MP1570A-22 K1/K2 overwrite through MU150031A/C-39 DIN connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MU150005A-02 Wander measurement MU150031A/C-40 SC connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MU150006A-02 Wander measurement MU150031A/C-43 HMS-10/A connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MU150007A-02 Wander measurement MU150061A/B-37 FC connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MU150005A-03 Wander reference output MU150061A/B-38 ST connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MU150006A-03 Wander reference output MU150061A/B-39 DIN connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MU150007A-03 Wander reference output MU150061A/B-40 SC connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MU150008A-01 Frame memory capture (2.5G, 64 frame) MU150061A/B-43 HMS-10/A connector (user replaceable, 1 set)
MU150009A-01 Frame memory capture (2.5G, 64 frame)
MU150010A-01 Frame memory capture (2.5G, 64 frame) Maintenance service*5
MU150000A-01 Frame memory capture (2.5G/10G, 26 frame) MP1570A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MU150001A/B-01 2.5G (1.31) MP0121A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MU150001A/B-02 2.5G (1.55) MP0122A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MU150001A/B-03 2.5G (1.31/1.55) MP0122B-90 Extended three year warranty service
MU150002A-01 2.5G MP0123A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MU150002A-04 Available for 10G (1.31) MU150005A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0111A/0112A-37 FC connector (replaceable, 2 sets) MU150006A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0111A/0112A-38 ST connector (replaceable, 2 sets MU150007A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0111A/0112A-39 DIN connector (replaceable, 2 sets) MU150008A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0111A/0112A-40 SC connector (replaceable, 2 sets) MU150009A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0111A/0112A-43 HMS-10/A connector (replaceable, 2 sets) MU150010A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0113A-37 FC connector (replaceable, 3 sets) MU150011A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0113A-38 ST connector (replaceable, 3 sets) MU150000A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0113A-39 DIN connector (replaceable, 3 sets) MU150001A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0113A-40 SC connector (replaceable, 3 sets) MU150001B-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0113A-43 HMS-10/A connector (replaceable, 3 sets) MU150002A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0122B-37 FC connector (replaceable, 2 sets) MP0111A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0122B-38 ST connector (replaceable, 2 sets) MP0112A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0122B-39 DIN connector (replaceable, 2 sets) MP0113A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0122B-40 SC connector (replaceable, 2 sets) MP0105A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP0122B-43 HMS-10/A connector (replaceable, 2 sets) MP0108A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MU150008A-37 FC connector (replaceable, 2 sets) MU150017A/B-90 Extended three year warranty service
MU150008A-38 ST connector (replaceable, 2 sets) MU150031A/C-90 Extended three year warranty service
MU150008A-39 DIN connector (replaceable, 2 sets) MU150061A/B-90 Extended three year warranty service
MU150008A-40 SC connector (replaceable, 2 sets)
Continued on next page
Optional accessories
MN9320A Optical Channel Drop Unit (OCD)
MX150001B Wander (MTIE, TDEV) Measurement Application
Software (supplied with MU150005A-02/150006A-02/
J0796A ST connector (replaceable, with protective caps, 1 set)
J0796B DIN connector (replaceable, with protective caps, 1 set)
J0796C SC connector (replaceable, with protective caps, 1 set)
J0796D HMS-10/A connector (replaceable, with protective caps,
1 set)
J0796E FC connector (replaceable, with protective caps, 1 set)
J0162A Balanced cable, 1 m (Siemens 3p-Siemens 3p)
J0162B Balanced cable, 2 m (Siemens 3p-Siemens 3p)
J0845A Balanced cable, 6 ft (BANTAM 3P/BANTAM 3P)
J0775D Coaxial cable (BNC-P620 · 3C-2WS · BNC-P620,
75 Ω), 2 m
J0776D Coaxial cable (BNC-P-3W · 3D-2W · BNC-P-3W, 50 Ω),
J0898A Conversion cable (M-1PS · BANTAM 3P), 1 m
J0898B Conversion cable (M-1PS · BANTAM 3P), 2 m
J0635A Optical fiber cable, 1 m (SM, FC-SPC connector both
J0635B Optical fiber cable, 2 m (SM, FC-SPC connector both
J0635C Optical fiber cable, 3 m (SM, FC-SPC connector both
J0660A Optical fiber cable, 1 m (SM, SC connector, both-ends)
J0660B Optical fiber cable, 2 m (SM, SC connector, both-ends)
J0660C Optical fiber cable, 3 m (SM, SC connector, both-ends)
J0756A Optical fiber cable, 1 m (SM, ST connector, both-ends)
J0756B Optical fiber cable, 2 m (SM, ST connector, both-ends)
J0756C Optical fiber cable, 3 m (SM, ST connector, both-ends)
J0747A Fixed optical attenuator (5 dB)
J0747B Fixed optical attenuator (10 dB)
J0747C Fixed optical attenuator (15 dB)
J0747D Fixed optical attenuator (20 dB)
J1049A Fixed optical attenuator, SC (5 dB)
J1049B Fixed optical attenuator, SC (10 dB)
J1049C Fixed optical attenuator, SC (15 dB)
J1049D Fixed optical attenuator, SC (20 dB)
J1050A Fixed optical attenuator, ST (5 dB)
J1050B Fixed optical attenuator, ST (10 dB)
J1050C Fixed optical attenuator, ST (15 dB)
J1050D Fixed optical attenuator, ST (20 dB)
J0322B Coaxial cable (11SMA · SUCOFLEX104 · 11SMA), 1 m
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
A0006 Head set
B0453B Blank panel (for front slot)
B0454C Blank panel (for slot 1 to 3)
B0454D Blank panel (for slot 4/5)
B0448 Soft case
B0336C Carrying case
∗1: Must specify SDH (Option 10) or SONET (Option 11) when ordering de-
pends on your system. The option price is included in the MP1570A.
These two options can be installed simultaneously. But in this case, one
option price is charged.
∗2: Specify the connector to be supplied as the standard connector when or-
dering the above options. If the connector is not specified the FC connec-
tor (MP0111A/0112A/0113A/0122B-37, MU150008A/150009A/150010A/
150001A/150001B/150002A-37) is supplied as standard.
∗3: The video output, RS-232C, GPIB and Ethernet options cannot all be used
simultaneously. Only the video output + RS-232C, or video output + GPIB,
or RS-232C + GPIB board, or Ethernet board combinations support simul-
taneous use, so change the board combinations according to the purpose.
∗4: With Option 01, 2 sets
∗5: Please ask your local Anritsu Field Office or Sales. Representative for
price and availability.
The units for MP1552A/B and MP1555A/B can be used with MP1570A.
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1.5 Mbit/s to 10 Gbit/s
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Model/Order No. Name
Optional accessories
J0796A ST connector (replaceable, with protective caps, 1 set)
J0796B DIN connector (replaceable, with protective caps, 1 set)
J0796C SC connector (replaceable, with protective caps, 1 set)
J0796D HMS-10/A connector (replaceable, with protective
caps, 1 set)
J0796E FC connector (replaceable, with protective caps,
1 set)
J0162A Balanced cable (Siemens 3P-Siemens 3P), 1 m
J0162B Balanced cable (Siemens 3P-Siemens 3P), 2 m
J0845A Balanced cable (BANTAM 3P/BANTAM 3P), 6 ft
J0775D Coaxial cable (BNC-P620 · 3C-2WS · BNC-P620,
75 Ω), 2 m
J0776D Coaxial cable (BNC-P-3W · 3D-2W · BNC-P-3W,
50 Ω), 2 m
J0898A Conversion cable (M-1PS · BANTAM 3P), 1 m
J0898B Conversion cable (M-1PS · BANTAM 3P), 2 m
J0635A Optical fiber cable (SM, FC-SPC connector both
ends), 1 m
J0635B Optical fiber cable (SM, FC-SPC connector both
ends), 2 m
J0635C Optical fiber cable (SM, FC-SPC connector both
ends), 3 m
J0660A Optical fiber cable, 1 m (SM, SC connector, both-ends)
J0660B Optical fiber cable, 2 m (SM, SC connector, both-ends)
J0660C Optical fiber cable, 3 m (SM, SC connector, both-ends)
J0756A Optical fiber cable, 1 m (SM, ST connector, both-ends)
J0756B Optical fiber cable, 2 m (SM, ST connector, both-ends)
J0756C Optical fiber cable, 3 m (SM, ST connector, both-ends)
J0747A Fixed optical attenuator (5 dB)
J0747B Fixed optical attenuator (10 dB)
J0747C Fixed optical attenuator (15 dB)
J0747D Fixed optical attenuator (20 dB)
J1049A Fixed optical attenuator, SC (5 dB)
J1049B Fixed optical attenuator, SC (10 dB)
J1049C Fixed optical attenuator, SC (15 dB)
J1049D Fixed optical attenuator, SC (20 dB)
J1050A Fixed optical attenuator, ST (5 dB)
J1050B Fixed optical attenuator, ST (10 dB)
J1050C Fixed optical attenuator, ST (15 dB)
J1050D Fixed optical attenuator, ST (20 dB)
J0322B Coaxial cable (11SMA · SUCOFLEX104 · 11SMA), 1 m
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
A0006 Head set
B0453B Blank panel (for front panel)
B0454C Blank panel (for Slot 1 to 3)
B0454D Blank panel (for Slot 4/5)
∗1: Must specify SDH (Option 10) or SONET (Option 11) when ordering de-
pends on your system. The option price is included in the MP1570A1.
These two options can be installed simultaneously. But in this case, one
option price is charged.
∗2: Specify the connector to be supplied as the standard connector when or-
dering the above options. If the connector is not specified the FC connec-
tor MP0111A/0112A/0113A/0122B-37, MU150008A/150009A/150010A/
150001A/150001B/150002A-37) is supplied as standard.
∗3: The video output, RS-232C, GPIB and Ethernet options cannot all be used
simultaneously. Only the video output + RS-232C, or video output + GPIB,
or RS-232C + GPIB board, or Ethernet board combinations support simul-
taneous use, so change the board combinations according to the purpose.
∗4: With Option 01, 2 sets
∗5: Please ask your local Anritsu Field Office or Sales. Representative for
price and availability.
The MP1580A is a unique and powerful solution for analyzing jitter Application
at the standard OC-48/192 or STM-16/64 bit rates. It can measure • Output jitter measurement
jitter of 2.5G/10G electrical interfaces (clock signal) with a simple The MP1580A can easily measure the jitter clock signal (electrical in-
operation. In addition, when used in combination with the MP1570A terface only) by just inputting the output clock of DUT directly.
SONET/SDH/PDH/ATM Analyzer, evaluation of jitter characteristics
in digital transmission lines, systems and devices, such as — jitter
tolerance, jitter transfer, jitter generation, etc., can be performed
• Complies with the latest ITU-T O.172 and Bellcore GR-1377
The MP1580A conforms to both the OC-192/STM-64 jitter measure-
ment standards and supports required jitter modulation amplitude of
4000 UIp-p and 80 MHz jitter bandwidth.
• Supports 10 GHz wander measurement according to the latest Optical signals can be measured easily by combining the MP1580A
ITU-T G.813 standard (option) with the MP1570A, MU150000A, MU150001A and MU150017A/B.
The MP1580A can generate and measure various types of wander.
It can generate wander in the frequency range of 10 µHz to 10 Hz at • Jitter tolerance measurement
400,000 UIp-p max. In addition, MTIE/TDEV can be measured in When the MP1580A is used with the MP1570A (send/receive jittered
real-time using an external PC and optional application software clock), jitter tolerance tests can be performed on OC-192/STM-64
(MX150002B). and OC-48/STM-16 signals of electrical and optical interfaces.
• Single cabinet support for both 2.5G and 10G jitter/wander
Just one MP1580A is required for 2.5G and 10G jitter generation and
analysis. When combined with the MP1570A and MU150000A, jitter
can be added to SONET/SDH signals and measured.
• Differences from existing instrument (MP1777A)
Anritsu launched the MP1777A 10 GHz Jitter Analyzer in February
of 1998, as a jitter measurement solution for OC-192/STM-64
(9953M). The new MP1580A Portable 2.5G/10G Jitter Analyzer is
providing more convenience in measurement without the need for
ancillary equipment (network analyzer, external E/O-O/E converter).
Anritsu has also developed a Wide Band O/E Converter
(MU150017A/B) for the MP1570A to support jitter measurement of
80 MHz at 9953.28 Mbit/s as required by ITU-T standard in conjunc-
tion with the MP1580A. Although it uses two cabinets, the compact
size makes the system ideal for R&D, manufacturing, installation and
maintenance. In addition, the MP1570A can be controlled from the
MP1580A for performing automatic measurements, such as Jitter
Tolerance and Jitter Transfer.
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• Jitter transfer measurement • Wander generation and measurement
When the MP1580A is used with the MP1570A (send/receive jittered The MP1580A can generate and measure of wander conforming to
clock), jitter transfer tests can be performed on OC-192/STM-64 and ITU-T O.172 and also generation of TDEV conforming to ITU-T
OC-48/STM-16 signals of electrical and optical interfaces. G.813. It also can measure TIE (Time Interval Error) by itself and
measure MTIE and TDEV by connection of an external PC in which
MX150002B is installed.
Range: 9953.28, 2488.32 MHz
Offset range: ±100 ppm
Resolution: 0.1 ppm
Accuracy: ±0.1 ppm (calibrate after 60 min warm-up, 23 ±5˚C)
Generation function: Clock signal output, data signal output (with MP1570A), jitter on, wander on/off
Modulation source: Internal (sine wave), external (for jitter generation function only)
Modulation frequency accuracy: fm ±100 ppm (0.1 Hz to 80 MHz)
Jitter generation: Conform to ITU-T O.172
4000 Ul range
A3 Slope : –20 dB/dec
Jitter amplitude [UIp-p]
A3' 80 Ul range
Slope : –20 dB/dec
0.5 Ul range
f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
Modulation frequency (Hz)
1000 Ul range
A3 Slope : –20 dB/dec
Jitter amplitude [UIp-p]
20 Ul range
Slope : –20 dB/dec
0.5 Ul range
f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
Modulation frequency (Hz)
Wander generation
F0 F1 F2
Modulation frequency (Hz)
Measurement functions: UIp-p, UI + peak, UI – peak, UIrms, hit count, hit second, %F second, peak jitter
Measurement mode: Repeat, single, manual
Display: Current, last
Measurement interval: 1 to 99 s, 1 to 99 min, 1 to 99 h, 1 to 99 day
Jitter measurement: Conform to ITU-T O.172
20 Ul range
Jitter amplitude [UIp-p]
2 Ul range
F1 F1' F2 F2' F3 F4
Modulation frequency (Hz)
4000 Ul range
Jitter amplitude [UIp-p]
1000 Ul range
Jitter measurement
F1 F1' F2 F2' F3
Modulation frequency (Hz)
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Off: Able to set non-modulated status∗
TDEV mask:
Reference wander The 37 types of TDEV masks that are regulated by ITU-T, ETSI, ANSI, and Bellcore standards are available as default.
generation It is possible to add the wander modulation on the user specified TDEV mask.
(Option 03) Transient: It is possible to change the A (1 – e –63.7t ) phase by the timing of the start.
Signal off: It is possible to disconnect the standard signal.
Wander tolerance (TDEV) measurement: Evaluation by the various TDEV mask generations
Conform to ITU-T O.172
Reference input: 2.048M (HDB3, clock), 1.544M (AMI/B8ZS, clock), 64k + 8 kHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz
Sampling frequency: 40 Hz, 1 Hz, 0.1 Hz (select by MX150002B)
Measurement range
Wander P-P: 0.0 to 2E10 ns, +P/–P: 0.0 to 1E10 ns, TIE: 0.0 to ±1E10 ns
measurement Measurement time: 10 to 1 x 108 s (max. 120,000 s; MP1570A only)
(Option 02) Wander application (requires MX150002B Wander Application Software)
TIE: Max. 1 x 108 s, MTIE: Max. 1 x 108 s, TDEV: Max. 1 x 106 s
Frequency offset: Measurement conforms to ANSI TI.105.09
Frequency drift rate: Measurement conforms to ANSI TI.105.09
Wander tolerance (TDEV) measurement: Evaluation by the various TDEV mask generations
Other measurement Jitter transfer, frequency measurement, jitter tolerance, jitter sweep, frequency sweep, wander sweep (with MP1570A)
Dimensions and mass 320 (W) x 100 (H) x 350 (D) mm, ≤10 kg (with MU150018A)
Power ≤250 VA
Temperature range 0˚ to +40˚C (operating), –20˚ to +60˚C (storage)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
∗: Only non-modulated status can be set without this option.
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame Optical accessories
MP1580A Portable 2.5G/10G Analyzer J0661A RS232C cable (cross cable with D-sub 9 pin connector
at both ends), 2 m
Standard accessories J0006 GPIB cable, 0.5 m
AC power cord: 1 pc J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
F0093A Fuse, 6.3 A: 1 pc J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
B0489 Front cover: 1 pc J0322B Coaxial cord, 1 m
W1889AE MP1580A operation manual J0696A Coaxial cord (AA-165-500), 0.5 m
(Vol 1 Jitter/wander): 1 copy J0696C Coaxial cord (AA-165-1000), 1 m
W1890AE MP1580A operation manual J0900E Coaxial cord (AA-165-1500), 1.5 m
(Vol 2 Remote control): 1 copy J0162A Balanced cord (Siemence 3P · Siemence 3P) 1 m
MX150002B Wander Measurement Application Software J0162C Balanced cord (Siemence 3P · Siemence 3P), 2 m
(MTIE/TDEV) ∗Supplied with MU150018A-02: 1 pc J0845A Balanced cord, (Bantam 3P · Bantam 3P), 6 ft
W1892AE MX150002B operation manual (wander application) J0775D Coaxial cord (BNC-P620 · 3C-2WS · BNC-P620, 75 Ω),
∗Supplied with MX150002B: 1 copy 2m
J1074 Semirigid cable Tx (for connection to MP1570A): 1 pc J0776D Coaxial cord (BNC-P-3W · 3D-2W · BNC-P-3W, 50 Ω),
J1075 Semirigid cable Rx (for connection to MP1570A): 1 pc 2m
B0490 Joint plate (to mount MP1580A and MP1570A in a stack)
Plug-in unit B0491 Soft case
MU150018A 2.5G/10G Jitter Unit B0492 Hard carrying case
MU150018A-02 Wander measurement B0495 Side cover
MU150018A-03 Wander reference output phase modulation B0330F Tilt stand
Options ∗: Must specify SDH (Option 10) or SONET (Option 11) when ordering de-
MP1580A-01 RS-232C pends on your systems. The option price is included in the MP1570A.
MP1580A-02 GPIB These two options can be installed simultaneously. But in this case, one
MP1580A-03 ETHERNET option is charged.
MP1580A-04 VGA
Maintenance service
MP1580A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MU150018A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MP1570A-02 GPIB (requires to combine with MP1580A)
MP1570A-10∗ SDH
MP1570A-11∗ SONET
MU150000A 2.5G/10G Unit (electrical for MP1570A)
MU150001A Optical 10G Tx (1.55) Unit ∗2 km, for MP1570A
MU150001B Optical 10G Tx (1.55) Unit ∗40 km, for MP1570A
MU150001A/B-01 2.5G (1.31, option for MP1570A)
MU150001A/B-02 2.5G (1.55, option for MP1570A)
MU150001A/B-03 2.5G (1.31/1.55, option for MP1570A)
MU150017A Optical 10G Rx (Wide) Unit ∗For MP1570A
MU150017B Optical 2.5G/10G Rx (Wide) Unit ∗For MP1570A
MP9677B E/O, O/E Converter
MU967701A Clock Recovery Unit (9953.28 MHz) ∗For MP9677B
MP35A Matching Transformer
(BNC-J/Siemence, C42334-A282, 75/120 Ω)
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• Clock/frame synchronization signal output • External optical input function
Divided-by-16 clock or frame synchronization signals can be output. By using the MU150134A 10/10.7G Optical Unit (Transmission
Connecting this signal output to an external sampling External Modulation), OTN and SDH/SONET tests based on a user-
oscilloscope allows the MP1590A to evaluate errors/alarms and the provided input wavelength can be performed. This is best suited to
oscilloscope to evaluate the input waveform simultaneously. provide the reference optical source for jitter measurement because
The MP1590A can provide both a transmission signal and the syn- of its very fine waveform quality and low jitter characteristics.
chronized recovered clock from its received signal, making waveform
analysis possible for devices that do not have their own synchronized
signal output.
• MP1590A (main frame)
Clock: 1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 64 kHz + 8 kHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz
Data: 1.544 Mbit/s (BITS), 2.048 Mbit/s
Input range: ±50 ppm
1.544 Mbit/s: ANSI T1.403 (B8ZS)
Reference Clock input 2.048 Mbit/s: ITU-T G.703 Table10 (HDB3)
1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz: TTL (Rectangle)
64 kHz + 8 kHz: 0.63 to 1.1 Vo-p (AMI, 8 kHz violation)
1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 2.048 Mbit/s, 5 MHz, 10 MHz: BNC 75 Ω
2.048 MHz, 2.048 Mbit/s, 64 kHz + 8 kHz: SIEMENS 120 Ω
1.544 Mbit/s: BANTAM 100 Ω
Effective SDH/SONET/OTN bit rate.
Clock: 1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz
Data: 1.544 Mbit/s (BITS), 2.048 Mbit/s
1.544 Mbit/s: ANSI T1.403 (B8ZS)
Reference Clock output 2.048 Mbit/s: ITU-T G.703 Table10 (HDB3)
1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz: TTL (Rectangle)
1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 2.048 Mbit/s, 5 MHz, 10 MHz: BNC 75 Ω
1.544 Mbit/s: BANTAM 100 Ω
∗5 MHz is possible to use when the MU150125A is installed.
Effective SDH/SONET/OTN bit rate.
Trigger input: For capture/APS measurement
Trigger Trigger output: Transmit Error/Alarm, Receive Error/Alarm, Capture trigger
Level: TTL (active High)
Connector: BNC 75 Ω
Data input/output: D1-D3 (192 kbit/s), D4-D12 (576 kbit/s), GCC0-2 (13124 kbit/s, 326.7 kbit/s)
Clock output: 192 kHz , 576 kHz, 13124 kHz, 326.7 kHz
DCC/GCC Level: V.11
Connector: D-sub 9 pin
Remote interface RS-232C (installed Option 01), GPIB (installed Option 02), Ethernet (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX, installed Option 03)
Peripheral connection VGA output (SVGA), USB (2 port, Rev. 1.1), keyboard (PS/2)
External memory Compact flash (2 to 512 MB, recommended by CFA)
Pointing device By standard pointing device for a main frame, cursor movement in a screen is possible.
Display size 8.4 inch, color TFT (800 x 600)
LED SDH/SONET: Frame, MS/Line, AU/Path, TU/VT
Standby, HDD, Clock Loss, Power Fail, History, Signal Loss, Errors, Test Pattern, Jitter, PDH/DSn, Event
EMC EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A), EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A), EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
Power 85 to 132/170 to 250 Vac (100/200 V system automatic change), 47.5 to 63 Hz
Power consumption ≤500 VA
Operational temperature 0˚ to +40 ˚C
Dimensions and mass 320 (W) x 177 (H) x 350 (D) mm, ≤13 kg (excluding plug-in units)
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Rate, Alternative, Single, Burst, All, Frame
Fix rate: 1∗10–n (n: 3 to 9), User program: A∗10–B (A: 1.0 to 9.9 step 0.1, B: 2 to 10)
Error addition timing Alternative
Error frame: 0 to 64000, Normal frame: 1 to 64000
Frame (only PDH/DSn) : n in 16 frame (n: 1 to 4 Error Frame)
B1, B2, B3, BIP-2 can be set Error bit.
Alarm addition/ ISF, LP-RFI, LP-TIM, LP-UNEQ, LP-SLM, Sync. loss, OH Sync., HP-VC-AIS, LP-VC-AIS, HP-FAS, LP-FAS, HP-
measurement Incoming AIS, LP-Incoming AIS, HP-TC-RDI, LP-TC-RDI, HP-ODI, LP-ODI, HP-TC-TIM, LP-TC-TIM, HP-LTC, LP-LTC
Sync. loss, OH Sync., HP-VC-AIS, LP-VC-AIS, HP-FAS, LP-FAS, HP-Incoming AIS, LP-Incoming AIS, HP-TC-RDI, LP-
Single, Burst, Alternative, All
Alarm addition timing Alternative
Error frame = 0 to 64000, Normal frame = 1 to 64000
PDH/DSn: FAS 1.5M, FW 2M, NFW 2M, MFW 2M, FAS 8M, FAS 34M, FAS 45M, FAS 139M, Info byte (only 2M)
Monitor SDH/SONET: SOH/TOH/POH, Path Trace, Tandem byte, K1/K2 byte, AU/STS, TU/VT pointer
Through Transparent, Overhead overwrite (only SDH/SONET/OTN)
MUX/DEMUX MUX/DEMUX is possible to 64 k units in PDH and DSn
PDH/DSn signal can be added to or dropped from the SDH/SONET mapping.
Add/Drop Bit rate: 1.5 Mbit/s, 2 Mbit/s, 34 Mbit/s, 45 Mbit/s, 139 Mbit/s
f6 f7 f1 f2 f3 f4
Frequency (Hz)
Bit rate A1 A2 A3 f6 f7 f1 f2 f3 f4
(Mbit/s) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz)
51.84 20 2 0.2 10 30 300 2k 20k 400k
155.52 50 2 0.2 10 19.3 500 6.5k 65k 1.3M
622.08 200 2 0.2 10 10 1k 25k 250k 5M
2488.32 800 2 0.2 10 12.1 20k 400k 4M 20M
2666.05 800 2 0.2 10 12.1 20k 400k 4M 20M
Measurement condition: MU150100A loop-back measurement (Built-in MU150125A-05)
Temperature condition: +10˚ to +40˚C
Optical input level: –10 to –12 dBm
Error threshold: 10–8 (52M), 10–9 (156M, 622M), 10–10 (2488M, 2666M)
Optical input wavelength: 1310 nm/1550 nm
SDH: VC3-Bulk (52M), VC4-nc (n = 1, 4, 16) (156M/622M/2488M)
SONET: STSnc (n = 1, 3, 12, 48)
Jitter tolerance Test pattern: PRBS23 (SDH), PRBS31 (OTU-1), Mark ratio 1/2, Scramble “On”
Clock: internal
Jitter amplitude (UIp-p)
f6 f7 f1 f2 f3 f4
Frequency (Hz)
Bit rate A1 A2 A3 f6 f7 f1 f2 f3 f4
(Mbit/s) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz)
9953 0.2 2 3200 10 12.1 20k 400k 4M 80M
10709 0.2 2 3200 10 12.1 20k 400k 4M 80M
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Error addition/measurement FAS, BIP-8 (SM, PM, TCM1-6), BEI (SM, PM, TCM1-6), Bit all (only addition for OTN frame), Bit
Single, Rate, All, Alternate, Random (only Bit all)
Fix rate: 1∗10–n (n: 3 to 9), User program: A∗10–B (A: 1.0 to 9.9, B: 2 to 10)
Error addition timing Alternative
Error frame: 0 to 64000, Normal frame: 1 to 64000
Random: Poisson error insertion function (only Bit all)
When the Parity error is set, it can be select Error position
Alarm addition/ LOF, OOF (only measurement), LOM, OOM (only measurement), BDI (SM, PM, TCM1-6), AIS (OTU, ODU), ODU-OCI,
measurement ODU-LCK, IAE (SM,TCM1-6), TIM (SM, PM, TCM1-6), LTC (TCM1-6), BIAE (SM, TCM1-6)
Alternative, All, Burst, Single
Alarm addition timing Alternative
Error frame: 0 to 64000, Normal frame: 1 to 64000
All OH (OTU, ODU, OPU), TTI, FTFL, Payload
Monitor Multi-frame indicate is possible at the TTI and FTFL.
Capture byte: FAS, APS/PCC, EXP, FTFL, GCC0-2, PM, PSI, SM, TCMACT, TCM1-6, OPU
Overhead sequence Size: 64 sequence
capture Repeat: Max. 8000 frame/sequence
OTU/ODU/OPU 1byte, FAS, APS/PCC, TCM1-6, SM, PM, GCC0-2, EXP (except JC,NJC)
Overhead test Timing: Alternative (A: 1 to 8000 times, B: 1 to 8000 times), A and B can be set up to 256 frames.
GCC0-2, OH 1byte (except Parity byte)
OH BERT test Pattern: 211 – 1, 215 – 1 (Invert)
Error addition: Bit (only Single)
Measurement: Bit error, Sync.loss
OH Add/Drop Test byte: GCC0-2
Modulation value:
52M, 156M, 622M
250 Ul range
Slope: –20 dB/dec
80 Ul range
jitter amplitude (UIp-p)
f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
Jitter generation Frequency (Hz)
Bit rate f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4
(bit/s) (Hz) (kHz) (kHz) (kHz) (kHz) (MHz) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (UIp-p)
52M 0.1 — — 50 500 1.3 0.776 2.02 20.20 — —
155M 0.1 — 38 150 1500 3.8 0.797 2.02 20.20 80.8 —
622M 0.1 4.8 15 60 600 5 0.242 2.02 20.20 80.8 253.0
2488M, 2666M
1000 Ul range
Slope: –20 dB/dec
20 Ul range
Jitter amplitude (UIp-p)
A2 2 Ul range
Slope: –20 dB/dec
0.5 Ul range
f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7
Frequency (Hz)
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Bit rate f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
(bit/s) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (kHz) (kHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (UIp-p)
2666M 0.1 15 600 100 500 1 4 20 0.505 2.02 20.2 25 1010
80 Ul range
Jitter amplitude (UIp-p)
A3 8 Ul range
Slope: –20 dB/dec
A1 0.5 Ul range
f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7
Frequency (Hz)
Bit rate f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
(bit/s) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (kHz) (kHz) (kHz) (MHz) (MHz) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (UIp-p) (UIp-p)
10.3G 0.1 15 600 100 500 1 4 80 0.505 2.02 8.08 80.8 110 4040
Jitter generation 10.7G
0.5 UI range: ±Q % of setting ±0.02 UIp-p
2 UI range: ±Q % of setting ±0.02 UIp-p
8 UI range: ±Q % of setting ±0.8 UIp-p
20 UI range: ±Q % of setting ±0.2 UIp-p
20 UI range: ±Q % of setting ±1.2 UIp-p (2488M, 2666M)
80 UI range: ±Q % of setting ±1.2 UIp-p
80 UI range: ±Q % of setting ±4.8 UIp-p (9953M, 10.3G, 10.7G)
250 UI range: ±Q % of setting ±6 UIp-p
1000 UI range: ±Q % of setting ±6 UIp-p
4000 UI range: ±Q % of setting ±24 UIp-p
Frequency Variable error Q Frequency range
±8 % 0.1 to 500 kHz
52 MHz
±12 % 500 kHz to 1.3 MHz
±8 % 0.1 to 500 kHz
156 MHz ±12 % 500 kHz to 1.5 MHz
±15 % 1.5 MHz to 3.8 MHz
±8 % 0.1 to 500 kHz
622 MHz ±12 % 500 kHz to 2 MHz
±15 % 2M to 5 MHz
±8 % 0.1 to 500 kHz
2488 MHz
±12 % 500 kHz to 2 MHz
2666 MHz
±15 % 2M to 20 MHz
9953MHz ±8 % 0.1 to 500 kHz
10.3 GHz ±12 % 500 kHz to 2 MHz
10.7 GHz ±15 % 2M to 80 MHz
51.84 MHz ±100 ppm, 155.52 MHz ±100 ppm, 622.08 MHz ±100 ppm, 2488.32 MHz ±100 ppm, 2666.057 MHz ±100 ppm,
9953.28 MHz ±100 ppm, 10312.5 MHz ±100 ppm, 10709.225 MHz ±100 ppm
Level: 0.8 Vp-p ±0.3 V (52 MHz to 2.6 GHz), 0.8 Vp-p ±0.25 V (10/10.3/10.7 GHz)
Interface: SMA, 50 Ω
Manual jitter measurement: UIp-p, UI+p, UI-p/UIrms
UIp-p measurement:
2 UI range (–1.010 to 1.010 UIp-p/Step 0.001 UIp-p)
Jitter measurement 20 UI range (–10.10 to 10.10 UIp-p/Step 0.01 UIp-p)
80 UI range (–40.4 to 40.4 UIp-p/Step 0.25 UIp-p)
250 UI range (–123.0 to 123.0 UIp-p/Step 0.5 UIp-p)
1000 UI range (–510.0 to 510.0 UIp-p/Step 1 UIp-p)
4000 UI range (–2020 to 2020 UIp-p/Step 2 UIp-p)
UIrms measurement:
2 UI range (0.000 to 0.714 UIrms/Step 0.001 UIrms)
20 UI range (0.00 to 7.14 UIrms/Step 0.01 UIrms)
Continued on next page
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MU150100A with MU150125A Receiver only
W data signal (Typical)
Bit rate UIp-p UIrms
(Mbit/s) HP1+LP HP+LP HP2+LP HP+LP
2 UI 2 UI 2 UI 2 UI
51.84 (Optical) 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.009
51.84 (Electrical) 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.009
155.52 (Optical) 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.009
155.52 (Electrical) 0.035 0.035 0.025 0.009
622.08 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.009
2488.32 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.009
2666.05∗ 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.009
∗: Built-in MU150125A-05
Measurement condition
Temperature condition: +10˚ to +40˚C
Optical input level: –10 to –12 dBm
Measurement time: 1 min
Optical input wavelength: 1310 nm/1550 nm
SDH: VC3-Bulk (52M), VC4-nc (n = 1, 4, 16) (156M/622M/2488M)
SONET: STSnc (n = 1, 3, 12, 48)
Test pattern: PRBS23 (SDH), PRBS31 (OTU-1), Mark ratio 1/2, Scramble “On”
Clock: internal
∗: Built-in MU150125A-05
Measurement condition
Temperature condition: +10˚ to +40˚C
Optical input level: –10 to –12 dBm
Measurement time: 1 min
Optical input wavelength: 1310 nm/1550 nm
SDH: VC4-64c (9953M)
SONET: STS192c (9953M)
Test pattern: PRBS23 (SDH), PRBS31 (OTU-2), Mark ratio 1/2, Scramble “On”
Jitter measurement Clock: internal
Additional error [R]
Additional error Frequency range
<100 Hz (52M)
<500 Hz (156M)
±15 % <1 kHz (622M)
<5 kHz (2488M, 2666M)
<20 kHz (9953M/10.3G/10.7G)
100 Hz to 300 kHz (52M)
500 Hz to 300 kHz (156M)
±7 % 1 kHz to 300 kHz (622M)
5 kHz to 300 kHz (2488M, 2666M)
20 kHz to 300 kHz (9953M/10.3G/10.7G)
±8 % 300 kHz to 400 kHz (52M)
300 kHz to 1 MHz (≥156M)
1 MHz to 1.3 MHz (156M)
±10 % 1 MHz to 3 MHz (≥622M)
3 MHz to 5 MHz (622M)
±15 % 3 MHz to 10 MHz (≥2448M)
10 MHz to 20 MHz (2488M, 2666M)
±20 % 10 MHz to 80 MHz (9953M/10.3G/10.7G)
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Modulation frequency: 10 µHz to 10 Hz
Amplitude: 0 to 400,000 UI/Step 1 UIp-p
–20 dB/dec
F0 F1 F2
Frequency (Hz)
±Q% of setting ±100 UIp-p
Error Q Frequency range
±8 % 10 µHz to 0.125 Hz
±12 % 0.125 to 1 Hz
±15 % 1 to 10 Hz
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1.5 Mbps (T1) to 622 Mbps (STM-4c/OC-12c)
• Supports various interfaces from 1.5 Mbps (T1) to 622 Mbps (STM-
4c/OC-12c) SONET and SDH
• Simultaneous measurement and real-time analysis up to the ATM-
CPCS layer of two channels(up/down stream)
• Automated traffic monitoring of 1,023 network channels for band-
width utilization
• Uses formatted payload data conforming to ITU-O.191 recommen-
dations for cell delay performance measurements
• Small, lightweight, rack mount or portable
• Supports a variety of remote control testing configurations
• Online manuals and online help Graphical display of alarm/error history
• MP1220A ATM Quality Analyzer
Display 10.4 inch TFT color LCD with touch panel (analog resistive membrane)
Memory storage 3.5 inch floppy disk drive (1.44 MB/720 KB) and hard disk drive (≥500 MB)
Buzzer Alarm, error
RS-232C (D-sub 9-pin), printer (Centronics, D-sub, 25-pin), keyboard (PS/2, mini-DIN, 6-pin), mouse (PS/2, mini-DIN, 6-pin), VGA
External interface
(analog RGB, D-sub, 15-pin)
Slots 6 (two channels max.)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
Dimensions and mass 284 (W) x 221.5 (H) x 365 (D) mm, ≤12 kg (excluding units)
Power supply 100 to 120/200 to 240 Vac (autoswitching), 50 to 60 Hz, ≤300 VA
Operating range Operating: +5˚ to +50˚C (excluding FDD), Storage: –20˚ to +60˚C
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Optical: SC 1.31 µm (SM/MM); Electrical: BNC 75 Ω
Frequency range: ±100 ppm
Input signal Optical level: –28 to –8 dBm (SM)
Electrical level: 1 ±0.1 Vp-p (CMI) ∗Cable loss: 0 to 12 dB, Monitor: 20 dB attenuated level of above level can be applied.
Optical: NRZ; Electrical: CMI
SOH/POH setting, SOH/POH monitoring, path trace, empty cell setting, cell scramble (de-scramble) on/off, coset on/off, HEC error
correction on/off
Error addition: Bit, B1, B2, B3, FEBE-L, FEBE-P, cell
Alarm addition: LOS, LOF, AIS-L, RDI-L, AIS-P, RDI-P, LOP-P, LCD
Error measurement: B1, B2, B3, MS-REI (FEBE-L), HP-REI (FEBE-P), HEC corrected cells, HEC uncorrected cells
Alarm measurement: LOS, OOF, LOF, MS-AIS (AIS-L), MS-RDI (RDI-L), AU-AIS (AIS-P), HP-RDI (RDI-P), AU-LOP (LOP-P), LCD
Pointers: Monitor, ±justification, NDF, history record
Auxiliary output: Receive clock output, trigger output
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• MU120020A QoS Unit
Foreground cells O.191, extended O.191, OAM test cell (PRBS 15), null, AAL1, AAL3/4, (For null, AAL1, AAL3/4, next pattern settable to payload.
(test cells) PRBS 9, PRBS 15, PRBS 15 (non-inverted), PRBS 23, time stamp, programmable)
CBR, burst, sawtooth waveform, CBR with CDV, VBR, Poisson distribution, manual, external edge, external level, detailed CBR,
Cell generation timing
burst for UPC measurement, programmable
Background cell CBR (10 types)
AIS, RDI, continuity check, loopback, programmable, forward monitoring, backward reporting, PM activation/deactivation, CC
OAM cell
Capacity: 4095 cells
Filter: All cells, specified cells, header +first byte of payload match/mismatch cells
Trigger: Manual, OAM cell receive, cell error detect, cell loss detect, cell misinsertion detect, cell tagging, external input signal, etc.
Display: Hexadecimal, ASCII, cell interval, translate
Error addition: Cell loss, cell error
Error detection: Bit error, error cell, cell loss, cell misinsertion, non-conforming cell, etc. (measurement items differ according to test cell)
Single-channel Alarm detection: VP-AIS, VP-RDI, VP-LOC, VC-AIS, VC-RDI, VC-LOC
Bandwidth, total cells, cell delay measurement, 1 point CDV measurement, 2 point CDV measurement, cell interval measurement
1023 channel
Detect and measure 1023 channels on line
Measurement items: Total cell count, CLP = 0 cell count, CLP = 1 cell count, OAM cell count
(live monitor)
Auxiliary input Trigger input
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50 bit/s to 10 Mbit/s
The MD6430A Network Data Analyzer can measure errors on 13 dif- • Wide variety of measurement functions
ferent interfaces for leased lines (64 kbit/s to 6.3 Mbit/s), ISDN (BRI, Various measurements, such as error, alarm, clock slip, delay, fre-
PRI), and V/X series interfaces, making it suitable for installation and quency, and digital level can be performed. Also, can send user pat-
maintenance of a variety of networks. terns with tracing functions.
Measurements include bit errors, alarms, delay time, frequency, dig- • Frame relay measurements
ital level measurements, user pattern send/trace, etc., all of which Frame relay network connections (conforming to PVC and ITU-T
can be displayed on the large color LCD. Q.933 Annex A) can be tested by the MD6430A. The user can also
Error performance (ITU-T G.821, G.826, M.2100) is available with monitor the congestion status such as FECN, BECN, and CLLM.
various pseudorandom patterns and user patterns up to 1024 char-
acters. Frame Relay measurement function, ISDN signaling function
• Optional ISDN signaling functions (BRI, PRI)
The unit can be connected to ISDN networks so that both voice com-
(optional), and a simultaneous two-channel monitoring function are
munication and error measurement can be performed.
also provided. Single button “quick” function and touch-screen en-
sure easy operation. This unit offers the user sophisticated functions • Error data analysis and storage functions
required for installation and maintenance in a small compact unit. Error data can be collected in log or histogram format. This data can
also be stored in internal memory or on a floppy disk for later analysis.
Features • Touch-screen
• One unit supports installation and maintenance of leased lines, The touch-screen, large color LCD, and pop-up menus provide a
ISDN, and frame relay much better GUI operating environment.
• Single button quick test operation • Battery operation
• Lightweight, with a battery-operated function When a commercial power supply is not available, the optional bat-
tery pack provides operation for up to 3 hours, and 5 hours in power
Applications save operation.
• Many applications ranging from low-speed modems to high- • Full range of error measurement screens
speed digital lines Various measurement items can be displayed simultaneously for error
The MD6430A can evaluate the quality of lines ranging from low-speed count, error rate, block error count, clock slip count, character error
modems to high-speed digital lines spanning 50 bit/s to 10 Mbit/s. count, error performance (G.821, G.826, M.2100), HDLC error (bad
• Support for various interfaces frame, abort frame), and various types of alarm. The user can select
The MD6430A supports G.703 64k, I.430/I-430a 192k, G.703/G.704/ the desired items and can display them using the zoom function.
I.431 1.5M, 2M, 2M CMI, 6.3M, V.24/V.28, V.35, V.36, RS-449, X.20,
X.21, TTL/CMOS interfaces in a number of optional units designed
to meet customer needs.
Units Interfaces Uses
G.703 64k, I.430/I430-a 192k,
G.703/G.704/I.431 1.5M, Europe and
G.703/G.704/I.431 2.0M, 2M CMI, Japan
G.703/G.704 6M
G.703 64k, I.430/I430-a 192k,
MU643000B G.703/G.704/I.431 1.5M, 2M CMI, Japan
G.703/G.704 6M
G.703 64k, I.430/I430-a 192k,
MU643000C Europe
G.703/G.704/I.431 2.0M
Note: All interface units support V.24/V.28, V.35, V.36, RS-449, X.20, X.21, and
Data acceptance
Clear request
Frame relay measurement sequence
• Easy operation
The touch-screen and pop-up menus are quick and user-friendly,
making operation easy for all levels of expertise.
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High speed: G.703 64k, I.430/I430-a 192k, G.703/G.704/I.431 1.5M∗1, ∗2, G.703/G.704/I.431 2.0M∗1, ∗3, 2M CMI∗1, ∗2,
Interface G.703/G.704 6M∗1, ∗2 (2-wire simultaneous monitoring)
Low speed: V.24/V.28, V.35, V.36, RS-449, X.20, X.21, TTL/CMOS (Send/receive simultaneous monitoring)
Clock Internal clock: 64 kbit/s, 1.544 Mbit/s∗1, ∗2, 2.048 Mbit/s, 6.312 Mbit/s∗1, ∗2 (accuracy ≤±5 ppm)
(high-speed interface) External clock: 64k + 8k or slave sync to received data (slave oscillation range: ≤±100 ppm)
G.703 64k clock mode Centralized clock, codirectional clock
G.703 64k: AMI
I.430/I430-a 192k: AMI
Code law G.703/G.704/I.431 1.5M: AMI/B8ZS∗1, ∗2
(high-speed interface) G.703/G.704/I.431 2.0M: AMI/HDB3∗1, ∗3
G.703/G.704 6M:B8ZS∗1, ∗2
Impedance 64k: 110 Ω/HIGH, 192k: 50/100 Ω/HIGH, 1.5M:100 Ω/HIGH, 2 M:75/120 Ω/HIGH, 2M CMI: 110 Ω/HIGH, 6M: 75 Ω/HIGH
G.703/G.704/I.431 1.5M∗1, ∗2: 12MFP (G.704), 24MFP (G.704), 24MFP (NTT), unframe
Frames G.703/G.704/I.431 2.0M∗1, ∗3: 16MFP (30B + D), 16MFP (31B), 2MFP (30B + D), 2MFP (31B), Unframe
(high-speed interface) 2M CMI∗1, ∗2: PBX (TTC), CRV, ST (send only), unframe
G.703/G.704 6M∗1, ∗2: 4MFP (G.704), unframe
64k x n: 64 to 6272 kbit/s (n =1 to 98∗4 , sequential or mixed configuration may be selected.)
56k (1-7) x n: 56 to 5488 kbit/s (n =1 to 98∗4 )
56k (2-8) x n: 56 to 5488 kbit/s (n =1 to 98∗4 )
Data bit rate
8k x n: 8, 16, 32 kbit/s
(high-speed interface)
2.4k x n: 2.4 to 48 kbit/s (n = 1 to 20, sequential or mixed configuration may be selected for X.50 20 multiframe.)
0.6k x n: 0.6 to 48 kbit/s (n = 1 to 80, sequential or mixed configuration may be selected for X.50 80 multiframe.)
Others: Signaling, 1.544 Mbit/s
Internal clock
Sync (ST1): 50 bit/s to 10 Mbit/s (5 bit/s steps. However, V.24/V.28 and X.20 up to 200 kbit/s)
Send clock Async: 50, 75, 100, 110, 150, 200, 256, 300, 400, 500, 512, 600, 768, 800, 1k, 1.2k, 1.6k, 1.8k, 2k, 2.4k, 2.56k, 3k, 3.2k, 3.6k, 4.8k,
(low-speed interface) 7.2k, 8k, 9.6k, 12k, 12.8k, 14.4k, 16k, 16.8k, 19.2k, 28.8k, 32k, 38.4k, 46k, 48k, 50k, 56k, 56.6k, 64k, 72k, 76.8k, 115.2k (bit/s)
Self oscillation accuracy: ≤±5 ppm
External clock (ST2, RTS): Frequency for each interface of 50 to10 Mbit/s (may be inverted.)
External clock (ST, RTS): Frequency for each interface of 50 to 10 Mbit/s (May be inverted)
Receive clock Internal clock (Async):
(low-speed interface) 50, 75, 100, 110, 150, 200, 256, 300, 400, 500, 512, 600, 768, 800, 1k, 1.2k, 1.6k, 1.8k, 2k, 2.4k, 2.56k, 3k, 3.2k, 3.6k, 4.8k,
7.2k, 8k, 9.6k, 12k, 12.8k, 14.4k, 16k, 16.8k, 19.2k, 28.8k, 32k, 38.4k, 46k, 48k, 50k, 56k, 56.6k, 64k, 72k, 76.8k, 115.2k (bit/s)
Pseudorandom pattern: PRBS 6, 7, 9, 11, 15, 19, 20, 23, RPRBS 20 (reversed PRBS20), QRSS, positive/negative logic
Error measurement Programmable pattern: 8 bit repetitive (start-stop sync: 5 to 8 bits)
pattern Code pattern: 1:1, ALL 1, ALL 0
User pattern: 1 to 1024 characters (1 character steps), for character error measurement
Send pattern User pattern: 1 to 128 kbyte
Error type: bit, bit + code, code
Insertion types
Error insertion Single: 1 bit error inserted each time insert button pressed
Repeat: 1 bit error inserted each second
Cyclic: 2.5E-1 to 1.7E-7
Start bit length: 1 bit
Start-stop Stop bit length: 1, 1.5, 2 bits
synchronization Data length: 5, 6, 7, 8 bits
Parity: None, odd, even
Detected errors: Bit, code, parity, CRC, frame, character
Error count, error rate, block error count, block error rate, ES, EFS, clock slip, clock slip seconds, pattern sync loss count/time,
frame sync loss time, alarm time, signal loss time, AC power loss time
Error performance: G.821, G.826, M.2100
Error/alarm measurement Measurement modes
Single: 1 s to 99 d 23 h 59 min 59 s
Repeat: 1 s to 99 d 23 h 59 min 59 s
Manual: 1 y max.
Measurement range
Error rate: 1.00E-15 to 1.00E00, Error count: 0 to 9.99E15
Trace byte count: 1 Mbit max.
Trace start trigger: Manual, code detect
Pattern trace
Trace stop trigger: Manual, code detect, code mismatch detect, trace byte count
Trigger detect delay: 0 to 8,000 bytes
Frequency measurement Measurement range: DC to 10 MHz, Accuracy: ≤ (±5 ppm ±1 digit)
Delay time measurement
Measurement range: 0 to 16 s (0.001 ms steps)
(Sync. mode only)
Measurement items: Correct test packet count, lost test packet count, HDLC bad frame count, HDLC abort frame count
PVC connect confirmation test: To MD6430A or circuit loopback test (Conforms to ITU-T Q.933 Annex A)
Frame relay
DLCI: 16 to 991 (1 steps)
Test packet send interval time: 5 to 30 s (1 s steps)
Traffic congestion status monitoring: BECN, FECN, CLLM message detection (Conforms to ITU-T Q.922 Annex A)
Code law: A-law, µ-law
Digital level measurement Measurement range: –60 to +3 dBm (0.1 dBm steps)
Send pattern: 0 dBm, 1 kHz pattern (Conforms to ITU-T G.711)
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame J0915A Measurement cable [D-Sub 37-pin (male) · half pitch
MD6430A Network Data Analyzer 36-pin], 2 m (for V.36/RS-449)
Standard accessories J0916A Measurement cable [D-Sub 15-pin (male) · half pitch 36-pin],
G0104 ADP60WB-24.0 AC adapter 2 m (for X.20/X.21, using B terminal as ST1 output type)
(100 to 240 Vac/24 Vdc converter): 1 pc J0945 Measurement cable [D-Sub 15-pin (male) · half pitch 36-pin],
Power cord: 1 pc 2 m (for X.20/X.21, using B terminal as ST2 input type)
Z0406A Touch pen (for touch panel): 1 pc J0929 Cross measurement cable [D-Sub 15-pin (male) · half
Z0402A Protective cover (protects display): 1 pc pitch 36-pin], 2 m (for X.20/X.21 MUX/DEMUX)
W1542AE MD6430A operation manual (includes J0388B DCE/DTE conversion adapter (D-Sub 25-pin, for V.24/V.28)
MU643000A/B/C): 1 copy J0390 DCE/DTE conversion adapter (D-Sub 34-pin, for V.35)
W1543AE MD6430A remote control operation manual J0392B DCE/DTE conversion adapter (D-Sub 37-pin, for
(includes MU643000A/B/C): 1 copy V.36/RS-449)
Z0417 MD6430A sample program (remote sample program): 1 pc J0917A TTL/CMOS connection box∗1 (I/O connector: BNC type)
Z0403A Belt with hook (MD6430A carrying belt): 1 pc J0923 Measurement cable (both-end Amphenol half pitch 36-pin),
1 m (for connection between MD6430A to TTL/CMOS)
Option J0463C Measurement cable [both-end 8-pin modular (RJ45) with
MD6430A-01 GPIB shield], 2 m (for 192k)
Units J0959B Measurement cable (RJ45 8-pin modular · clip), 2 m (for 192K)
MU643000A Datacom Interface Unit (for Europe and Japan) J0844A ISO1073 cable [both-end 8-pin modular (ISO10173)], 2 m
MU643000B Datacom Interface Unit (for Japan) (for 1.5M, 2M)
MU643000C Datacom Interface Unit (for Europe) J0127B Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG58A/U · BNC-P), 2 m (for 2M, 6M)
J0939 Coaxial cord (C-H3T type plug · BNC), 2 m (for 6M)
Options J0921B Measurement cable [8-pin modular (ISO10173) · M-1PS],
MU643000A-01 JT-Q921/Q931 ISDN signaling 2 m (for 1.5M, 2M)
MU643000A-02 ETSI ISDN signaling J0922B Measurement cable (mini-BANTAM · M-1PS), 2 m
MU643000B-01 JT-Q921/Q931 ISDN signaling (for 64k, 2M CMI)
MU643000C-02 ETSI ISDN signaling J0924B Measurement cable (mini-BANTAM · I-214APS), 2 m (for
MU643000A-22 CAS/FAS option (for Europe and Japan) external input clock, 64k + 8k)
MU643000B-22 CAS/FAS option (for Japan) J0930 Measurement cable (mini-BANTAM · M-3912), 2 m (for
MU643000C-22 CAS/FAS option (for Europe) 64k, Siemens type)
J0960B Measurement cable (mini-BANTAM · clip), 2 m (for 64k, 2M, CMI)
Optional accessories
J0946A Measurement cable [8-pin modular (ISO10173) · M-3912],
Z0404A Lithium ion battery pack (battery pack for main frame)
1 m (for 1.5M/2M)
B0441 Hard carrying case
J0946B Measurement cable [8-pin modular (ISO10173) · M-3912],
B0442 Soft carrying case
2 m (for 1.5M/2M)
B0443 Rack mount kit
J0950 Measurement cable [8-pin modular (ISO10173) · clip],
A0006 Headset
2 m (for 1.5M/2M)
J1026A GPIB cable (for MD6430A-01’s accessory), 2 m
J0968 Balance cable (RJ45 · ISO10173), 2 m (for 192k)
J0654A Serial interface cross cable [D-Sub 9-pin (female) · D-Sub
J0969C Unbalance cable [SP3CP/3CV-P (BNC)], 2 m (for 6M)
9-pin (male)], 2 m (for remote control of main frame)
J0925B Y cable (D-sub 25-pin · half pitch 36-pin/D-sub 25-pin),
J0661A RS-232C straight cable [D-Sub 9-pin (female) · D-Sub
2 m (for V.24/V.28 monitor)
25-pin (male)], 2 m (for remote control of main frame)
J0926B Y cable (D-sub 25-pin · half pitch 36-pin/D-sub 25-pin),
J0920B Cross cable [D-Sub 9-pin (female) · D-Sub 25-pin (male)],
2 m (for V.35 monitor)
3 m (for remote control of main frame)
J0927B Y cable (V.37 · half pitch 36-pin/D-sub 37), 2 m (for
J0913A Measurement cable [D-Sub 25-pin (male) · half pitch
V.36/RS-449 monitor)
36-pin], 2 m (for V.24/V.28)
J0928B Y cable (D-sub 15-pin · half pitch 36-pin/D-sub 15-pin),
J0914A Measurement cable [V.35 connector (male) · half pitch
2 m (for X.20/X.21 monitor)
36-pin), 2 m (for V.35)
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• Can measure a variety of devices from low-speed modems to
high-speed digital lines
Can be configured to a variety of communications protocols via ITU-T
V, X, G, and I series by using plug-in units. Can perform high-quality
evaluations of data communications systems that have bit rates from
50 b/s to 10 Mb/s.
• Simultaneous error measurement of various error parameters
The error count (bit error, parity error, and CRC error, etc.) error rate,
block error count, block error rate, US, %US, SES, %SES, DM, %DM, Combinations of interface and extension units
ES, %ES, EFS, %EFS, AT, %AT, BBER, clock slip, and synchroniza- The MD6420A can be combined with many plug-in units to perform
tion loss can be measured, Alarm states such as AIS can be contin- a variety of measurement.
uously monitored∗. Extension units
∗: Conforms to ITU-T G.821 MD0627A Analog
• Data will not be lost if a power failure occurs during measurement Interface units
If an AC power failure occurs during error rate measurements, all data MD0621A V.24/V.28 (RS232C) √
obtained prior to the failure is recalled from memory and the measure-
MD0621B V.35 √
ment is automatically continued when the power is resupplied. When
the power returns, the time at which power failure occurred is displayed MD0621C V.36 (RS-449) √
on the EL display. MD0621D X.20 (RS-423)/X.21 (RS-422) √
MD0622B G.703/G.704 1.544 Mb/s Bipolar √∗
Example of display screen
MD0622D G.703/G.704 6.312 Mb/s Bipolar √∗
• Overall display of error measurements
Up to 22 measurement items can be monitored simultaneously. If a MD0622E G.703 64 kb/s √∗
power failure occurs during measurements then measurements will MD0625B I.431 1.544 Mb/s √∗
be continued from the time at which the power is resupplied. The MD0626A TTL √∗
failure time (PWL) will be displayed when power is resupplied.
∗: Except DC voltage measurement
• I.431
MD0625B I.431 1.544Mb/s
50 to 20 kb/s in 5 b/s steps, 20 k to 400kb/s in 100 b/s steps
Internal clock signal 512 k, 576 k, 672 k, 768 k, 1024 k, 1152 k, 1344 k, 1536 k, 1920 k, 2048 k, 4096 k, 8192 kb/s
Sending (ST1, ASYNC, ST/SP)∗1 Accuracy
clock Self oscillation: ±5 ppm
signal Slave oscillation: Subject to 8 kb/s or 8 kb/s of (64 k + 8 k) external input or receiving data
Slave oscillation range: ≥ ±100 ppm
External input Operated by the external input clock signal (TTL level or sine waves)
External clock signal (ST2, RT) Clock (inversion can be used.) by each 50 b/s to 10 Mb/s interface
Receiving External clock signal (RT) Clock (inversion can be used.) by each 50 b/s to 10 Mb/s interface
clock Internal clock signal 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 256, 300, 400, 500, 512, 600, 768, 800, 1 k, 1.2 k, 1.6 k, 1.8 k, 2 k, 2.4 k, 2.56 k, 3 k,
signal (ASYNC, ST/SP) 3.6 k, 4.8 k, 7.2 k, 9.6 k, 14.4 k, 19.2 kb/s
Code A, Z, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 7:1, 1:7
Programmable pattern 8 bit repetition (5 to 8 bits for ST/SP, 5 bits for 2.0 M G.704 spare bit)
Pattern Pseudorandom pattern 2n – 1 bits repetition (n: 6, 7, 9, 11, 15, 19, 20, 23), positive/negative logic
Word pattern 8 bits x 8 k words (manual input, setting, user’s pattern)
FOX pattern Conforms to ITU-T (EBCDIC, ASCII, EBCD, BAUDOT)
Error Manual error Single-bit error whenever the key is pressed or single-bit error every second
insertion Cyclic error 2.5 x 10–1 to 1.7 x 10–7(N x 10–n, N: 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0)
Start-stop Start-stop bit length Start bit: 1 bit, Stop bit: 1, 1.5, and 2 bits
synchro- Data length 5, 6, 7 and 8 bits
nization Parity None, odd, even
Detection error Bit error, code error, parity error, CRC error and frame mismatch are selected.
Error count, error rate, block error count, block error rate, ES, %ES, DM, %DM, SES, %SES, US, %US, EFS,
Measurement items
%EFS, AT, %AT, BBER clock slip, sync count/time, frame sync loss time, signal loss, AC power failure time
Block length 25 to 216 bits or 101 to 1016 bits
ment Measurement time 102 to 109 bits measurement and repetition of 1 s to 999 hr 59 min. 59 s
Among the measurement results, five or all optional items can be displayed simultaneously. The buzzer
Display of measurement results sounds if an error is detected (the volume can be adjusted). The lapse time after the measurement starts is
displayed in units of seconds.
No. of trace bytes 32 KB max.
Manual code detection, not code detection, signal lines ON/OFF, No. of trace bytes, external input signal
Traces stop trigger
Pattern ON/OFF
trace Delay trace after trigger detection 10 to 8000 bytes
Displays together with trace stop time in HEX, JIS8, ASCII, EBCDIC, EBCDIK, EBCD, Baudot bit (shift: +4 to
Trace data display
–3 bits)
Measuring range: –30 to +30 V
Voltage measurement
Accuracy: ±5% ±1 digit
Measuring range: DC to 10 MHz
Frequency measurement and count Accuracy:±5 ppm ±1 digit
Display: Decimal 7 digits
Measuring range: 0 to 10 sec.(10 µs steps) except for ASYNC and ST/SP
Time measurement∗3 Accuracy: ±5 ppm ±1 digit
Display: Decimal 7 digits
Signal monitor lamp Displays the status of each signal line (“1”/“ON” : green or red∗2, “0”/“OFF”: lamp off)
Continued on next page
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Error: Negative logic, TTL level (half clock with of receiving clock)
Pattern sync loss: Negative logic, TTL level
Clock: Receiving gate clock, TTL level
External output
Receiving clock: TTL level
(64 k + 8 k) b/s clock: 64 kb/s clock with 8 kb/s violation, AMI, RZ, 1.0 V±10%, Impedance: 120 Ω
Video output: Composite video signal (vertical: 16.666 ms ±100 ppm, horizontal: 63.61 µs±100 ppm, 1 Vp-p±10%
Clock: 50 b/s to 10 Mb/s, TTL
External input (64 k +8 k) b/s clock: 64 kb/s clock with 8 kb/s violation, AMI/RZ, Input level: 0.6 to 1.1 Vp-p, Impedance: 110 Ω
Trigger: TTL level
At measurement start: Prints measurement conditions and time
During measurement
Print time, error count and alarm generation/recovery information at specified intervals
Print Printing in error measurement
Prints time and measurement result after start of measurement
output Prints time and error count at termination of each measurement cycle
At measurement end: Prints time and measurement result
Other printing Prints measurement conditions, measurement results, and time in manual measurement
Internal timer Year, month, day, hour, minute, second
Power 85 to 132 Vac/170 to 250 Vac (changeable), 47 to 64 Hz, ≤180 VA (with full units)
Operating temperature range 0° to +40°C
Connectable unit 5 units max.
Dimensions and mass 319 (W) x 177 (H) x 450 (D) mm, ≤10.5 kg
∗1: Up to 20 kb/s for ASYNC and STSP
∗2: Denotes red LED alarm
∗3: Can not measure delay time for async system and start-stop system
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
MD6420A (main frame) Interface units
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame MD0621A V.24/V.28 (RS-232C) Interface Unit
MD6420A Data Transmission Analyzer
Standard accessory
Standard accessories W0595AE MD0621A operation manual: 1 copy
Power cord, 2.6 m: 1 pc
Optional accessories
F0013∗ Fuse, 5 A: 2 pcs
J0387 Double-ended 25-pin connector cable, 2 m
F0012∗ Fuse, 3.15 A: 2 pcs
J0388 25-pin DCE-DTE conversion adapter (used for DTE mode)
B0301 Protection cover: 1 pc
Z0031A Printer paper: 2 rolls
MD0621B V.35 Interface Unit
B0254C Blank panel (for interface units): 5 pcs
B0254D Blank panel (for remote control units): 1 pc Standard accessory
W0618AE MD6420A operation manual: 1 copy W0596AE MD0621B operation manual: 1 copy
W0618BE MD6420A service manual: 1 copy
Optional accessories
J0864B Double-ended 34-pin connector cable, 2 m
Options J0390 34-pin DCE-DTE conversion adapter (used for DTE mode)
MD6420A-01 Sending pattern synchronized signal output
(video output cannot be used with this option.) MD0621C V.36 (RS-449) Interface Unit
MD6420A-02 Sending pattern for word memory, 32 KB
Standard accessory
Optional accessories W0597AE MD0621C operation manual: 1 copy
B0291B Carrying case (with casters)
B0251F Shoulder bag (for MD6420A) Optional accessory
B0302 Rack mount kit J0391 Double-ended 37-pin connector cable, 2 m
B0251E Unit housing case (accommodates 10 units) J0392 37-pin DCE-DTE conversion adapter (used for DTE mode)
A0006 Headset
J0386 Probe for external input (BNC-P · IC clip), 1 m MD0621D X.20 (RS-423)/X.21 (RS-422) Interface Unit
J0135 Balanced cord (I-214APS · – · M-1PS), 2 m Standard accessory
J0162B Balanced cord (M-3912 · – · M-3912), 2 m W0598AE MD0621D operation manual: 1 copy
J0050B Balanced cord [M-214S · – · M-214S (shielded) ], 2 m
J0127B Coaxial cable (BNC-P · RG-58A/U · BNC-P) Optional accessory
J0106 Coaxial cable (3CV-P2 · M-1P), 2 m J0393 Double-ended 15-pin connector cable, 2 m
Z0174 Service kit for MD6420A
J0673A Double-ended 25 pin cross cable, 3 m MD0622B G.703/G.704 1.544 Mb/s Bipolar Interface Unit
∗: Supplied one kind of fuse depending on the power supply voltage specified Standard accessory
when ordering. W0599AE MD0622B operation manual: 1 copy
Optional accessories
J0393 Double-ended 15-pin connector cable, 2 m
J0440 Balanced cord (CS1-MM2), 2 m
J0990 Measurement cable (D-SUB15/SBMD06FBS), 2 m
J0991 Measurement cable (D-SUB15/CLIP), 2 m
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Mobile communication measurement equipment
(example of an application; various other types of measurement equipment are also available)
Communication system Equipment to be measured
Digital Mobile equipment Base station
Maintenance, troubleshooting
Europe etc. USA Japan
Construction, maintenance
Type of
measurement Anritsu model
Entrance circuitry
PCN (DCS1800)
CDMA (IS-95)
Service areas
Radio communi- √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ MT8801C √ √ √ √ √ √ √
cation analyzer √ √ √ √ √ √ MT8820A √ √ √ √ √
Digital mobile √ √ √ MS8608A/8609A √ √ √ √
radio transmitter
tester √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ MS8604A √ √ √ √
Time-domain- MS2663C,
√ √ √ √ √ MS2665C, √ √ √ √ √
capable MS2667C,
spectrum MS2668C
analyzer MS2681A/2683A/
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
modulation √ √ √ √ √ √ MG3681A √ √ √ √ √
signal generator
Signalling tester √ √ MD8480B √ √ √
Radio communica-
tion test system √ √ √ √ ME7812 series √ √ √ √
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9 kHz to 13.2 GHz
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MX860905A π/4DQPSK Measurement Software
(sold separately)
• Parameter setting
Analysis of PDC, PHS and NADC (IS-136) systems requires setting
of parameters for important measurement such as modulation accu-
racy at this screen. Changing the symbol rate also permits analysis
of systems other than PDC, PHS and NADC.
• Modulation accuracy measurement
The constellation display is combined with the modulation accuracy
measurement results to monitor the residual vector error (rms) with
a high accuracy of 0.5 % (PDC).
• Transmitter power measurement
This screen displays the transmitter power and waveform.
The power value is calibrated by the built-in power meter to achieve
even higher accuracy power measurement.
• Spurious measurement
A frequency table can be set up in spurious measurement to provide
a PASS/FAIL measurement result. Fifteen different frequencies and
their limit values can be entered.
• Parameter setup
This setup screen is for conditions necessary for HSDPA analysis,
such as modulation accuracy and code domain power measure-
ment. Measurement is performed with simple operations after para-
meter setup.
• Modulation analysis (vector error)
• Spurious close to the carrier measurement Display pattern is selective from either vector error only or vector er-
Spurious close to the carrier is measured using the spectrum ana- ror and code domain. Residual vector error (rms) is 1% (typ.), en-
lyzer function. The PASS/FAIL result of a template judgement is dis- abling high-accuracy measurement.
played on the screen.
• MS8609A
Frequency range 9 kHz to 13.2 GHz
Max. input level +20 dBm (100 mW), continuous average power, DC input: 0 Vdc
Power meter
50 Ω, VSWR: ≤1.3 (30 MHz to 3 GHz)
Input impedance
Except power meter
50 Ω, VSWR: ≤1.5 (input attenuator: ≥4 dB, ≤3 GHz) / ≤2.3 (input attenuator: ≥10 dB, >3 GHz)
Input connector N-type
Frequency: 10 MHz
Starting characteristics: ≤5 x 10 –8/day (after 10 minute warm-up, compared to frequency after 24 hour warm-up)
Reference oscillator
Aging rate: ≤2 x 10 –8/day, ≤1 x 10 –7/ year (compared to frequency after 24 hour warm-up)
Temperature characteristics: ±5 x 10 –8 (0˚ to 50˚C, compared to frequency at 25˚C)
Frequency range: 30 MHz to 3 GHz
Power meter Level range: –20 to +20 dBm
Measurement accuracy (after zero calibration): ±10%
Frequency setting
Setting range: 9 kHz to 13.2 GHz, Pre-selector range: 3.15 to 13.2 GHz (Band 1 and 2)
Frequency accuracy
Accuracy: ± (display frequency x reference frequency accuracy + span x span accuracy + resolution bandwidth x 0.15 +
10 x N Hz) ∗N: Mixer harmonic order
Normal marker: Same as display frequency accuracy
Delta marker: Same as span accuracy
Frequency Frequency span setting range: 0 Hz, 5 kHz to 13.2 GHz
Span accuracy: ±1.0% (at single band sweep, number of data points: 1001)
RBW (resolution bandwidth)
Setting range: 300 Hz to 3 MHz (1-3 sequence), 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 20 MHz (Band 0)
Accuracy: ±20% (300 Hz to 10 MHz), ±40% (20 MHz)
Selectivity (60 dB: 3 dB): ≤15:1
VBW (video bandwidth): 1 Hz to 3 MHz (1-3 sequence), off
Sideband noise: ≤–108 dBc/Hz (1 GHz, 10 kHz offset), ≤–120 dBc/Hz (1 GHz, 100 kHz offset)
Continued on next page
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Maximum input level
Continuous average power: +20 dBm, DC voltage: 0 V
Average noise level (RBW: 300 Hz, VBW: 1 Hz):
[Without Option 08]
≤–124 dBm + 1.5 x f [GHz] dB (1 MHz to 2.5 GHz, Band 0)
≤–120 dBm + 1.5 x f [GHz] dB (2.5 to 3.2 GHz, Band 0)
≤–116 dBm (3.15 to 7.8 GHz, Band 1)
≤–107 dBm (7.7 to 13.2 GHz, Band 2)
[With Option 08]
≤–122 dBm + 1.8 x f [GHz] dB (1 MHz to 2.5 GHz, Band 0)
≤–120 dBm + 1.8 x f [GHz] dB (2.5 to 3.2 GHz, Band 0)
≤–116 dBm (3.15 to 7.8 GHz, Band 1)
≤–107 dBm (7.7 to 13.2 GHz, Band 2)
Residual response: ≤–100 dBm (1 MHz to 3.2 GHz, Band 0), ≤–90 dBm (3.15 to 7.8 GHz, Band 1)
Reference level
Amplitude Setting range: –100 to +30 dBm
±0.75 dB (+0.1 to 20 dBm), ±0.5 dB (–49.9 to 0 dBm), ±0.75 dB (–69.9 to –50 dBm), ±1.5 dB (–80 to –70 dBm)
∗After calibration, frequency: 50 MHz, span: 1 MHz (Input attenuator, RBW, VBW and sweep time are set to AUTO.)
Input attenuator: 0 to 62 dB (2 dB steps)
Frequency response:
±0.6 dB (9 kHz to 3.2 GHz, Band 0), ±1.5 dB (3.15 to 7.8 GHz, Band 1∗1), ±2.0 dB (7.7 to 13.2 GHz, Band 2∗1)
Log linearity:
±0.4 dB (0 to –20 dB, RBW: ≤1 kHz), ±1.0 dB (0 to –90 dB, RBW: ≤1 kHz)
2nd harmonic distortion:
≤–60 dBc (10 to 200 MHz), ≤–75 dBc (200 to 850 MHz, Band 0), ≤–70 dBc (0.85 to 1.6 GHz, Band 0),
≤–90 dBc (1.6 to 6.6 GHz, Band 1 and 2)
Two-tone 3rd order distortion:
≤–70 dBc (10 to 100 MHz), ≤–85 dBc (0.1 to 3.2 GHz), ≤–80 dBc (3.15 to 7.8 GHz), ≤–75 dBc (7.7 to 13.2 GHz)
∗Frequency difference of two signals: ≥50 kHz, mixer input: –30 dBm
1 dB gain compression: ≥0 dBm (≥100 MHz), ≥+3 dBm (≥500 MHz, Band 0), ≥–3 dBm (≥3150 MHz, Band 1 and 2)
Setting range: 10 ms to 1000 s (frequency axis sweep), 1 µs to 1000 s (time axis sweep)
Trigger switch: Free-run, triggered
Trigger source: Wide IF video, Line, External (TTL level), External (±10 V)
Trigger delay
Pre-trigger range: –time span to 0 s
Resolution: time span/500 or 100 ns whichever is larger.
Post trigger: 0 µs to 65.5 ms
Resolution: 100 ns (sweep time: ≤4.9 ms), 1 µs (sweep time: ≥5 ms)
Gate sweep mode
Gate delay range: 0 to 65.5 ms (resolution: 1 µs), Gate length range: 2 µs to 65.5 ms (resolution: 1 µs)
Number of data points: 501, 1001
Detection modes: Normal, Positive peak, Negative peak, Sample, Average, RMS (Option 04)
Display functions: Trace A, Trace B, Trace A/B, Trace A/BG, Trace A/Time
Storage functions: Normal, View, Max hold, Min hold, Average, Linear average, Cumulative, Overwrite
Signal search: Auto tune, Peak → CF, Peak → Ref, Scroll
Zone markers: Normal, Delta
Marker function: Marker → CF, Marker → Ref, Marker → CF step size, ∆ marker → Span, Zone → Span
Peak search: Peak, Next peak, Min dip, Next dip
Multi-marker: 10 max.
Noise power: dBm/Hz, dBm/ch, dBµ√Hz
C/N: dBc/Hz, dBc/ch
Frequency counter
Resolution: 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz
Measurement accuracy: ± (display frequency x reference frequency accuracy + 2 x N Hz + 1 LSB)
∗At S/N 20 dB or more and RBW 3 MHz or less, N: Mixer harmonic order
Occupied bandwidth: Power N% method, X-dB down method
Adjacent channel power
Reference measurement: Total power, reference level, in-band method
Display methods: Channel specified display (3 channels x 2), graphic display
Average power of burst signal: Average power within specified time range of time domain waveform
Template comparison measurement (time sweep): Upper limit x 2, lower limit x 2
Mask measurement (frequency sweep): Upper limit x 2, lower limit x 2
Display: Color TFT-LCD, VGA 6.5 type
Hard copy: Hard copy of screen via parallel interface (ESC/P compatible printer)
Memory card interface: ATA flash card (3.3/5V)
Can be controlled from external controller (except power switch) when specified as device
Interface functions: SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, E2
Parallel interface: Centronics printer I/F, D-sub 25-pin connector (female)
Video output: Analog RGB output, D-sub 15-pin connector (female)
Dimensions and mass 320 (W) x 177 (H) x 411 (D) mm (except handle, feet, front cover and fan cover), ≤16 kg (nominal)
Power 100 to 120/200 to 240 Vac (–15/+10%, max. voltage: 250 V, automatic voltage selection), 47.5 to 63 Hz, ≤400 VA
Operating temperature
0˚ to 50˚C, ≤85% (no condensation)
and humidity
EMC EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A), EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A), EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
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Frequency range: 50 MHz to 3 GHz, 50 MHz to 2.3 GHz (Option 08, 30)
Measurement level range:
–60 to +20 dBm (average power, pre-amplifier: off), +30 dBm (peak power, pre-amplifier: off)
–80 to +10 dBm (average power, pre-amplifier: on), +20 dBm (peak power, pre-amplifier: on)
CCDF measurement
Measurement method
CCDF: Cumulative distribution display of the power difference between instantaneous power and average power.
APD: Distribution display of the power difference between instantaneous power and average power.
Filter selection function: 20 MHz, 10 MHz, 5 MHz, 3 MHz, RRC: α = 0.22, RC: α = 0.22
Input: Balanced, unbalanced
Input impedance: 1 MΩ (parallel capacity: <100 pF), 50 Ω
Balanced input
Differential voltage: 0.1 to 1 V (p-p), In-phase voltage: ±2.5 V
Unbalanced input: 0.1 to 1 V (p-p), AC/DC switchable
Measurement items:
I/Q signal
Modulation accuracy, code domain power, amplitude, occupied bandwidth (FFT method), I/Q level
Residual vector error: <2% (rms) ∗Input level: ≥0.1 V (rms), DC coupling
I/Q level measurement: Measures and displays each I, Q input voltage (rms, p-p)
I/Q phase difference measurement:
When the CW signal is inputted to I and Q input terminals, measures and displays the phase difference between I- and
Q-phase signals.
∗1: Can be set when MS8609A-08 option is installed in the main unit.
∗2: When carrier frequency is in a 2030.354 to 2200 MHz range, spurious will be generated at the frequency below.
f (spurious) = f (input) – 2030.345 MHz
∗1: Can be set when MS8609A-08 option is installed in the main unit.
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Measurement frequency range: 10 MHz to 12.75 GHz (except within ±50 MHz of carrier frequency)
Input level range (Tx power): +20 to +40 dBm (average power within burst)
Measurement method
Sweep method:
Sweeps specified frequency range using spectrum analyzer and calculates ratio of carrier power and peak value detected
during the sweep. Detection mode is average.
Spot method:
Measures average power of specified frequencies in time domain using spectrum
Analyzer and calculates ratio of carrier power and measured power of the frequencies.
Detection mode is average.
Search method:
Spurious measurement Sweeps specified frequency range using spectrum analyzer and detects frequency of peak spurious.
Measures average power of the detected frequencies in time domain using spectrum analyzer and calculates ratio of carrier
power and the measured power for the frequencies.
Detection mode is Average.
Tx power measurement
Tx power method: Carrier power measured in 1.23 bandwidth
SPA method: Carrier power measured in RBW: 3 MHz, VBW: 3 kHz, detection mode: sample, frequency span: 0 Hz
Measurement range (typical)
79 dB (RBW: 10 kHz, 10 to 30 MHz, Band 0), 79 dB (RBW: 100 kHz, 30 to 1000 MHz, Band 0)
∗Carrier frequency: 800 to 1000 MHz/1.8 to 2.2 GHz, referential value of power ratio in Tx power∗2
Normal mode: 76 – f [GHz] dB (RBW: 1 MHz, 1 to 3.15 GHz, Band 0), 76 dB (RBW: 1 MHz, 3.15 to 7.8 GHz, Band 1)
Input impedance: 1 MΩ (parallel capacitance: <100 pF), 50 Ω
Balance input
Differential voltage: 0.1 to 1 Vp-p, In-phase voltage: ±2.5 V
Unbalance Input: 0.1 to 1 Vp-p
DC/AC coupling: Changeable
Electric performance Measurement items: Modulation accuracy, code domain power, amplitude, occupied bandwidth (FFT method), I/Q level
(I/Q input) Modulation accuracy measurement (residual vector error): <2% (rms) ∗DC coupling, input level: ≥0.1 V (rms)
I/Q level measurement: Measures input level of I and Q (rms, p-p)
I/Q phase difference measurement:
When the CW signal is inputted to I and Q input terminals, measures and displays the phase difference between I- and
Q-phase signals.
∗1: Can be set when MS8609A-08 option is installed in the main frame.
∗2: When carrier frequency is in a 2030.354 to 2200 MHz range, spurious will be generated at the frequency below.
f (spurious) = f (input) – 2030.345 MHz
∗1: Can be set when MS8609A-08 option is installed in the main frame.
∗2: When carrier frequency is in a 2030.354 to 2200 MHz range, spurious will be generated at the frequency below.
f (spurious) = f (input) – 2030.345 MHz
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• MX860905A π/4DQPSK Measurement Software
Following specifications are guaranteed after optimized internal level (Range of internal receiver is automatically adjusted by pushing Adjust
Range key).
Measured frequency range: 50 MHz to 2.1 GHz
Measured level ranges:
–40 to +20 dBm (average power within burst, pre-amp off∗1), –60 to +10 dBm (average power within burst, pre-amp on∗1)
Carrier frequency accuracy: ± (reference oscillator accuracy + 10 Hz)
∗Input level (average power within burst): ≥–30 dBm (pre-amp off∗1), ≥–40 dBm (pre-amp on∗1)
Modulation accuracy (residual vector error)
PDC/NADC: <0.5% (rms), PHS: <0.7% (rms)
∗Input level: ≥–30 dBm (pre-amp off∗1), ≥–40 dBm (pre-amp on∗1), averaging: 10 times
Origin offset accuracy: ±0.50 dB
∗Input level (average power within burst): ≥–30 dBm (pre-amp off∗1), ≥–40 dBm (pre-amp on∗1), relative to signal with origin
offset of –30 dBc
Transmission rate accuracy: ±1 ppm
∗Input level (average power within burst): ≥–30 dBm (pre-amp off∗1), ≥–40 dBm (pre-amp on∗1)
Symbol rate: 2 to 300 k symbol/s
Roll off ratio: 0.2 to 1.0
Analysis symbol: 48 to 1000 symbol
Waveform displays: Constellation, eye diagram, EVM vs. symbol No., phase error vs. symbol No., amplitude error vs. symbol No.
Frequency range: 50 MHz to 2.1 GHz
Measurement level ranges:
–40 to +20 dBm (average power within burst, pre-amp off∗1), –60 to +10 dBm (average power within burst, pre-amp on∗1)
Transmitter power measurement∗1
Measurement ranges:
–10 to +20 dBm (average power within burst, pre-amp off∗1), –10 to +10 dBm (average power within burst, pre-amp on∗1)
Accuracy: ±0.40 dB
Power measurement linearity: ±0.20 dB (0 to –30 dB)
∗Input level (average power within burst): ≥–10 dBm (pre-amp off∗1), ≥–20 dBm (pre-amp on∗1), without changing the
reference level setting after range optimization
Amplitude measurement
Carrier-off power measurement∗3
Normal mode measurement range
PDC/NADC: ≥65 dB, PHS: ≥60 dB ∗Relative to average power within burst
Wide dynamic range mode measurement range
PDC/PHS: ≥90 dB (measurement limits of average noise level: ≤–80 dBm, 50 Hz to 2.1 GHz)
PHS: ≥80 dB (measurement limits of average noise level: ≤–70 dBm, 50 Hz to 2.1 GHz)
∗Average power within burst: 10 mW
Rise/fall characteristics:
Display rising/falling edges while synchronizing to modulation data of signal data to be measured.
Standard line display, NO/GO judgement function
Measured frequency range: 50 MHz to 2.1 GHz
Measured level ranges:
Occupied bandwidth –40 to +20 dBm (average power within burst, pre-amp off∗1), –60 to +10 dBm (average power within burst, pre-amp on∗1)
measurement Measurement methods
Sweep method: Calculates and displays result after signal measured with sweep spectrum analyzer
FFT method: Calculates and displays result after FFT
Frequency range: 100 MHz to 2.1 GHz
Input level range:
–10 to +20 dBm (average power within burst, pre-amp off∗1), –20 to +10 dBm (average power within burst, pre-amp on∗1)
Measurement methods
Sweep method (all): Calculates and displays result after signal measured with sweep spectrum analyzer
Sweep method (separate):
Adjacent channel Calculates and displays after measuring adjacent channel and next adjacent channel signal with sweep spectrum analyzer
power measurement High-speed method:
Calculates and displays after measuring adjacent channel and next adjacent channel power (rms) through internal receive filter
Measurement range (CW signal input, at high-speed method)
PDC: ≥60 dB (50 kHz offset), ≥65 dB (100 kHz offset)
PHS: ≥60 dB (600 kHz offset), ≥60 dB (900 kHz offset)
NADC: ≥30 dB (30 kHz offset), ≥60 dB (60 kHz offset), ≥65 dB (90 kHz offset)
∗Adjacent channel power averaging ratio found from average power within burst and during burst on interval
Measured frequency range: 100 kHz to 7.8 GHz (except within carrier frequency ±50 MHz)
Input level range (transmitter power):
–10 to +20 dBm (average power within burst, pre-amp off∗1), –20 to +10 dBm (average power within burst, pre-amp on∗1)
Measurement methods
Sweep method:
Sweeps the specified range of frequency using the spectrum analyzer, and then detects and displays the peak value.
Calculates the rate for transmission power value and displays it as power rate. Waveform detection mode: average
Spurious measurement Spot method:
Measures the specified frequency with time domain from the spectrum analyzer and then displays the average value.
Calculates the rate for transmission power value and displays it as power rate. Waveform detection mode: average
Search method:
Sweeps the specified frequency range using the spectrum analyzer to detect the peak value, then measures the frequency
using the time domain to display the average value. Calculates the rate for transmission power value and displays it as power
Waveform detection mode: average
Continued on next page
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Input methods: Balance, Unbalance
Input impedance: 1 MΩ (parallel capacitance: <100 pF), 50 Ω
Input level range
Balance input
Differential voltage: 0.1 to 1.0 Vp-p, In-phase voltage: ≤±2.5 V (at input terminal)
Unbalance input: 0.1 to 1.0 Vp-p (at input terminal), DC/AC coupling: Changeable
Measurement items:
Electric performance Modulation accuracy, code domain power, amplitude, IQ level
(IQ input) Modulation accuracy measurement
Residual vector error: <2.0%(rms), typical 1.0%(rms)
Input level: ≥0.1 V(rms), DC coupling
IQ level measurement
Level measurement: Measures input level of I and Q (rms, p-p)
IQ phase difference measurement:
When the CW signal is inputted to I and Q input terminals, measures and displays the phase difference between I- and
Q- phase signals.
∗1: Can be set when MS8609A-08 option is installed in the main frame.
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• Option 33: High accuracy power measurement
Power measurement accuracy is improved without using the internal power meter when MX860901A W-CDMA Measurement
Software is used.
Frequency range 1848 to 2171 MHz (Except 1995 to 2105 MHz)
Transmission power
–50 dBm to +20 dBm (average power)
measurement range
Reference level –10 dBm to +20 dBm
Transmission ±0.4 dB
power accuracy ∗At reference input level, 25˚ ±3˚C, input ATT: AUTO, after calibration and except mismatch error
Power measurement ±0.2 dB (0 to –40 dB)
linearity ∗Input level: ≥–10 dBm, at range optimization and no change of reference level setting.
Temperature coefficient 0.015 dB/˚C
Accessories ATA flash memory card
Calibration interval Six months
• Option 46: Auto power recovery • Option 47: Rack mount (IEC)
Disables the power switch on the front panel and automatically Function Mounts the rack mount for IEC standard-compatible rack.
restores power after power failure. When mounted, the tilt handle (standard) is eliminated.
ON/OFF operation can be performed using the standby switch
Function on the rear panel.
∗Power switch on the front panel of this unit does not have a • Option 48: Rack mount (JIS)
latching function. Therefore, if power is interrupted in the ON
status, the standby status is kept even after power is restored. Mounts the rack mount for JIS standard-compatible rack.
When mounted, the tilt handle (standard) is eliminated.
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame Optional accessories
MS8609A Digital Mobile Radio Transmitter Tester J0576D Coaxial cord (N-P · 5D-2W · N-P), 2 m
J0127C Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG-58A/U · BNC-P), 0.5 m
Standard accessories J0127A Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG-58A/U · BNC-P), 1 m
Power cord, 2.6 m: 1 pc J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
J0996 RS-232C cable: 1 pc J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
JT32MA3-NT1 PC-ATA card (32 MB): 1 pc MA1612A Four-Point Junction Pad (5 to 3000 MHz)
F0014 Fuse, 6.3 A: 1 pc J0395 High-power fixed attenuator (30 dB, 30 W, DC to 9 GHz)
J0576B Coaxial cord (N-P · 5D-2W · N-P), 1 m: 1 pc B0472 High-power fixed attenuator (30 dB, 100 W, DC to 18 GHz)
MX268001A File Transfer Utility: 1 pc B0452A Hard carrying case (with casters)
W1709AE MS8608A/MS8609A operation manual (Vol. 1): 1 copy B0452B Hard carrying case (without casters)
W1744AE MS8608A/MS8609A operation manual (Vol. 2): 1 copy B0329G Front cover (3/4 MW4U)
W1745AE MS8608A/MS8609A operation manual (Vol. 3): 1 copy B0488 Rear panel protective pad
B0480 Tilt handle soft type
Options A3933 Circulator (1760 to 2115 MHz)
MS8609A-01 Precision frequency reference (aging rate: 5 x 10–10/day) H3930 Isolator (1760 to 2115 MHz)
MS8609A-02 Narrow resolution bandwidth (FFT)
MS8609A-04 Digital resolution bandwidth Maintenance service
MS8609A-05 Rubidium reference oscillator MS8609A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MS8609A-08 Pre-amplifier MS8609A-91 Extended five year warranty service
MS8609A-09 Ethernet interface
MS8609A-30 LPF for 2 GHz band carrier cut
MS8609A-31 Low noise floor
MS8609A-32 Maximum input level extension
MS8609A-33 High accuracy power measurement
MS8609A-46 Auto-power recovery
MS8609A-47 Rack mount without handle (JIS)
MS8609A-48 Rack mount without handle (IEC)
MU860920A Demodulation unit
Measurement software
MX860901B W-CDMA Measurement Software
MX860902A GSM Measurement Software
MX860903A cdma Measurement Software
MX860905A π/4DQPSK Measurement Software
MX860904A cdma2000® 1xEV-DO Measurement Software
MX860920A BER/BLER Measurement Software
(requires MU860920A)
MX860930A Wireless LAN Measurement Software
MX860950A HSDPA Measurement Software
W1746AE MX860801A/B, MX860901A/B operation manual
W1795AE MX860802A/MX860902A operation manual
W1865AE MX860803A/MX860903A operation manual
W1866AE MX860805A/MX860905A operation manual
The MS8608A is a transmitter tester equipped with an internal spec- MX860801B W-CDMA Measurement Software
trum analyzer, a modulation analyzer and a power meter. One tester • Parameter setup
covers the development to manufacturing of base stations, mobile The measurement parameters such as modulation accuracy and
stations and devices. code domain power, etc. are set on the screen shown below.
The spectrum analyzer has resolution bandwidths up to 20 MHz, Measurement are simply performed via a soft-key menu after setting
meaning that it can readily support measurement of a 2 Mbit/s (16 the measurement parameters.
Mcps) wide-band signal for IMT-2000.
The modulation analyzer realizes all Vector Signal Analysis (VSA)
functions through high-speed DSP processing.
The power sensor can perform highly accurate power measurements
of ±0.4 dB by using an amorphous power sensor.
Up to three dedicated measurement software options (such as W-
CDMA and GSM/EDGE) can be installed simultaneously.
Input signals can be selected from either RF or I/Q inputs. For I/Q
signals, balanced or unbalanced input can also be selected.
It is equipped with GPIB, RS-232C and 10 Base-T (optional) inter-
faces for remote measurement. High-speed GPIB data transmission
of 120 kbyte/s enables high-speed measurement on the manufactur-
ing line. The monitor uses an easy-to-see 6.5 type TFT color LCD.
• Broadband signal support (up to IMT-2000 2 Mbit/s)
• Base station code domain power
Only 3 seconds are required for measurement. Either automatic de-
tection of scrambling code from SCH, or specification of scrambling
code can be selected.
• Modulation accuracy measurement
The modulation accuracy of base station and mobile equipment can
be measured and modulation analysis of multiple waveforms can be
performed. The residual EVM (rms) accuracy is high (1%, typical).
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• Mobile terminal code domain power • Modulation accuracy measurement
Displays the code domain power measurement results of phase I The modulation accuracy is high. (The residual phase error of GMSK
and phase Q, separately. Either synchronization with DPCCH or modulation: rms, <0.5° and residual EVM of 8PSK modulation: rms,
specification of spreading factor and code can be selected. <1.0%)
• Transmitter power measurement
The screen displays the amplitude waveforms with horizontal axis a
symbol, vertical axis a level and the template simultaneously.
• MS8608A
Frequency range 9 kHz to 7.8 GHz, 9 kHz to 7.9 GHz (with option 35)
Max. input level High-power input: +40 dBm (10 W), Low-power input: +20 dBm (100 mW)
High-power input
50 Ω, VSWR: ≤1.2 (≤3 GHz)/≤1.3 (>3 GHz)
Input impedance Low-power input
Power meter: 50 Ω, VSWR: ≤1.3 (≤3 GHz)
Except power meter: 50 Ω, VSWR: ≤1.5 (≤3 GHz)/≤2.0 (>3 GHz) ∗Input attenuator: ≥4 dB
Input connector N-type (high-power input), SMA-type (low-power input), BNC-type (I/Q input)
Input: Balanced, unbalanced
Input impedance: 1MΩ (parallel capacitance: <100 pF), 50 Ω
I/Q input Balanced input
Differential Voltage: 0.1 to 1V(p-p), In-phase voltage ±2.5 V
Unbalanced input: 0.1 to 1V(p-p), AC/DC switchable
Continued on next page
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Setting range: 10 ms to 1000 s (frequency axis sweep), 1 µs to 1000 s (time axis sweep)
Trigger switch: Free-run, triggered
Trigger source: Wide IF video, video, external (TTL level), external (±10 V), line
Trigger delay
Pre-trigger range: –time span to 0 s
Resolution: time span/500 or 100 ns whichever is lager.
Post trigger: 0 µs to 65.5 ms, Resolution: 100 ns (sweep time: ≤4.9 ms), 1 µs (sweep time: ≥5 ms)
Gate sweep mode
Gate delay range: 0 to 65.5 ms (resolution: 1 µs)
Gate length range: 2 µs to 65.5 ms (resolution: 1 µs)
Number of data points: 501
Detection modes: Normal, Positive peak, Negative peak, Sample, Average, rms (option 04)
Spectrum analyzer
Display functions: Trace A, Trace B, Trace A/B, Trace A/BG, Trace A/Time
Storage functions: Normal, View, Max hold, Min hold, Average, Cumulative, Overwrite
Signal search: Auto tune, Peak → CF, Peak → Ref, Scroll
Zone markers: Normal, Delta
Marker function: Marker → CF, Marker → Ref, Marker → CF step size, ∆ marker → Span, Zone → Span
Peak search: Peak, Next peak, Min dip, Next dip
Multi-marker: 10 max.
Noise power: dBm/Hz, dBm/ch, dBµV/√Hz
C/N: dBc/Hz, dBc/CH
Occupied bandwidth: Power N% method, X-dB down method
Adjacent channel power
Reference measurement: Total power, reference level, in-band method
Display methods: Channel specified display (3 channels x 2), graphic display
Average power of burst signal: Average power within specified time range of time domain waveform
Template comparison measurement (time sweep): Upper limit x 2, lower limit x 2
Mask measurement (frequency sweep): Upper limit x 2, lower limit x 2
Display: Color TFT-LCD, VGA 6.5 type
Hard copy: Hard copy of screen via parallel interface (ESC/P compatible printer)
Memory card interface: ATA Flash card (3.3/5 V)
Can be controlled from external controller (except power switch) when specified as device
Interface functions: SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, E2
Parallel interface: Centronics printer I/F, D-sub 25-pin connector (female)
Video output: Analog RGB output, D-sub 15-pin connector (female)
Dimensions and mass 320 (W) x 177 (H) x 411 (D) mm (except handle, feet, front cover and fan cover), ≤16 kg (nominal)
Power 100 to 120/200 to 240 Vac (–15%/+10%, max. voltage: 250 V, automatic voltage selection), 47.5 to 63 Hz, ≤400 VA
Operating temperature
0˚ to 50˚C, ≤85% (no condensating)
and humidity
EMC EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A), EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A), EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
Frequency range: 50 MHz to 3 GHz, 50 MHz to 2.3 GHz (with option 08)
Input level: –40 to +40 dBm (average power, high-power input), –60 to +20 dBm (average power, low-power input),
–80 to +10 dBm (average power, low-power input, pre-amplifier: on∗1)
Carrier frequency accuracy: ± (reference oscillator accuracy + 10 Hz)
∗Input level: ≥–10 dBm (high-power input), ≥–30 dBm (low-power input), ≥–40 dBm (low-power input, pre-amplifier: on∗1),
at 1 code channel
Modulation/frequency Modulation accuracy (residual EVM): <2% (rms)
measurement ∗Input level: ≥–10 dBm (high-power input), ≥–30 dBm (low-power input), ≥–40 dBm (low-power input, pre-amplifier: on∗1),
at 1 code channel
Origin offset accuracy: ±0.5 dB
∗Input level: ≥–10 dBm (high-power input), ≥–30 dBm (low-power input), at 1 code channel, relative to signal with origin offset of
–30 dBc
Waveform display (for 1 CH to multi-channel)
Constellation display, EVM vs. chip, amplitude error vs. chip, phase error vs. chip
Frequency range: 50 MHz to 3 GHz, 50 MHz to 2.3 GHz (with option 08)
Input level: –40 to +40 dBm (average power, high-power input), –60 to +20 dBm (average power, low-power input),
–80 to +10 dBm (average power, low-power input, pre-amplifier: on∗1)
Code domain power measurement accuracy:
±0.1 dB (code power: ≥–10 dBc), ±0.3 dB (code power: ≥–25 dBc)
Code domain analysis
∗Input level: ≥+10 dBm (high-power input), ≥–10 dBm (low-power input), ≥–20 dBm (pre-amplifier: on∗1)
Code domain error measurement
Residual error: <–50 dB, Measurement accuracy: ±0.5 dB (at error of –30 dBc)
∗Input level: ≥+10 dBm (high-power input), ≥–10 dBm (low-power input), ≥–20 dBm (pre-amplifier: on∗1),
spread factor: 512 (down-link)/256 (up-link)
Display function: Code domain power, code domain error
Spread factor: 4 to 256 (up-link)/4 to 512 (down-link), I/Q separately displayed at up-link
Continued on next page
∗1: Can be set when MS8608A-08 option is installed in the main frame.
∗2: When carrier frequency is in a 2030.354 to 2200 MHz range, spurious will be generated at the frequency below.
f (spurious) = f (input) – 2030.345 MHz
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• MX860802A GSM measurement software
Guaranteed specifications after Adjust Range and Power Calibration keys pressed
Ordering information 4
Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Main frame
MS8608A Digital Mobile Radio Transmitter Tester
Standard accessories
Power cord, 2.6 m: 1 pc
J0996B RS-232C cable: 1 pc
JT32MA3-NT1 PC-ATA card (32 MB): 1 pc
F0014 Fuse, 6.3 A: 1 pc
J0576B Coaxial cord (N-P · 5D-2W · N-P), 1 m: 1 pc
MX268001A File transfer utility: 1 pc
W1709AE MS8608A/8609A operation manual (Vol. 1): 1 copy
W1744AE MS8608A/8609A operation manual (Vol. 2): 1 copy
W1745AE MS8608A/8609A operation manual (Vol. 3): 1 copy
MS8608A-01 Precision frequency reference
(aging rate: 5 x 10–10/day)
MS8608A-03 Extension of pre-selector lower limit (to 1.6 GHz)
MS8608A-04 Digital resolution bandwidth
MS8608A-05 Rubidium reference oscillator
MS8608A-08 Pre-amplifier (100 kHz to 3 GHz)
MS8608A-09 Ethernet interface
MS8608A-35 7.9 GHz frequency extension
MS8608A-46 Auto-power recovery
MS8608A-47 Rack mount without handle (IEC)
MS8608A-48 Rack mount without handle (JIS)
MU860820A RER/BLER Measurement Software
Measurement software
MX860801B W-CDMA Measurement Software
MX860802A GSM Measurement Software
MX860803A cdma Measurement Software
MX860804A cdma2000® 1xEV-DO Measurement Software
MX860805A π/4DQPSK Measurement Software
MX860820A BER/BLER Measurement Software
(requires MU860820A)
MX860830A Wireless LAN Measurement Software
MX860850A HSDPA Measurement Software
W1746AE MX860801B/860901B operation manual
W1795AE MX860802A/860902A operation manual
Optional accessories
J0576D Coaxial cord (N-P · 5D-2W · N-P), 2 m
J0127C Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG-58A/U · BNC-P), 0.5 m
J0127A Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG-58A/U · BNC-P), 1 m
MA1612A Four-Way Junction Pad (5 to 3000 MHz)
J0395 High-power fixed attenuator (30 dB, 30 W, DC to 9 GHz)
B0472 High-power fixed attenuator (30 dB, 100 W, DC to 18 GHz)
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
B0452A Hard carrying case (with casters)
B0452B Hard carrying case (without casters)
B0329G Front cover (3/4MW4U)
B0488 Rear panel protective pad
B0480 Tilt handle soft type
A3933 Circulator (1760 to 2115 MHz)
H3930 Isolator (1760 to 2115 MHz)
Maintenance service
MS8608A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MS8608A-91 Extended five year warranty service
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100 Hz to 8.5 GHz
Custom-made product
The MS8604A offers full test performance in a single unit capable of steps, synchronizing words) can be preset. In particular, synchronizing
evaluating the major characteristics of transmitters used in digital mo- words can be predefined to any value. Measurement can be performed
bile communication worldwide. Applicable systems are PDC, PHS, in either the single-measurement mode (one measurement performed
NADC, digital MCA, GSM, DCS1800 (PCN), CT2, DECT, WCPE, each time key pressed) or in the automatic continuous repeat mode.
PACS, RCR STD-39 and TETRA. In addition, the MS8604A has
GMSK and p/4 DQPSK universal analysis functions for analysis of the
GMSK and p/4 DQPSK modulation signal. It covers frequencies from
100 Hz to 8.5 GHz and measures spurious emissions over a broad fre-
quency range. It can also measure RF signals directly up to 10 W (av-
erage burst power), and baseband devices can be evaluated using its
I/Q signal input function (option). The MS8604A is ideal for high-speed
measurement of carrier frequency, modulation accuracy, antenna pow-
er, leakage power during carrier-off, transmission ramp-up and ramp-
down power, and occupied bandwidth (adjacent channel power, spuri-
ous emissions, and signal transmission rate)∗ of digital mobile trans-
mitters. In addition to measurements conforming to EIA/TIA, ETSI,
RCR, and MKK standards, DSP (digital signal processing) and high-
speed measurement functions based on a unique measurement algo-
rithm combine to greatly reduce the time required for manufacturing
and inspecting transmitters. PTA functions enabling free programming
of test procedures are provided as a standard feature.
∗: Measurement items depend on the measurement software. For details, refer
to the specifications. • Measurement of frequency, modulation accuracy
Frequency and modulation accuracy (vector error, phase error) can be
Features measured. The numerical display and modulation waveform (con-
• Major transmitter functions evaluated by a single system stellation etc.) are displayed simultaneously, providing an accurate
• Compatible with NADC, PDC, PHS, Digital MCA, GSM, DCS1800 visual representation of the modulation waveform.
and GMSK and π/4 DQPSK universal measurement (measurement
software can be installed as an option)
• High-speed measurement (under 1 second for modulation-accuracy
• Input up to 10 W (internal 20 dB attenuator and power meter for
high power levels)
Measurement example
• Quick configuration for different communication systems
Optional measurement software can be installed in the MS8604A.
When these options are chosen, the communication system can be
selected by pressing a single key.
• One-touch selection of measurement items
Measurement items can be selected by pressing a single key. The in-
put connector (RF/IQ), maximum input power, and type of signal for
measurement (uplink/downlink, channel number/frequency, frequency
• MS8604A
Frequency range 100 Hz to 8.5 GHz
Max. input level
+40 dBm (10 W)
(continuous wave average power)
Frequency: 10 MHz
Setting range: 0 Hz, 100 Hz to 8.5 GHz
Accuracy: ±2.5% (span ≥1 kHz), ±5% (100 Hz ≤span <1 kHz)
Setting range: 10 Hz to 3 MHz (3 dB), 1-3 sequence
Accuracy: ±20%
Selectivity (60/3 dB); ≤15:1 (100 kHz to 3 MHz), ≤12:1 (10 Hz to 30 kHz)
VBW: 1 Hz to 3 MHz, off, 1-3 sequence
Signal purity (SSB, 1 MHz to 4 GHz):
≤–100 dBc/Hz (10 kHz offset), ≤–115 dBc/Hz (50 kHz offset), ≤–120 dBc/Hz (100 kHz offset)
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Level measuring range: Average noise level to +40 dBm
Level measurement Average noise level: ≤–112 dBm (10 MHz to 8.5 GHz, RBW 10 Hz, VBW 1 Hz, input att. setting 20 dB)
Residual response: ≤–75 dBm (1 MHz to 8.5 GHz, input att. setting 20 dB)
Setting range: –80 to +40 dBm
Accuracy: ±0.5 dB (–30 to +20 dBm), ±0.75 dB (–40 to –30 dBm, +20 to +40 dBm), ±1.5 dB (–60 to –40 dBm)
∗After calibration and at freq. 100 MHz, span ≤2 MHz, and in auto mode for input att., RBW, VBW and
sweep time settings
Reference level RBW switching error (after calibration): ±0.3 dB (RBW: ≤300 kHz), ±0.7 dB (RBW: ≥1 MHz)
LOG/LIN switching error: ±0.3 dB (after calibration)
Input attenuator
Setting range: 20 to 75 dB in 5 dB steps
Switching error: ±0.3 dB (referred to input att. 30 dB, at 100 MHz)
±0.5 dB (100 MHz to 2 GHz, band: 0), ±1 dB (1.7 to 8.5 GHz, bands: 1–/1+)
Frequency response ∗Referred to at 100 MHz, input att. 30 dB, temperature 18° to 28°C (after tuning preselector at bands 1–/1+)
LOG: ±0.3 dB (0 to –20 dB, RBW: ≤1 MHz), ±1 dB (0 to –60 dB, RBW: ≤100 kHz),
±1.5 dB (0 to –80 dB, RBW: ≤10 kHz)
(after calibration)
LIN: ±5% (to reference level)
2nd harmonics:
≤–70 dBc (5 to 800 MHz, band: 0, mixer input level: –30 dBm),
≤–80 dBc (800 to 850 MHz, band: 0, mixer input level: –30 dBm),
Dynamic range ≤–90 dBc (850 MHz to 2.1 GHz, bands: 1–, mixer input level: –10 dBm)
Two-signal third-order intermodulation distortion: ≤–70 dBc (10 to 50 MHz), ≤–85 dBc (50 MHz to 2.1 GHz)
∗Frequency difference between two signals ≥50 kHz, mixer input level: –30 dBm
Image response: ≤–70 dBc
Spectrum analyzer
Multiple-response: ≤–70 dBc (bands: 1–/1+)
Sweep time
Amplitude Setting range: 20 ms to 1000 s (TRACE-FREQ., data points: NORMAL), 50 ms to 1000 s at other conditions
Accuracy: ±10% (20 ms to 200 s), ±15% (200 to 1000 s)
Trigger source: VIDEO, LINE, EXT (±10 V), EXT (TTL)
Gate mode (OFF, random sweep mode)
GATE DELAY: 0 to 65.5 ms (in 1 µs steps)
GATE LENGTH: 20 µs to 65.5 ms (in 1 µs steps, GATE END: INT)
Sweep time: 50, 100 to 900 µs (data point: NORMAL, One most significant digit can be set.)
1 ms to 1000 s (data point: NORMAL, Two most significant digits can be set.)
100, 200 to 800 µs (data point: DOUBLE, One most significant digit can be set as even number.)
1 ms to 1000 s (data point: DOUBLE, Two most significant digits can be set as even number.)
Time domain
Delay time
waveform display
Pre-trigger: –time span to 0 s (in 1 point steps)
Post trigger: 0 to 65.5 ms (in 1 µs steps)
Amplitude display resolution: 50 µs to 49 ms, 10 bits (0.1% of full scale)
50 ms to 1000 s, 14 bits (0.01% of full scale)
Number of points NORMAL: 501 points, DOUBLE: 1002 points
AM/FM demodulation Demodulated waveform display and monitoring demodulated audio signal with internal speaker
IF output 21.4 MHz: –10 dBm ±2 dB (at top of screen, with output terminated by 50 Ω terminator), BNC connector
Y output: 0 to 0.5 V ±0.1 V (at range between top and bottom of screen, LOG: 10 dB/div., LIN: 10%/div., 100 MHz
Auxiliary inputs/ and with output terminated by 75 Ω terminator), BNC connector
outputs External trigger input
Input 1: Max. ±10 V (in 0.1 V steps, rising/falling edges selectable and pulse width ≥10 µs), BNC connector
Input 2: TTL level (rising/falling edges selectable and pulse width ≥10 µs), BNC connector
Frequency range 100 kHz to 5.5 GHz
Level range –20 to +20 dBm
Power meter
SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0 (C1, C2, C3 and C24 with PTA)
External GPIB 2 Controls other instruments as controller
control (IEEE 488.1) SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR0, RL0, PP0, DC0, DT0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C28
Output port A/B: 8-bit (TTL level), Input/Output port C/D: 4-bit (TTL level), Exclusive port: 3-bit (TTL level)
I/O port
Control signal: 4 (TTL level), +5 V output: Max. 50 mA
RS-232C (Option 02) Controls other instruments as controller
Language PTL: High level language interpreter based on BASIC
Programming Using external keyboard
Program memory
Upload/download from/to PC
Programming capacity 900 KB
Operating temperature 0° to 50°C
Power 85 to 132/170 to 250 Vac, 47.5 to 63 Hz, ≤500 VA
Dimensions and mass 426 (W) x 221.5 (H) x 451 (D) mm, ≤27 kg
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Frequency range 100 MHz to 2.1 GHz
Input level range +10 to +40 dBm (average power of burst signal)
Standard mode: Displays results of leakage power of adjacent channel measurement after measuring signal
with spectrum analyzer; measurement time: approx. 13 s when number of data points set to
Adjacent Measurement Normal-All
channel power High-speed mode: Displays results of leakage power of adjacent channel measured after passing signal through
internal root-Nyquist filter; measurement time: ≤1.5 s
Standard mode: ≥60 dB (50 kHz offset), ≥65 dB (100 kHz offset)
Measurement range High-speed mode: ≥60 dB (50 kHz offset), ≥65 dB (100 kHz offset)
∗Ratio of average power of burst signal to average value of leakage power of adjacent channel at burst-on time
Frequency range 10 MHz to 8.5 GHz (except frequency range ±1 MHz of carrier frequency)
Input level range
Spurious +10 to +40 dBm (average power of burst signal)
(transmission power)
≥65 dB (10 MHz to 1.7 GHz), ≥75 dB (1.7 to 8.5 GHz)
Measurement range ∗At carrier frequency range 800 MHz to 1.7 GHz
Input level range: 0.3 to 1.5 Vp-p
I/Q input (Option 03) Input impedance: 5 kΩ, AC/DC coupling (switchable)
Measurement items: Modulation, amplitude, occupied bandwidth
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Frequency: 10 MHz to 2.1 GHz
Input level: 0 to +40 dBm (high power input), –20 to +20 dBm (low power input)
Modulation/frequency Carrier frequency measurement accuracy: ±(reference oscillator accuracy +10 Hz)
measurement (phase trace Modulation accuracy (residual vector error): ≤1%rms, ≤3%peak
method) Waveform: Displays constellation, eye pattern, vectors error vs. symbol number, phase error vs. symbol number,
amplitude error vs. symbol number
Measurement time: ≤2 s
Frequency: 10 MHz to 2.1 GHz
Input level: +15 to +40 dBm (high power input), –5 to +20 dBm (low power input)
WCPE Transmission power measurement accuracy: ±0.4 dB (±10%)
∗After calibration using MA4601A Power Sensor, at high power input connector
Leakage power during carrier-off
Amplitude measurement
Measurement range in Normal mode: ≥55 dB (ratio between transmission power and average noise level)
Average noise level in Wide dynamic range mode: ≤–50 dBm (100 MHz ≤frequency ≤2.1 GHz, at high
power input)
Waveform: Displays amplitude waveform while synchronizing with modulation data
Measurement time: ≤2 s
Occupied bandwidth
Same as general-purpose π/4 DQPSK measurement
Frequency: 400 kHz to 2.1 GHz
Input level: –10 to +40 dBm (high power input), –30 to +20 dBm (low power input)
Modulation/frequency Carrier frequency measurement accuracy: ±(reference oscillator accuracy +1 Hz)
measurement (phase trace Modulation accuracy (residual vector error): ≤0.5%rms, ≤2%peak
method) Waveform: Displays constellation, eye pattern, vectors error vs. symbol number, phase error vs. symbol number,
amplitude error vs. symbol number
Measurement time: ≤1 s
(π/4 DQPSK Frequency: 10 MHz to 2.1 GHz
digital mobile Input level: +10 to +40 dBm (high power input), –10 to +20 dBm (low power input)
communication Transmission power measurement accuracy: ±0.4 dB (±10%)
system for
∗After calibration using MA4601A Power Sensor, at high power input connector
public works) Leakage power during carrier-off
Amplitude measurement
Measurement range in Normal mode: ≥65 dB (ratio between transmission power and average noise level)
Average noise level in Wide dynamic range mode: ≤–60 dBm (100 MHz ≤frequency ≤2.1 GHz, at high
power input)
Waveform: Displays amplitude waveform while synchronizing with modulation data
Measurement time: ≤1 s
Occupied bandwidth
Same as general-purpose π/4 DQPSK measurement
Frequency: 10 MHz to 2.1 GHz
Input level: –10 to +40 dBm (high power input), –30 to +20 dBm (low power input)
Modulation/frequency Carrier frequency measurement accuracy: ±(reference oscillator accuracy +10 Hz)
measurement (phase trace Modulation accuracy (residual vector error): ≤1%rms, ≤3%peak
method) Waveform: Displays constellation, eye pattern, vectors error vs. symbol number, phase error vs. symbol number,
amplitude error vs. symbol number
Measurement time: ≤1 s
Frequency: 10 MHz to 2.1 GHz
Input level: +10 to +40 dBm (high power input), –10 to +20 dBm (low power input)
PACS Transmission power measurement accuracy: ±0.4 dB (±10%)
∗After calibration using MA4601A Power Sensor, at high power input connector
Leakage power during carrier-off
Amplitude measurement Measurement range in Normal mode: ≥55 dB (ratio between transmission power and average noise level)
Average noise level in Wide dynamic range mode: ≤–50 dBm (100 MHz ≤frequency ≤2.1 GHz, at high
power input)
Waveform: Displays amplitude waveform while synchronizing with modulation data and CRC data (mobile
station measurement)
Measurement time: ≤1 s
Occupied bandwidth
Same as general-purpose π/4 DQPSK measurement
Frequency: 400 kHz to 2.1 GHz
Input level: –10 to +40 dBm (high power input), –30 to +20 dBm (low power input)
Carrier frequency measurement accuracy:±(reference oscillator accuracy +1 Hz)
Modulation accuracy (residual vector error):
measurement (phase trace
≤0.5%rms/≤2%peak (symbol time), ≤0.7%rms/≤3%peak (1/2 symbol time)
Waveform: Displays constellation, eye pattern, vectors error vs. symbol number, phase error vs. symbol number,
amplitude error vs. symbol number
Measurement time: ≤1 s
Frequency: 10 MHz to 2.1 GHz
TETRA Input level: +10 to +40 dBm (high power input), –10 to +20 dBm (low power input)
Transmission power measurement accuracy: ±0.4 dB (±10%)
∗After calibration using MA4601A Power Sensor, at high power input connector
Leakage power during carrier-off
Amplitude measurement
Measurement range in Normal mode: ≥65 dB (ratio between transmission power and average noise level)
Average noise level in Wide dynamic range mode: ≤–60 dBm (100 MHz ≤frequency ≤2.1 GHz, at high
power input)
Waveform: Displays amplitude waveform while synchronizing with modulation data
Measurement time: ≤1 s
Occupied bandwidth
Same as general-purpose π/4 DQPSK measurement
Input level range: 0.3 to 1.5 Vp-p
I/Q input (Option 03) Input impedance: 5 kΩ, AC/DC coupling (switchable)
Measurement items: Modulation, amplitude, occupied bandwidth
Standard accessories
J0114A Coaxial cord
(UG-21D/U · RG-9A/U · UG-21D/U), 1 m: 1 pc
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc
P0005 PMC (32 KB): 1 pc
MA4601A Power Sensor: 1 pc
J0370N Power sensor connector cable, 0.5 m: 1 pc
F0014 Fuse, 6.3 A: 2 pcs
W0682AE MS8604A operation manual: 1 copy
Reference quartz oscillator (aging rate: ≤5 x 10–9/day)
MS8604A-02 RS-232C interface (for external control)
MS8604A-03 I/Q input
MS8604A-11 Measurement software Ver. 3
(PDC, added to the MS8604A firmware at the factory)
MS8604A-12 Measurement software Ver. 3
(PHS, added to the MS8604A firmware at the factory)
MS8604A-13 Measurement software Ver. 3
(NADC, added to the MS8604A firmware at the factory)
MS8604A-14 Measurement software Ver. 2
(Digital MCA, added to the MS8604A firmware at the
MS8604A-15 Measurement software Ver. 2
(GMSK, added to the MS8604A firmware at the factory)
MS8604A-16 Measurement software
(π/4 DQPSK, added to the MS8604A firmware at the
W0722AE Measurement software operation manual
(supplied with Option 14)
W0876AE Measurement software operation manual
(supplied with Option 15)
W0973AE Measurement software operation manual
(supplied with Option 16)
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250 kHz to 3 GHz
The MG3681A uses a wideband vector modulator to output the high- • Excellent level accuracy signal
accuracy, high-speed vector modulation signals that are required for The frequency response is excellent by calibrating output level
R&D and manufacturing of digital mobile communications equipment across the entire output RF frequency range. Even low level can be
and related devices. It covers, the frequency band of leading mobile output with high-accuracy due to use of a high-precision, high-relia-
communications systems for the frequency range of 250 kHz to 3 GHz. bility step attenuator calibrated.
It uses vector modulator to provide excellent frequency response,
distortion and S/N ratio. It can perform accurate receiver sensitivity
test and transmitter adjacent channel leakage power test for high-
speed modulation communications systems. Expansion units such
as MU368040A CDMA Modulation Unit for modulation signals gen-
eration of W-CDMA communication system can be installed on the
seven expansion slots in the MG3681A. Various modulation signals
can be generated with the expansion units and associated software.
The MG3681A also has analog modulation functions such as AM
and FM for testing of analog communications systems. In addition,
its excellent signal purity and various functions such as memory and
frequency sweep are useful as a general-purpose signal generator.
• High-resolution setting of frequency 0.01 Hz and output level 0.01 dB
• 30 MHz wideband and high-accuracy vector modulation Output level frequency response
• Excellent adjacent channel leakage power ratio
• Various expansion units
Performance and functions
• Excellent signal purity
Digital mobile communications evolve into wideband RF frequency
bandwidth, and signal generator requires low-noise signal to faraway
frequency offset. A unique synthesizer technology achieves low noise
floor characteristics of –145 dBc/Hz (typ. at above 5 MHz offset).
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• MG3681A main frame
Range 250 kHz to 3000 MHz, Resolution: 0.01 Hz
Depends on installed reference oscillator, Reference frequency accuracy: ± (5% of FM setting deviation + 5 Hz)
for frequency modulation
Internal reference
Aging rate: ±1 x 10–6/year, Temperature stability: ±1 x 10–6 (0˚ to 50˚C)∗1
External reference
10 MHz/13 MHz auto-switching, ±10 ppm, ≥0.7 V(p-p)/50 Ω (AC coupled), BNC connector (rear panel)
Buffer output 10 MHz, TTL level (DC coupled), BNC connector (rear panel)
≤20 ms (response time from final command to ±500 Hz of set frequency on GPIB at CW, ALC on, except when
Switching time
setting frequency is crossing over 600 MHz and 1010 MHz)
Range –143 to +13 dBm (settable range: –143 to +17 dBm)
Unit dBm, W, dBµV, V (dBµV, V selected terminate/open voltage display)
Resolution 0.01 dB (dBm, dBµV units), 3 digit (W, V units)
Frequency response ±1 dB (CW, ALC on, 0 dBm)
CW, ALC on
≤1 GHz >1 GHz
Accuracy Level
≤+13 dBm, ≥–127 dBm ±1 dB ±2 dB
<–127 dBm ±2 dB ±3 dB
Output connector 50 Ω, N-type connector (front panel)
≤50 ms (normal mode), ≤100 ms (safety mode), ≤10 ms (continuous mode)
Output Switching time ∗Response time from final command to ±0.5 dB of final level on GPIB at CW, ALC on
level Continuous mode:
Special setting mode Level continuously adjustable in set value range of ±10 dB (dBm, dBµV units only)
For vector modulation by optional digital modulation unit, continuous mode variance depends on modulation setting
Safety mode: Mechanical attenuator decreases level to prevent generation of high-level signal spikes
ALC on
Usage: Continuous wave or pulse modulation wave (burst wave) with RF On time of 10 µs or more
ALC time constant: Auto, 500 ns, 2.4 µs, 5 µs, 24 µs, 50 µs, 240 µs, 500 µs selectable
At Auto, automatically selected depending on frequency, AM and vector modulation [when digital modulation
unit (option) is used]
ALC mode The ALC time constant is automatically selected, depending on the set frequency, regardless of the time constant
selected on the front panel
ALC off
Usage: Pulse modulation wave (burst wave) whose RF on time is less than 10 µs
Restrict item: Without AM
ALC calibration: Automatic during ALC Calibration operation and at frequency/level setting change
Harmonics: <–30 dBc
Non harmonic:
Frequency 15 kHz to 300 MHz offset >300 MHz offset Fixed frequency spurious
Signal Spurious ≤2500 MHz <–60 dBc <–30 dBc –50 dBc (660, 1320 MHz)
purity >2500 MHz <–30 dBc –
Those related power: <–40 dBc ∗CW, ≤0 dBm
SSB phase noise <–118 dBc/Hz (≥10 MHz, ≤1010 MHz), <–112 dBc/Hz (>1010 MHz) ∗At CW, 20 kHz offset
Range 0 to 100% (cannot set internal/external modulation independently), Resolution: 0.1%
≤0 dBm, ALC on, in band of ±1.5 dB based on modulation frequency of 1 kHz
Upper limit frequency
Vector modulation and Vector modulation or
Frequency Lower limit frequency wideband AM off wideband AM on
Modulation frequency
response AM: 30% AM: 80% AM: 30%
≥0.4 MHz, <2 MHz DC (Internal modulation, External 3 kHz 1 kHz
≥2 MHz, <10 MHz modulation DC coupled), 20 Hz 10 kHz 10 kHz 1 kHz
≥10 MHz (External modulation AC coupled) 10 kHz 10 kHz
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Memory card (memory backup, screen hard copy)
PC card Connector: JEIDA Ver 4/4.1 PCMCIA Rel 2.0, 1 slot (rear panel)
External Executes item specified by command-input signals (3 bits) from following items:
interface Frequency step-up/step-down, output level step-up/step-down, basic parameter recall address up/down, output level
Trigger on/off
Interface: TTL level
Connector: D-sub 9-pin, female (rear panel)
Reverse power protection ≤50 W (≤1 GHz), ≤25 W (>1 GHz), ±50 V (DC)
Power AC 100 to 120/200 to 240 V (–15/+10%, 250 V max, automatic selection), 47.5 to 63 Hz, ≤300 VA
Temperature Operating: 0˚ to 50˚C, Storage: –20˚ to 60˚C
Dimensions and mass 426 (W) x 177 (H) x 451 (D) mm, ≤25 kg (excluding option)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
∗1: Aging rates down to 5 x 10–10/day are available as reference crystal oscillator (MG3681A Option 01/02).
∗2: Possible to expand the function with MG3681A Option 11
• Options
Frequency: 10 MHz
Option 01 (Reference Aging rate: ±5 x 10–9/day
crystal oscillator) Start-up characteristics: 1 x 10–7 (After 10 min, compared to frequency after 24 h warm-up)
Temperature stability: ±3 x 10–8 (0˚ to 50˚C)
Frequency: 10 MHz
Option 02 (Reference Aging rate: ±5 x 10–10/day
crystal oscillator) Start-up characteristics: 1 x 10–7 (After 10 min, compared to frequency after 24 h warm-up)
Temperature stability: ±5 x 10–9 (0 to 50˚C)
Functions: Adds level, offset setting, and differential output functions to I/Q output
Level – –
Range: 80 to 120% of nominal level, Resolution: 0.1% ∗2 sets of I/I and Q/Q set independently, 50 Ω termination
Offset – –
Option 11 (Additional Range: –0.5 to +1.5 V, Resolution: 0.5 mV ∗4 sets of I, I , Q, Q set independently, 50 Ω termination
function of I/Q output) Quadrature degree variable function
Range: ±5 deg, Resolution: 0.5 deg
Differential output: I, Q signals (Using front I/Q input connector)
Signal source: Depends on installed digital modulation unit (option)
Output connector: 50 Ω, BNC connector (front panel)
Frequency: 0.01 Hz to 400 kHz, Resolution: 0.01 Hz, Accuracy : same as reference oscillator
Waveform: Sine, triangular, square, sawtooth
Frequency response:
±1 dB [sine wave, level: 2 V(p-p), offset: 0 V, 600 Ω termination, reference to 1 kHz, 10 Hz to 100 kHz]
Option 21 (AF synthesizer) Harmonics: ≤–50 dB [sine wave, level: 2 V(p-p), offset: 0 V, 600 Ω termination, 1 kHz]
Range: 0 to 4 V(p-p), Resolution: 1 mV(p-p), Accuracy: ± [8% of set level + 2 mV(p-p)] ∗600 Ω termination
Range: –2 to +2 V, Resolution: 1 mV, Accuracy: ± (8% of set level + 2 mV) ∗600 Ω termination
Output connector: 600 Ω, BNC connector (front panel)
Functions: 8 dB gain of maximum output level in W-CDMA band
Option 42 Frequency: 1900 to 2200 MHz
(RF high level output) Gain: 8 ±1 dB (from –3 dBm, RF high level output off, 2.1 GHz)
Gain frequency response: ±1 dB (at +5 dBm, referenced to 2.1 GHz)
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The MD8480B has a full lineup of advanced functions for testing Features
third-generation W-CDMA mobile stations. Its air interface meets the • Modulation/demodulation function tests for W-CDMA, GSM/GPRS
3GPP specifications and it can be used as a base station simulator. mobile station
The test functions include mobile station modulation and demodula-
tion processing, protocol sequence tests such as location registra-
• Protocol sequence tests for W-CDMA, GSM/GPRS mobile station
tion, origination, termination, handover (option), disconnection from • Flexible settings of test parameters and sequences for protocol se-
mobile station/network, various applications such as voice and pack- quences
et communications as well as communications between two mobile • Voice and packet communications test, and communications test-
stations (two sets of MD8480B are required). ing between two mobile stations
Moreover, the addition of the function (option) of GSM/GPRS can
perform the handover test between W-CDMA to GSM/GPRS.
In summary, the MD8480B is the ideal instrument for developing 3G
W-CDMA mobile stations and application software.
Demodulation test channels
Channel Logical Transport Physical Symbol rate
(P-) CPICH 15 ksps
Common (S-) CPICH 15 ksps
PICH 15 ksps
AICH 15 ksps
S-CCPCH 60, 120 ksps
DPCCH 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 960 ksps
DCCH + DTCH DCH DPDCH 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 960 ksps
Frequency Tx: 2110 to 2170 MHz, Rx: 1920 to 1980 MHz (W-CDMA)
range Tx: 300 to 3000 MHz, Rx: 350 to 550 MHz, 700 to 1100 MHz, 1400 to 2200 MHz (GSM)
N-type, Impedance: 50 Ω, VSWR: ≤1.3
Downlink 1
SMA-type, Impedance: 50 Ω, VSWR: ≤2.0
I/O connector
Downlink 2
General SMA-type, Impedance: 50 Ω, VSWR: ≤2.0
SMA type, Impedance: 50 Ω, VSWR: ≤2.0
Frequency: 10 MHz
Startup characteristics: ≤5 x 10–8/day (10 minutes after power-on, reference to 24 hours after power-on)
Aging rate: ≤2 x 10–8/day, ≤1 x 10–7/year (reference to 24 hours after power-on)
Temperature characteristics: ≤5 x 10–8 (0˚ to 50˚C, reference to 25˚C)
External reference input: 10 MHz, 2 to 5 Vp-p
Frequency Range: 2110 to 2170 MHz (100 kHz steps)
Maximum output level
Main: –25 dBm (each channel), –16 dBm (overall)
Output level Downlink: –10 dBm (each channel), –1 dBm (overall)
Setting resolution: 0.1 dB
Accuracy: ±1.5 dB (+18˚ to +28˚C)
Transmitter (W-CDMA) Codes: Scrambling, channelization, synchronization
Chip rate: 3.84 MHz
Method: QPSK
Modulation Modulation band limit: Root Nyquist filter (α = 0.22)
EVM: ≤10% rms
AWGN Setting resolution: 0.1 dB
Frequency Range: 1920 to 1980 MHz, Step: 100 kHz
Receiver (W-CDMA) Input level Range: –30 to +40 dBm (main), –50 to +20 dBm (uplink)
Sync. Rake receive: None, Capture range: ±200 chip (DPCCH), ±100 chip (PRACH preamble)
Frequency Range: 300 to 3000 MHz (200 kHz steps)
Maximum output level
Main: –15 dBm, Downlink: 0 dBm
Output level
Transmitter (GSM) Setting resolution: 0.1 dB
Accuracy: ±1.5 dB (+18˚ to +28˚C)
Symbol rate 270.833 kHz
Modulation Method: GMSK, Phase error: ≤5.0˚ RMS
Frequency Range: 350 to 550 MHz, 700 to 1100 MHz, 1400 to 2200 MHz (200 kHz steps)
Receiver (GSM)
Input level Range: –30 to +35 dBm (main), –50 to +15 dBm (uplink)
Power 100 to 120/200 to 240 Vac (250 V max.), automatic switching, 47.5 to 63 Hz, ≤430 VA
Ambient temperature 0˚ to +50˚C (operating), –40˚ to +70˚C (storage)
Dimensions and mass 426 (W) x 310 (H) x 500 (D) mm, ≤35 kg
EMC EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A), EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A), EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
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Options Ordering information
• Hardware Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
ISDN (MU848055A) Model/Order No. Name
It is the option which makes the ISDN interface usable, and can re-
Main frame
spond to the data rate of a maximum of 6 B (384 kbps). Moreover, MD8480B W-CDMA Signalling Tester
RS-232C interface with which this option is equipped is used, and a
PPP packet test can be performed. Units (incorporated in the main frame)
MU848051A CPU: 1 pc
Additional base station (MU848057A, MU848058A, MU848053A) MU848052A Frame Decoder: 1 pc
The standard composition of MD8480B has one transmission/recep- MU848053A Rx Baseband: 1 pc
tion function. By adding these options, it is possible to have the trans- MU848056A Voice Codec: 1 pc
mission function (an equivalent for three base stations) of a maxi- MU848057A Frame Coder: 1 pc
mum of 3 base stations and two reception functions by one-set of MU848058A Tx Baseband: 1 pc
MD8480B. The examination of soft handover is possible by this op- MU848059B Timing Generator 2: 1 pc
tion (see the table of “Option functions” for details). Standard accessories
Additional RF unit (MD8480A-01) MX848000A W-CDMA Signalling Tester Control Software
It is an option corresponding to two different frequency (transmission (CD-ROM): 1 pc
MX848001A W-CDMA Signalling Tester Firmware (CD-ROM): 1 pc
and reception) in MD8480B. The hard handover (handover between
MX848002A W-CDMA Signalling Tester FPGA (CD-ROM): 1 pc
two base stations of different frequencies) is attained combining the MX848003A W-CDMA Signalling Tester ISDN/PPP (CD-ROM): 1 pc
above-mentioned additional base station option. MX848005B GSM/GPRS: 1 pc
TDMA (MU848060B) J0892 Twisted pair cable, 5 m: 1 pc
It is the option which makes the function of GSM/GPRS usable. As G0091 Monitor board: 2 pcs
the GSM/GPRS functions, location registration, mobile station origi- J1005 Monitor cable, 80-pin: 1 pc
nation/termination, disconnection from mobile station/network and J1006 Monitor cable, 20/50-pin: 1 pc
Power cord, 2.6 m: 1 pc
handover (intra-system) are possible. And various applications such
J0127A Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG58A/U · BNC-P), 1 m: 1 pc
as voice and data communications are supported. It combines with J0576B Coaxial cord (N-P · 5D-2W · N-P), 1 m: 1 pc
additional RF unit (MD8480A-01) and compressed mode J1010 U-link (50 mm): 2 pcs
(MX848001A-02, after-mentioned), and the examination of the hand- J0654A RS-232C cable (cross), 2 m: 1 pc
over between W-CDMA and GSM/GPRS is enabled. F0014 Fuse, 6.3 A: 2 pcs
W1964AE MD8480B operation manual (CD-ROM): 1 copy
A0010 Blank board (at option uninstalled): 1 to 6 pcs
• Software A0011 Bridge board (at option uninstalled): 1 to 2 pcs
Tx diversity (MX848001A-01)
As the option for corresponding to the function of Tx diversity, it cor- Option units
MU848053A Rx Baseband (hardware)
responds to TSTD, STTD, the closed loop model 1, and the closed
MU848055A ISDN (hardware)
loop model 2. The MU848057A and MU848058A (two sets) become MU848057A Frame Coder (hardware)
indispensable as an additional base station option. MU848058A Tx Baseband (hardware)
Compressed mode (MX848001A-02) MU848060B TDMA (hardware)
As the option corresponding to a compressed mode function, it cor- MD8480A-01 Additional RF unit (hardware)
responds to SF/2, Puncturing, and Higher Layer Scheduling. MD8480B-90 Extended three year warranty service
MD8480B-91 Extended five year warranty service
Ciphering (MX848041A) MX848001A-01 W-CDMA signalling tester Tx diversity (software, license
As the option which adds the function of authentication and cipher- document)
ing, it corresponds to KASUMI (authentication and ciphering algo- MX848001A-02 W-CDMA signalling tester compressed mode (software,
rithm of the standard in 3GPP). license document)
MX848041A W-CDMA Signalling Tester Ciphering (software, CD-ROM)
MX848041A-01 Tx diversity for ciphering (software, license document)
MX848041A-02 Compressed mode for ciphering (software, license
MD8480B requires PC∗1 and Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.0∗2 or .net.
∗1 PC is for controlling the MD8480B. The following is the required spec;
OS: Windows 95/98/2000, Windows NT4.0 Workstation
CPU: 200 MHz or better with minimum of 32 MB of memory, 10Base-T
and RS-232C interfaces (D-Sub 9-pin), and CD-ROM drive
∗2 Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.0 or .net is a registered trademark of
Microsoft Corporation in USA and other countries.
Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.0 or .net is standard edition available.
Option functions
Additional functions MU848057A MU848058A MU848055A MU848053A MU848060B MD8480A-01 MX848001A-01 MX848001A-02 MX848041A
2SB soft handover √ √
3SB soft handover √ √∗1
Tx diversity (1RF output) √ √∗1 √
Tx diversity (2RF output) √ √∗1 √ √
Hard handover √ √ √ √ √
Inter-system (GSM/GPRS) handover √ √ √
Ciphering √∗2
∗1: Requires two equipment sets
∗2: When using with the MX848001A-01 or MX848001A-02, requires the MX848041A-01 or MX848041A-02.
The options are all shared functions.
• Requires MD8480B + MU848057A + MU848058A + MU848058A for 3BS soft handover function.
This configuration also supports 2BS soft handover function.
• Requires MD8480B + MU848057A + MU848058A + MU848058A + MD8480A-01 + MX848001A-01 for Tx diversity (2RF output).
This configuration also supports the 2BS soft handover function, 3BS soft handover function and Tx diversity (1RF output) function.
MT8850A makes RF measurements on Bluetooth modules and tomised stress conditions with user settable values of Carrier
Bluetooth products, quickly and at low cost. All measurements are Frequency Offset, Modulation Index, Symbol Timing Error and simu-
made in accordance with the Bluetooth RF Test Specification. lated carrier frequency drift.
MT8850A establishes a Bluetooth link with the EUT (Equipment • Editing tests
Under Test) using standard signalling. MT8850A is the Master, es- Define your own test scripts to customise the test measurements to
tablishing the link by Paging the EUT. The EUT BT address can be your specific requirements. Each test can be enabled or disabled
entered manually or through the GPIB port. If the EUT BT address is and within any test, parameters such as hopping can be enabled or
not known, you can use Inquiry or read the address directly through disabled, the number of measured packets defined and the specific
the EUT HCI interface (RS 232). frequencies of testing set up.
Test Mode is then activated in the EUT and RF measurements per-
formed. When the EUT is in Test Mode, the MT8850A has complete
control over its operation. The EUT can be put into loopback or TX
test mode, frequency hopping can be disabled or the EUT sent to de-
fined TX and RX frequencies as required by the test specification.
The MT8850A runs a selected test script. A test script comprises of
all (or a user selected subset) of the available RF measurements.
The user can modify the measurements by editing test frequencies,
number of bits/packets tested, hopping On or Off, whitening On or
Off, and Pass/Fail limits. Pre programmed "qualification" and "quick
test" scripts plus user-defined scripts. Script results can be viewed • Single test mode
on the screen and accessed over the GPIB. In addition any individ- A single test can be run continuously so that, for example, the BER
ual measurement can be run continuously. of a link can be monitored as additional interfering Bluetooth devices
are activated or the distance between the EUT and the MT8850A in-
Features creased.
• Fast - 5 second test time
The rapid "Quick Test" measurement script is pre-configured for ease
of operation. Production test scripts can run in as little as 5 seconds,
measuring power, frequency, modulation and receiver sensitivity
• One touch testing
Once the MT8850A has been configured, each device is tested with
a single keystroke. Press RUN to initiate a link, activate Test Mode,
perform the measurements and report the results.
• Remote control
• Authoritative Both GPIB and RS 232 interfaces are offered as standard. Creating
Tests are made exactly as defined in the Bluetooth RF Test test programs has been simplified by the MT8850A’s capability for
Specification. All measurements are traceable to International initiating a test using a single command and then having results re-
Standards so that you can be totally confident in both your produc- turned in a single string.
tion testing and design proving.
• Small size and weight
• Reference Bluetooth transceiver MT8850A takes up minimal space in your test system, thanks to its
A custom design transceiver offers <1 kHz frequency accuracy at the half-rack size and light weight. Where Bluetooth interfaces are being
start of any packet and full compliance with the requirements for the introduced into existing products, the disturbance to the test system
"Dirty Transmitter" for true receiver sensitivity measurements. In ad- is minimised.
dition to the standard dirty transmitter table, you can define cus-
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• Field upgradeable
The Bluetooth protocol stack is held in FPGA so that future releases
of the core Bluetooth specification can be installed locally. The in-
struments main program is held in flash memory; consequently,
product enhancements can be downloaded in the field.
Note: For MT8850A specifications and ordering information, see pages 252 – 256.
The new MT8852A Bluetooth test set offers all the functionality of the Testing the Audio Performance of the EUT Transmit Path
MT8850A plus the ability to make measurements on audio Bluetooth The performance of the EUT transmitter can be tested in isolation
channels. Consumer products such as headsets, audio gateways with the set-up shown below.
and in-car consoles that offer voice over Bluetooth will require audio
Audio OUT
measurements as well as radio layer measurements. The MT8852A
offers full audio test capability. It is fully compliant with all the func- modulated RF transmitted to MT8852A
tionality defined in the Bluetooth audio specification. MT8852A sup- RF Port
Audio IN
ports all three codec air interfaces (µ-law, A-law and CVSD) on up to
EUT Control
• Testing the EUT’s audio performance using remote loopback on modulated RF transmitted to EUT
the MT8852A.
RF Port
Audio OUT
• Testing the audio performance of the EUT transmit path.
EUT Control
Audio IN
EUT Control
Audio OUT
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MT8850A/MT8852A measures average and peak power according to the Bluetooth RF Test Specification. Measurement of output
power is made with the EUT in test mode, loopback enabled and hopping on. MT8850A/MT8852A transmits the longest supported
packets and longest supported payload length, with a PRBS 9 payload. Power is measured at three defined frequencies.
MT8850A/MT8852A identifies the position of p0 and measures the power of every bit in the packet.
Hopping ON – measure at Defined, All, or Any frequencies
Test mode ON
Loopback Loopback or TX mode
Output power
Payload PRBS 9
Packet type DH1, DH3, DH5
Supported measurements Average power, peak power
Number of measurement frequencies User selectable, Defined (3), All, or Any
Measurement range +22 dBm to -35 dBm average power (+23 dBm peak power)
Measurement Resolution 0.1 dB
+20 dBm to -35 dBm, ±1 dB
+22 dBm to +20 dBm, ±1.5 dB
Speed Greater than 300 DH1 packets/sec. with hopping mode set to "Any".
MT8850A/MT8852A measures modulation characteristics according to the Bluetooth RF Test Specification. Measurement of modulation
General characteristics is made with the EUT in test mode, loopback enabled and hopping off. MT8850A/MT8852A transmits longest
supported packets, with the defined payload to the EUT. Modulation characteristics are measured at three defined frequencies.
Hopping OFF
Test mode ON
Modulation characteristics
Loopback Loopback or TX mode
Payload 11110000 and 10101010
Packet type DH1, DH3, DH5
Supported measurements: Frequency deviation. ∆f1max, ∆f2max, ∆f1avg, ∆f2avg and
Supported measurements
∆f2avg/∆f1avg plus % of ∆f2max < 115 kHz
Number of measurement frequencies Three, default to qualification specification or user defined
MT8850A/MT8852A measures power control according to the Bluetooth RF Test Specification. Measurement of power control is
made with the EUT in test mode, loopback enabled and hopping off. MT8850A/MT8852A transmits DH1 packets, with a PRBS 9
payload. Power control is measured at three defined frequencies. MT8850A/MT8852A uses standard LMP commands to set the
EUT power. MT8850A/MT8852A identifies the position of p0 and measures the power of every bit in the packet.
Hopping OFF
Test mode ON
Loopback Loopback or TX mode
Power control
Payload PRBS 9
Packet type DH1, DH3, DH5
Maximum power, minimum power, maximum step size, minimum step size, and power
Supported measurements
at each power step.
Number of measurement frequencies Three, default to qualification specification or user defined
Measurement Measurement range +22 dBm to -35 dBm average power (+23 dBm peak power)
Resolution 0.1 dB
+20 dBm to -35 dBm, ±1 dB
+22 dBm to +20 dBm, ±1.5 dB
Loopback Loopback or TX mode
Payload 10101010
Packet type DH1, DH3, DH5
Supported measurements Carrier frequency drift
Number of measurement frequencies User selectable, Defined (3), All, or Any
RF input measurement range +20 dBm to -35 dBm
Frequency drift measurement range 0 Hz to 200 kHz, and > 2000/50 µs
Frequency resolution 1 kHz
Accuracy Accuracy
MT8850A/MT8852A measures single slot sensitivity according to the Bluetooth RF Test Specification. BER and FER are measured
with the EUT in test mode and loopback on. MT8850A/MT8852A transmits DH1 packets, with a PRBS 9 payload to the EUT. The
Sensitivity - single slot packets
user can select to run the measurement with hopping on or off. Dirty transmitter conditions as defined in the Bluetooth test
specifications can be enabled.
Hopping OFF or ON, user selectable
Test mode ON
Loopback ON
conditions Payload PRBS 9
Packet type DH1
Dirty transmitter
ON or OFF, user selectable
(as defined in RF test spec)
Continued on next page
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Supported measurements BER, total number of bit errors and FER
Number of measurement frequencies Three with hopping off, or hopping on
Number of measured bits 1 to 32,768 packets (216 to 7,077,888 bits)
MT8850A/MT8852A transmitter output
0 to –90 dBm, resolution 0.1 dB
BER/FER measurement range 0.00% to 100%
BER/FER resolution 0.01%
MT8850A/MT8852A transmits for the first 20 ms with the first set of measurement
conditions, the second 20 ms with the second set of measurement conditions up to the
tenth set of conditions. The cycle is then repeated until the test is complete.
Measurement Carrier frequency
Sensitivity - single slot packets
Any entry in the dirty transmitter table can be edited within the
following ranges:
Dirty transmitter
• Carrier frequency offset: 0 Hz to 100 kHz, 1 kHz resolution
user control
• Modulation index 0.25 to 0.38, 0.01 resolution
• Symbol timing error: 0 ppm, +20 ppm or 20 ppm
MT8850A/MT8852A measures multi-slot sensitivity according to the Bluetooth RF Test Specification. BER and FER are measured
with the EUT in test mode and loopback on. MT8850A/MT8852A transmits DH5 packets (or DH3 packets if DH5 not supported by
EUT), with a PRBS 9 payload to the EUT. The user can select to run the measurement with hopping on or off. Dirty transmitter
conditions as defined in the Bluetooth test specifications can be enabled.
Hopping OFF or ON, user selectable
Test mode ON
Loopback ON
Sensitivity - multi-slot packets
conditions Payload PRBS 9
Packet type DH3, DH5
Dirty transmitter
ON or OFF, user selectable
(as defined in RF test spec)
Supported measurements BER, total number of bit errors and FER
Number of measurement frequencies Three with hopping off, or hopping on
Number of measured bits 1 to 32,768 packets (for DH3, 1,464 to 47,972,352 bits), (for DH5, 2,712 to 88,866,816 bits)
MT8850A/MT8852A transmitter output
0 to –90 dBm, 0.1 dB resolution
BER/FER measurement range 0.00% to 100%
BER/FER resolution 0.01%
As for single-slot sensitivity section except; in addition to the measurement condition
table, MT8850A/MT8852A transmits with a sine wave, frequency modulation, with a
Dirty transmitter specification
deviation of ±40 kHz, rate 500 Hz (3 slots) or 300 Hz (5 slots), synchronized to zero
phase at the packet start.
Continued on next page
Test mode ON
Loopback ON
Payload PRBS 9
Packet type DH1
Supported measurements BER and FER for -20 dBm at receiver input
Number of measurement frequencies Three, default to qualification specification or user defined
Measurement Number of measured bits 1 to 32,768 packets (216 – 7,077,888 bits)
Transmitter power settable range 0 to –90 dBm 4
Resolution 0.1 dB
EUT control The EUT control interface provides HCI commands to EUT through a standard RS232 interface. Interface meets requirements of
interface Bluetooth V1.1 specification for HCI UART transport layer. Cable supplied.
Number of SCO channels supported 3
Codec air interfaces supported CVSD, A-Law, µ-Law
(-3dB) measured CODEC in to CODEC out: 160Hz -3.5kHz. Measured with 50Ω
Frequency response
source impedance and 10MΩ load impedance.
Audio Maximum input / output signal level 3.4 Vpk-pk = 1.2 V RMS.
Distortion/noise Greater than –40 dB relative to 1 kHz, 1 V RMS input/output.
(MT8852A only)
Input/Output connectors 3.5 mm audio jack plugs (one for each SCO channel)
Input impedance 20 kΩ
Minimum output load 600 Ω
Internal audio source 1kHz fixed frequency
Frequency 10 MHz
Accuracy ±0.5 ppm at +25˚C
Temperature Stability ±0.5 ppm, –10˚ to +85˚C
Aging (1st year) ±1.0 ppm
Aging (over 10 years) ±2.5 ppm, including year 1
External frequency standard input Rear panel BNC socket, 50 Ω 1 volt
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MT8850A/MT8852A signal generator
Frequency range 2.40 to 2.5 GHz
Frequency resolution 1 kHz
<160 µs to 75 kHz during the establishment of a link. When a link has been established and the EUT has been
Settling time
placed into test mode, the MT8850A/8852A receiver is pre-tuned to ±1 kHz of the nominal channel frequency.
Accuracy As frequency standard ±25 Hz
Measurement channel bandwidth 2 MHz 3dB bandwidth, flat response Fc ± 550 kHz, or 1.3 MHz 3dB bandwidth, flat response Fc ± 550 kHz.
Range +22 dBm to –35 dBm average power
Power measurement accuracy ±1 dB (+20 dBm to –35 dBm)
Modulation GFSK
Deviation measurement range 0 to 350 kHz peak
Accuracy 1 kHz
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
MT8850A Bluetooth Test Set Options and accessories
MT8852A Bluetooth Test Set with Audio MT8850A-01 Rack mount, single instrument
MT8850A-03 Rack mount, side-by-side
Standard accessories MT8850A-06 Rear mount RF and EUT connectors
Power cord for destination country MT8850A 10 Bluetooth antenna and adapter
EUT control interface lead MT8850A-20 Spare EUT/RS232 cable
RS232 cable for firmware updates MT8850A-30 Extra operation and programming Manual
Operation Manual D41310 Soft carry case with shoulder strap
Remote programming manual 2300-259 BlueSuite Pro software
Certificate of Calibration
LabVIEW™ Driver
BlueSuite software (standard version)
BlueTest production test software
3.5 mm jack plug x 3 (MT8852A only)
The MT8860A WLAN Test Set from Anritsu is an integrated test set • Power burst profile
dedicated to testing WLAN devices in the 2.4 GHz and 4.8 to 6 GHz • Tx-Rx, Rx-Tx turnaround time
Industrial Scientific and Medical (ISM) frequency bands. • With option 01
MT8860A provides a high-speed measurement solution that is suitable – Error Vector Magnitude (EVM)
for both production testing and design proving. The user interface is – Constellation diagram
implemented through the supplied LANLook software package. – Modulation eye diagram
LANLook runs on a standard PC and uses a conventional Windows Receiver measurements
interface for both instrument configuration and results displays. • Sensitivity (FER)
LANLook communicates with the MT8860A through a GPIB interface. • Receiver saturation (max input power)
Features • Adjacent channel rejection∗
• 802.11b transmitter and receiver measurements • Non-Adjacent channel rejection∗
• High speed transmitter power, frequency, carrier suppression and ∗ requires separate interfering signal source
harmonic measurements
• Graphical display of power burst profile and spectral mask Measurement Modes
• Automated receiver FER measurements DUT transmitter measurements
• Optional EVM measurements with constellation and eye diagrams The DUT transmitter can be tested either using 802.11b test modes,
• LANLook Windows style user interface runs on a standard PC or by establishing a link between the MT8860A and the DUT.
• Built in Reference Radio Measurements using Test Modes
• Advanced triggering and gating features When testing the DUT using test modes, the DUT is controlled
• Inputs for external Golden radio and interfering signal sources through the host interface using software supplied by the chip set de-
• Upgradeable to 802.11a and 802.11g standards veloper. This may require proprietary control software from the chip
set developer. 802.11b test mode commands can be used to config-
802.11b Measurements ure the DUT to transmit continuously, or in a bursted manner, on any
The IEEE 802.11 WLAN standards have become established as the defined channel. The MT8860A receiver is tuned to that channel and
preferred interface for wireless connectivity between a PC and a network. triggers continuously or from the power burst rising edge.
A PC can connect to a WLAN network either through the use of a PC card
Measurements when forming an ad-hoc connection to the
accessory or, more recently, using integrated WLAN technology.
MT8860A Reference Radio
To ensure a high quality link between the PC and the LAN access
In this mode, the MT8860A forms an ad-hoc connection to the device
point, manufacturers need to validate that the performance of each
being tested and performs measurements on the packets transmit-
product meets the 802.11 standard.
ted to the MT8860A from the DUT.
MT8860A supports the following 802.11b measurements. Each
In this case, the packets measured are complete 802.11b packets.
measurement can be performed on the 14 frequency channels and
Triggers and gates can be set to measure a defined part of the packet.
at all specified power levels.
Parallel measurements
Transmitter measurements MT8860A performs the power, frequency and spectral mask mea-
• Carrier frequency surements of DUT in parallel. A high speed spectral processor per-
• Carrier frequency error forms the measurements in a much shorter time than swept tuned
• Transmitter power (average) spectrum analyzers giving reduced total test time. Stepping to the
• Transmitter power (peak) frequency of the second and third harmonics and then measuring av-
• Transmitter power control erage power performs harmonic measurements. This power is then
• Spectrum mask compliance compared with the carrier power to calculate the harmonic power.
– Including first and second adjacent channel power MT8860A displays carrier power, and relative harmonic powers in a
• Carrier suppression numeric format.
• 2nd and 3rd harmonic power
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DUT receiver sensitivity measurements vs. receiver input level.
All DUT receiver measurements are based on the measurement of To ensure that the DUT receiver does not saturate when receiving a
Frame Error Rate (FER). The definition of a frame error is (1- high signal level, the FER must also be measured with a receiver in-
(Number of frames correctly received/Number of frames put of –10 dBm. This simulates the operation of the DUT in close
sent))x100%. The 802.11b specification does not define a common proximity to, for example an access point.
method for the measurement of FER. As a result, chip set developers Receiver adjacent and non-adjacent channel rejection mea-
have developed proprietary software to facilitate this measurement. surements
The MT8860A allows for a variety of test methods to measure FER. Two inputs are provided on the front panel of the MT8860A so that
FER measurements in an ad-hoc connection with the MT8860A an external signal source can be coupled onto the output of the
Reference Radio MT8860A signal source. This facilitates the measurement of FER in
The MT8860A can establish an ad-hoc connection with the DUT and the presence of interfering signals. The path loss of the coupled in-
transmit a user definable number of frames to the DUT. Under ideal put is calibrated so that a precise signal level can be set for the in-
link conditions, the DUT sends an Acknowledge frame in return for terferer. Two inputs are offered so that both adjacent channel and in-
each received frame. The frame error rate can be calculated from the termodulation rejection measurements can be performed.
ratio of transmitted frames to received Acknowledge frames. Power vs. Time measurements
When linked to the DUT the receiver sensitivity measurement can be The burst profile and Tx-Rx or Rx-Tx turnaround time can also be
run at either a fixed input level, or using a swept input level for a true viewed. This provides a simple display of the DUT transmitter rising
sensitivity search. and falling edge, as well as validating the relative timing of the trans-
FER measurements without forming a link to the DUT mitter and receiver.
The MT8860A can transmit a user definable number of frames on a Option 1, extended modulation measurements
fixed channel without first establishing a link with the DUT. These Option 1 adds the measurements of transmitter Error Vector
frames have standard 802.11b frame structure. To measure FER the Magnitude (EVM) to the MT8860A. EVM can be measured on either
DUT must be able to enter a "Permissive" receive mode. In this a single bit, or on the average of a user definable number of bits. In
mode, the DUT receives and counts all incoming frames. It is nec- this way the variation of EVM across the frame can be measured.
essary to be able to read the DUT received frame counter register to Displays of constellation diagram and modulation eye diagram are
calculate the FER. available for detailed analysis. Colour coding of the elements of the
Receiver sensitivity and saturation measurements packet give easy indication of the element of the packet that is failing
The MT8860A signal source has a calibrated output power range of a given limit.
–100 dBm to 0 dBm. The 802.11b specification requires a DUT FER Planned future enhancements
of <10% at a receiver input level of –76 dBm. MT8860A can measure The MT8860A hardware has been designed such that it can support
the FER at a fixed level, or perform a power sweep and so plot FER measurements of the 802.11g and 802.11a standards.
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame Options
MT8860A WLAN test set MT8860A-01 Rack mount kit
MT8860A-10 2.4 GHz antenna and adapter
Included accessories
Power cord for destination country
Operation manual
Certificate of calibration
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9 kHz to 3 GHz (20 GHz with option)
The Anritsu ME7865A Bluetooth Prequalification Test System ME7865A is designed to be integrated into a high volume production
(PQTS) addresses the 16 test cases defined in the Bluetooth RF test test facility and used alongside the MT8850A for sample testing. The
specification. PC is supplied with a network interface so that results can be
Developed in partnership with CETECOM, (Centro de Tecnologia de archived onto a company network.
las Comunicaciones S.A.) the ME7865A offers an integrated solution • Bluetooth Qualification Test Facilities
including all the necessary test instruments and test case software Full qualification of a Bluetooth radio requires submission to a
to rapidly characterise Bluetooth radios. Bluetooth Qualification Test Facility (BQTF). The qualification
process can be costly and time consuming. The ME7865A provides
Applications a solution for companies who wish to have a faster and lower cost
• Prequalification testing of chip sets analysis of their device before proceeding to full qualification.
For Bluetooth chip set developers the ME7865A provides a test sys- The ME7865A reports generated will give the developer a full un-
tem that enables comprehensive testing of the radio performance derstanding of the performance of their device.
before submission to a Bluetooth Qualification Test Facility (BQTF). BQTFs can use ME7865A to offer a Prequalification test service.
This gives the developer a high degree of confidence that the chip
set will achieve qualification first time. Test management software
All measurements are made in accordance with the Bluetooth RF ME7865A software runs on an integrated rack mounted PC. The PC
test specification. The ME7865A generates test reports that are ide- is supplied with a CD drive to facilitate software upgrades. A net-
al for documenting the results from an EUT. Reports can include both working interface is also standard so that the ME7865A can easily be
numeric results as well as graphical traces of the measured packets. integrated into a company network. Free standing flat panel 15 inch
• Module testing TFT display, keyboard, and mouse are also supplied.
After integrating a Bluetooth chip set onto a module, it is necessary The ME7865A software consists of the following modules:
to revalidate the RF performance. Module manufacturers will typical- • Executable test cases
ly design a module that is based on a reference design from the chip The RF test case software will control all of the instruments to per-
set supplier. form the measurements automatically.
When the module design is complete, the implementation must be • ICS/IXIT modules
tested and characterised. The ME7865A is the ideal test system for These modules contain the characteristics of the Equipment Under
proving the performance of new module designs. Test (EUT) for the selection of the applicable test cases. The data
• Module selection can be manually entered or read from the EUT supported features
Selecting the appropriate module for integration into an end user register.
product requires a complete understanding of the characteristics of • Configuration manager
each Bluetooth module. The configuration manager is used to develop the test cases depen-
The ME7865A provides a test system for comparative testing of chip dant on the contents entered into the IXIT module.
sets and modules. This facilitates the selection of a Bluetooth mod-
ule that is best suited to the specific product being developed. • Test case manager
The test case manager starts and finishes the test cases.
• Selective test in volume production It also performs the verdict handling. The test case manager is also
The MT8850A Bluetooth Test Set has been developed for high speed responsible for test case selection and the management of system
testing of all products manufactured with a Bluetooth interface. files.
MT8850A measures key radio parameters such as power, frequen-
cy, modulation and sensitivity in a test time of typically under 5 sec- • Database and report generator
onds. Volume manufacturers who wish to continuously monitor the This module displays the results of test cases and generates reports
quality of output often chose to selectively test a sample of the out- in Microsoft Word format.
put more rigorously.
Receiver measurements
BER is the parameter used to determine receiver performance. • Software support and maintenance
These tests perform BER analysis under various different conditions. The system support package provides customer technical support
• Sensitivity tests by email, fax, and telephone. Support staff are based in a European
time zone and support response is guaranteed within one working
Sensitivity is tested by transmitting impaired signals (using a defined
dirty transmitter) to the receiver. The transmitted power is fixed, with
Following the release of the base line software, software upgrades
impairments defined in the test procedure, which include carrier fre-
will automatically be issued to customers on a maintenance contract.
quency offset, modulation index variation and symbol timing error.
The ME7865A will be continually developed to follow changes to the
• Carrier-to-interference performance RF Test Specification and to follow errata in the Bluetooth core spec-
C/I performance is measured by sending co-channel or adjacent ification.
channel Bluetooth modulated signals in parallel with the wanted sig-
nal and measuring the receiver’s BER. One MT8850A delivers the System calibration
wanted signal and a second MT8850A provides the PRBS15 interferer. The ME7865A is supplied with an integrated power meter.
• Blocking performance Automated software routines calibrate the path losses from each
Blocking performance is measured by sending an out of band CW in- measuring instrument port to the common EUT test port.
terfering carrier with the wanted signals in parallel and measuring the This path loss data is held in system files and corrected for during all
receiver’s BER. One MT8850A delivers the wanted signal and a sec- measurements.
ond source provides the CW interferer.
• Intermodulation performance
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Supported measurements Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Test case Description
TRM/CA/01/C Output Power Model/Order No. Name
TRM/CA/02/C Power Density Main frame
ME7865A Bluetooth Prequalification Test System
TRM/CA/03/C Power Control (comprises the following items integrated in a 12U rack).
TRM/CA/04/C TX Output Spectrum frequency range
Test management software
TRM/CA/05/C TX Output Spectrum 20 dB Bandwidth MT8850A Bluetooth Test Set
TRM/CA/06/C TX Output Spectrum Adjacent channel power (System Bluetooth controller version)
MT8850A Bluetooth Test Set
TRM/CA/07/C Modulation Characteristics (System Bluetooth interferer version)
TRM/CA/08/C Initial Carrier Frequency Tolerance MS2661C Spectrum Analyser with following options;
Option 01 – reference crystal oscillator
TRM/CA/09/C Carrier Frequency Drift Option 02 –narrow resolution bandwidth
Out-of-Band Spurious Emissions (conducted filters
TRC/CA/01/C Option 12 – quasi peak detector
measurements to 3 GHz, manual measurement)
Option 20 – tracking generator
RCV/CA/01/C Sensitivity – single slot packets ML2437A Power Meter
MA2472A Power Sensor
RCV/CA/02/C Sensitivity – multi-slot packets
Combiner Network Unit
RCV/CA/03/C C/I performance Rack mount PC
Microsoft Windows 2000 Operating System
Blocking performance (3 GHz standard, 12.75 GHz
RCV/CA/04/C Microsoft Word
with option 12 or 14)
15 inch TFT PC display
RCV/CA/05/C Intermodulation Performance PC keyboard and mouse
RCV/CA/06/C Maximum Input Level Options and accessories
Option 10 Replaces the 12U rack with a 34U rack on casters. This
option adds a pull out EUT support shelf and space to
integrate option 14.
Option 12 Free standing MG3692A CW signal generator, 10 MHz
to 20 GHz RF test cable. For automated blocking
measurements to 12.75 GHz
Option 14 (Only available with option 10) Rack mounted
MG3692A CW signal generator, 10 MHz to 20 GHz. RF
test cable. For automated blocking measurements to
12.75 GHz
Option 22 Software support and maintenance
The One Box Type Tester Supporting W-CDMA, GSM/GPRS/EGPRS, cdma2000® 1X, cdma2000® 1xEV-DO,
MX882001A-11 EGPRS
Tx and Rx measurements of mobile stations • Modulation analysis
without call processing(requires MX882001A) The MT8820A enables modulation analysis of mobile equipment.
Tx and Rx measurements of mobile stations For example in GSM, simultaneous measurement and display of fre-
MX882002A cdma2000® 1X including call processing quency, frequency error (in kHz and ppm), phase error and peak
(requires MT8820A-03) phase error is performable. Amplitude error at the burst-on section
Tx measurements of access terminals can also be measured.
MX882003A including call processing (requires MT8820A-03,
MT8820A-04 and MX882002A)
Tx and Rx measurements of mobile stations
MX882004A PDC including call processing
(requires MT8820A-02)
Tx and Rx measurements of mobile stations
MX882005A PHS including call processing
(requires MT8820A-02)
∗: For W-CDMA terminal connectivity, contact Anritsu sales representative.
Please refer to an individual catalogue for details.
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• Occupied frequency bandwidth Call processing function
This test measures the occupied frequency bandwidth of the W-CDMA • Connection tests
terminal. The ratio of the frequency bandwidth to the total power can The call processing function performs various connection tests such
be changed in the range of 80.0% to 99.9%. as registration, origination, termination, handover, disconnection
• Adjacent channel power from terminal and disconnection from network. In addition, the voice
Adjacent channel power is measured according to each communi- signal from the terminal can be echoed-back during conversation to
cation system. perform a simple voice communications test.
In W-CDMA, the power can be measured in ±5 MHz, ±10 MHz from
center frequency. In GSM, the power of 25 points can be measured
in ±2 MHz from center frequency.
• Spectrum waveform display
MT8820A has the spectrum waveform display function by W-CDMA.
This function monitors the existence of the frequency ingredient with
the spectrum exceeding the standard line defined by 3GPP stan-
Receiver measurement
Measurement of the error rate conforming to the standard of each
communication system is performable. For example, in W-CDMA,
the bit error rate can be measured by the loopback test mode spec-
ified in the 3GPP standards.
Client PC
Ethernet (cable connection)
Application server
W-CDMA terminal
RF (cable RF (cable
connection) connection)
MT8820A [1] MT8820A [2]
terminal [1] terminal [2]
Sample MT8820A connection (W-CDMA)
• MT8820A (main frame)
Frequency range: 30 to 2700 MHz
Max. input level: +35 dBm (MAIN 1)
Impedance: 50 Ω
VSWR: ≤1.2 (<1.6 GHz), ≤1.25 (1.6 to 2.2 GHz), ≤1.3 (>2.2 GHz)
Connector: N type
AUX 1 output
Impedance: 50 Ω
VSWR: ≤1.3 (at SG Output level: ≤–10 dBm)
Connector: SMA type
Reference oscillator
Frequency: 10 MHz
Level: TTL
Startup characteristics: ≤±5 x 10–8 (at 10 min after startup referenced to frequency 24 h after startup)
Aging rate: ≤±2 x 10–8/day, ≤±1 x 10–7/year (referenced to frequency 24 h after startup)
Temperature characteristics: ≤±5 x 10–8
Connector: BNC type
External reference input
Frequency: 10 MHz or 13 MHz (±1 ppm)
Level: ≥0 dBm
Impedance: 50 Ω
Connector: BNC type
Continued on next page
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Frequency range: 30 to 2700 MHz (setting range: 0.4 to 2700 MHz)
Setting resolution: 1 Hz
Accuracy: Due to reference oscillator accuracy
Output level
Level range: –140 to –10 dBm (MAIN 1), –130 to 0 dBm (AUX 1)
Resolution: 0.1 dB
Accuracy: ±1.0 dB (–120 to –10 dBm, MAIN 1, after calibration), ±1.0 dB (–110 to 0 dBm, AUX 1, after calibration)
RF signal generator
Signal purity
Non-harmonic spurious:
≤–50 dBc (offset frequency: ≥100 kHz, except Uplink frequency – Downlink frequency + 4.1825 GHz),
≤–40 dBc [spurious of (4.8 – Fout) GHz at ≥2.1 GHz]
Harmonics: ≤–25 dBc
Uninterrupted level variation
Variable range: 0 to –30 dB
Setting resolution: 1 dB
Display: Color 8.4" TFT LCD, 640 x 480 dots
External control
Others GPIB: Control from external host with main unit as device (excluding some functions such as power-on), no external
device control
Interface functions: SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, E2
Power supply 100 to 120/200 to 240 Vac (–15/+15%, 250 V max.), 47.5 to 63 Hz, ≤300 VA (with Option 01)
Dimensions and mass 426 (W) x 221.5 (H) x 498 (D) mm (excluding projections), ≤23 kg
Operating temperature and humidity: 0˚ to +50˚C, ≤95% (no condensation)
Storage temperature and humidity: –20˚ to +60˚C, ≤95% (no condensation)
Environmental conditions EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A), EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A), EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
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Call control:
Call processing Location registration, call origination, call termination, communication, network-side termination, phone-side termination
Phone control: Output level, time slot, time alignment
Channel coding Full rate, Half rate
Frequency band 800 MHz-1, 800 MHz-2, 800 MHz-3, 1.5 GHz
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame W2161AE MX882000B operation manual∗2 (attached to MX882000B)
MT8820A Radio Communication Analyzer W2026AE MX882001A operation manual∗2 (attached to MX882001A)
W2104AE MX882002A operation manual∗2 (attached to MX882002A)
Standard accessories W2201AE MX882003A operation manual∗2 (attached to MX882003A)
Power cord, 2.6 m: 1 pc W2159AE MX882004A operation manual∗2 (attached to MX882004A)
HB28B064C8H CF card (64 MB): 1 pc W2228AE MX882005A operation manual∗2 (attached to MX882005A)
CA68ADP PC card adapter: 1 pc W2247AE MX882022A operation manual∗2 (attached to MX882022A)
W1940AE MT8820A operation manual (CD-ROM): 1 copy W2220AE MX88205xA operation manual∗2 (attached to MX88205xA)
W2230AE MX88207xA operation manual∗2 (attached to MX88207xA)
MT8820A-01 W-CDMA measurement hardware Warranty
MT8820A-02 TDMA measurement hardware MT8820A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MT8820A-03 cdma2000® measurement hardware MT8820A-91 Extended five year warranty service
MT8820A-04 1xEV-DO measurement hardware
MT8820A-11 Audio board Application parts
MT8820A-21 W-CDMA measurement hardware retrofit P0019 TEST USIM001
MT8820A-22 TDMA measurement hardware retrofit A0012 Handset
MT8820A-23 cdma2000® measurement hardware retrofit J0576B Coaxial cord (N-P · 5D-2W · N-P), 1 m
MT8820A-24 1xEV-DO measurement hardware retrofit J0576D Coaxial cord (N-P · 5D-2W · N-P), 2 m
MT8820A-31 Audio board retrofit J0127A Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG58A/U · BNC-P), 1 m
J0127C Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG58A/U · BNC-P), 0.5 m
Softwares J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
MX882000B W-CDMA Measurement Software J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
(requires MT8820A-01 and MX882051A) MN8110A I/O Adapter (for call processing I/O)
MX882000B-01 W-CDMA voice codec B0332 Joint plate (4 pcs/set)
(requires MT8820A-11 and MX882000B) B0333G Rack mount kit
MX882001A GSM Measurement Software (requires MT8820A-02) B0499 Carrying case (hard type, with protective cover and casters)
MX882001A-01 GSM voice codec (requires MT8820A-11 and MX882001A) B0499B Carrying case (hard type, with protective cover, without
MX882001A-02 GSM external packet data (requires MX882001A) casters)
MX882001A-11 EGPRS Measurement Software (requires MX882001A) W1943AE MT8820A operation manual (booklet)
MX882002A cdma2000® Measurement Software W2162AE MX882000B operation manual (booklet)
(requires MT8820A-03) W2027AE MX882001A operation manual (booklet)
MX882002A-02 cdma2000® external packet data (requires MX882002A) W2100AE MX882002A operation manual panel operation (booklet)
MX882003A 1xEV-DO measurement Software W2101AE MX882002A operation manual remote control (booklet)
(requires MT8820A-04 and MX882002A) W2202AE MX882003A operation manual panel operation (booklet)
MX882003A-02 1xEV-DO external packet data (requires MX882003A) W2203AE MX882003A operation manual remote control (booklet)
MX882004A PDC Measurement Software (requires MT8820A-02) W2160AE MX882004A operation manual (booklet)
MX882005A PHS Measurement Software (requires MT8820A-02) W2229AE MX882005A operation manual (booklet)
MX882022A cdma2000® Wireless Application Test Software W2245AE MX882022A operation manual panel operation (booklet)
(requires MT8820A-03) W2246AE MX882022A operation manual remote control (booklet)
MX882051A W-CDMA Call Processing Software∗1 W2221AE MX88205xA operation manual (booklet)
(requires MX882000B) W2231AE MX88207xA operation manual (booklet)
MX882051A-02 W-CDMA external packet data∗1 (requires MX882051A)
MX882051A-03 W-CDMA video phone test∗1 (requires MX882051A)
MX882071A W-CDMA Ciphering Software∗1 (requires MX882051A)
∗1: For W-CDMA terminal connectivity, contact your Anritsu sales representative.
∗2: Supplied by CD-ROM
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300 kHz to 3 GHz
Every major radio communication system in the world including Tx and Rx measurements of PHS mobile stations
AMPS/PCS1900, GSM400/900/1800/1900, GPRS, HSCSD, DECT, MX880117A
including call processing
IS-136A, PDC, and PHS can be evaluated using just one MT8801C PHS
Tx and Rx measurements of PHS base stations
Radio Communication Analyzer, covering the 300 kHz to 3 GHz fre- MX880132A
and mobile stations
quency band in one hardware platform, and the dedicated measure-
Tx and Rx measurements both portable part and
ment software options. The call processing test and sensitivity test DECT MX880118A fixed part for DECT including call processing
using the loopback method are possible for GSM/DCS1800/PCS1900, (requires option 07)
CDMA, IS-136A and DECT. In addition, connection testing as well as
Audio test of GSM mobile stations including call
send testing while communicating, are also possible for PDC and GSM Option 11
processing (requires MX880115A and option 01)
PHS measurement by using the call processing function, and the
PDC uplink RCH can be monitored (RSSI, estimated error rate) too. Tx and Rx measurements of mobile stations
CDMA Option 12
including call processing (requires option 01)
FM radio transmission/reception tests are simplified by using the op-
tional analog measurement function, and the optional spectrum an-
alyzer function covering 10 MHz to 3 GHz is very useful for main-
taining as well as measuring spurious near carrier on production Transmission test
lines. GPIB and RS-232C interfaces are standard, so MT8801C can • Batch measurements of transmission test items
be incorporated easily into automated production lines or on-site au- Only about 1 second is required to measure all major transmission
tomated testing systems. test items, including frequency, modulation accuracy, origin offset,
The time required for testing equipment on production lines is great- transmission rate, transmission power, leakage power during carrier-
ly reduced using the high-speed adjacent channel power and occu- off, rise/fall edge characteristics, occupied bandwidth, and adjacent
pied bandwidth measurement functions based on Anritsu’s propri- channel power. Pass/fail decisions for limit value of each test item
etary measurement algorithm and DSP (Digital Signal Processing). can also be displayed.
Furthermore, major transmission test items such as transmission fre-
quency, modulation accuracy (phase error), transmission power,
rise/fall characteristics of burst wave, adjacent channel power, etc.
can be measured and judged pass/fail for the limit value of each item.
• 1 unit for GSM, DECT, IS-136A, PDC and PHS systems
• All basic transmission and reception measurements performed by 1 unit
System Measurement
type software option
Tx and Rx measurements of IS-136A mobile stations
IS-136A MX880113A
including call processing (requires option 01)
Tx and Rx measurements of AMPS analog mobile
AMPS MX880114A stations and PCS1900 digital mobile telephones
PCS1900 including call processing (requires option 01)
GSM400/ Tx and Rx measurements of GSM and advanced
900/1800/ MX880115A GSM mobile stations including call processing Example of linked send measurement items (PDC)
1900 and multiple timeslot measurements
Tx and Rx measurements of PDC mobile stations
PDC including call processing
MX880131A Tx and Rx measurements of PDC mobile stations
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• MT8801C
Frequency range 300 kHz to 3 GHz
Maximum input level +40 dBm (10 W, MAIN connector), +20 dBm (100 mW, AUX connector)
MAIN I/O connector
Impedance: 50 Ω, N-type
Input/output connector
VSWR: ≤1.2 (≤2.2 GHz), ≤1.3 (>2.2 GHz)
AUX input/output connector: TNC-type
Frequency: 10 MHz
Starting characteristics: ≤5 x 10–8/day (after 10 minutes of warm-up, referred to frequency after 24 hours warm-up)
Reference oscillator Aging rate: ≤2 x 10–8/day, ≤1 x 10–7/year (referred to frequency after 24 hours warm-up)
Temperature characteristics: ≤5 x 10–8 (0˚ to 50˚C, referred to frequency at 25˚C)
External standard input: 10 MHz or 13 MHz (±1 ppm), input level: 2 to 5 Vp-p
Frequency range: 300 kHz to 3 GHz
Level range: 0 to +40 dBm, –10 to +40 dBm (CDMA measurement)
Power meter
Level accuracy: ±10% (0 to +40 dBm, after zero point calibration), ±10% (–10 to +40 dBm, 18˚ to 28˚C, at average value,
after zero point calibration)
Range: 300 kHz to 3 GHz
Resolution: 1 Hz
Accuracy: Reference frequency accuracy ±100 mHz
Output level
Level range (no modulation or analog modulation): –133 to –13 dBm (MAIN connector), –133 to +7 dBm (AUX connector)
Level accuracy: ±1 dB (10 MHz to 2.2 GHz, ≥–123 dBm, 18˚ to 28˚C), ±3 dB (10 MHz to 2.2 GHz, ≥–133 dBm),
Signal generator
±2 dB (>2.2 GHz, ≥–123 dBm, 18˚ to 28˚C), ±4 dB (>2.2 GHz, ≥–133 dBm)
Radiated interference:
1 µV/50 Ω (carrier frequency measured, 25 mm from front panel with two-turn 25 mm diameter loop antenna)
Signal purity
Spurious: ≤–50 dBc (at CW, offset frequency 100 kHz to ≤50 MHz; where carrier frequency: other than 1300 MHz to
1400 MHz and 2000 MHz to 2100 MHz), ≤–40 dBc (for all band)
Harmonics: ≤–25 dBc (at CW)
Display: Color TFT-LCD, 7.8 inch, 640 x 480 dots
Hard copy:
Enables data hard copy of the display through a parallel interface (applicable only for EPSON VP series or equivalent)
GPIB: This equipment is specified as a device, can be controlled from external controller (excluding power switch and FD
ejection key). No controller function
Others Interface: SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, E2)
Conform to the Centronics. Outputs printing data to printer. Data line exclusive for output: 8
Control line: 4 (BUSY, DTSB, ERROR, PE)
Connectors: D-sub 25 pins, female (equivalent to the connector of IBM-PC/AT built-in printer)
RS-232C: All functions except power switch controlled by external controller (baud rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 bps)
Dimensions and mass 426 (W) x 221.5 (H) x 451 (D) mm, ≤22 kg
Power 100 to 120/200 to 240 Vac (automatic voltage switch system), 47.5 to 63 Hz, ≤300 VA
Operating temperature 0˚ to +50˚C
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
Filters (3 dB cut-off frequency): HPF (300 Hz, 50 kHz), LPF (3 kHz, 15 kHz)
Deviation: 0 to 20 kHz
Demodulation frequency: 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Accuracy: 1% + residual FM (demodulation frequency: 1 kHz)
Frequency response: ±0.5 dB (referenced to 1 kHz)
Residual FM: 8 Hz-rms (demodulation frequency: 0.3 to 3 kHz)
Distortion: 0.3% (modulation frequency: 1 kHz, demodulation bandwidth: 0.3 to 3 kHz)
Frequency range: 10 MHz to 3 GHz
Input level range: –15 to +40 dBm (MAIN connector), –40 to +20 dBm (AUX connector)
Filters (3 dB cut-off frequency): HPF (300 Hz, 50 kHz), LPF (3 kHz, 15 kHz)
Modulation Deviation: 0 to 10 rad
Demodulation frequency: 300 Hz to 3 kHz
Accuracy: 1% + residual øM (modulation frequency: 1 kHz)
Frequency response: ±0.5 dB (referenced to 1 kHz)
Residual øM: 0.01 rad-rms (demodulation bandwidth: 0.3 to 3 kHz)
Distortion: 0.5% (modulation frequency: 1 kHz, demodulation bandwidth: 0.3 to 3 kHz, deviation: 5 rad)
FM demodulation output
Deviation: 0 to 40 kHz (4/40 kHz range selectable)
Demodulation frequency range: 50 Hz to 10 kHz
Output level: 4 Vpeak (EMF, at full-scale range)
Output impedance: 600 Ω
Frequency response: ±1 dB
Distortion: 1% (FM frequency: 1 kHz, demodulation bandwidth: 0.3 to 3 kHz, frequency deviation: 4 kHz)
Filters (3 dB cut-off frequency): HPF (300 Hz), LPF (3 kHz)
De-emphasis: 750 µs
Input impedance: 600 Ω/100 kΩ selectable (unbalanced, BNC connector)
Bandpass filter
HPF: 400 Hz (for tone rejection)
De-emphasis: 750 µs
Weighting filter: ITU-T P.53, C-MESSAGE
AF Level meter
Frequency range: 30 Hz to 20 kHz
Level range: 1 mVrms to 30 Vrms
Audio analyzer Accuracy: ±0.5 dB
AF frequency counter
Frequency range: 30 Hz to 20 kHz
Level range: 30 mVrms to 30 Vrms
Accuracy: ±0.1 Hz
Distortion meter
Frequency range: 100 Hz to 5 kHz
Level range: 30 mVrms to 30 Vrms
Accuracy: ±1 dB (frequency: 1 kHz, distortion factor: 1%)
Mass ≤500 g
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• Option 07: Spectrum analyzer
Band 0: 0 Hz to 3 GHz, Band 1: 10 MHz to 3 GHz; HPF: On/off switchable (Band 1, 1.6 to 3 GHz)
Setting range
0 to 3 GHz (Band: 0), 10 MHz to 3 GHz (Band: 1); Resolution: 1 Hz
Display accuracy: ± (display frequency x reference frequency accuracy + span x span accuracy)
Marker frequency accuracy
Normal marker: Same as display frequency accuracy; Delta marker: Same as span accuracy
Frequency Span setting range: 0 Hz or 10 kHz to 3 GHz (Band: 0), 0 Hz or 10 kHz to 2.99 GHz (Band: 1)
Span accuracy: ±2.5%
Resolution bandwidth
Setting range: 300 Hz to 1 MHz (3 dB BW, 1-3 sequence)
Accuracy: ±2% (300 Hz to 300 kHz), ±10% (1 MHz)
Selectivity (60 dB:3 dB): ≤5:1
Video bandwidth: 3 Hz to 100 kHz (1-3 sequence) or through ∗Setting range is limited by resolution bandwidth.
Sideband noise: ≤–95 dBc/Hz (1 GHz, 10 kHz offset), ≤–115 dBc/Hz (1 GHz, 100 kHz offset)
Maximum input level
Continuous average power: +40 dBm (MAIN connector), +20 dBm (AUX connector)
DC voltage: 0 V
Average noise level (resolution bandwidth: 1 kHz, video bandwidth: 10 Hz)
≤–90 dBm (10 MHz to 2.2 GHz), ≤–85 dBm (>2.2 GHz) ∗MAIN connector input, input attenuator: 20 dB
≤–110 dBm (10 MHz to 2.2 GHz), ≤–105 dBm (>2.2 GHz) ∗AUX connector input, input attenuator: 0 dB
Residual response: ≤–70 dBm (MAIN connector, input attenuator: 20 dB), ≤–90 dBm (AUX connector, input attenuator: 0 dB)
Level accuracy
±1.5 dB (MAIN connector, reference level: +10.1 to +40 dBm, at 0 to –50 dB of reference level)
±1.5 dB (AUX connector, reference level: –9.9 to +20 dBm, at 0 to –50 dB of reference level)
Reference Level
Amplitude (band 1) Setting range: ≤–60 to +50 dBm (MAIN connector), ≤–80 to +30 dBm (AUX connector)
Setting resolution: 0.1 dB
Accuracy: ±0.5 dB (MAIN connector, +10.1 to +40 dBm), ±1.0 dB (MAIN connector, –60 to +10 dBm), ±0.5 dB (AUX
connector, –9.9 to +20 dBm), ±1.0 dB (AUX connector, –80 to –10 dBm) ∗After calibration, frequency: 100
MHz, span: 2 MHz; Input attenuator, resolution bandwidth, video bandwidth, sweep time are AUTO.)
Resolution bandwidth switching deviation: ±0.1 dB (resolution bandwidth reference: 3 kHz)
Frequency characteristics: ±0.5 dB [100 MHz reference, input attenuation: 30 dB (10 dB for AUX input), 18˚ to 28˚C]
Log linearity:
±0.5 dB (0 to –50 dB, resolution bandwidth: ≤1 MHz), ±1.0 dB (0 to –70 dB, resolution bandwidth: ≤30 kHz),
±1.0 dB (0 to –80 dB, resolution bandwidth: ≤1 kHz)
∗10 MHz to 2.2 GHz, reference level: ≥0 dBm (MAIN connector)/≥–20 dBm (AUX connector)
Spurious (2nd harmonic distortion): ≤–55 dBc (10 to 100 MHz), ≤–60 dBc (100 to 1500 MHz) ∗Mixer input: –30 dBm
Sweep time:
100 ms to 1000 s (frequency domain sweep), 100 ms to 1000 s (time domain sweep, resolution bandwidth: ≤1 kHz)
10 ms to 1000 s (time domain sweep, resolution bandwidth: 3 to 10 kHz), 1 ms to 1000 s (time domain sweep, resolution
bandwidth: ≥30 kHz)
Trigger switch: FREERUN, TRIGGERED
Trigger source:
Sweep WIDE IF VIDEO (3 dB bandwidth: ≥20 MHz, trigger slope: RISE/FALL), EXT (trigger: TTL level, trigger slope: RISE/FALL)
Trigger delay
Range: 0 µs to 100 ms, Resolution: 2 µs
Gate sweep
Displays spectrum of input signal at specified gate on frequency domain display
Gate delay: 2 µs to 100 ms from trigger start point (resolution: 2 µs)
Gate width: 2 µs to 100 ms from gate delay point (resolution: 2 µs)
Marker functions
Signal search: PEAK → CF, PEAK → REF
Zero marker: NORMAL, DELTA
Marker function: MARKER → CF, MARKER → REF, ZONE → SPAN
Measurement function
Noise power: dBm/Hz, dBm/ch
C/N: dBc/Hz, dBc/ch
Occupied bandwidth: N% of power method, X-dB down method
Adjacent channel power: Reference total power method, reference level method, channel designate display (2 channels
x 2), graphic display
Average power within a burst: Average power of time domain waveform within specified time
Number of data point: 501 points
Detector mode
POS PEAK: Displays max. point between sample points, NEGATIVE PEAK: Displays min. point between sample points,
SAMPLE: Displays momentary value at sample points
Display memory
TRACE A: Displays frequency spectrum, TRACE B: Displays frequency spectrum,
Trace time: Displays time domain waveform at center frequency
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• MX880113A IS-136A Measurement Software (extracts)
Frequency/modulation measurement
Transmission measurement
Level range: –133 to –13 dBm (MAIN connector), –133 to +7 dBm (AUX connector)
Calibration input level range: +10 to +40 dBm (average power within burst, MAIN connector)
Amplitude measurement
Transmission power accuracy: ±0.4 dB (+10 to +40 dBm), ±0.7 dBm (–5 to +40 dBm)
∗MAIN connector, after calibration by using built-in power meter with same Tx reference level as calibration
Output RF spectrum Modulation portion measurement range: ≥50 dB (200 kHz offset), ≥66 dB (250 kHz offset)
measurement Transition portion measurement range: ≥57 dB (400 kHz offset)
All measurement items Measurement time: ≤2.0 s (amplitude measurement: normal mode, except MS report measurement)
Frequency range: 10 MHz to 3 GHz
Signal generator Level range: –133 to –13 dBm (MAIN connector), –133 to +7 dBm (AUX connector)
Calibration input level range: +10 to +40 dBm (average power within burst, MAIN connector)
Amplitude measurement
Transmission power accuracy: ±0.4 dB (+10 to +40 dBm), ±0.7 dBm (–5 to +40 dBm)
∗MAIN connector, after calibration by using built-in power meter with same Tx reference level as calibration
Output RF spectrum Modulation portion measurement range: ≥50 dB (200 kHz offset), ≥66 dB (250 kHz offset)
measurement Transition portion measurement range: ≥57 dB (400 kHz offset)
All measurement items Measurement time: ≤2.0 s (amplitude measurement: normal mode, except MS report measurement)
Frequency range: 10 MHz to 3 GHz
Signal generator Level range: –133 to –13 dBm (MAIN connector), –133 to +7 dBm (AUX connector)
Input level range: +10 to +40 dBm (average power within burst, MAIN connector)
Amplitude measurement
Transmitter power accuracy: ±10% (MAIN connector, after calibration by using built-in power meter)
Adjacent channel power
Measurement range: ≥60 dB (50 kHz offset), ≥65 dB (100 kHz offset)
Batch measurement Measurement time: ≤1.5 s (amplitude measurement in normal mode; occupied bandwidth and adjacent channel power
functions measurement on high-speed mode)
Frequency range: 10 MHz to 3 GHz
Signal generator Level range: –133 to –13 dBm (MAIN connector), –133 to +7 dBm (AUX connector)
Input level range: +10 to +40 dBm (average power within burst, MAIN connector)
Amplitude measurement
Transmitter power accuracy: ±10% (MAIN connector, after calibration by using built-in power meter, at +10 to +40 dBm)
Adjacent channel power
Measurement range: ≥60 dB (600 kHz offset), ≥65 dB (900 kHz offset)
Batch measurement Measurement time: ≤1.5 s (amplitude measurement in normal mode; occupied bandwidth and adjacent channel power
functions measurement on high-speed mode)
Frequency range: 10 MHz to 3 GHz
Signal generator Level range: –133 to –13 dBm (MAIN connector), –133 to +7 dBm (AUX connector)
±0.4 dB (+15 to +40 dBm), ±0.7 dB (–5 to +15 dBm) ∗MAIN connector, after calibration by using built-in power meter
Emission due to modulation:
Adjacent channel power –8 dBm/160 µW at M ±1, –30 dBm/1 µW at M ±2, –44 dBm/40 nW at M ±3, –47 dBm/20 nW at M ±4 and M ±5
measurement Emission due to transmitter transient:
–6 dBm/250 µW at M ±1, –13 dBm/40 µW at M ±2, –23 dBm/4 µW at M ±3, –30 dBm/1 µW at M ±4 and M ±5
All measurement items Frequency, deviation, frequency drift, Tx power, carrier-off power, template pass/fail, timing, adjacent channel emission
Frequency range: 10 MHz to 3 GHz
Signal generator Level range: –133 to –13 dBm (MAIN connector), –133 to +7 dBm (AUX connector)
Modulation error: ≤±8% (at 288 kHz deviation, frequency 10 MHz to 2.2 GHz)
Input level range: +10 to +40 dBm (average power within burst, MAIN connector)
Amplitude measurement
Transmitter power accuracy: ±10% (MAIN connector, after calibration by using built-in power meter)
Adjacent channel power Measurement range: ≥60 dB (50 kHz offset), ≥65 dB (100 kHz offset)
Batch measurement Measurement time: ≤1.5 s (amplitude measurement in normal mode; occupied bandwidth and adjacent channel power
functions measurement on high-speed mode)
Frequency range: 10 MHz to 3 GHz
Signal generator Level range: –133 to –13 dBm (MAIN connector), –133 to +7 dBm (AUX connector)
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• MX880132A PHS Measurement Software (extracts)
Frequency/modulation Frequency range: 10 MHz to 2.2 GHz
measurement Modulation accuracy: ± (2% of indicated value + 0.7%)
Input level range: +10 to +40 dBm (average power within burst, MAIN connector)
Amplitude measurement
Transmitter power accuracy: ±10% (MAIN connector, after calibration by using built-in power meter)
Adjacent channel power
Measurement range: ≥60 dB (600 kHz offset), ≥65 dB (900 kHz offset)
Batch measurement Measurement time: ≤1.5 s (amplitude measurement in normal mode; occupied bandwidth and adjacent channel power
functions measurement on high-speed mode)
Frequency range: 10 MHz to 3 GHz
Signal generator Level range: –133 to –13 dBm (MAIN connector), –133 to +7 dBm (AUX connector)
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Main frame
MT8801C Radio Communication Analyzer
Standard accessories
J0576B Coaxial cord (N-P · 5D-2W · P), 1 m: 1 pc
J0768 Coaxial adaptor (N-J · NC-P): 2 pcs
Power cord: 1 pc
F0014 Fuse, 6.3 A: 2 pcs
MT8801C-01 Analog Measurement
MT8801C-04 AF Low Impedance Output (requires Option 01)
MT8801C-07 Spectrum Analyzer
MT8801C-11 GSM Audio Test (requires MX880115A and Option 01)
MT8801C-12 CDMA Measurement (requires Option 01)
MX880113A IS-136A Measurement Software (requires Option 01)
MX880114A AMPS/PCS1900 Measurement Software (requires Option 01)
MX880115A GSM Measurement Software
MX880116A PDC Measurement Software with Call Processing
MX880117A PHS Measurement Software with Call Processing
MX880118A DECT Measurement Software (requires Option 07)
MX880131A PDC Measurement Software
MX880132A PHS Measurement Software
MX880201A-01 Soft Handoff (for CDMA, requires Option 12)
MS8604A Digital Mobile Radio Transmitter Tester
MD6420A Data Transmission Analyzer
MS2683A Spectrum Analyzer
MG3681A Digital Modulation Signal Generator
Optional accessories
J0127C Coaxial cord (BNC-P · G-58A/U · NC-P), 0.5 m
J0769 Coaxial adapter (BNC-J · NC-P)
J0040 Coaxial adapter (N-P · NC-J)
MA1612A Four-Point Junction Pad
J0395 Fixed attenuator for high power (30 dB, 30 W, dc to 9 GHz)
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
B0329D Front cover (1MW 5U)
B0331D Front handle kit (2 pcs/set)
B0332 Joint plate (4 pcs/set)
B0333D Rack mount kit
B0334D Carrying case (hard type, with protective cover and casters)
J0742A RS-232C cable (for PC-98 PC, D-sub 25-pin), 1 m
J0743A RS-232C cable (for DOS/V PC, D-sub 9-pin), 1 m
The ME7812 series test system is for automatic testing of cdmaOne Functions and performance
mobile station for both the Japanese ARIB system and the North- • LAN connection, data collection and system management
American IS-95 system and PDC/PHS mobile stations. It can also be A network of plural test systems can be constructed easily using the
used for testing dual mode stations of the North-American AMPS Windows 98 Network Drive Assignment function. The test conditions
(analog) and cdmaOne. and data can be saved into a server∗1. In addition, network con-
The test method can be selected from the IS-95A, J-STD-008, ARIB struction services are supported.
STD-T53 KOREA-PCS (cdmaOne), RCR STD-27 (PDC) and RCR ∗1: Requires LAN card in PC
STD-28 (PHS) standards, the TELEC Technical Standard • Automatic correction of frequency characteristics
Conformity Certification, and a high-speed method. The I/O frequency characteristics of the test system with the options
A full range of options permits the test system to be configured for must be corrected. The MX781250A Level Correction Software mea-
both production lines and specific applications. A personal computer sures the correction data automatically. Maintenance and periodical
running Windows 98 can be used as a system controller. updates are made easily using these corrected frequency character-
Models Application systems istic values. I/O level errors can be detected by comparing the cur-
rent and previous corrected values.
ME7812A cdmaOne
• Switching unit for continuous tests
ME7812B cdmaOne, PDC The ME7411A Switching Unit for Transceiver Continuous Test is
ME7812C cdmaOne, PHS used for testing two mobile stations alternately. It eliminates the time
ME7812D cdmaOne, PDC, PHS required to change mobile stations, allowing continuous testing∗2.
∗2: The ME7410A or ME7413A switches the RF signals.
• Compact high-performance coaxial switch
ME7812F PHS The ME7413A Coaxial Switch can be connected directly to the RF
ME7812G PDC, PHS I/O connector of the MT8801B/C and MT8802A. It is especially suit-
able for maintenance of mobile stations. The power is supplied and
controlled from the controller.
Features • For maintenance of mobile stations
• Standards-based measurement Call processing allows PDC, PHS, and cdmaOne mobile stations to
• Easy-to-understand GUI operations and help guide be tested in the actual operation conditions (communication mode).
Communication test is also possible.
• High-speed measurement
TELEC Technical Standard Conformity Test items, such as frequen-
cy, transmission rates, antenna power, carrier-off leakage power, oc-
cupied bandwidth, adjacent channel power, spurious emissions and
radiated spurious emissions can be measured for PDC/PHS in less
than 30 seconds.
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• Test by call processing or test mode control • Free choice of system components
Any frequency channel (L, M, H, ALL) can be selected for each test System components can be chosen to match the required functions.
item of call processing or test mode control. The selected items can For example, a signal generator can be chosen for 3-signal applica-
be tested continuously. tion.
• Help guide
A help guide supports the software products. Either Japanese help
guide or the English help guide (only for cdmaOne) can be selected
at installation.
• Example of test data output
Data printout
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• ME7812B/D/E/G
System PDC
Measurement items Software MX781217A (with processing) MX781232A
Options Standard Option 03/13 Option 04 Standard Option 03/13 Option 04
Frequency error
Modulation accuracy
Transmission rate
Antenna power deviation
Leakage power during carrier-off
Burst transmission transient response characteristics
TX tests Occupied bandwidth
Adjacent channel power
Transmission timing
Spurious emission strength
Transmission intermodulation ∗2 ∗2
Receiver sensitivity
Bit error rate floor characteristics
Interference level
Adjacent channel selectivity
RX tests Intermodulation characteristics
Spurious sensitivity
Receiver level detection
Network quality detection
Secondary emission strength
Origination/termination disconnection
Call processing test
Voice test
DC test∗1 Current consumption
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2110 to 2200 MHz
The ML8720B is used for investigation and maintenance to evaluate • Master/slave mode
the radio wave propagation characteristics in the area of a W-CDMA In addition to stand-alone measurement using a single unit, several
base station. When it is connected to a GPS receiver, the measured ML8720B units can be connected as one master and several slaves,
data can be correlated with positioning information (latitude and lon- permitting parallel master/slave measurements. A separate mea-
gitude). surement channel can be specified for each ML8720B to greatly re-
The measurement items include functions for measuring the duce the initial code detection time.
RSCP∗1, Ec/No and SIR∗2, which is used to evaluate the strength of • Handy type
the radio wave received from each base station; and the delay pro- At only 4 kg, the ML8720B is easily portable for both outside and in-
file, which is used to evaluate the delay characteristics of the radio side work. And the large 8.4" color LCD is easy to view.
wave caused by multipath propagation. For the use under direct sunlight, 7.8-inch reflective color STN-LCD
There are two measurement modes: the unspecified base station display model is also available (Option 02)∗ .
measurement mode, and the specified base station measurement ∗: Factory option (Display units can not be exchanged by customers)
mode. The CPICH∗3 from the base station is measured in both cas- • 3-hour battery operation
es. The unspecified base station measurement mode is used when The lithium-ion battery pack provides more than 3 hours of operation and
the base station scrambling code is unknown. Search methods of a spare battery pack solves even long-term measurement problems.
scrambling code include SCH search method with SCH∗4 and P-
CPICH∗5 search method to directly search P-CPICH without de- • Large-capacity memory cards
Large amounts of measured data can be saved to large-capacity
pending on SCH. The specified base station measurement mode is
flash-memory cards (256 MB max.).
used when the base station scrambling code is known.
∗1: RSCP (Received Signal Code Power) Measurement examples
∗2: SIR (Signal Interference Ratio)
∗3: CPICH (Common Pilot Channel) • Channel display
∗4: SCH (Synchronization Channel) The measurement results for all the receive channels (32 max.) can
∗5: P-CPICH (Primary CPICH) be displayed simultaneously as a graph and as data. Additionally, it
is possible to set measurement interval and to select the cumulative
• High-speed and high-accuracy area analysis processing (max., min., median, average) for the internally accumu-
RSCP, Ec/No and SIR can be measured at 30 cm intervals (at spec- lated data in the set measurement interval.
ified base station and single-channel measurement) while travelling
at 100 km/h in a monitoring vehicle to provide fast and accurate area
• Correlation with GPS positioning data
The measured data can be correlated with GPS positioning data (lat-
itude and longitude) and saved to a memory card. In addition, the
measured data and positioning information can be downloaded at
real time to an external PC via the RS-232C interface.
• High-accuracy measurement using diversity function
When used in combination with the optional diversity function, even
higher-accuracy measurements, such as CPICH transmit diversity
format and receive antenna diversity can be performed.
• Finger display
This displays the measured data for one selected channel path (finger).
When the diversity option is installed, the RSCP for up to 12 paths
can be evaluated simultaneously.
RSCP per Finger can be outputted to a file for all channels under
measurement when the measurement is performed in activated
Each Finger data output. It is effective for multi-path environment
analysis and indoor simulation based on acquired data.
Frequency range 2110 to 2200 MHz
Input impedance 50 Ω (SMA-type connector)
Frequency setting resolution 200 kHz (W-CDMA measurement mode), 1 kHz (spectrum monitor mode)
Reference oscillator Aging rate: ±1 x 10 –6/year
Receive signals P-CPICH, S-CPICH
Measurement range
W-CDMA measurement mode: –117 to –33 dBm
Spectrum monitor mode: –123 to –33 dBm
Resolution: 0.1 dB
Power measurement Display units: dBm, dBµV, dBµV/m (spectrum monitor mode)
Accuracy: ±2 dB (RSCP)
Average noise level (spectrum monitor mode): ≤–127 dBm (RBW: 4 kHz)
SIR Accuracy: ±3 dB (at dynamic range: –100 to –40 dBm, SIR: 5 to 20 dB)
Dynamic characteristics: RSCP, SIR measurement at 0 to 100 km/h (averaged distance: 50 m)
Measurement items Specified base station, unspecified base station, spectrum monitor
Measurement items:
Received signal code power (RSCP), ratio of desired receive power per chip to receive power density (Ec/No), signal
interference ratio (SIR)
Measurement modes: Time variation (internal trigger) distance variation (external trigger)
Sampling interval: 10 ms min. (at 1 channel measurement)
Base station measurement Measurement channels: 32 max.
Sync acquisition time: 600 ms x the number of search channel
Data processing method: Average, median, max., min., 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%
Measurement displays:
All channel, delay profile, each finger, fluctuation (fluctuation is only for specification base station measurement),
SCH delay profile (unspecified base station measurement)
Continued on next page
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Frequency span: 4 MHz, 90 MHz
Spectrum monitor function
Resolution bandwidth: 4 kHz
Master/slave function: Daisy chain of multiple ML8720B, parallel measurement
GPS connection: Supports NMEA-0183 format
Remote control: Via RS-232C
Other functions
File I/O: Read measurement conditions, output measured results file
Diversity function: Transmit diversity, receive antenna diversity (Option 01)
RAKE diversity: Six fingers
IF output: ≥10 dBµV (190 MHz), BNC connector
External reference input: 2 to 5 Vp-p (10 MHz), BNC connector
External trigger input: 1.5 Vdc ±(2 to 13 Vp-p), BNC connector
Sync output: TTL level, BNC connector
Interface RS-232C-1: For external computer (max. 115.2 kbps), D-sub 9-pin connector
RS-232C-2: For GPS (supports NMEA-0183 format), mini-DIN 8-pin connector
Printer: 8-bit parallel I/F (conform to Centronics), D-sub 25-pin connector
Keyboard: IBM US ENGLISH (101 keys) 106 supported, Mini-DIN 6-pin connector
External monitor: VGA, mini-DIN 10-pin connector
Storage media FDD (3.5", 2HD), ATA flash card
Display 640 x 480 dots, 8.4" color LCD, 7.8” color LCD (Option 02)
Temperature and humidity: 0˚ to +40˚C/≤85% (operating), —25˚ to +60˚C/≤85% (storage)
Vibration: MIL-T-28800E Class 3
Drop test: 76 cm drop (Bellcore standard)
Environment conditions EMC
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A), EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class D), EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
EN610101-1: 1993/A2, 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
10 to 26.4 Vdc
100 to 240 Vac, 50/60 Hz (with AC adapter)
Power Battery: Z0404A Lithium Ion Battery Pack
Power consumption: 35 W max., 20 W (typical), 30 W (typical with Option 01)
Battery continuous operation time: 3 h (typical), 2 h (typical with Option 01)
290 (W) x 194 (H) x 78 (D) mm, ≤4 kg (with battery pack)
Dimensions and mass 290 (W) x 194 (H) x 123 (D) mm, ≤5 kg (with Option 01 and battery pack)
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Main frame
ML8720B∗ W-CDMA Area Tester
Standard accessories
W1893AE ML8720B operation manual: 1 copy
Z0404A Lithium Ion Battery Pack: 1 pc
J1069 AC adapter: 1 pc
Power cord: 1 pc
Z0402A Protective cover: 1 pc
Z0403A Belt with hook: 1 pc
Z0516 Antenna: 1 pc
Z0517 Antenna mount (with 5 m cable): 1 pc
J0977 Serial interface cable (for connecting GPS): 1 pc
ML8720B-01 Diversity function
ML8720B-02∗ Display unit (STN-LCD, 7.8 inch)
Application software
MX872022B Data Conversion Software (date conversion output for
Maintenance service
ML8720B-90 Extended three year warranty service
ML8720B-91 Extended five year warranty service
Application parts
JT128MA3-NT1 PC-ATA card (128 MB)
JT256MA3-NT1 PC-ATA card (256 MB)
Z0436 Hard carrying case
Z0435 Soft carrying case [430 (W) x 300 (H) x 170 (D) mm]
B0442 Soft carrying case [440 (W) x 310 (H) x 110 (D) mm]
Z0526 Case for installation (for main frame)
J0127D BNC cable (for external trigger connection)
J0654A Serial interface cable (for connecting IBM-PC/AT)
J0978 VGA conversion cable (for connecting external monitor)
∗: There are two type displays, transparent color TFT-LCD type for indoor use
and reflective color STN-LCD type for outdoor use. Specify display type
when ordering. Display units can not be exchanged by customers.
25 to 1000 MHz
Custom-made product
The ML524B have a full range of features and functions plus de- • Direct readout of field strength
modulation functions for various signals. Their compact, lightweight • High precision level display (indication in 0.1 dB steps)
construction makes them suitable for a variety of measurement appli-
cations. Use of the GPIB interface option allows easy configuration Applications
of an automatic test system controlled by a personal computer. For field strength measurement
• Investigation to determine service areas
Features • Radio wave propagation test
• Very compact and lightweight • Measurement of spurious radiation from transmitter
• High frequency stability (A synthesizer local is used. Its reference For other than field strength measurement
oscillator has a high frequency stability of ±1 x 10–6.)
• Wide dynamic range (80 dB without switching) • Radio monitoring
• Automatic gain calibration • Measuring receiver
• High-sensitivity signal demodulation
RF input Nominal impedance 50 Ω, N-type connector
Range 25.0000 to 999.9999 MHz
Liquid crystal display, 6 digits
Minimum digit: 1 kHz (0.5 kHz is displayed using a symbol of .)
Frequency Resolution 12.5 kHz (120 kHz bandwidth), 1 kHz (15 kHz bandwidth)
Setting Keyboard and FINE dial
Memory Up to 100 frequencies can be stored and recalled.
Reference frequency stability ±1 x 10–6
Minimum value 5 dBµV (25 to 300 MHz), 5 dBµV (300 to 999.999 MHz)
Voltage Maximum value 100 dBµV (25 to 999.999 MHz)
measurement Setting C/N: ≥6 dB (at minimum value), Bandwidth: 15 kHz
(E.M.F.) Accuracy (digital display) ±2 dB (≥minimum value +6 dB)
Comparison oscillator Pulse generator
Minimum value –5 to 19 dBµV/m (25 to 300 MHz), 19 to 32 dBµV/m (300 to 999.999 MHz)
Field strength Maximum value 0 to 114 dBµV/m (25 to 300 MHz), 114 to 120 dBµV/m (300 to 999.999 MHz)
measurement Setting C/N: ≥6 dB (at minimum value), Bandwidth: 15 kHz
Type of antenna Half-wave dipole
6 dB bandwidth 15 ±2 kHz (15 kHz bandwidth), 120 ±20 kHz (120 kHz bandwidth)
Detuning characteristics 15 kHz bandwidth ≥50 dB (±20 kHz off center)
Image ratio ≥60 dB (at 25.000 to 299.999 MHz), ≥45 dB (at 300 to 999.999 MHz)
Residual spurious ≤10 dBµV (typical near 50, 130, 600, 1000 MHz)
Detection system Average value
Continued on next page
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Display: Liquid crystal display, 4 digits, Minimum digit 0.1 dB (on digital display), Up to 80 dB (on analog display)
Measured level indication
Unit: dBµV, dBµV/m (on digital display)
Monitor output AM and FM can be heard from a loudspeaker, and earphone output terminal is also provided.
IF output Level: ≥85 dBµV at 80 dBµV input, Impedance: 50 Ω (nominal), Connector: BNC-type
Level: 1 V ±20% (modulation frequency: 2 kHz, frequency deviation: 3.5 kHz, into 100 kHz load)
Discriminator output Impedance: ≤150 Ω
Connector: BNC-type
Output for recorder Level: 1 V ±10% (at 80 dB on digital display, into 100 kΩ load), Impedance: ≤150 Ω, Connector: 3.5ø jack
Ambient temperature 0˚ to 50˚C (operate), –20˚ to 60˚C (storage)
12 Vdc: <1 A
Power 100 Vac, 50/60 Hz, ≤35 VA (using MZ114A AC Power Pack supplied)
Ni-Cd battery (optional MZ110B Battery Pack)
Dimensions and mass 210 (W) x 60 (H) x 175 (D) mm, ≤4 kg
Dry cell
• Operates∗1 continuously for about 2.5 to • Twelve alkaline dry cells (LR20)
5 hours • Does not permit GPIB operation
• Sold separately
• Operates continuously for about 30 to • Six Ni-Cd batteries with the same dimensions
∗1 as R14 battery, chargeable 200 to 300 times
Ni-Cd battery 60 minutes
• Sold separately • Fits inside the receiver
• Does not permit GPIB operation
MZ114A AC Power Pack
External DC supply – • The receiver can be operated directly • One DC power cord is supplied.
from an external 12 Vdc supply. • Permits GPIB operation
Battery charger MZ115B Battery Charger • Sold separately • Two MZ110B can be charged simultaneously.
• EMC, safety
∗1: For continuous reception after power on, with calibration performed once only (more calibrations reduce the operating time). Operating is also affected by how
the battery has been stored, and operating temperature.
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame Optional accessories
ML524B Measuring Receiver MP612A RF Fuse Holder
MP613A RF Fuse Element (5 pcs/set)
Standard accessories A0004 Headphone
J0231 Connecting cord for recorder MZ110B Battery Pack (with six Ni-Cd batteries)
(3.5ø plug · – · alligator clips), 1.5 m: 1 pc MZ115B Battery Charger
J0144 DC power cord MZ114A AC Power Pack
(RM12BPG-5S · 2CC7 · arrow tips), 1.5 m: 1 pc MP635A Log-periodic Antenna
A0002 Earphone: 1 pc MZ137A Battery Pack
MZ114A AC Power Pack: 1 pc MB19A Tripod (for MP635A)
B0259 Carrying case: 1 pc J0006 GPIB cable, 0.5 m
W0285AE ML524A/B/C operation manual: 1 copy J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
Options J0009 GPIB cable, 4 m
ML524B-01 GPIB MP663A Dipole Antenna (with pole and tripod)
ML524B-05 Terminated voltage indication MP651B Dipole Antenna
MP18A Pole (for MP651B)
MB9A Tripod (for MP651B)
MP520B CM Directional Coupler
(25 to 1000 MHz, 75 Ω, NC-type connector)
MP520D CM Directional Coupler
(100 to 1700 MHz, 50 Ω, N-type connector)
• This instrument includes a power meter, frequency counter, FM de-
viation meter, AF level meter, SINAD meter, AF oscillator, synthe- 4
sized signal generator, and DC voltmeter, all in a single cabinet.
Additional options include a tone generator, signalling unit for per-
sonal radio, and weighting filter∗.
For Measuring Field Strength of Digital Cellular Phones • Automatic radio wave propagation measurement system
and MCA Systems • Radio wave propagation characteristics measurement system
• 1 ms sampling rate
• 10%, 50%, 90% values calculation
• Measuring transmitter spurious, and measuring low-level signals in
R&D and production
• Portable design
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• The internal wide-band antenna (800 to 2500 MHz) enable to the Ordering information
test of W-CDMA, cdma2000®, GSM, PDC, PHS mobile terminals Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
and Wireless LAN terminal etc. under the air connection. Model/Order No. Name
• Both air and coaxial connection between mobile phones and
Main frame
MA8120A are available.
MA8120A Shield Box
Standard accessories
Specifications B0509 UE holder: 1 pc
W2115AE MA8120A operation manual: 1 copy
Frequency 800 to 2500 MHz
Shield characteristic ≤–60 dB Application parts
RF connector: N type J1150D Coaxial cable (N-P · N-P, 170 mm)
Interface J1150G Coaxial cable (N-P · N-P, 3 m)
Control connector: DX50
J1152E Control I/F cable
Dimensions and mass 320 (W) x 132.5 (H) x 370 (D) mm, ≤3.5 kg [DX50 · DX50, 3 m, for external measurement equipment
Environment Temperature: +10˚ to +50 ˚C (operating), connection cable (control signal line)]
conditions –20˚ to +60 ˚C (storage) J1151A Control I/F cable for PC (DX50 · USB, for PC connection)
J1152B Control I/F cable
EN61010-1: 2001 (Installation Category II, [DX50 · DX50, 170 mm, for external measurement
Pollution Degree 2) equipment connection cable (control signal line)]
J1153A UE I/F cable
(for W-CDMA mobile phone connection inside MA8120A,
control signal)
J1155A UE I/F cable with RF
(for W-CDMA mobile phone connection inside MA8120A,
control signal and RF)
J1157A Control cable for PC
(DX50 · D-sub 9 pin, for PC connection)
The layer 2 protocol stack and layer 3 test tools are functionally equiv-
Development and Proving alent to those used in the Anritsu VST (Virtual Signaling Tester).
3G Terminals An application-programming interface (API) to enable user generated C-
language test scenarios to be executed is available for the PTS.
Supports multiple 3G cell enabling Soft and Hard handover. In ad-
dition supports inter-system handover between GSM to WCDMA,
GPRS to WCDMA, and vice versa.
System overview 4
Server National Instruments
PTS Core Framework
Results Executable Application
database Test Suite
The MX785201A PTS (Protocol Test System) and MX785101A VST MAC
(Virtual Signaling Tester) are a family of test and verification tools PHY
from Anritsu for next generation wireless products. They have been RF
developed to provide the test support today’s research and develop- UE
ment engineers need to successfully meet demanding performance
and time to market targets.
They provide a common user interface thus reducing operator learn- PTS Core Software
ing time as development progresses and migrates over the range of
Anritsu’s 3G development tools. In addition, test procedures gener-
ated for the PTS can be run on the VST and vice versa. This enables VST
test procedures to be developed very early in the development cycle The MX785101A VST software provides an environment to exercise
and to evolve as the user equipment evolves. A substantial saving in Layer 3 and Layer 2 signaling protocols defined within the Third
the investment in development of test procedures can be realized. Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). When linked to the cus-
tomer’s signaling protocol development environment, Layer 3 and
Features Layer 2 Test Procedures running on the VST platform enable verifi-
• W-CDMA protocol test capability cation and subsequent validation of the signaling protocol Software
• 3GPP Standard compliant development tool Under Test.
• Common user interface across Anritsu development tools The VST executes on a standard Windows PC. The SUT (Software
• Comprehensive on-line help Under Test) may reside on any machine that can be connected via a
• Environment supporting TTCN test case execution TCP/IP port to the Windows PC running the VST. In order to inter-
• TTCN test procedure library available face to the VST, the User Equipment (UE) abstract layer 1 and UE
• Re-use of test cases on VST (Virtual Signaling Tester) and PTS adapter software components are required for the Software Under
(Protocol Test System) Test. The VST Network (NW) abstract layer 1 and adapter compo-
PTS nents can be used as a starting point to develop these components.
The MX785201A PTS software is combined with the MD8480B W- The Abstract Layer 1 has also been developed in such a way that
CDMA Signaling Tester to make a system providing an environment users can easily customize it in order to simulate specific features of
to exercise Layer 3 and Layer 2 signaling protocols defined within the the air interface.
Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). Evolution with 3GPP
The PTS and VST software component runs on a Windows 2000/NT™ The capability of the VST & PTS will evolve and additional capabili-
PC. They execute TestStand™ test sequences made up of calls into ty added in-line with the 3GPP specifications. When available, the
a library of TTCN test cases through which can be defined: PTS will run the 3GPP Conformance Test Suite as defined in
• Sequences of layer 3 messages and expected responses TS34.123. In addition, the Protocol Test System will support the layer
• Layer 3 to layer 2 service primitives to trigger specific layer 2 pro- 1 and layer 2 parameter sets defined in the 3GPP specifications
cedures, or to configure layer 2 operation TS34.108.
• Layer 3 to layer 1 service primitives to configure and initiate layer
1 operation
• Service primitives to and from user provided code modules for UE
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ATS manager Logger and results database
The logger captures data from the majority of components in the sys-
tem and stores it in the results database. This data is used by the
protocol analyzer to create message sequence charts and display
decoded messages.
Trademark Acknowledgements
Telelogic Tau™ is a Trade Mark of Telelogic™ AB.
TestStand™ is a Trade Mark of National Instruments™ Corporation.
FLEXlm™ is a Trade Mark of Macrovision™ Corporation.
http://www.anritsu.com 301
ul Test
es Archive
R Test Log Manager
Test Graphical
Libraries Procedure
Libraries Procedure Test
Libraries Editor
The Rapid Test Designer (RTD) is a revolutionary new tool which Criteria
aims to speed up the testing of WCDMA devices significantly by- Editor
Catalogues Parameter
greatly simplifying the way in which tests are created, executed and Catalogues
Catalogues Editor
The RTD presents an intuitive and interactive graphical environment Test
for designing test cases, coupled with an expert system that guides Execution Test
the user through the complexity of the 3GPP protocols. It provides a Engine Analyzer
that can be placed on the screen to assemble the tests. The building te
http://www.anritsu.com 303
Test Log (Protocol) Analyzer Call Control
For any test execution, the RTD has an integrated protocol analyzer, Call Establishment and Clearing
which logs all Layer 3, Layer 2 and Layer 1 message exchanges be- The RTD can establish the following types of call:
tween the RTD and the System Under Test. These messages are de- • Speech Call
coded to show the name and content of each field, and displayed us- – Mobile originated establishment, mobile and network originated
ing the RTD Protocol Analyzer. clearing
The RTD Protocol Analyzer also provides: – Network originated establishment, mobile and network originated
• Direct launch to test results from within RTD clearing
• Message Sequence charts of test runs • Circuit Switched Data Call
• Full and collapsible sequence views at procedure level, with pre – Mobile originated establishment, mobile originated clearing
and post filtering of log files – Network originated establishment, network originated clearing
• Display of test message contents sent or received by the RTD • Packet Data Connection (covered under Session Management
• Naming and display of protocol layer information elements at layer functionality below)
1, 2, and 3
• Textual display of enumerated field values Other Call Control Procedures
• Decoding and display of MIB/SIB embedded bit strings • Call re-establishment, UE and Network side
• Collapsible tree presentation of message contents • Progress
• Open Protocol Data Units in separate windows for ease of com- • DTMF protocol control
parison Session Management
• Timestamps against individual messages The RTD supports PDP contexts and the handling of IP traffic as follows:
• Management of test log archives • Activation/Deactivation of multiple primary PDP contexts (Network
or UE initiated)
Procedures • Activation/Deactivation of multiple secondary PDP contexts
In addition to test and system simulator control procedures, the RTD (Network or UE initiated)
provides support for a set of procedures similar to those defined in • PDP Context Modification (Network initiated)
3GPP standards.
Other NAS signalling entities
RRC Procedures The RTD supports the sending and receiving of SMS and supple-
Each procedure includes associated system simulator configuration, mentary services signalling messages.
timers, and appropriate parameters. GSM/GPRS Inter-working
General Functionality Support for inter-working with GSM and GPRS is available as an op-
• Broadcast of system information tion, which provides the following capabilities:
• Create and release a signalling connection to the NAS layer, with • GSM & GPRS Neighbor Cell (for InterRAT measurements)
support for both Network and UE originated types • Reselection from UMTS to GSM and GSM to UMTS
• Enable/Disable application of security mode (Integrity protection • Handover of speech call from UMTS AMR to GSM FR & from GSM
only) to a connection FR to UMTS AMR
• Perform a UE capability enquiry • Reselection during packet data connection from UMTS to GPRS &
from GPRS to UMTS
RRC State Transitions
All standard RRC State Transitions are supported. Lower Layer Capability
RTD conforms to Release 99 of the 3GPP specifications and follows
RRC Connection Mobility
industry agreement on which version of the specifications to support.
Procedures support a number of cell/URA updating scenarios, in-
The functionality mappings include:
• Periodic Cell and URA Updating • RTD Physical Layer functionality maps to TS25.211, TS25.212 &
• Change of Cell or URA • RTD MAC Layer functionality maps to TS25.321
• Re-entry of service area • RTD RLC Layer functionality maps to TS25.322
• Radio Link failure
Procedures support the following handover scenarios:
• Soft Handover: Radio Link addition and removal Ordering information
• Hard Handover (CELL_FACH -> CELL_ FACH in FDD mode) Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Measurement Model/Order No. Name
Procedures support the following measurement controls:
• Measurement Control with periodic Measurement Reporting MX786201A
Main frame
RTD Core Software (Multi Cell Multi Frequency)
• Measurement Control with selected event driven Measurement
Reporting Options
The list of events is constantly expanding, with the current list avail- MX786201A-12 Multi-RAT (FDD/GSM) Capability
able from your Anritsu Sales contact. MX786201A-40 Security Mode
25 MHz to 4.0 GHz
A Multi-Function Base Station Test Tool for Greater Flexibility and Technician Productivity
Cell Master MT8212A is a comprehensive, one-box base station test • No external power sensor required for power meter measurements
tool for deploying, maintaining and troubleshooting wireless base • Store/Recall 25 setup configurations and up to 200 traces
stations. Combining the functionality of a cable and antenna ana- • Alphanumeric labeling and automatic time/date stamp of saved
lyzer (25 MHz to 4.0 GHz), spectrum analyzer (10 MHz to 3.0 GHz), measurements
power meter, and T1/E1 analyzer into one lightweight, handheld test • 6 markers, limit line, and segmented limit lines
set - eliminates the need for field engineer and field technician to car- • Trace overlay, trace math
ry, manage and learn multiple test sets. MT8212A measurement ca- • Superior immunity to RF interference
pability includes precision return loss, VSWR, cable loss, distance- • 130, 259 and 517 data points for optimal resolution and long range
to-fault, signal identification, interference analysis, channel power, fault locations
adjacent channel power ratio, field strength, occupied bandwidth, • FlexCal™ allows troubleshooting cable and antenna systems with-
transmitter power and T1/E1 measurements. Patented RF interfer- out multiple calibrations and calibration setups
ence rejection enables accurate, repeatable measurements in the • < 500 msec per sweep to identify real time intermittent cable problems
presence of high RF activity. PC data analysis software enables as- • ± 0.5 dB typical amplitude accuracy power measurements
sessment of system trends, problems, and performance in addition • –135 dBm typical DANL
to professional report generation. • Interference analysis
The MT8212A includes PC data analysis software, soft carrying • T1 and E1 histograms
case, rechargeable battery, AC/DC power supply, 12V automotive
cigarette lighter adapter, RS232 null modem serial cable and user's Handheld PC Software Analysis Tools Features
guide. • Transfer traces with a single menu selection
• Stores an unlimited number of data traces for comparison to his-
Features torical performances
• Handheld, battery-operated, under 5 lbs (2.28 kg), including battery • Trace overlay for on-screen comparison of current measurements
• Rechargeable, snap-in field replaceable battery to previously saved measurements
• Withstands repeated drops and rough handling • On screen "click and drag,” zoom and change measurement units
• Weather resistant seals and rubber membrane keypad protect unit capabilities
from dirt and moisture • Graphical or tabular clipboard format and export format
• Built-in worldwide signal standards and frequency channels • Cable editor supports downloading and uploading cable list and
• Multilingual user interface: English, French, Chinese, Japanese, saving as a file
Spanish, German • Antenna editor supports downloading and uploading cable list and
• Intuitive and easy to use with on-screen test set-ups and single key saving as a file
functions • Distance-to-fault and Smith Chart analysis
Spectrum Analyzer
Range 10 MHz to 3.0 GHz
Aging: ± 1 ppm/yr
Reference (Internal Timebase)
Accuracy: ± 2 ppm
Span 10 Hz to 2.99 GHz in 1, 2, 5 step selections in auto mode, plus zero span
Sweep Time ≤1.1 sec full span; ≤50 µsec to 20 sec zero span
Resolution Bandwidth (–3 dB) 100 Hz to 1 MHz in 1-3 sequence ± 5% Accuracy
Video Bandwidth (–3 dB) 3 Hz to 1 MHz in 1-3 sequence ± 5% Accuracy
SSB Phase Noise (1 GHz) @ 30 kHz Offset ≤–75 dBc/Hz
Spurious Responses ≤–45 dBc
Spurious Residual Responses ≤–90dBm, (10 kHz RBW, pre-amp on)
±1 dB max (± 0.5 dB typical) for input signal levels ≥–60 dBm (10 MHz to 2 GHz, excludes input
Total Level Accuracy
VSWR mismatch)
Measurement Range +20 dBm to –135 dBm
Input Attenuator Range 0 to 51 dB, selected manually or automatically coupled to the reference level. Resolution in 1 dB steps.
Displayed Average Noise Level ≤–135 dBm typical (Input terminated, 0 dB attenuation, RMS detection, 100 Hz RBW, preamp on)
Dynamic Range >65 dB
Display Range 1 to 15 dB/division, in 1 dB steps, 10 divisions displayed
Scale Units dBm, dBV, dBmV, dBµV
RF Input VSWR (≥20 dB atten.) 1.5:1 typical, (10 MHz to 2.4 GHz)
Power Meter
Frequency Range 10 MHz to 3.0 GHz
Display Range –80 dBm to +80 dBm
Offset Range 0 to +60 dB
Accuracy ±1 dB max (± 0.5 dB typical) for input signal levels ≥–60 dBm, 10 MHz to 2 GHz excludes input VSWR
VSWR 1.5:1 typical (Pin > –30 dBm, 10 MHz to 2.4 GHz)
Maximum Power 20 dBm (0.1W) without external attenuator
http://www.anritsu.com 307
T1 Analyzer E1 Analyzer
Line Coding AMI, B8ZS Line Coding AMI, HDB3
Framing Modes D4 (Superframe), ESF (Extended Superframe) Framing Modes PCM30, PCM30CRC, PCM31, PCM31CRC
Terminate (100 Ω) Terminate (75, 120 Ω)
Connection Connection
Bridge (≥1000 Ω) Bridge (≥1000 Ω)
Configurations Configurations
Monitor (Connect via 20 dB pad in DSX) Monitor (Connect via 20 dB pad in DSX)
Receiver Sensitivity 0 to –36 dBdsx Receiver Sensitivity 0 to –43 dB
Transmit Level 0 dB, –7.5 dB, and –15 dB External
Clock Sources
Internal 2.048 MHz ± 30 ppm
Clock Sources
Internal: 1.544 MHz ± 30 ppm Pulse Shapes Conform to ITU G.703
Pulse Shapes Conform to ANSI T1.403 PRBS: 2-9, 2-11, 2-15, 2-20, 2-23 Inverted and
Pattern Generation non-inverted, QRSS, 1-in-8 (1-in-7), 2-in-8, 3-in-
PRBS: 2-9, 2-11, 2-15, 2-20, 2-23 Inverted and
and Detection 24, All ones, All zeros, T1-Daly, User defined
Pattern Generation non-inverted, QRSS, 1-in-8 (1-in-7), 2-in-8, 3-in-
(32 bits)
and Detection 24, All ones, All zeros, T1-Daly, User defined
(≤32 bits) Carrier present, Frame ID and Sync., Pattern ID
Circuit Status Reports
and Sync.
Carrier present, Frame ID and Sync., Pattern ID
Circuit Status Reports
and Sync. Alarm Detection AIS, RAI, MMF
Alarm Detection AIS (Blue Alarm), RAI (Yellow Alarm) Frame Bits, Bit, BER, BPV, CRC, E-Bits, Error
Error Detection
Error Detection Frame Bits, Bit, BER, BPV, CRC, Error Sec Sec
Error Insertion Bit, BPV, Framing Bits, RAI, AIS Error Insertion Bit, BPV, Framing Bits, RAI, AIS
Loopback Modes Self loopback
Self loop, CSU, NIU, User defined, In-band or
Loopback Modes
Data Link Level Measurements Vp-p (± 5%)
Level Measurements Vp-p (± 5%) Data Log Continuous, up to 48 hrs
Data Log Continuous, up to 48 hrs
Language Support English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese
Internal Trace Memory Up to 200 traces
Setup Configuration∗4 25
Display VGA, monochrome LCD with adjustable backlight
RF Out Type N, female, 50 Ω
Maximum Input without Damage +20 dBm, ± 50 VDC
RF In Type N, female, 50 Ω
Maximum Input without Damage +43 dBm (Peak), ± 50 VDC
Input and Output Ports Ext. Trig In BNC, female (5V TTL)
Ext. Freq Ref In (2 to 20 MHz) Shared BNC, female, 50 Ω, (–15 dBm to +10 dBm)
T1/E1 (Receive & Transmit) Bantam Jack
Serial Interface RS-232 9 pin D-sub, three wire serial
Electromagnetic Compatibility Meets European Community requirements for CE marking
Safety Conforms to EN 61010-1 for Class 1 portable equipment
Operating –10°C to 50°C, humidity 85% or less
Temperature –20°C to +75°C (recommend battery be stored separately between 0°C to
+40°C for any prolonged non-operating storage period)
External DC Input +12 to +15 VDC, 1350 mA max
Power Supply
Internal NiMH battery: 10.8 volts, 1800 mA maximum
Size 25.4 cm x 17.8 cm x 6.1 cm (10.0 in x 7.0 in x 2.4 in)
Weight <2.28 kg (<5 lbs) includes battery
∗1: All specifications apply when calibrated at ambient temperature after a five minute warm up.
∗2: On-Channel interference immunity is specified to within 1 MHz of the carrier frequency.
∗3: On-Frequency interference immunity is specified to within +10 kHz of the carrier frequency.
∗4: Calibration stored with instrument configuration.
http://www.anritsu.com 309
S100C/S200C/S300D/S800C Series
2 MHz to 20 GHz
Site Master is the instrument of choice for transmission line/antenna • Segmented limit lines
installation and maintenance. It is the best way to reduce mainte- • Six markers
nance expenses and improve quality. It replaces stacks of heavy, ex- • Graticule lines
pensive, and complex test equipment. Site Master’s frequency do- • Trace overlay
main reflectometry technique allows it to locate faults before they be- • Direct printing via RS-232 serial port
come catastrophic faults, thereby creating huge cost savings. • Remote operation via RS-232 serial port
The Site Master is a precision, hand-held return loss/SWR and fault loca-
tion measurement instrument. The Site Master series offers wide frequen-
cy coverage, from 2 MHz to 20 GHz. Built-in fault location, RF power mon-
itor, bias tee, and spectrum analysis capabilities are available. Light weight,
rugged design, and wide temperature range make them ideal for field
applications. Site Master’s proprietary design provides superior immunity
to on-channel RF interference, which is important for live site testing.
Handheld Software Tools is a Windows® compatible software pro-
gram provided with every Site Master unit. This software program
provides many useful features, including a database for Site Master
measurements, Smith Chart display of S11, zoom capability, a “drag-
n-drop” overlay for measurement comparison, the capability to down-
load data to a PC, the capability to upload data such as custom ca-
ble list or traces to selected Site Master models, and distance-to-fault
calculation from return loss or SWR plots. Advanced printing capa-
bilities are provided by Handheld Software Tools including user de- Return loss
finable plot scaling and a multiple plots per page option.
Site Master is the first test tool to provide the required accuracy, interfer-
ence immunity, and repeatability for transmission line/antenna commis-
sioning, and maintenance of today’s wireless systems infrastructures.
• Accurate return loss/SWR and fault location measurements
• Accurately tests RF transmission lines and antennas
• Superior immunity to on-channel interference for testing at
co-located antenna sites
• Multilingual user interface: English, German, Spanish, French,
Chinese, Japanese
• Optional color display (S331D and S332D only)
• Insertion Loss/Gain (S251C only)
• Optional built-in bias tee (S251C only)
• Spectrum analysis (S114C and S332D only) Distance-to-fault
• Optional RF power monitor and optional RF power meter
• Synthesizer accurate to 75 ppm Applications
• Internal memory saves up to 200 traces Cellular, ISM, PCS/PCN, paging service, safety service, avionics,
• Instrument configuration up to 20 configurations
• Alphanumeric trace naming two-way radio, military, and microwave point-to-point radio.
• Time, Date stamp Site Master allows implementation of preventative maintenance pro-
• Field replaceable battery cedures. Unlike TDRs and spectrum analyzers/tracking generators,
Model S251C S113C/S331D S114C/S332D
2 to 1600 MHz (S113C) 2 to 1600 MHz (114C)
Frequency range 625 to 2500 MHz
25 to 4000 MHz (S331D) 25 to 4000 MHz (S332D)
10 kHz (S113C) 10 kHz (S114C)
Frequency resolution 10 kHz
100 KHz (S331D) 100 KHz (S332D)
Frequency accuracy (CW mode) ± 75 ppm
Display data points Selectable: 130, 259, 517
Immunity to interfering RF signals*2 S251C S113C S331D S114C S332D
On-frequency*3 +10 dBm (RF out), +30 dBc transmission +10 dBm –5 dBm +10 dBm –5 dBm
On-channel*4 +17 dBm +17 dBm +17 dBm +17 dBm +17 dBm
Return loss Range: 0 to 54 dB; Resolution: 0.01 dB (S331D and S332D have return loss range of 0 to 60 dB)
SWR Range: 1 to 65; Resolution:0.01
Range: 0 to 30 dB; Resolution: 0.01 dB (S331D and S332D)
Cable loss
Range: 0 to 54 dB; Resolution: 0.01 dB (S251C, S113C and S114C)
Vertical range
Return loss: 0 to 54 dB; 0 to 60 dB (S331D and S332D)
Distance-to-fault SWR: 1 to 65
Horizontal range (meter): 0 to (# of data points –1) x resolution, where data points = 130, 259 or 517
Horizontal resolution, rectangular windowing resolution (meter): (1.5 x 108) (υp)/ ∆ frequency*5
10 kHz, 30 kHz,
100 kHz, 1 MHz (S114C)
Resolution bandwidth N/A N/A
100 Hz to 1 MHz in 1-3 sequence
±5% Accuracy (S332D)
http://www.anritsu.com 311
Model S251C S113C/S331D S114C/S332D
2.0:1 (S114C)
RF Input VSWR: ( 20 dB atten.)
RF input VSWR N/A N/A
1.5:1 typical, (10 MHz to 2.4 GHz)
Trace memory Up to 200
Instrument configuration*6 10 10 (S113C); up to 20 (S331D) 10 (S114C); up to 20 (S331D)
Markers 6 for all models
Test port connector Precision N female
Maximum input level without damage
RF OUT test port +23 dBm, 50 Ω, +50 Vdc +23 dBm, 50 Ω, +50 Vdc +23 dBm, 50 Ω, +50 Vdc
RF IN test port (S251 only) +27 dBm, 50 Ω, +50 Vdc N/A N/A
RF power detector (S113C, S114C +20 dBm, 50 Ω, +50 Vdc +20 dBm, 50 Ω, +50 Vdc +20 dBm, 50 Ω, +50 Vdc
& S251C only)
RF power meter (S331D & S332D N/A +43 dBm, 50 Ω, +50 Vd +43 dBm , 50 Ω, +50 Vdc
RF IN Spectrum analyzer port N/A N/A +27 dBm, 50 Ω,± 50 Vdc
(S114C only)
RF IN Spectrum analyzer port N/A N/A +43 dBm, 50 Ω, +50 Vdc
(S332D only)
Operating: –10°C to +50°C humidity 85% or less
Temperature Non-operating: –20°C to +75°C
(recommend battery stored separately between 0°C and +40°C for any prolonged non-operating storage period)
Weight 2.14 kg (4.76 lbs.) nominal; <2.28 kg (< 5 lbs.) including battery (S332D)
Size 25.4 cm x 17.8 cm x 6.1 cm (10 in x 7 in x 2.4 in)
Electromagnetic compatibility: Meets European community requirements for CE marking.
General RS232: 9 pin D-sub, three wire serial
Safety: Conforms to EN 61010-1 for Class 1 portable equipment.
∗1: All specifications apply when calibrated at ambient temperature after a five minute warm up.
∗2: In most applications, immunity is typically better because interfering signals are modulated and varying in frequency rather than being CW. Measurements
were made in CW mode by injecting a signal into the Site Master through a coupler.
∗3: On-Frequency interference immunity is specified to within +10 kHz of the carrier frequency.
∗4: On-Channel interference immunity is specified to within 1 MHz of the carrier frequency.
∗5: Where υp is the cable’s relative propagation velocity. ∆ frequency is the stop frequency minus the start frequency (in Hz). Wide frequency sweeps improve
resolution but reduce maximum display range.
∗6: Calibration stored with instrument configuration.
Model S810C/S820C
3.3 to 10.5 GHz (S810C)
Frequency range
3.3 to 20 GHz (S820C)
Frequency accuracy (CW mode) ≤ ± 50 ppm
Frequency resolution 100 kHz
Display data points Selectable: 130, 259, 517
RF immunity*2 –10 dBm
Return loss Range: 0 to 54 dB, Resolution: 0.01 dB
SWR Range: 1 to 65, Resolution: 0.01
Cable/Waveguide Loss Range: 0 to 54 dB, Resolution: 0.01 dB
Vertical range
Return loss: 0 to 54 dB
SWR: 1 to 65
Distance-to-fault Horizontal range: (# of data points –1) x resolution, where data points = 130, 259 or 517
Horizontal resolution, rectangular windowing resolution (meter):
Coax: (1.5 x 108)(υp)/∆ frequency*3
Waveguide: (1.5 x 108)(√(1–(Fc/F1)2)/∆ frequency)*4
∗1: All specifications apply when calibrated at ambient temperature after a five minute warm up.
∗2: In most applications, immunity is typically better because interfering signals are modulated and varying in frequency rather than being CW. Measurements
were made in CW mode by injecting a signal into the Site Master through a coupler.
∗3: Where υp is the cable’s relative propagation velocity. ∆ frequency is the stop frequency minus the start frequency (in Hz). Wide frequency sweeps improve
resolution but reduce maximum display range.
∗4: Where Fc is the waveguide’s cutoff frequency (in Hz) and F1 is the start frequency (in Hz). ∆ frequency is the stop frequency minus the start frequency (in Hz).
Wide frequency sweeps improve resolution but reduce maximum display range.
∗5: Must specify option 11NF at the time of purchase to have N female test port connector.
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Ordering Information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame 800-109 Detector extender cable, 7.6 m (25 ft.)
Model S113C Site Master (2 to 1600 MHz), Built in DTF 800-110 Detector extender cable, 15.2 m (50 ft.)
Model S114C Site Master (2 to 1600 MHz), Built in DTF, 800-111 Detector extender cable, 30.5 m (100 ft.)
Spectrum Analysis (100 kHz to 1.6 GHz) 800-112 Detector extender cable, 61 m (200 ft.)
Model S251C Site Master (625 to 2500 MHz), Built in DTF, 2-port 34NN50A Precision N(m) to N(m) Adapter, 18 GHz
Model S331D Site Master (25 to 4000 MHz), Built in DTF 34NFNF50 Precision N(f) to N(f) Adapter, 18 GHz
Model S332D Site Master (25 to 4000 MHz), Built in DTF, Spectrum 34RKNF50 Precision Ruggedized K(m) to N(f) Adapter, 20 GHz
Analysis and Power Meter (100 kHz to 3.0 GHz) K220B Precision K(m)-K(m) Adapter, 40 GHz
Model S810C Site Master (3.3 to 10.5 GHz), Built in DTF K222B Precision K(f)-K(f) Adapter, 40 GHz
Model S820C Site Master (3.3 to 20 GHz), Built in DTF 1091-26 Adapter N(m) to SMA(m), 18 GHz
1091-27 Adapter N(m) to SMA(f), 18 GHz
Standard accessories 1091-80 Adapter, N(f) to SMA(m), 18 GHz
User’s Guide 1091-81 Adapter, N(f) to SMA(f), 18 GHz
Soft Carrying Case 1091-172 Adapter, DC to 1.3 GHz, 50 Ω, N(m) to BNC(f)
AC-DC Adapter 510-90 Adapter 7-16(f) to N(m), 7.5 GHz
Automotive Cigarette Lighter/12 Volt DC Adapter 510-91 Adapter 7-16(f) to N(f), 7.5 GHz
One Year Warranty 510-92 Adapter 7-16(m) to N(m), 7.5 GHz
CD ROM containing Fault Location (DTF), Smith Chart, 510-93 Adapter 7-16(m) to N(f), 7.5 GHz
and Software Management Tools 510-96 Adapter 7/16 (m) to 7/16 (m), 7.5 GHz
Serial Interface Cable 510-97 Adapter 7/16 (f) to 7/16 (f), 7.5 GHz
Rechargeable battery, NiMH 48258 Spare Soft Carrying Case for
Precision ruggedized K(m) to N(f) adapter when ordered 40-115 Spare AC/DC Adapter
with out 11NF option (S810C and S820C only) 806-62 Spare Automotive Cigarette Lighter/12 Volts DC adapter
800-441 Spare Serial Interface Cable
Option 760-215A Transit Case for Site Master
Option 3 Color Display – S331D & S332D 633-27 Rechargeable battery, NiMH for “C” version Site Master
Option 5 RF Power Monitor (RF detector not included) 2300-347 Spare Handheld Software Tools
Option 10B Built-in Bias Tee – S251C 10580-00076 Spare Site Master S810C, S820C User’s Guide
Option 11NF N(f) test port connector - S810C & S820C 10580-00060 Spare Site Master User’s Guide (S113C, S114C, S331C
Option 29 RF Power Meter (requires no detector) – S331D & S332C)
Option 50 T1/E1 Analyzer – S331D 10580-00065 Spare Site Master User’s Guide (S251C)
10580-00077 Site Master Programming Manual (for S810C, S820C)
Optional accessories 10580-00061 Site Master Programming Manual (for S113C, S114C,
42N50A-30 Attenuator, 30 dB, DC to 18 GHz, 50 W S331C, S332C)
42N50-20 Attenuator, 20 dB, DC to 18 GHz, 5 W 10580-00066 Site Master Programming Manual (for S251C)
ICN50 InstaCAL (S113C, S114C, S331D, S332D) 10580-00078 Site Master Maintenance Manual (for S810C & S820C)
5400-71N50 RF Detector, N(m), 50 Ω, 1 to 3000 MHz 10580-00079 Spare S331D and S332D user guide
560-7N50B RF Detector, N(m), 50 Ω, 10 MHz to 20 GHz 10580-00062 Site Master Maintenance Manual (for S113C, & S331C)
560-7K50 RF Detector, K(m), 50 Ω, 10 MHz to 40 GHz 10580-00067 Site Master Maintenance Manual (for S251C)
560-7VA50 RF Detector, V(m), 50 Ω, 10 MHz to 50 GHz 10580-00068 Site Master Maintenance Manual (for S114C & S332C)
IN50C 5W Limiter, N(m)-N(f), 18 GHz 10580-00100 S331D & S332D Programming Manual
22K50 Precision K(m) Short/Open, 40 GHz 10580-00101 S331D Maintenance Manual
22KF50 Precision K(f) Short/Open, 40 GHz 10580-00102 S332D Maintenance Manual
22N50 Precision N(m) Short/Open, 18 GHz
22NF50 Precision N(f) Short/Open, 18 GHz 2000-1214 HP DeskJet printer includes: serial-to-parallel interface
SM/PL Precision N(m) Load, 42 dB, 4.0 GHz cable, black print cartridge, and US power cable
SM/PLNF Precision N(f) Load, 42 dB, 4.0 GHz 2000-753 Spare serial-to-parallel converter cable
OSLN50LF Precision N(m) Open/short/Load, 42 dB, 4.0 GHz 2000-663 Power cable (Europe) for DeskJet printer
OSLNF50LF Precision N(f) Open/short/Load, 42 dB, 4.0 GHz 2000-664 Power cable (Australia) for DeskJet printer
28K50 Precision N(m) Load, 40 GHz 2000-665 Power cable (UK) for DeskJet printer
28KF50 Precision N(f) Load, 40 GHz 2000-666 Power cable (Japan) for DeskJet printer
28N50-2 Precision N(m) Load, 40 dB, 18 GHz 2000-667 Power cable (So. Africa) for DeskJet printer
28NF50-2 Precision N(f) Load, 40 dB, 18 GHz 2000-1030 Portable antenna, SMA (m) 1.71 to 1.88 GHz
2000-767 Precision Open/Short/Load, 7-16 (m), 4 GHz 2000-1031 Portable antenna, SMA (m) 1.85 to 1.99 GHz
2000-768 Precision Open/Short/Load, 7-16 (f), 4 GHz 2000-1032 Portable antenna, SMA (m) 2.4 to 2.5 GHz
15ND50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to 7/16 DIN(m), 2000-1200 Portable antenna, SMA (m) 806 to 869 MHz
6 GHz 2000-1035 Portable antenna, SMA (m) 902 to 960 MHz
15NDF50-1.5C Test Port Ext. Cable, 1.5 meters, N(m) to 7/16 DIN(f), 2000-1216 Black printer cartridge for DeskJet printer
6 GHz 2000-1217 Rechargeable battery for DeskJet printer
15NN50-1.5C Test Port Ext. Cable, 1.5 meters, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz 551-1691 Earthmate USB to serial adapter cable
15NN50-3.0C Test Port Ext. Cable, 3.0 meters, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz
15NN50-5.0C Test Port Ext. Cable, 5.0 meters, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz
15NNF50-1.5B Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to N(f), 18 GHz
15NNF50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz
15NNF50-3.0C Test port cable armored, 3.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz
15NNF50-5.0C Test port cable armored, 5.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz
15KKF50-1.5A Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, K(m) to K(f), 26.5 GHz
15NDF50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to 7/16 DIN(f), 6 GHz
XXUM70 5.85 to 8.20 GHz WR137, WG14 CAR70, PAR70, UAR 70, PDR70
XXUM84 7.05 to 10.00 GHz WR112, WG15 CBR84, UBR84, PBR84, PDR84
XXUM100 8.20 to 12.40 GHz WR90, WG16 CBR100, UBR100, PBR100, PDR100
XXUM120 10.00 to 15.00 GHz WR75, WG17 CBR120, UBR120, PBR120, PDR120
XXUA187 3.95 to 5.85 GHz WR187, WG12 CPR187F, CPR187G, UG-1352/U, UG-1353/U, UG-1728/U, UG-1729/U,
UG-148/U, UG-149A/U
CPR137F, CPR137G, UG-1356/U, UG-1357/U, UG-1732/U, UG-1733/U,
XXUA137 5.85 to 8.20 GHz WR137, WG14
UG-343B/U, UG-344/U, UG-440B/U, UG-441/U
CPR112F, CPR112G, UG-1358/U, UG-1359/U, UG-1734/U, UG-1735/U, UG-52B/U,
XXUA112 7.05 to 10.00 GHz WR112, WG15
UG-51/U, UG-137B/U, UG-138/U
CPR90F, CPR90G, UG-1360/U, UG-1361/U, UG-1736/U, UG-1737/U, UG-40B/U,
XXUA90 8.20 to 12.40 GHz WR90, WG16
UG-39/U, UG-135/U, UG-136B/U
XXUA62 12.40 to 18.00 GHz WR62, WG18 UG-541A/U, UG-419/U, UG-1665/U, UG1666/U
XXUA42 17.00 to 26.50 GHz WR42, WG20 UG-596A/U, UG-595/U, UG-597/U, UG-598A/U
35UM70N 5.85 to 8.20 GHz WR137, WG14 CAR70, PAR70, UAR 70, PDR70
Precision waveguide-to-coaxial adapters∗1
35UM84N 7.05 to 10.00 GHz WR112, WG15 CBR84, UBR84, PBR84, PDR84
35UM100N 8.20 to 12.40 GHz WR90, WG16 CBR100, UBR100, PBR100, PDR100
35UM120N 10.00 to 15.00 GHz WR75, WG17 CBR120, UBR120, PBR120, PDR120
CPR187F, CPR187G, UG-1352/U, UG-1353/U, UG-1728/U, UG-1729/U, UG-148/U,
35UA187N 3.95 to 5.85 GHz WR187, WG12
CPR137F, CPR137G, UG-1356/U, UG-1357/U, UG-1732/U, UG-1733/U,
35UA137N 5.85 to 8.20 GHz WR137, WG14
UG-343B/U, UG-344/U, UG-440B/U, UG-441/U
CPR112F, CPR112G, UG-1358/U, UG-1359/U, UG-1734/U, UG-1735/U,
35UA112N 7.05 to 10.00 GHz WR112, WG15
UG-52B/U, UG-51/U, UG-137B/U, UG-138/U
CPR90F, CPR90G, UG-1360/U, UG-1361/U, UG-1736/U, UG-1737/U, UG-40B/U,
35UA90N 8.20 to 12.40 GHz WR90, WG16
UG-39/U, UG-135/U, UG-136B/U
35UA62N 12.40 to 18.00 GHz WR62, WG18 UG-541A/U, UG-419/U, UG-1665/U, UG1666/U
35UA42K 17.00 to 26.50 GHz WR42, WG20 UG-596A/U, UG-595/U, UG-597/U, UG-598A/U
∗1: Call or contact Anritsu sales rep for other frequencies waveguide calibration components and waveguide-to-coaxial adapters.
∗2: Part number Ordering information
Prefix (XX) 23 for 1/8 λ offset short
24 for 3/8 λ offset short
26 for Precision waveguide load
35 waveguide to coaxial adapter
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100 kHz to 3.0 GHz
Model MS2711B MS2711D
Frequency range 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz
Aging: ±1 ppm/yr
Frequency reference
Accuracy: ±2 ppm
1 kHz to 3 GHz in 1, 2, 5 step selections in auto 10 Hz to 2.99 GHz in 1, 2, 5 step selections in
Frequency span
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Model MS2711B MS2711D
Internal trace memory 200 maximum
Setup storage 10 test setups 15 test setups
Display VGA Monochrome LCD VGA Color or VGA Monochrome LCD
Inputs and Outputs Ports
RF In Type N, female, 50 Ω Type N, female, 50 Ω
RF Out Type N, female, 50 Ω Type N, female, 50 Ω
Ext trig In N/A BNC, female (5V TTL)
Ext Freq Ref In (2 MHz to 20 MHz) N/A Shared BNC, female, 50 Ω (–15 dBm
to +10 dBm)
Serial Interface RS-232 9 pin D-sub, three wire serial RS-232 9 pin D-sub, three wire serial
Electromagnetic compatibility Meets European community requirements for CE marking
Operating 0°C to 50°C, humidity 85% or less –10°C to 55°C, humidity 85% or less
Non-operating –20°C to +75°C (recommend battery stored –51°C to +71°C (recommend battery stored
separately between 0°C to 40°C for any separately between 0°C to 40°C for any
prolonged storage period) prolonged storage period)
Power supply
External DC Input +12.5 to +15 volts dc, 1350 mA max
Internal NiMH battery: 10.8 volts, 1800 mA mAH
Size (W x H x D) 25.4 cm x 17.8 cm x 6.10 cm 25.4 cm x 17.8 cm x 6.10 cm
(10.0 in x 7.0 in x 2.4 in) (10.0 in x 7.0 in x 2.4 in)
Weight 2.04 kg (4.5 lbs.) includes battery, 2.2 kg (4.9 lbs) <2.14 kg (4.7 lbs.) includes battery,
includes tracking generator <2.28 kg (5 lbs) includes transmission measurement
Aging: ±1 ppm/yr
Frequency reference
Accuracy: ±2 ppm
SSB Phase Noise (6 GHz) @30 kHz Offset ≤–65 dBc/Hz
Spurious responses Input related ≤–45 dBc
Spurious residual responses1 ≤–90 dBm
Measurement range –40 dBm to –100 dBm
Ordering Information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
MS2711B/8 Handheld Spectrum Analyzer: 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz 1030-86 Band Pass Filter, 800 MHz band, 806-869 MHz,
MS2711D Handheld Spectrum Analyzer: 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz Loss = 1.7 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)
1030-87 Band Pass Filter, 900 MHz band, 902-960 MHz,
Standard Accessories Loss = 1.7 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)
User’s Guide, MS2711B 1030-88 Band Pass Filter, 1900 MHz band, 1.85-1.99 GHz,
Soft Carrying Case Loss = 1.8 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)
AC – DC Adapter 1030-89 Band Pass Filter, 2400 MHz band, 2.4-2.5 GHz,
Automotive Cigarette Lighter/12 Volt DC Adapter Loss = 1.9 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)
One Year Warranty 48258 Spare soft carrying case
CD ROM containing Software Management Tools 40-115 Spare AC/DC adapter
Serial Interface Cable 806-62 Spare automotive cigarette lighter/12 Volt DC adapter
Rechargeable battery, NiMH 800-441 Spare serial interface cable
Pre-amplifier (built-in) 760-229 Transit case for Anritsu Handheld Spectrum Analyzer
2300-347 Anritsu Handheld Software Tools
Option Accessories 10580-00074 Anritsu HHSA User’s Guide, Model MS2711B (spare)
Option 3 Color display - MS2711D only 10580-00071 Anritsu HHSA Programming Manual, Model MS2711B
Option 6 Frequency converter controller module for use with 10580-00072 Anritsu HHSA Maintenance Manual, Model MS2711B
FCN4760 (MS2711D only) 10580-00097 Anritsu HHSA User’s Guide, Model MS2711D
Option 10 Bias Tee (built-in) 10580-00098 Anritsu HHSA Programming Manual, Model MS2711D
Option 20 Tracking generator (built-in) - MS2711B only 10580-00099 Anritsu HHSA Maintenance Manual, Model MS2711D
Option 21 Transmission measurement (built-in) - MS2711D only 633-27 Rechargeable battery, NiMH
Option 29 Power Meter (MS2711D only) 551-1691 USB to Serial adapter
70-28 Headset
Optional Accessories 2000-1029 Battery charger, NiMH with universal power supply
5400-71N50 RF Detector, N(m), 50 Ω, 1 to 3000 MHz 2000-1030 Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 1.71-1.88 GHz
42N50A-30 30 dB, 50 Watt, Bi-directional, DC to 18 GHz, 2000-1031 Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 1.85-1.99 GHz
N(m) to N(f) Attenuator 2000-1032 Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 12.4-2.5 GHz
34NN50A Precision Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, N(m) to N(m) 2000-1035 Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 896-941 MHz
34NFNF50C Precision Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, N(f) to N(f) 2000-1200 Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 806-869 MHz
15NN50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz
15NN50-3.0C Test port cable armored, 3.0 meter, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz Printers
15NN50-5.0C Test port cable armored, 5.0 meter, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz 2000-1214 HP DeskJet printer
15NNF50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz Includes: interface cable, black print cartridge, and US
15NNF50-3.0C Test port cable armored, 3.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz power cable
15NNF50-5.0C Test port cable armored, 5.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz 2000-753 Spare serial-to-parallel converter cable
15ND50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to 2000-663 Power cable (Europe) for DeskJet printer
7/16 DIN(m), 3.5 GHz 2000-664 Power cable (Australia) for DeskJet printer
15NDF50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to 2000-1218 Power cable (UK) for DeskJet printer
7/16 DIN(f), 3.5 GHz 2000-667 Power cable (So. Africa) for DeskJet printer
510-90 Adapter 7/16 (f) to N(m), 3.5 GHz 2000-1217 Rechargeable battery for DeskJet printer
510-91 Adapter, 7/16 DIN(f) to N(f), 7.5 GHz 2000-1216 Black print cartridge for DeskJet printer
510-92 Adapter, 7/16 DIN(m) to N(m) 7.5 GHz
510-96 Adapter 7/16 DIN (m) to 7/16 DIN (m), 7.5 GHz
510-97 Adapter 7/16 DIN(f) to 7/16 DIN(f), 7.5 GHz
61N50 RF SWR Bridge, 10-2500 MHz, 50 Ω, N(m)
61NF50 RF SWR Bridge, 10-2500 MHz, 50 Ω, N(f)
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Spectrum analyzer selection guide
High-level accuracy
Tracking generator
C/N (dBc/Hz)∗1
QP detection
Zone marker
300 Hz to
3 MHz, 5, 10,
9 kHz to –124 to RS-
MS2687B 20 MHz √ –108∗1 –90 –85 √ √ √ – – √ √ – –
30 GHz +30 (1 Hz to 1 MHz, 232
with Opt.∗3)
300 Hz to
9 kHz to –124 to 3 MHz, 5, 10,
MS2683A √ –108∗1 –90 –85 √ √ √ – – √ √ – √ –
7.8 GHz +30 20 MHz, 1 Hz to
1 MHz (with Opt.)
300 Hz to
9 kHz to –124 to 3 MHz, 5, 10,
MS2681A √ –108∗1 –70 –85 √ √ √ – – √ √ – √ –
3 GHz +30 20 MHz, 1 Hz to 6
1 MHz (with Opt.)
1 kHz to 3 MHz,
9 kHz to –115 to
MS2668C 10 Hz to 3 MHz √ –90∗3 –90 –75 √ √ √ Opt. – Opt. Opt. – √ √
40 GHz +30 (with Opt.)
1 kHz to 3 MHz,
9 kHz to –115 to
MS2667C 10 Hz to 3 MHz √ –95∗3 –60 –80 √ √ √ Opt. – Opt. Opt. – √ √
30 GHz +30 (with Opt.) Portable
1 kHz to 3 MHz,
9 kHz to –115 to
MS2665C 30 Hz to 3 MHz √ –95∗3 –60 –80 √ √ √ Opt. – Opt. Opt. – √ √
21.2 GHz +30 (with Opt.)
1 kHz to 3 MHz,
9 kHz to –115 to
MS2663C 30 Hz to 3 MHz √ –100 –75 –80 √ √ √ Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. √ √
8.1 GHz +30 (with Opt.)
–115 to
+30, 1 kHz to 3 MHz,
9 kHz to
MS2661C –130 to 30 Hz to 3 MHz √ –100 –75 –80 √ √ √ Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. √ √
3 GHz
+30 (with Opt.)
(with Opt.)
–115 to
+30, 1 kHz to 5 MHz,
9 kHz to
MS2661B –130 to 30 Hz to 5 MHz √ –100 –75 –80 √ √ √ Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. √ √
3 GHz
+30 (with Opt.)
(with Opt.)
9 kHz to –110 to
MS2651B 1 kHz to 5 MHz √ –90 –60 –70 √ √ √ √ Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. √ √
3 GHz +30
100 kHz –135 to RS- Hand held
MS2711D 100 Hz to 1 MHz √ –75∗4 –45 –45 – √ – √ – – – Opt. –
to 3 GHz +20 232 (2.28 kg)
∗1: 10 kHz offset
∗2: At –30 dBm
∗3: –95 + 20 log n (n: local harmonic order)
∗4: At 30 kHz offset
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9 kHz to 3/7.8/30 GHz
For Evaluation of IMT-2000, Bluetooth™, MMAC and Advanced Radio Communication Devices
The IMT-2000 (2 GHz band) service for third-generation mobile radio • Application software
communication has started. Bluetooth, or Wireless LAN, has been
Support system Name
adopted for close-range radio communication between portable re-
mote terminals and peripheral equipment, and R&D of MMAC, W-CDMA W-CDMA measurement software
IEEE802.11a, and HyperLAN2 for higher speed access have been GSM GSM measurement software
conducted in various countries. cdmaOne,CDMA 1X cdma measurement software
The MS2681A/2683A/2687B spectrum analyzer delivers optimum
CDMA 1xEV-DO measurement
performance over a wide dynamic range (156 dB, typical value), wide CDMA 1xEV-DO software
resolution bandwidth (20 MHz), to high-speed sweep (refresh rate of
20 times/s), required for evaluating next-generation radio communi- π/4DQPSK measurement software
STD-39/T79, STD-T61
cation systems and devices.
It can be used not only as a spectrum analyzer but also to perform IEEE802.11a/11b, HiSWANa, Wireless LAN measurement
various measurements easily and quickly by installing measurement HiperLAN2 software
• Wide resolution band width up to 20 MHz.
• Data transmission speed approximately 10 times faster.
(GPIB transmission speed: 120 kbytes/s)
• Optional measurement software (sold separately) for high-
speed modulation analysis.(1.5 sec. with W-CDMA, 0.5 sec
with IEEE802.11a)
• Optional narrow resolution bandwidth from 1 Hz.
• Optional rubidium reference oscillator for warm-up time of
just 7 minutes.
• Optional power meter that measures up to 32 GHz.
Specified values are obtained after warming up the equipment for 30 minutes at a constant ambient temperature and then performing cali-
bration. The typical values are given for reference, and are not guaranteed.
Name MS2681A MS2683A MS2687B
Frequency range 9 kHz to 3 GHz 9 kHz to 7.8 GHz 9 kHz to 30 GHz
Band 0: 9 kHz to 3.2 GHz
Mixer harmonics order 1
Band 1–: 3.15 to 6.3 GHz
Band 0: 9 kHz to 3.2 GHz, Mixer harmonics order 1
Band 1–L: 1.6 to 3.2 GHz (option 03), Band 1+: 6.2 to 7.9 GHz
Frequency band —
Band 1: 3.15 to 6.3 GHz, Mixer harmonics order 1
Band 1+: 6.2 to 7.8 GHz Band 2+: 7.8 to 15.3 GHz
Mixer harmonics order 2
Band 4+: 15.2 to 30 GHz
Mixer harmonics order 4
3.15 to 7.8 GHz, 3.15 to 30 GHz
Pre-selector range —
1.6 to 7.8 GHz (option 03) (band 1–, 1+, 2+, 4+)
Continued on next page
322 For product ordering information, see pages 3 – 6
Name MS2681A MS2683A MS2687B
± (Display frequency x reference fre-
quency accuracy + span x span accura-
cy + resolution bandwidth x 0.15 + 10
± (Display frequency x reference frequency accuracy + span x span accuracy + Hz x N Hz)
Display frequency accuracy
resolution bandwidth x 0.15 + 10 Hz) Normal marker: same as frequency dis-
play accuracy, Delta marker: same as
span accuracy
∗N: Mixer harmonics order
Frequency counter resolution 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz (counts the received frequency at the peak point inside the zone)
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Name MS2681A MS2683A MS2687B
Relative flatness: at RF ATT 10 dB with
±0.6 dB (9 kHz to 3.2 GHz, band 0), the center point of frequency response
±1.0 dB (3.15 to 7.8 GHz, band 1) in the band referenced
±1.0 dB (option 03, 1.6 to 7.8 GHz, ±1.0 dB (9 kHz to 3.2 GHz, band 0),
±0.6 dB (9 kHz to 3.0 GHz) band 1) ±1.5 dB (3.15 to 7.9 GHz, band 1), ±3.0
50 MHz referenced (when RF ATT 10 ∗With 50 MHz referenced (when RF dB (7.8 to 15.3 GHz, band 2), ±4.0 dB
dB, 18 to 28°C) ATT 10 dB, 18 to 28°C) (15.2 to 30 GHz, band 4)
Frequency response
±1.0 dB (9 kHz to 3.0 GHz) ±1.0 dB (9 kHz to 3.2 GHz, band 0), ∗After pre-selector tuning for band 1, 2,
∗With 50 MHz referenced (when RF ±2.0 dB (3.15 to 7.8 GHz, band 1) and 4
ATT 10 to 62 dB) ±2.0 dB (1.6 to 7.8 GHz, band 1) Absolute flatness: at RF ATT 10 dB with
∗With 50 MHz referenced (when RF 50 MHz referenced
ATT 10 to 62 dB), after pre-selector ±5.0 dB (9 kHz to 30 GHz),
tuning for band 1. ∗After pre-selector tuning for band 1, 2,
and 4
Scale: 10 div (single scale)
Log scale: 10, 5, 2, 1 dB/div, Linear scale: 10, 5, 2, 1%/div
Linearity (after calibration)
Waveform display Log scale: ±0.4 dB (0 to –20 dB, RBW ≤1 kHz), ±1.0 dB (0 to –70 dB, ≤1 kHz), ±1.2 dB (0 to –90 dB, ≤1 kHz)
Linear scale: 4% of reference level
Marker level resolution
Log scale: 0.01 dB, Linear scale: 0.02%
2nd harmonic distortion:
≤–60 dBc (input frequency 10 to 200
MHz, Mixer input: –30 dBm)
≤–70 dBc (0.2 to 1.6 GHz, band 0,
2nd harmonic distortion: Mixer input: –30 dBm)
≤–60 dBc (input frequency 10 to 200 ≤–90 dBc or lower than average
2nd harmonic distortion: MHz, Mixer input: –30 dBm) noise level (1.6 to 15 GHz, band 1, 2,
≤–60 dBc (input frequency 10 to 200 ≤–75 dBc (0.2 to 0.85 GHz, band 0, and 4, Mixer input: –10 dBm)
MHz, Mixer input: –30 dBm) Mixer input: –30 dBm) Two-signal third-order intermodulation
≤–75 dBc (0.2 to 0.85 GHz, Mixer in- ≤–70 dBc (0.85 to 1.6 GHz, band 0, distortion (Frequency difference of two
put: –30 dBm) Mixer input: –30 dBm) signals: ≥50 kHz, Mixer input: –30
≤–70 dBc (0.85 to 1.5 GHz, Mixer in- ≤90 dBc (1.6 to 3.9 GHz, band 1, dBm):
put: –30 dBm) Mixer input: –10 dBm) ≤–70 dBc (10 to 100 MHz),
Spurious response
Two-signal third-order intermodulation ≤–90 dBc (option 03, 0.8 to 3.9 GHz, ≤–85 dBc (0.1 to 3.2 GHz, band 0)
distortion: band 1, Mixer input: –10 dBm) ≤–80 dBc (3.15 to 7.9 GHz, band 1)
≤–70 dBc (10 to 100 MHz), Two-signal third-order intermodulation ≤–75 dBc or lower than average
≤–85 dBc (0.1 to 3.0 GHz) distortion: noise level (7.8 to 22.5 GHz, band 2, 4)
∗Frequency difference of two signals: ≤–70 dBc (10 to 100 MHz) ≤–75 dBc or lower than average
≥50 kHz, Mixer input: –30 dBm ≤–85 dBc (0.1 to 7.8 GHz) noise level (22.5 to 30 GHz, band 4,
Image response: ≤–70 dBc ∗Frequency difference of two signals: Typical)
≥50 kHz, Mixer input: –30 dBm Image response:
Image response: ≤–70 dBc ≤–65 dBc (≤18 GHz), ≤–60 dBc (≤22
GHz), ≤–55 dBc (≤30 GHz)
Multiple response/spurious outside the
band: ≤–60 dBc (≤22 GHz), ≤–55 dBc
(≤30 GHz)
≥0 dBm (≥100 MHz), ≥+3 dBm
≥0 dBm (≥100 MHz), ≥+3 dBm ≥0 dBm (≥100 MHz), ≥+3 dBm (≥500
1 dB gain compression (≥500 MHz, band 1),
MHz, band 0), ≥–5 dBm (≥3150 MHz,
(≥500 MHz) ≥0 dBm (≥3.15 GHz, band 1)
band 1, 2, and 4)
≥0 dBm (option 03: ≥1.6 GHz, band 1)
1 dB gain compression to average
noise level
1 dB gain compression to average [Without option 08]
noise level ≥124 dB –f [GHz] dB,Reference value
[Without Option 08] (0.1 to 3.2 GHz, band 0)
Maximum dynamic range ≥124 dB – f [GHz] dB, ≥122 dB –0.5f [GHz] dB, Reference
Reference value (0.1 to 3.0 GHz) value (3.15 to 7.8 GHz, band 1)
[With Option 08] [With option 08]
≥122 dB – 1.5f [GHz] dB, ≥122 dB –1.5f [GHz] dB, Reference
Reference value (0.1 to 3.0 GHz) value (0.1 to 3.2 GHz, band 0)
≥122 dB –0.5f [GHz] dB, Reference
value (3.15 to 7.8 GHz, band 1)
Sweep mode Continuous, single
Setting range: 10 ms to 1000 s ∗Manually settable, or automatically settable according to RBW and VBW
Sweep time Set resolution: 5 ms (5 ms to 1 s), Top three digits (≥1 s)
Accuracy: ±3%
Trigger switch Free run, triggered
Trigger source Wide IF video, external (TTL), external (±10 V), line
Off, random sweep mode
Setting range
Gate sweep mode
Gate delay range: 0 to 65.5 ms (Resolution: 1 µs)
Gate length range: 2 µs to 65.5 ms (Resolution: 1 µs),
Gate end: Internal/external
Sweeps the indicated range in the zone Sweeps the indicated range in the zone
Zone sweep —
only. only.
Sweeps following the peak point inside Sweeps following the peak point inside
Tracking sweep the zone marker (zone sweep also — the zone marker (zone sweep also
available). available).
Continued on next page
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Name MS2681A MS2683A MS2687B
EMC EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A), EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A), EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
K 18 to 26.5 GHz 4
Frequency Ka 26.5 to 40 GHz 6
Q 33 to 55 GHz 8
U 40 to 60 GHz 9 or 10
V 50 to 75 GHz 11 or 12
E 60 to 90 GHz 13 or 14
W 75 to 110 GHz 16
Span setting range 0 Hz, (100 x N) Hz to each bandwidth
Mixer transform loss
15 to 85 dB
setting range
• MS2681A Options
Option 01: Precision frequency reference oscillator
Frequency 10 MHz
Start-up characteristics ≤5 x 10–8 (≤7 minutes, 25˚C, Typical value)
Aging rate ≤±5 x 10–10/day (With the frequency at 24 hours after the power is turned on referenced)
Temperature characteristics ≤±5 x 10–10 (With the frequency at 0 to +50˚C and +25˚C referenced)
Input level Differential voltage range: 0.1 Vp-p to 1 Vp-p (at input terminal)
range In-phase voltage range: ±2.5 V (at input terminal) Option 47: Rack mount (IEC)
Mounts the rack mount for IEC standard-compatible rack.
Function When mounted, the tilt handle (standard) is eliminated.
Option 18: I/Q unbalanced input
Connector BNC
Option 48: Rack mount (JIS)
Impedance Selectable between 1 MΩ (parallel capacity <100 pF) and 50 Ω
Input level Differential voltage range: 0.1 Vp-p to 1 Vp-p (at input terminal) Mounts the rack mount for JIS standard-compatible rack.
Function When mounted, the tilt handle (standard) is eliminated.
range Changeable between DC connection and AC connection
• MS2683A Options
Option 01: Precision frequency reference oscillator
Frequency 10 MHz
Start-up characteristics ≤5 x 10 –8 (≤7 minutes, 25°C, Typical value)
Aging rate ≤±5 x 10–10/day (With the frequency at 24 hours after the power is turned on referenced)
Temperature characteristics ≤±5 x 10–10/day (With the frequency at 0˚ to 50˚C and 25˚C referenced)
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Option 03: Extension of pre-selector lower limit to 1.6 GHz
Function Extends the lowest frequency of pre-selector from 3.15 to 1.6 GHz
Frequency band 0 band: 9 kHz to 3.2 GHz, 1–L band: 1.6 to 3.2 GHz, 1– band: 3.15 to 6.3 GHz, 1+ band: 6.2 to 7.8 GHz
Pre-selector range 1.6 to 7.8 GHz (band: 1–L, 1–, 1+)
Average noise level ≤–122 dBm + 0.5f [GHz] dB (1.6 to 7.8 GHz, band 1, RBW: 300 Hz, VBW: 1 Hz, RF ATT: 0 dB)
Residual response ≤–90 dBm (1.6 to 7.8 GHz, band 1, RF ATT: 0 dB, input terminated at 50 Ω)
±1.0 dB (with 1.6 to 7.8 GHz, band 1, and 50 MHz referenced, when RF ATT is 10 dB and temperature is +18˚ to +28˚C)
Frequency response ±2.0 dB (1.6 to 7.8 GHz, band 1, RF ATT: 10 dB to 62 dB)
∗After pre-selector tuning for band 1
2nd harmonic distortion ≤–90 dBc (0.8 to 3.9 GHz, band 1, mixer input: –10 dBm)
1 dB gain compression ≥0 dBm (1.6 to 7.8 GHz, band 1)
Maximum dynamic range ≥–122 dB + 0.5f [GHz] dB (1.6 to 7.8 GHz, band 1)
• MS2687B Options
Option 01: Precision frequency reference oscillator
Frequency 10 MHz
Start-up characteristics ≤5 x 10–8 (≤7 min. 25˚C, Typical)
Aging rate ≤±5 x 10–10/day (With the frequency at 24 hours after the power is turned on referenced)
Temperature characteristics ≤±5 x 10–10 (With the frequency at 0 to +50˚ and +25˚C referenced)
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Option 21: Power meter function
Frequency range 100 kHz to 32 GHz
Level range –10 to +20 dBm
Applicable power sensor MA4601A, MA4701A, MA4703A, MA4705A
Selectable from W, dBm, and dB (RELATIVE), Digital 4 digit display, 20% over range,
Display Power range: 4 range/10 dB step (Measurement level range is listed on the power sensor specifications.)
Range switching Auto, manual (settable to arbitrary range irrespective of range hold or input level)
±0.7% (W mode), ±0.03 dB [dBm mode, dB (RELATIVE) mode]
Accuracy ∗ Pressing ZERO ADJ key allows automatic adjustment to zero point.
Zero setting ±0.5% of full scale Typical value (100 µW range of maximum sensitivity)
Zero move between ranges ±0.2% (after zero setting at 100 µW range of maximum sensitivity)
Calibration oscillator frequency 50 MHz
Calibration oscillator level 1 mW ± 1.2% (for one year)
Averaging Sample rate time settable in 4 steps
Measurement software
MX268101B W-CDMA Measurement Software (for MS2681A)
MX268301B W-CDMA Measurement Software (for MS2683A)
MX268701B W-CDMA Measurement Software (for MS2687B)
W1746AE W-CDMA Measurement Software operation manual
(MS2681A/2683A/2687B Common)
MX268102A GSM Measurement Software (for MS2681A)
MX268302A GSM Measurement Software (for MS2683A)
MX268702A GSM Measurement Software (for MS2687B)
W1854AE GSM Measurement Software operation manual
(MS2681A/2683A/2687B Common)
Continued on next page
Application parts
J0576D Coaxial cord (N-P, 5D-2W, N-P), 2 m
J0561 Coaxial cord (N-P, 5D-2W, N-P), 1 m
J0104A Coaxial cord (BNC-P, RG-55/U, BNC-P), 1 m
J0127C Coaxial cord (BNC-P, RG-58A/U, BNC-P), 0.5 m
J0127A Coaxial cord (BNC-P, RG-58A/U, BNC-P), 1 m
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
GPIB cable, 2 m
Ethernet cross cable
MA1612A Four-port Junction Pad (5 MHz to 3000 MHz)
MA1621A 50 Ω → 75 Ω Impedance Transformer (75 Ω, 9 kHz to
3 GHz, ±100 V, NC-type)
MP614B 50↔70 Ω Impedance Converter (50 to 1200 MHz,
1.5 dB or lower)
J0395 Fixed attenuator for high-power (30 dB, 30 W, DC to
9 GHz)
B0472 Fixed attenuator for high-power (30 dB, 100 W, DC to
18 GHz)
J0078 High power attenuator (N type, 20 dB, 10 W, DC to
18 GHz)
34AKNF50 Ruggedized K-to-Type N Adapter
MA2507A DC Block Adaptor (50 Ω, 9 kHz to 3 GHz, ±50 V)
J0805 DC block, N type (10 kHz to 18 GHz, made by Wineshell)
B0452A Hard carrying case (with casters)
B0452B Hard carrying case (without casters)
B0488 Rear panel protective pad
W1888AE Assembling guide drawing for rear protective pad
(supplied with B0488 as standard)
B0481B Carrybone
B0479 Soft carrying case (rucksack type)
MA4601A Power Sensor (100 kHz to 5.5 GHz, –30 to +20 dBm,
N connector)
MA4701A Power Sensor (10 MHz to 18 GHz, –30 to +20 dBm,
N connector)
MA4703A Power Sensor (50 MHz to 26.5 GHz, –30 to +20 dBm,
APC3.5(P) connector)
MA4705A Power Sensor (50 MHz to 32 GHz, –30 to +20 dBm,
APC3.5(P) connector)
J0370A Sensor connecting cord, 1.5 m (attached to a power
meter option)
J0370C Sensor cord, 2.5 m (attached to a power meter option)
J0370E Sensor cord, 5 m (attached to a power meter option)
J0370G Sensor cord, 10 m (attached to a power meter option)
MA2741A External Mixer (26.5 to 40 GHz)
MA2742A External Mixer (33 to 50 GHz)
MA2743A External Mixer (40 to 60 GHz)
MA2744A External Mixer (50 to 75 GHz)
MA2745A External Mixer (60 to 90 GHz)
MA2746A External Mixer (75 to 110 GHz)
J0364 APC-3.5 to N conversion connector
(for MA4703A and MA4605A)
MS2681A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MS2681A-91 Extended five year warranty service
MS2683A-90 Extended three year warranty service
MS2683A-91 Extended five year warranty service
MS2687B-90 Extended three year warranty service
MS2687B-91 Extended five year warranty service
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9 kHz to 40 GHz
In recent wireless communication market, the utilization of mi- • Radio equipment evaluation functions (“measure” functions)
crowave/millimeter wave band frequencies is being considered in or- A full range of functions including measurement of power levels, fre-
der to realize high-speed and large-capacity data communication. In quencies, adjacent channel power, and mask and time template
the markets of ITS and ultrahigh-speed wireless LAN, aiming for the measurements are provided for performance evaluation of radio
speedup of wireless LAN which began to be spread as a typical ap- equipment. Key operation is simple and high-speed calculations
plication, millimeter wave band is used for realizing collision avoid- make the measurement fast and efficient.
ance radar.
MS2668C is a portable and high-performance spectrum analyzer
that has various radio evaluation functions for microwave/millimeter
wave devices and systems.
• Compact and lightweight (15 kg in standard configuration)
• High C/N and superior distortion characteristics
• Easy-to-use, simple operation
• Millimeter wave applications
• Options support wide range of applications
Performance and functions
• Counter with 1 Hz resolution
A full complement of frequency counter functions are provided.
Resolution is as high as ±1 Hz even at full span, and high-speed fre-
quency measurements can be performed. The high sensitivity com- Channel power measurement
pared with ordinary counters makes it easy to select one signal from
many and to determine its frequency.
Except where noted otherwise, specified values were obtained after warming up the equipment for 30 minutes at a constant ambient tem-
perature and then performing calibration. The typical values are given for reference and are not guaranteed.
Frequency range 9 kHz to 40 GHz
Band 0: 0 kHz to 3.2 GHz (n = 1), Band 1–: 3.1 to 5.6 GHz (n = 1), Band 1+: 5.4 to 8.1 GHz (n = 1),
Frequency band Band 1+: 8.0 to 14.3 GHz (n = 2), Band 2–: 14.1 to 26.5 GHz (n = 4), Band 3–: 26.2 to 40 GHz (n = 6)
∗n: local harmonic order
Pre-selector range 3.1 to 40 GHz
Frequency setting resolution (1 x n) Hz ∗n: local harmonic order
Frequency display accuracy ± (display frequency x reference frequency accuracy + span x span accuracy)
Marker frequency Normal marker: Same as display frequency accuracy
display accuracy Delta marker: Same as frequency span accuracy
Resolution: 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz
Frequency counter
Accuracy: Display frequency x reference frequency accuracy ±1 LSD (at S/N: ≥20 dB)
Setting range: 0 Hz, (100 x n) Hz to 40.0 GHz ∗n: local harmonic order
Frequency span
Accuracy: ±5%
Setting range: 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 10 kHz, 30 kHz, 100 kHz, 300 kHz, 1 MHz, 3 MHz (manually settable, or automatically
settable according to frequency span)
Resolution bandwidth (RBW) Option 02: 30 Hz, 100 Hz, and 300 Hz are added
(3 dB bandwidth) Option 03: 10, 30, 100, 300 Hz are added
Bandwidth accuracy: ±20% (1 kHz to 1 MHz), ±30% (3 MHz)
Selectivity (60 dB : 3 dB): ≤15:1
Video bandwidth (VBW) 1 Hz to 3 MHz (1-3 sequence), OFF ∗Manually settable, or automatically settable according to RBW
Noise sidebands: ≤ –95 dBc/Hz + 20 log n (1 MHz to 40 GHz, 10 kHz offset) ∗n: local harmonic order
Residual FM: ≤20 Hzp-p/0.1 s (1 GHz, span: 0 Hz)
Signal purity and stability
Frequency drift: ≤200 x n Hz/min (span: ≤10 kHz, sweep time: ≤100 s)
∗After 1-hour warm-up at constant ambient temperature; n: local harmonic order
Frequency: 10 MHz
Reference oscillator Start-up characteristics: ≤5 x 10–8 /year (after 10 minutes warm-up, referenced to frequency after 24 hours warm-up)
Aging rate: ≤1 x 10–7 /year, ≤1 x 10–8 /day
Temperature characteristics: ±5 x 10–8 (0° to 50°C, referenced to frequency at 25°C)
Measurement range: Average noise level to +30 dBm
Maximum input level: +30 dBm (CW average power, RF ATT: ≥10 dB), ±0 Vdc
Average noise level:
Level measurement ≤–115 dBm (1 MHz to 1 GHz), ≤–115 dBm + 1.5f [GHz] dB (1 to 3.1 GHz), ≤–114 dBm (3.1 to 8.1 GHz),
≤–113 dBm (8.0 to 14.3 GHz), ≤–105 dBm (14.1 to 26.5 GHz), ≤–101 dBm (26.2 to 40 GHz)
∗RBW: 1 kHz, VBW: 1 Hz, RF ATT: 0 dB
Residual response: ≤–90 dBm (RF ATT: 0 dB, input: 50 Ω terminated, 1 MHz to 8.1 GHz)
Continued on next page
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Setting range
Log scale: –100 to +30 dBm, Linear scale: 224 µV to 7.07 V
Log scale: dBm, dBµV, dBmV, V, dBµVemf, W
Linear scale: V
±1.5 dB (0 to –85 dB, RBW: ≤3 kHz), ±2.5 dB (0 to –90 dB, RBW: ≤3 kHz)
Linear scale: ±4% (compared to reference level)
Marker level resolution
Log scale: 0.01 dB, Linear scale: 0.02% of reference level
2nd harmonic distortion:
≤–60 dBc (10 to 200 MHz, mixer input: –30 dBm), ≤–70 dBc (0.2 to 1.55 GHz, mixer input: –30 dBm),
≤–90 dBc or noise level (1.55 to 20 GHz, mixer input: –10 dBm)
Two signal 3rd order intermodulation distortion:
Spurious response ≤–70 dBc (10 to 100 MHz), ≤–80 dBc (0.1 to 8.1 GHz), ≤–75 dBc or average noise level (8.1 to 26.5 GHz),
≤–75 dBc or average noise level (typical, 26.5 to 40 GHz)
∗Frequency difference of two signals: ≥50 kHz, mixer input: –30 dBm
Image response: ≤–65 dBc (≤18 GHz), ≤–60 dBc (≤22 GHz), ≤–55 dBc (≤40 GHz)
Multiple/out of band response: ≤–70 dBc(≤14 GHz), ≤–60 dBc (≤26 GHz), ≤–55 dBc (≤40 GHz)
1 dB gain compression ≥–5 dBm (≥100 MHz, at mixer input)
Setting range: 20 ms to 1000 s (manually settable, or automatically settable according to span, RBW, and VBW)
Sweep time Accuracy: ±15% (20 ms to 100 s), ±25% (110 to 1000 s), ±1% (time domain sweep: digital zero span mode)
Trace move/calculation: A → B, B → A, A ←→ B, A + B → A, A — B → A, A — B + DL → A
Demodulation range: 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 kHz/div
Marker display
FM demodulation Accuracy: ±5% of full scale (referenced to center frequency, DC-coupled, RBW: 3 MHz, VBW: 1 Hz, CW)
waveform display function Demodulation frequency response:
DC (50 Hz at AC-coupled) to 100 kHz (range: ≤20 kHz/div, VBW: off, at 3 dB bandwidth)
DC (50 Hz at AC-coupled) to 500 kHz (range: ≤50 kHz/div, VBW: off, at 3 dB bandwidth) ∗RBW: ≥1 kHz to 3 MHz usable
Input connector K-J, 50 Ω
IF OUTPUT: –10 dBm (typical, 100 MHz, upper edge of scale, 50 Ω terminated), 10.69 MHz, BNC connector
VIDEO OUTPUT (Y): 0 to 0.5 V ± 0.1 V (typical, from lower edge to upper edge at 10 dB/div)
0 to 0.4 V± 0.1 V (typical, from lower edge to upper edge at 10%/div)
Auxiliary signal BNC connector ∗75 Ω terminated at 100 MHz input
input and output COMPOSITE OUTPUT: For NTSC, 1 Vp-p (75 Ω terminated), BNC connector
EXT REF INPUT: 10 MHz ± 10 Hz, –10 to +2 dBm (50 Ω terminated), BNC connector
REF BUFFERED OUTPUT: ≥0 dBm (50 Ω terminated), BNC connector
1ST LOCAL OUTPUT: 4 to 7 GHz, ≥+8 dBm, 50 Ω, SMA-J connector
Continued on next page
Hard copy Display data can be hard-copied via RS-232C, GPIB and Centronics (Option 10) interface.
Plotter (HP-GL, GP-GL compatible models): Display data can be output via RS-232C and GPIB interface.
Language: PTL (interpreter based on BASIC)
Programming: Using external computer.
PTA Program memory: Memory card, upload/download to/from external computer
Programming capacity: 192 KB
Data processing: Directly accesses measurement data according to system variables, system subroutines, and system functions
RS-232C Outputs data to printer and plotter. Control from external computer (excluding power switch).
Meets IEEE488.2. Controlled by external computer (excluding power switch). Or controls external equipment with PTA.
GPIB Interface function: SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C1, C2, C3, C4, C28
Automatic correction of insertion loss of MA1621A Impedance Transformer
Correction Correction accuracy (RF ATT: ≥10 dB):
±2.5 dB (9 to 100 kHz), ±1.5 dB (100 kHz to 2 GHz), ±2.0 dB (2 to 3 GHz) ∗Typical value
Functions: Saving/recalling measurement parameters/waveform data, uploading/downloading PTA programs; 6
Applicable cards: SRAM, EPROM, Flash EPROM (Only SRAM writable; Card capacity: 2 MB max. The SRAM
Memory card interface
card is supported by Windows95/98® of OS.)
Connector: Meets the PCMCIA Rel. 2.0; 2 slots
Frequency range: 18 to 110 GHz
Frequency band configuration
Frequency Band K: 18 to 26.5 GHz (n = 4), Band A: 26.5 to 40 GHz (n = 6), Band Q: 33 to 50 GHz (n = 8), Band U: 40 to 60 GHz (n = 9),
Band V: 50 to 75 GHz (n = 11), Band E: 50 to 90 GHz (n = 13), Band W: 75 to 110 GHz (n = 16)
External mixer
Span setting range: 0 Hz, (100 x n) Hz to each bandwidth ∗n: local harmonic order
Level measurement
Mixer conversion loss setting range: 15 to 85 dB
Maximum input level: Depends on the external mixer used
Amplitude Average noise level: Depends on the external mixer used
Reference level setting range: –100 dBm to (–25 to M) dBm ∗Log scale, M: mixer conversion loss
Frequency response: Depends on the external mixer used
Suitable mixer: 2-port mixer only (local frequency: 4 to 7 GHz, IF frequency: 689.31 MHz)
Input/output Display gain: 0 ±2 dB (external mixer input: –10 dBm, when the mixer conversion loss is 15 dB)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
• Option 02: Narrow resolution bandwidth • Option 03: Narrow resolution bandwidth
Resolution bandwidth (3 dB) 30 Hz, 100 Hz, 300 Hz Resolution bandwidth (3 dB) 10 Hz, 30 Hz, 100 Hz, 300 Hz
Resolution bandwidth Resolution bandwidth
±0.4 dB (RBW 3 kHz reference) ±0.4 dB (RBW 3 kHz reference)
switching uncertainty switching uncertainty
Resolution bandwidth Resolution bandwidth
±20% ±20%
accuracy accuracy
Selectivity (60 dB : 3 dB) ≤15:1 Selectivity (60 dB : 3 dB) ≤15:1
≤–135 dBm (1 MHz to 1 GHz),
≤–135 dBm + 1.5f [GHz] dB (1 to 3.1 GHz),
• Option 04: High-speed time domain sweep ≤–132 dBm (3.1 to 8.1 GHz),
12.5 µs, 25 µs, 50 µs, 100 to 900 µs (one most Average noise level ≤–131 dBm (8.0 to 14.3 GHz),
Sweep time significant digit settable), 1.0 to 19 ms (two ≤–123 dBm (14.1 to 26.5 GHz),
upper significant digits settable) ≤–119 dBm (26.2 to 40 GHz)
∗RBW: 10 Hz, VBW: 1 Hz, RF ATT: 0 dB
Accuracy ±1%
Log scale: 0.1 dB
Marker level resolution Linear scale: 0.2% (relative to reference level)
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• Option 06: Trigger/gate circuit • Option 07: AM/FM demodulator
Trigger switch FREERUN, TRIGGERED With internal loudspeaker and earphone
Voice output
EXT connector (ø3.5 jack), adjustable volume
Trigger level: ±10 V (resolution: 0.1 V), TTL level
Trigger slope: Rise/fall
Connector: BNC • Option 10: Centronics interface*1
Log scale: –100 to 0 dB (resolution: 1 dB) Function Outputs data to printer (Centronics standard)
Trigger source Trigger slope: Rise/fall Connector D-sub 25-pin (jack)
Trigger level: High, middle, or low selectable ∗1: GPIB interface can not be installed simultaneously.
Bandwidth: ≥20 MHz
Trigger slope: Rise/fall • Option 15: Sweep signal output
Frequency: 47.5 to 63 Hz (line lock) 0 to 10 V ±1 V (≥100 kΩ termination, from left
Pre-trigger (displays waveform from previous max. 1 Sweep output (X) side to right side of display scale), BNC
screen at trigger occurrence point) connector
Trigger delay Range: –time span to 0 s, Resolution: time span/500 TTL level (low level with sweeping), BNC
Post trigger (displays waveform from after max. 65.5 ms Sweep status output (Z) connector
at trigger occurrence point)
Range: 0 to 65.5 ms, Resolution: 1 µs
In frequency domain, displays spectrum of input signal in
Gate sweep specified gate interval.
Gate delay: 0 to 65.5 ms (from trigger point, resolution: 1 µs)
Gate width: 2 µs to 65.5 ms (from gate delay, resolution: 1 µs)
• External mixer
Models Frequency range Flange Max. input power
MA2740A 18 to 26.5 GHz MIL-F-3922/68-001KM 100 mW
MA2741A 26.5 to 40 GHz MIL-F-3922/68-001AM 100 mW
MA2742A 33 to 50 GHz MIL-F-3922/67B-006 100 mW
MA2743A 40 to 60 GHz MIL-F-3922/67B-007 100 mW
MA2744A 50 to 75 GHz MIL-F-3922/67B-008 100 mW
MA2745A 60 to 90 GHz MIL-F-3922/68B-009 100 mW
MA2746A 75 to 110 GHz MIL-F-3922/68B-010 100 mW
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame J0910 DC block (Model 7006, 10 kHz to 18 GHz, ±50 V,
MS2668C Spectrum analyzer SMA-type, Weinschel product)
MA2507A DC Block Adaptor (50 Ω, 9 kHz to 3 GHz, ±50 V, N-type)
Standard accessories MA8601A DC Block Adaptor (50 Ω, 30 kHz to 2 GHz, ±50 V, N-type)
Power cord, 2.6 m: 1 pc MA8601J DC Block Adaptor (75 Ω, 10 kHz to 2.2 GHz, ±50 V, NC-type)
F0013 Fuse, 5 A: 2 pcs MA1621A 50 Ω → 75 Ω Impedance Transformer (75 Ω, 9 kHz to
W1335AE MS2668C operation manual: 1 copy 3 GHz, ±100 V, NC-type)
B0329G Front cover (3/4MW4U): 1 pc MP614B 50 Ω ← → 75 Ω Impedance Transformer (50 to 1200 MHz,
Options transformer type, NC-type)
MS2668C-02 Narrow resolution bandwidth J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
MS2668C-03 Narrow resolution bandwidth J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
MS2668C-04 High-speed time domain sweep J0742A RS-232C cable, 1 m (for PC-98 Personal Computer and
MS2668C-06 Trigger/gate circuit VP-600, D-sub 25-pins, straight)
MS2668C-07 AM/FM demodulator (outputs to loudspeaker or J0743A RS-232C cable, 1 m (for PC/AT compatible, D-sub
earphone connector) 9-pins, cross)
MS2668C-10 Centronics interface (GPIB interface can not be used J0064A 7 GHz band coaxial/waveguide adaptor (5.8 to 8.6 GHz,
simultaneously) N-J · BRJ-7)
MS2668C-15 Sweep signal output J0064C 10 GHz band coaxial/waveguide adaptor (8.2 to 12.4
GHz, N-J · BRJ-10)
Application parts J0004 Coaxial adaptor (N-P · SMA-J)
J0911 Coaxial cord (K-P · K-P), 1 m (DC to 40 GHz, DGM010-02000EE Coaxial cord, 2 m (N-type connector, general use)
SUCOFLEX 102A) DGM024-02000EE Coaxial cord, 2 m (N-type connector, low-loss type)
J0912 Coaxial cord (K-P · K-P), 0.5 m (DC to 40 GHz, J0063 Fixed attenuator for high power (30 dB, 10 W, DC to
SUCOFLEX 102A) 12.4 GHz, N-type)
34AKNF50 Coaxial adaptor (DC to 20 GHz, SWR: 1.5, ruggedized J0395 Fixed attenuator for high power (30 dB, 30 W, DC to 9
K-P · N-J) GHz, N-type)
J0322B Coaxial cord (SMA-P · SMA-P), 1 m (DC to 18 GHz, J0078 Fixed attenuator for high power (20 dB, 10 W, DC to 18
SUCOFLEX 104) GHz, N-type)
J0561 Coaxial cord (N-P-5W · 5D-2W · N-P-5W), 1 m MP526D High Pass Filter (400 MHz band, N-type)
J0104A Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG-55/U · N-P), 1 m MA1601A High Pass Filter (800/900 MHz band, N-type)
CSCJ-256K-SM 256 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MA2740A External Mixer (18 to 26.5 GHz)
CSCJ-512K-SM 512 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MA2741A External Mixer (26.5 to 40 GHz)
CSCJ-001M-SM 1024 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MA2742A External Mixer (33 to 50 GHz)
CSCJ-002M-SM 2048 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MA2743A External Mixer (40 to 60 GHz)
B0395A Rack mount kit (IEC) MA2744A External Mixer (50 to 75 GHz)
B0395B Rack mount kit (JIS) MA2745A External Mixer (60 to 90 GHz)
MP612A RF Fuse Holder MA2746A External Mixer (75 to 110 GHz)
MP613A Fuse Element B0421A Carrying case (hard type, with casters)
J0805 DC block (Model 7003, 10 kHz to 18 GHz, ±50 V, B0421B Carrying case (hard type, without casters)
N-type, Weinschel product) B0435A Carrying case (soft type)
The MS2667C is a compact, lightweight, and low-price spectrum an- • 100 dB display dynamic range
alyzer that covers a frequency range of 9 kHz to 30 GHz. It has su- For measurements requiring a wide dynamic range such as adjacent
perior basic performance, such as high C/N ratio, low distortion, and channel power measurements, the MS2667C can display nearly 90
high frequency/level accuracies, and is easy to operate. A large se- dB on a single screen.
lection of options is provided to handle a wide range of applications • Highly-accurate measurement
at reasonable cost. Automatic calibration ensures a high level of accuracy. A span accu-
racy of 5% and 501 sampling points ensure accurate occupied fre-
Features quency bandwidth and adjacent channel power measurements.
• Compact and lightweight (15 kg in standard configuration)
• High C/N and superior distortion characteristics
• Easy-to-use, simple operation
• Millimeter wave applications
• Options support wide range of applications
Performance and functions
• Counter with 1 Hz resolution
A full complement of frequency counter functions are provided.
Resolution is as high as ±1 Hz even at full span, and high-speed fre-
quency measurements can be performed. The high sensitivity com-
pared with ordinary counters makes it easy to select one signal from
many and to determine its frequency.
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• Radio equipment evaluation functions (“measure” functions)
A full range of functions including measurement of power levels, fre-
quencies, adjacent channel power, and mask and time template
measurements are provided for performance evaluation of radio
equipment. Key operation is simple and high-speed calculations
make the measurement fast and efficient.
Frequency span
Accuracy: ±5%
Setting range:
1 kHz, 3 kHz, 10 kHz, 30 kHz, 100 kHz, 300 kHz, 1 MHz, 3 MHz (manually settable, or automatically settable according to
Resolution frequency span) ∗Option 02 (30 Hz, 100 Hz, 300 Hz), Option 03 (10 Hz, 30 Hz, 100 Hz, 300 Hz) are added.
bandwidth (RBW) Measurements of noise, C/N, adjacent channel power and channel power by measure function are executed with the calculated
(3 dB bandwidth) equivalent noise bandwidth of the RBW.
Bandwidth accuracy: ±20% (1 kHz to 1 MHz), ±30% (3 MHz)
Selectivity (60 dB : 3 dB): ≤15:1
Video bandwidth
1 Hz to 3 MHz (1-3 sequence), OFF ∗Manually settable, or automatically settable according to RBW
(VBW) 6
Noise sidebands: ≤–95 dBc/Hz + 20 log n (1 MHz to 30 GHz, 10 kHz offset) ∗n: harmonic order of the mixer
Signal purity and Residual FM: ≤20 Hzp-p/0.1 s (1 GHz, span: 0 Hz)
stability Frequency drift: ≤200 x n Hz/min (span: ≤10 kHz x n, sweep time: ≤100 s)
∗After 1-hour warm-up at constant ambient temperature; n: harmonic order of the mixer
Frequency: 10 MHz
Reference oscillator Aging rate: 1 x 10–7/year, 2 x 10–8/day
Temperature characteristics: ±5 x 10–8 (0˚ to 50˚C, referenced to frequency at 25˚C)
Measurement range: Average noise level to +30 dBm
Maximum input level: +30 dBm (CW average power, RF ATT: ≥10 dB), ±0 Vdc
Average noise level:
Level measurement ≤–115 dBm (1 MHz to 1 GHz, band 0), ≤–115 dBm + 1.5f [GHz] dB (1 to 3.1 GHz, band 0), ≤–110 dBm (3.1 to 8.1 GHz, band 1),
≤–102 dBm (8.0 to 15.3 GHz, band 2), ≤–98 dBm (15.2 to 22.4 GHz, band 3), ≤–91 dBm (22.3 to 30 GHz, band 4)
∗RBW: 1 kHz, VBW: 1 Hz, RF ATT: 0 dB
Residual response: ≤–90 dBm (RF ATT: 0 dB, input: 50 Ω terminated, 1 MHz to 8.1 GHz)
Setting range
Log scale: –100 to +30 dBm; Linear scale: 224 µV to 7.07 V
Log scale: dBm, dBµV, dBmV, V, dBµVemf, W
Linear scale: V
Reference level accuracy:
Reference level ±0.4 dB (–49.9 to 0 dBm), ±0.75 dB (–69.9 to –50 dBm, 0.1 to +30 dBm), ±1.5 dB (–80 to –70 dBm)
∗After calibration, at 100 MHz, span: 1 MHz (when RF ATT, RBW, VBW and sweep time set to AUTO)
RBW switching uncertainty: ±0.3 dB (1 kHz to 1 MHz), ±0.4 dB (3 MHz) ∗After calibration, referenced to RBW: 3 kHz
Input attenuator (RF ATT)
Setting range: 0 to 70 dB (10 dB steps) ∗Manually settable, or automatically settable according to reference level
Switching uncertainty: ±0.3 dB (0 to 50 dB), ±1.0 dB (0 to 70 dB)
∗After calibration, frequency: 100 MHz, referenced to RF ATT: 10 dB
Relative: ±1.5 dB (9 to 100 kHz, band 0), ±1.0 dB (100 kHz to 3.2 GHz, band 0), ±1.5 dB (3.1 to 8.1 GHz, band 1),
±3.0 dB (8 to 15.3 GHz, band 2), ±4.0 dB (15.2 to 22.4 GHz, band 3), ±4.0 dB (22.3 to 30 GHz, band 4)
Frequency response ∗After pre-selector tuning at band 1, 2, 3 and 4, referenced to midpoint between highest and lowest frequency deviation
in each band
Absolute: ±5.0 dB (9 kHz to 30 GHz, RF ATT: 10 dB, referenced to 100 MHz) ∗After pre-selector tuning at band 1, 2, 3 and 4
Scale (10 div)
Log scale: 10, 5, 2, 1 dB/div
Linear scale: 10, 5, 2, 1%/div
Linearity (after calibration)
Waveform display Log scale: ±0.4 dB (0 to –20 dB, RBW: ≤1 MHz), ±1.0 dB (0 to –70 dB, RBW: ≤100 kHz), ±1.5 dB (0 to –85 dB, RBW: ≤3 kHz),
±2.5 dB (0 to –90 dB, RBW: ≤3 kHz)
Linear scale: ±4% (compared to reference level)
Marker level resolution
Log scale: 0.01 dB, Linear scale: 0.02% of reference level
2nd harmonic distortion:
≤–60 dBc (10 to 200 MHz, band 0, mixer input: –30 dBm), ≤–70 dBc (0.2 to 1.55 GHz, band 0, mixer input: –30 dBm),
≤–90 dBc or noise level (1.55 to 15 GHz, band 1/2/3/4, mixer input: –10 dBm)
Two signals 3rd order intermodulation distortion:
Spurious response
≤–70 dBc (10 to 100 MHz), ≤–80 dBc (0.1 to 8.1 GHz), –75 dBc or average noise level (8.1 to 26.5 GHz), ≤–75 dBc or average
noise level (typical, 26.5 to 30 GHz) ∗Frequency difference of two signals: ≥50 kHz, mixer input: –30 dBm
Image response: ≤–65 dBc (≤18 GHz), ≤–60 dBc (≤22 GHz), ≤–55 dBc (≤30 GHz)
Multiple/out of band response: ≤–60 dBc (≤22 GHz), ≤–55 dBc (≤30 GHz)
1 dB gain
≥–5 dBm (≥100 MHz, at mixer input)
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Setting range: 20 ms to 1000 s (manually settable, or automatically settable according to span, RBW and VBW)
Sweep time
Accuracy: ±15% (20 ms to 100 s), ±25% (110 to 1000 s), ±1% (time domain sweep: digital zero span mode)
Sweep mode Continuous, single
Time domain
Analog zero span, digital zero span
sweep mode
Zone sweep Sweeps only in frequency range indicated by zone marker
Tracking sweep Sweeps while tracing peak points within zone marker (zone sweep also possible)
Number of data
NORMAL: Simultaneously displays max. and min. points between sample points
POS PEAK: Displays max. point between sample points
Detection mode NEG PEAK: Displays min. point between sample points
SAMPLE: Displays momentary value at sample points
Detection mode switching uncertainty: ±0.5 dB (at reference level)
Display Color TFT-LCD, Size: 5.5 inch, Number of colors: 17 (RGB, each 64-scale settable), Intensity adjustment: 5 steps settable
Trace A: Displays frequency spectrum
Trace B: Displays frequency spectrum
Trace Time: Displays time domain waveform at center frequency
Trace A/B: Displays Trace A and Trace B simultaneously. Simultaneous sweep of same frequency, alternate sweep of
Display functions independent frequencies.
Trace A/BG: Displays frequency region to be observed (background) and object band (foreground) selected from background
with zone marker simultaneously
Trace A/Time: Displays frequency spectrum and time domain waveforms at center frequency simultaneously
Trace move/calculation: A → B, B → A, A ↔ B, A + B → A, A – B → A, A – B + DL → A
Demodulation range: 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 kHz/div
Marker display
FM demodulation
Accuracy: ±5% of full scale (referenced to center frequency, DC-coupled. RBW: 3 MHz, VBW: 1 Hz, CW)
waveform display
Demodulation frequency response: DC (50 Hz at AC-coupled) to 100 kHz (range: ≤20 kHz/div, VBW: off, at 3 dB bandwidth)
DC (50 Hz at AC-coupled) to 500 kHz (range: ≥50 kHz/div, VBW: off, at 3 dB bandwidth)
∗ RBW: ≥1 kHz to 3 MHz usable
Input connector K-J, 50 Ω
IF OUTPUT: 10.69 MHz, BNC connector
VIDEO OUTPUT (Y): 0 to 0.5 V ±0.1 V (typical, from lower edge to upper edge at 10 dB/div),
0 to 0.4 V ±0.1 V (typical, from lower edge to upper edge at 10%/div), BNC connector
Auxiliary signal ∗75 Ω terminated at 100 MHz input
input and output COMPOSITE OUTPUT: For NTSC, 1 Vp-p (75 Ω terminated), BNC connector
EXT REF INPUT: 10 MHz ±10 Hz, –10 to +2 dBm (50 Ω terminated), BNC connector
REF BUFFERED OUTPUT: ≥0 dBm (50 Ω terminated), BNC connector
1ST LOCAL OUTPUT: 4 to 7 GHz, ≥+8 dBm, 50 Ω, SMA-J connector
Zone marker NORMAL, DELTA
Multimarker Number of markers: 10 max. (HIGHEST 10, HARMONICS, MANUAL SET)
Noise power (dBm/Hz, dBm/ch), C/N (dBc/Hz, dBc/ch), occupied bandwidth (power N% method, X-dB down method), adjacent
channel power (REF: total power/reference level/in-band level method, channel designate display: 2 channels x 2 graphic display),
average power of burst signal (average power in designated time range of time domain waveform), channel power (dBm,
dBm/Hz), template comparison (upper/lower limits x each 2, time domain), MASK (upper/lower x each 2, frequency domain)
Save/recall Saves and recalls setting conditions and waveform data to internal memory (max. 12) or memory card
Printer (HP dotmatrix, EPSON dotmatrix compatible models):
Hard copy Display data can be hard-copied via RS-232C, GPIB, and Centronics (Option 10) interface.
Plotter (HP-GL, GP-GL compatible models): Display data can be output via RS-232C and GPIB interface.
Language: PTL (interpreter based on BASIC)
Programming: Using external computer
PTA Program memory: Memory card, upload/download to/from external computer
Programming capacity: 192 KB
Data processing: Directly accesses measurement data according to system variables, system subroutines, and system function.
RS-232C Outputs data to printer and plotter. Control from external computer (excluding power switch)
Meets IEEE488.2. Controlled by external computer (excluding power switch). Or controls external equipment with PTA
Interface function: SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C1, C2, C3, C4, C28
Automatic correction of insertion loss of MA1621A Impedance Transformer
Correction Correction accuracy (RF ATT: ≥10 dB):
±2.5 dB (9 to 100 kHz), ±1.5 dB (100 kHz to 2 GHz), ±2.0 dB (2 to 3 GHz) ∗Typical value
Functions: Saving/recalling measurement parameters/waveform data, uploading/downloading PTA programs;
Memory card Applicable cards: SRAM, EPROM, Flash EPROM (Only SRAM writable; Card capacity: 2 MB max. The SRAM card is
interface supported by Windows95/98® of OS.)
Connector: Meets the PCMCIA Rel. 2.0, 2 slots
Continued on next page
Level measurement
Mixer conversion loss setting range: 15 to 85 dB
Maximum input level: Depends on the external mixer used
Average noise level: Depends on the external mixer used
Reference level setting range: –100 dBm to (–25 to M) dBm ∗Log scale, M: mixer conversion loss
Frequency response: Depends on the external mixer used
Suitable mixer: 2-port mixer only (local frequency: 4 to 7 GHz, IF frequency: 689.31 MHz)
Display gain: 0 ±2 dB (external mixer input: –10 dBm, when the mixer conversion loss is 15 dB)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
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External mixer
Model Frequency range Mate flange Max. input power
MA2740A 18 to 26.5 GHz MIL-F-3922/68-001KM 100 mW
MA2741A 26.5 to 40 GHz MIL-F-3922/68-001AM 100 mW
MA2742A 33 to 50 GHz MIL-F-3922/67B-006 100 mW
MA2743A 40 to 60 GHz MIL-F-3922/67B-007 100 mW
MA2744A 50 to 75 GHz MIL-F-3922/67B-008 100 mW
MA2745A 60 to 90 GHz MIL-F-3922/68B-009 100 mW
MA2746A 75 to 110 GHz MIL-F-3922/68B-010 100 mW
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/order No. Name Model/order No. Name
Main frame MA2507A DC Block Adapter (50 Ω, 9 kHz to 3 GHz, ±50 V, N-type)
MS2667C Spectrum Analyzer MA8601A DC Block Adapter (50 Ω, 30 kHz to 2 GHz, ±50 V,
Standard accessories MA8601J DC Block Adapter (75 Ω, 10 kHz to 2.2 GHz, ±50 V,
Power cord, 2.6 m: 1 pc NC-type)
F0013 Fuse, 5 A: 2 pcs MA1621A 50 Ω → 75 Ω Impedance Transformer (9 kHz to 3 GHz,
W1335AE MS2665C/MS2667C operation manual: 1 copy ±100 V, NC-type)
B0329G Front cover (3/4MW4U) MP614B 50 Ω ↔ 75 Ω Impedance Transformer (50 to 1200
MHz, transformer type, NC-type)
Options J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
MS2667C-02 Narrow resolution bandwidth J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
MS2667C-03 Narrow resolution bandwidth J0742A RS-232C cable, 1 m (for PC-98 Personal Computer
MS2667C-04 High-speed time domain sweep and VP-600, D-sub 25-pins, straight)
MS2667C-06 Trigger/gate circuit J0743A RS-232C cable, 1 m (for PC/AT compatible, D-sub
MS2667C-07 AM/FM demodulator (outputs to loudspeaker or 9-pins, cross)
earphone connector) J0064A 7 GHz band coaxial/waveguide adapter (5.8 to 8.6
MS2667C-10 Centronics interface (GPIB interface cannot be GHz, N-J · BRJ-7)
installed simultaneously) J0064C 10 GHz band coaxial/waveguide adapter (8.2 to 12.4
MS2667C-15 Sweep signal output GHz, N-J · BRJ-10)
J0004 Coaxial adapter (N-P · SMA-J)
Application parts DGM010-02000EE Coaxial cord, 2 m (N-type connector, general use)
34AKNF50 Coaxial adapter (DC to 20 GHz, SWR: 1.5, ruggedized DGM024-02000EE Coaxial cord, 2 m (N-type connector, low-loss type)
K-P · N-J) J0063 Fixed attenuator for high power (30 dB, 10 W, DC to
J0561 Coaxial cord (N-P-5W · 5D-2W · N-P-5W), 1 m 12.4 GHz, N-type)
J0104A Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG-55/U · N-P) , 1 m J0395 Fixed attenuator for high power (30 dB, 30 W, DC to
J0322B Coaxial cord (SMA-P · SMA-P), 1 m (DC to 18 GHz, 9 GHz, N-type)
SUCOFLEX 104A) J0078 Fixed attenuator for high power (20 dB, 10 W, DC to
J0911 Coaxial cord (K-P · K-P), 1 m (DC to 40 GHz, 18 GHz, N-type)
SUCOFLEX 102A) MP526D High Pass Filter (400 MHz band)
J0912 Coaxial cord (K-P · K-P), 0.5 m (DC to 40 GHz, MA1601A High Pass Filter (800/900 MHz band, N-type)
SUCOFLEX 102A) MA2740A External Mixer (18 to 26.5 GHz)
CSCJ-256K-SM 256 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MA2741A External Mixer (26.5 to 40 GHz)
CSCJ-512K-SM 512 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MA2742A External Mixer (33 to 50 GHz)
CSCJ-001M-SM 1024 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MA2743A External Mixer (40 to 60 GHz)
CSCJ-002M-SM 2048 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MA2744A External Mixer (50 to 75 GHz)
B0395A Rack mount kit (IEC) MA2745A External Mixer (60 to 90 GHz)
B0395B Rack mount kit (JIS) MA2746A External Mixer (75 to 110 GHz)
MP612A RF Fuse Holder B0421A Carrying case (hard type, with casters)
MP613A Fuse Element B0421B Carrying case (hard type, without casters)
J0805 DC block (Model 7003, 10 kHz to 18 GHz, ±50 V, B0435A Carrying case (soft type)
Weinschel product, N-type)
The MS2665C is a compact, lightweight, and low-price spectrum an- • 100 dB display dynamic range
alyzer that covers a frequency range of 9 kHz to 21.2 GHz. It has For measurements requiring a wide dynamic range, such as adja-
superior basic performance such as high C/N ratio, low distortion, cent channel power measurements, the MS2665C can display near-
and high frequency/level accuracies and is easy to operate. A large ly 90 dB on a single screen.
selection of options is provided to handle a wide range of applica- • Multi-screen display
tions at reasonable cost. The Trace A and Trace B waveforms are superimposed on the same
screen, and two spectra with different frequencies are displayed si-
Features multaneously. In addition, it is possible to simultaneously display
• Compact and lightweight (13 kg in standard configuration) spectrum and time domain screens for the same signal. The multi-
• High C/N and superior distortion characteristics screen display permits efficient signal level adjustment and harmon-
• Easy-to-use, simple operation ic distortion measurement, too. Furthermore, in addition to being
• Options support wide range of applications able to display amplitude in the time domain, it is possible to display
• Easy-to-set up automatic measurements the FM demodulation waveform.
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Trigger/gate circuit (Option 06)
Burst signal can be stably measured using the trigger function in time
domain measurements. One of the external, video, wide IF video, or
line is selectable. This makes a variety of TDMA radio equipment
tests possible, including template comparison using pre-trigger and
post-trigger delay functions and gate spectrum analysis using the
gate sweep function. Previously, the trigger output from an external
detector was required in gate spectrum analysis. However, this op-
tion for the MS2665C has a 20 MHz wide IF video trigger function,
eliminating the need for trigger output from an external detector.
Except where noted otherwise, specified values were obtained after warming up the equipment for 30 minutes at a constant ambient temper-
ature and then performing calibration. The typical values are given for reference and are not guaranteed.
Frequency range 9 kHz to 21.2 GHz
Band 0: 0 to 3.2 GHz (n: 1); Band 1–: 2.92 to 6.5 GHz (n: 1); Band 1+: 6.4 to 8.1 GHz(n: 1); Band 2+: 8.0 to 15.3 GHz (n: 2);
Frequency band
Band 3+: 15.2 to 21.2 GHz (n: 3) ∗n: harmonic order of the mixer
Pre-selector range 2.92 to 21.2 GHz (band 1–, 1+, 2+, 3+)
Frequency setting
Frequency domain: (1 x n) Hz, Zero span: (100 x n) Hz ∗n: harmonic order of the mixer
Frequency display ± (display frequency x reference frequency accuracy + span x span accuracy + 100 Hz x n)
accuracy ∗Span: ≥10 kHz x n (n: harmonic order of the mixer, after calibration)
Marker frequency
Normal marker: Same as display frequency accuracy; Delta marker: Same as frequency span accuracy
display accuracy
stability Frequency drift: ≤200 x n Hz/min (span: ≤10 kHz x n, sweep time: ≤100 s)
∗After 1-hour warm-up at constant ambient temperature; n: harmonic order of the mixer
Frequency: 10 MHz
Reference oscillator Aging rate: 2 x 10–6/year (typical); Option 01 : 1 x 10–7/year, 2 x 10–8/day
Temperature characteristics: 1 x 10–5(typical, 0° to 50˚C); Option 01: ±5 x 10–8 (0° to 50˚C, referenced to frequency at 25˚C)
Measurement range: Average noise level to +30 dBm
Maximum input level: +30 dBm (CW average power, RF ATT: ≥10 dB), ±0 Vdc
Average noise level:
Level measurement ≤–115 dBm (1 MHz to 1 GHz, band 0), ≤–115 dBm + 1.5f [GHz] dB (1 to 3.1 GHz, band 0),
≤–110 dBm (2.92 to 8.1 GHz, band 1), ≤–102 dBm (8.0 to 15.3 GHz, band 2), ≤–98 dBm (15.2 to 21.2 GHz, band 3)
∗RBW: 1 kHz, VBW: 1 Hz, RF ATT: 0 dB
Residual response: ≤–90 dBm (RF ATT: 0 dB, input: 50 Ω terminated, 1 MHz to 8.1 GHz)
Setting range
Log scale: –100 to +30 dBm; Linear scale: 224 µV to 7.07 V
Log scale: dBm, dBµV, dBmV, V, dBµVemf, W
Linear scale: V
Reference level accuracy:
Reference level ±0.4 dB (–49.9 to 0 dBm), ±0.75 dB (–69.9 to –50 dBm, 0.1 to +30 dBm), ±1.5 dB (–80 to –70 dBm)
∗After calibration, at 100 MHz, span: 1 MHz (when RF ATT, RBW, VBW, and sweep time set to AUTO)
RBW switching uncertainty: ±0.3 dB (1 kHz to 1 MHz), ±0.4 dB (3 MHz) ∗After calibration, referenced to RBW: 3 kHz
Input attenuator (RF ATT)
Setting range: 0 to 70 dB (10 dB steps) ∗Manually settable, or automatically settable according to reference level
Switching uncertainty: ±0.3 dB (0 to 50 dB), ±1.0 dB (0 to 70 dB)
∗After calibration, frequency: 100 MHz, referenced to RF ATT: 10 dB
Relative: ±1.5 dB (9 to 100 kHz, band 0), ±1.0 dB (100 kHz to 3.2 GHz, band 0), ±1.5 dB (2.92 to 8.1 GHz, band 1),
±3.0 dB (8 to 15.3 GHz, band 2), ±4.0 dB (15.2 to 21.2 GHz, band 3)
∗After pre-selector tuning at band 1, 2 and 3, referenced to midpoint between highest and lowest frequency deviation in
each band
Absolute: ±5.0 dB (9 kHz to 21.2 GHz, RF ATT: 10 dB, referenced to 100 MHz)
∗After pre-selector tuning at band 1, 2 and 3, referenced to midpoint between highest and lowest frequency deviation in
each band
Scale (10 div)
Log scale: 10, 5, 2, 1 dB/div
Linear scale: 10, 5, 2, 1%/div
Linearity (after calibration)
Waveform display
Log scale: ±0.4 dB (0 to –20 dB), ±1.0 dB (0 to –70 dB), ±1.5 dB (0 to –85 dB), ±2.5 dB (0 to –90 dB)
Linear scale: ±4% (compared to reference level)
Marker level resolution
Log scale: 0.01 dB; Linear scale: 0.02% of reference level
2nd harmonic distortion:
≤–60 dBc (10 to 200 MHz, band 0, mixer input: –30 dBm), ≤–70 dBc (0.2 to 1.55 GHz, band 0, mixer input: –30 dBm),
≤–100 dBc or noise level (1.46 to 10.6 GHz, band 1/2/3, mixer input: –10 dBm)
Two signals 3rd order intermodulation distortion:
Spurious response
≤–70 dBc (10 to 100 MHz), ≤–80 dBc (0.1 to 8.1 GHz), –75 dBc or noise level (8.1 to 21.2 GHz)
∗Frequency difference of two signals: ≥50 kHz, mixer input: –30 dBm
Image response: ≤–65 dBc (≤18 GHz), ≤–60 dBc (>18 GHz)
Multiple response: ≤–60 dBc
1 dB gain
≥–5 dBm (≥100 MHz, at mixer input)
Setting range : 20 ms to 1000 s (manually settable, or automatically settable according to span, RBW, and VBW)
Sweep time
Accuracy: ±15% (20 ms to 100 s), ±25% (110 to 1000 s), ±1% (time domain sweep: digital zero span mode)
Sweep mode Continuous, single
Display Color TFT-LCD, Size: 5.5 inch, Number of colors: 17 (RGB, each 64-scale settable), Intensity adjustment: 5 steps settable
Trace A: Displays frequency spectrum
Trace B: Displays frequency spectrum
Trace Time: Displays time domain waveform at center frequency
Trace A/B: Displays Trace A and Trace B simultaneously. Simultaneous sweep of same frequency, alternate sweep of independent
Display functions frequencies.
Trace A/BG: Displays frequency region to be observed (background) and object band (foreground) selected from background with
zone marker simultaneously
Trace A/Time: Displays frequency spectrum and time domain waveform at center frequency simultaneously
Trace move/calculation: A → B, B → A, A ↔ B, A + B → A, A – B → A, A – B + DL → A
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Demodulation range: 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 kHz/div
Marker display
FM demodulation
Accuracy: ±5% of full scale (referenced to center frequency, DC-coupled. RBW: 3 MHz, VBW: 1 Hz, CW)
waveform display
Demodulation frequency response: DC (50 Hz at AC-coupled) to 100 kHz (range: ≤20 kHz/div, VBW: off, at 3 dB bandwidth)
DC (50 Hz at AC-coupled) to 500 kHz (range: ≥50 kHz/div, VBW: off, at 3 dB bandwidth)
∗RBW: ≥1 kHz to 3 MHz usable
Input connector N-J, 50 Ω
IF OUTPUT: 10.69 MHz, BNC connector
VIDEO OUTPUT (Y): 0 to 0.5 V ±0.1 V (typical, from lower edge to upper edge at 10 dB/div),
Auxiliary signal 0 to 0.4 V ±0.1 V (typical, from lower edge to upper edge at 10%/div), BNC connector
input and output ∗75 Ω terminated at 100 MHz input
COMPOSITE OUTPUT: For NTSC, 1 Vp-p (75 Ω terminated), BNC connector
EXT REF INPUT: 10 MHz ±10 Hz, ≥0 dBm (50 Ω terminated), BNC connector
Zone marker NORMAL, DELTA
Multimarker Number of markers: 10 max. (HIGHEST 10, HARMONICS, MANUAL SET)
Noise power (dBm/Hz, dBm/ch), C/N (dBc/Hz, dBc/ch), occupied bandwidth (power N% method, X-dB down method),
adjacent channel power (REF: total power/reference level/in-band level method, channel designate display: 2 channels x 2
Measure graphic display), average power of burst signal (average power in designated time range of time domain waveform),
channel power (dBm, dBm/Hz), template comparison (upper/lower limits x each 2, time domain), MASK (upper/lower x each 2,
frequency domain)
Save/recall Saves and recalls setting conditions and waveform data to internal memory (max. 12) or memory card
Printer (HP dotmatrix, EPSON dotmatrix compatible models):
Hard copy Display data can be hard-copied via RS-232C, GPIB, and Centronics (Option 10) interface.
Plotter (HP-GL, GP-GL compatible models): Display data can be output via RS-232C and GPIB interface.
Language: PTL (interpreter based on BASIC)
Programming: Using external computer
PTA Program memory: Memory card, upload/download to/from external computer
Programming capacity: 192 KB
Data processing: Directly accesses measurement data according to system variables, system subroutines, and system function.
RS-232C Outputs data to printer and plotter. Control from external computer (excluding power switch)
Meets IEEE488.2. Controlled by external computer (excluding power switch). Or controls external equipment with PTA
Interface function: SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C1, C2, C3, C4, C28
Automatic correction of insertion loss of MA1621A Impedance Transformer
Correction Correction accuracy (RF ATT: ≥10 dB):
±2.5 dB (9 to 100 kHz), ±1.5 dB (100 kHz to 2 GHz), ±2.0 dB (2 to 3 GHz) ∗Typical value
Functions: Saving/recalling measurement parameters/waveform data, uploading/downloading PTA programs;
Memory card Applicable cards: SRAM, EPROM, Flash EPROM (Only SRAM writable; Card capacity: 2 MB max. The SRAM card is
interface supported by Windows95/98® of OS.)
Connector: Meets the PCMCIA Rel. 2.0; 2 slots
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
• Option 01: Reference crystal oscillator • Option 02: Narrow resolution bandwidth
Frequency 10 MHz Resolution bandwidth
30 Hz, 100 Hz, 300 Hz
(3 dB)
≤1 x 10–7/year, ≤2 x 10–8/day (after power on, with
Aging rate Resolution bandwidth
reference to frequency after 24 h)
switching uncertainty ±0.4 dB (RBW 3 kHz referenced)
±5 x 10–8 (0° to 50˚C, with reference to 25˚C) Resolution bandwidth
accuracy ±20% (100, 300 Hz)
Buffer output 10 MHz, >2 Vp-p (200 Ω termination), BNC connector
≤15:1 (RBW: 100, 300 Hz), ≤20:1 (RBW: 30 Hz)
(60 dB:3 dB)
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9 kHz to 8.1 GHz
The MS2663C covers a frequency range of 9 kHz to 8.1 GHz. This evaluation of radio equipment (frequency counter, C/N, adjacent
allows measurement of spurious frequencies of up to three times channel power, occupied frequency bandwidth, burst average power,
greater than the frequency bands used worldwide for mobile com- and template decision function), and enables the Two-screen display
munications. The MS2663C has superior basic performance such as and FM demodulation waveform display. The large selection of op-
high C/N ratio, low distortion, and high frequency/level accuracies tions means that a wider range of applications can be handled at
and are easy to operate. The MS2663C has a “Measure” function for reasonable cost.
Except where noted otherwise, specified values are obtained after warming up the equipment for 30 minutes at a constant ambient tempera-
ture and then performing calibration. The typical values are given for reference and are not guaranteed.
Frequency range 9 kHz to 8.1 GHz
Frequency band Band 0 (0 to 3.2 GHz); Band 1 – (2.92 to 6.5 GHz); Band 1 + (6.4 to 8.1 GHz)
Pre-selector range 2.92 to 8.1 GHz (band 1–, 1+)
Display frequency ± (display frequency x reference frequency accuracy + span x span accuracy + 100 Hz)
accuracy ∗Span: ≥10 kHz, after calibration
Marker frequency
Normal: Same as display frequency accuracy; Delta: Same as frequency span accuracy
display accuracy
Resolution: 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz
Frequency counter
Accuracy: Display frequency x reference frequency accuracy ±1 LSD (at S/N: ≥20 dB)
Setting range: 0 Hz, 1 kHz to 8.2 GHz
Frequency span
Accuracy: ±2.5% (span: ≥10 kHz), ±5% (span: <10 kHz, Option 02 installed)
Setting range:
1 kHz, 3 kHz, 10 kHz, 30 kHz, 100 kHz, 300 kHz, 1 MHz, 3 MHz (manually settable, or automatically settable according to
frequency span) ∗Option 02: 30 Hz, 100 Hz, and 300 Hz are added.
Resolution bandwidth (RBW)
Measurements of noise, C/N, adjacent channel power, and channel power by measure function are executed with the
(3 dB bandwidth)
calculated equivalent noise bandwidth of the RBW.
Bandwidth accuracy: ±20% (1 kHz to 1 MHz), ±30% (3 MHz)
Selectivity (60 dB : 3 dB): ≤15 : 1
Video bandwidth (VBW) 1 Hz to 3 MHz (1-3 sequence), OFF ∗Manually settable, or automatically settable according to RBW
Noise sidebands: ≤–100 dBc/Hz (1 GHz, 10 kHz offset)
Noise sideband, stability Residual FM: ≤20 Hzp-p/0.1 s (1 GHz, span: 0 Hz)
Frequency drift: ≤200 Hz/min (span: ≤10 kHz, sweep time: ≤100 s) ∗After 1 hour warm-up at constant ambient temperature
Frequency: 10 MHz
Aging rate: 2 x 10–6/year (typical); Option 01: 1 x 10–7/year, 2 x 10–8/day
Reference oscillator
Temperature characteristics: 1 x 10–5 (typical, 0˚ to 50˚C); Option 01: ±5 x 10–8 (0˚ to 50˚C)
∗Referenced to frequency at 25˚C
Continued on next page
±0.5 dB (100 kHz to 3.2 GHz, band 0, referenced to 100 MHz, RF ATT: 10 dB, 18˚ to 28˚C)
±1.5 dB (9 to 100 kHz, band 0, referenced to 100 MHz, RF ATT: 10 dB, 18˚ to 28˚C)
±1.5 dB (2.92 to 8.1 GHz, band 1, referenced to 100 MHz, RF ATT: 10 dB, 18˚ to 28˚C)
Frequency response
±1.0 dB (100 kHz to 3.2 GHz, band 0, RF ATT: 10 to 50 dB)
±3.0 dB (2.92 to 8.1 GHz, band 1, RF ATT: 10 to 50 dB)
∗At band 1, after pre-selector tuning
Scale (10 div)
Log scale: 10, 5, 2, 1 dB/div
Linear scale: 10, 5, 2, 1%/div
Linearity (after calibration)
Waveform display Log scale: ±0.4 dB (0 to –20 dB, RBW: ≤1 MHz), ±1.0 dB (0 to –70 dB, RBW: ≤100 kHz),
±1.5 dB (0 to –85 dB, RBW: ≤3 kHz), ±2.5 dB (0 to –90 dB, RBW: ≤3 kHz)
Linear scale: ±4% (compared to reference level)
Marker level resolution
Log scale: 0.01 dB, Linear scale: 0.02% of reference level
2nd harmonic distortion:
≤–60 dBc (10 to 200 MHz, band 0, mixer input: –30 dBm), ≤–75 dBc (0.2 to 1.3 GHz, band 0, mixer input: –30 dBm),
≤–70 dBc (1.3 to 1.55 GHz, band 0, mixer input: –30 dBm), ≤–80 dBc (0.8 to 1 GHz, band 0, mixer input: –30 dBm),
Spurious response ≤–100 dBc (1.46 to 4.05 GHz, band 1, mixer input: –20 dBm)
Two signals 3rd order intermodulation distortion: ≤–70 dBc (10 to 100 MHz), ≤–80 dBc (0.1 to 8.1 GHz)
∗Frequency difference of two signals: ≥50 kHz, mixer input: –30 dBm
Image response: ≤–70 dBc, Multiple response: ≤–70 dBc (band 1)
1 dB gain compression ≥–5 dBm (≥100 MHz, at mixer input level)
1 dB gain compression level to average noise level:
>110 dB (0.1 to 1 GHz, band 0), >110 dB – 1.5f [GHz] dB (1 to 3.1 GHz, band 0),
>110 dB – 0.5f [GHz] dB (2.92 to 8.1 GHz, band 1)
Distortion characteristics (RBW: 1 kHz)
Maximum dynamic range 2nd harmonic: >72.5 dB (10 to 200 MHz), >80 dB (200 to 500 MHz), >80 – 0.75f [GHz] dB (0.5 to 1.3 GHz),
>82.5 – 0.75f [GHz] dB (0.8 to 1 GHz), >77.5 – 0.75f [GHz] dB (1.3 to 1.55 GHz, band 0),
>97.5 – 0.25f [GHz] dB (1.46 to 4.05 GHz, band 1)
3rd order intermodulation: >80 dB (10 to 100 MHz), >83.3 dB (0.1 to 1 GHz), >83.3 – f [GHz] dB (1 to 3.1 GHz, band 0),
>83.3 – (1/3)f [GHz] dB (2.92 to 8.1 GHz, band 1)
Setting range : 20 ms to 1000 s (manually settable, or automatically settable according to span, RBW, and VBW)
Sweep time
Accuracy: ±15% (20 ms to 100 s), ±45% (110 to 1000 s), ±1% (time domain sweep: digital zero span mode)
Sweep mode Continuous, single
Time domain sweep mode Analog zero span, digital zero span
Zone sweep Sweep only in frequency range indicated by zone marker
Tracking sweep Sweeps while tracing peak points within zone marker (zone sweep also possible)
Number of data points 501
NORMAL: Simultaneously displays max. and min. points between sample points
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Trace A: Displays frequency spectrum
Trace B: Displays frequency spectrum
Trace Time: Displays time domain waveform at center frequency
Trace A/B: Displays Trace A and Trace B simultaneously. Simultaneous sweep of same frequency, alternate sweep of
Display functions independent frequencies
Trace A/BG: Displays frequency region to be observed (background) and object band (foreground) selected from
background with zone marker simultaneously, alternate sweep
Trace A/Time: Displays frequency spectrum, and time domain waveform at center frequency simultaneously, alternate sweep
Trace move/calculation: A → B, B → A, A ↔ B, A + B → A, A – B → A, A – B + DL → A
Demodulation range: 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 kHz/div
Marker display
FM demodulation waveform Accuracy: ±5% of full scale (referenced to center frequency, DC-coupled. RBW: 3 MHz, VBW: 1 Hz, CW)
display function Demodulation frequency range: DC (50 Hz at AC-coupled) to 100 kHz (range: ≤20 kHz/div, VBW: off, at 3 dB bandwidth)
DC (50 Hz at AC-coupled) to 500 kHz (range: ≥50 kHz/div, VBW: off, at 3 dB bandwidth)
∗RBW: >1 kHz usable
Input connector N-J, 50 Ω
IF OUTPUT: 10.69 MHz, BNC connector
VIDEO OUTPUT (Y): 0 to 0.5 V ±0.1 V (100 MHz, from lower edge to upper edge at 10 dB/div or 10%/div, 75 Ω terminated),
Auxiliary signal
BNC connector
input and output
COMPOSITE OUTPUT: For NTSC, 1 Vp-p (75 Ω terminated), BNC connector
EXT REF INPUT: 10 MHz ±10 Hz, ≥0 dBm (50 Ω terminated), BNC connector
Zone marker NORMAL, DELTA
• Option 01: Reference crystal oscillator • Option 02: Narrow resolution bandwidth
Frequency 10 MHz Resolution
30 Hz, 100 Hz, 300 Hz
bandwidth (3 dB)
≤1 x 10–7/year, ≤2 x 10–8/day (after power on, with
Aging rate Resolution bandwidth
reference to frequency after 24 h) ±0.4 dB (RBW 3 kHz referenced)
switching uncertainty
±5 x 10–8 (0˚ to 50˚C, with reference to 25˚C) Resolution bandwidth
characteristics ±20% (100, 300 Hz)
Buffer output 10 MHz, >2 Vp-p (200 Ω termination), BNC connector
≤15 : 1 (RBW: 100, 300 Hz), ≤20 : 1 (RBW: 30 Hz)
(60 dB:3 dB)
∗1: Overall specification with pre-amplifier on (Noise figure is the simple performance)
∗2: Option 20 cannot be installed simultaneously
∗3: Pre-amplifier input level = RF input level – RF ATT setting level
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• Option 12: QP detector
Functions QP detection ∗Requires Option 02.
200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz
6 dB bandwidth
Accuracy: ±30% (18˚ to 28˚C)
LOG scale, 5 dB/div (10 divisions)
Linearity: ≤±2.0 dB (0 to –40 dB, CW signal, reference level: 60 dBµV, RF ATT: 0 dB, 18˚ to 28˚C)
Response to CISPR pulse (DET mode: QP, 18˚ to 28˚C)
Repetition Bandwidth
frequency 120 kHz 9 kHz 200 Hz
1 kHz ≤–8.0 ±1.0 dB ≤–4.5 ±1.0 dB –
100 Hz Referenced Referenced ≤–4.0 ±1.0 dB
60 Hz – – ≤–3.0 ±1.0 dB
Pulse response characteristics 25 Hz – – Referenced
20 Hz ≤+9.0 ±1.0 dB ≤+6.5 ±1.0 dB –
10 Hz ≤+14.0 ±1.5 dB ≤+10.0 ±1.5 dB ≤+4.0 ±1.0 dB
5 Hz – – ≤+7.5 ±1.5 dB
2 Hz ≤+26.0 ±2.0 dB ≤+20.5 ±2.0 dB ≤+13.0 ±2.0 dB
1 Hz ≤+28.5 ±2.0 dB ≤+22.5 ±2.0 dB ≤+17.0 ±2.0 dB
Output level ≤±1.0 dB (0 to –30 dBm), ≤±2.0 (–30 to –60 dBm) Audio Simultaneous monitoring of video and audio ∗Needs Option 07
linearity ∗100 kHz to 3 GHz, 0 dBm output level reference Channel:
Harmonic: Automatic setting to broadcast wave of CCIR, Japan and USA;
≤–15 dBc (9 to 100 kHz), ≤–20 dBc (100 kHz to 3 GHz) automatic setting to CATV of CCIR, Japan and USA
Spurious Non-harmonic: Trigger: Triggered sweep by V-SYNC, H-SYNC
≤–15 dBc (9 to 100 kHz), ≤–35 dBc (100 kHz to 2 GHz), ∗Needs trigger/gate circuit (Option 06)
≤–30 dBc (2 to 3 GHz) Aux. output: Composite video signal, Connector: BNC
Tracking generator ≤–95 dBm (spectrum analyzer input and tracking ∗1: Requires Option 08
feed through generator output connectors terminated at 50 Ω)
Output connector N-J, 50 Ω
∗1: Option 08 can not be installed simultaneously. 6
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/order No. Name Model/order No. Name
Main frame J0055 Coaxial adapter (NC-P · BNC-J)
MS2663C Spectrum Analyzer J0076 Coaxial adapter (NC-P · F-J)
B0391A Carrying case (hard type, with casters)
Standard accessories B0391B Carrying case (hard type, without casters)
Power cord, 2.6 m: 1 pc MP612A RF Fuse Holder
F0013 Fuse, 5 A: 2 pcs MP613A Fuse Element
W1251AE MS2650B, MS2660B/C series J0805 DC Block (MODEL 7003, 10 kHz to 18 GHz, ±50 V,
operation manual: 1 copy Weinschel product)
B0329G Front cover (3/4MW4U) MA2507A DC Block Adapter (50 Ω, 9 kHz to 3 GHz, ±50 V)
MA8601A DC Block Adapter (50 Ω, 30 kHz to 2 GHz, ±50 V)
Options MA8601J DC Block Adapter (75 Ω, 10 kHz to 2.2 GHz, ±50 V)
MS2663C-01 Reference crystal oscillator MA1621A 50 Ω → 75 Ω Impedance Transformer (9 kHz to 3
MS2663C-02 Narrow resolution bandwidth GHz, ±100 V)
MS2663C-04 High-speed time domain sweep MP614B 50 Ω ↔ 75 Ω Impedance Transformer
MS2663C-06 Trigger/gate circuit J0121 Coaxial cord (NC-P-3W · 3C-2WS · NC-P-3W), 1 m
MS2663C-07 AM/FM demodulator J0308 Coaxial cord (BNC-P · 3C-2WS · NC-P-3W), 1 m
MS2663C-08 Pre-amplifier (Option 20 cannnot be installed J0063 Fixed attenuator for high power (30 dB, 10 W,
simultaneously) DC to 12.4 GHz)
MS2663C-10 Centronics interface (GPIB cannot be installed J0395 Fixed attenuator for high power (30 dB, 30 W,
simultaneously) DC to 9 GHz)
MS2663C-12 QP detector (requires Option 02, QP-BW: 0.2/9/120 kHz) MP640A Branch
MS2663C-14 PTA parallel I/O (Option 10 cannot be installed MP654A Branch
simultaneously) MP520A CM Directional Coupler
MS2663C-15 Sweep signal output MP520B CM Directional Coupler
MS2663C-20 Tracking generator (Option 08 cannot be installed MP520C CM Directional Coupler
simultaneously) MP520D CM Directional Coupler
MS2663C-21 Television monitor (Multi) MP526A High Pass Filter
MS2663C-24 Television monitor (Brazil) MP526B High Pass Filter
MP526C High Pass Filter
Measurement softwares MP526D High Pass Filter
MX260002A CDMA Cellular System Measurement Software MP526G High Pass Filter
MX260003A PDC Measurement Software (for base station) MA1601A High Pass Filter (800/900 MHz band, N)
MX260004A GSM Measurement Software J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
MX261001A Low-Power Data Communication System Measurement J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
Software conforming to issue of Direct Spread J0742A RS-232C cable, 1 m [for PC-98 Personal Computer
Spectrum System and VP-600, D-sub 25 pins (straight)]
MX261002A Low-Power Data Communication System Measurement J0743A RS-232C cable, 1 m [for AT compatible, D-sub 9-pins
Software conforming to issue of Frequency Hopping (cross)]
System MH648A Pre-Amplifier
MX262001A CATV Measurement Software MP534A Dipole Antenna
MX264001A EMI Measurement Software MP651A Dipole Antenna
BBA9106/VHA9103 Biconical Antenna
Application parts MP635A Log-Periodic Antenna
J0561 Coaxial cord (N-P-5W · 5D-2W · N-P-5W), 1 m MP666A Log-Periodic Antenna
J0104A Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG-55/U · N-P), 1 m MB9A Tripod
CSCJ-256K-SM 256 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MB19A Tripod
CSCJ-512K-SM 512 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MA2601B EMI Probe
CSCJ-001M-SM 1024 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MA2601C EMI Probe
CSCJ-002M-SM 2048 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) KT-10 EMI Clamp
B0395A Rack mount kit (IEC) KT-20 EMI Clamp
B0395B Rack mount kit (JIS)
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9 kHz to 3 GHz
The MS2661C Portable Spectrum Analyzer is for signal analysis of It has a “Measure” function for evaluation of radio equipment (fre-
radio and other equipment related to improving frequency usage ef- quency counter, C/N, adjacent channel power, occupied frequency
ficiency, higher modulation, and digitalization. This is a synthesized bandwidth, burst average power, and template decision function),
spectrum analyzer covering a wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 3 and which enables the two-screen display and FM demodulation
GHz. It has superior basic performance such as high C/N ratio, low waveform display. The large selection of options means that a wider
distortion, and high frequency/level accuracies and is easy to operate. range of applications can be handled at reasonable cost.
Except where noted otherwise, specified values are obtained after warming up the equipment for 30 minutes at a constant ambient temper-
ature and then performing calibration. The typical values are given for reference and are not guaranteed.
Frequency range 9 kHz to 3 GHz
Display frequency accuracy ± (display frequency x reference frequency accuracy + span x span accuracy + 100 Hz) ∗Span: ≥10 kHz, after calibration
Marker frequency display
Normal: Same as display frequency accuracy; Delta: Same as frequency span accuracy
Resolution: 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz
Frequency counter
Accuracy: Display frequency x reference frequency accuracy ±1 LSD (at S/N: ≥20 dB)
Setting range: 0 Hz, 1 kHz to 3.1 GHz
Frequency span
Accuracy: ±2.5% (span: ≥10 kHz), ±5% (span: <10 kHz, with option 02)
Setting range:
1 kHz, 3 kHz, 10 kHz, 30 kHz, 100 kHz, 300 kHz, 1 MHz, 3 MHz (manually settable, or automatically settable according
to frequency span) ∗Option 02 : 30 Hz, 100 Hz, and 300 Hz are added.
Resolution bandwidth (RBW)
Measurements of noise, C/N, adjacent channel power and channel power by measure function are executed with the
(3 dB bandwidth)
calculated equivalent noise bandwidth of the RBW.
Bandwidth accuracy: ±20% (1 kHz to 1 MHz), ±30% (3 MHz)
Selectivity (60 dB : 3 dB): ≤15:1
Video bandwidth (VBW) 1 Hz to 3 MHz (1-3 sequence), OFF (manually settable, or automatically settable according to RBW)
Noise sideband: ≤–100 dBc/Hz (1 GHz, 10 kHz offset)
Noise sideband, stability Residual FM: ≤20 Hzp-p/0.1 s (1 GHz, span: 0 Hz)
Frequency drift: ≤200 Hz/min (span: ≤10 kHz, sweep time: ≤100 s) ∗After 1-hour warm-up at constant ambient temperature
Frequency: 10 MHz
Reference oscillator Aging rate: 2 x 10–6/year (typical); Option 01: 1 x 10–7/year, 2 x 10–8/day
Temperature characteristics: 1 x 10–5 (typical, 0° to 50°C); Option 01: ±5 x 10–8 (0° to 50°C) ∗Referenced to frequency at 25°C
Measurement range: Average noise level to +30 dBm
Maximum input level: +30 dBm (CW average power, RF ATT: ≥10 dB), ±50 Vdc
Average noise level: ≤–115 dBm (1 MHz to 1 GHz), ≤–115 dBm + f [GHz] dB (>1 GHz),
Level measurement ≤–114 dBm (1 MHz to 1 GHz, at Option 08 pre-amplifier installed),
Time domain sweep mode Analog zero span, digital zero span
Zone sweep Sweeps only in frequency range indicated by zone marker
Tracking sweep Sweeps while tracing peak points within zone marker (zone sweep also possible)
Number of data points 501
NORMAL: Simultaneously displays max. and min. points between sample points
POS PEAK: Displays max. point between sample points
Detection mode NEG PEAK: Displays min. point between sample points
SAMPLE: Displays momentary value at sample points
Detection mode switching uncertainty: ±0.5 dB (at reference level)
Display Color TFT-LCD, Size: 5.5 inch, Number of colors: 17 (RGB, each 64-scale settable); Intensity adjustment: 5 steps settable
Trace A: Displays frequency spectrum
Trace B: Displays frequency spectrum
Trace Time: Displays time domain waveform at center frequency
Trace A/B: Displays Trace A and Trace B simultaneously. Simultaneous sweep of same frequency, alternate sweep of
Display functions independent frequencies
Trace A/BG: Displays frequency region to be observed (background) and object band (foreground) selected from
background with zone marker simultaneously at alternate sweep
Trace A/Time: Displays frequency spectrum, and time domain waveform at center frequency simultaneously at alternate sweep
Trace move/calculation: A → B, B → A, A ↔ B, A + B → A, A – B → A, A – B + DL → A
Demodulation range: 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 kHz/div
Marker display accuracy: ±5% of full scale (referenced to center frequency, DC-coupled, RBW: 3 MHz, VBW: 1 Hz, CW)
FM demodulation waveform Demodulation frequency response:
display function DC (50 Hz at AC-coupled) to 100 kHz ∗Range: ≤20 kHz/div, VBW: off, at 3 dB bandwidth
DC (50 Hz at AC-coupled) to 500 kHz ∗Range: ≥50 kHz/div, VBW: off, at 3 dB bandwidth
∗RBW: ≥1 kHz usable
Input connector N-J, 50 Ω
IF OUTPUT: 10.69 MHz, BNC connector
VIDEO OUTPUT (Y): 0 to 0.5 V ±0.1 V (100 MHz, from lower edge to upper edge at 10 dB/div or 10%/div, 75 Ω terminated,
Auxiliary signal input and
BNC connector)
COMPOSITE OUTPUT: For NTSC, 1 Vp-p (75 Ω terminated), BNC connector
EXT REF INPUT: 10 MHz ±10 Hz, ≥0 dBm (50 Ω terminated), BNC connector
Zone marker NORMAL, DELTA
Continued on next page
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Multimarker Number of markers: 10 max. (HIGHEST 10, HARMONICS, MANUAL SET)
Noise power (dBm/Hz, dBm/ch), C/N (dBc/Hz, dBc/ch), occupied bandwidth (power N% method, X-dB down method),
adjacent channel power (REF: total power/reference level/in-band level method, channel designate display: 2 channels x 2
Measure graphic display), average power of burst signal (average power in designated time range of time domain waveform),
channel power (dBm, dBm/Hz), template comparison (upper/lower limits x each 2, time domain), MASK (upper/lower x
each 2, frequency domain)
Save/recall Saves and recalls setting conditions and waveform data to internal memory (max. 12) or memory card
Printer (HP dotmatrix, EPSON dotmatrix or compatible models):
Hard copy Display data can be hard-copied via RS-232C, GPIB, and Centronics (Option 10) interface
Plotter (HP-GL, GP-GL compatible models): Display can be output via RS-232C and GPIB interface
Language: PTL (interpreter based on BASIC)
Programming: Using editor of external computer
PTA Program memory: Memory card, upload/download to/from external computer
• Option 02: Narrow resolution bandwidth Trigger slope: Rise/Fall
Resolution LINE Frequency: 47.5 to 63 Hz (line lock)
30 Hz, 100 Hz, 300 Hz
bandwidth (3 dB)
Method: M-NTSC, B/G/H PAL
Resolution bandwidth Sync: V-SYNC, H-SYNC
±0.4 dB (RBW 3 kHz referenced)
switching uncertainty Sync line (NTSC)
Resolution bandwidth H-SYNC (ODD): 7 to 262 line,
±20% (100, 300 Hz) TV H-SYNC (EVEN): 1 to 263 line
Sync line (PAL)
≤15:1 (RBW: 100, 300 Hz), ≤20:1 (RBW: 30 Hz) H-SYNC (ODD): 1 to 312 line,
(60 dB:3 dB) H-SYNC (EVEN): 317 to 625 line
∗Option 16 required
• Option 04: High-speed time domain sweep Pre-trigger (displays waveform from previous max.
1 screen at trigger occurrence point)
12.5 µs, 25 µs, 50 µs, 100 to 900 µs (one most
Range: –time span to 0 s
Sweep time significant digit settable)
Resolution: time span/500
1.0 to 19 ms (two upper significant digits settable) Trigger delay
Post trigger (displays waveform from after max. 65.5
Accuracy ±1% ms at trigger occurrence point)
Marker level 0.1 dB (log scale), 0.2% (linear scale, relative to Range: 0 to 65.5 ms
resolution reference level) Resolution: 1 µs
In frequency domain, displays spectrum of input
signal in specified gate interval
Gate delay:
Gate sweep
0 to 65.5 ms (from trigger point, resolution: 1 µs)
Gate width:
2 µs to 65.5 ms (from gate delay, resolution: 1 µs)
Repetition Bandwidth
frequency 120 kHz 9 kHz 200 Hz
1 kHz ≤–8.0 ±1.0 dB ≤–4.5 ±1.0 dB –
100 Hz Referenced Referenced ≤–4.0 ±1.0 dB
60 Hz – – ≤–3.0 ±1.0 dB
Pulse response
characteristics 25 Hz – – Referenced
20 Hz ≤+9.0 ±1.0 dB ≤+6.5 ±1.0 dB –
10 Hz ≤+14.0 ±1.5 dB ≤+10.0 ±1.5 dB ≤+4.0 ±1.0 dB
5 Hz – – ≤+7.5 ±1.5 dB
2 Hz ≤+26.0 ±2.0 dB ≤+20.5 ±2.0 dB ≤+13.0 ±2.0 dB
1 Hz ≤+28.5 ±2.0 dB ≤+22.5 ±2.0 dB ≤+17.0 ±2.0 dB
QP on/off switching
≤±1.0 dB (CW signal, reference level – 40 dB, after auto-calibration, 18° to 28°C)
uncertainty (PEAK, QP)
Detection mode QP, AVERAGE
Waveform data compensation data display for specified antenna factor, field strength (dBµV/m)
Field strength measurement Built-in antenna factors: MP534A/651A Dipole Antenna, MP635A/666A Log-Periodic Antenna, MP414B Loop Antenna,
user-defined (four types writable via GPIB or RS-232C, can be saved/loaded to/from memory card)
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• Option 14: PTA parallel I/O
Functions Controls external devices from PTA, cannot be installed when Option 10 installed
As follows using PTA system variables
IOA: Controls 8-bit parallel output port A IOD: Controls 4-bit parallel input/output port D
System variables
IOB: Controls 8-bit parallel output port B EIO: Controls I/O switching of ports C/D
IOC: Controls 4-bit parallel input/output port C EXO: Controls I/O trigger
External interrupt control of input to I/O ports using PTA-PTL statements
IOEN statement: Enables interrupt input ON TO GOTO statement: Changes program flow at interrupt generation
PTL statements
IODI statement: Disables interrupt input ON TO GOSUB statement: Changes program flow at interrupt generation
IOMA statement: Masks interrupt input
Write strobe signal Write strobe signal (negative pulse) output externally at control of output ports C/D
Power supply External +5 ±0.5 Vdc (max. 100 mA) supply
Negative logic, TTL level
Specified current:
Signal logic levels Output ports A/B (max. output current Hi: 2.6 mA, Lo: 24 mA)
Output ports C/D (max. output current Hi: 15 mA, Lo: 24 mA)
Other control output lines (max. output current Hi: 0.4 mA, Lo: 8 mA)
Connection cable connectors Amphenol 36 pins
Waveform display
Marker level resolution
Log scale: 0.01 dB
Linear scale: 0.02% (according to reference level)
2nd harmonic distortion:
≤–60 dBc (10 to 200 MHz, mixer input: –30 dBm), ≤–75 dBc (0.2 to 1.25 GHz, band 0, mixer input: –30 dBm),
≤–80 dBc (0.8 to 1 GHz, mixer input: –30 dBm)
Spurious response
Two signals 3rd order intermodulation distortion:
≤–70 dBc (10 to 100 MHz), ≤–80 dBc (0.1 to 2.5 GHz)
∗Frequency difference of two signals: ≥50 kHz, mixer input: –30 dBm
1 dB gain compression level to average noise level:
>110 dB (0.1 to 1 GHz), >110 dB – f [GHz] dB (>1 GHz), >109 dB (0.1 to 1 GHz, with Option 08),
>109 dB – 1.5f [GHz] dB (>1 GHz with Option 08)
Distortion characteristics (RBW: 1 kHz)
Max. dynamic range
2nd harmonic: >72.5 dB (10 to 200 MHz), >80 dB (200 to 500 MHz) , >80 – f [GHz] dB (0.5 to 1.25 GHz),
>82.5 – f [GHz] dB (0.8 to 1 GHz)
3rd order intermodulation: >80 dB (10 to 100 MHz), >83.3 dB (0.1 to 1 GHz), >83.3 dB – (2/3)f [GHz] dB (1 to 2.5 GHz)
Input connector NC-J, 75 Ω
• Option 23: 75 Ω tracking generator (Option 12, 19, and 20 cannot be installed simultaneously)
Frequency range 100 kHz to 2.5 GHz
Output level range +44 to +104 dBµV (setting resolution: 0.1 dB)
Output level accuracy ≤±1.5 dB (100 MHz, output level: +104 dBµV)
Output level flatness ≤±1.75 dB (100 kHz to 2.5 GHz, output level: +104 dBµV, referenced to 100 MHz)
Output level linearity ≤±1.0 dB (+74 to +104 dBµV), ≤±2.0 dB (+44 to +74 dBµV) ∗100 kHz to 2.5 GHz, referenced to +104 dBµV
Harmonics: ≤–20 dBc (100 kHz to 2.5 GHz),
Non-harmonics: ≤–30 dBc (100 kHz to 2.5 GHz)
Tracking generator
≤13.8 dBµV (spectrum analyzer input and tracking generator output connectors terminated at 75 Ω)
feed through
Output connector NC-J, 75 Ω
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Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/order No. Name Model/order No. Name
Main frame J0055 Coaxial adapter (NC-P · BNC-J)
MS2661C Spectrum Analyzer J0076 Coaxial adapter (NC-P · F-J)
B0391A Carrying case (hard type, with casters)
Standard accessories B0391B Carrying case (hard type, without casters)
Power cord, 2.6 m: 1 pc MP612A RF Fuse Holder
F0013 Fuse, 5 A: 2 pcs MP613A Fuse Element
W1251AE MS2650B, MS2660B/C series J0805 DC Block (MODEL 7003, 10 kHz to 18 GHz, ±50 V,
operation manual: 1 copy Weinschel product)
B0329G Front cover (3/4MW4U) MA2507A DC Block Adapter (50 Ω, 9 kHz to 3 GHz, ±50 V)
MA8601A DC Block Adapter (50 Ω, 30 kHz to 2 GHz, ±50 V)
Options MA8601J DC Block Adapter (75 Ω, 10 kHz to 2.2 GHz, ±50 V)
MS2661C-01 Reference crystal oscillator MA1621A 50 Ω → 75 Ω Impedance Transformer (9 kHz to 3 GHz,
MS2661C-02 Narrow resolution bandwidth ±100 V)
MS2661C-04 High-speed time domain sweep MP614B 50 Ω ↔ 75 Ω Impedance Transformer
MS2661C-06 Trigger/gate circuit J0121 Coaxial cord (NC-P-3W · 3C-2WS · NC-P-3W), 1 m
MS2661C-07 AM/FM demodulator J0308 Coaxial cord (BNC-P · 3C-2WS · NC-P-3W), 1 m
MS2661C-08 Pre-amplifier J0063 Fixed attenuator for high power (30 dB, 10 W, DC to
MS2661C-10 Centronics interface (GPIB cannot be installed 12.4 GHz)
simultaneously.) J0395 Fixed attenuator for high power (30 dB, 30 W, DC to 9 GHz)
MS2661C-12 QP detector (requires Option 02, QP-BW: 0.2/9/120 kHz) MP640A Branch
MS2661C-14 PTA parallel I/O (Option 10 cannot be installed MP654A Branch
simultaneously.) MP520A CM Directional Coupler
MS2661C-15 Sweep signal output MP520B CM Directional Coupler
MS2661C-19 DC coupled input (requires Option 02) MP520C CM Directional Coupler
MS2661C-20 Tracking generator MP520D CM Directional Coupler
MS2661C-21 Television monitor (Multi) MP526A High Pass Filter
MS2661C-22 75 Ω input (Option 12, 19 and 20 can not be installed MP526B High Pass Filter
simultaneously.) MP526C High Pass Filter
MS2661C-23 75 Ω tracking generator (Option 12, 19 and 20 can not MP526D High Pass Filter
be installed simultaneously.) MP526G High Pass Filter
MS2661C-24 Television monitor (Brazil) MA1601A High Pass Filter (800/900 MHz band, N)
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
Measurement softwares J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
MX260002A CDMA Cellular System Measurement Software J0742A RS-232C cable, 1 m [for PC-98 Personal Computer
MX260003A PDC Measurement Software (for base station) and VP-600, D-sub 25 pins (straight)]
MX260004A GSM Measurement Software J0743A RS-232C cable, 1 m [for AT compatible, D-sub
MX261001A Low-Power Data Communication System Measurement 9-pins (cross)]
Software conforming to issue of Direct Spread 60N50-1 Reflection bridge
Spectrum System 60NF50-1 Reflection bridge
MX261002A Low-Power Data Communication System Measurement 87A50 Reflection bridge
Software conforming to issue of Frequency Hopping 62N75 Reflection bridge
System 62NF75 Reflection bridge
MX262001A CATV Measurement Software MH648A Pre-Amplifier
MX264001A EMI Measurement Software MP534A Dipole Antenna
MP651A Dipole Antenna
Application parts BBA9106/VHA9103 Biconical Antenna
J0561 Coaxial cord (N-P-5W · 5D-2W · N-P-5W), 1 m MP635A Log-Periodic Antenna
J0104A Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG-55/U · N-P), 1 m MP666A Log-Periodic Antenna
CSCJ-256K-SM 256 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MB9A Tripod
CSCJ-512K-SM 512 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MB19A Tripod
CSCJ-001M-SM 1024 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MA2601B EMI Probe
CSCJ-002M-SM 2048 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MA2601C EMI Probe
B0395A Rack mount kit (IEC) KT-10 EMI Clamp
B0395B Rack mount kit (JIS) KT-20 EMI Clamp
9 kHz to 3 GHz
The MS2651B/2661B Portable Spectrum Analyzers are for use in channel power, occupied frequency bandwidth, burst average power,
signal analysis of radio and other equipment related to improving fre- and template decision function) and which enables the two-screen
quency usage efficiency, higher modulation, and digitalization. They display and FM demodulation waveform display. The large selection
are synthesized spectrum analyzers covering a wide frequency of options means a wider range of applications can be handled at
range from 9 kHz to 3 GHz. They have superior basic performance reasonable cost.
such as high C/N ratio, low distortion, and high frequency/level The MS2661B is designed for manufacture and installation of radio
accuracies and are easy to operate. They have the “Measure” function equipment and devices, while the MS2651B is used for maintenance
for evaluation of radio equipment (frequency counter, C/N, adjacent applications.
Except where noted otherwise, specified values are obtained after warming up the equipment for 30 minutes at a constant ambient temper-
ature and then performing calibration. The typical values are given for reference and are not guaranteed.
Model MS2651B MS2661B
Frequency range 9 kHz to 3 GHz
Display frequency accuracy ± (display frequency x reference frequency accuracy + span x span accuracy + 100 Hz) ∗Span: ≥10 kHz, after calibration
Marker frequency display
Normal: Same as display frequency accuracy; Delta: Same as frequency span accuracy
Resolution: 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz
Frequency counter
Accuracy: Display frequency x reference frequency accuracy ±1 LSD (at S/N: ≥20 dB)
Setting range: 0 Hz, 1 kHz to 3.1 GHz
Setting range: 0 Hz, 1 kHz to 3.1 GHz
Frequency span Accuracy: ±2.5% (span: ≥10 kHz)
Accuracy: ±2.5% (span: ≥10 kHz)
±5% (span: <10 kHz, with option 02)
Setting range:
1 kHz, 3 kHz, 10 kHz, 30 kHz, 100 kHz, 300 kHz, 1 MHz, 5 MHz (manually settable, or automatically settable according
Resolution bandwidth (RBW) to frequency span) ∗Option 02 (MS2661B only): 30 Hz, 100 Hz, and 300 Hz are added.
(3 dB bandwidth) Measurements of noise, C/N, adjacent channel power, and channel power by measure function are executed with the
calculated equivalent noise bandwidth of the RBW.
Selectivity (60 dB : 3 dB): ≤10:1 (RBW: 1 to 300 kHz), ≤15:1 (RBW: 1, 5 MHz)
Video bandwidth (VBW) 1 Hz to 3 MHz (1-3 sequence), OFF (manually settable, or automatically settable according to RBW)
Noise sideband: ≤–90 dBc/Hz (1 GHz, 10 kHz offset) Noise sideband: ≤–100 dBc/Hz (1 GHz, 10 kHz offset)
Noise sideband, stability Residual FM: ≤20 Hzp-p/0.1 s (1 GHz, span: 0 Hz)
Frequency drift: ≤200 Hz/min (span: ≤10 kHz, sweep time: ≤100 s) ∗After 1 hour warm-up at constant ambient temperature
Frequency: 10 MHz
Reference oscillator Aging rate: 2 x 10–6/year (typical); Option 01: 1 x 10–7/year, 2 x 10–8/day
Temperature characteristics: 1 x 10–5 (typical, 0° to 50°C); Option 01: ±5 x 10–8 (0° to 50°C, referenced to 25°C)
Continued on next page
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Model MS2651B MS2661B
Measurement range: Average noise level to +30 dBm
Maximum input level: +30 dBm (CW average power, RF ATT: ≥10 dB), ±50 Vdc
Average noise level:
≤–115 dBm (1 MHz to 1 GHz),
Average noise level:
≤–115 dBm + f [GHz] dB (>1 GHz),
≤–110 dBm (1 MHz to 1 GHz),
Level measurement ≤–114 dBm (1 MHz to 1 GHz, at Option 08 pre-amplifier installed),
≤–110 dBm + f [GHz] dB (>1 GHz)
∗RBW: 1 kHz, VBW: 1 Hz, RF ATT: 0 dB ≤–114 dBm + 1.5f [GHz] dB (>1 MHz, at Option 08
pre-amplifier installed)
Residual response:
≤–95 dBm (RF ATT: 0 dB, input: 50 Ω termination,
∗RBW: 1 kHz, VBW: 1 Hz, RF ATT: 0 dB
Residual response:
1 MHz to 3 GHz)
≤–100 dBm (RF ATT: 0 dB, input: 50 Ω termination,
1 MHz to 3 GHz)
±1.3 dB (100 kHz to 3 GHz) ∗Level measurement accuracy after calibration using internal calibration signal
Total level accuracy Total level accuracy: Reference level accuracy (0 to –49.9 dBm) + frequency response + log linearity (0 to –20 dB) +
calibration signal source accuracy
Setting range
Log scale: –100 to +30 dBm; Linear scale: 224 µV to 7.07 V
Log scale: dBm, dBµV, dBmV, V, dBµVemf, W, dBµV/m
Linear scale: V
Reference level accuracy:
Reference level ±0.4 dB (–49.9 to 0 dBm), ±0.75 dB (–69.9 to –50 dBm, 0.1 to +30 dBm), ±1.5 dB (–80 to –70 dBm)
∗After calibration, at 100 MHz, span: 1 MHz (when RF ATT, RBW, VBW, and sweep time set to AUTO)
RBW switching uncertainty: ±0.3 dB (1 kHz to 1 MHz), ±0.4 dB (5 MHz) ∗After calibration, referenced to RBW: 3 kHz
Input attenuator (RF ATT)
Setting range: 0 to 70 dB (10 dB steps) ∗Manually settable, or automatically settable according to reference level
Switching uncertainty: ±0.3 dB (0 to 50 dB), ±1.0 dB (0 to 70 dB)
∗After calibration, frequency: 100 MHz, referenced to RF ATT: 10 dB
±0.5 dB (100 kHz to 3 GHz, referenced to 100 MHz, RF ATT: 10 dB, 18° to 28°C)
Frequency response ±1.5 dB (9 to 100 kHz, referenced to 100 MHz, RF ATT: 10 dB, 18° to 28°C)
±1.0 dB (100 kHz to 3 GHz, referenced to 100 MHz, RF ATT: 10 to 50 dB)
Scale (10 div)
Log scale: 10, 5, 2, 1 dB/div
Linear scale: 10, 5, 2, 1%/div
Linearity (after calibration)
Waveform display Log scale: ±0.4 dB (0 to –20 dB, RBW: ≤1 MHz), ±1.0 dB (0 to –70 dB, RBW: ≤100 kHz),
±1.5 dB (0 to –85 dB, RBW: ≤3 kHz), ±2.5 dB (0 to –90 dB, RBW: ≤3 kHz)
Linear scale: ±4% (compared to reference level)
Marker level resolution
Log scale: 0.01 dB, Linear scale: 0.02% of reference level
2nd harmonic distortion: 2nd harmonic distortion:
≤–55 dBc (10 to 100 MHz), ≤–60 dBc (0.1 to 1.5 GHz) ≤–60 dBc (10 to 200 MHz), ≤–75 dBc (0.2 to 1.5 GHz),
∗Mixer input: –30 dBm ≤–80 dBc (0.8 to 1 GHz) ∗Mixer input: –30 dBm
Spurious response Two signals 3rd order intermodulation distortion: Two signals 3rd order intermodulation distortion:
≤–70 dBc (10 MHz to 3 GHz) ≤–70 dBc (10 to 100 MHz), ≤–80 dBc (0.1 to 3 GHz)
∗Frequency difference of two signals: ≥50 kHz, ∗Frequency difference of two signals: ≥50 kHz,
mixer input: –30 dBm) mixer input : –30 dBm
1 dB gain compression ≥–5 dBm (≥100 MHz, at mixer input)
1 dB gain compression level to average noise level:
>110 dB (0.1 to 1 GHz), >110 dB – f [GHz] dB (>1 GHz),
>109 dB (0.1 to 1 GHz, at Option 08 pre-amplifier installed)
1 dB gain compression level to average noise level:
>109 dB – 1.5f [GHz] (>1 GHz, at Option 08 pre amplifier
>105 dB (0.1 to 1 GHz), >105 dB – f [GHz] dB (>1 GHz)
Distortion characteristics (RBW: 1 kHz)
Distortion characteristics (RBW: 1 kHz)
2nd harmonic: >67.5 dB (10 to 100 MHz),
2nd harmonic:>72.5 dB (10 to 200 MHz),
Maximum dynamic range >70 dB (100 to 500 MHz),
>80 dB (200 to 500 MHz),
>70 – f [GHz] dB (0.5 to 1.5 GHz)
>80 – f [GHz] dB (0.5 to 1.5 GHz)
3rd order intermodulation :
>82.5 – f [GHz] dB (0.8 to 1 GHz)
>76.6 dB (10 MHz to 1 GHz),
3rd order intermodulation:
>76.6 – (2/3)f [GHz] dB (1 to 3 GHz)
>80 dB (10 to 100 MHz),
>83.3 dB (0.1 to 1 GHz),
>83.3 – (2/3)f [GHz] dB (1 to 3 GHz)
Setting range : 20 ms to 1000 s (Manually settable, or automatically settable according to span, RBW and VBW)
Sweep time
Accuracy: ±15% (20 ms to 100 s), ±45% (110 to 1000 s), ±1% (time domain sweep: digital zero span mode)
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• Option 01: Reference crystal oscillator • Option 06: Trigger/gate circuit
Frequency 10 MHz Trigger switch FREERUN, TRIGGERED
≤1 x 10–7/year, ≤2 x 10–8/day (after power on, with Trigger level: ±10 V (resolution: 0.1 V), TTL level
Aging rate
reference to frequency after 24 h) EXT Trigger slope: Rise/Fall
Temperature Connector: BNC
±5 x 10–8 (0° to 50°C, with reference to 25°C)
characteristics Trigger level (at log scale):
Buffer output BNC connector, 10 MHz, >2 Vp-p (200 Ω terminated) VIDEO –100 to 0 dB (resolution: 1 dB)
Trigger slope: Rise/Fall
Trigger level: High, middle, or low selectable
Trigger source
• Option 02: Narrow resolution bandwidth (MS2661B only) Bandwidth: ≥20 MHz
Trigger slope: Rise/Fall
30 Hz, 100 Hz, 300 Hz
bandwidth (3 dB) LINE Frequency: 47.5 to 63 Hz (line lock)
Resolution bandwidth Method: M-NTSC, B/G/H PAL
±0.4 dB (RBW 3 kHz referenced)
switching uncertainty Sync: V-SYNC, H-SYNC
Sync line (NTSC)
≤15:1 (RBW: 100, 300 Hz), ≤20:1 (RBW: 30 Hz) H-SYNC (ODD): 7 to 262 line,
(60 dB:3 dB)
TV H-SYNC (EVEN): 1 to 263 line
Sync line (PAL)
• Option 04: High-speed time domain sweep H-SYNC (ODD): 1 to 312 line,
H-SYNC (EVEN): 317 to 625 line
12.5 µs, 25 µs, 50 µs, 100 to 900 µs (one most ∗Option 16 required
Sweep time significant digit settable)
1.0 to 19 ms (two upper significant digits settable) Pre-trigger (displays waveform from previous max. 1
screen at trigger occurrence point)
Accuracy ±1% Range: –time span to 0 s
Marker level 0.1 dB (log scale), 0.2% (linear scale, relative to Resolution: time span/500
Trigger delay
resolution reference level) Post trigger (displays waveform from after max. 65.5
ms at trigger occurrence point)
Range: 0 to 65.5 ms
• Option 07: AM/FM demodulator Resolution: 1 µs
With internal loudspeaker and earphone connector In frequency domain, displays spectrum of input
Voice output signal in specified gate interval
(ø3.5 jack), adjustable volume
Gate delay:
Gate sweep
0 to 65.5 ms (from trigger point, resolution: 1 µs)
Gate width:
2 µs to 65.5 ms (from gate delay, resolution: 1 µs)
Reference level
∗After calibration, referenced to 100 MHz, span: 1 MHz (RF ATT, RBW, VBW and sweep time set to AUTO)
RBW switching uncertainty: ±0.5 dB ∗After calibration, referenced to RBW: 3 kHz
RF ATT switching uncertainty: ±0.5 dB (0 to 50 dB), ±1.0 dB (0 to 70 dB)
∗After calibration, referenced to 100 MHz, RF ATT: 10 dB
±2.0 dB (100 kHz to 3 GHz, referenced to 100 MHz, RF ATT: 10 to 50 dB)
Frequency response
±2.0 dB (with Option 22, 100 kHz to 2.5 GHz, referenced to 100 MHz, RF ATT: 10 dB, 18˚ to 28°C)
Linearity of waveform Log scale (after calibration): ±0.5 dB (0 to –20 dB), ±1.0 dB (0 to –60 dB), ±1.5 dB (0 to –75 dB)
display Linear scale (after calibration): ±5% (according to reference level)
Two signals 3rd order intermodulation distortion: ≤–70 dBc (10 MHz to 3 GHz, 10 MHz to 2.5 GHz with Option 22)
Spurious response
∗Frequency difference of two signals: ≥50 kHz; Pre-amplifier input∗2: –55 dBm
1 dB gain compression ≥–35 dBm (≥100 MHz, at pre-amplifier input∗2)
∗1: Overall specification with pre-amplifier on (Noise figure is the simple performance)
∗2: Pre-amplifier input level = RF input level – RF ATT setting level
Repetition Bandwidth
frequency 120 kHz 9 kHz 200 Hz
1 kHz ≤–8.0 ±1.0 dB ≤–4.5 ±1.0 dB –
100 Hz Referenced Referenced ≤–4.0 ±1.0 dB
Pulse response
60 Hz – – ≤–3.0 ±1.0 dB
25 Hz – – Referenced
20 Hz ≤+9.0 ±1.0 dB ≤+6.5 ±1.0 dB –
10 Hz ≤+14.0 ±1.5 dB ≤+10.0 ±1.5 dB ≤+4.0 ±1.0 dB
2 Hz ≤+26.0 ±2.0 dB ≤+20.5 ±2.0 dB ≤+13.0 ±2.0 dB
1 Hz ≤+28.5 ±2.0 dB ≤+22.5 ±2.0 dB ≤+17.0 ±2.0 dB
QP on/off switching
≤±1.0 dB (CW signal, reference level – 40 dB, after auto-calibration, 18° to 28°C)
uncertainty (PEAK, QP)
Detection mode QP, AVERAGE
Waveform data compensation data display for specified antenna factor, field strength (dBµV/m)
Field strength measurement Built-in antenna factors: MP534A/651A Dipole Antenna, MP635A/666A Log-Periodic Antenna, MP414B Loop Antenna,
user-defined (four types writable via GPIB or RS-232C, can be saved/loaded to/from memory card) 6
Repetition Bandwidth
frequency 120 kHz 9 kHz
1 kHz ≤–8.0 ±1.0 dB ≤–4.5 ±1.0 dB
Pulse response 100 Hz Referenced Referenced
20 Hz ≤+9.0 ±1.0 dB ≤+6.5 ±1.0 dB
10 Hz ≤+14.0 ±1.5 dB ≤+10.0 ±1.5 dB
2 Hz ≤+26.0 ±2.0 dB ≤+20.5 ±2.0 dB
1 Hz ≤+28.5 ±2.0 dB ≤+22.5 ±2.0 dB
QP on/off switching
≤±1.0 dB (CW signal, reference level – 40 dB, after auto-calibration, 18° to 28°C)
uncertainty (PEAK, QP)
Detection mode QP, AVERAGE
Waveform data compensation data display for specified antenna factor, field strength (dBµV/m)
Field strength measurement Built-in antenna factors: MP534A/651A Dipole Antenna, MP635A/666A Log-Periodic Antenna, MP414B Loop Antenna,
user-defined (four types writable via GPIB or RS-232C, can be saved/loaded to/from memory card)
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Connection cable connectors Amphenol 36 pins
• Option 23: 75 Ω tracking generator (Option 12, 13, 19, and 20 cannot be installed simultaneously)
Frequency range 100 kHz to 2.5 GHz
Output level range +44 to +104 dBµV (setting resolution: 0.1 dB)
Output level accuracy ≤±1.5 dB (100 MHz, output level: +104 dBµV)
Output level flatness ≤±1.75 dB (100 kHz to 2.5 GHz, output level: +104 dBµV, referenced to 100 MHz)
Output level linearity ≤±1.0 dB (+74 to +104 dBµV), ≤±2.0 dB (+44 to +74 dBµV) ∗100 kHz to 2.5 GHz, referenced to +104 dBµV
Harmonics: ≤–20 dBc (100 kHz to 2.5 GHz)
Non-harmonics: ≤–30 dBc (100 kHz to 2.5 GHz)
Tracking generator
≤13.8 dBµV (spectrum analyzer input and tracking generator output connectors terminated at 75 Ω)
feed through
Output connector NC-J, 75 Ω
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Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/order No. Name Model/order No. Name
Main frame J0055 Coaxial adapter (NC-P · BNC-J)
MS2651B Spectrum Analyzer J0076 Coaxial adapter (NC-P · F-J)
MS2661B Spectrum Analyzer B0391A Carrying case (hard type, with casters)
B0391B Carrying case (hard type, without casters)
Standard accessories B0436A Carrying case (soft type)
Power cord, 2.6 m: 1 pc MP612A RF Fuse Holder
F0014 Fuse, 6.3 A: 2 pcs MP613A Fuse Element
W1251AE MS2650B, MS2660B/C series J0805 DC Block (Model 7003, 10 kHz to 18 GHz, ±50 V,
operation manual: 1 copy Weinschel product)
B0329G Front cover(3/4MW4U) MA2507A DC Block Adapter (50 Ω, 9 kHz to 3 GHz, ±50 V)
MA8601A DC Block Adapter (50 Ω, 30 kHz to 2 GHz, ±50 V)
Options MA8601J DC Block Adapter (75 Ω, 10 kHz to 2.2 GHz, ±50 V)
MS2651B/2661B-01 Reference crystal oscillator MA1621A 50 Ω → 75 Ω Impedance Transformer (9 kHz to 3 GHz,
MS2661B-02 Narrow resolution bandwidth ±100 V)
MS2651B/2661B-04 High-speed time domain sweep MP614B 50 Ω ↔ 75 Ω Impedance Transformer
MS2651B/2661B-06 Trigger/gate circuit J0121 Coaxial cord (NC-P-3W · 3C-2WS · NC-P-3W), 1 m
MS2651B/2661B-07 AM/FM demodulator J0308 Coaxial cord (BNC-P · 3C-2WS · NC-P-3W), 1 m
MS2651B/2661B-08 Pre-amplifier J0063 Fixed attenuator for high power (30 dB, 10 W, DC to
MS2651B/2661B-10 Centronics interface (GPIB cannot be installed 12.4 GHz)
simultaneously) J0395 Fixed attenuator for high power (30 dB , 30 W, DC to
MS2661B-12 QP detector (requires Option 02, QP-BW: 0.2/9/120 kHz) 9 GHz)
MS2651B-13 QP detector (QP-BW: 9/120 kHz) MP640A Branch
MS2651B/2661B-14 PTA parallel I/O (Option 10 cannot be installed MP654A Branch
simultaneously) MP520A CM Directional Coupler
MS2651B/2661B-15 Sweep signal output MP520B CM Directional Coupler
MS2661B-19 DC coupled input (MS2661B only, requires Option 02) MP520C CM Directional Coupler
MS2651B/2661B-20 Tracking generator MP520D CM Directional Coupler
MS2651B/2661B-21 Television monitor (Multi) MP526A High Pass Filter
MS2651B/2661B-22 75 Ω input (Option 12, 13, 19, and 20 cannot be MP526B High Pass Filter
installed simultaneously) MP526C High Pass Filter
MS2651B/2661B-23 75 Ω tracking generator (Option 12, 13, 19, and 20 MP526D High Pass Filter
cannot be installed simultaneously) MP526G High Pass Filter
MS2651B/2661B-24 Television monitor (Brazil) MA1601A High Pass Filter (800/900 MHz band, N)
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
Measurement softwares J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
MX260002A CDMA Cellular System Measurement Software J0742A RS-232C cable, 1 m [for PC-98 Personal Computer
MX260003A PDC Measurement Software (for base station) and VP-600, D-sub 25 pins (straight)]
MX260004A GSM Measurement Software J0743A RS-232C cable, 1 m [for AT compatible, D-sub
MX261001A Low-Power Data Communication System Measurement 9-pins (cross)]
Software conforming to issue of Direct Spread 60N50-1 Reflection bridge
Spectrum System 60NF50-1 Reflection bridge
MX261002A Low-Power Data Communication System Measurement 87A50 Reflection bridge
Software conforming to issue of Frequency 62N75 Reflection bridge
Hopping System 62NF75 Reflection bridge
MX262001A CATV Measurement Software MH648A Pre-Amplifier
MX264001A EMI Measurement Software MP534A Dipole Antenna
MP651A Dipole Antenna
Application parts BBA9106/VHA9103 Biconical Antenna
J0561 Coaxial cord (N-P-5W · 5D-2W · N-P-5W), 1 m MP635A Log-Periodic Antenna
J0104A Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG-55/U · N-P) , 1 m MP666A Log-Periodic Antenna
CSCJ-256K-SM 256 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MB9A Tripod
CSCJ-512K-SM 512 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MB19A Tripod
CSCJ-001M-SM 1024 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MA2601B EMI Probe
CSCJ-002M-SM 2048 KB memory card (meets PCMCIA Rel. 2.0) MA2601C EMI Probe
B0395A Rack mount kit (IEC) KT-10 EMI Clamp
B0395B Rack mount kit (JIS) KT-20 EMI Clamp
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Features • Data storage and memory
• Lightweight (4.5 lbs - base model, 4.9 lbs with tracking generator - – Store up to ten test setups and 200 measurement traces in non-
option 20, or transmission measurement, option 21) volatile memory
• Synthesizer-based performance – Stored data is easily and quickly downloaded to a personal com-
• Wide dynamic range puter (PC) or printer
• One button, ACPR, OBW, channel power, C/I measurement • Powerful trace management
• Quick zoom-in, zoom-out display – Automatically date/time stamped
• 5 minute warm up – Alphanumeric labeling
• Manual and automatic attenuator control • PC reporting software
• Improved user interface, with local language support in five differ- – Windows® 95/98/2000/ME, XP, NT Workstation compatible
ent languages – Supports long file names for descriptive labeling
• Automatic overload and ESD protection – Can display an unlimited number of traces for comparison to his-
• Built-in AM/FM demodulation torical performance
• Built-in field strength measurement • Optional Monochrome or Color LCD with backlight capability display
• Built-in interference analysis • Direct printer control via RS232 serial port
• Ability to store and recall up to six antenna factors
• Full range of marker capabilities including peak, center, and delta Applications
functions Convenient operating procedures, high sensitivity, and excellent re-
• Limit lines for quick, simple pass/fail measurements peatability enable the MS2711B/D to pinpoint the smallest system
• Rugged, reliable packaging performance degradation and allow for easy verification of system
• Battery operated design compliance. Typical applications include:
– 2.5 hours of continuous operation • Transmitter Spectrum Analysis – occupied bandwidth, power, mod-
– Built-in energy conservation that extends battery life beyond an ulation measurements, location and identification of in-band, out-
eight-hour workday of-channel spurious and out-of-band spurious signals
– Operation using a 12.5 Vdc source AC-DC adapter or automotive • Receive Signal Analysis – measure receiver sensitivity, locate and
cigarette lighter adapter, which simultaneously charges the battery identify sources of interfering signals
– Field replaceable battery • Modulation identification, modulation depth, deviation, and spectral mask
• Built in clock and calender • Signal Strength Mapping – to determine the most suitable location for
• Low cost ownership, global warranty antennas, base stations, and repeaters; or pinpoint Electromagnetic
(EM) leakage in broadcast systems
Model MS2711B MS2711D
Frequency range 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz
Aging: ±1 ppm/yr
Frequency reference
Accuracy: ±2 ppm
1 kHz to 3 GHz in 1, 2, 5 step selections in auto 10 Hz to 2.99 GHz in 1, 2, 5 step selections in
Frequency span
Operating 0°C to 50°C, humidity 85% or less –10°C to 55°C, humidity 85% or less
Non-operating –20°C to +75°C (recommend battery stored –51°C to +71°C (recommend battery stored
separately between 0°C to 40°C for any separately between 0°C to 40°C for any
prolonged storage period) prolonged storage period)
Power supply
External DC Input +12.5 to +15 volts dc, 1350 mA max
Internal NiMH battery: 10.8 volts, 1800 mA mAH
Size (W x H x D) 25.4 cm x 17.8 cm x 6.10 cm 25.4 cm x 17.8 cm x 6.10 cm
(10.0 in x 7.0 in x 2.4 in) (10.0 in x 7.0 in x 2.4 in)
Weight 2.04 kg (4.5 lbs.) includes battery, 2.2 kg (4.9 lbs) <2.14 kg (4.7 lbs.) includes battery, 6
includes tracking generator <2.28 kg (5 lbs) includes transmission measurement
Aging: ±1 ppm/yr
Frequency reference
Accuracy: ±2 ppm
SSB Phase Noise (6 GHz) @30 kHz Offset ≤–65 dBc/Hz
Spurious responses Input related ≤–45 dBc
Spurious residual responses1 ≤–90 dBm
Measurement range –40 dBm to –100 dBm
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MS2711B (Option 20) Tracking generator specifications
Frequency range 10 MHz to 3 GHz
Frequency Frequency resolution 5 KHz
Tracking offset range ±5 MHz
Output power level 0 to –60 dBm
Output power level resolution 0.1 dB
±1.5 dB, 0 to –40 dBm
Absolute level accuracy
±4 dB, –40 dBm to –60 dBm
Output flatness ≤±1.5 dB (10 MHz – 3 GHz)
Output tracking VSWR <2.0:1, <0 dBm
Spurious harmonics ≤–20 dBc
Non-Spurious ≤–20 dBc
Ordering Information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
MS2711B/8 Handheld Spectrum Analyzer: 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz 1030-86 Band Pass Filter, 800 MHz band, 806-869 MHz,
MS2711D Handheld Spectrum Analyzer: 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz Loss = 1.7 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)
1030-87 Band Pass Filter, 900 MHz band, 902-960 MHz,
Standard Accessories Loss = 1.7 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)
User’s Guide, MS2711B 1030-88 Band Pass Filter, 1900 MHz band, 1.85-1.99 GHz,
Soft Carrying Case Loss = 1.8 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)
AC – DC Adapter 1030-89 Band Pass Filter, 2400 MHz band, 2.4-2.5 GHz,
Automotive Cigarette Lighter/12 Volt DC Adapter Loss = 1.9 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)
One Year Warranty 48258 Spare soft carrying case
CD ROM containing Software Management Tools 40-115 Spare AC/DC adapter
Serial Interface Cable 806-62 Spare automotive cigarette lighter/12 Volt DC adapter
Rechargeable battery, NiMH 800-441 Spare serial interface cable
Pre-amplifier (built-in) 760-229 Transit case for Anritsu Handheld Spectrum Analyzer
2300-347 Anritsu Handheld Software Tools
Option Accessories 10580-00074 Anritsu HHSA User’s Guide, Model MS2711B (spare)
Option 3 Color display - MS2711D only 10580-00071 Anritsu HHSA Programming Manual, Model MS2711B
Option 6 Frequency converter controller module for use with 10580-00072 Anritsu HHSA Maintenance Manual, Model MS2711B
FCN4760 (MS2711D only) 10580-00097 Anritsu HHSA User’s Guide, Model MS2711D
Option 10 Bias Tee (built-in) 10580-00098 Anritsu HHSA Programming Manual, Model MS2711D
Option 20 Tracking generator (built-in) - MS2711B only 10580-00099 Anritsu HHSA Maintenance Manual, Model MS2711D
Option 21 Transmission measurement (built-in) - MS2711D only 633-27 Rechargeable battery, NiMH
Option 29 Power Meter (MS2711D only) 551-1691 USB to Serial adapter
70-28 Headset
Optional Accessories 2000-1029 Battery charger, NiMH with universal power supply
5400-71N50 RF Detector, N(m), 50 Ω, 1 to 3000 MHz 2000-1030 Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 1.71-1.88 GHz
42N50A-30 30 dB, 50 Watt, Bi-directional, DC to 18 GHz, 2000-1031 Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 1.85-1.99 GHz
N(m) to N(f) Attenuator 2000-1032 Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 12.4-2.5 GHz
34NN50A Precision Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, N(m) to N(m) 2000-1035 Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 896-941 MHz
34NFNF50C Precision Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, N(f) to N(f) 2000-1200 Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 806-869 MHz
15NN50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz
15NN50-3.0C Test port cable armored, 3.0 meter, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz Printers
15NN50-5.0C Test port cable armored, 5.0 meter, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz 2000-1214 HP DeskJet printer
15NNF50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz Includes: interface cable, black print cartridge, and US
15NNF50-3.0C Test port cable armored, 3.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz power cable
15NNF50-5.0C Test port cable armored, 5.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz 2000-753 Spare serial-to-parallel converter cable
15ND50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to 2000-663 Power cable (Europe) for DeskJet printer
7/16 DIN(m), 3.5 GHz 2000-664 Power cable (Australia) for DeskJet printer
15NDF50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to 2000-1218 Power cable (UK) for DeskJet printer
7/16 DIN(f), 3.5 GHz 2000-667 Power cable (So. Africa) for DeskJet printer
510-90 Adapter 7/16 (f) to N(m), 3.5 GHz 2000-1217 Rechargeable battery for DeskJet printer
510-91 Adapter, 7/16 DIN(f) to N(f), 7.5 GHz 2000-1216 Black print cartridge for DeskJet printer
510-92 Adapter, 7/16 DIN(m) to N(m) 7.5 GHz
510-96 Adapter 7/16 DIN (m) to 7/16 DIN (m), 7.5 GHz
510-97 Adapter 7/16 DIN(f) to 7/16 DIN(f), 7.5 GHz
61N50 RF SWR Bridge, 10-2500 MHz, 50 Ω, N(m)
61NF50 RF SWR Bridge, 10-2500 MHz, 50 Ω, N(f)
Selection guide
Measurement function
Mixer measurement
Multi-source control
Power sweep mode
Spectrum analyzer
IMD measurement
Receiver mode
Balance circuit
Time domain
Group Model Frequency band
S parameter
Crystal unit
MS4630B 10 Hz to 300 MHz √∗1 √
MS4622A 10 MHz to 3 GHz √∗1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MS4622B 10 MHz to 3 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MS4622C 10 MHz to 3 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MS4622D 10 MHz to 3 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MS4623A 10 MHz to 6 GHz √∗1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MS4623B 10 MHz to 6 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MS4623C 10 MHz to 6 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MS4623D 10 MHz to 6 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MS4624A 10 MHz to 9 GHz √∗1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MS4624B 10 MHz to 9 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MS4624C 10 MHz to 9 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
MS4624D 10 MHz to 9 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Vector 37147C 40 MHz to 20 GHz √∗2 √ √ √ √
37169C 40 MHz to 40 GHz √∗2 √ √ √ √
37225C 40 MHz to 13.5 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √
37247C 40 MHz to 20 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √
37269C 40 MHz to 40 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √
37277C 40 MHz to 50 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √
37297C 40 MHz to 65 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √
37325C 40 MHz to 13.5 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √
37347C 40 MHz to 20 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √
37369C 40 MHz to 40 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √
37377C 40 MHz to 50 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √
37397C 40 MHz to 65 GHz √ √ √ √ √ √
ME7808A 40 MHz to 110 GHz √ √ √
56100A 10 MHz to 50 GHz √∗3
54107A/54111A 1 MHz to 3 GHz √∗3 √
54147A/54137A 10 MHz to 20 GHz √∗3 √
54161A 10 MHz to 32 GHz √∗3 √
54169A 10 MHz to 40 GHz √∗3 √
54177A 10 MHz to 50 GHz √∗3 √
S251C 625 to 2500 MHz √∗1 √
S113C 2 to 100 MHz √∗4 √
S114C 2 to 100 MHz √∗4 √ √
master S331D 25 to 4000 MHz √∗4 √
S332D 25 to 4000 MHz √∗4 √ √
S810C 3.3 to 10.5 GHz √∗4 √
S820C 3.3 to 20 GHz √∗4 √
∗1: S11-/S21 measurement by 1 path 2 port calibration can be performed.
∗2: In order to carry out S-Parameter measurement, external component, such as coupler, is needed..
∗3: A transmission characteristic and return loss measurement can be performed.
∗4: S11 measurement by OSL calibration can be performed.
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37100C, 37200C, 37300C Series
22.5 MHz to 65 GHz
The 37200C and 37300C series microwave vector network analyzers • Built-in mass storage
(VNAs) are high performance tools designed to make fast and accurate Testing devices with multiple setups is now easier. A built-in hard
S-parameter measurements across the 40 MHz to 65 GHz range. disk drive rapidly stores and recalls frequently used front panel
These network analyzers integrate a synthesized source, S-parame- setups and calibrations. Store your complete test setup including lim-
ter test set, and tuned receiver into a single compact package that is it lines and frequency markers. Create descriptive file names to as-
ideal for benchtop testing. sist multiple users or device types. The high storage capability of the
Code named Lightning, the 37200C and 37300C offer new levels of internal hard disk means there is space for Iiterally hundreds of cal-
measurement capabilities to speed manufacturing test and increase ibrations, front panel setups, and data traces. In secure environ-
throughput. Choose the instrument model and options that best suit ments, the internal hard disk can be removed and either an external
your application and budget. drive on the SCSI port or the internal 1.44 MB floppy drive can be
The 37200C series is designed for passive device measurements, used for uploading proprietary setups.
while the 37300C series adds active device measurement capabili-
ties. Five microwave models are available from 40 MHz to 13.5, 20, • Fast synthesized sweeps
40, 50, or 65 GHz. Measurement update rates of less than 2 ms per point are possible
The 37100C series microwave vector network analyzers are config- with the 37100C/37200C/37300C series analyzers. Each data point
ured as direct-access receivers for antenna, frequency conversion, is fully phase-locked and vector-error-corrected for optimum accuracy.
and multiple output device measurements. The 37100C offers ulti- Realize near real-time updates with the instrument's tune mode.
mate flexibility to meet most receiver measurement needs while The internal source frequency resolution of 1 Hz facilitates narrow-
maintaining the ability to measure all four S-parameters with the ad- band device measurements.
dition of a reflectometer setup at the front end of the receiver. • Time domain analysis
The 37100C series offers two wide-band microwave models cover- Analyze impedance discontinuities as a function of time or distance
ing the 22.5 MHz to 20 GHz or 40 GHz ranges. with the 37100C/37200C/37300C's high-speed time domain (Option 2A).
Isolate individual reflections in time and evaluate their effects in the
Features frequency domain. Remove the effects of device packages and fix-
• High speed data transfer and control turing with time domain gating to see the actual performance of your
designs. Use the independent display channels to view the response
For maximum efficiency, dual GPIB ports are standard on every
37100C/37200C/37300C series VNA. High-speed transfers across of your designs before, during, and after time domain processing.
the analyzer's IEEE 488.2 GPIB bus minimize data collection times. The software provides four different windowing functions to optimize
The second GPIB port is dedicated to control of peripheral devices dynamic range and resolution. The exclusive phasor impulse mode
such as printers, plotters, power meters, and frequency synthesiz- will show you the true impedance characteristics of mismatches in
ers. The 37100C/37200C/37300C series maximizes throughput by waveguide, microstrip, and other band-limited media.
combining fast, error-corrected sweeps with high-speed data transfers. • Multiple source control and set-on receiver mode
• Compact size Separately control the frequency of two sources and a receiver with-
out the need for an external controller. Independently specify the
The 37200C/37300C series analyzers integrate a fast sweeping
synthesized source, auto-reversing S-parameter test set, and four- sweep ranges and output powers of the sources and the sweep
channel receiver into a single compact package. The 37100C series range of the receiver to accommodate swept IMD, TOI, and harmon-
analyzers integrate a fast sweeping synthesized source and four- ic measurements. The 37100C/37200C/37300C's set-on receiver
channel receiver into a single compact package and provides direct mode allows it to operate as a tuned receiver by phase locking all of
access to all four receiver samplers via the front panel. Components its local oscillators to its internal crystal reference oscillator.
within the analyzer have been integrated to reduce cost and weight
and improve the instrument's long-term reliability.
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Number of channels Four measurement channels
S11, S21, S12, S22, or user defined; analog voltage input; complex input and output impedance; complex input and
output admittance; complex forward and reverse transmission
Domains Frequency domain, CW draw, and optional high speed time domain (Option 2A)
Log magnitude, phase, log magnitude and phase, Smith chart (impedance), Smith chart (admittance), linear polar,
log polar, group delay, linear magnitude, linear magnitude and phase, real, imaginary, real and imaginary, and SWR
1601 maximum. System also accepts an arbitrary set of N discrete data points where 2≤N≤1601.
Data points
CW mode permits selection of a single point.
Can be entered in time or in distance. Automatic reference delay adds the correct electrical length compensation
Reference delay at the push of a button. Software compensation for the electrical length difference between the reference and test
Measurement is accurate and stable since measurement frequencies are always synthesized.
Reference offset Magnitude and phase
Six independent markers can be used to read out measurement data. In delta-reference mode, any one marker
Markers can be selected as the reference for the other five. Markers can automatically find critical filter parameters i.e. 3 dB
bandwidth, loss, center frequency, shape factor and Q.
Marker sweep Sweeps upward in frequency between any two markers. Recalibration is not required during the marker sweep.
Two limit lines per data trace to indicate test limits. Limits can be either single or segmented limits for testing de-
vices pass-fail.
Measurement dynamic Table 1 gives receiver dynamic range as the ratio of maximum signal level at Port 2 (or individual sampler input)
range to the noise floor.
Data averaging Averaging of 1 to 4096 averages per data point can be selected.
IF bandwidth Front panel switch selects four levels of IF bandwidth: 10 kHz, 1 kHz, 100 Hz and 10 Hz
1, 2, 3 or 4 channels can be displayed. Each channel can display any S-parameter or user defined parameter in
Display channels
any format with up to two traces per channel for a maximum of eight traces simultaneously.
Display type Color LCD, 8.5” diagonally, VGA display. Color of graticule, trace data and text are user definable.
Trace overlay Overlays two traces with the same graticule type on the same display
A separate memory for each channel can be used to store measurement data for later display or subtraction,
Trace memory
addition, multiplication or division.
Display Log mag: 0.001 dB, linear mag: 1 pU
capabilities Phase: 0.01°, group delay: 0.001 ps
Scale resolution Time: 0.001 ms, distance: 0.1 mm
SWR: 1 pU
Power: 0.05 dB
Autoscale Automatically sets resolution and offset to display measurement data on the full display
Reference position Settable to any graticule line
Annotation Type of measurement, vertical and horizontal scale resolution, start and stop frequencies and reference position
Error correction models Full 12-term, one-path two-port, reflection only, transmission response
Vector error
correction Line-Reflect-Line and Line-Reflect-Match calibration models are available for coaxial, microstrip and waveguide
transmission lines.
Source power level Source power may be set from the 37100C/37200C/37300C front panel menu. Check table 2 for levels.
The 37100C/37200C/37300C corrects for test port power variations using an external power meter. Once the port
Flat power correction power has been flattened, the power meter is removed and the signal source power level may be changed within
the remaining power adjustment range.
Signal source Allows a user to separately control the frequency of two sources and receiver without need for an external controller.
capabilities Source #1: 37200C/37300C internal source, or any 68000C, 69000B, or MG3690A synthesizer
Multiple source control
Source #2: Any 68000C, 69000B, or MG3690A synthesizer
Receiver: 37200C/37300C internal receiver
Standard (1 Hz resolution)
Internal 10 MHz time
With aging: <1 x 10–9/day
base stability
With temperature: <5 x 10–9 over 0˚ to 55˚C
Select full screen, graphical, tabular data, and printer type. Compatible with most HP and Epson printers with a
Hard copy parallel (Centronics) interface
GPIB plotters Compatible with most HP and Tektronix plotters
Disk file Bitmap, S2P, text, tabular data, and HPGL
Internal memory Ten front panel states (setup) can be stored and recalled from non-volatile memory locations.
Storage Internal hard disk drive Store and recall instrument setups, calibration files and trace data files. All files are MS-DOS compatible.
Internal floppy disk Store and recall instrument setups, calibration files and trace data files from 3.5 inch 1.44 MB floppy disks.
drive All files are MS-DOS compatible.
Interface GPIB (IEEE 488.2)
Addressing Address can be set from the front panel and can range from 1 to 30.
Transfer formats ASCII, 32-bit floating point and 64-bit floating point
Speed 150 kB/sec
Interface function codes SH1, AH1, T6, TE0, L4, LE0, SR1, RL1, PP1, DT1, DC0, C0
Test ports GPC-7, 3.5 mm, N-type, K, and V connectors supported
Power requirements 85 to 240 V, 48 to 63 Hz, 540 VA maximum
General Dimensions 432 (W) x 267 (H) x 585 (D) mm (10.5 x 17 x 23 in)
Mass 27 kg (60 lbs)
Temperature 0˚ to 50˚C (operate), –40˚ to 75˚C (storage)
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Table 2 Power range
Model Rated power (dBm) Minimum power (dBm) Resolution (dB)
37147C +5 –15
37169C –3 –23
0 –20
37269C –15 –27
37277C –7 –27
37297C –7 –19
+5 –90
37369C –7 –97
37377C –7 –87
37397C –7 –79
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame Verification kits
37147C Direct Access Receiver (22.5 MHz to 20 GHz) 3663 Type N Verification Kit
37169C Direct Access Receiver (22.5 MHz to 40 GHz) 3666 SMA/3.5 mm Verification Kit
37225C Vector Network Analyzer (40 MHz to 13.5 GHz) 3667 GPC-7 Verification Kit
37247C Vector Network Analyzer (40 MHz to 20 GHz) 3668 K Connector Verification Kit
37269C Vector Network Analyzer (40 MHz to 40 GHz) 3669B V Connector Verification Kit
37277C Vector Network Analyzer (40 MHz to 50 GHz)
37297C Vector Network Analyzer (40 MHz to 65 GHz) Test port cables
37325C Vector Network Analyzer (40 MHz to 13.5 GHz) 3670A50-1 GPC-7 semi-rigid cable, 1 foot
37347C Vector Network Analyzer (40 MHz to 20 GHz) 3670A50-2 GPC-7 semi-rigid cable, 2 foot
37369C Vector Network Analyzer (40 MHz to 40 GHz) 3670K50-1 K connector semi-rigid cable, 1 foot
37377C Vector Network Analyzer (40 MHz to 50 GHz) 3670K50-2 K connector semi-rigid cable, 2 foot
37397C Vector Network Analyzer (40 MHz to 65 GHz) 3670V50-1 V connector semi-rigid cable, 1 foot
3670V50-2 V connector semi-rigid cable, 2 foot
Options 3671A50-1 GPC-7 flexible cables, 25 in. (1 pair)
Option 1 Rack mount kit with slides 3671A50-2 GPC-7 flexible cables, 38 in.
Option 1A Rack mount kit with handles 3671S50-1 3.5 mm flexible cables, 25 in. (1 pair)
Option 2A High-speed time (distance) domain capability 3671S50-2 3.5 mm flexible cables, 38 in.
Option 4 External SCSI-2 hard disk drive compatibility 3671K50-1 K connector flexible cables, 25 in. (1 pair)
(internal HDD removed) 3671K50-2 K connector flexible cables, 38 in.
Option 7A Replaces universal K connector (standard) with universal 3671V50-3 V connector flexible cable, 25 in. (1 pair)
GPC-7 (37200C/37300C only) 3671V50-4 V connector flexible cable, 38 in.
Option 7N Replaces universal K connector (standard) with universal
N-male (37200C/37300C only)
Option 7NF Replaces universal K connector (standard) with universal
N-female (37200C/37300C only)
Option 7S Replaces universal K connector (standard) with universal
3.5 mm-male (37200C/37300C only)
Option 7K Replaces universal V connector (standard) with universal
K (m) (37277C/37297C/37377C/37397C models only)
Option 11 Reference loop extension cables (standard on 37300C
Option 12 Rear Panel IF Inputs (for 37x97C and 37x77C only).
Required for upgrade to ME7808A Broadband VNA.
Calibration kits
3650 SMA/3.5 mm Calibration Kit
Option 1 Adds sliding terminations
3651 GPC-7 Calibration Kit
Option 1 Adds sliding terminations
3652 K Connector Calibration Kit
Option 1 Adds sliding terminations
3653 Type N Calibration Kit
3654B V Connector Calibration Kit with sliding terminations
36581NNF AutoCal, N (m) to N (f), 40 MHz to 18 GHz
36581KKF AutoCal, K (m) to K (f), 40 MHz to 20 GHz
36582KKF AutoCal, K (m) to K (f), 40 MHz to 40 GHz
The 37000 family millimeter wave vector network analyzer (VNA) ex- and noise floor specifications are measured with 512 averages not
tends the exceptional performance of the Lightning VNA family to 1024 averages — an important point to consider when making com-
110 GHz. This improvement to our original millimeter wave system, parisons. Simply stated, the Lightning millimeter wave system pro-
based on the 360B VNA, continues our commitment to providing the vides the best dynamic range with sweep speeds twice as fast as
highest quality microwave and millimeter wave test equipment avail- comparable instruments.
able while still maintaining an intuitive user interface. The minimum
configuration for the millimeter wave VNA has a 37147C VNA, a • Flexible configuration in waveguide and coax
Our flexible module configurations let you specify the capability of
3735B Test Set, two synthesized sources, and a pair of millimeter your millimeter wave VNA. We offer two versions of millimeter wave
heads. heads that allow you to tailor the Lightning based millimeter system
Features to your exact measurement needs. The 3740A series transmission/
reflection modules have simultaneous transmission and reflection
• Measurement speed and accuracy capability, while the 3741A series transmission only module is used
The millimeter wave VNA, based on our popular Lightning 37000
when reflection measurements are not required. A pair of 3740A
platform, offers the fastest measurement speed available in a mil-
modules allow measurement of all four S-parameters. A 3740A
limeter wave VNA. Measurement speed of approximately 20 ms per
transmission/reflection module combined with a 3741A Transmis-
point for an 801 data point sweep means faster tuning and through-
sion Only module allows measurement of one-path/two port S-para-
put for your millimeter wave devices. The millimeter wave system
meters (S11 and S21).
also offers full auto-reversing, 12-term, error-corrected S-parameter
A single 3740A transmission/reflection module can be used for S11
measurements that enable advanced calibration techniques such as
reflection measurements. The 3740A series also provides the small-
Line-Reflect-Line (LRL), Line-Reflect-Match (LRM), and Thru-
est footprint and lightest weight of any millimeter wave test head on
Reflect-Match (TRM) to be used for maximum accuracy in your on-
the market today. This greatly simplifies your test setup; regardless
wafer measurements. For waveguide measurements, the millimeter
of whether you are manually adjusting the head position for wave-
wave system supports all of the above methods as well as the off-
guide measurements or have attached them to a wafer probe station.
set short calibration technique. The 8.5 inch, color liquid crystal
In order to maximize the flexibility of your VNA, the system architec-
display (LCD) allows users to easily view the data traces for all four
ture provides for a smooth transition between your waveguide and
S-parameters while simultaneously displaying limit lines and trace
coaxial device measurements. Simply add a coaxial test set to your
memory functions. The built-in 3.5 inch MS-DOS® compatible floppy
system and now you have the capabilities to fully characterize your
disk drive and internal hard disk drive simplify the procedure to both
active and passive coaxial devices up to 40 GHz.
store and recall calibrations, front panel setups, and measurement
data. The versatility of the Lightning platform allows data to be gathered • Complete measurement solutions
using the ∗.s2p, ∗.txt, ∗.dat, ∗.bmp, and ∗.hgl file formats so data can be In addition to the millimeter wave VNA measurement system,
easily loaded into both circuit simulation and graphics programs. Anritsu offers a full line of synthesized signal generators up to 110
GHz. To complete your millimeter wave measurement setup, Anritsu
• The most dynamic range in a millimeter VNA also offers solutions for waveguide, on-wafer, and even coaxial ap-
Increased dynamic range relates directly to increased measurement
plications. With our custom design and manufacturing capabilities,
accuracy and confidence when measuring millimeter wave compo-
we have developed 110 GHz coaxial connectors, couplers, adapters,
nents and subsystems. To achieve optimum measurement speed
and even test fixtures for use in your millimeter wave test set-ups.
and dynamic range for your measurements, the Lightning millimeter
wave VNA allows the number of measurement averages and video
IF bandwidth to be varied. The Lightning millimeter wave VNA sys-
tem dynamic range is typically 15 dB better than comparable VNAs,
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• System performance
Q-Band V-Band E-Band Extended W-Band Extended
Waveguide designation
(WR-22) (WR-15) (WR-12) E-Band (WR-10) W-Band
56 to 60 65 to 75
75 to 100
Frequency range (GHz) 33 to 50 50 to 75 60 to 90 60 to 85 75 to 100
100 to 110
85 to 94 100 to 110
–85 –90
Noise floor (dBm) –93 –90 –90 –90 –89
–76 –87
93 96
Receiver dynamic range (dB)∗1 103 98 98 98 95
84 93
High level noise (dB, typical) .02 .05 .06 .08 .06 .08
+5 –5
Power @ DUT (dBm, typical) +7 +7 +6 +6 +5
+4 +2
90 85
System dynamic range (dB)∗2 100 97 96 96 94
80 89
∗1: “Receiver dynamic range” is defined as the ratio of the maximum signal level at Port 2 for 0.1 dB compression to the system noise floor.
∗2: “System dynamic range” is defined as the ratio of the power at Port 1 and the system noise floor (forward measurements only).
• Test port characteristics
Offset short calibration∗1
Q-Band V-Band E-Band Extended W-Band Extended
Waveguide designation
(WR-22) (WR-15) (WR-12) E-Band (WR-10) W-Band
Frequency (GHz) 33 to 50 50 to 75 60 to 90 56 to 94 75 to 110 65 to 110
Directivity (dB) >50 >50 >46 >44 >46 >40
Source match (dB) >45 >37 >36 >33 >36 >30
Load match (dB) >50 >50 >46 >44 >46 >40
Reflection frequency tracking (dB) ±0.010 ±0.030 ±0.040 ±0.080 ±0.040 ±0.080
Transmission frequency tracking (dB) ±0.010 ±0.060 ±0.060 ±0.1 ±0.070 ±0.1
Isolation (dB) >100 >90 >90 >80 >90 >80
LRL calibration∗1
Q-Band V-Band E-Band Extended W-Band Extended
Waveguide designation
(WR-22) (WR-15) (WR-12) E-Band (WR-10) W-Band
Frequency (GHz) 33 to 50 50 to 75 60 to 90 56 to 94 75 to 110 65 to 110
Directivity (dB) >50 >50 >46 >44 >46 >40
Source match (dB) >50 >50 >46 >43 >46 >40
Load match (dB) >50 >50 >46 >44 >46 >40
Reflection frequency tracking (dB) ±0.002 ±0.002 ±0.002 ±0.006 ±0.002 ±0.006
Transmission frequency tracking (dB) ±0.002 ±0.002 ±0.002 ±0.006 ±0.002 ±0.006
Isolation (dB) >100 >90 >90 >80 >90 >80
∗1: At 23 ±3˚C using the offset short calibration method with a sliding load or LRL calibration method (as noted) to achieve 12-term error correction.
Synthesizers*2 7
MG3692A Synthesized CW generator, 2 to 20 GHz
MG3693A Synthesized CW generator, 2 to 30 GHz
MG3694A Synthesized CW generator, 2 to 40 GHz
∗1: The millimeter wave VNA requires that at least one of the two modules is
a transmission/reflection type. Contact Factory for Millimeter-Wave bands
above 110 GHz.
∗2: One of the synthesizers must have Option 15A for millimeter wave operation.
∗3: Consisting of: Short, fixed (2 each)
Shim, 1/4 wavelength and 3/8 wavelength
Termination, fixed (2 each)
Test port section (2 each)
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40 MHz to 110 GHz
The ME7808A Broadband Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) is a high • Single Pair of Coaxial Test Ports
performance measurement solution that covers 40 MHz to 110 GHz The ME7808A Broadband VNA combines the 40 MHz to 65 GHz
in a single fast sweep. In contrast to the millimeter wave Vector output from the VNA and the 65 GHz to 110 GHz output from the
Network Analyzer, the ME7808A is built on the advanced technology mmW modules using a unique multiplexing coupler design. The ef-
of the Lightning 65 GHz VNA, and extends its advanced features and fective system test ports for broadband frequency coverage are two
intuitive user interface to 110 GHz. W1 (1.0 mm) coax connectors. The Anritsu W1 connector is com-
patible with the IEEE standard 1.0 mm connector. This design pro-
The configuration for the Broadband VNA consists of: vides a DC path that permits bias injection from the VNA front panel
• Lightning 65 GHz VNA bias inputs directly to the W1 coax test ports.
• Millimeter-Wave Modules (Extended W Band, 65 GHz to 110 GHz) • Three Systems in One
• Broadband Test Set The Broadband VNA system provides maximum versatility and can
• Frequency Sources (20 GHz) be used in any of the following configurations:
• Multiplexing Couplers 1) as a broadband VNA (40 MHz to 110 GHz) with W1 (1.0 mm) con-
• Equipment Console with table nector coaxial interface
2) as a stand-alone 65 GHz VNA with V-connector coaxial interface
Features 3) as a millimeter-wave VNA (65 GHz to 110 GHz) with a WR-10
• Measurement Speed and Accuracy waveguide connector interface. Additional discrete mmW bands (to
The Broadband VNA, based on our popular Lightning 37397C platform, 325 GHz) are easily supported by substituting other available mmW
offers the fastest measurement speed available. Measurement modules into the system.
speeds of approximately 1.5 seconds for a 101 point sweep mean
faster characterization of your millimeter wave and broad frequency This flexibility in measurement interface allows you to tailor the
devices. The ME7808A also offers full auto-reversing, 12-term, error- Broadband VNA to your exact measurement needs. When operating
corrected S-parameter measurements with advanced calibration either the 65 GHz or mmW systems independently, higher output
techniques – such as Short-Open-Load-Thru (SOLT), Line-Reflect- power and increased dynamic range are achievable. Wafer probe
Line (LRL), and Line-Reflect-Match (LRM) – ensuring maximum ac- tips can be connected to any of the three interfaces to make on-wafer
curacy in your on-wafer measurements. For waveguide measure- measurements.
ments, the ME7808A system supports all of the above methods as • Complete Measurement Solutions
well as the offset short calibration technique. For broadband measure- The Anritsu Broadband VNA is compatible with leading probe sta-
ments in W1 (1.0 mm) coax, the ME7808A system supports con- tions and probe tips for making on-wafer measurements. On-wafer
catenated SOLT and offset short calibrations using the 3656 W1 cal- calibration software such as SussCal from Suss MicroTec and
ibration/verification kit. The 8.5 inch, color liquid crystal display (LCD) WinCal from Cascade Microtech have built in drivers for the Anritsu
allows users to easily view the data traces for all four S-parameters VNA’s and therefore can be used with the ME7808A. In addition,
while simultaneously displaying limit lines and trace memory func- Anritsu also offers a complete list of accessories including coaxial
tions. The built-in 3.5 inch MS-DOS® compatible floppy disk drive calibration kits, waveguide calibration kits, W1 (1mm) coaxial and
and internal hard disk drive simplify the procedure of storing and re- waveguide to coaxial adapters.
calling calibrations, front panel setups, and measurement data. The
versatility of the Lightning platform allows data to be gathered using
the *.s2p, *.txt, *.dat, *.bmp, and *.hgl file formats so data can be eas-
ily loaded into both circuit simulation and graphics programs.
Port 1 Power, Typical (dBm) –1 3 –8 –16 –12 –14 –16 –13 –14 –13 –15
Noise Floor (dBm) –76 –103 –91 –86 –77 –65 –63 –75 –78 –74 –69
System Dynamic Range (dB) 75 106 83 70 65 51 47 62 64 61 54
Receiver Dynamic Range (dB) 106 133 121 116 107 95 81 92 94 90 85
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame Test Port Cables
ME7808A Broadband Vector Network Analyzer (includes 37397C 3670V50-2 Semi-rigid, V female to V male, 2 ft.
VNA, 3742A-EW∗1 millimeter wave modules, broadband 3671V50-3 Flexible, phase stable, V female to V male, 25 in.
test set, frequency sources, multiplexing couplers, and an (1 pair)
equipment console) 57625 Semi-rigid, W1 male to W1 male, 13 cm
Value Unit
Frequency Range∗1 0.04 to 65 GHz
Characterized Wavelength 1550 ±20 nm
Linear Optical Input Power ∗2 <6 dBm
Max Optical Input Power 10 dBm
Operating Temperature∗3 18 to 28 °C
Storage Temperature –20 to 70 °C
< 50 GHz < –8
Electrical Return Loss dB
< 65 GHz < –5
Operating Wavelength Range 1480 to 1620 nm
DC Responsivity > 0.55 A/W
Optical Return Loss < –24 dB
∗1. Frequency range over which the MN4765A is calibrated by Anritsu
Calibration Lab.
Frequency response of the MN4765A ∗2. Linear operating range over which |S21| uncertainty is < 0.25 dB.
∗3. Calibrated temperature is 23°C ± 3°C.
Features + Refer to "E/O and O/E Measurements with the 37300C Series VNA"
• Fast and accurate optoelectronic measurements Application Note (11410-00311).
The 37200C/37300C series VNAs, when calibrated using the
MN4765A module, enable error-corrected Transfer Function,
Group Delay and Return Loss measurements of E/O and O/E com- Ordering information
ponents and subsystems. Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
• NIST derived characterization to 65 GHz Model/Order No. Name
Magnitude and phase characterization is obtained using a primary MN4765A O/E Calibration module (40 MHz - 65 GHz)
standard characterized by NIST and held in the Anritsu Calibration Lab.
The magnitude and phase data is provided on a diskette with the module.
Anritsu’s family of RF Vector Network Measurement Systems include • 4-Port Balance/Differential Measurements
the MS462XA, MS462XB, and the new MS462xD. Code named The MS462xD series of Vector Network Measurement Systems (VNMS)
Scorpion®, the MS462XX line is much more capable than traditional allow you to characterize devices like SAW filters and integrated cir-
VNAs. With Scorpion’s all new measurement options of vector error- cuits using powerful features like mixed-mode S-Parameters, em-
corrected Noise Figure, Intermodulation Distortion, Fourth bedding/de-embedding, and arbitrary impedance. De-embedding
Measurement Port, and Harmonics, they create a total test solution. utilities provide compensation techniques for typical test fixture envi-
And, when you add the standard benefits of outstanding dynamic ronments to further enhance the measurement accuracy, while inte-
range and blazing fast measurement speed, you have a truly innov- grated embedding utilities, consisting of an extensive library of circuit
ative solution for a manufacturing test environment! primitives, increases time-to-market and yield when simulating the fi-
nal matched behavior of components. The Scorpion’s arbitrary im-
Key Benefits pedance transformations also accurately handle non-50 Ω measure-
• See the true performance of all your passive and active compo- ment scenarios typically associated with balanced devices, making
nents including antennas, isolators, filters, duplexers, couplers, the VNMS well suited for applications requiring ripple, insertion loss
SAW filters, baluns, amplifiers, mixers, and multi-port components and amplitude imbalance measurements on the order of 0.1 dB.
• With a single connection perform S-parameter, Harmonics, Time
Domain, Compression, Intermodulation Distortion (IMD), Noise
Figure (NF), and Frequency Translated Group Delay for accurate
and thorough device characterization
• Optimized for your manufacturing process with features like 2 & 4
port AutoCal® modules which simplify calibrations, sequences for
automating repetitive keystrokes, enhanced markers simplify data
collection, and external SCSI interface for massive storage
• Measurement speeds of 150 µsec/point and dynamic range of
125 dB
Scorpion’s AutoCal® feature also provides a capability for achieving
fast, accurate, and highly repeatable calibrations without the need for
an external controller. By using AutoCal® standard connector types
or test port cable converters, you can calibrate directly using Type N,
K, 3.5 mm, or SMA connectors. Planned upgrades include adapter
characterization with the ability to calibrate using 7/16 or TNC type
http://www.anritsu.com 387
• Amplifier Measurements • Mixer measurements
Some of today’s most demanding VNA measurements involve the Scorpion can also accurately characterize your mixers and other fre-
characterization and tuning of multiple port devices such as duplexers, quency-translating devices (FTDs) for isolation, match, conversion
combiners, couplers, etc. In a traditional 2-port VNA, the full charac- loss, noise figure and frequency translated group delay (FTGD).
terization and tuning of such devices presents significant challenges Without changing cables or instruments, Scorpion can make all
in terms of measurement speed, calibration, and the switching of in- these measurements quickly, easily and accurately. Add an external
put signals and measurement ports. With the addition of the third synthesizer and Scorpion can easily orchestrate swept frequency
measurement port, the simplicity and speed with which these de- and swept power mixer IMD measurements. You no longer have to
vices can be tested is greatly enhanced. The MS4622B, MS4623, buy and integrate five separate instruments to perform these every-
and MS4624B network analyzers not only offer the option of adding day measurements. With the integrated measurement flexibility of
a third measurement port, they also offer the industry’s first ever sec- Scorpion, you can design and manufacture all of your passive, ac-
ond internal source. This second source is completely independent tive, and frequency translating devices using a single instrument.
from the main source that switches between ports 1 and 2. By the
addition of this second source, the potential now exists for replacing
the signal generators and spectrum analyzers currently needed to
characterize the non-linear effects that occur when multiple tones
are simultaneously present in the pass-band of an active device.
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–100 dBm in 10 Hz IF Bandwidth (< 3 GHz); Typically > –110 dBm in narrowband sweep
Receiver specs
Average noise level
–90 dBm in 10 Hz IF Bandwidth (> 3 GHz); Typically > –100 dBm in narrowband sweep
+27 dBm, +20 dBm noise figure mode
input level
> +30 dBm, > +23 dBm noise figure mode
Measurement times are measured using a single trace (S21) display and one average. The measurement speeds
for the communications band are measured in a 25 MHz band from 824 – 849 MHz. The typical measurement times
displayed are as follows:
Data IF bandwidth 10 MHz to 3 GHz 10 MHz to 6 GHz 10 MHz to 9 GHz Communications
points (Hz) (ms) (ms) (ms) band (ms)
30 kHz 16 18 31 11
10 kHz 21 23 35 16
51 3 kHz 32 35 46 27
1 kHz 66 69 76 61
300 Hz 187 189 203 184
30 kHz 26 28 40 20
10 kHz 35 38 48 28
101 3 kHz 57 60 71 50
Measurement speed 1 kHz 126 129 138 120
summary 300 Hz 366 370 380 368
30 kHz 44 48 64 37
10 kHz 61 65 81 52
201 3 kHz 106 110 126 98
1 kHz 242 246 262 234
300 Hz 716 720 740 712
30 kHz 80 87 110 70
10 kHz 114 121 146 104
401 3 kHz 206 212 236 196
1 kHz 480 484 508 468
300 Hz 1424 1432 1448 1408
30 kHz 150 161 202 130
10 kHz 218 230 270 198
801 3 kHz 400 412 456 380
1 kHz 952 960 1000 928
300 Hz 2820 2840 2900 2800
S11, S21, S22, S12, S33, S23, S32, S13, S31, S14, S24, S34, S44, S41, S42, S43, Harmonics, Noise Figure, Intermodulation
Distortion (IMD), and user-defined combinations of a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2, b3, and b4. Mixed-Mode terms, too.
Frequency range of measurement can be narrowed within the calibration range without recalibration.
Measurement frequency
CW mode permits single frequency measurements, also without recalibration. In addition, the system accepts N
discrete frequency points where 2 <N <1601.
Domains Frequency Domain, CW Draw, and optional High Speed Time (Distance) Domain
Log Magnitude, Phase, Log Magnitude & Phase, Smith Chart (Impedance), Smith Chart (Admittance), Linear Polar, Log
Polar, Group Delay, Linear Magnitude, Linear Magnitude and Phase, Real, Imaginary, Real & Imaginary, SWR, and Power
1601 maximum. Number of data points can be switched to a value of 801, 401, 201, 101, 51, 15, or 3 points without
Data points recalibration (if 1601 points were used in the calibration). In addition, the system accepts an arbitrary set of N discrete
data points where 2 ≤N ≤1601. CW mode permits selection of a single data point without recalibration.
Can be entered in time or in distance (when the dielectric constant is entered). Automatic reference delay feature adds the
correct electrical length compensation at the push of a button. Software compensation for the electrical length difference
Reference delay
between reference and test is always accurate and stable since measurement frequencies are always synthesized.
In addition, the system compensates reference phase delay for dispersive transmission media such as microstrip.
Allows the ability to decouple channel 1 and 2 from channel 3 and 4 for the following parameters: correction type,
Measurement capabilities
Alternate sweep
start and stop frequencies, number of data points, markers, sweep time, averaging, smoothing, and IF bandwidth.
Twelve independent markers can be used to read out simultaneous measurement data. In alternate sweep mode there
Markers are sets of markers for each frequency sweep. In delta reference marker mode, any one marker can be selected as the
reference for the other eleven. Markers can be directed automatically to the minimum or maximum of a data trace.
Marker search for a level or bandwidth, displaying an active marker for each channel, and discrete or continuous
Enhanced markers
(interpolated) markers. Identifies the X dB bandwidth of amplifiers, filters, and other frequency sensitive devices.
Marker sweep Sweeps upward in frequency between any two markers. Recalibration is not required during the marker sweep.
Limit lines Either single or segmented limit lines can be displayed. Two limit lines are available for each trace.
Single limit readouts Interpolation algorithm determines the exact intersection frequencies of data traces and limit lines.
A total of 20 segments (10 upper and 10 lower) can be generated per data trace. Complete segmented traces can
Segmented limit lines
be offset in both frequency and amplitude.
Both single and segmented limits can be used for PASS/FAIL testing. PASS or FAIL status is indicated on the display
Test limits after each sweep. In addition, PASS/FAIL status is output through the rear panel I/O connector as selectable TTL levels
(PASS=0V, FAIL=+5V, or PASS=+5V, FAIL=0V).
Tune Mode optimizes sweep speed in tuning applications by updating forward S-parameters more frequently than
Tune mode reverse ones. This mode lets users select the ratio of forward sweeps to reverse sweeps after a full 12-term calibration.
The ratio of forward sweeps to reverse sweeps can be set anywhere between 1:1 to 10,000:1.
Power sweep measurements Both Swept Power Gain Compression and Swept Frequency Gain Compression modes are available.
Seven measurement sequences can be created, stored, edited, and run from the front panel. Sequences can include
Sequencing front-panel functions as well as user-definable control statements. Sequences can be run from either the unit front
panel, via GPIB, or from an AT-style keyboard plugged into the front panel.
Harmonic measurement Measurement/display of fundamental, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, & 9th harmonic
Continued on next page
390 For product ordering information, see pages 3 – 6
Four, each of which can display any S-parameter or user-defined parameter in any format with up to two traces per
channel for a maximum of eight traces simultaneously. Each channel is also capable of displaying harmonics, noise figure,
Display channels
Display capabilities
intermodulation distortion, or time domain trace. A single channel, two channels (1 and 3, or 2 and 4), or all four channels
can be displayed simultaneously. Channels 1 and 3, or channels 2 and 4, can be overlaid for rectilinear graph types.
Displays two data traces on the active channel’s graticule simultaneously. The overlaid trace is displayed in yellow and
Trace overlay
the primary trace is displayed in red.
A separate memory for each channel can be used to store measurement data for later display or subtraction, addition,
Trace memory
multiplication or division with current measurement data.
Blanking function removes all references to displayed frequencies on the LCD. Frequency blanking can only be
Blank frequency information
restored through a system reset or GPIB command.
Averaging of 1 to 4096 averages can be selected. The data averaging function is performed at each data point during
Data averaging the frequency sweep. Averaging can be toggled on or off via the front panel; a front-panel LED indicates that the data
averaging function is enabled.
IF bandwidth Soft Key selection of IF bandwidth (30 kHz, 10 kHz, 3 kHz, 1 kHz, 300 Hz, 100 Hz, 30 Hz, 10 Hz)
Computes an average over a percentage range of the data trace. The percentage of trace to be smoothed can be
Trace smoothing
selected from 0 to 20% of trace.
Group delay is measured by computing the phase change in degrees across a frequency step by applying the formula:
Group Tg = –1/360 d(phase)
Defined as the frequency span over which the phase change is computed at a given frequency point. The aperture can
be changed without recalibration. The minimum aperture is the frequency range divided by the number of points in
calibration and can be increased to 20% of the frequency range without recalibration. The frequency width of the
Group delay aperture and the percent of the frequency range are displayed automatically.
The maximum delay range is limited to measuring no more than ±180° of phase change within the aperture set by
Measurement enhancements
the number of frequency points. A frequency step size of 100 kHz corresponds to 10 microseconds.
Measurement For continuous measurement of a through connection, RSS fluctuations due to phase and FM noise are:
repeatability 1.41 {(Phase Noise)^2 + (Tg x Residual FM Noise)^2}^.5
(sweep to
sweep) 360 (Aperture in Hz)
A 3.5 inch diskette drive with 1.44 Mb formatted capacity is used to load measurement programs and to store and
Internal floppy disk drive
recall measurement and calibration data and front panel setups.
Measurement data 102.8 kb per 1601 point S-parameter data file
Calibration data 187.3 kb per 1601 point S-parameter data file (12-term cal plus setup)
Trace memory file 12.8 kb per 1601 point channel
GPIB interfaces 2 ports
Connects to an external controller for use in remote programming of the network analyzer. Address can be set from the
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Power requirements 85-240V, 48-63 Hz, 540 VA maximum
–40°C to +75°C.
Operating temperature
0°C to +50°C (specifications apply at 23°C ±3 °C).
Relative humidity 5% to 95% at +40°C.
EMC Directive - 89/336/EEC
CISPR-11:1990/EN55011:1991 Group 1 Class A
EMC Directive - 89/336/EEC per EN61326
Meets the emmissions and IEC 61000-3-2
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Main frame Noise sources
MS4622A 10MHz – 3GHz transmission/reflection NC346A 5 dB ENR noise source (3.5 mm)
MS4622B 10MHz – 3GHz active reversing NC346B 15 dB ENR noise source (3.5 mm)
MS4622D 10MHz – 3GHz Balanced / Differential 4-Port
MS4623A 10MHz – 6GHz transmission/reflection Calibration kits
MS4623B 10MHz – 6GHz active reversing 3750R SMA/3.5 mm RF Cal Kit ≤9 GHz
MS4623D 10MHz – 6GHz Balanced / Differential 4-Port 3750R/1 Adds a set of five Phase Equal Insertables (PEIs)
MS4624A 10MHz – 9GHz transmission/reflection 3750R/3 Adds additional 3.5 mm (female) and 3.5 mm (male)
MS4624B 10MHz – 9GHz active reversing terminations required for four port calibrations.
MS4624D 10MHz – 9GHz Balanced / Differential 4-Port 3751R GPC-7 RF Cal Kit ≤9 GHz
3751R/2 Adds a third GPC-7 termination required for three port
Options calibrations.
Option 1 Rack mount kit with slides 3751R/3 Adds two additional GPC-7 terminations required for four
Option 2 Time domain port calibrations.
Option 3A Adds to MS4622B a 2nd internal source (3 GHz source) 3753R 50 Ω, Type N, RF Cal Kit ≤9 GHz
+ 3rd port 3753R/1 Adds a set of five Phase Equal Insertables (PEIs)
Option 3B Adds to MS4623B a 2nd internal source (6 GHz source) 3753R/3 Adds additional N (female) and N (male) terminations
+ 3rd port required for four port calibrations.
Option 3E Adds to MS4624B a 2nd internal source 3753-75R 75 Ω, Type N, RF Cal Kit ≤9 GHz
(9 GHz source) + 3rd port 3753-75R/3 Adds additional N (75 Ω female) and N (75 Ω male)
Option 4∗1 Noise figure 50 MHz to 3 GHz (only for B models) terminations required for four port calibrations.
Option 4B∗1 Noise figure 50 MHz to 6 GHz (only for B models)
Option 4F∗1 Noise figure 50 MHz to 3 GHz (only for D models) Verification kits
Option 4G∗1 Noise figure 50 MHz to 6 GHz (only for D models) 3663R Type N verification kit
Option 5 Frequency translation group delay 3666R SMA/3.5 mm verification kit
Option 6∗2 3rd test port (B models; for use with external 3667R GPC-7 verification kit
Option 7 T/R step attenuator (only for A models, standard on B) Accessories
Option 8 Harmonic measurement 15LL50-0.3A 3.5 mm Male-Male Cable, 30 cm
Option 11∗3 Test Port connector 15LL50-0.6A 3.5 mm Male-Male Cable, 60 cm
Option 13 Intermodulation distortion 15LLF50-0.3A 3.5 mm Male-Female Cable, 30 cm
Option 24 Processing Upgrade for MS462xB and MS462xC 15LLF50-0.6A 3.5 mm Male-Female Cable, 60 cm
(standard in MS462xD) 15NN50-0.3B Type N Male-Male Cable, 30 cm
15NN50-0.6B Type N Male-Male Cable, 60 cm
AutoCal ® 15NNF50-0.3B Type N Male-Female Cable, 30 cm
36581NNF/2 AutoCal ®, Type N, 10 MHz to 9 GHz 15NNF50-0.6B Type N Male-Female Cable, 60 cm
36581KKF/2 AutoCal ®, Type K, 10 MHz to 9 GHz
36584KF AutoCal®, 4-Port Type K, 10 MHz to 9 GHz
36584NF AutoCal®, 4-Port Type N, 10 MHz to 9 GHz ∗1: Does not include noise source.
∗2: Port 3 is a receiving port only, unless using an external synthesizer.
∗3: Standard connector is N-female, no cost option for 3.5 mm (male),
3.5 mm (female), N-male, or GPC-7.
The MS462XC series of RF vector network analyzers are configured provide both the LO and RF signal required by the mixer – the sys-
as direct-access receivers for antenna, frequency conversion, and tem automatically tunes the receiver to the appropriate IF frequency.
multiple output device measurements. The MS462XC offers ultimate The unit can control additional external sources as required for inter-
flexibility to meet most receiver measurement needs while maintain- modulation measurements.
ing the ability to measure all four S parameters with the addition of a The setup of the sources is obviously quite important in a mixer mea-
reflectometer setup at the front end of the receiver. surement. The Mixer device type simplifies this task somewhat. It al-
The MS462XC series offers three wide-band RF models covering the lows the quick selection of which source is to be the DUT LO. It al-
10 MHz to 3 GHz, 6 GHz or 9 GHz ranges, MS4622C, MS4623C, lows simple selection of a fixed LO or fixed IF measurement scenario
and MS4624C, respectively. (and specifying that LO or IF frequency). And, it informs the receiver
of what kind of DUT conversion to expect (up conversion |RF+LO|,
Applications down conversion |RF –LO|, or no conversions might be used for a
• Mixers quick leakage measurement). Activating the mixer device type also
Mixers are integral components of most measurement systems. performs the important function of turning on both internal sources
Mixer measurements are complicated by the fact that an LO is re- for front panel access (usually using ports 1 and 3 driving, port 2 be-
quired and multiple frequencies are involved in the complete mea- ing the receive port). Two ports are not allowed to drive simultane-
surement of a mixer. In addition, the mixer is non-linear so power lev- ously during normal S-parameter measurements.
els must be carefully considered, and in many instances non-linear • Antennas
effects such as compression and intermodulation distortion must be Far-field measurements are enhanced with the speed of taking data
measured. The MS462XC has many features that simplify mixer over GPIB, using fast CW mode. Rates of 8,900 points per second
measurements. The MS462XC can include two built in sources, to can be achieved.
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Specifications Ordering information
General measurement and enhancement display capabilities are the Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
same as those for the MS4622A/B/D, MS4623A/B/D, MS4624A/B/D. Model/Order No. Name
Number of channels Four measurement channels Mainframe
Operating port power MS4622C 10 MHz to 3 GHz direct receiver access
–5 dBm for 0.1 dB compression MS4623C 10 MHz to 6 GHz direct receiver access
(A1, A2, B1 and B2)
MS4624C 10 MHz to 9 GHz direct receiver access
Maximum port power
+20 dBm
for no damage Options
–110 dBm@10 Hz IF bandwidth (<3 GHz), Option 1 Rack mount kit with slides
typically >–120 dBm in narrowband sweep; Option 2 Time domain
Noise floor Option 3C Adds to MS4622C a 2nd internal source (3 GHz source)
–100 dBm@10 Hz IF bandwidth (>3 GHz),
typically >–110 dBm in narrowband sweep + 3rd port
Option 3D Adds to MS4623C a 2nd internal source (6 GHz source)
System dynamic range 97 dB + 3rd port
MS4622C: +10 to –85 dBm Option 3F Adds to MS4624C a 2nd internal source (9 GHz source)
Power output range
MS4623C: +7 to –85 dBm + 3rd port
(ports 1, 2 and 3)
MS4624C: +7 to –85 dBm Option 4D∗3 Noise figure 50 MHz to 3 GHz (only for C models)
Source match Option 4E∗3 Noise figure 50 MHz to 6 GHz (only for C models)
–9 dB (uncorrected) Option 5 Frequency translated group delay
(RF1, RF2 and RF3)
Option 6 3rd test port (only for B and C models)
Port match Option 7 T/R step attenuator (only for A models, standard on B)
–12 dB (uncorrected)
(A1, A2, B1 and B2) Option 8∗1 Harmonic measurement
MS4622C: 10 MHz to 3 GHz Option 11∗2 Test Port connector
Frequency range MS4623C: 10 MHz to 6 GHz Option 13 Intermodulation distortion
MS4624C: 10 MHz to 9 GHz Option 24 Processing Upgrade for MS462xB and MS462xC
(standard in MS462xD)
2nd internal source Optional
Intermodulation Distortion Optional Noise sources
NC346A 5dB ENR noise source (3.5 mm)
IMD (3rd order) 70 dB with 10 Hz IF bandwidth @ 300 kHz
NC346B 15dB ENR noise source (3.5 mm)
dynamic range tone separation and @ –20 dBm tone levels
IMD accuracy ±1 dB @ > –60 dBm levels ∗1: Subject to frequency range limitations imposed by test set.
∗2: Standard connector is N-female, no cost option for 3.5 mm (male),
Power measurement ±1 dB without flat power calibration 3.5mm (female), N-male, or GPC-7.
accuracy ±0.1 dB with flat power calibration ∗3: Does not include noise source.
Full reversing
transfer switch
The ME7840A Power Amplifier Test System (PATS) is a flexible, • Scorpion Navigator Software
easy-to-use system for base station power amplifier testing and with The Scorpion Navigator software is installed on your computer to or-
the introduction of the new option 4 Handset Amplifier Test Set chestrate the PATS and HATS measurements. The computer should
(HATS) it now provides full coverage to handle all of your power am- be a Pentium II at 200 MHz or equivalent system with a GPIB Card
plifier testing needs. (computer not included).
• MS462xC Vector Network Measurement System (VNMS)
Key Benefits The MS462xC is the Direct Receiver Access (DRA) configuration for
• Versatility to characterize most power and handset amplifiers the MS462xx family of Vector Network Measurement Systems (VN-
• Consolidate multiple test stations and connections to increase pro- MS). The MS462xC series is available in two wide-band RF models
ductivity covering the 10 MHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz range (MS4622C and
• Improve accuracy and repeatability of S-parameter, Harmonics, MS4623C respectively).
Gain Compression, Intermodulation Distortion (IMD), and Adjacent • MS4782D Test Set (Option 4, MN4783A)
Channel Power Ratio (ACPR) measurements The MS4782D or MN4783A (option 4) Test Set provides the neces-
• Flexibility to accommodate future requirements with auxiliary paths sary hardware to interface between your power amplifier and the VNMS.
• Scorpion Navigator™ enables test executive integration in about a
week Scorpion Navigator Software Results
With frequency sweeps as fast as 150 µs/point and power sweeps as
PATS consists of three distinct parts: The Scorpion Navigator
fast as 150 µs/point, you can quickly, thoroughly, and accurately
Software, the MS462xC Vector Network Measurement System, and
characterize your power amplifiers in real-time.
the MS4782D Test Set.
Simultaneously overlay measurements in both frequency and power
and see the results of over 250 data points updated twice per second.
Measurement capabilities:
Swept Frequency Swept Power
Measurements CW
(as fast as 150 µsecs/pt) (as fast as 150 µsecs/pt)
ACPR √ √ ∗1
√ √ √
Hot S22
IMD, TOI (two-tone):
√ √ √
3rd, 5th, 7th, & 9th
Gain Compression:
P1 dB √ √ √
AM/PM √ √
Magnitude √ √ √
Phase √
Noise Figure∗2 √ √
Power Added
√ √ √
Efficiency (PAE)
Drain Current √ √ √
∗1: Swept power speed is related to external source
∗2: Noise Figure only available with option 4 (HATS test set)
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Power Amplifier Test Set Block Diagram Handset Amplifier Test Set Block Diagram
The following block diagram depicts the standard MS4782D Test Set The following block diagram depicts the standard MS4782D Test Set
design. Anritsu can configure and optimize a custom test set for your design. Anritsu can configure and optimize a custom test set for your
specific requirements. specific requirements.
70dB, 10dB/step
ANALOG IN 70dB, 10dB/step K
RF3 RF1 A1 B1 B2 A2 RF2
RF3 RF1 A1 B1 B2 A2 RF2
+7 dBm +7 dBm CONTROL
-30dB COMBINER -20dB C2
C1 C1
70dB, 10dB/step 70 dB,
10 dB/step
-30dB -20dB POWER
-30dB POWER -20dB
Front Noise Test Port 1 Test Port 2 Aux Out
Ext. Source Rear Test Port 1 Test Port 2 Aux Out Source In
Noise AUT
AUT Source
*Circulator is required only for S22 measurement. MODULATION OPTIONAL
If S22 is not required, port C1 is connected to C2 SYNTHESIZER CURRENT PROBE
as shown by dashed line.
Specifications Specifications
Characteristic Value Notes Characteristic Value Notes
Without Hot S22 provision
Amplifier Under Test Amplifier Under
100W max (Contact Anritsu for custom designs 5W max –
Power Output Test Power Output
for higher power)
Without S22 provision
Bandwidth through 800 MHz – Bandwidth through 10 MHz –
(Contact Anritsu for custom designs –
Test Set 2.4 GHZ Test Set 6.0 GHZ
for different frequency ranges)
This value is for each tone, at Amplifier Under This value is for each tone, at
Amplifier Under Test
–85 dBm to combiner input. Provision for Test Input Power –65 dBm to combiner input. Provision for
Input Power range
+10 dBm preamplifiers provided for greater range available +13 dBm preamplifiers provided for
available from PATS
levels from HATS greater levels
With 10 Hz IF bandwidth @ 300 kHz With 10 Hz IF bandwidth
IMD (3rd order) IMD (3rd order)
70 dB min tone separation and –20 dBm tone 70 dB min @ 300 kHz tone separation and
Dynamic Range Dynamic Range
levels –20 dBm tone levels
IMD Accuracy ±1 dB max @ >–60 dBc levels IMD Accuracy ±1 dB max @ >–60 dBc levels
±0.1 dB typical With flat power calibration Port Power ±0.1 dB typical With flat power calibration
Port Power Accuracy
±1 dB max Without flat power calibration Accuracy ±1 dB max Without flat power calibration
Dynamic Range 80 dB min Over-all system including Test Set 80 dB typical 10 MHz to 3 GHz
Dynamic Range
Port Match 70 dB typical 3 GHz to 6 GHz
40 dB min Corrected value
(test ports 1 & 2)
Port Match 40 dB (corrected) Uncorrected match for
Port Match 10 MHz to 3 GHz 13 dB (uncorrected) Test Port 2 is typically 20 dB
13 dB min Uncorrected value
(test ports 1 & 2)
Port Match 37 dB (corrected) Uncorrected match for
Directivity 40 dB 800 MHz – 2.4 GHz, Corrected value 3 GHz to 6 GHz 13 dB (uncorrected) Test Port 2 is typically 18 dB
Directivity 40 dB 50 MHz – 6 GHz, Corrected value
Noise Figure 50 MHz – 6 GHz
ME7840/1 Replace MS4623C with MS4622C (3 GHz option)
ME7840/2 Replace MS4782D test set with MS4782A
ME7840/3 Delete Test Set
ME7840/4 Handset Amplifier Test Set (HATS)
(5 Watts, 10 – 6000 MHz)
Circulators may be required for measurements of Hot S22:
1000-50 Circulator, 800 – 1000 MHz, 20 dB min, 50 Watts
Max AUT Power
1000-52 Circulator, 1.8 – 2.5 GHz, 20 dB min, 50 Watts
Max AUT Power, (connecting cable(s) not included)
1000-53 Circulator, 1.8 – 2.5 GHz, 22 dB min, 79 Watts
Max AUT Power
Note: All circulators have 3 SMA female connectors.
Current Probes 7
Current Probes are required for drain current and Power
Added Efficiency (PAE) calculations:
2000-1067 Current Probe
Max current: 100mV/A:10A, 10mV/A:100A
Accuracy (at lesser current range setting):
3% of reading ±50mA
2000-1085 Current Probe
Max current: 1mV/mA:1A, 10mV/A:80A
Accuracy (at lesser current range setting):
2% of reading ±5mA
Calibration kits
3750R SMA/3.5 mm RF Cal Kit ≤9 GHz
3750R/1 Adds a set of five Phase Equal Insertables (PEIs)
3750R/3 Adds additional 3.5 mm (female) and 3.5 mm (male)
terminations required for four port calibrations.
3753R 50 Ω, Type N, RF Calkit ≤9 GHz
3753R/1 Adds a set of five Phase Equal Insertables (PEIs)
3753R/3 Adds additional N (female) and N (male) terminations
required for four port calibrations.
36581NNF/2 AutoCal, Type N, 10 MHz to 9 GHz
36581KKF/2 AutoCal, Type K, 10 MHz to 9 GHz
Economy cables
15LL50-0.3A 3.5 mm Male-Male Cable, 30 cm
15LL50-0.6A 3.5 mm Male-Male Cable, 60 cm
15LLF50-0.3A 3.5 mm Male-Female Cable, 30 cm
15LLF50-0.6A 3.5 mm Male-Female Cable, 60 cm
15NN50-0.3B Type N Male-Male Cable, 30 cm
15NN50-0.6B Type N Male-Male Cable, 60 cm
15NNF50-0.3B Type N Male-Female Cable, 30 cm
15NNF50-0.6B Type N Male-Female Cable, 60 cm
∗1: ME7840A standard connector type is N-female.
∗2: Scorpion® DRA rear panel Reference Channel Connectors a1, a2, b1,
and b2 are SMA-female connectors.
∗3: Special test sets can be configured for other power levels and frequency
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10 to 6000 MHz
Fully Characterize and Test Tower Mounted Amplifiers (TMAs) with a Single Connection
The result of working with a top infrastructure provider of Node B • MS462xB Vector Network Measurement System (VNMS)
base station components, the ME7842B is a measurement system The MS462xB is a powerful full reversing S-parameter configuration
capable of simplifying the complexity of multi-port Tower Mounted offering performance, ease-of-use and the versatility that is required
Amplifier (TMA) test. With innovative instrumentation, flexible multi- in TMA testing.
port test set and easy-to-use software, TMATS has dramatically re- The MS462xB series is available in two wide-band RF models cov-
duced TMA test times from hours to just minutes. The easy-to-use ering the 10 MHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz range (MS4622B and MS4623B
software, the Scorpion Navigator™, includes unprecedented features respectively).
that enable integration into any manufacturing environment in about • MN4790A Test Set
a week. The solution is now commercialized and ready to tackle The MN4790A Test Set provides the necessary hardware to inter-
your toughest TMA measurement requirements. face between your tower mounted amplifier (TMA) and the VNMS.
Key Benefits
• Versatility to characterize most TMA configurations (2 – 5 ports) Measurement capabilities:
• Consolidate multiple test stations and connections to increase pro- Swept Frequency Swept Power
Measurements CW
ductivity (as fast as 150 µsecs/pt) (as fast as 150 µsecs/pt)
• Improve accuracy and repeatability of S-parameter, Harmonics, Noise Figure √ √
Gain Compression, Intermodulation Distortion (IMD), Noise Figure
(NF), and Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR) measurements ACPR √ √∗
• Flexibility to accommodate future requirements with auxiliary paths S-Parameters √ √ √
• Scorpion Navigator enables test executive integration in about a IMD, TOI (two-tone):
week √ √ √
3rd, 5th, 7th, & 9th
TMATS consists of three distinct parts: The Scorpion Navigator soft- Gain Compression:
ware, MS462xB Vector Network Measurement System, and the P1 dB √ √ √
MN4790A Test Set. AM/PM √ √
IMD (3rd Order) Dynamic Range 70 dBm
IMD Accuracy ±1 dB max (at >–60 dBc Levels)
Port Power Accuracy ±0.1 dB typical (with flat power Levels)
Dynamic Range 80 dB typical
S2 S4
Attenuator GPIB 40 dB (10 MHz to 3 GHz, corrected)
70 dB, Directivity
10 dB/step 35 dB (3 GHz to 6 GHz, corrected)
AUX-RBS Source Match 35 dB (10 MHz to 6 GHz, corrected)
ANALYZER Isolation between DUT Ports
ANTn ↔ RBSn 100 dB
Damage Level (test set) >+27 dBm
S3 S5
Ordering information
AUX-ANT AUX-ANT RF ANT A ANT B RBS B RBS A Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Anritsu can configure and optimize a custom test set for your specific
requirements. The following information represents the standard
A Rx/Tx configuration.
36581NNF/2 AutoCal, 2-Port N, 10 MHz to 9 GHz
36585NF AutoCal, 4-Port N, 10 MHz to 9 GHz
Economy cables
806-109 Type N Male to 7/16 Male Cable, 60 cm
15NN50-0.3B Type N Male to Male Cable, 30 cm
15NN50-0.6B Type N Male to Male Cable, 60 cm
15NNF50-0.3B Type N Male to Female Cable, 30 cm
15NNF50-0.6B Type N Male to Female Cable, 60 cm
Noise Sources
NC346A 5 dB ENR Noise Source, 3.5 mm connector
NC346B 15 dB ENR Noise Source, 3.5 mm connector
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36584 Series
10 MHz to 9 GHz
The 36584 series AutoCal® modules are automatic calibrators that • True thru
provide fast, repeatable, and high-quality coaxial calibrations for 2, 3, Inherently, the internal calibrator thru is not as accurate as an external
& 4-Port S-Parameter requirements up to 9 GHz. These modules direct thru connection. The true thru mode offers the choice of man-
contain precisely characterized calibration standards that aid in the ually removing the AutoCal® module for a true thru calibration.
removal of normal systematic errors when using the MS46XXA/B/C/D • Isolation cal
series Vector Network Measurement System (VNMS). The 4-Port Isolation cal is offered as part of a full 2, 3, or 4-port calibration. The
AutoCal® is available in two models: 10 MHz to 9 GHz, with N (f) con- user is given the option of skipping isolation, using the default aver-
nectors and 10 MHz to 9 GHz, with K (f) connectors. 4-Port aging factor during isolation, or entering a custom averaging factor.
AutoCal® modules come with a data file characterizing each stan-
dard in the calibrator module. Each module is guaranteed to perform
• Thru update
Due to cable movements and aging, periodically updating the thru
to its specifications for six months without re-characterization. portion of a calibration is recommended. Thru update mode offers
Following this period, re-characterization can be performed by the the choice of simply performing a direct manual thru step to update
customer, or by sending the module to the nearest service center. a current calibration. This is easily performed without having to in-
The 4-Port AutoCal® has a direct serial interface to the MS462x se- voke the AutoCal® module.
ries of Anritsu Vector Network Measurement Systems. The control
software is built-in to the VNMS. • Manual control
Manual control offers the ability to connect any of the internal stan-
Features dards to the test ports of the VNA. This feature could be used to
• Calibration types manually verify a calibration.
1-port S11 and S22 calibration, and full 2-port, 12-term OSLT, 3-port, • Adapter removal
24-term OSLT, and 4-port, 40-term OSLT calibrations can be per- VNA calibration for testing non-insertable devices requires phase
formed with the 4-Port 36584 series AutoCal®. equal insertables. If this is not possible, or is undesirable, adapter re-
• Fast moval calibration is the solution. Adapter removal requires two full
Significantly reduces calibration time making it ideal for the manu- 12-term calibrations, moving an adapter from one test port cable to
facturing environment. the other between calibrations (a job AutoCal® makes quick and
easy). Internal software mathematically subtracts the effect of the
• Reliable adapter, yielding the desired adapter-less measurement.
Eliminates unreliable measurements due to inaccurate manual cali-
• Accurate
Accuracy that exceeds OSLT calibration, with broadband loads.
Characterized modules are traceable to NIST.
http://www.anritsu.com 401
3658 Series
10 MHz to 40 GHz
The 3658 series AutoCal® modules are automatic calibrators that • Isolation cal
provide fast, repeatable, and high-quality coaxial calibrations up to Isolation cal is offered as part of a full 2-port calibration. The user is
40 GHz. These modules contain precisely characterized calibration given the option of skipping isolation, using the default averaging fac-
standards that aid in the removal of normal systematic errors when us- tor during isolation, or entering a custom averaging factor.
ing vector network analyzers (VNAs). AutoCal® is available in four • Switch averaging
models: 0.04 to 18 GHz, with N (m) to N (f) connectors, 0.01 to 9 GHz The mechanical module uses an electromechanical switch to select
and 0.04 to 20 GHz, with K (m) to K (f) connectors, and 0.04 to 40 the calibration standards. Switch averaging is offered to reduce the
GHz, with K (m) to K (f) connectors. effects of the electromechanical switch’s non-repeatability. A 6 dB
AutoCal® modules come with a data file characterizing each stan- reduction of non-repeatability can be achieved by increasing switch
dard in the calibrator module. Each module is guaranteed to perform averaging by a factor of four, at the expense of the overall calibration
to its specifications for six months without re-characterization. time.
Following this period, re-characterization can be performed by the
customer, or by sending the module to the nearest service center.
• Thru update
Due to cable movements and aging, periodically updating the thru
Test port cable converter sets aid the user in calibrating a VNA for portion of a full 12-term calibration is recommended. Thru update
testing non-insertable devices and devices with SMA or 3.5 mm con- mode offers the choice of simply performing a direct manual thru
nectors. Test port converter sets are available for K Connector®, step to update a current calibration. This is easily performed without
SMA, and 3.5 mm connectors. Adapter removal calibration is re- having to invoke the AutoCal® module.
quired for N type non-insertable device testing.
AutoCal® has a direct serial interface to the 37xxx and MS462x series • Manual control
of Anritsu vector network analyzers. The control software is built-in to Manual control offers the ability to connect any of the internal stan-
the VNA. For operation with the 360B and/or older generation 37xxx dards to the test ports of the VNA. This feature could be used to
models, an external PC running Microsoft Windows® with a National manually verify a calibration.
Instruments IEEE488.2 GPIB interface card is required. • Adapter removal
VNA calibration for testing non-insertable devices, requires phase
Features equal insertables. If this is not possible or is undesirable, adapter re-
• Calibration types moval calibration is the solution. Adapter removal requires two full
1-port S11 and S22 calibration, and full 2-port, 12-term OSLT calibra- 12-term calibrations, moving an adapter from one test port cable to
tions can be performed with AutoCal®. the other between calibrations (a job AutoCal® makes quick and
• True thru easy). Internal software mathematically subtracts the effect of the
Inherently, the internal calibrator thru is not as accurate as an exter- adapter, yielding the desired adapterless measurement.
nal direct thru connection. The true thru mode offers the choice of
manually removing the AutoCal® module for a true thru calibration.
• Reflection tracking
Frequency AutoCal® module AutoCal® with 36583X
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
0.01 to 2 GHz ±0.15 dB ±0.20 dB
2 to 20 GHz ±0.20 dB ±0.25 dB AutoCal® modules
36581NNF N type, 40 MHz to 18 GHz
20 to 40 GHz ±0.25 dB ±0.30 dB
36581NNF/2 N type, 10 MHz to 9 GHz
36581KKF K type, 40 MHz to 20 GHz
36581KKF/2 K type, 10 MHz to 9 GHz
• Transmission tracking (Internal thru mode) 36582KKF K type, 40 MHz to 40 GHz
Frequency AutoCal® module AutoCal® with 36583X
Test port converter sets
0.01 to 2 GHz ±0.15 dB ±0.20 dB 36583S SMA type 7
2 to 20 GHz ±0.20 dB ±0.25 dB 36583L 3.5 mm type
36583K K type
20 to 40 GHz ±0.25 dB ±0.30 dB
2300-228 Re-characterization Software (for 360B’s and 37000’s
• Transmission tracking (True thru mode) prior to serial number 992001)
Frequency AutoCal® module AutoCal® with 36583X
AutoCal® may be sent to the nearest service center for re-characterization, or
0.01 to 2 GHz ±0.10 dB ±0.15 dB
a service engineer may perform the task at the customer’s site. To minimize
2 to 20 GHz ±0.10 dB ±0.15 dB down-time, the customer can re-characterize his own AutoCal® module with a
20 to 40 GHz ±0.20 dB ±0.25 dB Lightning or Scorpion family VNA and a traditional cal kit.
• Serial input connector
9 pin D-sub allowing PC or direct VNA control. (Serial cable supplied)
• Power supply input connector
+5V, ±15V for the electronic modules, and +5V, +24V for the electro-
mechanical module. The modules are keyed against plugging the
wrong supply. The appropriate DC supply is supplied with each
AutoCal® module. These universal supplies will operate at either
110V or 220V input voltages.
• Power LED
On when the DC supply is plugged in.
• Operate LED
On when the module’s internal temperature has stabilized at an op-
timum temperature for accurate calibrations.
• Dimensions
155 (W) x 65 (H) x 90 (D) mm (6 W x 2.5 H x 3.5 D in.)
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Calibration Kits
The Anritsu Calibration Kits contain all the precision components 3651 GPC-7 Calibration Kit consisting of:
and tools required to calibrate your VNA or VNMS for error-correct- • 28A50-2 Broadband Termination (2)
ed measurements in the connector style of your choice. Components • 24A50 Open
are included for calibrating male and female test ports as required. • 23A50 Short
The kits support calibration with opens, shorts, and broadband • 01-200 Torque Wrench
loads. Option 1 adds sliding terminations and a pin depth gauge • 01-221 Collet Extractor Tool and 4 Collets
where required. • Calibration coefficients diskette
Each calibration kit is individually serialized and characterized to ensure Option 1
precise calibrations. A calibration coefficients diskette is included in Adds the following:
the kit that is directly readable into the instrument. • 17A50 Sliding Termination
• 01-210 Reference Flat
The following kits are for use with 37XXX Lightning VNAs. • 01-220 Pin Depth Gauge
3650 SMA/3.5 mm Calibration Kit consisting of:
• 34ASF50-2 Female Adapter (2) 3652 K Connector® Calibration Kit consisting of:
• 33FSF50 Female-Female Adapter (2)∗ • 34AKF50-2 Female Adapter (2)
• 33SS50 Male-Male Adapter∗ • 33FKF50 Female-Female Adapter (2)∗
• 28S50-2 B Male Termination (2) • 33KK50 Male-Male Adapter∗
• 28SF50-2 Broadband Female Termination (2) • 28K50-2 Male Termination (2)
• 33SSF50-Male-Female Adapter (2)∗ • 28KF50-2 broadband Female termination (2)
• 24S50 Male Open • 33KKF50-Male-Female Adapter (2)∗
• 23SF50 Female Open • 24K50 Male Open
• 23S50 Male Short • 23KF50 Female Open
• 23SF50 Female Short • 23K50 Male Short
• 34AS50-2 Male Adapter (2) • 23KF50 Female Short
• Connector Thumb Wheel (4) • 34AK50-2 Male Adapter (2)
• 01-201 Torque Wrench • 01-201 Torque Wrench
• 01-210 Reference Flat • 01-210 Reference Flat
• 01-222 Pin Depth Gauge • 01-222 Pin Depth Gauge
• 01-223 Pin Depth Gauge • 01-223 Pin Depth Gauge
• Calibration coefficients diskette • Calibration coefficients diskette
• Connector thumb wheel (4)
Option 1
Adds the following: Option 1
• 01-212 Female Flush Short Adds the following:
• 01-211 Male Flush Short • 17KF50 Female Sliding Termination
• 17SF50 Female Sliding Termination • 17K50 Male Sliding Termination
• 17S50 Male Sliding Termination • 01-212 Female Flush Short
• 01-211 Male Flush Short
Consisting of:
• Short, Flush (2)
• Offsets, 1/8 and 3/8 Wavelength
• Terminations, Fixed (2)
• Test Port Sections (2)
Option 1
Adds the following:
• Sliding Termination
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The following kits are for use with MS462XX Scorpion® VNMS. Ordering information
3750R SMA/3.5 mm 9 GHz Calibration Kit consisting of: Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
• 23LF50 Female Short
• 23L50 Male Short Model/Order No. Name
• 24LF50 Female Open 37XXX Lightning VNA Calibration Kits
• 24L50 Male Open 3650 SMA/3.5 mm calibration kit
• 28L50LF Male Termination (2) Option 1 Adds sliding terminations
• 28LF50LF Female Termination (2) 3651 GPC-7 calibration kit
Option 1 Adds sliding terminations
• Calibration coefficients diskette 3652 K Connector® calibration kit
Option 1 Option 1 Adds sliding terminations
3653 Type N calibration kit
Adds the following: 3654B V Connector® calibration kit with sliding terminations
• Set of five Phase Equal Insertables (PEIs) 3655 Waveguide calibration kit
Option 1 Adds sliding terminations
Option 3
3656 W1 (1.0 mm) calibration and verification kit
Adds the following:
• Additional 3.5 mm (female) and 3.5 mm (male) terminations MS462XX Scorpion VNMS Calibration Kits
required for four port calibrations 3750R SMA/3.5 mm 9 GHz calibration kit
Option 1 Adds a set of five Phase Equal Insertables (PEIs)
3751R GPC-7 9 GHz Calibration Kit consisting of: Option 3 Adds an additional 3.5 mm (female) and 3.5 mm (male)
• 23A50 Short terminations required for four port calibrations
3751R GPC-7 9 GHz calibration kit
• 24A50 Open Option 2 Adds a third GPC-7 termination required for three port
• 28A50LF Termination (2) calibrations
• Calibration coefficients diskette Option 3 Adds two additional GPC-7 terminations required for four
port calibrations
Option 2 3753R Type N 9 GHz calibration kit
Adds the following: Option 1 Adds a set of five Phase Equal Insertables (PEIs)
• Third GPC-7 termination required for three port calibrations Option 3 Adds additional N (female) and N (male) terminations
required for four port calibrations
Option 3 3753-75 75 Ω Type N 3 GHz calibration kit
Adds the following: Option 3 Adds additional N (75 Ω female) and N (75 Ω male)
• Two additional GPC-7 terminations required for four port calibrations terminations required for four port calibrations
The following kits are for use with MS462XX Scorpion VNMS. 7
The Anritsu Verification Kits contain precision components with char- 3663R Type N 9 GHz Verification Kit consisting of:
acteristics that are traceable to NIST. Used primarily by the metrolo- • 42N-50, 50 dB Attenuator
gy laboratory, these components provide the most dependable • 42N20, 20 dB Attenuator
means of determining the system accuracy of your VNA. A disk con- • 42NOP-20 N Mismatch attenuator
taining factory measured test data for all components is supplied for • Verification kit disks
comparison with customer-measured data.
3666R SMA/3.5 mm 9 GHz Verification Kit consisting of:
The following kits are for use with 37XXX Lightning VNAs. • 42L-50, 50 dB Attenuator
• 42L-20, 20 dB Attenuator
3663 Type N Verification Kit consisting of:
• 42LOP-20 SMA/3.5 mm Mismatch Attenuator
• 42N-50, 50 dB Attenuator
• Verification kit disks
• 18N50-10, 10 cm Airline
• 42N20, 20 dB Attenuator
• 18N50-10B, 10 cm Stepped Impedance Airline (Beatty standard) 3667R GPC-7 9 GHz Verification Kit consisting of:
• Verification kit disks • 42A-50, 50 dB Attenuator
• 42A-20, 20 dB Attenuator
• 42AOP-20 GPC-7 Mismatch Attenuator
3665 Waveguide Verification Kit consisting of:
• Verification kit disks
• Straight section
• Pin set
• Mismatch section Ordering information
• Ball driver Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
• 50 dB Attenuator
• 20 dB Attenuator Model/Order No. Name
• Verification kit disks Verification kits
3663 Type N verification kit
3666 SMA/3.5 mm Verification Kit consisting of: 3665 Waveguide verification kit
• 19S50-7, 7.5 cm Airline 3666 SMA/3.5 mm verification kit
• 19SF50-7B, 7.5 cm Stepped Impedance Airline (Beatty standard) 3667 GPC-7 verification kit
3668 K connector® verification kit
• 42S-50, 50 dB Attenuator
3669B V connector® verification kit
• 42S-20, 20 dB Attenuator 3663R Type N 9 GHz verification kit
• Verification kit disks 3666R SMA/3.5 mm 9 GHz verification kit
3667R GPC-7 9 GHz verification kit
http://www.anritsu.com 407
10 Hz to 300 MHz
The MS4630B is suitable for electronics production lines demanding Performance and functions
fast and accurate device measurements. It is particularly well suited • High dynamic range
to accurate, high-speed evaluation of IF filter resonance and group The high dynamic range of 120 dB (RBW: 1 kHz) permits fast and
delay characteristics, as well as evaluating the impedance charac- accurate out-of-band measurement of filter.
teristics of resonators in AV equipment and personal computers. A
fast sweep speed of 150 µs/measurement point is achieved using a
high-speed synthesizer and digital signal processing (DSP) tech-
nologies. The post-processing data analysis functions have been
strengthened with improved data-processing macros that have greatly
increased the total production throughput.
In comparison to the earlier MS3401A/B and MS3606B network an-
alyzers, the sweep speed is three times faster and the group delay
measurement accuracy and stability have been improved by more
than 10 times. In addition, the dynamic range has been improved to
120 dB (RBW: 1 kHz) while the weight of the analyzer has been dra-
matically reduced. The GPIB and PTA processing speed are 30 to
50% faster than the MS4630A. In addition, the sweep conditions can
be set more easily by the addition of the list sweep function.
• High-speed evaluation of IF filters, resonators, etc.
• Greatly increased production/inspection capacity Filter out-of-band attenuation measurement
• Multi-marker function
Up to 10 markers can be set independently for each channel. The
marker list function can be used to display all tabular data and wave-
form information simultaneously at each marker.
408 For product ordering information, see pages 3 – 6
• High-accuracy group delay measurement
The group delay characteristics can be measured with a high degree
of accuracy at a resolution of 1/10,000 of the measurement range.
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Resonator 2 measurement
Transmission characteristics (ratio measurement): Amplitude, phase, group delay
Measurement items Reflection/impedance characteristics: Amplitude, phase (with external transducer)
Level characteristics: Absolute amplitude
Range: 10 Hz to 300 MHz
Resolution: 0.01 Hz
Accuracy (standard)
Frequency Aging rate: ≤1 x 10–6/day (15 minutes after power-on)
Temperature characteristics: ≤±5 x 10–6 (0˚ to +50˚C)
Accuracy (Option 13: High-stability reference oscillator)
Aging rate: ≤±2 x 10–8/day (24 h after power-on)
Temperature characteristics: ≤±5 x 10–8 (0˚ to +50˚C)
Channel No.
Standard: 2 (R, TA); Option 12: 3 (R, TA, TB)
Impedance: 50 Ω, 1 MΩ switchable (when combined with MA4605A: 75 Ω, 1 MΩ)
Input range (IRG): 0/+20 dBm
Input Max. input power
AC: +20 dBm; DC ±2.2 V (50 Ω)
AC: 0 dBm; DC: ±20 V (1 MΩ)
Connector: BNC-J
Probe source: +12 ±1 V, 100 mA (with protective circuit for shorts)
Average noise level ≤–120 dBm (RBW: 1 kHz, 1 to 300 MHz), ≤–110 dBm (RBW: 1 kHz, 80 kHz to 1 MHz)
Between channels: ≥120 dB (80 kHz to 300 MHz), ≥110 dB (up to 80 kHz)
Between transmitter and receiver: ≥125 dB
Resolution bandwidth 3, 10, 30, 100, 500 Hz, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20 kHz and automatic setting
Output level range
Output A: 0 to +21 dBm; Option 10: –70 to +21 dBm
Output B: –6 to +15 dBm (–9.5 to +11.5 dB when Option 14 added);
Option 10: –76 to +15 dBm (–79.5 to +11.5 dB when Option 14 added)
Output resolution: 0.01 dB
Output Output level accuracy: ≤±1.0 dB (frequency: 100 MHz, Output A: +10 dBm)
Output level linearity: ≤±0.5 dB (0 dBm reference, frequency: 100 MHz, Output A: 0 to +21 dBm)
Output level deviation: ≤±1.5 dB (output A: +10 dBm, 100 MHz reference)
Step error: ±0.5 dB (Option 10)
Output impedance: 50 Ω (when combined with MA4605A: 75 Ω)
Connector: BNC-J
Measurement range: ≥120 dB
Measurement resolution: 0.001 dB
Display scale: 0.01 dB/div to 50 dB/div (1-2-5 sequence)
Dynamic accuracy
DRG: ∆θ/(360 x ∆F) ∗∆θ: phase measurement range; ∆F: frequency span x smoothing aperture (%);
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Frequency: 5/10 MHz ±10 ppm
Level: ≥0.7 Vp-p (AC coupling)
Input impedance: 50 Ω (connector: BNC-J)
Reference oscillator output
Frequency: 10 MHz
Level: TTL (DC coupling, connector: BNC-J)
Back-panel I/O External trigger input: TTL Level (connector: BNC-J)
GPIB: IEEE488.2 (24-pin Amphenol connector)
I/O Port: Parallel interface for PTA (36-pin Amphenol connector)
RGB output: For external monitor (15-pin D-SUB connector)
Video output: Separate (8-pin DIN)
Centronics (Option 02): Parallel interface for printer (25-pin D-SUB connector)
RS-232C (Option 02): Serial interface (9-pin D-SUB connector)
External control Standard: GPIB and PTA; Option 02: RS-232C
Power 100 to 120/200 to 240 Vac (–15%/+10%, 250 Vac max, 100/200 V system auto-switching), 47.5 to 63 Hz, ≤180 VA (max.)
Dimensions and mass 426 (W) x 177 (H) x 451 (D) mm, ≤15 kg
Environmental conditions Temperature range: 0˚ to +50˚C (operating; FDD: +4˚ to +50˚C), –20˚ to +60˚C (storage)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Main frame
MS4630B Network Analyzer
Standard accessories
Power cord, 2.6 m: 1 pc
F0013 Fuse, 5 A: 2 pcs
W1534AE MS4630B operation manual (main frame): 1 copy
W1535AE MS4630B operation manual (remote control): 1 copy
MS4630B-01 PMC interface
MS4630B-02 RS-232C, Centronics interface (printer output, external control)
MS4630B-10 Output attenuator (70 dB, mechanical type)
MS4630B-12 3 channel receiver
MS4630B-13 High stability reference oscillator (aging rate: ≤±2 x 10–8/day)
MS4630B-14 3 branch output (for 3 channel receiver)
Optional accessories
62BF50 Reflection Bridge
62B50 Reflection Bridge
62BF75 Reflection Bridge
62B75 Reflection Bridge
MA2201A Reflection Bridge
MA2203A Reflection Bridge
MA2301A Reflection Bridge
MA2302A Reflection Bridge
MA2303A Reflection Bridge
MA2204A Impedance Probe
MA2403A Impedance Probe
MA414A Impedance Measurement Kit (for MA2403A)
MA1506A π Network (DC to 125 MHz, for resonator measurement)
MA4605A Impedance Adapter (for MS4630B, 10 Hz to 300 MHz,
50/75 Ω, unbalanced)
P0005 Memory card (32 KB)
P0006 Memory card (64 KB))
P0007 Memory card (128 KB)
P0008 Memory card (256 KB)
P0009 Memory card (512 KB)
MC3305A PTA Key Board (JIS type)
MC3306A PTA Key Board (ASCII type)
B0329C Front cover (1MW4U)
B0333C Rack mount kit
B0334C Carrying case (hard type)
Optional instruments
ME010 series Test Fixture (PIN, SMD, tip-inductor, etc.)
MA2401A MA2201A
• Input connector is a BNC-type in an unbalanced circuit
• Output connector is a terminal compatible with M-214 7
• Frequency response: <0.3 dB
• Return loss: >25 dB
Impedance (Ω)
Model Frequency range
Input Output
MA29A 75 600 30 Hz to 150 kHz
MA29J 50 600 30 Hz to 150 kHz
MA313A 75 75 4 kHz to 2 MHz
MA313J 50 75 4 kHz to 2 MHz
MA314A 75 135 4 kHz to 2 MHz
MA314J 50 135 4 kHz to 2 MHz
MA315A 75 150 4 kHz to 2 MHz
MA315J 50 150 4 kHz to 2 MHz
MA422A1 75 110 10 Hz to 30 kHz
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Synthesizer selection guide (measurement Function)
Frequency extensions Level extensions Modulation Others
IF Up-conversion
Low phase noise
Analog sweep
MG3691A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 to 8 GHz
MG3692A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 to 20 GHz
Main frame
MG3693A √ √ √ ∗1 ∗1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 to 30 GHz
MG3694A √ √ √ ∗1 ∗1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 to 40 GHz
MG3695A √ √ √ ∗1 ∗1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 to 50 GHz
MG3696A √ √ √ ∗1 ∗1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 to 65 GHz
1A √
Either selection
1B √
2A √
2B √ Chooses with main frame
2C √ frequency 8
2E √
3 √
4 √
5 √
6 √
<40 GHz model, the combined
7 √
use with Option 18 is impossible.
9A √
9B √
10 √ Requires Option 23
13A √ Chooses according to main frame
13B √ frequency
14 √
15A √
15B √ Chooses according to the
inclusion situation of main frame
15C √ frequency and pulse modulation.
15D √
16 √
17 √
18-WR15 √ Requires mm Wave module
18-WR10 √ Requires mm Wave module
22 √ Modulation function is un-corresponding
23 √ Two signal for AM and FM/øM
24 √
25A √ √ √ √ √ Chooses with main frame
25B √ √ √ √ √ frequency
∗1: The maximum of frequency required for frequency extension to mm Wave is 20 GHz.
Therefore, when using it only by for mm Wave, a model 20 GHz or more is unnecessary.
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Synthesizer selection guide (frequency range)
Frequency range
Name 0.1 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 Remarks
Hz Hz Hz Hz kHz kHz kHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz GHz GHz GHz GHz GHz GHz GHz GHz
MG3691A 2 to 8 GHz
MG3692A 2 to 20 GHz
Main frame
MG3693A 2 to 30 GHz
MG3694A 2 to 40 GHz
MG3695A 2 to 50 GHz
MG3696A 2 to 65 GHz
4 10 MHz to 2.2 GHz
5 10 MHz to 2 GHz
22 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz
18-WR15 50 to 75 GHz
18-WR10 75 to 110 GHz
• High output
A stable signal with an output of +17 dBm can be output across the
full frequency range to drive a variety of local signal sources and
power amplifiers. In addition, an overdrive level up to +23 dBm can
be set so as to make full use of the internal amplifier capability. If the
amplifier’s output power comes up to the limitation and output pow-
SSB phase noise characteristic er does not reach the set value, a status message is displayed. This
is useful for confirming the output limits.
• 0.01 Hz, 0.01 dB setting resolution
• High signal purity (–100 dBc spurious)
• Versatile modulation functions
• High-stable carrier frequency
Carrier frequency is produced by a high-stability crystal oscillator.
Furthermore, the carrier frequency remains phase locked even at
frequency modulation. Then frequency calibration for testing FSK
modulation receivers such as paging system is not necessary.
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• Various modulation types
Up to three internal AF signal sources can be incorporated by adding 3642A allows them to generate high-speed pulse modulation using
options to the standard sine-wave oscillator (1 kHz, 400 Hz). The AF an external modulation signal (TTL level). The output can be used for
synthesizer (Option 21) is a digital synthesizer for generating sine- various burst signals with an ON/OFF ratio of more than 80 dB, as
wave, triangular, square, and sawtooth waveforms; it can also be used well as a pseudo-random signal for radar. Installing the pattern gen-
as a function generator as well as a modulation signal source. In ad- erator (Option 23) in the MG3641A/3642A allows them to generate
dition to permitting simultaneous one-route AM and two-route FM FSK or pulse modulation combined with FSK encoder (Option 22) or
modulation, the modulation factor and polarity can be set indepen- pulse modulator (Option 11) without an external instrument.
dently. Installing the pulse modulator (Option 11) in the MG3641A/
depth AM modulator
FM 1
FM modulator
FM 2
MG3641A/3642A MG3641A/3642A
MG3641A/3642A MG3641A/3642A
• MG3641A/3642A (main frame)
Range: 125 kHz to 1040 MHz (MG3641A), 125 kHz to 2080 MHz (MG3642A)
Resolution: 0.01 Hz
Accuracy: Reference oscillator accuracy; reference oscillator accuracy ±(0.3% of FM setting deviation + 5 Hz) at frequency modulation
Internal reference oscillator∗1
Carrier frequency Frequency: 10 MHz; Aging rate: ±5 x 10–9/day; Start-up characteristics: 1 x 10–7/10 min (for 24 h after power on),
Temperature stability: ±3 x 10–8 (0˚ to 50˚C)
External reference input: 5/10 MHz, ±10 ppm, ≥0.7 Vp-p/50 Ω (AC coupling), BNC connector (rear panel)
Buffer output: 10 MHz, TTL level (DC coupling), BNC connector (rear panel)
Switching time: <40 ms (external control, response time from last command until becomes within ±0.1 ppm of set frequency)
Distortion: <–40 dB (30% AM), <–30 dB (90% AM) ∗≥0.4 MHz, ≤+7 dBm, source: Int 1 (1 kHz)
Incidental FM: <200 Hz peak ∗≥0.4 MHz, ≤AM: 30%, ≤+7 dBm, source: Int 1 (1 kHz), 300 Hz to 3 kHz demodulation band
Modulation signal source: One of internal (Int 1, Int 2, Int 3) and external (Ext 1, Ext 2) 8
Modulation signal polarity: Positive/negative switchable
0 to 125 Hz (125 to <250 kHz) 0 to 25.6 kHz (16 to <32 MHz)
0 to 250 Hz (250 to <500 kHz) 0 to 51.2 kHz (32 to <64 MHz)
0 to 500 Hz (0.5 to <1 MHz) 0 to 102 kHz (64 to <128 MHz)
0 to 1 kHz (1 to <2 MHz) 0 to 256 kHz (128 to <256 MHz)
0 to 2 kHz (2 to <4 MHz) 0 to 512 kHz (256 to <512 MHz)
0 to 4 kHz (4 to <8 MHz) 0 to 1024 kHz (512 to 1040 MHz)
0 to 10 kHz (8 to <16 MHz) 0 to 2048 kHz (>1040 MHz, MG3642A only)
1 Hz (0 to 4 kHz deviation) 250 Hz (102.25 to 256 kHz deviation)
Frequency 10 Hz (4.01 to 10 kHz deviation) 500 Hz (256.5 to 512 kHz deviation)
modulation 25 Hz (10.025 to 25.6 kHz deviation) 1 kHz (513 to 1024 kHz deviation)
50 Hz (25.65 to 51.2 kHz deviation) 1 kHz (1025 to 2048 kHz deviation, MG3642A only)
100 Hz (51.3 to 102 kHz deviation)
Accuracy: ± (5% of set value + 10 Hz) (0.4 to <512 MHz), ± (5% of set value + 20 Hz) (512 to 1040 MHz)
± (5% of set value + 40 Hz) (>1040 MHz, MG3642A only)
∗Source: Int 1 (1 kHz), 300 Hz to 3 kHz demodulation band
Modulation frequency response: DC or 20 Hz∗3 to 20 kHz (0.4 to <10 MHz), DC or 20 Hz∗3 to 100 kHz (≥10 MHz) ∗±1 dB bandwidth
Distortion: <–40 dB ∗≥16 MHz, 3.5 kHz deviation, source: Int 1 (1 kHz)
<–45 dB ∗≥16 MHz, 22.5 kHz deviation, source: Int 1 (1 kHz)
Incidental FM: <1% peak ∗≥64 MHz, ≤+7 dBm, 100 kHz deviation, source: Int 1 (1 kHz), 300 Hz to 3 kHz demodulation band
External modulation group delay: <30 µs ∗≥10 MHz, source: external DC coupling mode, modulation rate: ≤100 kHz
Modulation signal source (FM1, FM2): One of internal (Int 1, Int 2, Int 3), and external (Ext 1, Ext 2)
Modulation signal polarity: FM1, FM2 positive/negative switchable
Pulse modulation According to option specifications
Internal modulation (Int 1)
Frequency: 400 Hz, 1 kHz
Accuracy: Same as reference oscillator accuracy
Modulation signal Internal modulation (Int 2, Int 3): According to option specifications
source External modulation (Ext 1, Ext 2)
Proper input level: 2 Vp-p approx.
Input impedance: 600 Ω, BNC connector
Coupling: DC/AC switchable
Output signal source: One of internal (Int 1, Int 2, Int 3), and external (Ext 1, Ext 2)
Output level: 0 to 4 Vp-p
AF output Output level resolution: 1 mVp-p
Output level accuracy: ± (5% of setting level + 2 mVp-p) ∗Source: Int 1 (1 kHz)
Impedance: 600 Ω, BNC connector
Continued on next page
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Simultaneous Excluding amplitude modulation and pulse modulation∗2 combination, simultaneous modulation, modulation rate, deviation independently
modulation settable
Sweep parameters: Frequency, output level, memory
Sweep patterns
Frequency sweep (start/stop): Linear (specified step size and number of points), Log (multiplying factor: 1%)
Frequency sweep (center/span): Linear (specified step size and number of points)
Level sweep (start/stop, center/span): dB (specified step size and number of points) ∗Sweep: continuous mode (max. 20 dB width)
Memory sweep: Start/stop
Sweep mode: Auto, single, manual
Sweep function Sweep time
Setting range: 1 ms to 600 s/point ∗Actual sweep time depends on sweep parameter (frequency, output level)
Resolution: 10 µs/point
Auxiliary output
X-Out: Ramp waveform (sweep start point: 0 V, sweep end point: +10 V), BNC connector (rear panel)
Z-Out: TTL level (H-level at sweeping), BNC connector (rear panel)
Blanking-Out: TTL level (L-level at switching), BNC connector (rear panel)
Maker-Out: TTL level (H-level at marker match), BNC connector (rear panel)
Relative display: Carrier frequency, output level
Offset display: Carrier frequency, output level
Memory: Saves/recalls 1000 panel settings; recall contents: panel, frequency, frequency/output level selection
Trigger: An external trigger signal (rear panel BNC connector, TTL level) can be used to execute a previously programmed operation
Functions sequence (except power switch, preset key, local key and rotary knob operations). Max. number of sequence steps of trigger
program: 20 steps
Back-up: The panel settings before power-off are back-upped and displayed again at power-on, except data-input contents, GPIB data
contents, remote settings, RPP operations
GPIB control: All functions, except power switch, local key, rotary knobs, and resolution keys (Interface: SH1, AH1, T5, L3, TE0, SR1,
RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, E2)
Reverse power
Max. reverse input power: ≤50 W (≤1040 MHz), ≤25 W (>1040 MHz, MG3642A only), ±50 Vdc
Power supply ∗4 Vac (+10%, –15%), 47.5 to 63/380 to 420 Hz, ≤200 VA
Temperature Operating: 0˚ to +50˚C, Storage: –30˚ to +71˚C
Dimensions and mass 320 (W) x 177 (H) x 451 (D) mm, ≤20 kg
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
∗1: Can be changed to 5 x 10–10/day using reference crystal oscillator (Option 01)
∗2: Only with pulse modulator (Option 11) installed
∗3: External DC coupling: DC, External AC coupling: 20 Hz
∗4: Specify a nominal voltage of either 100 V and 240 V when ordering; the maximum operating voltage is 250 V.
• Options
Option 01 Frequency: 10 MHz
Reference Aging rate: 5 x 10–10/day
oscillator Temperature stability: ±5 x 10–9 (0˚ to 50˚C)
Frequency: 125 kHz to 2080 MHz
On/off ratio: >80 dB
Rise/fall time: <100 ns
Min. pulse width: <500 ns
Option 11
Pulse repetition rate: DC to 1 MHz
Pulse modulator
Max. delay time: <100 ns
Overshoot, ringing: <20%
Video feed-through: <20%
Pulse modulation input: 50/600 Ω, TTL (positive logic), BNC connector (rear panel)
Frequency: 0.01 Hz to 400 kHz (sine-wave), 0.01 Hz to 50 kHz (triangular, square and sawtooth waveforms)
Option 21 Resolution: 0.01 Hz
AF synthesizer Waveform: Sine-wave, triangular, square and sawtooth waveforms
Frequency accuracy: Same as reference oscillator accuracy
Frequency shift
(Data 21, Data 20) = (0, 0): –frequency deviation setting, (Data 21, Data 20) = (0, 1): –frequency deviation setting/3,
(Data 21, Data 20) = (1, 0): +frequency deviation setting, (Data 21, Data 20) = (1, 1): +frequency deviation setting/3
Frequency set
Free: Frequency shift simultaneously with data input
Rise trigger: Frequency shift at external clock rise time
Option 22 Fall trigger: Frequency shift at external clock fall time
FSK encoder Baseband filter
Filter type: 10-th order Bessel filter
Cut-off frequency: 100 Hz to 30 kHz (–3 dB)
Setting resolution: Upper 2 digits
Frequency deviation accuracy: Depends on frequency modulation deviation accuracy of main frame (at by-pass to baseband filter)
External modulation input
Data 20/21: TTL level (pull-down), BNC connector (rear panel)
External clock input: TTL level (pull-up), BNC connector (rear panel)
Continued on next page
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name ∗1: An option 21, 22 and 23 can be mounted to two.
Main frame Convinations
MG3641A Synthesized Signal Generator
MG3642A Synthesized Signal Generator Analog modulations of two tones, such as a tone
Option 21 Option 21
squelch test, can be performed.
Standard accessories
FSK modulation by external data input and
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc Option 21 Option 22
analog modulation can be performed.
B0325 GPIB connector shielded cap: 1 pc
F0013 Fuse, 5 A (for 100 Vac mains): 2 pcs Option 21 Option 23
F0012 Fuse, 3.15 A (for 200 Vac mains): 2 pcs FSK modulation by internal data pattern can be
W1137AE MG3641A/3642A operation manual: 1 copy Option 22 Option 23
W1137BE MG3641A/3642A service manual: 1 copy
Options ∗2: The following items and the pattern generator (Option 23) are required to
MG364[ ]A-01 Reference oscillator (aging rate: 5 x 10–10/day) use the MX3640001B.
MG364[ ]A-11 Pulse modulator (pulse repetition rate: DC to 1 MHz)
MG364[ ]A-21∗1 AF synthesizer (0.01 Hz to 400 kHz, resolution: 0.01 Hz) IBM PC/AT® 486DX4 (75 MHz or higher), with RAM of 32 MB or more
MG364[ ]A-22∗1 FSK encoder (2 or 4 levels FSK) Personal (recommended) on which Windows 95 ® is installed
MG364[ ]A-23∗1 Pattern generator computer 3.5 inch FD drive (for program installation)
GPIB PCMCIA-GPIB or PCI-GPIB or equivalent GPIB interface
Application software interface manufactured by National Instruments Inc., supporting NI-488.2®
MX364001B∗2 Software for Pattern Generator Data Write (Microsoft ®
Windows 95) Microsoft Windows 95 is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in
the USA and other countries.
Optional accessories IBM AT is a registered trademark of International Business Machines.
J0576B Coaxial cord (N-P · 5D-2W · N-P), 1 m NI-488.2 is a registered trademark of National Instruments Inc.
J0127A Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG58A/U · BNC-P), 1 m
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
MA1612A Four-Point Junction Pad
MP721[ ] Attenuator (DC to 12.4 GHz)
B0395C Rack mount kit (EIA/IEC)
B0329G Front cover (3/4MW 4U)
B0412A Carrying case (with casters and B0329G front cover)
B0330B Tilt bail (3/4MW 450D)
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10 kHz to 2700 MHz
• Low noise
By using both the latest synthesizer and RF-device technologies and
optical data links in the internal control circuit, the SSB phase noise
has been cut to –140 dBc/Hz (CW, 1.1 GHz, offset 20 kHz). In par-
ticular, the MG3633A shows its power in measurement of narrow-
band radio equipment S/N ratio and adjacent channel selectivity.
• High accuracy and high-output level
Low levels of –123 dBm can be set with ±1 dB accuracy by using a
high-accuracy programmable attenuator. The output level can be dis-
played in units of dBm, dBµV, V, mV, and µV or as a relative value Fig. 1 SSB phase noise
• Modulation characteristics
The MG3633A has AM, FM, øM, and a combination of all three mod-
ulation functions. A DC mode is provided for FM, which makes sim-
ulation of digital transmissions for a pager possible. Also, a built-in
AF oscillator with a 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz synthesizer can handle vari-
ous modulations.
• Quasi-microwave output
The MG3633A covers a wide range (from 10 kHz to 2700 MHz) and is
suitable for research and development, as well as production of qua-
si-microwave band radio equipment.
Fig. 2 Residual FM
Fig. 3 Output level frequency response
Range 10 kHz to 2700 MHz
Resolution 0.01 Hz
Accuracy Same as that of the reference oscillator
Frequency: 10 MHz
Internal reference Start-up characteristics: After 30 minutes of operation: ≤1 x 10–7/day, after 60 minutes of operation: ≤5 x 10–8/day,
Carrier oscillator∗1 Aging rate: After 24 hours of operation: ≤2 x 10–8/day,
frequency Temperature characteristics: ±5 x 10–8 (0˚ to 50˚C)
External reference
10 MHz, TTL Level, BNC connector on rear panel
signal input
Reference signal output 10 MHz, TTL Level, BNC connector on rear panel
≤10 ms (time from last command until frequency has stabilized to within ±500 Hz of set frequency, during remote
Switching time
Range –143 to +23 dBm
Units dBm, dBµV, V, mV, µV (Terminated and open voltages are selectable for dBµV, V, mV or µV.)
Resolution 0.1 dB
Frequency response ±0.5 dB referred to 0 dBm (<1280 MHz), ±1 dB referred to 0 dBm (≥1280 MHz)
10 kHz to <1280 MHz ≥1280 MHz
Output level
+17.1 to +23 dBm – –
Accuracy +15.1 to +17 dBm ±1 dB –
Output –122.9 to +15 dBm ±1 dB ±2 dB
–132.9 to –123 dBm ±3 dB ±4 dB
–143 to –133 dBm – –
50 Ω, N-type connector
VSWR: ≤1.5 (<1280 MHz, ≤–3 dBm), ≤1.8 (≥1280 MHz, ≤–3 dBm)
Time from last command until output level is stabilized, during remote operation:≤25 ms (at LEVEL NORMAL mode)
Switching time ≤80 ms (when setting level is crossing over –59 dBm, at LEVEL NORMAL mode)
≤5 ms (at LEVEL CONTINUOUS mode)
≤1 µV (Value is voltage terminated with 50 Ω load, measured 25 mm from front panel with a two-turn 25 mm
Interference radiation
diameter loop antenna.) Except sweep mode
Continued on next page
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At +7 dBm, CW mode: (fc: carrier frequency)
Harmonics (2nd, 3rd): ≤–30 dBc (at ≥100 kHz)
Sub-harmonics (fC/2, 3fC/2, 5fC/2): None (at <1280 MHz), ≤–30 dBc (at ≥1280 MHz)
Spurious Non-harmonics:
≤–80 dBc (fC<640 MHz, ≥10 kHz offset)
≤–74 dBc (640 MHz≤fC<1280 MHz, ≥10 kHz offset)
≤–68 dBc (fC≥1280 MHz, ≥10 kHz offset)
At +7 dBm, CW mode, 0˚to 35˚C
Offset frequency 1 kHz 20 to 300 kHz
0.01 to <40 MHz –116 dBc/Hz –140 dBc/Hz
Signal purity
40 to <300 MHz –119 dBc/Hz –145 dBc/Hz
SSB phase noise 300 to <600 MHz –113 dBc/Hz –143 dBc/Hz
600 to <1100 MHz –107 dBc/Hz –140 dBc/Hz
1.1 to <2.4 GHz –101 dBc/Hz –132 dBc/Hz
2.4 to 2.7 GHz –97 dBc/Hz –120 dBc/Hz
Floor noise: ≤145 dBc/Hz (40 to <1100 MHz)
Residual AM ≤0.02% rms at ≥150 kHz (demodulation band: 300 Hz to 3 kHz)
≤0.8 Hz rms at <1280 MHz (demodulation band: 300 Hz to 3 kHz)
Residual FM
≤4 Hz rms at <1280 MHz (demodulation band: 50 Hz to 20 kHz)
Range 0 to 100%
Resolution 0.1%
Fixed frequency: 400 Hz, 1 kHz
Internal modulation
Variable frequency: 0.1 Hz to 50 kHz, 0.1 Hz resolution
Frequency accuracy: 100 ppm
Accuracy ± (5% of indicated value +2%) [at ≥250 kHz, ≤+7 dBm, 0 to 90% and internal 1 kHz]
At ≤+7 dBm, ±1 dB bandwidth
Lower modulation frequency limit 20 Hz (EXT AC mode), DC (EXT DC mode)
Carrier factor 0 to 30% 30.1 to 80%
Amplitude Frequency response frequency
Upper modulation frequency limit 0.25 MHz≤fC<0.5 MHz 5 kHz 5 kHz
0.5 MHz≤fC<80 MHz 20 kHz 10 kHz
80MHz≤fC 50 kHz 20 kHz
Input level: Approx. 2 Vp-p ,600 Ω
External modulation
Input Impedance: Nominal 600 Ω
≤1% (at ≥1 MHz, ≤+7 dBm, internal 1 kHz, 30%)
≤3% (at ≥1 MHz, ≤+7 dBm, internal 1 kHz, 80%)
≤3% (at 250 kHz≤fC<1 MHz, ≤+7 dBm, internal 1 kHz, 30%)
≤10% (at 250 kHz≤fC<1 MHz, ≤+7 dBm, internal 1 kHz, 80%)
Incidental FM ≤200 Hz peak (at ≥250 kHz, ≤+7 dBm, 1 kHz, 30%, demodulation band 0.3 to 3 kHz)
0 to 400 kHz (1 MHz≤fC<40 MHz) 0 to 800 kHz (320 MHz≤fC<640 MHz)
0 to 100 kHz (40 MHz≤fC<80 MHz) 0 to 1.6 MHz (640 MHz≤fC<1280 MHz)
0 to 200 kHz (80 MHz≤fC<160 MHz) 0 to 3.2 MHz (1280 MHz≤fC)
0 to 400 kHz (160 MHz≤fC<320 MHz)
10 Hz (0 to 9.99 kHz deviation) 1 kHz (100 to 666 kHz deviation)
100 Hz (10 to 99.9 kHz deviation) 10 kHz (1 to 3.2 MHz deviation)
Fixed frequency: 400 Hz, 1 kHz
Internal modulation
Variable frequency: 0.1 to 100 kHz. 0.1 Hz resolution
Frequency accuracy: 100 ppm
modulation Accuracy ± (5% of indicated value +20 Hz) [internal 1 kHz]
Modulation frequency ±1 dB bandwidth
response Frequency range: 20 Hz to 100 kHz (EXT AC mode), DC to 100 kHz (EXT DC mode)
Input level: Approx. 2 Vp-p/600 Ω
External modulation
Input impedance: Nominal 600 Ω
Distortion ≤1% (internal 1 kHz, 3.5 kHz deviation)
Incidental AM ≤0.4% (internal 1 kHz, 22.5 kHz deviation, demodulation band 0.3 to 3 kHz)
Carrier frequency
±500 Hz for 30-minute period after calibration and 2-hour warm-up (at <1280 MHz, <10 kHz deviation)
accuracy in DC-FM mode
0 to 80 rad (1 MHz≤fC<40 MHz) 0 to 160 rad (320 MHz≤fC<640 MHz)
0 to 20 rad (40 MHz≤fC<80 MHz) 0 to 320 rad (640 MHz≤fC<1280 MHz)
Range 0 to 40 rad (80 MHz≤fC<160 MHz) 0 to 640 rad (1280 MHz≤fC)
0 to 80 rad (160 MHz≤fC<320 MHz)
Besides radian, deg unit is also possible for phase deviation display. However, max. 999 deg.
Phase Resolution 0.01 rad (0 to 9.99 rad deviation), 1 rad (100 to 640 rad deviation), 0.1 rad (10 to 99.9 rad deviation)
modulation Fixed frequency: 400 Hz, 1 kHz
Internal modulation
Variable frequency: 0.1 Hz to 5 kHz, 0.1 Hz resolution
Frequency accuracy: 100 ppm
Accuracy ±(10% of indicated value +0.05 rad) [internal 1 kHz modulation]
Modulation frequency ±1 dB bandwidth
response Frequency range: 20 Hz to 5 kHz (EXT AC mode), DC to 5 kHz (EXT DC mode)
Continued on next page
Sweep time 0.1 ms to 600 s, 0.01 ms resolution (minimum time depends on the switching time of each function.)
Marker One movable marker
Sweep signal output Staircase (saw-tooth waveform), Start point: 0 V, Stop point: 10 V
Modulation signal is output when modulating.
Modulation signal output
Output level: Approx. 2 Vp-p/600 Ω
Simultaneous modulation is possible in combinations shown below.
√ √ ∗6
EXT øM – – √
Simultaneous INT øM √∗5 √ – –
EXT FM √ √ √∗6
Other INT FM √∗5 √
functions EXT AM √
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Reference oscillators Standard model Option 01 Option 02 Option 03
Start-up After 30 minutes operation 1 x 10–7/day 7 x 10–8/day – –
characteristics After 60 minutes operation 5 x 10–8/day 3 x 10–8/day 2 x 10–8/day –
After 24 hours operation 2 x 10–8/day 5 x 10–9/day 2 x 10–9/day –
Aging rate
After 48 hours operation – – – 5 x 10–10/day
Temperature characteristics (0˚ to 50˚C) ±5 x 10–8 ±5 x 10–8 ±1.5 x 10–8 ±5 x 10–9
Option 04: Rear RF output, SMA connector
Standard accessories
J0025A Coaxial cord (S-5DWP · 5D-2W · S-5DWP), 1 m: 1 pc
J0127A Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG58A/U · BNC-P), 1 m: 1 pc
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc
F0013 Fuse, 5 A (for 100 Vac mains): 2 pcs
F0012 Fuse, 3.15 A (for 200 Vac mains): 2 pcs
W0504AE MG3633A operation manual: 1 copy
MG3633A-01 Reference oscillator
MG3633A-02 Reference oscillator
MG3633A-03 Reference oscillator
MA1610A Pulse Modulator MG3633A-04 Rear RF output: SMA connector (however, replaces
front-panel RF connector)
The MA1610A is a pulse modulator used in combination with the Peripheral
MG3633A Synthesized Signal Generator to generate high-speed pulse MA1610A Pulse Modulator (10 kHz to 2.7 GHz)
modulated signals. The MA1610A can switch RF signals with a carrier
frequency ranging from 10 kHz to 2700 MHz ON and OFF using an Optional accessories
input modulation signal (TTL level, 50 Ω terminated). Power is sup- MP614B 50 Ω ↔ 75 Ω Impedance Transformer
plied from the MG3633A via its rear panel AUX connector. (50 Ω ↔ 75 Ω, 10 MHz to 1.2 GHz)
MA1612A Four-Port Junction Pad (5 MHz to 3 GHz)
MP659A Four-Port Junction Pad (40 to 1000 MHz)
Z-164A T-pad (DC to 1000 MHz)
Frequency range 10 kHz to 2700 MHz
MB24A Portable Test Rack
ON,OFF ratio ≥60 dB (<1000 MHz), ≥40 dB (≥1000 MHz)
Insertion loss ≤2 dB (<1000 MHz), ≤3.5 dB (<1000 MHz)
Rise time ≤15 ns
Fall time ≤5 ns
Minimum pulse width 20 ns
Maximum repetition rate 10 MHz
Maximum delay time 40 ns
Video feed through ≤50 mVp-p
Overshoot/ringing ≤20%
50 Ω, N-type connector, maximum permissible
RF input/output
input level: AC 200 mW, DC 3.5 V
Operating temperature 0˚ to 50˚C
Dimensions and mass 131 (W) x 57 (H) x 43 (D) mm, ≤600 g
J0494: Coaxial cord, 0.3 m (1 pc)
Standard accessories J0495: Power cord, 1.0 m (1 pc)
W0508AE: MA1610A operation manual (1 copy)
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instrument features. The IVI standard provides a single driver that sup- Generator instrument class, and includes the driver with every
ports the common application development environments such as MG3690A series synthesizer. As an active member of the IVI
Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Labview. The flexible I/O model supports Foundation, Anritsu supports the Foundation’s drive toward instru-
new communication technologies such as USB, Ethernet, and Firewire. ment driver standardization as a powerful means of delivering inter-
Anritsu Corporation leads the way with IVI technology, having re- changeable ATE instrumentation solutions.
leased the first COM-based IVI driver supporting the Signal
Output Twenty independent, presettable CW frequencies (F0 – F9 and M0 – M9)
Accuracy Same as internal or external 10 MHz time base
Internal time With aging <2 x 10-9/day (<5 x 10-10/day with Option 16)
base stability With temperature <2 x 10-8/°C over 0°C to 55°C (<2 x 10-10/°C with Option 16)
Resolution 0.01 Hz
CW mode Accepts external 10 MHz ±100 Hz, Φ to +20 dBm time base signal. Automatically disconnects the
External 10 MHz reference input
internal high-stability time-base option, if installed. BNC, rear panel, 50 Ω impedance
10 MHz reference output 0.5 Vp-p into 50 Ω, AC coupled. Rear panel BNC; 50 Ω impedance
Switching time (typical maximum) <40 ms to be within 1 kHz of final frequency
Phase offset Adjustable in 0.1° steps
Electronic Frequency Control (EFC) –5V to +5V input range; Fout/(2 x 106) Hz/v sensitivity typical; ≤250 Hz modulation BW; rear panel
input BNC; high impedance
Sweep width Independently selected, 0.01 Hz to full range. Every frequency step in sweep range is phase-locked
Accuracy Same as internal or external 10 MHz time base
Resolution (minimum step size) 0.01 Hz
User-selectable linear or log sweep. In log sweep, step size logarithmically increases with
Linear/log sweep
Phase- Steps User-selectable number of steps or the step size
locked step
sweep Number of Steps Variable from 1 to 10,000
mode 0.01 Hz to the full frequency range of the instrument. (If the step size does not divide into the
Step size
selected frequency range, the last step is truncated.)
Dwell time per step Variable from 1 ms to 99 seconds
Allows the user to set the total time of the sweep, including lock time. Variable from 20 ms to 99
Fixed rate sweep
Switching time (typical maximum) <15 ms + 1 ms/GHz step size or <40 ms, whichever is less, to be within 1 kHz of final frequency
Sweeps alternately in step sweep between any two sweep ranges. Each sweep range may be associated with a power level.
sweep mode
Independently selected from 1 MHz to full frequency range. With Option 4, Digital Down Converter,
Analog Sweep Width
analog sweep is only available •500 MHz. Analog sweep is not available <10 MHz with option 22.
Mode Accuracy The lesser of ± 30 MHz or (± 2 MHz + 0.25% of sweep width) for sweep speeds of ≤50 MHz/ms.
(Option 6)
Sweep Time Range 30 ms to 99 seconds
Provides stepped, phase-locked adjustment of frequency between sweep limits. User-selectable number of steps or step size.
sweep mode
Under GPIB control or via the front panel, up to 4 tables with 2000 non-sequential frequency/power sets can be stored and then addressed
List as a phase-locked step sweep. One table of 2000 points is stored in non-volatile memory, all other tables are stored in volatile memory.
sweep mode
Switching time (typical maximum) <25 ms to be within 1 kHz of final frequency
Programmable Under GPIB control, up to 3202 non-sequential frequency/power sets can be stored and then addressed as a phase-locked step sweep.
frequency Data is stored in volatile memory.
agility Switching time (typical maximum) <25 ms to be within 1 kHz of final frequency
Up to 20 independent, settable markers (F0 – F9 and M0 – M9)
Video markers +5V or –5V marker output, selectable from system menus. AUX I/O connector, rear panel
Marker accuracy Same as sweep frequency accuracy
Marker resolution 1 kHz (0.1 Hz with Option 11)
Sweep triggering is provided for step frequency sweep, list frequency sweep, and CW power sweep.
Auto Triggers sweep automatically
Sweep Triggers a sweep on the low-to-high transition of an external TTL signal. AUX I/O connector, rear
triggering External
Triggers, aborts, and resets a single sweep. Reset sweep may be selected to be at the top or
bottom of the sweep
Selectable from the system menu
Allows two output signals to be swept with a user-selected frequency offset. One instrument controls the other
Master/slave operation
via AUX I/O and SERIAL I/O connections. Requires a Master/Slave Interface Cable Set (Part No. ND36329)
Provides compensation for path loss due to external switching and cables. Compensation may come from a
power table in a GPIB power meter, or it may be from calculated data. When user level correction is
User level flatness correction activated, entered power levels are delivered at the point where calibration was performed. Supported
power meters are Anritsu ML2437A, ML2438A, and ML4803A and HP 437B, 438A, and 70100A. Five user
tables are available with up to 801 points/table
From standby 30 minutes
Warm up
time From cold start 120 hours to achieve specified frequency stability with aging. Instruments disconnected from ac line power
(0°C) for more than 72 hours require 30 days to return to specified frequency stability with aging
Power 90-264 Vac, 48-440 Hz, 250 VA maximum
With AC line power connected, unit is placed in standby when front panel power switch is released from the
OPERATE position
Weight 18 kg maximum
Dimensions 133 H x 429 W x 450 D mm
All instrument functions, settings, and operating modes (except for power on/standby) are controllable using commands sent from an external
computer via the GPIB (IEEE-488 interface bus)
GPIB address Selectable from a system menu
Source handshake SH1
Acceptor handshake AH1
Talker T6
Listener L4
IEEE-488 Service request SR1
Remote operation
Remote/local RL1
Subset Parallel poll PP1
Device clear DC1
Device trigger DT1
Controller capability C0, C1, C2, C3, C28
Tri-state driver E2
When the instrument is operating in remote, the GPIB status annunciators (listed below) will appear in a window on the front panel display
Under GPIB control (all instrument front panel keys except for the SYSTEM key and the RETURN TO
GPIB Status Remote
LOCAL soft-key will be ignored)
Disables the RETURN TO LOCAL soft-key. Instrument can be placed in local mode only via GPIB or by
LLO (local lockout)
cycling line power
The instrument responds to the published GPIB commands and responses of the Anritsu Models 6600,
Emulations 6700, and 6XX00-series signal sources. When emulating another signal source, the instrument will be
limited to the capabilities, mnemonics, and parameter resolutions of the emulated instrument
Storage temperature range -40 to +75°C
Operating temperature range 0 to +50°C
Relative humidity 5% to 95% at 40°
Altitude 4,600 meters, 43.9 cm Hg
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Spectral purity Power line and fan rotation spurious emissions (dBc)
All specifications apply at the lesser of +10 dBm output or maximum Offset from carrier
specified leveled output power, unless otherwise noted. Frequency range
<300 Hz 300 Hz to 1 kHz >1 kHz
Spurious signals ≥10 to ≤500 MHz
<–68 <–72 <–72
(Option 4)
Harmonic and harmonic helated
>500 to =1050 MHz
Frequency range Standard <–62 <–72 <–72
(Option 4)
0.1 Hz to 10 MHz (Option 22) <–30 dBc
>1050 to ≤2200 MHz
10 MHz to ≤100 MHz (Option 4) <–40 dBc <–56 <–66 <–66
(Option 4)
>100 MHz to ≤2.2 GHz (Option 4) <–50 dBc ≥0.01 to ≤8.4 GHz <–50 <–60 <–60
10 MHz to ≤50 MHz (Option 5) <–30 dBc >8.4 to ≤20 GHz <–46 <–56 <–60
>50 MHz to ≤2 GHz (Option 5) <–40 dBc >20 to ≤40 GHz <–40 <–50 <–54
>2 GHz (2.2 GHz w/Option 4) to ≤20 GHz <–60 dBc >20 to ≤65 GHz <–34 <–44 <–48
>20 GHz to ≤40 GHz <–40 dBc
>40 GHz to ≤50 GHz (MG3695A) <–40 dBc Residual FM (CW and Step Sweep modes, 50 Hz - 15 kHz BW)
>40 GHz to ≤65 GHz (MG3696A) <–25 dBc Residual FM (Hz RMS)
Frequency range Standard
option 3,4
Harmonic and harmonic related (for models with Option 15, at ≥0.01 to ≤8.4 GHz <40 <120
maximum specified leveled output power) >8.4 to ≤20 GHz <40 <220
Frequency range Standard >20 to ≤40 GHz <80 <440
0.1 Hz 10 MHz (Option 22) <–30 dBc >40 to ≤65 GHz <160 <880
10 MHz to ≤100 MHz (Option 4) <–40 dBc
>100 MHz to ≤2.2 GHz (Option 4) <–50 dBc Residual FM (Analog Sweep and Unlocked FM modes,
10 MHz to ≤50 MHz (Option 5) <–30 dBc 50 Hz - 15 kHz BW)
>50 MHz to ≤2 GHz (Option 5) <–40 dBc Residual FM (kHz RMS)
>2 GHz (2.2 GHz w/Option 4) to ≤20 GHz <–50 dBc Frequency range Unlocked Narrow Unlocked Wide FM mode
FM mode or Analog Sweep
>20 GHz to ≤40 GHz <–30 dBc∗
>0.01 to <20 GHz <5 <25
∗ Typical
>20 GHz to <40 GHz <10 <50
>40 GHz to <65 GHz <20 <100
Frequency range Standard AM noise floor
0.1 Hz to 10 MHz (Option 22) <–30 dBc Typically <–145 dBm/Hz at 0 dBm output and offsets >5 MHz from
10 MHz to ≤2.2 GHz (Option 4) <–60 dBc
10 MHz to ≤2 GHz (Option 5) <–40 dBc
>2 GHz (2.2 GHz w/Option 4) to ≤65 GHz <–60 dBc
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RF output
Power level specifications apply at 25° ±10°C.
Without an attenuator Maximum leveled output power to –15 dBm (–20 dBm typical)
Standard units With an attenuator Maximum leveled output power to –120 dBm
With an electronic attenuator Maximum leveled output power to –140 dBm
Leveled output Without an attenuator Maximum leveled output power to –5 dBm (–10 dBm typical)
power range
Maximum leveled power to –115 dBm (–120 dBm typical).
Units with option
With an attenuator For units with Option 15A, minimum settable power is –105 dBm
15, high power
(–110 dBm typical)
With an electronic attenuator Maximum leveled power to –115 dBm (–110 dBm typical)
Without an attenuator >40 dB below max power
Unleveled output power range (typical)
With an attenuator >130 dB below max power
Without change in step attenuator <3ms typical
Power level switching time (to within With change in step attenuator <20 ms typical
specified accuracy)
<3 ms typical. Power level changes across –70 dB step will result
With change in electronic step attenuator
in 20 ms delay
Accuracy∗2 25-60 dB ±1.0 dB ±1.5 dB ±3.5 dB∗1 N/A
>60 dB ±1.0 dB ±1.5 dB∗1 ±3.5 dB∗1 N/A
0-25 dB ±0.8 dB ±0.8 dB ±1.1 dB ±1.1 dB
Flatness∗2 25-60 dB ±0.8 dB ±0.8 dB ±3.1 dB∗1 N/A
>60 dB ±0.8 dB ±0.8 dB∗1 ±3.1 dB∗1 N/A
and flatness Frequency (GHz)
Attenuation below max power
0.01-0.05 0.05-20 20-40 40-65
Analog sweep mode
30-60 dB ±4.0 dB ±4.0 dB ±5.2 dB ±6.2 dB
60-122 dB ±5.0 dB ±5.0 dB ±6.2 dB ±7.2 dB
∗1: Typical
∗2: 0 to 25 dB or to minimum rated power whichever is higher.
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Frequency/Phase Modulation (Option 12) Frequency Range Divide Ratio, n
Locked Low-noise 100 kHz rate 30 kHz to (Lesser of 10 MHz or 0.03 * Fcarrier)
Bandwidth (3 dB)
Unlocked Narrow 100 kHz rate DC to (Lesser of 10 MHz or 0.03 * Fcarrier)
Unlocked Wide DC rate DC to 100 Hz
Flatness Locked Rate= 10 kHz to (Lesser of 1 MHz or 0.01 * Fcarrier) ±1 dB relative to 100 kHz
Locked and Low-noise
Accuracy Rate= 100 kHz, Sinewave, Int. or 1Vpk Ext. 10% (5% typical)
Unlocked Narrow
Locked, Low-noise,
Incidental AM Rate and Dev.= Lesser of 1 MHz or 0.01 * Fcarrier <2% typical
Unlocked Narrow
Harmonic Distortion Locked Rate= 10 kHz, Dev.= ±(1 MHz)/n <1%
Locked Low-noise ±(10 kHz/V to 20 MHz/V)/n
External Sensitivity
Unlocked Narrow ±(100 kHz/V to 100 MHz/V)/n
Unlocked Wide
Narrow Rate= DC to (Lesser of 8 MHz or 0.03 * Fcarrier) ±[Lesser of 3 rad or (5 MHz)/(mod rate)]/n
Wide Rate= DC to (Lesser of 1 MHz or 0.03 * Fcarrier) ±[Lesser of 400 rad or (10 MHz)/(mod rate)]/n
Phase Modulation
Waveforms Sinusoid, square-wave, triangle, positive ramp, negative ramp, Gaussian noise, uniform noise. (Check Option 10 for User-Defined)
0.1 Hz to 1 MHz sinusoidal
0.1 Hz to 100 kHz square-wave, triangle, ramps
Resolution 0.1 Hz
Accuracy Same as instrument timebase
Output Two BNC connectors on the rear panel, FM/ΦM OUT and AM OUT
Variable Delay
Singlet 0 to 419 ms 0 to 1.6s
Doublet 100 ns to 419 ms 300 ns to 1.6s
Triplet 100 ns to 419 ms 300 ns to 1.6s
Quadruplet 100 ns to 419 ms 300 ns to 1.6s
Resolution 25 ns 100 ns
Accuracy 10 ns (5 ns typical)
Inputs/Outputs Inputs/Outputs: Video pulse and sync out, rear-panel BNC connectors
∗1: 2.2 GHz with Option 4, DDC.
∗2: For 50 and 65 GHz units, overshoot >40 GHz is 20% typical at rated power.
∗3: Period must be longer than the sum of delay and width by 5 clock cycles minimum.
* Typical
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Millimeter Wave Multipliers (54000 Series plus
Option 18)
External multipliers can be added to the MG3690A to provide coverage
as high as 110 GHz. Please call us for solutions beyond 110 GHz.
with FL2, FL3 –50 dBc –50 dBc
with FL1 (Through) –20 dBc typical –20 dBc typical
Input N(f) N(f)
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The MG443B is carefully designed. Its output level is highly stable, so
SYNTHESIZER/LEVEL GENERATOR it can be used for applications within the telecommunications indus-
MG443B try without the need for a separate standard level meter.
10 Hz to 30 MHz
• Wide frequency range with 1 Hz resolution
• As many as 20 panel settings can be memorized; memory sweep
For Frequency Tracking with ML422C capability
• High output level characteristics
Flatness: ±0.07 dB (0˚ to +50˚C)
Level accuracy: ±0.15 dB (0˚ to +50˚C)
• High precision output level setting of 0.01 dB
• Continuous output level variable within approximately 4.5 dB
• Variety of output impedances
Unbalanced: 50, 75 Ω
Balanced: 75, 135, 150, 600 Ω
• Universal output impedance
• Excellent operation: Digital frequency setting with 4 digits and output
level with 3 digits
• Compact and lightweight
MF2400B Series
10 Hz to 20/27/40 GHz
The MF2400B series consists of three frequency counters: the • Analog display function
MF2412B (20 GHz), the MF2413B (27 GHz), and the MF2414B (40 Using this function, the entire LCD becomes an analog meter and
GHz). They are ideal for evaluating mobile radio communications de- the measured values are indicated by the position of the meter nee-
vices and circuits, with the ability to measure the carrier frequency dle. In addition to measuring changes in the frequency, this permits
and pulse width of burst signals. In addition to displaying measure- faster frequency adjustment and Go/No-go judgement of oscillators,
ment results on a 12-digit LCD, the frequency values can be read us- which had to be read many digits of measured data before. This ana-
ing the analog display function, which is ideal for monitoring evalua- log meter also solves problems associated with misreading frequen-
tion and especially for frequency adjustment, etc., as in the case of cy values.
various types of oscillators.
Furthermore, the template function is useful for assessing quickly
whether or not the measurement results fall within the upper and
lower frequency limit specifications; the evaluation result is output
from the AUX connector on the rear panel as a Go/No-go signal. An
easy-to-use automatic measurement system can be configured using
the GPIB function.
Max. resolution: 10 kHz (pulse width: 100 ns to 1 µs), 1 kHz (pulse width: 1 to 10 µs), 100 Hz (pulse width: 10 to 100 µs),
10 Hz (pulse width: 0.1 to 1 ms), 1 Hz (pulse width: 1 to 10 ms), 0.1 Hz (pulse width: 10 to 100 ms)
Measurement time: (T or TS whichever is greater) x {1/(fR x TGW)}2 ∗3
Carrier frequency Resolution 1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
Measurement time 200 s 20 s 2s 200 ms 20 ms 5 ms 5 ms
∗Measurement carrier frequency: 1 GHz (TGW∗3 = 0.1/fR)
Accuracy: ±1 count ±time base accuracy x measurement frequency ±trigger accuracy ±residual error∗5
Resolution: 1 ns
Pulse width measurement Accuracy: ±20 ns ±time base accuracy x measurement pulse width ±trigger accuracy
Unit indication: µs (fixed)
Resolution: 1 ns
Pulse period measurement Accuracy: ±20 ns ±time base accuracy x measurement period ±trigger accuracy
Unit indication: µs (fixed)
NORMAL: 1 MHz/1 µs to 0.1 Hz/10 s
FAST: 1 MHz/0.18 µs to 0.1 Hz/1.8 s (typical)
10 MHz to 1 GHz (50 Ω): 1 MHz/1 µs to 0.1 Hz/10 s
Carrier wave frequency measurement
10 s
Measurement time
10 1 mHz
2 1s 10 mHz
100 ms 100 mHz
10 ms 1 Hz
1 ms 10 Hz
100 µs 100 Hz
10 100 1k 10 k 100 k 1M 10 M
Input frequency (Hz)
NORMAL: ±1 count ±time base accuracy x measurement frequency ±residual error∗4
FAST: ±1 count ±time base accuracy x measurement frequency ±trigger accuracy ±residual error∗5
Measurement accuracy
10 MHz to 1 GHz: ±1 count ±time base accuracy x measurement frequency
10 Hz to 10 MHz: ±1 count ±time base accuracy x measurement frequency ±trigger accuracy
FM tolerance: 35 MHzp-p, Acquisition time: ≤50 ms
Manual (CW measurement)
Input allowable frequency range: ±30 MHz (600 MHz to 1 GHz), ±40 MHz (≥1 GHz)
Acquisition time: ≤15 ms
Auto/manual measurement
Manual (Burst measurement)
Input allowable frequency range:
±30 MHz (600 MHz to 1 GHz, pulse width mode: WIDE), ±20 MHz (≥1 GHz, pulse width mode: NARROW),
±40 MHz (≥1 GHz, pulse width mode: WIDE)
Acquisition time: ≤15 ms
Continued on next page
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Template: Inputs in upper/lower limit of frequency, judged on GO/NO-GO
Frequency offset: +offset, –offset, ppm
Functions Statistical processing: mean, maximum, minimum, p-p
Save/recall: 10 panel settings (Max.)
AUX output Output for GO/NO-GO, count end, input level detection, internal gating, restart, and acquisition signal
Sample rate 1 ms to 10 s (1-2-5 steps), hold
High-speed sample period/ INPUT 1: 10 µs/10 kHz, 100 µs/1 kHz, 1 ms/100 Hz
frequency resolution INPUT 2: 10 µs/100 kHz, 100 µs/10 kHz, 1 ms/1 kHz ∗Measurement frequency: 100 MHz
Memory back up Store in non-volatile memory at instrument power-down
Display digits: 12 digits and 1 digit (– mark)
LCD: 248 x 60 dots (with back light)
Frequency: 10 MHz
Reference crystal oscillator Warm-up: ≤±5 x 10–8/day (after 30 min. warm-up)
Aging rate: ≤±2 x 10–8/day (after 24 h warm-up)
Temperature characteristics: ±5 x 10–8 (0˚ to 50 ˚C)
External reference input 1/2/5/10 MHz, Input voltage: 1 to 5 Vp-p (AC coupling), Input impedance: ≥1 kΩ
External reference output 1/2/5/10 MHz∗6, Output voltage: ≥2 Vp-p (open end, AC coupling), Output impedance: ≤400 Ω
External control GPIB (conforms to IEEE488.2 standards): SH1, AH1, T5, L4, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, E2
Power 85 to 132/170 to 250 V (auto switch), 47.5 to 63 Hz, ≤80 VA
Operating temperature 0˚ to 50 ˚C
Dimensions and mass 213 (W) x 88 (H) x 350 (D) mm, ≤5 kg
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class D)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN610101-1: 1993/A2, 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
∗1: Delay time until counter started by trigger detection ∗4: Measurement frequency (GHz)/10 count (rms)
∗2: MANUAL measurement mode ∗5: Measurement frequency (GHz)/2 count (rms)
∗3: fR; frequency resolution, TGW; gate width, Ts; processing time (50 µs), ∗6: 10 MHz when using internal reference signal; outputs signal based on
T; period (2/fR) this signal (1/2/5/10 MHz) when using external reference signal
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/order No. Name Model/order No. Name
Main frame Optional accessories
MF2412B Microwave Frequency Counter K224B∗1 Coaxial adapter (K-P · K-J, SMA compatible, DC to 40
MF2413B Microwave Frequency Counter GHz, SWR: 1.2)
MF2414B Microwave Frequency Counter 34RKNF50 Coaxial adapter (ruggedized K-P · N-J, DC to 20 GHz,
SWR: 1.25)
Standard accessories J0060 Coaxial adapter (N-J · SMA-P)
Power cord, 2.5 m: 1 pc J0526 Coaxial adapter (N-J · SMA-J)
F0012 Fuse, 3.15 A: 2 pcs J0527 Coaxial cord (K-P · K-P), 2 ft
W1520AE MF2412B/2413B/2414B operation manual: 1 copy J0127A Coaxial cord (BNC-P · RG-58A/U · BNC-P), 1 m
J0853 Coaxial cord (N-P · SF104P · N-P), 2 m
Options J0854 Coaxial cord (APC3.5-P · SF104P · APC3.5-P), 2 m
MF2412B-01 Crystal oscillator (5 x 10–9/day) MP612A∗2 Fuse Holder (N-P · N-J, DC to 1 GHz)
MF2413B-01 Crystal oscillator (5 x 10–9/day) MP613A∗2 Fuse Element (DC to 1 GHz, Power rating: +17 dBm,
MF2414B-01 Crystal oscillator (5 x 10–9/day) Blow rating: ≥+35 dBm)
MF2412B-02 Crystal oscillator (2 x 10–9/day) J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
MF2413B-02 Crystal oscillator (2 x 10–9/day) J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
MF2414B-02 Crystal oscillator (2 x 10–9/day) B0426A Carrying bag (soft type)
MF2412B-03 Crystal oscillator (5 x 10–10/day) B0409 Carrying case (with B0329L protection cover)
MF2413B-03 Crystal oscillator (5 x 10–10/day) B0329L Protection cover
MF2414B-03 Crystal oscillator (5 x 10–10/day) B0390G Rack mount kit (19 inch type, one unit)
B0411A Rack mount kit (19 inch type, two units, side by side)
ERV713-H Portable power supply (Matsushita product)
∗1: The K224 adapter is used to prevent damage to the input connector.
∗2: The MF2400B series has the MP612A Fuse Holder (with MP613A Fuse
Element) to prevent input of excessive power. In addition, the MP612A
Fuse Holder has an N-type connector, so an adapter is required accord-
ing to the coupled connector type.
The ML2480A series Power Meters are especially designed for ac- The new MA2491A wideband sensor has been designed for a vari-
curate power measurements on high speed modulated measure- ety of applications. With a selectable 5/20 MHz bandwidth, mea-
ments. The power meter combines advances in diode sensor tech- surements can be made on the rising edges of pulsed systems as
nology with DSP to produce a compact and economical high speed well as CDMA waveforms. The new sensor has a dynamic range of
peak power meter. A new color display is used to display the results –60 dBm to +20 dBm.
in graphical or numerical format. The power meter incorporates fea- The new power meter combines the very best of high speed mea-
tures normally found in digital oscilloscopes to produce an easy to surement technology and CW stability.
use high speed peak power meter. A high speed GPIB interface can
be used for the rapid automation of the power measurement.
The ML2480A series have been designed to use the new MA2491A 9
Wideband Sensor. The ML2480A is fully compatible with the wide range
of Anritsu diode, fast thermal and universal sensors. See the section on
the ML2430A Series Power Meters for more details on these sensors.
Two versions of the product are available; the ML2487A Single Input
unit and the ML2488A Dual Input unit.
• Dual Display Channel
The ML2480 supports dual display channels. Each display channel
is a measurement set up and can use any selection or combination
of the sensor inputs. The instrument can be configured to view one
Performance display channel or two. The instrument can be switched between dis-
The ML2480A has a 20 MHz signal amplifier bandwidth and a sam- play channels quickly and simply via the CH1/CH2 “hot” key on the
pling rate of 64 MS/s. This makes the power meter especially suit- front panel. The user can choose to view the measurement results
able for measuring signals with high modulation rates such as as a graph profile or numerical readout.
WLAN, 3G or EDGE signals as well as providing fast rise times for
examining pulsed signals such as radar.
General Specifications
Sensor Dynamic –70 dBm to +20 dBm for standard MA2400 A/B Temperature –40 to +70°C
Range Sensor Range Range
Power Measurement –70 to +200 dBm dependent upon sensor
Power AC
Range range, external coupler or attenuator
Requirements 90V to 250 VAC, 47 to 440 Hz
20 MHz, CW and lower bandwidth mode EMI Complies with requirements for CE Marking
Channel Bandwidth
sensors supported
1 year Standard
Sampling Rate Up to 64 MS/s dependent upon settings Warranty
3 year Optional
<0.5% 8.39 inches (213mm) wide, 3.46 inches (88mm)
Instrumentation Dimensions
±0.02 dB absolute Accuracy high, 9.84 (390mm) inches deep
±0.04 dB relative Accuracy
Display Resolution Selectable from 0.1 to 0.001 dB
Linear: nW to W, % Ordering information
Display Units Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Log: dBm, dBW, dB
1.00 mW, Nominal 50 MHz,Traceable to Model/Order No. Name
Power Reference
Output Level
National Standards Main frame
ML2487A Power Meter, Single Input
Connector Type N female ML2488A Power Meter, Dual Input
VSWR 1.04 ML2400A-01 Rack Mount, single unit
ML2400A-03 Rack Mount, side by side
Readout ML2400A-05 Front Bail Handle
Dual Display Channel ML2480A-06 Rear Mount input A
Operating RF power ML2480A-07 Rear Input A and Reference
Modes Profile ML2480A-08 Rear Mount inputs A,B and Reference
CDMA Average, Peak Power, Crest factor ML2480A-09 Rear Mount Inputs A and B
ML2400A-12 Front Panel Cover
Sensor/Channel Control
20 settings stores
Save / Recall Preset accessible on Front Panel
Offset tables
Wipes non-volatile ram on power up when
Secure Mode
Interfaces GPIB, RS232, Ethernet, USB
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100 kHz to 3 GHz
• Wide dynamic range of –140 to +20 dBm and high linearity
• Provides measurement bandwidth of 1 Hz to 100 kHz, so that even
signals with large residual FM can be measured using the 1 Hz
• Supports level units
Monitor mode
Frequency: 10 MHz
Start-up characteristics: ≤±5.1 x 10–8/day (10 minutes after power on, with reference to frequency at 24 hours after power on)
Reference oscillator Aging rate: ≤±2.1 x 10–8/day, ≤±10.1 x 10–8/year (with reference to frequency at 24 hours after power on)
Temperature characteristics: ≤±5.1 x 10–8 (with reference to frequency at 25˚C in 0˚ to 50˚C temperature range)
Accuracy: ≤±15.1 x 10–8 (24 hours after power on, within 6 months of calibration)
Connector: BNC-J
Impedance: 50 Ω
External reference input
Frequency: 10 MHz ±10 Hz
Level: 0.5 to 5.0 Vp-p
Connector: BNC-J
Impedance: 50 Ω
Internal reference output Frequency: 10 MHz
Frequency accuracy: Same as reference oscillator
Level: 2.1 V ±0.6 Vp-p (when 2 m coaxial cable terminated with 50 Ω)
Manual tuning: Measures level of frequency input directly by ten keys and encoder
Measurement modes
Monitor: Measures level of frequency specified by marker on spectrum monitor
Measured frequencies Range: 100 kHz to 3000 MHz, Resolution: 1 Hz
Range: 1 Hz to 100 kHz (1-10 sequence)
Measurement bandwidth Filter: Gaussian type
Accuracy (3 dB width): ±20% (BW: 1 Hz), ±5% (BW: 10 Hz to 100 kHz)
Range: –140 to +20 dBm
Measured level
Resolution: 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 dB
Range Range 1: –35 to +20 dBm, Range 2: –80 to –25 dBm, Range 3: –140 to –70 dBm
Total relative error: In-range linearity + range switching error + noise floor error +1 digit error
Total absolute error:
Total relative error + CAL output level accuracy + mismatch error at CAL + sensor module calibration factor
uncertainty + calibration receiver linearity + sensor module insertion loss reproducibility + mismatch error
In-range linearity: ±0.05 dB/55 dB (BW: 1/10/100 Hz, RSS: ±0.03 dB/55 dB)
±0.09 dB/55 dB (BW: 1/10 kHz, RSS: ±0.07 dB/55 dB) 9
±0.22 dB/55 dB (BW: 100 kHz, RSS: ±0.20 dB/55 dB)
∗In same range, BW: 100 kHz, frequency: ≥1 MHz
Level measurement
Error∗2 Range switching error: ±0.01 dB (at range switch point: –30, –75 dBm)
Noise floor (BW: at 100 Hz):
≤–70 dBm (Range 1, ≤11 MHz), ≤–80 dBm (Range 1, >11 MHz), ≤–115 dBm (Range 2, ≤11 MHz),
≤–120 dBm (Range 2, >11 MHz), ≤–125 dBm (Range 3, ≤11 MHz), ≤–135 dBm (Range 3, >11 MHz),
Noise floor error: ±0.05 dB (S/N: ≤35 dB), ±0.04 dB (S/N: ≤25 dB), not specified (S/N: ≤10 dB)
Frequency drift error: ±0.007 dB (1% of BW frequency drift relative to set signal frequency)
BW switching error: ±0.01 dB (BW: 1 Hz to 10 kHz), ±0.05 dB (BW: 1 Hz to 100 kHz, frequency: ≥1 MHz)
∗Excluding effect of measured signal residual FM
Average Measurement times: 1 to 256
dBm, dB, dBµ, dBµ (emf)
Display units W, mW, µW, pW, fW, aW (automatically chosen best unit for measured value)
V, mV, µV, nV, pV (automatically chosen best unit for measured value)
dB units: 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 dB
Display digits
W/V units: 3, 4, 5 digits
Set any value: –180 to +60 dBm
Reference Meas → Ref: Obtain current measured value
Offset Setting range: –100 to +100 dB
Calibration frequency count: 300
Calibration level:
Calibration 0 dBm +3/–4 dB (relative level calibration at Range 1, using MA2540A)
–30 dBm +3/–4 dB (calibration between Range 1 and Range 2)
–75 dBm +3/–4 dB (calibration between Range 2 and Range 3)
Center frequency 100 kHz to 3000 MHz, Min. setting resolution: 1 Hz
Spectrum monitor
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MKR → PEAK: Moves marker to max. level in monitored range
Spectrum monitor
Dimensions and mass 426 (W) x 221.5 (H) x 451 (D) mm, ≤17.9 kg
Operating temperature range: 0˚ to 50˚C
Environmental conditions
Storage temperature range: –20˚ to +60˚C
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Class A)
EMC EN61000-3-2: 1995/A2: 1998 (Class A)
EN61326: 1997/A1: 1998 (Annex A)
LVD EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 (Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2)
∗1: At constant temperature in operating range of 15˚ to 35˚C
∗2: At fixed temperature in ambient temperature range of +15˚ to +35˚C, and level calibration after 1 hour warm-up
Standard accessories
Power cord, 2.6 m: 1 pc
F0012 Fuse, 3.15 A: 2 pcs
W1492AE ML2530A operation manual: 1 copy
Optional accessories
MP721A Fixed attenuator (3 dB, 2 W)
MP721B Fixed attenuator (6 dB, 2 W)
MP721C Fixed attenuator (10 dB, 2 W)
MP721D Fixed attenuator (20 dB, 2 W)
MP721E Fixed attenuator (30 dB, 2 W)
MP721F Fixed attenuator (40 dB, 2 W)
MP721G Fixed attenuator (50 dB, 2 W)
MP721H Fixed attenuator (60 dB, 2 W)
J0078 High power fixed attenuator (20 dB, 10 W)
J0063 High power fixed attenuator (30 dB, 10 W)
J0395 High power fixed attenuator (30 dB, 30 W)
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
J0431F Coaxial cable (BNC-P · RG55A/U · BNC-P), 1 m
J0431G Coaxial cable (BNC-P · RG55A/U · BNC-P), 2 m
J0903A Coaxial cable (NP · RG-142B/U · N-P), 1.5 m
J0904A Sensor module cable, 1.5 m (for MA2540A control)
B0333D Rack mount kit
B0329D Front cover
B0331D Front handle (2 pcs/set)
B0332 Joint plate (4 pcs/set)
B0334D Carrying case (hard type, with protective cover and casters)
Peripheral instruments
MG3633A Synthesized Signal Generator (10 kHz to 2700 MHz)
Sensor module
MA2540A Sensor Module
Standard accessories
J0903A Coaxial cable (N-P · RG-142B/U · N-P), 1.5 m: 1 pc
J0904A Sensor module cable, 1.5 m (for MA2540A control): 1 pc
W1491AE MA2540A operation manual: 1 copy
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The ML69B is a high-sensitivity, high-frequency electronic voltmeter
ELECTRONIC VOLTMETER using semiconductor diodes and a high-sensitivity chopper amplifier. It
ML69B can measure high-frequency voltages ranging from 10 kHz to 1000
MHz with a full-scale sensitivity of 1 mV. It has a pen-type Probe
10 kHz to 1000 MHz
MA61B, which can measure at high impedance with minimal effect on
the device under test.
Popular High-Frequency Voltmeter Features
• High input impedance
• Easy measuring operation
• Multipurpose usage with accessories
• DC output
• Correct interference measurement can be performed in accordance
with CISPR specifications.
• The use of a frequency synthesizer in the local oscillator enables a
high degree of frequency stability to be gained.
• Allows direct reading of the field strength.
• Up to a maximum of any 100 frequencies can be stored.
• Prompt measurement is possible through use of the auto-range
• Direct readout of field strength is possible arbitrarily for conventional
antenna by memorizing its coefficient via GPIB.
• Convenient outdoor operation through the use of a DC power source.
• Wide frequency range
• High accuracy
• Long operating life
• High-speed switching
• Readout of attenuation calibration via GPIB
• Relative attenuation display function
• Rotary encoders for smooth manual setting
• Sensing magnetic fields when it is connected to a spectrum ana-
lyzer, etc.
• Noise immunity testing of electronic components or electrostatic
shield-effect testing with using a signal generator
Custom-made product
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In addition to the MA8610A Pre-amplifier that can be directly mount-
EMI PROBE KIT ed on the input connector of the MS610C and MS2601B Spectrum
MA8611A Analyzers, this kit also includes MA2601B/C EMI Probes and con-
necting cables.
MP534A MP663A
The gain remains roughly constant over a wide range so the element
LOG-PERIODIC ANTENNA length does not require adjustment. Compared with dipole antennas,
MP635A, MP666A these antennas have a gain of 5 dB.
80 to 1000 MHz 200 to 2000 MHz
Model MP635A MP666A
Frequency range 80 to 1000 MHz 200 to 2000 MHz
Input impedance 50 Ω (connector: N-type)
VSWR ≤2.5
Average relative again 5 dB
Maximum input power 10 W
Front-to-back ratio ≥15 dB
200 x 200 x 1750 mm, ø140 x 900 mm,
Dimensions and mass
≤7 kg ≤5 kg
product MP414B MP415B
• Maintains and adjusts microwave line repeaters
• All parts and accessories are contained in the carrying case so the
measurement procedure is less time-consuming.
• When removed from the carrying case, the power meter can be
mounted independently in a specially designed case (optional ac-
cessory). It can run on either batteries or AC line power when used
separately. 9
Custom-made product
Custom-made product
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76 to 77 GHz
Description Features
The ME7220A Radar Test System (RTS) accurately and repeatedly • Verifies operation under realistic conditions by simulating moving
characterizes 76-77 GHz automotive radar modules and systems, in a targets (other vehicles or roadside objects) at multiple target
confined and controlled environment, to ensure quality and optimum distances
functionality. The RTS is designed to work with current and future • Fully characterizes the radar module by quantifying transmitter,
generations of automotive radar, including Adaptive Cruise Control receiver and antenna performance
(ACC) radar and collision warning or avoidance radar. The test sys- • Integrated functionality allows radar signal power and frequency
tem provides a simulated radar target response with one of two set measurements without external equipment. Interfaces with exter-
target ranges with an adjustable target Radar Cross Section (RCS). nal test accessories including spectrum analyzers and power
The signal response can be Doppler shifted to simulate the speed of meters for complete test flexibility
a moving target. The system also allows the measurement of the • Suited for stand-alone, bench-top or anechoic-chamber testing,
power characteristics or Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) of but easily integrates with other instruments into an automated test
the transmitted radar signal as well as its spectral characteristics bench or into standard production lines for complete testing of the
(bandwidth, spurious signals, AM/FM Noise, etc.). radar modules
The ME7220A RTS is the ideal solution for your testing environment, • Built-in laser allows accurate alignment of the radar-under-test to
including research and development, radar module manufacturing, the RTS antennas without additional mechanical fixtures
or vehicle manufacturing. Whether you are involved in the develop- • Speeds automobile production by simplifying functional testing and
ment of components and systems, setting up for production of sen- alignment of the radar sensor (antenna) when installed on the
sors, or installing modules on automobiles, you will find that the vehicle
ME7220A is an essential tool for dramatically reducing your devel- • Easily controlled from an external computer (via RS-232) or by
opment and test times and for helping you deliver a superior product. using the included handheld manual controller
Frequency range∗1 76 GHz to 77 GHz
radar power Range 35 dB, minimum (50 dB, typical, with option 5)
meter Accuracy ±1 dB accuracy, including IF measurement and EIRP Cal Factor
Maximum radar occupied frequency Full band 76 to 77 GHz (translated to IF of 4.7 to 5.7 GHz)
Accuracy of 76-77 GHz frequency limited by spectrum analyzer external reference and
External spectrum analyzer
Radar transmit specifications. If RTS internal reference is used, accuracy is 50 ppm.
frequency spectrum Internal frequency
Accuracy of displayed frequency is ±50 MHz, maximum
Spurious signals, in-band 38 dBc maximum, referenced to output signal
(measured at Local oscillator signal: –5 dBm, maximum (at 70.8 to 71.8 GHz)
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
ME7220A Radar Test System includes, in addition to the main and Recommended accessories to increase the
display modules, the following accessories: measurement capabilities of the ME7220A:
- WR12 Horn Antennas, quantity 2 MS2663C Spectrum Analyzer, 9 kHz to 8.1 GHz
- Operation and programming manual ML2437A Power Meter, Single Channel
- N-type, 50 Ω termination MA2472A Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 18 GHz
- Display interface cable
- Serial interface cable Optional accessories:
- Power cord 15NN50-1.5C 50 Ω Cable, N(M)-N(M), 1.5m, 6 GHz
15NN50-3.0C 50 Ω Cable, N(M)-N(M), 3.0m, 6 GHz
Options 15NN50-5.0C 50 Ω Cable, N(M)-N(M), 5.0m, 6 GHz
1A Rack mount kit with handles
2A Antenna polarization – vertical
2B Antenna polarization – 45° slant left
2C Antenna polarization – 45° slant right
3A Input/Output port waveguide extensions, 5.08 cm (2.0 in)
5 Wider dynamic range at power meter port using
external bandpass filter
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The ML424A/B is a compactly designed level-meter of high level-
LEVEL METER measuring accuracy with a calibration signal internally provided. It is
ML424A, ML424B also capable of measuring noise levels in conformity with the ITU-T
Recommendations with the necessary psophometer option.
10 Hz to 20 MHz 10 Hz to 30 MHz
• Excellent frequency response of ±0.1 dB over the range from 100
For Constructing and Maintaining FDM Communication Lines Hz to 13 MHz
• High measuring accuracy of ±0.2 dB including the frequency re-
sponse, attenuator step accuracy, and temperature stability
• A psophometer option can be incorporated (option 01) for measur-
ing noise levels of telephone and sound program circuits. The char-
acteristics of the weighting filters conform to the ITU-T Recommen-
dations P.53 and J.16.
• The ML424B provides true RMS detection
Custom-made product
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Order No. Attenuation Frequency range Remarks
J0063 30 dB DC to 12.4 GHz N-type connector, permis-
sible max. power 10 W
J0078 20 dB DC to 18 GHz (+40 dBm), 50 Ω
N-type connector, permis-
J0395 30 dB DC to 8 GHz sible max. power 30 W
(+44.7 dBm), 50 Ω
N-type connector, permis-
B0472 30 dB DC to 18 GHz sible max. power 100 W
(+50 dBm), 50 Ω
The MP614B is used over the range from 50 to 1200 MHz mainly for
50 Ω ↔ 75 Ω IMPEDANCE TRANSFORMER changing the impedance of a measuring signal source such as a sig-
MP614B, MB-009 nal generator. It is a transformer type, so that it has a smaller loss
than a resistance attenuator type, and does not lower the signal
50 to 1200 MHz DC to 2 GHz
source level. When the output level of a signal generator is shown in
a power unit as in dBm, the output level after impedance transform-
ing by the MP614B will have a value which is obtained by subtract-
ing the insertion loss (dB) of the impedance transformer from the
output level of the signal generator.
The MB-009 is constructed so that the central connector will not be
damaged if 50 Ω N-type plug is connected by mistake to the 75 Ω
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The MP654A and MP655A are used to branch one part of the trans-
DIRECTIONAL COUPLER mitted output for such measurements as those of fundamental wave
MP654A, MP655A and higher harmonic spurious characteristics using a spectrum ana-
lyzer. The MP654A is used for measuring personal radio transceivers
0.8 to 3 GHz 3.0 to 4.4 GHz
and automobile telephones while the MP655A is used for measuring
microwave band ratio equipment.
Model MP654A MP655A
Frequency range 0.8 to 3 GHz 3 to 4.4 GHz
Impedance 50 Ω (N connector)
Coupling Approx. 30 dB∗
Input power (max.) 50 W
∗: Calibration data reattached
MP654A MP655A
Custom-made product
The Z-164A/B is used as a matching pad for applying the mixed out-
T-PAD put of two signal generators to the input terminal of a receiver for mea-
Z-164A, Z-164B suring two-signal characteristics (such as the blocking and intermodu-
lation characteristic) of the receiver.
DC to 1 GHz DC to 200 MHz
Model Z-164A Z-164B
Frequency range 0 to 1000 MHz 0 to 200 MHz
Insertion loss 6±0.5 dB (voltage ratio)
50 Ω 75 Ω
VSWR: ≤1.3 (up to 500 MHz) VSWR: ≤1.2
≤1.5 (≥500 MHz) (up to 200 MHz)
Connector N (S)-J M-J
0˚ to 45˚C
Note: The maximum allowable power is 0.5 W
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1.92 to 2.17 GHz
When the signal generator outputs IMT-2000 test signal, sometimes Specifications
spurious signals generated by the circuits in the signal generator are
an obstacle for tests. In this case, connect the MA2512A to filter Frequency range: 1.92 to 2.17 GHz
Insertion loss: ≤3.5 dB
these unwanted signals. The MA2512A has excellent amplitude rip- Ripple: ≤0.2 dB (at 5 MHz bandwidth)
ple and group delay characteristics in the frequency band of IMT- Pass band
Group delay: ≤1 ns (at 5 MHz bandwidth)
2000, because the MA2512A does not degrade modulation accura- Impedance: 50 Ω
cy of the signal generator. Return loss: ≥15 dB
Frequency range: DC to 1.5 GHz, 2.58 to 7 GHz
Filter band
Attenuation: ≥20 dB (<5 GHz), ≥10 dB (≥5 GHz)
I/O connector N-J
Max. input power 1W
Dimensions and mass 148 x 35 x 31 mm, ≤500 g
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Main frame
MA2512A Band Pass Filter
Standard accessory
W1876AE MA2512A operation manual: 1 copy
MG3681A Digital Modulation Signal Generator
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K Connector
DC to 40 GHz
Launcher design
At the heart of the K Connector product line are the launchers. As
Pin Gap their name implies, the launchers “launch” (make the transition) from
a microwave circuit (microstrip, suspended substrate, stripline, or
Male Female coplanar waveguide) to a coaxial connector and an outside trans-
Center Center mission line. The key to making the transition without
Pin Pin compromising electrical and mechanical objectives is the glass bead
in the launcher assembly.
Pin Gap Return Loss (dB)
0 20 30 40
Frequency (GHz)
Transition from microcircuit to external transmission line
SMA + K 3.5 mm + K
Return loss (dB)
WSMA + K Complete family
Virtually every interface need can be satisfied by one or more of the
K Connector items offered. There are six different models of
40 K Connector launchers. Two sparkplug (screw-in) launchers are
available, the K102F female version and the K102M male version.
45 Both screw into the housing that encloses the microwave circuit, and,
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 like all Anritsu launchers, they can be easily removed for replace-
Frequency (GHz) ment or repair without unsoldering the glass bead and its interface to
the microwave circuit.
Return loss characteristics When the housing that encloses the microwave circuit is not thick
enough to support a threaded, screw-in launcher, flush-mounted
(flange) launchers are required. Models with two mounting holes are
Both the sparkplug (screw-in) and the flange-mount K Connector available in both male and female versions, K103M and K103F. Two
launchers offer an additional advantage over existing designs. These other models, the K104F and K104M, have four mounting holes.
launchers do not use an epoxy pin to secure the center conductor, Mounting hole spacing is identical to that of similar SMA flange
as used in some SMA designs. Without an epoxy pin, the outer con- launchers. The glass bead interface, of course, is the same design
ductor remains solid, and thereby eliminates the leakage path com- used for the sparkplug launcher.
mon to pin-captivated designs. Furthermore, K launchers have a wall
thickness that is four times that of typical launchers (0.8 vs. 0.2 mm). Cable connectors
The heavier wall results in superior resistance to over-torquing. Both male and female cable connectors are available. The cable con-
Finally, the K Connector launcher can be removed for repair without nectors, K101M and K101F, use gold-plated, beryllium-copper cen-
removal of the glass bead. This ensures that during removal the crit- ter conductors for optimum performance and wear characteristics.
ical microcircuit-to-glass bead interface is not disturbed, hermeticity Typical return loss at 40 GHz for finished cables exceeds 16 dB (1.35
is preserved, and the micro-circuit will not be subjected to the addi- SWR).
tional stress caused by heating to soldering temperature. Hardware
locking compound such as removable Loctite® should be used to fur-
ther secure the screw-in launcher in its housing.
0.00 0.00
0.10 0.13
4.60 4.52
4.65 1.25 4.57 12
1.28 1.47
0.15 1 x 36 0.203 R
0.31 4 0.40 R 0.00
0.90 0.10
10.3 NOMINAL 0.13
0.93 1.02
Dimensions in millimeters
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Evaluation kit Semirigid coaxial cable
• 01-101A evaluation kit Semirigid coaxial, tin-plated copper outer
Kit contains one K120 25 cm male/male cable assembly, Type conductor, silver-plated copper center
two K102F female sparkplug launcher connector assemblies, two conductor
K104F female flange launcher Impedance 50 ±2 Ω
connector assemblies, five K100 Microporous Teflon, 0.24 cm
glass beads, one 01-102A test fix- Dielectric type
ture, one 01-104 drill and tap set,
Dielectric constant 1.687
five K110-1 microstrip sliding con-
tacts, and all other parts and fix- Relative velocity 0.77
tures required to assemble launch- Outside diameter 3.00 mm
ers with or without sliding contacts. Center conductor diameter 0.81 mm
Minimum bend radius 0.65 cm
1.6 dB/m at 10 GHz
2.3 dB/m at 20 GHz
3.3 dB/m at 30 GHz
4.7 dB/m at 40 GHz
Tools and fixtures • K118 Semi-rigid coaxial cable
• 01-103 soldering fixture 1.5 m length of 3.00 mm semi-rigid cable for K101 series connector
For sparkplug launcher glass beads,
package of 10.
0.04 ± 0.01
0.04 ± 0.01
Temperature range
–55˚ to +125˚C
(200˚C available; contact factory)
1.93 1.93
3.18 3.18
1.40 1.40
1/4 - 36 THD
3.04 1/4 - 36 THD
1/4 - 36 THD
12.0 0.13
10.9 0.28 0.15
7.9 HEX 16.2 7.9 HEX
12.9 Dimensions in millimeters 10.4 Dimensions in millimeters
Dimensions in millimeters
• K103M • K103F
1. Use with 01-104 or 01-108 Drill and Tap Sets
K male flange launcher, K female flange 2. Use with 01-103 or 01-106 Soldering Fixtures
two-hole, DC to 40 GHz 3. Use with 01-105A Male and Female Sparkplug
launcher, two-hole, Torquing Kit
DC to 40 GHz 4. Use with 01-107M Cable Sleeve Fixture 12
5. Use with 01-107F Cable Sleeve Fixture
4.14 12.2
15.9 ∅ 5.33 4.14 15.9 12.2
0.05 0.20
6.60 5.7
Dimensions in millimeters 9.6
Dimensions in millimeters
∗ Glass Bead Hermeticity Spec: Hermetic to 1 x 10-8 std cc He/sec at 1atm differential
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• K104M • K104F • K202F
K male flange launcher, K female flange Combination of K102F,
four-hole, DC to 40 GHz launcher, four-hole, K100, K110-1
DC to 40 GHz
1/4 - 36 THD
7.92 HEX
2.6 DIA. (4 PLACES) K100
2.6 DIA. (4 PLACES) 1.7
∅ 5.33
0.05 0.20
0.20 8.6 TYP
8.6 TYP
Pin Gap
Male Female
Center Center
Pin Pin
The V Connector® is a reliable 1.85 mm device that operates up to
65 GHz. It is compatible with 2.4 mm connectors and is assembled
using procedures that are similar to those used on K Connectors. It is
well suited to applications in components, systems, or instrumentation. -10
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Complete family that encloses the microwave circuit. And, like all Anritsu launchers,
Anritsu’s family of V Connector products is large and growing. they can be easily removed for replacement or repair without unsol-
Virtually every interface need can be satisfied by one or more of the dering the glass bead and its interface to the microwave circuit.
items offered. As a convenience to the design engineer, each item is When the housing that encloses the microwave circuit is not thick
completely specified with both guaranteed and typical performance. enough to support a threaded, screw-in launcher, flush-mounted
There are four different models of V Connector launchers. Two types (flange) launchers are required. Models with two mounting holes are
of sparkplug (screw-in) launchers are available; the V102F female available in both male and female versions, V103M and V103F. The
version and the V102M male version. Both screw into the housing mounting hole spacing is identical to that of similar SMA flange
launchers. The glass bead interface, of course, is the same design
used for the sparkplug launcher.
Microstrip, Coplanar
Waveguide, Suspended Substrate
Cable connectors
To complement high performance V085 cable, both male and female
cable connectors are available. Typical return loss at 60 GHz for fin-
ished cables exceeds 16 dB (1.35 SWR).
The V Connector coaxial cable connectors use a 2.16 mm cable with
Solder a microporous Teflon dielectric and a copper center conductor. The
or Bond
Bead 1.78 mm ± 0.02
cable assemblies use the center conductor of the coax as the male
pin. This is similar to the UT-141 SMA-type assembly and 2.4 mm ca-
ble assemblies. The microporous Teflon dielectric has maximum
phase stability and minimum insertion loss. This type of cable as-
Solder sembly allows for easy assembly and maximum RF performance;
1.42 mm
–0.00 however, since the male pin is copper, the cable assemblies are not
suitable for repeated connections. In applications where the cable
Transition from microcircuit to outside transmission line will be subject to more than 100 connections, we recommend that a
connector saver be used.
7.9 HEX
∅ 0.5
0.8 DIA. ∅ 4.7
0.10 4.4
M+F 0.00 0.00
0.10 0.10
3.8 5.0 5.6
11.5 10.8
Dimensions in millimeters
0.04 ± 0.01
use 01-308 drill and tap set to
make the required concentric
Dimensions in millimeters holes.
• 01-307M or 01-307F cable sleeve
soldering fixture Launchers and cable connectors
For V101M male and V101F female
Return loss (launchers only) 13 dB up to 60 GHz typical
cable connectors, package of 10.
Coupling nut tightening torque 1.36 N-m typical
Passivated stainless steel with heat-treated
• 01-308 drill and tap set Material
beryllium copper center conductors
For precision machining of concentric 0.000 to –0.130 mm for male and female
Pin depth
holes for mounting V Connector® in connectors
microwave housing in applications Temperature range –55˚ to +125˚C
where stress-relief contacts are used.
bling fixture
For 0.085 semi-rigid cable.
• V1001,2
Semirigid coaxial cable Glass beads for V102
Semi-rigid coaxial, tin-plated copper outer con- and V103 connectors 0.60 0.240 DIA.
Type (package of 5)
ductor, silver-plated copper center conductor Dimensions in millimeters
Impedance 50 ±2 Ω
Dielectric type Microporous Teflon, 0.14 cm diameter
Dielectric constant 1.687 1.72
1. Use with 01-303 or 01-306 Soldering Fixtures
2. Use with 01-304 or 01-308 Drill and Tap Sets
Dimensions in millimeters
http://www.anritsu.com 473
• V101M2,4 • V101F 3,4 • V102M1
V male in-line cable V female in-line cable V male sparkplug
connector, DC to connector, DC to launcher connector,
65 GHz for V085 cable 65 GHz for V085 cable DC to 65 GHz
M6 x 0.75 - 6G 7.11
M7 x 0.75 - 6G
6.35 2.26 ID
∅ 3.20
∅ 5.8 ∅ 3.18
∅ 4.06
8.76 10.8 1.02
∅ 5.8 ∅ 4.83 ∅ 5.8 15.9 12.2
∅ 3.20 ∅ 3.20
M7 x 0.75 - 6G
11.5 ∅ 6.9
0.10 0.10
Dimensions in millimeters
5.7 12.3 5.7
Dimensions in millimeters Dimensions in millimeters
• V202F Notes:
Combination of V102F, 1. Use with 01-105A Male and Female Sparkplug Torquing Kit
2. Use with 01-307M Cable Sleeve Fixture
V100, V110-1 3. Use with 01-307F Cable Sleeve Fixture
4. Use with 01-309 Cable Assembling Fixture
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
V102F Model/Order No. Name
01-105A Male and female sparkplug torquing kit
01-301 V Connector® (evaluation kit)
01-303 Soldering fixture for sparkplug launcher glass bead
V100 01-304 Drill and tap set
01-306 Soldering fixture for flange launcher glass bead
01-307M Cable sleeve soldering fixture, male connector
01-307F Cable sleeve soldering fixture, female connector
• V202FB
01-308 Drill and tap set
01-309 Cable assembly fixture
Combination of V102F, V085 Coaxial cable, 152 cm (5 feet) length of 2.16 mm
V100B, V110-1 semi-rigid cable
V100 Glass bead for V102/103 connectors.
V100B Hermetic glass beads for V102/103 connectors.
V101M V(m) in-line cable connector, DC to 65 GHz
V101F V(f) in-line cable connector, DC to 65 GHz
V102M V(m) sparkplug launcher connector, DC to 65 GHz
V102F V(f) sparkplug launcher connector, DC to 65 GHz
V103M V(m) flange launcher connector, DC to 65 GHz,
2 mounting holes
V102F V103F V(f) flange launcher connector, DC to 65 GHz,
V110-1 2 mounting holes
V110-1 Microstrip stress relief contact
V202F Combination of V100, V102F, and V110-1
V202FB Combination of V100B, V102F, and V110-1
M7 x 0.75 - 6G
.418 ±.025
6.400 ±.025
∅ 5.84 ±.05
M7 x 0.75 - 6G
∅ 4.19 ±.05
2.50 ∅ 2.948 ±.025
6.400 ±.025
The Integrated V Connector® family is a group of female connectors ∅ 5.84 ±.05
which have the launcher and the glass bead integrated into one .02 ±.05
piece. All compensation steps for matching to Microstrip or Coplanar
.50 R3.94
Waveguide (CPW) are included in the solder-in hermetic* connectors, 6.41 ±.05
ensuring that they deliver excellent performance. The integrated V
7.42 ±.05
connectors come in two easy-to-install styles: the solder-in version,
which is the V115F group, and the V116F screw-in version, which al-
lows more versatility of microcircuit launch design. In addition, the
V116F can be soldered-in for hermeticity. These connectors, except V115FCPW*
for the CPW version, are designed to be used with the V110-1 Stress
Integrated V Female solder-in connector, with ground lip, DC to 65 GHz.
Relief Contacts. The Integrated V connectors are compatible with
Compensated for Coplanar Waveguide.
other V Connectors.
M7 x 0.75 - 6G
∅ 4.19 ±.05 M7 x 0.75 - 6G
M5 x 0.5 - 6G
2.50 ∅ 2.948 ±.025
.80 .71 ±.05
6.400 ±.025
∅ 5.84 ±.05 ∅ 5.84 ±.05 ∅ 4.27 ±.03
.597 ±.025
6.41 ±.05 5.78 ±.05
2.92 ±.05
7.42 ±.05 6.54 ±.05
V115FMS10* V116F*
Integrated V Female solder-in connector, with ground lip, DC to 65 GHz. Integrated V Female Sparkplug (screw-in) connector, DC to 65GHz.
Compensated for Microstrip. For use with 0.25 mm (10 mil) substrates.
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
V115FMS10 Integrated V(f) solder-in connector for use with 0.25 mm
(10 mil) substrates
V115FMS75 Integrated V(f) solder-in connector for use with 0.19 mm
(7.5 mil) substrates
V115FCPW Integrated V(f) solder-in connector for Coplanar
V116F Integrated V(f) sparkplug connector
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VP Connector Family
DC to 65 GHz
The new VP Connector family, with shrouds and adapters, is well easier. The VP cable connector has a flange to ensure a good
suited for applications in components, systems and instrumentation rigid connection to the module. The cable connectors can also be
to 65 GHz. Anritsu's family of VP Connectors satisfy virtually every utilized for connecting two modules back to back.
interface and provide excellent and reliable performance.
VP-VF Adapters
Features VP-VF Adapters are specifically designed for testing the modules
• Superior RF Performance to 65 GHz using the Precision V Connector. The VP-VF Adapter can be re-
• Hermetic Connection placed with a VP Bullet or VP cable connector.
• Sliding Contact Connection to Microstrip
• Ground lip for handling substrates on carriers
• Testing capabilities using VP-VF Adapter
• Auto alignment capabilities on VP-VF Adapters
VP Bullet
The VP Bullet is a VP-VP adapter, designed to connect two modules
with shrouds, back to back. The VP Bullet exhibits exceptional per-
formance due to it's unique design concept. The VP Bullet is de-
signed with six slots in the outer conductor and four slots in the cen-
ter conductor. The increase in the number of slots in the outer con-
ductor reduces the insertion and extraction force to less than one
half of the force required for conventional SMP connectors and thus Model 01-501 Model 01-502
reduces wear and tear. In the lab VP Bullets have been tested to Bullet insertion and Torque screwdriver
1000 insertions with no degradation in performance. Anritsu guaran- removal tool adapter
tees at least 500 connections. In addition, the VP Bullet provides a
positive stop so that fingers cannot be damaged during insertion.
VP Shroud Design
Anritsu VP Shrouds are based on the design concept first used in Impedance 50 Ω
Anritsu's Integrated V Connector®. VP Shrouds use the standard V Frequency DC to 65 GHz
glass bead and the critical compensation steps required to install the Insertion loss 0.05 √ f (GHz)
glass bead in the housing are a part of the hermetic shroud design.
Since Anritsu controls the critical internal dimensions, consistent VSWR 1.43:1 to 65 GHz typical
performance is assured. Additionally, the ground lip allows the sub- Insulation resistance > 1200 MΩ
strate ground to be attached directly to the connector, eliminating the Center conductor contact resistance 6 mΩ typical
long ground path common to other connector families. This short
ground path improves return loss performance, especially at the high Force to engage 4.2 N typical (1 lbf typical)
end of the frequency range. Force to disengage 7 N typical (1.5 lbf typical)
VP Shrouds, except for the CPW version, are designed to be used Center contact retension 83 N typical (18 lbf typical)
with the Anritsu V110-1 Stress Relief Contact (sliding contact). The
CPW backside interface is a pin overlap design, so the center pin is Radial misalignment 0.25 mm (0.010”)
directly connected to the transmission line and the substrate ground Axial misalignment 0 – 0.15 mm (0 to 0.006”)
is directly attached to the ground lip.
1 x 10-8 std cc He/sec at 1
Hermeticity atmosphere differential for all
Cable Connector shrouds
The VP cable connector uses standard semi-rigid 2.16 mm cable just
like the V cable connectors. One can install a standard V cable con-
nector on the opposite end and make the testing of modules much
Solder-in CPW
VP cable adapter
hermetic shroud
2X Ø.50 .02
5.1 2X Ø1.60
.38 Ø4.06 5.18
Solder-in VP102F
10 mil microstrip VP bullet
hermetic shroud
1.72 2X Ø.50
1.6 Ø1.93 2.62 All dimensions in mm
5.26 All dimensions in mm
Solder-in VP103F
7.5 mil microstrip VP-VF adapter
hermetic shroud
6.65 2X Ø1.60 THRU 10.24
5.26 3.33 1.24
1.72 M7 X .75
0.24 Ø4.06
Ø5.84 Ø5.33
3.62 10.11
.51 All dimensions in mm All dimensions in mm 1.6
No lip
hermetic shroud Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
4.75 Ø4.06
1.02 VP100BCPW Solder-in CPW hermetic shroud
VP100BMS10 Solder-in 10 mil microstrip hermetic shroud
VP100BMS75 Solder-in 7.5 mil microstrip hermetic shroud
VP100BNL No lip hermetic shroud
VP100B Screw in hermetic shroud
VP cable adapter
VP bullet
All dimensions in mm Ø3.18 0.24 VP103F VP-VF adapter
Model 01-501 Bullet insertion and removal tool
Model 01-502 Torque screwdriver adapter
Screw in
hermetic shroud
Ø4.02 .57
All dimensions in mm
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01-201, 01-204
Anritsu provides two connector tools that make connecting and dis-
connecting tiny connectors more easily and surely accomplished.
These tools are featured below.
• 01-201 Torque wrench: 0.9 N-M (8 in-lbs) for standard SMA and 3.5 mm
connectors, and for the Anritsu K Connector® and V Connector®.
01-201 • 01-204 Handy stainless steel connector wrench for standard SMA,
3.5 mm, and 2.4 mm connectors, and for the Anristu K Connector®
and V Connector®.
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
01-204 01-201 5/16 torque wrench, 0.9 N-M (8 in-lbs), for SMA,
3.5 mm, K Connector® and V Connector®
01-204 Anritsu stainless steel connector wrench
Anritsu produces precision RF cables with characteristics as shown Semirigid coaxial cable specifications for
in the tables below. Contact the Microwave Measurements Division
for low loss, low VSWR cable bending services.
V Connectors
Semirigid coaxial, tin-plated copper outer con-
Semi-rigid RF cable features Type
ductor, silver-plated copper center conductor
• DC to 67 GHz frequency range Impedance 50 ±2 Ω
• Type N, K Connector®, and V Connector®
Dielectric type Microporous Teflon, 0.14 cm diameter
• K Connector® compatibility with SMA and 3.5 mm
• V Connector® compatibility with 2.4 mm Dielectric constant 1.687
Relative velocity 0.77
Specifications Outside diameter 2.18 mm
Center conductor diameter 0.51 mm
Frequency range Impedance
Model Length Connectors Minimum bend radius 0.65 cm
(GHz) (Ω)
N120-6 DC to 18 50 15 cm N(m) - N(m) 2.3 dB/m at 10 GHz, 3.6 dB/m at 20 GHz,
Attenuation 4.3 dB/m at 30 GHz, 5.2 dB/m at 40 GHz,
NS120MF-6 DC to 18 50 15 cm N(m) - SMA(f)
7.2 dB/m at 60 GHz
K120MM DC to 40 50 See table K(m) - K(m)
K120MF DC to 40 50 See table K(m) - K(f)
K120FF DC to 40 50 See table K(f) - K(f)
V120MM DC to 67 50 See table V(m) - V(m)
V120MF DC to 67 50 See table V(m) - V(f)
V120FF DC to 67 50 See table V(f) - V(f)
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Cable assembly part number reference
Length Metric cable asemblies
cm K120MM K120MF K120FF V120MM V120MF V120FF
5 K120MM-5CM K120MF-5CM K120FF-5CM V120MM-5CM V120MF-5CM V120FF-5CM
10 K120MM-10CM K120MF-10CM K120FF-10CM V120MM-10CM V120MF-10CM V120FF-10CM
15 K120MM-15CM K120MF-15CM K120FF-15CM V120MM-15CM V120MF-15CM V120FF-15CM
20 K120MM-20CM K120MF-20CM K120FF-20CM V120MM-20CM V120MF-20CM V120FF-20CM
25 K120MM-25CM K120MF-25CM K120FF-25CM V120MM-25CM V120MF-25CM V120FF-25CM
30 K120MM-30CM K120MF-30CM K120FF-30CM V120MM-30CM V120MF-30CM V120FF-30CM
35 K120MM-35CM K120MF-35CM K120FF-35CM V120MM-35CM V120MF-35CM V120FF-35CM
40 K120MM-40CM K120MF-40CM K120FF-40CM V120MM-40CM V120MF-40CM V120FF-40CM
45 K120MM-45CM K120MF-45CM K120FF-45CM V120MM-45CM V120MF-45CM V120FF-45CM
50 K120MM-50CM K120MF-50CM K120FF-50CM V120MM-50CM V120MF-50CM V120FF-50CM
60 K120MM-60CM K120MF-60CM K120FF-60CM V120MM-60CM V120MF-60CM V120FF-60CM
70 K120MM-70CM K120MF-70CM K120FF-70CM V120MM-70CM V120MF-70CM V120FF-70CM
80 K120MM-80CM K120MF-80CM K120FF-80CM V120MM-80CM V120MF-80CM V120FF-80CM
90 K120MM-90CM K120MF-90CM K120FF-90CM V120MM-90CM V120MF-90CM V120FF-90CM
100 K120MM-150CM K120MF-100CM K120FF-100CM V120MM-100CM V120MF-100CM V120FF-100CM
125 K120MM-125CM K120MF-125CM K120FF-125CM V120MM-125CM V120MF-125CM V120FF-125CM
150 K120MM-150CM K120MF-150CM K120FF-150CM V120MM-150CM V120MF-150CM V120FF-150CM
11.0 mm 13.0 mm
(1/4-36 UNS-2A) K101F K101F
(1/4-36 UNS-2A) 7.9 mm HEX (1/4-36 UNS-2A)
"L" K101M
(1/4-36 UNS-2B)
11.0 mm 11.0 mm
29 mm 516-20
(1/4-36 UNS-2B)
K101M 12.7 mm
(1/4-36 UNS-2B)
"L" "L"
11.4 mm 11.4 mm
29 mm 29 mm
"L" "L"
http://www.anritsu.com 481
K, V, K to V
DC to 65 GHz
(1/4 -36 UNS-2A)
(1/4 -36 UNS-2A)
11 8.64
K224B 31.7
K222B Dimensions in Millimeter
(1/4 -36 UNS-2A) CONNECTOR
(1/4-36 UNS-2A)
11 8.64
Dimensions in Millimeter
V230 K230B
(M7.0 X .75-6G) (1/4 -36 UNS-2A)
The K220 and 34V Series of precision adapters enable accurate 34VFK50
measurements with K or V connectors. Every adapter is fully speci-
fied and 100% tested to ensure low reflections and optimum perfor- 7 8.64
mance over the DC to 60 GHz range. 27.8
Dimensions in Millimeter
Specifications 34VFKF50
Model Frequency range (GHz) Connectors SWR 7 8.64
Dimensions in Millimeter
K220B K(m) to K(m)
K222B DC to 40 K(f) to K(f) 1.12
K224B K(f) to K(m)
34VK50 V(m) to K(m) M7 X .75-6G 2X
DC to 40 1.3
34VKF50 V(m) to K(f)
34VFK50 V(f) to K(m) 34VV50
DC to 40 1.3 Outline
34VFKF50 V(f) to K(f)
34VV50 V(m) to V(m)
11 8.64
34VFVF50 DC to 65 V(f) to V(f) 1.5
34VVF50 V(m) to V(f) Dimensions in Millimeters
K220B 34VFVF50
Outline Outline
7.0 5.84
7 8.64
20.6 23.6
Dimensions in Millimeters Dimensions in Millimeter
K224B K224B
7.0 5.84
Dimensions in Millimeters
12.7 DIA.
K230B 8.76
7.14 8.64
outline 1.02
6.60 ±0.50
Dimensions in Millimeters Outline
12.7 DIA. K232B 8.76
7.14 8.64
outline 1.02
6.60 ±0.50
Dimensions in Millimeters outline
outline Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
3/8 CLEAR 7.5 5.84 Model/Order No. Name
Dimensions in Millimeters
Precision adapter
34VK50 DC to 40 GHz, V(m) to K(m)
34VKF50 DC to 40 GHz, V(m) to K(f)
34VFK50 DC to 40 GHz, V(f) to K(m)
34VFKF50 DC to 40 GHz, V(f) to K(f)
34VV50 DC to 60 GHz, V(m) to V(m)
34VFVF50 DC to 60 GHz, V(f) to V(f)
34VVF50 DC to 60 GHz, V(m) to V(f)
K220B DC to 40 GHz, K(m) to K(m)
K222B DC to 40 GHz, K(f) to K(f)
K224B DC to 40 GHz, K(f) to K(m)
K230B DC to 40 GHz, Panel mount, 50 Ω K(m)-K(m)
K232B DC to 40 GHz, Panel mount, 50 Ω K(f)-K(f)
K234B DC to 40 GHz, Panel mount, 50 Ω K(m)-K(f)
V230 DC to 65 GHz, Panel mount, 50 Ω V(m)-V(m)
V232 DC to 65 GHz, Panel mount, 50 Ω V(f)-V(f)
V234 DC to 65 GHz, Panel mount, 50 Ω V(f)-V(m)
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33 Series
DC to 65 GHz
7.5 5.80
(1/4-36 UNS-2B)
33KFKF50B 33KK50B
33VV50B Ø 6.35
7.90 HEX
Dimensions in Millimeter
7.5 5.84
33VVF50 20.0
Dimensions in Millimeters
is fully specified and 100% tested to ensure low reflections and optimum
phase performance over a broad frequency range.
Features Outline
• Low SWR and insertion loss
• DC to 65 GHz, with V Connector® interface 7.0 5.84
Dimensions in Millimeter
Calibration grade adapter
33KFKF50B DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω, K(f)-K(f)
33KK50B DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω, K(m)-K(m)
33KKF50B DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω, K(m)-K(f) V-FEMALE CONNECTOR
M7.0 X .75-6G 2X 7.87 DIA
Dimensions in Millimeter
34ASF50 34RKRK50
Ruggedized adapter features
• Enhanced reliability of microwave test setup
• Easy-to-grasp Type N outside diameter
• Rigid test connections for improved test data repeatability
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35WR Series
18 to 65 GHz
Frequency W/G
Model range Connectors flange SWR
(GHz) UG-(_) U
35WRD180K WRD180 to K(m)
18 to 40 N/A 1.25
35WRD180KF WRD180 to K(f)
E 4.77
(WR180 ONLY)
4-40 UNC-2B
35WR42K, 35WR42KF
12.7 Dimension in millimeters
35WR28K, 35WR28KF
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Outline drawings
2.46 DIA. THRU
23.82 DIA.
28.57 DIA.
2.84 Dimensions (mm)
35WR22K 12.70 26.9 14.73 25.76 21.44
5.69 35WR22KF 12.70 21.6 14.73 25.76 21.44
35WR22K, 35WR22KF, 35WR22V 12.70 26.9 14.73 25.76 21.44
35WR22V, 35WR22VF
35WR22VF 12.70 21.6 14.73 25.76 21.44
2.46 DIA. THRU 35WR19K 12.70 26.9 14.73 25.76 21.44
35WR19KF 12.70 21.6 14.73 25.76 21.44
ALIGNMENT PIN 35WR19V 12.70 27.9 14.73 25.76 21.44
35WR19VF 12.70 22.6 14.73 25.76 21.44
35WR15V 12.70 24.4 12.19 26.97 21.62
23.82 DIA.
35WR15VF 12.70 20.3 12.19 26.97 21.62
28.57 DIA.
35WR19K, 35WR19KF,
35WR19V, 35WR19VF
14.3 DIA.
19.05 DIA.
Dimension in millimeters
35WR15V, 35WR15VF
35WR22K, 35WR22KF, 35WR22V, 35WR22VF, 35WR19K, 35WR19KF, 35WR19V, 35WR19VF, 35WR15V, and 35WR15VF outlines
• 3.3 to 26.5 GHz frequency coverage
• N connector compatibility
• K Connector® compatibility with SMA and 3.5 mm
Frequency W/G flange Frequency W/G flange
Model Connectors SWR Model Connectors SWR
range (GHz) UG-(_) U range (GHz) UG-(_) U
WR229 to N(m) CPR90F, CPR90G,
35UM40N 3.3 to 4.9 PDR40 1.08
WG11A to N(m) UG-1360/U, UG-1361/U,
WR90 to N(m)
WR187 to N(m) CAR48, PAR48, 35UA90N 8.2 to 12.4 UG-1736/U, UG-1737/U, 1.08
35UM48N 3.9 to 5.8 1.08 WG16 to N(m)
WG12 to N(m) UAR48, PDR48 UG-40B/U, UG-39/U,
WR159 to N(m) CAR58, PAR58, UG-135B/U, UG-136/U
35UM58N 4.9 to 7.0 1.08
WG13 to N(m) UAR58, PDR58 WR75 to N(m)
35UA75N 10 to 15 WR75 1.08
WR137 to N(m) CAR70, PAR70, WG17 to N(m)
35UM70N 5.8 to 8.2 1.08
WG14 to N(m) UAR70, PDR70 WR62 to N(m) UG-541A/U, UG-419A/U
35UA62N 12.4 to 18 1.08
WR112 to N(m) CBR84, UBR84, WG18 to N(m) UG-1665/U, UG-1666/U
35UM84N 7.0 to 10 1.08
WG15 to N(m) PBR84, PDR84 WR42 to K(m) UG-596A/U, UG-595/U,
35UA42K 17 to 26.5 1.20
WR90 to N(m) CBR100, UBR100, WG20 to K(m) UG-597/U, UG-598A/U
35UM100N 8.2 to 12.4 1.08
WG16 to N(m) PBR100, PDR100 35CMR229N 3.3 to 4.9 WR229 to N(m) CMR229 1.08
WR75 to N(m) CBR120, UBR120, WR187 to N(m) CMR187, UG-1475/U,
35UM120N 10 to 15 1.08 35CMR187N 3.9 to 5.8 1.08
WG17 to N(m) PBR120, PDR120 WG12 to N(m) UG-148/U
WR62 to N(m) CBR140, UBR140, WR159 to N(m)
35UM140N 12.4 to 18 1.08 35CMR159N 4.9 to 7.0 CMR159 1.08
WG18 to N(m) PBR140, PDR140 WG13 to N(m)
WR42 to K(m) CBR220, UBR220, WR137 to N(m) CMR137, UG-1476/U
35UM220K 17 to 26.5 1.20 35CMR137N 5.8 to 8.2 1.08
WG20 to K(m) PBR220, PDR220 WG14 to N(m) 1UG-1481/U
CPR229F, CPR229G, WR112 to N(m) CMR112, UG-1477/U
WR229 to N(m)
35UA229N 3.3 to 4.9
WG11A to N(m)
UG-1350/U, UG-1351/U, 1.08 35CMR112N 7.0 to 10
WG15 to N(m) UG-1482/U
1.08 12
UG-1726/U, UG-1727/U
WR90 to N(m) CMR90, UG-1478/U
35CMR90N 8.2 to 12.4 1.08
CPR187F, CPR187G, WG16 to N(m) UG-1483/U
WR187 to N(m) UG-1352/U, UG-1353/U, WR229 to N(m)
35UA187N 3.9 to 5.8 1.08 35UER40N 3.3 to 4.9 UER40 1.08
WG12 to N(m) UG-1728/U, UG-1729/U, WG11A to N(m)
UG-148/U, UG-149A/U
WR187 to N(m)
CPR159F, CPR159G, 35UER48N 3.9 to 5.8 UER48 1.08
WR159 to N(m) WG12 to N(m)
35UA159N 4.9 to 7.0 UG-1354/U, UG-1355/U, 1.08 WR159 to N(m)
WG13 to N(m) 35UER58N 4.9 to 7.0 UER58 1.08
UG-1730/U, UG-1731/U WG13 to N(m)
CPR137F, CPR137G, WR137 to N(m)
UG-1356/U, UG-1357/U, 35UER70N 5.8 to 8.2 UER70 1.08
WR137 to N(m) WG14 to N(m)
35UA137N 5.8 to 8.2 UG-1732/U, UG-1733/U, 1.08 WR112 to N(m)
WG14 to N(m) 35UER84N 7 to 10 UER84 1.08
UG-343B/U, UG-344/U, WG15 to N(m)
UG-440B/U, UG-441/U
WR90 to N(m)
35UER100N 8.2 to 12.4 UER100 1.08
CPR112F, CPR112G, WG16 to N(m)
UG-1358/U, UG-1359/U,
35UA112N 7.0 to 10
WR112 to N(m)
UG-1734/U, UG-1735/U, 1.08 Impedance: 50 Ω
WG15 to N(m)
UG-52B/U, UG-51/U,
UG-137B/U, UG-138/U
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Outline drawings
43.69 39.62
69.85 ± 0.05
46.43 ± 0.05
M5 35UM58N M6
35UM40N M6 35UM48N M6 Dimensions in millimeters
Dimensions in millimeters Dimensions in millimeters
34.54 32.0
36.52 ± 0.05
37.43 ±0.05 32.5 ± 0.05
Dimensions in millimeters 35UM84N
M4 Dimensions in millimeters
Dimensions in millimeters 6 PLACES
24.28 ± 0.05
28.50 ± 0.05
Dimensions in millimeters
35UM140N M4
Dimensions in millimeters
Dimensions in millimeters
59.69 ± 0.76
55.88 ± 0.76 57.15 ± 0.76
76.2 ± 0.76
76.2 ± 0.76
71.12 ± 0.76
82.29 ± 0.05 4.76 DIA. +0.01
2 PLACES –0.00 4.76 DIA. +0.01
2 PLACES−0.00
#1/4-20 #1/4-20
#1/4-20 8 PLACES 35UA159N 4 PLACES
35UA229N 35UA187N
4 PLACES Dimensions in millimeters
Dimensions in millimeters Dimensions in millimeters
32.0 30.73
50.8 ± 0.76
#6-32 #4-40
#6-32 35UA62N 35UA42K 2 PLACES
Dimensions in millimeters Dimensions in millimeters
Dimensions in millimeters
#6-32 #6-32
35CMR229N 4 PLACES #6-32 35CMR159N 4 PLACES
Dimensions in millimeters Dimensions in millimeters
Dimensions in millimeters
32.0 30.73
45.72 ± 0.76
50.8 ± 0.76 43.18 ± 0.76
63.5 ± 0.76
67.31 ± 0.76 55.88 ± 0.76
3.19 DIA. +0.01 3.19 DIA. +0.01
2 PLACES −0.00 3.19 DIA. +0.01
2 PLACES −0.00 2 PLACES −0.00
http://www.anritsu.com 491
Outline drawings
43.68 39.62
35UER40N 35UER48N
8 PLACES Dimensions in millimeters 35UER58N 8 PLACES
Dimensions in millimeters
Dimensions in millimeters
50.8 ± 0.76
45.72 ± 0.76 43.18 ± 0.76
67.31 ± 0.76
63.5 ± 0.76
3.19 DIA. +0.01 55.88 ± 0.76
2 PLACES –0.00 3.19 DIA. +0.01
2 PLACES –0.00 3.19 DIA. +0.01
2 PLACES −0.00
35UER84N M4 Dimensions in millimeters
35UER70N M4 DIA.
8 PLACES Dimensions in millimeters 6 PLACES
Dimensions in millimeters
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Coaxial adapter
35UM40N N(m), metric, 3.30 to 4.90 GHz
35UM48N N(m), metric, 3.95 to 5.85 GHz
35UM58N N(m), metric, 4.90 to 7.05 GHz
35UM70N N(m), metric, 5.85 to 8.20 GHz
35UM84N N(m), metric, 7.05 to 10.00 GHz
35UM100N N(m), metric, 8.20 to 12.40 GHz
35UM120N N(m), metric, 10.00 to 15.00 GHz
35UM140N N(m), metric, 12.40 to 18.0 GHz
35UM220K K(m), metric, 17.00 to 26.5 GHz
35UA229N N(m), US, 3.30 to 4.90 GHz
35UA187N N(m), US, 3.95 to 5.85 GHz
35UA159N N(m), US, 4.90 to 7.05 GHz
35UA137N N(m), US, 5.85 to 8.20 GHz
35UA112N N(m), US, 7.05 to 10.00 GHz
35UA90N N(m), US, 8.20 to 12.40 GHz
35UA75N N(m), US, 10.00 to 15.00 GHz
35UA62N N(m), US, 12.40 to 18.0 GHz
35UA42K K(m), US, 17.00 to 26.5 GHz
35CMR229N N(m), CMR, 3.30 to 4.90 GHz
35CMR187N N(m), CMR, 3.95 to 5.85 GHz
35CMR159N N(m), CMR, 4.90 to 7.05 GHz
35CMR137N N(m), CMR, 5.85 to 8.20 GHz
35CMR112N N(m), CMR, 7.05 to 10.00 GHz
35CMR90N N(m), CMR, 8.20 to 12.40 GHz
35UER40N N(m), UER, 3.30 to 4.90 GHz
35UER48N N(m), UER, 3.95 to 5.85 GHz
35UER58N N(m), UER, 4.90 to 7.05 GHz
35UER70N N(m), UER, 5.85 to 8.20 GHz
35UER84N N(m), UER, 7.05 to 10.00 GHz
35UER100N N(m), UER, 8.20 to 12.40 GHz
28KF50 29A50-20
These precision, metrology-grade terminations are used in mea- Offset termination specifications
surement systems that need to achieve the smallest possible reflec-
tions. Their excellent match makes them ideal as a reference for fault Frequency Test Dimensions
Return loss
location measurements on scalar network analyzers. Model range port L(cm) x
(GHz) connector dia(cm)
Precision termination features 20 ± 0.5 to 1 GHz
• Accurate reference for SWR measurements 29A50-20 DC to 18 GPC-7 20 ±1.0 to 4 GHz 5.2 x 2.2
• Precise termination for test instrument or device under test 20 ±1.5 to 18 GHz
20 ±1.5 to 18.5 GHz
Precision termination specifications 29S50-20 DC to 26.5 WSMA(m)
20 ±2.5 to 26.5 GHz
3.7 x 1.2
Frequency Input Dimensions 20 ±1.5 to 18.5 GHz
Test port SWR 29SF50-20 DC to 26.5 WSMA(f) 3.7 x 1.2
Model range impedance L(cm) x 20 ±2.5 to 26.5 GHz
connector (F in GHz)
(GHz) (Ω) dia(cm) 15 ±1.5 to 18.5 GHz
26N75A N(m) 5.2 x 2.2 29K50-15 DC to 40 K(m) 15 ±2.5 to 26.5 GHz 3.7 x 1.2
DC to 3 75 1.013 Max. 15 ±3.5 to 40 GHz
26NF75A N(f) 4.8 x 1.6
15 ±1.5 to 18.5 GHz
28A50-1 DC to 18 GPC-7 50 1.02 Max. 5.2 x 2.2 29KF50-15 DC to 40 K(f) 15 ±2.5 to 26.5 GHz 3.7 x 1.2
15 ±3.5 to 40 GHz
28N50-2 N(m) 5.2 x 2.2
DC to 18 50 1.02 Max. Temperature range: +25°C ±5°C
28NF50-2 N(f) 4.8 x 1.6
DC to 8
50 1.03 Max.
5.2 x 2.2 Ordering information
28NF50-3 N(f) 4.8 x 1.6 Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
28S50-1 WSMA(m) 1.020 to 18.5 GHz 3.7 x 1.2 Model/Order No. Name
DC to 26.5 50
28SF50-1 WSMA(f) 1.153 to 26.5 GHz 3.7 x 1.2
Precision termination
1.040 to 18.5 GHz 26N75A DC to 3 GHz, 75 Ω, N(m)
28K50 K(m) 3.7 x 1.2
DC to 40 50 1.070 to 26.5 GHz 26NF75A DC to 3 GHz, 75 Ω, N(f)
28KF50 K(f) 3.7 x 1.2
1.135 to 40 GHz 28A50-1 DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, GPC-7, Max. SWR=1.02
28N50-2 DC to 18 GHz, 40 dB, 50 Ω, N(m)
1.018 to 6 GHz
28NF50-2 DC to 18 GHz, 40 dB, 50 Ω, N(f)
1.058 to 26.5 GHz
28V50B V(m) 3.7 x 1.2 28N50-3 DC to 8 GHz, 50 Ω, N(m)
DC to 65 50 1.074 to 40 GHz
28VF50B V(f) 3.7 x 1.2 28NF50-3 DC to 8.6 GHz, 50 Ω, N(f)
1.12 to 60 GHz
1.25 to 65 GHz
28S50-1 DC to 26.5 GHz, 50 Ω, WSMA(m) 12
(selected for higher accuracy)
Maximum Input Power: 0.5 W 28SF50-1 DC to 26.5 GHz, 50 Ω, WSMA(f)
(selected for higher accuracy)
When used with Anritsu airlines, the 29 Series Offset Terminations 28K50 DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω, K(m)
permit measurements down to 1.006 SWR to 18 GHz, 1.01 SWR to 28KF50 DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω, K(f)
28V50B DC to 65 GHz, V(m)
26.5 GHz, and 1.02 SWR to 40 GHz.
28VF50B DC to 65 GHz, V(f)
Offset termination features Offset termination
• 50 Ω Offset Terminations for precise measurement of low SWR or 29A50-20 DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, GPC-7, 20 dB return loss
high directivity 29S50-20 DC to 26.5 GHz, 50 Ω, WSMA(m), 20 dB return loss
• Measurements down to 1.006 SWR to 18 GHz, 1.01 SWR to 26.5 GHz, 29SF50-20 DC to 26.5 GHz, 50 Ω, WSMA(f), 20 dB return loss
and 1.02 SWR to 40 GHz 29K50-15 DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω, K(m), 15 dB return loss
29KF50-15 DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω, K(f), 15 dB R return loss
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K210, V210
DC to 40 GHz, DC to 60 GHz
22.1 mm K-MALE
7.9 mm
10.2 mm
Ø 8.9 mm
K210 outline
22.9 mm V MALE
7.9 mm 10.2 mm M7 X .75-6H
7.9 mm
These economy-grade 50 Ω terminations provide good return loss V210 FLAT
for use when a small amount of reflection won't be an issue.
These terminations are intended for use as circuit terminators; they
are not intended for use as calibration standards.
Ø 8.9 mm
• Good return loss V210 outline
• Economical
• Maximum Input power 0.5 W
Ordering information
Specifications Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model Frequency range Return loss Connector Model/Order No. Name
26 dB to 18 GHz K210 50 Ω termination, K(m), 19 dB to 40 GHz
K210 DC to 40 GHz K(m) V210 50 Ω termination, V(m), 14 dB to 60 GHz
19 dB to 40 GHz
23 dB to 18 GHz
18 dB 18 to 26.5 GHz
V210 DC to 60 GHz V(m)
16 dB 26.5 to 40 GHz
14 dB 40 to 60 GHz
Lightning VNA
Port 1 Port 2
6 dB Air line 6 dB
Pad under test Pad
Insertion loss
43KC-10 0.5
Without pads
DC 8 12 18 26 40
Frequency (GHz)
Insertion loss
41V-20 43KC-20 With pads
DC 8 12 18 26 40
Frequency (GHz)
Anritsu offers two series of fixed attenuators: these areas. For example, a typical female SMA, 3.5 mm center con-
• The Gold Line (Series 41) for precision measurement applications ductor requires up to 27N* of insertion force compared to 2.2N* for
covering DC to 60 GHz the K Connector In addition, the K Connector outer conductor is four
• The Silver Line (Series 43) for use in systems and OEM equipment times thicker than SMA, resulting in a conservative order-of-magni-
covering DC to 40 GHz tude improvement in the number of reliable connections.
Both series offer fixed attenuation values of 3, 6, 10, or 20 dB with To avoid a major cause of connector failure, the K Connector male
models that span frequency range of DC to 26.5 GHz, 40 GHz, or pin is deliberately made shorter than the SMA pin. Therefore, the
60 GHz. outer housing is properly aligned prior to center conductor mating,
preventing destructive misalignment.
• 3, 6, 10, or 20 dB Attenuation up to 60 GHz Gold Line - improved measurement accuracy
• Low SWR, 1.28 Up to 40 GHz Adding Gold Line attenuators to your attenuation measurement set-
• SMA, 3.5 mm, and 2.4 mm compatibility up will improve your measurement accuracy. In the test setup shown,
• Rugged and reliable K Connector® and V Connector® the insertion loss of an air line was measured, first without and then
with matching 6 dB pads. The difference in the accuracy of the two
Advanced performance and reliability measurements is striking. By attenuating reflections and re-reflec-
Anritsu attenuators define the standard for fixed attenuator tions that occur at the input and output of the air line, the pads re-
performance and reliability. Performance, however, is not their only duce mismatch errors and allow the system to measure more accu-
distinguishing feature. Attenuators that use the K Connector offer a rately the actual insertion loss.
vast improvement in reliability compared to attenuators with SMA
connectors. Attenuators that use the V Connector can be connect- Silver Line - improved system reliability
ed directly to 2.4 mm devices. Fixed attenuators used in systems or OEM equipment must be
For applications in metrology and calibration laboratories where pre- small, lightweight, economical, and reliable under severe environ-
cise characterization is essential, the Gold Line models are available mental conditions. The Silver Line meets these requirements.
in sets consisting of 3, 6, 10, and 20 dB units. Each is provided with K Connectors ensure well-seated, low-reflection connections that
attenuation and SWR calibration data. Calibration data is also op- provide consistent operation year after year.
tionally available for individual units, each of which is serialized. The Series 43 (Silver Line) attenuator’s small size, 8 mm dia. x 28.8
The reliability of the attenuator connectors is affected by insertion mm length, and light weight, 8g, make them an attractive choice for
force, outer conductor mating area, and mating alignment. The K miniaturized, lightweight systems.
Connector® is used because it has excellent performance in all of
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Common specifications
Impedance 50 Ω
Power rating (average) 2W at 20°C; 1W at 85°C
Temperature coefficient 0.001 dB/dB/°C
V Connector® Male and female compatible with 2.4 mm
K Connector® Male and female, compatible with SMA and 3.5 mm
Material Passivated stainless steel housing
Length 28.8 mm ±0.5 mm
Diameter 8 mm
Weight 8g
Operating –55°C to +85°C
Temperature range
Nonoperating –55°C to +125°C
Attenuation Attenuation Accuracy SWR
(dB) DC-18 GHz 18-26.5 GHz 26.5-40 GHz 40-60 GHz DC-12 GHz 12-18 GHz 18-26.5 GHz 26.5-40 GHz 40-60 GHz
DC to 60 GHz
41V-3 3 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.9 ±1.20 1.15 1.20 1.30 1.50 1.90
41V-6 6 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.9 ±1.20 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.40 1.70
41V-10 10 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.9 ±1.20 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.40 1.70
41V-20 20 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.9 ±1.20 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.40 1.70
Gold Line
DC to 40 GHz
41KC-3 3 ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.8 - 1.10 1.15 1.23 1.42 -
41KC-6 6 ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.8 - 1.10 1.15 1.18 1.28 -
41KC-10 10 ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.8 - 1.10 1.15 1.18 1.28 -
41KC-20 20 ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.8 - 1.10 1.15 1.18 1.28 -
DC to 26.5 GHz
41KB-3 3 ±0.4 ±0.5 - - 1.10 1.15 1.23 - -
41KB-6 6 ±0.4 ±0.5 - - 1.10 1.15 1.18 - -
41KB-10 10 ±0.4 ±0.5 - - 1.10 1.15 1.18 - -
41KB-20 20 ±0.4 ±0.5 - - 1.10 1.15 1.18 - -
DC to 40 GHz
43KC-3 3 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.9 - 1.15 1.20 1.30 1.50 -
Silver Line
DC to 26.5 GHz
43KB-3 3 ±0.5 ±0.6 - - 1.15 1.20 1.30 - -
43KB-6 6 ±0.5 ±0.6 - - 1.15 1.20 1.30 - -
43KB-10 10 ±0.5 ±0.6 - - 1.15 1.20 1.30 - -
43KB-20 20 ±0.5 ±0.6 - - 1.15 1.20 1.30 - -
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Single fixed attenuators may be ordered from the table above.
Model/Order No. Name
Precision Fixed Attenuator
41KB-3, 6, 10, or 20 DC to 26.5 GHz, 50 Ω, K(m)-K(f)
41KC-3, 6, 10, or 20 DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω, K(m)-K(f)
41V-3, 6, 10, or 20 DC to 60 GHz, 50 Ω, V(m)-V(f)
Fixed Attenuator
43KB-3, 6, 10, or 20 DC to 26.5 GHz, 50 Ω, K(m)-K(f)
43KC-3, 6, 10, or 20 DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω, K(m)-K(f)
Option C∗2 Calibration Data
∗1: A set of 3, 6, 10, and 20 dB Gold line (Series 41). Attenuators are supplied
in a handsome hardwood case. Calibration data are included for each unit.
∗2: Attenuation and SWR test data are provided for input and output ports at
500 MHz frequency intervals.
Anritsu programmable step attenuators bring a substantial increase cluding settling time) are achieved. Upon completion of the switching
in the frequency and attenuation range available in one small pack- operation, the solenoid is magnetically latched to withstand severe
age. Using the latest technology, these units offer superior perfor- shock and vibration. At the same time, the solenoid current is auto-
mance, reliability, and ease of use to 40 GHz. All are plug-compati- matically turned off to save power and to minimize temperature rise.
ble with competitive units. Also integrated in the design is solid state DC switching circuitry that
avoids the relatively high failure rate of mechanical DC switches.
Features Each attenuator section is controlled by its own driver circuit, which
• DC-20 GHz, DC-26.5 GHz, DC-40 GHz requires 24 V, 125 mA. A typical external driver circuit for one sec-
• 70 dB and 110 dB attenuation ranges tion is shown in the figure below.
• Lowest insertion loss
• Precise repeatability
• Life of 5 million operations +24 V Power
• Small, rugged, light weight +5 V
Advanced technology-advanced performance Input
3 Control
11 9 6 2
Anritsu has lowered throughline loss by designing the first 40 dB at- 4
tenuator sections to operate above 18 GHz. Compared with designs 7 14 +5 V 6
that use 30 dB sections, these attenuators have a shorter thru path 10 7 5 Control
and fewer switching contacts. As a result, insertion loss is as much 75LS04 75LS04 1N4446 Line
as 1.7 dB less than that of units made by other companies. RF input 75451
power requirements for systems that use these attenuators can be
reduced, saving money, space, and weight.
Accuracy enhancing calibration data
Integrated switching structure Attenuation accuracy can be improved by using optional calibration
The push rods that switch in the attenuator modules and thrulines data taken on an Anritsu vector network analyzer. The calibration
are driven by a solenoid actuator. By designing the solenoid as an in- data can be used to normalize the effect of frequency response and
tegral part of the attenuator assembly, switching speeds of 20 ms (in- reflections. The calibration data is traceable to NIST.
Connector 7.0 102.9 4422K, 4522K, 4622K 24.4
90.2 4412K, 4512K, 4612K
4-40 UNC-2B 7.1 12
17.8 17.8
5.7 117 4422K, 4522K, 4622K
2 Places 76.2 4412K, 4512K, 4612K
Dimensions in millimeters
14 Pin Dip
http://www.anritsu.com 497
Specifications Impedance match
Frequency and attenuation ranges Frequency (GHz) Return loss (dB) SWR
Attenuation range DC to 8 19 1.25
Model Frequency range Connectors
in 10 dB steps >8 to 12 14 1.5
4412K 0 to 70 dB >12 to 20 12.7 1.6
DC to 20 GHz K(f)
4422K 0 to 110 dB
>20 to 26.5 11 1.8
4512K 0 to 70 dB
DC to 26.5 GHz K(f) >26.5 to 40 9 2.1
4522K 0 to 110 dB
4612K 0 to 70 dB
DC to 40 GHz K(f)
4622K 0 to 110 dB Mechanical
Attenuator accuracy (± dB) 4412K, 4512K, 4612K: 170g
4422K, 4522K, 4622K: 213g
Frequency Attenuation (dB)
Mounting position Any
(GHz) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80-110
RF connectors K Connectors, female, in-line
DC to 8 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.4
Programming connector 14 pin DIP
>8 to 12 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.5 2.0
Programming cable length 406 mm
>12 to 20 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.7 2.2
>20 to 26.5 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.5 1.6 1.9 2.3 2.8
>26.5 to 40 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.7 1.9 2.3 2.6 3.2
Operating: 0°C to +70°C
Electrical Non-operating: −55°C to +85°C
Switching speed (maximum) 20 ms Operating: 4.6 km (440 mm Hg)
Operating voltage 20 to 30 Volts Non-operating: 15 km
0 Option C∗ Calibration Data (4412K, 4512K, 4612K)
0.5 ∗ Calibration data is taken every 100 MHz from DC to 900 MHz and every 500 MHz from
Insertion loss (dB)
2.0 K, 45
442 12K,
2K, 4612
2.5 K
3.0 462
0 10 20 30 40
Frequency (GHz)
61N50 87A50
The 61 series RF SWR Bridges are precision directional devices de- The 87 Series SWR Bridges are precision, high directivity measure-
signed to make very accurate measurements of SWR. All models ment components, ideal for SWR and return loss measurements.
contain a built-in reference termination and preserve phase and am- Models include a built-in termination, and they are provided with an
plitude of the reflected signal. overall accuracy equation. These SWR bridges can be used for mak-
ing very low-level SWR measurements by amplifying the RF output
Features prior to detection. Since both the phase and amplitude of the reflected
• 5 to 2500 MHz frequency coverage signal are preserved in the RF output, these components can also
• 40 dB directivity be used to make accurate phase comparisons in a network analyzer
• Built-in reference termination system.
• Type N test port connectors
Specifications • Broadband 2 to 18 GHz frequency range
• High 38 dB directivity
Model range
Test port Directivity Impedance
Accuracy∗ • Precise GPC-7 test port connector
connector (dB) (Ohms) • Built-in reference termination
61N50 5-2500 Type N(m) 40 50 0.01 + 0.09ρ2 Specifications
61NF50 5-2500 Type N(f) 40 50 0.01 + 0.09ρ2
Directivity Accuracy∗1
(dB) 2 to 3 GHz 3 to 4 GHz 4 to 18 GHz
Insertion loss 6.5 dB nominal from input to test port
87A50 35 0.018 +0.32ρ2 0.018 +0.23ρ2 0.018 +0.015ρ2
Maximum input power 0.5 W
87A50-1 38 0.013 +0.32ρ2 0.013 +0.23ρ2 0.013 +0.015ρ2
Input and output connector Type N(f)
Dimensions 6.7 x 5.1 x 2.54 cm (excluding connectors) Frequency range 2 to 18 GHz
Weight 340 g Insertion loss 6.5 dB nominal ∗2
∗Includes the effects of test port reflections and directivity. Maximum input power 0.5 W
ρ is the measured reflection coefficient.
Test port connector GPC-7
Input and output connector Type N(f)
Ordering information
Dimensions 7.3 x 5.2 x 2.9 cm plus connectors
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Weight 340 g
Model/Order No. Name
61N50 SWR Bridge, 5 to 2500 MHz, Type N(m), 40 dB directivity ∗1: Where ρ is the measured reflection coefficient.
61NF50 SWR Bridge, 5 to 2500 MHz, Type N(f), 40 dB directivity ∗2: Typically 9 dB at 18 GHz from input to test port.
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
87A50 SWR Bridge, 2 to 18 GHz, GPC-7, 35 dB directivity
87A50-1 SWR Bridge, 2 to 18 GHz, GPC-7, 38 dB directivity
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97 Series and 560-97, 560-98 Series
10 MHz to 50 GHz
The Series 97, 560-97 and 560-98 SWR Autotesters integrate a high 560-97, 98 Series SWR autotester features
directivity bridge, a detector, a low reflection test port, and a preci- • Up to 40 dB directivity
sion reference termination. The 560-97 and -98 Series units are • 10 MHz to 50 GHz range
broadband microwave measurement components that are used with • Test port connectors to fit most measurement applications; avoids
the Model 56100A Scalar Network Analyzer and with Series 54100A use of adapters
Scalar Measurement System for making fixed-frequency and swept-
frequency return loss (SWR) measurements. Return loss measure- 97 Series SWR autotester features
ments are used over a wide range of radio and microwave frequen- • High 40 dB directivity
cies to check the performance of systems, subsystems, and mi- • Low test port reflections
crowave components such as amplifiers, directional couplers, atten- • Broadband 10 MHz to 18 GHz frequency range
uators, filters, splitters, and terminations. • Small package including bridges, termination, and detector
• Selection of GPC-7, WSMA, or Type N test port connectors
Directivity Freq. Sensitivity Test Port
Models Accuracy∗1 Physical
(dB) (dB) Connection
97 Series SWR Autotesters, 10 MHz to 18 GHz∗2
10 MHz-8 GHz 8-18 GHz
97A50 36 0.016 ±0.06ρ2 0.016 ±0.10ρ2 ±1.5 max. GPC-7
97A50-1 40 0.010 ±0.06ρ2 0.010 ±0.10ρ2 ±1.5 max. GPC-7
97N50 Type N(m) Dimensions:
35 0.018 ±0.08ρ2 0.018 ±0.12ρ2 ±1.5 max.
97NF50 Type N(f) 7.6 x 5 x 2.8 cm
plus connectors
97N50-1 Type N(m)
38 0.013 ±0.08ρ2 0.013 ±0.12ρ2 ±1.5 max. Weight:
97NF50-1 Type N(f)
340 g
97S50 WSMA(m)
35 0.018 ±0.08ρ2 0.018 ±0.12ρ2 ±1.5 max.
97SF50 WSMA(f)
97S50-1 WSMA(m)
38 0.013 ±0.08ρ2 0.013 ±0.12ρ2 ±1.5 max.
97SF50-1 WSMA(f)
560-97 Series SWR Autotesters, 10 MHz to 18 GHz∗2
0.01-8 GHz 8-18 GHz
560-97A50 36 0.013 ±0.08ρ2 0.016 ±0.10ρ2 ±1.2 GPC–7
560-97A50-1 40 0.010 ±0.06ρ2 0.010 ±0.10ρ2 ±1.2 GPC–7 Dimensions∗5:
7.6 x 5.1 x 2.8 cm
560-97N50 Type N (m) Weight:
35 0.018 ±0.08ρ2 0.018 ±0.12ρ2 ±1.5
560-97NF50 Type N (f) 340 g
560-97N50-1 Type N (m)
38 0.013 ±0.08ρ2 0.013 ±0.12ρ2 ±1.5
560-97NF50-1 Type N (f)
All Models:
Input Port Impedance: 50 Ω Detector Output Polarity: Negative Maximum Power Input: 0.5 W (+27 dBm) (560-98C50A: +24 dBm)
Insertion Loss (from input to test port): 6.5 dB nominal Output Time Constant: 2 µs Cable Length: 122 cm (4 ft.)
∗1: Where r is the reflection coefficient being measured. Accuracy includes the effects of test port reflections and directivity.
∗2: Input Connector: Ruggedized Type K Female
∗3: Input Connector: Ruggedized Type V Female
∗4: Plus connectors and cable
∗5: When used with 18A50 Airline
∗6: When used with 19K50 Airline
Temperature: +25°C ±5°C
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
SWR Autotester 560-98SF50 10 MHz-26.5 GHz, WSMA(f), 50 Ω,
97A50 10 MHz to 18 GHz, GPC-7, 36 dB directivity directivity = 37 dB (< 18 GHz), 36 dB (18 GHz)
97A50-1 10 MHz to 18 GHz, GPC-7, 40 dB directivity 560-98SF50-1 10 MHz-26.5 GHz, WSMA(f), 50 Ω,
97N50 10 MHz to 18 GHz, N(m), 35 dB directivity directivity = 40 dB (< 18 GHz), 38 dB (18 GHz)
97N50-1 10 MHz to 18 GHz, N(m), 38 dB directivity 560-98K50 10 MHz-40 GHz, K(m), 50 Ω, directivity = 35 dB
97NF50 10 MHz to 18 GHz, N(f), 35 dB directivity (<18 GHz), 32 dB (18 to 26.5 GHz), 30 dB (26.5 GHz)
97NF50-1 10 MHz to 18 GHz, N(f), 38 dB directivity 560-98KF50 10 MHz-40 GHz, K(f), 50 Ω, directivity = 35 dB
97S50 10 MHz to 18 GHz, WSMA(m), 35 dB directivity (<18 GHz), 32 dB (18 to 26.5 GHz), 30 dB (26.5 GHz)
97S50-1 10 MHz to 18 GHz, WSMA(m), 38 dB directivity 560-98VA50 10 MHz-50 GHz, V(m), 50 Ω, directivity = 36 dB
97SF50 10 MHz to 18 GHz, WSMA(f), 35 dB directivity (<20 GHz), 30 dB (20 GHz)
97SF50-1 10 MHz to 18 GHz, WSMA(f), 38 dB directivity 560-98VFA50 10 MHz-50 GHz, V(m), 50 Ω, directivity = 36 dB
560-97A50 10 MHz-18 GHz, GPC-7, 50 Ω, 36 dB directivity (<20 GHz), 30 dB (20 GHz)
560-97A50-1 10 MHz-18 GHz, GPC-7, 50 Ω, 40 dB directivity
560-97N50 10 MHz-18 GHz, N(m), 50 Ω, 35 dB directivity Offset SWR Autotester
560-97N50-1 10 MHz-18 GHz, N(m), 50 Ω, 38 dB directivity 560-97A50-20 10 MHz to 18 GHz, GPC-7, 20 dB offset reference 12
560-97NF50 10 MHz-18 GHz, N(f), 50 Ω, 35 dB directivity in bridge
560-97NF50-1 10 MHz-18 GHz, N(f), 50 Ω, 38 dB directivity 560-98KF50-15 10 MHz to 40 GHz, K(f), 15 dB offset reference in bridge
560-98S50 10 MHz-26.5 GHz, WSMA(m), 50 Ω,
directivity = 37 dB (<18 GHz), 36 dB (18 GHz)
560-98S50-1 10 MHz-26.5 GHz, WSMA(m), 50 Ω,
directivity = 40 dB (< 18 GHz), 38 dB (18 GHz)
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5400-6 Series
1 MHz to 3000 MHz
The 5400-6 Series SWR Autotesters integrate a high directivity cies to check the performance of systems, subsystems, and mi-
bridge, a detector, a low reflection test port, a precision reference ter- crowave components such as amplifiers, directional couplers, atten-
mination, and a connecting cable. They are used with the Model uators, filters, splitters, and terminations.
56100A Scalar Network Analyzers and with Series 54100A Scalar
Measurement Systems for making fixed-frequency and swept-fre- Features
quency return loss (SWR) measurements. Return loss measure- • 40 dB directivity.
ments are used over a wide range of radio and microwave frequen- • 1 MHz to 3000 MHz range
• F, N, or BNC type test port connectors
Directivity Test Port
Models Accuracy∗1 Physical
(dB) Connection
10-1000 MHz
5400-67FF75∗2,5 40 0.010 ±0.01ρ2 F (f)
1-1500 MHz
5400-6B50B∗3 BNC (m)
40 0.010 ±0.01ρ2
5400-6BF50B∗3 BNC (f)
5400-6B75B∗3,5 BNC (m) 2.5 x 5.1 x 7.0 cm
40 0.010 ±0.10ρ2
5400-6BF75B∗3,5 BNC (f) Weight:
255 g
1-1000 MHz 1000-3000 MHz 2000-3000 MHz
5400-6N50∗3 Type N (m)
40 0.010 ±0.05ρ2 0.010 ±0.05ρ2 0.010 ±0.05ρ2
5400-6NF50∗3 Type N (f)
5400-6N75∗3,5 Type N (m)
40 0.010 ±0.05ρ2 0.010 ±0.05ρ2 0.010 ±0.08ρ2
5400-6NF75∗3,5 Type N (f)
All Models:
Input Port Impedance: 50 Ω (except as noted) Detector Output Polarity: Negative Maximum Power Input: 0.5 watts (+27 dBm)
Insertion Loss (from input to test port): 6.5 dB nominal Output Time Constant: 2 µs Cable Length: 122 cm (4 ft.)
∗1: Where ρ is the reflection coefficient being measured. Accuracy includes the effects of test port reflections and directivity.
∗2: Input Connector: BNC Female
∗3: Input Connector: Type N Female
∗4: Plus connectors and cable
∗5: Impedance 75 Ω
Temperature range: +25°C ±5°C
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
SWR Autotester
5400-6N50 1 to 3000 MHz, Type N(m), 50 Ω 40 dB Directivity
5400-6N75 1 to 3000 MHz, Type N(m), 75 Ω
5400-6NF50 1 to 3000 MHz, Type N(f), 50 Ω
5400-6NF75 1 to 3000 MHz, Type N(f), 75 Ω
560-98C50A Zx
A test port adapter on
Ed Ea Ex ADAPTER a standard SWR Autotester
or RF Bridge creates an error
CABLE TO vector Ea in addition to
directivity, Ed.
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K - SMA or 3.5 mm - SMA interfaces. The Convertible SWR Autotester solves these problems. Air dielec-
Electrically, the Convertible SWR Autotester provides a nearly tric is used to eliminate the temperature and humidity variations suf-
perfect 50 Ω interface when connected to SMA devices – resulting in fered by Teflon® and other dielectrics. Dimensional tolerances and
a typical 10 dB improvement in effective directivity performance as metallic composition are clearly specified and center pin dimensions
compared to other SMA compatible connectors. are phase matched. Air dielectric also allows use of thicker outer
conductors, drastically decreasing potential deformation from exces-
sive torque.
The Convertible SWR Autotester reduces maintenance costs without
using error prone test port adapters or connector savers.
-10 Accuracy for SMA device test is also improved because the test port
head is properly compensated for operation with standard SMA con-
Connector Interface Return Loss, dB
nector dimensions.
K (2.92 mm) to SMA
3.5 mm to SMA
Frequency Range 0.01 to 40 GHz
Frequency Test port Dimensions
Model port
range (GHz) connector L(cm) x dia(cm)
18A50 2 to 18 GPC-7 GPC-7 30 x 0.7
18N50 18N50 N(m)
2 to 18 GPC-7 30 x 0.7
18NF50 N(f)
19S50 WSMA(m)
2 to 26.5 WSMA(m) 25 x 0.35
19SF50 WSMA(f)
18A50 19K50 K(m)
2 to 40 K(m) 15 x 0.29
19KF50 K(f)
Temperature range: +25°C ±5°C
Ordering information
19S50 Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Precision Air Line
18A50 2 to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, GPC-7
The 18 and 19 Series Precision Airlines are the most accurate im- 18N50 2 to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, N (m)
pedance standards available today, and they are the recognized 18NF50 2 to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, N (f)
traceability path for impedance at high frequencies. Anritsu airlines 19K50 2 to 40 GHz, 50 Ω, K(m)
are a critical component when measuring accurate impedances, en- 19KF50 2 to 40 GHz, 50 Ω, K(f)
abling measurements down to 1.006 SWR to 18 GHz,1.01 SWR to 19S50 2 to 26.5 GHz, 50 Ω, WSMA(m)
19SF50 2 to 26.5 GHz, 50 Ω, WSMA(f)
26.5 GHz, and 1.02 SWR to 40 GHz.
A beadless connector is used at the measurement end to provide a
minimum reflection connection. The other end is beaded to keep the
center conductor captive, thus fixing the reference plane at the bead-
less end.
• Virtually lossless gold over silver plating
• Provides impedance traceability to NIST
• Enable measurements down to 1.006 SWR to 18 GHz, 1.01 SWR
to 26.5 GHz, and 1.02 SWR to 40 GHz
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22 Series
DC to 50 GHz
Frequency Characteristic Dimensions
Test port
Model range impedance L(cm) x
(GHz) (Ω) dia(cm)
22N75 N(m) 6.3 x 1.8
DC to 3 75
22NF75 N(f) 4.9 x 1.6
22N50 N(m) 6.3 x 1.8
DC to 18 50
22NF50 N(f) 4.9 x 1.6
The 22 Series Open/Shorts are used on the test port of an SWR Ordering information
Autotester or SWR bridge to establish a full reflection reference for Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
accurate SWR measurements. When used with scalar network ana-
Model/Order No. Name
lyzers, the open and short reflections over a swept frequency range
can be automatically averaged to enhance measurement accuracy. Open/Short
All models consist of an open on one end and a short on the other. 22N50 DC to 18 GHz, N(m), 50 Ω
22NF50 DC to 18 GHz, N(f), 50 Ω
Features 22N75 DC to 3 GHz, N(m), 75 Ω
22NF75 DC to 3 GHz, N(f), 75 Ω
• Single gold-plated component providing full open and short reflec-
22A50 DC to 18 GHz, GPC-7 connector, 50 Ω
tions for accurate SWR measurements 22K50 DC to 40 GHz, K(m), 50 Ω
• DC to 50 GHz frequency coverage 22KF50 DC to 40 GHz, K(f), 50 Ω
• GPC-7, Type N, WSMA, K Connector® and V Connector® 22S50 DC to 26.5 GHz, WSMA(m), 50 Ω
• 50 Ω or 75 Ω impedance 22SF50 DC to 26.5 GHz, WSMA(f), 50 Ω
22V50 DC to 50 GHz, V(m), 50 Ω
22VF50 DC to 50 GHz, V(f), 50 Ω
Frequency Characteristic
Test port
Model range impedance
(GHz) (Ω)
OSLN50LF DC to 4 N(m) 50
OSLNF50LF DC to 4 N(f) 50
Temperature range: +25°C ±5°C
The OSL series open/short/load are used on the test port of hand
held spectrum analyzers to establish a full reflection reference for
accurate measurements. When used with a Site Master, the
open/short and load reflection over a swept frequency range can be
automatically averaged to enhance measurement accuracy. The
OSL series Open/Short/Load comes in both N (Male) and N
(Female) connector configuration and consists of an open on one
end, a short on other end, and a Load on the tee section.
• Single Nickel Plated Component providing full open, short and load
reflections for accurate measurements.
• DC to 4 GHz frequency coverage
• Type N(Male) and N(Female) connector configurations
• 50 Ω Impedence
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70, 75 Series
100 kHz to 50 GHz
RL= 50 k
RL= 50
RL= 1 k
RL= 200
RL= Load resistance
–40 –30 –20 –10 0 +10 +20
Input power (dBm)
Typical sensitivity
RL= 1 k
RL= 5 k
Option 2 (75KC50) Matching frequency response of two detectors
Option 3 (75KC50) Matching frequency response of three detectors
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RL= 50 k
RL= 50
RL= 1 k
RL= 200
RL= Load resistance
A16176 –40 –30 –20 –10 0 +10 +20
Input power (dBm)
Typical sensitivity
RL= 1 k
RL= 5 k
Field replaceable diode modules provide field replacements for 0
The Anritsu 560-7 and 5400-71 Series RF Detectors are used with the
Model 56100A Scalar Network Analyzer and with Series 54100A
Scalar Measurement System for making coaxial transmission loss or
gain and power measurements. They are also used with the Site
Master™ and Cable Mate™ Series Personal SWR/RL and Fault
Location Testers for making power measurements.
• Zero-biased Schottky diodes
5400-71N50 • –55 dBm to +16 dBm range
Model Frequency range Impedance Return loss Input connector Frequency Response
15 dB, <0.04 GHz
560-7A50 0.01 to 18 GHz 50 Ω 22 dB, <8 GHz GPC-7 ±0.5 dB, 18 GHz
17 dB, <18 GHz
15 dB, <0.04 GHz
22 dB, <8 GHz ±0.5 dB, <18 GHz
560-7N50B 0.01 to 20 GHz 50 Ω N(m)
17 dB, <18 GHz ±1.25 dB, <20 GHz
14 dB, <20 GHz
15 dB, <0.04 GHz
22 dB, <8 GHz ±0.5 dB, <18 GHz
560-7S50B 0.01 to 20 GHz 50 Ω WSMA(m)
17 dB, <18 GHz ±1.25 dB, <20 GHz
14 dB, <20 GHz
15 dB, <0.04 GHz
22 dB, <8 GHz ±0.5 dB, <18 GHz
560-7S50-2 0.01 to 26.5 GHz 50 Ω WSMA(m)
17 dB, <18 GHz ±1.25 dB, <26.5 GHz
14 dB, <26.5 GHz
12 dB, <0.04 GHz
22 dB, <8 GHz ±0.5 dB, <18 GH
7 dB, <18 GHz ±1.25 dB, <26.5 GHz
560-7K50 0.01 to 40 GHz 50 Ω K(m)
15 dB, <26.5 GHz ±2.2 dB, <32 GHz
14 dB, <32 GHz ±2.5 dB, <40 GHz
13 dB, <40 GHz
12 dB, <0.04 GHz
±0.8 dB, <20 GHz
19 dB, <20 GHz
560-7VA50 0.01 to 50 GHz 50 Ω V(m) ±2.5 dB, <40 GHz
15 dB, <40 GHz
±3.0 dB, <50 GHz
10 dB, <50 GHz
5400-71B50 0.001 to 1.5 GHz 50 Ω 20 dB BNC(m) ±0.2 dB, <1.5 GHz
5400-71B75 0.001 to 1.5 GHz 75 Ω 20 dB BNC(m) ±0.2 dB, <1.5 GHz
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MA2400A/B Series
10 MHz to 50 GHz
MA242XA Series
100 Thermal Sensors
Thermal Sensor
The MA2400A/B Series Power Sensors consist of MA247XA Series Pin
Power Sensors, MA246XA/B Series Power Sensors, MA248XA
Series Universal Power Sensors, MA242XA/B Series Thermal Power Figure 1 Fast Thermal Sensors
Sensors, and MA244XA Series High Accuracy Power Sensors.
These units are broadband microwave measurement components.
All models except the MA246XA/B Series Power Sensors, are used Standard diode sensors
with the ML2430A Series Power Meters. The MA246XA/B Series Diode sensors have greater speed, sensitivity, and dynamic range
Power Sensors are used only with the ML2400A Series Power Meter. than thermal sensors (see figure 2). All Anritsu diode sensors use a
dual diode architecture that gives improved sensitivity and dynamic
Features range over single diode architectures. The MA2470A Series Power
• 10 MHz to 50 GHz range Sensors 90 dB dynamic range is both fast and accurate. Linearity is
• N, K, and V type RF connectors better than 1.8%, typically < 1.0% through 18 GHz.
• 90 dB dynamic range provides stable power readings to –70 dBm MA2470A power sensors offer an ideal combination of speed and
• MA244XA Series High Accuracy Power Sensors contain an addi- dynamic range for general purpose power measurements. A single
tional matching circuit to improve return loss performance sensor replaces the two sensors that were previously required with
• MA242XA/B Series Thermal Power Sensors provide measuring sensors limited to 50 dB dynamic range.
speeds to 4 ms rise and fall times in addition to exceptional return
loss performance
• MA246XB power sensors have fast one millisecond rise and fall 100000
and charge migration between dissimilar metals gives a true reading Pin
of average power on any incident waveform. Anritsu thermal sensors
have class-leading SWR and a built in EEPROM with calibration fac- Figure 2 Standard Diode Sensors
Pad Divider
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Dynamic range Rise time∗1 RF
Model Frequency range SWR Sensor linearity
(dBm) (ms) connector∗2
Standard diode sensors
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name Model/Order No. Name
Thermal Sensor Power Sensor
MA2421A 0.1 MHz to 18 GHz MA2472B 10 MHz to 18 GHz
MA2422B 10 MHz to 18 GHz MA2473A 10 MHz to 32 GHz
MA2423B 10 MHz to 32 GHz MA2474A 10 MHz to 40 GHz
MA2424B 10 MHz to 40 GHz MA2475A 10 MHz to 50 GHz
MA2425B 10 MHz to 50 GHz MA2481B Universal Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 6 GHz
MA2482A Universal Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 18 GHz
High Accuracy Sensor MA2480/01 Option 1, Universal Power Sensor CW Option
MA2442B 10 MHz to 18 GHz MA2400/98 Z540/Guide 25 Calibration
MA2444A 10 MHz to 40 GHz MA2400/99 Premium Calibration
MA2445A 10 MHz to 50 GHz MA2497A Agilent (HP) Sensor adapter
MA2499B Anritsu Sensor 10 to 12 pin Adapter
Fast Diode Sensor
MA2468A 10 MHz to 6 GHz
MA2469B 10 MHz to 18 GHz
0 0
0 Frequency (GHz) 3
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K240, V240 Series
DC to 65 GHz
0 0
0 Frequency (GHz) 67
7.4 mm
7.4 mm
These microwave power dividers are symmetrical, three-resistor tee
designs that can be used in applications where signals from DC to 10.2 mm
14.7 mm
65 GHz must be accurately divided or combined. K Connector® is
compatible with 3.5 mm and SMA; V Connector® is compatible with
2.4 mm. All models have exceptional amplitude and phase tracking 2-56 UNC-2B, 2X
Frequency Impedance
range (GHz) (Ω) 7.4 mm THREAD M7.0 X .75-6G,2X
14.7 mm 10.2 mm
Frequency Tracking of outputs Insertion loss
range (GHz) Amplitude Phase (dB max.)
Ø 2.6 mm 2X
DC to 6 ± 0.3 dB ± 2˚ 7 1.22
2-56 UNC-2B, 2X
14.7 mm 9.1 mm
26.5 to 40 ± 0.6 dB ± 6˚ 8.5 1.79
40 to 65 ± 1.8 dB ± 18˚ 10 3.11
V240C outline
Maximum Input Power: 1W
Temperature range: 0°C to +70°C
Weight: 43g
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
K240B Precision Power Divider, DC to 26.5 GHz
K240C Precision Power Divider, DC to 40 GHz
V240C Precision Power Divider, DC to 60 GHz
11.5 9.2
6.1 K or V FEMALE
2.28 2.64 2X K or V
14.7 10.16
2-56 UNC-2B, 2X
14.8 Dimensions in millimeters
K241C (MAX)
THREAD M7.0 X .75-6G,2X
that can be used in applications where signals from DC to 65 GHz 7.4 mm
must be accurately divided for ratio measurements. They provide ex-
14.7 mm 10.2 mm
patible with 3.5 mm and SMA; V Connectors® are compatible with Ø 2.6 mm 2X
2.4 mm. 2-56 UNC-2B, 2X
Features 10.2 mm
14.7 mm
4.6 mm
9.1 mm
• DC to 65 GHz frequency range
• K Connector® compatibility with SMA/3.5 mm
• V Connector® compatibility with 2.4 mm V241C Outline
• Excellent flatness and effective output SWR
Frequency Impedance Connectors Ordering information
Model Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
range (GHz) (Ω) Input Output
Model/Order No. Name
K241B DC to 26.5 50 K(m) K(f)
K241B Precision Power Splitter, DC to 26.5 GHz
K241C DC to 40 50 K(m) K(f) K241C Precision Power Splitter, DC to 40 GHz
V241C DC to 65 50 V(m) V(f) V241C Precision Power Splitter, DC to 60 GHz
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N241 Series
DC to 3000 MHz
31.8 31.8
Dimensions in millimeters
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
N241A50 Power Splitter, DC to 3000 MHz, 50 Ω
N241A75 Power Splitter, DC to 3000 MHz, 75 Ω
These RF power splitters are symmetrical, two resistor designs that
can be used in applications where signals from DC to 3000 MHz
must be accurately divided for ratio measurements. They are avail-
able in 50 or 75 Ω and provide excellent flatness and effective output
• DC to 3000 MHz frequency range
• Excellent flatness and effective output SWR
• 50 or 75 Ω
Model N241A50 N241A75
Frequency range DC to 3000 MHz DC to 3000 MHz
Input SWR 1.3 1.4
Effective output SWR 1.3 1.4
Insertion loss 7.5 dB 7.5 dB
Flatness ±1.5 dB ±1.5 dB
Impedance 50 Ω 75 Ω
Input: N(f) Input: N(f)
Output: N(f) Output: N(f)
Temperature 0 to 60°C
Mounting position Any
Weight 57g
29.2 NOM
.25-36 UNS-2A 12.7 NOM
7.87 NOM
Ø 2.69 THRU
.25-36 UNS-2B
6.35 NOM
6.35 NOM
These bias tees are designed for applications where both DC and
RF signals must be applied to a device under test. They are particu- Outline drawing (K and V models)
larly suited for active device measurements. DC voltages of up to 30
volts at 0.5 amps may be applied to test devices with negligible ef-
fect on RF performance. Low RF throughline loss (<1 dB) and low re- DC IN
turn loss ensure negligible effect on measurements up to 60 GHz. An
RF input DC block isolates the input port from the applied bias voltage.
• Broadband, 0.1 to 60 GHz coverage
• Low SWR, low insertion loss RF IN RF OUT
• K Connector® and V Connector® availability
Model K250 V250 Schematic diagram (K and V models)
Frequency range 0.1 to 40 GHz∗1 0.1 to 60 GHz∗1
Insertion loss 1.2 dB typ. 2.2 dB typ. Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
13 dB min. to 20 GHz
15 dB min. to 20 GHz Model/Order No. Name
Return loss 9 dB min. to 40 GHz
10 dB min. to 40 GHz
8 dB min. to 60 GHz K250 Precision Bias Tee, 100 MHz to 40 GHz
V250 Precision Bias Tee, 100 MHz to 60 GHz
RF power 1W max. 1 W max.
DC voltage 30V max. 30 V max.
DC current 0.5A 0.5 A
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K251, V251
50 kHz to 40 GHz 100 kHz to 65 GHz
1/4-36 UNS-2B
2X Ø.104 THRU
11.8 TYP
33.4 RF IN 7.72
15.44 K251 BIAS TEE DC
1/4-36 UNS-2A 4.45
V251 7.1
31.8 (MAX)
Dimensions in millimeters
cal communications and other high-speed pulse, data or microwave 33.7 RF IN 7.72
applications. Designed to simultaneously apply both DC and RF drive 15.44 V251 BIAS TEE DC
signals to a device via a single input port, these bias tees feature fast OUT
Features 8.89
RF In: V(m)
100 kHz to 113 ±2 ps
V251 <2.5 dB typical See Plot <5 ps typical 100 mA 16 VDC 1W RF Out: V(f)
65 GHz typical
Bias: SMC(m)
Specifications apply over the full DC Bias current range and over the temperature range of 0°C to +70°C.
Insertion Loss
Return Loss
Insertion Loss
Return Loss
Typical Low Frequency Insertion Loss and Return Loss Typical Insertion Loss and Return Loss measured on K251
measured on K251 over the range of 1kHz to 1 MHz. over the range of 40 MHz to 40 GHz.
Insertion Loss
Return Loss
Insertion Loss
Return Loss
Typical Low Frequency Insertion Loss measured on V251 Insertion Loss and Return Loss measured on V251 over the
over the range of 1 kHz to 1 MHz. range of 40 MHz to 65 GHz.
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
K251 Precision Bias Tee, 50 kHz to 40 GHz
V251 Precision Bias Tee, 100 kHz to 65 GHz
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50 kHz to 65 GHz
M7.0 X 75-6G
39.6 S/N XXXXXX 2.8
M7.0 X 75-6H
6.5 7.0
The V255 Gen II Ultra Wideband Bias Tee is designed to meet the Features
high electrical performance requirements of passive components in • Ideal for Optical Communication applications.
optical communication networks. This bias tee is ideal for use in • Very low Insertion Loss
40 Gbps systems because of low insertion loss, excellent return loss • Rise Time 3 ps typical
and broad bandwidth. Its fast rise time and flat group delay perfor- • High Current Capacity
mance allows extremely accurate measurements within a laboratory • High Isolation between Input Port and DC Port
environment. The V255 Bias Tee comes with a standard
V Connector® that assures excellent impedance match across the
available wide bandwidth. The DC signal can be applied or extracted
from the bias tee through an SMC connector at the third port. As with
our other bias tees, the V255 also has a one-year warranty.
Rise Group Operating
Model Frequency range Insertion loss Return loss DC voltage DC current Isolation
Time delay temp.
Typical High Frequency Insertion Loss and Return Loss Typical Isolation between Data I/P and DC Port
measured on V255 over the range of 65 GHz
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
Typical Group Delay Performance measured on V255 V255 Gen II Wideband Bias Tee, 50 kHz to 65 GHz
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K261, V261
10 kHz to 40 GHz 50 kHz to 65 GHz
Dimensions in millimeters
Frequency Max Max
Model Insertion loss Return loss Rise time Group delay Connectors
range DC voltage RF power
10 kHz to RF In: K(m)
K261 <1.0 dB typical See Plot <7 ps typical 110 ±1 ps typical 16 VDC 1W
40 GHz RF Out: K(f)
50 kHz to RF In: V(m)
V261 <2.0 dB typical See Plot <5 ps typical 113 ±1 ps typical 16 VDC 1W
65 GHz RF Out: V(f)
Insertion Loss
Return Loss
Insertion Loss
Return Loss
Typical Low Frequency Insertion Loss measured on K261 Typical Insertion Loss and Return Loss measured on K261
over the range of 1 kHz to 1 MHz. over the range of 40 MHz to 40 GHz.
Insertion Loss
Return Loss
Insertion Loss
Return Loss
Typical Low Frequency Insertion Loss measured on V261 Typical Insertion Loss and Return Loss measured on V261
over the range of 1 kHz to 1 MHz. over the range of 40 MHz to 65 GHz.
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
K261 Precision DC Block, 50 kHz to 40 GHz
V261 Precision DC Block, 100 kHz to 65 GHz
http://www.anritsu.com 525
50 kHz to 65 GHz
11.5 8.6
The V265 DC Block has been designed and optimized for optical Features
communications and other high speed pulse, data or microwave ap- • Ideal for Optical Communication applications.
plications. Based on the coaxial resilient connection – which is the • Low Insertion Loss
same as on our V255 Gen II Bias Tee – it provides excellent low fre- • Rise Time 3 ps typical
quency response with very low losses and flat group delay over the
temperature of operation. Designed to apply AC drive signals to a
device while eliminating any DC voltage or current components, the
V265 DC Block can be used in isolating DC leakage between two
electrical components. The DC block comes with a standard
V Connector® and assures excellent impedance match across the
wide bandwidth available. A one-year warranty is provided.
Max RF Max Rise Group Operating
Model Frequency range Insertion loss Return loss Connector
power DC voltage Time delay temp.
Typical High Frequency Insertion Loss and Return Loss Typical Group Delay Performance measured on V265
measured on V265 DC Block over the range of 40 MHz to 65 GHz
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
V265 DC Block, 50 kHz to 65 GHz
http://www.anritsu.com 527
50 kHz to 65 GHz
NEW Model Frequency Return DC DC Operating
Number Range Loss Voltage Current Temperature
50 KHz to ≥18 dB 0°C
DBT60 16V 200 mA
60 GHz typical to 70°C
50 kHz to ≥17 dB
50 GHz typical 0°C
DBT60CPW 16V 200 mA
50 GHz to ≥14 dB to 70°C
60 GHz typical
5.00 1.2
The Bias Termination is designed to meet the stringent electrical per- ±.025
formance requirements and small size of passive components in op-
tical communication networks. A broad bandwidth of 50 kHz to 65
GHz with very good return loss makes it ideal to provide DC Bias in
40 Gbps optical modulators. In addition, the small size of the bias
termination makes integration of the biasing network easier.
The two different models available are DBT60 and DBT60CPW. Dimensions in Millimeters
• Low SWR
-5 -5
S11 (dB)
-40 -35
-45 -40
.04 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Typical High Frequency Return Loss measured on DBT60 over Typical DBT60 Low Frequency Return Loss Performance.
the range of 40 MHz to 65 GHz using Anritsu 37397C VNA.
S11 (dB)
-20 -15
-25 -20
-50 -40
.04 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Typical High Frequency Return Loss measured on DBT60CPW Typical DBT60CPW Low Frequency Return Loss Performance.
over the range of 40 MHz to 65 GHz using Anritsu 37397C VNA.
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
DBT60 Bias Termination
DBT60CPW Bias Termination
http://www.anritsu.com 529
3680 Series
DC to 60 GHz
• Electrical
Universal Test Fixture Attach-
Model Launcher
3680-20 3680K 3680V 36801K 36801V 36802
Frequency range
DC to 20 DC to 40 DC to 60 DC to 40 DC to 60 DC to 60
Return loss (dB)
DC to 20 GHz >17 >17 >17 >16 >16 >12
20 to 40 GHz >14 >14 >12 >12 >8
40 to 60 GHz >8 >7 >6
Repeatability (dB)
DC to 20 GHz <±0.10 <±0.10 <±0.10 <±0.15 <±0.15 <±0.20
20 to 40 GHz <±0.20 <±0.20 <±0.25 <±0.25 <±0.40
40 to 60 GHz <±0.30 <±0.40 <±0.60
Temperature –20˚ to 70˚C
Ordering information
Please specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
The 3680 series provide an accurate, repeatable solution for mea- Main frame
suring microstrip and Coplanar substrate devices. Input and output 3680-20 Universal Test Fixture (20 GHz)
connections are made to the substrate device by two spring-loaded 3680K Universal Test Fixture (40 GHz)
jaws that include coax-to-microstrip/Coplanar launchers. The jaws 3680V Universal Test Fixture (60 GHz)
accommodate substrates from 0.13 to 1.9 mm in thickness. No cen- Accessories
ter section is required. One jaw is movable in two dimensions to ac- 36801K Right-Angle Launcher (40 GHz)
commodate substrates up to 50 mm long (100 mm for 3680-20) and 36801V Right-Angle Launcher (60 GHz)
substrates with line offsets of up to 13 mm (25 mm for 3680-20). The 36802 MMIC Attachment
3680 series includes three models: the 3680-20 covers DC to 20 36803 Bias Probe
GHz with APC-3.5TM connectors, the 3680K covers DC to 40 GHz 36805-10M 10 mil launchers∗1
with Anritsu's K Connector®, and the 3680V covers DC to 60 GHz 36805-15M 15 mil launchers∗1
36805-25M 25 mil launchers∗1
with Anritsu's V Connector®.
Calibration/verification kits
Features 36804B-10M 10 mil microstrip cal/verif. kit
• DC to 60 GHz coverage 36804B-15M 15 mil microstrip cal/verif. kit
• Microstrip and coplanar measurement capability 36804B-25M 25 mil microstrip cal/verif. kit
• Accommodates offset and right-angle test devices 36804B-25C 25 mil coplanar waveguide cal/verif. kit
• Calibration/verification kits (optional) ∗1: 36805 series includes (4) substrate launchers for the 36802 MMIC attachment
• Substrate measurement capability
13 32.3
13 17.4
17.4 Dia.
Dimensions in millimeters
http://www.anritsu.com 531
12 Series
DC to 3000 MHz
Insertion loss
Model range SWR Connectors
N(m) 50 Ω to
12N50-75B DC to 3000 1.25 7.5 max.
N(f) 75 Ω
N(m) 50 Ω to
12N75B DC to 3000 1.25 3.0 max.
N(m) 75 Ω
Ordering information
12N50-75B Please specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.
Model/Order No. Name
12N50-75B Matching Pad, DC to 3000 MHz
12N75B Minimum Loss Adapter, DC to 3000 MHz
The MB23A and MB24A can be folded so they can be transported
PORTABLE TEST RACK easily and used in places with space limitations. Metal fittings to
MB23A, MB24A accommodate both current and new cabinet designs are included.
• By easy operation of the lever, the table can be inclined at five dif-
ferent angles for optimum instrument viewing ease.
• Thanks to Anritsu's exclusive construction, just a light touch of the
lever is all it takes to move the angle safely up to 45˚.
• The table is fixed in a horizontal position.
• Since the rack can support up to 100 kg, several instruments may be
http://www.anritsu.com 535
Order Number J0576B/D 1 J0133A/C 2 J0047 3
Coaxial cord 1 m Coaxial cord 1 m/2 m Coaxial cord 1 m/2 m Coaxial cord 1 m/2 m
3CA-P2 · RG-58A/U · Alligator clip 3CV-P2 · 3C-2V · 3CV-P2 SP-3CP · 3C-2WS · SP-3CP SP-3CP · 3C-2WS · 3CW-P
J0030A/B 8 J0027A/B 9 J0031A/B 10 J0032 11
Coaxial adapter N-P · BNC-P Coaxial adapter N-J · BNC-J Coaxial adapter N-J · BNC-P Coaxial adapter N-P · M-J
J0042 20 J0046 21 J0055 22 J0045 23
Coaxial adapter N-J · M-P Coaxial adapter NC-P · SP-3CJ Coaxial adapter NC-P · BNC-J Coaxial adapter BNC-P · M-J
J0053 24 J0052 25 – 26 J0048 27
2 – 3.2ø
2 – 3.2ø
6 – 3.5ø
20 8 – 3.5ø 58
BRJ-7 (5.85to
GHz) BRJ-10
BRJ-10 (8.20
(8.20 to 12.40 GHz)
2 – 3.2ø 4 – 4.5ø
2 – 3.2ø
6 – 3.5ø 22.9
56 31
70 42
BRJ-120 (9.84
(9.84 toto 15.0
15.0 GHz)
GHz) BRJ-140(11.9
BRJ-140 (11.9
toto 18.0
18.0 GHz)
GHz) BRJ-18
22.0 GHz)
4 – 4ø 4 – 4ø 2 – 3.2ø 4 – 3.3ø
12.14 12.14
14.25 14.25
19.050 15.799
http://www.anritsu.com 537
Anritsu's F-series cabinet was designed using basic dimensions that • Tilt stand
conform to EIA and IEC racking specifications, permitting compatible Allows cabinet to be used at an angle
equipment to be easily stacked up to form a system, or to be mount-
ed on the EIA/IEC standard rack.
The accessories of the F-series cabinet are easy to mount and use,
and blend with the design of the cabinet. The F-series can be iden-
tified by its green feet.
• Protective cover
Protects front of cabinet
No. Description Quantity
1 – 1
• Coupler 2
To mount two or more F-series cabinet in a stack
1 2 Side rail 2
3 5NPS25S7 + SW 2
4 4NPS6S7 + SW 4
1 Coupler 4
2 Screw 8
481.6 ±1.5
10 R3
1 Front handle 2
465 ±1.5 451 2 Screw 4
Unit: mm
Cabinet height H A B C Item Order No.
Angle support
430 ±1.5
432 0
448 ±1.5 Wi
dth pth
Note: Merely attaching the equipment to the rack with rack mount kit does not
provide enough support. Use either angle supports or shelves to provide
the necessary support.
Symbol Dimension (mm)
2U 88
3U 132.5
4U 177
5U 221.5
6U 266
Symbol Dimension (mm)
1MW 426
3/4MW 320
2/3MW 284
1/2MW 213 13
Symbol Dimension (mm)
250D 251
350D 351
450D 451
Note: knobs, handles, and feet are not included in cabinet external dimensions.
http://www.anritsu.com 539
Anritsu's E-series cabinet was designed using basic dimensions that • Front handle kit
conform to EIA and IEC racking specifications, permitting compatible
equipment to be easily stacked up to form a system, or to be mount-
ed on the EIA/IEC standard rack. Featuring a balanced design, the
E-series cabinet accessories provide ease of mounting and use. The
E-series cabinet can be identified by the four silver metal sections be-
tween its top and side surfaces.
• Front/rear cover
These one-touch lock feet replace the standard molded feet for use
when stacking equipment of the same width and depth, and when
mounting the equipment on a portable test rack.
a b c b a
465 Holes
The rack mount accessory is for use with equipment having 1MW cabi- 6
net width providing front handles.
No. Description Quantity 426 Detail of holes
1 Rack flange 2
2U to 3U 4 Cabinet height H (mm) a b c
2 Screw
4U to 6U 6 2U 88 5.9 – 76.2
3U 132.5 37.7 – 57.1
Item Order No. 4U 177 37.7 – 101.6
Rack flange kit 2U B0046 5U 221.5 37.7 – 146.1
Rack flange kit 3U B0047 6U 266 37.7 57.1 76.2
Rack flange kit 4U B0048 Note: This space provides room to attach a flange for supporting the equipment
Rack flange kit 5U B0049
Rack flange kit 6U B0050 • Symbol and dimensions of E-series cabinet
Note: • For 1MW cabinets
• When assembled, the panel width is suitable for 19-inch racks.
• For EIA/IEC standard rack
• Rack mount kit
dth pth
Symbol Dimension (mm)
Remove trim tape 2U 88
1 3U 132.5
3 4U 177
5U 221.5
The rack mount accessory is for use with equipment having 1MW cabi-
net width. 6U 266
Note: Merely attaching the equipment to the rack with rack mount kit does not
provide enough support. Use either angle supports or shelves to provide Width
the necessary support.
Symbol Dimension (mm)
No. Description Quantity
1MW 426
1 Front handle 2
3/4MW 320
2 Rack flange 2
2/3MW 284
3 Screw
2U to 3U 4
1/2MW 213 13
4U to 6U 6
Item Order No.
Symbol Dimension (mm)
Rack mount kit 2U B0041
250D 251
Rack mount kit 3U B0042
350D 351
Rack mount kit 4U B0043
450D 451
Rack mount kit 5U B0044
Note: knobs, handles, and feet are not included in cabinet external dimensions.
Rack mount kit 6U B0045
Note: • For 1MW cabinets
• When assembled, the panel width is suitable for 19-inch racks.
• For EIA/IEC standard rack
http://www.anritsu.com 541
IP Network, Wireless and Precision products contained in this cata-
logue are manufactured under a quality system and environment
management system in conformance to the ISO international stan-
Factory name Conformed standard Qualification number Qualified date Qualification organization
ISO9001 JQA-0316 Nov. 15, 1993
Atsugi factory
ISO14001 JQA-EM0210 Aug. 28, 1998
Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA)
ISO9002 JQA-0737 Dec. 28, 1994
Tohoku Anritsu
ISO14001 JQA-EM0560 Oct. 22, 1999
ISO9001 FS22679 May 24, 1999
England factory BSI Quality Assurance
ISO14001 EMS54120 Mar. 15, 2000
U.S.A factory ISO9001 6495 Apr. 17, 2001 The Seal of National Quality Assurance Limited
National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Communication National Institute of
Science and Research Standard and National Physical
Technology (AIST) Laboratory (CRL) Technology (NIST) Laboratory (NPL)
Anritsu Products