Mse Guide Questions - Soquiat
Mse Guide Questions - Soquiat
Mse Guide Questions - Soquiat
Submitted to
Submitted by
Micah D. Soquiat
I. Introduction
Good day! I'm the clinician who will assess you today, and my name is Ms. Micah D.
Soquiat. Today I will conduct a mental health examination on you, a procedure used to record
an individual's fundamental cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning at a certain
moment. As part of this mental health examination, I will ask you numerous questions ranging
from easy to hard. The goal of the questions is to know you better. And solely the purpose of
why we are doing this today is to evaluate your current mental state. Would it be okay with you?
If not, you can avoid the questions. Also, if you are not comfortable with this meeting, you have
the right to withdraw. Rest assured that your confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained.
1. Appearance (Observation)
a. Gait, posture, clothes, grooming.
2. Attitude (Observation)
a. Cooperative, hostile, open, secretive, evasive, suspicious, apathetic, easily
distracted, focused, defensive.
3. Motor Behavior (Observation)
a. Mannerisms, gestures, psychomotor activity, expression, eye contact, ability to
follow commands/requests, compulsions.
4. Speech (Observation)
a. Quantity - Talkative, spontaneous, expansive, paucity, poverty.
b. Rate - Fast, slow, normal, pressured.
c. Volume (Tone) - Loud, soft, monotone, weak, strong.
d. Fluency and Rhythm - Slurred, clear, with appropriately placed inflections,
hesitant, with good articulation, aphasic.
5. Affect (Observation)
A. Appropriateness to the situation, consistency with mood, and congruency with
thought content.
B. Fluctuations: Labile, even.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
F. What are your strong points? What are you particularly good at?
How about your weak side? What are those?
G. Do you experience having a hard time? (psychological, social-emotional,
academic, vocational)
H. Are there thoughts or images that you have a really difficult time getting out of
your head?
I. How about feeling worried or scared of something?
J. Do you think someone or some group intends to harm you in some way?
K. Have you had behavioral outbursts frequently?
L. Have you had uncontrollable urges to participate in problematic behaviors?
M. Have you ever felt like you lacked self-control?
N. How about the thought of harming yourself? (follow-up question) If so, how?
O. What do you think will happen after you being lifeless?
P. How about hurting other people? Do you think about hurting others or getting
even with people who have wronged you?
Q. Have you had desires to hurt others? If so, how?
9. Thought Process
A. When someone is talking on the radio, do you think they are directly talking with
you? (ideas of reference)
B. Do you think someone is controlling your behavior? (ideas of influence)
10. Perception
A. Do you ever feel detached or different from others around you? (environment or
B. Does it ever seem like someone is stealing your thoughts, or perhaps inserting
thoughts into your head? Does it ever seem like your own thoughts are broadcast
out loud?
C. Do you ever see, hear, smell, taste, and feel things that are not really there, such
as voices or visions? (hallucination)
D. Do you sometimes misinterpret real things that are around you, such as muffled
noises or shadows? (illusions)
11. Memory
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Indeed, today was a long and tiring day. I appreciate the time and work you put into
conducting this test. I will first check my observations and the recorded interview to assure that
all the data was accurate. I will gather, examine, and evaluate my observations and the data
you provided, and I will send you a copy of the findings of the mental status test within three
days. Rest assured that our conversation today will be kept private and confidential. It was nice
having you. Get home safely!