Baroque Artworks
Baroque Artworks
Baroque Artworks
Carved from marble, this sculpture by Bernini is an important example A significant work for several reasons, Judith Beheading
of three-dimensional Baroque artwork. As the primary sculptor during Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi graphically depicts Judith
the Baroque period, Bernini is recognized for his ability to portray severing the head of Assyrian general Holofernes with the help
narrative tension by combining classical forms and technique with of her maid. The work is intriguing because it is a rare example
attention to emotion and movement. Apollo and Daphne, completed in of an artwork by a female painter of the period and has been
1625, represents the moment in Ovid’s Metamorphoses when Daphne analyzed by scholars throughout history in relation to her
changes into a tree. The action and psychological distress depicted in gender. The work, however, is important in its own right, as the
this work make it a significant example of Baroque sculpture. dramatic spraying blood and Judith’s determined expression
make it a masterpiece of Baroque painting.
Boy with a Basket of Fruit by Caravaggio