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Space Robotics and Associated Space Applications

Chapter · March 2021

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-60694-7_9


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1 author:

Ijar M da Fonseca
Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica


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Space Robotics and Associated Space

Ijar M. da Fonseca

Abstract This chapter deals with space robotics and its associated space applica-
tions. In order to contextualize the robotics in the space exploration scenario, this
paper presents an overview of the space age and the first robotic probes preceding
the landing of the astronauts on the Moon. In addition, the paper approaches and
discusses space robotics fundamental concepts, classification, and safety-critical
aspects for space robotics applications. The space robotics state of the art presented
in this article, focuses on the International Space Station (ISS) Extravehicular Activ-
ities (EVA), the planetary explorations (like the current Mars exploration), JAXA’s
Hayabusa mission that rendezvoused and landed on the 25143 Itokawa asteroid,
and in the ESA/DLR’s Rosetta spacecraft carrying its Philae robotic module which
landed on the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet. The article includes a discus-
sion of on-orbit servicing and rendezvous & docking/berthing (RVD/B). Finally,
the paper presents the modeling techniques to derive the equations of motion for
manipulator-like spacecraft.

Keywords Space robotics · Robot manipulators · Rendezvous and

docking/berthing · On-orbit servicing (OOS)

1 Introduction

The space robotics characterized all the space missions in the beginning of the space
era and was a key issue to the evolving of the space exploration. In the beginning of the
space race between the former Soviet Union (URSS) and the USA, the satellites were
robot spacecraft or probes orbiting the Earth that evolved in an amazing progress to the
Moon, other planets and, the Sun and finally, asteroids and comets. Remarkably, the
space journey reached the interstellar region with Voyager 1 and 2 after visiting all the
most distant planets of the solar system. The robot spacecraft evolved systematically,
first to the Earth orbit by sending to ground control centers alive signals and Earth

I. M. da Fonseca (B)
Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), DCTA, São José dos Campos, S.P, Brazil
e-mail: [email protected]

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 151
J. M. Balthazar (ed.), Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 95,
152 I. M. da Fonseca

images as photographed from space. In the next, the space race included sending
cosmonauts (term used by the soviets) and astronauts (term used by the USA). The
idea was sending humans to space and then starts space walk tests to study the
capability of man to work and survive in space. The meaning of such walk was
time that the astronaut/cosmonaut stayed floating outside the spacecraft, connected
by an umbilical cable. However, before humans went into space in the 1960s, the
two leaders of space race sent animals to orbit aiming investigation of biological
effects of spaceflights. The soviets got the first by sending to orbit a dog named
Laika (November 1957). It became the first animal to orbit the Earth, paving the way
for human spaceflight during the upcoming years. Later, in 1961, the US sent an ape
to orbit, Ham, selected as the chimpanzee to test the safety of space flight on the ape
After the tests with animal, humans took their way to orbit implementing inves-
tigation of several effects of spaceflight on the human body and space walk tests
to investigate the body reactions in the microgravity and the capability of the space
suits to protect the man against the hostile radiation and temperature outside the
spacecraft. Next step it was flights to the Moon and the planetary exploration. The
first goal was the Moon. Here we note that the U.S. and the former Soviet Union took
different approaches to implement the Moon landing. The soviet option was to land
robot spacecraft on the Moon and then return them to Earth without cosmonauts.
The U.S. opted to land the men on the Moon and bring them safely back home. The
common requirements for both countries to accomplish their goals were the study of
the Moon’s surface and the finding of an appropriate and safe site to land, in addition
to return from there with soil samples. The use of robot spacecraft by the soviets
clearly shows that they would not have to risk cosmonauts’ life. On the other the
hand U.S. manned lunar missions would have to face that risk.
Before the man landed the Moon, several robot spacecraft sent toward the Moon
aimed gathering data that would be used to the mapping of the lunar surface and
the choosing a safe-landing site. The first robot spacecraft were impact probes. The
goals were photographing or recording videos and sending them to ground control
stations before crashing on the Moon’s surface. The results were the mapping of
the surface and determining safe land-sites as planned. The Soviets and Americans
accomplished these objectives. Missions then extended to robotic probes landing on
the Moon to test landing on pre-selected sites. The soviet robotic space mission to
land the Mon and return to Earth did require some operations that would be necessary
to the U.S. manned mission. One the U.S. planned lunar mission requirements was
the capability to implement undocking, rendezvous and re-docking operations of the
LM. The implantation of these operations occurred in two phases of the flight, the
descent to the Moon and the lifting from its surface to rendezvous an re-dock with the
lunar orbiter CM. Before Apollo-11 mission implementation, those RVD techniques
were subject of studies and several orbital tests.
The strong competition between soviets and the U.S. to get firsts during the space
race appears clearly in the conquest of the Moon. The soviets objective was to battle
the U.S. by arriving on the Moon, collecting lunar samples and returning them to
Earth without any on-board cosmonauts. Had them succeed the U.S. mission would
Space Robotics and Associated Space Applications 153

lose much of its bright in the space race. However, the soviets, whom had the most of
the first in the space race since the launching of the Sputnik satellite in 1957, would
not win the game this time. When the astronauts landed successfully on the Moon
the soviet robot probe Luna-15 was also arriving, but it failed to land and crashed
in the Moon. That was the space race in the time of Cold War. The soviets had
collected the most of the all-first in the space race since 1957 and lost perhaps this
most important event of the space race. The U.S. planed, executed and implemented
the most challenging and complicated, not to say the difficult, project ever, to get that
first by landing a man on the moon. The Apollo-11 mission obtained very important
outcomes as landing the first man on the moon, first human work on the moon,
collecting Moon’s soil samples and returning them to Earth, implementing operations
of the LM undocking, rendezvous and re-docking with the Apollo-11 CM lunar
orbiter, and returning back home successfully. The LM never returned to Earth.
After the Appolo-11 mission, NASA sent several manned missions to the Moon.
Meanwhile other plans were in place such as exploring other planets of our solar
system and development of space stations. The idea of using robot manipulators, a
space shuttle as well astronauts/cosmonauts for on-orbit servicing implementation
was part of the then future projects. Also, during the period that preceded the man
landing on the Moon, the soviet got an interesting first by sending robotic probes to
Venus, including a robotic probe landing on the planet. The U.S. sent also spacecraft
to the planet. Their competition continued from Venus to Mars. Both of them obtained
important outcomes as close images of the planets, atmosphere composition, surface
data, and planet temperatures. The planet surface mappings and possible landing
sites paved plans for the next projects of space exploration. The space stations came
about and this time the competition between the two giants of the space exploration
starts merging to cooperative projects for space activities.
The Skylab Orbital Workshop was a temporary U.S. space station. It consisted of
a 22-foot-diameter cylindrical Orbital Workshop (OWS) with two wings-like solar
arrays, a cylindrical Airlock Module (AM), a multiple docking adapter (MDA), and
a truss-mounted Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM) with four solar arrays arranged in
a windmill formation. Uncrewed, the launching inserted the space station into 435
mKm low Earth orbit. A micrometeoroid shield tore away from the OWS, damaging
the station during launch. The incident took one of the main solar arrays and jammed
the other main. This deprived Skylab of most of its electrical power and removed
protection from intense solar heating, threatening to make it unusable. Three subse-
quent missions (Skylab 2, Skylab 3, and Skylab 4) delivered three-astronaut crews
to the space station. The first crew deployed a replacement heat shade and freed the
jammed solar panels to save Skylab. A maintaining operation of such magnitude
was the first OOS ever performed in space. A four mission (Skylab 4) was a rescue
mission to bring back home the astronauts. The delay in the Space Shuttle project
became a problem to NASA’s plan to extend the station life. The re-boost of the
space station was not possible and Skylab’s orbit decayed and it burned up in the
atmosphere on July 11, 1979, over the Indian Ocean.
In 1993, the U.S. effort turns to the International Space Station (ISS), a multi-
national collaborative project involving 5 space agencies: NASA (U.S.), Rosccosmos
154 I. M. da Fonseca

(Russia), JAXA (Japan), ESA (Europe), and CSA (Canada). It is a modular station
assembled in space, following ideas by von Brown and his conceptions of space
station designs in the late 1950s. This kind of activity belongs to the set of OOS
[5], a subject of the next section. The ISS is still operating in space in an integrated
effort of several countries, enabling a series of scientific research in astrobiology,
astronomy, meteorology, physics, and other fields, in addition to several engineering
experiments in the orbital microgravity environment. The station allowed the consol-
idation of robot manipulator applications and other types of robots as well. There
are experiments never thought presently implemented in the station, such as a green-
house for growing vegetables in an Earth pressure, temperature, an atmosphere.
Intergovernmental treaties and agreements establish the ownership and use rights of
the ISS.
To close this section it is worthy no point out where we are in the space exploration
started in the late 1950s. NASA has some robots operating in Mars and preparing
to start the Moon and Mars colonization. All the planets in solar system received a
visiting probe for image taking and scientific studies. Included are several planetary
moons and the rocks of the Saturn’ rings. Since the 1990s, space probes visited 16
minor celestial bodies: asteroids, dwarf planets, and Kuiper belt objects. The Hubble
Space Telescope orbits the Earth and it has imaged several asteroids and observed
distant galaxies. Spacecrafts has also visited 9 comets: Giacobini–Zinner, Halley,
Grigg–Skjellerup, Borrelly, Wild 2, Tempel 1, C/2006 P1 (McNaught), Hartley 2,
Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Voyager 1 and 2 are in spacecraft have travelling in space
for almost 44 years. Launched in 1977 both spacecraft have reached the interstellar
space. The spacecraft visited all the most distant giant planets of the solar system,
sending images to Earth. The Voyagers are the most distant human-made objects
from Earth. Part of the Voyager missions objectives was a study of the outer Solar
System. The spacecraft are about 22.2 billion km from Earth as of March 12, 2020
and their communication with Earth is still alive. Outcomes from Voyager probes
include the study of the weather, magnetic fields of Saturn and Jupiter and the rings of
Saturn. Voyager 1 was the first probe to provide detailed images of the moons Saturn
and Jupiter and the first spacecraft to cross the heliopause and enter the interstellar
medium a region beyond the influence of the Solar System, joining Voyager. Voyager
2 has begun to provide the first direct measurements of the density and temperature
of the interstellar plasma.
Each Voyager space probe carries a gold-plated audio-visual disc in case intelli-
gent life-forms from other planetary systems find either of the spacecraft. The discs
carry photos of the Earth and its life forms, scientific information, spoken greetings
from people, and a collection of music. It includes are also a miscellany of sounds
of Earth as the sounds of whales, a baby crying, waves breaking on a shore.
Space Robotics and Associated Space Applications 155

2 Space Robotics and on-Orbit Servicing (OOS)

The orbital dynamics includes the orbital and the attitude motion. The orbital robotics
refers to the robot motion in orbital environment of microgravity, subjected to the
external forces and toques.
The space robotics classifies as orbital and planetary robotics. Orbital robotics
takes place in the microgravity environment where prevails the combined effects
of Sun, Moon and other planets gravitational forces, strong temperature variation,
electromagnetic effects, atmospheric drag, and huge cosmic radiation. In the next
the paper discusses the orbital robotics issues
Due to microgravity, any artificial or natural orbiting body experiences lack of
weight and floats, as they were weightless. In such scenario, even low forces or torque
can translate and/or rotate large loads. In orbital mechanics, the orbiting motion a
space vehicle is the motion of its center of mass (CM) about its attractor (planet or
other celestial body). The CM position can changes if
• any mass component of the vehicle moves from the original position, breaking
the nominal mass distribution taken into account to define the original CM;
• Fuel and/or water consumption affects the mass configuration about the original
• In case of undocking or docking and berthing to or de-berthing from a space
In this study, the focus is the case of robot manipulator moving from its base under
joint control commands. In general, the robot manipulator is at rest (off) and part
of the satellite, counting on for the nominal orbiting CM position. When the robot
arm starts moving, the CM of the subsystem changes to a new position. However, as
the position of the original CM cannot change unless control forces are applied, the
system moves in the contrary direction of manipulator arm, keeping orbiting CM in
the same position. As the robot moves back with the satellite the manipulator end
effectors fails to capture its target. To avoid the failure the robot control commands
must compensate the system back motion when implementing the robot arm path
planning. This is to say that it is necessary to plan the arm path taking into account
the spacecraft back motion to avoid the arm missing its target. However, another
problem affects the path planning. The space vehicle orientation (attitude motion)
can change in response to the torque commanded to the manipulator joints. The
reaction to the commanded torque acts on the satellite and it moves in rotation,
taking away the end effectors from the capture point in the target. It is not easy to
design an AOCS (attitude and orbit control subsystem) to compensate the change in
the CM position and at same time keep the satellite in its nominal attitude. In fact,
this problem requires analyzing the relative orbit and attitude motion. The berthing
operation involves RVD between two orbiting space vehicles followed by berthing
(grasping our capture operation). The relative attitude implies synchronizing the
attitude motion of both spacecraft so that the relative attitude is zero. The same is
valid fort the relative position. When the relative velocity is zero, the position of the
156 I. M. da Fonseca

CM of both spacecraft stays at the same distance from each other. To close this subject
it is necessary to discuss the manipulator workspaces. Manipulators can capture or
grasp only objects that are inside its workspace. This is to say that the AOCS must
have the capability to synchronize the relative attitude in zero and then, identify and
track the berthing point to have it inside the manipulator workspace when relative
velocity reaches zero. In short, the requirements for a successful grasping are
• The grasping point shall be inside the manipulator workspace
• Relative attitude between both spacecraft shall be zero
• The Relative orbital rate between both spacecraft shall be zero
The idea behind the OOS [7] relates to space robotics and RVD/B operations
[1, 9, 13]. It involves providing in-orbit services to spacecraft and space stations
such as refueling, maintenance, exchange of astronauts and scientific experiments in
space stations, assembling parts of large space structures in space, cleaning around
the orbit to prevent collisions with space debris, and extending life of satellites.
The idea remounts von Browns’ conceptual projects of space stations. According
to his ideas, the assembling of Space Stations by astronauts with support of robot
manipulators, a space shuttle for travelers to and from Earth would be feasible and
necessary to assembly space station in orbit. The U.S. learned much on this with the
Skylab experience. Astronauts send to that station repaired damages that happened
during the launching of the Skylab. RVD/B is the mean to approach one spacecraft
to another (rendezvous) and dock (docking port required) and berthing (using robot
manipulators). The sequence of RVD phases preceding docking or berthing occurs in
the scenario of microgravity and encompasses the problems discussed about floating,
relative motion and non-fixed base for robots [5, 12]. The implementation of the
Rendezvous & Docking technique remounts the first years of the space era in the 60s
[10, 11]; RVD/B orbital operation was a key issue to accomplish the landing of man
in the Moon. Several orbital tests of RVD/B implemented by NASA and Russian
consolidated the implementation a sequences of docking, undocking and re-docking
of two space vehicles in orbit, executed by astronauts and cosmonauts and some
executed automatically ( Interviewed by
Doug Ward/Elk Lake, Michigan—June 29, 1999. The success of the tests allowed the
NASA Apollo 11 to separate from its lunar module (LM) with two astronauts, which
landed on the Moon. A third astronaut stayed inside the Command Module (CM)
orbiting the Moon and waiting for the LM return from the moon. After accomplishing
successfully the landing and the planned activities on the Moon surface, the astronauts
lifted off the LM that rendezvoused and re-docked to the orbiter CM. Then the
astronauts entered back to the CM, discarded the LM, and returned to Earth. The
lunar mission operation of RVD counted on the astronaut participation.
Later, in the 1997 the Japanese implement an orbital test of RVD/B by using for
first time a robot manipulator for berthing operation. The Engineering Test Satellite
VII (ETS-VII), developed and launched by National Space Development Agency of
Japan (NASDA) successfully orbited the Earth carrying out important and innova-
tive experiments on orbital robotics including a 2 meter-long, 6 DOF robot manip-
ulator. The ETS-VII was an un-manned spacecraft. The experimental orbital tests
Space Robotics and Associated Space Applications 157

accomplished remarkable outcome in space robotic application in RVD technology.

It was the world’s first satellite to be equipped with a robotic arm, and the first unmanned spacecraft to
conduct autonomous rendezvous & docking operations successfully. Japan was one
of the partners of ISS project development and implementation, giving a very impor-
tant contribution ISS with the module JEM (Japanese Experiment Module) which
includes a 10 m long robot manipulator system (JEMRMS).
The automated rendezvous and the concept of OOS pushed the development of
RVD/B for OOS to the ISS. The first space tug for OOS was the Space Shuttle. A
partially reusable low Earth orbital spacecraft system, it was operated from 1981 to
2011. Astronauts took off the Earth to ISS and then came back to Earth using the
Space Shuttle. The Shuttle missions provided OOS by taking water, fuel, experi-
ments, replacing astronauts and so on, via Space Shuttle. The use of Shuttle robotic
manipulator as cargo helped the assembling of the ISS by transporting large struc-
tures in space for years. The Shuttle also provided OOS by grasping and repairing
satellite and then putting them to their orbit. The Shuttle was equipped with long
robotic manipulator. Some satellites were taken aboard the Shuttle, repaired and the,
put back on their orbit. It was remarkable the repairing of Hubble Telescope in 1993.
It was amazing to watch the astronauts alive in the TV repairing the space telescope.
The concept of OOS applications and the RVD/B operations implemented by
astronauts evolved to automatic RVD with support from ground, and then to
autonomous operation. Future missions to colonize the Moon and Mars shall enforce
new developments in the RVD/B and planetary robotic activities toward completely
autonomous control subsystems.
The RVD requires the target spacecraft to have docking ports. In this case, the
control must identify the docking port and track it very accurately in the close prox-
imity [2] phase to reach simultaneously the relative prescribed pose with relative
velocity very close to zero to execute a soft docking safely. In case of berthing,
a robot manipulator grasps the target and then the on-board operator commands
the telerobots to complete the docking operation safely. The requirements for close
proximity are the same as that for docking. The berthing may also be a target vehicle
capability. In this case, the chaser spacecraft approach to the target reaching zero
relative velocity when it is inside the target manipulator workspace. The target arm
then captures the chaser and completes the docking safely by using telorobot capa-
bility of the target on-board control subsystem. This grasping operation counts on the
participation of on-board astronaut. Nevertheless, the docking or capture techniques,
the chaser must synchronize its orbital and attitude motions to that of the target.
A RVD/B is cooperative when the operation involves interactions with the target
spacecraft, a ground station, and a data relay satellite, to accomplish the docking or
berthing. It may not require actions of astronauts. If the target is alive, the control
commands may come for data relay satellites or ground station control centers. If the
target spacecraft has a known geometry but it is death and without docking ports, it is
still possible to implement a berthing operation. To accomplish such goal, a possible
solution is the use of cameras and an on-board computer with capability to process
and analyze the images to find a place on target to grasp it. This case still classifies as
158 I. M. da Fonseca

cooperative berthing because the chaser receives the input on the chaser geometry. In
case of debris with unknown geometry, the removing operation classifies as a non-
cooperative and the chaser on-board computer would have to include capabilities to
grasp autonomously the target and take it to a parking orbit or simply take it away
from the spacecraft trajectory. For the case of unmanned chaser to grasp unknown
asteroids and comets, the chaser’s AOCS (Attitude Orbit Control Subsystem) must
include capability to rendezvous and land in the target without support of ground
station or data relay satellites. However, for known celestial trajectories, help can still
come from an Earth ground station, mainly in the case the rendezvous and landing
mission includes a target orbiter and a landing module. During the module descent
the target orbiter send/receives information from Earth and then command the lading
module. If the target surface is unknown, the orbiter takes close images from it and
sends them to ground station. The images are processed and analyzed to define the
proper landing site. Then the control station sends the information to orbiter that
by its turn commands the landing site to the descent module. This was the case of
Rosetta mission and its lander module to the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko
One important concept in the area of space robotics is space telerobot [12]. This
concept refers to machines that perform physical tasks in the space environment.
The machines go from space manipulators to robonauts and planetary/lunar rovers.
Robonauts are the ultimate NASA robots with capability to mimic humans’ arm
motion. The astronauts may be using leap motion controller to teach robonauts to
follow and learn their arm motion. Actually, the Robonauts are already being tested
and used in the ISS to support astronauts by performing the EVA. Inside the ISS
they helps astronauts in the IVA. The robonauts conception was that of human being
image as they have shape similar to humans. They possess articulated legs, articulated
arms and five fingers hands. By having hands similar to humans they can manipulate
tools that man uses. Their legs contain more degrees-of-freedom than humans’ lags
and ends with hands instead of feet. This feature allows the robonauts to grasp and
hold firmly outside on the ISS structure, while performing EVA.
Telerobots are machines that operate both autonomously, when no operator
commands are need for the task or in conjunction with an operator who monitor
and send commands to the remote site. The main reason for using telerobots is to
perform tasks that would somehow be difficult, risky and even impossible for humans
in the orbital environment or on the surface of celestial bodies. Most of the tasks for
telerobots are related to OOS. They shall perform activities of
• maintenance,
• repairing,
• refueling,
• replacing spacecraft’s modules,
• bringing experiments to/from space vehicles,
• replacing experiments,
• capturing debris for cleaning orbits,
• capturing satellites to extend their life,
Space Robotics and Associated Space Applications 159

• executing EVA
• helping astronauts with intra vehicular activities (IVA),
• transporting and assembling structures in orbit.
Telerobots are to support a lot of work in space, be it in orbit or another celestial
body. In a near future, the telerobots will be a strategic component of the Moon and
Mars colonization.
A space telerobot involves a local site or station from where the operator interacts
with the remote site. The local site includes the interface from where the operator
receives the remote site data, analyzes them to understand the task in operation
and commands the telerobot. Figure 1 shows the data flow of a space telerobot
illustrating the local and remote sites, the operator to remote site interface, and the
major components of the space telerobot.
The use of long robot arms for on-orbit large load transportations brings about
another complication, the structural flexibility of the manipulator links. This is a
problem known as CSI (Control Structure Interaction). The vehicle control action
excites the arm links flexible modes of vibration during orbital robotic operations.
The arm links flexible vibrations may lead the end effectors to miss the grasping point
in the target. For this case, no implemented efficient solution is available. However,
researcher’s studies suggest that the use of viscoelastic and PZT materials could
be a good solution for the control problem involving structural flexibility. From the
point of view RVD/B dynamics analysis, there are other complicated issues, such

Fig. 1 Space telerobot system data flow (From [12])

160 I. M. da Fonseca

mathematical modeling and computer simulations of the relative motion between

chaser and target spacecraft. The paper discuss in next the planetary robotics issues.
The planetary robotics deals with robot motion on the surface of planets or other
celestial body. Because of celestial bodies may have different gravitational forces,
temperatures, radiation levels and different surfaces features compared to Earth, the
planetary robot must be designed properly for the environment it will work. For the
lunar regolith surface, the robot moves well over wheels. This is not the case for
robot mobility on Mars surface. The Mars planetary rovers use a combination of
wheels and articulated legs to in the area covered by Rockies, regolith, and sand of
the Martian planet. If the surface is swamp-type, ice-type, and liquid-type then it
is necessary to find the proper devices for the robot mobility. The planetary robots
do not face microgravity problems of the orbital robot operations. Temperature,
atmosphere, radiation and electromagnetic effects of planetary surfaces also affect
the material, joints functioning, and efficiency of robotic systems. The landing in
certain celestial bodies like comets and asteroids where the local gravity is very
weak the robot stability may require some kind of control device to keep the vehicle
stable on the surface.
The case of landing in asteroids and comets is in a gray zone between orbital
robotics and planetary robotics and did not receive yet any classification en terms
of space robotics. Maybe this case will receive a classification as asteroids/comets
robotics. In short, spacecraft rendezvous followed by landing in an unknown celes-
tial body requires command control and trajectory monitoring from ground control
centers or from orbiting spacecraft about the target body. In such case, a previous
knowledge of the body orbit, shape, surface features, local gravity and temperature
among others is a key issue for the landing successful accomplishment. To illustrate
this, consider the landing of the Rosetta’s Philae module on the 67P/Churyumov-
Gerasimenko comet. After traveling 10 years eight months in space, Rosetta received
ground command to free its lading module toward the surface of the comet nucleus
(November 12, 2014). However, it was not a straightforward command since the
comet shape, surface features, size, and other important aspects were unknown, a
meaningful selection of the landing site would require information that Rosetta would
send to Earth. Rosetta had appropriate set of sensors, cameras, and other instruments
to provide the comet’s data to the Earth control center. Rosetta accomplished this
data by orbiting and taking close images of the comet. Receiving and processing
the data received from Rosetta the control center determined the comet’s shape,
surface characteristics, rotation and orientation, temperature variation, local gravity,
Sun illumination, and analyzed the trajectories and landing sites for Philae landing.
The control center still detected a last minute problem with a thruster that failed to
fire. However, after checking that there was not possibility to fix it, the control center
decided to command the landing. Philae had stability problems when its anchoring
harpoons failed to deploy and that failed thruster could not support the landing.
After bouncing off the surface twice, Philae achieved the first-ever nondestructive
landing on a comet nucleus, in spite of its final and uncontrolled touchdown that left
it in a non-optimal position and orientation. Despite the landing problems, the robot
probe’s instruments obtained and transmitted to Earth the first images from surface of
Space Robotics and Associated Space Applications 161

a comet and made the first direct analysis of a comet, sending back data that allowed
scientist to determine the composition of the comet’s surface for the first time.

3 Mathematical Modeling Issues and Computer


One important issue involved in planning space robotic missions is the dynamics
analysis. The output of such analysis is previews on stability, control law/techniques
performance, safety critical problems that may lead to mission failures as for example,
collision avoidance, among other. In this scenario, the mathematical modeling and
computer simulations play a very important role. Mathematical modeling is the
activity of obtaining the mathematical model (the equations of motion) that repre-
sents the body or object dynamics in some environment. Such environment can be
the orbital microgravity or space environment, ground and atmospheric environment
of Earth and other planets or celestial bodies as well, the submarine environment
where the hydrodynamics forces are dominants, and so on. The environment acts
on the dynamics with torque and/or forces (dissipation forces, and magnetic forces,
gravitational forces. The equations of dynamics are second order differential equa-
tions representing the body motion. Sometimes control forces/torques conducts the
dynamics to guide the system dynamics in a desired or prescribed way. The mathe-
matical model must be as accurate as possible aiming a consistent dynamics analysis.
In this study, the focus is on the mathematical modeling and control. The control is
a wide area of research and engineering that involve the methods, techniques and
procedures to keep the system dynamics under a controlled motion. The mathemat-
ical model of robot-like spacecraft is, of course the same as any spacecraft, a set
of differential equations combining two types of motion, the orbit and the attitude
dynamics. The orbit refers to the path of the spacecraft center of mass about the Earth
and the attitude refers to the rotational motion of the spacecraft about its center of
mass and relates the orientation of the satellite with respect to (w.r.t.) some reference
system of axis. For satellite-mounted manipulator or manipulator-like spacecraft, it
is necessary to take into account the following
• the manipulator is not mounted on an inertially fixed base, but rather than in a
movable base, affecting the capability of the robot arm to reach the commanded
position in space unless the path panning compensate the change in the CM
position of the manipulator when it operates in space. The CM changes in response
to the commanded control/forces the arm joints;
• the orientation (attitude) of the manipulator-like spacecraft changes due to the
joints control commanded torque, unless the vehicle attitude and orbit control
subsystem (AOCS) maintains the attitude in the nominal specification while the
manipulator works;
• control commands during the phase of close proximity to a space target are
computed on the base of relative motion data;
162 I. M. da Fonseca

• the path planning to take the robot end effectors to a point in the target must
consider that, in the microgravity environment, the arm links motion causes a shift
of the manipulator CM. In response to this, the system moves back in contrary
motion of the robot arm to keep the system CM in the same position. It is worth
to note that changes in the on-orbit CM result in changes of the orbit and depends
on the orbit control through an increment of velocity, v, or on a gravity assist
maneuver. Accidents as collision with a significantly sized debris or during RVD/B
orbital maneuver may also cause orbit changes in addition to destruction of the
less massive body. This explains why, in absence of any orbit control commands,
the orbiting robot manipulator moves somehow to maintain the orbiting CM in
the same position. If the path planning does not compensate such motion, the
manipulator end effectors miss the target.
There are different approaches to derive the equations of orbital dynamics. The
Newton-Euler’s method is a vector approach to obtain the orbit and attitude equations
of motion. Working with vectors frequently requires body-free diagrams to compute
reactions forces/torques and solve an algebraic system of equation to derive the
differential equations of motion. In this approach, vector senses impacts the equa-
tions. It is necessary to avoid signal errors while deriving the equations of motion
once they may compromise the consistence of the resulting equations. The Euler’s
equations are three first order differential equations in the components of the angular
velocity vector. The Euler’s equations are three first order differential equations in the
components of the angular velocity vector. Those components are non-linear func-
tions of the attitude angles and rates. The integration of the Euler’s equations does
not result in angular coordinates. For the dynamics analysis it is necessary to derive
the set of first order kinematics differential equations and integrate those equations
in conjunction with the Euler’s equations to obtain angular position and rates. There
are singularities in the Euler angles no matter which sequence of rotation chosen. To
avoid the problem, the recommendation is to use quaternion to describe the attitude
differential equations and after integration convert the quaternion back to attitude
angles and rates. Reference [6] shows the dynamics analysis for a satellite by using
quaternion instead of Euler’s angles.
The Euler’s equations in vector format is

I ω̇ + ω × I ω = N (1)

where ω is the angular velocity vector, I is the inertia tensor, and N is the torque
vector. In matrix notation the system equation is

[I ]{ω̄} + [ω̄][I ]{ω} = {N } (2)

⎡ ⎤
I11 −I12 I13
where [I ] = ⎣ I21 I22 I23 ⎦ is the matrix of inertia
I31 I32 I33
Space Robotics and Associated Space Applications 163
⎡ ⎤
0 −ω3 ω2
[ω̄] = ⎣ ω3 0 −ω1 ⎦ is the skew symmetric matrix in the components of
−ω2 ω1 0
⎧ ⎫vector, ω
angular velocity
⎨ ω1 ⎬
{ω} = ω2 is the angular velocity vector
⎩ ⎭
⎧ 3⎫
⎨ ω̇1 ⎬
{ω̇} = ω̇2 is the angular acceleration vector
⎩ ⎭
From the kinematics the equation in terms of the Euler’s angles, considering the
sequence of rotation 3, 2, 1 is
⎧ ⎫ ⎡ ⎤⎧ ⎫
⎨ ω1 ⎬ 1 0 − sin θ2 ⎨ θ̇1 ⎬
ω2 = ⎣ 0 cos θ1 sin θ1 cos θ2 ⎦ θ̇2 (3)
⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭
ω3 0 − sin θ1 cos θ1 cos θ2 θ̇3
⎧ ⎫
⎨ θ̇1 ⎬
By solving Eq. (6) by θ̇2
⎩ ⎭

⎧ ⎫ ⎡ ⎤−1 ⎧ ⎫
⎨ θ̇1 ⎬ 1 0 − sin θ2 ⎨ ω1 ⎬
θ̇2 = ⎣ 0 cos θ1 sin θ1 cos θ2 ⎦ ω (4)
⎩ ⎭ ⎩ 2⎭
θ̇3 0 − sin θ1 cos θ1 cos θ2 ω3
⎧ ⎫ ⎡ ⎤⎧ ⎫
⎨ θ̇1 ⎬ 1 ⎣
cos θ2 sin θ1 sin θ2 cos θ1 sin θ2 ⎨ ω1 ⎬
θ̇ = 0 cos θ1 cos θ2 − sin θ1 cos θ2 ⎦ ω2 (5)
⎩ 2 ⎭ cos θ2 ⎩ ⎭
θ̇3 0 sin θ1 cos θ1 ω3

The Euler’ equations can be written in terms of the attitude angles an rates by
writing {ω̇}, {ω̄}, and { ω} in terms of Eq. (3). Of course, {ω̇} is obtained by taking
the time derivative of Eq. (3). As shown in the kinematic differential equation [4],
there are singularities for θ2 = n π2 , n = 1, 3, 5 . . . .
To solve singularity associated with kinematic differential equations it is usual to
write the attitude equations in function of the quaternion. For the sake of illustration
consider the Eqs. (7–8) where the Euler’s modified equations are written in term of
quaternion, considering a diagonal inertia matrix. The problem formulation considers
a satellite in a transient phase when a 10 meters long mast with a 10 kg tip mass
deploys in orbit to change the moments of inertia properly for passive gravity-gradient
stabilization. For consistence, the dynamics includes the gravity-gradient torque. For
details of the problem formulation see [6] and for quaternion formulation see [14].
164 I. M. da Fonseca

Izz− I22 12μ
ω̇1 = (q q
1 2 − q q
3 4 )(q q
1 3 + q q
2 4 ) − ω ω
2 3 (6)
Ix x R3

I11 − I33 12μ 2 1 I˙22
ω̇2 = q1 + q4 −
(q1 q3 + q2 q4 ) − ω1 ω3 − ω2 (7)
I22 R3 2 I22

I22 − I11 12μ 2 1 I˙33
ω̇2 = q1 + q4 −
(q1 q2 − q3 q4 ) − ω1 ω2 − ω3 (8)
I33 R3 2 I33

q1 , q2 , q3 andq4 are the components of the quaternion.
μ is the gravitational constant for the Earth
R is the orbit radius

is the orbital rate.
The time derivative of the moments of inertia appearing in Eqs. (7–8) are due to
the variation of the inertias during the mast deployment.
Note that the Euler’s equations, as shown in Eqs. (1–2), are valid for rigid space-
craft or other rigid bodies referred to an inertial system. Many space vehicles are not
rigid bodies. There may be flexible components as solar panels, antennas and mobile
components such as robot links in operation, reaction wheels, or masts that deploy
in orbit changing the mass distribution causing the CM and other mass properties do
change. In addition, fuel consumption affects the inertia properties. For example, in
case of flexible vibration, fuel consumption, robot arm motion, etc. the inertia matrix
vary w.r.t. to time and the Euler’s equations become as Eqs. (6–7) a has the general

I ω̇ + I˙ω + ω × I ω = N (9)

For a robot-like spacecraft the tensor of inertia, I become dependent of the manip-
ulator link angles that vary w.r.t. time. Then the term I˙ω appears in the Euler’s equa-
tions. Sometimes the term I˙ω appears only during a transient phase of the vehicle
dynamics. For example, the transient in the dynamics analysis presented in [6] refers
to the time spam during a 10 meters long mast deployment. After the mast deploy-
ment, the term I˙ω becomes zero. The mast deployment changes the system dynamics
because of the changes in the inertia properties. It is necessary to take into account
this fact during the launching phase, when stages separate from the launcher. The
same occurs during docking and undocking operations. When a chaser spacecraft
docks with a target in space, the resulting composed system presents a inertia prop-
erties with changes in the inertia tensor and the CM. In a prescribed orbit, the CM
is fixed. Therefore, if there is a new configuration of masses the complete system
moves to synchronize the mass distribution w.r.t. the orbiting CM. For robot-like
spacecraft in action to grasp a target, the control commands must take into account
the system synchronization motion otherwise the robot end effectors miss the target.
Space Robotics and Associated Space Applications 165

Another optional approach to derive the Euler’s equations is iterative formulation

presented by [3]. The starting point is to consider the manipulator as a chain of bodies
(links), each one capable of motion relative to its neighbors. Then it is reasonable to
compute the velocity of each link, starting by the robot base.
ωi+1 = i ωi + ii+1 R θ̇i+1 i+1 Ẑ i+1 (10)

⎧ ⎫
⎨ 0 ⎬
θ̇i+1 i+1 Ẑ i+1 = 0
⎩ ⎭
R ωi+1
i+1 i
i = i+1
i R i ωi + ii+1 R θ̇i+1 i+1 Ẑ i+1

ωi+1 = i+1
i R i ωi + θ̇i+1 i+1 Ẑ i+1

The angular rate of the link i + 1 in frame {i + 1} (upper script) is

ωi+1 = i+1
i R i ωi + θ̇i+1
Ẑ i+1 (11)

The angular velocity of the link i + 1 is the angular velocity of previous link (i)
plus its own rotation. Here ii+1 R is the rotation matrix relating frames {i} and {i +1}.
The time derivative of Eq. (10) is
ω̇i+1 = i+1
i R i ω̇i + i+1
i R i ωi × θ̇i+1
Ẑ i+1 + θ̈i+1
Ẑ i+1 (12)

Then the Euler’s equations in the iterative format become

I ω̇i + ω i × Ci I ω i = N i (13)

where Ci indicates that the frame {i} is defined in the center of mass of each link of
the manipulator.
One of the most used formulations to derive space manipulator equations of
dynamics and its associated kinematics differential equations is the Lagrange-
Hamilton variational approach. The approach bases on the system energy. It consists
of defining the vector positions of an elemental w.r.t. the system CM of each compo-
nent of the spacecraft. Then take the time derivatives of the position vectors to obtain
the velocities. Finally, write the system kinetic energy. There may be other type of
energy such the potential energy. If it is the case, derive the potential energy. Next step
writhe the Lagrange’s L. Finally, use the Lagrange’s formula to derive the equations
of motion for the manipulator.
166 I. M. da Fonseca

d ∂L ∂L
− = Qi (14)
dt ∂ q̇i ∂qi

where L is the Lagrange’s function given by T - V (kinetic T and potential Ener-

gies, V ). In this formula, the qi is the generalized coordinate θi . If prismatic joint is
considered then the kinetic energy includes the generalized coordinate di (manipu-
lator standard notation for prismatic joint variables). For manipulator-like spacecraft,
the mathematical model involves the attitude motion coupled with the arm variables.
The Langrage’s formula for quasi-coordinates applies to obtain the Euler’s modified
d ∂T ∂T
− [ω̄] = {N } (15)
dt ∂ω ∂ω

⎧ ⎫
  ⎪ ⎪
⎨ ∂ω1 ⎬
∂T ∂T
= ∂ω2
∂ω ⎪
⎩ ∂T ⎪⎭
⎡ ⎤
0 −ω3 ω2
[ω̄] = ⎣ ω3 0 −ω1 ⎦
−ω2 ω1 0

T = Tn = T p + T1 + T2 + T3 . . . + Tn
2 i=1

where  = manipulator link, p means the manipulator-like spacecraft base or

Consider Fig. 2 for a brief discussion of the work [7].
The figure illustrates a manipulator-like spacecraft that orbit the Earth under
gravity-gradient torque). For this case study no potential energy is considered and
the Lagrangian function reduces to L = T.
This system the Kinetic energy derived in [7] for the model shown in Fig. 2 is

T = Tp + Ti (16)

1 1 1
Tp = I px ωx2 + I px ω2y + I px ωz2 (17)
2 2 2
1      2 
T1 = Ix1 c2 θ1 + I y1 s 2 θ1 ωx2 + Ix1 s 2 θ1 + I y1 c2 θ1 ω2y + Iz1 ωza + θ̇1 (18)
Space Robotics and Associated Space Applications 167

Fig. 2 Manipulator-like
spacecraft showing joints,
links, frames and the RPY
frame (From da Fonseca [7])

1 1
T2 = (I y2 s 2 θ1 c2 θ2 + Iz2 s 2 θ2 )(ωx + sθ1 θ̇2 )2 + (I y2 s 2 θ1 s 2 θ2
2 2
+Iz2 c2 θ2 )(ω y − cθ1 θ̇2 )2 + I y2 c2 θ1 (ωza + θ̇1 )2 + Iz2
−I y2 s 2 θ1 )sθ2 cθ2 (ωx ω y − ωx cθ1 θ̇2 + ω y sθ1 θ̇2 − sθ1 cθ1 θ̇22 )
−I y2 sθ1 cθ1 cθ2 (ωx + sθ1 θ̇2 )(ωza + θ̇1 ) + I y2 sθ1 cθ1 sθ2 (ω y − cθ1 θ̇2 )(ωza + θ̇1 )
1  2
T3 = I y3 s 2 θ1 c2 (θ2 + θ3 ) + Iz3 s 2 (θ2 + θ3 ) ωx + sθ1 (θ̇2 + θ̇3 )
+ [Iz3 c2 (θ2 + θ3 ) + I y3 s 2 θ1 s 2 (θ2 + θ3 )][ω y − cθ1 (θ̇2 + θ̇3 )]2
+ I y3 c2 θ1 (ωza + θ̇1 )2 − [(Iz3 − I y3 s 2 θ1 )s(θ2 + θ3 )c(θ2 + θ3 )][ωx + sθ1 (θ̇2
+θ̇3 )][ω y − cθ1 (θ̇2 + θ̇3 )] − I y3 sθ1 cθ1 c(θ1 + θ3 )[ωx + sθ1 (θ̇2 + θ̇3 )](ωza
+θ̇1 ) + I y3 sθ1 cθ1 s(θ2 + θ3 )[ω y − cθ1 (θ̇2 + θ̇3 )](ωza + θ̇1 )

xyz coincides with the principal axis of inertia of the spacecraft platform (p) when
the manipulator is not operating. In the nominal configuration, the initial position is
zero for the manipulator link angles and rates.
I px , I py , and I pz are the principal moments of inertia for the spacecraft platform;
i i = 1,2,3 are links of the robotic manipulator
168 I. M. da Fonseca

Ixi i = 1,2,3 are the moments of inertia w.r.t. x − axis for the links i , i = 1,2,3;
I yi i = 1,2,3 are the moments of inertia of w.r.t. y − axis
Izi i = 1,2,3 are the moments of inertia of w.r.t. z − axis
ω x ω y ωz is angular velocity vector of the spacecraft. The components of the
vector are the angular rates.
sθi and cθi , i = 1,2 are the sinθi and cosθi , respectively
s(θ2 + θ3 ) and c(θ2 + θ3 ) are sin(θ2 + θ3 ) and cos(θ2 + θ3 ), respectively.
θ̇i i = 1,2,3 are the rates of the robotic manipulator
ωza = ωz + n, where n is orbital rate.
This algebraic manipulation is just to compute the kinetic energy and then use
Eqs. (14) and (15) obtain explicitly the differential equations for the rotational motion
in orbit.
As the robot-like spacecraft orbits the Earth, it is necessary to derive the associ-
ated equations of the orbital motion. Such equations apply during the close proximity
approach of the space robot w.r.t. its target in orbit. That is to say that these equa-
tions refer to the relative orbital motion between the space robot and its target. The
Newton’s Method is the formulation used to derive the mathematical model for this
case. [14] derive these equations as

ẍ − 2n ẏ − 3n 2 x = 0 (21)

ÿ + 2n ẋ = 0 (22)

z̈ + n 2 ż = 0 (23)

The external torque N associated to the Euler’s modified equation Eq. (9, 13,
15) must also be modeled. Particularly, for the mathematical modeling of RVD/B it
is necessary to include in the mathematical model, the reaction forces and torques
arising from the manipulator motion. [3] presents this feature of the manipulator
motion in the iterative Newton-Euler’s dynamics formulation. For a more complete
dynamics analysis via computer simulation of motion it is necessary to design a
control law including a proper control technique. For the case approached in [7], the
dynamics analysis and control implemented by computer simulation is a huge and
complicated problem formulation, including the complete set of non linear equations.
For details refers do that paper.
Space Robotics and Associated Space Applications 169

4 Conclusion

This work presents a brief historic of the space exploration to contextualize the space
robotics. The article approaches the space robotics subject and its associated appli-
cations for on-orbit and planetary activities. The discussion of orbital robots points
the key issues to have robot efficiency when working in the microgravity environ-
ment. For planetary exploration, the article points the planets and other celestial body
surfaces as the main problem that robot rovers must be able to overcome. This study
presents the concept, applications, and operation of telerobots, pointing them as very
important for the OOS and as strategic for colonization of Moon and Mars in a near
future. The work also points the microgravity and planetary surfaces features as the
main performance problems for robot tasks on-orbit and on the surface of planets.
The paper presents some consideration about the huge radiations, high temperature,
atmosphere, weather, and features of planets/moons surfaces and their associated
effects on robots efficiency in performing tasks. The work discusses the classifica-
tion of the robots according to their OOS and planetary exploration tasks, including
asteroids and comet missions. In the context of orbital applications, the paper presents
the RVD/B and OOS as the main orbital robot applications. In addition, it presents
the important concept, description and data flow of telerobots. Finally, the article
presents the most used approaches for mathematical modeling and presents some
examples of two research papers published by the author of this article.

Acknowledgements This work is partially supported Capes, INCT/CNPq, AEB, UFPR.


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