Giant Cell Tumor of Bone Current Management PDF
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone Current Management PDF
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone Current Management PDF
DOI 10.1007/s11864-014-0289-1
Keywords Giant cell tumor I GCTB I Bone I Denosumab I Bisphosphonate I Surgery I Radiation therapy I
Chemotherapy I Paracrine signaling I RANK I RANKL I Monoclonal antibody I Osteoclast
Opinion statement
Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTB) comprises up to 20 % of benign bone tumors in the US. GCTB
are typically locally aggressive, but metastasize to the lung in ~5 % of cases. Malignant trans-
formation occurs in a small percentage of cases, usually following radiation therapy.
Historically, GCTB have been treated primarily with surgery. When the morbidity of surgery
would be excessive, radiation therapy may achieve local control. In most cases the primary
driver of the malignant cell appears to be a mutation in H3F3A leading to a substitution of
Gly34 to either Trp or Leu in Histone H3.3. This change presumably alters the methylation
of the protein, and thus, its effect on gene expression. The malignant stromal cells of GCTB
secrete RANKL, which recruits osteoclast precursors to the tumor and stimulates their differ-
entiation to osteoclasts. The elucidation of the biology of GCTB led to trials of the anti-RANKL
monoclonal antibody denosumab in this disease, with a clear demonstration of beneficial clin-
ical effect. Surgery remains the primary treatment of localized GCTB. When surgery is not pos-
sible or would be associated with excessive morbidity, denosumab is a good treatment option.
The optimal length of treatment and schedule of denosumab is unknown, but recurrences after
apparent complete responses have been observed after stopping denosumab, and long-term
follow-up of denosumab treatment may reveal unrecognized effects. The role of denosumab in
the preoperative or adjuvant setting will require clinical trials. In some cases local radiation
therapy may be useful, although long term effects should be considered.
Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTB), also known as and malignant GCTB are recognized. Transformation to
osteoclastoma, seems to have been first described by a high–grade sarcoma occurs rarely spontaneously, and
Cooper and Travers in 1818 [1], and more formally by with higher frequency after radiation therapy. The tumor
Bloodgood in 1912 [2]. GCTB comprises up to 20 % of is composed of both malignant stromal tumor cells, as
benign bone tumors in the US. GCTB typically occurs at well as osteoclasts and osteoclast precursor cells recruited
the ends of long bones and is locally aggressive, osteolytic, by RANKL secreted by the tumor cells (Fig. 1).
and often associated with pain, but metastases occur in Mutations in histone H3.3 are the most likely driv-
only about 5 % of cases [3–6, 7•, 8–12]. Both benign er mutation in this disease. The malignant stromal cells
508 Sarcoma (SH Okuno, Section Editor)
Fig. 1. Top, low power view of GCTB showing multiple giant cells
interspersed among malignant stromal cells and mononuclear
osteoclast precursors. Bottom, higher power view showing mul-
tinucleate osteoclast (giant) cells. The author holds the copyright
to these images.
of GCTB secrete RANKL, which recruits osteoclasts to the ized disease, surgery is the standard therapy. Strong clinical
tumor, forming the rationale for treatment with evidence supports the use of denosumab in advanced or
denosumab, a monoclonal antibody to RANKL. metastatic disease. Osteoclast like giant cells can be present
Changes in the malignant stromal cells following treat- in many other conditions, including reactive conditions
ment with denosumab suggests a paracrine loop between and other benign and malignant tumors [13], and only
the malignant cells and the osteoclasts. For primary local- GCTB is considered here.
GCTB most commonly occurs in the epiphyses of long bones, but may occur
in other bones, and on rare occasions may be multi-centric. GCTB usually
occurs in skeletally mature patients between 20 and 40 years old, comprising
up to 20 % of benign bone tumors in the US [9, 10, 12]. The rate of GCTB is
slightly higher in women than men (1.5 to 1 ratio) [14], and may be higher
in China than the US [7•]. Familial clustering of GCTB and Paget’s disease
has been reported [15, 16]. In most cases the primary driver of the malignant
cell appears to be a mutation in H3F3A leading to a substitution of Gly34
to either Trp or Leu in Histone H3.3 [17••].
Bone undergoes constant remodeling by osteoclasts that dissolve bone, and
osteoblasts that form new bone. The osteoclasts develop from circulating
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone Skubitz 509
GCTB patients typically present with pain at the site of tumor, typically at the
end of a long bone. Tumors are usually radiolucent without sclerotic mar-
510 Sarcoma (SH Okuno, Section Editor)
gins. Pathologic fractures are common, and axial tumors may present with
neurologic symptoms. Up to 5 % of patients present with metastatic disease,
usually in the lung.
GCTB can often be suspected based on imaging with plain films, CT, or MRI, but
diagnosis requires a biopsy. In many cases, definitive surgery can be performed
at the time of the biopsy. Although the vast majority of GCTB have benign
histologic features, a small percentage present as a malignant GCTB with a more
aggressive cytologic appearance. Because osteoclast like giant cells can be present
in many other conditions, including reactive conditions and other benign and
malignant tumors [13], evaluation should be performed by a pathologist ex-
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone Skubitz 511
perienced in this field to exclude other diagnoses such as giant cell rich osteo-
sarcoma, brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, etc. Staging requires chest im-
aging with either a noncontrast chest CT or x-ray.
En block excision of the primary tumor has a recurrence rate of G20 %
whereas intralesional curettage has been reported to have much higher re-
currence rates. Metastatic disease does not usually respond well to chemo-
therapy and may cause death, although in many cases repeated surgical
excision may be beneficial [27].
Depending on the extent of disease, the primary treatment of GCTB is sur-
gery. When surgery is not possible or would be associated with unacceptable
toxicity, treatment with denosumab or radiation therapy may be useful.
Adjunctive therapies
A phase II study of denosumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody to
RANKL, demonstrated a tumor response in 30/35 patients with GCTB [26].
Treatment resulted in the near complete elimination of giant cells in post-
treatment specimens relative to baseline, and post-treatment samples showed
512 Sarcoma (SH Okuno, Section Editor)
normal for her age and gender [43]. An earlier report described osteopetrosis in-
duced by treatment of a peripubertal child with bisphosphonates [44].
Bisphosphonates have also been used in GCTB, although reports have been
limited to retrospective and uncontrolled series, and case reports [45, 46,
47•, 48]. One case report clearly demonstrated a response of a GCTB in
the cervical spine to i.v. zoledronic acid over a 3-year period [47•]. A ran-
domized phase II trial is ongoing to determine if adjuvant zoledronic acid
improves the 2 year recurrence rate of “high risk” GCTB compared with stan-
dard care (NCT00889590).
Questions remain about the optimal approach to unresectable or meta-
static GCTB. Normal bone is constantly undergoing resorption and replace-
ment, a process regulated by coupling of osteoclast and osteoblast activity.
Suppression of bone resorption is followed by an inhibition of bone produc-
tion within a few months by an unknown mechanism, presumably because
of signaling between osteoclasts and osteoblasts [49]. Both the production of
unknown factors by the osteoclasts and release of growth factors from the
bone matrix, which is known to contain osteoblast growth factors, may be
involved on osteoclast signaling to the osteoblast [49]. The Wnt/beta-catenin
signaling pathway plays an important role in regulating bone formation [49–
51]. For example, the Wnt pathway regulates osteoblast differentiation, mat-
uration, and number, and this signaling is inhibited by factors, including
sclerostin and Dickkopf-1 (DKK1), that bind Wnt co-receptors [49–51].
Sclerostin is primarily expressed in osteocytes and expression is decreased
by mechanical loading or parathyroid hormone, which may promote bone
formation [49, 52, 53]. Although DKK1 is widely expressed in embryonic
mice, it is expressed primarily in osteoblasts and maturing osteocytes in
adults [49, 54], although it is expressed in some pathologic states such as my-
eloma and rheumatoid arthritis [49]. Denosumab treatment of postmeno-
pausal osteoporosis resulted in increased serum sclerostin and decreased
DKK1 [49]. Chronic bisphosphonate treatment has also been reported to in-
crease serum sclerostin [49, 55]. Thus, the decrease in bone formation after
some months of bisphosphonate treatment could in part be because of an
increase in sclerostin [49].
In contrast to sclerostin, denosumab treatment resulted in a decrease in se-
rum DKK1 whereas bisphosphonate treatment did not [49]. Bisphosphonates
act mostly on mature osteoclasts as they degrade matrix, and leads to an in-
crease in osteoclast precursors [49, 56], whereas denosumab treatment also
blocks recruitment and differentiation of osteoclast precursors. It has been hy-
pothesized that with denosumab, the increase in sclerostin would tend to de-
crease bone formation, whereas the decrease in DKK1 may limit this effect on
bone formation [49].
An important toxicity of bisphosphonates is osteonecrosis of the jaw
(ONJ), and this is also a toxicity of denosumab [40, 42, 57•]. The risk of
ONJ is time dependent. In larger trials of denosumab in other malignan-
cies the risk of ONJ was about ~1 % at 1 year and ~4 % after 3 years
[57•]. ONJ was much more frequent with bisphosphonates before rou-
tine preventive approaches were used. Finally, given the reported lym-
514 Sarcoma (SH Okuno, Section Editor)
phoid defects in mice that lack RANKL [58], other long term toxicities of
denosumab may exist.
Thus, even though the results of trials of denosumab in GCTB are impres-
sive, consideration should be given to a randomized trial of denosumab,
which is easier to give and has no recognized nephrotoxicity, vs a bisphos-
phonate, which is currently cheaper, in select GCTB cases. A randomized trial
of denosumab compared with bisphosphonates that allows cross-over would
answer the question of which approach would be more effective for GCTB
not amenable to surgical treatment.
Cytotoxic chemotherapy
A number of reports have described the use of cytotoxic chemotherapy and
interferon in GCTB [59–63]. Given the typically benign nature of GCTB
and the toxicities of these agents, this approach has been replaced by the
use of denosumab in all but rare cases.
Radiation therapy
There is limited data on the use of radiation therapy in GCTB, but in select
cases it may be useful. Although malignant transformation of GCTB can oc-
cur with reported rates of 1.5 %–15 %, most are associated with previous ra-
diation therapy [64]. In 1 series, 26/407 GCTBs were malignant (19 after
initial treatment and 7 at diagnosis); of the 19 malignant GCTB in this series,
18 (~95 %) had received radiation therapy 4–39 years earlier [64]. Rates of
malignant transformation after radiation therapy of between 7 %–33 % have
been reported [64], and the observed rates could be influenced by length of
follow-up. More recent reports using more modern techniques confirm that
radiation induced sarcoma remains an issue [65]. In a study of 25 patients
between 1956–2000, 2 developed osteosarcoma at 11–12 years, with a me-
dian follow-up of 8.8 years (0.67–34 years), and a disease free survival rate of
58 % [65]. A retrospective review of 26 tumors in 24 patients between 1972–
1996 reported local control in 20/26 cases and 1 radiation induced sarcoma
22 years after treatment [66]. In a series of patients deemed poor candidates
for surgery and treated with megavoltage radiotherapy between 1985–2007
with a median follow-up time of 58 months, local control was achieved in
65/77 and 12/77 progressed in the radiated field; 2 developed malignant
transformation [67]. In another recent study of 34 patients treated with
megavoltage therapy (13 after gross total surgical resection) between
1973–2008, and a median follow-up of 16.8 years, local control was report-
ed in ~85 % at 5 years, with 3 developing lung metastases and 1 malignant
transformation [68]. It is possible that IMRT may offer an advantage in some
cases; 1 report observed local control in 4/5 cases at a median follow-up of
46 months [69].
In addition to the effect of follow-up time, many reports of malignant
transformation involve relatively small numbers of patients. For instance,
if a study of 34 patients with “adequate” follow-up had an observed event
rate of 1/34 or 3 %, the 95 % confidence interval (CI) of the rate would
be ~G1 %–9 %, and with an event rate of 2/34 or 5 % the 95 % CI would
be ~G1 %–14 %. In a study of 77 patients with an event rate of 2/77 or
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone Skubitz 515
2.5 %, the 95 % CI would be ~G1 %–6 %, and with an event rate of 3/77 or
4 %, the 95 % CI would be ~G1 %–8 %.
Conflict of Interest
Keith Skubitz has been a consultant for Amgen, Ariad/Merck, Novartis, Onyxx, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer/
Schering-Plough, Systems Medicine, and Seattle Genetics; owns publicly traded stock in Johnson & John-
son; has received research funding from Amgen, Novartis, GSK, Ariad/Merck, Celgene, Cell Therapeutics,
Systems Medicine, Infinity, Schering-Plough, Bayer, Pfizer, and Daiichi; and provided expert testimony
on the role of bisphosphonates in osteonecrosis of the jaw.
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