Modbus EM ET
Modbus EM ET
Modbus EM ET
ET300 Series
Version 2 Revision 12
1.1 Introduction
The RS485 serial interface supports the MODBUS/JBUS (RTU) protocol. In this document only the
information necessary to read/write from/to EM/ET300 SERIES has been reported (not all the parts of
the protocol have been implemented).
For a complete description of the MODBUS protocol please refer to the latest revision of the
“Modbus_Application_Protocol” document that is downloadable from the web site.
1) In this document the “Modbus address” field is indicated in two modes:
1.1) “Modicom address”: it is the “6-digit Modicom” representation with Modbus function code 04
(Read Input Registers). It is possible to read the same values with function code 03 (Read
Holding Registers) replacing the first digit (“3”) with the number “4”.
1.2) “Physical address”: it is the “word address” value to be included in the communication
2) The functions 03h and 04h have exactly the same effect and can be used indifferently.
3) The communication parameters are to be set according to the configuration of the instrument
(refer to EM/ET300 SERIES instruction manual)
Request frame
Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247)
Function code 1 byte 03h
Starting address 2 bytes 0000h to FFFFh Byte order: MSB, LSB
Quantity of registers (N word) 2 bytes 1 to 14h (1 to 20) Byte order: MSB, LSB
CRC 2 bytes
Request frame
Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247)
Function code 1 byte 04h
Starting address 2 bytes 0000h to FFFFh Byte order: MSB, LSB
Quantity of registers (N word) 2 bytes 1 to 14h (1 to 20) Byte order: MSB, LSB
CRC 2 bytes
Request frame
Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247)
Function code 1 byte 06h
Starting address 2 bytes 0000h to FFFFh Byte order: MSB, LSB
Register value 2 bytes 0000h to FFFFh Byte order: MSB, LSB
CRC 2 bytes
Request frame
Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247)
Function code 1 byte 08h
Sub-function 2 bytes 0000h
Data (N word) N *2 bytes Data Byte order: MSB, LSB
CRC 2 bytes
In broadcast mode the master can send a request (command) to all the slaves. No response is returned
to broadcast requests sent by the master. It is possible to send the broadcast message only with
function code 06h using address 00h.
1. To avoid errors due to the signal reflections or line coupling, it is necessary to terminate the bus at
the beginning (master side, if not already embedded, by inserting a 120 ohm 1/2W 5% resistor
between line B and A) and at the end (in EM/ET SERIES interface by connecting the terminal A-
with the terminal T in the last instrument.
2. The network termination is necessary even in case of point-to-point connection and/or of short
3. For connections longer than 1000m or if in the network there are more than 160 instruments (with
1/5 unit load as used in EM/ET300 SERIES interface), a signal repeater is necessary.
4. For bus connection it is suggested to use an AWG24 balanced pair cable and to add a third wire for
GND connection. If a shielded cable is used, connect the shield to GND.
5. The GND should be connected to ground only at the host side.
6. If an instrument does not answer within the “max answering time”, it is necessary to repeat the
query. If the instrument does not answer after 2 or 3 consecutive queries, it is to be considered as
not connected, faulty or reached with a wrong address. The same consideration is valid in case of
CRC errors or incomplete response frames.
The variables are represented by integers or floating numbers, with 2’s complement notation in case of
“signed” format, using the following:
For all the formats the byte order (inside the single word) is MSB->LSB. In INT32, UINT32 and UINT64
formats, the word order is LSW-> MSW.
According to the signs of the power factor, the active power P and the reactive power Q, it is possible to
obtain a geometric representation of the power vector, as indicated in the drawing below, according to
EN 60253-23:
According to the measurement mode (easy connection or bidirectional), the following sign convention is
used in EM/ET300 SERIES.
- Bidirectional mode)
o I < or >0 (with indication of “-“ sign)
o P < or >0 (with indication of “-“ sign)
o kWh+ increasing only when P > 0 (correspondent to Annex D option PFB)
o kWh- increasing only when P < 0
o kvarh+ increasing only when Q > 0
o kvarh- increasing only when Q < 0
o PF with ±C or ±L indication
The maximum electrical input values are reported in the following table. If the input is above the
maximum value the display shows “EEE”.
Table 2.1-1
Note: The product (CT ratio)x(VT ratio) shall be automatically limited to prevent overflow of kW
indication on the meter (max power = 9999 kW).
The overflow indication “EEE“ is displayed when the MSB value of the relevant variable is 7FFFFFFFh
(word order FFFF 7FFF).
300365 016Ch 2 kWh (-) L1 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10, only ET series
300367 016Eh 2 kWh (-) L2 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10, only ET series
300369 0170h 2 kWh (-) L3 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10, only ET series
300371 0172h 2 kWh (+) t5 INT32 Not available, value =0
300373 0174h 2 kWh (+) t6 INT32 Not available, value =0
300375 0176h 2 kWh (+) t7 INT32 Not available, value =0
300377 0178h 2 kWh (+) t8 INT32 Not available, value =0
300379 017Ah 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300381 017Ch 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300383 017Eh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
Other Phase 1 variables
300385 0180h 2 THD A L1 INT32 Value weight: %*100, not available
300387 0182h 2 THD V L1-N INT32 Value weight: %*100, not available
300389 0184h 2 THD V L1-L2 INT32 Value weight: %*100, not available
300391 0186h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300393 0188h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300395 018Ah 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300397 018Ch 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300399 018Eh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300401 0190h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
Other Phase 2 variables
300403 0192h 2 THD A L2 INT32 Value weight: %*100, not available
300405 0194h 2 THD V L2-N INT32 Value weight: %*100, not available
300407 0196h 2 THD V L2-L3 INT32 Not available, value =0
300409 0198h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300411 019Ah 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300413 019Ch 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300415 019Eh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300417 01A0h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300419 01A2h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
Other Phase 3 variables
300421 01A4h 2 THD A L3 INT32 Value weight: %*100, not available
300423 01A6h 2 THD V L3-N INT32 Value weight: %*100, not available
300425 01A8h 2 THD V L3-L1 INT32 Not available, value =0
300427 01AAh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300429 01ACh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300431 01AEh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300433 01B0h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300435 01B2h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300437 01B4h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
Note *: Negative values correspond to exported active power, positive values correspond to imported active power.
Note Table 2.4-1 and 2.5-1 are equivalent and includes a copy of the same variable values.
Note For meters that support also 1-phase and 2-phase systems, the values relevant to phase 2 and 3 can still be read with a valid value, equal to
Programming parameter note: reading values in addresses not specified in the below tables returns
an illegal data address exception.
Table 2.7-2
Complete item number CG identification code
Important note:
- The maximum (CT ratio)x(VT ratio) for AV5 model is 1057, for AV6 model is 3418.
2.7.10 Note
The default value shall be automatically assigned to the parameters when an out-of-range or invalid
value is written.
From rev. 2.7 to 2.8:
- assigned a memory address to Neutral current
- changed the name to some variables to have the same indication as in VMU-C and programming