5G 2021 PDF
5G 2021 PDF
5G 2021 PDF
The fifth generation wireless networks (5G) have an forecasting capabilities.5 Due to all of the above, 5G has
extremely low latency (less than one millisecond (ms) of been already adopted by a few centers across the
delay compared to about 70 milliseconds on the 4G net- world.1,6–8
work), together with higher data transmission speed
Although, telemedicine has been widely applied under
(about 100-fold from the current 10 megabit per second
different circumstances and applications, it faced several
on 4G) by using higher frequency millimeter waves com-
difficulties stemming from the limited latency and speed,
pared to existing networks.2,3 All this increase in func-
especially in telesurgery applications which are reviewed
tion occurs while it simultaneously reduces energy
consumption by all the connected devices4 by having
low power requirements. However, because 5G trans- Therefore, this report is limited to reviewing the literature
mits at higher frequencies, signal degradation becomes a of healthcare application of the 5G which already exists
greater challenge, and “base stations” need to be densely and, after presenting the communication basic principles,
populated (approximately every 250 m).5 Yet, such to discuss future applications in the context of the other
deployment provides unique opportunity to bring all critical supporting infrastructures and biologic principles.
those technologies locally to the point of care – and in
real time.
However, a word of caution is needed. There are critical
biological and physiologic factors of basic science that
Search Strategy and Article Selection
must be taken into consideration in developing and
applying the new opportunities which the 5G ecosystem All published studies regarding clinical applications of 5G
provides, especially for telemedicine – not all the capa- were retrieved. The present study was conducted in accord-
bilities of 5G can be leveraged at this moment, especially ance with the protocol agreed on by all authors was the
the huge number of healthcare related instruments and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
devices which are available on the IoT. Likewise, there Analyses.9,10 PubMed (Medline), and Scopus (Elsevier) data-
are unique requirements within the domain of human bases (last search: December 3, 2020) were searched using
interface technology (HIT) that must be investigated in the following medical subject heading (MeSH) terms and
order to optimize human use of the new communication text words based on the following search strategy:
capabilities; in addition, there are limitations and chal-
lenges in exploiting the communications spectrum. • Group A terms: “5G” OR “high bandwidth telecommu-
Finally, there are other technologies in addition to the nications”
Internet, such as AI, BD repositories, computational ana- • Group B terms: “telemedicine” OR “telepresence”
lytics (CA), supercomputers (including soon to be com- • Group C terms: “telesurgery” OR “teleradiology” OR
mercialized quantum computers) and factors involved in “telepathology” OR “teleophthalmology” OR “teleder-
accessing and storage in ‘the cloud’ which dramatically
impact the opportunities to exploit the new communica-
tions systems.
Group’s A, B, C and D terms were combined. Therefore,
An existing and special use case is telemedicine, which is our search algorithm was as follows: (((((((5G)) OR (())))
now well established and can be advantageous as it can AND ((((((((((((5G)) AND (telemedicine))) OR ((telemedi-
provide more efficient and equitable distribution of cine))) OR ((telepresence))) OR ((telesurgery))) OR ((tele-
healthcare when limited resources are available and radiology))) OR ((telepathology))) OR ((teleophtha-
patients’ transportation challenges might exist, all of lmology))) OR ((teledermatology)))))).
which reduces unnecessary visits and exposure risks.
Evidence of the effectiveness of this ecosystem will be
presented in the review of the COVID-19 pandemic Inclusion- Exclusion Criteria
(below). Of the articles retrieved through the above-described
search strategy only those that met the following criteria
Finally, the sheer capacity of 5G combined with AI, and
were included to this systematic review:
the capability to transfer data in order to accumulate and
analyze BD, can be valuable in understanding the devel- 1. Original papers were only included. Review papers
opment of disease progression and improving that met the inclusion criteria were not included;
Studies included in
qualitave synthesis
(n = 13)
Figure 1. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses flow diagram.
and their abstracts were assessed for eligibility. Twenty- beams at a time, thus increasing the throughput and spec-
four of those were unanimously considered as nonrele- trum effectiveness in both uplink and downlink.13
vant and were excluded from further analysis. From a
Additionally, 5G requires up to 10 times less energy than
total of 18 full text articles which were evaluated, five
the previous 4G/LTE mobile communications standard.12
were excluded with other reasons and therefore 13
It is expected that the 5G network will have a 1,000-fold
articles are included in this systematic review. The limited
rise in traffic in the coming decade, although the energy
number of relevant publications emphasizes the lack of
usage of the whole infrastructure will be just half of
knowledge of and attention to these revolutionary tech-
today’s system’s consumption. Therefore, this is a crucial
nologies, and the opportunities for future implementation
factor for reducing the total cost of ownership, including
in healthcare.
the environmental impact of the networks.13
The following data were extracted from each study:
The above mentioned qualifications meet the require-
Author, publication year, Country, Type of study, Primary
ments imposed by many new digital applications like the
specialty, Participants, Results/Conclusion, and Remarks
interconnection between physical and virtual objects, the
(Table 1). As can be seen in Table 1, the geographical
IoT, autonomous driving,14 machine-to machine connec-
location of the studies was mainly from China (8/13). Ten
tion in industrial production,15 as well as different medical
of the studies were clinical applications or at least had a
applications that were previously technically impossible
clinical component using 5G technology.
to implement.16 The latter systems conform to the
Ultrareliable low-latency communication protocol where
a sub-millisecond latency with a response rate smaller
DISCUSSION than 1 packet loss in 105 packets is required for patient
1. Communication Basic Principles To achieve their goals, the industry reached a consensus
to use emerging major technologies like network function
5G technical Parameters virtualization (NFV) and software-defined networking
Currently, mobile data transmission is mainly based on (SDN). The most remarkable technology to simplify a
4G/LTE or on Wi-Fi. The 4G/Long-Term Evolution (LTE) healthcare network management is SDN, which takes
offers a minimum signal delay of 20 ms mainly designed apart the network control from the data forwarding plane.
for internet (e.g., browsing and video streaming) which is Thus, the control plane oversees the entire network
well below that required for real-time integration of sen- below as well as the network resources by using a pro-
sor data. Furthermore, Wi-Fi solutions are an alternative, grammable Application Programming Interface (API) .17
but they can be interrupted by other users at any time due
to unprotected radio bands.11 As 5G is expected to greatly influence our lives, its secu-
rity is even more important than before. Two types of 5G
The new 5G telecommunication standard offers high network security are implemented:
bandwidths as compared to the current mobile transmis-
sion standard 4G/LTE: 5G is a 100 times higher data trans- a. Security using software such as firewall applications
mission rate (up to 10GB/s), and, at the same time, an installed in the perimeter of any network, based on
extremely low latency time (<1ms), and 1000 times need.
higher capacity (bandwidth) with a high quality of service b. AI-based security as it can sensibly identify the termi-
which is almost equal to the zero data response time in nal actions and requirements on time to avoid service
the real world.12 Millimeter wave telecommunication is interruptions.
such an advantageous technology for 5G networks
In order to further enhance the security one can also use
because it allows extremely high data transfer speeds
security automation and Blockchain security assessment
(several gigabits per second). However, a large number of
small cells with limited radius deployment must be used
to achieve seamless and efficient coverage and form a 5G The 5G network requires more complex antenna design
ultradense cellular network. The cells may be of different and distribution in the space needed to be covered in
size, and they are classified as Femtocells, Picocells or order to achieve faster speeds and low latency. Therefore,
Microcells. The massive multi-input, multioutput is an specific antennas are proposed for the 5G network, also
evolving technology capable to transmit multiple data known as active antennas (in contrast to passive antennas
Diagnostic applications
Angelucci et al.22 2020 Italy Observational Pneumonology 18 volunteers Better than traditional Home monitor chronic
Both telemedicine systems obstructive pulmonary
disease via smartphone
5G application
Ye et al.33 2019 China Tele-ultrasound Radiology/ 23 patients 5G robot-assisted Larger studies and resolv-
in COVID-19 Internal medicine remote ultrasound ing technical obstacles
Clinical effectively allows car- are required before
diopulmonary assess- widespread
ment of COVID-19
Zhou et al.55 2020 China Observational Cabin hospital for Engineering Prospect of 5G soft- 1 – 2 days to setup.
COVID-19. Research only ware wireless network Software designed
Engineer common better than wired network
healthcare profile conventionally
Surgical applications
Zheng et al.48 2020 China Preclinical Robotic 4 swine nephrec- Ultraremote distance Remaining obstacles for
Research lab la- Laparoscopy sur- tomy part hepatic 300 km, latency 164 ms clinical use are discussed
tency time by gery Clinical cholecystectomy round trip 114 ms
distance packet loss 1.2%
Tian et al.52 2020 China Clinical Orthopedics 12 patients. 62 5G telerobotic spinal Newer systems for bone
Clinical only pedicle screw surgery is safe, effica- grinding nerve decom-
implanted cious, and feasible pression required.
Jell et al.40 2019 Germany Telesurgery & General Surgery & N = 5 pigs 5G data 95 – 106 MB/ 2 patients – 1– 6 km dis-
Surgery engineers Both Surgeons and sec, 75% data in 30 ms. tance Need more
Education clinical and basic engineers Latency 146 – 202 ms research, especially
research allows telesurgery clinical
Lacy et al.41 2019 Spain Clinical Surgery Clinical 2 patients under- 5G-assisted telemen- It would be an optimal
only went lap operation tored surgery is safe, resource for underdevel-
and feasible oped areas and/or scar-
city of experienced
Imaging applications
Wu et al.31 2020 China Tele-ultrasound Radiology & 4 patients Teleultrasound proto- For early imaging assess-
COVID-19 Internal medicine col allows early diag- ment of COVID-19
Clinical nosis and reassessment
available in the isola-
tion ward
Madder et al.35 2020 USA Preclinical Transcontinental Telestenting. 2 Transcontinental Easy to perform percuta-
Interventional percutaneous cor- robotic percutaneous neous coronary interven-
Cardiology Both onary intervention coronary intervention tion lesion with 5G
ex vivo models (36 is feasible in ex-vivo
lesions) models @ 3500 mi
latency = 162 ms
Table 1. Continued
Primary Specialty
Study Year Country Type of Study* Both No. of Participants Results/Conclusion Remarks
Ye et al.60 2020 China Research Engineers COVID-19. Health China’s shows health Health information tech-
Engineer stats Community information tech- info tech has pivotal nology has much more
research nology community role in COVID-19 work facing the global
and decision pandemic pandemic of COVID-19
Hong et al.54 2020 China COVID-19 Various healthcare 152 remote com- The COVID-19 teleme- Additionally, 1094
Observational. professionals puted tomography dicine system increases patients received tele-
5G multimodal Engineers scans. Focus on diagnostic accuracy of phone consultations or
telemedicine Community resource manage- difficult cases and interventions from 137
network func- research ment for improves treatment of clinicians
tionality telemedicine severe/critical case
Yu et al.32 2020 China Tele-ultrasound Radiology/ 2 patients ultra- Tele-ultrasound for 5G robotic ultrasound is
COVID-19 Internal medicine sound clinical trial early diagnosis 700 km easy to perform at bed-
Clinical only teleradiology diagnosis side remotely
used in 4G) which differentiate 5G network in terms of in the area of network security/privacy and maintaining
speed, latency, and security. Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA)5 compliance.
Recently, big international telecommunication companies
With the current full life cycle development of a technol-
have taken the lead in the competition for the upcoming 5G
cellular technology, as it is thought to be their most impor- ogy product from concept to commercialization at 10–
tant future source of revenue. It is expected that the 5G net- 15 years, it is likely that the 6G may be available within
that time period, or perhaps slightly sooner. With integra-
work will be broadly introduced as a simple framework for
hyperconnected mobile devices and will ultimately evolve tion of other advanced technologies, such as smart
into a modern 5G platform. It should be noted, however, devices, composed of micro-electro-mechanical-systems
(MEMS) sensors, AI and computational analytics on a single
that there is currently no uniform 5G standard. For a detailed
technical review of the architecture and security of 5G chip, automatic diagnosis can be immediately generated at
Technology, the reader can refer to reference.17 the point of care (edge computing) and transmitted to a
waiting consulting physician or directly to the electronic
Looking beyond 5G, the future generation of telecommuni- medical record. Another emerging area of 6G, will support
cations (6G), is already in the late research and develop- virtual reality (VR), where a simulated presence is generated
ment (R&D) phases (Technology Readiness Levels - TRL by computer graphics and allows users to interact with the
3–5), with an exponential increase in bandwidth and capa- simulated elements in a seemingly real way. Augmented
bilities that will allow implementation of applications that reality (AR), where computer-aided information is generated
even 5G cannot fulfil (Table 2). This is especially important and graphically augmented (overlayed) to the display real-
Table 2.
Parameters of Current and Next Generations of Telecommunications*
Generation Bandwidth Speed Latency
Current 4G 5–200 MHz 10–50 megabits per second 50–60 ms
2020–2030 5G 1 –23 GHz 10–200 gigabits per second 1–10 ms
2030–2040 6G 1–7 THz 1–7 terabits per second 1–10 ms
*Due to multiple companies and each company’s versions, these are estimates of the averages of generations.
using Global Positioning System (GPS) for precise for safely performance of remote surgery (telesurgery).
geolocation. Conversely, there are human ‘systems’ which are ex-
traordinarily complex such as the human neurosensory
Careful attention must be paid to the interface between
system (with 23 different types of nerve endings for
the HIT that provides the final connection of the commu-
sensing, at a density of 1000 nerve endings per cubic
nication system with a person, be it the current video
millimeter, in an average hand surface area of 4000 mm,
technologies, or any of the forms of VR, or possible future
each sending stimuluses at 1000 times/second), such
interfaces such as wearable contact lens displays, or the
that even recent exponential advances in microtechnolo-
ultimate brain-machine interface. After all, this informa-
gies and computation power are woefully insufficient to
tion ecosystem is a ‘system-of-systems’, with each link in
currently create high-fidelity haptics to provide the sense
the chain dependent upon the success of all others, that
of touch for a safe robotic system for surgery. Examples
decisively results in success.
of many other mismatches between human (especially
the 5 major senses and the neuromuscular responses)
3. Fundamental Biologic Principles and ‘machine’ are in Appendix 2, thus emphasizing the
When integrating any two systems, there are points of need for greater attention (and research) in human inter-
‘connection’ (interface). With systems that are alike (for face technologies.
example machine or electronic connections), their interfa-
ces are similar (physical systems) and the solution is rela-
4. Clinical Applications Using 5-G Wireless
tively straight forward since both systems obey physical
laws. However, when integrating two dissimilar sys-
tems (machine and human), the connection (interface) The current capacity of 5G telecommunications provide
becomes much more intricate, since both the laws of the perfect ecosystem to reassess care delivery and to
physics and biology (which are radically different) adopt the synergistic and complementary digital technolo-
must be accommodated. This integration is defined as gies discussed above, incorporating AI utilization, and
HIT: a means or place of interaction between two sys- facilitated by 5G networks, IoT and BD and computa-
tems; especially, the interface between people (users) tional analysis. Below are some clinical applications of
and computers or devices.21 using 5G:
The new advanced technologies, such as telecommuni- The following examples illustrate the large breadth of
cations, computers, imaging, etc., work at microsecond healthcare clinical services that can now be provided
speeds; humans perceive and react milliseconds, so an because of the emerging 5G networks.
interface must be built such that the human systems can
be accommodated and enhanced (see Table 3) for the
effect of how telecommunication latency can affect
Up to now, there is conflicting evidence that telemedicine
human performance). For example, the recent develop-
solutions help address chronic respiratory diseases.22
ments of 5G telecommunications that results in huge
increase in bandwidth and speed with extraordinary low However, a recent paper (see Table 1), profiting from the
latency (; 1 ms) has the potential to extend the distance capacity to parallel several IoT applications due to the
Table 3.
Human Performance (Laparoscopic Knot Tying) Compensation Under Conditions of Latency
Latency (ms) Errors Perception of Delay Compensation
0 ms 0 None None
50 ms 0 None perceived Automatically subconsciously
100 ms 0–1 Aware of a ‘difference’, Unclear of cause Automatically and deliberately
150 ms 0–1 Aware of delay Consciously takes action – e.g., move-and-wait
200 ms >2 Very aware of delay Attempts various methods, mostly successful
> 300 ms critical Very concerned of delay Frustrated, often unsuccessful
3. The robotic ultrasound can be performed anywhere, at and ease of use. Compared with ordinary ultrasound, 5G
the patient’s bedside or even in the patient’s home.32 remote robotic ultrasound has the added advantages of
protecting operators, alleviating the pressure of medical
As can be seen from Table 1, there are three relevant equipment shortages, and considerable portability. The
articles using robotic teleultrasound lung scanning for sus- authors conclude that 5G remote robotic ultrasound may
pected and/or declared COVID-19 patients, all originating become a suitable choice for diagnosis and monitoring
from China: patients with COVID-19 infection.32
The first article evaluated robot-assisted teleultrasound
and expert remote consultation for early cardiopulmonary Ophthalmology
evaluation by performing lung ultrasound, brief echocar- An excellent review summarizes the digital technologies
diography, and blood volume assessment in four patients applied across different countries which are expected to
hospitalized in isolation wards and the examination increase the clinical workflow of ophthalmologists.5 It is
results were immediately delivered to the attending physi- exactly because the data-rich image requirements needed
cians. Furthermore, the authors report the use of this in Ophthalmology that 5G, IoT and AI are introduced for
robot-assisted teleultrasound examination as a routine for OCT and fundus cameras and algorithms which are
evaluating acute abdominal diseases such as cholecystitis, changing ophthalmological service delivery. These tech-
appendicitis, pancreatitis, and urolithiasis. In addition, tel- nologies are expected to enhance the quality and continu-
eultrasound has been applied in focused assessment with ity of eye care to all patients.
sonograph for trauma (FAST) and extended FAST, muscu-
loskeletal injuries, thyroid gland diseases, and subcutane- Recently, a 5G connected smartphone attached to a porta-
ous soft tissue lesions.31 ble slit lamp provided a live streaming in real time of high
enough quality to be used clinically, thus opening up
The second article used a robotic ultrasound system, inte- even more potential for telemedicine and teleophthalmol-
grating remote robotic control, audio-visual communica- ogy in the future.34
tion and ultrasound examination, and assessed its
The implementation of these technologies remains chal-
feasibility in 23 COVID-19 cases. Furthermore, they estab-
lenging, including the validation, patient acceptance, and
lished a standard examination and evaluation protocol as
education and the training of ophthalmologists on these
follows: A cardiopulmonary assessment completed suc- technologies. It is imperative that they must collaborate
cessfully for all patients lasting on average 10 to 20 min. with technology experts and data scientists to achieve uni-
An ultrasound image contained information regarding dis- versal quality and sustainable ophthalmic services and
tribution characteristics, morphology of the lungs and sur- continue to adapt to the changing models of healthcare
rounding tissue lesions, left ventricular ejection fraction, delivery.5
right/left ventricular end diastolic area, pericardial and/or
pleural effusion, and lung ultrasound score. Although Interventional Cardiology
they had excellent results in COVID-19 detection, they Robotic telestenting, in which percutaneous coronary
admit that the 5G robotic-assisted remote ultrasound sys- intervention (PCI) is performed on a remotely located
tem is still in its infancy, has several limitations (i.e. restric- patient, availability of 5G could improve patient access to
tions of the examination position of critically ill patients, PCI, but has not been attempted over long distances likely
limited operating angle of the robotic arm, use of only required to reach many underserved regions.
one ultrasound probe) and requires further improvements
as well as multicenter trials to establish its feasibility as a In a recent study cited in Table 1, telestenting perform-
valuable tool for remote lung pathology detection.33 ance was compared in regional (206 miles) and transcon-
tinental (3,085 miles) distances from the interventional
The third article of two cases discusses the advantages of cardiologist. Ex vivo models of telestenting were used,
using US versus chest CT for detection of lung abnormal- and robotic PCI on endovascular simulators was
ities due to COVID-19, stating that limitations of CT are: a) attempted over both wired and 5G wireless networks and
difficult to perform on patients in critical condition who audio and video communications between the cardiolo-
cannot be moved. b) CT is not available everywhere, and gist and the simulation laboratory personnel were estab-
c) the enclosed environment of CT may contribute to the lished over the network. A total of 20 consecutive target
spread of the coronavirus. On the other hand, ultrasound lesions in the regional model and of 16 consecutive target
has the advantages of repeatability, absence of radiation, lesions in the transcontinental model were successfully
surgeries for 12 patients were performed and a total of 62 computational analytic software. The data is frequently
pedicle screws were successfully implanted using the 5G being fed autonomously from the billions of devices,
telerobotic surgery system.52 The operation time was equipment and instruments connected to the IoT.
142.5 6 46.7 minutes, and the mean guide wire insertion
Basic science research, especially at the cellular, molecu-
time was 41.3 6 9.8 minutes without any intraoperative
lar, genetic and “-omics” levels, produce vast amounts of
adverse events. They concluded that telerobotic spinal
raw data which previously was too large to share among
surgery based on the 5G network is accurate, safe, and
institutions and researchers, let alone be processed by AI,
reliable. The application of the 5G network in the clinical
computational analytics, and super computers. For clinical
area has great potential and value in the future.
researchers, acquiring enough patients for large enough
The authors also explored the new pattern of “one-to- clinical trials to prove validity can now be accomplished
many” remote surgery. Under this mode of remote sur- through collaboration in near real-time because of avail-
gery, one expert surgeon can simultaneously provide sur- able bandwidth inherent in the 5G telecommunications.
gical care to more than one remotely located hospitals,
something which previously was significantly restricted
6. 5G and the COVID-19 Pandemic
by the limit of network bandwidth. A “one-to-three” tele-
robotic surgery was successfully performed during this When the COVID –19 pandemic broke out in Wuhan, China,
study, and it is believed that even more multicenter the city’s healthcare system was rapidly overwhelmed. A dis-
remote surgery is simultaneously possible, due to the vast aster response was quickly established, including the new 5-
potential of the 5G network.52 G telecommunications networking.54 In the first 29 hours, 3
‘shelter’ (fangcang) hospitals of 4000 beds were created in
5. Medical Education and Healthcare Research empty stadiums and auditoriums, including a complete
intra-net within the hospital and internet connecting hospi-
Attention must be paid to the unique needs of both medi-
tals globally, especially giving access to the internet of the
cal education and biomedical research, especially in this
existing 5-G high bandwidth wireless networks throughout
era of ‘evidence-based medicine’. Obviously, the equiva-
all the city’s hospitals.52 The intranet connected all the com-
lents are evidence-based education (a complete paradigm
puters, smart devices (for example, Real-time Remote
shift for education) and evidence-based research (an op-
Computed Tomography (CT) Scanning on 152 patients with
portunity to improve speed and quality of research).
COVID-19), in addition to critical information systems (X
5.1. Medical Education rays, laboratory tests, Electronic Medical Record, mainte-
In the surgical specialties, technical training has changed nance, administration and wireless mobile phone) services
from subjective mentored ‘see one, do one, teach one’ in the immediately, without the need to spend weeks running
operating room, to objective assessment of performance cables throughout the hospitals.54 Over the remainder of the
with proficiency-based progression (PBP) training53 in the week, an additional 13,000 beds were created using ‘cabin
simulation center. Assessment is enhanced by AI software, hospitals’, essentially standard ‘shipping containers’ that had
analysis of performance through computational analytics on previously been outfitted as individual departments of the
the massive data acquired in the simulators and use for im- hospital for beds and services. Simply connecting the various
mediate, formative feedback. During the beginning weeks containers (cabins) together and instituting 5G networking,
of the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan, China, there were each department was assigned their own VPN using a soft-
over 800,000 accesses to the COVID-19 training database. ware technique called “network slicing”.25 The result of the
After the pandemic, it is postulated that there will be huge 5G bandwidth was creating an additional 17,000 beds,
increased emphasis on a new ‘hybrid model’ of medical all immediately connected (essentially no latency) through-
education, with many of the advantages of just in time and out the city for standard telecommunications, teleconsulta-
remote learning enriching traditional educational models. tion for medical experts throughout the country, telereferrals
for critical patients (a total of 425 emergency teleconsulta-
5.2. Healthcare Research tions), and other healthcare services. In addition, AI was
The new 5G information ecosystem greatly increases the implemented in intelligent diagnosis of medical imaging and
productivity on both basic science and clinical research. temperature measurement technology based on computer
First, the technologies greatly facilitate collaborative, vision and infrared technology; while AI together with BD
multi-institutional studies and secondly through the were used for epidemic situational analysis; tagging, contact
access to massive data (BD), repositories, AI and tracing and monitoring of personnel movement as well as of
application examples clearly illustrate the opportunities (or semiautonomous), and BD repositories (the Cloud) with
across all healthcare specialties, including the administra- supercomputing (eventually quantum computing) running
tive and nonclinical applications solutions for cost savings sophisticated algorithms with computational analytics, that
created the need to innovate even more to keep up with the
and improved efficiency. The larger the bandwidth and
ever-increasing demand for more capable communication
the lower the latency, the greater the number and size of infrastructure.
the enabling technologies; in turn, this increases the It is the interdependence of this escalating upward spiral of
demand for more telecommunication capabilities, thus innovation that continues to stimulate and challenge communi-
creating an ever escalating upward spiral of growth. cation networks, and hence the need to interact with other tech-
nologies to sustain growth. But do not forget the interface
This ecosystem of innovations has also created a milieu ripe between the human and the technology that provides the final
for telemedicine to thrive and expand, as evidenced by the connection of the communication system with a person, be it
response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has hastened any of the forms of VR, wearable contact lens displays, or the
the rapid increase of telemedicine and awareness of the im- ultimate brain-machine interface. After all, it is a ‘system-of-sys-
portance of these digital technologies. Evidence from the tems’, with each link in the chain dependent upon the success
of all others, that decisively results in success. Below is a sam-
pandemic has revealed the utility of telemedicine. Physicians pling of many (but not all) of such systems.
must continue to adapt to the ever-changing models of care
delivery and collaborate with broader teams involving tech- THE INTERNET OF THINGS
nology experts and data scientists to achieve universal quality
and sustainable healthcare services. The internet of things (IoT) is composed of an estimated of
number of 14.2 billion connected devices (of which 5.2 billion are
Two of the great innovations of 5G are software designed unique cell phone users), with more than 21 billion connected
networks (SDN) and bandwidth “slicing”, especially for devices by 2025, compared to the 8.2 billion global population as
in-hospital networking. However, some of the technology of Jan 2021.3 In addition, there an unknown number of machine-
limitations and challenges to be faced include mismatch to-machine connections, many of which are used for autonomous
between new communication capabilities with human machine/device maintenance. There are more devices and
machines talking to each other than people communicating,
limitations (solution: attention to human interface technol-
machines that are sharing information and automatically adjusting
ogies), and the nontechnical limitations of behavior, poli- themselves. Although many machines used by humans are used
tics, equity, cost, access and availability. Finally, two for human-to-human communication over the internet (e.g., com-
common technologies which are not ready (without revo- puters, cell phones), the machines/devices with their sensors, and
lutionary discoveries) are haptics and virtual reality, both receivers/actuators, and data storage, are going about their ‘busi-
of which are truly still in their infancy. nesses” without human intervention. There is certainly oversight
of these machine activities, however the overwhelming mass of
The good news is that this is still just the beginning of a data (BD) is beyond human comprehension and sophisticated
great new revolution in digital healthcare with unlimited software of computational analytics is needed to for humans to
opportunities for growth. have all that data to be converted into information relative to a
person’s needs. As people begin using more and more wearable
or embedded microdevices for health monitoring, there will be a
APPENDIX 1. Other Critical Supporting logarithmic increase in generated data which will eventually con-
Infrastructures nect every aspect of an individual’s life. In addition, possessions
such as automobiles, appliances (stove, refrigerator, etc.) and
Although the 5G communications infrastructure is a major driver other aspects of the ‘smart home’ that are currently attaching to
for healthcare innovation, it is the interaction among multiple the IoT will be seamlessly integrated into IoT. The new 5G net-
other technologies that empower each other, well beyond the sin- work can accommodate this initial increase data flow, with the
gle contribution of each technology. It is the IoT - devices that expectation that 6 generation (6G) and later networks will also
are mobile, or location based, consisting of microchips of exponentially increase communication to accommodates needs.
sensors, actuators, transmitters and/or receivers, other For example, the IoT is estimated to increase to about 500 billion
MEMS and (soon) nanotechnologies that provide the input new “things” by 2030 (about 60 times greater than the global
or output at either end of the communication network. population), which is about the same time that 6G network is
Recall the beginning of modern remote communication expected to be commercialized.61
systems (radio, telegraph, and telephone systems), that it was The integration of human and machine generated data
only when there was ubiquity of the transmitting and receiv- will radically change healthcare services. In order to accom-
ing devices that the telecommunication infrastructure flour- modate these healthcare needs, an entire communication
ished. So too, with 5G (and the follow-on generations of infrastructure integrating the IoT, BD repositories, AI, super-
communication systems) that only with addition of IoT for the computing, innovative computational algorithms, edge com-
input/output, AI to make processes ‘smart’ and ‘autonomous’ puting (microsensors which include processing at point of
under conditions of real time patient surgery. Recent long the remote and underserved, but it can routinely serve the
distance telesurgery case reports using 5G have stated latency wider population as it has been shown to be safe, efficient, and
much less than 200 milliseconds (ms), indicating that safe tele- inclusive, provided that measures to ensure security, robustness
surgery is likely to increase with the use of 5G networking; and capacity, particularly in densely populated regions with
however, larger validation studies are required. Another dif- massive competing demands for bandwidth.54
ferent example of human capability limitation is, although While the COVID-19 disease, initially discovered in Wuhan,
most persons claim to multitask at many different cognitive China in Dec 2019 is well known, what is of specific interest is
tasks simultaneously,70 the literature indicates that the frontal that the pandemic is one of the earliest examples of emergency
lobe (the attention center) can only perform 3–4 tasks at use of 5G technology for many of the important applications for
once.71 The explanation of the difference is that some authors healthcare, not only as a communication tool, but also as a fun-
considered automated functions which are controlled by the damental infrastructure to provide the necessary systems inte-
cerebellum and system of reflexes (such as when riding a gration among the multiple informatics technologies.
bicycle, a person does not focus their attention on each leg Telemedicine had been available for decades, however
and pedal when riding) or situational awareness, as part of only used in a small number of specific medical applica-
multitasking. In addition, performing more than 2 cognitive tions, in part due to limited capabilities of the communica-
tasks simultaneously results in increase error and decrease ef- tion networks – everything changed with the Covid-19
ficiency. Thus, when a person multitasks, there will be a HIT pandemic. Lockdowns were initially instituted within China
mismatch of massive data input overwhelming focused cogni- with such a resounding success in Wuhan, that as the pan-
tive ability of the brain to process it, thereby decreasing per- demic spread globally, lockdown followed. Without 5G, the
formance and safety. existing 4G networks were insufficient because businesses,
For the vision systems, will more new devices be devel- education, research, healthcare and personal (especially
oped using nanochip technologies, such as the ‘smart contact family) communications all battled for a share of the limited
lens’,72 that can receive massive data to extend human vision bandwidth.5
beyond the visible spectrum; and if so, what will be conse- The criticality of using multiple information-based technol-
quences of such capabilities? ogies is documented by Ye, Zhou and Wu 60 in their report of
Or perhaps the reverse is an important issue for the sense of the informatics technologies used and the experience gath-
touch: on a fingertip there are 23 different sensors, at a density ered in responding to the COVID-19 epidemic in China
of 1000 nerve endings per cubic millimeter, in an average hand through the perspective of health informatics. Due to the pan-
surface area of 4000 mm, each sending stimuluses at 1000 hertz/ demic, the so called “5G1 Health” has moved from the experi-
second. Even with 5G or 6G (see Table 3), will there be enough mental to the clinical phase. A plethora of technologies,
bandwidth to transmit in real time that massive amount of data including cloud computing, BD, the IoT, mobile internet, AI,
per second (in addition to all the other massive data flow from and 5G mobile network, were used for epidemic prevention
all the other systems in the milieu for surgery) and their inter- and control in China. Taking full advantage of mobile internet
face to the input device (hand controller) for a robotic surgeon and 5G technologies active internet health care services pro-
to precisely perform a complex surgical procedure? vided by clinical experts from all over the country has been
Such examples beg the issue of defining accurate human per- realized, both within the hospital as well to many essential
formance measures to enable new technologies to accurately be supporting services outside of the hospital. More specific
designed and developed that match human needs. Such mis- examples include the fact that citizens were able to access
matches can result in too much data overload, or insufficient sen- real-time epidemic situation dynamics and prevention knowl-
sory input which results in loss of accuracy and precision and edge through the mobile internet. BD were used for epidemic
errors. The biologic complexity of human performance is well situational analysis; tagging, contact tracing and monitoring of
beyond the complexity of man-made systems, and therefore the personnel movement as well as of positive cases; just-in-time
regulation of data flow, even as large as the 5G systems, needs to logistics, inventory control and material allocation. AI has
be modulated to match the capabilities of the human. Therefore, been implemented in intelligent diagnosis of medical imaging
HIT is an area of research that requires much more attention in and temperature measurement technology based on computer
order to optimize both the mechanical devices and the communi- vision and infrared technology. By increasing bandwidth and
cation system. reducing latency, telemedicine based on 5G technology has
also played an important role in the consultations and treat-
ment of patients with severe COVID-19 and in facilitating
international cooperation.
APPENDIX 3. Use of 5G IN Wuhan China during The above-mentioned clinical information systems deployed
COVID 19 have the following 3 advantages as described by Chen S. et al. 36
in the description of the physical and functional attributes of an
As the restriction lockdown emerged globally due to Covid-19 entire emergency hospital network:
pandemic, a sudden strain occurred on existing cellular net-
works: Healthcare, education, work, and most other human
interactions were suddenly pushed onto the virtual arena. It has • “A rapid deployment: The first three shelter-hospitals
therefore been shown that telemedicine is not reserved only for (called fangcang hospitals) in Wuhan with 4000 beds
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