Sandra Cisneros
Sandra Cisneros
Sandra Cisneros
country. He worked two jobs. He came home late and he Home. Home. Home is a house photograph, a
left early. Every day. pink house, pink as hollyhocks with lots of startled light.
Then one day Mamacita and the baby boy arrived The man paints the walls of the apartment pink, but it's
in a yellow taxi. The taxi door opened like a waiter's not the same, you know. She still for house,
arm. Out stepped a tiny pink shoe, a foot soft as a rab- and then I think she cries. I would.
bit's ear, then the thick ankle, a flutter of hips, fuch- Sometimes the man gets disgusted. He starts scream-
sia roses and green perfume. The man had to pull her, ing and you can hear it all the way down the street.
Sally is the girl with eyes like Egypt and nylons the
color of smoke. The boys at school think she's beautiful
because her hair is shiny black like raven feathers and when
she laughs, she flicks her hair back like a satin over
her shoulders and laughs.
Her father says to be this beautiful is trouble.
are very strict in his religion. They are not supposed to
dance. He remembers his sisters and is sad. Then she can't
go out. Sally I mean.
Sally, who taught you to paint your
patra? And if I roll the little brush with my tongue and