Crystal Structure

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Lec 03

Structure of Nonmetallic Materials

Typical ionic solids contain discrete charged ions
These ions are held together by strong electrostatic forces
Large binding energies, high melting points, hardness and
incompressibility of ionic solids
sodium or potassium with electronegative nonmetals such as chlorine
and oxygen.
crystal structures of these substances are determined by two factors:
the maintenance of electrical neutrality and the relative sizes of the
Electrical Neutrality
If the charges on the anion and the cation are identical, the
compound has the formula MX,, i.e. CsCl and NaCl
If the valence of the cation is +2 and that of the anion is –1, then the
formula is of the form MX2, i.e. SiO2.
the coordination number of the cation is twice the coordination
number of the anion.
onic Radii
he cations are normally
mallerthan the anions
he number of anions
hat surround a central
ation in an ionic solid is
alled the coordination
e ratio of the radius of
e central cation to that
the surrounding anion
called the radius ratio.
tical radius ratio.
he packing geometry of one type of anion with the cation as the smaller ion is a function of the ion
izes. This can be worked out from space filling geometry, when the following conditions
orresponding to a stable configuration are satisfied simultaneously

(i)) anions and cations considered as hard spheres always touch each other
(ii) anions generally will not touch but may be close enough to be in contact with
one another and
(iii) as many anions as possible surround a central cation for the maximum
reduction of electrostatic energy.
Three common ionic crystal structures are the sodium chloride and
caesium chloride and zinc blende structures

ZnS Structure
rNa /rCl = 0.97/1.81 = 0.536 0.414 < 0.536 < 0.732,,
rCs /rCl = 1.67/1.81 = 0.92, 0.732 < 0.92 < 1.000,
rZn /rS = 0.74/1.84 = 0.402.. 0.225 < 0.402 < 0.414,

Example 3.3: Predict the coordination number for the ionic solids CsC
and NaCl. Use the following ionic radii for the prediction:
Cs+ = 0.170 nm Na+ = 0.102 nm Cl- = 0.181 nm
Example 3.4: Calculate the ionic packing factor for CsCl. Ionic radii are
Cs+ = 0.170 nm and Cl- =0.181 nm.
ovalent Crystals
Diamond cubic (DC) structure
Tetrahedral structure.
Special FCC Structure
8 Atoms per unit cell
Hardest structure
No free electron
Perfect insulator
PF of DC structure

APF is only 0.34

Graphite structure
The low pressure crystal form of carbon is graphite
atoms are covalently bonded to only three nearest neighbours
the layers themselves are only weakly bonded by van der Waals forces
abundant supply of free electrons
graphite is a good electrical conductor
the free electrons cannot cross easily from layer to layer
the resulting conductivity is highly anisotropic
It was believed that graphite owed its lubricating properties to
the weak van der Waals bonds between adjacent layers

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