Yamato PPC-200W Manual Tecnico

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PPC-200W Technical Manual


1775 S. Murray Blvd. #112-19425 Langley By-Pass
Colorado Springs, CO 80916 USA Surrey, B.C. V3S 6K1 Canada
Tel (719) 591-1500 Fax (719) 591-1045 Tel (604) 533-2338 Fax (604) 533-0827
PPC-200W Technical Manual
Table of Contents

I. Introduction 1

II. Set-up Procedures 1

A. Test Mode 1
B. System Parameter Mode 2
C. Calibration Mode 3
D. Factory Parameter Mode 4

III. Troubleshooting 5

IV. Parameter Lists 6

A. User Parameters 6
B. System Parameters 7
C. Factory Parameters 7
D. Standard Factory Parameter Settings 10

V. Wiring Diagram 12

VI. Parts List 13

Before using the scale, carefully read, understand and follow the “Safety Instructions” described in this manual. Observe the advice
given in the “Operations” section to ensure proper operation. Keep this operation manual handy for reference.

1) This scale is not an explosion-proof model. Do not use the scale in an atmosphere containing flammable gases or explosive fumes. A
fire or an explosion can result.
2) Do not operate the scale if there is smoke or a burned smell coming from the scale. Unplug the scale immediately. After making sure
that there is no danger, consult your dealer. Never try to repair the scale by yourself.
3) Never step on or sit on the scale. Not only will the scale be damaged, but you may also be injured.
4) Place the item to be weighed in the center of the platform. Items placed on the edge of the platform may fall off and cause injury.
5) When weighing a heavy, large or unbalanced item, make sure the item is stable on the platform, otherwise, an accident may occur.
6) When carrying or moving the scale, be sure to hold it by the bottom of the base with both hands. If you hold it by the platform, the
platform or the platform support may become detached causing the scale to fall. This will damage the scale. The platform is designed
for easy removal and cleanup.
7) Do not insert your finger into the gaps or holes in the scale. You may be injured.

PPC-200W Technical Manual
I Introduction
The PPC-200W is available in four capacities. It displays units of either kilograms and one of the
following three: continuous pounds, continuous ounces, or pounds and ounces. The specifications
for each capacity are in the following table.
Capacity Increment Accuracy Maximum Tare
4 lb 2 kg 0.002 lb 0.001 kg 0.002 lb 0.001 kg 3.990 lb 1.995 kg
10 lb 4 kg 0.005 lb 0.002 kg 0.005 lb 0.002 kg 9.975 lb 3.990 kg
20 lb 10 kg 0.01 lb 0.005 kg 0.01 lb 0.005 kg 19.95 lb 9.975 kg
40 lb 20 kg 0.02 lb 0.01 kg 0.02 lb 0.01 kg 39.90 lb 19.95 kg
Additional specifications are provided in the operator’s manual. It is important to note that various
factory parameter settings depend upon the mode (continuous pound, continuous ounce, or pound
and ounce) option selected when the scale was purchased. See section IV.D for the standard
settings for each mode.
The PPC-200W is not washdown with the optional AC adaptor or the analog meter.
Remove the batteries when operating the scale with the AC adaptor. Use only the AC adaptor supplied
or an adaptor of the same output characteristics.

II Set-up Procedures
II.A Test Mode
1. Remove the scale platform.

2. Remove the five screws and one lead wire seal screw from the
undercarriage of the scale.

3. Gently lift and remove the scale cover and replace the scale

4. Turn the scale on and short the two “TEST” jumpers on the left of
the PCB above the LCD.

5. Once the scale is in Test Mode, the display can be rotated

through the following functions by pressing :

Internal Count
Initial Count
Direct Raw Count
Average Raw Count
Battery Check, A/D Conversion
ROM Version
Display Segment Check

6. Exit Test Mode by pressing .

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PPC-200W Technical Manual
II Set-up Procedures
II.B System Parameter Mode
1. Enter Test Mode (see section II.A for details.)

2. Press and to enter System Parameter Mode. The

scale will indicate a keyword followed by it’s value.

3. To select the desired keyword, use the keys as follows:

- increase keyword by one

+ - decrease keyword by one

Note: Use the System Parameter List in Section IV.B to locate

the function to be changed and it’s standard value. Keyword Parameter Value

Example: To select zero tracking time press eight


4. User parameters are also set in the System Parameter Mode.

Press to cycle through system keywords 30 through 40.

After system keyword 40, user keyword 01 is displayed. Pressing

will continue to cycle through user keywords 01 through 09

and then return to system keyword 30.

Note: Use the User Parameter List in Section IV.A to locate the
function to be changed and it’s standard value.

5. To change a parameter value, use the keys as follows:

- increase value by one

+ - increase value by ten

- decrease value by one

+ - decrease value by ten

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PPC-200W Technical Manual
II Set-up Procedures
II.B System Parameter Mode

6. Press to save a change and to progess to the next keyword.

7. Press and to return to test mode, or press then

to return to normal operating mode.

II.C Calibration Mode

1. Enter Test Mode (see section II.A for details.)

2. Press and to enter Calibration Mode. The scale will

indicate three-point or two-point span adjustment mode and the
fraction (i.e. - 0/2, 1/2 or 2/2 for three-point) of full-scale, in kilo-
grams, that should be placed on the platform.

3. If the scale is in two-point span adjustment mode, press to

enter three-point mode.

4. Clear the platform and press .

5. Place one-half of the full scale weight (in kilograms) on the plat-

Example: If the scale capacity is 5 kg/10 lb, place 2500 g on the


6. Press .

7. Add sufficient weight to the platform to bring the total to the full-
scale weight in kilograms.

Example: If the scale capacity is 5 kg/10 lb, place

another 2500 g on the platform for a total of 5 kg.

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PPC-200W Technical Manual
II Set-up Procedures
II.C Calibration Mode

8. Press to save the new calibration points and return

to Test Mode. Internal counts should read 20000 +/- 3.

9. Press at any time in the span-adjustment to exit to

Test Mode without saving any new calibration points.

10. Press then to return to normal operating


II.D Factory Parameter Mode

1. Enter Test Mode (see section II.A for details.)

2. Enter Calibration Mode (see section II.C for details.)

3. Press and to enter Factory Parameter Mode.

The steps are the same as in System Parameter Mode
(see Section II.B) with the exception that the keywords
progress from 51 through 99.

Note: Use the Factory Parameter List in Section IV.C to

locate the function to be changed. Use the Standard
Factory Parameter Settings List in Section IV.D to deter-
mine the appropriate parameter value to enter.

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PPC-200W Technical Manual
III Troubleshooting

Problem Possible Cause Solution

The scale will not power on. Batteries dead or incorrectly Test batteries. Reinstall if
installed. needed.
AC adapter loose or malfunc- Reseat adapter. Replace if
tioning. needed.
CPU board malfunction. Replace CPU board.

The display continues to flash Vibration or an unstable Remove source of vibration

all 8s after the scale is turned position or platform. or place scale on stable
on. platform.

“-----H” appears upon power up. Platform weight too high. Clear platform and restart.

“-----L” appears upon power up. Platform weight too low. Remove platform, clear
away any debris and rein-
stall platform.

The displayed weight fluctuates Material between the platform Remove material.
excessively. and the scale body.
Weighing assembly in contact Reposition wires, case or
with wires or case. platform.
Load cell connector loose or Reconnect or replace the
damaged. load cell connector.
Power board malfunction. Replace power board.
CPU board malfunction. Replace CPU board.

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PPC-200W Technical Manual
IV Parameter Lists
IV.A User Parameters

Key Std Function Description

Word Value
01 015 Auto-off timer 000 Disables auto-off.
001~240 Number of minutes unused to activate auto-off.
02 000 Display hold timer 000 No display hold for changes less than four divisions.
001~030 Display hold duration, in seconds, for changes less
than four divisions.
031 No display hold.
03 001 Communication 000 No serial interface.
001 Specified commands acceptable.
002 Sends zero detection.
003 Sends motion detection.
004 Sends continuously.
04 000 Communication data 000 Net weight (1 batch)
001 Net weight, tare weight, gross weight (1 batch)
002 Net weight, tare weight, gross weight (3 batches)
003 Display content (1 batch)
004 Serial printer format (1 batch)
05 000 Communication speed 000 9600 bps
001 600 bps
002 1200 bps
003 2400 bps
004 4800 bps
005 9600 bps
006 19200 bps
007 38400 bps
06 000 Character length 000 8 bits
001 7 bits
07 002 Parity 000 Non
001 Odd
002 Even
08 001 Stop bit length 000 1 bit
001 2 bits
09 001 Default mode 000 kg
001 lb/oz

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PPC-200W Technical Manual
IV Parameter Lists
IV.B System Parameters

Key Std Function Description

Word Value
30 018 System ID 018 Do not change.
31 010 Gravity compensation 000 No compensation.
001~016 Compensation for a specified area (Japan only.)
017~150 Acceleration due to gravity formula, (mm/s2 )-9700.
32 000 Linearity compensation 000 No compensation.
001~127 Positive compensation.
128~255 Negative compensation.
33 004 Steady-state sampling count 000~255
34 012 Steady-state count 000~255
35 008 Polarity steady-state count 000~255
36 020 Steady-state collapse count 000~255
37 004 Steady-state average count 000~255
38 010 Zero tracking timing 000 Disable zero tracking
001~255 Zero tracking at specified counts
39 001 Neglectable change count 000~010 Number of counts
40 000 Simple test mode 000 User parameter valid
001 User parameter invalid
002 User parameter and simple test mode valid

IV.C Factory Parameters

Key Function Description

51 Scale mode 000 Fixed single increment.
001 Multi-increments.
002 Do not use.
003 Do not use.
004 Change-over / gram mode - decimal pound mode.
005 Change-over / gram mode - lb/oz mode.
006 lb/oz mode.
52 Multi-increments, 000 Fixed single increment.
complex increment mode 001 Fixed accuracy, 3 increments.
002 Fixed accuracy, 2 increments.
003 Increment change at 50% full scale, 2 increments.
004 Increment change at 80% full scale, 2 increments.
005 Increment change at 64% full scale, 2 increments.
006 Increment change at 40% full scale, 2 increments.
53 Weighing capacity base value 000~099
54 Weighing capacity index value 001~004
55 Increment for lighter range 000 1
001 2
002 5
003 10
004 20
005 50
006 100
007 200

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PPC-200W Technical Manual
IV Parameter Lists
IV.C Factory Parameters

Key Function Description

56 Location of decimal point 000 0 (No decimal point.)
001 0.0
002 0.00
003 0.000
004 0.0000
57 Type of decimal point 000 Period (.)
001 Comma (,)
58 Weighing unit 000 No unit.
001 g
002 kg
003 lb.
004 oz.
59 Weighing unit display 000 No display.
001 Specified unit displayed.
60 Weighing capacity base value 000 Not used in pound mode.
(pound mode) 001~099
61 Weighing capacity index value 000~004
(pound mode)
62 Location of decimal point <Decimal pound and decimal ounce modes>
(lb , oz or lb/oz mode) 000 0 (No decimal point)
001 0.0
002 0.00
003 0.000
004 0.0000
<Pound/ounce mode>
000 0 : 0.00
001 0 : 0.0
002 0 : 0
003~004 Not used.
63 Pound increment 000~008
64 Pound conversion coefficient 000 Conversion coefficient = 1.00000
001 Conversion coefficient = 0.705479
002 Conversion coefficient = 0.881849
003 Conversion coefficient = 1.10231
65 Zero point range 000~100
66 Zero point range on plus side 000~100
67 Over scale 000~010
68 Display hold function 000 No hold
001 Hold for weight more than net + 10 divisions.
002 Hold for weight more than net + 10 divisions, hold key invalid.
003 Hold for weight more than net + 20 divisions.
004 Hold for weight more than net + 20 divisions, #10 invalid.
005 Hold for weight more than net + 20 divisions, hold key invalid,
#10 invalid.
69 Hold release against 000 Hold against any increased weight.
increased weight 001~005 Hold release against a specified increase.
70 Stable mark 000 Display the stable mark.
001 Stable mark not displayed.

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PPC-200W Technical Manual
IV Parameter Lists
IV.C Factory Parameters

Key Function Description

71 Tare function 000 No tare function.
001 One-time tare.
002 Consecutive tare.
72 Zero reset under tare operation 000 Zero reset enabled.
001 Zero reset disabled.
73 Power off with ON key 000 ON key disabled for power off.
001 Power off after pressing ON key for two seconds.
74 Special function for stability 000 No function.
001 Enforcement.
002 EU mode.
75 Over - under feature 000 Disabled.
001 Enabled.
80 Internal resolution 000 Do not use.
81 1 timer (ms) 000 Do not use.
82 3 timer (ms) 000 Do not use.
91 Mechanical zero 1 000~255 Automatically set at span adjustment.
92 Mechanical zero 2 000~255 Automatically set at span adjustment.
93 Span coefficient 1 (small) 000~255 Automatically set at span adjustment.
94 Span coefficient 2 (small) 000~255 Automatically set at span adjustment.
95 Span coefficient 1 (large) 000~255 Automatically set at span adjustment.
96 Span Coefficient 2 (large) 000~255 Automatically set at span adjustment.
97 Regional number and gravity 000~155 Automatically set at span adjustment.
for span adjustment
99 Factory setting 000 Always displayed. * Do Not Change *

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PPC-200W Technical Manual
IV Parameter Lists
IV.D Standard Factory Parameter Settings

Key Factory Parameter Decimal Pound Decimal Ounce

Word 2 kg 4 kg 10 kg 20 kg 2 kg 4 kg 10 kg 20 kg
51 Scale Mode 004 004 004 004 007 007 007 007
52 Multi-increments 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
53 Weighing capacity base value 002 004 010 020 002 004 010 020
54 Weighing capacity index value 003 003 003 002 003 003 003 002
55 Increment for lighter range 000 001 002 000 000 001 002 000
56 Location of decimal point 003 003 003 002 003 003 003 002
57 Type of decimal point 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
58 Weighing unit 002 002 002 002 002 002 002 002
59 Display of weighing unit 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001
60 Weighing capacity base value (lb) 004 010 020 040 050 010 020 050
61 Weighing capacity index value (lb) 003 003 002 002 000 000 000 000
62 Location of decimal point 003 003 002 002 002 001 001 001
63 Pound increment 002 005 001 002 005 001 002 005
64 Pound conversion coefficient 003 002 003 003 001 001 002 001
65 Zero point range 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019
66 Zero point range on plus side 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012
67 Over scale 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003
68 Display hold function 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
69 Hold release against increased wght. 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
70 Stable mark 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
71 Tare function 002 002 002 002 002 002 002 002
72 Zero reset under tare operation 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001
73 Power off with ON key 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
74 Special function for stability 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
75 Over - under function 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001
80 Internal resolution 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010
81 1 timer (ms) 045 045 045 045 045 045 045 045
82 3 timer (ms) 045 045 045 045 045 045 045 045
91 Mechanical zero 1 auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto
92 Mechanical zero 2 auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto
93 Span coefficient 1 (small) auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto
94 Span coefficient 2 (small) auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto
95 Span coefficient 1 (large) auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto
96 Span coefficient 2 (large) auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto
97 Regional # and gravity for span adj. auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto
99 Factory setting - Do not change 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000

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PPC-200W Technical Manual
IV Parameter Lists
IV.D Standard Factory Parameter Settings

Key Factory Parameter Pound and Ounce

Word 2 kg 4 kg 10 kg 20 kg
51 Scale Mode 005 005 005 005
52 Multi-increments 000 000 000 000
53 Weighing capacity base value 002 004 010 020
54 Weighing capacity index value 003 003 003 002
55 Increment for lighter range 000 001 002 000
56 Location of decimal point 003 003 003 002
57 Type of decimal point 000 000 000 000
58 Weighing unit 002 002 002 002
59 Display of weighing unit 001 001 001 001
60 Weighing capacity base value (lb) 050 010 020 050
61 Weighing capacity index value (lb) 000 000 000 000
62 Location of decimal point 000 001 001 001
63 Pound increment 005 001 002 005
64 Pound conversion coefficient 001 001 002 001
65 Zero point range 019 019 019 019
66 Zero point range on plus side 012 012 012 012
67 Over scale 003 003 003 003
68 Display hold function 000 000 000 000
69 Hold release against increased wght. 000 000 000 000
70 Stable mark 000 000 000 000
71 Tare function 002 002 002 002
72 Zero reset under tare operation 001 001 001 001
73 Power off with ON key 000 000 000 000
74 Special function for stability 000 000 000 000
75 Over - under function 001 001 001 001
80 Internal resolution 010 010 010 010
81 1 timer (ms) 045 045 045 045
82 3 timer (ms) 045 045 045 045
91 Mechanical zero 1 auto auto auto auto
92 Mechanical zero 2 auto auto auto auto
93 Span coefficient 1 (small) auto auto auto auto
94 Span coefficient 2 (small) auto auto auto auto
95 Span coefficient 1 (large) auto auto auto auto
96 Span coefficient 2 (large) auto auto auto auto
97 Regional # and gravity for span adj. auto auto auto auto
99 Factory setting - Do not change 000 000 000 000

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PPC-200W Technical Manual
V Wiring Diagram

Note: The PPC-200W is not

washdown with this option.

Note: The PPC-200W is not

washdown with this option.

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PPC-200W Technical Manual
VI Parts List

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PPC-200W Technical Manual
VI Parts List
1 YAM-1249-200001 Hex Bolt, M4 x 30, 2 kg/4 kg 4
2 YAM-1249-200002 Hex Bolt, M5 x 30, 10 kg/20 kg 4
3 YAM-1249-200003 Hex Head Screw, M3 x 12, 2 kg/4 kg 4
4 YAM-1249-200004 Hex Head Screw, M3 x 12, 10 kg/20 kg 4
5 YAM-1249-200005 Tapping Screw, M3 x 8 4
6 YAM-1249-200006 Hex Nut, M4, 2 kg/4 kg 5
7 YAM-1249-200007 Hex Nut, M5, 10 kg/20 kg 4
8 YAM-1249-200008 Phillips Screw, M4 x 18, 2 kg/4 kg 8
9 YAM-1249-200009 Phillips Screw, M5 x 18, 10 kg/20 kg 8
10 YAM-1249-200010 Tapping Screw, M3 x 10 12
11 YAM-1249-200011 Tapping Screw, M3 x 16 2
12 YAM-1249-200012 Tapping Screw, M4 x 16 3
13 YAM-1249-200013 Sealing Washer, M4, 2 kg/4 kg 4
14 YAM-1249-200014 Sealing Washer, M5, 10 kg/20 kg 4
15 YAM-1249-200015 Cup Screw, M4 x 40, 2 kg/4 kg 1
16 YAM-1249-200016 Nylon Washer 2
17 YAM-1249-200017 Front Mask Assembly 1
18 YAM-1249-200018 Load Cell, 4 lb/2 kg Capacity 1
19 YAM-1249-200019 Load Cell, 10 lb/4 kg Capacity 1
20 YAM-1249-200020 Load Cell, 20 lb/10 kg Capacity 1
21 YAM-1249-200021 Load Cell, 40 lb/20 kg Capacity 1
22 YAM-1249-200022 Red Wire, 300 mm 1
23 YAM-1249-200023 Black Wire, 430 mm 1
27 YAM-1249-200027 CPU Board Assembly 1
28 YAM-1249-200028 Platform Cover, S.S. 1
29 YAM-1249-200029 Level Indicator 1
30 YAM-1249-200030 Sealing Screw 1
32 YAM-1249-200032 Upper Housing Assembly 1
33 YAM-1249-200033 Lower Housing 1
35 YAM-1249-200035 Platform Support Assembly 1
36 YAM-1249-200036 Platform Support, Lower 1
37 YAM-1249-200037 Lid, Battery Box 1
38 YAM-1249-200038 Cushion, Rubber, Platform 4
39 YAM-1249-200039 Thumbscrew 2
40 YAM-1249-200040 Spring A, Battery Box 2
41 YAM-1249-200041 Spring B, Battery Box 2
42 YAM-1249-200042 Mounting Plate, Top, 2 kg 1
43 YAM-1249-200043 Mounting Plate, Bottom, 2 kg/4 kg 1
44 YAM-1249-200044 Mounting Plate, Top, 4 kg 1
45 YAM-1249-200045 Mounting Plate, Bottom, 10 kg/20 kg 1
46 YAM-1249-200046 Mounting Plate, Top, 10 kg/20 kg 1
47 YAM-1249-200047 Leveling Leg 4
50 YAM-1249-200050 Spacer, Load Cell, 2 kg/4 kg 2
51 YAM-1249-200051 Spacer, Load Cell, 10 kg/20 kg 2
54 YAM-1249-200054 Sticker, 4 lb, 200W 1
55 YAM-1249-200055 Sticker, 80 oz, 200W-C 1
56 YAM-1249-200056 Sticker, 5 lb, 200W-Z 1
57 YAM-1249-200057 Sticker, 10 lb, 200W 1
58 YAM-1249-200058 Sticker, 160 oz, 200W-C 1
59 YAM-1249-200058 Sticker, 10 lb, 200W-Z 1
60 YAM-1249-200058 Sticker, 20 lb, 200W 1
61 YAM-1249-200058 Sticker, 320 oz, 200W-C 1

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VI Parts List
62 YAM-1249-200062 Sticker, 20 lb, 200W-Z 1
63 YAM-1249-200063 Sticker, 40 lb, 200W 1
64 YAM-1249-200064 Sticker, 800 oz, 200W-C 1
65 YAM-1249-200065 Sticker, 50 lb, 200W-Z 1
72 YAM-1249-200072 Diaphragm 1
73 YAM-1249-200073 Packing A 1
75 YAM-1249-200075 Packing C 1
76 YAM-1249-200076 Packing B 1

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