Risk Assessment and Implementation of ISO 90012015 in Relation To Institutional Performance
Risk Assessment and Implementation of ISO 90012015 in Relation To Institutional Performance
Risk Assessment and Implementation of ISO 90012015 in Relation To Institutional Performance
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Research published in Spain evaluates the impact of On the other hand, a study based on the service quality
applying ISO 9001:2008 Standards assessed by Management (SERVQUAL) dimensions of reliability, assurance, tangibles,
Teams and Teachers in four autonomous communities' empathy, and responsiveness coupled with ISO 9001
schools. The most notable findings demonstrate a strong requirement of conformity and non-conformity to determine
influence on dimension management, communication the level of satisfaction of international students on an ISO
medium, learning process, and external interactions, with a 9001 certified institution was conducted in the Philippines.
moderate impact on climate, support and recognition, and The results indicate that the overall service quality of these
satisfaction (Rodríguez-Mantilla, Fernández-Cruz, & universities is moderately satisfactory. Again, the
Fernández-Díaz, 2019). SERVQUAL determinants of Assurance, Tangibles, and
Empathy are moderately satisfied to indicate conformity to
A research is conducted to examine the influence of ISO observation. Reliability indicated conformance with the
QMS adoption on work culture, motivation, and school opportunity to improve. However, responsiveness is slightly
performance. The findings of the study reveal that (1) there are satisfied, which is a minor non-conformity. It requires
considerable changes in organizational behavior, and (2) immediate root-cause analysis and correction and corrective
organizational behavior has a large direct impact on job actions to seek continual improvement (Peprah, 2018).
motivation and school success. It signifies that the application Consequently, there is no better way of understanding the
of QMS ISO has been able to effectively develop an impact of the ISO certification process on academic
organizational work culture in the endeavor of continuous institutions than by examining the implementation level
quality improvement, and behavior changes directly influence (Prasad, Kamath, Barkur & Nayak, 2016).
work motivation and school performance (Giatman, 2017).
Another investigation found convincing results about the The Quality Standard System established for maritime
impact of ISO:9001 standards on teachers' engagement in education posed a great challenge for the university to expand
improving the school's climate, management team conflict the system for the entire university. Misamis University's top
resolution, and family involvement and satisfaction with the management decided to adopt a quality assurance system
school. However, no evidence of an influence on teacher based on ISO 9001:2000 in the School year 2005 and ISO
relations, conflict resolution among staff members, or teacher 9001:2008 in 2010. In 2018, the university qualified for the
satisfaction was discovered (Fernández-Cruz, Rodrguez- latest version of ISO 9001:2015, which focuses on risk
Mantilla, & Daz, 2020). management. However, since its inception, no evaluation has
A research in Jordan evaluated the academic been made to determine the implementation of the system.
performance of ISO: 9001 certified private schools. TQM This prompted the researcher to look into the risk assessment
Implementation and:
Context of the Institution 0.270 0.099 Not Significant
Leadership 0.867 0.015 Significant
Planning for Risk Management 0.745 0.029 Significant
Support 0.498 0.061 Not Significant
Operational Performance 0.648 0.041 Significant
Performance Evaluation 0.776 0.026 Significant
Note: Probability Value Scale: **p<0.01 (Highly Significant); *p<0.05 (Significant); p>0.05 (Not significant)
E. Relationship between the Level of Institutional Risk and the Level of Institutional Performance in ISO 9001:2015
The test of the relationship between the level of institutional risks and the level of institutional performance in ISO 9001:2015
is shown in Table 5. A very strong and highly significant relationship is noted between the level of institutional risks in terms of
reporting/communication and the level of institutional performance in terms of leadership (r=0.909; p=0.010); performance
evaluation (r=0.993; p=0.001). This means that the wide dissemination of processes within the institution greatly influenced
leadership and the institution's performance in ISO 9001:2015. Furthermore, the complete and accurate information, whether
financial or non-financial, contributed to appropriate decision-making to prevent operational difficulties.
Table 5. Relationship between the Level of Institutional Risk and the Level of Institutional Performance in ISO 9001:2015
Variables r value p value Remarks
Institution Control Environment and:
Context of the Institution 0.517 0.058 Not Significant
Leadership 0.857 0.016 Significant
Planning for Risk Management 0.605 0.047 Significant
Support 0.476 0.064 Not Significant
Operational Performance 0.621 0.045 Significant
Performance Evaluation 0.772 0.026 Significant
Probability Value Scale: **p<0.01 (Highly Significant); *p<0.05 (Significant); p>0.05 (Not significant)
The data further revealed that the management could The most significant quality of ISO 9001:2015 is in the
manage risks and control its environment. They have the communication process. The study revealed a low risk in
expertise and mindset necessary for oversight responsibility reporting and communication. There are venues for
like scrutinizing activities, presenting alternative views, and information dissemination like the management review,
acting on problems at hand. The institution is also compliant regular administrative and academic council meetings,
with all requirements of the regulatory/legal bodies. It operational plans of colleges and support services offices. The
maintains institutional stability with its accreditation and deans and department heads submit accomplishment reports
certification status, thereby maintaining its autonomous status. by semester to ensure that the operational plans are duly