DS - NVCM English PDF
DS - NVCM English PDF
DS - NVCM English PDF
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Chapter 1. Introduction.................................................................................. 1
Chapter 2. Connection.................................................................................... 4
Chapter 1. Introduction
research, development and production of various CNC controller systems with high quality and high
reliability. We produce the Brushless DC motor, Stepper motor driver, and also 1 to 6 axis CNC motion
NVCM support Mach3 software, through USB port to communicate with computer.
This manual introduces operation, connection and usage schedule of our professional motion
controller for engraving machine. Through a lot of the drawing the users can learn quickly how to use
1 port 0-10V spindle speed analog output interface(can change to PWM output);
can support 6 axis stepper systems maxisim,125KHz pulse output for every axis;
main device is 12V-32VDC power supply input,current should higher than 1A;
bottom. We can fix 2pcs 3mm diameter holes at the cabinet, and install the controller into the
cabinet.The controller appearance as the Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 show:
Wiring warning, the IO input terminal of this equipment support the equipment with source
switch (such as Inductive proximity switch.) When using such kind of switch, attention please:avoid the
+terminal and –terminal of power supply to connect with GND.This equipment’s analogy quantity output
terminal of spindlecontrolalos have a certain load capacity. Please avoid this terminal connect with GND.in
Operation warning, Please do the security measures well when connecting with the machine
tools.The ESTOP, limit and other things must be perfected.When comes across the emergancy, please press
the ESTOP key at once or cut off the power directly, thus avoiding the equipment damage and casualty.
there is a lot of the GND, now we descript the structure of the power supply as below:
The power supply structure as the Figure 2-1,main power supply input and MPG module and
stepper control output module are common GND, Limited and Estop input module and Spindle speed
adjust M3/M8/M1 module are common GND, between main power supply and output module there are
photoelectric isolation. The inputs of limited switch and Estop and so on are Common anode, inside of
the device, there is +12VDC as common+, no need to connect external power supply. Based on the
reference of output GND interface, output a 0-10V adjustable voltage to adjust the spindle
speed,M3/M8/M10 digital output interface is open-GND. If connect an external relay, need to output4
GND to refer to, and give the relay an external power supply.
As the Figure 2-2 showed, the connection of the controller includes power supply interface, USB
connection interface, Stepper/Servo control output interface, spindle control output interface, Estop and
limited switch and tool setting input interface and so on. Now we descript them in details as below.
As the Figure 2-2 showed, Marked No. 1 position is the USB port. Mach3 connect to this board
As Figure 2-2 showed,No.1 terminal block is Main power input interface, need input
12-40V/above 20W. There is silkprint "+" and "-",See as figure2-2,left terminal is "+" and right terminal
is "-".
As the Figure 2-2 showed, Marked No. 3 position is the input port. they are the optical isolated
Input interface.The silkprint INP1 INP2 GND INP3 INP4 INP5 INP6 INP7 INP8 INP9 GND IN10 IN11
see as Figure2-3. 2 lines Proximity Switch/ordinary fretting switch / drawing see as Figure2-4.
15 XT16 Output16
☞Output in mach3 should be configured to PORT 2
Table 2-2. Definition of Output
VSO real output voltage=10V*s spindle setting speed/max spindle speed.Forexample,if max
Max. spindle speed setting ports as showed sa Figure 2-4,open it from Pulley from Menu config.
The current spindle speed can be set by S directive or Mach 3 spindle setting speed module.
dialog box. See as Figure 4-1. You should copy NOVUSUN.DLL to plguin folder first, then you can see
Steps per: Pulse equivalent ,it is number of pulses required with axial movement 1mm, This can be
calculated by lead screw pitch and motor drive segment. Such as pitch 2.5mm,2-phase motor 8 segments,
Click “Input Signals” Into the input signal settings page. See as Figure4-8
Here you can configure according to your actual needs the corresponding function. Optional
Function include XYZABC6axis’s Upper and lower limit、XYZABC6axis’s HOME point. We set upper18
limit and home of XYZA to 3456 corresponding IN3IN4IN5IN6 of the board.
ESTOP and probe Setting see as Figure 4-9, estop’s pin number is 1, and probe's is 2.