Ooyala Flex Customer Success Brochure
Ooyala Flex Customer Success Brochure
Ooyala Flex Customer Success Brochure
Success Stories
Ooyala Flex
Ooyala Flex is tailored to your needs so that you can get content to
market faster and more efficiently. It gives you full visibility into your
video supply chain and automates your production and distribution
workflows, saving you both time and money. Here is how some of our Vubiquity Audi
customers are leveraging Ooyala Flex: Large volumes, plus integration with wide portfolio of Demonstrates a brand publishing workflow, players
storage, QC and transcoder. and analytics.
ITV Studios Swiss TV RR Media American Family Insurance
Demonstrates business metadata management, Demonstrates movement of media and metadata Demonstrates workflows to import from Demonstrates workflows and non-video
production workflows with Adobe integration. from production systems to distribution. multiple sources and export to multiple sources. asset management.
ITV CDM TV2 Denmark Financial Times Smoke & Mirrors
Demonstrates workflows for repackaging and Demonstrates orchestrates flow of metadata through Demonstrates video production and collabora- Demonstrates customer scripting, workflows
syndication. different business units. tion in the cloud and Adobe integration. and integration using Ooyala Flex.
Ooyala Flex solution to manage production from
of Here! It also produces the world’s longest running dra- Studios. “Instead we wanted a system that would work off-
commissioning to delivery. Phased delivery of
ma serial Coronation Street and hit international drama the-shelf but is also flexible so that we can configure it to
evolving requirements over two years.
franchises including Agatha Christie’s Marple, Poirot and handle our production data and workflows. We were
♦ Ooyala Flex integrates with ITV Studios’ existing Vera. looking for a company open to developing that along-
and new solutions (e.g. storage systems, side us. There was a willingness on the part of Ooyala
transcoding, automated quality control) to manage Like many broadcasters and content producers the to work with us to expand the core functionality of their
workflow orchestration across services. world over, ITV is under pressure to create quality con- product, providing mutual benefit.”
tent, more efficiently than ever. To help deliver on this the
♦ Users across the workflow collaborate in a single
organisation has undertaken a major business transfor- Working alongside ITV’s production teams over a six
system to manage Commissioning, Production, per productions so far, mation project encompassing content modernization, month period beginning Autumn 2013, Ooyala’s product
Post-Production, Legal and Compliance Review,
Auditing and Quality Control.
reinvested in talent to short form creative, and smart production workflows. development team gained a deep understanding of the
increase profit organisation’s existing processes and how Flex could
best be used to improve them.
With production key to ITV’s core business it was only
logical to examine current practices and, where neces-
sary, evolve the workflow and technologies to make the “Only by putting new systems into a real, live environ-
division even more creatively dynamic and responsive to ment can you quickly flush out any issues and learn
market and audience demands. whether your approach is right and what needs chang-
ing,” says Suker.
Reconciling media with metadata is core to Flex’s going missing. At the same time user definable flow engine allowed us to automate RESULTS
functionality and begins well before any media has ‘tags’ can be added to individual or multiple shots.
even been created. Within the platform, producers
a lot of things that were laborious 1. Every stage of the pilot programme from commission
to delivery was hooked into Flex’s data management
are able to capture the editorial specification of a new In the craft edit users can open up a similar panel in and time-consuming. Being able to platform.
commission (e.g. production name, channel, number of Premiere Pro, select the exact project according to pro-
episodes, duration etc. which forms part of the standard duction, episode or version, edit the project, and export send out automated notifications
2. All structured metadata is kept in the same place as a
contract between a producer and broadcaster), the completed programme when the session is finished and requests with a link to an on- ‘single source of truth’.
in a process that allows media to be associated with matching it back to the production structure within the
that information as the production progresses. Miio Flex platform in the background. This includes auto- line copy for comment, rather than 3. Data was standardised and consistent, cutting out
understands the hierarchy of a production, series, mated encoding and generation of proxies for review
episode and versions of an episode. and approval — and automatic email notifications and
manually creating a DVD, was a errors.
requests to executive producers and other parties. compelling result for us. That sort 4. Manual tasks were reduced enabling production
The ability to create these placeholders — or Business
Objects — in Flex without having to first attach data to When a version is ready to deliver for transmission, Flex’s of innovation hugely simplifies the teams to do more creative work.
media is central to its operation at ITV. Once a produc- workflow engine handles the Automated Quality Control process and strips out non-value 5. With ITV and Adobe, Ooyala has advanced Flex with
tion template is established, Flex automatically assigns and packaging as a DPP compliant file, before sending
appropriate data to the media. internally to ITV or onto other broadcasters. add tasks.” refined metadata management tools and seamless inte-
gration with Adobe Prelude and Premiere Pro.
Next Steps
With a consistent and unified nomenclature ITV staff With the pilot programme complete ITV is now scaling
are able to search and access just the right version up the platform and rolling it out across ITV Studios
Training on Flex is simple with a
far quicker than previously. Flex is truly multi-tenanted: productions. typical session lasting around one
teammates, production partners and freelancers can be
invited to participate without compromising security or “We’ve seen that our approach is right, that the metadata hour is all that’s required for new
control. framework works in practice and more importantly that users to become familiar with the
production really likes it,” says Suker. “Everybody we’ve
shown it to can see the benefits and how it can make system and get to work with it. Af-
ter evaluating feedback from all
For ITV, Ooyala partnered with Adobe to integrate user
customisable Flex Panels into Adobe Premiere Pro and production staff, the ITV Production
He continues: “In terms of data
Adobe Prelude. Adobe Prelude is a file-based ingest Innovation team intend to begin
application that works in-conjunction with Adobe’s handling, Flex has proven to be
editing application Premiere Pro. The integration allows on-boarding more staff and migrate
flexible and configurable. Its work-
producers and directors to easily add metadata to their
video files directly from within the Adobe product set,
further productions over to Flex in
but controlled by Flex. the coming months as the broad-
As a production’s camera cards are recycled, media caster’s Production Transformation
is ingested and logged into Prelude with all technical begins to yield genuine cost sav-
metadata (bit rate, frame rate, aspect ratio and so on) au-
tomatically extracted, collected and catalogued into Flex ings and creative benefits.
seamlessly and behind the scenes. There is no risk of it
Financial Times:
Multimedia Future of News
Financial Times curates and archives all video ready to integrate with
metadata store.
♦ FT analyzed their income after moving to a ♦ Camera operators in the office and on location can
subscription model on their website. News easily ingest and label new video content. S3
videos were the clearest draw for their
♦ Editors can find clips instantly, and know their (AWS)
subscriber base.
♦ FT wanted to generate more video content and
♦ FT can produce more videos, more quickly with
more efficiently repurpose video content they
less wasted time.
already have.
♦ Part of a larger phased programme. FT likely to buy
♦ Ability to easily find video content, and easily
Ooyala Flex MAM, and extend the publishing workflows
curate new videos was key. The end users
this year.
at the FT are video producers and content
operators who don’t want to move outside the Edit Suite Edit Suite Edit Suite
Adobe suite day to day.
WIP Transcoder WIP Transcoder WIP Transcoder
“… Ooyala Flex provides us with a highly automated tapeless
workflow solution that integrates seamlessly with all our
departments and content providers while maintaining the high
quality of video demanded by viewers today…”
www.ooyala.com [email protected]
Ooyala helps deliver content that connects. A US-based subsidiary of global telecommunications and IT services company Telstra, Ooyala’s comprehensive suite of
offerings includes one of the world’s largest premium video platforms, a leading ad serving and programmatic platform and media logistics solution. Built with superior
analytics capabilities for advanced business intelligence and a strong commitment to customers’ success, Ooyala’s industry-leading end-to-end solutions help large-scale
broadcasters, operators, media companies, enterprises and brands build more engaged and more profitable audiences, and monetize video and TV with personalized,
interactive experiences across any screen. ESPN, Univision, NBC Universal, Star India of 21st Century FOX, Sky Sports (U.K.), ITV Studios (U.K.), RTL Group (Germany), M6
(France), TV4 (Sweden), Mediaset (Spain), America Television (Peru), and Media Prima (Malaysia): these are just a few of the hundreds of broadcasters and media companies
who choose Ooyala. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, Ooyala has offices in New York, Dallas, London, Chennai, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore, Cologne, Madrid, Paris,
Guadalajara, and sales operations in many other countries across the globe. For more information, visit www.ooyala.com.