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All content following this page was uploaded by Monika Susanne Schmid on 14 October 2015.
Monika S. Schmid
Groningen Defining language attrition
Eine Konsequenz von Migration Preconceptions where there is little or no contact with
ist meist ein radikaler Wandel The loss of a native language is often other speakers of the language
der sprachlichen Umgebung und experienced as something profoundly
Gewohnheiten. Die Dominanz der moving, disturbing or shocking, both Like urban myths, such notions have
Zweitsprache im Alltag leitet oft by those who experience it and by the appeal that they may seem con-
zu Veränderungen in der Erst- those who witness it in others: “To vincing, even likely, but they lack a
sprache. Solche Veränderungen lose your own language was like for- solid basis in empirical fact. Put to the
können vom Sprecher und auch getting your mother, and as sad, in a test, some of these may turn out to be
von zurückgebliebenen Famili- way”, because it is “like losing part of correct. Until they are, however, it is
enangehörigen und Freunden als one’s soul” is how Alexander McCall counterproductive to repeat them as if
unnatürlich und schockierend Smith puts it (The Full Cupboard of they were established fact.
empfunden werden. Die vorliegen- Life, p. 163). This intuitive appeal of Another less-than-helpful phenome-
de Einleitung gibt einen Über- the topic of language attrition can be non to be witnessed in attrition research
blick, welche Arten von Einfluss seen as both a blessing and a curse. is the proliferation of metaphors from
der Zweit- auf die Erstsprache Researchers who investigate level- daily life. One monograph on attrition
im allgemeinen erscheinen, und ordered morphology or articulatory (Ammerlaan 1996) is entitled “…you
in welcher Weise Charakteristika phonetics will probably rarely find get a bit wobbly”, which is the second
der Person, der Umgebung, der that their friends and family, or even half of a quote from an attriter who
inneren Haltung und der Sprach- colleagues who work in different areas, compared his L1 skills to riding a
gewohnheiten einen solchen show great interest in or enthusiasm bicycle - you never forget how to do
Sprachwandel beschleunigen oder for their work. Those of us who study it, but due to lack of practice you may
verlangsamen können. language attrition find ourselves with get a bit wobbly (unsurprisingly, the L1
a much more receptive audience. On in this case was Dutch). A workshop
the other hand, we also find an audi- at the 3rd International Symposium on
ence with many preconceived ideas Bilingualism (Bristol 2001) bore the
about attrition – a much rarer problem title “Can spiders forget how to spin
for the level-ordered morphologist or webs?” Others have compared attrition
articulatory phonetician. Worse, we to an onion (which unpeels in layers),
may find such notions in ourselves. a derilict house (affected only slightly
Preconceived ideas are unscientific. at first, but after a few decades the
They are also often wrong. very foundations go as decomposition
Here is a random collection of widely accelerates) and so on. But human
repeated, sometimes contradictory, linguistic knowledge is entirely differ-
and hitherto largely unsubstantiated ent from the knowledge we apply to
ideas about the attrition process: riding a bicycle or the ‘knowledge’ that
1. Attrition is the reversal of acquisi- a spider applies to spinning a web. It
tion also bears no resemblance whatsoever
2. Attrition usually takes place within to onions or houses.
the first 10 years of emigration There is a possible reason for the pro-
3. Attrition does not set in until 10 liferation of both myths and metaphors
years after emigration in language attrition research which
4. Attrition is most severe where the it might be profitable to explore.
two language systems have simi- Within our frame of the experience
larities of language, attrition is an unnatural
5. Attrition is most severe the more process. Any other situation in which
different the two language systems we experience language, particularly
are when it comes to a change within our
6. Attrition is most severe in cases own linguistic repertoire, is a social